ldc exam paper - examisthan 2nd paper answer key.pdf · (3) अ ययीभाव समास (4)...


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  • LDC Exam Paper - ि तीय पेपर (ि तीय पारी 16.9.2018) - उ रतािलका


    1. " योित' का िवलोमाथ श द ह-ै (1) तम (2) कािलमा (3) अ धकार (4) अंधेरा [1] 2. "दाता' का िवलोम श द ह-ै (1) सूम (2) (3) ाता (4) उदार [1] 3. "िवरिंच' श द िकस का पयायवाची ह?ै (1) नारद (2) िव णु (3) ा (4) िशवजी [3] 4. िन िलिखत म स ेकौनसा श द कद त यय स ेबना है? (1) दुधा (2) कपाल ु (3) रंगीला (4) िबकाऊ [4] 5. " ो ित' श द म यु त उपसग ह-ै (1) : (2) (3) ो (4) [4] 6. "रात रात' श द का सही समास िव ह ह-ै (1) रात ही रात म (2) रात से रात तक (3) रात और रात (4) रात म रात [1] 7. याकरण म स ध का अथ ह-ै (1) थम पद क अ तम तथा ि तीय पद क थम वण म मेल (2) वण तथा श द का मेल (3) दो श द का मेल (4) दो पद का मेल [1] 8. "आ मानंद' श द का सही सिंध-िव छद ह-ै (1) आ म +आनंद (2) आ मा:+आनंद (3) आ मा+आनंद (4) आ म+आनंद [3] 9. पवू म िेषत प की याद िदलान ेक िलए भजेा जान े वाला प

    कहलाता ह-ै (1) िनिवदा (2) िव त (3) पि प (4) अनु मारक [4] 10. "िचराग तल ेअ धरेा' लोको त का सही अथ ह-ै (1) न कारण होगा न काय होगा। (2) प र म का फल अ धेरे से उजाला लाता है। (3) अपनी बुराई नह दीखना। (4) काम न जानना और बहाने बनाना। [3] 11. "वदे+उ त' का सही सिंध- प होगा- (1) वेदउ त (2) वेदौ त (3) वेदो त (4) वेदू त [3] 12. समानािधकरण त पु ष समास क नाम स ेजाना जाता ह-ै (1) समास (2) बहु ीिह समास (3) अ ययीभाव समास (4) कमधारय समास [4] 13. िकस श द म "सु' उपसग का योग नह हुआ ह?ै (1) सुशील (2) सुमन (3) सुका त (4) सुनार [4] 14. "िकसी क पास रखी हईु दूसर ेकी व त'ु वा याशं क िलए श द


    (1) धरणी (2) धीवर (3) ुव (4) धरोहर [4] 15. "िकसी टटी-फटी इमारत या ब ती का बचा हुआ अंश' वा याशं

    क िलए साथक श द ह-ै (1) खंिडताकार (2) भ ावशेष (3) भ (4) खंिडत [2] 16. "एक पथं दो काज' मुहावर ेका उिचत अथ ह-ै (1) एक य से दो काम हो जाना। (2) एक राह पर दो लोग साथ होना। (3) एक साथ दो-दो दोष। (4) समय पर काय करना। [1] 17. "अ धा होना' महुावर ेका अिभ ाय ह-ै (1) िववेक ट होना (2) जहाँ धाँधली का बोलबाला हो (3) आँख से िदखाई न देना (4) आँख से काना [1] 18. "Deputation' क िलय ेउपयु त िह दी श द होगा- (1) पुन:िनयु त (2) अित र त भार (3) थाना तरण (4) ितिनयु त [4] 19. अं ेजी क पा रभािषक श द "ALLOTMENT' क िलए िह दी का

    समानाथक श द ह-ै (1) आवंटन (2) संशोधन (3) पंजीयन (4) िन तारण [1] 20. िन िलिखत िम वा य का अं जेी म अनुवाद ह-ै वह अमीर ह,ै िफर भी वह गरीब की मदद नह करता। (1) He was a rich man, still he does not help the

    poor. (2) He is too rich, he does not help the poor. (3) He is rich, still he does not help the poor. (4) He is very rich, still he does not help the poor. [3] 21. "वह आध ेघ ट स ेतु हारा इ तजार कर रही ह।ै' सरल वा य का अं जेी म पानतरण होगा- (1) She had been waiting you half an hour. (2) She have been waiting for you for half an hour. (3) She has been waited for you half hour. (4) She has been waiting for you for half an hour.

