lallor day parade features balds, drill ealn float … bus es in the fleet will be new, replac ing...

Volume 39, Number 42 GliEENBELT, MARYLAND / Kio Are Comiug- ·Open&. September 2, 1976 ODen House Tonight - 'rbere will be an open bouae tonlcht <Thurlday) for atudents and parenb of Parkdale atu- denta from 7 to 9 p.m. It)' 1fa17 . P'OI' eumple, Ill addition to ftre September 7 will be all extra. ape- a1anM. there are 111110lre deteetOI'IIo cial daj tor IPPtolbDatel7 1,4011 ucurlt;J equipment, air COIUIIU.• ltlldent. attend!DI tbe new !:lea· Ill&', apeelal 11oor1DS and wd em- nor Boolevelt Bleb ScbooL .ut.r eriDII In 10111e &ftU for or yean of planJIIDi aDd ccmatructlall 1011nd In addltkm. tben and montlia of atJiunent oiler wbo are tbe many ldnda of madllr8 ebould attend tbe ICbool uut ..nat and equipment to lltoek kind of propam It abouJd otrer, the IDduatrlal labe. Tbe ICbool will they wUI be the ftl'lt onea to try bave lb own eomputer to be pied It and aee bow It worlu. Theae ma- by ltUdenw In auch u tiual- denta will mold the cliaracter, at&rt neu and methematlea. the tradiUOIII, aDd to 101118 dllfell , . . From the outalde the new build· -detwmlne the ldnd of ICbool that Ina aeema 111U11ve. It Ia plain. Eleanor Roolevelt lleocllna Room brick, vlrtuaUJ '\ Lallor Day Parade features Balds, Drill r ealn" Float The 22nd annual' Greenbelt La- bor Day Parade will begin at 10 LDL on Monday, Sept. 8. Led by the First Army Band, the parade will follow a route that bepns at the North End School anti proceeds alona Ridge to Northway, Hlllllde and Crelcent Road, ending up at the revlewlna stand opposite the )!unlolpal Bulldlni. Exhibits, Demoostratioos At Labor Day festival CoDDty Schools Reopea Studenta alreadJ , ,bave for lltUrwella on tbe out.llde their COUr&el aDd received lnfor• ·'llflltlh oUt daJIIIht for JJPtbC. maUon reprdlng bul acbeclulel The Interior doem't aeem lilhtJell!l and opening da7 operation. <Biae- or cloaed·ln thoqb. Tbla b&• where ln thla edition of the !llewa becauae the bullding'l thre6 tlaon Berlew Ia thl 'llul ICbeclule for are open at either end tO Greenbelt atudellla.) The acbool day courae area, IIPted pertlalijo ltJ 1a from e:ao -. to 6:11i p.m. Tile skJIIahtl on the root. In tba en· IChool c1a:y Ia divided Into .ven ter of the buOdinc Ia the lfedla perioda plua a lwich period AU atu- 'Center. 1t too il'the f1lll bel&ht of dent. are expectA!cl. to eat lunch In the building with skyltptll at tile by Sandra Bamea This year's Labor Day Featlval will feature a number of special event., parUcul&rly exhibits and demonstrations of many types for a variety of aces and lntereeta. It's that Ume of yea!' apln' - Prince Georaea county public schools will reopen on Tues., Sept. 7, for all boys and prla In klnder- prten through Grade 12. The 184- day school year ends June 17, 19'17. There will- be fewer buses transporting pupils In the county this year <down from 895 last year to 812 - a redllctlon of about 990) the school There they top. · may either buy·.t4_elr lunch or eat 'Ciaurooma are arranpd In '• Hllbllchts of the parade will in- clude the Maryland-National Capi- tal Park Pollee :Mounted Color Guard, the Greenbelt Golddlgger majOrette corps, the :Miaa Green- belt Pageant Bicentennial float, the Ft. Lincoln Cemetery Liberty Bell float. -Abe Lincoln, the U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard, the Charles- towne Crazies, Greenbelt Marching Kazoo Band, Twinkle the Kid, the Fresh Guy, Boy Scout Troop 1253, Qlno'l Genie and Funmoblle, the Maryland Medieval :Mercenary Militia, the Banana. Bunch, the U.S. Coast Guard Precision Drill Team and Colors Team. the Sligo Seventh- day Adventist PathflnMrs float, the E.R.B. Squad, the Riverdale Youth Club and several other Hol't• and majorette groups. In addition to the annual Art Show, this year the FesUval wlll boat a photography exhibit · with ·local photographers ahowlng their skills In the Center School auditor- ium on, Saturday and Sunday