lber 19 scholarship con· mee1~ t:0~~:-~~~;~m: w. c, a. … · 2016-06-09 · game 92 j terest...

LUME XVI. ilO?..EMA,', l\IOI-;TANA, TUESDAY FEBRCARY 17, 1925 Nl;:i\lBER 19 1 SCHOLARSHIP CON· T - D£8A1I SQUAD I t. W. C, A. STUNT TEST IN APRILi , :::- ,.::·: .. i fiOES ON TRIP I I Ni!i HT IS SATURDAY ··- --- HIS S --- I tainment for the to of ti1c sensor fh: 3pur ... rrnu f-.:ur I Ten District Contests Now Being I held at 0 o'clcck F r iday mornin l\iee f lntennountain, 'Vashing- ,Ludcnls " ere at '"" tiai n I Val'iety of of Entertain- Held to elect Delegates I i;;,.,, r; t• is <otked and pr;mc.! I t ·!l tate, and University in to wish them But-when ment Promised by Managers to State I f •r the c•:cnt, and L,u the Series of Debate they cnmc back .. How about it, of A:i.nual Show I "f: hr( 1 y n ... r..,1 ........ .... r.' st ..... !i.:111. 4 : Li1e hullt>-tin .cp in t!.- 1. v tt:t;ns rough and EIGHT SCHOC.!:.S E::-lTER!::D 1 "' ·c;· ,.,.,., '. ,] .,. ,, to DEBA'i'E t""" au,; bee wi1en are re· 1 !:>UClAL GlW\.Jl'S ('0l\IPET€ \lride --- I Tagtime wiil be featured. It will 1 tmning anrl m.ake it a point to tho rock-lipped ridge and the O\•er Thousand Dollars in Prizes' "c a one-h 0u• concert Ltat wi'l Increased Inter st in Debate .< Is be there. If it's at night, lo•. l ficket Sale Has Siarted; Re- cJnyon·s side Offered to \\'inners of High find on appeal fer cYery student TI• p orted From Citie :, 'om 0 skep; if you haYe anothe 1 serrnti eats .May be Obtained d the yast cxpan.c of the ibl> un- S choo l E\·ent on the campu•. All O ver State engagement break it-te there . . at Hauseman-.McCall's kn wn, I - he :, nd held annu- ! ng had the virgin iorest grvwn. A State Contest for aro affairs that students h a\ e I The Varsity dlbatc team Jen ·e5 S!uut night will be held Saturday Tr:i..,rc- and mm r foun1 tlic high is to bt• held April tHYCT Warr1 wcat he:r) Friday on its speaking trip which LOOTERS PROUISE 1 n _ht at 8 in th1· Emers;.n 1u- tm lumbermen l'ame, with tneir There arc ten di. tricLs organizetl tu I <lt.Je:;, required \York-nothing held ! will with l r.tcrmoun- - lll ditorium. will be funny stunl'i, camp3 ar.d mills, hold district contests for the purpose the charm that th e band and its I tain at He!ena, the Unh·trsity •c:im S.'ld one., pl r.ty of thri'.ls 1 for man·• it cut the tree.:; that were t.:ill of eliminating- for the State · l'c.ncuts have be.en able to cast at Mi11tsoula Wa s hingto n State at INTERESTINfi SHOW pC! t:.: girls an<l hrcn nun wi'.l straight, Already abnut SO schools liavl' ovo· the students. the .team in I 1 a J. flMI scmcbodv will prub- d they g-Io1·ied in th eir :-trength entered. j t1gtt different c1t1ts m thi s state. ably put on a dnncc ftr those who and The (f i"' 1_0 Th e team to meet h.termountan 1s --- lh?-\e puz,..k minds. d u;d "'We sh>ll noYcr find again arouse inter<s' in scholarshi p and to FANfiS ELErT I com pt ••d of Ed Bell, Wrntcn Wcydc- Has Hard I Ko cne will be bore·!, for each stunl •c better suiting needs of men. hold attention. to thot for which j lJ , :ne; er •. · and Beatt>> Th e ream I Time Her la't" only eight mir.utes, and. nJ. eso n·'"' will build into ::;hip an<l schools pruuar1l y eXJ:;t. The will ma .. e tr.e iema1r:dcr of the Affatr.::s young frc"hrnan nted to tc afraid ot trnin v."'ill raise standards of in s truction and• NEW OFFICERS i tt'ip .w ill a two man and will I . --- . beinf-:- for all stunts have to o chur1..·h an<l :->chool ar.d aeroplant!, tend to make curricula functi ona l I . <:on:s1st of Ed Bell and either BP3tt· I Sccrt::s l'f !o\ ers and m ... n·r a .mmutc rass th(' board of at the re- d the trEes may l:ike a jorful jra lher than formal. I or \\ "cy<lemeyer. . . . witl .. hearsal a: 7:30 Thu1sday night .. hettering lands where men abide. Th e fer co nt est are Algoe. 1 -.-- The Intef'Tnountam debate will rnke T .. cs ... sciap;, of e\cnt. Stunt mght is in annual entc!tain- ···· I bra I, Plane Geo metry, English I ,, Elton IS New Duke; Wes- p!acc in Helena Fri<lay morning- du1. fcrm tne basis for a vet;- cle:-.r ment sponsore d hy the Y. W. C. A. So . they cut the • pru cc from the I Latin I, Latin II, General Scienc,, ley Fisher and Ray \Vetzsteon the Chapel hcur there. ter plot woven ir .to the. m,m tncme Surh keen ir.tere•t is taken yycar edge. . Physics, Chemistry, American Hist- are Secretary and Treasurer Saturd3y night the Bobcat talkers of th" C•,n- by all the social fratern;t•cs that cat h d thf giant fir from the high rocl\: ory, Ch·ics, Current History, Junie.-, . --,- . t will argue with the \Vas hington State derclla whi ch will .oe grvtn bJ t·:e group haunts th e Yaudcvilles, J.! ]eans k-.Oge, I Shc1thand, Senior Shorthand, Junior El Hames, \\ Fisher, tearn at Pullman. Looters March 9 ano lO. "College Humcr," and racks t heir d th e lefty larch from the low-1Typewi·iting and Senior Typewriting. R. ay were e.eci.ed l\;) t c Monday, they meet the l!nive1sity for the product ion ar..! brains f or idea:- for their ::; tunt. lands wide, . Each district my be represent ed at new ofncers . 0 f the Sunday af.- team in a decision debate. During being gone through daily, and Last year .\ lpha Omic1on Pi won id the smooth-baled pme from th e th St t C t t b ·1 . tcrnoon. Hames, as duke and leade1' the rest of the week the tw0 teams cast and choruses h3\·c begun we rk· first place. ·d I e a e on es Y one pupi m · r doubtedly qualified to fill th' ' · f h h can!on s s1. e; . each subject, except that the school is i . . - . will meet in n0n-decis ion debates in mg.together on rte acts o. t e ow. There will be five judges to decide it a limber pme hy a rocky trail . . t . t I . . I chair. Hts pa st work has pro' en him Hamilton Whit ehall Great Falls It has gotten mto that swmg 1lf pro- which stunts deserve th e or izes First 3 :irorned &s being dwarfed and CJ - to be a field gen.era I as .well as Roundup ,· Billings, ' columbus, . duction where results are and second prizes will be. The f ·1 ose \\On m 5 or ian an )!pe an e:<ecut1ve head Hts ke ·n mtcreqt · · t h d h cl t rat "'iting shall be allowed three · . . · · · ,... Timber and Lh·ingston. In these -0 s ow, anu eac ay improvemen following social fraternities have beeR. id a hollow fir and a fallen birch resentatives in the state contest, and and ability should lad the Fangs places, votes on the quest ion, rather can. be '.raced in the various parts.. invited to compete : id a crooked as p<m passed their f th· t 1 t d. t . t n Y and ability should lead lhe Fangs than 011 the merits cf the arguments 1 his is the fifth annual production 1 Alpha Omicron h or ts year, a eas , a !S r1c 1 a . b C 1 · 1. sea re . be represented by three in one of the Wesley. Fisher, as secretary of t ••will be taken. Professor Barger to te stag<d at Monta1m Stute . o · i 2. Chi Omega. oO--Oo divisions of type.,.,Titing. Under thi• organization, ha s not be en a s tated thnt be would use Hrnry Gar- !egc and. the fourth under direct j 3. Kappa Delta. Hopeful out from the woods I came 1 th t t b f of the Fangs as long as some cr the diner and LcRcy Anderson in some or superns1on of the Looters. The fir,t 4 Pi Beta Phi rue e grea es num er o repre· . . b. 1 . d · · · up·r· p 1 · · a training school where the risky sentatives from a district would be 1 others, but his active a 11ty an . these contests, thus giving the entire production to be given was 1.1 a : 5. Alpha Gamma Delta. game 92 j terest offset the drawback and g1_ves Yarsity squap additional Pl'ff'' which played to capacity houseJ 6. Sigma Chi. f finding a way to live is playc<l, - to the value of more than 1 him a send-off as Royal .Scribe. Montan.• one of the. fir"t if f?u" differ.ent nights .. in 1921. Tho I 7. Sigma Alph:1 nd where many a fatal move is . It. i::; qmte certam that the not the !1rst i!!tate to use this system fmal showmg was g1\:en durmg the I s. Beta Epsilcn. d a thrnsand dolla'rs will be made to· . di d . f h Id. . h t t b k tb II t n e t Then ma c. . . winners in the state contest. Individ- I of the chapter .will be han m n , o o mg a series of debates t .roug-h- s a e as. e . oun1a1 _n · 9. Omega Beta. ow I Jonged to fmd, hke the spruce . ... I clear-cut t'\:ecut1ve mannfr with out the state, so far as can be lt-arned the followmg )'.Cat, a purel> :VIontana to. Amigo Club. cl 1 h I uni wmners of urst place shall be J . . . St t od t. - d H . an arc . . , ' . 1 Wctz:"\teon as treasurer. here. The plan 1s umque tn that the .a e pr uc ion was one. enry 1 l t. Lambda Phi. useful place in the onward march ,awarded .University Scnolarshi ps. Alll I Frank D. Neill, the 1-ctiring Duke, deba tes are held primarily to allow Bolles, a ser.ior, v.