    [4] 22. िट पण लखेन म उ अिधकारी िकस ओर ह ता र अिंकत करता

    है? (1) म य म (2) प क आर भ म (3) दाय ओर (4) बाय ओर [3] 23. यावसाियक एव ं शासिनक े म प -लखेन या काय करता

    है? (1) िश टाचार िनभाने का (2) आमं ण देने का

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    (3) थायी लेख का (4) कशलमंगल पूछने का [3] 24. इनम "पजूा' श द का समानाथ श द नह ह-ै (1) िवकास (2) वंदना (3) अचना (4) आराधना [1] 25. िन िलिखत म स े"कोष-कोश' श द-यु म का सही अथ भदे ह-ै (1) श द का सं ह, दूरी (2) खजाना, दूरी (3) दूरी, खजाना (4) खजाना, श द का सं ह [4] 26. "अ -अ य' का मश: सही अथ कट करन े वाला श द यु म

    ह-ै (1) अनाज - दूसरा (2) अि - जल (3) हवा - आग (4) देवता - आँगन [1] 27. कौनसा श द सं ा स ेबना हुआ िवशषेण ह?ै (1) कट (2) सु दर (3) सुखी (4) स [3] 28. "बिु और ससंार' सं ा श द म इक यय जोड़न ेस े िवशषेण

    श द बनग-े (1) बौि क, सांसा रक (2) बुि , संसार (3) बुि क, संसा रक (4) बोि क, सांसा रक [1] 29. िकस िवक प म शु श द है? (1) सवाित (2) वाित (3) वाती (4) सुवाित [2] 30. शु -श द का चयन कीिजए- (1) कवीय ी (2) कविय ी (3) कवय ी (4) किवय ी [2] 31. "यह पु प बड़ा सु दर ह'ै - वा य म अशिु ह-ै (1) िवशेषण स ब धी (2) ि या स ब धी (3) सं ा स ब धी (4) सवनाम स ब धी [1] 32. िन िलिखत वा य म स ेशु वा य ह-ै (1) मेरे को पाठ याद करना है। (2) मेरे को याद पाठ करना है। (3) मुझे पाठ याद करना है। (4) मुझको पाठ याद करना है। [3] 33. िन िलिखत म स ेभाववा य वा य का चयन कीिजए- (1) मेरे भाई से लड़ा नह जा सका। (2) हमारे ारा रा ता आसानी से पार िकया गया। (3) उसक ारा भोजन पकाया गया। (4) म उठ नह सकता। [1] 34. िन िलिखत म स ेकतृवा य ह ै- (1) लड़की ारा प िलखा जाता है। (2) संगीता से प िलखा जाता है। (3) म ितिदन खेलता हँू। (4) बालक से पढ़ा नह जाता। [3] 35. "राम पु तक पढ़ता ह'ै म ि या ह-ै (1) संयु त (2) पूवकािलक (3) सकमक (4) अकमक [3]

    36. "डािकया िच ठी लाया' वा य म ि या का कौनसा भदे यु त हुआ है?

    (1) पूवकािलक (2) ेरणाथक (3) सकमक (4) अकमक [3] 37. "मनोिवकार' श द का सही सिंध-िव छद ह।ै (1) मनो + िवकार (2) मन + ओ + िवकार (3) मन: + िवकार (4) मन + िवकार [3] 38. "न ागम' श द का सही संिध-िव छद होगा- (1) निद + आगम (2) निद + अगम (3) नदी + आगम (4) नदी + अगम [3] 39. "अित + आचार' का शु सिंधयु त श द ह-ै (1) आताचार (2) अतीचार (3) अितआचार (4) अ याचार [4] 40. "िसहं पी नर' िव ह स ेिनिमत समास ह-ै (1) नरिसंहा (2) िसंहानर (3) िसंहनर (4) नरिसंह [4] 41. िकस समास म थम पद धान होता है? (1) त पु ष समास (2) बहु ीिह समास (3) अ ययीभाव समास (4) कमधारय समास [3] 42. "यथाश त' श द म कौनसा समास है? (1) त पु ष (2) ि गु (3) अ ययीभाव (4) कमधारय [3] 43. "िनवारण' श द म यु त उपसग ह-ै (1) िनवा (2) िन: (3) िन (4) िन [3] 44. "अ यदुय' श द म यु त उपसग ह-ै (1) अ य (2) अ (3) अभी (4) अिभ [4] 45. कौनसा श द "आहट' यय का उदाहरण नह है? (1) जगमगाहट (2) कावट (3) गड़गड़ाहट (4) छनछनाहट [2] 46. " ायोिगक' श द म यु त यय ह-ै (1) ईक (2) क (3) इक (4) िगक [3] 47. ि◌न िलिखत म स े"रात' श द का पयायवाची श द ह-ै (1) भाकर (2) ि◌नशा (3) भारती (4) िदनेश [2] 48. ि◌न िलिखत म स े"ि◌करण' श द का पयायवाची नह ह-ै (1) अंशु (2) गीवाण (3) र म (4) मरीिच [2] 49. "चपल' का िवलोम ह-ै (1) गंभीर (2) अचल (3) महान (4) थावर [1] 50. "तेज वी' का िवलोम ह-ै (1) कशल (2) क प (3) मेधावी (4) िन तेज [4]

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    51. "सारंग' का अनेकाथक श द समूह है- (1) च मा, ज था, अस य, भ रा (2) हाथी, िवष, चूना, च मा (3) च मा, भा◌ै◌ंरा, रित- ीड़ा, चाबुक (4) च मा, हाथी, भा◌ै◌ंरा, कोयल [4] 52. िन िलिखत पद "इक' यय से बन ेह, इनम स ेकौनसा पद गलत

    ह ? (1) पि क (2) पैतृक (3) सामािजक (4) दैिवक [1] 53. "सप' का पयायवाची ह ै- (1) कशी (2) शादूल (3) प ग (4) जात प [3] 54. िन िलिखत म स े"पा चा य' का िवलोम ह ै- (1) पौवा य (2) पूववत (3) परवत (4) ा य [1] 55. "अंक' का अनकेाथक श द समूह ह ै- (1) नाटक क अंक, िगनती क अंक, जीिवत, कपड़ा (2) िगनती क अंक, नाटक क अंक, भा य, सं या (3) िगनती क अंक, नाटक क अंक, अ याय, कारण (4) सं या, भा य, िगनती क अंक, कपड़ा [2] 56. िन म स े"भीित - िभि ' श द – यु म का सही अथ – भेद ह-ै (1) डर - दीवार (2) आकाश - दीवार (3) भय - धरती (4) नौकर - डर [1] 57. इनम स ेिकस िवक प क सभी श द सं ा स ेबन ेिवशषेण ह ? (1) वैवािहक, भीतरी, पढ़ाक (2) िमक, िवदेशी, बनावटी (3) पौरािणक, मानवीय, लखनवी (4) आलसी, पैतृक, िलिखत [3] 58. "सभी भारतीय गीता क माहात य से प रिचत ह'ै, इस वा य म

    रखेािंकत श द का शु प ह ै- (1) माहा य (2) माहा य (3) माहा मय (4) महा य [1] 59. िन िलिखत म स ेशु वा य का चयन कीिजए। (1) िजलािधकारी का आदेश है क सभी िनयम का पालन कर। (2) उसका िपता भला आदमी था। (3) टलीिवजन पर सारी घटनाएँ बताई गई। (4) मने उसकी आड़ हाथ खबर ली। [1] 60. कतवृा य म ि या क िलंग, वचन व पु ष का प िकस श द स े

    भािवत होता है? (1) कम से (2) सं ा से (3) ि या से (4) कता से [4] 61. पणूकािलक ि या क िलए सही िवक प चिुनए - (1) वह चालाक िनकला। (2) महावीर ने पाठ पढ़ा। (3) वह खाना खाकर सो गया। (4) वह फटबाल खेलता रहा। [3]

    62. "आव यकता स ेअिधक धनस पि एक न करना' वा याशं क िलए साथक श द ह ै-

    (1) कपणता (2) सदाचार (3) अ तेय (4) अप र ह [4] 63. "Plan' अं ेजी श द क िलए िह दी श द ह ै- (1) आयोजन (2) िनयोजन (3) प रयोजना (4) योजना [4] 64. वह अपन ेकाय म य त था। िहदंी वा य का अं जेी म पा तरण

    होगा- (1) He is busy in his work. (2) He is busy with his work. (3) He was busy with his work. (4) He was not busy with his work. [3] 65. "Grant' अं जेी श द का िह दी पा रभािषक श द हा◌ेगा - (1) सहायता (2) छा वृि (3) मदद (4) अनुदान [4] 66. "घर म नह दाने अ मा चली भनुान'े लोको त का सही अथ

    होगा- (1) यथ क काम म समय न ट करना (2) ना होने पर भी ढ ग करना (3) साम य से बाहर काय करना (4) शेखी मारना [2] 67. "कम या नपा-तलुा खच करने वाला' वा याशं क िलए साथक

    श द ह-ै (1) अ पखच (2) यूनी (3) िमि (4) िमत ययी [4] 68. िन िलिखत म स ेसकमक ि या िकस वा य म है? (1) माधव सा◌ेता है। (2) चंदन ने स जी खरीदी। (3) रामू सदा रोता रहता है। (4) हरीश छत पर है। [2] 69. "आज ाचाय ारा मधरु गीत गाया गया।' वा य का कतवृा य म

    प रवितत प ह-ै (1) ाचाय ारा आज गाया गीत मधुर था। (2) आज ाचाय गीत को गायगे। (3) आज ाचाय मधुर गीत गायगे। (4) आज ाचाय ने मधुर गीत गाया। [4] 70. िन िलिखत म स ेअशु वा य छािँटए- (1) इस क ा म सबसे अ छा छा कौन है? (2) तुम अपनी ि◌कताब ले जाओ। (3) सभा म सभी वग क लोग थे। (4) भारत म कई जाितय क लोग रहते ह। [3] 71. शु वतनी वाल ेिवक प का चयन कीिजए: (1) चम कस (2) चरमोकष (3) चरमो कष (4) चम कष [3] 72. ि◌न िलिखत म स ेसं ा श द स ेबना िवशषेण छािँटए- (1) भुल कड़ (2) हमारा

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    (3) दुखी (4) िबकाऊ [3] 73. "कातंा- कातंार' श द-यु म का सही अथ यु म ह-ै (1) जंगल, संुदर ी (2) घर, बहन (3) संुदर ी, जंगल (4) बहन, घर [3] 74. तम – तमा श द क िलए सही अथ यु म या है? (1) अंधकार - राि (2) राि - ी (3) यय - राि (4) राि – सबसे अिधक [1] 75. ि◌न िलिखत म स े"अ ज' का अथ नह ह- (1) कपूर (2) कमल (3) शंख (4) बादल [4] 76. Choose the correct interrogative transformation of

    the given assertive sentence: It doesn't matter much though we happen to be late. (1) Does it matter not much even if we happen to

    be late? (2) Does it matter much even though we are not

    late? (3) What though we happen to be late? (4) What happens even though we are late? [4] 77. Choose the correct for Assertive to Interrogative

    transformation of the sentence given: I am not the man to submit. (1) Is that a way to submit? (2) Should a man not submit? (3) Is there a man to submit? (4) Am I the man to submit? [4] 78. Choose the correct option of conversion from

    Assertive to Interrogative: Nobody can measure my love for you. (1) Who would measure my love for you? (2) Who could ever measure my love for you? (3) Who will measure my love for you? (4) Who can measure my love for you? [4] 79. Choose the correct option for Interrogative to

    Assertive transformation of the sentence given: Can any man, by taking thought, add a cubit to his

    stature? (1) No man can, by taking a thought, add a cubit to

    his stature? (2) Everyone can add a cubit, by taking a thought,

    to his stature. (3) Any man can add a cubit to his stature. (4) That is how one can add a cubit to his stature,

    by taking thought. [1] 80. Choose the correct option for Assertive to

    Exclamatory transformation of the sentence given:

    Man is a wonderful piece of art. (1) Alas man is a wonderful piece of art! (2) Man, as a piece of art, is wonderful! (3) Oh, how a wonderful piece of art is man! (4) What a wonderful piece of art man is! [4] 81. Change from Exclamatory to Assertive. What a marvellous painting he made! (1) He makes a marvellous painting (2) He will make a marvellous painting (3) Did he make a marvellous painting (4) He made a very marvellous painting [4] 82. Choose the correct tense of the verb from the given

    options: What _____ me is the generosity of the Principal. (1) stroke (2) striking (3) strikes (4) strike [3] 83. Fill in the blank with the correct tense of the verb

    given in the bracket choosing from the options given below:

    He generally _____ (go) for a walk every morning even now.

    (1) goes (2) had gone (3) has gone (4) went [1] 84. Fill in the blank with the correct form of verb: She _____ in the hospital since Monday. (1) has been (2) would have been (3) have been (4) is being [1] 85. Choose the correct tense of the verb from the given

    options: When he gets home, his wife ____ at the gate

    waiting for him. (1) will be sitting (2) would sit (3) sits (4) will sit [1] 86. Which is the correct passive form of the given

    sentence? The shapherd has lost six sheep. (1) Six sheep were lost by the shepherd. (2) Six sheep had been lost by the shepherd. (3) Six sheep has been lost by the shepherd. (4) Six sheep have been lost by the shepherd. [4] 87. Select the correct transformation from active to

    passive voice: They made him prince. (1) He will be made prince. (2) They will elect him prince. (3) They will make him prince.

  • 5

    (4) He was made prince. [4] 88. Select the correct transformation from active to

    passive voice: How do people learn languages? (1) How should languages be learnt? (2) How is language learnt? (3) How are languages learnt? (4) How will be languages learnt? [3] 89. Choose the correct form of Active Voice of the

    sentence given: He ought to have been told. (1) He ought to be told. (2) Let him to told. (3) They ought to have told him. (4) They ought to tell him. [3] 90. Choose the correct Direct speech of the following

    sentence from the given options: He says that the king will come. (1) He says ""The king will come.'' (2) He says, ""The king will come.'' (3) He says that ""the king will come.'' (4) He says ""the king would come.'' [2] 91. Choose the correct option changing the following

    sentence into exclamatory : (1) What sweet does she sing! (2) How sweetly she sings! (3) What sweet she sings! (4) How sweet does she sing! [2] 92. Choose the correct option changing the following

    sentence into exclamatory : It is a matter of praise that he has won the trophy. (1) Hurrah! he has won the trophy. (2) Alas! he won the trophy. (3) Bravo! he has won the trophy. (4) Bravo, he won the trophy! [3] 93. Fill in the blank with the correct article : Ann’s looking for______________ new job. (1) an (2) some (3) a (4) the [3] 94. Choose the correct form of Passive transformation of

    the sentence given : The President gave him a reward. (1) He was given the reward by a President. (2) He was given a reward by the President. (3) A reward was given by him to the President.

    (4) He was given by the President, the reward. [2]

    95. Choose the appropriate determiner given in the options :

    _________ of the animals that live in the desert are nocturnal.

    (1) Each (2) Every (3) Much (4) Some [4] 96. Choose the appropriate determiner given in the

    options : I would like to have helped my friend but I had

    _______ time so I had to refuse her. (1) a little (2) little (3) few (4) plenty [2] 97. Choose the correct preposition : Mary passed me __________ her bicycle. (1) above (2) on (3) at (4) in [2] 98. Choose the correct preposition : It is terrible that some people are dying _______

    hunger while others eat too much. (1) in (2) at (3) of (4) on [3] 99. Choose the correct preposition : Would you care ________ a cup of coffee? (1) about (2) for (3) of (4) in [1] 100. Choose the correct preposition : Julia is studying chemistry university. (1) into (2) by (3) at (4) on [3] 101. Killing of a new-born baby. (1) infanticide (2) infant - murderer (3) genocide (4) child-killer [1] 102. Replace the underlined part of the following

    sentence with one word from the following options : This plate is liable to be easily broken. (1) delicate (2) brittle (3) tough (4) rough [2] 103. A person who studies the influence of heavenly

    bodies on human beings. (1) Ambassador (2) Chauffeur (3) Astronomer (4) Astrologer [4] 104. A remedy for all diseases. (1) Palliative (2) Panache (3) Panax (4) Panacea [4]

