latest light on josephs smith's golden plates

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  • 7/27/2019 Latest Light on Josephs Smith's Golden Plates



    Golden PlatesFrom which he Claimed to have

    Translated the Copyright1928

    Book of Mormon byM.C.V.


    When Joseph Smith saw the Father and the Son in a vision (as he claims), he wasall alone. NO WITNESS.

    Four years later, he said the angel spoken of in Rev. 14:6 appeared to him in thenight and told him where the records of the book of Mormon were hidden, he was all

    alone. NO WITNESS.

    When he translated the records of the book of Mormon, as the story goes, he wasall alone, there being a partition between him and Oliver Cowdery.




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    WhenGod spoke to Moses, He also spoke to Aaron. (Ex. 4:14, 27.)When God spoke to Abraham, promising him a son, Sarah heard Him speak

    also. (Gen. 18: 9,10.)

    When the angel spoke to Zacharias, and told him he would have a son, he alsospoke to Mary, a cousin of Elizabeth about it. (Luke 1:l3, 36.)

    When the angel spoke to Cornelius and told him to send for Peter, God alsospoke to Peter about it. (Acts. 10:32; 10:19-22.)

    When Christ spoke to Paul on the way to Damascus and told Him to go toAnanias, God also told Ananias to receive him. (Acts 9:-6-12.)

    When Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River there were two witnesses, theFather and the Holy Spirit and those who were present heard the voice. (Mark 1:10, 11.)

    Jesus said in John 5:31, 32, "If I bear witness of myself, my witness is nottrue. There is another that beareth witness of Me, and I know that thewitness which he witnesscth of Me is true."

    And again in John 8:17: "It is also written in your law, that the testimony oftwo men is true."

    In Matt. 18 :16 we read, " .... That in the mouth oftwo or three witnessesevery word may be established."

    Whenever in the history of the church a revelation was given about a greathappening it was always revealed to at least two or three at a time, by which it couldbe proven that the thing was of God.

    There is no proof in the Bible or in the life of Joseph Smith that he was called ofGod to begin a new dispensation. "Well," you say, "what about the eleven witnesses ofthe Book of Mormon, who gave their names unto the world that they saw the plates?"

    Friend, a close examination of their testimony will reveal that it did not amountto anything.

    In the first place they did not claim to have seen all the plates, but as many as

    Joseph Smith had translated. They say they handled them with their hands, andsaw the engraving thereon, which had the appearance of ancient workmanship. And theybear record with words of soberness that the said Smith had shown them the plates, andthat they saw and hefted them, and they gave their names unto the world that they sawand lied not.


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    The following is their testimony in full:


    "Be it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people, unto whom thiswork shall come: That we, through the grace of God the Father, and our Lord JesusChrist, have seen the plates which contain this record, which is a record of thepeople of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites, their brethren, and also of the people ofJared, who came from the tower of which hath been spoken. And we also know that theyhave been translated by the gift and power of God, for his voice hath declared it unto us;wherefore we know of a surety that the work is true. And we also testify that we haveseen the engravings which are upon the plates; and they have been shown

    unto us by the power of God, and not of man. And we declare with words of soberness,that an angel of God came down from heaven, and he brought and laid before our eyes,that we beheld and saw the plates, and the engravings thereon; and weknow that it is by the grace of God the Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, that we beheldand bear record that these things are true. And it is marvelous in our eyes.Nevertheless, the voice of the Lord commanded us that we shouldbear record of it; wherefore, to be obedient unto the commandments of God, wehear testimony of these things. And we know that if we are faithful in Christ, we shall ridour garments of the blood of all men, and be found spotless before the judgment-seat ofChrist, and shall dwell with him eternally in the heavens. And the honor be to the Father,and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, which is one God. Amen.




    "Be it known unto all nations, kindreds, tongues. And people, unto whom thiswork shall come: That Joseph Smith, Jun., the translator of this work, has shownunto us the plates of which hath been spoken, which have theappearance of gold; and as many of the leaves as the said Smith hastranslated we did handle with our hands; and we also saw the engravingsthereon, all of which has the appearance of ancient work, and curious workmanship.And this we bear record with words of Soberness, that the said Smith has shown untous, for we have seen and hefted, and know of a surety that the said Smith has gotthe plates of which we have spoken. And we give our names unto the world, to


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    witness unto the world that which we have seen. And we lie not, God bearing witness ofit.



    This is all they testified to, that Joseph Smith got the plates.Whether the plates contained any truth or not they could not say, for it was supposed tobe an unknown language that was written on them. Joseph alone had the power totranslate it.

    The eight witnesses may have told the truth, that they saw some plates, but whatwas written on the plates they did not know, and they did not say they knew.They only said they saw the plates with some engraving thereon, and they had theappearance of gold. They simply took Joseph Smiths word for it that these platescontained the everlasting gospel. They were as ignorant of the truth as Joseph Smith andsimply signed their names to, they knew not what.

    The first three witnesses testified that they knew that the plates were translated bythe gift and power of God, for his voice had declared it, wherefore they knew of a suretythat the work was true.

    How did they know whether that voice was of God or of the devil?God reveals truth only through His word by the Holy Ghost. They did not live by

    the word of God, or else they would not have testified to a language they could not read,and consequently could not test by the Bible as to whether it contained any truth or not,and furthermore they say themselves that they had only seen the plates and the engravingthereon in a vision, that an angel came down from heaven and brought them and laidthem before their eyes. This is hallucination.

    What need was there for an angel to come down from heaven and show them theplates, after Joseph Smith had told them he had received them?

    The story goes that Joseph Smith and the three men, namely: Oliver Cowdery,David Whitmer and Martin Harris went into the woods to pray and they prayed so hardthat an angel appeared and showed them the plates Joseph Smith said he had in hispossession.

    What fools they were to be satisfied with such fabulousmanifestation. Why did they not say to Joseph Smith, "lf you have the plates wewould see them with our naked eyes?" Why did they not demand this?

    The Mormons may say, "'The reason those plates were shown to them by an angelwas because if Joseph Smith had shown them they might have said, How do we know


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    you have received those plates from an angel as you say'? But when they saw them in avision they believed."Why then, after they had seen them in a vision, did not Joseph Smith show them theplates to prove the angels message? But nothing of the kind; they were satisfied withsimply a vision. They believed the vision was true because they were all spiritualists, and

    Joseph Smith was a spiritualist medium.* * * * * *

    (Taken from Young Folks History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-DaySaints, P. 20.) The records which Joseph received consisted of a great many gold platesnearly as thick as common tin. They were about seven by eight inches in size, and werebound together by three rings running through holes in the edges of the plates. This madethe plates like a book, so that they might be turned as the leaves of a book are turned. Oneach side of every plate were engraved beautiful letters, in a language which Josephcould not read. The book was about six inches thick. A part of it was sealed, and Josephwas told not to open it, as the time had not yet come or that part to be made known to theworld.

    The Urim and Thummim consisted of two transparent stones, clear as crystal, setin two rims of a bow. It was used in ancient times by the seers, and through it theyreceived revelations of things past and future. You may read about thisinstrument in the Bible, in Exodus, 28:30; and Ezra 2:63.

    From the above we can see how they saturate the minds of the young people withthis mysterious plate story. They make it appear so great, so marvelous, that they think itmust be of God. But as a matter of fact, when you start to unravel the thing there isnothing left. For instance, they say Joseph Smith received a great many gold plates. (Thewitnesses say they had the appearance of gold.) Why did they not give the exact number?Because he only had a few.

    They describe the Urim and Thummim, but there is no proof that anyone ever sawthem. Not even the witnesses who testified that they saw the plates in a vision.

    Why didnt the angel show them the whole thing, box and all that they were inwhile he was at it? They say that they knew that the plates were translated by the powerof God. Why? Because Joseph Smith told them so.

