
Upload: andrea-zuniga

Post on 13-Jan-2016




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Step 1 (Earth cross and Solar Cross)

Stand and for a moment contemplate your divine nature, that you are King or Queen of your own personal life/kingdom upon the material world. Below your feet and around you is a circle that shows your sphere of personal influence. Under your feet lines splay out in front and behind you and to your right and to your left and stop at the circle. This places you as the center of your own earthly kingdom.

Also you to feel slightly contained and grow to surpass this idea of limitation. Allow your astral body to grow up and out of this world with your feet still on the physical realm but your astral body expanding to outer space and beyond until the Milky Way galaxy is a tiny speck of light under your feet.

Step 2 (The grand cross)

Now that your astral body is a universal presence just above your head in the softest but most brilliant white pulsating sphere of energy you can at this at imagine. This is the Uranian/Uranus, The Starry Crown or Crown of Heaven. Touch this sphere with your power finger (the pointer finger of the hand you write with) and draw the this power down to your head by touching your third eye which floods your astral head with divine light and invokes your higher genius as your vibrate the name Uranus and say The glory of heaven draw your finger down the front of your body to your groin and let the line of divine white light descend down your feet to the tiny light that is the milky way galaxy and to the center of the earthy encircled cross you made earlier and past that into infinity.

Vibrate the name Terra and say shall be made real on the earth.Now touch your right shoulder with your power finger and divine light beams out from your heart center through your right shoulder and into eternity and vibrated the name Mars and say may terrifying strength uphold benevolence.

Now with your power finger touch for left shoulder as divine light beams out through your left shoulder into infinity and vibrate the name Jupiter and say May benevolence temper terrifying strength.

Now extend both arms and feel the divine light flow through and out your arms and down through your feet.

Step 3 (The Formulation of the holy breastplate)

You have now made the solar/grand cross and are in reflection of the earthly cross of your personal kingdom.

Allow your upper body neck to waist and shoulder to shoulder to covered with a liquid gold that take a shape like a breastplate. Your heart center and solar plexus shine so bright the radiance makes the breastplate glow like the sun.

Starting in the first quadrant at the left side of your neck and in a circular path down to your right breast first say Aries and see a gem of intense red, then say Taurus and see a gem of deep green then say Gemini and see a gem of beautiful mother of pearl white.

Now under your right breast to your navel say Cancer and see a sparkling crystal white, now say Leo and see a brilliant citrine gem, now say Virgo and see a bright green gem.Now from your navel and up to your left breast say Libra and see a piercing blue gem, now say Scorpio and see a dark puce gem and now say Sagittarius and see a crystal blue gem.

From your left breast up to the left side of your neck say Capricorn and see a luscious black gem. Now say Aquarius and see a speckled black and red gem. Lastly say Pieces and see an icy blue gem.The Zodiac gemstones by quadrants. Quadrant 11. Aries-Intense Red2. Taurus-Deep Green3. Gemini- Mother of Pearl

Quadrant 24. Cancer- Sparkling crystal5. Leo- Burning citrine 6. Virgo- Bright green

Quadrant 37. Libra- Piercing blue8. Scorpio- Deep puce purple9. Sagittarius- Crystal blue

Quadrant 410. Capricorn- Luscious black 11. Aquarius- Red and Black speckled 12. Pieces- Icy blueThis creates the zodiacal solar right that beams out their influences to others around you and also absorbs their influences into your heart center. This practice will filter and purify the output and intake of these influences.

You can if you wish, circulate these colors in a clockwise direction assuming that 12 oclock is located at the nap of your neck. These colors whirl and beam out like the rays of the sun in a prismatic way.

With your arms held in the cross and the zodiac colors whirling around your heart center feel all this energy, which is not meant to overwhelm but enliven and vitalize you vibrate the name Sol and say may I be brilliant and bold in all that I do.

Now bring your hands together, completing a powerful energy circle and allow this light to dim just a little.

Step 4 (Roses and Thorns)

In each of the cardinal directs trace the green banishing earth pentagram. Assume the goddess posture or star pose and vibrate the name Venus. Feel the undying love of our great mother Venus, holder of the most sacred symbol of our race (the pentagram), the five pointed rose of humanity.

Sharply and with feeling thrust both hands forward so the fingertips touch making a triangle while you step forward with you left foot. This is the God posture or spear tip. Vibrate the name Mars, the great father of our race and thorn of the rose of humanity, the lover and protector of Venus. Feel his anger at all those who would harm her or his children and charge the pentagram with that energy.Before you should now be a large glowing fiery green pentagram cracking with red lighting energy.

Step 5 (Calling the four winds)

Facing east says Before me is Erus (vibrate the name Erus). Erus is the spirit of the eastern wind. He is sweet and cheerful. He appears as a young boy dressed in gold and yellow clothes a few sizes too big for him, mop top blonde hair and sometimes a big foppish hat.

Now say Behind me is Zephyrus (vibrate the name Zephyrus). Zephyrus is the spirit of the western wind. He is bold and wise. He appears is a very attractive tall man with long well kept hair and scholarly blue and white robes with a knowing smile.

Now say To my right is Notus (vibrate the name Notus). Notus is the spirit of the southern wind. He is kind and brave. He appears as a very athletic middleaged man with a broad genuine smile. He wears an open face iron helmet and a tattered red lion cloth.

Now say To my left is Boreus (vibrate the name Boreus). Boreus is the spirit of the northern wind. He is ancient and strong. He appears as a large and extremely muscular strong man of advanced age. His long grey and white hair is wild and wind whipped. He is usually naked except for leather sandals and sometimes draped with animal skins.

Step 6 (The Pentagram and Six Rayed Star)Now that you have the banishing pentagrams charged and the four winds called now is the time to once more assume the goddess/star posture. AROUND your heart center a banishing pentagram is traced in beautiful fiery green and is allow growing large until it is big enough to out your own body being held in the goddess/star pose. Say I am within the embrace of my mother Venus, keeper of the sacred pentagram and tender to the cradle of our race.

Now again AROUND your heart center see the golden six rayed star of sol over both your heart center and say Within me shines the radiance of Sol, for I am the center of my own universe, a reflection of the most sacred and most high!

Step 7 (The grand swirlings)

It is in this moment that a number of things happen.

1. The zodiac ring around your heart center beginnings to spin clock wise extremely quickly and projects energy outward.

2. The keepers of the Four Winds (Erus, Zephyrus, Notus and Boreus ) begin to create a cyclone of whirling energy around you in a East to South to West to North direction.

3. The Crown of Heaven above your head begins to swirl in a clock wise direction getting even brighter. The Pentagram around you and the six rayed star inside you beam like the sun and become so bright its almost blinding.Allow this to continue for only a short time. No more than say a minute or two. Allow this energy to fizzle like a sparkler fizzles and allow things to become quite once more.

REPEAT Step 2 and ONLY the prayer hands/hand closing current of Step 3 to close out the ritual. So essence The grand cross the vibrations and intonations (sayings) and the final hands coming together over the heart center after letting the body experience the grand cross momentarily and its intonation of My I be brilliant and bold in all thing I do.


Codified Middle Pillar Ritual*Always preform the Astral Body Expansion, and LBRP before the Middle Pillar Ritual.

1. Standing in a natural position. See with your magic eye, a Great Brilliant Sphere of white light above your head, about the size of a dinner plate. Reach up with the tip of your finger/wand/dagger, touch the sphere, feel its pulse, and draw a beam of white light down, and into your head at your third eye. The inside of your head now brims with white light, and your head radiates this brilliance like a miniature sun. Tap the tip of your finger/wand/dagger lightly, the middle of your forehead three times. The tip of your finger/wand/dagger now rests lightly in the middle of your forehead. ---------- See in front of you, projected from your magic/3rd eye, the planetary symbol of Uranus. This Symbol suddenly gets so large it swallows you. You are now in the realm of Uranus. Your Uranus planetary body now stands before you. TOGETHER, both of your will chant (a long drawn out speaking of) Uranus. (The Realm of Uranus appears as a HIGHLY futuristic realm, lasers, super advanced technology, towering, and floating buildings. Very clean, and very bright. Lots of the white, and platinum.) (UUUUUUUURRRRAAAANNNNNNUUUUUUSSSSSS), at least four times. Let the realm of Uranus quickly fade away, and you are back where you where. The white light decends down in a beam, and settles in your throat.