  • 6

    105. What does the word "pre-war' means? (1) during the war (2) between the war (3) before the war (4) after the war [3] 106. Choose the appropriate prefix to make the new

    word: Colon (1) Semi- (2) Super- (3) Sub- (4) Re- [1] 107. Choose the appropriate suffix to form new word : Trust (1) -ly (2) -less (3) -able (4) -worthy [4] 108. Choose the correct word. The _________ of the dress led to the misfit. (shrink) (1) shrinkage (2) shrinkhood (3) shrinkness (4) shrinkful [1] 109. I wish I had seen the show last night. I heard it was ______ a good performance. (1) quite (2) none (3) quiet (4) quit [1] 110. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word from the

    options given below : She is _______ for the job. (1) illegible (2) illegal (3) legible (4) eligible [4] 111. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word from the

    options given below : My parents _______ from Pakistan in 1947. (1) migrated (2) exiled (3) emigrated (4) immigrated [2] 112. Fill in the blank with an appropriate word from the

    options given below : She has given her ______ to the proposal. (1) accent (2) adjacent (3) ascent (4) assent [4] Read the passage and answer : Q. 113 to 118 Vehicular pollution causes serious health problems. Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons emitted by motor vehicles trigger off a complex chain reaction resulting in dangerous pollutants such as ozone, aldehydes and ketones. The prolonged inhalation of carbon monoxide present in the toxic fumes reduces the carbon carrying capacity of the blood, and may cause headache, sickness and even death. Likewise, unburned fragments of

    hydrocarbons form smog thicken with elements that may cause cance. 113. The central idea of the passage is - (1) Causes of cancer (2) Pollutants of atmosphere (3) Reaction of pollutants (4) Ill effects of vehicular pollution [4] 114. Which of the following is likely to cause cancer ? (1) Unburned hydrocarbon (2) Smog (3) Inhalation of carbon monoxide (4) Reduction of carbon [1] 115. Which word in the passage means the same as

    "lengthy'? (1) Extend (2) Emitted (3) Chain reaction (4) Prolonged [4] 116. What reduces the carbon carrying capacity of the

    blood ? (1) The pollution from vehicles. (2) Breathing carbon monoxide for a long time. (3) A complex chain reaction. (4) Unburned fragments of hydrocarbons. [2] 117. Vehicular Pollution causes pollutants such as - (1) hydrocarbons (2) nitrogen oxides (3) ozone, aldehydes and ketones (4) carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons [3] 118. Which of the word in the passage means poisonous? (1) serious (2) ketones (3) cancer (4) toxic [4] 119. Which of the following makes an offer to supply

    goods and services ? (1) Circulars (2) Memo (3) Tender (4) Notice [3] 120. Choose the correct option : In a circular, language should be - (1) emotional (2) vague (3) round about (4) to the point and objective [4] 121. Choose the correct option : A letter of advertisement which is distributed to a

    selective number of people within the organisation is-

    (1) Circular (2) Tender (3) Official letter (4) Notice [1]

  • 7

    122. Choose the correct option : Modern business letters are usually written in - (1) Semi blocked style (2) Simplified style (3) Full block style (4) Indented style [3] 123. Choose the appropriate synonym of the given word : Reluctance (1) Care (2) Unwillingness (3) Affection (4) Attachment [2] 124. Choose the correct Direct speech of the following

    sentence from the options given below : She said that honesty is the best policy. (1) She said that “Honesty is the best policy.” (2) She says, “Honesty is the best policy.” (3) She said, “Honesty was the best policy.” (4) She said, “Honesty is the best policy.” [4] 125. Change the following sentence into Direct Speech : She said the she was happy. (1) “I am happy”, is what she said. (2) This is what she said, “I am happy.” (3) She said, “I was happy.” (4) “I am happy”, she said. [4] 126. Choose the correct indirect speech of the following

    sentence from the given options : She said to him, “Are you fine ?” (1) She told him whether you are fine. (2) She asked him whether he was fine. (3) She asked that if you were fine. (4) She asked him if he is fine. [2] 127. Which of the following is the most apt conversion

    from affirmative to negative ? Everybody was present. (1) Nobody was absent. (2) All is absent. (3) All were present. (4) No one were absent. [1] 128. Choose the correct option for Assertive to Negative

    transformation for the sentence given : As soon as he came he made objections. (1) No sooner did he come than he made

    objections. (2) No sooner had he made the objection, as he

    came. (3) There was no other who made objections. (4) None but he made objections. [1]

