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I ( ... VOLUME XXIV. Advertisements. Advertisements. _ ___ __ ......... ____ ... ....... ---.. . ........... _____ __ ,.,., ___ _ THOl\1PSO.N'S QU . EEN Medical Halt. ESTABLISHED 1855. GAl'lTAlr-£2,000,000 Sterling. r'eQCi\•td I tbo Spring'• St.ock or QUEEN INSURANCE DUILflNO, .Nt::W I L1Vl!:I1.POOL, WAlway11 on lo b.l - 11 full !\ll )'J• Iy nl M Dll UU;;, .aarwu:::s, &c. -A!fD- QU £E:s' INSU ItA GU l..ill.:\(. ;EI; II U RCil LONIJI)N. Mluution p aiJ to Pi lE.- Al\NUAL REPORT fb e ReJ tOrl.s anJ Accounl.t lor lobe 'Vh n:.;enL fur J ul mst on'a F lui•l II i!<: f. 'fllo follo wing 1\N ao mu of the F. u o's l' 'ntit S .tiL, Q11ini no W ino K ..:lllin;;'• lhb •ct l' uwt.lcrs T ho an a\.\·a l!:lectlic Oil )\.,y Jl u ou, l:kultli Hl, Hi,.in gSu n Dlllckl acJ Ni xe y'a JIJ,,olc lcaJ, l:i kius lk onlto, (J ..,J, J Lea d, lloun .wick l.lluck E l•• I n Ja.• l{n liLc · \ .. fur II " "••lUI, Lka &>o l'lo t hc» Brn •hod, Un u 'lo::1 1-l !iil lh•. do. uo. Dr£".1st ltoli<l• "c rll' Vi i f'C r l:·•llo ll . ,lo. in IJuu rL Pl .. (.;., ),I \.:•"·"" I' >11 Li .-ur Vi i pur !;"li on Jo · in Urcu. Co mbs, 1-'on tl (.;'" '"' y ;:,. ·cJ l 'oncc ntnlLcJ Ly,•, I:!. Jttlc l ·uo k, l 'n!.t ru of T. 1r t.u r, En.:tu• s Ul) c•·• inc ,0 to .... u u ' "" r ..t. ac. ll q] _ toy ) ut14UUI l •'.:cJiug Uvttl•·•. }{, cuKL U cs u .. t.:ul\,;nlrortr;·t ..eou . Po..1!1 Lulltl J 11ice, L oq u oric••, ..chonu Uil - !l lucll&g"• tpp lc.· fur F .·L-<Iing Bo 1Lie11 V•l. tt c.l un•l y, .l\..,w O.:h ocs ry P ui n t., -all '"· "),.,., P q.,. \Jiuy P ull Jj.,x,•_a 11nJ l'i n k lt ..uL }•,atni c..: St.ouu, 1{'-..,ltl , s. .. l. p, Ulu-lls l ,. 1 U il p: r g" lluu, ti ll. 111 hutl l f'K ::).d ,.,f L,ul •tu ,S.ll q ..-tn :.:";owlhllt p .,.,.J,. , l..i u ru ::)udl tt c, Su,.cr ll u ' " '• l ·. .,lil o Suo•)• TLI JI U)' :IJ II ·,. Mnll uw :-).ott )' u,. _,.., ., ol ... l:l _ >ecri uc tl o. t ',u-t wnat.t• v f :-it hiK, \V , ., ,uu•c L: 1 Sp ari la uf T uqoui. Lo ut• , ::!I' . .J ,Juo :;M ::; , , ,.. .,, T :o hlc S • .Jt • .\l .. t l ..-o "s P la•t" '' A .: P l.v.tco . T '' 1-o olc Ac 11l •. , ....,uf L.,n••uo, T vu lh P · Cu,ml V V " ' ''l=''r• Cu p., r>UI £:, \ rAc tul Lugwl)()ll, \ :o· uu u .J .1 ... .t'I J " "s·[uJi nn · oh ·t •, \V :)c hu i.,Jwu :'>l r5. Allcn' 11 H nio 1:'-"'l'' "" A yt-r'll Clourry P cc10o ul, Sao -AnJ II•· H ,d.., "y's Hu-wlvuuL. Bo II •It Uol l tiJ., ,Jo. ll1.' 11dy l <.· hcf. ( :UclouUK .. l l' •·ocl ..-... r l•H iJ a llr ..,wu'a (.;lo lor..xi 11 w, li "'r \ · ig•>r. Poppur uoi ul ll onr ya ( !, J couf'·l \l n,;u.-Mit> Hdl uw&y'11 Vin\ute uL, II. ol lo way"a l' iiiK Cocltlll'll Ptlla, lln aH'II <ill . Norton'• do. p,.,-.un'11 tio Ayer'a t.l o i\l u ro isuu'" do }J.adw11y'a do uu • · Jo Ju iuu o n'a A 11otly no T.i11utmt Jo KoaLiuga Congh rlo Liniment W.;odill'• Worm Loll<!ngea !duLean'a Ve rmifuge, .Motlicu roe ntu m Morehead'• :MRgne t. ic PJ ... ter J'oor :uan'11 F riend, Rotli' 11 R4L P oison R ull&i .ll Salvo, l:ipi ri t. Flualla Coutli tion l' ll wder 1\iotwol'a Li me Juice an J UlyC4' r ino A largo I\IQOrUnc ut of lt immel '11 t>"rfurnc Sinale ton.a G olden Ey u Ointme nt 'Vilaona Cbe rry Voilet l'll wdor, Jo Soothing Syrup Wiaalowa do. Smokiatt Tobaooo, Pipee. Ponknivoa Paper Pe n-. Pencil• Writin& and Marking luke Tobaooo Poucbos, Oamel Penoila So&ling Wu, Cig ot ra .A.miUne Dyea in 6J. packacu UROCERIES: yeur I Si :>. t.o Lhe Sban:bolden Il l tUe A nuual, on,27Lll May, 1:>7!>, at whi..:h Hall,F.q., pnmideJ. sloo weJ, in the Dividerd and 1\l I Joo IIIlO togethor Of 16 ver com l. WllS dL-clu red, £14,035 being oor.r- a ·i cJ .1-·1 RE UR .. \NCII, That th o Po·c minma for 1878, eJ\cr JeJncting Ro in¥uruncca, amounWd w nn iucreuo li £6,391 UVI!I" Lhc Po eouium lncamo uf 1877; anJ the t •f £ :!51,6 61, being 115.16 pee ceut. on tloo ot tile Y .,.,-, 1!\ THE LI FU DEPA.RTMKNT. Tlu< t P ul icie4 had been i.uued lor £2:! :!,4 ' IS ; aml tho Li!o l<'and, vy th" adJi ti on, m"Jo t o it 11 the reaulL ul tloo y c..r· .. u pcn •ti ons no• rer-·tt Gi .!l pe r cc n raff tho en tiro net Premi•me n.--cdv ..:J o n .. cry polacy iu force. The su rplu s Lal uuco in the Fire Ac-- _.. cvu ut wa& . ho• ·n to l,o £ 107.5!>9, out ol wloi ch "''118 " J'J'FOJ'ri,..ted to \l-couu t, r 11 iHing tL•L Account £I l fl.OUU "'"' .... , Ieins; with Rf' · \Cn- •· an d .Sat .. ncc c nritd f orwanl t:! I. OUU. c .. ' ut> ... ..... . 1 HcKe r• e Fu nd .. . •. • .• 170,\100 1-40.000 U. OS!l 30ll,819 li ,6:J9 uuoll ur l're uliUUII lt'\l•ncc earned forward .. . l.i h• Accuuoulllliuu Fund .. . -\ uuniay fu 11J ... . ....... ... . !1 tG,4 :!8 snwN (ieno ral for Nfld St 11 · Ati i.STI: . A . T . UIWS llA Lit II Moot li r:>c e. ll . O"SII A!\ & l:u.. St . l'i crrc ·n. 1 Ri !l. Northern Assurance Company. F Oit F:J:R.EJ dO LXP-E CAl'ITAL- £3,000,000 Stg. FIHE .... . ... .. . .. ... .. l40:1,f00 Ll olo ... . .. ....... .. .. t67,\ 00 Di l't:ll t.:::iT ............ .. ... ... .. ... . 101,00( II Y. .\1> OHIGES : LoNoos-1 Moor-pte SUeet A DI:UOI!IIN--3 Kllll( S&.rllllt. 10 New. t ounclland at C urrent:Katee or r.. ium. of Apptlcetlo11 for Firu ontl Lif e lna llrance and all o Lhor 1 nf , >rLDa llon \:AID be obtained al the Ollico of A. 0 . HAYWARD St. lo...,·e, J.c .. l lor Nld Guardian FIRE Assurance Comp'ny OF LON.l>ON. .esf.\ULI SIUD SuUCUIIII'!I"I C.I.PITAL. .. . .. ... .(i,OOO,OOO 8ta 1'0TAt. IMU.-r£D Ft:IWI Ut· lfAI!DS OP ... .... .... .. . ..... 1,760,000 " All•u.u.I.JICOlllt' UPII'AIIOI 011 860,000 " i ' 1 · HABBOB GB.A.CE, NEWFOUND S.A.TUimAY, JUL -1883, Harb . or Grace Stove Depot -Alo i)- Qlaae1 '1'iA. Jlaod_,.. lliat&bl.l..ahmeD.t. .. . To the eut of l'deur1. Jonlt NUNW .r. Co'L Mercautilc Pr.,rultoa.) C. L. KENNEJ)Y batokful for putfaYOWS, .. iahea to loCorm the inbtoWUIIoiA ul thle w•o and tho on porte generall7 that he lou rt!Cenlly rcC"I' ived aod lou POW n:r.<l7 fur i111pectioo a large of StovestStoves!Btoves! with all the lateat i.@lproYe rDe ota-comJoril· inl( t-•auc y, Fraaldin aud llall StoYH. totre\her with GRA'It:S aad F1T- Tl!\GS of all a&Ra. Also, a ene .-orlnlent of the newet' atylea io GO l'lllC GlLATt:.S (Britiah aaJ Aa>erlcaa.) '111e Subtcnber bu likewiM largelJ addo!d to )ia fonner 1toek <>f EDrliab GLASSWARE, eto., et.c. Amerieao C.t. Wrought ud Fielaltiolf NAILS of all aiaM,. alwap kept oo haoJ toaetbtr with ftiop and &rew1, Door aad (.;loee& Loolll. Io to doe a"bon, be bu Jolt re- teind a 1opply of PAINTS of all oolurt LINSEl:O Ol L abd TU llt'EN fiNE u well .u Wiodow GLASS (all a-) ud PUTI'Y. l: n. anlcltt, d othere too oaweroa. to epedf7 are alwaJI kept io 1tock: AMaioan Acllee aad Hatobeca. Sheath, attd Beltoa, Varalab J ...... _Ringt .ad BDckloa, Ttuak Yurolture Vanriab , \Yallboarda, Broo.- Sorwbblar, ., Olo&bee 'CoelSouU.W.. Shonla, Cotree ,.ina, LiDoa, \Y alar P.U., Kcroee11e Oil, 1-s-, Htlfllers aod Cblm· DIJL ' GROCERfEi.--C4ee, Soa[>a, MateJa• etc., eto. d"'l'o all of wbl.ob lAapectiollla lo.ttAd. (;. L. KENNEDY. No.-. 4. ·! EEA: . ...... . HAIR RE R - U..AntpnpuaUoa lo .., ....... _ at u.e ...... ... ...,.. - ot faded ... .,.., .... lO ... """""'-' cookw, crowUa. ... :rou&lafal .. .,. '' .... u.a ... ""'- ..... oo t.u, .-an .- ,...w..uu .... ,al U.a , .... ,u -t at U.. loalr ,a.oo4 ecalp. lf..&.u.'e au:swxa lll.u oc.a4117CJ'OWII lafa¥01', .... opna.dll& ,.._ ... 10 .. .,. qurtar ot U.. fl)c>be. 11& uparal- le"!'l ·- call .... a.urillu.d to btll ,.. _ , no. ,.-opriel<ln laa•• otlcD ovpn.t.l " ...... "' at ordeR 11"0111 ...- ........ lrleo, W II4N Ula7 liN DC.,., llllllle aD dr011,., Ill laUo4adloL no ue toe a obort u- of H.l u.•a JUn 1\DKWKJI WODdetfDIIJ horo- Ul• pa- all WJIVI\Ioo,...,.., all blUIIIOn, lonr, ull ...,_, u4 Uau p-1& ...w- u .U.- u.o w.Ue..ed clucil, aocl ooabkll u.- 10 ,_ 1 forW&r\1 & ..., .... t t1po111 ...,.a. no o1 Ulla article .... - uauoiOlll, 11\o &baM ot aJooltolle .... , ...... UOtoa, bul Nlllllln a Jon'" u-. •blda wahe , ...... a-uuot __ ,_ BUCKINGHAM'S DYE 1r0a Tmt WHISKERS Will cbanp 11M bean! "' a ultllal wblack.u.S.I...t. l'pro4ooocaa_n, color Uaa& wilt- wula a'"'J · a oln&k propuallo ... ll II applle.l wll. bolll li'Otlbla. rREPA!l£I)DY R . P. IL\LL & CO., lfuhlla, I. H. &oiJ bf all Dealcn lu )Jedlduel. l roR ALL Tllll FORHS 01' ._ ....... aD4 I Bt...SD.... ,..._ "' " -..e , ..... ,, ..__ u.. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. S<tiJ br on JlrUn1•tt : e• . ""' 11ou1 .... R.C>UT:El OF THE LABRADOR MAIL STEAMER 1888. · . LABRADOR S-;;;;;r j trnJk, to lea ... &. Jobo'1 oo 9th July, calling at Harbor Grace, theooe to St. Ao&hooy, Salmon Rlur, and to a.aal porta of call io Stralta ; to Battle Harbor. . . . .. Jliscellaneous. J- • ' '· •xriaa miii JUCaava AD4 AJI •DDB-1 . __ .- -- . Tbe pobllcd1100111tralioo of lu' lfeDill(, 111 ooutetioo wltb the preaen&atioo ·of AD ol Welc:ooM to Mir An1broee Shea, mon thao a lltere paeeiog 1ipideaoa.. 't'IIIKeu•ben •"• took part iu t bo torch· liaht aod the eatl.uaialiooa dla· played.lbowed coeoi"'YtiJ the pop'ilar ap· preclatioeoUiaeMO'beoiSir AmbroaeSbea u Coanalalooer •' I be Fiaberiee EzhibiLioo. Uodtr able ud eoerretio the Coloo7 baa made euch a diaplaJ of ita prodocte Llaat itt obaracter 1 ul!llab-prodac- bu at leap been placed before tile world Ia Itt true lljltL New- foWidlaod bu been bi'Oaght to the froot. aad eao oncr agairr be drino into tlae obecurit7 to wbic:b l t wu ao loog condemu· ed. lL ia oow koowo u fi'Oot I"Dllk amoog the liabio,- couotrie• of the world. Tbe cbancter of th• couotry beeo hnrneuaely etc rated and ita fair fame Y iadlcated. 'fbo uf tho world baa belen drawa to it u au ialaod rich Ia Dltural reeoare01 u Jill undnelop- ed, and baYing a great lutare bclfore iL Sir Ambrcec Shea bu merited well of bla cooolry; lor bJ word IUld deed be baa laboured lh'eDIIoaaiy and aoccealfolly to place it oo the lair pedetlal wblob oow oocaplta. The Apleadhl demooatr1boo of will be aceepted u an expr8- alon of oo the per\ ol oar people. toward• Sir Ambi'Oac Shea for bia pe&riotio aef\'icea, l&lld alao u an eodoraatioo ol the PoliO! of ProirtA which the Cw•enuaenL han iartiaUd.. At about !I o'clock luL e•eolor a great a umber or people, beaded b7 the Stt.r of the Sea &od, appeared bCICore Sir AmbroM Sbea'• re.!deoce, tbe 1tf0Uodl arouod beiog brilliaatiJii&hted. Tile cbairmao of lht geo- eral committee, &lr. Broderick,theo addre.- ed tbe coecouree, ref1rrioc to \he tllfricea n:odered to Newrooodland by Sir Ambro10, espruaioe the aatiafaotioo bi• couolrJ fell for the houor beltowed upoo bim. a ad by uklag the Secretary, Mr. Haod, to read the addrou, wbic:b wu dooe. Roood after roaod t.o &be chalrmaa'a of "Ulree cbeer1 for ao.1 lu ..,...,.,., """ lf'illleuir.D came orwara &Ad 1poke aboat u follow• :- GE.KTLEKCK.- o•r wealtJl, and agy leaaible ll,ro "ill beeure or fi'OOl the ' 111e Rallwar, It bu beeo aid, will oot be All ltfdt hue lhelr 11119M pldi .. lty, butauoh DIM' uol be ,...-ded ..- .mtaw fail- 1'\e ltdaibitioe will f"M&ly utlat to ltlain. taln h. Caphalittt wb.> aro lntel"'llted io &hla ltailwt;f,euwioed oar nbibill, aud di!CIIaml tlou aucba oooo· lr)'bad a manlloal future aud woatJ lUI tala a Railway. Tbc Bn . Ur. Hanof• book cootributed 111ucb to the ad\'"aot&(e of &bil Colony, aad we owe hloo IDUcb. h rcrno•· ed the fo lf tloat obecurod 10 laf11817 the ooeotal Yi6ioa or the Brillab public. '11U• book baa auraoted atteolioo to co•• a try it 00\'11: bad and baa ed error from lbe mioda of the Hnt.U.b pablio. Tloia oouolrJ oe•er bad eucb bftaht prD1pectt u oow. The Hallway it lore to bel coaopleted. Tbe Ury Dock it rapldl1- aod if weare ouly truo to Oareolnt, future iaio etore Cor 111. I bad an lutorriew with tho Adrniraltr. 111d thtJ will ..,od tbeir 1hipa to oar Dock. '!'bat II nrJ iloportaot, for !Daoy ob•ioua re&IOoL Tile lta ilroad will irupron our Ia ada, open oar minea, aud epraad ita beoe· tlt1 over all, rrprdl«* of aectiuu or factioo . Tbo mcrcbaote ia J::nsrlaod eeL a ooble ex- ample,•aod thoM here who oppo10d tbe poliCJ Of prof(,_ will, 1 hope, find that in tbe reeol&a of lho Yi jtoroua aod well-direot- ed elrort.l of the Gonra ... eol the7 art ebaror1 io beaeft&a U•e7 failtd to aala& aad willleen11 to appreciate U!e wildom of i.boso whoM m .. u,.. were eucce.fel io 1pite of their C!lldeaYora. 1•m oot prepued at &Ilia momn• to aa.wer JOor 6at..,rlog addreu u it dNerYoa to bel, but 1 1ball t.tlr.o au early opportunity to do 10, and ahall &heo thaok JOO, 1 hope 6Wogly, ADd explain all that 1 buo l earaed. aeeu, aod beard, u 1 pi'OrDi.ted to do at our lut me•tior. Yoo hare to tbe title beatowed apoo me bJ our jtrlciOill Queen. I do proudolil; fCO!I proud of ituaoatift, 111d th e ftr1l fiabcnuau who e•er recoived tbe ; reel proud of the title bccaaiO 1 k'?"w it to be acoeptable to 10 LDIDY whoee ln eodlbip 1 eojoy. Ourdratiuiea aro ill our owo baoda , aud we aros recruol iC we do oot work tberu out. Tho prize il too gttat tr.'fte with. and tbe people aboald recog- D_IU I';' nl uo aud lha\ their Rcprceeuta- U'fO GOYeroment d1d DOl fail to meet their flrt• domand.t anti NPiratiooa. Hepeated and UfltDt reqouta were maae to Sir Wm. \Vhlteway to addre11 the uaembiJ, aod hia ap(ltarance wu lho for heariJ -:ad general applauae. 1111 remark• were brtuf a ad to the poilll.. They were u follow• :- the Lon:l-U.oteout. &Ad a_..,.__, rial ftl allo f-ted b! &ale ......... of r &he Pr!.oDflW Aiel Socie&.y, . ... ,. of .,.._ , ant poeld" ill their dtelara&ioa .U. t.1aeJ aaw &he priloeei-et the m..Uq oltlae-.. · ' oo ' Sle na&.r el Slat Stll ; ot .lb7 ., a& tiP'- o'oloilt MI. ... .a...a. Vanu, the n-pr..Wn' of die 1 heeded a depota&loa to SptuC41r at lbe Viceregal .Lodrt W. Oil Frlda,r plght, aod maae IIU'oog nr!W ro- praen&aliou. but Ilia ooold ool7 reilerllte the ollofal replJ which had bel eo already _,, Uuooab the Ullder S.O. reiMy, to &he etrec& that &be law mua itt Mr. Vari&A waa aaoor Uae crowd ootaide Kihnalobam Jail 011 SatordaJ u1oroing, aod be puled eaprlJ from ooe to uo&ber of thOM'Wbo to how 10methlor about ollelal decuiooa, ukiog if there wu ao7 hope ot a reprine. 'l'he aathoritlu uticip.&ed &baa th«e woald bel a allabl roYiRI of die pabUo u.. terest ia the uecaUoo ol Kell7. aacl tha& there might be a p&heriAr u lup tha& whiob waited for aa boor ooe.lde &he ja1l oa Wbit moruior to ... &he aipa1 of Br&dJ'• death. Io aotlaipadoo, bow- our, tboy were wi'Oog. At oo t.lme did Ule crowd uc:eod 2000, a ptberior ool7 half u large u that of \Vblt ud lhe l&lllO aiu u tbu which wuc:hed , ....., boiatlog of tho flag wboo Curle7 wu baoged oo tbe fo'!rth o( MaJ. llaDJ · of &be moat atrlklo& leatorea of the former crowcla '"'"' oa Sat.om7 cooeplcuoa. tiy \bolr . The groap ol WOIDia who lauo boon at at the preYioa. esecoLioDieaJ- the 1"01&1'7 oo the laland Urldge Road were oot &here on Satur&y. T\ere wero uooe of KeiiJ'• relall,oelo &he Malty, aod there ' were of ucitemtof. Tlto weather wu mapa8ccot, tbe eao •aiWalog fol1h from an almoet aoclooded HJ, aad a liabt wiod blowiog from &he eou&b-weat. Wheo &be wu hoiated ra.o7 of &be crowd, wbicb mcladed a lam oamber of artuana aod fe- malea, aad aenral belt, tho mOlt co icuoa. per10o preaoot belog a WOOl&D, w o wu uid.oUy either lot.od- cated or labourlog onder deep exclteme'ot. aad wbo knelt aud called for the coree of tbe Almight7 oo Jamea Cerey. Sbe wu epeedily uahered Ia to a uelghboriog pablic . houae by her frieod& There waa oo other iocidcot of cooaequence. lodeed It is 11 remarkable fact that at oooe of tho OUCU• uuue, a&WUUKU wo o&u wo. \NU .... IMQ. .... , aadoabtedly roa;"h elameot, bu been aoy call for t bo luterfereoce of the poiiC41. The otlloiall have their duty in the moel court.!oua aod careful manoer . The force of cooslablea oo Saumymoro- iog waa doubled, hut oo ooe aecmed t.o lake ootiC41 of tbelr preaeuoe. 'fbe roard of Greoadior1 ill the <.;ourt-Uo1111and arouod the j:Ul wu b7 a force of flft7 mea of tho Somereetehlre Regimeot, wbo marched onr from Richwood aboat baJf. put IOYeD, and eotered &ho ptel of the eouanee to tho llo,U H01pllal. Tbe doore were abat., aad oo aile woold ban euepect· ed the prNtoce of thla body of I.I'Oope. Ar...,r the 6111 bad be co ftJiog from the ftag- a&atr for tweotymioutu the foadwaJI were 't.ID1oet deaerlod. At olue ll'oloek the d.i.a- mal emblem of death wu takco d<>WD, ' acver agaio to bel hoiated, It il boped, in coooeclloo with aoch ao appalllog crime. l'ttocu.Duco No1m1.- From' BaUle Har· bor to Spear Harbor, Frtoclt Harbor D1gb&, Square lalaodl. Dead hlaad, Veaiton Ia- lud, Uolaten Rook, l'aoch Uowi,Batteau, lodiao '. l'ick.le, Gr1Yly, ud . then diree& to W!ohe lksn , Jadlaa Harbor, Bake Apple Uiabt, Brie Harbor Raaod laludt. Maa· uock'e hland, ... an:..ioi-Ialanda. Wlo10r'1 Harbor aod Nalo, (t.o 'bla lilt Port ooly two tripe wW be made). .bruUIJIO SocmL-Callill(at Cape Har· ripu, Hopedale, Wia.or 'a Harbor, Tum•· viet hlanda, l.lack,.Stnwberf1 ,'t laland, Loll( 'nolle, RoJer'• Harbor, Ad· oarict. Beged .lalaoda, .Tiger Tickle, Cape Harritoo, Sloop eo ... Sletp Tackle, Holtoo, Harbor, White Deara, Scookey1ickle, Bake Appl" Bial:t, lodiaa ttubor, 1Ucoolet40, Tob Iaiaod, !Ddlu Iaiaoda, Peak'• Ilarbor aod ludepeudenL, the two lea& plaoee a"lteroately. Long lllaDd and Cove, labould bel more or leu thao batuan if I did uol fffl profouodlJ &bil 1pler.did recogoitloo of m1 aeniceL It 11 not, I koow. a mere puaioR compliment. but an cxl'rouioa of tbaokfuloeu for our per- mAnent aod gr eat eucetu at 1- 'iaberiea J::xhibitioo. aod a teetimoor or your app ro- bAtioo of tbe li o•e romeot'a choice or a ocm- raialiooer. We han ool bcleo with tho result. We have oocopied a credi&ablc poaitioa. We had, u yoar cbair· maa bu •aggated, the aolid material bebilld oa,-&bellab. \he oil aod the hardy popalaUoo wbo catch them. 1 wu oenr 10 proad Of ID1 oalf"t'll lAud U at tbo esbibltioo. It wu oniJ wheo lhe wu brousrht ioto cootacL w;th tbe world thAt 1 .bin<> ber nlue. There are oo flab in tbe world u good u oore; aod no people 10 well tble to them. 1 t.old tbem at tho E. sbihitioo U11\ we bad 10,000 181era who coald oot be eqoalled Ia the world, and that the Doodee CompauJ with Ita tpleadld coald oo4 oompete with oort aolll they hired oor 11:111. We bad, I tald, a popalatloa. E•ery ..., la a polioemao to uphold &be lawa aad protect bia uaigbbor'• /roperty. Wbeo I Om trea t acr011 eo •w the oalred apace allowed at to nhlbit Ia, I waa diabeuteo " ed. 1 feared we ooald oot till It up to make a creditable ahow ; bat 1 deteralloed to lr1; for I would oot euJrer m7 OOIIotry to be d.lacrodited. It ... a labor of lo•e. I reoeiYed DO peJmeot for my eemcea. I woald take it. "Wbat wUl tb• people at home •1?" wu &he ooa.tant qaeat ioo halted alyaelf. We did auc.lled, aad far be7ood m7 m01t IIUIJaiae upec&a· tioa.: oar dieplay waa the admir1tloo of all. I wu abl!' Nalated br the Old Cooo- 1 am 11lad to aee yoa here to-oigbt for many reuooa. Wbeo cbe Conrumeot look bact, And remerubf'r the coar.moote that were made io reference to the appoiotment ol a ropreaenteti•e to the Fiabcriu J::xbibltioa, and the great ruolta wbich depeotle-t upon a jadicioUI •oloctloo, JODr eodo,-.etneot of ouroouree. u maoiCeated bJ JOD YerJ pleuiolf. We io New· know that u a ftabiog ca an•f)' ODriiiiOOODd to oo othor in &be world, but we are recr-eant to oar dut7 ir we do ooL let the wbole world know It ' too-aod we dooo 10 eleotually by our exbillite. t;ir .Ambroae bu tpoken of the progrealin meuuret of tho CoYernmool ; tilLy ll'ill go o•. '11IOM who ai the ioception of lhoee had a dltBcah tuk, bat theJ ! IIllooeeded, aod oo power Ia New· foa,Jiaod cao oow pre, · enl their oomple· tio•, We relt ., the tlret, aad feel DOW wealth we l!"'ol 'o ftabenea, Ia foreat.a, lo a,tricoharal ud )'Dioenllaada, aod in oar awrdy pop· olaliloo, woold eooo raiae &hia oouolry to a for e-t poe! U.oo among the oolooloe ol Great Oritaln. l ooeol ool 1'1'0\'0 to JOU- yon ' kaow It oow-that the Uke 1ork bCIU.U than talk; aod I •1 it wiiJ fO 0\' and OD io the path of pi'Or-. llbanlt JOD apia, oa behalf of the Gof· era-at for tlloe eodoreemeot of their pol- lay, ud teoder mJ heartltll coqra.tula- tion• to Hl r A.wbroee Shea opoo the 1accou be baa achieved u our oooarniuiouer, aod the · manll4r Ia w.,iob lie lau d..ieobaqed the duti01 lf that ollloe. Meaowbile lidioR• were 8gtrlf1 awalted from the ioterlor of Kihnaiubt.lll. , lA a few minolel It leaked oat tiW tbe coo•jct had died like bla ueociatea io crime wltll brmoeu. He reUred earl7 to r11t oo Fri· day olght. aDd roee betweeo the aod a:a: iA the woroioi, duoUng bioaaeU to thej)lnw- al of bia praJer-booft oatil the arrinl of tbe wbo were to lead him In bll lut of dnoUoo on &bil earth. A\ 20 mioat. to 1 \he Rov . Caoon Keooedy and the Un. Father O'Reilly eotered the pria· oo, aod the doomed man immediately af· terwarda aooompaaled them to the email obapel. wbieb Ia olOM to tbe cell which be ooeupitd. There their were Dll· till nille millatee to altema\elf. Orai7. BlaCk bland, etch -.ltema&e trip. ]ndian Ticklf'. Domino aod Batteaox, alternately. Panch Bowl. Seal Jalaode , and Oomfort' BigM, al- tem.tely. lrJ member1 of our IIIAit'ODD.Llle llno1; theJ hat<e oo&hioa bat cood· will for lbla couotry, IUld are deelrooa of belplag it, aod wo o•o them mach .lac their co -operatioo. With them 1 clitcll-d the pruent aad f alura alate or thla oouotry, &Ad ehowed that che po licy of &ha pr-ot Gonro111eot teoded to the l of tho -'t1 for wluter Boleter'• Rock. · Veel.too bland. ,.lp kJM1 aod at,. lee of Tub Barboc and Snug HarbOr, alter· bland. WlRR£1 fiHITMAN . OI'IQit,wblob wu the weak epol iD the •• u they ..Jll11etr to tbelr COil Wiater C1'editcaa oaly be dooeawaf with by em- io iadu*'-aae.IO. the bberiu, and th- woolcl be lb 'e oolooaM of the M &be eloee of 6ir William'• apeeob be wu_ agala wanaiJ•pplaoded. 'fbree cheere haYIOjt boeo gino ror Ladr Whltewar. abo bowed her acknowledvmeal& Ur . Boone wu repeatedly called for, t.ut ooald no& bel fouod ; and; •· God San tbe Queeo" tan- log plaJtd, o .. of the urr• damou- atra,IOOI OYI!r teeD bore wu qoletl7 dia- pened. All theproceediuga •••• conduct- ed lt1 an orderiJ manner, Mtlla h<*touring Sir AnobrOM. bi1 fellow-ciU&eol baYO bou- oul'ld lhe"'MM vee o'clock. wbeo the low toll ol a bell aD• nouoced to the priat IbM boll{ or ... cutioo wu at haad. At .U -• Chief· Warder Seule ai>C)IIr'ed aL &he door, and bowed to Caooo · Keooed7, a algaal which wu obeYed b7 the priea\ •tepplor forward to &be ltneeliog IliAD anil iDdicaUng to him tha\ he moe' leave the obapel. A. theyiUoved forward the uerclaee were not \be rllpGMOt of the litany cumiog dilliootl7 from Kelly, wbo carried a orocifU In hia baad. lu &he mat corridor tho prOCIIIIoo waa fonoed, the l&lDe order llli111 obaernd Ill 90 all tba pre, · lo• OOCIIIo-. ow.f.\Vanler Searle ted tbe ••1· t.N ,n.-a aad theft tile do.-i -• Followed, ..A.a.._.... t"• (Mr . O.W.bJ), U.e ao..r.or CJIItha), aad die doetor (Mr . \Y. A. Cart..), In ttl. order ..-1. tile P'llllll- broua;ht ttl' b) ....... , ..... ,., wandted. ScrammJ Say. Bepalrbig aud Painting Ship Harboc, eecb alternate trip. ,_..i.ed to aJn ._ of P"ilbing Ship'• Bubor. fiOC.It , ahrDJI oa baad. . ) J'randa Hal bor lJiall&. \ Little Bariloe'. , · SecOnd-Hand_ Carrialf8S )(array aod Spear Harbon, akernaa. - D 1 1 , and. to &we Jlarbcw. meuol'"ll ol tM preaeol Goreromeol Tb- ritwa want oeetroYerttd; oor do o11r mereutlle frie114a la Eorfud -teet the potidoo that &he people oo the epa&, wbo ere eYtrJ·deJ wl'-8 olthe aii"'OlrQataoooo &bet ariae, ere the beft jadjrH ol the m-ree aod pollo7 by wl\iOb &be .colooy llloold be ro•.r..d. Oar..._ .ere declar· ed No.1. Wheo the Jadpt were beloc •v· poidtecl, l .... 1o the ol •he TD Xl7JU)s.B OOJfSPI&A.OIBS Ill u..t.ABD. ZacuUoo. ol '1'lDi Kelly. Tbe "GUARDIAN'' belar allret.e'- la.uraaceCtuepaaJ,.-er'l!all&boee adnntagea mot\ cleairable to lllllli'Orl, ria., uodoobted ai"UIIIty. fa .... We wrme aad pi'0111pt aetU-eot. of elal .. tor lpea l'he D.lldemped p leted for Newfo•V'dluciiCa to •· 101 Poliolla.;..a-1- bJ ..t:\'!L:'rf"'1 Df6r '-sJ• 1 J oo bad ud n.e followillf tri(ll will be tlte eame, , r elleep. e•oept. art. Ute lira rouDd trip In Se1 .. d&rvtn8 &Dd Gilding.J te.btr the__. will DO\ be nqulred · r::rsiaa.PAIIMBO le elll&a braaoh'1. to 10 Nanla o(ltt:•; bd Oil ud s-ld to ootport orclera. olter tbe ItA trtjl PI are&, ma• call u an Harbon'iW' s.u.u ud a. · nCoto•IUte,aoduttd &b'f to point. l repro- for TbtJ aaeeoL· eel, aad aeUcl - to IIOCIIInat.l a man. ..eel f ormeriJ of llalber G..-. 1f\o Ia t-"1 lu all ooaoeroa 111! 1 ucl wbo lOfM &blllaDd. Ue worked ..... , MC1 .,.. 4eolartd 110011d to 111, 1\e ' In& DCilltloo potecl to 911r 8lb, U.e .a.o.ta ialeo IIi .zt"n to o11r oil. Good au ......... podliYert, aocl there· . lon l oooldeodr ballne thaC we, .Uil ba"o tiM 'lrtl plaoe wtaeo &he trial Tbe Tlmolb7 Kelly, tbe lut of the Irish ln- y!odblee ooocl-oed to deeth for tlie Dlnr· der of Hr. Tllomu llenry Rorke. wu banced b7 Marwood la KllmAh: haoa Jail at II o'clock oo SaturdaJ 91b Jane. Uu the foor men who went to t bc-«old before him follbe -• eri111e. Kelly wi&b011t tile ellgbteel trace at Mr or tiMid- itt. He mad• DO lletelllent and wrote nn le&lart after Mnteoee wu palled. He diol DO' &ppetlf to folly realbe the awful t>Oii· uot. lA wlaloh be WM'ptaoe<:. ho' hla 1plrit· ..-dll1 broqftt him hlto that fr111e ol mlocl lo whlel> their mlnlltratlon• wef.llkel7 to 1DIIl ,.Ub eo-. lie moa' to llle prfeeta ""'' lia(art Of WhO Ylailfd hi111 nauJarly ll.e clflland011 of •II who carat lo cou: tea wl&b "I• ,._ be i11111rely p .. lteat. 'l'llen etroooaetafteM -eeted wi4 ... elaitecl •• -re die' rA •111 of e .. n. •• •ery I u tbe Ato,U ronned by the tnrv.Jp., ol ttl. conidor towarda lloo )'Ud piA 1 Marwood had b.leo walliDJC. Aa tllo ad · nooed be .u.pped furwara. iaiMd bla ha.od u a 1ipal for a hal&, &Ad approaohiog the oou .. lct 'V!bceeded at o_, to , pinloo bill .,.,.._ 'l'lle JOIUll ... ..,., liaohed or eveo looked at tbt •eaecat.iooer, aod he HbmltUd •itlto•t a '"'-· '- Warwood indicated &bat lte .,.. read.J, Md the pi'O• coellloo acal• _ .. ..t forwai'Ci Jnto the yard, lhe Uoftt1Mir, flob-&leri.I,JIII\ d,och•r alune retnainiur a' thefCIM of the lead· fa' to U.. drop. Warwood bla prefJI'ralloft& wltll toanelto- NpldiiJ. He , JAIIa · s. WlliTKB. · ' T.l 1 l&t .Jolua'a. OB'IPH llaH iiP. bd oariolet Ia l.llelr O.tLle Harbor for HtrriDs F'lllbery ' 1 1 . Tb.,.:...- .. Jfllja'a Ud _.... ;...,_ __ dariDI 6e o( &MI.Labrador .... nae. Mel will-" &M uaal ..u. In &M 8&iahl · follow. ..... ,tiDI" with s..IM d 1 JkulellatW: .su.c. B&.-, ...,.., ... 'rortaa, J.•oe I l'4MIP, a.-. .. , 8.kY, f:llf..., CJapla.ut- 1 aad..&.._ll ..... (1-u Pott Otlolt, } 1M. 1*'1, .. 1 .. 1888. 14. _,... of ...... , ............ .. . wed. DUrietld ... ..... ... : ..... clollb' .. ftl• will Ill ........ Ia 11011111• , .... 'nat':! Dew Utile ..... , .... .................. ..................... _ .. 1MJ Ill ........ 'fbe niDI el tWa .. ...,. w 1 eloeMIII ............................ ............ Clfllll- ......... ., , .... , ....... .... .... , ..... ... ....... ,_ "" ...... io "behe ...... .. - ..,.. , .... w. i ...... tllrte tfiMI Wl,cJ, U.. lrt& two trialt dta- ., ....... ,.. .. , ,., ••• .... all u.. ..._.eel ..... "" AIIJ or olre• tile uoooe """-""•ooll lo,'a-. aiKI•t!:er pqe to lett U.. tlnhl oil •h• &Wok llelllrea rope, \hb eatne .be haoJ -' pred-· em.' A qeiok au:lio1111 aaa- to& the well· lllftntrfd loop, a l'll)oid ..... to ld .. a<Je o( Ute -'u&d •• rl plol jotrll elllarpood'allp' '-d. _. ... chad. u ... ........ ,. .... ,.. br lllfellaal _., eotltf., eoalcl llull llilla .... qolot or u... td •• .. I IMI.II •• ...... !IIIIi. ..... ftet, ..... ......... ........ _. ""• .. u. '"

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F.uo's l''ntit S .tiL, Q11inino W ino K ..:lllin;;'• lhb •ct l'uwt.lcrs T hoan a\.\·a l!:lectlic Oil )\.,y Jlu ou, l:kultliHl, Hi,.ingSu n DlllcklacJ Nixey'a JIJ,,olc lcaJ, (.;Jmmui~ l:ikius lkonlto, (J..,J, J Lead , lloun.wick l.lluck L~.,r's E l •• ~~ •" I n Ja.• l{n liLc · \ .. rui:~b fur II ""••lUI, Lk a &>o l?ul i~tb l'lothc» Brn •hod, ll~nJ Un u 'lo::1 1-l!iil lh•. '('.>· •~I· do. Sh~,·io;; uo. Dr£".1st lt oli<l•"crll' \J.L:~wr Vii f'C r l:·•lloll. ,lo . in ~otLICII IJuu rL P l .. ~tor, (.;.,), I \.:•"·"" I ' >11 Li.-ur Vii pur !;"lion Jo · in h.)t~cs Urcu. Combs, 1-'ontl Cvuot.~. (.;'" '"' y ;:,.·cJ l 'onccntnlLcJ Ly,•, I:!.Jttlc l ·uo k, l 'n!.tru o f T.1r t.ur , E n.:tu•s Ul) c•·• inc Ynrnituo·el'uli~h ,0 to .... u u '"" r .. llq]_toy ) ut14UUI l•'.:cJiug Uvttl•·•. }{, cuKL U cs u .. w~o.:tOiue,l\. ,.yt~ t.:ul\,;nlrortr;·t..eou . Po..1!1 Lulltl J 11ice, L oquoric••, ~) .. chonu Uil ­!llucll&g"• ~ tpp lc.· fur F.·L-<Iing Bo 1Lie11 ~cat...fom V •l. ttc .l un•l y ,.l\..,w O.:h ocs

ry P uin t., -all '"·"),.,., P q.,. \Jiuy P ull Jj.,x,•_a 11nJ l' ull"~. l'i n k lt .. uL }• ,atnic..: St.ouu, 1{'-..,ltl , s ... l. p, Ulu-lls ~ l ,.1 U il p: r g" lluu, ti ll. 111 hutllf'K ::).d , .,f L,ul•tu ,S.ll q ..-tn:.:";owlhllt p .,.,.J,., l..i u ru ::)udlttc, Su,.cr llu ' " '• l · . .,lilo Suo•)• TLIJIU)':IJ II·,. Mnlluw :-).ott )' u,._,..,., \V ou·l~vo· ol ... l:l_>ecriuc tlo. t ',u-twnat.t• v f :-ithiK, \V ,.,,uu•c L: 1 y~tt.d Sparila uf T uqoui.Lout•, ::!I' . .J,Ju o:;M ~;hoe ::; , ,,.. • .,, T :ohlc S • .Jt • .\l .. t l..-o "s P la•t"' ' A.: :;r. ·~ P"r""~ P l.v.tco . T '' 1-o olc Ac11l ~:,. •. , ....,uf L.,n••uo, T vu lh Pu,.J cr~ P·

Cu,ml V arui~b , V " ' ' ' l=''r• Cu p.,r>UI £:, \ rActul Lugwl)()ll, \ :o·uu u.J .1 ... .t'I J " "s· [ uJ inn · oh ·t•, \V ~ I.J>uu'a :)chui.,Jwu :'>l r5. A llcn'11 H nio 1:'-"'l''"" A yt-r'll Clourry P cc10oul, Ayt·r·~ Sa o-AnJ•II•· H ,d..,"y's Hu-wlvuuL. Bo II ••It Uol l tiJ.,

,Jo. ll1.'11dy l<.·h cf. ( :UclouUK Hrowu·snroo ~Ju .. l l' •·ocl..-... r l•H iJ a \\':~ter llr ..,wu' a (.;lolor..xi11w, A yer·~ li"'r \ · ig•>r. ~l.utlro:u'il'cuthin~ ltiu;;~t,l-:0,. P oppuruoi ul llonrya ( !,J couf'·l \l n,;u.-Mit> Hdlu w&y'11 Vin\ute uL, II.ol lo way"a l'iiiK Cocltlll'll Ptlla, llnaH'II <ill. Norton'• d o. p,.,-.un'11 tio Ayer'a t.lo i\l u ro isuu'" do }J.adw11y'a do Wilt~ uu • · J o J uiuuo n'a A11otlyno T.i11utmt J o KoaLiuga Congh l ..uzl.'ugc.~

rlo WormTallluto~,llluslllng Linime nt W.;odill'• Worm Loll<!ngea !duLean'a Ve rmifuge, .Motlicuroentu m Morehead'• :MRgn e t.ic PJ ... ter J'oor :uan'11 F riend, R otli'11 R4L P oison R ull&i.ll Salvo, l:ipiri t. Flualla ~hcri•lt.n'a Coutlition l'llwder 1\iotwol'a Lime Juice anJ UlyC4'r ino A largo I\IQOrUncut of ltimmel '11 t>"rfurnc Sinale ton.a G olden Eyu Ointment 'Vilaona Cberry Dal~~&m, Voile t l'llwdor,

Jo Soothing Syrup Wiaalowa do. Smokiatt Tobaooo, Pipee. P onknivoa Paper Eonlo~ P en-. Pencil• Writin& and Marking luke Tobaooo Poucbos, Oamel Penoila So&ling Wu, Cigotra .A.miUne Dyea in 6J. packacu


yeur I Si :>. t.o Lhe Sban:bolden Ill tUe A nu ual, on,27Lll May, 1:>7!>, a t whi..:h I:Jem~AN Hall,F.q., pnmideJ. slooweJ, in the Dividerd and Uvnu~ 1\l I Joo IIIlO togethor Of 16 ver coml. WllS dL-clu red, £14,035 being oor.r­a·icJ furwa~rJ

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lor £ 2:!:!,4 ' IS ; aml tha~ tho Li!o l<'and, vy th" adJi tion, m"Jo t o it 11 the reaulL ul tloo yc..r· .. upcn•tions no• rer-·tt Gi .!l pe r ccnraff tho en tiro net Premi•me n.--cdv..:J on .. cry polacy iu force.

The surplus Laluuco in the Fire Ac-­_..cvu ut wa& . ho• ·n to l,o £ 107.5!>9, out ol wloich £~0,0Uf} "''118 " J'J'FOJ'ri,..ted to Su~1•·u~•· \l-couut , r 11iHing tL•L Account L<~ £I l fl.OUU " '" ' .... , Ieins; with ~he Rf'· \Cn-•· ~-.,,J and .Sat .. ncc cnritd forwanl t:! I. OUU.

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II Y..\1> OHIGES : LoNoos-1 Moor-pte SUeet A DI:UOI!IIN--3 Kllll( S&.rllllt.

[n~urancoclfectedon Pro~rt.y 10 New. t ounclland at C urrent:Katee or P~ r .. ium.

P~ospoctutea.-Forme of Apptlcetlo11 for Firu ontl Life lnallrance and all oLhor 1 nf,>rLDa llon \:AID be obtained al the Ollico of

A. 0 . HAYWARD St. lo...,·e, J.c .. l lor Nld

Guardian FIRE ~ .LIFE

Assurance Comp'ny OF LON.l>ON.

.esf.\ULISIUD 18~1.

SuUCUIIII'!I"I C.I.PITAL. ... ..... .(i,OOO,OOO 8ta 1'0TAt. IMU.-r£D Ft:IWI Ut·

lfAI!DS OP ....... ....... ..... 1,760,000 " All•u.u.I.JICOlllt' UPII'AIIOI 011 860,000 "

i ' 1 •


Harb.or Grace Stove Depot -Aloi)-

Qlaae1 '1'iA. Jlaod_,.. lliat&bl.l..ahmeD.t. .. . To the eut of l'deur1. Jonlt NUNW .r. Co'L

Mercautilc Pr.,rultoa.)

C. L. KENNEJ)Y batokful for putfaYOWS, .. iahea to loCorm

the inbtoWUIIoiA ul thle w•o and tho on I· porte generall7 that he lou rt!Cenlly rcC"I'ived aod lou POW n:r.<l7 fur i111pectioo a large •ari~:ty of StovestStoves!Btoves! with all the lateat i.@lproYerDeota-comJoril· inl( Cookiu~. t-•aucy, Fraaldin aud llall StoYH. totre\her with GRA'It:S aad F1T­Tl!\GS of all a&Ra.

Also, a ene .-orlnlent of the newet' atylea io GO l'lllC GlLATt:.S (Britiah aaJ Aa>erlcaa.)

'111e Subtcnber bu likewiM largelJ addo!d to )ia fonner 1toek <>f EDrliab HARUWAR~. GLASSWARE, eto., et.c. Amerieao C.t. Wrought ud Fielaltiolf NAILS of all aiaM,. alwap kept oo haoJ toaetbtr with ftiop and &rew1, Door aad (.;loee& Loolll.

Io ~iuoo to doe a"bon, be bu Jolt re­teind a 1opply of PAINTS of all oolurt LINSEl:O Ol L abd TU llt'EN fiNE u well .u Wiodow GLASS (all a-) ud

PUTI'Y. l: n. folio~ anlcltt, d othere too oaweroa. to epedf7 are alwaJI kept io 1tock: AMaioan Acllee aad Hatobeca. Sheath, attd Beltoa, ~ Varalab J......_Ringt .ad BDckloa, Ttuak Yurolture Vanriab, \Yallboarda, Broo.­~Nai, Sorwbblar, ~ • ., Olo&bee Wool~ 'CoelSouU.W.. Shonla, Cotree ,.ina, ct~ LiDoa, \Y alar P.U., Kcroee11e Oil, 1-s-, Htlfllers aod Cblm·

DIJL ' GROCERfEi.--C4ee, Soa[>a, MateJa•

etc., eto. d"'l'o all of wbl.ob lAapectiollla lo.ttAd.


No.-. 4.

e~RR~ACES ·!

EEA: . V<'eQ'Eital~-~OI,LU!IoU ......

.HAIR RE R - U..AntpnpuaUoa ~·,.... lo ..,......._ at u.e -'Po~ ...... ... ...,.. - ot faded ... .,.., .... lO ... """""'-' cookw, crowUa. ... :rou&lafal .. .,.

'' .... u.a ... ,~m~~ ""'-..... oo t.u, .-an .- ,...w..uu ....,al 1« U.a ,....,u -t at U.. loalr ,a.oo4 ecalp. lf..&.u.'e au:swxa lll.u oc.a4117CJ'OWII lafa¥01', .... opna.dll& ,.._ ... ~..w-10 .. .,. qurtar ot U.. fl)c>be. 11& uparal-

le"!'l ·- call .... a.urillu.d to btll ,.. _ , U.dllrt./i&{P.aal'lrU.,....~ ~

no. ,.-opriel<ln laa•• otlcD ~ ovpn.t.l " ...... "' at ordeR 11"0111 ...- ........ lrleo, WII4N Ula7 liN DC.,., llllllle aD dr011,., Ill laUo4adloL no ue toe a obort u- of H.l u.•a JUn

1\DKWKJI WODdetfDIIJ horo- Ul• pa­-'ap~ lld-U..~pfi'Obl all WJIVI\Ioo,...,.., all blUIIIOn, lonr, ull ...,_, u4 Uau p-1& ...w- u .U.- u.o w.Ue..ed clucil, aocl ooabkll u.- 10 ,_ 1 forW&r\1 & ..., • ....t t1po111 ...,.a. no aJr~ o1 Ulla article .... -uauoiOlll, 11\o &baM ot aJooltolle ....,...... UOtoa, bul Nlllllln a Jon'" u-. •blda wahe , ...... a-uuot __ ,_


WHISKERS Will cbanp 11M bean! "' a ultllal ~ wblack.u.S.I...t. l'pro4ooocaa_n, color Uaa& wilt-wula a'"'J· ~ot a oln&k propuallo ... ll II applle.l wll.bolll li'Otlbla.


R. P. IL\LL & CO., lfuhlla, I. H. &oiJ bf all Dealcn lu )Jedlduel.

lroR ALL Tllll FORHS • 01'

'~cn~~oJ--. ._....... aD4 I Bt...SD....,..._

"'" -..e ,.....,, ..__ u.. c.=:"•~

Ayer's Sarsaparilla. S<tiJ br on JlrUn1•tt : e•. ""' 11ou1 .... ~



1888. · . LABRADOR S-;;;;;r jtrnJk, to lea ...

&. Jobo'1 oo 9th July, calling at Harbor Grace, theooe to St. Ao&hooy, Salmon Rlur, and to a.aal porta of call io Stralta ; to Battle Harbor. ~

. . . . . Jliscellaneous.

(~. 1M Mrratr~, J- ~) • ' '·

• •xriaa miii JUCaava AD4 ~ ~~J'O AJI •DDB-1 . __ .- --

. Tbe pobllcd1100111tralioo of lu' lfeDill(, 111 ooutetioo wltb the preaen&atioo ·of AD A~ ol Welc:ooM to Mir An1broee Shea, ~ mon thao a lltere paeeiog 1ipideaoa.. ~· 't'IIIKeu•ben •"• took part iu t bo torch· liaht ~. aod the eatl.uaialiooa dla· played.lbowed coeoi"'YtiJ the pop'ilar ap· preclatioeoUiaeMO'beoiSir AmbroaeSbea u Coanalalooer •' I be Fiaberiee EzhibiLioo. Uodtr h~ able ud eoerretio ~emeoL. the Coloo7 baa made euch a diaplaJ of ita prodocte Llaat itt obaracter1ul!llab-prodac­~ cou:~lrJ, bu at leap been placed before tile world Ia Itt true lljltL New­foWidlaod bu been bi'Oaght to the froot. aad eao oncr agairr be drino into tlae obecurit7 to wbic:b lt wu ao loog condemu· ed. lL ia oow koowo u eo~lled to.~e fi'Oot I"Dllk amoog the liabio,- couotrie• of the world. Tbe cbancter of th• couotry geaer~llrl:ou beeo hnrneuaely etc rated and ita fair fame Yiadlcated. 'fbo alteoti~ll uf tho world baa belen drawa to it u au ialaod rich Ia Dltural reeoare01 u Jill undnelop­ed, and baYing a great lutare bclfore iL Sir Ambrcec Shea bu merited well of bla cooolry; lor bJ word IUld deed be baa laboured lh'eDIIoaaiy and aoccealfolly to place it oo the lair pedetlal wblob i~ oow oocaplta. The Apleadhl demooatr1boo of Jut.enoin~ will be aceepted u an expr8-alon of ar~mudo, oo the per\ ol oar people. toward• Sir Ambi'Oac Shea for bia pe&riotio aef\'icea, l&lld alao u an eodoraatioo ol the PoliO! of ProirtA which the Cw•enuaenL han iartiaUd..

At about !I o'clock luL e•eolor a great a umber or people, beaded b7 the Stt.r of the Sea &od, appeared bCICore Sir AmbroM Sbea'• re.!deoce, tbe 1tf0Uodl arouod beiog brilliaatiJii&hted. Tile cbairmao of lht geo­eral committee, &lr.Broderick,theo addre.­ed tbe coecouree, ref1rrioc to \he tllfricea n:odered to Newrooodland by Sir Ambro10, espruaioe the aatiafaotioo bi• couolrJ fell for the houor beltowed upoo bim. a ad cloain~t by uklag the Secretary, Mr. Haod, to read the addrou, wbic:b wu dooe.

Roood after roaod re~pooded t.o &be chalrmaa'a ~ of "Ulree cbeer1 for L~ "· ao.1 lu ..,...,.,., """

lf'illleuir.D came orwara &Ad 1poke aboat u follow• :-GE.KTLEKCK.-

o•r dii~J - of wealtJl, and • agy leaaible o~nal!,I'Hr ll,ro "ill beeure or Ull~ fi'OOl ~ the '111e Rallwar, It bu beeo aid, will oot be ftolalt~. All eo~h ltfdt llod~ortaklop hue lhelr 11119M pldi .. lty, butauoh DIM' uol be ,...-ded ..-.mtaw fail- 1'\e ltdaibitioe will f"M&ly utlat to ltlain.taln h. Caphalittt wb.> aro lntel"'llted io &hla ltailwt;f,euwioed oar nbibill, aud di!CIIaml tlou aucba oooo· lr)'bad a manlloal future aud woatJ lUI tala a Railway. Tbc Bn. Ur. Hanof• book cootributed 111ucb to the ad\'"aot&(e of &bil Colony, aad we owe hloo IDUcb. h rcrno•· ed the folf tloat obecurod 10 laf11817 the ooeotal Yi6ioa or the Brillab public. '11U• book baa auraoted atteolioo to &b~ co•• a try wbi~ it 00\'11: bad bef~ro. and baa diaai~t­ed error from lbe mioda of the Hnt.U.b pablio. Tloia oouolrJ oe•er bad eucb bftaht prD1pectt u oow. The Hallway it lore to bel coaopleted. Tbe Ury Dock it rapldl1- p~.--iosr, aod if weare ouly truo to Oareolnt, a~ereat. future iaio etore Cor 111. I bad an lutorriew with tho Adrniraltr. 111d thtJ will ..,od tbeir 1hipa to oar Dock. '!'bat II nrJ iloportaot, for !Daoy ob•ioua re&IOoL Tile ltailroad will irupron our Ia ada, open oar minea, aud epraad ita beoe· tlt1 over all, rrprdl«* of aectiuu or factioo . Tbo mcrcbaote ia J::nsrlaod eeL a ooble ex­a mple,•aod thoM here who oppo10d tbe poliCJ Of prof(,_ will, 1 hope, find that in tbe reeol&a of lho Yijtoroua aod well-direot­ed elrort.l of the Gonra ... eol the7 art ebaror1 io beaeft&a U•e7 failtd to aala& aad willleen11 to appreciate U!e wildom of i.boso whoM m .. u,.. were eucce.fel io 1pite of their C!lldeaYora. 1•m oot prepued at &Ilia momn• to aa.wer JOor 6at..,rlog addreu u it dNerYoa to bel, but 1 1ball t.tlr.o au early opportunity to do 10, and ahall &heo thaok JOO, 1 hope 6Wogly, ADd explain all that 1 buo learaed. aeeu, aod beard, u 1 pi'OrDi.ted to do at our lut me•tior. Yoo hare ~fefTed to tbe title beatowed apoo me bJ our jtrlciOill Queen. I do r~l proudolil; fCO!I proud of ituaoatift, 111d the ftr1l fiabcnuau who e•er recoived tbe bono~ ; reel proud of the title bccaaiO 1 k'?"w it to be acoeptable to 10 LDIDY whoee lneodlbip 1 eojoy. Ourdratiuiea aro ill our owo baoda, aud we aros recruol iC we do oot work tberu out. Tho prize il too gttat ~ tr.'fte with. and tbe people aboald recog­D_IU I';' nl uo aud ·~· lha\ their Rcprceeuta­U'fO GOYeroment d1d DOl fail to meet their flrt• domand.t anti NPiratiooa.

Hepeated and UfltDt reqouta were maae to Sir Wm. \Vhlteway to addre11 the uaembiJ, aod hia ap(ltarance wu lho al~oal for heariJ -:ad general applauae. 1111 remark• were brtuf a ad to the poilll.. They were u follow• :-Gi:~-n.£Nitf,-

the Lon:l-U.oteout. &Ad a_..,.__, rial ftl allo f-ted b! &ale ......... of r &he Pr!.oDflW Aiel Socie&.y, .... ,. of .,.._ , ant poeld" ill their dtelara&ioa .U. t.1aeJ aaw &he priloeei-et the m..Uq oltlae-.. ci~tT · ' oo' Sle na&.r el Slat Stll ; ot .lb7 ., a& tiP'- o'oloilt MI. ... .a...a. Vanu, the n-pr..Wn' of die


eoci~t7, heeded a depota&loa to FAd~ SptuC41r at lbe Viceregal .Lodrt W. Oil Frlda,r plght, aod maae IIU'oog nr!W ro­praen&aliou. but Ilia ~oellaoo1 ooold ool7 reilerllte the ollofal replJ which had bel eo already _,, Uuooab the Ullder S.O. reiMy, to &he etrec& that &be law mua ~ itt co~rte. Mr. Vari&A waa aaoor Uae crowd ootaide Kihnalobam Jail 011 SatordaJ u1oroing, aod be puled eaprlJ from ooe to uo&ber of thOM'Wbo ~t be~ to how 10methlor about ollelal decuiooa, ukiog if there wu ao7 hope ot a reprine.

'l'he aathoritlu uticip.&ed &baa th«e woald bel a allabl roYiRI of die pabUo u.. terest ia the uecaUoo ol Kell7. aacl tha& there might be a p&heriAr u lup • tha& whiob waited for aa boor ooe.lde &he ja1l oa Wbit Moo~y moruior to ... &he aipa1 of Br&dJ'• death. Io ~ aotlaipadoo, bow­our, tboy were wi'Oog. At oo t.lme did Ule crowd uc:eod 2000, a ptberior ool7 half u large u that of \Vblt Moo~7. ud abo~ lhe l&lllO aiu u tbu which wuc:hed , ....., boiatlog of tho flag wboo Curle7 wu baoged oo tbe fo'!rth o( MaJ. llaDJ· of &be moat atrlklo& leatorea of the former crowcla '"'"' oa Sat.om7 cooeplcuoa. tiy \bolr

. The groap ol WOIDia who lauo boon pre~~ at at the preYioa. esecoLioDieaJ­l~ the 1"01&1'7 oo the laland Urldge Road were oot &here on Satur&y. T\ere wero uooe of KeiiJ'• relall,oelo &he Malty, aod there' were fewer~ of ucitemtof. Tlto weather wu mapa8ccot, tbe eao •aiWalog fol1h from an almoet aoclooded HJ, aad a liabt wiod blowiog from &he eou&b-weat. Wheo &be ~ wu hoiated ra.o7 of &be crowd, wbicb mcladed a lam oamber of rea~table artuana aod we11-d~ fe­malea, '-u~fored, aad aenral belt, tho mOlt co icuoa. per10o preaoot belog a WOOl&D, w o wu uid.oUy either lot.od­cated or labourlog onder deep exclteme'ot. aad wbo knelt aud called for the coree of tbe Almight7 oo Jamea Cerey. Sbe wu epeedily uahered Ia to a uelghboriog pablic . houae by her frieod& There waa oo other iocidcot of cooaequence. lodeed It is 11 remarkable fact that at oooe of tho OUCU• uuue, a&WUUKU wo o&uwo. \NU .... IMQ. ....,

aadoabtedly roa;"h elameot, bu th~n~ been aoy call for tbo luterfereoce of the poiiC41. The otlloiall have diaeb~d their duty in the moel court.!oua aod careful manoer. The force of cooslablea oo Sa•umymoro­iog waa doubled, hut oo ooe aecmed t.o lake ootiC41 of tbelr preaeuoe. 'fbe roard of Greoadior1 ill the <.;ourt-Uo1111and arouod the j:Ul wu ao~mented b7 a force of flft7 mea of tho Somereetehlre Regimeot, wbo marched onr from Richwood aboat baJf. put IOYeD, and eotered &ho ptel of the eouanee to tho llo,U H01pllal. Tbe doore were abat., aad oo aile woold ban euepect· ed the prNtoce of thla body of I.I'Oope. Ar...,r the 6111 bad be co ftJiog from the ftag­a&atr for tweotymioutu the foadwaJI were 't.ID1oet deaerlod. At olue ll'oloek the d.i.a­mal emblem of death wu takco d<>WD,

'acver agaio to bel hoiated, It il boped, in coooeclloo with aoch ao appalllog crime.

l'ttocu.Duco No1m1.- From' BaUle Har· bor to Spear Harbor, Frtoclt Harbor D1gb&, Square lalaodl. Dead hlaad, Veaiton Ia­lud, Uolaten Rook, l'aoch Uowi,Batteau, lodiao '.l'ick.le, Gr1Yly, ud .then diree& to W!ohe lksn, Jadlaa Harbor, Bake Apple Uiabt, Brie Harbor Raaod laludt. Maa· uock'e hland, ... an:..ioi-Ialanda. Wlo10r'1 Harbor aod Nalo, (t.o 'bla lilt Port ooly two tripe wW be made).

