late ming & early qing kangxi emperorhong wu emperor

Late Ming & Early Qing Late Ming & Early Qing Kangxi Emperor Hong Wu Emperor

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Page 2: Late Ming & Early Qing Kangxi EmperorHong Wu Emperor

I. Late Ming (1500-1644)1. Early Ming: drive out Mongols in 1368…

revive civil service exam

2. Chinese products in demand throughout Eurasia

- allowed trade only in Macao & Canton- merchants gain wealth, buy land- book printing; patron of arts- Zheng He expeditions

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A. Ming Economy/Society1. transformed global economy with assembly-line

production of “china” (blue & white porcelain)

-tons of silver flowed in from Japan & the Americas causing high inflation-challenged traditional Confucian values

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Porcelain Production

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Page 6: Late Ming & Early Qing Kangxi EmperorHong Wu Emperor

2. elite lived in urban centers: created novels, opera, poetry, & painting

3. rural areas: natural disasters, ENV problems, famine, corruption, peasant revolts

4. Japanese invasion (1592-98): government brought in Manchu troops but instead Manchus seized power in 1644 (Qing dynasty)

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B. Trade & Missionaries1. Chinese trade 2nd to spice trade (SE Asia) for Europeans

2. Portuguese (1544) established trade rights at Macao

3. Spain conducted trade from the Philippines

4. Dutch (VOC) carried favor with Chinese (acknowledged supremacy of emperor & the kowtow)

5. Jesuit missionaries (Matteo Ricci) brought European science and technology

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The Kowtow

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II. Qing Dynasty (1644-1912)

1. Emperor Kangxi: period of economic, military, & cultural achievements.

- fixed roads, resettled rural areas, & encouraged foreign trade

2. Qing & Russians began rivalry to control Pacific coast

3. Kangxi expelled Jesuit missionaries

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Manchu hair style

Pigtail hairstyle was forced on all males as a sign of loyalty by the ethnic Han Chinese and the penalty for not having it was execution.

The hair on the front of the head was shaved above the temples every ten days and the rest of the hair braided into a long ponytail.

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Qing Empire

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A. Qing Influence in Europe

1. Qing introduced early form of small pox vaccine in Europe

2. wealthy Europeans demanded Chinese goods (silk, porcelain, tea, wallpaper)

3. French philosophers admired Chinese emperors as “benevolent despots”

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B. The Canton System

1. Qing had strict control over trade & permitted only one port for foreign trade: Canton

2. tea: major export to Europe, Middle East, & Russia

3. Canton system worked until late 1700s when British worried about a trade deficit with China

- England had NO product the Chinese wanted

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C. Tea Diplomacy1. Macartney Mission or “Tea Diplomacy”:

- British ambassador Lord Macartney met

with Emperor Qianlong- wanted to open up more ports- Macartney refused to kowtow…

2. Russians, Dutch, & French all failed at diplomacy

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Lord Macartney bowing…not kowtowing

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Page 17: Late Ming & Early Qing Kangxi EmperorHong Wu Emperor

D. Population & Social Stress

1. population tripled due to crops imported from Africa & Americas

2. corn & sweet potatoes led to ENV problems due to need for more land

3. demand for building materials: deforestation

4. 1,000 year old Grand Canal became useless…

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5. natural disasters & famine led to rebellion

- peasants migrated to cities

6. Qing twice size as Ming, 3x pop, but same amount of officials…

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Page 20: Late Ming & Early Qing Kangxi EmperorHong Wu Emperor

Chinese DynastiesShangZhouQinHanSuiTangSongYuan (Mongols)MingQingRepublicMao & Deng