af- ternoons. Greenbelt's Citizen of 1976, to bf named Friday night, will be the Grand Marshal. Other honored guest.l will Include Olym· pic Gold Mrdallst, Sugar Ray Leo- nard; Mr. D.C. Eagle of 1976, Leo- nard Kozak; the city employee of the year. (ludrun Mills; President John C. Moore of the Prince Geor- ce• County Chamber of Commerce; eongre•woman Gladye Spellma,n. Congressman Paul Barbanes; Md. Comptroller, Louis Goldstein, mem- bers of the state drlecation and county council In addition to Sher- Iff Don Ansell and •II the members of the. Greenbelt elty council. Preceding thr pa" •de, at 9:30 a. m. the Mary Brthunr junior high school band membrrs. alumni and friends will perform near the rl'- vlewlnc stand. Followfng the pa- rade therr will bt• a display of an- tlqur and classlr rnrs. a replica of thr Librrtv Bell and n water safety 1 tlsplay bv th" Mar;·land in th" f4t·ntPr s"t,ool flP.' lot. AJ,o, t'"' c & p Teknhone Compnnv will hr- givlnf! r\df't: lq 'kid• Wl'lghlng tOO pounds or less !n their hnrk"t trnrk. whlrh will br park•·d in the carnival a.rra. · After the pnmdl', ,itulgt'S wll\. de- term In,. thP nr\zP wlnnPrs:· Grf'f'O- belt's Outstanding Cltlzrn will pre- sent the awards at the stage In the carnival area. SH FPotlval The NASA Goddard Space Flleht Center will have models of various satellites at the Center School. There will be a ham radio demon- stration all four days In the carni- val area, and an Extension Service exhibit on housing and "How Well Do You Know Yourself" on Satur- dav and Sunday. Tht• Greenbelt Flrr Dept. will demonstrate methods of extin·· gulshlng fires Saturday, at 1 p.m. on Braden Field. There will be a sPrlrs of movie• at the Greenbelt Library from t :30 .to p.m. <ScP Schedule of Events for details) on Saturday In addl· tlon to the llbrary'e bookmoblkc, a bicycle stacked with paperbacks nn•l library cards. · There will be a chambrr mu•lc concert. the Center at 1 p.m. Sunday featarlnc "Tepplnll's Folly" and pus from the Prince Georee's Chamber Music AssoclaUon. 1 4-H members will be showing people how to make moon flowers out of fur and styrofoam, and any- one wishing to make •orne may do so In front .of Center School on Sunday, from 2-4 p.m. · Sunday afternoon, at 4 p.m., the NASA Model Rocket . Club will show how to elrctronlcally Hre rockets Into . the air on Braden In addition to "the Labor Day parade and the sprclal contests. the FesUval will feature the third annual Labor Day Salute to Am- cr;rans at Work Monday In thr Cnttrr Mall. Miss Brick will ac- ·company tlw on brit'klaylnl(. In addition, thl'fe will br d£'monstrations nf transmission rPbulldinrr. hot wutrr testing, chair caning, pott.•ry mak- nnd plRst,•ring. At 4 p m. mrmbPrs of th,. Dynn mo WPightiifting Club will demon- ,·tr•" Olympic style lifts and pow- rr lifts. Labor Day Festival Art Show Entries• .. and fewer total mllea travelled by the buses In service. Sixty bus- es In the fleet will be new, replac- Ing buse• retired In the past year. Schedules and bus stop Informa- tion will be sent to pupils prior to the opening date. <See Eleanor Roosevelt and Parkdale bus 'sche- dules printed elsewhere In this Is- sue of the Nt'wa Rfovtew.) one brought frOID home. The tlmP "poda". In other worda cJ.- of lunch perlodl for each studelit uaed euentlally for tile aame ldlldl will be announoed durtna home- of actlviUel are grouped t.optller. ReglstraUon Stat" law requires school attt!nd.