lara teheux candidature for vpi 2013 2014

Name: Lara Teheux FMO: IFMSA-Nijmegen Country: The Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] Skype: larateheux Telephone: +31 631640398 Contents Motivation Letter Plan of Action Curriculum Vitae Candidature for Vice-President of Internal Affairs 2013 - 2014

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Name: Lara Teheux FMO: IFMSA-Nijmegen Country: The Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] Skype: larateheux Telephone: +31 631640398

Contents M o t i v a t i o n L e t t e r P l a n o f A c t i o n Cu r r i c u l u m V i t ae


Candidature for Vice-President of Internal Affairs

2013 - 2014

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MOTIVATION LETTER Introduction   Dear members of EMSA, It is with great pleasure and honour that I present myself as a candidate for the position of Vice-President of Internal Affairs for the term 2013 - 2014. First, I’ll introduce myself briefly. My name is Lara Teheux. I am a 20-year-old medical student from Nijmegen, a small city in the east of the Netherlands. I was born in Eden, but soon moved to the surroundings of Nijmegen. After completing my bilingual (English & Dutch) secondary education at Kandinsky College, I decided to pursue my passion for medicine and working with people. I am now in my third year of medicine studies at the Radboud Medical University Nijmegen. I have been an active and passionate member of EMSA since the beginnings of my studies. I currently hold the position of EMSA-National Officer of IFMSA-The Netherlands, this means I coordinate all EMSA activities within the Netherlands. Apart from EMSA I love making or listening to music and playing soccer. My experiences in EMSA My journey in EMSA started in October 2011 as coordinator of the Best Buddy Project for the FMO IFMSA-Nijmegen. Together with my team we managed to set up this project for the first time in the Netherlands and it has now been running successfully for two years. As coordinator I learned a lot about leading a team and I gained experience in fund raising and public relations. In this period I became more and more familiar with EMSA and my love and enthusiasm for this wonderful association grew. I became increasingly active on a local and national level, and I was able to share my passion with my peers. My FMO is member of both EMSA and IFMSA, and I have organized and participated in many projects, meetings and activites of EMSA and IFMSA.

My international career started in February 2012, when I became LC-2 of IFMSA-Nijmegen. Soon afterwards I was able to attend my first international meeting, the IFMSA European Regional Meeting in April 2012. This opened my eyes to all the opportunities and inspiration these international student associations have to offer. I was eager to get more familiar with EMSA-Europe as well, but since I was unable to attend the NCM 2012 this had to be put on hold.

In June 2012 I decided it was time to take my passion for EMSA to the next level and I got elected as EMSA-National Officer (EMSA-NO) of IFMSA-The Netherlands (IFMSA-NL) for the term September 2012 - September 2013. In this position I have the honours to coordinate all EMSA activities and projects in the Netherlands and to share the tasks of the EMSA-NC together with our Board Member on International Affairs.

In my term as EMSA-NO I have worked on and participated in many EMSA projects; Teddy Bear Hospital, Bear Doctor, Mini-TBH, Twinning Project, Movies & Medicine, Best Buddy Project and Different Christmas. I was able to find sponsors for projects, set up cooperations with other organizations such as Clown Doctors, promote new EMSA projects to our FMOs and I organized several national meetings and teambuilding events with EMSAi from all Dutch FMOs. As EMSA-NO I work closely together with the National Officers of the IFMSA working committees, so I also have knowledge of many other projects and activities, such as International Women’s Day, Human Rights Day, peer-education projects for organ donation and reproductive health and a workshop about sign language.

Working together with our Board Member on International Affairs, I have been very active in EMSA-Europe in my term as EMSA-NO. We were able to re-activate the Dutch LCs by setting up several online meetings and educating them about their responsibilities toward EMSA-Europe. We have participated actively in ongoing discussions on the NC and LC servers, and participated in NC online meetings and the NC sessions during the GA and

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NCM. Also, we are currently working together with the Secretary General 2012 - 2013 to prepare the NC sessions for this GA.

As EMSA-NO, I was able to attend the EMSA GA 2012 in Istanbul and the NCM 2013 in Tbilisi. During these meetings I fell even more in love with EMSA and her amazing projects and activities and her lovable members. I strongly believe in our ideals and I am very passionate about our work. I see a lot of potential in our association, which I would like to fully exploit. With my term as EMSA-NO of IFMSA-NL coming to an end, it feels natural to me to put my passion and my broad experience in EMSA to use as a proud Vice-President of Internal Affairs.

My vision for Vice-President of Internal Affairs of EMSA Based on my observations and experiences in the last couple of years, I have created a vision of what I believe the Vice-President of Internal Affairs should focus on. Firstly, the Vice-President of Internal Affairs is responsible for the coordination of the Department of Internal Affairs. I would like to work on the cooperation within the Department of Internal Affairs. Also, I hope to prevent dysfunction and demotivation of Pillar Directors, so early resignations can be avoided. Adding to that, I would like to work on the European Support Division (ESD). I believe with the help of motivated and skilled ESD members, we can achieve the most in our pillars.

Our projects are the main activities of EMSA. I would like to create oversight in our amazing projects and I would like to work on the professionalism, the attractiveness for possible sponsors and the accessibility of our projects. For the GA and NCM I will create more opportunities for EMSAi to promote their projects in person. Also, I aim to promote project-based-cooperation with IFMSA, because if we work together we have a broader reach.

I would like to work with the Secretary General on improving the NC and LC platform. Also, I aspire to get the NCs and LCs more involved in the activities within our pillars. Furthermore, I plan to put a lot of effort in the preparations of the NCM and the GA, so that these meetings will be most profitable for all EMSAi.

If you would like to know how I plan to achieve all of this, I invite you to read my preliminary plan of action for the term of 2013 – 2014. Why I believe I am fit for this position The last couple of years my passion and love for EMSA has grown. I am truly passionate about all our projects and other engagements, and I firmly believe that I am ready to take this step and represent EMSA as Vice-President of Internal Affairs. I have a broad experience in many projects, platforms and events. I am a strong team player, and I have experience in working in a board and coordinating a team. I am used to hard work and I have strong organizational skills. I believe all the lessons I learned as EMSA-NO of IFMSA-NL will benefit the EEB and my work as VPi. My candidature is fully supported by my FMO. Enclosed in this document you will find my curriculum vitae. I believe I have the qualities and experiences needed to fulfil this position. I would be honoured to use them to represent you all as Vice-President of Internal Affairs of EMSA-Europe. Thank you for your time and consideration. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or doubts that remain unanswered within this document. Europeanly yours, Lara Teheux

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PLAN OF ACTION Naturally, I will execute all general and VPi-specific tasks as stated in the Internal Rules. I will work closely with all EEB-members and I will be available at any time. Additionally, I have a couple of focus points for the term 2013 - 2014, which are stated below. Department of Internal Affairs

• Work together with the Human Resources Officer on good team dynamics in the Department of Internal Affairs Good team dynamics are the basics of a good cooperation within a team and will motivate the Pillar Directors. I would like to work on this by organizing teambuilding activities and trainings and by tuning expectations and holding regular evaluations. I feel it is very important to start working on this in an early phase.

• Organize at least three face-to-face meetings of the Pillar Directors In the IR it is stated that the VPi has to organize at least one face-to-face meeting of the Pillar Directors. I acknowledge the importance of these meetings and I think organizing more than one meeting will benefit the work of the Pillar Directors and the cooperation within the Department of Internal Affairs. During these meetings I would like to work on teambuilding, organize trainings, hold evaluations and discuss ongoing topics.

• Organize regular online meetings of the Pillar Directors Regular contact between the Pillar Directors will promote good cooperation within the Department of Internal Affairs.

• Prevent dysfunction and demotivation of Pillar Directors This last year the EEB has dealt with the resignation of two Pillar Directors. I believe all action points stated above will contribute to prevention or at least early recognition of dysfunction or demotivation of Pillar Directors. Additionally, I will have personal contact with all Pillar Directors on a regular basis, to evaluate how they are doing in their position and what they may need to blossom even more in their position.

European Support Division

• Increasing the popularity of the ESD The help of the ESD is very important for the Pillar Directors. I would like to work with the LCs, the NCs, the Pillar Directors and other EEB-members to increase the popularity of the ESD.

• Motivate and train ESD members For the ESD to work productively it is very important to keep the ESD members motivated and to enhance their skills. I will work on this together with the Pillar Directors and the Human Resources Officer. Also I would like to see if it will be possible to hold an ESD session and a training especially for ESD during the GA and NCM.

• Promote good communication and cooperation between the sections of the ESD Good communication and cooperation between the sections of the ESD will benefit their work.

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EMSA Projects • Create a clear project database with descriptions of all EMSA projects

EMSA has many wonderful projects. A clear project database will help creating oversight for EMSA members on which amazing projects are at their disposal.

• Create an online platform for project handbooks By creating an online platform for all project handbooks I wish to make our projects more accessible for inexperienced FMOs and to increase the professionalism of our projects.

• Work together with the Public Relations Officer, the ESD and the Pillar Directors on a project booklet I would like to create a project booklet, which may be used to educate members and non-member students about our projects and to promote our projects to possible sponsors.

• Giving EMSAi more opportunities to promote their project during the GA and NCM I would like to create more opportunities than only the project presentations for EMSAi to promote their projects personally during the GA and NCM. My ideas for this are for instance a project fair or project poster presentations.

Project-based cooperation with IFMSA

• Encourage Pillar Directors to cooperate with their IFMSA peers If we work together with IFMSA on projects we will have a broader reach.

• Encourage the organization of international projects in cooperation with IFMSA We have a couple of international projects that are being organized jointly by a couple of FMOs, for instance the European Week of Ethics. If we join forces with IFMSA for these kinds of projects we will be able to organize these on an even bigger scale.

• Consult regularly with the Regional Coordinator for Europe of IFMSA to find new possibilities for project-based cooperation I will speak regularly with the RC for Europe of IFMSA to promote a good cooperation.

Support the Secretary General in maintaining contact with LCs and NCs

• Work together with the Secretary General on a plan of action for the NC face-to-face and online meetings For the last year, I have participated in all NC activities. I am well aware of the problems and the strengths of this platform, so I am very capable in assisting the Secretary General in creating a plan of action for the NC face-to-face and online meetings.

• Send monthly updates to the LCs and NCs about all pillars I feel it would be nice for the LCs and NCs to be more involved with what is going on in the pillars. I hope a short and fun monthly update will help to achieve this.

• Assist the Secretary Gerenal in maintaining contact with LCs and NCs where needed I have been an LC since February 2012 and active on the NC platform since June 2013, so I have the knowledge needed to assist the Secretary General in his work with LCs and NCs.

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General Assembly and National Coordinators’ and enthusiasts’ Meeting • Work with EEB-members to prepare for the GA and NCM

If the GA and NCM sessions, particularly the plenaries, are thoroughly prepared, the meetings will be more effective and run more smoothly. The last couple of meetings sessions had to be cancelled due to a lack of time. This is a big shame, especially because usually the project-related sessions are cancelled, such as the Twinning Project market and the pillar sessions. I hope to prevent this in the future.

• Work with the Organizing Committees on the logistics of the GA and NCM If the logistics of our meetings run smoothly we can make the most of our valuable time together.

• Assist the Pillar Directors in the preparations and the execution of the pillar sessions As VPi, I will assist the Pillar Directors make the most out of their sessions. As EMSA-NO I have gained experience in hosting similar sessions and I worked on many projects, so I will be able to give the Pillar Directors advice and to provide them new ideas.


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CURRICULUM VITAE  Personal Information Name Lara Teheux Address Johannes Vijghstraat 1, 6524 BN Nijmegen, The Netherlands Telephone +31 631640398 E-mail [email protected] Nationality Dutch Date of Birth 07-10-1992 Gender Female Education and training 2011 – present Radboud Medical University Nijmegen, Nijmegen (The Netherlands) 2013 Masterclass on Internal Medicine 2012 Certificate of skills in acute medicine 2004 – 2011 Secondary School: Kandinsky College, Nijmegen (The Netherlands) Bilangual education (English and Dutch) 2008 Certificate “content & language integrated learning in international

context” of the European Platform 2008 Diplôme d’études en langue française A2

1996 – 2004 Primary School: De Vuurvogel, Malden (The Netherlands) Work Experience 2013 – present Student-assistant at the ER Radboud Hospital, Nijmegen (The Netherlands) 2013 – present Temporary worker in healthcare Zorgwerk Temporary Employment Agency, Arnhem (The Netherlands) 2011 – 2012 Student assistant at the Neonatale Intensive Care Unit Radboud Hospital, Nijmegen (The Netherlands) 2009 – 2011 Hostess McDonald’s Charlemagne, Malden (The Netherlands) 2007 – 2009 Cleaning service Restaurant De Tien Geboden, Malden (The Netherlands)

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Experience in EMSA 2012 – 2013 EMSA – National Officer for IFMSA-The Netherlands 2013 LC-1 IFMSA-Nijmegen 2012 LC-2 IFMSA-Nijmegen EMSA-Europe meetings attended May 2013 EMSA National Coordinators’ and Enthusiasts’ Meeting, Tbilisi

(Georgia)   Attended the Public Health sessions September 2012 EMSA General Assembly, Istanbul (Portugal) Attended the Public Health and Medical Science sessions IFMSA meetings attended April 2012 European Regional Meeting, Prague (Czech Republic) Attended the Medical Education sessions IFMSA-The Netherlands meetings attended June 2013 National General Assembly, Leiden (The Netherlands) April 2012 National General Assembly, Groningen (The Netherlands) February 2012 EMSA Policy making weekend, Maastricht (The Netherlands) December 2012 National General Assembly, Nijmegen (The Netherlands) November 2012 Weekend of Trainings, Someren (The Netherlands) September 2012 National General Assembly, Utrecht (The Netherlands) June 2012 National General Assembly, Leiden (The Netherlands) April 2012 National General Assembly, Zevenaar (The Netherlands) December 2011 National General Assembly, Groningen (The Netherlands) November 2011 Weekend of Trainings, Someren (The Netherlands) Project experience Experience in organizing: Teddy Bear Hospital, Bear Doctor, Mini-Teddy Bear Hospital,

Twinning Project, Movies & Medicine, Best Buddy Project, Different Christmas

Familiar with many other projects of EMSA and IFMSA Organizing Committees April 2013 Member of the National General Assembly Organizing Committee November 2013 Member of the Weekend of Trainings 2013 Organizing Committee December 2012 Member of the National General Assembly Organizing Committee

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Trainings Februari 2013 Attended the Training New Trainers of TraiNL, the Dutch training

division November 2011 – present Attended and delivered numerous trainings Advocacy 2012 Member of the Small Working Group on Advocacy for IFMSA-The

Netherlands Conferences March 2013 Leiden International Medical Students’ Conference, Leiden

(The Netherlands) Other Skills Language skills Dutch Mother tongue English Fluent German Basic French Basic Computer skills Windows, Mac OS X Lion, Microsoft office, iMovie