.bruUIJIO SocmL-Callill(at Cape Har· ripu, Hopedale, Wia.or'a Harbor, Tum•· viet hlanda, l.lack,.Stnwberf1,'t laland, Loll( 'nolle, RoJer'• Harbor, Ad· oarict. Beged .lalaoda, .Tiger Tickle, Cape Harritoo, Sloop eo ... Sletp Tackle, Holtoo, ~lly Harbor, White Deara, Scookey1ickle, Bake Appl" Bial:t, lodiaa ttubor, 1Ucoolet40, Tob Iaiaod, !Ddlu Iaiaoda, Peak'• Ilarbor aod ludepeudenL, the two lea& plaoee a"lteroately.

Long lllaDd and Soal.b.JPAa~ Cove,

labould bel more or leu thao batuan if I did uol fffl profouodlJ &bil 1pler.did recogoitloo of m1 aeniceL It 11 not, I koow. a mere puaioR compliment. but an cxl'rouioa of tbaokfuloeu for our per­mAnent aod great eucetu at ~he 1-'iaberiea J::xhibitioo. aod a teetimoor or your appro­bAtioo of tbe lio•e romeot'a choice or a ocm­raialiooer. We han ool bcleo diuppoiott~d with tho result. We have oocopied a credi&ablc poaitioa. We had, u yoar cbair· maa bu •aggated, the aolid material bebilld oa,-&bellab. \he oil aod the hardy popalaUoo wbo catch them. 1 wu oenr 10 proad Of ID1 oalf"t'll lAud U at tbo esbibltioo. It wu oniJ wheo lhe wu brousrht ioto cootacL w;th tbe world thAt 1 .bin<> ber nlue. There are oo flab in tbe world u good u oore; aod no people 10 well tble to ca~ them. 1 t.old tbem at tho E .sbihitioo U11\ we bad 10,000 181era who coald oot be eqoalled Ia the world, and that the Doodee CompauJ with Ita tpleadld ate~mere coald oo4 oompete with oort aolll they hired oor 11:111. We bad, I tald, a law·abldio~t popalatloa. E•ery ..., la a polioemao to uphold &be lawa aad protect bia uaigbbor'• /roperty. Wbeo I Om treat acr011 eo •w the oalred apace allowed at to nhlbit Ia, I waa diabeuteo"ed. 1 feared we ooald oot till It up to make a creditable ahow ; bat 1 deteralloed to lr1; for I would oot euJrer m7 OOIIotry to be d.lacrodited. It ... a labor of lo•e. I reoeiYed DO peJmeot for my eemcea. I woald no~ take it. "Wbat wUl tb• people at home •1?" wu &he ooa.tant qaeatioo halted alyaelf. We did auc.lled, aad far be7ood m7 m01t IIUIJaiae upec&a· tioa.: oar dieplay waa the admir1tloo of all. I wu abl!' Nalated br the Old Cooo-

1 am 11lad to aee yoa here to-oigbt for many reuooa. Wbeo cbe Conrumeot look bact, And remerubf'r the coar.moote that were made io reference to the appoiotment ol a ropreaenteti•e to the Fiabcriu J::xbibltioa, and the great ruolta wbich depeotle-t upon a jadicioUI •oloctloo, JODr eodo,-.etneot of ouroouree. u maoiCeated bJ JOD to-uiJ~bt,la YerJ pleuiolf. We io New· foao~Jaod know that u a ftabiog ca an•f)' ODriiiiOOODd to oo othor in &be world, but we are recr-eant to oar dut7 ir we do ooL let the wbole world know It ' too-aod we h~Ye dooo 10 eleotually by our exbillite. t;ir .Ambroae bu tpoken of the progrealin meuuret of tho CoYernmool ; tilLy ll'ill go o•. '11IOM who la~red ai the ioception of lhoee meuure~ had a dltBcah tuk, bat theJ! IIllooeeded, aod oo power Ia New· foa,Jiaod cao oow pre,·enl their oomple· tio•, We relt ., the tlret, aad feel DOW tha&4~e alm~bouuil- wealth we poa~ l!"'ol'o ftabenea, Ia foreat.a, lo a,tricoharal ud )'Dioenllaada, aod in oar awrdy pop· olaliloo, woold eooo raiae &hia oouolry to a fore-t poe!U.oo among the oolooloe ol Great Oritaln. l ooeol ool 1'1'0\'0 to JOU­yon ' kaow It oow-that the Go•ero~ot Uke 1ork bCIU.U than talk; aod I •1 it wiiJ fO 0\' and OD io the path of pi'Or-. llbanlt JOD apia, oa behalf of the Gof· era-at for tlloe eodoreemeot of their pol­lay, ud teoder mJ heartltll coqra.tula­tion• to Hlr A.wbroee Shea opoo the 1accou be baa achieved u our oooarniuiouer, aod the· manll4r Ia w.,iob lie lau d..ieobaqed the duti01 lf that ollloe.

Meaowbile lidioR• were 8gtrlf1awalted from the ioterlor of Kihnaiubt.lll. , lA a few minolel It leaked oat tiW tbe coo•jct had died like bla ueociatea io crime wltll ~'"' brmoeu. He reUred earl7 to r11t oo Fri· day olght. aDd roee betweeo the aod a:a: iA the woroioi, duoUng bioaaeU to thej)lnw­al of bia praJer-booft oatil the arrinl of tbe pri~ wbo were to l ead him In bll lut ~ of dnoUoo on &bil earth. A\ 20 mioat. to 1 \he Rov. Caoon Keooedy and the Un. Father O'Reilly eotered the pria· oo, aod the doomed man immediately af· terwarda aooompaaled them to the email obapel. wbieb Ia olOM to tbe cell which be ooeupitd. There their dno~oa. were Dll· iotem~ptod till nille millatee to eiab~

altema\elf. Orai7. BlaCk bland, etch -.ltema&e trip. ]ndian Ticklf'. Domino aod Batteaox, alternately. Panch Bowl. Seal Jalaode , and Oomfort' BigM, al-


lrJ member1 of our IIIAit'ODD.Llle llno1; theJ hat<e oo&hioa bat cood· will for lbla couotry, IUld are deelrooa of belplag it, aod wo o•o them mach .lac their co-operatioo. With them 1 clitcll-d the pruent aad falura alate or thla oouotry, &Ad ehowed that che policy of &ha pr-ot Gonro111eot teoded to the l le-nl~ of tho -'t1 for wluter

Boleter'• Rock. · Veel.too bland.

, .lp kJM1 aod at,. lee of Tub Barboc and Snug HarbOr, alter· na~d bland.

WlRR£1 fiHITMAN . OI'IQit,wblob wu the weak epol iD the ~ •• u they ..Jll11etr to tbelr COil Wiater C1'editcaa oaly be dooeawaf with by em­ploymll~ io iadu*'-aae.IO. the bberiu, and th- woolcl be lb'e oolooaM of the

M &be eloee of 6ir William'• apeeob be wu_agala wanaiJ•pplaoded. 'fbree cheere haYIOjt boeo gino ror Ladr Whltewar. abo bowed her acknowledvmeal& Ur. Boone wu repeatedly called for, t.ut ooald no& bel fouod ; and; • · God San tbe Queeo" tan­log ~·Q plaJtd, o .. of the urr• damou­atra,IOOI OYI!r teeD bore wu qoletl7 dia­pened. All theproceediuga •••• conduct­ed lt1 an orderiJ manner, Mtlla h<*touring Sir AnobrOM. bi1 fellow-ciU&eol baYO bou­oul'ld lhe"'MM vee

o'clock. wbeo the low toll ill~: ol a bell aD• nouoced to the priat IbM boll{ or ~.~ ... cutioo wu at haad. At .U -• momeo~ Chief· Warder Seule ai>C)IIr'ed aL &he door, and bowed to Caooo · Keooed7, a algaal which wu obeYed b7 the priea\ •tepplor forward to &be ltneeliog IliAD anil iDdicaUng to him tha\ he moe' leave the obapel. A. theyiUoved forward the ~licioaa uerclaee were not \be rllpGMOt of the litany cumiog dilliootl7 from Kelly, wbo carried a orocifU In hia baad. lu &he mat corridor tho prOCIIIIoo waa fonoed, the l&lDe order llli111 obaernd Ill 90 all tba pre,·lo• OOCIIIo-. ow.f.\Vanler Searle ted tbe ••1· t.N ,n.-a aad theft tile do.-i -• Followed, ..A.a.._.... t"• Sub-~ (Mr. O.W.bJ), U.e ao..r.or (~h·. CJIItha), aad die doetor (Mr. \Y. A. Cart..), In ttl. order ..-1. tile P'llllll­beln~t broua;ht ttl' b) ....... , .....,., ...t'~~~ wandted. ScrammJ Say.

Bepalrbig aud Painting Ship Harboc, eecb alternate trip.

,_..i.ed to aJn ~D. ._ of P"ilbing Ship'• Bubor. fiOC.It ,ahrDJI oa baad. . ) J'randa Hal bor lJiall&.

\ Little Bariloe'. , ·SecOnd-Hand_ Carrialf8S )(array aod Spear Harbon, akernaa.

- D 11 , and. ~eooe to • &we Jlarbcw.

meuol'"ll ol tM preaeol Goreromeol Tb­ritwa want ~ oeetroYerttd; oor do o11r mereutlle frie114a la Eorfud -teet the potidoo that &he people oo the epa&, wbo ere eYtrJ·deJ wl'-8 olthe aii"'OlrQataoooo &bet ariae, ere the beft jadjrH ol the m-ree aod pollo7 by wl\iOb &be .colooy llloold be ro•.r..d. Oar..._ .ere declar· ed No.1. Wheo the Jadpt were beloc •v· poidtecl, l .... 1o the <.,~ ol •he


ZacuUoo. ol '1'lDi Kelly.

Tbe "GUARDIAN'' belar allret.e'­En~tllab la.uraaceCtuepaaJ,.-er'l!all&boee adnntagea mot\ cleairable to lllllli'Orl, ria., uodoobted ai"UIIIty. fa....We wrme aad pi'0111pt aetU-eot. of elal .. tor lpea

l'he D.lldemped bllritla~• p leted for Newfo•V'dluciiCa to • ·

101 Poliolla.;..a-1-bJ 'IN.~•'_'_

..t:\'!L:'rf"'1Df6r'-sJ•1 J oo bad ud n.e followillf tri(ll will be tlte eame, , r elleep. e•oept. art. Ute lira rouDd trip In Se1 .. d&rvtn8 &Dd Gilding.J te.btr the__. will DO\ be nqulred

·r::rsiaa.PAIIMBO le elll&a braaoh'1. to 10 Nanla o(ltt:•; bd Oil ud

~ s-ld to ootport orclera. olter tbe ItA trtjl PI are&, ma• call

~. u an Harbon'iW' s.u.u ud

a.·nCoto•IUte,aoduttd 1ft~- &b'f to point. l dt~~~~aodecl repro­for ~wfouadlud. TbtJ aaeeoL·

eel, aad aeUcl - to IIOCIIInat.l a man. ~ ..eel ~r. ~~'.. formeriJ of llalber G..-. 1f\o Ia t-"1 lu all tba~ ooaoeroa 111!1 ucl wbo lOfM &blllaDd. Ue worked ....., MC1 N~ .,.. 4eolartd 110011d to 111, 1\e' In& DCilltloo potecl to 911r 8lb, U.e lu~ .a.o.ta ialeo IIi .zt"n to o11r oil. Good au ......... podliYert, aocl there· .lon l oooldeodr ballne thaC we,.Uil ba"o tiM 'lrtl plaoe wtaeo &he trial eH~M. Tbe

Tlmolb7 Kelly, tbe lut of the Irish ln­y!odblee ooocl-oed to deeth for tlie Dlnr· der of Hr. Tllomu llenry Rorke. wu banced b7 Marwood la KllmAh:haoa Jail at II o'clock oo SaturdaJ moml~~t. 91b Jane. Uu the foor men who went to t bc-«old before him follbe -• eri111e. Kelly d~ wi&b011t tile ellgbteel trace at Mr or tiMid­itt. He mad• DO lletelllent and wrote nn le&lart after Mnteoee wu palled. He diol DO' &ppetlf to folly realbe the awful t>Oii· uot. lA wlaloh be WM'ptaoe<:. ho' hla 1plrit· uaf~rieere ..-dll1 broqftt him hlto that fr111e ol mlocl lo whlel> their mlnlltratlon• wef.llkel7 to 1DIIl ,.Ub eo-. lie ~itl lh~ moa' de~oat att~nllon to llle prfeeta ""'' lia(art Of lllt~1• WhO Ylailfd hi111 nauJarly ~ ll.e clflland011 of •II who carat lo cou: tea wl&b "I• ,._ ~ be ell~ i11111rely p .. lteat. 'l'llen ~ti'....U etroooaetafteM -eeted wi4 K~ ... w~ elaitecl •• -re l•t~'C'i•1tl die' rA •111 of u.~ e .. -a~ BfMt~ n. •• •ery

I u tbe Ato,U ronned by the tnrv.Jp., ol ttl. conidor towarda lloo )'Ud piA 1 Marwood had b.leo walliDJC. Aa tllo ~ ad· nooed be .u.pped furwara. iaiMd bla ha.od u a 1ipal for a hal&, &Ad approaohiog the oou .. lct 'V!bceeded at o_, to , pinloo bill .,.,.._ 'l'lle JOIUll ... ..,., liaohed or eveo looked at tbt •eaecat.iooer, aod he HbmltUd •itlto•t a '"'-· '-Warwood indicated &bat lte .,.. read.J, Md the pi'O• coellloo acal• _ .. ..t forwai'Ci Jnto the yard, lhe Uoftt1Mir, flob-&leri.I,JIII\ d,och•r alune retnainiur a' thefCIM of the •lllt~•tepe lead· fa' to U.. drop. Warwood oo-~eted bla prefJI'ralloft& wltll toanelto- NpldiiJ. He

, JAIIa·s. WlliTKB. · ' T.l 1 l&t .Jolua'a.

OB'IPH oi~.DDBN, a'~»--'pii~,Br. q~.

llaH iiP. bd oariolet Ia l.llelr O.tLle Harbor for HtrriDs F'lllbery _..,~l · '

11 •

• i't&(:jow~w.a~t, ~ .Tb.,.:...-.. ~W.: . wni ~'8L Jfllja'a -~:!!· Ud !Oaio.~U71

_....;...,_ __ .....,....,.....:~:.----- dariDI 6e o( &MI.Labrador .... nae. Mel will-" &M uaal ..u. In &M 8&iahl • ·follow. .....,tiDI" with s..IM d 1JkulellatW: .su.c. B&.-, ...,.., ... 'rortaa, J.•oe I l'4MIP, ~J:'f• a.-. .. , 8.kY, f:llf..., CJapla.ut-1

aad..&.._ll ..... (1-u Pott Otlolt, }

1M. 1*'1, .. 1 .. 1888. 14.

_,... of ...... , ............... wed. DUrietld ... ..... ... : ..... clollb' .. ftl• will Ill ........ Ia 11011111• , .... 'nat':! Dew Utile ..... , ....

i-!6:Z.J:t7•Ci=Fr~ .................. ~"'= ..................... _ .. ~ -~ 1MJ Ill........ 'fbe niDI el tWa ~ .. ...,. w 1 eloeMIII ............................ ............ Clfllll- ......... .,

,...., ....... ,,.~w .... ....,..... ... .......,_ "" ...... io"behe ...... .. - ..,.. ,....w. i ...... tllrte tfiMI Wl,cJ, U.. ~ • ~ lrt& two trialt dta­.,....... ,.. .. , ,., ••• • .... all u.. ..._.eel ..... "" AIIJ cletetw~lllld or

tsr',!:!..~ =..~.:~:=.~

olre• tile uoooe """-""•ooll lo,'a-. aiKI•t!:er pqe to lett U.. tlnhl oil •h• &Wok llelllrea rope, \hb eatne .be haoJ -' for~IIJ'a pred-· em.' A qeiok au:lio1111 aaa- to& the well· lllftntrfd loop, a l'll)oid ..... to ld .. a<Je o( Ute -'u&d • • rl plol jotrll elllarpood'allp' '-d. _. n~, tt.~IJ ... chad. u ... ........,. ....,.. br lllfellaal _., eotltf., eoalcl llull llilla .... qolot or -~· u... td •• ~ .. I IMI.II •• • ...... !IIIIi. ..... ftet, ..... ......... ........_. ~. ""• .. u. • ~ '"


•~ lltl'llr for . llloll'lld h ' • ~ \\\611\tt~\ -ha~ed nor

I or a ... ~l\11~ ot t•••lo.ri to interfere · ..,.. .-a\le •otnell\ wltb tho cooaolatioo

.uM 11.1 W"M abl• ~ &!ol'd to lbe miatrablo .k. Ia '"ir '* mO&U•IItl. In t)ia tNt be U. bee11 abiJ Uli&ted bT Kn. .,._thera O ' llellly, FeuneUy, anti J<eooed7. Mt.r banaiiiJ aD boor Uoo botl7 waa taken dowu to awai\ lho viow of the Coroner'• jur7. 'J'be wu alighU7 dilleoiOtlred, a11d Ute tGDifDt protnuled, but notbioa elae wu obeorn.ble. 'lloe ftAIUrta wan! oalm. and the Dtek •aa no' much ucoriatod. Koll7 ia~tU~I.luuur\Jeror tried, fouadjtullt.r, coadeOIDN to dutb, and hAn~-d uudtr tho Crlwea Ael, aud he ia aJao lhe lhr4o bon­dnodtl.t 4trimioal Marwood 11M uec:ul<ld ai~ be~ appointed barprao.

&. Jotl~.. it hAppJ lo poeetaipr ·~ monuahta to e.aterpr!.a o r ita morcb· rult.l auoh .. tnduatrial work• &!ord, aod or IMI- It hal bMn our }llouore to ·~ be­fan~. 'l'o-dAJ, we willa to rtlar. at aomo JiiUe lenf'.b to tbe lela• 11ud arow1qg enter· pri" wboee ume lltlld1 t bla ar tic:Jo.

ijCge ~tanbarb -.t.tfD­


'l.'be Fumiture FautorJW&I •larted i~ 1878, whb lheauiatuoeof morc:banta l o tb~ to\1'11 PEIISO . .'Ut...-Mr. G.orgo U. Arohlbald, •ho hawe ainne 'totlred. leniur tho Measra ol tho NowfooodiAnd Furnitore &: MoDid• 1\rohit.ld to•rf3' oo tbo work alone. From ing FactorY. waa in town fora da7 or two lhe flret h 1wJ 1111107 diladnnlftieal.p lig~t during t he ~AI\ woo\:. ' 'l'be objeot of a~r.Untl, &&o\11 ••• tQOYemoola bno, but, 1~ Archibald'a tiait to \bo Ua7 was in OOGDeO­lwt Oft"tC'IDO ' h110, and to-dayataodl erOU\• tloo with tho b01i01U of \be Oompta.o7. ioeotly forth u a prQQI o f w~ po~loot no wiabeli, we IcarD, to eapply lbe 'fndo _..,111 oa11 aooompli.b. 'l'be .,er7 beat k!ou !lore wid~, moro eapedally, the ordlnaf)' ot machiowy yaa uwd 111 tho 6nst, c01ttog ain~:lo &tid don !>to back dial,.. -41ilclee aboottL8.3 u<laddhiooa ban aioco been which \ho Oompao7 al"o now maoaf.aturiolt mact., eo t.u i& la oow• t &lutd 11l S20,000. io largo qnnthlee. Prior to t.hi.l, ~-

A llt w ar-boueo la now beio1 bo ilt, hAYD been fmpori>ed. ft

and will boa '8CJ cxt.enli 'I'O oDo,-duriJ• We mo•t ooofeu wo 1\re io full aympatby '" feoL ~uan &ad two at.orioa bigb,bllilt ol with tho inte~~tloo ol tbe oompDD1 io &bla brick, and litted • i&b lbe la\el~ imprDYC· reapoct. Snrol7, if art.icl~ . of Ibis, or me'ata. b ·will IN ~D with, a fan blower, i11doed of an7 olheT cleecnptwa oau be ud ta t.o lla•• ·~ je,t& flU' k!Uiog the up ~~~&de 111 thlaeoualrJ u w.U, ~Utcl aupplied wbila ~ina ,htmbtt, eo that tAnr~w.JA Oo the Tradtt u ob11pi7:, u tbe iOlported work 11117 IN dooe. :l"lle eagine qaed ~of "1lnet-nrtiT, we oay, l~u tbe du~y of our

·thirty bone.po•Ol\ and a l\oo oow boiler o! importers, and boalnea QlQ gou.orall7, to eonuty·llve bof1A-powor u being bullt for ~lNDI10 the looal manufacturer~~ of them. \be faotorJ bJ Mr., Thent are fro ru ('be re10arocra oi thil Colony b&Te beoo too li~J to aettoly aa:oplo7oa at work, and tbo and too largel7 Laud for Ute auppor& pa1 1w amouo"' \o S.l2.000 a ;,ear. 1\ Yery of tile tnulumeo aod factoriM of Wft &Ad ni~O&toclt of fctroituro it DOW WICia: aod if tbil OOO.OIF7' ill nU t.o riae to 011 Mzlci a hig)wtr lnel, depend upoD i'- lhe muat be

Sp.cioua &I aro tb• factor) prell\l~a, they more of a ' bome manuf.otv..ror aud produoor hue be~ fOillld too c:rampod for con- tha%w.otonunatel7 •be ia u prCMnt. nDitDee, and , lplrlld.ld buildi.og I~ being Tbe Newfoondlaud i'urn~ FIIM«J aa b oih oo l).uawor&b St. Jt Ill au:ty b7 well ,.. !Ill tho other local'lodul.rial Iu­lix"·two too• o.o !lao gt'OUDd, ud foor etltu•lona bne o~ beei wiaboe for lbeir a&oriMabowo U.O b&lom.ent. The drat two oomplete'aooc:e..· 1toriM, ~b. ll ft, 6. iD. higb, will ba u1ed AD IDtanmiog a.rtiele deacrip~Ye of tbt for abow ro~~~~~&. A br~ NaitW'J le~• abo'f'e Faocot1 wUJ be fouod in auo£hoc QO!. fi'OIII the t\1'1& to. tbo aaoo~ n~. erhteh lUll~ hu a c..ntro ~'!!!'! (0 1 20 H. Bot h -----------roou will b6 IXIteiT ooorattd, aod (TO TIU WIITOII 01' TK11 STAlCDAllD..J lnatead ol plaUor are oowqredO'l!._ tbe ~~ • S ra,--our Cricltot eeaeon b.u opoood and top witll V ahaptd jointoq ceoJm~. 'tlitb two matehet bct woon tho "Alexandra" •111o al&ir~laaTO beutilul pall a~ of soltd 30d " · r·~ Nowa" Clllb•, tbo c:ouleat io tnaboaany, whic;b an 1npportod . fourteen bolh of lcb ba!, to oltJ plAJe?e, bton a ewol poata of tho tn&l()fll\ , r~ of &nythlog t 1\tlsfnetory. In t be ~ ln-whic:b. wiU be •urrnoualed "·i&h a~s hght.. torc0,11~o of "ooroplitncnta. ~ (mucb to tho Tbe window ligbi41U'0 oach S b1 ?i fret . surprise of t:n.\!'1,) "TeHa Nom" beat her and will be of pl11te g~h arnvrl\.b~ oppoDcnt.a erith eaJe; 110d , in the IOCOlod. t b41 f\wuog, afttr = lldvouturoiii"yoJ_I\j(e, t bu I pro~c•l her power by ~,:h·io~r her oproooula " '*al baTing boeu I'1Ul htto of! li:>Jtfn 1111d I a 1noat thrMhing. l"e '- Air. ukto back to tile A.ulrn bc!fort rnehiug I Etli\Or , in the fl\00 or thia. 1 hear to tny aloit plaoo. 'f1l4 upper atorioa 11re for oklo~- aurpri&c th.'t t ho'" Alu andnl''Club hu b11d roomL 'Tho builolio$ which is being butlt the wmeritT to nc:c:opt a cho.Jieu)!o from St. --"-· ...... ~.""~ hv .lnloo Sc:oro.~, E5Q., 1\0d .l nhn'o fn r \Vcdnewl,.y QOXI. Now. sl·r}, I •poo wiW:b about t wr oty ~rl'emolho """ b.opo thcro i~ no troth in tboa reporl. I1 ;::,1.. »&&IDa aro oow engaged, wtll coal three J obu'a ~M aeut" challenge to tho '" Ale x· U.ooaaod pawl~ ltbtu complctod. . aod~· Clnl>, tbot eh~llcnge wu.& 1ont to it,

_If apaoo ~rmittNI, ~ery mncb tnl'!llt bo yresan.nbly, u the rcpreaoolatiro Ulub of aaul In prauo ol thlllwdu&try nod oU p ro· hrbor Grace ADd n.ot 11.3 au individual 1llni:OrL h doe& not oaatltt, bo.wcwcr, s nd Club. 11 ouaL

1 a dnllcngo hM beo:u oot, I

buitl~ c:omtoeDt by us 11 uot acceaary. All would AU)(KeAL ttont a ~-oruwitl()e of th rto or lotclhpnt Jle1'11Dil;" = ~rttan.d tho l<:lur old (non-playing) ericket.:ra, together .adntllage of bu u:g. IIIW:h \YOrU 10 our witlo. t.ho l'reeidon~ and CAptaio of cac:h rc­IDldn; 11nd that b~~ne coco underttooJ, opecuvo Cluh \)o. {ortned r.ud no eleven. oolhin~e but n•lmirn•ioll can be ftlt for the voe«ed bT theo~ ,bu will n~t at all evon ta t DCII:J' of ol>o,e w!Jo 1\rn aunted Ute work, du~c. our town. Wo must uvhold tho aud of t hose "'h.o D~w carry h &n. Long 1:.~; fame of Harbor G~cc fir.:, aud " play m&J aw:ll C...Cior .. tocroAJte, Jua:i.)oO( 00~Y on~" aoJ li ttlo ... u.oodio~ nlte r the tl!01 ho •uceeuful. Moaer, iDYOdted :n CODIIDOO COO<r>.Y 1oM r~tired. 'l hat iJ ~be· luud~d '1\ 0IU doe1 g~d • mant " '>'• \V&'j " e u110tl to do. Yours, "it:· b~tlftl him wbo g.wes ftnJ hom ~bo U w II.~UUOII viUCt ClliCit:.tttr:.

,- talfe., <l of a~~eb. illvMtmenL~. the Bigos IIAtbor ~oo. July 6, 1~. 10 to w, many wtll be IU&du w. the 11M dla.ant flal!M'e.- .\ltrary.

G. A.. Dixoo, ~.Hvillo, Ont.. 81)"1 : • He .... c:und ol ebrooict broocbitia that tzonbltd """ fo r •owenton JCW'I, bJ tb~t­-of Dr. 1'bo-'e Ecleet.ric OiL

No lojorioUtt ~lfecta ewt fo\loqo ~ u-. .t Ayer't. AG'ftO Co~ io tho t.reatment o f aalari&l d iee"- '* eootaiDII, l>t• ides &

a ptcilic liCld Ollflli...,,IIOtidote ~· oMM IDa• tiC poltoo, olber rtaedilll.agenta whic h ui• to espel •b• poieooou1 b111oorw, JOTIIT the"tpteut, and louo i41A. a.lotalthy ud nioorigoretod o6odilioa..

Ia ,., olber !Mdici..t prep,wration !!eYe tile nra"- of dte UIOit iate.igeohtjldy aocl lldtutlftl: ioq,u+.-, kto ao e-.dil7 110d ~ro4 ~ely nUI;ud Mia Ayer'l Sarwp11nllL h W..ct. lite ·li-' • • lrul7 lci~G4ifi.ct pn · ,..,... ~~all b~~

~uo ANd BJ.ur. ~a~ of talloent phJIIi:i~~ns IT!d

.tl~ llttftOOtJo.d tbe ditlco,.er,y lba~ by

..o.bhinr eo- b own n luable renatdw the me.( wooder!Gl ...:liciM wuproduocd, w~ woatd o- auct. a wid• nnr• of ..._tbet 11101t all o'"' recaedlft cortld .... ~d wilb, DlaiiJ were ttlt:tplleal ; .._ prwof oflc. oaerita by acto&} trial 11aa .... 1'-dalldoobt.INidto-daTtMdi.lcowel"'rt ., tW grtol ~. u.p, -kflnnred tUid 1>1.-.d b7 t.U iLa btaeilccora. --~ . .

(fOR Til t IIARIIQR OIIAC£ 51'L'«>UO.)

It II a trite re msrk, bot ono tb~t c:ome• h- to oa woth all t.h• fDn:ll' of a u~el tl.' y\ng. thlll day by da7 t.he oirole of o ar olclacqM iotaueea II growing oarrower a nd nar'rollfer ; thAt t he fricllda ol Olli' youtb, tho u•~• we know and n•poctod few I oar J Oilt'Si tho citit.eot who ~k: • more or*' ac:lifO part io t~ allttire ot dte communit.y, aod wlao ft'lte<t • more or 1- rupollllhle a nd inffuontial poaitioo in our litu..-world of bu31oea are dall1 puaiag - •1· are knowD 110 raore' •IDO!tt!" ua wi'b wbom &bey Ialit­ed aod -lked, -.rrted aDd di!Jued, ~r­gt.ioe<hlld laborect A feol ioJ olaadne• c:nlepe DYtr one, Mtht faoN of \be kobwo Mtd e~ ol.,rmer day1 oo~~~~t ~k ~, thct lll' •i~OII "WI~ alt tho 'rindo .. of an objec:t of MDIII ; .. the 1011411 o t1 tbo eoc:e f1111iliar voico oaoe' more a ppear td roach the -lo woa'da of watUing, r eprottCb, or alfoc:lioo. •

1 AIIIODg ~be 1!1&01 oaee reeidtot la.' ltlla little ~D, wbo ba'f'e ..-cl a•a1 wiU!Io ,he 6aemory of &be prMOn& goDtrallon, 01any, doobtleM, 00011piod nt<'~ cootpiC\1-oa. poaitione,. aod awa,cd mo~ wldol7 the deatinif'l of tb.,c:ealltry a11d towo, thau tbeoae· wboee life ol oYer foarecoro ;,;w• IU.Iy eam• ~ i• ear\bl7 cl- ; bat in -IN!p0ri8ftl twpeet1 !ow of ~ oaa flottM. of a brigbt.r, better reoonl: \VbUat Jetlllllf i t aa olllee ptofal to frieo<ilhlpo tO' wri ... a fow ma .. eq>f...W. of r~ th•..-y"ol.~r:\lu' mao, I regret twe *~ tha~~i.!_~J'9 11Ml.meto1IJ f~t . :;t:"a~~tkl DOl DO• :!::lie 1h~lr, a nd eecond, that"' hato' ~. YW M .eni!IJ or hi• lite. ·tlte o• whMe14titMJt qoalitiee CIIJ

&bi1111oU~~w P'fl~ & lt>,r f~~~r·plec4t fa '.r;M one

. ~y .Telegraph. ' ---o---

lht.Jr,, x, J nly 2~ir Albort Smhlt ,-.'\c .. llrunwick, &J.:ert 6!1, ia dud.

TbJ.. Count de Cbnmllord i~ dying. 1

F iljl f 'it Vln oipeg dittroyoHl Aahd:~•o 'l"~ehouiO~ o;,e hundrt•l kcs:a powder .ex. p11Mh&iU4 .kuhed tloo windowa ol h ttn · J rcda o f buildiDgt, nnd ehook the city like

IM!J bl t hat I><· Leoaopa hu lbo tolo right to coulltruet. ~ .. !'O!'M the hthtuue of Suoa.

Tho l-'toncb ltillpoot tht\t Eo!fl" nd bach t he C.'bi-oppoailioD to tho cooqueat of 'l 'Onftoili: · '

CbOie'rao b- pre-rai~MX lb F"'ly,-. Eaglautl 11 preparin£: for aa. iuv~~Sion of tbt. plagn~.

Jamca Care1 comes to Awenca ' ltt.t 'f'tot.' .

A' lJilt bM bHn introduced into the Brit­i•h. c~- •crutlnll a Mlnist.-r of &ot­tl•llo.«"ei,..- W.., tw~tbousaod poaDdL t !J!be*e ~ ~ a ·t.ttld b.o~w~eu Turka eoch\--~~1Nl. ""ult unee rt11iu , 1

J o t.T S-'l'ho 1-'r enoh fleet boonbcmled rDd Tama&a.~o.tbe ohwf port of .McuJa-'·.

Tmt DAT RoiiU"'S, SrANIAIDS D.~tr 4KD~ Co txT's l'ot!IT l-'ISliCIQ FLeET.;:-\\' o p~bliah oh owbere a lin of the Tutela that bsve beaD cleared tbla ee:uoo from the Cu.atomJ Dlat.rict of lby 1\oltcrt.s.

-Tnt Rr.rt1RS CttiCICZT MATCII 'between tho Alusandm and T e rra No n C lube took ph.eo on 'l'bureday.J11.11t at the 'l'al'l'a Nora J.>arlt. 'noc ' i:crm Nora was again Yictori. ous by SO ruus ~~t~d ooo inn in~•·

- Tnt 'fnErASSET UISA.Sn:I.-Fi.,.o of lho botlie~ o( t ho unfortun~tc mao who were rlrowucrl by the lat.e c:a.!tnalty at Trtll'l""fT. ha ro boeo rceonrl'd. Ono body, that of 1\ladiglln, yot remairtl to be fo iUitl.

As OLD fNIIAIHTAirr -Our obituary c:ol­nmu to-da7 c:ouLaioa a noliee of t ho .:Je~th or a ve r7 ac:cd J>1!rton-r,lra. Cathorin.t Wnleb. wbo ht\d rc"ehed tbc utrt-ttNIT old 1\gc of 9!) yMra, nearly eomplotiug t1to ceo · t llrT. ---Tilt C. R llniTIU S GCICTT -At " meetinj: o( th!J. Society bcld last e wert lllj:, I ~ wu arraosto I t in • t h<:i r a nnu!ll e xcrt,..ion to Sr. J ohu'• will u lto pl11co ehortl7. A Couuuitt . ., hM bern oppoiolOtl- t~ tnttlto U.u UtCCo&'\r.)' IVI'IIDg~tOOI1tS.

e-~r.IVTOUNI)(..\NO Coo Lrvtn OtL A~r> (,on.,rr.n!.- A>to~rem rccoi ~.:d !It SL .h>bl(e 0<1 yest.rdo7 COIIVC.J'll tho lo i~jbl 1· qratil)in~t h.Kt ll igenco Lho~ S cwfoun•IIMJ•I baa r ec:eivcd the 1-in;t prize fur Cod LIVt•r Oil aud Lobewrs at the Plslleries E :rhibirlou.

-Ad r ic:n recei'f'ed r..Om t ho "Frooclo ..;boN .. d nrin;t the Wei!k auoouueu cl, .. dcc~uo of Mr. W illiam Squires. II•• •It<· I ..,n board thil acbr. fliuna~ ~~~ Grnoo• lslanll oa tbo :.!:, th lla7. Ilia rtl­.naina were carried to Flo ,.era Co YO au• I ootcrn•d tJoo:N o u tho I Sth ,J uoe.

' l\lo~ch eympMlty la full (oc tlto fatnilT au,l (riomla bllrcnn'l.l.

-Tile F ln'IT Ftiii·VtSStL from t!o.­port l loO J"retiCHH AC:l.!OU 'WI\& dt•p, ttlht.l I• I

cite l.nbrAdor b7 ~r.:~•ra John Muo•t & '~·l . on T bunrday l•~ t. ll6r n11me Ia lho II'• 1 •

carcl. Sbo! i1 commf\nded bf CApt. \\'it. lillDlll, Anti i~ l>oand to R'lgl(od Ial&wl•. ll r. T bom:lJ C hath ller went &I auperoar ~"· Vuriu~: t ho \fte lc, t,..o otbor f~h-v.,..

,ol8 the Gu~r111r 11111d Uto Clora, arrivr•l her~ w tho nbocre firm I rom S:.n f.uc:ar 1\lu.l ~·iguiom. They aro both Wl·bdco.

-Ou ou r fl n~t P"llll fiJII'OlU' tlut l!lf>OC"b~ • .,f Sir A Shea and Sir \V, , ._ Whih~'".'· •nn•lo on tho OCC33ion uf tbo rorriul a< l • t. .l uho'8 of Lito fo tmet 1:\!llt!eouu fro n tl • London r~boriu t:xhibition. T IJrV· t tCI\l addre_. will rop'\.Y p~rus,l, l u our not~ luue will be puuliabed th~ 11ddn·«· ·•f ITdcomo prfsen tud on the same oec:n1o:o, tnjlcthor • tth lhf' r epl nutde tburot" by o ur Commissioner, Sir . Shea.

CUANC£1f OF TRK O;;;;;n OF ,ST. ?.f~ll \tl. ""n ST. GEI\ttOt.-LINtDuiug S/rat, .llag :?4 14. 1~.-Tho Qttofn baa bern·ar'clou tl7 pltt\-'H!d to give diNtOti!lns ( l)r the followir.t: prowotiooa in and appointmenll to tl • ., ,\I ott Uiatin~t~~iahed Ordn oftSaiDt Mtcb~ol aud SAiut 0 eof1tG:-

To be ftD ortliMrj momber of the Seeon•l C lllll of Kniscbta Cornm.Wen of tbe • J Moet D iatlngnlabed On!~, A mbroee Slot'·

.t::.q.,for many 1 f l!.fl Mowber and aomo to no" ::lpe~ker oltbt Legial-tl~e A11110mbl y of tl o Cnlnny of Newfonudland...!...Lolldun Ua•'llt , Mag 24th. '

Orr.NIKO OF nu: !hw Cuuacn AT l.:Ettl­o Rr.wli.-At a nootta c:ed by oa in itt~ '11ou,... u~J'a iuue, a large p&rtJ c:omprl!iog IC'I':.t o ai:r or aeYcn bu'\dred p&IIOD;fllfl, memb•rc of the urioua Ro11111o C:~tbollc IIOCicties ~~· l c:i tit ent o f tbo Dlotropolit,leh bert b7 tr,·n on 'Friday morni~ laa for tbe porposo of Mtli8tinq ftt the Rigta M ... . aod c:oromoni •I c:ouoocted with tbo dpouio.g ,fo r tbe,porpn~s of l>iTtoo worablp, of t ho oew cborch of St. Mioltle l And tbo 1\ogela, no• lo counte of o~oo at R:PIIIgren. Shortly after Ar· rita! of u ;e aecoDd tr&la at u.:01., lho col~­bnotio~of HlJh M..-. C-. qoiM:JOpo com­men~-ed. lbe n:e .... JM.Uorrit bel ng celobr"n~ auialed by tho RoY • .Monrs. O'Brien anJ &I Deacon aod S&b-daaooo. At tl•<t conclualoa of Hi'lb M--. & -• elottncu~ IOfrDOD · oppi'Ollriat. t o \be OO!IUioo ""' preiiCbed b7 bia ,Lo~ip th• Mo.t K~•·· Dr. Pow•• who lq lbt COIII'M of h is re· IDUktc.ppid a well ai~lfcl lrlbnt:e to t h•• de.,.oted ·~~~~ 11od one of ~e 'I'OIIJuut paetor1 &1. Fa\her Mo ' · Ia 1U1I iri11~ effort.~ p\-orida for tbGjpim.l wanw of tb~ oommiUed 6o llii -~~ A fttlb· -mrtloo hAri'tlg beell ~ ap (o Jlld o f 1be bailcllnf fUd ol Wle ~ W~b1 thO IIIIU of'-.0 t.o t280 JrU n.iaecl a~ ,the apo1. A.. th baWioe aeeclecl f« ~h»mplotiou of tbie cb~ f« dte'bft;lt'"oh'oolllparl· UY,ly poor~ pbpulldoo.h.e~Tot \0 ~,,, ~plle:cJ.. ... fwl t11Grt1Uh3;chl.deuoy woll b'e ~~~ .. ~~ltrlllalllberal­lfr bd.E!'J oCtOP'~ ~ably far· oftd•i -- ,., 1~~~ ~~·~ A tnOI~ "''* cl&7 WM ~ ~·' lftdD ?eloro· illtJf t.o t.owp ~'.Jillf•{lu& a1r o'oloek.-~JflltS. ' •• l .1

::~-= ........ D ... L ,

• (

Mr. George Toleo, Druggilt, Gr:n eo­borat., Ont.. writtl : "lly cu.,tom11ra who b."'1l uaed Northrop & Lym:~.n'a Vegetable l>isco~ry· And Dyspeptic Cure ea1 t bat i( h:l!l dono them more j.,'OOd t bao aa,ythiog they hl\'1'0 enr uaod." It baa ioJt-ed a wonderful influence iu punfyiu~r U1c blood nml curing d~.:a:JOI of tho UiS~CJo~i~c Or~tADJ tbo l.i•cr, Kif!oe~·•, a od :~.11 disordc!ra of the cyttl!m. _,;

1JOLLO\\'AT1S ' l'tLW! • ...:.~en·ou•nua and w~llt of Enert;Y.-Wbeo fire~ tbo nerve• fed unstro11~' nnd liatleUilC&s auppl:>uts , ue rg:o. t he time hna cowe to take somo aucb 3!tcnuivo n, llollo•••u's Pills to •cstrRi n " o!l!onl.:r from dovoiopin~ itaolf iuw " ohs~Me. Tlo~ oxccllcu~ Pills c:on tc~ 311 ir:.,~:ulari tiea Rnd we:~\:neues. T hey :~.c~ ~o kimlly, yet so energttically uo the fuuc­t iooa of digestion ami a&~~imilatir>o, t l1aL tbo whole body is re vived, tho blocul run<.lered richer aud purer , wlulc tho muscle• lwcomo t irmer and stronger, nod tl1o ocrf OIU and nb3orboot •r•tnlla are in\'i; 'fbe.o l'illa are<! for &Jl cl:u~~cs aod. &II &«ea.

Tm: Bts11or or IIAnDOit Guca AT Tt!ISITT.-Ou Tue1day cvenio~:, the 19th .lulle, !lis Lordahip Lbo Ulabop ol llnr bor (;raco !lrrivud per J'lm·cr Ill Tnuity, on his ·uy 10 Nolre JJ:un" snt! \\'hiw 11:\y!l. in tile psr'abef! of 'I'Ybtcb be j>e1U8CI hoi.Jin): ,·video~ I v~ital iuu. lfe u accompauio<l \oy llovtli!. S. Flyon, N . ' can, nud ~. \\'aliter. 'fhey wcl"1l ll'IJ!~ a"'t-~e lantli ••ll p lli.Ce by the Pariab i>ricet of Kiqg's Cuvo, tho ltcv. w. Veitoch. who A!ter r·bort .!c· by,t!ro~c Htsll.mkhip nod Fa er flyoo ' " ~ho latter placo. On tho folll}wio~ mor01n~ tb~ Bishop eaid ~bu,.11_ whicb he ""-~ M.'isLed by tho two lut-'tileonouccl c:l;,r j.""Ytuen. Bdoro ~ uurclletl...His L-mbhip adtlre-.c.J to t.Uu t:ir~s;rcg:\ · lion pteAeot a tborl di"'!!ur..e, iu wluch lou c.:preeaeJ bta ple:..uro 31 t ho rcmarkablo J>rv.crca. w!lde to the erection of the nu" \.burch wbich, c vt-n in iu pre...,ul U!.!iut• llcd l'tAte, b., r ;>wart..<:<i, rdh.ct.:d the ht~h~3l crcdiL oo tlo.J p&l'l"r l'cople of Kou;(o t.oYu-on too forv•cr for u:~zcjll swJ .:ncr~:y n nd uo tho IAllcr (l}r thdr !('11 - llllonli~•n.: ~cocru!lly. I I.., in~ lorcaUMte•l \rtth r .•. t uer \ ' uoll:h. tlle U.llho p And h is cle•s:y re· cuo\.oMl...J Q U (oQ!\rd tloe J',OC, I , r.l I'~UlC f .. r tLc thxth.-C""' t o .\jfdr.

1\~;·~ ,\lists•, 01'1:1: .\ l l' l"'l.-\\'c(.lfa ··ur:s) u utlcnt.anJ thl\l n I i);hly f:~vn,:r-•blo "'l'" rt lo o>1 becu runJe by ~I r. <.: 1'. Mayu:.rd. !\lluua~ Cl.lplnlu. un :\ mir:rr-:\1 fi'c t' tion lltU:llrU "' the hcn.l of l.i~t lu t:~y. nuJ nt·~r t !.e ~deb~:ltcd cO(•J'Cr onio " ol' tlont u~onc ' J ne u >llllll!; l:ceu•c 1~ lod I hy the l loJu t-: While~"'' .John S l•·ur, f:•'J fhe tuiournl hl\ud 18 from t 00 to I :,o fcol ,.itlo, bo111K

,,., 11~ral i:ted witll t ho trncu of ooj•per nml orou pnit~a fou nd in chlnntic • • •11. Rnd ,,r .... eoun,; e~cry fl\cthty for; oper:o­u unL '1 hcru 1~ l\bUudAut \Ut.: r power Rnd plenty of cxccllcut t imber Bl hnnl!. T ile ioJu:auo uo pr.?>eut.ct! aro the ~~anoo ""' at l.t•tle Uay Jll ino, tho forrnl\· u or.a bu•n: identic.'\!. c,,ptaio :\lay· uartl ill of OJHDton !hero 1 a l"rgo depoei~ uf copper oro l\lld recorn· :JIIendlt ~tn lt:iog" abaft .Uty feel duel' ILnd Lhtll to lll'O!.S·4CCtloo t he band, north l\ud aoulh, from the bott0t11 o f t he 1haft. lle u

-conlldeut ~bOlt tbe.IO opor;UI;;\ will roaeb &

-.er1 nlu.biO dcpoai• or0opJ.1Cr oro. ll o pu~ in t fe'lt roioon' b)ut. n~ ooe place, aod tb- Opq!td l!II WI ~J~iueral~d around.

. from oi11bt c.o C.o r~t w4)o. Uo Croll· tectioned the ttufaco oortb and aouth and . found tbo d1kea roaoing parallel with tbo miorl'l\l rids: e. r ~(feb - a report from aucb a jZOOd otborityio) u ioio: matt.ers u Captain ltlayaard, :Wbo ,.lia~rot Qllloy yeara iu di· ~cuq ~~ o~o~ iu Nowfoundlaod,

allfficltDUJ' pro .. ~here is wiuing proper: t7well wonb tho acl.oatiou or miniog opi. tal~ aod olferlaga Tl!Jr1 promwog opeo­i.ot, m ao in~catmut.

l'bo erecf~MG of eopper oro which Wl\1

11how11 at the .E&hi blliOft •u analyted • ud found to oonialo GO or 70 per c.en(j. of cop· per. It wu & I&IUple from another mining graot ia tbe oetahboiU'bood or Unlo llay . 1Jioe. SocaoewioeotLoodon Aiming capi­rcalilli art ia We&tf ~. the bolder of tbo llc:eoee, foe woriling liUi claim. alii\ are lllid to han mada u..acl\'...Upowt offer to bin•.

~repantiooa are porforwerdlor o'loo ­ipg a lead aod ailnr mloe in Placentia whioh ciwu promiM of yielding nluJ~blo ftliU'DL n ,... .aready been -?'d for a lUI• ••• u ..-..ot m1oiog capiLa\Jn wbo wUl orti.J a.rri.e c.o oommuco qp.ra. tiona. ~ ••• tho nlae of oUr

,.eel indioa&et !•' io tho , die w..d wlll1ake a lab plaoo ..-..-tri~ of t.b t>fld.,

Vesl ls Entered to .Clear for the Labrador F ish­ery- Bay Roberti Customs District 1883-:-sb ow­ing th e Number in each Section.


, • .LS.:.I.I.S. , biJ\na .. Five llro~hera ~I My J"no ... u..,,~,m .. Alph" ... .t,•uny l.ou<l ... :S to lou ... . .. l<nhy ... O•prny ... . .. ~br,.ellon .. Rullius: Wa ,·e Ad•'IIOlOror ... Cabo~... .. . Hrlla.nnu\ .. . Yolooipc..!o .. . llro t ho• ra Fioo& ... A nl\1\Aiia O~utlo ... ~ltl'df~ -./ r-hw t.o ,}nne ... Urn••lL .l'rido Anrorn... .:-. J\ n n l't'or lcM ...... Y ouDg l'rioco Faooy t; rer ... ~opnrd .... .. l!:otl'rp rise .. . F lom ... .. . fMbol '... .. .

B .&.Y ROBERT 'S aEO'rlOl'l;. '·

!hs nns. I l s:-'-iS.:."OI:I:S I MAL~ I FI~)IA!t_

tlo l!ll !1!.1 urocr ... 4 i S.:war<l ·­S!, Wilcox ... 7u \Vilco:t.-4!1 l'araoua ... bO llr:adbary ~• ltaJcock ..... . 67 Wilcox .. . ~ b ~{11b01101 89 ltftrllctt ...

tb<! Dawo ... C;:J hlcrcer... .. . !II ! le rcor ... _ .. .


1j Pa.raooa... ..--:· {'. II liMIIett. • . ,. ! .. :lM ~orm&o .. , 1!0 l>awo .. 31:i :lloorea .. • GO Badcock .....

Sp¥\ea .. , · ... 4.\ nut.cll ... .. . 3 ttu110ll... .. . 46 'p11rkea. _ ... :l!} "now ... . ..

17 olaneyJ.. ... .. • Hartl . .. • •. ...; ..

O'tf · · • •• • · ..

27 8 2!1 8 GO 9 39 12 JG ! 3!! 8 ~8 8 00 • I" ll :ro ~ <1:!)

100 ; so so G . 4G

l ~ !)

' 0 ' 24 27fJ 20 ~[) I 30

~ :n

4 SurruEo nr.


MedicAl Advice free .. , tho bbd and only office, fo r ~cwf9ll odlp.od: LAZY llANK HO.\IJ, St. JOn~·s, N.F.

All di&eUd treated. Hemeoli~a Mu nJvice m iled free to 1107

pnr~ of NomfounJlaod. OF Ttnru 1trictly Ca•ll.

JJr. J . G. lli:K!:liT, of Loodoo, E nglaod, wh03o 3d vice yo u Cl\n have free, u.71: "h will curo 19 out of:.>(), And he bl\8 noore r known ''"Y di1euo, no m.'lttor bow b:ld, but what r elief'"'" been aivco."

Op11n at All hours from 10 Lal..1 until 10 p·m. (~aud~r- excepted.) J uly 7. 1:u .

Commercial Bank of Nfld. Tllf: .J,nnunl Gancnll Mtctiog of the

Prllprirtora of this Compauy will bo htltl oo SATUltD.'!. Y, tho Htb ~y of July ioalant . at 12 o'clod:, noon, at the &okiog llc.uae iu Uucl:tA•on.h Strut, yunu1o 1. to tl•o •• Ac~ of luoorporntioo.'~ .

lly oroJer o( tbe Uoard,

St.. .Joho'•· J ol1 S.

ll. DROWN, Maoager.


30,000 ft.

Hemlock BOARD 4 0,800 ft.

SP RUC.El B OARD, ~0,000 ft.

P:l..:l:l.e BC>..A...:FI.D,



Bannleu to tbo Most Dolieate.

In Consumptive Cases lt. llpbroacbcu o ODllt' 1\ apeoiflo t bat "r\incty llvo per eeot. ere perm:~oootly cured whcro t he direction• are atrictly oo:nplied .ritb.

'fhcro is no cheiXIIo l or otbcr io!;rcdient. to h1r1o t he yonug or old.

~ an Expoelomnt it haa no Equal Il contni.n.s no Opiu.min any F orm.

so.t..n llY A l .L DHUGGI:31'S.

Perry Da11is <J· Son <J· Lmurence, SOLC .110£:\TS,

NlU.llS, M 0 N 1' .R .1:: A L .

Just r~peived i CHEAP BOOKS ! THOMPSON'S

MED.ICAl HALLe A Splendid Chnncc for ndding t~ Libraries, &c. -

Oalc Stain, 'Patent Drlora, Copnl Vnroiab· -- \ l\lixod t•aluta (re.'ldy for uao) lib. t ina A COMPLF.1'E l<!t of Dulwor Lrlt,on


Uamar Varniab, Gold Loaf, Jlrotuo Novolll-2~\•ola-hRudeomely bOilnd Bay !tum, Cooccotnl4d L7e, lo cloth. Published ot :J~ dob ; olr~rcd Wubio~: Cryttal, Hanop'11 Lioen Gla:o l\t 28 d olL , Neave'a Food for lofant8 Glbboo'a•(Edward) Hiatory of Uto Do· SMury & Moore' a tlo. do cliod ant! filii of tho Homan l::mplru, \~lll\ Warner'• Liver Cure, SL J uiob'e Oil ~otes by Rev, ll. II. MitmiUl. A oomplde C41t'• Foot Jelly, Brawu, <.:orued Mea t Lndcx dC tho whole work. 6 vola., S.OO SChepp'• Prepared Cocoanut ocota. Aoihno ll7e• (aU ahad•) Epp'a Coco~ Carlylt't (l bomu) lllat.ory of .Frodc rielc M ll ed Ptolclel, Lime Frw~ Juico-.. tho llreat-otl t'OIJ. Pobllahcd at 12 dola; Waterproof Aprooa •~llllt 18 dola. ,

.. Spouao ~ 1'bo Waverley ?o<ovela, by Sir W. Scott. M u1ical T eethiog l'nda {or children Anthor'• eotiro edition ; complelo iu f Ctunpbor Mooa Uooqut L l'orfuQ:Ie vola.. 5.50 ceot.. Canoed J>eaob ... Caoued Piucapplo Throu~th tbe Dark CooliooDt-tbo Son reo 'Adahoada.Pia~ Powder of Uto Nilo-Arouod tho GreaL l..nkea of

2dQ ::M:a

S .H~-1 N C l E

Infant.' flair llrualaea, Rubber Thumb Sk,ll.s Eqlllltorllli Afrie:1-ud JJown , cho Livlu~t· Rnbber -FingerSL&lla, CouroJ 'aMalt Collce ato¥. River to t ho Atl~otio OctaD, br 11.

• liponjlCS, Qoeeo'a OWD Cuatard rowdc r Sl:lolcy. -r .. ·o -.oil io ooo. M apa ·n~.ll-

5 , .,~'oo«illl'a Hak.log Powder , lustrRtioos. • l'ubliabed at 6 60 eeoLI, full • Keating'• llltOC' t'ow<!er. ' MAy 19 lc11tbel' : offered at 3.2b cent.a, and 8.~ eta.

A.. RUTHERFORD. . . ttacaulay'a lliatory of ~ogla.ud-5 vola

0 A t 10 :.. 3.20 oeota.

J noo SOSI · • "u r ssortmen Tho Great Spoeebet 11ni! Ornliooa of • Datliel W dbtter, with ao Easny ou \~beter

Post office N·otice l o •1t.-OF- , nt a or English aLJie, by L . W . Whipple-Two t'Oia. SO cenl.a.

• Uiatory or•Enr;laod in the !Sib Ceolbry .

t . th . by W E Leeky, M A-Vola 1 1111d 2. · oa~. ~rwaro ~~::l::ditioo. 7.20 ecole; publi.abcd IlL The Rlae of £bo D utch R ep11bllc, by

Jobn L MotleJ-1 vol. • 2.60 ceota. nried. Self-Aid Cyc!optOdi:., for Self-bus;bt

I.adi.; Pt•: 1:r.:::e,· ~titel.~d Kid in s~~een~~~!~.~o~:r~i J!·:i~ ~7!.~.~tellil .,. in ~a(ral Africa. by Uora..'U \\ oller,

Ei»eti~ aide &nd. Buttaned. F R G S-~.j6 ceota. , Liuliee St.reo~ w'alkiug Shoo; Thomu' Carlyle; a Uiatory o! the Firat I...adioe BOWIO Sboe. Fo'fty Ye~~ra ot bla Life, b7 J A Froude-2 IJadi• !Aoed· l?obblo Bal. volelu 1. I dol. f

Ladiea Elutio-rid• and Laced Prunella I Life and Ltttoro of Lord Macaulay, by . G Otto 'frovot1ao, liJ 1'-:! voiL 2 Su eta.

with ~bo, aamo hoea In • Cau~da under tbe Ad!niniurallon o f t~o MISSES' AND CIJ lLORtN'S. . , 1 Ean of DulfurW. b1 Gcorgo Stewart, J•

• Jl lfola.J 1 • ,... . ' h BO .. OTS . J . F. Cll lSUOLM. uent S ' St- Jobll'l, Apri l 27.

aU 10111. • •• ,

SIGN OF 'l') IE '"'I Q.o1den. L1.6ri..

'Siai'DOfttheapl-~_.,...,. , a t.mtble b-.aaol~aloila ~ 'l'b. born« CAiucld aa l~l aaia .. tid:Olorllo'le




tteblq, &1>4 Lbo alltn eradtecl .eo u to cawo the blood. to ao ... to nw~r pla4M a-... 1 moTed. X, IUltert..C. .- '""'- ao4 ·mr lllo a bardon. 1 -JIIODOfd Ike - ol U... S AI\U r A.1U1oL4 ID April ,411, ,&D!1 bal'e liNd II rqularlr ~ &hat &11D6. Vr OODdlttoli J I boi&D 10 lmprcmo ~ occe. 'no -.. llaYO all hoal«l. ao4 I (oel podocUJ ftll lA ._,. reorect - bolci DOW alllO ID do a 1;004 UJ"a • orlr, altbo<lg~ n ycarsot.,.. M&llf toqlllro vbat bu W'fOaab~ alleh a euro ID my-. aad I tcU Lbem, ai I hA10 heto triocH4 tell J OU, At'm'a SJ.JI.Ul'.tcEJLU. Ol~r. VI-, OcC. ~1, 1$$2. y~ sratotollT.

.... UJ.a..u& Pm::r..LtPa. •• ~

ATD'I 8A.ASU.LIUl.L.&. Cllmll Scrofllla and all 8crotlllo1lt Couaplal.ol;a, En"&iP. · 1 elu, EtJII"'DD, B.tacwona; • ........._ So rea, Dolll. 'l'amon. aD4 ~ ~ ' the au... It oleara bloo4 ol all Impel·

, r1U., aida~. aUmulat.el action of Lbo bowoll, ao4 l b Oil rll\orll 'lilali!J aod a~nn;lhcna wbol4 a~tem.

~ PllUaz:D &Y ·. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., loweii,Man • .


Will romaio in Jiarbor Gmco Cot' a ah"ort time only. Ill the ro~~idO!lco of M ro., Oou· DO:-f'B.

Juno SO.

AND .FANCY FAlR. ' ' " I

T HE LADI ~::S OFTIIE A'r1rAu 1so­cJETX, Driaua, '!'Ill bold a Fancy

Pcllr and Buur in Novetubcr nen tJ :ll· alat in raising !ooda fo~ tho OTeoLion oC ll 'Now Catholic Cbun:h in tbat ~l&ec.

Dooatiooa 111d eubec:riptiooa io Moocy, Gooda or Faocy Articlea wiJl be grnt41olly r l!<:ci•ed by tho l ollowiog Jm()ie~, who IU'O antl•nrd.o!' to coli®' Co,.r}~O ~roo.:- ... Miu Kat•• 'l'lll'&bao,, Ali* Ltn lll Waide, Mra. J . Nowlao, • llrt. \\r. lloot; ~lra. J . Sulliwau, \ AI~ T. Kl!oogb Mn. J::. Sheehan, Mr1. 'f. KAvnu~sll

, .NINI !\1. Kcougb. Hrigua. Juno 't7, 188:). ·

New Photographic ·Rooms.

TU~ SUBSCIUllE it wo~~;ld Jea(lt':t.fuiiJ tntliXIato to tho Pubbo. &.bu be !Ju

op~oect n, . 1 • •

Photographic Gall~ry over tho Furniture Store or A.&. E . PAn• soss, where Clll work wUI bo c%oeut~ with alidnctioo. •

l'ictuzea copied IUld onluged. Frome~, Mouldiog, '&c., co0.14otly on

baad, 1 I

Juoo 23 E .1 ~ARSOr\S.

Union Ban~ of ~~d. NOTICE faherob,- '~veo, ~t a D ivi­

dcod of S•x per CE.,-r. upon 'tho paid· up CAJ?iL&l Stock of ~~It ioet\CIIUon, baa been declared for thl blf yOAt1.~nding Sin May, 1888, IUld :1 bonus oT 15 aullll11ga per abaro, paJablc at ill &.ok!n& llobie lo tblt Ci~y. on ud nftcr W 'xo:n:s o.\T, !0\4 l01t.

'.l.'muafor .booki cldeel!' from ttiO' 18tb to t bo 20t4, II()Lh days inc:h.l.aivo.

(llJ order or\b'o p~.) J.A.\l.FS GOLDIE,

S( J ohn's, J~ne 1$. ~ · ', ., j11


. FOR ··'8~~·1~. - ,

J uaL recolrcd u: schooner Flmtllo, froll

Drid11owalt~! :' .

50 M SJ>ruce BOARD~

30 M H emlock BQ.A.RD 1 I 1

25 M Sp ruce Scantlin@ ~

2~ M l?ine S~N~LBS 25M Spruce· ' ~do.

D. J GREEN. J uno "I6.

) "


........ ._.. ................ __ .. . · --&> ..........

' . I - -"'NGI.~-u, ..._..,~.._~

mali wb; cioee oo' bellen (a aa4 lerft Que.a faila io _... bla MUtr.'

Doria made Do lllh'er, bat Ia her bean .,he laid &baa IQOb a IWreeplog OODdeiDU• \loa wu IUifalr-&ba& maAJ ltleD ~ w~ID lbe word .. rora1&1" e-.eD ... &D abomiDa·

'::.M• .. __. &. ad-'-, t ,.,. .., ,_, l.ioD tried &heir IleA ~ lead a pore life. u.. ~,._,.~ l ldo ao& -··w poUcioa ban 10 do

BrS. Ou~!f.

l"., ~a eoft!;bl'at Alllblllpn'e lhroao Or •'-•ed lUI' ridlee.,.. lew "''11~11

Or ol{U'fe alKI atroiud '" wta lbo .--, T., be •b,.flrat-lo 1.,..1 II•• ll~bl1

.Aad u I blue baotl \Ot..o on lbo ~riu1 Fale burt..t &ko to• tl..r1t doo ; ll~l kludl.r •urJo "'klmlt...l bope-

Uo, apeak U... "'IJIJ' I..UOw-D I

Hullboo DOt kaowa Oppr-.lou'a •Mabt 1 Or "-"rJ liM Lllau\lutf laup aud jcar 1

Or dkloo~ tho~& pVlO ll<ylo...,t.o oae Wllo l~r..w lllulu h•llun~t I oar

B)'1100tn P Or olld 11>11~•~ Wr!le th ... u unlo•IOII" wltb ber cold pee P

'.fble but lbnn l• h 1 T~ ... glbo"' loei­Oo,OWI!un U....IJIJ lolluw-m...l


. Dr 0. HUitT J.lCUO:f,

The IDD Ia ap ! ohowtn~t a omJHag Ia~, l.lh a d""r lriood wo aJwa~'W love t.o -.

Foilblul la proutloo, both Ia IIID• aod plaeo, Wilb IDSD)' radio~ I woiCOOI.,., warm oud fr..._

No eb.<uto e•er lluall ACNOII II• glorious la na, 'l'bougb ..,.,.elliDOI WJdou by I he clo11dt' coo

ltnl; l!aeb U. lnlo frirndololp ! E•en odftrs• elorm

D...troy• not lovo Ia a woll-baiAI>ced aoul, ·

NO$.., tl><t )fooa-laoco~tolaalla lu light, And variable In vloillug our eyes:

OtuimH r•fulu~t to rollo•o lbo ulabt,

with rellfloa,'aid Domdret.IDiiJ. • When a wua II wae Ia oae Ualllf, M Ia

likelJ ~ be koe Ia all,' declared &be law­Jet ; • t.nd. If ~e ia falao in ooe, bo ie apt to be falM io all (Jiye me my b~ Doria i 1 will ba'tl &ha~ potter dowo.•

Hi• daogbter 1111iltd.

~on C&ll &ear dowD tlfi bill, pa~ ; bo~

yo caDDo& rtiDO'fe &be mao.' ehe Mid. • afortoaatbly, 110 ; If I could, llfould

hno biru locked up. • • I ahould like 10 bear him.' eaid Doria.

• I hue nner beard a nally oloqnea~ apeaker. MAy I II"' ~ lbe lecture?'

• I aball be uhamod il yoD do,' replied ~lawyer. Bu~ Ooria lan«hod. • Not q11ite that. Sir Joha Darke la

gniag, with bla wife aod daagbl<lrw. I abowd like ~ lfO at.o.'

• Well, -JOD C&D go, • Ia, if ro·or ooolill will aceompllDf you. J ult once will oot metter, and il will t~ron 10

' ron what oontenee each mea talk. You will ccrtaialr bear a fiDe orawr. I bne heard tbd Martin ltay'a worcla fall lllto flame all4 Mt bla bearera' bu.rta oa lire. Go. but do aol meolioo tbe mao'a Jl&CIIe ~ melgaio.'

Mr. Hatloo floiehod bia tea nd went off lO tho ol&co. wbero, in the iatricaaica of " LunoD .,, Gother," he forgot all about Marli.a Ray; oor did bo dream tba' a tr&· gedy bad btgoo that dar. •

Harbury wu a qulot lawn, with Yery few amuMmeola, t.nd aucb a thing u a grea political lecture, no rualter on wba\ aide was oot lo bo neglected.

Doria Hauoo was well pleaaed lo go. She had all ber lifo beard bor father apeak of ltadicala as of a clue of boiogquite dif­ferent from other mea. Here wu a chance of aeoiog- the eoemr. Pvtlr becauao abe bad noti.Jio!f eleo lD do, partly booaueo falO or destiny lod bar, Doria llatloo weaL lo tbo lecture.

.&11<1 oall' llloullo!y ,..illo a w lull; ourprf10. ILl royo ore bat rt ftootod-borro.,..ct ~IDe­

Like tho J>OOr lrload.hip ol tbooo o!llpty b .. rta. Tbal ...,,. aad lboa will oalllo ... itb lou lhal

"" aet~m• " Uutit lho tuWoa ch..agN-Ihoo It parta.

Look.iug oYer lbe aea of f..O.. obaagiog, briableniog. ~r dari:eoing UJidor tho fire or ecorn of hi• wordt, Martin Rayaaw oao tbal lind in hia bearLfur overmo~ palo, re­fined, pretty faoe. with """t earoeat eyea and a teuder moulh, the faco of a girl who mu" be • bero-,orabipper br oatare. 'fbe expreeaion of it was rap• and aU011tivo; tbe eyea nnor left bia ; the faoo palod, tho Hoe quirered, tho oyca brightened, and tbo

A BROKEN WEDDING RING f•ce Ruahed u be changed bia therae. h

• wu like playin~t on aomo ((rand barp ; lo•lch .. bal cborrl• bo would, tho reapoaee waa cerlain. After a while the girl'aface bcld

BY lli:llTUA lll. 'CuT, bim capt.i~c-bo foun<l himself apea~iog to it. lhiokiog of it, watohing it as ll obangod 11nd paled. It wu no Jouger bimMif aod

CHAPTER L hia audicoce, but biluaolf and thia girl. Ho

THE walla of Ule preUy oonn,ly lowo of wu o~ioing lo her bi.a doelriue, ilobu-Harbury, io Kent, were All placarded loll bor nd with bia ideu.

with tbe oame of Martin Rar.-&lartia Ray Mr.r a Ray aurpaaod hiru~elf tbia eYeD· Ulo Radical, lobo Reformer ; •i"tJie Yo1co of ioJZ; the fOUDJ face inapired bim, aod, al· tho f'eople," M lte lihd 1:>6t like<! ~II though amongd bia liat.encra were. maoy hiuaclf ; tbo pbilaot6rop1~at:cr of •bo diuealOd from bim, 11nd who believed Qucco and arulacracy, t he t.eachor of tre11. bim lObo a hood criminally wrocg, n o ooe eno; the mao wbo worked for, ye t lived couldbelp adm1riog the aarneat diacouree of upon tbe peoplo; the mao •bo ,..~ h"Jr "tho Voice of the l'eople," Thoee who aeoiua, half ~Dad man, half poet, full of greal di~roed with bim regretted tb•t ao mueh \boDJbte all diatorted, of IJTIOn.f i..t ..... "1: lale.nL ahould be 1\bWied ; 1boee wbo beliov­W!'OIIf; a mao wbo.e lipe had been toocbed ed in him gne biro an ontton, ana reaac.ea by tbe diY'ioe 6re of eloquence, wbo could bi ro royally io t.he old town of llarbury. 1tir the bean. ol the people· u tlae wiod All n1gbL lllartin Uay drel\!lled of ooe ctira tbe lea'fea; a mao who had magoificcut Cace. ono p:~ir of eyu; aud, wben moroio~r cotlCOptiooa of what the world mlgb' bo dawned. he feh lb:\l tho common lot of mada, yel f11iled uttedy io malting tbom bumaoity wu his at lut-he loved the fair practical ; a mao over whom a wiac govero- unkoowo girl witb 1\ lovo t bat aaugb& coold meot bwtatea. hardly koowiog wbetbor to change. cruah him or to lake bi01 by t.ho baod ADd lie foond oot who abQ. wu: aho wu make a frieod of him. More tbao one Doria llatloo, the only dtujlbtor of the Prima Mioietor hd koiltod bia browe over at.aneh old aolioit.or, wbo would bo hia tbe name of Martio Ray, more than ooe greAtest politiu.J onomy. He tried lo 2et popolar oiJtbunt bad followed the !Ire of tbia an iotroductioo "' I he hoo.c. bot failed man'a word&. He wu earoeet JOd aiocore. comple tely; Amoa llattoo woulrl not ro­He l1at.ecl cverythinll U•at appertained to eoiyo hj.m. ~till l>hrtin RAJ ' could oot Royalty ; ag:.ioat tbe Q ueen u a woman be t.ear bimaclf frorr. tbe 11irl : all!1 ho fopntl aid never a wortl-agaioat her L8 t he Hoact mean• to n•c~t her 1\od to tell ~r bow tYcll or the Stalo be uttered thunders or wralb. be lo•·ed hor. The ariatocraoy he hated wh b booeat hat· Doria Jlat l<'lo wM always inclined to~lce red ; he would ban taken tbe bread screa a romantic Yiow of IMttora, and iho IDttde ol d uke aod ~art and ahared them amongst of tho ml\o a perlect hero. All tho iolu"" lho laboring poor. l:fe protcaled t bat the &lid thooriu , or b~r life were up.ot. ~bo mooopolr of we~th by a few wM a gro• beli .. ed thia man, wil.b bi.a dMit ey011 and l.Djoatioe lD the maar ; he aware tbaL bo remJ thougbt.s, lO be a prophet amongaL wollld giYe_ bia life to undo the wroog ; at the people. At hill bidding down weot tho Ute aiDe umu be WM content lo lin bim- alta,. of her yooth; loyallf, obodioace, ~elf t1po11 the eubeoriptlooa of 1ba peo- revereoco for aupj)riora-all Yaalebed, a11d pie wbom ho mlaled aod iaoi~ lo eedi· before her apread tbc wide plaio of aoiur­tioo. ul equality. She loved tlbrtin Ray with

He could be tracked eully u &be ILuoing perfect lore, 1uc~ u be ecoid hno woo fire Ulat laya bare tbe }:lralrle ; ,bereYOr he from no other creature li•lng. There wae went be ... followed by doll<f mormon of a lonsr et.ruqle in be r heart between popu}ar _!iiaooDteDt, aud lbea CIID4I riot aqd allegiance lo ber father aad thia awift, oew. l~pnaonment. I9 qaiet b&n~lcta,io bom Jon; bnt.. M tbie oow ~her told nll.,ee. l.D pN9ir(uJ towu, lo hw. 'the "old laocl.marlta wero awept awar. worbbo!l' llk1 prret.e, Ida worda ........ ::~)~~. e:riatod no l oo~t~~r-oo rather had a ..& fire &o ~ who llaened_ to Interfere witb ibo mtmiago of hll

At Hart!ary. there bad. beea' &. ~~·IJJ~-;'.~I'OD. bribery al the elecllon1. 1 Thete Tbro:1~ the aweel mootb of May. while be a hw Ia Ula lnDor there • the bawthoro bloomed Of) the bedgea and tiD aa, i • It ia tbe Ye"f pl.:CO tbe clo'fer jiTeW. ho cootri•ed lo Me ber lecture 111 lle " worlnoc-DIIo'a e•ery eYealn,r. He folltld lhat narbory So. PI• walla of the old lawn were pl.-.oard· wu a good achool. Ho wrote lo U.e com­eel with ~e aama of Martin Ray, tbe !a- mlttee of wblcb he wM the head, and Mid moaa1ladJcaJ, atJd the people tbirated w tbat be abould remain there while he - Ute DIW cbamllloo of popular ri1hta. .foooded ' aoclety,;l taagbt the people

Bu'bory had J'wa11 been a quiet Coo- •hal were workmeo'a rigM aad wroaJI". -tl'fl lowa, U.e iobabitaata of wbiob He labored boaeatlr enough, aod In ~e

• had ....,,1 troubled tbeUI.IIel1• with poll- loternle or work he eecre\ly wooed Oorla \Ice, anal election t.imea; hut oow am owl -Don., wbo wondered bow tiUe mao, 10 the poor a•d the artlaao el&ll a oew liabt gilt.ed1 10 di6ereat frora ot!:er men, came wu aprltldlnr. Ther were ad looaer w be to Jo.t-e bar-noria, •bo~ belle-ted lo bl.a ",..._t and oontemaed ; uary mao wu d-. ud ble Yiaiont, nd wbo fo..-w a to hl'fl hlr du• ; tbare lbould be aooe very dme wb111 all mea wo11ld be equal, wheo rich, aoae Y~ry poor. Aud the mao wbo ponrty t.nd loll woald be done away with, WM ~help in tho aoo001pllabmen& of all &Dd aol'flrMI peaae, charity, barraooy, and dale wu ~min¥-" tbe Voice or tbt' Peo oorofort reill'IL 1fartlo Ra1, her hlfo, wu pie<"· ~tia li•Y· No wonder tilal lbe to brio~r abonl thle. . She did ao' know oltt -IIA were pl-rded, aod Ul&l every lbeo tba~tlo Rayll'fed in lunry oo the pte~ Uld bore bia name. 1 moner dljat~ool" ha'fl fod U11 crhildren of

'Die piiCIIrtl of all WM !hat oppo. the poor with bread. Sbe ba.d lo lear~~ tho II• to. tile all of Amoa Uatt.oa, wbo li'f· hard ... Of all leeeo~u dl!ereooe be­.,. I• ' I SU.t, llarburJ, tile laat dea- t•eell pre.p& &Dd praotloe. .....,, hat had oooe bean a wuhhJ aad po• ul· ' /UiriJ. F,or _pallfl· OHAPTER fl. &J- "'" I ~ and J109'H ; th'er llad 110o loeaar Ito-. or laodi aor tYcn

• • .,-.- : aad '"A- Hat&oa bad bc~ta com­to apply Ia._., lo ODt ot tile P,o.

dti wu a eolloitor, wf&b a ·-u ~~ ,.,..., pnlll&lee; Dlld. bel ........

• ~ ... •- ol llaitfa RA1 ill · Je,.. .....,. oppoelte ~ IJ,a door dilplltllel! ~ ...... ,. , , · I ,... ..... .,... to' llrMk¥ .. dill

~~ .... orW .... ... .. t~~er-. · ~ ........ DaN ....... " =.......,· ................... .

• ,.,.., ........ . • ·~II a Wi-

n. ........ ...~, . . .. r 1111111 1 ,... u~~~ . ............ "'

.. .aol ~p..J'; I oollld bu& - llow '' tie bll wile UMl liJa bell ... IIIII& h lm Ia bJ. wort. · 110& ... &ow lf&Dd II \be me? "1 am w be ~ U.e' wOIIIell of what be II~ \ke mea."

" lf•no forbid I" ew'ehMt' .Amo.'Bat• loa. " 1 would nth ... , ct.ui.Y 1111 1 lo•e yon. .Me J~U (a your "'" 1 1 would raUler," he added ptliioi&Uil,y, "fu nLh.

JOG dead tb&D Ule wife ol ManiA lla7l' "A ad 1," 1h1 replied. relelog her pale

fair face to him, " .would die &baa forake him or aiYe·him DR I"· ~

"You 10111t cbooee be&weeo aa, Doria," aald bar fa&ber, lr1iag ~ epeelt oal111ly. " 1f roo many him, I wUl oeYer apeak to you or bur your ' YOice; • JOO wnl bo uo child of min~ ; I will oul JOU off from me." , .

Sbe uttered a low «7 of palo t.nd de­apalr .

" I wonder," ebe aid, " if eYer a girl bad w obooae between hor !a&her t.nd her lonr before?"

"Yea.'' be replied; "baodreda. Aa a rule, U.or cbooeo the IoYer ;- bal JOU ough~ to bo &D uoeptioo, Doria--rou ought oot ~ be of. tho commoo run of airle. I Ol:· pool more from JOn. 1 will DOL take your•er JIL ; you m!Ut think h o'er. h ia DOt for a few dafl or mootha LbU you haYO w decide, but for life, Done. Mr dear, uy lO diaabuee JOortelf of tbo ootioo tb~t Martlo Rlly ia a hero. tia is ootblag of the k.iod. He Ia a paltry, DliNnblo ecbomer, who Jiyca upun the hard earulu~ ol tbo people be mlaleade."

" You C&DacL undentaod bia aims, abo cried deapalrioJiy. ,

" Nor do 1 wiab ~ uDdersb\od them. For tbo matter of tbal, you do DOl, Doria; neither doea be blmaelf. 1 could tell you wba& hi1.aima 11re far better lbao he could. Think .well, Doria, before you decide. Your brother Artllur, i( lllldge him right­If, will agree 'lltth me. You will give as both up for a ttraqer, a Radioal, dema.­aog'le ! Bah I 1 110 P!'loiOACO ~ apeak of il l" ·

Tbia COD1'el'UtfOD toolt place OD a bright Juno momlug. 'l'be lawyer bad writtea a brief cootempaloaa reply 10 Martin Ray'a letter reqoeat1og hia daogbter'a band, and U.eo MOl for Doria lo hia etudf. He bad faaciod h would· be our ~ lnfto.eoce her. llo bellem &hal be bOld oul1 to r~~faae, and aho would forget allaboullbe propoaat . lie had fou•1d that be waa miatakeo. The new love was etronger tb.a the old ; hero. worabip bad a greater charm tbt.n mero obedience.

AIT.oa Halloo gne bia dAughter a few day• to decide upon her fat.~ in life. She took the ;lo:isioo inlo her owo banda, tmd marriod Martin Ray-but oot with bor (ather'e eooaoot or bleulng. She atole from lbo bouse one IQDDf moroiog oncr lo euler il &&•in. She It'-d bu father oo the oveniog before, eod oner ea-.i his bee or beard his vo1co again. Sba 111arriod tho mau whom aho bolieJOd to }?o a hero, and reaped ber retYanl.. ·

'.£'hero r:1u 10mo Hulo lktrprieo aod coo· ateroation in lbrbury when i~ was known tba~ Uoria UatlDD had married tho youog demagogue whoao appearaaoe bad creat&d aaociat wbirlW'ind.

• Wha' oould abo MO 10 blm, a pretty aenaible girl like Doria ?' people uked each other.

Few oaderttood tbo &Urao~oo that •ncb a wau wuu1d ha•e for a romaatio ecnt.i. moaWII lfirl. • Doria thoJJgbL DO Jo~ in tbe world oue half 10 brilliant &II bers,

A•oo1 Halloo wu a heart.-brolteD !114D. Ue baJ hot hro children, anti bo bad loved them witb thol deo)leet pc$1siblo Joye. IIi• IOD Arth11r a bao<ho•oe, epinted boy, eighl1oara oldor lheo hia tiater, had cho~en tbo armr !or a prollm!on: 111d quite c!lrly in l.o11 career be b11d r~C<~iYe•l ao escollont militAry appoiDI.Ioeo~ in lad.i11, where bo ,.. rapidly acoumula&ing Came and fortune. Dorie, hi a .fair daut~b~r. was tbo vary pride of bia heart. Fo'r bor tbo old ll\wyer bad worked aud toilo;q only to •ee hiruaell for­a-lteu for a 1~ wborn ho bated aod deapised. 11-a boart wu blUer aod hiE. lt"rath ""' great. He wro~ to bia aon in Jodi.\, tolling 'him what bad happened, and bidtlinsr bien w driYe aU memory or bi• fro111 bilu furner. Thea A11101 Hal­loa nade t.noLber will, Ia wbicb be loft all bia ~ bia 100, t.nd wbeu bo apolto of Do~ 1t wu uof oaede:ad. Eteryt.bin" lha\bad ner beiOII(ed to ber-piaoo, book.~ piclurea, clolbea, oraameot.a-wu teo\ alter her. Io thela..,.er·a pl-at ald·fMbion­od bo010 in llatb11ry not a traoe one left of lbe daughter once 10 heto.,d(l llo laded

·qlliolttr,alter tba&. · -. . .... . . . .. . ... The 1 bree Jlare tbat follo11'ed ble mar.

riage we., peri.Jape the moa\ brilllaot of Mt:rtla ~y'a life. 'l'bo worabip u•l a·lon­tloo of biayoa11r wife .Umalated hhh. Be poeit~ely bega11 ~beliel'e hlraaell wbat abe lflllllood blm lo be. He bepo to tbiak of bita~elf u a true pbilaat.laroplat, ODe bOra ~ help tbe people ...... half half Dllrtyr'-'111 tbe mao cboeea• Eoeland 'to repreaeo~ \he waota. U.e •roo.-. and the wfab001 of &be wortior or- 8e begab lo lmagille tha' t.11e di•ioe ~n~~~de of genal had falletf OD him, tba& he wu c»o.n by Proridence to • be /i leader amoept men, aocl lao •• etililalated ~ rreater, puder aodoa. Hia aame be­oame almon a po••r in t.ha laad.

h broke the old lawrar'a !Marl, eYery time lae opened a tiewapaper. w read eaob worde u "Riot ia LiYtrpool," "Seul.l.io111 Honmea~ lo Alaoeliu&er," "Growth· of Dlal~ty ' .... Ill* tho Lo..., OlaeetiOI" " Dta!todoa •' 1:1-" 1 \be a. n 11-, be wot~l4- .t.,pullfl'&ph oallloa attaa&&o. ~ M..trtio Ray-to bla ller7 eloqoaooe ~ bll wobderfal ia4aMoe Ofor U11 ~ 'l'be old laW"Jor 1!'01lld cUuoh bla haade • be ,.t. Tile .elrrer ap of eedltlco, dlle m&D who will Jlko a llre-bnlld, 'lllbo IDOfod M a ecorcbiog 8ame onr &lae fair, fl'lltl loral laud, lhl.a ~ who o:r.alr preacl•ed re­bellion, apolladoe, ao treuoa-UIII taaa

bad takeo ble h1aht roonJ daDJhter froru him, ~ad left hi,. ht aoiuttb aud IOfrO,. He aaid notla!Di ; ho' lloyl1 eacl 1arwl1 t broh hla heart. . .

One taOI'DII!It •hea )le opeood bla ne­pal!"', he •• a ~IIOOOIIDl ' of a,.... pol~l -cing Ia C..Ondon, t.ncl the ena'­oldie daf wu ~· "lpeeoh of Mudu ~1·

ooe liW h-"d 1 .. equal I~:::: elol:a.ue1tlle, lot Ut.o;laD 1-J"eu, fer

pi,. .. loh ... ,. aU.dJ uuftalble '"'" .... .,....t~~aa·made a lo,.& .... ro.1 &o 1M th OM wbo pn IIUer&aoe ·~ It P-•a· llllad lor h. 4•M.Ha&lllll Nld 81'­


,_,.. He tlloadt Of llll UUle ._.Don. -~~~~~~~~~~;)...~~~~~~~~~~~~-what eome&ll~ lUie reaaoree, ba' ~ ap 1a1a .wact u.a• ...... he neanaecl w EllflaGd , blwollld-...t ta,r oaa, aod .- lau&...,. r Poet1011lc4-lfotl.oe. , , UaeiDOCieywidl w. • . ... ~ - - fl- :. ~

So .&.11101 Hauoa ._. btaried. llld Ia clue • ·M- AIM wiD• J» ._.. ••• ·• f*"'­U~ foraot~ DorW mo'orucl Jolla _M!l I , a..ftl hit 06. ~ .... ~ .. pi, lor Ill& '11M~ dme of bu. a-... Ui., 1111, aa folio"' : 1 •1 f i 1 • obaiaamtoa 11&4 Dot 7-' arn ... .a. Sba IWl · ' - • • bellewl!l lo her haiband uaanlt.ahlro aac1 For,~~ot;" aod!~~~~r,l. an uoolleaa maa. Nooe of ber Ulllliou ~yw, • GllldaJ, had beeD ullpelled, &11'1 bw happlaeee. llacl • • - I ( ) •-

beeo crowaed hJ &Ia• blnh o1 'wo UUle 0 r: ~ .aoba,.,_~~z~~-daagbten-beaudfal oblldrea, &be alcleet of ,. • ., •,L.ft'..._.,__ ... ......y whom abe bad D&IDecllAah aod dleiiOOIMI For l'ort.Qpl Qo,.e•l'~?. WMk day. Bettie. She wu woadorf~IT bapP1, tbiJ For l:laan) ~JtleDl, l:Uteaaf ao~.~ura-••eet lfCIDLlo Doria. who dlougll& Do hoabu'd day • . &Dd DO oblldreo equal to her oro. Cut o« lf'or Bar a. Verde ·Dlltrlct, Taudar udl from -all borfonner ulooi.auoiU and friorada, ~rdu. . .- . ' · '1

tbro••• eotlrelr on her b111baod for aociet1, · ·For ~onh St~a .o' Trloltr Bay~ DO wonder that bet JifeD&rrowed ,.d bar SouU. Sule or Bo:aat'llta &y, O'fef)'. ru•· world bocaJDe centred iu billlt da~ .

1 ' ' I t

h did oot take ber 1111117 ,...,. lo Had da or d Wtlda1 .... + oat thal her Idol wu of.claJ, lo dlaconr Jill

be wu oo, 'no martyr that he For Peuy cared little for tbe COAIIQDID~ of bia )lepx:;!~",i&P''ln.IIOIII., eodilio111 lallloagf' t.nd lbe tire be plat ~ into cbe hearla of the people; proYided moaier, Greu ooly UlaL be awle moner aod li'fod ID WedaMday --·-.-···~'V eorufort, &bal bll aloqoeAOe .wu a jlle&t bor.aocl oe oatunl gilt wblola bo would juat u obeer- Yr· & v~-' nola Vlf,t~II-IIJ fullr baYO tumad to &DJ .J?Urpoee, or _ _,,a. qa ~ .. ~ .. tbat., llripped of all"'llle ~deal qoahtiea abe ~I 16&11 XoN!Dber.; YnaaJ bad ucribed to him, ho waaeimpl1,11brewd raft! ofl. E.,!Wt JltiltloJud of mao of powerful lallllect., rather mon~ For !alo Valoa, 8&.. Kf"lll:li ........... ,,_. OflOtiatloal aud moreael!lab tbao moahf hi.e Oderia,IFia& ~mmi\ Bur'lo, feJiOWI. OIDlia; 0D }/~1 a!llr "unyal Of ""goarlaiD

Some wlyea Jiye aod die without either Mall, aod ·~· ~~ ~ Yoada7 ~~ or their huabaod'a faulla OC' d~rniog rift! of Rlltlilll waii,_ .

wultoeaoa.. H wu uo~ 10 wit.b For •lled ......... aa. ... Ialaad, "Harbor Ooria. 'l'he fact that abo bad been ooce Ba~~ ~, ~-B;vaeb, aDC1 .... blinded aeemed to 011h her more clear- ·~eeo, Yla PIMiell~- ~rict&1 Ww. u., ai11hted alcer1"ard. 'l'be time came whoa nYal ofEJ!j!llab Ka1L- • ahe alood appalled at what abe bad dona- ' MaliA riJ, IIllO - ~ ap f~ •. ~ when lb' olap-trap Motimeo\1 that abe bad miaioo ~1...._.... eeoll ~&e~ ~00~1· once tb90gb\ ao heroio and Rrand appeared afw~'~ol~lroaa,. ... yqi&.od ,K&q· lo ber lo U.elr true llabL Tbe k.nowlodge doa. 1

' • "

brout.(ht ua a eevore llln-. and abe died. . FDI· I'tft11aocl .. ~ ~"' •h•rua.&eiJ; leuioi her two little dau~:htera, Leah aod TrepuaeJ, 8&. ~ • &DII, P£-ou. al· Hettlo. But, before"ebe died. ehe " role a tbra..lalf; SL lAwre....S'- Pierre. For· loUor to her far off brother, who bad DCYCr lone &Dd G~!&alt al~ema~t, ; ,Harbor ace a her lioco ebe was a child, owoing w Hri~. Oaaltoaa, • ..&Ad 0~ Jpt'OII .al~r­hl!f~ t hat her otarriage bad be eo a fatAl u~elf ; Hell~.• udS\.~9ea.alt.uaate­m111&ke, and pmyiog bim to tAke charge of 11, llufi('OO, ~Ute .Bar, • 4fol.e. Role her cbild"'n-to eave lhem. toreacue, Blaocbe, aud Channel · If be could, from a fatal aod. uowholeaomo Aud Moot.bly, from Moo4aJ.;!!'' Ma7, at01ospberc, IUld do lbe be.~ bt oould for flloor O.yBaS\. Georp, .&1 of da, aod them. • . aoe 'fl , I • .

Ho wM Colonelll.attoo wheo bo receiYod Alee, 00 lil~dar• amfal of ~ the let.ter. He -pi&Ot'd It wiU. •bia papera, fro111 Ueited K1ogd?m. • lot!adiog w do wha& eho aalted, aad io the For Ba~~yent aad Old Parhcan al· Wlllfl o£ bia busy lif• for"g\'t ~~oil about it. tema~l~ ; · l'riehr. CeWl.D ~~!~~~

(To b. COiftinwtd) ~ing. c. .... : o,....JIIPODd... F~. ~1 wiJho­pte, l:~:plolla, Liufe &7 hlaada, Uttleo

-iiimolf l!JOTB8. Hay, Bott'a Con, 'rtlt Con, t.ntl Nipper'•

Harbor. E~erything ia in wbioo at date that CAD llaUa will ba claaed at 8 .. m., abarp, for

be pre.sed inlo ~en·ict, &lid diveraity io'tbo Norl.bora ud WNW~l StewDere : at II. S&., application of modea aud deaigna ia only for all otber rootaa. limited br tbe fancr, the capriea of 1be . Lettera, New~papera, or other llail ma&­n1alter or tbo wearet. Any latly can alto in ~r. thot time uarood for cloaiog tbis way becoLDe ao oriaioator, for ahe hu will relDaiD Ia &be oflloe uacil lollowiox d" only w m11ke a certain de.igu, torn the aide of deapetciL Peraoue wiabiog to forward w tbe front, the front ~ b..clt, or 'flee c,rretpondeace are reco111meoded ~ pott nraa, and lo I eho bu a new fubioa. R ut aacb ill tl:11e, u t.bie rul.l CIIIDO~ be depart.­whmteYer the IMSOD may bil fro111 tho poiut cd fro10• of view of fashic.o-traol(e, c11pricioua, di Maile from the Unit~ Kingdom are n .., Yerei6od, aod full of elartliug eontruta aucl pee~ to arrin eacb al~ruate TDe.dar; 1nrpriaea-lt corL,inly II no~ economical. tbneo from Ualifu on Wednesday of tbo 'l11ere is adecided leaning wward tbc moat following week.' Ollice opeu enry 'l"uea­o~:penain fabric• ; non•' ~.,iJiog ie co~~rrd day, ua•il 6 p. 111.., for it.!ciatraUon aod with embroitlerr, and partially auptmd~d Jnuo of Mooer Ordera.. h7 delicalo cr~pe de Chioe, C repe d~ Cbin~ Jhnaila do not arrive 1o tl111e (ordeepatcb· itaelf, lo.,e lyand ICI"IICeful u it i11, ia conaid • inr a.D &he daf aod !Jour n..aod for cloaiog, •...i.."...flu" and muot be cnriobcd wi1h 1hoao for dilf•reut rouwa will be for•an!<:d laco or e•nhroidery, or both. Ele1111DL bro. i01wediatel1 alter 10rtiua of oorrcapondonco eadea, in bigb color• an•l io strong con· ;. completed. tnuta, which 11ro oulyauit:.blo for rec.,pt!o ud General )•oat Ollce, l aod loolc oul of piACO czcopt in a drewina:· St. Joba'a, Mar, l&IS, S room and under tko wu. Jighta, are uaed !or pari& of eammer coetumea io combin:\-tion with p l11in colr..ra, ADd aro wood dowu Just Ikccivcd and Selling Cheap by tho akill and t.aalO or good dreu-waker. unlil they are mncb leJI proaOlunoe.l in ap -liT-

pe3ruoeo than mi:;b~ be euppoeed. JILLARD l:JROTHERS A no1"elty for hiiYelliur dreJ~Jea thia

year ia a beif{O io three atylu-plaio. Their Spring and Summer Stock lltriJlOd anrl check ell. Tl.oe colora aro bronze Rrccu or bluo. wi1h lito brown of Uae btli,;e, -or-

tho 1011 color bt!iuq of roura4, plain l.r lWD. N e w G 0 0 D s Black and white are co~pbiuod lbie ee~t.,on nry rreqnondy, and wi_.1 very good uiJect . Soll}o or tho r io'Jcat dreu61 a re combinatiooa or besatiful brou.ded grona•tio~. wiili .. bit.e RED UCTlON I REDUCTION) utin, the Mtin conred wi\h Freucb lace. Dlack IIDd l wbite io plaid• appear io aillt, For One .... onth Only! iu ail it IJ!DIIio, aod al10 Jn oune' nihnsr. . 41. A now oo~· Yelling, really oothiog more thAn tho • t, fino all wool delaine or a qnarter of century ago. ia callo•l doable auoa' Yeiliog-:~4 La UMful material for cool climate• , eo it gina a ~'ach or wanntb wllb • ille ligiJU1t~a and weariag ctnatititiOI. With the eoormoue demand for laoe. tb.ore Ia ' l'fldeDc.t of U1e roviYal of auipure. Ver:J wide, be:\utifnl goipurea are Dow marle for 8oooota, tbeee bavlnsr beeo rnlved, and • very a 11w laoe i1 a line guipure, combiood wilb ne.dle-polat Sp&ll· iab lace, · • •

Bluk II w a lor all out.uf.door occa: aione raore Clt&D aoy of the deep dark ahadoa of polor, ~DIO iL admi'- of almo.t aay &ln.., of oolor being uaod to bri~tbteo the lolle'- Black aod gc~ld are old ertiaUc oombloatlooa. aod jn1t at tbls .. oment JU.e marria~re of the aleter of the King of Spain hM rauob to do wi&b rl'fhi ng go Ideo abadea for lbo toilet, wblle oatore, aleo, parlioi· pat.- ia oo acnall degree In diclallog tbe momnlary mode ~ \ba Pariela~ The-. • palo yellow lleld Bower, Ia

plentiful in tlae raarhta., and, beiDif g11y llld obeap withal, it II woro or carried lly \be parehuera lo U.eir bnroe., 10, u nil(hl followa day. ·mediate. follow potlular taate, aod yellow &ocaelill ~brtp~oa. U.e PI""' oolon. r •

Tbe olcJ..time llowlag alee•• for all Ifill• of W.. II belnl( revil'ed whb a Ylaor that lea"• oo doa~f Ita aa--. All elorao.t tr&Yellint ooat f01 ao Amerleaa ladf ia ol MOt blaolt ouhmere cloth lald Ia tbree·qa&rtbr. laob alde plilite u tbe back from U.e neok &o the kottom of the Jrll~Dt ; tile f{Oo&" qallelooee, &Dd Ia ooaftoed bra flrdle of oloU. aUaobed at ~e lldea, aad ol ... ped wltb ao 1bon1 bookie aboo' al1: lnobel bolo• tlul llDe of &he waial; the ""Ytl are puc Ia full aad hl,lb ou die ehottldera. aod' ..,.. ~ht oe teo luoh001 wide '' &lae wrllt, &arulq" OYII' ~eraaelYea iII..........._ A ltotiaMao for a bride hu .a.,. of &lie ........ , ,ow.. ...a )olohti...S. with U.e " .rat Ia'" 6r ll•ne. reaollt.r YerJ fall ao4 bel•• the ..-. !J.ator ~ U..lboal· dar. ~

SIMYa for..... aa walklDf---. are qalte o&ct- tcr'tlul ~n~. ao4eo4tait ot .ate ,... ...........



NEWHOME · Sewing lachine Company

30 Union Square, 1QW YOllX.

Marob 10.

PHCENIX Fire ~ranee Company~ LO.IlB.l.M BT~OBAJUNG onons • • ' 'JA)NDON.

-1-- . ESTABLISHED IN 1782.

TRUSTEES .t DIREOTOJU!. J •hlll'AWV#.l!~viH1&eq Oeaood llonbotr7. Eeq D dDiuellurlou, &ooq7 IC..b . llod1f11010,l>"''. H.l>. T •d Uoa J ..... OyaJ. Sir J . Lut.t..ocll, Bon •. Jo •• OluUooei£aq. 11.1' •• I'.R.S. O.K. Caope. ., M.l'. Ct.a.. Tho.. Lucaa, 'Eeoi· J uo t:oope Dav •· E.q. Joo. D. ll•~:•na. t.:"l· ueo. A . l"ul!w, ~· J<hD Sle·ourt Oal•y.Eaq 0. &. Oondban, t;.q. ObariM Wvaa, ~· DUJll•1 B. tlualf:b. KfiJ IV J. 'l'I.JOI>lJIIOD,

. A"UOITORS: Wallar Ulnl, J:.q. ,l.ortiW•n.llrook l'Lipp.

J C>Hpb Franc • L.,.cbcr, Eaq. ~

JotrN J. llLOOllfii!LD, .'il.cretar!J. FllAMcts li._.McDoliALD, AMt Sccrttary.

Ioeuraocca aaaJoal .r.-. by Fire ~of· feolad by the

PHffiNIX COMPANY, upon ever1 dHCripti011 of Propertr in l'fery . par~ of t.he world, ou lilt moat fnorabl11 lcnU.

The uromptilodo aed liberality 'With wbicb it..e•'i&ge•neula are alwaye met ou thle\:owpeny are well koowo, and lbe im­portance d ita re.atioua wicb t be public IDII.J be eetimated from tho facl that aioct it• estllblial\toem. h ba.e paid more tbau T\\'.:LYE MII.LlO~S STEHLING ia diacharge of clai111a for Loaer bJ Ore.

Rate of premium 1:1d all otbor informa­t ion m•J be obtained oa application to

W •• G RE:-IDEI ·L. St. Joas'C 't

·.4pt J '' Nar[I1!Uidl4~

TO MARINERS~ l{p. 1, 1883.

.OREKN ISLAND. C.tTALINA. Lad~.t. ........ , ..... l8· so· t~" Noru. .l.otwi&ede. ....... ..... 63· Oi' 23" Wee&. A CIWI'PJOJC Foo Hoaw, 10all41iar bJ

-preeeed air. haa been placed. at t.hia su.doa Ia a woOd (o .. llOreJ} halldiu$t, oa a polat ol, N.E. ot &be Liaht l:loaee. . . . . 0. aad.after Marel!.lat, &he BorD will be

....cted doriog ~lek waa~er aad aow· ~ lor PViode ol In ~ada, whh in· tarnltt eflilnoe"OI&Ialrty-ll•eeoc:OIItli.

l'bJ.~1Iilltle ol 80Dil~ will pro"bablJ be lroco llelf • .Ue to teo iDllea, ~ tM'•ffi~.t-~bere,orU.e d•· reodoa - d*J C..U wiod. , :;s.z l. ... , __ _

ot ·, ~~·· 9, · 188a

D.un'1 Uu.oa-Latitude 48· 01' ();" No~dt :rt' Lonl!wde 68· 16' 67" \Vut.. ... ~· l; at Ulla SWIOII, adYtrtieecl ...

..... Jl !:W~ .ta future b. wurrE.

No. 3, 1883.

THE PILLS - --- --

IUrpul aJJI o'ber )[;..floloee for rari/ iog t.lle Blood ; "ber are uailaLJe f all u a domeaUc ucl h"ouaebolci rem'.c tor aU .aiAordere of tbu BTOIUOJ LlVRR, KIDNF.VS ant' BOWRI; In Conratiou and Oba~otioua of ..,e1 kind thtyquioldyremoYe 'be oaoae, at in couUpa\loq and 4li8ordered cood.itic or &he .BoweJa, the1 DC' U & cle&ll&iJ aperient.

For Del.tilitated CooatiturioJU·and a Female Oomplainte &beae . . piJJ• .~re u1 eu rJ)I.IIO,)_ t be J' corre.:t alUu~gu Ia ri ti, and · Weakne"ell from ,..hat.clver caw ari.alog.

atanda unrivalled r;'l<the facilhy it di JllaJ• in relleYiD«, h11lillg, aud tho. ougbly curi11B the moet itnet.ente Son .. ad Ulcera, •nd in cuea of BAD LEG I BAD DREAST:i, OLD WOUND: Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin d~ c.uee, it acta u a charm. • .Mat.ufacl.ured only aL Prol'1110t How

w.&T'a Est.auli.ihmont, 533, OXFORO ST.REb.'T, LONDOl' and aohl at h. 13d., 211. 9d., 4¥. 6., 11• 22s., attd 33~, e•u.:h Box and Pc.l, and i Oau.da IlL 3G C&Jltft, !>0 c:eott, auu oU centa, ~u.l &)to larg•.r aiKt ill Jli'OJIOrtiOI

trQAUTIO,H -tha-n DO ~a-eDt i the United 8t&~DOI: are~Xe41dt~• aold ~re. PtUohuera anou14 therefo• look to Uiei.&W on thePota and»oxe

t.he addreee ia not.. 633, Oxford Stree .wuqu•~ .... they are epurioua.

Marh of my aaitl M 'd cinea are regilteted iD• Otb. wa, aad a li u Waahiog!on. . Signetl TtW MAS HOLLOW A) 533, Oxford S~ree~, Lowlon. }

Dca. 18, l~SJ.

._: Thie eeJebrated Medicine ia rtoou Q) meoded blt~alciaoa; lliuiaterw. )l i1

::::11ooariee, er~~.•f Facwriea, Wurk :iji: abopa, l'lt.ntatlooe, Nuraea ill floepital . in ebort, eYerybod!, enrJwbete wL .E hM enr gina It a trial. '

ca •. r Q.. lAIC&K NTERK.lLL1'• it corea Dvacn ''?• . Cbole~ Diarrhoea, era,.,; aa'

.,!2 P111o 10 U.e skiaach, Bowel Compl11int ~ l'a!Jiter'a Colic, UYer Complaint. IJy• ,S pepeia or lodijreltion, ~oddea CaiolA Q) &re '.l'broa&, CoORlll, &c. Ulled ex bf:)tan~ally,lharu ISoila, F .,Jooa,Urui•c• Q) Ca~. Barua, &aide, Old Sore& ""'

::-t;pniUII, Swelling of lbe J olnte, T oot! •0 acba, J>alo io the Faoe, Noun.tgia ~n· ·-Rheumatieal, Chappell Uaode. fru. t i;; blbn Feet, ch. , .

Q The PAUi' JCILLER II aoi.J b1 ~~icloedealera t he wort; C l'rice l!Oo., tk aDd 6Uc, pu bOttle. ~ a.. NoY.U.