- ance by every boy and girl be- tween the aces of 6 and 16. Child- ren who will be Hve years old on or before January 1, 1977 may at- tend kindergarten this fall. Par- ents registering their children. for kindergarten, or to begin school here for the first time, should have a birth certificate and Immuniza- tion record with them at the time ui registration, Parents or guardians of young- st<·rs entering Prince Georges schools for the first time are re- quired to complete an "aftldavlt of dliclosure" at the time of · regla- tratlon, for ,legal jlroof of real· dence. Lunches The board has been able to hold the line on school lunch prices. at least for the first Bl'mester. Elr- mentary student• will pay and secondary stud•nts Me. Milk prie- rs will go up from 7e to tOe 11 half p[nt. Houl'll Schools attended by Gre<•nbrlt students will operate during the following hours:. Eleanor Roose- velt Srnlor High, 9:30 a.m. ·- 4:15 p.m.; Mary Bethune Junior High, 9:30 a.m. 4 p.m.; Crnter Elt•men- tnry, 9 a.m. 3 p.m.; North End, 9:35 11.m. - 3:35 p.m.; John Car- roll. 8:05 a.m. 2:05 p.m.; Oakcrest, 9:08 a.m. - 3:0R p.m.; nnd Spring- hill Lake, 9:0R tt.QI. 3:08 p.m. Parkdolr Grernbrlt students attending Parkdale St•nlor High St·hool this yrar will be malnl:ll- seniors. An Open House for students and par- ents will be held tonight lThurs-- day) from T to 9 p.m. l'prlnll'lll LakA room on the lint day. AU blolOID' lahl are Will everythlnc ll,e ready by C!P. lnatance. and the lnduatrlal' · enlng day? U principal Ray 01· labl are together In oae wtna'·' den and hla atatf have their way, The unlquenea of lllleanM' Roae· yes Indeed! However, even their evelt, of coune, Ilea In Its combln- enthuslaam and dedication will atlon' of comprehenalve and tech· probably not solve all problems by nlcal pi-osrama. In this reapeet It September T. Still the kids will find Is different from other county hilh that, evoo though things may be schools. The technology pmpam. a bit dlaorcanlzed at first, school unlike other county high achoola, routine wiU shOrtly fall Into place. will accept applications from stu- Doubtless the massive "move. In denb In any part of the county. and cetUng settled" operation will Somo or the students atteadlnc continue past the opening day. thla year will travel u much· u Thousands of boxes have to be un- two hours each way by bua In or- packed, some 100 classrooms and der. to ret there. To be ellpble for Isba, recreational areas .. the cafe- this p1'0111'am students had to. eass terla and offices havo to be stocked. a number of special teets. Library books have to be catalocued Teelulleal Propama and shelved. Hundreds of pieces of Courses In the technoJOID'·· pro· equipment have to be tC6ted and all crams are concentrated In science, kinds of aupplle.s 11ut In place be- math and . lnduatrlal ar\11. Within fore the school settles down to a broad areu studenti call normal routine · chooae from a number a( ·«<lh1ent 8poo1a1 cou- For ex.uDIIM. In lnduftrlal '1.1\Co though not la- arts, atudenta 111ay atudy auch aub- 'vfsh, has features and equipment jecftll !Ill eaerw &echnoJocy. tndla- not found In other county high trial fabrication or vlaual com- schooja and never uaed In school munlcationa technoJoiy. bundlnga of even a decade qo. The school baa lmpreaalve ·· fa.- ' NO BEER Al FESTIVAL by Saadra Bunt•s the first time in several yrars, the Steering Coml!llllee of the Grrrnbelt Labor lj?&Y Festival voted It would not a!k for u special ex- ception to the Nty ordinance which prohibits beer from being consumed In thr area of the Greenbelt Shop- pine Mall. This means that no or- ganization will operate a bet•r booth. nor will beer or anv other alcoholic bPverage bP JWrmittl'd in tht• Ft•stlval area. BPPr was first at tht· val In conjunction with the annual crab fpast. \Vhrn thP organizntiun sponsoring the crab frast decidl'd to abandon thPir ad;\'ily, the bPPr roncrsslon was pickrd up by tht• Young Republi{'ans, who hnvf' op- erated this booth for the past scv rral years. cllltles for lte audio vlaual com· inunlcations coursea. The achool has Its own TV studio. Here atU- dents and teachel'll wUI be able to film their own procrams In color. Facilities Include a studio and a control room. There will. be 30 TV sets located throuchout the school. Although recular school announcement• OAD't be broadcast on TV becnuse there aro not TVa In all rooms, each science lab will havt• a set so thnt TV can be uspd as a r<•gular trachlng ald. ' In utldltlon, the school hn< its own print Shop and dark room :-;o pr .. ' """' as photographic offsrt r:JOtagrnphic scre('n·pro· cess printing, publication produr· lion ami photography. ComprPhenolvr Prollil'tllll Springhill Lake elementary "Schf'.dule of Events" on pacN 4 & 3. Entry blankl for the Labor Day Festival Art Show mav still be plckrd up at the Youth Center, Gresnbelt Library and Community Bldll' In Springhill Lake. Entrant.l ahould brine their blanke with their pictures to Center School IYD1 on Friday, between 4-8 p.m .