    We dont read in the Bible that God reveals the truth through crystal stones. Iknow the spiritualists use them to give readings sometimes. I suppose Joseph Smithwould call it revelation.

    We read in the Bible in 2 Peter 1:21: "For the prophecy came not in old time bythe will of man: (nor by crystal stones), but holy men of God spake as they were movedby the Holy Ghost."

    God speaks in these latter days only by His word and the Spirit that was pouredout on the day of Pentecost.

    For more than a hundred years the Mormons have been preaching Joseph Smith,plates and engraving, etc. They are preaching their theory and not Christ and Himcrucified.

    There will be an awful awakening in eternity to the fact that Joseph Smith and hisassociates were deceived, and have deceived others.


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    "Well," you say, "what about Prof. Anthon, who declared that the characters takenfrom the plates were correct translations?"

    How did Mr. Anthon know those characters were taken from the plates? Had heany proof? Even if the characters were correct Egyptian language, what proof was there

    that Joseph Smith took them from plates he said he had'?When Mr. Anthon asked to see the plates he was told that they were sealed andthat Joseph Smith was not permitted to show them. He then asked from whence theyoung man got the plates, and Martin Harris replied that an angel had revealed them toJoseph Smith. Whereupon Mr. Anthon asked to see the certificate he had given MartinHarris that the characters had been correctly translated, and tore it up (as they say),saying, "There are no ministering angels today."

    Prof. Anthon probably knew what Paul said in Gal. 1:8: "But though we, or anangel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we preached untoyou, let him be accursed."

    You may say, "But truly Martin Harris knew that those characters were taken

    from the plates, for he was one of the witnesses.No! How could he know, he was not permitted to see the plates. He was not evenpermitted to sit next to Joseph Smith when he translated them. For as the story goes, therewas a partition between them when he wrote the words down as Joseph dictated them tohim.

    * * * * * *

    The first angel who appeared to Joseph Smith and showed him where the recordswere hidden of the book of Mormon, was supposed to be the last son of Nephi, wholived on earth in the Western hemisphere. He had the records of his forefathers in his

    possession, and before he died he buried them in the hill Cummorah, 400 years afterChrist. They lay there until the time of Joseph Smith, according to the story.

    According to the scriptures anyone who has lived on this earth, and has gone intoeternity, will not return from thence. We can prove this by the parable Jesus gave in Luke16:19-31.

    David also testified to that fact when he spoke of his child that died. Read II Sam.12:23.

    An angel is a heavenly being and has never been on earth in the flesh andconsequently has never seen death.

    The Bible says that man was made a little lower than the angels.Heb. 2:7-9: "Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him

    with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands: Thou hast put allthings in subjection under his feet. For in that He put all in subjection under Him, He leftnothing that is not put under Him. But now we see not yet all things put under him.

    "But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels forthe suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that He bythe grace of God should taste death for every man."

    So we see from the above Jesus became flesh in order to die for the sins of theworld. He as not flesh before He came into the world, He became flesh. John 1: 14.


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    The Mormon doctrine is that the Father has a body of flesh and bone as well as the Son,and that all resurrected beings will have a body of flesh and bone.

    The Apostle Paul settles this question for us in 2 Cor. 5:16: "YEA, THOUGH WEHAVE KNOWN CHRIST AFTER THE FLESH, YET NOW HENCEFORTH KNOWWE HIM NO MORE.

    This proves that there is no flesh in heaven, and where there will be no flesh therewill be no bone.Joseph Smith said in the story of his life that John the Baptist appeared to him and

    Oliver Cowdery, and ordained them to the Aaronic priesthood by the laying on of hands.This was nothing but spiritualism. It was the devil impersonating John. What proof hadthey that it was John the Baptist? Had they ever seen him in the flesh? No!

    They may truly have seen a manifestation, but because they were not instructedby the word of God they could not detect the counterfeit. God does not operatethrough the dead; he operates through the living.

    You may say, "What about Samuel speaking to Saul, telling him that he and hissons would all die?"

    It was not Samuel at all; it was Satan posing as Samuel.The witch said, "I see gods ascending from the earth.Friends, all that

    comes from below is from the pit of darkness. That which hasascended to God cannot come up from the earth.

    This Samuel said "Tomorrow you and your sons will be with me," (the devil). Hetold the truth, for Saul killed himself with the sword, and we know from the scripturesthat a murderer has no eternal life abiding in him.

    The reason so many become spiritualists is because there is something real to it.Some people think that all angels and visions and dreams are of God, but not so. Thedevil often tells some wonderful truths, to introduce the lie. He knows our loved ones andall about their lives here on earth. He tells them through spiritual mediums how theylook, their names, the street and city they lived in. He always tells those thingswithout your asking, to win your confidence to accept his lies. Hecame to Joseph Smith and called him by name and told him he was a heavenly messengersent from the throne of God. Joseph Smith probably thought that if he knew his name hemust be a true spirit, and consequently accepted all the rest he said as truth, becausehe was not guided by the word of God In feet he denied it and said itwas not divine, that it was mistranslated.

    Spiritualists also base their tenets on the Bible. Yet they say that the spirits whohave gone to the great beyond find things different there than written in the scriptures.

    They do not know it is the devils purpose to lead men astray from the living Godand His Word to cause their destruction. I have had some experience withspiritualism and know what I am talking about.

    Now to return to Joseph Smiths plate story once more, you may say, "What aboutthe eight witnesses who testified that they really saw the plates and handled them withtheir hands?"


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    I suppose they became interested in Joseph Smiths assertions, but they wantedsomething more than just a vision to go by. So I presume at last he got a few copperplates, scratched some engraving on them and told them these were as many as he hadtranslated. Evidently they would think, How could those few plates contain the book ofMormon? Therefore he gave them the impression that he had other plates which were

    not translated yet.The witnesses are very honest as to what they saw. They say that the plates hadthe appearance of gold. They teach, however, in the Sunday school, that the plates weregold. The reader will admit that there is as much difference between gold and theappearance of gold as there is between day and night. It is also taught that part of thebook remained sealed. Joseph Smith was not allowed to translate it at that time. Whatbecame of the plates no one knows. The story goes that Joseph Smith handed them overto the angel again, who hid them or took them up with him into heaven until the fullnessof time when the other part of the story will be revealed. I suppose Joseph Smith willhave to come back then to translate them.

    Generally when we speak of Joseph Smith not being a true prophet theyimmediately say, "What about those eleven witnesses who testified to the truth of theBook of Mormon, and said that they saw and handled the plates from which it waswritten?"


    Reader, we have given their testimony in full. If anyone can get moreproof out of their testimony to the truth of the Book of Mormon thanwe have, please let us know. We are willing to learn.


    It is recorded that the first three witnesses all apostatized from the church. Two

    came back in later years. One died in a backslidden condition, but we are told that theyall died with the testimony that the book of Mormon was true, that an angel of God cameto them with the plates and laid them before their eyes and that they were translated bythe gift and power of God. This is the way the story is told to the children in the Sundayschools, but as we have proven they could not testify to the truth of thebook, and they did not, for they could not read it.

    The entire story is a delusion. It is said that Joseph Smith had translated 116 pagesof the Book of Mormon, and that Martin Harris kept on teasing Joseph Smith to let himshow it to his friends, or in other words, his family. Martin Harris' wife knew that he wasgoing to put his money in the printing of the book to help Joseph Smith, so she destroyed

    the writing.How could that have hindered Joseph Smith from writing it over as long as he had

    the plates to translate it from? That would have at least given us ONE proof that histranslation was correct. But the story goes that God told Joseph not to translate the sameover again, but to write from another part of the plates which told about the same events.What trickery! He knew he could not remember it exactly, and to keep from entrapping


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    himself he said God told him not to write it over again. We should think that God would

    have commanded Joseph Smith to translate it over , to show that man cannot destroy

    [Editors note: cf. Jeremiah Ch. 36]


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    Gods work. But reader, of a truth, God had nothing to do with it. There is no super-bookto the Bible that can be CALLED the WORD OF GOD. It is a deceiving lie ofsatan and many will discover it too late. The testimonies of the witnessesalone give sufficient proof that Mormonism is unbiblical and THUS NOT OF GOD.

