lcm-mba seminar safety at lafarge.doc

Safety at Lafarge 1. Lafarge Health and safety mgt System. 2. Human Resources H&S Policy 3. Users Guide Lafarge H& Safety MS. 4. H. & S. interested Parties 5. What is product of H.S. 6. Working At height 7. Road safety 8. Conveyor belt safety 9. Fire safety 10. Electrical safety 11. Noise induced hearing loss 12. Safety induction for visitors 13. Group Public Health Guidelines 14. Group HIV/AIDS guidelines 15. Contractor mgt system I. Human Resource Health and safety policy: - I guiding principle: - All people working on our sites have right to expect sage and healthy work conditions 62

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Safety at Lafarge

1. Lafarge Health and safety mgt System.

2. Human Resources H&S Policy

3. Users Guide Lafarge H& Safety MS.

4. H. & S. interested Parties

5. What is product of H.S.

6. Working At height

7. Road safety

8. Conveyor belt safety

9. Fire safety

10. Electrical safety

11. Noise induced hearing loss

12. Safety induction for visitors

13. Group Public Health Guidelines

14. Group HIV/AIDS guidelines

15. Contractor mgt system

I. Human Resource Health and safety policy: -

I guiding principle: - All people working on our sites have right to expect sage and

healthy work conditions and the duty to contribute to such conditions with

responsible behaviour.

● We regard H&S as core business values being integrated in the overall

business performance.


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● Every accident or case of ill health resulting from employment is avoidable

with appropriate systems of work equipment, substances, training and


● Effective H&S management includes risk assessment form the initial plant

design and construction stage commissioning and overall planning for

organization of work and maintenance.

● All our operations must continuously improve their H&S performance.

II. Key roles and Responsibilities: -

● It is up to every manager at every level to ensure the health and safety of

those people in the work place under the responsibility. The manager must

implement the policy and systems within their zone of control and


● The Lafarge chief executive officer assumes this responsibility at group

level. He takes great care to ensure that within each division and business

unit the management has the authority skill and resources required to

exercise this responsibility.

● The group executive vice president H.R. and organization for Lafarge is

responsible for coordinating and reviewing overall H&S policy.

Recommending on such matters to the executive committee.

● All employees have responsibilities for the health and safety of themselves

and others affected by their actions.

III. Main Processes and tools at corporate level: -

● Annual report to the executive committee

● Reporting facilities within 24 hours to the to the executive committee.

● Safety performance reporting at 3 monthly intervals to the executive



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● Annual H&S division’s directors meeting to drive exchange of best

practices and to develop common standards.

● Audit department assignment in order to ensure that processes are in place.

● If necessary enquiries regarding divisional/Business performance.

IV. Main processes and tools at division level: -

● Divisions have an occupational H&S management system to deliver

continual improvement in performance. This is based o na H&S policy as

regards its principles framework responsibilities co-ordination and

monitoring this includes new units joining Lafarge. Specific resources

(human finance) are dedicated and identified to reach the targets.

V. Performance indicators: -

● Number of fatalities (Lafarge contractors and third parties)

● Number of lost time accidents (Lafarge and contractors)

● Frequency rate (Lafarge)

● Severity rate (Lafarge)

● Best practices implementation additional KPZ (S) may be determined by

the division.

Working at height

Eliminating risks when working on roofs

● Important: - No work should be carried out on a roof – except on those

fitted with permanent provisions to prevent falls [e.g. guard rails around

silo tops]. Until a permit to work has been issued.

● Before work starts on a roof the manager must define the rules to be

followed and detail the prevention measures to be taken.


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Elimination risk due to falling objects: -

Important: - Materials and objects must be stored and stacked in such a way that

they are not likely to fall and cause injury.

Safety Rules: -

1. Take suitable steps to prevent person’s form being struck by falling objects.

Use barriers to block any access routes.

2. Never throw materials or objects from a height unless suitable precautions

in the form of barriers have been provided to prevent any body being


Driving & Vehicle Rules

Road Safety

1. All vehicles shall have valid registration, Insurance & roal permit in

conformance with regulations and always keep copies of valid traveling

documents in the vehicle (Driving license, registration, insurance, and

identity card 7 contact details.

2. All vehicles 4 wheelers shall be equipped with seat belts both in front and

rear seats. First aid box handy fire extinguisher, standard stopper,

emergency reflective triangles e.t.c. The drivers should be trained to use

fire extinguishers.

3. All vehicles shall be well maintained & kept in prefect working order and

fully equipped with the proper safety gear.

4. Drivers shall have their medical fitness report as per regulation.

5. All drivers shall have and experience of minimum 5 year and age should be

between 25 & 58 years.


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6. All employees including contractor shall wear crash helmet and shoes while

driving motorbike.

7. Any new driver before starting driving shall attend authorized training

program for safe driving as per regulation.

8. Drivers shall operate only those vehicles for which they are trained

authorized and licensed.

9. Mobile phones are not to be used whilst driving.

10. Specified and safe speed limits shall be observed and maintained at all


Fire safety

Factors contributing to fire in building

1. Open flame (use of L.P.G. stoves, gas, lighters etc.)

2. Smoking of cigarettes

3. Welding and cutting

4. Short circuiting

5. Static charge (accumulation plastic)

6. Any storage (like petrol, diesel, warmish, L.P.G. bottle acid or any

unknown chemical)

Basic methods of control of fire

Cooling- use of water or cooling media

Blanketing- cutting of supply of oxygen

Starving- cutting of supply of fuel

Electrical safety


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Types of electrical hazards

Electrical burn

Electrical shock

Electric fires explosion

Injuries caused due to electrical accidents such as hits falls striking against etc.

Protection from electrical injuries and prevention of electrical accidents:

● low voltage supply for confined space work

● isolation transformers where low voltage is not possible

● double insulation tools applicable for working at height

● installation of correct protective relays

● installation of flame proof equipment

● protection against lighting

● protection against static electricity

● use of national codes rules and regulation

● testing and inspection procedures

● marking and warnings

● training and education

● first aid fire fighting system

● proper earthing

Noise induced hearing loss

Three classes in occupational noise exposure may be grouped

1. continuous (machines)

2. Intermittent (cyclic)

3. Impact (blasting)


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The degree of hearing damage can be determined by audiometer which

measures a persons hearing sensitivity.

Thus sound measurement are a vital part of hearing conservation program’s.

Types of hearing loss

1. conducting : in bones

2. sensory neural : damage in structures.

3. Mixed hearing loss

Noise level std. As per factory act 1948

1. 90 dB (A) For 8 Hours

2. 92 dB (A) For 6 Hours

3. 95 dB (A) For 4 Hours

4. 97 dB (A) For 3 Hours

5. 100 dB (A) For 2 Hours

6. 102 dB (A) For 1.5 Hours

7. 105 dB (A) For 1 Hours

8. 108 dB (A) For 0.75 Hours

9. 110 dB (A) For 0.5 Hours

10. 115 dB (A) For 0.25 Hours

Safety induction for visitors

1. PPE: - Please wear PPE’S (Personal Protective Equipment’s) like safety

helmet, shoes, goggles, gloves, and earplug & dust musk. It is necessary for

all individuals entering the plant.

2. Personal Belongings: - Please hard over your camera to the security

personnel at the main gate: photography is not allowed inside the plant.

3. Smoking: - Smoking is not permitted inside the plant.


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4. Alcohol Please do not enter the site after consuming Alcohol or in any state

of intoxication.

5. Running Please do not run inside the site.

6. Drinking water: - Drinking water is available at canteen, Administration

building and other locations inside the plant which are clearly marked. Do

not drink water from any other source.

7. Eating: - please eat in the canteen please ensure to clean your hands before


8. Emergency Siren: -

a. In case you hear the Emergency siren round stop your work safely

and proceed to the main gate office.

b. In case you notice any emergency situation like fire accident, please

inform security] safety on internal.

9. House keeping: -

a. Please throw waste items only in the respective waste pins.

b. Please keep the tools, equipment in their proper place after use.

10. Working on Equipment: - Please work strictly according to instruction

form concerned department.

11. Standard clearance: - Without work order do not start any repair/servicing

jobs follow the safety instructions mentioned in the work order renew the

work order every day to carry out the work.

12. Auxiliary permit: - For special purpose jobs like digging, work at height

e.t.c. along with work order, separate Auxiliary permit should be taken and

follow the safety instructions mentioned in it.

13. Unsafe Acts: - Work with proper instructions wear personal protective

equipments like safety helmet, shoes, goggles, gloves, safety belts e.t.c.

Wherever necessary.


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14. Unsafe Condition: - Do not create unsafe condition for other. If you notice

any unsafe condition, like material equipment on the passage please inform

the concerned officials.

Group public health guiding

Guiding principles key roles and responsibility.

● A genuine concern for the dignity health and the safety of Lafarge

employees is part of our group values.

● Public health is primarily the responsibility of Govt. when there are gross

deficiencies and urgent need the company may decide to accept a

complementary role as long as:

1. The contribution of the company is a component and a support of

sustainable local initiatives coming form the community and casts

are well managed and can be audited.

● Lafarge will not accept discrimination practices breach of privacy against

any of our employees.

● Full compliance with host country legislations on health is the minimum

requirement for all Lafarge operations.

● Any action has to be managed locally in a professional manner and with a

long term orientation that can be supported and controlled at business unit

and/or divisional levels.

● Support form recognized NGO’s (Non Governmental organizations and

government whenever possible is expected for ensuring support in

methodology, best practices, innovation and logistics.

● A qualified medical professional will counsel and advise in all health and

medical issues.


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● The company will put in place public health programme giving priority to

its employees. In view of existing local medical schemes, dependents (the

exact definition to be decided country by country) could benefit from these

programs moreover the company could participate with other stakeholders

in local community program. In any case cost effectiveness and efficiency

of cost program are crucial as our financial involvement will be limited.

Contractor Mgt system

Health & Safety Terms, Clauses & Measures to be complied by contractors and

their workmen.

1. The contractor shall have competent safety officer/supervisor to ensure

compliance to safety measures/rules and regulations.

2. The contractor shall have insurance policy for his workmen under workmen

compensation act.

3. The contractor will be solely responsible fur the safety of his


4. Contractor will arrange identity cards for their employees in line with our

H.R. policy.

5. Compliance of all statutory requirements of central & state government

pertaining to safety health and environment and other labor laws.

6. Providing safety helmet, safety shoes and other necessary safety appliances

to all his workmen as per the job requirement.

7. To engage only such workers in the job who know the work and have the

required skill and abide by all the statutory regulations.

8. Before starting the job the contractor with his workmen will first meet

LTPL safety officer and get verification certificate on safety induction



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9. Contractor engaged in the transportation of materials inside the work must

comply with all road safety rules and regulations speed limits rout


10. Before start of work by the contractor written clearance (permit to work –

PWT) to be taken from the shift in charge/sectional head or from an

authorized person of the plant to ensure safety.

11. During execution of the job the contractor will display sing

board/barrication/ red taps as the case may be.

12. The contractor must have a proper first aid box and all medicines covering

his workmen at work places.

13. In case of accident the person should be immediately sent to plant medical

center dispensary and accident report in proper format only signed by his

authorized representative should be submitted to plant section in charge and

safety officer.

14. Use only those lifting machines tools and tackles which are tested /

examined / certified by the competent authority approved by the state govt.

15. In case of any acceded of the contractor employees the contractor will have

to take care for the medical treatment compensation what so ever as per the

industrial rule.

16. Contactors have to provide the safe work arrangement for all jobs at height

location working.