• or Satur- day mornln1. between 9-11:10 a.m. For further Information, call Anne Brunner, Art Show Chairman. at 4T4--. •chool atudents will have to 11et to , school a half hour earlier than last year. Thla year's achool hours will be from 8 :Oil a.m. to 3:08 p.m. A• In other yeara klnderprtenero and ftrat craders will receive cards lr. th" mall over the weekend ln« tlielr claaa aaatcnmento. Sec- ond sixth fl'aders ahoulcl 10 to the front 4oot of th,e school on the ftrat daJ, a.. tile whole ll'rade will b( one HowPVPr, thr Stel'ring Comt·nittrr decided that too many problems principally underage youngsters br· lng ablr to purchase the beer and Inability of the pollee to properly enforce thr regulations - - came as a direct result of the sal• of beer at the festival. It Is hoped that policy of the FPstlval Commit- tee will eliminate the rowdylom which aometlmes .occurs In the late rvrnlnc hours and will lead to pnforcrmrnt of rx'otlng r•Ruh•tlnns bv the Greenbelt po- llee tlrnartmont. The comprehensive program Is a regular county high school program includlng general academic and bustn('ss courses such as English, math, and history. Thesr classrs will generally be made up of stu· dents from both the technical and comprehensive sectlona of thr achool. In English classes students will bc- more or le11 grouped by ability. The English will teat all at the becln- nlng of the school year. Stnce otu· dent.l already have the>lr academic schedule•. there will be no chang· eo made In the time they hav" Encllsh clauea. Inatead they may change clauea within the time period so teachers can put otudenb of similar ability topthor. Laberlay Traffic· Lt. John c. Krob of the Green- belt Pollee Dept., would like to Inform all realdenta that on )(on- day, Sept. e, eouthway Road .. t CrttceDt Road wUI be biG)IIked to lnaolllllll and outaollll traJ!Ic from e a.m. to 1 p.m. Relldenta who normallY uu l!louthway ROad tD or from Crea- eent. lhould uae either GAr4enway nr Weatw&J. Tbt Labor Day PaN4e wiU 1\Ut on ltldp Rot4 at Laurel Hill and prooeed on ltldp down Northway tO Hlllalde. HIU- alde to Crctcent. Mel Cref!Ct!nt Jlfllt the atand at SonlhWil''· The Pollett Dept. requHta that . relldlnta who _.t uae thelr v,... hlclea not break Into or croll . parade clouroom ... die,..!4fton wm mMt their ..... Utf their Individual ..,.._ Repm will .ad ll.lff el et lie IUitlt4 --- m."*heaatlC'ol ,. ... " arent · wlR " ablP tn tell. for llll - Ndfo1' .• ...rfoo.,.,,,.. Oft .. 4tft,. Ill' etJl crate !mil, 1114 ...... CINTURIANS PERfORM The Centurlana. a &-piece drum enaemble, will be appear- IJW on the J'eaUval Btaae on llmday, at 1:110 p.111. Qmae hear U..m perr- and ht!rald In tJ?e Talent l!lbow. St ........ . ,..,. 8L Hup'l llllocJl will OpeD Ita doOI'I an .... _..,, lept. T. 'l'blre wiU 1M llalf .... , •:• .... to 1.2 noon, durlna the ftl'llt week of tollooL ftlaldU' ballre will run froiD s• Lai. to I p.m.. atart1n1 on . .,t. ta. Couraea will also be offend In art, fon!rn lltllllc, ud home econom.lea. To aid aurvlval after paduadon, at.ucJeata llllr• a COUI'IIe I'll U'flq. Ben atudenta can -.ect to paader aubjecu u cleanlq, C!OIIklnlr. _, pl11111ln« an4 aatety . and eaaieDCJ In the ........... The au4ltotlum. a IIHIIJlllleent room, hu lfttlDa r.. • lit hold the entire lltudeat llod7 at the Iaiiie u-. llowtftr,) It will haw a ltap IIIIIJ equipped for d-tle procludiona. blelu4lnc a complete COGttol - for ·IJahts, . 8ee 111011 8CliiOOt. ,.. 8 l \ i l