    129. Choose the correct option for Negative to Assertive transformation for the sentence given :

    No one can deny that she was pretty. (1) We found here pretty. (2) She was considered pretty by everybody. (3) Everybody did not deny, that she was not

    pretty. (4) Everybody admits that she was pretty. [4] 130. Choose the correct assertive form of the following

    sentence from the given options : They did not sing the paper. (1) They have signed the paper. (2) hey were signing the paper. (3) They do sign the paper. (4) They signed the paper. [4] 131. Choose the appropriate syonym of the following

    word: Hungry (1) starving (2) unsatisfy (3) eagar (4) greedy [1] 132. Choose the correct Hindi translation of the following

    word from the given options: Gazetted holiday (1) राजपि त छ ी (2) शासिनक छ ी (3) सरकारी छ ी (4) गैर सरकारी छ ी [1] 133. Choose the correct Hindi translation of the following

    word from the options given below: Will (1) वसीयतनामा (2) शपथ प (3) नसीहत (4) वेत प [1] 134. Choose the synonym of the given word: Pester (1) Gratify (2) Torture (3) Console (4) Annoy [4] 135. Choose the appropriate synonym of the given word: Tyanny (1) Dictationship (2) Autocracy (3) Misrule (4) Cruelty [1] 136. Choose the appropriate synonym of the given word: Assimilate (1) Receive (2) Absorb (3) Distribute (4) Arrange [2] 137. What is the synonym of Juvenile? (1) childish (2) mature (3) nubile (4) adult [1] 138. Choose the appropriate antonym of the given word:

  • 8

    Ascend (1) Come up (2) Reach (3) Descend (4) Departure [3] 139. Choose the correct antonym of the following word

    from the options given below: True (1) false (2) genuine (3) fact (4) exempt [1] 140. Choose the correct antonym of "mortify': (1) chasten (2) crush (3) honor (4) abash [3] 141. Give the opposite of the word given below: Tangible (1) Actual (2) Solid (3) Ethereal (4) Concrete [3] 142. Choose the most appropriate translation of the given

    sentence into English : हमन ेना ता कर िलया ह।ै (1) We have taken our breakfast. (2) we have already taken our breakfast. (3) We are having our breakfast. (4) We had our morning breakfast. [1] 143. Choose the correct Hindi translation of the following

    sentence from the options given below : They were in class. (1) वह क म थे। (2) वे क ा म थे। (3) वे क म थे। (4) वे क ा म थे। [2] 144. Choose the most appropriate translation of the given

    sentence into English : वह इतना मोटा ह ैिक चल नह सकता। (1) He is so fat to walk. (2) He is so fat that cannot walk. (3) He is so fat that he cannot walk. (4) He is too fat that he cannot walk. [3] 145. Which is the most correct Hindi translation of the

    given sentence ? The corrected copy is put up for signature. (1) जाँची हुई कॉपी ह ता र क िलए तुत है। (2) संशोिधत कॉपी ह ता र क िलए पेश है। (3) बदली हुई ित ह ता र क िलए पेश है। (4) शोिधत ित ह ता र क िलए तुत है। [2] 146. Choose the correct option for the underlined part of

    the sentence : Let he and I do the work today (1) him and myself (2) No correction (3) he and me (4) him and me [4]

    147. Which one of the following is a correct sentence ? (1) I were living here from 1995. (2) I was living here since 1995. (3) I am living here since 1995. (4) I have been living here since 1995. [4] 148. Each of the Girl Scouts ________ a community

    project. (1) participates (2) participate (3) does (4) do [1] 149. In the question below, a part of sentence is

    underlined. Choose the correct alternative which may improve the sentence :

    He is elder than John. (1) Older to (2) Elder from (3) Older than (4) Elder to [3] 150. Choose the correct translation of the following word

    from the given options : Industrialization (1) औ ोगीकरण (2) माणीकरण (3) िवक ीकरण (4) उ ोग [1]