2. Lightly tap the center of your throat three times. A sphere of dark/black purple (concord grape color) appears, and grows to the size of a grapefruit. The tip of your finger/wand/dagger, rests now lightly on the middle of your throat. The magical planetary symbol of Pluto is projected from your throat. See This Symbol suddenly gets so large it swallows you. You are now in the realm of Pluto. Your Pluto planetary body now stands before you. TOGETHER, both of your will chant (a long drawn out speaking of) Pluto. (The Realm of Pluto appears as a dark, fearsome, yet immensely powerful realm. Lots of strange towers, braziers of fire, very mafioso, mansions, and lavish taverns. Huge cavern entrances, and billows of narcotic, and hallucinogenic. Lots of purple, red, and black) (PLLLLLLLLLLUUUUUUUTOOOOOOO), at least four times. Let the realm of Pluto quickly fade away, and you are back where you where. The white light descends down in a beam, and settles in your solar plexus.

3. Lightly tap the center of your solar plexus three times. A sphere of brilliant gold appears, and grows to the size of a grapefruit. The tip of your finger/wand/dagger, rests now lightly on the middle of your solar plexus. The magical planetary symbol of Sol is projected from your solar plexus. See This Symbol suddenly gets so large it swallows you. You are now in the realm of Sol. Your Sol planetary body now stands before you. TOGETHER, both of your will chant (a long drawn out speaking of) Sol. (The Realm of Sol appears as a Elysium Field of staggering beauty. Huge golden towers, and castles dot the fields, and the sky is clear, with hues of dawn, noon, and dusk.) (SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLL), at least four times. Let the realm of Sol quickly fade away, and you are back where you where. The white light descends down in a beam, and settles in your genitals.

4. Lightly tap the center of your genitals times. A sphere of bright purple appears, and grows to the size of a grapefruit. The tip of your finger/wand/dagger, rests now lightly on the middle of your genitals. The magical planetary symbol of Luna is projected from your genitals. See This Symbol suddenly gets so large it swallows you. You are now in the realm of Luna. Your Luna planetary body now stands before you. TOGETHER, both of your will chant (a long drawn out speaking of) Luna (if female), Lunar (If male). (The Realm of Luna appears like Las Vegas at night with a strong Sumerian/Babylonian bent. Flashing colors, great towering images of sexual natures, screens of projected dream imagery. Lost of bright purples, violets, hues of blue, and red. ) (LLLLLLLUUUUUUUUNNNNNAAAAAAAA or LLLLLLLUUUUUUUNNNNNNAAAAARRRRR), at least four times. Let the realm of Luna quickly fade away, and you are back where you where. The white light descends down in a beam, and settles in your feet.

5. Lightly grip, and release the floor with your toes hree times. A sphere of gorgeous black appears, and grows to the size of a dinner plate, feel the sphere pulse (The top half covers your feet, the bottom extends underneath your feet, into the ground). The tip of your finger/wand/dagger, rests at your genitals, but points directly at your feet. The magical planetary symbol of Terra appear under your feet (with you in the middle of the encircled equal armed cross) See This Symbol suddenly gets so large it swallows you. You are now in the realm of Terra. Your Terra planetary body now stands before you. TOGETHER, both of your will chant (a long drawn out speaking of) Terra. (The Realm of Terra appears as a primordial landscape of harsh, wild, and super powered version of any climate or terrain on earth) (TEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAA), at least four times. Let the realm of Terra quickly fade away, and you are back where you where.

6. Now allow the sphere to fade away, and slowly let your self come back to normal consciousness.

Codified: Working with prime Creator/Sphere of Personal Influence.

All Prime Creator wants is for you to evolve, and embrace your higher self. This is an ongoing, and lifelong process. As you evolve, and expand, Prime Creator can also progress, and expand. This should be an empowering, and relatively humbling revelation. YOU are a key component to the furthering, and continual progress of the entire universe. As Prime Creator grows, and develops, this give YOU room to do the same. As you grow, and develop, Prime Creator is given license to do the same.

YOU ARE FULLY CONNECTED TO THIS HIGHEST SOURCE. All you are, and all your, could be, is contained in the boundless possibility of the ultimate creative principle of the universe, who is, Prime Creator. You becoming your Higher Self, is the ONLY worship Prime Creator wants. Your time, your effort, your continual pursuit of self betterment, is the sacrifice, the merit, the proof; of your devotion.

All other deities, and spirits are on their own continual evolution as well. Be wary of this all, one, idea, or, aspects. This idea tends to make non-physical realities into, thought forms, which is absolute folly. Beings like Thor, Osain, or Exu, are very real, and very separate intelligences, and NOT merely, masks, of Prime Creator.

You MUST connect with this pinnacle of creative energy to fully realize your higher potential. This connection will strengthen, purify, and increase clarity with all over intelligences. There lies a mystery between A-Z here. First, you are in line with all your physical ancestors or which you are the most outer shell, most recent link (unless you have children) of that mighty chain, and second; There is a spiritual inheritance from all your past incarnations, which forms yet another chain.

Aligning yourself with Prime Creator, is bringing yourself into alignment with both those chains. As those chains, or, of physical, and spiritual inheritance are strengthened, and cleansed, you too, become strengthened, and cleansed.

Honoring Prime Creator

A single white candle: A pure white 7 day, glass encased novella candle, works really well.

This candle can be put on ANY altar. We ALL come from Prime Creator, and all things use this energy. So placing it on your Good George altar, is prefect.

Dedicate the candle to, Prime Creator'. Say, I dedicate this candle to Prime Creator, and my continual advancement towards my higher self.

Light the candle.

I advise, as much as possible, to let this candle burn. If it is in a glass encased novella, it is fine. But, for whatever reason, if you cannot let it burn when you are not around to watch the candle, then that is Ok. Simply re-light the candle when you are around.

Everyday, stand in front of this candle, and see the brilliant dazzling white light sphere above your head. Reach above your head with both arms, and as you bring your arms down, in a long drawn out EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Have a brilliant bright white light beam focus down around, through, and all around you.

Raise your arms again, and bring them down to your wait once more, as you chant out, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

The light gets more intense.

Now, raise your arms again, now as you lower your arms, say, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

The light is now even MORE intense.


The white light should now almost be blinding.

Spend some time (a minute, or more) absorbing this while, and letting it begin to stream out of all your pours. This is, life force, or Ashe, and this will fill, and replenish the energy in all your cells, your ATP.

Ask Prime Creator to heal, repair, and strengthen your auric field/sphere of personal influence. Also ask Prime Creator to remove all alien, evil, and unnatural presences from your sphere of personal influence.

This is a continual, ongoing, and life long process. You will see results, and see them fast. However, as you heal, your ancestors heal, and your past lives heal, etc, etc, onward, and every forward (sound familiar?)

Once you have done this, you are now ready to perform ANY other magical/religious working.


Astral Projection that WORKS


Find five small (size of regular rocks that you throw at old people) quartz crystals. Carry them with you for week (pocket, purse, backpack, whatever). Sleep with them next to your bed, or under your bed. You are literately programming the crystalline structure of the quartz with your own energetic signature.

After a week, place, #1 next to, or under your bed. Place #2, somewhere else in you home, or apartment, place #3 next to the front, or back door of our house, or apartment, place #4 some where outside your home, or apartment (your can bury it if you want), and #5, place somewhere further outside your home, you can also bury that one too.

So now you have created a trial of quartz crystals, with your energy signature.

Now, as you relax, and prepare yourself to sleep. Imagine (astral body) getting out of bed, and picking up the #1, and putting it in you pocket, or whatever, and then collecting #2, then #3, #4, lastly #5. Now you are outside of your house, but you have not yet fully transferred your consciousness over to your astral body. So, now you retrace your steps, place #5 BACK where it goes, and then #4, and then #3, #2, and finally #1. Now, re-collect those quartz pieces, etc, etc, etc.

You will either fall asleep reenacting this process, realize you are dreaming, and have a lucid dream when you are looking for the quartz and you realize youre not in your house, or apartment but on a space station surrounded by Victorian era girls (NOT A BAD DREAM!), or you will feel a buzzing sensation wash over your body (GO WITH IT!) and you will astrally project. Once this happens, it will get easier and easier to re-create. So start working on it!