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Volume 39, Number 42 GliEENBELT, MARYLAND


.c~$he Kio Are Comiug-at~ ~--~--As Elea~i~-i)lejlii'elt ·Open&.

September 2, 1976

ODen House Tonight - 'rbere will be an open bouae

tonlcht <Thurlday) for atudents and parenb of Parkdale atu­denta from 7 to 9 p.m.

It)' 1fa17 ~ . P'OI' eumple, Ill addition to ftre September 7 will be all extra. ape- a1anM. there are 111110lre deteetOI'IIo

cial daj tor IPPtolbDatel7 1,4011 ucurlt;J equipment, air COIUIIU.• ltlldent. attend!DI tbe new !:lea· Ill&', apeelal 11oor1DS and wd em­nor Boolevelt Bleb ScbooL .ut.r eriDII In 10111e &ftU for -~ or yean of planJIIDi aDd ccmatructlall 1011nd p~. In addltkm. tben and montlia of atJiunent oiler wbo are tbe many ldnda of madllr8 ebould attend tbe ICbool uut ..nat and equipment n~ to lltoek kind of propam It abouJd otrer, the IDduatrlal labe. Tbe ICbool will they wUI be the ftl'lt onea to try bave lb own eomputer to be pied It and aee bow It worlu. Theae ma- by ltUdenw In auch c~ u tiual­denta will mold the cliaracter, at&rt neu and methematlea. the tradiUOIII, aDd to 101118 dllfell , . . From the outalde the new build·

-detwmlne the ldnd of ICbool that Ina aeema 111U11ve. It Ia • plain. Eleanor Roolevelt lleocllna Room brick, vlrtuaUJ ~lela.