    The Mormons always direct the attention of the people to the fact that there arebooks mentioned in our Bible that are not there. "This," they say, "shows that the Bible isincomplete. The book of Mormon, however, they say is divine, although they admit that116 pages of it have been destroyed and have never been replaced, because Joseph Smithwas not able to translate them over again. And we have proof that 2,000 changes havebeen made in the Book of Mormon since it first was printed.

    The Mormon leaders, of course, excuse themselves by saying, "Joseph Smith wasan unlearned boy of only fifteen." But, reader, they claim that the Book of Mormon isdivine, translated directly by the power of God. Is God then unlearned, and bound toJoseph Smiths vocabulary? Why did not God prove His intelligence through thisunlearned young man?

    The reason the Mormon leaders do not see those things is because THEY DONOT WANT T0 SEE IT. They are so blindfolded by Joseph Smiths imaginary gospelthat they refuse to give it even the benefit of a doubt that its origin is not of God, untilthey will open their eyes in eternity and find out they have fooledthemselves and led astray a multitude of souls by substituting thebook of Mormon and the revelations of Joseph Smith for the WORDOF GOD, THE BIBLE.


    The entire story of Mormonism is a mammoth delusion. Any Bible student knowsthat neither plates nor engraving amounts to anything; it is the message

    contained in them that counts.How did they know whether those plates contained a love story or a gospel story?

    In order to know if they contained the everlasting gospel, as Joseph Smith maintained,they should have been compared with the scriptures.This was animpossibility, for they could not read them. But as a matter of factthe Bible was not even mentioned.

    You say, "How could these men be so ignorant as to give their testimony tosomething they could not read or understand?" My reply is simply this, JOSEPHSMITH HAD THEM FOOLED." They probably thought that if he could show themthe plates, then what he said about the plates must also be true.

    This plate story has been spread abroad for more than a

    hundred years. It has reached the European countries, and men aredeceived on every hand. Thousands of souls are laid in the grave,blinded to the truth of the word of God, the greatest percentage ofthem having been reared by the Bible. Great men have tried their hardest toprove to the Mormons that Joseph Smiths religion is a fraud, but they refuse to study it

    "2000 Changes in the Book of Mormon" By Lamoni Cell, 190 Gordon Lane R. F. D. 4, Murray, Utah

    Price 35 Cents


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    The Mormons claim that all those who accept Mormonism receive a testimony intheir heart that the gospel is true and that Joseph Smith is a true prophet. But when we tellthem that we have received a testimony of Christ in our heart that our sins are forgiventhrough- faith in His atonement, they say, "You cannot live by feeling; you cant knowyour sins are forgiven until after death." Thus making the word of God a lie.

    John 5:24, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believethon him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but ispassed from death unto life."

    Paul said in Eph. 3:17 "That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith,"In John 14:23 Jesus said, "lf a man love me, he will keep my words: and my

    Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him."Joseph Smith said in his revelations (Doc. & Cov. Sec. 130:3), "The appearing of

    the Father and the Son, in that verse, is a personal appearance; and the idea that theFather and the Son dwell m a man's heart is an old sectarian notion, and is false."

    This is sufficient proof that Joseph Smith was not a new-born man, soconsequently not a true prophet of God.


    The Mormon leaders introduce a God to the world who has a body of flesh andbones who can be comprehended by reason.

    I once read an article of one of the leaders of the Mormon church stating, "It is aninsult to deity, not to use our God-given faculties to reason out the origin of Godand the plan of God and the plan of salvation.

    Joseph Smith, however, represents a gospel the origin of which no man canreason out, for it is founded upon secrecy, superstition, spirits, angels,visions, plates and an unknown language, which Joseph Smith alone couldtranslate. And he was told that if he showed the plates to the world whereupon thelanguage was supposed to have been written, he would be damned.

    Jesus said, "In secret have I done nothing.God hates secret things, and the Bible tells us that they will be published from the


    That Joseph Smith was a spiritualist and guided by familiar spirits can be proven

    from their own words.(Journal of Discourses, Vol. II, p. 45, by Elder Parley P. Pratt: "A quarter of a

    century since, an obscure boy and his few associates, in the western wilds ofNew York, commenced to hold converse with the dead. Now, vision, newrevelation, clairvoyance, mediums, oracles, etc., are talked of and advocated as far as themodern press extends its influence, or steam its powers of locomotion.


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    An important point is gained, a victory won, and a countless host of opposingpowers vanquished, on one of the leading or fundamental truths of Mormon philosophy,viz."That the living may hear from the dead."

    The above concurs with an article I read in the Peoples Encyclopedia, Vol. IV,Part Three. It reads as follows:

    "Joseph Smith, the founder of the Mormons, born in Sharon, Windsor County, Vermont,December 23, 1805. About l820 Joseph claimed to be a constant witness of supernatural visions and to hegifted with a supernatural sight. He PRETENDED that he received in 1828 a. divine revelation inscribed inmysterious hieroglyphics which were delivered to him by an angel, and that the 'Book of Mormon', whichhe published in 1830, was TRANSLATED from those golden plates. The translation was dictated by himwhile he sat behind a curtain, as if in the society of MYSTERIOUS SPIRITUAL COMPANIONS. Hegathered a number of converts, and as Prophet went with them, first, to Kirtland, Ohio, and afterwards toIndependence, Missouri. The subsequent events of his life are a part of the early history of the Mormons.


    Now, concerning the origin of the Book of Mormon, we will refer you to Rev. W.

    E. Biederwolf ("Mormonism under the Searchlight"):

    "We are wondering, however, all the time where the ingenuity may he found which will explainthe fact that, aside from the doctrinal parts of the Book of Mormon, it is practically a reproduction ofSolomon Spauldings The Manuscript Found. It contains the same historical matter, the same propernames and the same style.

    "To destroy such damaging evidence, the Mormons published a genuine Spaulding manuscript,entitled, "The Manuscript Story which came into their possession and which has in it no traces of thecontents of the Book of Mormon. But this was not 'The Manuscript Found, although the Mormonsubstituted the words 'Manuscript Found' for Manuscript Story' on every page. We have the swornaffidavits of Solomon Spauldings brother and numerous others who were acquainted with the story of thereal 'Manuscript Found, that it and Joe Smiths Bible were one and the same so far as their historical partsare concerned."


    The Book of Mormon is nothing but a romantic story put up in Bible language,therefore appearing more sacred than other books. I am convinced that Joseph Smithhimself wrote the doctrine part of this book. I can prove it by his own revelations hewrote.

    According to their own words, in 1823, the angel Moroni came to Joseph Smith inthe night (whom they say is the angel spoken of in Rev. 14:6, having the everlastinggospel), and showed Joseph Smith, in a vision, where the records of the Book of Mormonwere hidden in the hill Cummorah. Four years later, in 1827, Joseph Smith was permittedby the same angel to take them out of the box they were in. In 1830 he established his

    church, thus allowing him sufficient time to write the Book of Mormon. The following isa copy of the engraving, supposed to have been on the plates.Martin Marius, who had been a writer for Joseph Smith, had put $3,000 in it for

    the printing of the book, for which his wife left him and he later on became a backslider.(We have their own words for this.) We presume he had in some way gotten possessionof those characters and exposed them to the world. It is probable that anyone seeing thosecharacters on shiny plates would at first sight think them to be genuine, but a closeexamination will reveal they are English letters and numbers placed in sundry shapes. I


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    think Joseph Smith told the truth when he said it was an unknown language, and that healone could read it.

    It has been said that you can fool some of the people all the time, all the peoplepart of the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.


    There are 23 chapters, 510 verses in the Book of Mormon taken from the KingJames Bible verbatim. "We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it istranslated correctly," the Mormons say. The translators of the Bible have been infallible,

    according to the chapters below.

    B. M. Page 50Isaiah ch. 48, verse 22.B. M. Page 521saiah ch. 49, verse 26.B. M. Page 76Isaiah ch. 51, verse 25.B. M. Page 76Isaiah ch. 51, verse 15.B. M. Page 87 to 10413 chapter, verse 276.B. M. Page 529Isaiah ch. 54, verse 17.B. M. Page 504Matthew ch. 5, verse 48.B. M. Page 507Matthew ch. 6, verse 34.B. M. Page 509Matthew ch. 7, versc 27.

    B. M. Page 532Malachi ch. 3, verse 18.B, M. Page 533Malachi ch. 4, verse 6.

    By A. A. Tanner.

    Reader, the above scriptures are supposed to be engraved on the golden platesJoseph Smith received from the angel, which Lehi and his four sons took with them outof Jerusalem 600 B. C. Moroni, the last one living from those generations, buried therecords in the hill of Cummorah 400 A. D.


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    Others say, "I have nothing against the Mormons, they are a good, moral people,"Very well, my friend, but let me tell you this, morality goes only as far as the grave.What we need is reconstruction. We must accept Christ in our hearts by faith.Only Jesus can go with us through the valley of death. The Mormons have a soul to save.How are you going to save them if you do not see the danger theyare in?


    The Mormons always say, "How is it, if Joseph Smith is not a true prophet, as yousay, that the church prospers so?"

    My reply is this: "Why is it that all new religions of the day prosper?"According to a statement made by Mr. David Reese at the thirty-first annual

    convention of the Spiritualists, "There are about 14,000,000 spiritualists in the UnitedStates."

    All these, and many others, all alike deny the deity of Christ

    and His atonement, making man their personal Saviour.___________________________

    For further light on Mormonism, Send for the book entitled "'MORMON MYSTERIES REVEALED." It contains sixtysubjects on Mormonism answered by the Bible, also a wonderful song, "They come from the East and West," words and music. Soldat cost, 50 postpaid throughout the United States.

    Also send for the little booklet entitled, "A REFUTATION T0 A FRIENDLY DISCUSSION," a. pamphlet distributedby the Mormon church, the topic being THAT GOD HAS A BODY OF FLESH AND BONE. Everyone should secure a copy. It isillustrated and also contains the wonderful song, "'THE BIBLE STANDS," words and music. 25 a copy.

    Special rates on quantities on both books.

    BE A TRUTH DISTRIBUTORWe have several other subjects ready for the press, namely:

    "Divinity of Christ Rock of MormonsIs it True?""Is Water Baptism Essential for Salvation?"

    "Why Did Jesus Pay the Price?""Is the Laying On of the Hands for the Holy Ghost a Command?""What do We Understand by Faith and Works?""'The Law of His Church Could not Save Him.""Where Do You Get Your Authority?""Who Holds the Keys of the Kingdom of God?"

    If any desire to send us money to have 5000 of any of these subjects printed, forfree distribution, we would appreciate it very much. If you would do somethingworth while for the Lord, here is your chance. You can distribute themyourself, or we will do it for you. In all our literature we have endeavored to let love rule.Our literature is not mainly to the Mormon people, but to all who need salvation.Our purpose is to point men to the Cross. To teach them in a simple way, the veryessentials of Salvation, of which the majority of the people are still

    ignorant.We urge GODS PEOPLE to stand by us in this work. Remember, dear ones, the

    more freely We distribute the truth the greater will be the harvest.We stand on the promise that God's Word will not return unto Him void, but shall

    accomplish that whereunto He hath sent it.Address all communications to

    INTERNATIONAL TRUTH DISTRIBUTORSPost Office Box 1283 Los Angeles, Calif.


  • 7/27/2019 Latest Light on Josephs Smith's Golden Plates


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