Five Principles of safety management

1. An unsafe act and unsafe conditions and accident all these are symptoms of

something wrong in management system.


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2. We can predict that certain sets of circumstances will produce severe injuries;

these circumstances can be identified and controlled.

3. Safety should be managed like any other company function management

should direct the safety effort by setting achievable goals, by planning,

organizing and controlling to achieve them.

4. The key to effective line safety performance is management procedure use that

fixes accountability.

5. The function of safety is to locate and define “operational error” that allow

accident this function can be carried out in two ways.

1. By asking “WHY” accidents happening and search for root causes of


2. By asking “Whether” Certain known effective controls are being utilized.

labour Welfare activities

i. Canteen – There is a well-equipped canteen with dining hell

having a capacity of 300 employees at a time.

ii. Employees co-operative thrift society. The co-operative thrift

society was formed under M.P. co-operative societies act with


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the following objective (a) To provide monetary help to members

for the fulfillment of domestic, religious and social needs of the

member for improving quality of life (b) To promote feeding of

social security among the members. (c) To develop and promote

feeling of unity and mutual co-operation among the members.

iii. Gopal Nagar social Welfare society – GSWS is looking after

day-to-day maintenance of quarters and related other jobs as per

requirement of colony residents from time to time.

iv. Employees co-operative consumer stores – to ensure

availability of all consumable items, daily needs, organizing

various kinds of sales at a very reasonable price in the colony.

They also provide C.P.G. was to colony residents.

v. All the workmen cadre employees are provided with safety shoes

and uniforms every besides safety appliances wherever necessary

on need basis.

vi. Providing better education to employees’ wards in the company’s

school on concessional fees.

vii. Cultural and sports programme: The company organizes

annual cultural programme and sports events from time to time

for recreation of employees.

Annual Benefits

1. Leave travel assistance: C.T.A. is a facility extended to an eligible

employee to enable him to go on vacation to his home town (or any where

else) with his family. The monetary assistance provided is equivalent to his

one month’s salary (basic + cola) and a minimum of 10 days leave is

required to be taken in case of joining after the first day of calendar year,


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second year’s C.T.A. will be paid on pro-rata basis for the remainder of

calendar year. After that is will be regulated on calendar year basis wage

bond staff and operative will be give C.T.A. as per wage board award.

2. Medical Expenses Reimbursement:

The employees who are not covered under ESI scheme are entitled

to get medical reimbursement. Non wage board staff are entitled to get 8.33

% of their salary (Basic + Cola) subject to a maximum of Rs. 10,000/- per

annum while wage board staff and workmen are entitled to get 4.16% of

their salary (Basic + DAs ) medical expenses is payable on half yearly basis

i.e. bills from January to June can be claimed in July and July to December

in January. Even in case of medical bills medical entitlement as stated

above is payable at the and of calendar year along with the salary of

January every year, in case of wage board staff which will be subject to

income tax deduction.

Social Security measures

1. Employees Provident fund –

It is applicable to all employees of RCCD. 12 % salary (Basic +

Cola/DAs) is deducted from the salary of an employer as employee

contribution and the company contributes equal share.

2. Employee pension scheme:

This scheme is applicable employees who are drawing a salary of Rs

5000/ - (Basic + Cola/DA) will necessarily become member of the scheme.

Under the scheme 8.33% of employer’s share will be diverted to pension

fund and the remaining amount of employer’s share will be deposited to



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3. Gratuity:

As a part of the terminal benefit extended to all the employees who

have completed minimum for a period of 5 years uninterrupted service will

be eligible for gratuity. 15 days salary (Basic COLA/DAs) for each

completed year of service. The maximum amount payable is limited to Rs

3.5 Lakhs on cessation of employment. However in case of death or

disablement, the gratuity benefits will be payable irrespective is the number

of years of service rendered by the employees.

4. Superannuation scheme:

All confirmed Non wage Board employees of RCCD Drawing a

minimum salary of Rs. 3501/- (basic + Cola) and above are covered under

superannuation scheme run by LIC of India, Mumbai. Under the scheme

RCCD contributes 13% of the employees salary (Basic +Cola) every year.

Employees are his beneficiary is entitled to receive certain benefits in case

of cessation/termination/retirement or death equivalent to the contribution

under various options.

Other welfare schemes

1. Group insurance scheme:

In order to implement employees “Deposit linked insurance scheme”

under provident fund & miscellaneous provisions act 1952” RCCD has

taken a LIC scheme in which maximum coverage is Rs 1 Lakh in case of

death during the course of employment.

2. Group personal Accident insurance:


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The company has taken a policy for its employees for covering the

risk arising out of accident resulting in partial /total disablement or death.

The significant feature of this policy is that is provides a 24 hour risk cover

irrespective of the fact weather the employee is on duty or not.

All employees (including probationer and trainees) who are out side

the purview of ESI act are covered under this policy.

3. Benevolent fund scheme:

In the event of unfortunate demise of an employee all member

employees contribute ½ day salary to the nominee of diseased as immediate

relied and thus not less than 40 – 50000 is paid to the nominee. The

company provides all necessary help for funeral etc.


a. The company has a well-equipped and maintained Dispensary with

full time Resident, Doctors, Compounders, Nurses including patho

logical tests for providing medical facilities to all employees and

their family members. Preventive measures like periodic health

cheek up and awareness programmes are condueted. Besides

Ambulance facility is also available for emergency cases.

b. Mobile Hospital: 3 day in a week companies Doctor goes to nearby

villages to take care of patients and provide necessary medical help

on free of cost.

Industrial Safety health and environment

Lafarge, Gopal Nagar in its pursuit of excellence in the field of cement production,

energy consumption etc. has also given equal priority to Industrial safety, health

and environment, thus recognizing with “Due importance” the most prestigious


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element of society i.e. human resources. In this process, it has declared a safety

policy, which spells out management comm. towards the above.

The result of such high level of dedication and commitment achieved

through training of employees in various aspects of safety and environment has

been recognized at National and International level by wining various coveted


RLCD has a firm belief that zero accident is not nearly a dream but can be

achieved while maintaining highest productivity also.

Recreation Facility

Staff Club

Staff club has a library haling various collections of books and magazines

besides newspapers. The club also organizes various cultural and sports activities

from time to time. It has an indoor stadium for Badminton and a cultural wing,

which encourage local talents to have various musical instruments. Each member

of the club is contributing Rs. 25/ - per month and 1.5 limes of the contributed

money is being paid by the company for conducting various cultural activities,

picnic get – together etc. for the club members. A swimming pool is also available

for employees with sons and steam bath on nominal charges.

Recreation facility

● Samudaik sadbhavana Kendra –

This Kendra cater to the of workers residing in the colony where various

types of magazines and newspapers are available for them for reading.

● Ladies club (Staff) –


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Ladies club is also functioning in the colony Against to contribution of

ladies club member company is paying a subsidy of Rs 2000/ - per month.

They are also organising various cultural programmes seminar etc. for their


● Karmachari mahila club –

They are also organizing various cultural programmes etc. for the wives for

workers in the colony. Against their monthly contribution, company is

paying a sum of Rs. 840/ - towards subsidy for conducting various


● Employees fitness center-

(Gymnasium) This center cater to the needs of employees in respect of their

physical fitness etc. various types of instrument are available in the centre.


The company has a well developed colony close to factory premises with

amenities like transport facility for marketing, school bus facility for school going

children of colony at Bilaspur, cable T.V. connection and a most modern guest

house with swimming pool and club with a library having varied collection of

books and magazines. The club also organizes various cultural and sports activities

from time to time. Conveyance facility also available to colony residents as and

when required on nominal charges.


There is a separate hostel having 30 seats to accommodate fresh GETs/DETs and

officers. The hostel is provided with mess facility too.


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