lance ruche

4/6/- 4/6/- 7 7 3 3 3 3 10 10 Size 2 Hive Throwing Bees Size 2 Hive Throwing Bees 2 2 Toad hive throwers Toad hive throwers 4 4 Hive Throwing A hive-throwers has 3 hives for the entire game. One time par turn, the hive-thrower can throw one hive for free. He can throw other hive for 1 AP each. It then places one or more tokens, within 10 inches of itself, in his line of sight, to represent each thrown hive, the hive-tokens have 1 inch in diameter and have a size 0. Bees The Bees are bound to a hive token. At the moment of the placement of a hive token, all the miniatures within 2 inches of the hive token suffer a Com test with a value of 4. This attack is made without CC and without any reaction. After, all miniatures doing a movement, an action or a reaction in the effect area of a hive token suffers a bees attack, limited at an attack by hive and by turn. A miniature within reach of many hive tokens will suffer as much of an attack as a hive. Remove immediately the hive token, if the bees cause 3 DAM during an attack. The hive-Thrower is immune to the effect of the bees. Hive Throwing A hive-throwers has 3 hives for the entire game. One time par turn, the hive-thrower can throw one hive for free. He can throw other hive for 1 AP each. It then places one or more tokens, within 10 inches of itself, in his line of sight, to represent each thrown hive, the hive-tokens have 1 inch in diameter and have a size 0. Bees The Bees are bound to a hive token. At the moment of the placement of a hive token, all the miniatures within 2 inches of the hive token suffer a Com test with a value of 4. This attack is made without CC and without any reaction. After, all miniatures doing a movement, an action or a reaction in the effect area of a hive token suffers a bees attack, limited at an attack by hive and by turn. A miniature within reach of many hive tokens will suffer as much of an attack as a hive. Remove immediately the hive token, if the bees cause 3 DAM during an attack. The hive-Thrower is immune to the effect of the bees. Toad hive throwers (2) Toad hive throwers (2) 24pt 24pt 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 4 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 3 4

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Post on 11-Dec-2015




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Size 2Hive ThrowingBees

Size 2Hive ThrowingBees



Toad hive throwers

Toad hive throwers



Hive ThrowingA hive-throwers has 3 hives for the entire game.One time par turn, the hive-thrower can throw one hive for free. He can throw other hive for 1 AP each. It then places one or more tokens, within 10 inches of itself, in his line of sight, to represent each thrown hive, the hive-tokens have 1 inch in diameter and have a size 0.

BeesThe Bees are bound to a hive token.At the moment of the placement of a hive token, all the miniatures within 2 inches of the hive token suffer a Com test with a value of 4. This attack is made without CC and without any reaction.After, all miniatures doing a movement, an action or a reaction in the effect area of a hive token suffers a bees attack, limited at an attack by hive and by turn.A miniature within reach of many hive tokens will suffer as much of an attack as a hive.Remove immediately the hive token, if the bees cause 3 DAM during an attack.The hive-Thrower is immune to the effect of the bees.

Hive ThrowingA hive-throwers has 3 hives for the entire game.One time par turn, the hive-thrower can throw one hive for free. He can throw other hive for 1 AP each. It then places one or more tokens, within 10 inches of itself, in his line of sight, to represent each thrown hive, the hive-tokens have 1 inch in diameter and have a size 0.

BeesThe Bees are bound to a hive token.At the moment of the placement of a hive token, all the miniatures within 2 inches of the hive token suffer a Com test with a value of 4. This attack is made without CC and without any reaction.After, all miniatures doing a movement, an action or a reaction in the effect area of a hive token suffers a bees attack, limited at an attack by hive and by turn.A miniature within reach of many hive tokens will suffer as much of an attack as a hive.Remove immediately the hive token, if the bees cause 3 DAM during an attack.The hive-Thrower is immune to the effect of the bees.

Toad hivethrowers (2)

Toad hivethrowers (2)



1 1 1 2 2 3

1 2 2 3 3 4

1 1 1 2 2 3

1 2 2 3 3 4