-rot e the script for 12. Theta Nu . ' t 1 f h. rthl f t teams wmners of team events, sha h I h th d. h d. . f th I "Loot" and George Howard ans con. ro o is. ea y a e, be the Hi h School i has led the c t lroug a e au 1ence _to 1scuss1cns e- Pay . . ' 13. Square and Compass. d accomplish somethmg good and Tio h and indi\•idual ,.,;;ners oi ; ccsoful anrl effective. ,, workmg popular quegt10ns and not for clec1. head of the nrnstc d' partment of fo1 14. za Dale. great. p Y . j earnestly and accomp!tshmg his deft. sions. college at the time wrot e the musical Tickets will be on sale during the od I dreamed of things [ wished to second pla ce, silver medals. ; nite pu1 pose. Wesl ey Fisher ta kts Coach Barger 1eports that on in- numberg. Lyrics were dor.e by col- week on the campus. Reserved scats By C. THE TREE OF LIFE snows, gai n I the place of Alfred Constans and Ray crea sed interest is boing felt in de- iego •tudcnts. !are on sale at Hausema n and Mc- ;it I felt the cut of unseen pain, I DR SHARP LEAVES that of Cleveland Estes. batin g throughout the state. Follow ''Honeymoon Trail" was given in Cali's. Admission is 50c for college ' I learned I was not as I wished I ing the war, people seemed to lose 1 1923, followed by "Prmce of Tonight" students and children, 75c for gmeral lo be ' interest in forensic activities. This which ran to capacity houses both 1 admission and $1.00 for res<!l'Ved lofty larch, but an unsought tree-1 FOR roRNELL JOB : SEATS' 1ear, some of the towns where the nights it wes shown last I seats. It will be worth anyone's fallen birch or a limber pine- lJ 1 1 Bobca t-Bruin debates were held last I TtJs year's production will be equal,· while to sell tickets, for a prize of hat I did not fit in the world's de- year are so Rr .xious to have lh m re-1 to any that have beeo staged formerly $5 .00 will be given to the one selling sign I --- j peatc<l this year that they a1·c offer- by the Looters. j the most tickets. the highe'r places men may gain I Accepts Position as Professor of Get Them Early For the ing g uarantees to the teams it they 1' j Thelma McNall is business manager nd the happiness they may attain. Dairy Chem is t ry at Games Next \ Veek will repeat theil· visits thi, season. of Stunt night and Ha rdy Tharp is in oO--Oo Cornell U The question in all the Jebates i! I FIVE BUCKS' · charge of the advertising. Now the chosen trees were cut and --- to be: Resolved thnt Congress 'hould I planed 1 Doctor Paul F. Sharp, formerly re- Get your reserve seat tickets early be given power to ovrridt by a twc- What's going on Saturday night at ill only a little of each remained, search chemist with Montana State for the two Bobcat-Grizzly games thi rds vote of th e .Supreme i the Emerson auditorium? nd the lumber cut was sold aod college, has accepted a position of here February 27 and 28. This is not Court which d•c1de Congressioual acts i Are Offered in the Stunt Nite shipped, profess cr c-f Dairy Chemistry with an idle warning, for all indicaticns unconstitutional. I Ticket Contest en sawed ga·n nd split aml J Cornell Univer•ity. He l eft the last point to the fact that seats will be MONTANAN ENLARGES . a i ' a I of the week to assume his new duties at a decided -premimn for thosv I · 1 I nd into buildings small and which will be in the research field. The_ outcome of the two-game I ST UDENT AR MY TO i "Could you .use five dollars? " .Th_e COLLEGE SECTION large, For the past three years Dr. Sharp series al l\11ssouln last week has Ill-, HOLD MILI TARY BALL J Y. Vi_· C. A_· ts so sure you cao it ts •d tools and cars nnd ship and barge carried on notable work in the field creased the interest of basketball fan; --- I offenng this sum as pnze to the I --- II a single tree was scattered wide of cereal chemistry, taking originai all over Montana to such an extent , A military ball for all R. 0. T. C. pers?n who sells the r:reatest num:;r I Is Divided Into Three Sections- rnr city and ocean and countryside. problems and deriving his own mcth· that a record breaking crowd will un- cadets and members of the State Col- j of tickets for Stunt l\ight, Febru Y Administration, College and ildings rotted away or burned, ods of solution, 'rather than checkng drnbtedly be on hand to witness th• J !cgc band will be held at Davis hall j 21. . . .. . I Statewide Activities nd posts and poles to the soil re· the work of others. He also a cted f'.nal clash between these. two old F1;day. night, starting. at 8 o'clock. I Stuucnt t1cket.s are mty cents . turned; as proftssor of physcal chemistry. He nvals for the state champ1onslnp. . 1 This will be open to uniformed cadets adults cents, and re· 1 The College Section of the 1925 ips were sunk or left derelict, has published three articles incurrent, Reserve . seat tickets are on snlc l and their ladies and is not an affairl<en· scat tickets arc cne dollar. Montanan has been enlarged. Thi s nd cars were SC<"apped and trains · professional periodicals has two more at the registra r's office and at Hause-I for the entire student body. j Hausemnn and )lc\'all have char_ge of year it will include 22 pages divided were wrecked. 1 m the manuscript and' will complete man and McCalls on '_Vcdnesday. Re- Special pla. ns have been made fot I the .•a'.e of the rcsened seat t1ckct.s among three . ht . dd t cover serve seats for holdeiR of student-ac- the dance \\,th special but it ts up to you to sell the other .. trat·ion Colleges and Statewide !\ seven or e1g , m a 1 icn, o . . . . l I 1 ' But the hollow fir stands firm and the work that he has accomplisheJ I will be 25c .. Geneul ."'. • 1 orchestra and " Anyone fe els .he wants to tr> tivities. . . . . . strong, while at llf. S. C. It is largely the 1": 1ss1on be $1;00 with an cxtia teitamer: Military will for this prize is ehg1ble to enter the . 1 The . Adnrn11strat1on section will n- nd its branches ring with cxcellenc of this work thal ha s 2a cents for resen ed seat. be used m the hall. Specialty dances <ontest. Everyone has an equal elude tho pictu1es and messages of Finches soog, b·· ght the enviab le advance to The good seats for these. games/ will be featur ed and prizes will be '!chance of winning. The students at the Ctancell or, the President and th.• nd the Flicker drums on th t "; D . Ch . t t Co will be sold early, so we advise i giYen during the evening. high school are also being given a Deans e cmp y rlol 0 •t airy em ts ry a 1 to be among th e first if you want a part in the contest. 1 Tb ··. Colleges Section will inc!ud• " bole, 1 ne mvcrs1 y. 1 I ' · nd squirrels nest in the old limb At an informal dinner held Satur ·lgood sen t. MUSIC DEPARTMENT I TtckctscanbesecuredfromThelma page frr each the six hole, d · Feb ua y 7 at th t• Bo ze- ) ENTERTAINS ASSEMBLY McNnll at the Kappa Delta house, I the Hill- Agriculture, ' ay evenmg, r r ' · H L. I'll meet you on the Ph 355 d h ind violets bloom in its kindly shade man hotel members of Alpha Pi, lo- ey, iz- . 1 ! one · . an ot crs. d ,_. d 1 h .' , h th . ,. st eps of the Emerson Saturday mght. Th . f th 1 Remember it is the number oi tick- I Th e Statewide Activities sedon "o1l ere ay new u1en s arc ea c em1sts onorary, gave e1r e music department o e co - . made. official farewell to Dr. Paul F. Sharp. j le resented a ver fine program ! ets you sell that counts. Sell every include a page or reYi<W of . . ge p . y . j one you can and perhaps you will each of the conventions and contest Dr. Jo seph, Dr. Davidson and !II .i at assembly Friday mornmg, Febru· lk ff .th th f. 1 ld ., t St t h B A d th 1· b . S cl NOTICE-.fUNIORS . . wa o w1 e we ' pr""· 1e at m on ana a e, sue as as- n e im er pine still li\·es and Gtesekcr were guests. Mr. hep na1 a'ry 13, under the d1recl1on of P_r o-1 betball Tournairent, Boys' and Girls' nd tt.e of the w1·ntc• . l\lr. Burke and V. R. gave Your $1.00 will be accepted at fessor Joseph Adam. ;rhose takmg PROFESSOR STARRlNG Vocational Conferences, and Farmer •' short talks on Doctor Sharps se r- the Treasurers office. part we:e, the Women. s Glee Club : RETUR S FROM TRIP Weck. .nd holds the soil on a rocky 1{here heo th er blooms on th e mit's edge, vices at M. S. C. , both per onal and Assista nts-Please get the name the Mens Glee Club, Miss Ruth Glen, i The 19ry5 will br sent to lcd::ro professional. President D. T. Ja ckson of eve ry stud1• nt who pays up be- Miss Edith Swingle, .Miss Helen 1 Mr. C. C. Starring, assistant p1·0- 100 over the State and sum- e>.l'_ressed fully the sentiments ofkthe fore next quarter. Crozier, Mrs. R. C. Currier and Freel j tessor in Horticulture, has just re· II it seems very probable that, by recall- scc1ety when he spoke of the cen Mallon. I turned from Denve'r where be was ing happy memories to those who at- lid droops a branch taincer to the mou n- regret with which .Alpha P.i beholds called two weeks by sickness, tended these ccnvention s and contest•. the of one of its promment and which resulted in the death of h; •; maoy will decidE definitely to com" s he climbs in his search for and deer. (Continued on Page Three) elk well hked and extended to D 0 n 't M SS ! father who had been sick with pneu- I to Montana Stste for their colic;>;. Dr. Sharp smcere best wishes for I monia for a short time. I courseo. h is success in his n ew field. I =============================== W.C.A. Stunt Night, Saturdav, Nuf Sed!

