lap band surgery diet

Lap Band Surgery Diet

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Post on 16-Jul-2015



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Lap Band Surgery Diet

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Importance of Diet after Lap Band Surgery

Merely getting the lap band surgery is not the sure short passport for achieving weight loss. People need to take a proper care of their diet as this was the main reason which leads to obesity among the people. The patient has to forget their previous eating habits and should concentrate on the eating guidelines as put forward by their surgeon. If people don’t pay adequate attention to their diet, weight loss would not occur and complications would arise and the end result would be that the person concerned would have to get re operated.

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One Week Diet before the Surgery

When it is just one week away for the lap band surgery, it is advised that people don’t consume any kind of solid food or that contains a lot of fat and calorie in them. It would be best if the person is on liquid diet only because it would reduce the element of fat around the liver and the person would be ready to get the silicon and attached to their stomach. Drink as much water as possible because it would help the body to remain hydrated and would provide the optimum environment to get the surgery done with minimum complications.

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Diet Just After Lap Band Surgery

Right after the lap band surgery, it is recommended that the patient is not eating anything for that particular day. The only thing that they do is to sip water in small amount or suck water out from an ice cube. The reason being is that the band attached to the stomach is pretty tight and hence it would not allow any kind of solid food. Apart from water, you can take in some juice but make sure that you don’t over consume it because it would then cause giddiness and nausea and end up with vomiting.

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1st 2 Weeks after Lap Band Surgery

During the coming two weeks in a row, it is advised that the person concerned has to stay on liquid diet only and not consume any kind of solid food. Drink water in plenty amount because it would the body from stop getting dehydrated. Some of items that you can consume are as follows:

Fruit juice of lemon, orange, pineapple etc Vegetable soup of cabbage, broccoli etc Chicken soup; but in small quantity Skimmed milk or milk shake if possible

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Next 3rd and 4th Week after Surgery

The 3rd and 4th week after the surgery is a crucial time and now people can start consuming some kind of semi liquid diet. You can eat pureed or texture food and make sure that your diet contains large amount of protein in it. Some of the food items that you can consume by now are:

Skinless fishPureed chickenPeas or mashed potatoesLow fat yoghurt etc

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5th Week Onwards Lap Band Surgery

From the 5th week onwards, make sure that you are eating only those kinds of food that have low calorie and fat. Make sure that your every day diet contains at least 45 grams of protein in it. The reason being after the lap band surgery, there is a deficiency of proteins in the body. Drink water in large proportion and remain hydrated all the time. This is the time when you need to take special care of yourself because most of the complications and side effects arise during this time period only.

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Food to Avoid after Lap Band Surgery

There are certain food items that are very harmful for the lap band patient and must not be consumed because if done can prove fatal for the person concerned. Some of them are as follows:

Alcohol or any other intoxicantsPizza, hamburger, hot dog etcCarbonated beveragesDry fruits and ice creamChocolates, cakes and cookiesAny kind of fried and fibrous food

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Thank You

For more information on Lap Band Surgery, please visit: