lb v '« coming - digifind-it · at ibe council fire of miantonomo vib e las t nigh two pul...

U/AV , H Minna if tto PLA INFIELD. N. J.. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 2 1893. PRICE TWOCENTS. I TD PLAINFIELD. h Rtwi*»d With CordUl lB iht Chnrch Last Kijttt. ^ugrggalional Church was ^ F ^ M i W t w e n - with the genial i udreformta*.prowled Tbe rtweb looted very pretty with flora] dworatious. Upon the pntptt imdwrertlla IIHBS smilax sud ferns Inon ibe bnlM «nd- ferns/ il lit will) l'ite r chrysanthem, ni l U P°D (he floor ,T von!1E la r »nd Dt tbe chnrch were tiotoog tables from which the guests n n MTve«l witli refreshments by pret- i handsomely attired, who n appeared among tbe • Aititfiiiggroups with cake and cream. DM of the'tables presented a pink«f- [ttt fill) tall candelabra containing pntandles, atlonied by pink shades. s •:- or ttic same hne were also npon [it uble This tabe was presided orerb? Miss Adeline Parsons, and Miss HHi " The other table presented i men effect with lamps and shades o [hi[, color, to which was added ih< tfcet of green carnations, white rose ind dsujies. At Lliis table Mies Nelli Wliitoa anil Miss Florella Clark pre iiJcd. The •.•.!!• ladies in waiting were XmEIfledaWlniina.MissNellie Wincfc- ler, Miss Eiln.lieekman, Miss Cla Force, Miss Helena VanAIfityiie, M EMt Sifcrn, Mies Morse, Miss It. .Bap, MIK3 round, Miss Jenkins a In. LaBityieauK. Tuey were prettily tliired. some In white, olbtrs in blue tod one or two in green. Invitatlo •id been extended to all tbe clergym. 9 Ibe citv and a number of Ibcmwe jKwnij u'mong them Rev. I»r. Yerite., ttt. Dr; Lowry, Rev. C. E, Herring, S»t. M. E. Hwiglit, Kev. Edward fcxiDia, Bev. ilobart Clarke, Rev, Uaeolu Goodrich, of ItounJ Brook, the j W r t brother, Bev. Edward Love Tw. Dt.' J. P. Tajlor, Bev. i;. E Bines. Tie evening was spent most delight hilt tij .It present, tbe reception last- .-6. frinn eight o'clock to eleven and [be putnr, -together wilt, his lov. be>meet, bad reason to be prom, Utc cordial greetings upon this IU tm meeting with the congregal MOM their wedding. Mra (lootlricii iu round herself In the center circle ut warm and hearty friends •ill mftke her residence here ot etMniif&l joy. t r i r t DHBlfciofc, Who DTITM For H. P. Smith, of Tkls Cltr, Q«U MIiol Dp la Ean«w»j u d it Flnnj to tt« Bottom of » Ditch Vita the t u n na Top of Him. -Bvond * Pew S!ifiht Brniici. H. Lost evening about stx o'clock, Pat- ck IMminick, who drives for II. P. mllh, 'of this city, had a narrow es- pe from serions injury on Somerset •.'ct The coachman was driving mg tbe street behind one of his em- Iyer's horses, a valuable spirited anl- d, when one or the electnc cars ap- roacbed. ,i u»t ahead was the bridge (in* brook wbich Hows through e (Jod ding too eatHte winii; on either de was an open meadov. Knowing it the animal woald not stand the r'a approach, the coachman turned to the meadow, where be waited for e car to pass. ' The horse all this time bad acted cely and Patrick was begioniug U> iigraiolnte himself that nothing would appen, when the horse gave a saOden mp and sniru-d u> run away. Patrick " ~ nthe reins like grim death, as he ards said, and did bis best to the frightened animal. It was he conld do, however, and ie horse was soon on the edge uf the (eh, at the bottom or which tbe l flowed. Here the animal a mijijfii tnrn which npset tbe Dggy on topof him. Tbe horse ran own somerset street to tbe Arlington, lere be was cap.ured and tiis driver toon after came aloug polling what was ft ol tbe baggy behind him. Although vtTfil with mud from bead to fool, Htrick was unlDJnred, while the horse us not hurt either. PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. —Car No. 2 .-an off the- track near e corner of Mountain avenue and omtrset street bis morning and de- yed travel over tbe road lor quite mi! time. —Tue temperature fell to 22 degrees love zero this morning, a fall uf '24 egrees from the highest recorded y*>s~ rtlay. Thefall or rain during the rv- ent storm was .11 ofan Inch. During ioi)lli of NoveoiOur List year uver nchea of snow fell. Ntne fell e*r and still weather cranks pre- ct a severe winter. —The annual offering for Foreign 11betaken iu tbe• Congrega- BIDDING HIM BOSVOYAGE. . A very complete surprise vras ten feral lo William Peebles, of the Wes -'!•!», lant iii^ht by a number of hi frieode Who wish to express their re peduthiH departure for Scotland to •peuKbe-Wiiuer. A company niim beriog about fony met a lie Hall ut Ttijid itree twJfirani a?enu«, with everything it retdinest fur the sarprise wtien Mr ^HcGinnie went over to engngfl Jlr Ftcbies in a elmI. They finally walke< mitogetlier and brought up where thi , JJW.J was Bwaliiug thuin, and the sur [priMtutbeir friend was then seen b teftry cumplute. , Dancing was Inan EnrUed and wasfee[>tup Until twi tfelock this morning by William Nicliol •M. Mr Peebles will have occs ' Wrtmemlitr the eve of his retun ^ld n HESOST or HERLATE SOU. A large size pictnre of the late Re f H •r. Mar fcotcli. I' '" ; " v-i. •otliT. UndJy re picture w ze pictnre of the late Rev y, former pastor of Hi na MeibodigtCnurch, wl tonight lo Mr. Haroncy rprlse a pjlier lseto of he Th SBpurchased by thecoutribu uoDg of a number of ladies in tl "the mutlier In carrying out tlie wi, •therwn made just before his dent MOTHER NOVEL will !-- tssaed the Courier i "A BRIDE' }.'• FROM ' THE SEA l>y ibe author of . - DORA THORNE. .RROWLY E8CAPED INSTANT DEATH, onal Chi —Thei rds and trustees of Bev. A. V. Henry's Betlitl A. M. E. Bs.ons will liold a rally In Republican il! loiuorrow loreiioou, alierjoon aud eniog. Kev. Thomas W. attfe, will preach at 11a. m. tuid 15 [i. m. —Mark Levv, the Hebrew evange- st, will relate t,tie t>Wry or tils eon* ID aud conduct the Young Meu's M ig at the Y. M. G. A tomorrow. —Tue extra marshals will be oi«a- lred for tlicir newucilurnis this e —Onlv Lbree weeks to Christmas, so Idsall'a new announcement states, arid e says it will be toihu purchaser's ad aotoge to call early at bis store ant genre Drat choke, as his Christmas oods are well displayed now aud e looked over in a very short »1 Belectious luude easy before rusb." At Ibe Council fire of Miantonomo Vibe last night two pule fates t adopted. - • .ri^<.'i n s wall resume work on I ty hut expect U» biint down at Ulirisl- ,as lime. —Members of Somerset Council No. 04 Jr., O. U. A. M. are requested meet In tbe rooms at sevea o'clock to- i they will proceed in ody tothe First Presbyterian Cliurc to hear the sermon prepared for them jy Kev. C. E. Herring. —Tlie teachers of Grace M. jurch Sunday-school had a meeting >i evening at wbiclf they diseased um for their work during ibis month Hreem ADoyle, of North avenue ive removed Irom Ihdr 'former loca- _-'i.diuee will be beld,on Coles Hll East Front street New Years « t_The North Avenue Clnb sent a ;ood sized delegation to White Houar o attend tats sale ol loUthis afLernoon . On account of tue atwence of Ooun ilmaa Howell, at the Boroogn Ooau il meeting last ulght, DO eitra Mar bal waa appointed for drty IuWash -ton Park. Mr Is the chair ^ Jn of U»e Commituse on Police an( had fall cbarga of the matter. The coal men and butchers ss; jey are "pretty well thank you." Ni wouder, with the mercury Binlug will ireeziog potut. —At the regular mou'.hly meetlsg 0 Warrco Engine Company which will be itjld next Tue«dsy evening the qaestlo >f opening their recently decorate. isrlors to public inspection will be con udered. The Woman' Relief Corps, of Win- ?ld Scott Pott No. 73, O. A. R. met st nielit to hold an election for officers >r the ensuing term. The Belief Corps Barry Post, of Rahway, was present see howthis »as done by the farmer orps or the State, and to get such oints of enlightenment for their corps ort, as they were not familiar withbe- re. The bnsfneas part ol the meeting oc- npied a longer time than was expected 1 it was not until alter ten o'clock it the election was completed nod the oorswere thrown open to admit the rotber visitors, the members of Wln- ild Scott Post. Forsume;time before e Post had been lined op l-i the cor- lor outside awaiting admission, while e flavor of steaming coffee greeUd elr olfactories with a tempting effect. •casionallv a veteran would remark Her a long snlfi", "My! but that coffee good, I wonder when tbe door will be icncJ." There was no use trying to ol a "Vet" Mil-mi, that coffee, who I the tented Beld had many a time ilrsted Tor saeh a luscious draught, as sat upon ibe ground with bis drum Mil for a (able Bud munched his bard ck between sips of muddy water. No tempt was made to fool bim as the )Qee was good. Ail were finally ad- itted to il and a general good time llowed, while the camp fire burned leerfully among tbe implements and slics of war. Commander Dobbins took his place eside tbe President anil made a lew imentary remarks about Woman's elief CurpB in general aud the two, rere present in particular. Justice* added a fewthoughts that seem- d lo clinch theCommander's words, id Robert Milligan. of West Held, told e story o( woman's heroic deeds aong the dead and dying on fields of tile, fur from home aad kindred. A imorouB sketch was given by Mrs. nnyon, of Bah way, about how she tamed Caleb, aud Mra. Andrew Cox >ld the siury uf "Old ''i ••-•.• an 1 the ggs." W. C. Smltn, the sweet ningcr lue Port, gave tbe song "Nauiiug ihe by." Tlie Corps officers were elect- as follows: President, Mrs. S. SI. Angleman, uior Vice Prcsidenl, Mrs. M. C. jbblns, Juaior Vice President, Mrs. L. McVoy, Treasurer, Mrs. E. C. ui-sf, Chaplain, Mra. Anesta Conrtn, ouductor, Mrs. Eliza lUdin, Guard i -s Rol>ert Matwx, lislegaies to the epanment Convention at Trenwu, Mrs. Sarah A. Woodruff, and Mrs. Brokdw. Alteraatea, Mrs. Badin nd Mrs. Mana Moore. OF OBIO, ClTT Or TuiJCULl,) _ " J- Uta«stBr iii'skwonlli Uut I NOT NOWONTEHTED FIELD. i t BMldt th» Chwrfnl Cuap Rr« la CITU Lif., Tetttaa* aad Vuullw K*M to Till Af aJn How taa B»ttl« VasToncat aa« Won. —With Hot C«ffM ud Lijtr Cak* H»rd Talk la •ftka Dm Corp. Taaui a ^ t l m PMMfally »i ki» Hon., Is I M By Us Co«radM toB*»m. Snt.r- tatBtr.—Made udL«n»ht«r Until KM- One or the most complete surprises f tbe season upon an Innocent, nneus- rson, was tbe one tendered Kreitling, of West Front troet by his brathern of tbe Independ- nt Fife and Drum Corps. The boys ere out in their new coats and looked ist too sweei to live,when the idea on- in <K1 to them to pay a visit to their oung associate and see how he woald and the ore&l. It Is sospected that Hiss Henrietta Kreitling, the pretty mng sister of the mncb surprised •ung man,bad a great deal to do wltb e arrangements or the event and it is iown that be young man, down to the ear old sister, were aware that some- bing was about to take place, but had :ept awfully ninm about IE. Besides liit, sonle guests, who hadleft after hanksgivlng, retained and a number f Corps boys' sisLera dropped in that tning before the drams were heard. they must have known something MR. Vhen the corps reached the house ir young associate was going tojoin iesn as be sappoaed Tor a march, bnt he leader, Frank Manchester, politely formed himthat be was needed right . home. When the truth dawned upon m It took Iti.Ti some minutes to get bis 'quilebriam again, amid the laughter if ie family and gnesls. The evening was spent with charades, iMtiuus andpiano t/ios, winding up b a very pleasant repast wbich help- to brace the guests as they lumed rard home. Among the guests were rofesBor and Mrs. A. O. Carpenter, iss Mabel Wilson, Missbcheeleln,Miss hepherd, Miss Newman, Hiss Terry, ' this city and Professor and Mrs. Cas- :gnier and tbe Misses Castegnler, or ' iwYork. About noon Thomu MtGanu, fro; e mountains, had a little episodedu ig bis viait to tlic city, wbich veze nm quite a little. He was driving on Part uvenne, in a topunggy and w! Second street he whipped np -to •ifor. Just theu a wagon driven by a Mr Staats came acros) the avenue re Ur '•!.(,,.:.:. sawhim. Tne latter lled upsuddenly throwing him do' uiile tUe uhulis, and tlie rush of the Dwd scared tbe horse so tbat he near- twisteil the shafts off and would hi broken the harness badly in a mom more. Mr. McUaun expressed hiuii s mad enough to flght the uuconsoit ause ol' all Ins trouble, if he hadco task. No Rjcicg in Jtrifj. 'here must have been a strange sen- ion all over this State of Jersey yes- ilay. For tbe first time Iu years a week day went by without a crowd of gamblers, touts andother equally dii- eputable persons assembling some- where in the State to see six second-class ior§e races. The men who have been growing rich through ignoring or vio atlng the laws of tbe titate bave, ap- parently, discovered tbat il Is to tbeii nivantugo to keep within tbe limits c he statutes. THE PARK'S SEW BULLETE* BOARD. A large bulletin board baa beet ilaced at the head of tbe stairway Sr lic Park Club boute and now the clnil members will obliged to strahi their eyes to read the club notlcer vrhich have always been written oi imall pieces of paper and pinned under tbe club clock. The new board wil 111 a long-felt want. THE COKIBG COHCXBTS OF THX CHORAL 80CHTT. The dates for the cominr concerts to be given In Music Hall by the -al Society have been fixed fo December 21, March », and May 10 The Uckois will soou be out aud se- lections for tbe programme will soon Duouoced. SaJd Nature to 1'tayHe. -what pltj that w Who ouBh! to be mendi dioul.i m>M ~ agree. Mr atrength la extaaiuted, or enersr FVomthe volley ot blue pilta " ' tjhtmd. It 11 not .frui*^ rhat Nature should . irate against the use of tbcae BTlploB- an Urutlt blue marblea, with which old forlea medloins ptr.lsi In doalos* tltstr natlen Thar arenot onlr i^roiunf In appe»raDce but ofteutiiata actually Injuriona In the! in. Yet Nstun needs Kn» help In c _ _. naohWIrmeriMPep*!*. uon.tlp.tlon liver trMblea, and forUnrtalr i h c t m i valuable aaalatajit In Dr, Plaroc'a naaaai Pallets which, iraall as btfd ted, never fail lo act elfocti vi-ly tbou« n comni SUIPBUI or THE The S. A. C's. a clnb or y«une boys ho reside 10 ihe nonhern part or the ty, gave an entertainment Isst eveu- ig toliieir acquaintances in their clnb >om in the ton or U. T. Barnes' bwn Q Norwood avenue. It was thein- intion or the boys to have had a baukBgiving dinuer last night and lelr eiitensiuinent another night, but fear that they tnigbt not be equal to feast, ihey dined on Thaukujriving ve Instead. The entertainment lust trr'it consisted oi" music, rectUtlon? and uple of short plays'and was lo !:,•• i- nd up with a boxing mateb, buL lor that the police of ihe city might loo Inquisitive, It was given np. pleasant eveulug came to an end it ten o'clock and all voted it to ave been a great success. QUOD SHOOTING Al ELIZABETH. The Friendship Gun Club of Elixi betb, composed ol some of tbe best booten living near tbe meadows, bad " ! shoot onThanksgiving Day. Tbe •est scores were made by J. Spelrl, B. HcCandles, R. Krenger, 6. Erse, II. ^omm, O. Hlney, J. Kent, A. Bis- ffshaascn, J. Authera,C. Burnbeimer, Oonbee, J. Steindurdt, J. Hoffman, d A. Keller. After tbe shooting e members and invited guests re- Ired to the Club House and had the jest sort or a good time. Refresh- s, solid and liquid, were served without stint. Many guests were pres- ent from Plainfiald. Tbe Clnb will hold its next shoot on Christmas Day. A VOICE FR0S THE C0I0EED VOTER?. Among tbe speakers at the meeting held at Thomas Martin's on Plainfleld .venue last night. The candidate for Constable, Frank Vanltei-boof, was present, and made a short speech Kilntlng out the advantages to be ;ained"by each colored voter casting Is ballot early in the morning. About wenty-flve voter* were present from different wards In tbe city, and eacb axpreued his Intention uf voting regular Republican ticket next Tuesday. It was moved and seconded that as reprevenllvet, of the colored vot- ers of this city, they Indorse tbe regn- ar Republican ticket and do ail In their iwer to elect It. Tbe Chairman was I). C Moody and tbe Secretary was Ed. Washington. CUT on na WITHOU] A POTT. The will of tbe late Cbauncty Etipley has been Bledforprobale. I. _ n the doctor's own baadwiiting. It was written last Hay.Jobn K. Creevej, of Now York, Is named as executor without bonds. The doctor's law llbrarj Is given toCuarles S. Hayes, 81,000to •he Cemetery AssocIaUon, to be invest- ed and the proceeds to be used to keep bU grave In order; «l,000 to Buctnel University and <100 to ench of the em ployees on tbe farm at WcslBeld. Two Bftbs of the remainder of tlie estate is bequeathed to John K. Creevey, two filths to Bucknell University and one ftfth to Charles j. Hajes, None of the doctor's relatives is mentioned In document. There Ugood reason Tor the pop- ularity of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Davis & Board, of West Monterey Clurlon Co., Pa., says, "It b u cnre< people that oar physicians could d noihiug for. Wepenuaited them to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Congh Remedy andthey lowrecommend I with tbe rest of us." 25 and SO cen bottles for Hie by Reynold's Ph Park andNorth T strong, manager. PERSONALIA Prof. Stein, tbe leader of the singing section oftheGesang and Turn Tereln, as rented tbe boose at No. 44Manning •renne. A pleasant birthday party was ten- ered to Miss Minnie Hendricbs, at tne rllngton Hotel last night, by her nele Henry Wlndham. Tbe party was held In the private parlor which was nicely decorated for the occasion, upper was served about midnight and was late tbls morning before tbe last nest bad departed. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Msfleit, of nueilen, together with Mr. and Mrs. Imrles Runyon, of this city, look their 'banksgiviny turkey at tbe residence f Harry C. Rnnyon, on Arlington av- Henry Honeymau, organist of the S'ew Germantown Presbyterian Church, pent bis Thanksgiving with his broth- Knox- Taylor, PrtnceUn's Right lard,'Is-a Bound Brook boy. Mrs. James Atwood, or Treaton, line to tbe city last nigh t ona visit lo nends and to attend the camp lire of tnd Winfleld Scot Vt, or Warren street, i ber house with an attack or pneumonia, is somewbat bet- er and hopes are entertained of her llimate recovery. IdaA. Fountain, the daughter fBoronch Councilman R. H. Fonn- din, ofWillow avenue, is visiting ber raodfatner John D. Hunt, at New- own, Long Island. Lon Ayres, and his uncle, I. on 'ownley, will go Monday to San An- elo, Texas, to spend the Winter. Capt G. W- Morrison will lead -the eeting at Washingtonvtlie Memorial Impel tomorrow evening. A reception was held at tbe residence t M. M. Dunham, on Arlington avenue, ostt honor of Frank F.Free- lan, or Noank, Conn, at wbicb were number of friends from New Market odDuoellen, Rev. Arthur Crane, the evangelist, ho has been preaching at Washing- jnvllle for tbe last week with Ibe re- alt Of some thirty conversions, will com- mence services at Warren Cbapet, >rU> Plainfield tomorrow evening, ubjact: "A call to service." Praise ervice at 7:45 prompt. Bible readings id Christian service Tuesday to Friday elusive at 3 J». BL MIBS Annie Collins, of NewYork, is islUng her sister Mrs. 8 Sharkey, of Richmond street. Last Wednesday evening, Miss Hcr- ba Ton<ry aud Cbarlea W. Bally, both i Fanwood, were united in marriage y the Rev, W. A. Alexander, at the residence of Mrs. Martha Jones, on East Sixth street. At the conclusion f the ceremony, refreshments were served and the. happy conple were wished all manner ol good things in beirjourney through life. William Trust, of Park avenne, ex- lects to go to Scran ton today ortomor- ow, summoned by the Illness or a sis- J. II. Ken j on, of Richmond s'reot, * having ibe sidewalk In front ol bis iroperty, curbed and flagged. Miss Ritie P. Wllliis, of SouthAra- KJV, is visiting her sister, Mrs- A. M. tunjon. of Madison avenne. " ht. andMrt. Clarence Treat, of Au- i N. Y. who bave been, visiting di the past BOROUGH SIDEWALKS RECEIVE ATTENTION. AM Ordinue* lalatlva Mth.ic Kaiattbuaae and Eep«lr, Introduced lath* Bsroath Conacil lut VVBt —A MtMibn of la- porti i* i«.iTed, Bot V»rr Lull. Bml- nm II TraaaMUd Owisi to tt« AIMMM Of & » • » ! Of th. ClIltBCtlBU. Bnt tittle business of importance was transacted at tbe meeting of the Borough Council last night, owing to the absence of Councllmen Hammer. .-ell sod Edwards. Nopetitions or munications were read andafter a few bills bad been presented for audit, the regular routine business was taken ip. Councilman Needbam reported tbat he Had communicated with George Ii. Frost, the chairman ot the Sewerage Committee of the city, as requested by ihe last Council, bat that no meeting the malnUinance and repairs of iwalks, which was adopted on Its first reading. Councilman Fountain re- ported tbat the bill of the North Plain, field Electric Light Company for Octo ber been reduced $14 worth andit was the Auditing Com mi Itee. He also reported that the lamp which the E. Honey man complained of had been repaired. A repori from Marshal Pangborn ihowed that during November two elec- ric light lamps on Stone street aad two in Vino street, had been int for a number of nights. Councilman fount nil) reported tbat an estimate would iw received from the North FlainBefa Electric Ligct Com- pany in a fewdays in regard to lighting ibe Borough for the ensuing year. The showed tne reflector ot a bad been taken down from opposite to Stein's place, Greentirook road, which loles, evidet .11 boss. A DELIGHTJDL THAKKBOIVUG FAJtTI A number of friends of Miss Je'nnl' Frcntc, of Scotch mains, were enter- tained by their hostess in a very as.ree-' able manner, Thursday night, at he| borne oo Wettfleld avenue. Adelight- ful programme of amusement had been prepared by her and It net the ex- tremea of their ('no-loving procUrfUe* tdmlrably, so tbe evening was made o pass very pleasantly. Tbe gnesli were:—Mi** Edna Nicholl. Hiss Amy Cook, Wiss Lain Bobison, Miss Alice; Johnson, Miss Netiie Flannery, Miss Mazie Uriggs, His* Florence (juerean| Miss Minnie Hossioger^and Miss Mar- Its Jimerson, :ot Scotch Plains, Blanch Noeman, of Trenioa, M\se Emma Jimerson, Edwin Fancher, Wil- nn Hszell, Cbanncey Smith, of West- Id, Edward Hedeubnrg, of CranfonL ,mes jIcNalr, oF Brooklyn, Frank Innnery, Rambant Collins, Bichard'. Bobison, F. Monte, Horace Hand, II- oung, Mrs.C. N. Brown,Mra. (itiarle* renu, Mr. and Mrs. Jimerson, Mr. nd Mrs. Putnam and Frank I'utnam, On Thi nslo love i ther opportunity uf "hearing Blacta- utti. who sings on that evening in Re-. orm Hall, lor the benelil of Emmanuel iapUst Churcb. Black Eattl has won r herself . an enviable reputation/ herever sbe bas snng she has reeeiv- d tbe highest praise. Tbe best ronel* cal critics speak of ber as one or the greatest singers of the age. Tbose wbd ad the pleusure,of bearing ber when ie sang Inthis city some time ago, wilt e glad of the opportunity or bearing; tr again and Reform Hull will undoubl- dly be well Blled next Tbarodaj niglit. s p , riddled wllb bullet ly made byhunters ami Tb Mhl td his inability to previ Council m y Marshal reported t tbe firing. tain reported 250 notices reliable to ffering of a reward for stand conviction of persons who destroy theelectric lamps, bad been printed and be asked tbat tne Marshal see that they be placed on every light pole Iu the Borough. The sidewalk ordinance was placed on its second read- ing and ordered printed. A resolution offered byCoundlm&n Neal providing for the payment of $1,000 borrowed-for the general road account Irom H. N. tipeucer, was adopted, as was one w f tiOO dne Decembei 27, for another month. The Auditing Committee reported ibe bills correci ahd tbe Council adjourned. THE? TAXT TOBX0EQAMIZX. Another secret meeting ol Demo- ratic leaders. In Union county was f ' ant nigbt In tbe rooms of the Ui intj Democratic Society at Elizabeth, tbe purpose of trying to reorganize party. Tbe call for tbls meeting; was signed byJames E. Martlne, and; etters were mailed to every prominent Democrat In tbe coontv. Assemblyman Late Is also goin take a ircular to every'Democrat of note ii be county asking for co-operation, ant hopes lor early replies. SMASHUP ONTHELEHIGH, (SPECIAL TO THE COUKIER.) * WHITE HAVES, P., Dec. 3 ^ T w Lehigh Valley freight trains collided his place early this morning. Fir ollowed, burolug the can, and in ames commanlcated wllb the Etuhnk loiol, bnrniug it with several stores. og. Mr. andMrs. wllltftm Brooks, who spent Thanksgiving In this city have re- turned home. Mr. Brooks Is on the taff of tbe Morning Journal. Mr. aud Mrs. James Lindsey, of -ak-m, are visiting John Lindsey, of 'rospect avenue. Mrs. William Siape, of West Front street, has gone to Salem Inresponse to a telegram rrom ber moiber Mrs. Mary Thompson who was attacked with paralysis a day or :xpeeled to survi' Oago, and Is not i it, .she it-B9 years 111th. XMUUIBSI Bsptltt Ckmnh ba BDIII •• Kicbmond MrMtt The people of Ihe Emmanuel Baptist Church seem to be having considerable trouble in getting their church started on Richmond street. Some time sgo they secured a lot on tbat street, be- tween Third and Fourth streets, to whlcb they intended moving, a portion of tbe old oil cloth factory wblcb they bad purchased. They even went so far as to dig the cellar for the building, and to get ready for removal. Now comes tbe report tbat the church Is to be ocaled on North avenue near Rerck- man street, and that tbe colored peo- )ie bave been Induced to eicl Llielr lot on Richmond street for tb> on tbe avenne. Howtrue the repoi be, cannot be ascertained at present, but It Is certain tbat tbe work of mov- ing the bmldlng and of building the foundation has stopped, snd tbat there is a feeling In tbe neighborhood tbat ii might be as well for the chorea to be located on some other street than Richmond. IX0STCAGI S3 T0UID THE PROPEETT A complication in some l.asiness sirs relating to A. M. Seguine came lo ght this morning which called the at- tention of some parties interested in hem in this wise. His carriages, a coupe rockaway, a ght wood rocd wagon,' a light wood urrey anda Berlin coach, were beld inder a chattel mortgage owned by udge W. A. Coddlngton, and Soar orses and four sleighs were beld under a mortgage owned by French Brothers, festerday JudgeCoddington foreclosed I'H mortgage. This morning the pro- perty was missed from iu accustomed llace anda search was made fu )ne wagon was found at Spaffords barn n WestQeld, another in Jersey City, hird at Marshall's in this cltj and oi at Homan'i. Of the horses one was found at Jer- sey City* ud one on tbe way there. The sleighs were found at Net her wood. Officers nave been to Jersey City .he property, and are expected back with It tonight BMU* World fall-forKftaM Casts. Upon receipt of yonr address ai fifteen cent in postage sumps, *'« * - mall you prepaid oar Souvenir Portfolio of the World's Columbian Exposition the regular price Is fifty centa, but as we want you to have one, we makethe price nominal. Yon will flr.d it a WO of art nnd a thing to be prized, contain* fall page views of tbe gn buildings, wllb descriptions of same,* Is executed inhighest style of art not satisfied with it, after youget IV will refund tbe stamps and lei you keep the book. Address H. £. Bucklen k Co., Chicago IIL TO TAKK ABOUT BOHAMMEDAHISM. m On Monday evening of next weel sm, In whlcQ he became a partial be lever while I". S. Consul at the I'hilti >ine Islands. Mr. Weob has devotet en years of his lire to tbe stndy of thi slam, and is one of'the few American! who has studied from Slohammedai authorities. Mr. Webb comes U Plalnfield with DO desire for flnancla gain, and only asks that be may be s corded a rospect ful hearing. IT Till WAT. —An ear trumpet which was adver- sed as lost tu last bight's Courier, was miid by a Courier readersod returned >its rightful owner. Courier adver tlsemoDts do tbe business every lime —Tbe Gesan; and Turn Vereln are making arrangements to give a grand concert the litter part or this month. —The interior of the new Seventh Day Baptist Church was t , thorough cleaning yesterday and the pews put in place to see II" '* all right. —The Common Council meets on Monday night Tor ihe regular Decem * ler meeting. —James Donahue said th.s noon 'I have made two improvements to- day on Front street. I have repaired the cross-walk at tbe First National Bank and the one at ibe post-office people won't fall while crossing it Tbls was done byorder of Robert Meeker, tbe beat Street Comml ' that Plainneld ererhad." struck another hard blow with the pick Into another bad cross-walk. BLACK PATTI COXIXQ. tmrsday evening next week,'the' overs of this city will have an- COMING The time far Blankets, Quilu snd thicker Underwent. 1 have them in all qualities, snd priceB, >wer than ever before. ' , - HOWARD A. POPE. board, central location. exchanged. Apply at No. 906 Eatt Front Mreet, Plainfield, N-J. tf hand on his own iting the party. He has THE GOOD THJNfiS or TODAT afaonld not be Neglected tee -. PECK'S STOCK. WAllTS Am OKIES. H ALF CROWN GIRL—Wantet *4«s- MUSIC HALL. Saturday, Dec. 2. EVERYTHING NEW Hngh DonghertR's World's Fair I I MINSTRELS. q Columbiin Exponition. FIHST PABT.j EVERT NATlOlf BETTER, BRIGHTER, TO- MER THAN EYER, The Grenadier Band will give a con- HAMS 11- LARD 9 WHERE? MacDbnald'a' ; - The only place where cash buyers can get a double inducement. WOBTH BEADUVCT NO TAXES. NOINTEREST. for one year from date of purchase. * t ever offered to the people of this city to pnrchaso a lot on one of.the principal utreeU in Flainfleld, N. J, We now offer flj? 40 LOTS 25x100 on Boath arena borner i>er^kra»n street. Only tea inldtifM' "tralk Tom the dup->t. Terms 95 per cent cash, and$10 per month. No anctioneer'fl fees. Maps at office;of O. H. Hand, SlT^Vrtehang avenue. j -1 John F. Mela tyre, North arenne. J. T. Vail, Agent, 117 North ,*venue. MANUAL TRICING SCkOQL SO© EAST FRONT STREET; M JOHN DAIXIEL, Prinrfp* 5 I'm-kind ud k h e h u M Dr.wi»8, l i n a i Drmwi Ud LctteriM. Scroll S»w Work, F«alrj, Geology u,d P ModdlBj, Wood Tinrng .nd CM« Joln-ty ««1 C ker, OroamenWt Iron ud Vice W«rk. | Each Scholar Receives Individual Instruction. PRICE 20 cents PER HOUR, ' Piplls Orer Eleven Ton Age Cm Eater it kmy Tlpe SopecUl JkXTtikfmmxtM M»4o fop LaAloa. '•',. t IJlainficlb (£ottfirf. f oi,-m y°- 49 - - ^iCQBcl PIAINFIEIO. ^ c u 0~"'ck - 'k- c~ to * _‘*,-in«a «”"•* w,a C”’"* 1 u4 B-ni Groattata br tk* ^,.u» « '* »•"* t “* Tw , Coogrcgadonal ChBrch »“ T ** -itbliclu® to the observer foom SSTiS cherry -W gonrai if bcpluuit for on. who Ten- f 10 *. ' oigbl upon 'h« OerAtiOD 1 w ^ntioa by the con* rogation purac Be' <• ' Ooodhcb. and '«" wtn *" , ' ry b W’ t *7? bc mingling ol pl»«nt people In "pm, *»“•* up Into little and reforming, presented a nrtui dlMoiviog view to one who **2,h«klnr on. Each oc« wbo bad the reeeptlou waa making oilier one feel very much al CLi M introduction* anil a merry !?r The ebnreb waa well Oiled, and .ho were prvaenl were auxloue to i«t lira (JooJrirb »*d be ber *T» ehon’Ii looked very pretty with (oral decorations. Upon the pulpit Mad acre rails biles, I'poa Ike pa - PLAINFIELD. N. J.. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 2 1893. nilax au»J ferw, chryMnttifmurn«k _ i Mil fern*.' an 1 upon the floor 2£d r«u *Uh *»'iie rme* (M lie *c*t w«lv ot the church were t—to<>C »*t)le» tnwn which the ijnp*;# nra *efTe«1 with refreabmeot# by prot- p roang * handsomely alttred, who tnr awl •’*<’" PI** ! » rao *K foe rnttwlag groups with cake and cream. ot Uie’Ublca prcaeaied a pinkwf- 1*1 «1lh tall candelabra containing pMaodle*. adorned by pink shade* i /torn of the same hue wore also upon to uble Tbi# tab e waa presided mr to Mis* Adeline I'anont, tod Mias Esi The Ollier table presented a fives effort with lamps and ahadca or tot color, to which waa added the fcrt of greou carnaliona, whit* react isddaisiea At thin table Mien Nella Klitoa and Miss Kiorvlla Clark pre- fid fto Tones ladies in waiting wore KpEMxWblllDC, Mias Nellie Winck- hr. Miff Ed*. Uvekmau, Mias Clara Tttx. Miss Helen* YonAlatyne, Miss Ewe Sufferii. Mite Morse, Mite Hcl- lup, Mim IVmud, Mies Jen kins and In UlDylcauX. Tuey were prettily It.rrd, tome In white, others In blue mi one or two In green. Invitations toJbevo extended to all the clergymen the city nud a uumlier of them were jnstot, utnong them Rev. Dr. Yentes, Isv.Dr. I*«wry, Rev. C. E. Herring. I*f M E Dwight, Rev. Edward kwais, IUfV. Hobart Clarke, Rev Usroia Goodrich, of Hound Hrook, the tonr*« brother, Rev. Edward I»ve % Eer. l>t. J. I*. Taylor, Kev. C. K. Baran. Tke evening wua spent most delight- Mv by all preaent, the reception laat- 0$. from eight o’clock to eleven and the pastor, . together with Ills loviug le^mset, had reaaon to be pread of to cordial greeiloffs upon this their frw feting with tbo congregation •see their wealing. Mrs (Joodrieh lu found hcraelf In the center of nrrte of warm and hearty friends w! n, mac her residence hero on<* of cwsuuual ioy HIDING HIM BO I VOTAGE A very complete snri»r1se was ten- •Weed to William l'evblea, of the Wes *>, last nlglit by a number of his fhesds slit, wish to expreas tbelr irsts st his departure lor Scotland to •pw-llhe Winter. A company about forty met Ike Hall ut Tlilid a 11 •*1 '.rant svenu'*, with everything In "•dice* for the surprise when Mr ^IWnaais went over to vngwge Mr ftebws id a chat. They finally walked t*together and brought up where the . Psr.j *m awaiting them, and the * pri» to tbeir friend was then sec fcfery complete. . Dancing was I I****! sod was Wept Qp Until two •dock this morning by William Nicbol- Mr Peebles will have occasion the eve of liis return to .‘••Whom O MIMOET Of HEX LATE SOM. A Urge siu picture of the late Re Mr. Mtroney, former jiaator of the fcotch Plains Mcthodiat Church, wl* le presented tonight to Mr Maroney MWh. r. as a surprise to her and kiadJj rcmrndieranee of her aoo. The pletore wsspnrcbaecd by the cutitrlbu- t**"* of a number of ladies in the jkurrh, and Is Intended as a surprise/ ‘•the mother In carrying out the wish * her son nude Jest before his death NARROWLY ESCAPED INSTANT DEATH. Vitruk Damtalck, Who Drtvaa Tw E. f.' Smith, of This Cttjr, Otta Mlicd Up la a Eamaway aad U Flam* U tha BoUom of a XMUh With tha Wogm oa Top of Hi».-E^»d a few liight Brvlaoa. la UaiwJaraA. Lost evening about six o’clock, Tat-' rica Domloick, wbo drives for II. P. Smith, of this city, had a narrow es- cape from oerioas Injury on Somerset atreeL The coachman waa driving along the street behind one of bis em- ployer’s horses, a valaaMe spirited ani- mal, when one or the electric cars sp- preached. Just ahead was lbs bridge over the brook which flowa through the Ooddingtos estate wmie on either aide was an open meadow. Knowing that the animal would not stand the car’s approach, tbs coachman turned into the meadow, where he wailed for the car to paaa. The horse all this time bad acted nicely aud Patrick was beginning congratulate himself that nothing would happen, wh«u the horse gave a auddeu jump and started to run away. Patrick held on the reins like grim death, ss he afterwards said, and did his beat to golds the frtgblcoed animal. It was little that bo could do, however, and the horse waa noon on the edge of the ditch, at the bottod of which the flowed. Here tho animal made a aaadeo tarn which ap»et the buggy on top of him- The horse ran down nomeraet street to the Arlington, where he was cap.ured and his driver souq after came along pulling what was left of the baggy behind him. Although covered with mad from bead to foot, Patrick was uninjured, while the horse was uot hurt either. MOTHER ’NOVEL will he ieeeedtr I bride' ' FROM THE sea: ••J I be author of Dora Thorne. PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. —Car No. 2 .*an off the track near the corner of Mountain avenue and Sotm reel street bis morning and de- ayed travel over the road Tor quite —The temperature fell to 22 degrees above zero this morning, a tail of 24 degrees from the highest recorded yes- terday. The fall of rain during tho re- storm waa .11 of an Inch. During the niootli of November last year over four ipehea of snow felL None fell year and Mill weather crunks pre- dict a severe winter. —The annual offering for Foreign Mission sill be lakeu io the Congrega- tional Church tomorrow. —The stewards aud trustees or Rev. A V Henry's lleibtl A. M E. Missions will hold a rally lu Republican Hall tomorrow forenoon, afternoon and evening. Ittrv. Tliomws W. Chose,of Orange, will preach at 11am. and 7*5 p. oi. —Mat k Levy, the Hebrew evange- list, will relate the siory of his conven- Ion aud conduct the Young Men's Meet- ing at the Y. M. I*. A tomorrow. —Tue extra marshals will be m«o- sured for their new uniforms this even, lng. —Onl v three weeks to Christmas, so Edsall's new announcement states, arid he soya it will be lu Ihu purchaser’s Ad vantage to call early at bis store and secure first choice, as his Uhnstmss goods are well displayed nuw aud < be looked over In a very short ti and aelocilous made cosy before the “nub.” —At the Council fire of Mhntononu Tnbe last nlglil two pule fat es were adopted. —Siogeia alll resume work on Mon’ day out ox|wct to abut down ttl Christ- mas lime. —Member* of Bomersel Council No 104 Jr., O. U. A. M sre requested to meet In tho room# si seven o’clock to- morrow when they will proceed In body to the First Presbyterian Church to hear the sermon prepared for them by Rev. C. K. Herring. —Tlio teachers of Grace Church Sunday-school bad s meeting Ism evening at wbicrf they diBrassed plans for tbeir work during ibis month. Ilrccm k Ifoylo, of North avenue, have removed irom their former loca- tion, —A discs will bo held on Doles Hill East Front street New Years ui*. —Tbo North Avcnne Clob sent a good s^ted delegation to White House > el tend the sole of lots this afternoon. . —On Ac count of the abac nee of Ooan dlrnao Howell, At the Boroogn Conu- cil meeting Iam night, no 9xm Mar- shal was appointed for drty In Wosb- iogton Park. Mr Howell is the chair- man ot tbe Committee on Police and had fall charge ol the matter. The coal men and batchers say they ore “pretty well thank you.” No wooder, with the mercury flirting with tbe iiwufl* point. At the rag alar monthly meeting of Warren Euglne Company which will be held next Tuesday evening the question of opening their recently decorated parlors to public inspection will be con- sidered. STAB Of Oaio. Crxr or Toisso,) _ rm«* L 7,°$SpMcy rT tn*fa» O.H. U»1 u sssorSKitsswir'iKa; ““'“““fk.,,, CIIBNKV. jamem kskt! t v. HOT NOW ON TENTED FIEll). nwiaikiOMOicu, tin t> ctm Uk. Trtmii u4 ThMr hllta u IW1 Atut Btw IWkill, tur^ii u< w... Wiu EH CMTh ul lu. CH. HudTukUCHtiulH. Tbe Wool in' IteUef CarpL of Win- Held Scott Pom No. 7*. O. A. R met lut oUtUt to bold ,a elMtlon for Minn l»r tb, oanuiiE term. Tbo RollerCorp, ol Barry Post, of Rahway, was present e how this was done by tbe farmer corps of the StAte, and to get inch points of enlightenment for their corps work, as they were not familiar with be- fore. Tbe b a tineas part ol the meeting oc- cupied a longer lime than was ex pec ted It was not until alter ten o'clock that tbe election was completed and tbe doors were thrown open to admit the brother visitors, tbe members of Win- field Scott Poet. For sometime before the Poet bad been lloed up l.» the cor- ridoroutside awaiting admiaeloo, while tbe flavor of steaming coffee greend tbelr olfactories with a templing effect. Occasionally a veteran wonld remark after a long sniff, “My! bat that coffee la good, I wonder when the door will be oponed.” There wai no use trying to fol a “Vet" sbont that coffee, who a the tented field bad many a time thirsted for such a luscious draught, a a be sat upon the groond with In a drum head for a table and munched his bard tack between aips of mnJdy water. No npt was made to fool him as the coffee waa good. All were finally ad- mitted io It and a general good time followed, while the camp fire burned cheerfully among the Implements and relic* of war Commander Dobbins took liis place beside the President and made a lew plimrnury remarks shorn Woman’s Relief Corp* in genet al and the two that were present In particular. JnMice Nash added a few thoughts that seem- ed to clinch the Comaiander’e words, and Robert Milligan, of Westfield, told the story of woman’s heroic deeds ong the dead aud dying oo fields of battle, far from home end kindred. A humorous sketch was given by Mr*. Runyon, of K.diwav, abont how she lamed Caleb, aud Mr* Andrew Cox told tbe story of “Old Mjwe op I the eggs.” W. C. .Smith, the sweet singer oi the Post, gave the bong "Naming tbe baby.” The Corps officers were elect- ' as follows: President, Mrs. S. M Anglcman, Senior Vice President, Mrs. M. C. Dobbins, Junior Vice President, Mrs. 1. L. McVoy, Trca«nrer, Mrs. E C. Morse, Chaplain, Mrs. Anesta Corwin. Conductor, Mrs K-.z* Rodin, Guard Mrs. Robert Mattox, Ifolegaiea to the iHiparimvnt Convention at TrcuUin, Mrs. H.vruh A. Woodruff, and lira. c Itroknw. Alt-rnau-a, Mra. Radio ood Mrs Mans Moore. A Tseng amber sftts Draa Csra* Voaai Bsstlac Psassfklly avkls Barns, Is hrto kis CasuaAss to Baonss Tfeffr EsUr- talaer.—Basic sad Laasktor Ualfl *ld- algkt. i One of the most complete surprises of tbe soaaoo upon on Innocent, nnsins- poctiog person, was the one tendered to William Kreitliog, of West Front street by bis brethern of the Independ- ent Fife and Drum Corps. The boys were oat In tbeir new coats and looked Just too sweet to Uve,wben tbe idea furred to them to pay a visit to tbelr young associate and see how be wonld stand the ordeaL It Is inspected foal Mias Henrietta KreiUlng, foe pretty young slater of the much surprised young man, bad a great deal to do with the arrangements of tbe event and It U kuown that the whole family, except the young man, down to the little six year old alster, were aware that some- thing was about to take place, but bad kept awfully mam about It. Besides that, some guests, wbo had left after Thanksgiving, relumed and a number of Corps boys* sisters dropped In that evening before toe drums were beard, so they mast have known something abontIt When the corps reached the bouse their young associate was going to join them os be sni»posed for a march, bat tbe leader, Frank Manchester, politely informed him that be was needed right si home. When the truth dawned apoo him it took him some miuaies to get his equilibrium again, amid the laughter cf the family and gaests. The evening was spent wilh charades, reriiatioDi and piaoo trios, winding np with a very pleasant repast which help- ed to brace the guests as they turned inward home Among the gnests were I’rufeasor and Mrs. A. G. Carpenter, Mias Mabel Wilson. Mias,8cheelein,Mlas Shepherd, Mias Newman, Mias Terry, of this city and Professor and Mrs. Cas- legnler and foe Misses Castegnler, of New York. I A Tbe S. A. C’s, a club of ysnng boys who reside id the northern part of the city, gave an entertainment last even- ing lo ilielr acquaintances In their clnb room In the lop of II. T. Barnes' barn on Norwood avenue. It was the In- tention of tbe hoys to have had a Thanksgiving dinner last night and their euiensinment another night, bat for fear that they might not be equal to the fea«L they dined oo Tbsukririrlng eve instead. The eatertaiameut laat night consisted of music, recitations tnd a uple of short plays' and waa to bsrt wcutid up with a boxing match, but lor liar that the police of foe cliv might be too Inqaialltve, It was given up. The pleasant evening came to an eud abont ten o’clock and all voted It to have been a great aoccesa. Good shootibo at klxzasri. A FTJBBT IBC1DBBT WITH A OBAIB OF 8EBI0UISEBS. Abont noon Thomas McCann, fro; the mountains, had s llltlo episode dur- lug hla visit io Uie city, which vexed Tho Friendship Gan Club Of Elisa Him a liule. lie >u driving on belh, conpeaed ol nemo of tbn bcei I’ark avenue, in a top boggy and alien - at Second street be whipped up -to go faster Just thou a wag »n driven by a Mr. Stasis came acros. the aveooo be- fore Mr. Mi Gann saw him. Tne latter pulled up suddenly throwing him down. When the anuuaicauie up ho came up outside the Shall*, and the rush of the crowd scared the horse ao that h PERSONALIA Prof Mela, tbe leader of tbe ringing roetlon Of the Qeaang aad Tarn Verela, baa rented tha bonaeat No. U Hanning Honeymao of So in- ly misled Uie nliafl* off nnd would have broken uie bamea* badly lo a moment more. Sir. Slctinun eXIimsMl blumell as mad euongb to light the nucouaeloua 'cause ol all hi, trouble, If be had come back. V. Rset.i la Jnorr- There must have been a strange Men- tation ail over this State of Jersey ves- lerday. For the drat time In yenra a week day went by without a crowd ol gamblers, touts and older cqunlly dis- reputable persons assembling some- where In the Slate to see sis aecuud-elass horse races. Tbe men who have been growing rich through Igoortug or vio- lating ibc laws of Ihe Stale have, ap- parently, dlecovered tbet It Is to tbelr advantage lo keep wuhle tbe limits of tbe statutes. f ml.t J n Hair* Caiarrk rur. la takaw talaraallj and FJfBT a 00. Toledo. O. THE FAKE'S HEW BULLETtESOAJJ>. A large balletic board baa been pieced at the head of the stairway In Uie Park Club house and now Ibe club member* will obliged lo strain their eves to read tbe clnb notices which hare always been written .11 pieces of paper sod pinned nnder the club clock. Tbe new board long-felt want TBE COEIBO C0ECK&TS OF THE CBOKAL shooters living near the meadows, hsd One shoot oo Thanksgiving I>ny. Tbe best scores wore made by J. Spelri, B McCaedles, R Kreeger, G. Eisc, II. Fromm, O. limey, J. Keat, A. BIs- hoffshanaen, J. AoUiera.0. Burnhelmer, J. Coabee, J Stelnderdt, J. Hoffman, and A. Keller. After tbe shooting the members and Invited gaests re- tired to tbe Clob lloase and bad tbe best sort of a good ume. ltefreab- meots, solid and liquid, were served tbont stint. Many gnests were pres- ect from PlsinOrid. Tbe Clnb will bold tu nest shoot on Cbiistmu Day. A TOICX FIOH TBE COLOEKD TOTXKS. Among tbe speakers al tbe meeting bold at Thomas Martin’s oo PlainOeld avenue last mghL Tub candidate for Constable, Fraok VanDerhoof, was present, and made a short epseeb pointing ool Ibe sdvsutagee to be g si ru’d by each colored voter caatlog Ills ballot early in the morning. Abont twenty-Ore voter* were present from different wards In tbe city, and each one expressed bis Intention of voting the regular Republican ticket next Tuesday. It was moved and seconded that a* repreacntlvea, of the colored vot- ers of this city, they Indorse the regu- lar Republican ticket and do all lu tbelr power to elect lb The Chairman was D. C Moody and tbe Secretary was Bd. Washington. A pleasant birthday party was ten- dered u> MleeMlokte Heodrfcba, at toe Arlington Hotel last night, by ber onele Henry Windham. Tbe party was bald In the private parlor which waa nicely decorated for the occasion Supper was served abont midnight nnd It was late this morning belore the laat gorst had departed. Mr. aad Mra Charles Maffett, er Dunellen, together wkb Mr. and Mra Charles Bnoyon, of tbit city, look ibeir Thanksgiving urkey at lb* residence of Harry C. Ranyoo, on Arlington av- eoo*. Henry Honeymao, organist of Ihe New Getmemoon Presbyterian Cborcb, s|ient ble Thanksgiving with hla broth- er. tbe Rev W. E I erset street. Knox- Taylor, Prineetan’a Right Goafd, la a Bound Brook boy. Mrs. James Atwood, of Treaton, came to tbe city lut algb t on a visit to friends and to attend tbe camp fire of the Relief Corps and Winffeld Scot Post. Mr*. John Taynor, of Warren street, who Is confined to ber house with an attack or pneumonia, la somewhat bet- ter and hopes are entertained of her 111 male recovery. Mias Id* A. Fountain, the daughter of Boroogb Councilman K. H. Foun- tain, of Willow aveone, Is visiting ber grandfather John D. Hoot, at New- town, Long Island. Lon Ayree, and bis uncle, Lon Townler, will go Monday to San An- gelo, Texas, lo spend Ihe Winter. Cnpt. G. \VV Morrison will lead -tho meeting al Wublngtonrllle Memorial Chapel tomorrow evening. A reception waa held allbo residence ol M. M. Dunham, on Arlington avenue, lut evening, lu boner of Frank F. Free- man. of Noank, Conn, at wblcb were a number ol mends rrom New Market and Dunellen. Rev. Arthur Crane, the evangelist, wbo bu been preaching at Waablng- lonvllle for tbe lut week with the re- salt of some thirty con*ertioos,wl.l com- roence services at Warren Chapel, North ITalnDeld tomorrow evening, subject: “A call lo service.” Praise service et 7M3 prompt. Bible readings and Christian service Tuesday to Friday Inclusive at 3 p. m > MM Annie Collins, of New York, Is visiting her alster Mia, S Sharkey, of Kicbmood Lost Wednesday evening, Mice Ber- ton Ton^- and Charles W. Bally, both ol Fanwood, were united lo marriage by Ibe Rev, W. A. Alexander, at the residence of Mrs Martha Jones, oo East Sixth street. At Ibe conclueKui of the ceremony, refreshments were erred and the. happy conple were wished all manner ol good things lu their Journey through Ills. William Treat, of Park avenue, ex- peels to go to Scranton today or tomor- row, summoned by Ibc lllueu of a ala- r. J. n. Kenyon, of Richmond s’reet, caving the sidewalk In front ot his property, curbed and flagged. Mlu Rule P. Wllllta, of Sooth Am- boy, la visiting ber stater. Mrs. A. M. Rntiyoe, of Madtaoo avenue. Mr. ami Mrs. Clarence Treat, of Au bore N. Y who have been, visiting Iriends oo Duer street during the put three we:ks returned borne this morn- ng Mr. and Mra niUlam Brooks, who spent Thanksgiving In this city have re- turned home. Mr. Brooks Is SUIT of the Morning Journal. Mr. and Mr* Jam** Lindsey, of Salem, are visiting John Lindsey, of Proa peel avenue. Mrs. William Slape, of West Front street, bu gone lo dalem In response to a telegram from ber mother Mrs. Mary Thompson who wu attacked with paralysis a day or two ago, and Is not expected to survive IL rhe 1*49 jeers old. mil tks Xamasasl Baptist Cbarek ks Bail’ Strastl CUT OFF BIS WITHOUT The date* for the coming concert* to be given In Music Hail by the Choral Society have been fixed for December 21, March 6, and May 10. The ticket* wiu soon be out and *e- Isetlooa lor tbe programme will soon be anoouoecd. Said Nature to 1-kyrie. -what pity thal wo Mr atrewgth la rabauaud. mi corrar Sred. Prowl t*o vrildr of NuoplUa dlacbarpvd al BJ bred. Is la ao< strewn that Nature should isoor Strotoaphlust the UOW of thouu prlptne and drastic blue mar hire, with -hseb old rostra or Tbe will of tbe late Cbanncey B. Ripley hu beeo Bled for probata It U in tbe doctor’s own handwriting. It wu written laat May.John 1C. Creawey, of’New York, la named as executor without bonds The doctor’s law library Is glroe to Charles a Hsyes, |l,#00 to the Cemetery AsaucisUoo, to be luveeb ad and the proceed* to be used to keep his grave In order; tl.OM lo Daetnell Cntverrity aad *IM to each of tbe em- Bts oa tbe farm at WeriBsM. Two- of tbe remainder of tbe route Is bequeathed to John K. Creerey, two- Anns to Bockoell Cnlrersily sod one- tftfa to Charles A Hayro None of tbe doctor’s roJatlrro w aeetioeed In tbe PoUou which. sroU re bird seed end swear ooalod, aovar rail lo act agrodvalr thouak ooMHaetr —There la good reason for tbe pop. alertly of Cbataberlala’a Coagb Remedy. Darla k Doaard, of West Moaterry. Olarton Co., Pa, saya “11 bu eared people that oar pbjtldaaa coaid do notbleg tor. We persuaded them lo try a bottle of Obamberlela’s Cough Remedy end they aew reconnect with the rest of oa” 35 aad SO botUro (br sale by Bayaold’s Pharmacy Part aad North avenoea, T. & * Tbe people of tbe Emmanuel Baptist Cborcb teem lo be baring considerable trouble In getting tbelr church eutted on Richmond street borne Ume ago they secured a lot on that street, be- tween Third and Fourth street*, to which they Intended moving, a perUoo of the old oU cloth factory which they had porehaaed. They even went ao far u to dig tbe.cellar for tbo bonding, and to gel ready for removal. Now come* the report that the church to to be located no North avenne near Beret street, aad that the colored peo- ple have been Induced to exchange tbeir lot oo Bleu mood street (or tbe one oa the avenoe. How tree the report may be, cannot be ascertained at present, hot hla certain that tbe work of mur- ing tbe batldlog and ol building tha foundation bu stopped, and that there to a feeling la Uie neighborhood that It might be as well for the church to M located oa some outer alroet than Richmond. BOROUGH 8IDEWAUC8 RECEIVE ATTEMTWL A# Onilauc* B#loti*• to ttoir Molatoioaocc and B#pair, ZatrWatod U tko Boron#* CnmU Lom lifll —A Into of I#- port# oxo 1n#««4, to* Tory XttttoBaal- B#w M TruucUd 0»i»f to U# Atone* of l«T#rml of tto CnaettoMOw But IllUa buslne## of importance wo# trooMctcd al tbo mooting or foa Borough Council laat olght, owing lo tbo abaence of Couodlmoo Hummer. Howell and Edwarda. No pattttona or oommanicaliooa were read and after a Tew blUa had bean presented for audit, tbe regular routine basinea# wa# lakeu up. Councilman Needham reported that be bad common looted with George II. Prool, foe chairman of Ibe Sewerage Committee of tbe cltj, a# requested by foe laat Ceancil, bat foot no meeting had been held a# yet. Conn,liman Neal loirodaccd an ordinance coocern- the mainuinaoce and repair# of walk#, wb»ch wa# adopted oo lla flrat reading. ConnciImio Fonntaln re- ported that tbe bill or the North Plain- field Electric Light Company for Oclo ber been reduced $14 worth and It wa# referred to tbe Auditing Committee. He also reported that foe lamp which foe Rev. W E. 11 on c} man complained of bad been repaired. report from Marshal Pangbora showed that daring November two elec- tric light lamp# on Stone itreet and two Vlas street, bad beeo oat for a numlwr of nights. Councilman Fountain reported that an ostlmale wouldbe received from the North Plainficfa Electric Light Com- pany in a few days in regard to lighting foe Borough for foe ensuing year. The Councilman allowed foe reflector of a lamp which bad been taken down from opposite lo Sleio'# place, Ureeubrook rood, which waa riddled with bullet bole#, evidently made by banters and small boy#. Tbe Marshal reported hi# Inability to preveni ibe firing. Councilman Fountain reported that 250 notice# reliable to offering of a reward foe foe arresi and conviction of person# wbo destroy tbo electric lamp#, bad been printed and be asked that foe Marshal foot they be placed on every light |*ole in tbe Boroogb. Tbe sidewalk ordinance wa# placed on ll# second read- ing and ordered printed. A resolution co by Councilman Neal providing for foe payment of $1,000 borrowed fol foe general road account irom 11. N dpeucer, wa# adopted, as was one t< renew a note of $*00 due December 27, for aootber mouth. The Auditing Committee reported tbe bills correct and foe Council adjourned. Thareday night, at hs{ •Id aveaao. a dollght. fol procraron of aaaaomaat bad bom prepared by bar and It M tbo ex. tremos of lhatr I'an lovinj proeUvllM admirably, ao tbe ovoola* waa mads lo paaa very pieaoaoUy. Tbo raoou wan;—MM Edna NicQoil, MM Ann Cook, MM Lola Robison, MM Allow Joknaoo, MM Nettle Flannery, MM Marie Bricga, MM Florence unerase, MM Minnie lloowngwr^aad Mm Mar- Eoorite Jlmoraoo, ol Hootch Plains, MM BJaneb Noonan, of Treaton, MM Emma Jlmoraoo, Edwin Faochor, Wil- Ham llaxoll, f banner j Smith, of Weari Held, Edward llotlonbarg, of Cranltord, Jamro McNair, of Brooklyn, Frank Flannery, Rambant Collins, Richard Robison, F. Monts, Horace Hand, II, Yoon*, Mr*.C. N. Brow*,Mra. Chlrio* Fronts, Mr. ud Mra. Jlmoraon, Mr. and Mrs Polnam aad Frank. 1’utaamj Jr., ol this etty. 1LSCK FATTI COEIBO. On Tbnraday evening next week, the rnnaic lovcra of thia etty wilt have an- other opportunity ot hearing Black 1’aUl. wbo rings on that evening lo Re- form Hall, tor Ihe benefit of Emmanuel Baptist Church. Black Data has won for herself an enviable reparation. Wherever she ha* song aha hu recelr, od the highest praise. Tbo but moat- cal critic* apeak ol ber u one of tbe greatori singer* of tbo age Thou wbo had the pleasure of bearing bar wheo •he aang lo this city some time ago,trill be glad of tbo opportunity of bearing her again and Reform Hall will undoubt- edly be well tilled next Tbnraday night. *»• SMASHUP ON THE LEHIGH, (KPKCUI. TO THE COCKIER.) * White II#ves, P., Dec. J^-Two Lehigh Valley rreigbl trail*# collided at ibis plsca euriy Ibis morning. Fire followed, burning foe cars, aud (be flame# communicated with the Ruhnke Hotel, burning it wilb several storea THIMOEIG A01S3 7QVTD TIE FI0PHT7 inuo. complication id some laaioeaa fairs relating lo A. M- fleguine can light this morning which called Ibe at- tention of some parties Interested them in this wise. His carriages, a coupe rockswty, light wood roed wagon, a light wood surrey and a Herlln coach, were held under a chattel mortgage owned by Judge W A. Coddiogloo, sod four horses sod four sleighs were held under a mortgage owned bv French Brothers. Yesterday Judge Coddington foreclosed mortgage. This morning foe pro- perty was missed from Its secnsiomed place aud a search wa# mode for iL One wsgou wo# found at Spaffonl# barn In Westfield, another In Jersey City, a third al Marshall's lo Ibis city and one al Homan's. Of lbs horses one wa# found at Jer- sey City* and one on foe way there The sleighs were found at Netherwood Officers have been lo Jersey City for tbe property, and are expected back with It tonight. . ruAjvEJdiruG ru A DELIGVT7DL TSAJfKSdlTUO FAMTti A number of friends of Miss Jennie Krenlx, of Scotch Plain#, talced by ibeir bootees in a very sgr The time for BlinkeU, Qtiflta and thicker Dndorwoir. I have them in all qualities, end prices, lower than ever before. . HOWARD A. POPE. -T board, rostral nchanrod. Apply at NO. wrrot. PlainScld, N, J, TEXT WAIT TO KX0UAE1XI. A do titer secret rneeUoE ot Demor, cratic leader* In L’nlon eoonty wu bald laat nlelit tat tbe rooms of tbo Uolon County Democratic Society al Elisabeth,' for the purpose of trying to reorganise tbs party. Tbo call for tbl* muting wu riffned by J amt’s K. Martino, and rattan wore mailed to ovary prominent Democrat lo tbe conntv. Assemblyman Labs to also going tef take a band on bit own hook at rejuvenating tbs party. Ho bu Motls circular lo every Democrat of nolo Id tbe eoonty asking for cooperation, and hopes lor early replies TO TAkE ABOUT HOH AEEXDABIIE. _ On Monday evening of next week Mohammedan Wobb will deliver a lee tore In Reform Had on Mobammudao lam, in widen be bourne a partial be- liever while U. 8. Consul al Ihe FblllC plus lalanda Mr. Wobb hu devote^ ton year* of bio life to tbo otody of tbt Islam, and is one of tbe few Amoriean* wbo boo studied (Tom Mohammedan authorities Mr. Wobb comet PlainOeld with oo domra for financial gain, and ooly asks that bo may bo ac- cord od a respectful bearing WAMTSAMOFm*. TTIOR SALE or JP .oo®. a«wl 7 pain tod newly* plwmtod, city water, fiac locaooa. Iaqair* ftM^Kunyow, 40a Park imM or 4I6 H ALF GROWN CIRl^Wai 1 ><- '5 —aat MUSIC JULIA. Salurday, Doe. 2. EVERYTHING HEW TFXKDh AUD Hugh Doughertys World’, Fair MINSTRELS. Th® Picturesque Columbian Expos tou F1H8T PART. . E VER r If A TIOH REPSE&OfKB BETTER, BRIGHTER, FON- NIER THAN EVER. The Grenadier Bud will giro a coa- cert u 7 p. m. In Oval of Mule Hall.. . ... r . ... _>*' . HAMS 11 LARD 9 c \ -AT- WHERE? IT TUB WAT. ro tka War Ida Fair far Ftltoro Cut*. Upon receipt ot yonr addrou aad flflocn cent In poaugo tramps wa will mall yon prepaid row Souvenir Portfolio of tbo World * Colombian Expoomou, tbo regular prtoo It fifty cants, bat u •o want yon to bare one, we make tbo prise nominal. Too win Bad It o work of on undo thing to bo prised. It coo ram. foil page iwwi of tbo great bwlldings. with deacrtpuou of same,and |a executed la blgbut Ryle of art. If pot utlafled with m after you got It, we will refund us stamps and lot yon keep tbe book. Addrou H. E. Bocklen k Oo., —An ou Irnmpot which wu odvor- Used u loot lo last night’s Courier, wu found by a Coarier ruder aod returned lo lu rightfol owner. Courier adror- uawr.onlt do tbo buaioeu every Umo. —Tbo Goaoag and Turn Vorsin ore making arrangement* lo give a grand concert the latter part of tbl* aoalh. —Tbo Interior of tbo now Bereolh Day Haptltt Church wu given a thorough cleaning yutorday and tbo pews pot in piaoo to au if they t all right. —Tho Common Connell meets oo Monday night for tbo regular Decern ber muting. Jamu Donahna said lb.a noon: have made two improvement* to- day oo Front street. 1 have repairer tha cross-walk at tha Flrat National Rank and the one at tbe poaloffloe ao people won’t fall while crossing It Tbit wu done by order of Robert Heeler, tbe beat Street Commtori Ural iTaiollekl aver bad.- Then Ji •truck aootber hard blow with Iks pick Into another bad cross-walk. MacDonald’s Tho only piaoo where ouh bnyire can got a doable i»d WORTH READING NO TAXES. j NO INTEREST. for oao yosr from’date of purchase. Seat: Opportunity over offered to the people of thia <Jtr to purchase a lot on ope of tha principal *troel* in rlainfiold, N. J. We now offer 'f— 40 LOTS 25x100 J&L on Booth arena sorner iver-kman street. Only ten ml&tu ®2lk from the dop-4. Terms per oeot cash, and #10 per month. Mo auctioneer's fee*. Map* at office 'of O. IL Hand, 8lT£Watehnng avenuo. K ' r John F. Holntyre, North avenne. J. T. Vail, Agent, 117 North avonne. IkrCapa Flrat. PLAINFIELD MANUAL TRIAMNG SQkOOL 800 EAST FRONT STREET, . JOHN D Alii EL, PMppipd. f - . Elvu mtkatonro^^sra^ ^rowroa tu So—• of ( a. as 6 fr " Eaeh Scholar Seulvefi Individual Inatruatfion. PRICE 20 cants PER HOUR. ~ ' Paplto Orer Stere. Yura ol. Age Cu Eater at kxj T1*e

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Post on 14-Jun-2020




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Page 1: lB V '« COMING - DigiFind-It · At Ibe Council fire of Miantonomo Vib e las t nigh two pul fates t adopted. - • .ri^

U/AV , H Minna if tto



h Rtwi*»d With CordUl

lB iht Chnrch Last Kijttt.

^ugrggalional Church was

^ F ^ M i W t w e n - with the genial

i ud reformta*. prowled

T b e rtweb looted very pretty withflora] dworatious. Upon the pntpttimdwrertlla IIHBS smilax sud fernsInon ibeb n l M «nd- ferns/

i l l i twill) l'ite r

c h r y s a n t h e m ,n i l U P ° D (he floor

,T von!1E la

r »nd

Dt tbe chnrch weretiotoog tables from which the guestsn n MTve«l witli refreshments by pret-

i handsomely attired, whon appeared among tbe

• Aititfiiiggroups with cake and cream.DM of the'tables presented a pink«f-[ttt fill) tall candelabra containingpntandles, atlonied by pink shades.

s •:- or ttic same hne were also npon[it uble This tabe was presidedorerb? Miss Adeline Parsons, and MissHHi " The other table presented imen effect with lamps and shades o[hi[, color, to which was added ih<tfcet of green carnations, white roseind dsujies. At Lliis table Mies NelliWliitoa anil Miss Florella Clark preiiJcd.

The •.•.!!• ladies in waiting wereXmEIfledaWlniina.MissNellie Wincfc-ler, Miss Eiln.lieekman, Miss ClaForce, Miss Helena VanAIfityiie, MEMt Sifcrn, Mies Morse, Miss It..Bap, MIK3 round, Miss Jenkins aIn. LaBityieauK. Tuey were prettilytliired. some In white, olbtrs in bluetod one or two in green. Invitatlo•id been extended to all tbe clergym.9 Ibe citv and a number of Ibcm wejKwnij u'mong them Rev. I»r. Yerite.,ttt. Dr; Lowry, Rev. C. E , Herring,S»t. M. E. Hwiglit, Kev. EdwardfcxiDia, Bev. ilobart Clarke, Rev,Uaeolu Goodrich, of ItounJ Brook, the

j W r t brother, Bev. Edward LoveTw. Dt.' J. P. Tajlor, Bev. i;. EBines.

Tie evening was spent most delighthilt tij .It present, tbe reception last-.-6. frinn eight o'clock to eleven and[be putnr, -together wilt, his>meet, bad reason to be prom,Utc cordial greetings upon this IUtm meeting with the congregalMOM their wedding. Mra (lootlriciiiu round herself In the centercircle ut warm and hearty friends•ill mftke her residence here otetMniif&l joy.

trirt DHBlfciofc, Who DTITM For H. P.

Smith, of Tkls Cltr, Q«U MIiol Dp la

Ean«w»j u d it Flnnj to tt« Bottom

of » Ditch Vita the t u n na Top of

Him. -Bvond * Pew S!ifiht Brniici. H.

Lost evening about stx o'clock, Pat-ck IMminick, who drives for II. P.mllh, 'of this city, had a narrow es-pe from serions injury on Somerset•.'ct The coachman was drivingmg tbe street behind one of his em-Iyer's horses, a valuable spirited anl-d, when one or the electnc cars ap-

roacbed. ,i u»t ahead was the bridge„ (in* brook wbich Hows through

e (Jod ding too eatHte winii; on eitherde was an open meadov. Knowingit the animal woald not stand ther'a approach, the coachman turnedto the meadow, where be waited fore car to pass. '

The horse all this time bad actedcely and Patrick was begioniug U>iigraiolnte himself that nothing would

appen, when the horse gave a saOdenmp and sniru-d u> run away. Patrick" ~ n the reins like grim death, as he

ards said, and did bis best tothe frightened animal. It was he conld do, however, andie horse was soon on the edge uf the(eh, at the bottom or which tbe

l flowed. Here the animala mijijfii tnrn which npset tbe

Dggy on top of him. Tbe horse ranown somerset street to tbe Arlington,lere be was cap.ured and tiis driver

toon after came aloug polling what wasft ol tbe baggy behind him. AlthoughvtTfil with mud from bead to fool,

Htrick was unlDJnred, while the horseus not hurt either.

PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS.—Car No. 2 .-an off the- track neare corner of Mountain avenue and

omtrset street bis morning and de-yed travel over tbe road lor quitemi! time.—Tue temperature fell to 22 degreeslove zero this morning, a fall uf '24

egrees from the highest recorded y*>s~rtlay. The fall or rain during the rv-

ent storm was .11 ofan Inch. Duringioi)lli of NoveoiOur List year uvernchea of snow fell. Ntne felle*r and still weather cranks pre-

ct a severe winter.

—The annual offering for Foreign11 betaken iu tbe• Congrega-

BIDDING HIM BOS VOYAGE. .A very complete surprise vras ten

feral lo William Peebles, of the Wes-'!•!», lant iii^ht by a number of hifrieode Who wish to express their repeduthiH departure for Scotland to•peuKbe-Wiiuer. A company niimberiog about fony met alie Hall ut Ttijid i t r e etwJfirani a?enu«, with everything itretdinest fur the sarprise wtien Mr

^HcGinnie went over to engngfl J l rFtcbies in a elm I. They finally walke<mitogetlier and brought up where thi

, JJW.J was Bwaliiug thuin, and the sur[priMtutbeir friend was then seen bteftry cumplute. , Dancing was InanEnrUed and was fee[>t up Until twitfelock this morning by William Nicliol•M. Mr Peebles will have occs 'Wrtmemlitr the eve of his retun^ l d


A large size pictnre of the late Ref H•r. Mar

fcotcli. I''" ; " v-i.•ot l iT.UndJy repicture w

ze pictnre of the late Revy, former pastor of Hi

na MeibodigtCnurch, wltonight lo Mr. Haroncy


lse toof he Th

SB purchased by the coutribuuoDg of a number of ladies in tl

"the mutlier In carrying out tlie wi,•therwn made just before his dent


will !-- tssaed

the Courier i

"A BRIDE' }.'•


' THE SEAl>y ibe author of .



onal Chi—Thei rds and trustees of Bev.

A. V. Henry's Betlitl A. M. E.Bs.ons will liold a rally In Republicanil! loiuorrow loreiioou, alierjoon audeniog. Kev. Thomas W. Chase.nfattfe, will preach at 11 a. m. tuid15 [i. m.—Mark Levv, the Hebrew evange-

st, will relate t,tie t>Wry or tils eon*ID aud conduct the Young Meu's Mig at the Y. M. G. A tomorrow.—Tue extra marshals will be oi«a-

lred for tlicir new ucilurnis this e

—Onlv Lbree weeks to Christmas, soIdsall'a new announcement states, aride says it will be to ihu purchaser's adaotoge to call early at bis store antgenre Drat choke, as his Christmasoods are well displayed now aude looked over in a very short»1 Belectious luude easy beforerusb."

At Ibe Council fire of MiantonomoVibe last night two pule fates t

adopted.- • .ri <.'ins wall resume work on I

ty hut expect U» biint down at Ulirisl-,as lime.—Members of Somerset Council No.

04 Jr., O. U. A. M. are requestedmeet In tbe rooms at sevea o'clock to-

i they will proceed inody to the First Presbyterian Cliurc

to hear the sermon prepared for themjy Kev. C. E. Herring.

—Tlie teachers of Grace M.jurch Sunday-school had a meeting>i evening at wbiclf they diseasedum for their work during ibis month

Hreem A Doyle, of North avenueive removed Irom Ihdr 'former loca-

_-'i.diuee will be beld,on Coles HllEast Front street New Years «

t_The North Avenue Clnb sent a;ood sized delegation to White Houaro attend tats sale ol loU this afLernoon. On account of tue atwence of Oounilmaa Howell, at the Boroogn Ooauil meeting last ulght, DO eitra Marbal waa appointed for drty Iu Wash

-ton Park. Mr Is the chair^ J n of U»e Commituse on Police an(had fall cbarga of the matter.

The coal men and butchers ss;jey are "pretty well thank you." Ni

wouder, with the mercury Binlug willireeziog potut.

—At the regular mou'.hly meetlsg 0Warrco Engine Company which will beitjld next Tue«dsy evening the qaestlo>f opening their recently decorate.isrlors to public inspection will be conudered.

The Woman' Relief Corps, of Win-?ld Scott Pott No. 73, O. A. R. metst nielit to hold an election for officers>r the ensuing term. The Belief Corps

Barry Post, of Rah way, was presentsee how this »as done by the farmer

orps or the State, and to get suchoints of enlightenment for their corpsort, as they were not familiar with be-re.The bnsfneas part ol the meeting oc-

npied a longer time than was expected1 it was not until alter ten o'clockit the election was completed nod the

oorswere thrown open to admit therotber visitors, the members of Wln-ild Scott Post. Forsume;time beforee Post had been lined op l-i the cor-lor outside awaiting admission, whilee flavor of steaming coffee greeUdelr olfactories with a tempting effect.•casionallv a veteran would remark

Her a long snlfi", "My! but that coffeegood, I wonder when tbe door will beicncJ." There was no use trying tool a "Vet" Mil-mi, that coffee, whoI the tented Beld had many a timeilrsted Tor saeh a luscious draught, as• sat upon ibe ground with bis drumMil for a (able Bud munched his bardck between sips of muddy water. Notempt was made to fool bim as the)Qee was good. Ail were finally ad-itted to il and a general good timellowed, while the camp fire burnedleerfully among tbe implements andslics of war.

Commander Dobbins took his placeeside tbe President anil made a lew

imentary remarks about Woman'selief CurpB in general aud the two,

rere present in particular. Justice*added a few thoughts that seem-

d lo clinch the Commander's words,id Robert Milligan. of West Held, tolde story o( woman's heroic deedsaong the dead and dying on fields oftile, fur from home aad kindred. AimorouB sketch was given by Mrs.nnyon, of Bah way, about how she

tamed Caleb, aud Mra. Andrew Cox>ld the siury uf "Old ''i ••-•.• an 1 theggs." W. C. Smltn, the sweet ningcr

lue Port, gave tbe song "Nauiiug iheby." Tlie Corps officers were elect-as follows:

President, Mrs. S. SI. Angleman,uior Vice Prcsidenl, Mrs. M. C.jbblns, Juaior Vice President, Mrs.L. McVoy, Treasurer, Mrs. E. C.ui-sf, Chaplain, Mra. Anesta Conrtn,

ouductor, Mrs. Eliza lUdin, Guardi -s Rol>ert Matwx, lislegaies to theepanment Convention at Trenwu,

Mrs. Sarah A. Woodruff, and Mrs.Brokdw. Alteraatea, Mrs. Badin

nd Mrs. Mana Moore.

OF OBIO, ClTT Or TuiJCULl,) —_

" J- Uta«stBr iii'skwonlli Uut


i t BMldt th» Chwrfnl Cuap Rr« la CITU

Lif., Tetttaa* aad Vuullw K*M to

Till Af aJn How taa B»ttl« VasToncat aa«

Won. —With Hot C«ffM u d Lijtr Cak*

H»rd Talk la

•ftka D m Corp. Taauia^tlm PMMfally »i ki» Hon., Is I MBy Us Co«radM to B*»m. Snt.r-tatBtr.—Made ud L«n»ht«r Until KM-

One or the most complete surprisesf tbe season upon an Innocent, nneus-

rson, was tbe one tenderedKreitling, of West Front

troet by his brathern of tbe Independ-nt Fife and Drum Corps. The boysere out in their new coats and lookedist too sweei to live,when the idea on-in <K1 to them to pay a visit to theiroung associate and see how he woaldand the ore&l. It Is sospected that

Hiss Henrietta Kreitling, the prettymng sister of the mncb surprised•ung man,bad a great deal to do wltbe arrangements or the event and it isiown that

be young man, down to theear old sister, were aware that some-bing was about to take place, but had:ept awfully ninm about IE. Besidesliit, sonle guests, who had left afterhanksgivlng, retained and a numberf Corps boys' sisLera dropped in that

tning before the drams were heard.they must have known something

MR.Vhen the corps reached the houseir young associate was going to join

iesn as be sappoaed Tor a march, bnthe leader, Frank Manchester, politelyformed him that be was needed right. home. When the truth dawned uponm It took Iti.Ti some minutes to get bis

'quilebriam again, amid the laughter ifie family and gnesls.The evening was spent with charades,

iMtiuus and piano t/ios, winding upb a very pleasant repast wbich help-to brace the guests as they lumedrard home. Among the guests were

rofesBor and Mrs. A. O. Carpenter,iss Mabel Wilson, Missbcheeleln,Miss

hepherd, Miss Newman, Hiss Terry,' this city and Professor and Mrs. Cas-:gnier and tbe Misses Castegnler, or' iw York.

About noon Thomu MtGanu, fro;e mountains, had a little episode du

ig bis viait to tlic city, wbich vezenm quite a little. He was driving onPart uvenne, in a top unggy and w!

Second street he whipped np -to•ifor. Just theu a wagon driven by a

Mr Staats came acros) the avenuere Ur '•!.(,,.:.:. saw him. Tne latterlled up suddenly throwing him do'

uiile tUe uhulis, and tlie rush of theDwd scared tbe horse so tbat he near-twisteil the shafts off and would hi

broken the harness badly in a mommore. Mr. McUaun expressed hiuiis mad enough to flght the uuconsoitause ol' all Ins trouble, if he had cotask.

No Rjcicg in Jtrifj.'here must have been a strange sen-ion all over this State of Jersey yes-ilay. For tbe first time Iu years a

week day went by without a crowd ofgamblers, touts and other equally dii-eputable persons assembling some-

where in the State to see six second-classior§e races. The men who have been

growing rich through ignoring or vioatlng the laws of tbe titate bave, ap-parently, discovered tbat il Is to tbeiinivantugo to keep within tbe limits che statutes.

THE PARK'S SEW BULLETE* BOARD.A large bulletin board baa beet

ilaced at the head of tbe stairway Srlic Park Club boute and now the clnil

members will obliged to strahitheir eyes to read the club notlcervrhich have always been written oiimall pieces of paper and pinned under

tbe club clock. The new board wil111 a long-felt want.


The dates for the cominr concertsto be given In Music Hall by the

-al Society have been fixed foDecember 21, March », and May 10

The Uckois will soou be out aud se-lections for tbe programme will soon


SaJd Nature to 1'tayHe. -what pltj that wWho ouBh! to be mendi dioul.i m> M ~

agree.Mr atrength la extaaiuted, o r enersrFVom the volley ot blue pilta " 'tjhtmd.It 11 not .frui*^ rhat Nature should

. irate against the use of tbcae BTlploB- anUrutlt blue marblea, with which old forleamedloins ptr.lsi In doalos* tltstr natlenThar are not onlr i^roiunf In appe»raDcebut ofteutiiata actually Injuriona In the!

in. Yet Nstun needs K n » help In c_ _. naohWIrmeriMPep*!*. uon.tlp.tlonliver trMblea, and forUnrtalr i h c t m ivaluable aaalatajit In Dr, Plaroc'a naaaaiPallets which, iraall as btfd

ted, never fail lo act elfocti vi-ly tbou«

n comni SUIPBUI or THE

The S. A. C's. a clnb or y«une boysho reside 10 ihe nonhern part or thety, gave an entertainment Isst eveu-ig to liieir acquaintances in their clnb>om in the ton or U. T. Barnes' bwnQ Norwood avenue. It was thein-intion or the boys to have had abaukBgiving dinuer last night andlelr eiitensiuinent another night, but

fear that they tnigbt not be equal tofeast, ihey dined on Thaukujriving

ve Instead. The entertainment lusttrr'it consisted oi" music, rectUtlon? and

uple of short plays'and was lo !:,•• i-nd up with a boxing mateb, buL lorthat the police of ihe city mightloo Inquisitive, It was given np.pleasant eveulug came to an endit ten o'clock and all voted it to

ave been a great success.


The Friendship Gun Club of Elixibetb, composed ol some of tbe bestbooten living near tbe meadows, bad

" ! shoot on Thanksgiving Day. Tbe•est scores were made by J. Spelrl, B.

HcCandles, R. Krenger, 6. Erse, II.^omm, O. Hlney, J. Kent, A. Bis-

ffshaascn, J. Authera,C. Burnbeimer,Oonbee, J. Steindurdt, J. Hoffman,d A. Keller. After tbe shootinge members and invited guests re-

Ired to the Club House and had thejest sort or a good time. Refresh-

s, solid and liquid, were servedwithout stint. Many guests were pres-ent from Plainfiald. Tbe Clnb willhold its next shoot on Christmas Day.

A VOICE FR0S THE C0I0EED VOTER?.Among tbe speakers at the meeting

held at Thomas Martin's on Plainfleld.venue last night. The candidate for

Constable, Frank Vanltei-boof, waspresent, and made a short speechKilntlng out the advantages to be;ained"by each colored voter castingIs ballot early in the morning. Aboutwenty-flve voter* were present from

different wards In tbe city, and eacbaxpreued his Intention uf votingregular Republican ticket next

Tuesday. It was moved and secondedthat as reprevenllvet, of the colored vot-ers of this city, they Indorse tbe regn-ar Republican ticket and do ail In theiriwer to elect It.Tbe Chairman was I). C Moody and

tbe Secretary was Ed. Washington.


A POTT.The will of tbe late Cbauncty

Etipley has been Bled for probale. I . _n the doctor's own baadwiiting. I twas written last Hay.Jobn K. Creevej,of Now York, Is named as executorwithout bonds. The doctor's law llbrarjIs given to Cuarles S. Hayes, 81,000 to•he Cemetery AssocIaUon, to be invest-ed and the proceeds to be used to keepbU grave In order; «l,000 to BuctnelUniversity and <100 to ench of the employees on tbe farm at WcslBeld. TwoBftbs of the remainder of tlie estate isbequeathed to John K. Creevey, twofilths to Bucknell University and oneftfth to Charles j . Hajes, None of thedoctor's relatives is mentioned Indocument.

There U good reason Tor the pop-ularity of Chamberlain's Cough RemedyDavis & Board, of West MontereyClurlon Co., Pa., says, "I t b u cnre<people that oar physicians could dnoihiug for. We penuaited them totry a bottle of Chamberlain's ConghRemedy and they low recommend Iwith tbe rest of us." 25 and SO cenbottles for Hie by Reynold's PhPark and North Tstrong, manager.

PERSONALIAProf. Stein, tbe leader of the singing

section oftheGesang and Turn Tereln,as rented tbe boose at No. 44 Manning

•renne.A pleasant birthday party was ten-

ered to Miss Minnie Hendricbs, at tnerllngton Hotel last night, by hernele Henry Wlndham. Tbe party

was held In the private parlor whichwas nicely decorated for the occasion,

upper was served about midnight andwas late tbls morning before tbe lastnest bad departed.Mr. and Mrs. Charles Msfleit, ofnueilen, together with Mr. and Mrs.Imrles Runyon, of this city, look their'banksgiviny turkey at tbe residencef Harry C. Rnnyon, on Arlington av-

Henry Honeymau, organist of theS'ew Germantown Presbyterian Church,pent bis Thanksgiving with his broth-

Knox- Taylor, PrtnceUn's Rightlard,'Is-a Bound Brook boy.Mrs. James Atwood, or Treaton,line to tbe city last nigh t on a visit lo

nends and to attend the camp lire oftnd Winfleld Scot

Vt, or Warren street,i ber house with an

attack or pneumonia, is somewbat bet-er and hopes are entertained of herllimate recovery.

IdaA. Fountain, the daughterfBoronch Councilman R. H. Fonn-din, ofWillow avenue, is visiting berraodfatner John D. Hunt, at New-own, Long Island.

Lon Ay res, and his uncle, I. on'ownley, will go Monday to San An-elo, Texas, to spend the Winter.Capt G. W- Morrison will lead -theeeting at Washingtonvtlie MemorialImpel tomorrow evening.A reception was held at tbe residence

t M. M. Dunham, on Arlington avenue,ostt honor of Frank F.Free-lan, or Noank, Conn, at wbicb werenumber of friends from New Market

odDuoellen,Rev. Arthur Crane, the evangelist,

ho has been preaching at Washing-jnvllle for tbe last week with Ibe re-alt Of some thirty conversions, will com-

mence services at Warren Cbapet,>rU> Plainfield tomorrow evening,

ubjact: "A call to service." Praiseervice at 7:45 prompt. Bible readingsid Christian service Tuesday to Fridayelusive at 3 J». BL •MIBS Annie Collins, of New York, is

islUng her sister Mrs. 8 Sharkey, ofRichmond street.

Last Wednesday evening, Miss Hcr-ba Ton<ry aud Cbarlea W. Bally, bothi Fanwood, were united in marriagey the Rev, W. A. Alexander, at the

residence of Mrs. Martha Jones, onEast Sixth street. At the conclusionf the ceremony, refreshments were

served and the. happy conple werewished all manner ol good things inbeirjourney through life.

William Trust, of Park avenne, ex-lects to go to Scran ton today ortomor-ow, summoned by the Illness or a sis-

J . II. Ken j on, of Richmond s'reot,* having ibe sidewalk In front ol bisiroperty, curbed and flagged.

Miss Ritie P. Wllliis, of South Ara-KJV, is visiting her sister, Mrs- A. M.tunjon. of Madison avenne.

" ht. and Mrt. Clarence Treat, of Au-i N. Y. who bave been, visiting

d i the past



AM Ordinue* lalatlva M th.ic Kaiattbuaae

and Eep«lr, Introduced lath* Bsroath

Conacil l u t VVBt —A MtMibn of la-

porti i* i«.iTed, Bot V»rr Lull. Bml-

nm II TraaaMUd Owisi to tt« AIMMM

Of &»•»! Of th. ClIltBCtlBU.

Bnt tittle business of importance wastransacted at tbe meeting of theBorough Council last night, owing tothe absence of Councllmen Hammer.

.-ell sod Edwards. No petitions ormunications were read and after a

few bills bad been presented for audit,the regular routine business was takenip.

Councilman Needbam reported tbathe Had communicated with George Ii.Frost, the chairman ot the SewerageCommittee of the city, as requested byihe last Council, bat that no meeting

the malnUinance and repairs ofiwalks, which was adopted on Its

first reading. Councilman Fountain re-ported tbat the bill of the North Plain,field Electric Light Company for October been reduced $14 worth and it was

the Auditing Com mi I tee. Healso reported that the lamp which the

E. Honey man complained ofhad been repaired.

A repori from Marshal Pangbornihowed that during November two elec-ric light lamps on Stone street aad twoin Vino s t r e e t , had beenint for a number of nights. Councilmanfount nil) reported tbat anestimate would iw received from theNorth FlainBefa Electric Ligct Com-pany in a few days in regard to lightingibe Borough for the ensuing year. The

showed tne reflector ot abad been taken down from

opposite to Stein's place, Greentirookroad, whichloles, evidet

.11 boss.

A DELIGHTJDL THAKKBOIVUG FAJtTIA number of friends of Miss Je'nnl'

Frcntc, of Scotch mains, were enter-tained by their hostess in a very as.ree-'able manner, Thursday night, at h e |borne oo Wettfleld avenue. A delight-ful programme of amusement had beenprepared by her and It net the ex-tremea of their ('no-loving procUrfUe*tdmlrably, so tbe evening was madeo pass very pleasantly. Tbe gnesliwere:— Mi** Edna Nicholl. Hiss AmyCook, Wiss Lain Bobison, Miss Alice;Johnson, Miss Netiie Flannery, MissMazie Uriggs, His* Florence (juerean|Miss Minnie Hossioger^and Miss Mar-

Its Jimerson, :ot Scotch Plains,Blanch Noeman, of Trenioa, M\se

Emma Jimerson, Edwin Fancher, Wil-nn Hszell, Cbanncey Smith, of West-Id, Edward Hedeubnrg, of CranfonL,mes jIcNalr, oF Brooklyn, FrankInnnery, Rambant Collins, Bichard'.

Bobison, F. Monte, Horace Hand, II-oung, Mrs.C. N. Brown,Mra. (itiarle*renu, Mr. and Mrs. Jimerson, Mr.nd Mrs. Putnam and Frank I'utnam,

On Thinslo love i

ther opportunity uf "hearing Blacta-utti. who sings on that evening in Re-.

orm Hall, lor the benelil of EmmanueliapUst Churcb. Black Eattl has wonr herself . an enviable reputation/herever sbe bas snng she has reeeiv-

d tbe highest praise. Tbe best ronel*cal critics speak of ber as one or thegreatest singers of the age. Tbose wbd

ad the pleusure,of bearing ber whenie sang In this city some time ago, wilte glad of the opportunity or bearing;tr again and Reform Hull will undoubl-dly be well Blled next Tbarodaj niglit.

s p ,riddled wllb bullet

ly made by hunters amiTb M h l td

his inability to previCouncil m

yMarshal reported

t tbe firing.tain reported

250 notices reliable toffering of a reward forstand conviction of persons who

destroy the electric lamps, bad beenprinted and be asked tbat tne Marshalsee that they be placed on every lightpole Iu the Borough. The sidewalkordinance was placed on its second read-ing and ordered printed. A resolutionoffered byCoundlm&n Neal providing forthe payment of $1,000 borrowed-forthe general road account Irom H. N.tipeucer, was adopted, as was one w

f tiOO dne Decembei27, for another month. The AuditingCommittee reported ibe bills correciahd tbe Council adjourned.

THE? TAXT TO BX0EQAMIZX.Another secret meeting ol Demo-

ratic leaders. In Union county was f 'ant nigbt In tbe rooms of the Ui

intj Democratic Society at Elizabeth,tbe purpose of trying to reorganizeparty. Tbe call for tbls meeting;

was signed by James E. Martlne, and;etters were mailed to every prominentDemocrat In tbe coontv.

Assemblyman Late Is also gointake a

ircular to every'Democrat of note iibe county asking for co-operation, ant

hopes lor early replies.


WHITE HAVES, P., Dec. 3 ^ T wLehigh Valley freight trains collided •his place early this morning. Firollowed, burolug the can, and inames commanlcated wllb the Etuhnkloiol, bnrniug it with several stores.

og.Mr. andMrs. wllltftm Brooks, who

spent Thanksgiving In this city have re-turned home. Mr. Brooks Is on thetaff of tbe Morning Journal.

Mr. aud Mrs. James Lindsey, of-ak-m, are visiting John Lindsey, of'rospect avenue.

Mrs. William Siape, of West Frontstreet, has gone to Salem In response toa telegram rrom ber moiber Mrs.Mary Thompson who was attacked withparalysis a day or:xpeeled to survi'

O ago, and Is noti it, .she it-B9 years

111 th. XMUUIBSI Bsptltt Ckmnh ba BDIII•• Kicbmond MrMtt

The people of Ihe Emmanuel BaptistChurch seem to be having considerabletrouble in getting their church startedon Richmond street. Some time sgothey secured a lot on tbat street, be-tween Third and Fourth streets, towhlcb they intended moving, a portionof tbe old oil cloth factory wblcb theybad purchased. They even went so faras to dig the cellar for the building, andto get ready for removal. Now comestbe report tbat the church Is to beocaled on North avenue near Rerck-

man street, and that tbe colored peo-)ie bave been Induced to eiclLlielr lot on Richmond street for tb>on tbe avenne. How true the repoibe, cannot be ascertained at present,but It Is certain tbat tbe work of mov-ing the bmldlng and of building thefoundation has stopped, snd tbat thereis a feeling In tbe neighborhood tbat iimight be as well for the chorea to belocated on some other street thanRichmond.


A complication in some l.asinesssirs relating to A. M. Seguine came loght this morning which called the at-

tention of some parties interested inhem in this wise.

His carriages, a coupe rockaway, aght wood rocd wagon,' a light woodurrey and a Berlin coach, were beldinder a chattel mortgage owned byudge W. A. Coddlngton, and Soarorses and four sleighs were beld under

a mortgage owned by French Brothers,festerday JudgeCoddington foreclosedI'H mortgage. This morning the pro-perty was missed from iu accustomedllace and a search was made fu)ne wagon was found at Spaffords barnn WestQeld, another in Jersey City,hird at Marshall's in this cltj and oi

at Homan'i.Of the horses one was found at Jer-

sey City* u d one on tbe way there.The sleighs were found at Net her wood.Officers nave been to Jersey City

.he property, and are expectedback with It tonight

BM U* World • fall- for KftaM Casts.Upon receipt of yonr address ai

fifteen cent in postage sumps, *'« * -mall you prepaid oar Souvenir Portfolioof the World's Columbian Expositionthe regular price Is fifty centa, but aswe want you to have one, we make theprice nominal. Yon will flr.d it a WOof art nnd a thing to be prized,contain* fall page views of tbe gnbuildings, wllb descriptions of same,*Is executed in highest style of a r tnot satisfied with it, after you get IVwill refund tbe stamps and lei you keepthe book. Address H. £. Bucklen kCo., Chicago IIL


m On Monday evening of next weel

sm, In whlcQ he became a partial belever while I". S. Consul at the I'hilti>ine Islands. Mr. Weob has devoteten years of his lire to tbe stndy of thislam, and is one of'the few American!

who has studied from Slohammedaiauthorities. Mr. Webb comes UPlalnfield with DO desire for flnanclagain, and only asks that be may be scorded a rospect ful hearing.

IT Till WAT.—An ear trumpet which was adver-

sed as lost tu last bight's Courier, wasmiid by a Courier readersod returned> its rightful owner. Courier adver

tlsemoDts do tbe business every lime—Tbe Gesan; and Turn Vereln are

making arrangements to give a grandconcert the litter part or this month.

—The interior of the new SeventhDay Baptist Church was t,thorough cleaning yesterday and thepews put in place to see II" '*all right.

—The Common Council meets onMonday night Tor ihe regular Decem* ler meeting.

—James Donahue said th.s noon'I have made two improvements to-

day on Front street. I have repairedthe cross-walk at tbe First NationalBank and the one at ibe post-office

people won't fall while crossing itTbls was done by order of RobertMeeker, tbe beat Street Comml 'that Plainneld ererhad."struck another hard blow with the pickInto another bad cross-walk.


tmrsday evening next week,'the'overs of this city will have an-

COMINGThe time far Blankets, Quilu

snd thicker Underwent. 1 havethem in all qualities, snd priceB,

>wer than ever before. ' , -


board, central location.exchanged. Apply at No. 906 Eatt FrontMreet, Plainfield, N - J . tf

hand on his owniting the party. He has


TODATafaonld not be

Neglectedtee -.



H ALF CROWN GIRL—Wantet *4«s-


Saturday, Dec. 2.


Hngh DonghertR'sWorld's Fair I I


qColumbiin Exponition.



MER THAN EYER,The Grenadier Band will give a con-



MacDbnald'a' ; -The only place where cash buyers can get a double inducement.


for one year from date of purchase. *

tever offered to the people of this city to pnrchaso a lot on one of.theprincipal utreeU in Flainfleld, N. J, We now offer flj?

40 LOTS 25x100on Boath arena borner i>er^kra»n street. Only tea inldtifM' "tralkTom the dup->t. Terms 95 per cent cash, and $10 per month. Noanctioneer'fl fees. Maps at office;of O. H. Hand, SlT^Vrtehangavenue. j -1

John F. Mela tyre, North arenne.J. T. Vail, Agent, 117 North ,*venue.


JOHN DAIXIEL, Prinrfp* 5

I'm-kind u d k h e h u M Dr.wi»8, l i n a i DrmwiUd LctteriM. Scroll S»w Work, F«alr j , Geology u,d PModdlBj, Wood Tinrng .nd C M « Joln-ty ««1 C

ker, OroamenWt Iron u d Vice W«rk. |

Each Scholar Receives Individual Instruction.

PRICE 20 cents PER HOUR, 'Piplls Orer Eleven T o n .£ Age Cm Eater it kmy Tlpe

SopecUl JkXTtikfmmxtM M»4o fop LaAloa. ' • ' , .

t IJlainficlb (£ottfirf.

foi,-m y°-49- - ^iCQBcl l® PIAINFIEIO. ^ c u 0~"'ck - 'k- c~ to* _‘*,-in«a «”"•* w,a C”’"*1

u4 B-ni Groattata br tk* ^,.u» « '* »•"* t“* Tw, Coogrcgadonal ChBrch »“ T** -itbliclu® to the observer foom

SSTiS cherry -W u» gonrai if bcpluuit for on. who Ten- f10*. ' oigbl upon 'h« OerAtiOD 1 w “ ^ntioa by the con* rogation purac Be' <• '■ Ooodhcb. and ■'«"■ wtn *" ,'ry bW’ t*7?bc mingling ol pl»«nt people In "pm, *»“•* up Into little and reforming, presented a nrtui dlMoiviog view to one who **2,h«klnr on. Each oc« wbo bad the reeeptlou waa making oilier one feel very much al CLi M introduction* anil a merry !?r The ebnreb waa well Oiled, and .ho were prvaenl were auxloue to

i«t lira (JooJrirb »*d '» be ber *T» ehon’Ii looked very pretty with (oral decorations. Upon the pulpit Mad acre rails biles, I'poa Ike pa ’ ‘ -


nilax au»J ferw, chryMnttifmurn«k _ i Mil fern*.' an 1 upon the floor 2£d r«u *Uh *»'iie rme* (M lie *c*t w«lv ot the church were t— to<>C »*t)le» tnwn which the ijnp*;# nra *efTe«1 with refreabmeot# by prot- p roang * handsomely alttred, who tnr awl •’*<’" ■PI**™! »rao*K foe rnttwlag groups with cake and cream.

p« ot Uie’Ublca prcaeaied a pinkwf- 1*1 «1lh tall candelabra containing pMaodle*. adorned by pink shade* i /torn of the same hue wore also upon to uble Tbi# tab e waa presided mr to Mis* Adeline I'anont, tod Mias Esi The Ollier table presented a fives effort with lamps and ahadca or tot color, to which waa added the ♦fcrt of greou carnaliona, whit* react isddaisiea At thin table Mien Nella Klitoa and Miss Kiorvlla Clark pre- fid fto Tones ladies in waiting wore KpEMxWblllDC, Mias Nellie Winck- hr. Miff Ed*. Uvekmau, Mias Clara Tttx. Miss Helen* YonAlatyne, Miss Ewe Sufferii. Mite Morse, Mite Hcl- lup, Mim IVmud, Mies Jen kins and In UlDylcauX. Tuey were prettily It.rrd, tome In white, others In blue mi one or two In green. Invitations toJbevo extended to all the clergymen ■ the city nud a uumlier of them were jnstot, utnong them Rev. Dr. Yentes, Isv.Dr. I*«wry, Rev. C. E. Herring. I*f M E Dwight, Rev. Edward kwais, IUfV. Hobart Clarke, Rev Usroia Goodrich, of Hound Hrook, the tonr*« brother, Rev. Edward I»ve% Eer. l>t. J. I*. Taylor, Kev. C. K. Baran. Tke evening wua spent most delight- Mv by all preaent, the reception laat- 0$. from eight o’clock to eleven and the pastor, . together with Ills loviug le^mset, had reaaon to be pread of to cordial greeiloffs upon this their frw ■feting with tbo congregation •see their wealing. Mrs (Joodrieh lu found hcraelf In the center of nrrte of warm and hearty friends w! n, mac her residence hero on<* of cwsuuual ioy HIDING HIM BO I VOTAGE

A very complete snri»r1se was ten- •Weed to William l'evblea, of the Wes *>, last nlglit by a number of his fhesds slit, wish to expreas tbelr irsts st his departure lor Scotland to •pw-llhe Winter. A company about forty met Ike Hall ut Tlilid a 11 •*1 '.rant svenu'*, with everything In "•dice* for the surprise when Mr ^IWnaais went over to vngwge Mr ftebws id a chat. They finally walked t*together and brought up where the . Psr.j *m awaiting them, and the * pri» to tbeir friend was then sec fcfery complete. . Dancing was I I****! sod was Wept Qp Until two •dock this morning by William Nicbol- Mr Peebles will have occasion the eve of liis return to .‘••Whom O MIMOET Of HEX LATE SOM.

A Urge siu picture of the late Re Mr. Mtroney, former jiaator of the fcotch Plains Mcthodiat Church, wl* le presented tonight to Mr Maroney MWh. r. as a surprise to her and kiadJj rcmrndieranee of her aoo. The pletore wsspnrcbaecd by the cutitrlbu- t**"* of a number of ladies in the jkurrh, and Is Intended as a surprise/ ‘•the mother In carrying out the wish * her son nude Jest before his death

NARROWLY ESCAPED INSTANT DEATH. Vitruk Damtalck, Who Drtvaa Tw E. f.'

Smith, of This Cttjr, Otta Mlicd Up la a Eamaway aad U Flam* U tha BoUom of a XMUh With tha Wogm oa Top of Hi».-E^»d a few liight Brvlaoa. la UaiwJaraA. Lost evening about six o’clock, Tat-' rica Domloick, wbo drives for II. P. Smith, of this city, had a narrow es- cape from oerioas Injury on Somerset atreeL The coachman waa driving along the street behind one of bis em- ployer’s horses, a valaaMe spirited ani- mal, when one or the electric cars sp- preached. Just ahead was lbs bridge over the brook which flowa through the Ooddingtos estate wmie on either aide was an open meadow. Knowing that the animal would not stand the car’s approach, tbs coachman turned into the meadow, where he wailed for the car to paaa. The horse all this time bad acted nicely aud Patrick was beginning u» congratulate himself that nothing would happen, wh«u the horse gave a auddeu jump and started to run away. Patrick held on the reins like grim death, ss he afterwards said, and did his beat to golds the frtgblcoed animal. It was little that bo could do, however, and the horse waa noon on the edge of the ditch, at the bottod of which the flowed. Here tho animal made a aaadeo tarn which ap»et the buggy on top of him- The horse ran down nomeraet street to the Arlington, where he was cap.ured and his driver souq after came along pulling what was left of the baggy behind him. Although covered with mad from bead to foot, Patrick was uninjured, while the horse was uot hurt either.


’NOVEL will he ieeeedtr

I bride' ' •


THE sea: ••J I be author of

Dora Thorne.

PERTINENT PARAGRAPHS. —Car No. 2 .*an off the track near the corner of Mountain avenue and Sotm reel street bis morning and de- ayed travel over the road Tor quite —The temperature fell to 22 degrees above zero this morning, a tail of 24 degrees from the highest recorded yes- terday. The fall of rain during tho re- storm waa .11 of an Inch. During the niootli of November last year over four ipehea of snow felL None fell year and Mill weather crunks pre- dict a severe winter. —The annual offering for Foreign Mission sill be lakeu io the Congrega- tional Church tomorrow. —The stewards aud trustees or Rev. A V Henry's lleibtl A. M E. Missions will hold a rally lu Republican Hall tomorrow forenoon, afternoon and evening. Ittrv. Tliomws W. Chose,of Orange, will preach at 11am. and 7*5 p. oi. —Mat k Levy, the Hebrew evange- list, will relate the siory of his conven- Ion aud conduct the Young Men's Meet- ing at the Y. M. I*. A tomorrow. —Tue extra marshals will be m«o- sured for their new uniforms this even, lng. —Onl v three weeks to Christmas, so Edsall's new announcement states, arid he soya it will be lu Ihu purchaser’s Ad vantage to call early at bis store and secure first choice, as his Uhnstmss goods are well displayed nuw aud < be looked over In a very short ti and aelocilous made cosy before the “nub.” —At the Council fire of Mhntononu Tnbe last nlglil two pule fat es were adopted. —Siogeia alll resume work on Mon’ day out ox|wct to abut down ttl Christ- mas lime. —Member* of Bomersel Council No 104 Jr., O. U. A. M sre requested to meet In tho room# si seven o’clock to- morrow when they will proceed In body to the First Presbyterian Church to hear the sermon prepared for them by Rev. C. K. Herring. —Tlio teachers of Grace Church Sunday-school bad s meeting Ism evening at wbicrf they diBrassed plans for tbeir work during ibis month. — Ilrccm k Ifoylo, of North avenue, have removed irom their former loca- tion, —A discs will bo held on Doles Hill East Front street New Years ui*. —Tbo North Avcnne Clob sent a good s^ted delegation to White House > el tend the sole of lots this afternoon.

. —On Ac count of the abac nee of Ooan dlrnao Howell, At the Boroogn Conu- cil meeting Iam night, no 9xm Mar- shal was appointed for drty In W osb- iogton Park. Mr Howell is the chair- man ot tbe Committee on Police and had fall charge ol the matter. The coal men and batchers say they ore “pretty well thank you.” No wooder, with the mercury flirting with tbe iiwufl* point. At the rag alar monthly meeting of Warren Euglne Company which will be held next Tuesday evening the question of opening their recently decorated parlors to public inspection will be con- sidered. STAB Of Oaio. Crxr or Toisso,) _ rm«*L7,°$SpMcyrTtn*fa» O.H. U»1 n« u sssorSKitsswir'iKa;

““'“““fk.,,, CIIBNKV. jamem kskt! t v.

HOT NOW ON TENTED FIEll). ■nwiaikiOMOicu, tin t> ctm

Uk. Trtmii u4 ThMr hllta u IW1 Atut Btw IW kill, tur^ii u< w... Wiu EH CMTh ul lu. CH. HudTukUCHtiulH. Tbe Wool in' IteUef CarpL of Win- Held Scott Pom No. 7*. O. A. R met lut oUtUt to bold ,a elMtlon for Minn l»r tb, oanuiiE term. Tbo RollerCorp, ol Barry Post, of Rahway, was present e how this was done by tbe farmer corps of the StAte, and to get inch points of enlightenment for their corps work, as they were not familiar with be- fore. Tbe b a tineas part ol the meeting oc- cupied a longer lime than was ex pec ted It was not until alter ten o'clock that tbe election was completed and tbe doors were thrown open to admit the brother visitors, tbe members of Win- field Scott Poet. For sometime before the Poet bad been lloed up l.» the cor- ridoroutside awaiting admiaeloo, while tbe flavor of steaming coffee greend tbelr olfactories with a templing effect. Occasionally a veteran wonld remark after a long sniff, “My! bat that coffee la good, I wonder when the door will be oponed.” There wai no use trying to fol a “Vet" sbont that coffee, who

athe tented field bad many a time thirsted for such a luscious draught, a a be sat upon the groond with In a drum head for a table and munched his bard tack between aips of mnJdy water. No npt was made to fool him as the coffee waa good. All were finally ad- mitted io It and a general good time followed, while the camp fire burned cheerfully among the Implements and relic* of war Commander Dobbins took liis place beside the President and made a lew plimrnury remarks shorn Woman’s Relief Corp* in genet al and the two that were present In particular. JnMice Nash added a few thoughts that seem- ed to clinch the Comaiander’e words, and Robert Milligan, of Westfield, told the story of woman’s heroic deeds ong the dead aud dying oo fields of battle, far from home end kindred. A humorous sketch was given by Mr*. Runyon, of K.diwav, abont how she lamed Caleb, aud Mr* Andrew Cox told tbe story of “Old M jwe op I the eggs.” W. C. .Smith, the sweet singer oi the Post, gave the bong "Naming tbe baby.” The Corps officers were elect- ' as follows: President, Mrs. S. M Anglcman, Senior Vice President, Mrs. M. C. Dobbins, Junior Vice President, Mrs. 1. L. McVoy, Trca«nrer, Mrs. E C. Morse, Chaplain, Mrs. Anesta Corwin. Conductor, Mrs K-.z* Rodin, Guard Mrs. Robert Mattox, Ifolegaiea to the iHiparimvnt Convention at TrcuUin, Mrs. H.vruh A. Woodruff, and lira. c Itroknw. Alt-rnau-a, Mra. Radio ood Mrs Mans Moore.

A Tseng ■amber sftts Draa Csra* Voaai Bsstlac Psassfklly avkls Barns, Is hrto

kis CasuaAss to Baonss Tfeffr EsUr- talaer.—Basic sad Laasktor Ualfl *ld- algkt. i One of the most complete surprises of tbe soaaoo upon on Innocent, nnsins- poctiog person, was the one tendered to William Kreitliog, of West Front street by bis brethern of the Independ- ent Fife and Drum Corps. The boys were oat In tbeir new coats and looked Just too sweet to Uve,wben tbe idea furred to them to pay a visit to tbelr young associate and see how be wonld stand the ordeaL It Is inspected foal Mias Henrietta KreiUlng, foe pretty young slater of the much surprised young man, bad a great deal to do with the arrangements of tbe event and It U kuown that the whole family, except the young man, down to the little six year old alster, were aware that some- thing was about to take place, but bad kept awfully mam about It. Besides that, some guests, wbo had left after Thanksgiving, relumed and a number of Corps boys* sisters dropped In that evening before toe drums were beard, so they mast have known something abontIt When the corps reached the bouse their young associate was going to join them os be sni»posed for a march, bat tbe leader, Frank Manchester, politely informed him that be was needed right si home. When the truth dawned apoo him it took him some miuaies to get his equilibrium again, amid the laughter cf the family and gaests. The evening was spent wilh charades, reriiatioDi and piaoo trios, winding np with a very pleasant repast which help- ed to brace the guests as they turned inward home Among the gnests were I’rufeasor and Mrs. A. G. Carpenter, Mias Mabel Wilson. Mias,8cheelein,Mlas Shepherd, Mias Newman, Mias Terry, of this city and Professor and Mrs. Cas- legnler and foe Misses Castegnler, of New York.

□I A Tbe S. A. C’s, a club of ysnng boys who reside id the northern part of the city, gave an entertainment last even- ing lo ilielr acquaintances In their clnb room In the lop of II. T. Barnes' barn on Norwood avenue. It was the In- tention of tbe hoys to have had a Thanksgiving dinner last night and their euiensinment another night, bat for fear that they might not be equal to the fea«L they dined oo Tbsukririrlng eve instead. The eatertaiameut laat night consisted of music, recitations tnd a c« uple of short plays' and waa to bsrt wcutid up with a boxing match, but lor liar that the police of foe cliv might be too Inqaialltve, It was given up. The pleasant evening came to an eud abont ten o’clock and all voted It to have been a great aoccesa.

Good shootibo at klxzasri.

A FTJBBT IBC1DBBT WITH A OBAIB OF 8EBI0UISEBS. Abont noon Thomas McCann, fro; the mountains, had s llltlo episode dur- lug hla visit io Uie city, which vexed Tho Friendship Gan Club Of Elisa Him a liule. lie >u driving on belh, conpeaed ol nemo of tbn bcei I’ark avenue, in a top boggy and alien - ‘ at Second street be whipped up -to go faster Just thou a wag »n driven by a Mr. Stasis came acros. the aveooo be- fore Mr. Mi Gann saw him. Tne latter pulled up suddenly throwing him down. When the anuuaicauie up ho came up outside the Shall*, and the rush of the crowd scared the horse ao that h

PERSONALIA Prof Mela, tbe leader of tbe ringing roetlon Of the Qeaang aad Tarn Verela, baa rented tha bonaeat No. U Hanning

Honeymao of So in-

ly misled Uie nliafl* off nnd would have broken uie bamea* badly lo a moment more. Sir. Slctinun eXIimsMl blumell as mad euongb to light the nucouaeloua 'cause ol all hi, trouble, If be had come back. V. Rset.i la Jnorr-

There must have been a strange Men- tation ail over this State of Jersey ves- lerday. For the drat time In yenra a week day went by without a crowd ol gamblers, touts and older cqunlly dis- reputable persons assembling some- where In the Slate to see sis aecuud-elass horse races. Tbe men who have been growing rich through Igoortug or vio- lating ibc laws of Ihe Stale have, ap- parently, dlecovered tbet It Is to tbelr advantage lo keep wuhle tbe limits of tbe statutes.

f ml.t J n

Hair* Caiarrk rur. la takaw talaraallj and FJfBT a 00. Toledo. O.

THE FAKE'S HEW BULLETtESOAJJ>. A large balletic board baa been pieced at the head of the stairway In Uie Park Club house and now Ibe club member* will obliged lo strain their eves to read tbe clnb notices which hare always been written .11 pieces of paper sod pinned nnder the club clock. Tbe new board ” long-felt want


shooters living near the meadows, hsd One shoot oo Thanksgiving I>ny. Tbe best scores wore made by J. Spelri, B McCaedles, R Kreeger, G. Eisc, II. Fromm, O. limey, J. Keat, A. BIs- hoffshanaen, J. AoUiera.0. Burnhelmer, J. Coabee, J Stelnderdt, J. Hoffman, and A. Keller. After tbe shooting the members and Invited gaests re- tired to tbe Clob lloase and bad tbe best sort of a good ume. ltefreab- meots, solid and liquid, were served tbont stint. Many gnests were pres- ect from PlsinOrid. Tbe Clnb will bold tu nest shoot on Cbiistmu Day. A TOICX FIOH TBE COLOEKD TOTXKS.

Among tbe speakers al tbe meeting bold at Thomas Martin’s oo PlainOeld avenue last mghL Tub candidate for Constable, Fraok VanDerhoof, was present, and made a short epseeb pointing ool Ibe sdvsutagee to be g si ru’d by each colored voter caatlog Ills ballot early in the morning. Abont twenty-Ore voter* were present from different wards In tbe city, and each one expressed bis Intention of voting the regular Republican ticket next Tuesday. It was moved and seconded that a* repreacntlvea, of the colored vot- ers of this city, they Indorse the regu- lar Republican ticket and do all lu tbelr power to elect lb The Chairman was D. C Moody and tbe Secretary was Bd. Washington.

A pleasant birthday party was ten- dered u> MleeMlokte Heodrfcba, at toe Arlington Hotel last night, by ber onele Henry Windham. Tbe party was bald In the private parlor which waa nicely decorated for the occasion Supper was served abont midnight nnd It was late this morning belore the laat gorst had departed. Mr. aad Mra Charles Maffett, er Dunellen, together wkb Mr. and Mra Charles Bnoyon, of tbit city, look ibeir Thanksgiving urkey at lb* residence of Harry C. Ranyoo, on Arlington av- eoo*. Henry Honeymao, organist of Ihe New Getmemoon Presbyterian Cborcb, s|ient ble Thanksgiving with hla broth- er. tbe Rev W. E I erset street. Knox- Taylor, Prineetan’a Right Goafd, la a Bound Brook boy. Mrs. James Atwood, of Treaton, came to tbe city lut algb t on a visit to friends and to attend tbe camp fire of the Relief Corps and Winffeld Scot Post. Mr*. John Taynor, of Warren street, who Is confined to ber house with an attack or pneumonia, la somewhat bet- ter and hopes are entertained of her □111 male recovery. Mias Id* A. Fountain, the daughter of Boroogb Councilman K. H. Foun- tain, of Willow aveone, Is visiting ber grandfather John D. Hoot, at New- town, Long Island. Lon Ayree, and bis uncle, Lon Townler, will go Monday to San An- gelo, Texas, lo spend Ihe Winter. Cnpt. G. \VV Morrison will lead -tho meeting al Wublngtonrllle Memorial Chapel tomorrow evening. A reception waa held allbo residence ol M. M. Dunham, on Arlington avenue, lut evening, lu boner of Frank F. Free- man. of Noank, Conn, at wblcb were a number ol mends rrom New Market and Dunellen. Rev. Arthur Crane, the evangelist, wbo bu been preaching at Waablng- lonvllle for tbe lut week with the re- salt of some thirty con*ertioos,wl.l com- roence services at Warren Chapel, North ITalnDeld tomorrow evening, subject: “A call lo service.” Praise service et 7M3 prompt. Bible readings and Christian service Tuesday to Friday Inclusive at 3 p. m > MM Annie Collins, of New York, Is visiting her alster Mia, S Sharkey, of Kicbmood Lost Wednesday evening, Mice Ber- ton Ton^- and Charles W. Bally, both ol Fanwood, were united lo marriage by Ibe Rev, W. A. Alexander, at the residence of Mrs Martha Jones, oo East Sixth street. At Ibe conclueKui of the ceremony, refreshments were ■erred and the. happy conple were wished all manner ol good things lu their Journey through Ills. William Treat, of Park avenue, ex- peels to go to Scranton today or tomor- row, summoned by Ibc lllueu of a ala- r. J. n. Kenyon, of Richmond s’reet, caving the sidewalk In front ot his property, curbed and flagged. Mlu Rule P. Wllllta, of Sooth Am- boy, la visiting ber stater. Mrs. A. M. Rntiyoe, of Madtaoo avenue. Mr. ami Mrs. Clarence Treat, of Au bore N. Y who have been, visiting Iriends oo Duer street during the put three we:ks returned borne this morn- ng Mr. and Mra niUlam Brooks, who spent Thanksgiving In this city have re- turned home. Mr. Brooks Is SUIT of the Morning Journal. Mr. and Mr* Jam** Lindsey, of Salem, are visiting John Lindsey, of Proa peel avenue. Mrs. William Slape, of West Front street, bu gone lo dalem In response to a telegram from ber mother Mrs. Mary Thompson who wu attacked with paralysis a day or two ago, and Is not expected to survive IL rhe 1*49 jeers old.

mil tks Xamasasl Baptist Cbarek ks Bail’ Strastl


The date* for the coming concert* to be given In Music Hail by the Choral Society have been fixed for December 21, March 6, and May 10. The ticket* wiu soon be out and *e- Isetlooa lor tbe programme will soon be anoouoecd. Said Nature to 1-kyrie. -what pity thal wo Mr atrewgth la rabauaud. mi corrar Sred. Prowl t*o vrildr of NuoplUa dlacbarpvd al BJ bred. Is la ao< strewn that Nature should isoor Strotoaphlust the UOW of thouu prlptne and drastic blue mar hire, with -hseb old rostra or

Tbe will of tbe late Cbanncey B. Ripley hu beeo Bled for probata It U in tbe doctor’s own handwriting. It wu written laat May.John 1C. Creawey, of’New York, la named as executor without bonds The doctor’s law library Is glroe to Charles a Hsyes, |l,#00 to the Cemetery AsaucisUoo, to be luveeb ad and the proceed* to be used to keep his grave In order; tl.OM lo Daetnell Cntverrity aad *IM to each of tbe em- Bts oa tbe farm at WeriBsM. Two- of tbe remainder of tbe route Is bequeathed to John K. Creerey, two- Anns to Bockoell Cnlrersily sod one- tftfa to Charles A Hayro None of tbe doctor’s roJatlrro w aeetioeed In tbe

PoUou which. sroU re bird seed end swear ooalod, aovar rail lo act agrodvalr thouak ooMHaetr

—There la good reason for tbe pop. alertly of Cbataberlala’a Coagb Remedy. Darla k Doaard, of West Moaterry. Olarton Co., Pa, saya “11 bu eared people that oar pbjtldaaa coaid do notbleg tor. We persuaded them lo try a bottle of Obamberlela’s Cough Remedy end they aew reconnect with the rest of oa” 35 aad SO botUro (br sale by Bayaold’s Pharmacy Part aad North avenoea, T. & *

Tbe people of tbe Emmanuel Baptist Cborcb teem lo be baring considerable trouble In getting tbelr church eutted on Richmond street borne Ume ago they secured a lot on that street, be- tween Third and Fourth street*, to which they Intended moving, a perUoo of the old oU cloth factory which they had porehaaed. They even went ao far u to dig tbe.cellar for tbo bonding, and to gel ready for removal. Now come* the report that the church to to be located no North avenne near Beret street, aad that the colored peo- ple have been Induced to exchange tbeir lot oo Bleu mood street (or tbe one oa the avenoe. How tree the report may be, cannot be ascertained at present, hot hla certain that tbe work of mur- ing tbe batldlog and ol building tha foundation bu stopped, and that there to a feeling la Uie neighborhood that It might be as well for the church to M located oa some outer alroet than Richmond.


A# Onilauc* B#loti*• to ttoir Molatoioaocc and B#pair, ZatrWatod U tko Boron#* CnmU Lom lifll —A Into of I#- port# oxo 1n#««4, to* Tory XttttoBaal- B#w M TruucUd 0»i»f to U# Atone* of l«T#rml of tto CnaettoMOw But IllUa buslne## of importance wo# trooMctcd al tbo mooting or foa Borough Council laat olght, owing lo tbo abaence of Couodlmoo Hummer. Howell and Edwarda. No pattttona or oommanicaliooa were read and after a Tew blUa had bean presented for audit, tbe regular routine basinea# wa# lakeu up. Councilman Needham reported that be bad comm on looted with George II. Prool, foe chairman of Ibe Sewerage Committee of tbe cltj, a# requested by foe laat Ceancil, bat foot no meeting had been held a# yet. Conn,liman Neal loirodaccd an ordinance coocern- the mainuinaoce and repair# of walk#, wb»ch wa# adopted oo lla flrat reading. ConnciImio Fonntaln re- ported that tbe bill or the North Plain- field Electric Light Company for Oclo ber been reduced $14 worth and It wa# referred to tbe Auditing Committee. He also reported that foe lamp which foe Rev. W E. 11 on c} man complained of bad been repaired. report from Marshal Pangbora showed that daring November two elec- tric light lamp# on Stone itreet and two Vlas street, bad beeo oat for a numlwr of nights. Councilman Fountain reported that an ostlmale wouldbe received from the North Plainficfa Electric Light Com- pany in a few days in regard to lighting foe Borough for foe ensuing year. The Councilman allowed foe reflector of a lamp which bad been taken down from opposite lo Sleio'# place, Ureeubrook rood, which waa riddled with bullet bole#, evidently made by banters and small boy#. Tbe Marshal reported hi# Inability to preveni ibe firing. Councilman Fountain reported that 250 notice# reliable to offering of a reward foe foe arresi and conviction of person# wbo destroy tbo electric lamp#, bad been printed and be asked that foe Marshal foot they be placed on every light |*ole in tbe Boroogb. Tbe sidewalk ordinance wa# placed on ll# second read- ing and ordered printed. A resolution co by Councilman Neal providing for foe payment of $1,000 borrowed fol foe general road account irom 11. N dpeucer, wa# adopted, as was one t< renew a note of $*00 due December 27, for aootber mouth. The Auditing Committee reported tbe bills correct and foe Council adjourned.

Thareday night, at hs{ •Id aveaao. a dollght. fol procraron of aaaaomaat bad bom prepared by bar and It M tbo ex. tremos of lhatr I'an lovinj proeUvllM admirably, ao tbe ovoola* waa mads lo paaa very pieaoaoUy. Tbo raoou wan;—MM Edna NicQoil, MM Ann Cook, MM Lola Robison, MM Allow Joknaoo, MM Nettle Flannery, MM Marie Bricga, MM Florence unerase, MM Minnie lloowngwr^aad Mm Mar- Eoorite Jlmoraoo, ol Hootch Plains, MM BJaneb Noonan, of Treaton, MM Emma Jlmoraoo, Edwin Faochor, Wil- Ham llaxoll, f banner j Smith, of Weari Held, Edward llotlonbarg, of Cranltord, Jamro McNair, of Brooklyn, Frank Flannery, Ram bant Collins, Richard Robison, F. Monts, Horace Hand, II, Yoon*, Mr*.C. N. Brow*,Mra. Chlrio* Fronts, Mr. ud Mra. Jlmoraon, Mr. and Mrs Polnam aad Frank. 1’utaamj Jr., ol this etty. 1LSCK FATTI COEIBO.

On Tbnraday evening next week, the rnnaic lovcra of thia etty wilt have an- other opportunity ot hearing Black 1’aUl. wbo rings on that evening lo Re- form Hall, tor Ihe benefit of Emmanuel Baptist Church. Black Data has won for herself an enviable reparation. Wherever she ha* song aha hu recelr, od the highest praise. Tbo but moat- cal critic* apeak ol ber u one of tbe greatori singer* of tbo age Thou wbo had the pleasure of bearing bar wheo •he aang lo this city some time ago,trill be glad of tbo opportunity of bearing her again and Reform Hall will undoubt- edly be well tilled next Tbnraday night. *»• •

SMASHUP ON THE LEHIGH, (KPKCUI. TO THE COCKIER.) * White II#ves, P., Dec. J^-Two Lehigh Valley rreigbl trail*# collided at ibis plsca euriy Ibis morning. Fire followed, burning foe cars, aud (be flame# communicated with the Ruhnke Hotel, burning it wilb several storea


complication id some laaioeaa fairs relating lo A. M- fleguine can light this morning which called Ibe at- tention of some parties Interested them in this wise. His carriages, a coupe rockswty, light wood roed wagon, a light wood surrey and a Herlln coach, were held under a chattel mortgage owned by Judge W A. Coddiogloo, sod four horses sod four sleighs were held under a mortgage owned bv French Brothers. Yesterday Judge Coddington foreclosed mortgage. This morning foe pro- perty was missed from Its secnsiomed place aud a search wa# mode for iL One wsgou wo# found at Spaffonl# barn In Westfield, another In Jersey City, a third al Marshall's lo Ibis city and one al Homan's. Of lbs horses one wa# found at Jer- sey City* and one on foe way there The sleighs were found at Netherwood Officers have been lo Jersey City for tbe property, and are expected back with It tonight.

. ruAjvEJdiruG ru A DELIGVT7DL TSAJfKSdlTUO FAMTti A number of friends of Miss Jennie Krenlx, of Scotch Plain#, talced by ibeir bootees in a very sgr

The time for BlinkeU, Qtiflta and thicker Dndorwoir. I have them in all qualities, end prices, lower than ever before. . HOWARD A. POPE.

-T board, rostral nchanrod. Apply at NO. wrrot. PlainScld, N, J,

TEXT WAIT TO KX0UAE1XI. A do titer secret rneeUoE ot Demor, cratic leader* In L’nlon eoonty wu bald laat nlelit tat tbe rooms of tbo Uolon County Democratic Society al Elisabeth,' for the purpose of trying to reorganise tbs party. Tbo call for tbl* muting wu riffned by J amt’s K. Martino, and rattan wore mailed to ovary prominent Democrat lo tbe conntv. Assemblyman Labs to also going tef take a band on bit own hook at rejuvenating tbs party. Ho bu Motls circular lo every Democrat of nolo Id tbe eoonty asking for cooperation, and hopes lor early replies TO TAkE ABOUT HOH AEEXDABIIE.

_ On Monday evening of next week Mohammedan Wobb will deliver a lee tore In Reform Had on Mobammudao lam, in widen be bourne a partial be- liever while U. 8. Consul al Ihe FblllC plus lalanda Mr. Wobb hu devote^ ton year* of bio life to tbo otody of tbt Islam, and is one of tbe few Amoriean* wbo boo studied (Tom Mohammedan authorities Mr. Wobb comet PlainOeld with oo domra for financial gain, and ooly asks that bo may bo ac- cord od a respectful bearing


TTIOR SALE or JP .oo®. a«wl7 pain tod newly* plwmtod, city water, fiac locaooa. Iaqair* ftM^Kunyow, 40a Park imM or 4I6

H ALF GROWN CIRl^Wai 1 ><- '5 —aat

MUSIC JULIA. Salurday, Doe. 2.


World’, Fair MINSTRELS.

Th® Picturesque Columbian Expos tou


NIER THAN EVER. The Grenadier Bud will giro a coa- cert u 7 p. m. In Oval of Mule Hall.. . ... r . ... _>*' .



c \




■ro tka War Ida Fair far Ftltoro Cut*. Upon receipt ot yonr addrou aad flflocn cent In poaugo tramps wa will mall yon prepaid row Souvenir Portfolio of tbo World * Colombian Expoomou, tbo regular prtoo It fifty cants, bat u •o want yon to bare one, we make tbo prise nominal. Too win Bad It o work of on undo thing to bo prised. It coo ram. foil page iwwi of tbo great bwlldings. with deacrtpuou of same,and |a executed la blgbut Ryle of art. If pot utlafled with m after you got It, we will refund us stamps and lot yon keep tbe book. Addrou H. E. Bocklen k Oo.,

—An ou Irnmpot which wu odvor- Used u loot lo last night’s Courier, wu found by a Coarier ruder aod returned lo lu rightfol owner. Courier adror- uawr.onlt do tbo buaioeu every Umo. —Tbo Goaoag and Turn Vorsin ore making arrangement* lo give a grand concert the latter part of tbl* aoalh. —Tbo Interior of tbo now Bereolh Day Haptltt Church wu given a thorough cleaning yutorday and tbo pews pot in piaoo to au if they t all right. —Tho Common Connell meets oo Monday night for tbo regular Decern ber muting. Jamu Donahna said lb.a noon: have made two improvement* to- day oo Front street. 1 have repairer tha cross-walk at tha Flrat National Rank and the one at tbe poaloffloe ao people won’t fall while crossing It Tbit wu done by order of Robert Heeler, tbe beat Street Commtori Ural iTaiollekl aver bad.- Then Ji •truck aootber hard blow with Iks pick Into another bad cross-walk.

MacDonald’s Tho only piaoo where ouh bnyire can got a doable i»d


for oao yosr from’date of purchase. Seat: Opportunity

over offered to the people of thia <Jtr to purchase a lot on ope of tha principal *troel* in rlainfiold, N. J. We now offer 'f— 40 LOTS 25x100 J&L

on Booth arena sorner iver-kman street. Only ten ml&tu ®2lk from the dop-4. Terms 8» per oeot cash, and #10 per month. Mo auctioneer's fee*. Map* at office 'of O. IL Hand, 8lT£Watehnng avenuo. K ' r John F. Holntyre, North avenne. J. T. Vail, Agent, 117 North avonne.

IkrCapa Flrat.


800 EAST FRONT STREET, . JOHN D Alii EL, PMppipd. f - . • ■ Elvu m tkatonro^^sra^ ^rowroa tu So—• of ( a. as 6 fr "

Eaeh Scholar Seulvefi Individual Inatruatfion. PRICE 20 cants PER HOUR. ~ ' Paplto Orer Stere. Yura ol. Age Cu Eater at kxj T1*e

Page 2: lB V '« COMING - DigiFind-It · At Ibe Council fire of Miantonomo Vib e las t nigh two pul fates t adopted. - • .ri^








FintWird.ELIA8 H. BIBD.

Second Ward.GEOBOE H. FROST.






For Collector.JOHN JOHNSON.



For School Trustee.DR. OLIN L. JENKINR

For Member of the Board of Free-holders.


For Conwntoeloners of Appeal.• WILLIAM C. AYER9. - •


THE Coarier's novel Biipp.esaent baamet. wiih saclj a remarkably enttiaBtic response that another novel byother well known author will be Issuednext Saturday.

THE Conner wiihee to urge upon itsRepublican voting renders the the straight Republican ticket.Not a name has been presented but, Is

• the name of a strong candidate. Nothing is It: be gained by electing a singleDemocratic nominee. The city hasbeen well cared for during tbe past tw<yean and It has been In good bandsThe various candidates uamed by ilheRepublicans this year are quite asalile and efficient. In their hands thecity can Dot fall to Care well. Vote astraight UckeL •-

Tin: City Democrat* are makhgevery effort to •capture one of theFreeholders. Every dodge la beinjworked to accomplish It Republicansare being urged to vote for Mr. Smiththe one Democratic candidate, fa"friendship's" sake, and nnder lariopother pleas more or less specious. RepubHctns are assured that ' Mr. fcmitlhas no expectation of being]elected bathat he wants to "make a good sbowIng," e t c Of course the real objectview Is tbe capture o£ the BoardChosen Freeholders for the comingyear.

Now the Republican wbo will be ledunder any sort;of plea, to transfer hivote to the Democratic candidate, doserves bo favor from bis own partyTbe Board at jjresent Is DemocrAnd it is Democratic became of a Dem*ocrat accidentally elected at WeatfieldNext Spring hia term expires and aRepublican will sorely be 'electedRepublican WeslBeld to succeed himThis will ffiaae tbe Board Republicanunless PWnfleid Republicans forgethoir duty and are led Into givicj"complimentary" votes for a Demo-crat.

Tbe Republican candidate* are One of them bj long servicehas proved himseir tbe beat Freenoldethe county ever had. Tbe other it. anhonest man, in every way competentto took well after the intvresu of PlainHeld. No Republican can make a mis-take by voting for both these :He will make a bad mistake if be votesagainst other.

—On January 2 wdl occur the celebrailon of the qsarter-cen ten Dial ollowelt Division Sons of Temperance.

laekkUa-s Aratca Satn.The beat salve' i tbe world for Cms,

Bruises, Sores, t era, Salt Rheum,Fever Bores, Tetter, Cnapred Hands,Chilblains, Corn*, and all Ski* Entp-Uoni, and positively cores Files, or nopay required. It ia guaranteed to giveperfect satisfaction, or money refold-ed. Price K ceott a box. For sate byL. W. Rudolph, 31 West Front street.

Jartj «f T*aac 1Citv a n Onrtakaa

• w 4s taty Awaka Oitil th.

Among the number of young peoplewbo attended the dance at tbe Wai-chang House at Sebriog's Mllli lastWednesday evening, were two jonugladies and their escorts from ibia city.Tiie jolly party drove to tbe dance In atig blred for the occasion, and at tbebonse they enjoyed themselves to theirhearts' content About two o'clockthe next morning they startedborne thoroughly tired out with theirevening's enjoyment, and on tbe waythey all went to sleep. Tbe poor oldhorse, realising that bis drivers werelost to the world for the time being,determined to bave a good Ume all byhimself, so he took bis time In walkingalong the road, and when a convenientHaystack appeared in view in a netgb-

' Held, tbe hungry animal care-.-ew his precious charges throughIn tbe fence and started In to eat

boring flelifully drewa gap I •haSfilL

SHU the party slumbered, nncoosc)

breaking In the East. By this time tbeboise bad eaten bis Oil and bad goneto sleep too, and it was with difficultythat tie could be induced to mov<onward. Tbe sleepy party reachectheir domes in lime for breakfast, bufthey are unable to account for ihei*going to sleep on ibe way.


Norman C. Hague, the candidate forCouncilman on the Republican ucket

i the Fourth Ward, is a stranger toisny but it ought to be made plain In

instlce to himself that he Is a veteracof Ibe late war with an honorable rec-ord and one wto never flinched fromduty when bis country called. He wasa volunteer in tbe First ConnectlcnArtillery and aerved his full ume In th<leavleat fighting done by ibe Army ofhe Potomac. l ie carries wounds from

which he now so Hers. He is sober and•trious, fearless as to his duly, andwho will serve FlalaflelcTs best In-

terests If elected. Victory Is now inthe Republican grasp. Don't scratch a

—Owing to the blowing oat of a gas-ket at '.In; power bouse of tbe NorthPlsinfleld Electric Light Company lastnight, considerable trouble was hadwlih the hoose lights, and they went

ut several times.—The Fond Tool Words, which closed

Wednesday evening for Thanksgiv,ill resume work on Monday.—"Doo'l get lelt" in the beading oT

VanEmbargh's sd. and you will getleft if you don't read It and avail yourselves of this opportunity to buy ahandsome Christmas gift for a mere

•ng. •—The,regular monthly raeeln

the Citv Council will be held nextday evening.

—A Hag sidewalk has been placedIn front of the residence of D. L.Thompson, on Rockview ten-ace.

—All turkeys which were not dis-posed of st tbe shoot of tbe Iodependeut Gun Club ou Thanksgiving Day,will be given to their owners tonight atbe Crescent Hotel.

—The C. Y. M. L. bgwlers are toay two games In the Journal League•ries next week. On Monday even

Ing, their opponents will be tbe Eliza-beth Field Club and the game will beplayed In this city. On Tuesday even

the Lyceum bowlers will go toing, theElwabeth nd do their best, to win fromthe Y. M O. I* A .

—On Tuesday evening next occithe Syinpbony Conce it by the men aDoys ot Holy Cross Choir. Tbe pceeda of tbe concert will be devotedtbe purchase of hymnals and to repair*u n the organ. -

—Tomorrow nigbt a specialto the Junior Order of United Amerfcan Mechanics will be preached In tbeFirst Presbyterian Church by Rev. CE. Herring.

—Tbe exlroWednesday wei51 and 35, and Friday 4G and 29.the same days last year they were 41and 34, 41 and 31, 36 and 26.

—A Monday night club Is beingformed at tbe Crescent Riding Academy with the expectation of taking tbifirst ride Monday week. This clntwas suggested by some wbo would liketo ride but who find toe Wednesda;night riae inconvenient for them.

—Ongbey Dougherty appears It"Tuxedo" in Music Hall tonight as tbeirrepressible song and dance mall.Everybody wbo has seen the play wll

" to mind his representation of the

of temperaturei 06 and 31, Thursday

character. This is his third year, anctime has not lessened its attractivenessin the hands of this inimitable come-dian.

-The social organization compose'embers of Howell Division Sons

of Temperance will bold a literary enterlainmeat soon, and preparationsand rehearsalsaiready for it.

i now going on to make

—Marshal Pangborn received hisnew overcoat last evening from New-ark . Tee coat Is similar to the oneworn by Oaptain Grant, and Is madeIrom tbe best qoality of police ctotb.Tbe marabai will air It on the streeltonight for the Drsl Ume. Look oufor him.

—The Washingtonvi!l«j Licettut metlast night at tbe home of Miss IdaLewis on Somerset street for anotueirehearsal of tbe theatricals to be glvetthis month. All tbe members werepresent Tbe theatricals are gettinginto good shape for a line presenta-tion.

UH ttaadiag u th* OatUr.

og on West Front street now' « gutter about eight inches from the

irb, since the curb was set back,will be difficult to reset tbe pole la Uwalk since the flagging has been laid.

CAUGHT FROM THE CURRENTs T a l w Tkat P*t»U Talak IWmt i

wnma TOUM TU namvwn*

TUt— aai Msam sT « r « j fiur Lift

••That the study of forestry—thatis, tbe study of nature M she speaksto us through tbe trees —Is interesUni,and that a knowledge of all that Ibe•object Involve* Is profluble, as wellaa Interesting, was emphalicslly provento me upon an excursion we took, quiterecently to the woods, armed with

" '[ and pencil as ft pupil Of ""ISM of the PlainBeld Maiforestry _.. . .

Training School, directed by Mr.•We went to a spot of Interest near

tbe foot of the mountain and began atonce to look about U. On everybant) were trees, rearing their beadshigh above the teaf co' 'From the point at which

• exposition. Taiaex-

than twelve din"' it kinds of trees


.juld be seen. There were oaks, cedars,beeches, birches, asb, elm, chestnut,hickories, maples, poptor, dog-woodand button wood, while close byfully drooping over a brook, mwas reflected tbe beauty of its form, aweeping-willow waved rtbe wind.

"The commercial value of these treeswas pointed out to os, the oaks andHie birches from their strength andlasting qualities are extensively usedin ship and carriage building, the cy-presses are used In outdoor work be-cause they are least affected by cli-matic changes, and the common whitepines are indeapensable to tbe carpen-

"IB it not interesting to study thesetrees, use'ul lodespensable

_ First and foremostf magnitude and attractive.

_ _ j thMe to C l i l o n u . .no tftor-. _ Tbe dales lor the former are

January SI and F e b n a r j 22. Tbefirst date has been selected so that enroute to the gtorlon* westernmostState of the Colon the Mardi Qraafestivities at New Orleans may be en-oyed bv the tooriits. California will

commu'd unusual attention this Winterby reason of ibe mid-winterto be held at Sao Francisco.hlbitloa promises almost to rival theate World's Fair in completeness.

Many Eastern people bare already de-cided to attend.

Florida, always a popular haven,jtill juiily a u e m its claim aa the mostdelightful part of onr conn try In whichto pass the inclement months of tberear. Fire tours will be run there.

January 30, February 13, Fenrnsry 27,Mtrch IS, and March 27, have beenchosen as the starting dates,dollars from New York, $48 fromadelphia, and equally low rate from

ucb a degree and In-manf la a knowledgeespensable to

>f their peculiarities, uses and adapta-lii t fitbl? Is not the study

God'sof lessons to niT"

<t proUtableT Is not the studyem o >ling? Are not the trees

Q landmarks and therefore full

act froThe above is an>ies made by one or tbe pupils of the

J'luiufield Manual Training School, andthey give a Just Idea of tbe apprecl-on of the Interest taken In this

study by all tbe class, they are consid-ered of sufficient public value lo pub-Is*.


At the regular convocation of Per-severance Lodge No. 74, K; Of P.,

•hie!] was held in their rooms Ian evning, tbe first rank was confeirednpoi

Louis Hohring and David Angerbauerit this city. At tbe conclusion of tbiileasunt ceremony, tbe post chancellors-oted for officers of the Grand Lodge

for the enduing year, after which PasiChancellor Cadwalladar Jones, the old-

member of the' lodge, m a most hap-py speech, presented Past Cbancell<Samuel Robinson with a valuable pastofficer's jewel suitably inscribed, hebuvlng brought in tbe largest number

members during theMr. Robinson, wbo waa taken

•ely by surprise, thanked thren for their generous gift u

few well chosen words.

A eong and prai*e service was beltin the parlors of tbe Crescent AvenueChurch last night, under tbe auspicesol the Yonng People's Aeeociat'oo, lostimulate au interest in church mattenby selections appropriate to tbe day oThanksgiving. The service was ledby H. O. Newman. Tbe mnsic bvtbe choir was verv fine and wad mnclenjoyed. Responsive readljgs wetpart of the service.

SXF0XK IS I I I JER8ET.Tbe recent elections In New J<

give assurance of reform that will contribute to our moral and national welfare. One reform, however, notdieted by this result, has recently beenintroduced at Collier's, It Is tbe maKlnjof the mosquito a thing of beauty &mutility. Call at 103 Park avenue, andHad out bow successfully this rel~lias been accomplished.

A Hone Back Rider Thrown oa hartaNfwfc,

Drivers of carriages complainbad depression In Fourth streettween New and Liberty streets whichIs especially dangerous night. A

orseback rider was thrown Irom hibone aud bis horse was badly lametyesterday afternoon by the horse mak-ing an attempt to jump the place andthus stumbling in it

A more economical or pleasant wa>to speDd three days could scarcely bidevised than that offered by tbe Pennsylvenu Railroad Company In tts personally-conducted tours to tbe CapitalThirteen dollars from New York, 811from Philadelphia, and proportionatelylow rates from Intermediate or contigu-ous points, will cover transportationand hotel expenses during the periocof tbe trip.

The historic and contemporaneousassociations of tbls beamJfol city arennmberiess and render a visit repletewith Interest The Brit tour leavesNew York at 10 a. m. and Philadelphia1.60 p. m., November 30. Otherdates are December 14 and 28, JanuaryIB, February 8, March 1 and 22, Apr!12, May 3 and 24. A tourist agent andchaperon will accompany each partyand materially aid In the general wel-fare of the participants.

If yon are thinking about buying aplaster, remember that you will placeit upon your body and cannot get aplaster that will be too good for you.

ALLCOCZ'S Porous PLASTER IS 1test plaster made. Your druggist mayhave some other plaster on bis shelveswhich be Is soxtoos to get rid of, orelse Bone worthless Imitation purchasedat a low price tor the

Ons or the Iron poles supporting the ,uuition. Do not accept bis " J u t asrolley wire belore the Mantling build- good" plea, Insist opott having the m -

ALL00CK"s Poitors F u f f u has>equaLBRA.\DRETH'» PILLS can always be

raited opon.

The final arraagiwenlsarenow—der the tonrist betes* of the Pennsylva-




Hats and Bonnets

Madam Knight,No. 112 W Front Strart,



other points will c rail expeusee 1

Old Point Comfort appeals stronglyto those not caring tojtTrom home, and on Dehistoric spot will be visited by a specialtour. Last come the ton™ to Wash-ington, 1). C , on December 14 and 28,January IS, February 8, March 1 and22, April 12 and May 3 and 24.

The Pennsylvania Railroad—Com-pany's guarantee that thorough andsatisfactory methods will be pursued Inconducting these trips needs no addl-

U testimonial.

THE PASXB GST THEM.Last night the Park bowlers return-

ed Irom Westfield ID better spirits thanthey have been in of late, having de-feating tbe W. A. C. by 52 pins. Tbe* iture of the game was Sandford'i

* The following are the

PalLyman 134Sandford. .. .215

* McQuaJde.Chapman.Bandolpn..'..124Brown 161liegeman.... 1.13Tillers. 141


of 215.scores:

W. A. 0.Whltehead..RiceWorthPearsaliShove


Man gam. ...162 Matthews..

FAU CLDB B1HCE.Another informal dance waa given ate Park Club house last night. It wasild under the direction or the junior

entertainment committee, and was at-

d Conde fnrnisl music for

SUJIDAT SEKTICES.on™ Avenue M. E. ChspeL SerrlceI and 8 o'clock. Lord'i rapper and rceep-of members at the morning terrice

ETcning termon by Herbert Branson.Sunday school, 3 p. m. Epworlh League7-3*

Tonight a song service will be held in tbeW.C.T. U. rooms. Sunday meeting inthe W. C. T. U. rooms ai usual . t 9.16 a,m. Consecration service and Gospel Tiperance meeting at 4 p. m.

Firtt Church of Christ. Preaching by thepastor at 10.45 and 7.3a. Lard's Supper11.45. Sunday school U j p. m.

German Church, North PU infieldService* at To.30 a. m. and 7 45 p mKey. F. Koecbli will preach. Theme"Christ the light of the World." Sundayschool, 9.15a. m.

St. Peter-i German Lutheran Congrention will hold services at 10.30 ai7.30. Sunday-school at 9.30 a. m. Rev. |

Methodist Episcopal Church. Ke*. C. RBarnes, D. D., pastor. Public service a10.30a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Sunday-schooat a.30 p. « . Evening subject, "Withered Hands." Ep worth prayer miat 6.45 p. m.

Park Avenue Baptist Church SunJjyschool, 2.30 p. m. Preaching by the ptttoat 10.30 and 7.30. Morning theme, "Cloucommunion: tome misconceptions antmis-suiemenU corrected." In the Evening"PUving the Fool." ^ ^

First Baptist Church. Preaching at 10.31a. m. by feer. Dr. D. J. Yerkes, and 7 .4 jp. m. and Bible class atU30 a. m. Early prayer service at 9.30.

East Third Street Mission. Sunday-sehooat a:jo, gospelFrench will lead.lead.V. P. S. C. E., at 7.0a

Church of tbe Heavenly Rest, Clintonjvennc Service at 11 a. so. and 3.30 p. mSunday school at 9.3O a. m. all seatsfree. Rev. Dr. Page of New York,wilt officiate.

the Trinity Reformed Church tom...Rer. Cornelias Schenek irUl preach at

10:30 t. m. uid it 7.30 p. m. theme"The loot, of Christ." Lord-* Sapper

>-3o. Sun day-school it a.30 p. m.All Souls Church, Park , « m « . •

Hobart Clark will preach at 10,45 •• roand 7.45 p^m. Sunday-school at 11.4c a. mTheme. "The higher criticism of the OlTestament, its Poetry. Hislory and Fiction.

Congregational Church. Rev. C. L. Good-ich will preach at 10.30 a. m. SubjectThe story of a lonely btn." Sunday-

Logan Murphy, rector. 1lion of Holy Communion anding prayer and termon at 11 a. m. After--xm Knicc at 4.30. Saoda--school meeU

3P- n-First Presbyterian Church. Rev. Charles

Herring, pastor. Services atL.30. and 7:3a In the evening the psj-r will preach to the Somerset and Frank-> Coudla. Janior Order Ailanics Sonday-scfaool at I

People's meeting at ; p. m.

Thow who have BMd Dr.KIng1* Newiscovery tnowi iuvalue, add tbOM

wbo bave, not, hsve now tbe opportnn-ty to ti7 it free. C«J| on ibe adver-' d D n a n t i o d c M i TrUl Bottle,

x Send your ume Bnd addraa toH. E. BncUen * Co., Cble*go, and n t

•ample box or Dr. Kmg'i Sew Life111. Free, u well >* a copy of G*Me (9

HMIUI and HOB> ahold laatraetor, Fraa.All of which la gnarmoteed to do j ngood and coat 70a BoUrtag at L. W.Rudolpb'i Dnntora XI War. Front

LOOK ! Dygpeptic», Hear Ye)


SEA FOOD MARKET142 North Avenue,

rijBmui, j. t.Finest quality of ail kind, of

SEA FOODOy*tera and Cknw on hdj iheU

A SPECIALTY.Order* Caged tor and ooodiEeliversa.


C.W.Gpiffin's335 Watohuug

GROCERIES-And Provisions.


GROCFRIESand all kind of


FRUITS,go to


J. FLACK. Manaa-er.



•is;: s: asrisu.'saB'^'rloo& You will IOM notion* by Inap«Dt

J. TAW EJPSWatchmaker k Jeweler,


bavr a full line of selected


- I P Y O U -Want money,

Want a Cook,Want Boarders,

Want a Partner,Want a Situation,

Want a Servant Girl,Want to seU a Farm,

Want to sell a House,'Want to rent a House,

Want to sell Plants or Grain,Want to exchange anything.Want to tell Groceries or "-

Want to find easterners fer'Wan$o sell or bay horses, n»«les,




LEI. WILLETT. 101 Park AT*.



E. J. Richards,Proprietor.


Ordm by mail promptly a



Riding Academy.IT THI EIVK BUHJ)I>ft.

Broadway u d Fourth St., Platnlleld, (J. J

MRS. W. B. T. LANEFroprtMor.

Mrs. Percy a Obi, Manager.

Mr. George Davis-

Dancing AcademyHUiETTS HiLL

Front Street, • PUlnfleld, N. J.aMrecepllon of ifbolar* and frlenda,

Thursday Evening, Sept. « for children!™*7 B to lO.loVor artulta.ivata '.easona on Thursday by appointm«i

tlett's Music Store, Front street. PlainflnM.from Mr. Datia, SB Br'~' -


Choice Meats & Tegetablbs,aWBmoked Meats of.aii;kind

always on band.

Crescent Market.RINK BUILBING,

331 Wateh um A T *


Dobbin's CigarsIF NOT. TRY THEM.

manufactures then. |A fu II li no;of To-oe, lnclufllnslinrbrup'pt G o l d e n S c e p t r e .


SMOKE THE CASINOI t i Only 10 CENT B*W W«rth the

Money In toe City. Pold Only at

GUTTMiN'S, 12 West Second street

Van Baren & Timpson.REAL ESTATE


IlVSTJUAIfCE163 North Ave Opp. Statioa


Furniture and Pianos

Freight, Trnnfcs and Baggage.CABTAGK.

Ofllee, 39 North Avenue

Horsley Barker,Pharmacist, Stnet,


And O(1«T toilrt


Edw. C MULFORD,Real EstateAnd Insurance.

H—aj^irfw !•• list m Q i M

168 North Avenue.



U ham*, Km., ISM.

"GIVE HIM T H E M 'His ilipp-Ti are worn out When he gan to busbeM Ifxife In hii oU iboe u

^ WHEN YOU COME,uk us to thow you our lace thoe*. Got mac Juliet* the other dij-, hand tmri |

WillettsPark Avenuo 107 Willetts


Cesspools, Vaults, etc., Cleaned2 5 Per Cent. Cheap-

than by any olber metni

Leech; Stiles & Co.QUEBN fr CO.

OP PHILADELPHIA.Hjl *VM Eye Specialists

H. A, SUlev, of abore Bnn Trill be found at'

M. I t DUSHAM'S Om.CE, I East Front Stroel,; FKOM 10 i . M- to 6 P. M- Dswrnbor T.

from next KoaAij to

C H R I S T ]yi A SIDid Jon realize it waa «o near at hibd-f


are now well on table, ind .J«ndB St. jon csn looklthem over in;a vei j short time and make your selection.. j

Thb vanetie. of both useful w weU aa irfnanWal arlfclo. snttfor Presents is large, aOd embrace! many STw Novoltio..

Special effort lms beon made to secure besntif ol atiicles to snit analpocketbookB..and so price, were never lower than now.

It will be to the purchasers advantage M call j earij and get "Fii«

I • ! | )We wUl hold them iintil von wish theni delivered!.

:REMEMkE;Ryou always get tlie tj



EDSALL'S!The Laundry Profleiji • Solved!1 V['b"i Jrou pDt °" " n<" col!". or • pur of en*, you wonder why re-Uimdend *

; We'll tell jrott. To n n siifTnet* wtlhout that briehineu which canses linen to cW*>attnary man won't use it,1 J $

• w i t " * ' S w r d l < w l ' ""^ ta ov kllDdry* W c i**1*^ • **•**

' TI.Y IT AM) i

175 North Av*;., 1 Plaliifield.



“^geasssff^&sw.'SLr RATURDAY, DECEHBKB J, IBM.


Fim ward. ELIAS n BIRD.

Seeood Ward. GEORGE H. FROST. -

Ttiird Ward. HARRY H- STOCKTON. Fourth Ward.



JOHN JOHNSON. For Areesaor,


For School Trustee DR. OLIN L. JENK1NH

For Member of the Board of Free- holder*. J. FRANK HUBBARD. JOHN H. TIER, Sr.

For Commlreloners of Appeal. WILLIAM C. AYERS. . . j. fred Macdonald. Toa Courier-! norel supplement has

met with eoet) a remarkablj euteaalaa- tlc reepoDae that another norel bj an other well known author will ho Issued next Saturday.

Toe Conner wliheu to urge upon Its Republican voting readers Lhe necusaltj ofyoung the straight Republican ticket. Not a name haa been presented but la :the name of a strongcandidate. Note- I eg la to be gained by electing a single Democratic nominee. Tbo city has been well cared for during the pest iw years sod It has been In good hands. The radons candidates named ty the Republicans this year are quite as cap- able and efficient. la tbetr bands the rit) can not fill to fhre well. Vole n straight ticket. <

Tun City Democrats are makljg erery effort to -capture one of the Freeholders. Erery dodge la being worked to nccompllah IL Republicans are being urged to rote for Mr. Smith the ooe Democratic candidate, for "friendship's" sake, and under tarlons other pleas more or leea specious. Ile- publlc-uis are aaaered that Mr. Smith has no expectation of betng|elected bnt that he wants to "mage a good snow- ing," ate. Of couraa the real object in mew la Iba capture o£ the Board Chosen Freeholder* for the coining year. Now tha Re publican who will he led, under any sort'of plea, to transfer hn rote to the Democratic candidate, do- serves no favor from his own party The Board at present la Democratic. And It la Democratic Dacanaa or a Dem- ocrat accidentally elected at Westfield Next Spring hi* term expiree and.i Republican will surety be 'elected Ir Republican Westfield to succeed him. This will muxs the Board Republican unless Plainfield Republics** forget their daty and are led Into giving "complimentary" votes lorn Demo- crat The Republican candidates are cap- able. One ol them by long service haa proved bimeetr the bent Freeholder the county ever had. The other Is. an honeat man. Is every way competent to look wall Slier the Inlwreeu of Plate- Said No Re publican can make a mis- take by voting for both theta men. He will sauke a bad mistake If be vote*

-On January » wdl occur the ede- breUou of ike quarter-centennial ol Howell DlrWoa Sous of Temperance

The beat salve' n the world for Cult, Bruises. Boras, L era, Halt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapred Hands, Chilblains, Corea, sad all 8kle Brap- Uoog, and podilvety can* Plea, or do pay required. It Is f oarunlaed to give perfect satlsfectlou, or mooey reread, ad. Price 25 cents a box. Fur aale by Is W. Randolph, 21 Wad Frost street

Among the number of yoong people who otleoded the daace at tha Wu- chang lloaan U Behring's Mills lad Wadaesday erasing, were two yoong ladies and their eeoorta from this ettj The yoUy parly drove to the daace la a rig hired for die occasion, end at the bouse they enjoyed themselves to their hearts' content. About two o'clock the next morning they aurted bom* thoroughly tired oat with I evening's enjoyment, sad oo the they ail weal to sleep The poor bora*, realising IbU hit drivers t lout to the world for the time being, determined to have a good Urn* all by hlmaeir, ao he look his time In wdklog along tha road, and when a coaventen- neyslaek appeared la view in a neigh boring Bell], the hongry animal earn frilly drew his precious charge* through u gup lo the leoce and started In tl hit HU Btlll the party slumbered, unconsci- ous of their surroundings, nor did they wake uoUl Iho Ugbl of another day waa breaking lo the East. By this Ume the hots* bad salvo bis Oil and bad gone lo sleep loo, aod It was with dlOcolty that he could ho Induced to move onward. The sleepy party reached their nomea in lime for breakfast, but they are unable to account for their going to sleep on the wuy. mg't psocd suit gxcoxn.

To Tag Emroa or run Cocxiaa. Norman a Megue, lhe csodklsle for Councilman oo the Republican ucket lo the Fourth Ward, la a stranger to many hat it ought to be made plain lo inatice to himself that he Is a cetera* of lhe late war with so honorable ord and ooe wto never flinebed from duly wbco his couotry called no a volunteer In the First Connecticut Artillery sod served his foil ume lo lhe heaviest lighting done by the Army of the Potomac. He carries woaods from which he now suffers. He Is sober nod industrious, fearless as to hit doty, uod one who will serve i'laioQeld't best In. teresla If elected. Victory Is now in the Republican grasp. Don't scratch a the ticket, but vote straight J. T. D.„

1 BXEX AID TBIU. —Owing to the blowing oat of e gas- ket tt the power house of the North 1'lalnfleld Electric Light Company last night, considerable troablo was had with tha honae lights, and they wen out several tlmea. —The Food Tool Words, which closed Wednesday evening for Tbnnksgiviog, will rename work on Moodny. —"Don't get lell" le the heeding or YanEmbargh's ad. and you will gel left if you don't read It and avail your selves of thia opportanily to bay handsome Chrletmaa gift for a.mi SOOg —The regular monthly meeting of the Clt. Council will be held next M< pay evening • —A Dag sidewalk haa been pieced In front of the residence of D. Thompson, on Rockvtew terrace. —All terkeya which were not dia- poeed of at the shoot of the lodepend ent Goa dab oo TbaokagivlDg Day, will be givdn to their owners tonight at the Croaceot Hotel, —The C. Y. M. L. bowlers are to play two games Id the Journal League secies next week. On Monday ( log, their opponents will be the Eliza- Dclb Field dub and the game will be played lo this city. On Tuesday e- mg, the Lvcenm bowlers will go to Elisabeth and do Ibolr beat to win from the Y. M a L. A. —Oo Tuesday evening next occurs the Bympeonj Conce rt by the men and boys ol Holy Croat Choir. The pro- ceeds of the concert will be devoted to Uie purchase ofbymDsls and to repairs on the organ. - —Tomorrow night a special sermon b> the Junior Order of United Ameri- can Mechanics will be preached In me First Preebyterian Church by IUv. C. E. Herring. —The extremes of temperature Wednesday were 86 sod 31, Thursday 51 sad 35, and Friday 46 end 39. On the same days last year they were 42 and 34, 41 and 31, 36 and 26. —A Monday night elnb la being formed at the Crescent Riding Acad- emy with the expectation of taking the 6rat ride Mouday week. This club was suggested by some who would like to ride but who Hod the Wednesday night ria* inconvenient for them. —Hughey Dougherty appears lo "Tuxedo" In Music Hall tonight as the irrepressible song and dance t Everybody who bee aeon the play will call to mind Ms representation of the character. This la bis third year, and time bee not lessened Its atlracuveoees in the bands of this inimitable come- dian. —Tbs social ergaabatloo composed of members of Howell Division Boos of Temperance will hold a literary en- tertainment soon, aod preparation* aod rehearsals are now going onto l ready for IL —Marshal Pang born received hta new overcoat last evening from New- ark . Tc* eoet It similar to tha one worn by Os plain Grant, aod Is made from lb* beet quality of police doth. The marshal will air It on the street ic Brat Ume Look out fori

night tl the home of Miss Ida Lewie os Somerset street for eaouer rehearsal of the theatrical! to be gives present The theatricals are getting into good shape for a Hue presenta- tion.

On* of tha I _ the trolley sire be fora the Manning bond- ing oo Warn Front street now steads la ihe gutter about elgtl laches from th* the curb was set hack. It els the laid.


sad JSSaamsff tvmr D*V U* •'That the study sf forestry—that la, the study of nature a* to a# throagfa tltu

uui»i regia via nrnnri

aod that a knowledge of all that ths preamble, a* wail lo ms apoa aa excursion sa teok quite recently to tha woods, armed with Training by Mr.

tbe foot of the mountain ami began at ones to look aboat ua On every hand wars trass, rearing their heads high above tbe laaf covered ground. From tha pda! al which we stood more than twelve different kind* of trees could be seen. There wen oaks, cedars, beeches, birches, tab, aim, eheateaL hickories, staple*, poplar, dog-wood and button wood, while close by grace- fully drooping over a brook, wherein waa reflected the beauty of Its form, a weeping-willow waved It* branches to tbe wind. "The commercial value off was pointed out to ue, Iho oaks and the birches from their strength asd lasting qualities era extensively in ship and carriage bonding, tbe cy- presses are need lo out-door work be- cause they arc least affected by cH matlc change*, and the common white pines are Indeape usable lo tbe carpre ter ■ - “la It not iBIerowUng to study these trees, use'ul to aoeb a degree and In- denpensnble to mnnf la n knowledge of their pecnllsrtl/ee, naee and adapta- bilities not profitable? Is not the study of nalme cn: o illng? Are not the trees God's own landmarks and therefore full of lessons to usr -"TCGtjirnlLl.. The shore is an extract from the notes made by one ol the pupil* of tha Plainfield Mannal Training School, aod as they give a Jost idea of the appreci- ation of the Interest taken In tbit study by all tbe class, they ore consid- ered of aofllcleot public value to pub- lish. PXKSXWTKD WITH 1 PAST OXXICXXS JR Wile.

Al Uio regular convocation of Per- severance Lodge No. 74, K. of P.f which wu held lo their room* loot ening, the firat rank wu eonfei red upon Loan Mobrlog and David Angerbaaer ol ti le city. At the coDcJueioo of tbe pleasant ceremony, tbe peel chancellors voted for officers of tbe Grand Lodge for tbe enduing yeur, efler which Peat Chancellor Codwalladar Jones, tbe old- iber of tbe lodge, m s most nap- py speech, presented I’sst Chancellor Hamoel Robinson with a valuable past officer’s Jewel suitably Inscribed, bo having brought In tbe largest uumber member* during tbe past year Mr. Robinsoo, who was taken entirely by surprise, thanked brethren for their generous gift id a few well chosen words

A foog and praise service was held Id the parlors of the Crescent A venae Church Inst night, under the auspices ol the Young People’s Aasocial'oo, lo stlmnloie an Interest in church matters by selections appropriate to the day of Thanksgiving. The service waj by H. O. Newman. The manic by tbs choir was vary floe aod wo* much nnjoyed. Respoosive read lags were part ol the service. Rxroui ur nw jberet

The recent elections la New Jersey give assurance of reform (hat will tribute to oar moral and national wel- fare. One reform, however, not pre- dicted by this result, has recently been Introduced at Collier's, It Is the Basing of the mosqaito s thing of beauty aod utility. Call at 103 Park avenue, aod find out how ancceonfally this reform has been accomplished. A Ran Bock Eldar Tkrowa n fourth

Driver* of carriages complain of bod depression In Poorth street fc tween New and Liberty streets which is especially daagerous at night, horseback rider was thrown from bis bor*c and his horse was badly lamed yesterday afternoon by the horse mak ing so attempt to jump tbe place and lhaa stumbling in IL Tran to WasEiogtao, D. C, vis Ptaoayl-

A more economical or pleasant to spend three days could scarcely be devised than that offered by the Penn- sylvania Railroad Company lo Its per- sonally-conducted tours to the Capital. Thirteen dollars from New York, gu from Philadelphia, and proportionately low rates from Intermediate or contigu- ous points, will cover transportation aod hotel expanses during the period of the trip. Tbe historic aod eoateaporaoeoe* associations of this beautiful city are nnmberisaa sad render a nail replete with interest Tbe flm tour loaves New York at 10 a. m. and Philadelphia 1M p. m., November 30. Other dates are December 14 and 38, Janaary 18, February 8, March 1 aod 22, April 13, May 3 and 24. A tourist agent aod chaperon will accompany each party and materially aid la the general wel- fare of the participants.

curb, all wlU be < walk Mura tha (ageing hast

II to* ure thinking about buying plaster, remember teat you wtU place It upon your body and cannot gut a platter that will b* lee pood for you. AllcockM Porocs Flaerea l* teal plaster made. Your druggist a i too* other plaster on his akelre* b be Is auxtuaa lo get rid ot, or tome worthless Imitate* purchased ai a low price for tea purpose of tab- ail to Hoc. Do not accept bw "Jest aa gcod" plea, IssM epo* bavlag tea gu*. alas. A urines’* Poaocs Pianm has ao equal BganumH Fill* ran always be

sns Tbaflaalainugi—I. are adw fond* £te* lowiu bureau *f lb# Faunujiva- Rallruad Cimpawyfor lb* ol Its pen tee coating ta point of teas* u California sad ffter- The date* for tee former are January tl uad Fnbrerey » Tb* Brat dais haa base ■elected ao teal ea rout* lo tee gtoriou* etarurenar But* of the Uafoo tee Marik Gras festivities at N*. Orleans may be re- layed by tbe foeriate -- ggj

by raasoa of the mld-wlatev exposition Id be beld al Sun Francisco. Tbla ex- DlbiUoe promises almost U> rival Ua late World's Fair la cosupletsosea Many Eastern people have already de- rided lo auead. Florida, always atiU justly asserts It* claim aa Ue deligbtlhl pen of our country In which to pass the Indeaeut mouths of tee . Fit* lours will ha ran mry SO, February 11, February 27, March 11, sad March 27, have been cboaen ns tbe starting dates. Fifty dollar* from New York, *43 from Phil- adelphia, aod equally low rale from other points win cover all expenses en to ibos* not caring to Joaroay from home, and on December 26 this historic spot will be visited by e spedoi toar. Last come lbs toon to Wash- ington, 1). C . on December 14 sod 28, January 18, Febrnary 8, March 1 and 22, April 12 and May 3 and 24. Tha Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany's guarantee that thorough and satisfactory methods will be puraned in conducting these trips needs no addi- tional testimonial

THE PAKK1 on mu Last night the Park bowlers return- ed from Westfield lu better spirit* than they bars been In of late, baring de- feating the W. A. C. by 02 pins Tbe feature of the game was Sandford's o of 215. Tbe following are the W 0. Whitehead.. Rice Worth Pearsall. . Shove Towoley Chamberlin . Monti Mongom Pooler

Parks. ..141 Lyman 184 149 Hand ford... .. .154 ' McQaaide.. ...146 Chapman 143 .136 Baodolpb. f. .124 ..138 Brown

.162 Matthews. Totals 1453

FARE CLUB DAICB. Another Informal dance wu given at tbe Park Club boose last night. It wu beld under the direction of the junior entertainment committee, and wu al leaded largely by young people Hog era and Cotide famished the music foi the occasion.

BOMBAY SEE TICKS. Moaro* inaw M. E. ChaptL Service ol 11 and 8 o'clock. Lord', aupper aod rteep- lion of member* at the mornisg Mrvicc. Evening •ennon by Herbert Brannon Sunday school, 3 p. m. Epworth League. 7-3* Tonight a Bong service will be held in the W. cTT. U. room. Sunday meeting (he W. a T. U. r»m. as usual at a. it a. m. Consecration service and Gospel Tern per*nee meeting *t 4 p. m. First Church of Christ. Preaching by the pastor at 10.45 7-J°> Lord** Supper 11.45- Sunday school it j p. m. German Church. North PlainAeld Service* at 10.30 a. m. sod 7.45 p. m Rev. F. Kocchli will preach. Theme, "Christ the light of the World" Sunday- school. 9.15a. m. 8*. Peter's German Lutheran Congrega- tion will hold services at 10.30 and £30. Sunday school at 9 jo a. m. Rev. E. MrthodisI Episcopal Cbmch. Rev. a R Barnes. D. D., potior. Public service ol 10.300. m. and 7J0 p m. Sunday-school at 0.30 p. m. Evening (abject, “With- ered Hands." Epworth prayer meeting •t 6.4s P. m- Park Avenoe RartfiM Church Sunday school. * 30 p. m. Preaching by the psslor ai iq 30 and 7.30. Morning theme, "Clooe conun onion: some ml (conceptions and mis-statements corrected.” la utc Evening, "Playing the Fool."

Dr. D. J. VerkesT and 7.45 p. m. Sunday-school and Bible clam at a»jo a. m. Early prayer service at 9.30, East Third Street Mission. Sunday-school V. P. S. a E , at 7.0a Church of the Heavenly Rest, Clinton avenue. Service at II a. m. and 3.30 p. m a. n. ill tean of New York, Will officiate. la the Trinity Reformed Chime*. tomor- row, Rev. CorneUn. Sehanek will preach et 10:30 a. m. oud at 7-JO p. m. then* •The looks of Christ.'’ Lord’s Bw 10.3a Sunday-school at 0.30 p. m. All Souk Church, park avenue. Rev. Hobart Clark will preach at 1045 a. m. **d 7.45 p. m. Sunday-school at 1I-4J a. ■ Them*. "The higher erkidem of the Ok Testament, its Poetry, History and Fiction. Congregational Church. Rev. C L. Good- rich will preach at lajo a. m. Subyoct "The story of e lonely here." Sunday bool at *.45 p. m. Oenseers" 7-45 P- m. Church of the Holy Cram. Rev. Logon Morphy, lion of Holy ' '°C prefer sad I aooa wrBcu SI 4.ja Suud.T«hool «ia. Fu« riesbjttrias Ckwck. Rev. Charlsa Herring, pastor. “ k3a. ami jyx lathe r whl preach to the Scow " ’ Order American Me- nt aja


Sr-hisS PtopU'l —usHa* !|,a

WsOTeTT k nows lu value, wk* hare, aoa, km sow tea epportu- Itj lo U7 It fre. Call oe the adver- Uaed Dnam and (et a Trial Bottle, free. Scud jour Base end address le tt E Buckle* A Oo., Ohlra«o, and (*t a aaaapie box of Dr. KinTi Saw LO. Plfla Free, aa wall aa a oopj of Guide M Health sad How ehold Iaeteuefer, Free. All of which la fuarauwed lo Ao re* food sad COM JOU aotefoff at L. (r. Baadulph'a Dracatere 11 Wa: Frost



mw tort uLimr 100 TRIMMED

Hats and Bonnets -“-UKss.

Madam Knight, No. 112 W Front Strmt,



SEAFOOD MARKET 142 North Avtnuu,

FLAUI FIELD, A I. FiMW quality of all kind, of

SEA FOOD Oysters and Clams on halt shell A SPECIALTY.

Order* CsgudjCer mnA Oood*

C.W. Griffin’s 335 Watchung avenue


GROCERIES And Provisions.


G ROCF RI E S end all kind of




BED ROCK PRICES. I here Iho luraaut u.4 kaut suuk of t tt!"# » K ISuKK’i^

J. Tapt Eps Watchmaker k Jeweler,

. K'srasLi'sejsfc'.E-s: NEUMAN BROS.


have s fafl Une of affected GROCERIES FRUITS and VEGETABLES. Chctomt vnrteUee of ootfeee and teas, quad-

Wstrhnnf A venae A Wflh St. -IF YOU-

Want money. Want e Cook, Went Boarders. Went a Partner, Want a Situation, Want a Servant Girl, Want to eaU a Farm, Want to sell a Honae, -Want to rent e Honae. R oot to sell Plants or Qraia, Want to eichaage anything, “-gt

Weot^o sell or buy bona, mala, catSa, — usa —


Ouly Ore Care ■ Word Eatk foMriioe red U >01 b. READ BY THOUSANDS

W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE aJPttv. »i|ssuws*uui7 Wte. red It s>4 ky a Mfo) Oust In trio world.

LEX. WILLETT. 107 Park Are.

Dyspeptic*, Hear Ye!



E. J. Richards, Proprietor. PASSAIC VALLEY DAIBY.

j, c. cooi runnui. *. J. THE CRESCENT

Riding Academy. or Til rhk EuiLDora.

Broadway and Fourth 8t_ Plainfield. II. J

U open from 7 a. bl until It p. m.. for tbo In-

MRS. W. B. T. LANE Proprtotov. Mrs. Porey 0. Obi, Monsgwr

Mr. George Davis'

Dancing Academy HUIETTS HALL

Thursday Evening, Sept. 28. fovS!EL^VWr7 TfeolS^T’f or odulta. ThureSay by appotntman

H uteU'a Mnafe BlorajrrtmMm^PUtaWA or from Mr. Davla, Ms RronS alraat, NawoiW. N Mr. Devil me be arm at tha hall an T day*afuwIp. m. Will wrmn fur prlvofe

Prtvnta Circular*. Huletl'a Mode

E. J. CONNOLLY, Dealer la

Choice Meata A Vegetablua,

Crescent Market. RTHK BUILDIUG,

RAVI YOU THIRD Dobbin’s Cigars

IP NOT, THY THEM. Hamsaufsetnree them. (A fnUUmOoT To- Hiirbrag’i tioldsn Sceptre.


SMOKE THE CASINO The Only M CHUT »-«nr Worth U

Moooy to tha aty. Md Only at GCTTMAS'S, 12 West Vcond street

Van Buren & Timpson. REAL ESTATE AH D

INT STTBANOE 163 North Ave Opp. Station.

HoaglandP# ETPHKfig

Furniture and PiaD08

Freight, Trunks ud Baggage. CARTAGE.

Office, 88 North Avunua T»ls,h.ii Can UL

Horsley Barker, Pharm a cist,

80 Wot Pruet Street, Pree^-a-reraMx^re-a* DIDCS tad MEMCDIES, FE1FUMES, SOAPS Asd stew taflat artki Try Wy8o(Ul

Edw. C. MULFORD, Real Estate And Insurance. xiawre s. tea. re M —irewa

188 North Avmua




la Loasoa, Xre., I8M. xi WCI¥E HIM THEM”

Ills sllrem are woraure. Whre hs (res to badkeas lool, ia U. old tea. re re ihutes. ffre~np-sMlreIkop»l-. -uksrellforeluu. ■“ _ WHEN YOU CQME.

ask re 10 show jre res lace fooca. Gel tores ]uteri lhe otesr da,, kasd I mini

Willett’s , Park Avenue 107

Willett’s Shoe Store

Mrs. John Brown. (Buccaeao* to Join Beat*)

Cesspools, Vaults, etc., Cleaned 25 hr Cent. Cheap-

Ihao bj an, other ■»


P.0 Box 11, Order* ran be left m (hni prompUy aitendrel 10.

Leech, Stiles & fa


E^e Specialists H. A. Mllre, of ubure arm WlU be round s. / H

M. M. DUNHAM’S OFFIGEi 1 East Front Stmt, riOMMA M -to • December f.


from next Mondfij to

CHRISTMAS Did foa realize it was so hear at hand !


are now well displayed on tallies and stand* so yon can 1«* i l*lcm 0,er i°;» ,el7 aliort time and make your selections.

Tho variotice of both naeful as well aa ornamental artioloa sultd for Preacnu is large, arid embraces many hew Novelties. Special effort liaa huen made to secure beautiful article, to suit in poekotbook* and ao priooe were never lower than now. It will be lo the purchasers advantage td call earir and wet “Fin ; Choice.” , e

4 i > We will hold thorn until jna wish them delivered.

REMEMBER yon always get

GOODS at the very ,



The Laundry Problem Solved!

Page 3: lB V '« COMING - DigiFind-It · At Ibe Council fire of Miantonomo Vib e las t nigh two pul fates t adopted. - • .ri^


- w i t Would be Bedooed Under

the Sew^ Tariff Law.,


Iptr c

gn to tbe belief thatIcit cannot be irapplled without e«-a;tb*inr >niplftx to-lndividlialii. "1hmk it CAD ba done," said ha,at mskinn til? tax on net earnings,.;:,•••.• = '-\- ' • • : • • < • - S i n l i i t t a x o f

n HI.OOO.OOO, whereas••knifffrimrv noul.l he nearly MftOOO.OOO.I tu'i •** hi»f tobacco can ataml anypwler tax. If tbe rat« on whisky waa

- advanced ten r<*nt* jwr Krtliorj. from thatmore there will b« (H.l*O.00O, which 1*tkortof the amount required.

J»tobedei»lnpeii i» the stimulation of• ajporUtioiiN th«t will result from thaflfUngof our prohibition tariff. Donbv

- im i«i» wilt grently increase our rer-•tDeLbut I hardly think we could gut•loDgwtlhuut brlpfrom the pemonalii

"(omttajr. Jf incumea over IS.OOn weiUitt at a rule of 0 per cent. It wouldpould put

»ud that

ot the

nd into fuj-

T-,-I.:ic - ! . • ! ! > There a m n ynupon aflnat regard ing the intentions ofIk* committee in relation to the whlakytu, but the pjtp reunions of mem ben oftbtoominiltee give no reason for belle*ing that the increase will exceed ten cent*

"link itmy la-


hrinofthefay. Thereamong the

Pac m

to b. Triad Aral.n.., Dec. 3.—The DecemberI.II-JFI : court lii'n'iiis on Mon-ill be about sixty cases.will be that of Thomas

•other and sister on Jan. 14 lost. Hewna«aiTjcted of mnrder in the second degreeII the September term, but aa a legal•etnicalftj was retorted to by Rogers'

u adlUon paipws CotJoaepn Von Qmta, J,he alltcrd Hawaiian

• Waxhlnston with Mcni dU-frwident Dole tor

V i lpatches frorClereland.

Dole tor Presidenton iB. it la claimed, ob-

t»lned»l.Klfl worth of household goods la8>tt L*ke CTty nnder ralM pretenaea. Lit-tie credence ta plaoed In the Mory thatVon Grata bus a necret mi«.ton.

from Minister. Thompson at Rio de Jan-' Imlritl Mello left tha bay ywter-

bonrd the Aqaldaban, going- U believed by BOH '

adals at the 9 department that hi

Meihtil says that thth P i hi

y t a t the town of Knctaaa, Innorthern Persia, which waa destroyed byan earthquk U h f i N t

bodies of those who perished is proceeding.Th* odor from tha putrlfylna; remain* lahorrible. A project to build a new townon a site eastward of the old'alte is being

rtf i»ewsi*nier have r

, pthree brothers of Julian ynhed atat the time. He denies *hst he Is Jnllaa.

URn.Dec. 2.—Ben Tannin, whonged next Tharaday for theold Agnes Cooper Wright, baaesenricea of Ki>v. Joneph Nlaa-

Dunk«rd mlol*-tar, m. an sriditioni,l splritiTannin' children vr"' 'time on Tusnday r

IVKRPOOU O., Doc. 2.—While n>mm a party with her husbandrotwr of friend* Mn. Haraha. a

iy an electric cor and killed. Ai. who jantped froi

« painfully b dangerously

. Th. bolloccupied bj J N. Hathbun, wtovery Urg« stock of paints, oils, wetc Two ladie. who Tgood* i E U h b 'broke

ho EUthbu'a .tore *%£?*£*!•oat were e d ith diffil

CHESTKR, PB» Deo. a.—Bella Donnta amulatto, was placod aodar bonds byAlderman Berry to •ppear at court to an-swer the charge of larceny of a COM Mid

to about t+n. the varioi . _ _ , .and fees in catching and trying ta*woman will amount toHTS.

quittai ofth

Kiw IUVKN, Dec. 3.—The MLmurder trial haa raided in the »oqLthe accused Mm. Mnoneriug in the tra-perior con rt of Utchfield county after anexciting trial. The verdict of th* Jury,wht tk undoubtedly WM innnaneed by thabad okaracter of Mannertng and tha ei-eellent character of tbe prisoner, WM'madly applauded In the o


M S s ::SZ I (NSi 28'J.V»«2SB,18 Si" 1 CS8UM K

r, Dec. 3. - I t I. axpSOTsrnment will refuse to repeal the law•xpeUlng the Jesuit* bom ~

aonldthi* be tha cane, aombate* and eerioiu political atitrtpaud. The motion p — i d

by m TOte of 173 to ISO.

TrXFLa-TOfJ, PH., Deo. &—At Red Bankunction, ten miles north of this place,

where the low grade dWWon of the Alle-'Iroad toairet tha IIMIII

armed with re-voivern, entered t i e nation house, hold'Ing np Night Operator Slagle and a watch-

gbenj Valley railroaUse, three hishwaym

They ai •red the I n hand

PARIS. Dec. 2.—M. Casimlr-Perler thismorning presented hia list of mintstera for

n h* abinetis the same as published yesterday, withth«a* exceptions: Minister of Marty; hnsbandry, M. V4g»r; marineAdmir.l ]>feTre.

wiriA, .V Y., Dec. i - J o h n QUmors.the young man whoae irrwt while out onparole started tha tnTeetlgatioa ot lokn-min treatment of Inmate* at the Elmtrareformatory, WJM brought back to tha in-stitution yesterday by SuperintendentBrociwar.

•feet fea •> I"o 111 ICMI Q u m LALTOS, Ilia., Deo. E.-Hon. John W.

joppinger, president ot the Illinofj itstenata, became engaged In a politioal

aural with Colonel A. P. Rodger. Rod-ger struck CoppiBger, and th* latter fired

ne ahot from a rerolTer at U sInflicting a serious wound.

LoiDOV. Deo. 2.—L*dj DunnriD, insn-swsr to inquiries mad* regarding thehealth of her husband, has informed theAaaoeiated Presa that Lord IhuMTen Ufanprortng, and that there la no danger of

f »t»l ending to hi* illneea.

IJOMDOM, Deo. 1.—The Duke of Muster1 from an attack of typhoid ferer, agad

Hla eon Maurice, tha Marquis of Kil-_ n . will succeed him. In IBM the duk*arried Lady Hermjone Duncombe, who

ad the reputation of being the handsorn-man in ftnglant.


HEADER,I to and Valuable i n Every

ly stubborn >,nd agg rivalingtuea of rteumatism that were believed

be incurable and accepted aa lifegaciea, have yielded to Chamberlain1-aln Balm, mocti lo tbe aurpriae and

gratiflcavion of the mfferen. One ap-Ration Hill relieve the pain and inf-ring and iu con tinned use insures an

(! cure. For ule at Reynold'slarmacj, Park and North avenues,8. Annitrong,


HOME AND COUNTRY MAGAZINEP.Hl.fc.4 .1 33 K, l«th St.. M. T. Clt*.


Entertaining, Instructive, Profusely and Artistically * acope.

I p e m , bu•etnicalftj was retorted t

—iujrara District Attorney YaniMddud to push tbe other IndictmWrterous aanault. - -

Dublin's Political M.rrdrr.lmrt>o!t, Dec. 2.—The Pall Mall Gazette

aiytthst It ]»nmi> from a reliable scarcethat Patrick Keed. the man who was ninr-Mnd In Dublin recently, was a govern-t»nt«pT. and that be testified in behalfolTimothT Kelly at the trial of the Phco-•ixpark oti.pirat.oni. The Pall MallG*-WtUtddslhat since that time Reed h uten an Informer, and that a connectionWbnn c.en:-! v proven lirtwren Reed andUlieceat pxploslons In Dublin, and that•unliDK ill •.closures may be expected-atuy time.

1 IVJTJ.'' 1 ..It n.:l.i|".H-( .

• D»TR(,iT. life. S.—The coroner's Jury in-Wsti«tinKll)pre'.cnt tire which destroyedtta drr RIH-I, «tabli«htnent of Edson,Mw>rr& Co., n-»ulti(iK in a Inss of eight11T«, hniiiM in H verdict exonerating the

n but Iinl.liiiK the city building inspe^


Cm, Pa., IJec. 2.—Tbe Ca„ Jarpentw•r BtMl rompnriy hmt reduced the wages ofW iMnnployM io per cent., and the Blandon

n Ita puddlent tw«D-The Heading 1


The CripBOCBFJITEII. D« . 2.-Thf griplinsbroken

. **t oere aifaiu. Scviral dozen canes, all•"ere. are ret»rtpil. l'hytiic inns believe»at an epidemic i.n>l,ahle. The sewers

, »»in m bad con.lHIon. thB w»ttr prmsureBot belli* heavy ew,utfb to v«>l*riy flushthem, and they will conlribtit« to the•preud at tbe aiwaxe.

Th* r. .i. ,,, c .,:•„..j (•,., , ,-,MILAS, Dec. i!.-The total number of

bodies recovered from the wreck of the•Milan exproHs. which c.jllidBd with a

bsigbt train at Lluiilro Station on Tn«s-J«yiiii{lit, la tB-unty.two. All were terri-Wy burned, and on y five were recognlza-

Sdtar Th,,,,i.™ Work* to Rsaniaa.BlUUrxx;*, Pa., Dee. 9.—ETerything Is

jnreadin™ uj resnime operationi at theMg«r TII'HIIKDD 6te*l worka on Monday.ootn-mill* will tLen b* running on ralla,ahi arm i, n o w ciPar|it*d wjth having SBT-

- *fai Immenae orders, to flll.

* jw • D 1 A r l - °«5. 2.-The Society ofWaslEoonomy.attheirmertlftg; "TsTTT* " ar^D« t h « Frenoh

• - • S a y g a f f - -"• •^ ^ »*• Cartu i . r t r soia.

(*^'m.*No, o™., Dec. B. -A dlapatok?°™ Lleiirtamt Kllott from Kandric,T*a°> '»te» that bia party and the Carlin•*"">• PWtr. which w U lost In the••*"• aa^srriTed safely.

"I hnotr an old soldier who hadWOQie dlarrtnEa, of long aUndlng to« * e been i*rmanently cared by tak-ing CuamlxtHaln'i Colic, Cbolera aod"IsTru^a Ilemedy," laya Edirurd

: ^uopik, a promlaeDt drugRlit, ofIliiinbapoliB, Minn. . "I buve said th»«nedy In ttilM city Tor over aeten year**nd coosider it auperlor to any other•eoicine now on tbe market for b o wwmpUmta." 25 a>td 90 eeot botUes* tlin remedy for u l e at Reynold'sPhjrmacy, P « k . n d North a r e . - * ! ,T. 8. Anutrong.




Amcrlcaniin i. lofos^ int

ii«Arttcle« la ik lot i livelihood.

Trat " EM us III BdMM."

i livelihood.

cMpleu in each n

coluoua T*lv»blt to au who


Amrapt ibi ffelUkoowo iMbon who CMtribntc to << HOUM IDS Country HtguJM " i n iCHAI F. DEEMS. D.D., UL.D T. V. POWDBKLY,



In each iiwite of thisiling the -holder to t

therein to the value of 25 cents

. be stylishly and becomingly dressed. It will costin little or nothing to be ID the swim.

HOV?this magazine will be found a Domestic Pattern couponto obtain any _one of the new dress designa illustrated

R8S 50,000,000

CO ITRIERwho will send 10 coDpona differently numbered, and 13 cents each month will

-eceivo a copy of tbe then.cnrrent iaene of

'Siia ASS COUMTET aUOAZQIX, Asurlea't Host Fepnlu niuirtUd HBBOXJ,

CUT I - E A R L T ia America from papertU Every reader of the ™ ^

D"MES"« FASHIOND P M P M R P D *h*« are not "old "took" P»tterna, but tbeI \ L < J ' 1 L j i ' l L^L^IV, latest and most elegant designs, gotten up new

h by the well-known Domestic Pattern Co., of New York.iteed. Styles approved by the society queens of London, Pans and



EM WITHThe beat Illustrated 85-cent

Monthly in America,

Thi, would be one of the most acoeptaWa gift, that can beottered to any of jour MeDd.

i r ^ c ^ r ^ * - * , THECOUaiEH — — -—Thev are as eood as United Stales coireucy. With 10 ot them and only

centl yoTcHn S r c eldb month what no one can buy for kM Una 50 W W

° r t OP THEM differently numbered, and I cents, entitle, any one wod-

HOME 1ITD CvCHTM, Aiw ' i Lead Ins Hagwine, Price 2 5 c ,olthecp . Isane, and any of tbe ,

DOMESTIC CO. FA*miO: ATTBEHS, Owi-el* Slastnted,

to the TSIM of aSOm B

Uacaiine and Patterns are malted dlrscl by publish** at New Ytwk.

m 34 .

Street and Jto-


l coupon, filling •!>•«• cometij. S<n<l 10 of them with 1 3 c«-U !•

" " 2 ° £ i 1 • c« o« Ik. L

r ^ ,i..c<l on tht oaliid. of .™PP« ud 13 ecu. F n »

' Xddrcu ICuuccr Clubbing DepvtWBt.

T h e X'lainflel dL Courier.103 East Front Street.



Anurous , Md., Dae. ».-Th« footballla aoppoaed to cloa* with la- apsa«

SfflvrBc gam* In New York, batstawe the great rivalry sprang as fcstnswiWa«* Point and Annapolis ead.1., tm. an-naalgame brt-wn theaa two Mams baa

f folestTerjpromiDentfHtitr* in foot-(rclea. Three teams Una np at An-b this aftsnooB, and tha intma* in

•ae same •• widwpread. Tttn—ewlall pasat tke array and nary are here from allparts of th« country to see tbe came, andare enpportln* their n»poctlra t* .m. laa moat enUaatawOo way.

Botbtaaaoa are confident of winning,tat* tlw Weit Pointers are looked nptm byoutsiders aa tbe probable Tlcton. Thaarmy team tmtweighe the n»*r, and thalatter will hare BOOM difficulty in holdingat osntar. Tbe team work of th e Middlesla strong, and they tackle freely and ranwell. Neither team haa yet won from theother on the home grounda. The WestPointe™ haTe wonon«e at Annapolis andthe nary team haa been victorious twiceat Wast Point.

The teams lined np as follows!WeatPolot. Position. Annapolis.Nolan Left end McAaleyAnltman Left tackle MooirSmith. Leftcoard NorrtaA»a*. C«ntar...

tott..'.'.'.'.'.'.'..".".'."'Eltht Bital" "**


of the most delightful Toilet Reqnu-_ rer introduced. Pleasantly perfumed


without IT.

prinkler Top Battle 26C.

U said onlr st

L W. Randolphs

City Pharmacy,1 Wort Front 8b, Plalnfieid, N. i.

Ixard...Ltfthalf. Webetet

Matoy Rlvhtbalt David*™

PARIS, Dec. 8.—M. Henri Rochefortpnb.llshes a iM-muitional article in L'Intrsn-•igeant in which he allegea that, accord-Ins; to statements made by M. Marinonl,tha political director of La Petit Journal,M. Constans, ex-minister of the interior,instlgaOd the murder of a notary fromwhom he wished to reeoyer aouie oompr^mbtng doenmenta. M. Rocbefort addsthat a woman named Achat was een-tenced to tw elve years.' impriaonment fortbe crime, which, he saya, was Instigatedby M Constans.

aning Mill!lard Wood F l lt,g, Mould-

indow Frames*

Turning and Scroll Sa-wicg,"

Steam Kiln Dri«d Kindlln s, Wotd,


TBKNTOS, DSSC. 2.—llimm T. Downing,ne of 1 ho originator* of the defnnct Bar-egat Park company, « • put on trial. In

the Mercer court, charged with perjury Inconnection with a unit In chancery oxer adeed alleged to be fraudulent, aooordlna;to Downing'* own affidavit. In the trialbefore tbe vice chancellor Downing. It Isalleged, swore Ihat the deed W H deliveredFeb. 18, 1801. while hia confeeaion and af-fidavit made previously showed It waa notmade and recorded until March, 1898. Theobject of the alleged forgery w*a to getpr—fitninn of the land on which stands thehotel, "The Pines." In Barnm-at bay,jn the hands of. a receiver.

rUiUc.Designs A U Xhss Lavtc.t S t F i «

'iamonds WatchesHenry F. Windham,

Arlington Hote8om«r»rtSt,;and Green Brook Boad

in America, at prices les&^manafactnrer'a cost. Loot at our

Window Display.SCHWED BROTHERS, .»SSSiKS;-.

etc. la theA P i u a l e With. M o n e y Prlaeo. J f 0 ^ ' ^ "

A ' I


a I o T J

H | B | J


A 1 Y






















H | .
























William J. Stephenson, C A T E R E RReceptions Teas, Weddings and Parties



Rogers' Sea Food Market






L two weeks and to dear out flu lot every pusoe will be offeredeach, and most otthem are »orth «1,25 each. Assortment in

• Tea and Coffee Pots and ail sites in Banoe Pans.Jinot be bought for the money. Special sale o

, »„„ i^ommon Oroclerr oontinnea-rall sisesin plates 5c eachHand Lamp 15c , Common Chimneys 5c. A few more 01 tnosi

1 1 10 piece Toilet Setsleft. Aih Sieyes 1 0 a , 1 8 c , an

all Agree te


The / will all be sold long before Christmas., We thought «ad too many bat we find we won't hare enough to go around^ej T]ablic know a (rood thing *Len they see it and tner following a

within the reach of every one.

11(9 Celluloid Photograph Frames.

4c. 5o. 6c. 8c 10c 12c each 'OENCINE DOWN PILLOWS, 49c. eiioh i


Big Cut Pin PiieMCor. Central Ave. & Fifth St

iiimber and Mason's MaterialIt. A. BbeMtme,



Or all kinds.

John Neagle,424 W. Seventh St


FALL? STYLES 1893J W^U. B . CRANE Hatter

B«moved to Sfo. 12 West Front Slrwt, noar Wmc'm.


Flrst-olaat bar ai

DAVE'S213 West F m t St

llalr Cutting* ShampoolnS Parlors


OPENWith entire new fittings.

TenEyck & Harris,Dealers ID Packer Vein I.cliigh

Valley Coal.FialnBdd.


Washington Rock *a\the Moiqaito, f

COLLIERS,1869. 101 Park aT«nne


also cl«»e« in Phywcal Cnltnre, Dcbart>eportment, e t c

Children, Tuesday. 4 to 5-3° P-L d i ' F i d i 3 to 5 p m3 to 5 p. m.

ntlemen's dancing danm 8 to 10.30 in Huletf


Ladies' andFriday erening from 8 to 10.30-Iill. Private instructions. Kin.

nirsls, Tablesox, etc arranEvd. All tnatesi dancex tsnght. Srad for circulars, »c

dresi Holett'i Half or Music Store.

1893 TAXES,NoUce Is Den*! glyen the taipayen

ot the cltj ot PlalBlteW that toe taxesaaoaed In said dtl for the year 1JM,srenowdne and pajable, aad f—the said taxes be not paid by the» t h DAY OP DBOBatBEB NEXT,

tbe names or the debaters, nib theirnepeetlre taxes will be retained to "Cltj Jodge lor prosecution.

Tbe CommMooersor Appeal In aot taxation, will meet In the CouncChtmber on the Foortb Tuesday INerember next (the asili), sad sit from3 o'clocs p. ro., nnUl & o'clock p. m.,olonier, If found necessary, to disposeof all eases submitted io them for con•iderallOD.

10SS JOHNSON,Oollector of Tsxea

Dated PUlnHeld,N. J., October J, 1893


in the

W B W O I C D I U n D



(Bnooasaar to L. A. Humner). Deatar In |




: A R E Y ' S , COR. FROHT-AND GROVE STS.Friday, Dec 1, 1893, at 2 P. M. Sharp. '

A quantity of- Goods. Terms cashl

I.J. Carey, Auctioneer. |





Wheelmen's Headquarters. ,,•n am « PAH* Aimnn,


I W B 8 T M»TJ8J

PARLOR ZSTOVES AND RANGES,shown In the city, for finality.







23,25, 27 ifPark


STAPLE 7I1]DUbertj stnat. (00C. 0soo«4 Btnat.

SEE OUR OFFERSCan yon comprehend what we u y when we tell yon tho

[ Secret of Making Ends Meet,~!~~^~u paying cash wad gettng the bargains from a sad tii»t y o , ^

noighbor* are wving money by buyiig from tu. .

JUST THINK.Men's raits from »5 up. Men's orer coats from »3.7a np,< and

wo are selling themat retail, at wholesale price*. 1

€. SOHEPFIilN & CO.Clothing Manofaotarer,

318 West Front Street. Plalnfleld, N. J.

^tlesasTsrevenue. - , It Would be Bednoed Under

the Ne* Tariff Law. USSSTTT or ah nrooKE tax

.toV Mill A—'» 1

The neHhf of ‘ ftmrtUy bmltUd r Hill nipM*. •°*1 **»• commit*#* ’ t« B1'* CUrli rsi, Ud hi. «-»>*"“ OmbCT time. Sl^orl>l"“l”*u“»,h' r*”nU' "iSdwtvwl under the t~d« MU r^-T ereel. but « »*• 1’™"—"• far £T.rr«nt ">• •letemmit that, on i»0* the import*of 18B2, the lorn of X from «>r moment of UTorw MU and tbe rvpcal of tb* Mr Kin- would b* about NO.OUO.OOO. Of *L- tkl* «allm*‘« t- on tho -upportion STfc. Import* -Oder the a*w Mil -onW taw>«r*ot*r »k*n under tb* present low, * — which the Democrats by do

iT^lbe coniontloo of Chairman MM loon pd M. Democratic awicUUi tkal lm- Urn* "ill be aoatimnlatad nnd*rth# of rrTfnn*. dwplte JZT roriir*: reduction of duties. will 761)1 deficit It la now Mowwd to make np ley a tor on tba In- \rr- of rorporn!I'*na. a Ui on atioc**- MM aid playing card*, and by Incraaa- (Bf tba tax oq UKaretteo and perhaps Hr. Tarwwy. <* the way* and I flings to the hsllef that IMMicIt rannot be anpplled wltbont a*. ipyPf tbetnrom»taa to Individuals. T 4aa't tbtak '* can l» done." Mid bn, “wWbout making tbe tax on net earning* af seeporatlt 'ii« exrrwmlve. Such a tag of aacnr* to tba govern

Bem. sot more than g2S.ono.non. wherra* tkadeffe'en-r would he nearly BM\mo.00r). j mat •*• bow tobacco can atand any great* U*. If tbe rate cm whisky _ « |>er gallon, from that amm there will •>- «•.<**).Aft}, which 1* *eri af the amount required. *Oae nourre of Increase of rerenne that lat° be developed I* tbe stimulation of toportationa that all! rsanlt from the BAtagof our prohibition tariff. Doubi- les tbM will greatly Inci maw. fcnt I hardly think «• could gat ■Magwithout help from the penmnal In taxed a r>.00n we;

•7.C sosld give u* vuffltIwnt revsnus." The Demo.-ratlc members of tbs com ■ktw met again thla afternoon to fur- ihwcopaxler the Income tax and Internal mesne ecbedale. There are Mill many

tbe committee glee no reason for tag that the Increase will exceed ten centa ymgallon, and some members think It ■btfol whether there will be i Ilog.r. to bo Triot Again. CkOTF.H. Pa-. Dec. 3.—The December m of tbe criminal court begins on Mon- bj There will bs about sixty l them will be that of Thom** . who killed hla father and choc hi* ■other and sister on Jan. 14 last. He w*a ■Sdeled of morrler In the aecnnd degras

•ukalaallty ■aaasl to prevent a longer m years District Attorney Van AMdad to pash tbs other indictments for ntones than


■jsthaHt learns from a reliable scores that Patrick Heed, the man who was mor- 4n*4 Id Dublin recently, was a go mntepy. ami that be test I fled In behalf •f Timothy Kelly at tbe trial of the Pbm- all park mn.piraton. Th# Pall MatlGa- mtkt adds that since that time Heed baa keen an Informer, and that a connection baa been clearly proven bet wren Heed and Uareeent *iplosions In Dublin, and that ■artiing «liv.ioaurra may bs expected at my time.

"Migat ing I lie rrrtit fire which deaf roffifl the dry goods establishmriit of Kdaou. *—* I'". rvwoltllm In « 1~ of right *»«. bamled j; a verdict exonerating tbs •ns but bold ng tbe city building Inspeo- **» mi- h.iMc for not seeing that proper •re w>*i«* » rrr provided. ktan k>*adrotnpai hmplnyr* *B*a«Mi mil ly-flve rent.

rkeee* W»*« B»i a . 1>ec. 2.—Tbe ha* reduced the wi _ • percent., and th* Blandon mill cut down ita puddlers twen- nt* par too. Tbs Heading iron • rolling mill and tube works' . .'«*• In number, accepted f * per cent. i. Dec. :

ring heavy enough t

hod.-, • recovered the wreck of tbs "***n v*press, which collided with a wight train at Llmitro Station on Tna*. ••7 night. I. i»ti,iT-t.o. All wtf. t«r«- i y flv# were rscognlx*. Mj burnnl. am) « kdgsr Thua.Mi Works fcADDOCB, Pa. Dee. t -P.verytblog U ^la readiin-as i«. resume operations at th* Thomwo Steel works on Monday. ■HD will then be running on rail* —* arm to now ersd’ e orders ' credited with haring asr-

BoEDitrx, DK.!.-TfcufkKMj o7 Po- their meeting, adopted > rsseUUon urging tb#"rr53i

Waal Um Alleged Dckvkr. Dn*.«.—C arrived today, and today, and reqoaM«l WnlU to laau* extradlUow papers Joseph Von (Irata. Jba allagad Hawa ea route to Washington with safest dU- patebea from IbwaUlaot Dole tor President Cleveland Von Grata. It Is claimed, ob- tained tl.BOO worth of household goods la Salt Lake City ander false pretenses. LiV credence la placed In tbs story that Von Grata has a secret a Washixotox, Dec. 1—The stats depart- lent received the following dispatch from Minister- Thompson at Rio d* Jan- eiro "Admiral Mrllo left tbe bay ysetm* day on board tbe Aquldabaa, going Booth." It la bellered by boot of the of- * • tli# Mats department that ha joa* out to meet the Nlctberoy, and If possible lo destroy bee before aba reaches tbs Rio harbor. Other* think ha has gone to PaVa.

Xe* Lox <ow, Dec. A Times dispatch from Meahrvl says that the town of Kochao, In northern iVrvla, which was destroyed by an earthquake. Is a heap of rain* Not bouse Is Maadlng.' Tbe recovery of the Th# odor from tbs petrifying remal. horrible A project to build on n site eastward of the old MU la being

«•*« n—m dm, s tHow«( tk. tttt. M h ocMpUd by 1. tt Katkbaa, abo mi "•» ■* a!* Trail ms, ala. Tan tedtaa aba aa. p-SS • -bSTSTs! aad aa Bat ploy. uariKUwauiaa. oal almost nloeatW. Tba total bah |

CaraTaa. Pm, llm i Bril. I 1-SkDjkj Altoaaa Barf to appnr at am to ZL •weT -bo cbora. of lofooay of a com Uf la «-h. Sb. am brna^t from BrbUatoa. Coan. oa a nqaWtlm. Tboa(b tbo good, mol™ oaly amooatod to aboat $<0. tbo rarlom emu, tuau aad fooo In ootoklng nod trying tk. aomnn alll amount login

tbo notnuod Mr. Uutnoring la tbo on- parlor court of Litchflsld county after an exciting trial. Tbe verdict of tba Jury, ■ influenced by tbs wbtsk undoubtedly bad character of Mannsriag and the j oallsnt character of tbe prisoner. fad|* lalWtiyri Allege BtnnixoHAM. Ain.. Dec. S.—The police of Bewsemer bars under arrest a negro giving the name of Buckley, whom they believe is Koalas Julian, who murdered it »n Jefferson par- Judge Victor Katopt lab. IxmiMans. Sept. IS, sod for which three brother* of Julian were lynched at tbs time. II* denies that he is Julian.

Tenant-’ AppruuMg, Daom. HARKlSRtnn. I>ec. 2.—Ben Tennis, who will be banged next Thursday for tba murder of old Agnea Cooper Wright, baa accepted tbe service* of Her. Joseph Sim- ley, of I tnm tael-town, a Dunkard minis- ter. as an additional spiritual adviser. Tennis’ children will visit him for tbs last time on Tuowlay morning. s

Kilted by as KleMete Tar. Hast Liverpool. O.. Dec. S-While re- turning from a party with her husband and a nomter of friends Mrs. Haraha, a young married woman, was overtake trestle l>y an electric car and killed. A tber of other*, who Jumped from tbe tie,wrre painfully but not dangerously

loudly applauded In the e TKMPLrrox. Pa.. Deo. 1—At Red bank Junction, tan mUea north of thla plaoa. w her- tba low grads division of tha Alle- gheny Valley railroad leaves tha mala Una, three highwaymen, armed with re- volver*. entered the station house, bold- ing up Night Operator Slagle and a wateb- Tbey secured the money on head

Paris. Dec. 1-M. Caalmir Perier this morning presented bis list of minister* for tbs cabinet to PrvMdrut Carnot, which received executive sanction. Tk# cabinet l» tha same a* published yesterday, with tbsae exceptions Minister of commerce. M. Marty; husbandry, M. Viger, marina. Admiral Lefeerw- ELMIkA. N. Y.. Dec. k—John Gllmora, the young man whose arreat while out on parol* started th* investigation of Inha* treatment of Inmates at tha reformatory, was brought back to th* in- stitution yesterday by Superintendeat




HOME AND COUNTRY MAGAZINE Published at II K. lPtk It., X. T- City. FOB EVEBT MEMBER OF EVEBT FAMILY. 26 Ccntk a Copt. ... Bv tmx Year. *2.50. Entertaining, Instructive, Profusely and Artistically Illustrated.

HELPMATE TO MAN, COMPANION FOR WOMAN, WELCOME FRIEND TO ALL. SSrASES“2J*S—. . . Ksjiassx*1ArUctsa la Ha coiswM vxlasbls to all i

rru SnauilU BcUsm." Flet tea i Us Morlss, pcofswty OleMratad, by t i bora. IT* cow plots ta sack aaakr. P—try l Travofi Adv



In each issue of this magazine will be found a Domestic Pattern coupon enabling the -holder to obtain any one of Ihe new dress designs illustrated therein to the value of S3 cent#; or, |8.00 annually. a 50,000,000 DRESSES w<r

CO ITRI EH imtwrat, And 13 cent. .acX month will who will a.Dd 10 coopona dlfcicntlj receive a copy of the then.eorrent Iaaoe ot

sen LSI eoranr xxaizcn, America’! Xort Popular Ulutrated Xoothlj

ARMY VERSUS NAVY. 1898 DECEMBER. 1898 Ba Uc To. Tk. | Fr. I •*. -SSfS»JMSC£S

8 4 5 6 7 8 9

34 25 26 27 31

17 18 19 20 21 22 28 10 11 12 13 14 15 J6

1 2 a tha great rivalry aaraaf up bu* WaM Pefut and Annapolis aadata, tha na- ■Ml gam* IiWwwb these two teams has mm a very prominent featuiw la etoelaa. Thau* teams Una up aft

They >11 Agree ie


DON’T GET They -01 All be aold loo* before Chrktmee., We thoo^t i had too manj bat we find we woo’t here enougli to go AroandtU T pa bile know a good thing wLen they eee It mod ther following within the reach of every one. i

11SS Ovllaloid Photograph Framea.

TSZ FR*ta«dthe«ouatrTtoaaatha game, aad Uam their respective teams ta GLYCERINE OF ARNICA 4c. 5a 6c. 8c. 10c. 12a each


29 80 OMS of the aod delighffful Toilet Rrqaia- es ever introduced. PlnaesuffT Ftriemed AND WILL CURB ALL CRACKED

aa tha probable ' E. L. Ta

MOON— PHAM*. BIS 8 It? I ®Ci a* W »^at,i81» I csslm

Atw will bara Km. dlAealtv to tot > Ma. Th. to. rat ot th. Mlddta. btUto tld U*J UekL frtotj ml raa -wi. Sriito, ttoto hto r~ -«« to*, th. Sprinkler Top Bottle 25C. Front Street, UNDER THE BANX |j Opp. Park im,l

■ ItANt np to follow.: •apMUae U>. Jtontta t BhonUthk b. th. emm i

-*• jgfc; CM. I :3KEBt::::3

L. W. Randolph’s City Pharmacy,


tl Wan Float BL, Altor, nia., Dan. B -Hoe. John W. Copplnger, prusideot of tba Dlinoie state afta, became eagaged In a pollUaal ml with Cokmel A. F. Rodger. Rod struck Copplnger. and tha Uttar Bred shot from a revolver at hla assailant.

)few Planing Mill!

Lovno*. Deo. *.—Lm&j Dunravea, lnaa- i. a^w. e.—i.— y uueieiwi, h inquiries made regarding health of her husband, has in formed tha AaaocUtod Prase that Lord Duraveo to improving, ami that thare to na danger of a fatal ending to bis illnaaa Lowdox, Dan. L—Tha Duka of lainetar died from, aa attack of typhoid fever, aged -He eon Mauriea the Marquis af Ell- will aooread him. In 1884 tha duke

algeent la which be alleges that, accord- ing to statements made by M. Marin act. tha political director of L* Petit Journal, M. Conetans. ex minister of tha interior, Instigated the murder of a notary frbm whom he wished to recover some compro- mising document* M. Rochefort adds that a woman named Achat was sen- tenced to twelve years’ Imprisonment for tha crime, which, be say*, was Instigated by M. Const* n*

Hard Wood FI Ibg, Mould- ings, Window Frame*.

Turning ami Scroll SAwrlng, Stem Uln DiM XLulBn* Wobd,


Lumber and Mason’s Material L. A. Kh—am.,

married Lady Harm lone Dunoombe, who had tha reputation of being the * omaa !n Knglaad. Maay stubborn and ftffgravi cases of rheumatism that were believed U> be iocurable and neewpted aa lire legaelM. have jfelded to Chamberlain1

Pain Balm, much to Um surprise and gratification of the sufferer*. One ap- I rile at Ion will reUeve tbe pain and suf- fering and ita coodnoed use insure# an effec.uaI cote. For Bale at KeynoUl'a Pharmacy, Park and North avenues, T. a Arniftrong, Manager. —

On Trie! Ser F.rJ.f». • Trextox, Dee. Btram T. Downing, na of tha originator* of th* defunct Bar- nagat Park oompnny. -a- put on tri»l in the Mereer court, charged with perjury la connection with a ault In chancery over a deed alleged to be fraudulent, aooordlag to Downing’* own affidavit. In tha trial before the vice chancellor Downing, It ib alleged, xworv that the deed w*a delivered Feb. 18, 1901. while hla confaselon and af- fidavit marie previously showed It was not marie and recorded uutll March, 18M. The Euler Slim

obM ol th. .11—r—i fom~7 -to to pototodon ot th. Unit on which th. hoteL "The Pinto." In Bnrnnt.t h»7. Jn th. hindn of . rtorf»«r. ArUaUe.DMlgBA All Th. Ltottotot StglU

Diamonds DOANE’S Watches

Orun Spoon*

in AmcricA, At price* 1«*»jnAnnfACtarer’* co*t. Look at onr

Windoir Display.


A Puizle Witii Money Prizes. Kto'a aii^bKLy-S.’StSs .ho^t,h,tototo-to.tod itr-.-wi who find Ihe moat eaaaea. aad It eeaerouriy •aenffgftraigl

wtoii—•’a. w^n .ruwthe toto ot urn as pnaeiMe. A wide ialltede I [will belriloweri. provided you prawHvrrulw. Wlwvv | permit ve lag "th# "or lo some of tour r

36c- aad BOc. paper pattern# known, not "old stock” patterns, but tbe moat elegant deaim, gotten Up new I>om«*ntlc Pattern Co-, of New York. REMEMBER KSS earh rn - tk by lb# weU-known Domr(...v ; Fit gu- .• uitaad. Sty la* approved by the society queens of London, Pans and THE COURIER.


The btot niMttotod »ceot Monthly In AttwriOA. ALMOIT fNEC. D*C COUPON IIAIWHIK. * TM, ...Id to one of the mtot tocptoW. gift, tl—< ton Wcgw.1 to toy crfft—rfMtoAto

to»iA.a—7--aa< THE COURIER . They m u good u Cnltod SUto. catrency. Wlthl° n< Oiem andJW 13 cent* yon can have each month what do one can bay for ho* than 60 to .5

Ti OP TFT EM differently numbered, aod I ntoitA, «UUto-y on. toad- I U lag same to our office, to receive BOX! XXB COC11TXY, Arne-*- • Lemlln* Ihpito. Prlc 2Be., ot there • tone, tod My ot the , Doxcnrc co. rasxio. arrxBHS. ttor.10 m——i. in the vein, it 3a®- * Maculae u«l Putefto u. —B-l dlrtot by pnblUtof. u Kew Yort.

Tto CtoU. rue, .ton Oto. Dto. f-A dlqtoteh Jtoectou, Illott from Kendrlo. to.,? “*l» put, end th. Ctotl. 1—>7 which wu Into In U. ■ udv-l .JJ k-o. .n old eoldier who had Wtolc dlurtutn, of long .landing to MWI*« lerauteoUy eared by Kt- “gChambeHam’i Colic, Cholera and “WThoa Iletnedyaaya Edward . Snwplk, a prominent dragglnt. ot PAAMOln, Minn. -1 have aold lb. «M"lj la tbl. city for over nevea yaan waalder It superior to nay othar •Mlelae now on lb. martel for bowel •wptatau." 33 and M cant botUaa «IbU remedy for .ale at Reynold*, ™n»acy. Put and North .venuea, T. H. Armstrong


Strut and Ao_ City

William J. Stephenson, CATERER. Receptions Tea* Weddings and Parties

nuitlahad with wmry rmjolmta. SO NORTH AT*m rumuLD, a L


Rogers’ Sea Food Market



Big Out in Prices

or SECOND HAND wise— *■

Cor. Central Ave. & FittbSt TELEPHONE 1(0 LONG DI8TAN0B







Of nil kinds John Ikengle,

424 W. Seventh St.

mr fionnroL

FALU STYLES 1893!;HAjS. U. B. CRANE H itter

Removed to Wo. >1 West Front StraM, aaar itun DON’T FORGET THE


Henry F. Windham,

Arlington Hotel

Somerset St, and On

DAVE’S 213 West Frat St

flair Citttag* Skaapwlsg Parhn. ABE NOW

OPEN With entire new fittings.

TenEyck & Harris, Dealer* In Packer Vein Lehigh Valley CoeL Yard Van y oa«. 111 Wi


thowD in U|e city, for quality. PRICES LOW.

SOLID SILVER PLADiflED 80UVEMIB 8P00N8. Wtohmfloe Rock u<the Mtoqaito, (l.oo.

COLLIERS. Eatahliahed 1M>. 103 Part

MADAM IZA LEZEM’8 SCHOOL FOB DASCUU ■lm cliMe. In Pbydcal Cnllme. Delmrte Deportment, etc. Chlldfee. Toewlay. * to 5.30 p. m. Ltin1. Fnday. 3 to 5 p. m. Ledie.’ .nd Oeellemen'. dancing cUm Friday etotting from S to 10.30 1“ HJett'. Hall. Pritote InMmctioto. Klrmetoeo Cto-

1893 TAXES. that the tare. the year 1»: doe and peyabte, «ed that

of the city t. la Mid city for the year m3. .* sot paid by I I DAT OF DBCBMBEB NEXT, I of the defboltera, with their


Dmttd at — Cm oat coepto. I W. will doth.

-iiO—^ ■ correctly. Seed 10 of lh«m with 18 to*t* l

k toder. eat ragalto .abecriber. mam cat oat tha eoepeam (It la tpato. tod to. ** to-t oaly to-t to. prtatml latol. oeatalalag O^r asm, tod Jr^ptoto* o. [to M«»d. ol wmppto tod 13 toeu. Tiwm ~b»rttor* we .topto. “ Addrei Mmmgar Clabbta* Deptot—

Plainfield Courier, 103 East Front Street.



gido of two week, and to clear out the tot every piece ’ri)1 otleT^ at 49c each, and moat of them are worth $I.M aaoh. Anaortmant in- clodee all alaei In Tea and CoSec Pota and all naea to Banea Pans. Qood Tinware cannot be boaght for the mooM. “ Lamps and Common Crockery 1

SS^7^V^2r’^.*T<^Uf.“3 l&t SometMti “ncw-^jotTphoto enlarged and framed for $L75. motooncaW

raapeoUra taxes will be rwuraad to °%sss£a=s«». of taxatloe:, wUI mom hi the Ooenctl Chamber oa the Fourth Tuesday la November next (the MthJ, aad Mt Aom 3 o’Motm p. m., oaUI 5 o’clock * ■.,*“ !W5i“

JOHN JOHNSON, Oollactor of Taxes Dated F1alaflald,N. J.,October 1,18(3.

Advertise in the

CAREY’S, C0H. FHOIT.AHB GROTS 8T8. Friday, Dec. L 1893, at 2 P. M. Sharp. 1

A quantity of-Goods. Term! cash?

2. J. Carey, Auctioneer. Columbia, Baialgb, BICYCLES

Hartford, I PRICES and TERMS

To M AH. Wheelmen’s Headquarter* ,

|»7 sod (* FAKE ANENU* FRAHK Els €. nABTUI.







huuncruaiM um nmiatan > uttuirr. 23,25, 27

Park Aveni



(Oor. Saoewd BtrwaA

SEE OUR OFFERS tho Oan yon oomprehnod what wo say when we tall you tba

[ Secret of Making Ends Meet,' U paying cash and gettog tha bargain, from a and

neighbor* are earing money by bnyitg from an «. .

JUST THINK. •Bap. Mm retail, at wholesale pricee.

€. HOHEPFLm 1 CO. Clothing Manatoctorar,

810 Wert Front Strwwt. Plxlnfleld, N. J


Page 4: lB V '« COMING - DigiFind-It · At Ibe Council fire of Miantonomo Vib e las t nigh two pul fates t adopted. - • .ri^


Caused by Incompetence oa theLflhigh Val le j Boad.


t '

WIXKKSIAKRK, T.i, Die a—Non-union•Bginews In chuga of locomotives wthe n u t of DO 1«» than Bve dlsajrtrwreck* oa the V»! l e j railroad

/terday. First a freight train broke atConjntthKm crw«iiiH and left two

. atandlttfton the rnntn track. Pasaenger

train No. G came along and Jammed intot h e c a n . The U n m a n was injured by

Jumping from tha engine, and ConductorKlnnej. of Snyi-s. wanquite badly brulsad.

About a o'clock. aaafreiKO-traJa I Upassing through Fain-lew on IU War

thij cit j, empty mgint, NO. « e , goingtha ra t , of thirty miles an hour.

Into th« caboom In which were Be . _brakeman, who were inv.-intlj- killed.Tha Caboose, caualil lire, and as soon n«posalbh the flames were eit ingnished and

the mangled bodies of the dead bniki

war* taken oat. The engineer of >.'<w u not Injured. The nmne of one olbrakeroen killed I* Kdward Wilson. He

had been on the road only a few d a n .

Tha company discharged three now

gineara yntirdi iv . The discharged i

atono* madeappiicniioa lo ttaa Brothood, bat wRre rtfn«ed.

Tha company iB InvwHantiriK » charge

made against innir>fr±br nnn-iinloa mieinow at work. Jt Is alleged that there ara- nnmber of men In the employ of tin

company who arc Brotherhood men In dis-

guise. The men are employed tn

capacity of bra. Item Ml. When the trailmoving np grade it in nlleged that tfaeBrotherhood men pull the plna in tbecoupling* and cause Ihe train tn part 'inaereral places. It U mid that this i» tfaewhole trouble on the mountuln cut-Off,where the grade in n in-t y feet to the mile.Trains have been pulled over tills hearygrade nil right nprftmfore, bnt bow It

aeems almost imponsible to do it. If the

couplings don't break some1 other mis-chief Is to I• i••;••-••

The company will OIT.T f/N) reward lorthe detection or any i-mplovp In the act ofremcriDg a conpllng pin while the trail


* inomplainei] that th

>f t he real-1th Jalap.The compnny iltd

colTre f urr

• ranch head-iS- afternoon.

The wrpolt>i on the roads blockaded alltrains. Triiiniun'*lertiand othpr subordin-ates on the nia-1 sre worked a lmost todeath. TheOeatrftl Railroad of Xew Jer-sey is reaping a rich hurte^t on account ofthe strike. Nearly all freight for this cityand surrounding town* is shipped over theroad now. Ivxlro crows hov© Itecn put on.anil tnanyold emploj-esof the Lehigh Vai-lry ros4 h a . s been given work.

E A S T U * . P B . , Dec. 2—The Vfi I^hijthT a l l e r strikers In this locality show no•Igna of weskncon. Them have been sev-eral costly wrecks on this division of theroad within the pn*t twenty-four hoars,wblcb are attributed to the incompotencyof the new men. A coal truhi was cut Intwo on tbe Iron bridge spanning the Dela-

PoTTSViLLE. Pa,, Dec. 2.—The pant twodays have'been tha busiest diiico the Insti-tution of the strike on the Lehtgh Val leyrailroad. Al l collieries are working to-day. »n<l m m trains are being h « m t Weach day. An an official remarked .thismorning:. "If It were not for tha greattrouble of gett ing f reiKlit moved at Pack-ertoB, the strike wonld not be noticed Inthe Schuylkil l r eg ion . ' Kverything laquiet. Ami no petty deprrtlrtt ions are being.

tramps, who are flocking Into' the regioby hundreds, are doing much mischief.

PHILADELPHIA, D e c a. — Cbief B . IClark, of the Order of R a i l w a y Condnitors, aaid laat n i g h t that report* fron_every division of the I* i i lgh Val ley roadindicated t h a t the Btrifcen were holdingout to a man. H ' h m asked it he hndhnpr. of winning the strike' in v iew ofstrong position the company now c la imsto hold, ha said: ;'I(-would-be foolish liroe'to any anyth ing that would indiciaOtherwise."* So far a s the corojwmyconcerned, Its officials say that very fewreports show t h a t there i s Bay ' 'all wrong with the service.


The tra . n the riBht luw * prinrpwe W k and k of «s

l-fl U nt re™.* n n . rof otni-ralJ Vflv..T. l,,,i*Wballs li;.. t h i

t.^r r f i r i it) h ^ '-" '"'-I*,' ^ a on™ herii" \-<nk ,« , .» m i l l »n.i •irewe falls; thp bretvllr >aiili peacock flues; a thick gr-eu and guld enrd with


Tariff ranrtaiDtl,. Max si Dlliia—#•

Krw Yost , Dae. 2 —H. G. Dun & Co.1

weekly review of trade «y . - It cannot b .•aid that business during U>« partfcaa grown better or wmw, Whenare symptoms of a Irnnattlon Matenary indication*, Ixisetl upon thicoabaslneM down to • f«w ilays ago, aias Talaabl. aa uaual, but on thewbol

' mr l»a« enoavracbthanth'j- , . —

* M of trade and fromdlf

eertihiYl« a.' a " .. _Uuvey, but it wilt take some time tomine whether the general tendency to-ward improvement has been checked, orto what extent. The volume of trad* hasbeen Mniwhit Increasing, bntmnch aa was expected, the exchanges forlast week showing a decrease of W.8 percent, compared with last year, in part be-cause the week rovers only five b 'days against six last j-enr. For twocovering the same working day-, the de-crease has been 23.8 per cent.

The Industries am waiting with vUlbluncertainty regarding the outcome "legislation, and beli«~ ""«liefa that the pendingtariff bill will or will not be pawed aff<trade as much as the varying judgmiIn regard to its HTcct if panned.

Failures during the past week nbered only Lfs, against 238 for thasamweek last year, and in Canr.rla 40. ..S3 last year. Only four of the week's fail-urea were of liabilities exceeding 1100.000


ereign WRHman of theHe loiDjodi

-t,,I!f*[ UCTI>THI master work-ib lt ^ y

nifly Oiunitned the Andes of his, itfiirly nil the work on handfor rbc executive Imnnl wan brought;lose yeaterdaj nfternoon. This m o m -h V l r t j i i ! t bl In

rYork I

beadjuitHl. The

bllilriMr. Sovereign «ni<l

id in onler

aonal work will bare to he dof the m

:onntry fur the nurpevw of stimulating

illes. fho time fnrrhis work was nevertter than the preneut, and we hope that

the beat re.snlta will attend oar efforts,membership, which ia now about

100,000, will or niiuht to 1« ilrmhlpri bv this

irectp.1 iownnl increnshiK the numerical.rengthof the Knight* of Ijibor."When n«k«il about the prnliable change

of the general h end quarters of the knight*aid:

"1 will mtuhlishl Des Molnea lorm not prepared t*fttees w.itl be IWIBMr. Sovereign i

still beltf'vft him tthat (s all V W O ! l 1

•Stein & C


•Lehigh Valley tuM W.N.Y.APa... «.Pennsylvania , *BJ* II. * H. T. com.. —Heading -t\*i H. &O. T. pref ,. —(It. PanJ «^i Krta is!Lehlijh Nav. « D., L. * IV :.W»

Readina K,ra to,... -TXH V. Y. Central .KB).

Heading ]«t pf. Se. — W«ii Shore —lU*dlnit.M [if. ?*. - iJitf Krie 4 W... 1SHReadlna *i pf. ia.. - Sow JerKy fen —

N . Y . A N . E SIM Del. A Hudson.

PtfTL&nKi.PBiA, Dec. 1.—Floor steadilywinter superfine. tKtS.iO; do. extras, %isa%

UfcHMtfwJjder-Umll) »i'.-> r,\. l; n ,.yl

essaf. %s.t>O&t-l!i; wtsiern arbiter, ain

»3.1«ta.*W; winter patent, H.6033.S; M

•ota cloat, »S.«*a3; Mlnnno-a •traighU . . . .a3.eS:M!nnr-nr» i«tent, |3.TJ7T4; MinneeoUfavorite brand*. liUiher. Rye flour. |x.M pw

barr.1. Wheat Brni, dall. wlih Ho. bldiai *

aakrd for Januar] ; BSJic. bid and Me. uk i

for Fsbrusry; W. bid and TuHo. i . t m ft.March. Corn qntet, Mrs<tr, with (S^o. bidand t3*ic. asked for I>ecrniber; 43c. bldiand

mic. ukrd for Janiiam 43c. bid and mifiasked for Fsbraarr: 4%lc bid and Uc. aaksdfor March. Oats arm. quiet, with ate.jjkfKMB. aaked for D«*tul>*r:asKc. bid and _ .

asked tor January; MUD. bid and Sit. askedy Hr;: 3W«. bidef doll. MraMirth. Heef (loll, steady; family.

era* n w , %n.'*i^». l'ork dull; t>*i•1&31S- family. SIT3.1S: short clear, (17i31»

prim* n i M m . n w i , %».*•: nominal. Butter

•tMMlUr; New York dairy. W'tatc.; westerndairy. IMBc.; El«lns. «Mc.; New York

c ; westaI: X™ Ti. Cbeeasqu

Unall lO^t

H M M : choice h s a y enaokws. tuewUM; plf, | a . 8bMpa l c W tbaa ea \V*datml*j; bwt natlva lanba,%i J»»*J0-. fair to good. *ioo3<; fair d• t M s p , tx-m&x t h M u i m i

••0>rlDsj* of Kt , Hollr** r » r .1ST. IIO1X7, X J , t h e . 3 .—Then Is rrncn

suffering among the poor of Mt. HollyTha poor fund has been •xbaoster', andthe peopl* without food are dependingupon the charity of tfae neighbors. A m e *Ing to provide a fund ia to be called.

Oat 1- Two bv Cars.WH.VIXOTOS.IM. noo. 3.—George Ki

nis, * brakemanon the PhiladalphU, Wimlngton and Baltimore railroad, wukilled by falling wtinen w i n fratghtcars. Th*l.-»iy w*.eu*inlwo.

t h n 1 for 1

I buoii

T KJOBI nx-enlie prviem.-!cUresdap

where a large

Admin:8trator'8 Settlemento f

o w n ime be ing . -but lwhen the general

Bl* leather r,r in rndfr. 'BOSTOB, 7>c. 1—The lpallier firm of Ed-

wards & Ttnrrt-tt, of thin city, w.el f h i itheir

i &carry theYk f.f New. York, for

receiver -has been appointed. Both1 of the fit-in were special part-

ie ^tpin ooticern. They had put

t it i».'llabflitlea

Ptpin . * Co.,HI reach close lotSOd,

N E W YmrK. \><>c. ^

placed in tb** liancin i»f a ifcHrer yesfel

day. The house i. t!ie largesi in its lineifl the United Sum?-*, ami probably i

orld. doiim a bufine^B o( *->,«i0.l«r. The linbilitim of the firm areplnced»l,«».0<». with It


l a l


brsduate of Cnltpd 9 int.j* A - 11 KM

ri!H-il. N .!. !-• U At





verYihln* In a UrW class stsilon.-ry and Uf

ioudji at and bem* cost. Conic early and »*•in.. tniK»lin.a«th<. KIKHIB must I"- -.-I !"!

«f b at unco Store nuw i.pen. N«v. B;, lijSl

Nctic» of Dissolutioa

UHI W. D-via, under the Onn nwmKallevk snd Umvla, w u diMMilvtd on

t l B t i **> nt N v. inli-r elrh

1 tbeaaltt partnership art u

oAa OR 1!> 41. E0TATB.CILMlLRs A. REED.

Twenty-eight Tears f<

OroKTO, Dec. 2.—A sensational poison

trial, which has lasted a week, haa ji

been eonclnded here, Tbe prisoner Iswell known physician. Dr. Urbino FreitHe wascharged with poisoning hisnephiand two nieces In order to obtain t

large fortune which belonged to theThe nephew died «nd the doctor wprimarily charged with poisoning blbrother, the lather of the children, >mthe charge was. dropped. Some of thbest known socialists in Portugal, Ger-many, England and Holland furnlsbi

evidence at tbe trial. The prisoner wsentenced to twenty -eight yea™' Imprison-

ment, eiirbt years Military confinement.

C'arlton Cornwtll, lorenjap of tbeBzetlf, Widdletowu, N. J.,beiiev*>nat Chamberlain's Cougb Reroedv

sliould be ID every home. He nsed itfor & cold ami it effected a speedy core.• • ; myB: "It is Indeed a graod remedy

an recommend It TO all. I haveo seen it used for wboopinp coagh,li the best results." 25 and 50 cent[ties for sale at Reynold's Pharmacy,

I'ark aod North uveuuee^ T. S. Ann

juiVb™%tosaid credltora n

In 11 rr.'hT ill'. !<]!<! r.'f < rlcvi fur^i-ttl . IHfi>t fi>



— a . AppilcaMon may . -

rrai i l i l in t^usi-e , H e » l i n k , nod i

'i "''

Notice ol Order to Limited Creditors.

nty Surrogate"»

aie of WILJ.1AN WHITE, deci'JiK h.Ti-tiy .ilven that on Ihe tlrenty-

stT|niii day uf November. A. U. iW3. r n tbeuiJtiii, ,IH.,N t>f Ihe uudL-rtlifnvd. «A I 1 ecu tornof William Whiu-, decoiAd, an order - , ,mailc b> U i e S u r r i i i l r i i l b d i U••' W •.'.,,:,,..5?^ " ^

e V. Whltr,H. Wbit*


•ut t b c s a j n e t o i b e irnde...nllis r r « a Ihr d a l e of

Call "If you want a Coach, Coupe, Burry, Phaeton, Buggy or

Saddle llorsc. HOT»OB boarded.


A- N. DUNSTER &. SON, Proprietors.

- i I • •

Notice of A ssigementotJop is hereby iriven that Joeeph M. Har

p."r. nf tit- CitT of T-ialnneld, c m n t y of Unlomd Stale or Sew Jerncy. csrrytmr on a bust

tlooery. bookn. tov^ PIOHIP. In the c'iy of Plainsaid, hath tills dar made an ssnlttn

ie subsrrlber of h'e estate for ih" • '» creditor*, and thr' ' L

Kafiteatti - .

WHYBother with Cooking when yon CAD bo

Meats Already Cooked

Plain£etd Packing Boml t l W E3T FROKT STREET.

C. M. ULRICH.Telephone 141;


STAND BY THE POLICYSublime, Patriotic, and

r» iiive ttari-iiiiutry Ihpbtst OpprirtuniljiIts Farmers, Mrehanlca, and lonni t I'wthey have pver hud! No lmprferem. .i.^ Protei-tlvo TarJIf and no Ht-ptal!

Trample I'pon-opoelticip for Unlimitftd Free Cii.

tcir Itspie, ihwitb t

Dollar. The II*fc%..t-fl ollhdrawnli:iv. In -ii r. |.|.K-i ! 11

11 r mone

Kenorve the Pabllc Lands#™ —.n*»»»i •nuinu nnd save inoni rrom m

Protuctaod EDCU

No Interfei] ! • E-M:

" "18; ("fiiBlonlns Unlo

Illiisti-iitioil-,.the Dfwp of tbe day are freely used 1

rpsof artleis and photo-enaravlniF pliininnialns fealuri* for tho ladles and cbll

t Count; F.)

inerliMn t^hijiping; Temix-Tancr; and Ki

The Superb Market ReporU,r T n i N. V. TBIBUBS are now posltlv. ly thesi [Tintpd hy any newspaper in New Yorl

ew York, which sends men p~_ ..VI.TJ lu.irlci-t !H I lie ct.> uvi-ry 3»y of th

state of trade. Otoer papei-s make up ijuota-titirn larirWr from circular*. Commercial

. •,•• •. .ii"l>thai TRETRrnrH'reports arcthebfet. THE THIBC

No Hatter Whether

'" l»r W H I K L T . revui&rky. wfallo a roacUry party Is In p^wcr ana during

These Times of Changes?Tni V. T Ti imrsi l i ills ibliU. -most a#-

repAlve. and triund ndvixrate of Itepabllcatnoiiolcs. What tbe Kepubltoan r**rty tnteadsan e learned rrom T H I V. Y. T m n n .

Tut TRI nuif r's irtoito li tb« Truth aiad owy

m*T»rUI, CurrtJnJy^Waiiea, etc, wlU 'be

B c m c m b e r !Tni N. T.TRimrjTa lsthe cleannt. purest,

and nf«t or nonpapers for your family.DuM a wwkly m-wniaper. which invades thelome with Inimnralltj-.senaation and false-lood. receive your sai -" -

d l

Jrnt T H I B U N I hiditfie l i r i i B circulation ofiny Weekly In in* United S U M . Isaned tamo•he ortice ot a Daily. We have cballemed Hiexxintrj' for a year, with no taken.

FsreweU"ll Illustrated Premium UH *fjCBE. A copy wUl be mailed * • "»asalmtmrs Farewell to • " P

acorstc hiatorio picture E"m

Y. Tl _

hli'-OmoerP^an »wmriite"historic 'ploture,»lQt«n «preHl» for Tna T m n u x i b , u u -JalorrreatauthoHtv.wlU be sent to r v m

one pay Ion $120 for hla paper. Other niinwaviluable artiok. ar. In-

me payin«l)- In

cluded i

ng $iao fortrwiina1 s


Terms for 1894.

all prertoui s u m b s n aanpaad.



CHATTERBOXTHE IMG OFvalue, or ha* had one-tenth the n)e cf thi« grtMannual. M l l U o n a o f r o p l e . n a v r b r r n

•aid. ThenewTolumeforiSoi-4 njowitMAy,d h l d e.itircly new pictures,

a book in itself), aiuanecdolea eic Ttte

*Ad h s r m l i r f c and e.itircly new pictures,tcTenl new atorl •. (cacti a book in itself), aiubundled* of thort norm, anecdolea. eic. Tttebni Xmu present powibfe for boyimd cir!solail age*. Order Iron your bookKller or of us.

EITE8 ft UBRliT, PrtflsNn. Bostna

Vff&SS&SB; jTERgr*

WaWTttAiriLajiJtOA-U Of K i t JKaSCI

ttatlmi la R*w To« root of UM



P" U p p ^ L e h l i S r w K k i s i

:. Tbrou^h coach la Wilimn,

(lock of all the latest Import:

ii) !iH\-.\\- li ftarments and 3i r b«t iou-rai by -allfnn

• beantlful dlsplav before n

J---I CnpiThey ar- bigh-ffnide rgarments

l d

lea- and Mlsaen* Cloth Capes, Coarets. The attention of druseuta

usual price. Special attention is givtn

rere here In person. 8pprfal dlso

MASONaHAMLIN158 Fifth Avenue.

NEW YORK CITY,A large assortment of Grand and Upright

PIANOS.retaining their improved method of strii

ng, the greatest improvement in half a o7 . The celebrated

LISZT ORGAN,Parlor and Churches, is the most pcrf






fANTEI>-SoU-n.»n. Incal or tra

ry or oommiBBlon, a» preTerrod.

urserymen, Geneva, N

llns, 1Write J


,W.&s (lw40p,'StCbastiH.tBt,PbXiadelpbia

t Orriv YouAbility.

12.43 p.m. way f5r JuiI fctaUons tin U. L. & W.:

eadlnc, HafruWrg. lamaqua. Sunbuir anilUllamspen.- • • - — iray for Barton, connecting at

jfj for stalioDS on Hi«U llrlii^-

llauoh Cbunk. Scranton.

. • _ TrnmqLi, Shamokln. (Parlor oarChunkJ

P m.—For Flemloirton.

S m.-For Eiutton. IMhtehem. AUen-mitti Chunk, Kauliuii niid HMirUoum

tiem sad Allen

6.(16 p. m.H'Bh BridgBranca slid

SJ4 p. in.Branch,Allentown,Wllkestarrto Haucti C

«5J08. T. SULUTAn,

Fin, Wlno. Liquor* and S>gar

Hotel GrenadaNorth Avenue.

Th* Finest Hotel 1-a tbe City

I« now open^or booking rooiu, tl i m e D t o i



— A * —

Windham & Cwwlej'a

Central Hotel.




A FirBt-class i'amily HotelFor Permanent and Trfcudsnl Cues

8tabl«a and BlUiards A ttacbed

>kln, Wif

'Sunday, (eiccpiJO p m7


3? '"fa,

ng n*™

H(-adi_iiBTormiiiii!,4.1u,t>-i«j, M.i&. 11.31 a .m. .00,S n d a e ' t i u , " ».4S, l ^ a m i i ; o i ^ " 3 ^ S ? C '

ui iith"'«udl((;iieatnut—3JS, B.1S,..3,"0. 8.18, D .WSunasj - s -.mL-Si.*,. • J g . 8 . ^ Il.iSp. m.vr Trenton. Warren and Tuuksr Sts.. 1 00

»,U1, 1Q.K, a. ui_ 13,12", 8,10. «.&•

SSiAliaBH. Gen'l Bupl.


:i*sB—7.S0 and S.30*.. u.; 2.03 6.30

i fl.00 p. u.MtjciTv—7.80, 5.40 and 11.00 A. M., and


CLOBB—7.30 * , M., and 4.80 P.M.

AKHIVK—8.40 ». M., 2.40 Mid 6.15 P. M.

Direct n a i l for Trtnion and PhUadd

u s at 1.30 p. m.Mall for Warrenviile rfnily 12.W M.

Posl-offlce opens i t 7 i . » , and cloaej

at 7.00 p. H . Saturdays closes at 7.80 p.

Open every evening until 8.00 P. uwners of lock boies .INDAT S I H W - O P W »I 9.30 A. u.

« open trom 9.80 to 10.80 ». w. HallC9 at 6^0 p. M,


Orovu street and Mcroer nvtriuc.n Saturday, NOT. t, at 10 o'clock • B

Rev. i;, Klonka-

J . T. VAIL,leal Sstato and Insurance

So. 19 S0BTH 1TEJTE.

Bine Stone Flagging, Etc.


. Dicnssos,lm eratad I,..,.

A. M. RTJinrOH & SOU.

'uilertakcrs and EmbalmcrF

» 0 . m PABK A TEN D1

(CIotHtn0. llats. Caps, etc

M. J. OOTNi;

Merchant; Tailorlie. 1 EAST FCUHTH ST

COMMUTERS]Wby buy your

Hoaher-s, S


The Latest



232 Wot »mt Stmk

GREAT BARGAINSIn all trade* of;

Wall Paperstoi tbe next« dan,


TV. jr.Dealer t


Froft, Vfget*W«,

And all Country Produce.• Feed sn.1 Heal a apedalty

63 Broadway,FLAINFIILD. N. J.


Marl & H t e forkMonrnnen I al 11 'cmcta y Work

a Specialty.WMUttr, Quincy and Vtrnonl Oranlta.

Win uaderaold. bqprored maahinery

L. L. MAILING,COnier Central arcane * tysm t BU, PlalnflaU.

D. W. H Y D h .Teacher of Piano & Harmony




25 Washington Ave.Re-opens Tuesday, itapt. II, lt*3.

eh, Wimlo, Lir "opportunity tn luin



Furnltui* P«ck*i: 1 SbliMd.

i>ry Kinging WoodKept WDttantly ot> hand

Office, 47 North A


GOktuMBEB• Mason's Materialu, i t ,


r mi

43 to 60 f »rl:

with W n -ch«d a. S 3 ;D. Cook t SoTT


—D ME—


OFPLAIltnELI),If.JI« DOW retir ing dcixidli

payable oa demand, with

interact at tbe rate orthm

(3) l«r cent p«r anop"

Interest Paid on all Deposit


Jasurance,J J M. DUNHAM, }

No. 1 l i M ' KKOHT STKMT

Insurance, j : Heal Estate.BepresonliBir Old Line Cemcaiilst.



Kaper flangingIS ALL

Will Papers indj Painters' Sopplls.

Cliase A' Allen



OUllSe IIB Xa|t Second Stree 1

K. J.



nd Boarjling Stables |S West Second Street.a for wi*ldlr**-p. tuDomla and p n n

oareful djSTers, and iixxl aVon , ! rorfladlea' drlrlnf,

Boardof! HorMJBveeln Ch*>4 C



OS E«Al f r t u t Ktrcf.

rim lfwioMl

C.TU Engineer ami Sorvejor.



iTiriHuiir 'DmICT IBMQbn. * ML T. 8ULUTAH,

Hotel Grenada ! EPPS’S North Avrnut.

Wilke*babhr. Pa. Dte. 1—Xoiwanlo* ■llBMn la chnnr* of Wcoenotlr*. wore •ha (MM of BO lew* than At# diaantroas wncki on tb* Lehigh Valley railroad ye* ' terday. Pint a freight train broke at the Cobj ni<ham crossing and left two can ■landing on the mala track. IWng* train No. ft came along and Jammed Into the can. The Bremen was Jnjurod by tampion from the engine, ami Conductor Kinney, of Haym. wn* quite badly bruteed. About So’clock, aea freight train waa paeelng lhrough IWniew on Ita way to this city, empty engine No. 403. going at the rale of thirty mllre an hour, crashes! Into the cabooee la which were stated two bfakemeo. who were Instantly killed The ea boons caught Are. sod as soon a* poeelble the flame* were extinguished and the mangled bodice of the dead brake mm were taken out. The engineer of No. 402 wee aot injured. The name of one of the braketnen killed (e K. I ward Wflaoa. He had been on the mad only a few day*. The company discharge* three new en- gineer* yesterday The discharged men a* oaoe made application to the Brother hood, but were refused Th* company l* investigating a charge made against somStrfAb* non-union mm now at work. It la alleged that there are a number of men In the employ of the company who are Brotherhood men India gulee. The men are employed In the capacity of brakemen. When the train la moving up grade It la alleged that the Brotherhood men pull the pins In the couplings and cause the train to part In several plurro It Is -aid that this Is the whole trouble on the mountain cut-off. where the grade is ninety feet to the mile. Trains have been pulled orer this heavy grade all right beretrffor*. but now I* seems almost Impossible to do it. If the couplings don't break some other mis- chief Is sure to happen. The company will offer pion reward tar the defect). >n of any employe In the act of removing a coupling pin while the train la la motion. The non union men here complained thst the coffre furnished them ' from on* of the restaurants wee pnlsoond with Jalap. The Conipnny •ll<l not make much head- way with It* freight yesterday afternoon. The wreck- on the roads blockaded all trains Trainmaster* and other subordin- ate* on tlie road are worked almost to death. The Central Railroad of New Jer- sey Is reaping a rich harvest on account of the strike. Nearly all freight for this etty and surrounding towns is shipped over the road now. Kxtra crews have Iwen put on, and many old smployesof the Lehigh Val- ley road bare been given work. EAftTu*. Pa., Dee. 2 —The 4S0Lehlgfc Valley striker* In this locality show no eignaof w*skm— There hare been sev- eral costly wrecks on tills division of the road within the past twenty-four hour*, which ere attributed to the Inconipetoncy of the now men. A coal train was cut In two on the Iron hridg* spanning the Dela- ware river, and the coupling pins and links w*r* thrown Into the river. POimuiA ly, Dec. 3.—The past two days bare hem tho busiest sloe* the insti- tution of the strike on the Iwhigb Valley railroad. All collieries are working to- day. and more trains art being handled each day. As an official remarked this morning:. MIf It were not for the great trohble of getting freight moved at Paek- vrton, the strike would not be noticed In the Schuylkill region Everything Is quiet, and no petty depredations are being committed by the strikers’although trampa, who are flocking Into the regioo by hundreds, are doing much mischief. PgtL4DELPHIa, Dec. a. — Chief K. R. Clark, of the Order of Railway Conduc- tor*. aaid last night that report* from every division of tha I^blgh Valley road Indicated that the striker* were holding out to a man. Whaa naked if he had any hope of winning tb* strike In view of (he strong position the company now claims to bold, he said: '.’ll would he fooli-h for me to say anything that would Indicate otherwise.” • Ho far as the company la eoneerned, ita official* aay that very few reports show that there Is anything at all wrong with the service. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS

operty nourished frame."-Civil *■«•*. Made simply with Ix-tUn* Ik. Hold only In half-pound tin* Inhlri thus: KPW * CO. L4d; Rotnmop, CD—1st*. London. England. SPECIAL SALE OF


' Mason’s Material*, ka, * 4* to to Park twnt '


Twenty-eight Tears for a releoaer. OroBTO. Deo. 2.—A nanaational polsoo trial, which has lasted a week, has Just J been concluded hero. The prisoner la a well known physician. Dr. Urbtno Frritaa He waa charged with poisoning his nephew and two niece* In order to obtain the Urge fortune which belonged to them. The nephew died and the doctor waa Smartly charged with poisoning his tber. the father of the children, bat the charge waa dropped. Bom* of the beet known socialists la Portugal, Ger- many. England and Holland furnished evidence at the trial. The prisoner waa sentenced to twnnty-nlght year*' imprison- ment. eight year* solitary confinement.

Windham 4 Crowley’s

Central Hotel TWO ELEGANT TEA GOWNS. irht hss * prine-sse Wk and is o< «mr*-l lw.--ad.-d sal in. r-•«* and faced with black velvet sad .di^d *ith black

-hirh ar»- bordered with grabWire Tbr <w> the hI pal- pink crepe waist and sleeve falls; th- be-tell- >• •I with peacock flues, a thick green and guld c«rt| with

financial. gr* lot tee; the sl-.v.. so- a ■nder elreves, the enffs of left is of rosads armor »n of emerald vel»-t. Iwfllen halls til*, around th- wala*. SAYINGS INSTITUTION JOHS E. BEERBOWER, Prop


PLAnoauj,s.j. A First-class family Hotel

Far remanent and Trdnataat On mu. Stable* and Billiards Attached

ffl-jsTta»? tlcoke. s-rw— ,v, Scranton. go. Through coach i.i Wiiiwii,,|>eil r<?£hSvJK.T5 KV9 p m.—For Hmln«ton. Easton.Beth lebem. Bangor, Allentown. MsueA Chunk, tKKsajs?""—- ”^rr

u\°t Mkrss, •zjssvwfba U am u and at Junctlou fur b.Ltf. JLlL tHU m^ESS£ri"*• HiGthBK2: d Hen town, Maueta Chunk. fleraotoo. Wtikewt arre, Tamaqua. Shamokln. (Parlor oar to Maucu CbuBkJ 831 p m.—For Flcmlogton. p. m. -For Easton, Detbinbcm. Alba-

>.4ft a. a. Sunday*—For Hast nr*. Dathleksa, Allrutowu. Maucli Chunk. Wllkcabarre and fleraoton. ^isss^^Jr&JSrvs. .ia Disport, *C. - miudays-For High Bride* Branch.

OF PLAINFIELD, N.J la now reccMng dapoSia psyafols 01) demsnd, wltli uKaraat at t^a rata orthraa (*) par caoL per u» ~

Carlton Cornwell, foreman of the Cazettr, Middletown, N*. J.,believe* that Chamberlain's C'oagh Kemedv should be In every home, lie used It for a cold ami it effected a speedy cure He kivya: “It ut Indeetl a grand remedy I can recommend It to all I have alao torn It cited for whooping cough, with tbe best remit*" 2-*» and 50 cent bwlllew for sale at Reynold a riiarmncy, Hark and North avenue*, T. 8. Arm strong, manager.

MR POWDERLYS SUCCESSOR Notice of AMigcmenL aSrssssp tsatisseJiBi and Htstsof Hew Juemey.rarrvlM on a bust- :~ai.rrarV“.5;^o'u.KD^,"w.- .uil Kwat of hi. i ri'diu... .od fftat Ui. SsM cr*dllof« muui SiMMt their rvwpertivr ctalma under o*lh or sfllrmstlon to ihe sub srrlher at Ms .>■<««. ho Ita P»rk sv.nue Ptslnnrld. S J. I HU awl October *1. l **l WtllUra R. Codington. Aprignve

PlIILVIirUfll %. Dee Isinrs R. Sov- ereign was In-i tllwl general master work- man of tba Knight* of |j»ls/r ^■.-•trr.lsy He Immediately <i>*iii...e.l the dmirs of hla office, mul imirly nil tbe work on hnnd her* for the e»eeutl\ r Iswiril w a* Itroughft | to a close yesterday nftern<Kiti. Thia morn- ing the ImmhI misl to renssrmblc In New York thi- artemooB. wher* a larg* amount of unfinished business remains to be adjust.-! The work is in the nature of aettling the matter of jurisdiction In cer lain district aid l«**al asMonbliev. which will nsjuirr the prvwnc# of the board tber* for two or kftr.-e days. Mr. Sovereign said in an interview: ap to Its old Stamford a great deal of per- •onal work will have tn l*e done. It la my intention, and that of the member* of tha •aerntir* t-«rl. to make a tour of tbe country for the mirimsti of atimulating

Interest Paid on all Deposit (Clothing, Pats, (Caps, etc Admin;8trator'B Settlement. twattfiliSSi u'- JOHN W. MURRAY, Prrallett


■hUalor of Catharine i audit.d and slated by erted rorsrttlcvCBtto the County of I’nlon. v« nth day of February Jam'* P. Power*.

M. J. coyni; Merchant Tailor c\istool Word a Specially. Cleaning and Ks^aJrlng. India*' Cloak*. Altered and Ee-


Eaatooi ite-dinr and Harrisburg. AJip.BL ffimdav*—For A A u< ~i->« u. MmucD Chunk, burg. ko. Or|>han< i««dn>, 14 West Fouiteeith Str et,

SEW YORK. Having eat red aocremfully to year want* ur* in announcing Uiat Uile m-u*ui we are prrpar.ri to offer you fur garme»t* at unpre- erdcoUsI low pries*, wc hava m Inimeusv stork of ail the laNwt linportailona In e*<jul- sitrly flnlahrd rarreenta and you will consult your hrwr Intrrre* by nailing and examining Ibis bmntlful display before pur. basing rle«-

#eal gstatc, ^usnrauct. NOTICE TO CREDITORS P.ainie of Kraree Wh'trbsad. de<*es«*1. Pur- suant to the order of Gcorgr T i'arrnt. Hur- rogatcof tb> County of Union, tide day made on the application of the uad.-rslgnrd. Admln- 1 si rat or .it said doccasrd. notleud is aerrhy glwn to the creditor* of said dc>- o-es-d to exbtbtt to the sutwcribcr under netn ««r sOlrmatlon thrir •ia uis and demand* against tbr tetalc of Mid within nine inonlh* from tbl* date. or I her be forever Imrrrd from froacei t- ^.77^ ",u

Administrator Dated NovemberII. ll*J.

-1L LOL S-tT P. m. &un< sK?ra?siu^rtM,a: KtlkflW# u-f—■

KOTAL BLI E U.t l<ceve PiaiiiQiWl fur Phlladrip 10.4ft. a m^ r.ta’.'fj*. 4.

bllm. Th# time for this work was nevrv better than the present, and we hope that th* beat result- will attend our efforta Our member*hip. which is now about 100,000, will or ought to be doubled by t hi* time next ycart and all my efforta will be directed toward increasing the numerical strength of the Knight* of I^bor." When R-kwt about the pro!table chang* of the general headqunrter* of the knlghu ha aa I ••I will e*tatdl-h my own headqoarter* In De* Maine* for the time tMdng.-bot 1 am hot prepared to say when the general off!™* will be removed from thiaclty." Mr. Sovereign declined to diacus* Mr. Powdrrjy!* recent actions In any way. Ha ■till believes him to he a true knight, but thgt i* all be'would any.

Botiier with Cooking when jon cad boj Meats Already Cooked

PlainBeld Packing Houat

COMMUTERS I leu ii."” IsrLrtK Insurance, L Real Estate.

C. M. ULRICH. Proprietor w-. oe»-. *j»-. aj.-, p. i*„ 11slats- 8.4\ MA4. a SAB*. ] _ LI. night. For Baltimore and Washington i The Latest Woolaton & Buckle, Our Forty Immortals.

A PUZZLE WITH MONEY PRIZES. STAND BY THE POLICY xb„ Hubllme, Patriotic, and National. OF A merle a for tbe ReMdents. Of America. Do not abandon the ayatea which sire tbeooiintry the tote* opportune!" for Ita Farmer*. *fucban:<». and Toirog I pie, n»ey have evoc bad! No |.n..rf.-». ■ HO ibe Pruiectlve Tariff and no lUpral! Trample (;|»on f-very propoalUi-n for Unlimited Free G age of toilvc* D'*iia** which are worth oni cents on '!>•' d«'H»r M*bo tn«wn worth ■ ' DoMar. Th- ll»*.iWXi*rof National U N.*uw wKbdrawqfnun circulation since have bv-n replaced by over^ t^E^oo.OPot people's silver money worth It- f-oc. roc ) own bencHU Reserve the Pnblte Isanti* for actual setticps and save theta fv*'ra it op.41*• and aprou atone Prouel and cue age lbe aciiml act tier! No Interference with tbe progressive pollcleanf Ihe K-p* ,.9°.!rrtr (rrv* alcdlj enacted Into law) hill ding up a new Navy; Protecting the Gan Penal oiling 1’nlon veterans: »iclt.< tin- Chine**-; Kogulatlng Inu-r^tatc G merer; d Irtidlu* the Ci-aimon *rb»«>.e; 1 t-cUng Aiaerlcita Citizens aboard; flrcui Ibwlpioelty with .other American Nath 'emandinir Free KiiwnlUoa of ib« Prpi Win m kJeotlo* a. and an Honeot Count;

ror LBsiianong*. -*t w tiricn -s point* Btaata, wit to tnrou> h v.-wtibuiec In* enra via hiu-naiMpmh Valley at ft 34 p. m- Pcndry o.U p. m.

jrsaauft,Li ---a From *4tb and Chestnut-XJft. KV a: D..IA «-«, MA lL4o p.m. Sunda,

4,i*. Atff. lOjfc. a. ul. 1S.IT. M0

TING Big Leather Firms f.e t nder. Ronia. I)*e. 2—Tbe leather Arm «/Ed- ward- & Barrett, of this city, wpnl under as a rosiilt of their attempt to entry the firm of Aba Siyln Sc Co., of New York, for which a rnreiver 1»«* been ajnirtlnted. Both member* of the firm wer* special part- ners In ihe Stein concern. They had pot HOT).000 Into ibe lamine— It f* not known to what extent Ihe Do-ton firm whs upon Stein A Co.’s paper, hut it is a very Urge amount, and it fo believed the liabilities will reach clo*e to l&m.ffNL KffW YoifK. Dec. L.AI- Stein A Co , Importers of gont Nkiw hwlea, etc., was

day. 1 he hou r U t!w largest In Ita line Id the I'nited SuiIch, and probably in the world, doing a ln-iu.-a of H/ifluO a yror. The liabilitin* of the firm arc placed at f1.000.010. wfth large nants

nllun ingtvro to out > by mall rtwelvc Oi# attention a* tiKuigb * pedal discount to Pzlnters’ Supplies.

Chase -A. Allen MULDWU(.‘Om great bargains 158 Fifth Avenue. NEW YORK CITY, A Urge assortment of Grand and Upright

POST OFFICE TIME TABLE- N«* You* Mail*. Cloak—7.UU and B.D0a. m.; 2.0J 0.20 nd 8.00 r. if. Akhivd—7.80, 6.40 and 11.00 a. h., and 4. (0 and fl.80 r. u. bOtOUtTILiK, Ea*to», etc., MtUA CLoem— 7.80 a. and 4.80 r.M. Akkive—8.40 a. m . 2.40 and A 15 r. m. Direct nail for Thaioi and Pbiladal phia at 4.80 p. m. Mail for Warrcnville dally 12.00 u. PoBt-ofllcc open* at 7 a. m. and cloaca at 7.00 P. a. haturilaya doses At 7.80 p. if. Oi*en every evening until 8.00 r. w lo owner* of lock boxes. Bttkoay Hang—Opbb at 8.80 a. m. Mice open from 9.80 to 10.80 a. *. Mali oloacs at 6-dO P. m.

Closing Quota!Iran* of Ihe New I'hllsUrIpbln Kkchanga Haw York. Drr. 1.—Ttte stock n tinned strong today Three were I Wall Papers Interior jDecorj tor3 AND PAPER HANGERS.

farther ad rontaining their improved method of •triag- ing. the greatest improvement in half a cen- tury. The celebrated

LISZT ORGAN. for Parlor and Churches, la the most perfect instrument* at it* clam. Illustrated catalogue Organs and Pianos told lor cash or on easy payment*.

‘Lehigh Valley. Fvnnsylvaula.. Reading Du MOTT, 'Graduate of United State# Embalm-

OKn**TAK&’*lMMmnAI.WI!R. fflo. *1 rrWl.-ocn.Nn. ITS tu.merwct s«r inDcM, M. J. Lidy Aaamtaui. Office 116 Ea4t Second Stiw PLAINFIELD, N. J.

Reading ff>ui »•- TT»4 Y. Central. . v«H itoodli!*id pf'if! - like* KrteS lftri Itoodlng Id pf. ft*.. - Sow Jvrary t en.HTH KT.4N.E - »J4 Del A Hudson W?4

General Markets. Ptrir^rwu-Ni*. lw 1— Floor steadily fceidi "Inter ropertlne. 1*1*10; do. eitrua. L~2« tMK No. r winter family, ta •«!?!: IVnosyl- vanta roller straight. *»#*.»: western -inter. clear, ftStOCti 15; wostero -Inter, straight. $Xl**k40; winter patent. M.Iftjl.n: Minn* ria'lur.p^; Winners aUuighL V» 03* Minnesota patrol. 8X734U: Minnesota favorite brand*, tig her. K>e flour, ftx M par barrel. Wheat Brin. dull, with 'dr bid and aafoo. asked for Dwrmbor; *T**c. bid sn<l tryg*. asked tor January; W*e. bid and *Br. sakrd for Pabruary; 7»>r. told and NiHe- asked for March. Corn quiet, -tendy. with 4ft«c bM and mtf. asked foe December: 43c. hid and

W. .1. TUIVIHOIV, forty

Flour, Grain, FEED, HAY, STRAW,

Fnit, VegrtsHcs, And all Country Produce.

»W-Raritan Mills Feed and Mont a specdalty 63 Broadway,


And Boarding btables

At 411 Park Avenue. o solUfy the claim* of tl ph M Harper, tbe urn ■ pu hi n k grand nppr.rt<

Yoc* ntK.r«blp c rl ■ Write tue n. Market rrpurta arc tbe bent. Tub Tm o<>» beat- ell rivals to »hc acrurscy so- pit-u-ncu* of Its iiuuta'lona To to auo a practloal aud Invrl bended man mun fully lufu med aa to Prlctn and the ri Tiode. This can be dour by taking Tto RCmt Illustrations. of ’he ivwr of (be day are fr*Wr a • MB Taints a This paper has lb retnof sit 1st a and ph* 'o-eus raring rontaliis feature* for the moles and ren; foreign Icttevs nod book rwvtnwi many aproial tnotur.n NO Mutter Whether you neve* with Thu H, Y. Taium* nr

GERMAN SCHOOL lAKOAlNS, Ufoka, "pi all on* PprrtlngOoo Jour tan la, I -- - - IV.

ABULES School •tipplit*. T- Muacal Instrument*, lace*. Pocket IVkuis. « rlnaa staUom-ry ■»'>

IitciAat XoMuoaOn.f> Cor Orova struct aud Mtruer avrnus. Opens on Saturday, Nov. 4. at 10 o’clock a. ir Rev. E. Klonku- REOULATE THE 8T0MACM, LI VLB AND BOWELS AN0 PURIFY THE BLOOD. ■trANS TABl Ul nr* th* to* Hed* »ott«. euu pubiMhod.

J. T. VAIL, Nctic! of Dissolution. R«»l Estate and In.uranso

Sa 49 S0KTH ATEMIX. tl Card* TH« «!►.«• c’hJMCCa'l CO., is arutx* rmvrr vxvt ynr.K errr.

Notice of Order to Limited Creditors. ar, party I* In pewrw and during These Times of Chasfta? Tub N. Y Tuiumtattrs ibuL nunt grtwolve. and sound adn-ealn of fenpmblb poiielro What the MmMMp i**rt> Iwte raa e learned from T»i* It. Y. Tax»r ThiTikcm i laoiloUlbn Truth nod o the Tr*th, The srtlelsa of Bnawnll O. He on Tariff. Currency. Wage*, etc, wlU be * dound. Rrmeniber!

Monumental 11 emetciy Work a Specialty.

Wmaarty. Qulney and Vermont Granite. Wil not bn a udresold, improved ms.binary L L. MANNING,

Corner Ceotrul avenue A Front BU. FlalaflaU.

UNYON B7nc Stone FInggimg, Rtc.


GOOD . D. W. HYDh, - Teacher of Piano A Harmony ■'ll n«n..Mw,h, IA C. DICKINSON, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN


25 Washington Ave. yylUAXM «- M0CLDU.

Undertakers and Embalmerp rant « Coach, Conpc, Burry, Phnoton, Baggy Bridle Horse. Horse. I.anted.

M'TRCPOLITA’J STABLES, P A. BUKHARA^ C.vil Engiaetr and Santju.

no. Is uu iTom rural I*.

Wilmtvotom. Jtal.. n*a 1—Onorcu En la. a brakeman nm the Philadelphia, WI' C. ». IEAMEK, • j7 L1BE8TT ST , ^CABINET MAKER.

Vumitms T*cksd * Shl-wsd. THE TRIBUNE, A. N. DUNSTER A SON. Proprietors,