Lallor Day Parade features Balds, Drill r ealn" Float

The 22nd annual' Greenbelt La­bor Day Parade will begin at 10 LDL on Monday, Sept. 8. Led by the First Army Band, the parade will follow a route that bepns at the North End School anti proceeds alona Ridge to Northway, Hlllllde and Crelcent Road, ending up at the revlewlna stand opposite the )!unlolpal Bulldlni.

Exhibits, Demoostratioos At Labor Day festival

CoDDty Schools Reopea Studenta alreadJ , ,bave c~ e~tcept for lltUrwella on tbe out.llde

their COUr&el aDd received lnfor• ·'llflltlh oUt daJIIIht for JJPtbC. maUon reprdlng bul acbeclulel The Interior doem't aeem lilhtJell!l and opening da7 operation. <Biae- or cloaed·ln thoqb. Tbla ~ b&• where ln thla edition of the !llewa becauae the bullding'l thre6 tlaon Berlew Ia thl 'llul ICbeclule for are open at either end tO a'-·~· Greenbelt atudellla.) The acbool day courae area, IIPted pertlalijo ltJ 1a from e:ao -. to 6:11i p.m. Tile skJIIahtl on the root. In tba en· IChool c1a:y Ia divided Into .ven ter of the buOdinc Ia the lfedla perioda plua a lwich period AU atu- 'Center. 1t too il'the f1lll bel&ht of dent. are expectA!cl. to eat lunch In the building with skyltptll at tile

by Sandra Bamea This year's Labor Day Featlval

will feature a number of special event., parUcul&rly exhibits and demonstrations of many types for a variety of aces and lntereeta.

It's that Ume of yea!' apln' -Prince Georaea county public schools will reopen on Tues., Sept. 7, for all boys and prla In klnder­prten through Grade 12. The 184-day school year ends June 17, 19'17. There will- be fewer buses transporting pupils In the county this year <down from 895 last year to 812 - a redllctlon of about 990)

the school ~Ia. There they top. · may either buy·.t4_elr lunch or eat 'Ciaurooma are arranpd In '•

Hllbllchts of the parade will in­clude the Maryland-National Capi­tal Park Pollee :Mounted Color Guard, the Greenbelt Golddlgger majOrette corps, the :Miaa Green­belt Pageant Bicentennial float, the Ft. Lincoln Cemetery Liberty Bell float. -Abe Lincoln, the U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard, the Charles­towne Crazies, Greenbelt Marching Kazoo Band, Twinkle the Kid, the Fresh Guy, Boy Scout Troop 1253, Qlno'l Genie and Funmoblle, the Maryland Medieval :Mercenary Militia, the Banana. Bunch, the U.S. Coast Guard Precision Drill Team and Colors Team. the Sligo Seventh­day Adventist PathflnMrs float, the E.R.B. Squad, the Riverdale Youth Club and several other Hol't• and majorette groups.

In addition to the annual Art Show, this year the FesUval wlll boat a photography exhibit · with

·local photographers ahowlng their skills In the Center School auditor­ium on, Saturday and Sunday af­ternoons.

Greenbelt's Citizen of 1976, to bf named Friday night, will be the Grand Marshal. Other honored guest.l will Include Olym· pic Gold Mrdallst, Sugar Ray Leo­nard; Mr. D.C. Eagle of 1976, Leo­nard Kozak; the city employee of the year. (ludrun Mills; President John C. Moore of the Prince Geor­ce• County Chamber of Commerce; eongre•woman Gladye Spellma,n. Congressman Paul Barbanes; Md. Comptroller, Louis Goldstein, mem­bers of the state drlecation and county council In addition to Sher­Iff Don Ansell and •II the members of the. