latin+america venezuela+ 31+slides

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  • 8/13/2019 Latin+America VENEZUELA+ 31+Slides


    Venezuela: 1950-1980

    Two party system:

    Democratic Action (AD, center-left) andCOPEI (center-right)

    High economic growth; political stability

    Partyarchy: parties dominate political life,

    civil society, Patronage: cultivating support through

    jobs, goods, services, subsidies, etc..

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    Governability was promoted inmany ways:

    Parties were broadly representative ofsociety (labor, peasants, etc.)

    Parties controlled civil societyorganizations

    Parties practiced consensus-building(policies made in consultation)

    Good relations with military and business(via patronage)

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    1980s: decline begins

    Debt crisis

    1980s: 29% decline in per capitaincome. Returning the country to 1953


    President Perez installs economic shockprogram: 8% GDP contraction in 1989

    Caracazo: rioting in the streets ofCaracas, looting of major cities

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    Why the decline?

    Popular reasoning: corruption Truth:

    massive overspending in the 70s = debt Decline in the price of oil = lower economic growth Lack of economic reforms; non-diversified economy

    Why was this possible? Courts, bureaucracy, universities, etc.. politicized

    along party lines.

    Complicity b/w AD and COPEI (the establishment);civil society co-opted,

    In sum: no checks and balances.

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    No reform of the political system, todeepen democracy

    Citizens grew distant from the

    establishment: abstention 3% in 1973;39% in 1993!

    The few independent organizations

    become anti-party, anti-establishment. 1992: Chavez tries a coup detat; hes


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    Why the parties lost support

    1. Economic decline Per capita oil revenues from $1700 in 1981 to $382 in


    2. Popular perceptions of the decline A rich country made poor by corruption Political parties are to blame: stole oil wealth

    3. Incapacity of the AD and COPEI to adapt to

    new realities Highly disciplined and hierarchical No new leadership, no new ideas or policies

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    Why Chavez?

    1. Why military plots to overthrow govt in 1992? Movimiento Bolivariano Revolucionario founded in


    Goals: to end impunity, restore prosperity, redistributewealth

    Movimiento saw itself as the people in uniform

    Why Chavez? Had gained publicity in 2-minute TV address after

    failed coup Skillful public speaker, message that resonates

    strongly with many Venezuelans

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    Myth #1: Venezuela is rich

    Oil only contributes $200 per person togovt revenues

    68% of people under poverty line

    Economic performance: one of worst inLatin America in last 20 years

    Lack of human and physical capital Why is the myth is politically explosive? It

    fosters populism, easy, magic solutions

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    Myth # 2: corruption is THEproblem

    Not the only problem and not the mostimportant

    Corruption is a not a cause but a symptom

    of problems: of partyarchy and flaweddemocracy, co-opted civil society

    Development is about institutions and

    policies: reforms are the key! Populist demagoguery wins over reform-

    minded agendas

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    1988 election

    Carlos Andres Perez elected (AD)

    Enacts a IMF-type shock therapy program:cutting govt spending, etc..

    Result: Caracazomassive student protests

    Chavez attempts coup detat, fails and is


    Perez impeached in 1992

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    Venezuela in 1990s

    Political vacuum; 60% of people underpoverty line

    1998 presidential elections: AD and

    COPEI 11% of vote Populist Hugo Chavez: 56% of vote

    His message: down with the corrupt

    oligarchy; we need to save Venezuela class-based politics; his message (though

    simplistic) struck a cord!!

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    1998: Elected with a strong mandate:56% of vote

    1999: calls for referendum on ConstituentAssembly

    July 99: legislative elections held (Chavezwins 90% of seats)

    Nov. 99: new constitution drafted

    Constitution popularly ratified in Dec.

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    Democratic Legitimacy

    1.Popular democracy:

    based on popular sovereignty

    2. Liberal democracy (true democracy):

    assumes majorities cannot be trusted;

    institutions needed to limit govts authority

    Majorities can be tyrannical!

    Checks and balances provide insuranceagainst possible abuse of power

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    1999 Constituent Assembly

    1961 Venezuelan Constitution: standard in LatinAmerica, surely not the cause of corruption andeconomic decline.

    Why did Chavez call for a Constituent Assembly(ANC)?

    Not because 1961 constitution was poorly designed

    1961 Constitution allowed for changes

    Reason: To change the makeup of institutionscontrolled by opposition; to accumulate power in hishands

    Pro-Chavez Aliance (Polo) won 122 out of 131 seats

    in new ANC!!

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    Political parties

    COPEI becomes almost extinct

    AD internally fractured from its loses

    Traditional politicians leave politics or runas independents

    New taxi parties appear: IRENE (IreneSaez), Sala Romer (Projecto Venezuela)

    Chavezs party: Movimiento V Republica Conclusion: Venezuelas party system is

    extremely weak, fails in its basic functions

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    The Executive

    Democracy requires an executive that 1. faithfully executes the law

    2. maintains autonomy from unelected actors

    3. remains accountable to legislature and judiciary

    Chavez based his legitimacy from 1 and 2, butnot 3.

    Expansion of the role of the army

    Appointment to high govt jobs; increased budget New constitution grants military role over public order,

    economic development, some police activities

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    The legislature

    New 1999 Constituent Assembly declareditself legally all-powerful

    Not bound by 1961 Constitution or existing


    Opposition: charges of a coup detat

    ANC closed down Congress and dissolved

    Supreme Court Members to all state institutions appointed by

    an Assembly that is 95% Chavista.

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    The Judiciary

    New Supreme Tribunal of Justice created

    Hardly independent of executive power

    Example: STJ dismissals of well-documented

    charges of corruption against Chavezs cronies. Justice system stacked with Chavistas

    By 2000: 294 judges suspended, 47 fired, and 101new judges appointed

    Previous judges corrupt, but new judges clearlypartisan

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    Other measures to undermineopposition

    State financing for political parties cut

    Largest labor union intervened, another chavistaunion created

    National Electoral Council is not independent:made up of chavistas

    New law against freedom of speech

    Government gives public jobs only to chavistas Govt consents to corruption by chavista


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    Democracy the Chavez way

    Aims for participatory democracy

    Denies the opposition legitimacy: all

    belong to the corrupt oligarchy

    Radio Television Caracas closed

    Creation of Bolivarian circles: have

    evolved into paramilitary forces to harassopposition

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    Undermining of the rule of law

    Example 1: Boliarchy, major corruption inhis circle.

    Example 2: new Caracas mayor (won byopposition)

    Mayors budget massively cut

    Denied entry into mayors office

    Relegated to minor status

    Denied legitimacy: labeled corrupt, etc.

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    Venezuela a democracy?

    Nowadays, it fulfills the definition of ahybrid regime: electoralauthoritarianism Institutional faade of democracy, but authoritarian


    Absence of a level playing field for opposition

    No horizontal accountability (no independent judiciaryand legislature)

    Steady concentration of power in hands of presidentthrough:

    Co-optation, bribery, subtle forms of persecution

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    Opposition against Chavez

    Fragmented, disorganized

    Main tactics against Chavez:

    1. Nation-wide strike

    2. Coup detat of 2002

    Had the implicit support of the US

    3. Recall Referendum of 2004

    Chavez creates his social missions as a response

    4. Boycott of 2006 parliamentary elections

    All of these tactics failed!

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    Economic performance underChavez

    Between 1998-2003:

    Economy (GDP) down 20%

    Per capita income down 27%

    Unemployment up from: 14 to 18% One million people moved from poverty to extreme



    Political instability and economic policy erratic

    FDI absent; capital flight

    Property rights not ensured (=no new investment)

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    Economic performance underChavez: not good

    Negative econ growth

    Increased poverty and inequality

    Why is he still popular?

    Main reason: Gives a voice to the voiceless (poor)

    Strikes a cord with popular conceptions

    Clientelistic policies (basic health care and educationin poor neighborhoods)

    Trump issues: border disputes with Guyana, conflictwith Colombia

    Increased oil prices allows for patronage

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    Indefinite reelection referendum

    Rejected by popular vote in Dec 2008

    First electoral defeat for Chavez

    Abstention high = disenchantment

    Chavez raised the stakes, tried again

    Increased effort to mobilize his followers

    Increased clientelism

    Approved by another popular vote in 2009

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    Growing Domestic problems

    1. Rising crime and public insecurity

    2. high inflation

    3. shortage of some basic goods Why? Price controls (incentives for lowersupply)

    4. Massive devaluation of the currency

    50% devaluation!

    Official exchange rate 4.30 bolivares / $

    Market: 7 bolivares / $

    Consequence: more inflation!

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    5. Price of oil has declined

    Economic expansion was based on increasedin public spending

    .this is not sustainable

    After years of oil-fueled partying.thehangover has begun.

    6. The non-oil sectors of the economy havevirtually disappeared.

    Mono-export economy

    Economy contracted by 3% in 2009

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    Defections from his rulingcoalition

    Vice-president resigned

    Labor minister resigned

    Defense minister resigned


    growing authoritarianism Presence of Cubans in security apparatus

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    Chavezs Foreign Policy

    Strong alliance with Cuba

    Provides Cuba with oil in exchange for Cuban doctors

    Strong anti-US rhetoric

    Calling Bush the devil at UN Rejects free trade agreements with US

    But Venezuela remains a main oil supplier to US

    To buy influence: provides cheap oil to Central America,

    Caribbean Strong alliances with Ecuador, Bolivia, Nicaragua: all led

    be left-wing presidents

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    Foreign policy

    Problems with Colombia

    Laptop of FARC commander Raul Reyes

    Venezuelan financing of FARC

    Links with the guerilla group

    Laptop content verified by Interpol

    Strong links with authoritarian countries

    Putins Russia Iran