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Page 1: lBER 19 SCHOLARSHIP CON· MEE1~ T:0~~:-~~~;~m: W. C, A. … · 2016-06-09 · game 92 j terest offset the drawback and g1_ves Yarsity squap additional c:oq:~cricnce Pl'ff'' which

LUME XVI. ilO?..EMA,', l\IOI-;TANA, TUESDAY FEBRCARY 17, 1925 Nl;:i\lBER 19


SCHOLARSHIP CON· T- D£8A1I SQUAD MEE1~ T:0~~:-~~~;~m:" It. W. C, A. STUNT TEST IN APRILi , :::-,,'"~~,'." ,.::·: .. :'«.:"::~:· i fiOES ON TRIP I ~:~",0'~.'~:;;:.,!:::.:;.,~.:; I Ni!i HT IS SATURDAY



--- I tainment for the os~embly to U· of ti1c sensor fh: 3pur ... rrnu f-.:ur I Ten District Contests Now Being I held at 0 o'clcck F riday mornin ' · l\ieef lntennountain, 'Vashing- ofr~r ,Ludcnls " ere at '"" tiain I Val'iety of Form~ of Entertain-

Held to elect Delegates I i;;,.,,r; t• is <otked and pr;mc.! I t ·!l ,· tate, and University in to wish them ~ucce.s . But-when men t Promised by Managers

to State M~ting I f •r the c•:cnt, and L,u nss~r03 the Series of Debate they cnmc back .. How about it, of A:i.nual Show

I c:'TJ~• "f: hr(1y n ... r..,1 ~ ........ .... r.' st ..... !i.:111.4 : Vlatel~ Li1e hullt>-tin

.cp in t!.- 1. v tt:t;ns rough and EIGHT • SCHOC.!:.S E::-lTER!::D 1 "' ·c;· ,,,,~ ,.,.,., '. ,] .,. ,, to ELI!:V>::::~ DEBA'i'E t""" au,; bee wi1en L<te~ are re·

1 !:>UClAL GlW\.Jl'S ('0l\IPET€

\lride --- I Tagtime wiil be featured. It will 1 tmning anrl m.ake it a point to

~r tho rock-lipped ridge and the O\•er Thousand Dollars in Prizes' "c a one-h0u• concert Ltat wi'l Increased Inter st in Debate.< Is be there. If it's at night, lo•. l ficket Sale Has Siarted; Re-

cJnyon·s side Offered to \\'inners of High find on appeal fer cYery student TI• p orted From Citie:, 'om 0 skep; if you haYe anothe 1

serrnti eats .May be Obtained

d the yast cxpan.c of the ibl> un- S chool E\·ent on the campu•. All Over State engagement break it-te there. . at Hauseman-.McCall's

kn wn, I -he :, nd assetn~lh'S held annu- ! ng had the virgin iorest grvwn. A State Sch~lar~hip Contest for all~· aro affairs that students ha\ e I The Varsity dlbatc team Jen ·e5 ~ S!uut night will be held Saturday

Tr:i..,rc- and mm r foun1 tlic hi11~. high school~ is to bt• held April 2~·.-25 tHYCT n1 i~sed. Warr1 wcat he:r) Friday on its speaking trip which LOOTERS PROUISE 1 n _ht at 8 o'clN~k in th1· Emers;.n 1u-

tm lumbermen l'ame, with tneir There arc ten di. tricLs organizetl tu I <lt.Je:;, required \York-nothing held ! will i~1 c-lude debate~ with l r.tcrmoun- - lll ditorium. T~ere will be funny stunl'i,

camp3 ar.d mills, hold district contests for the purpose the charm that the band and its I tain at He!ena, the Unh·trsity •c:im S.'ld one., pl r.ty of thri'.ls1

for man·•

it l1·,e~· cut the tree.:; that were t.:ill of eliminating- for the State contf~t. · l'c.ncuts have be.en able to cast at Mi11tsoula Washington State at INTERESTINfi SHOW pC! t:.: girls an<l hrcn nun wi'.l ~ n~ ~nd straight, Already abnut SO h:~h schools liavl' ovo· the students. l'ullm;~.' ~nd the .l!niv~rsity .team in I

1 a J. oa111.~e. flMI scmcbodv will prub-

d they g-Io1·ied in th eir :-trength entered. j t1gtt different c1t1ts m this state. ably put on a dnncc ftr those who

and wd~ht, The purpo~e (f tht~c conte~l~ i"' 1_0 The team to meet h.termountan 1s --- lh?-\e cro~s-word puz,..k minds.

d u;d "'We sh>ll noYcr find again arouse inter<s' in scholarshi p and to FANfiS ELErT I com pt ••d of Ed Bell, Wrntcn Wcydc- "Stubbo~n Cinrler~ua·' Has Hard I Ko cne will be bore·!, for each stunl

•c• better suiting t~e needs of men. hold attention. to thot for which j lJ , :ne; er •. · and ~ay Beatt>> The ream I Time Sett~mg Her la't" only eight mir.utes, and. nJ.

eso n·'"' will build into ::;hip an<l schools pruuar1ly eXJ:;t. The conte~t ~h::it will ma .. e tr.e iema1r:dcr of the Affatr.::s young frc"hrnan nted to tc afraid ot

trnin v."'ill raise standards of instruction and• NEW OFFICERS i tt'ip .w ill ~e a two man and will I • . --- . beinf-:- ~ hocked, for all stunts have to

o chur1..·h an<l :->chool ar.d aeroplant!, tend to make curricula functi onal I . <:on:s1st of Ed B ell and either BP3tt· I Sccrt::s l'f !o\ ers and m ... n·r a .mmutc rass th(' board of cen~nrs at the re-

d the trEes may l:ike a jorful prid~ jralher than formal. I or \\"cy<lemeyer. . . t~ herse~f. ~·An . .,~lopem_~nt~ witl .. th~ hearsal a: 7:30 Thu1sday night ..

hettering lands where men abide. The ~ubjects fer contest are Algoe. 1 • -.-- The Intef'Tnountam debate will rnke \"ron~.feilm:.: T .. cs ... sciap;, of e\cnt . Stunt mght is in annual entc!tain-

···· I bra I, Plane Geometry, English I,, Elton ~lames IS New Duke; Wes- p!acc in Helena Fri<lay morning- du1. fcrm tne basis for a vet;- cle:-.r ~cun- ment sponsored hy the Y. W. C. A.

So . they cut the • prucc from the I Latin I, Latin II, General Scienc,, ley Fisher and Ray \Vetzsteon in~ the Chapel hcur there. ter plot woven the. m,m tncme Surh keen ir.tere•t is taken •~er yycar

m·cr·~ edge. . Physics, Chemistry, American Hist- are Secretary and Treasurer Saturd3y night the Bobcat talkers of th" ~us1<·.al corned~ ·'.~~ubborn. C•,n- by all the social fratern;t•cs that cath

d thf giant fir from the high rocl\: ory, Ch·ics, Current History, Juni e.-, . --,- . t will argue with the \Vashington State derclla which will .oe grvtn bJ t·:e group haunts the Yaudcvilles, J.!]eans

k-.Oge, I Shc1thand, Senior Shorthand, Junior El to~ Hames, \\ esle~ Fisher, a:~· tearn at Pullman. Looters March 9 ano lO. "College Humcr," and racks their

d the lefty larch from the low-1Typewi·iting and Senior Typewriting. R.ay W~~tzsteon were e.eci.ed l\;) t c Monday, they meet the l!nive1sity Rehearsal~ for the production ar..! brains for idea:- for their ::; tunt.

lands wide, . Each district my be represent ed at new ofncers .0 f the Fan~s Sunday af.- team in a decision debate. During being gone through daily, and th~ Last year .\ lpha Omic1on Pi won

id the smooth-baled pme from the th St t C t t b ·1 . tcrnoon. Hames, as duke and leade1' t he rest of the week the tw0 teams cast and choruses h3\·c begun we rk· first place. • ·d I e a e on es Y one pupi m · r doubtedly qualified to fill th' ' · f h h

can!on s s1. e; . each subject, except that the school is ~ i . . - • . will meet in n0n-decis ion debates in mg.together on rte acts o. t e ow. There will be five judges to decide

it a limber pme hy a rocky trail . . t . t I . . I chair. Hts pas t work has pro' en him Hamilton Whitehall Great Falls It has gotten mto that swmg 1lf pro- which stunts deserve the orizes First

3 :irorned &s being dwarfed and ~mmng. mo~ p:mt~J ~xc u~1,·~, CJ - to be a t~ue field gen.era I as .well as Roundup,· Billings, 'columbus, . Bi~ duction where results are and second prizes will be. give~. The

f ·1 ose \\On m 5 or ian an )!pe an e:<ecut1ve head Hts ke ·n mtcreqt · · t h d h cl • t rat • "'iting shall be allowed three rep~ · . . · · · ,... Timber and Lh·ingston. In these -0 s ow, anu eac ay improvemen following social fraternities have beeR.

id a hollow fir and a fallen birch resentatives in the state contest, and and ability should lad the Fangs places, votes on the quest ion, rather can. be '.raced in the various parts.. invited to compete :

id a crooked asp<m passed their f th· t 1 t d. t . t n Y and ability should lead lhe Fangs t han 011 the merits cf the arguments 1 his is the fifth annual production 1 Alpha Omicron p· h or ts year, a eas , a !S r1c 1 a . b C 1 · 1.

sea re . be represented by three in one of the Wesley. Fisher, as secretary of t ••will be taken. Professor Barger to te stag<d at Monta1m Stute . o · i 2. Chi Omega.

oO--Oo divisions of type.,.,Titing. Under thi• organization, ha s not been a me~iber stated thnt be would use Hrnry Gar- !egc and. the fourth under th~ direct j 3. Kappa Delta.

Hopeful out from the woods I came 1 th t t b f of the Fangs as long as some cr the diner and LcRcy Anderson in some or superns1on of the Looters. The fir,t 4 Pi Beta Phi rue e grea es num er o repre· . . b.1. d · · · up·r· p r· 1 · ·

a training school where the risky sentatives from a district would be 1others, but his active a 11ty an . m· these contests, thus giving the entire production to be given was 1.1 a : 5. Alpha Gamma Delta.

game 92 j terest offset the drawback and g1_ves Yarsity squap additional c:oq:~cricnce Pl'ff' ' which played to capacity houseJ 6. Sigma Chi.

f finding a way to live is playc<l, - ~w:irds to the value of more than 1 him a go~d send-off as Royal .Scribe. Montan.• ~as one of the. fir"t if f?u" differ.ent nights .. in 1921. Tho I 7. Sigma Alph:1 Epsilo~.

nd where many a fatal move is . • It. i::; qmte certam that the £1nance~ not the !1rst i!!tate to use this system fmal showmg was g1\:en durmg the I s. Beta Epsilcn.

d a thrnsand dolla'rs will be made to· . di d . f h Id. . h t t b k tb II t n e t Then ma c. . . winners in the state contest. Individ- I of the chapter .will be han ~ m n , o o mg a series of debates t .roug-h- s a e as. e ~ . oun1a1 _n · 9. Omega Beta.

ow I Jonged to fmd, hke the spruce . ... I clear-cut t'\:ecut1ve mannfr with Ra~· out the state, so far as can be lt-arned the followmg )'.Cat, a purel> :VIontana to. Amigo Club.

cl 1 h I uni wmners of urst place shall be J . . . St t od t. - d H . an arc . . , ' .

1 Wctz:"\teon as treasurer. here. The plan 1s umque tn that the .a e pr uc ion was one. enry

1 l t. Lambda Phi.

useful place in the onward march ,awarded .University Scnolarships. Alll I Frank D. Neill, the 1-ctiring Duke, deba tes are held primarily to allow Bolles, a ser.ior, v.-rote the script for 12. Theta Nu

. ~f ' t 1 f h. rthl f t teams wmners of team events, sha h I h th d. h d. . f th I "Loot" and George Howard ans con. ro o is. ea y a e, be aw~rded the ~'lontana Hi h School i has led the c apt~r t lroug a $~C- e au 1ence _to ~a r 1scuss1cns ~ e- Pay . . ' 13. Square and Compass.

d accomplish somethmg good and Tio h and indi\•idual ,.,;;ners oi ; ccsoful anrl effective. ,, workmg popular quegt10ns and not for clec1. head of the nrnstc d' partment of fo1 14. za Dale.

great. p Y . j earnestly and accomp!tshmg his deft. sions. college at the time wrote the musical Tickets will be on sale during the

od I dreamed of things [ wished to second place, silver medals. ; nite pu1 pose. Wesley Fisher takts Coach Barger 1eports that on in- numberg. Lyrics were dor.e by col- week on the campus. Reserved scats

By C.



gai n I the place of Alfred Constans and Ray creased interest is boing felt in de- iego •tudcnts. !are on sale at Hauseman and Mc-

;it I felt the cut of unseen pain, I DR SHARP LEAVES Wet~stecn that of Cleveland Estes. bating throughout the state. Follow ''Honeymoon Trail" was given in Cali's. Admission is 50c for college

' I learned I was not as I wished I ing the war, people seemed to lose


1923, followed by "Prmce of Tonight" students and children, 75c for gmeral

lo be ' interest in forensic activities. This which ran to capacity houses both 1 admission and $1.00 for res<!l'Ved

lofty larch, but an unsought tree-1 FOR roRNELL JOB: SEATS' 1ear, some of the towns where the nights it wes shown last ~·ear. I seats. It will be worth anyone's

fallen birch or a limber pine- lJ 11 • Bobca t-Bruin debates were held last I TtJs year's production will be equal,· while to sell tickets, for a prize of

hat I did not fit in the world's de- year are so Rr.xious to have lh m re-1 to any that have beeo staged formerly $5 .00 will be given to the one selling

sign I --- j peatc<l this year that they a1·c offer- by the Looters. j the most tickets.

the highe'r places men may gain I Accepts Position as Professor of Get Them Early For the ing g uarantees to the teams it they 1' j Thelma McNall is business manager

nd the happiness they may attain. Dairy C h em ist ry at Games Next \Veek will repeat theil· visits thi, season. of Stunt night and Hardy Tharp is in

oO--Oo Cornell U The question in all the Jebates i! I FIVE BUCKS'· charge of t he advertising.

Now the chosen trees were cut and --- to be: Resolved thnt Congress 'hould I planed

1 Doctor Paul F. Sharp, formerly re- Get your reserve seat tickets early be given power to ovrridt by a twc- What's going on Saturday night at

ill only a little of each remained, search chemist with Montana State for the two Bobcat-Grizzly games thi rds vote deci~ions of the .Supreme i the Emerson auditorium?

nd the lumber cut was sold aod college, has accepted a position of here February 27 and 28. This is not Court which d•c1de Congressioual acts i Are Offered in the Stunt Nite

shipped, professc r c-f Dairy Chemistry with an idle warning, for all indicaticns unconstitutional. I Ticket Contest

en sawed ga·n nd split aml J Cornell Univer•ity. He left the last point to the fact that seats will be MONTANAN ENLARGES . a i ' a I of the week to assume his new duties at a decided -premimn for thosv I ·1 I

nd r~~: into buildings small and which will be in the research field. ga1~es. The_ outcome of the two-game I S T UDE N T A R MY TO i "Could you .use five dollars? " .Th_e COLLEGE SECTION large, For the past three years Dr. Sharp series al l\11ssouln last week has Ill-, H O L D M I L I TARY BALL J Y. Vi_· C. A_· ts so sure you cao it ts

•d tools and cars nnd ship and barge carried on notable work in the field creased the interest of basketball fan; --- I offenng this sum as ~ pnze to the I ---

II a single tree was scattered wide of cereal chemistry, taking originai all over Montana to such an extent , A military ball for all R. 0. T. C. pers?n who sells the r:reatest num:;r I Is Divided Into Three Sections-

rnr city and ocean and countryside. problems and deriving his own mcth· that a record breaking crowd will un- cadets and members of the State Col- j of tickets for Stunt l\ight, Febru Y Administration, College and

ildings rotted away or burned, ods of solution, 'rather than checkng drnbtedly be on hand to witness th• J !cgc band will be held at Davis hall j 21. . . .. . I Statewide Activities

nd posts and poles to the soil re· the work of others. He also acted f'.nal clash between these. two old F1;day . night, starting. at 8 o'clock. I Stuucnt t1cket.s are mty cents.

turned; as proftssor of physcal chemistry. He nvals for the state champ1onslnp. . 1 This will be open to uniformed cadets adults seven.ty-f1v~ cents, and re· 1 The College Section of the 1925

ips were sunk or left derelict, has published three articles incurrent, Reserve . seat tickets are on snlc l and their ladies and is not an affairl<en· scat tickets arc cne dollar. Montanan has been enlarged. This

nd cars were SC<"apped and trains · professional periodicals has two more at the registrar's office and at Hause-I for the entire student body. jHausemnn and )lc\'all have char_ge of year it will include 22 pages divided

were wrecked. 1 m the manuscript and' will complete man and McCalls on '_Vcdnesday. Re- Special pla.ns have been made fot I the .•a'.e of the rcsened seat t1ckct.s among three sub-di,~sions-AdminiR-. ht . dd t· t cover serve seats for holdeiR of student-ac- the dance \\,th ~lcPherson's special but it ts up to you to sell the other .. trat·ion Colleges and Statewide !\c·

seven or e1g , m a 1 icn, o . . . . l I 1 • ' •

But the hollow fir stands firm and the work that he has accomplisheJ I ttVll~ t1ck~ts will be 25c .. Geneul ."'. • 1 f1ve-~icce orchestra and " u~1que ~~-, Anyone ~·ho. fe els .he wants to tr> tivities. . . . . .

strong, while at llf. S. C. It is largely the 1":1ss1on wt!~ be $1;00 with an cxtia teitamer: Military dcco~at1on• will for this prize is ehg1ble to enter the .


The . Adnrn11strat1on section will n-

nd its branches ring with th~ cxcellenc of this work thal has 2a cents for resen ed seat. be used m the hall. Specialty dances <ontest. Everyone has an equal elude tho pictu1es and messages of

Finches soog, b·· ght ~· the enviable advance to The good seats for these. games/ will be featured and prizes will be '!chance of winning. The students at the Ctancellor, the President and th.•

nd the Flicker drums on th t Pio~ "; D . Ch . t t Co will be sold early, so we advise yo~• i giYen during the evening. high school are also being given a Deans

e cmp y rlol eU~s~r 0 •t airy em ts ry a r· 1 to be among the first if you want a part in the contest. 1 Tb··. Colleges Section will inc!ud• " bole,


ne mvcrs1 y. 1 • I ' · nd squirrels nest in the old limb At an informal dinner held Satur ·lgood sen t. MUSIC DEPARTMENT I TtckctscanbesecuredfromThelma page frr each ~f the six coll~ges.on

hole, d · Feb ua y 7 at th t• Boze- ) ENTERTAINS ASSEMBLY McNnll at the Kappa Delta house, I the Hill- Agriculture, Engme<'rm~ ' ay evenmg, r r ' · H L. I'll meet you on the Ph 355 d h

ind violets bloom in its kindly shade man hotel members of Alpha Pi, lo- ey, iz- . 1 ! one · . an ot crs.

d ,_. d 1

h .' , h th . ,. s teps of the Emerson Saturday mght. Th . f th 1 Remember it is the number oi tick- I The Statewide Activities sedon "o1l

ere C\~ery ay new u1en s arc ea c em1sts onorary, gave e1r e music department o e co - .

made. official farewell to Dr. Paul F. Sharp. j le resented a ver fine program ! ets you sell that counts. Sell every include a page sumn~ary or reYi<W of . . ge p . y . j one you can and perhaps you will each of the conventions and contest•

Dr. Joseph, Dr. Davidson and !II.i at assembly Friday mornmg, Febru· lk ff .th th f. dolia~ 1·.~ 1 ld ., t St t h B A d th 1· b . S cl NOTICE-.fUNIORS . . wa o w1 e we ' pr""· 1e at m on ana a e, sue as as-

n e im er pine still li\·es and Gtesekcr were guests. Mr. hepna1 a'ry 13, under the d1recl1on of P_ro-1 betball Tournairent, Boys' and Girls'

nd g~~::~s tt.e of the w1·ntc•. l\lr. Burke and V. R. Thayc~ gave Your $1.00 will be accepted at fessor Joseph Adam. ;rhose takmg PROFESSOR STARRlNG Vocational Conferences, and Farmer•'

short talks on Doctor Sharps ser- the Treasurers office. part we:e, the Women. s Glee Club : RETUR S FROM TRIP Weck.

.nd holds the soil on a rocky 1{here heo th er blooms on the

mit's edge,

vices at M. S. C. , both per onal and Assistants-Please get the nam e the Mens Glee Club, Miss Ruth Glen, i The 19ry5 ~lontanan will br sent to

lcd::ro professional. President D. T. Jackson of every stud1•nt who pays up be- Miss Edith Swingle, .Miss Helen 1

Mr. C. C. Starring, assistant p1·0- 100 hi~h ~schc.ol s over the State and

sum- e>.l'_ressed fully the sentiments ofkthe fore next quarter. Crozier, Mrs. R. C. Currier and Freel j tessor in Horticulture, has just re· II it seems very probable that, by recall-

scc1ety when he spoke of the cen Mallon. I turned from Denve'r where be was ing happy memories to those who at-

lid droops a branch taincer

to the moun- regret with which .Alpha P.i beholds called two weeks a~o by sickness, tended these ccnventions and contest•.

the l~s of one of its promment and which resulted in the death of h; •; maoy will decidE definitely to com"

s he climbs in his search for and deer. (Continued on Page T hree)

elk well hked m~mbers, and extended to D 0 n 't M 1· SS ! father who had been sick with pneu- I to Montana Stste for their colic;>;.

Dr. Sharp smcere best wishes for I monia for a short time. I courseo.

h is success in his new field. I ===============================

W.C.A. Stunt Night, Saturdav, Nuf Sed!

Page 2: lBER 19 SCHOLARSHIP CON· MEE1~ T:0~~:-~~~;~m: W. C, A. … · 2016-06-09 · game 92 j terest offset the drawback and g1_ves Yarsity squap additional c:oq:~cricnce Pl'ff'' which


I I - !be pot in the shade were he able lo 1 (1=~-~--~~~:Jl!'.:J§~!!:JI hear some of the prrfectly ..-nlighten­h1g American convrsntions that get I by on tht! campus. I

Th w kl ~-.. -------,.-------; i ra\:~\='

Published~very T~~Y of :e 0~~~~~~~~ 111 Th:I:,:t:.~:~):e::~e:E~Et::u:::~ is Chosen from the students of Montana State CoJjege I taken from the college newspapers that

of the University of Montana, Bozeman, Montana maintain an exchange service with the Exponent.

Acceptance for maiUng at special rate of postage provided !------------------------"

'Vritcrs claim that there are 12 fun<lhmental jokes that mor-tals ha."·c ~en l:lughing at since the days of Adam and Eve. They

"Say, kid, lend n-e your m~lke­up shcnnanigan, will yuh, 1.bcrc goes that !ellah WCJt


s sportin' a c•ar that the pre~ident himself would han~ to ape) .... jz •o 1·'dc


for in Section ll03, A•t of October 3, 1917, authorized Febmary 17, 1919.

Subscribers to the New Student Intercollegiate News Service covering the happenings of all American colleges &nd universities.

EDITOR-I}l-CHTEF .. _ .................... GLENN 0. BOYER, '25 NEWS STAFF

Associate Editor ······-····-················\Vinton Weydemeye.r, '25 !Uanaging E<lilor ................................................... - .. Dick Ross, '25 Sports Editor --·········-· .. ···--·-·--.. ··--·-·-- .......... Bob Tootell, '27 Society Editor . . ............ ·-···· . . .. - ..... Mary Carey, '25 Exchange Editor _ ..................... _.... ..Mildred Bigelow '26 ).!aria11 Shaw . . ..Feature Editor 1\forgue Editor . . ...... _ .... Octavia Marquis , '25 Alwnni Editor ..... .- H~Jcn Patt.erson ~26

REPORTERS Donald Weyderueyer Donald Grandey Lillian Barry Mary J o Stockton Jo O'Connor vlrg{nia Haley Claudine Opdyke

Esther Dukes Helen White

17ances Wylie Margaret Gallagher Keturah Ti)lbles Lillian Kln&chy Eloioe Wright Elizabeth Hart Martha Maxey

Thelma McNail Fred Roseneau

BUSINESS STAFF Bl'SINESS MANAGER .............. JACK L. CARTTER, '25 Assistant Business Mana~r .. -·········--- Ralph 'Wa.gne.r, •27 Advertising Manager.... ......................... . .. Jake Forbes, '25 Assistant Advertising Manager ................ Hardy Thorp, '28 Circulation Manager ·-····----·-·-·· .. -........ -....... Andy Briscoe, 25 Assistant Oirculation Mgr .................................. Bill Graham


The Bobcot basketball squad showed what it was worth in its two games against the State University quintet in Missoula Friday and Sat­urday nights . It clearly demonstrated to those

'who watched the game, and those who read the papers just what it could do. Coming o\lt from


say th:!t all jokes c;.m be s:im~ mered do"'n to one of those fundamental dozen.. Now if one I

Atlanta, Ga.1

(NSNS)-Last year the Chamber of Com-. Wt're t.o believe Eli and Darwin- I ·'Hey, did you see that pel"fcrt merce of ::\lillo<lgeYille

1 Ga., instituted a drive for funds I and WiWlam .Tcnnings Bryan is Apollo go galloping by like he wa:.

for the establishment of a Woodrow Wilson Memorial unique in that fl(' beliPYE" ndther ducking the absence com.? Well, I 'll College. Plcdg~::i amounting to $600,000 were raised. A I -it might be proYcn that there brt he thinks girls arc only good for tract of 100 acres was purchased and the drive for funds is one and cnly one fundamental !movie actresses and absolute nece~si-w::is made country wide through the American Legion and jokE"~ All tltose 12 enume-Yatcd, I ties in case there's a shindig on.'' the American Federation of Labor. including the old ··mot.her-in-law" --- I

A cou1mjttee of educational experts, headed by Presi- specialty ean he simrr.ered down . ''Children an'd college students m:iy j dent Sidney iliezes of the College of the City of New to just on1>--tlte other fellow. cbtnin ticke>s for the Y. W. ('. A. York and David F. Houston, a member of the Wilson Most of us Jcok on the other hi- Stunt Night for 75c." Cabinet, were requested to advise as to the type of college lcw as the biggest joke in <!-xist- f to be created. Limitation of the st\1dent body to not more enc!e. " 1e think our o·wn actions ·wonder where this .. bird cJassifies; than 40-0 or 500; enrollment of only those students who are prett.y good but the other fol- the faculty and otb'er ~dults. I show unmistakeable signs of becoming leaders; limita- low-well he is nI-ways dumb but 1 ~ion of number of s.u~jects taught. to those conducive to thati.!ast one he ··,~ulled" was just J Ed.: You gi_rls at I{am .H all should 1~tellectu~1 leadership, g~d ealnrtes _offered to men of. the dumb Dora. j ge.t Jobs as tzm£::i;s ~or trad: meets, high ab11lty, were the recommendat10ns made by the I --- •you are so good at getting in right committee. I Thot explains_ why th~ follow mg

11 at the last second.

J\IIIGHrr be considered a Joke. . Coed: Yes, but y9u see, we aren't A NATIONAL STUDENT UNION FORMED "Here lies An'!_e Mann; she lived 1verse<l in the art of using Stop

an old maid an~ an old :Mnnn." !watches.

Berkley, Cal, '.NSNS}-A nawonal ~nion of American But a b<>tter one that happened on I Eli has been wondering if Butte colleges and umvers1ty siudents, designed to promote the campus Urn other evening is on d B II' 1 k b

· b · h I d cl - an 1 rngs oo eel better to the Ag etter relations enveen t emse ves an oser cooper- the other tfeUow too~ It was a voca· j d h F · · . . . . . _ . an t e 1 armer in Tht•ee Forks thafl at10n with foreign students, is the ann of the Nntional I tional conarcs~ delegate and he was h · Student Federation of America, organized by seven ._,.est-ltelUng ··he~" goodJ>Je. His manly(?) It ey did in Bozeman crn institutions on January 1st at the University of Calif- -.-.,,ice cou ld be heh.rd to wh1sper ""' ill ., ... r h t --.- . . orma. . ? 1 n e ear hal 'alentme candies . . ) ol thmk ( f me, d-ae-a-a.-r~r · Lav a different ·n..,. · · Ed C

The Foundation lS to be modelled after the European Thn out of the dark came that lit~ av ''h r" , me:ani 0

srnce · Student Union. The constitution adopted at Berkley out- tle pathetic reply .. Y-FrS--I'll be ~ 1 e e a box of m9use traps and lines its purposes: "To fo ster student cooperation, t-0, miserable afl the t.ime."' o ts. encourage travel on the part of American college students, ___ .. to provide for scholarships for American students b .S-ct': l c;·c is how 0. Herrry used the I Eli is. d~wn.hearted since he didn't t d b d t f t · · · f f _. d b' b I · !get an mv1tation to that "wonderful" :t~d~nt: :~3the d~ffe0r5e1~~ n:ti:~1;,1 ~n~ to r~::1;0~: nne~:t:~~ =~~~f: ,~~ti~c~;.~~~m:~~o~~~g:ha!o gr:·~~

1 fireside that .was staged in ~am Hall

est in national affairs." I expanse of dirt known as South !\mer- Saturday night. They said they . · · I wanl<!<l. to sa\·e on the college li1<ht !Ca. bill. -

"His Nibs skedaddled yesterday per I the jack-rabbit route with nl! the min El- ·t th -.-k-. th ti · · . I ' l :s ops- e Jo e. is on e o 1er 1n the kitty and the bundle of muslin fellow fa f !' h" t· I



PROMPTLY All kihds of eye glass wo and broken lenses replac same day.

lESUE E. uAfiE Je,ve1cr n.nd Optician

Broken Len~cs Replaced the Sa~ne 20 S. Bln«k A vo. Phone 921



100/olDiscou To All Student•



Landis Shoe Sh WHO GIVES

Discount of 1oq To College Student~

an unfortunate defeat on Friday night, the Bob- According to The College Coyote of the College ot Idaho, sophomore rushing has been adopted at Dart-

cats romped on the Bruins for a good victory mouth. The plai1 was dO"ided upon by the college ad-Saturday. · ministration and approved by the facultu .. The first few minutes were disheartening but • then the avalance started, and the Bobcat walked At the University of Minnesota • ruling has been

h_e's spoony about. The bood_1c is six 1 in tr t~e ~0:: 1

:; ~:cayot~:r 1~~1;:~c -f1gu1 es Rhort. Our crowd m gooc. shar..e but we need the spondulicks.1 -::-===========================--;.il Yen collar it. The main guy and th• I;-------------------------dry g'oods are hea<led for thP bt ir v. i -----'OI

steadily forward over their opponents. But it passed by the intcrfraternity council barring the pledg­is useless to tell the story here. It has been ing. of. freshmen with less than a "C"' average. This covered in other parts of the paper. action 1s a result of the dro~ping from school of such a

Bobcat basketball men, we want to let you I large percentage of fraternity pledges on account of know we appreciate what you've done. You have I grades. . . done a thoroughlv standard job in a standard :" student co111~111ttee at Colombia University has sub-·ay · nutted a fratermty agreement which propo es to post-v. · pone all rushing until after Thanksgiving holidays and

to substitute a system of formal bidding for the present A WORD OF APPRECIATION open bidding.

Ycu know what to do. - ~ I BOB" · . I

Now 0. Beru-y and his stor_,. ·1\ 0Ul<l !



Daffodils and Tulips ARE NOW IN THEIR GLORY

Come and See Them

M. Langohr, Florist The Exponent wants to echo the appreciation

for the treatment the Bobcat basketball squad r eceived on its trip to Missoula the past week. Everything possible was done for the team. Of­ficiating at both games was excellent, and a real spirit of cooperation was displayed by the stud­ents of the State Uni\·ersity.

"CAL.'' STUDENTS ro MAKE ('OLLEGE ?llOVJE A E SIESS We Telegraph Flowers I .. 1 . Phone 95 19 E. Main E

Bei;kley, Cal. (NSNS)-Uni~ersity of California stud - I OPTICIAL PARLORS \--------------------------.1 ~~ts may exhibit themselves on the ' 'silver screen" in a

1 Eaii·atac e


=============================o:I film whose plot was written by university students. The Specialty Boot Shop I--plot is to center around university life. The Executive I 1

Committee, of the student body favors the project and BROKEN LENSES II

its execution now awaits the sanction of the umversitv POO!\'IPTL Y RBPLACED

HOW ABOUT THOSE ASSEMBLIES? laut~orities. , ,, ' , ' • 1'-------------!I l\Iusic has charms for man and beast. But a I l. OF AlllZ. JAZZ HOUNDS 10 TOUR ORIENT j ~

look at the general assembly at which the glee I clubs and choruses of Montana State performed A universi ty orchestra to ·be called Jimmy Vances. l last Friday might convince one that both 1)1an Collegians has received the contract from the' F ASHIQN and beast had forgotten the adage. Certaintly I Pac1f1c Oriental Steamship company to urnish music

· the attendance wa_sn't wha~ it should save been. I on one. of _their tours .. This trip will take about 6(} days Assembly hour IS set aside each week for the and will mdude Hongkong, Yokahama, Kohe, i\Ianila,

primary purpose of getting the students of the· and a number of the smaller cities of China and .Japan. College together on a common ground. It is sup- After r turning from this trip an attempt will be made posed to be a time when classes are put aside, to arrange for a similar one to Europe. and department al boundaries are forgotten .

This coming assembly is one that every student should attend. Loll Howard has an excellent musical organization in his band. Let us all re­solve to get the assembly habit. It's good for u~.



$30 and $35

Holloway's Where QLJalily ii; Higher Than P1·ice

Barber Shop


$35.00 and up

Get The a t

Hausem: & McCa

By All Means Hear


ORTON BROS. 34 ·west Main Pozemar



5 l'enls per Volume

Page 3: lBER 19 SCHOLARSHIP CON· MEE1~ T:0~~:-~~~;~m: W. C, A. … · 2016-06-09 · game 92 j terest offset the drawback and g1_ves Yarsity squap additional c:oq:~cricnce Pl'ff'' which


Miss Priloar3 was a riinner gues: '· I THIS IS THE TREE OF LIFE I EXTENSION DEPART:\IENT at the A. o. P i hou._ Thursday ow- 1Continued from Pao:e Onel PUBLISHES BULLETIN 11 'no:. Alumni Notes j -- I An.! the fallrn Lird li•s o'er ' ?II. L. Wi!Eon and H. E. Selby

~ emtcrs of Alpl;a Omicron Pi "r,- - creek 1 'Vrite Re;·iew of \Vorld and

!ctin r.":.ay ·wri~ to dthe th(' r-Cllli or to thefr county at, nt:-. for the !i -tana State CoEc::!c E:.;tt·n<on BGUe-tin !\o_ 72.

ttrtained at a Valentine party at the I Emil Ande1~on, '2:{, is Deput:r· 8tl! \\'hi ~ the iishennen and bather· I Locai ConditiOilti in Crops chaptt.. hou~r :--:atur<lny everir<~. 1 Forc:"tt- r and is located at Kalispel. ~eek · ·

'\Ve wi::<h to t;x~cnd Gur ~ympathy..,. those who hy to huy lht·IT tid .. t"~, { -

Y. W'. C .. -\. stunt nii:ht et 7;:;o ~ ur<lay nil!iit. f 11 \\ e kntl\\' th,,~··n «tr bl• g-une by th~tt timt.?.

--- J --- Fish~ma~n stand on its ~n1ooth, eh~:rn I Th Exten5:iOn Dei'artn nt h-.~ ... rc-'"Bud" Corr ,f the lntt1:nou11tain Hef. rold E. Bak1.:r, '07, is aa engi- bole . I cently publisht-l' ,u n on t~c

The :ictive m•·mbers of Alph Orn (;' c Ciub ;•.;as a dinner s,:uest of tJ1t' neer a~ the :\aches Plant~. ::\achei.:. h they uist tbttr llu.:..s on a Iv.~ct ::\fontana Ag-ri· lila J.l Out.lo k for on Pi wcte S!UtSt~ of Alpha c;nm- ,1

Lambda Phi h use Tuf'~·clay ever.inf". ! Wa . ..:h_ j' hole; 19·25, which is th~ fir:i;t JJublkation a Delta at de~~ert Sunda} aft<'''- --- l The ~wimmcrs dh-e from it~ sprir.n en~r offered by .any ~tat that dvt~

1 Lambda I'hJ :ini:ou11l·t:s th. iriith1- Etlu..l Ditty, '22, i~ tea('hing 3t ! crown a previlw of ttc corditions anil pos-,

I tion of RaJph \Vr-1;::mer of Anaconda .


Star.for,!, :\1ontana. Q,·e1 the bra_nches, out and do~~ .. s-Jbihties in agri<'ulture for the <"Om· \ The member~ and pledges of Alph --- --- Ar.d :hE' squirrels race from fie J d mg ye~n·. Thi~ bullt:tn


wntttn by mma Delta wtre ho:-tcs~c!-i at a The T. 7 .. l. 's held a meeting at the I n in Coc-krclJ, '00 is prac:ticin:;>: udge IM. L. 'Vtl~on and IL E. ~dbv oi th~ New Silk

Scarfs lentine dandng party Friday eve· Alrha Garn hou~e Sunday afternoon. mc~I:<'·: .n ~tw York City_ Acro:::s the creek on tht> i;:.trong \vhac !collc.;te, ~h-(c;

3 rcYiew of the wor1d,

ng &t the Elk:::' club. Amrng th~ Frate1nity ~on~s were sung. btid~e. 'and l")cal ccnditiom:i in livu:tock and est~ of the ev~ning were ~1r. rmd C. L Corkins, '20, is located at th~ crop raising with the ._.;ew of aiding 3 _ R. E. Brown 1 Mr. and Jlrs. Rny Ed ~·inkier and Lloyd Johnson were University cf 'Vyoming, Laramie, And the crooked a~pen forn1s a seat iarmeis ~1:h then·

1925 agrcultural 1

ck, Dean and ~!rs. ;-./orris, Dr. and dinner guest' at the Zo Dale Club Wyoming, where he is state entom- Wl:ere blushing lads and meid•n• acthoities. Anyone deRiring this bu!-.. Holm, Mr. =ind Mrs. Gene Pen- during the past week. ologist. · meet, 40 styles-no two alike-in

wonderful color effects-11, and Mr. and Mr>. Coon vf Bel- And sit while they wat<'h the sm»tt ade. 1 i\Ir. and M'.rs. E. R. Davidson and Hilmar Dahl, '17, is an engineer fade

. Miss Dorothy Ryan were dinner at Wilkinsburg, Pa. As the Thrush sings out from the T. c. Cleveland of Willow guo•ts at the Za Dale Clnb Sunday. woodland shade; a dinner guest at. the Mary EbErsole, '22, is Home Eco-1 And they carve their names in the house Saturday. PHI U BOOST DOUGHNUT lnomics instructor at the Peru Teach- aspen's bark

SALES ON SATURDAY ers' College, Poru, Nebraska. jAnd warn it to keep their secret dark. Mr. G. E. Barnum was a guest •t --- --- oO---Oo e Theta Nu hcuse la~t week while Phi Up~ilon Omicron, the Home Ee Dean Howell 122, is a Unite<l States I I'm not wanted here,

60 I'll return

re ,·isiting his ~on Harold. HaroH honorary, held another \'Cry success- officer at Camp Alfred Vail, Ocean- To th cnly other land I yearn; recovering from a re,ent appendi- fol doughnut sale last Saturday after- p01-t, New York. If a lofty larch. I cannot be,

.is operation. no-... n. The first ~ale was held just a Let me H'°e as a crooked tree. --- I week previou~ and the results of both Noble Donaldson, •12, is county The Kappa DeJta!\ were en~1tanrJ are very gr_atifying to the chapter; agent nt Ritzville, \Vashington.

their !';Ophomore memberd at a.1 The purpose ..of these sales was tha .. ·ormal party last Friday evenin~·. f of raising monty for the frate'rnity

project which is the granting of 'cholnrships to worthy Home Ee girls. Miss Pack, Maude Martin, and Julia were dinnCT guests of the ppa Delta house Inst Wednesdai·.

J,frs. ~nnJ·.an of Butte Yisited her n Frank Iu~t week, and wa~ a guest

the Beta Epsilon house Tuesday ening.

r. and >fr•. Daniels, and RanaM niels were i;ruests of Beta Ep~ilon dinner Sunday.

The sale of the doughnuts was not confined tQ the campus but included the whole town. The girls are very pleased with the way the towns peo­ple as well M the student body re­sponded.


The Bozeman Chapter of the Amer­ican Federation of Arts met last

Beta Epsil n annunces the initia- Thursday evening in Lewis hall for n of Han·ey Stone. Helena; Fred its February meeting. Professo" C'.eneau GJendh·e· Maurice Fer- Plew, pre~ident of the chapter opcn~d

and Ru~Pell And~rson Anaconda: the meeting nnd a short business dis­·mond Danirlson, Mi~s'ouln: Theo- cussion followed. A ,·ery interesting

-e Hicks, ~hrnsdshell; Donald talk was given by Miss K. Bartlett ndey, Ten-y, and .Judson Mi•kimen I about her trip to Washington, D. C.

Glendive. Mrs. W. 3-1. Cobleigh then gave the --- pro,2'ram lecture on Early American

:lvera Peterso1·. Anaconrin: Jean ID~"on1tionc; i1IustTated by lantern chalson, Great Fall•; Dorothy Ry- slides.

Billings, and Marguerite Bryan, grade, were house t?Uests of Alpha f Pre~ident Atkinson was in. Missoub mrua Delta fast wef'k end. I and Dlllc.n la~t week on bu~mese .

\frs. Higginc:i wa~ a dinner gue:::t at · Sjg Alph hou~e Friday e,·cnin:.r.

)o~othy Youngm~n and Helen Weh- 1 and Herbert Sh,ppard were Sun-

. dinnE"I" iruest• at tho S. A. E. I, ~e.

-- I lt·s. 0h?a Rn's Hannon, Miss Cla1a 1

me<ler and Mr. George Newlon of -ena were dinner g-ue5:ts at th f" p· l a Phi house Thursday evenin~. j

:Sthryn Andre"' s spent the at her home in Trident.

I Wl'~t( I



Arcadians 7-KINGS OF HOKUM-7

With Two Entertainers Playing a Dance at


Margaret Edwa'rds is stale super­intendent of Home E conomics of North Carolina and is located at Raliegh," N. C.

Do you know that five dollars is being given away to the person sell­ing the largest number of tickets to the Y. W. C. A. stunt night? If you wish to get in tho race see Hazel M.c­Nall.

According to


Choker beads are very much in favor at the present time. These popular necklaces come in a variety of color~ ro>d styles.

Prices are reasonable, rang­ing from $1.00 to $9.00

ff.A. Pease & Co. JEWELERS

Girls--We wish to call your att~ntion

to the New Spring Coats and Dresses that are arriving daily_

-- / 'he members of Pi Beta Phi cnte"- I Wednesday Feb 18 !Cd firn tables cf bridge on Fridu; . ' •

Saturday aftern oon, . l BUNGALOW -- This is a high class orchestra

felon Cornwell spent the week en-I direct from the East playing ·Misrnula, where •h<' went to '°c I a ll the latest in dance music.

Bobret-Bruin ba,ketball irames. , __ __

To Miss It Is To Be Sorry


IR now on display with dozens of Smart Spring Hats.

Exclusively Modeled




BEAUTY ART SHOP Over Budd's Electric 5tore

Room 8 Phone 750-R

Water Waving Hair Dying Hair Dressing

Shampooing Facial Massage Scalp Treatment

Marcel and French Round Curling

Satisfaction Assured


$2-39. $2.95, $3..J.5 and $3.75

i Hollingsworth' s I Hose Spet:ialists

'..!..-.-----" The Gallatin Laundry Co.

139 East Baocock

Is always 1·eatfy to serve yom Laundry need8-Call phone 79 and wagon will be at your door


The charm of cheerful environment is greatly enhanced either in the Frat house or Dorm by mdng

Old English Liquid Wax Cleaner for your woodwork and floors. Make your surroundings

healthful and sec how much easier Ftudent life becomes


Owenhouse Hardware Co.



The Home of Home-made Ca"!dies

Lang's Exclusive Shoe Store

Young Men's 0 . fords in the Late Pattern~ Young Ladies Pumps in the ::'i ew Spring Style;;

Reasonable Prices

Page 4: lBER 19 SCHOLARSHIP CON· MEE1~ T:0~~:-~~~;~m: W. C, A. … · 2016-06-09 · game 92 j terest offset the drawback and g1_ves Yarsity squap additional c:oq:~cricnce Pl'ff'' which

~-·.r::2 FOUR FEBRUARY 17 J925






E' WlN WATER 1· but ours is a fj,·e mao team and w~

B o T k F• t S. A. S . • E don't want to forget that. the othe.

. ruins a e 1rs BASKETBALL TITL men on the team gave all they harl

Tl S A E.·., SJ)lashcd a victory to raise the Blue and Gold to vic-1• · · " tory.

d from the 0 . B.'s thaL entitled them

G B b t 2n to the pennant which is gi\·en f01· the ame· 0 ca s champ!on,hip in. wate!' basketball. J j Thi!' was the t!•.ird game that the


IO. B's and the S. A. E's l1a\'e played

----------------; for th1..· tit1e. ThP ~ame W<!S the fa::;t­FI:-iA.'\Cf.AL REl'OltT 01'


est ar.d haHlest ft ut!ht game of the I se<l:.-On. The contest ,,,..a~ \Von by

I th"l'ee points .. of which Kcott m~de one and Trav1~ the other by making

_,..._,_, Ulman was shirted from center t()

guard the s-econd night. Thi~ was probnbly done sc he would ha~e a be:­ter opportunity to held Hartwig down. I nstead, he was held do,1.:·n tu three field gcals and the summary of ~ht> g-amc shows his s\lccess in hcld1:1g­Hartwig d0\"\,1. victc-ry the following night. 1 it-~s a goc-d joke. "~hen the F --- 1 \\"f\S plnying Big Timber

Ricks is goinJ? to be nii~htr l:ard I othe1· night they got on a ba to beat on her own floor. (",1nch ~\wotinR rampa~e and were shoo Packard and his 1~1cn are rlcll:r~r:1ir;(~rl tth.·m in frvm all pa1ts of the f to avenge the two dt.·i~ats th~·r snf. At the beg-inning of the second fered here bst. month. Fje-ld got th~ ball nt>arly under

.-\pologiPs own bssket. He dribhled a few

Apc<ogie"' arc dnu Ban:_J \Yillitu11:-; fer omitting hi~ J1ame f'rom th~ H'il cf those who were making the tdp w1th the t eam.

~o ,~ •• · -~.i

ar:d thtn l' ok a miKhty heave, ing; a basket f1 om nearly the lrngih of th,· flnor. The joke l that it wa• Big Ti.,·her's baske~ conneded with.

lfarlwig Was Rtar of. Bol:ical Victorv With 19 Points; Ill­

.in· ~t 1;~ ~or JiSS0i1la

J.hc Bob1:al.s br('ke n~en with the S :i.:~ :·ni,msi.~- m i1 tight two gan:

1 tah Aggie G<!-nles

J•.xot"l'-1!~ .~.l$:i.OO Rercipts 5ti;).00

a free throw. Picture if you can thi:- anxious <:ln .. c oor •ner1 ~,_,

grcups of basketball fans in BoZlman next week. Fdt!ay and Saturday nights who :\Ht

around n1rious radio sets or stood

.!.:j:-~.-t. Bobl:ilt n .:..:ntc.--. has a ~ll

~· ~--~· ·~ l>~ .. cJ poi~>OH ,.r.d w.a~ ::. _.le to play in eithn of the last

ries that. was said by spectators to be !.he most <'Xc:itin;.. mid hard fought evE:-r w1tnes:'lcd ;n the l\Ihscula l!~·m­



patiently by the telephone waiting foT gation of University ~tudenl~ h"l t" ft.r floor again soon. evu·y bit of nei.vs that. was gh·en out rbe ga~1e next wc.::ek and it c:hould be


F 1"PSh ~a me:- It 1.-, n,..thing very ~

We can look f rwa ·d to a biL clelt .. cus and \V hope to see him on

Exi-; Receipt~

~:375.00 150.00

'T12am Pin~""cd \Ver> Lost 'Tied Fc:t.

S. A. E. 8 0 I.000 about the Bobcat game. Imagine the our purpose to show them ~1·m 1:i r <-il A 'l;ery disgu!it~d squad anguish that came to these: f'1 oup~ Bczeman ho~pitt!lity. j 1.'e:affi ... nH.:d the old saying

or. Fi tha t

T fnh • it. w· n tlw fi1 st f,?il'"il-''

'bv a ~conh, of. 28-:.!'2, altl.ough th~ Lo~~ .. $2~o.oo 0. B.. .8 .87C,

Si~s ... BE.


. 601J



th; second night. when the first ra- ---1 c:an't beat Gallatin hilth on

p rts came in somethint;! like ih;·~: This i.:m't tv nti"l .fohnn;e Fjeld, bowling alley . ..,;ft".'nn;'! or tl1. was in d·1uht • ______________ _.

t.•ntil the !a:-t minute ~ f J1lay. TlL

7 .7

Phi .. 7 ..... 6


Amigo Lambda Ind ... ;rheta Xu.


2 0 0

2 2-4 in favor of the "U'", ·1-'i in fav1.r -==--=--=--:-~-=-::==--:-:---===========::--c of the "U''. Th~n ima~ine the bright- -:: --

Bobcats staitcd tl g-a'"" wirh a FROSH AND SOPBS ARE •weer ing- atl•"k th:•t r '"" i ·hem i11 WINNERS IN COED GAl\IES 3

4 .000

ening of hope as the Bobcats be~an tl'.1 1 --------...;;..-------------------~1 climb ahead with scores of 21-lf, 2~-21, and the final burst of enthw;iai:;r:1 l when the <:rare of 3h-28 was announr-


tit':! lead ard !-'i£-Emed to bc-..\"ilch::· the I --. - " d Grizzlies. ,\fter the middle of the

1 Frosh Beat Semors 1., ,to ~-3 an

5 e,onJ l1alf the Missoulians got ahead I Sophs Down Juniors "1th ::i.nd n1anaged to keep two 01· th1·ee 9 to 6 Score pcinis ahead. The score was 23-22 ~n . . _. 11 favor o:f the University with two min. The girls' basketball series 18 sit. ates to go when the gTizzlies made s j to be decided as the Frosh beat the -final snurt and annexed three baskets Seniors 15 to 13 and the Sophs woii in rapid succe.;sirn, gi\·ing them 1 frcm the Juniors 9 to 6. Tlus mean:> tbril:ing Yictoiy. that bc,th couples play again as the

Hni:twig was high point man fo_:_· winnf!l's must win two out of three ilie Bobcat!', making seven points, games. . . ·. h._


A f~w Rocky Mountain conference scores of Ja~t week:

At Dt"nver: Cdo.rado University 38, Denver 37.

At Fort Collins: Colorado College 40, Colo;ado Aggies 9.

I ed as final.

The Bobcats pla~r six gam"'~ tlu week, away from home.

The squeal of the pig pro1'abl;· sounded on the air Friday night, but it was certainly drowned out by the


while G1yun ·and Cottam each ruade I The p!armg was exc.ellent 1'l bot

sb,;. 1Jlman proved hims.elf stellar games, the teams ha\~mg had more. man fnr the UnivC'rsitv by niling up practice. During the flrst half of ~he a total Of cJcvcn poi~ts. Dahlberg Frosh-Senio~ game Miss Pack, actmg was next with ci-g-ht points. I as referee was hard pushed to keep

The Blue and Gold led by the re- up with the plays, the game was so 11cm1ed Hartwig ean~e back the sec- fast . Several funny incidents wer~ The flashy North Dakota Aggies ond viuht in a g-~ine tbat was a thdl!- also caused by the slipperiness of tbe must be slipping. Last week they ~ from 'the sta1t. The Grizzlies be- floor. The splendid teamwork o_n the were beaten by Creighton University, ·gan scoring- and at tl:c end of ten part of the t'rosh and the s~tll of 32_25. ~lnuteS had piled up a 11-2 lead over Dorothy Koger did much to .wm the __ _



$5.00 Each

1.he locals. Tt w~1.:; then tha.t Hartwig gnme. The so1Jhs came up ~1th a lodt I All reports coming from Missoula b f' I' h b k t d t tl-e of --ep but were only one point o.hea egan mr rn~ t t' as c an a ·· l' tl f" · fai l to mention the performan"P of 'Ono of the half the score stood H of the Juniors at the rnd of ie ""'",. an}· Bobcat players but Hartwig. He

KLEINSCHMIBT ::all. The second session was a clear half The game was close and there . . -nctCJry for the Bobcats. for at no wer~ a lot of good plays. The fin-al c-e-,r,.,,t.n=i=n=ly=h=a=s= a=lo=t=<>f=CT=ed=i=t=c=o=m=i=n=g=,================ "!irne during this period was the Uni- ga_mes are to be played some time I -versity ahead. 1'he game ended 3G- I this week. 1 ,..-------------------------------; 28 in favor of Montana State. 1 I

Hartwig was the bright and shin-, ing }fo:ht of the entire contest with 19 j'

TX>hits to his t.•redit, 18 of these com- I ing: from ii.:.ld goals. Glynn made ~ I ~~h .. t-$ and Coltnm G. Ulman, the star of the pre,·i us night. W!ls held down l bi 3 field goals and the famous Kelly to two field goals.



The .Bobkittens found the Manha t­Un Independents easy and won in a walkaway 40 lo 26 last Saturday eve­ning at the College Gym. However, t.he game had. very exciting moments of fast playing. Coacb Dyche shifted

-.bis men an<l found a fast moving new t:ombina tion, Yandell making 14 points at forward and Rosenkrantz also 14 at center. The line up for the Bob· Jrittens was Yendell and Johnson at .forwards, Roser.krantz center. and l>ime and Dolan guards.


The Bobl'iltene \\'On two straight vido1iu ~ror.: Sweet Grass County High schcol cf Big Timber. Last Thursday night the fro:sh beat Big·

"Timber at the Colle;!'c gym, 1Il to 77. Both teams i >layed classy basket- \·

ball. HeMchel Hurd wa< the hri"ht. tight on the frosh team.

Wonder what all the follows want dates fo1· Saturday night for? Eli 1'eels that ti ore's something in the wind-pt'obably in the. Emerson.

Tales Your Letters Cf ell

You have an "individual" hand· writing style. Your letters tell your character and temperament to one who knows how to read them.

Through the Eaton, Crane & Pike Company we are able to offer the service of individual character read· ings by an authority at a nominal. cost to all users of

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Let us explain this service. I GALLATIN DRUG


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M. S. C. Campus Scenes-Kodak Films

Alexander Art Co. "The Store of Quality Gifts' '



Wagner Bros. They're Going Like Hot Cakes

Just Received Smart New Spring Slippers


Quality Footwear and Hosiery

&lassie Barber Shop Basement Commercial Bank Five Barbei

CLASSIC BEAUTY PARLOR IN CONNECTION J.\farcell~g, Shampooing, ;Faeial Work, Dying, Bleachi.ti

and Manicuring


MILLINERY Newest Shapes - Reasonable Prices


We will i;ave you money on anything in the clothing Ii!

j. N. McCracken'& Son

Erickson Taxi Cab Co. BUS and TAXI SERVICE

Phone 314-W


Spring Spring Spring Yes Gang it's here and we have the new duds to 1

with it

Suits--Flannel and Cord Pants--See the new color mid Models

THE HUB Walk Over Shoes

Ed ru1d Lou Howard

Stetson Hats Nobby '1'

----- ! The Specialty Boot Shop '-------------'! Be Well Dressed at Small Co ,.---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_, ! WEAR Captain Blood

By Rafael Sabatini Author of

"Scaramouche" and "Sea Hawk"


l'tfatin!!e February 18 al 4 :00.-:.20c and 40c First Show at Night, 7:00-all Seats 50c

Rialto Augmented Orchestra Featuring

Special Musical Setting

Montana State College Bozeman, Montana

Courses are offered in Architectural, Civil, Electrical, Industrial, Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, in Agri­culture and its Various Branches, in Applied Science and in Househ<!lld and Industrial Arts.

Five New Buildings are now being a&!ed to the equ!J. ment of Montana State College. A school with a wonderiul campus, exten.slve 'i(!Uipment and competent faelllty; with a fine student spirit, m a town of finest environmenta.

For Information Write

Alfred Atkinson, President Bosemaa, Montana

I Hart Schaffner & Ma.rx Clothes this , pring, you'll like them



Farrell's Clothes Shop 1 Frank Farrel! 29 East Mahi


J . II. Dk:« (

Home of Hart ScllattMr a Marx Clothe!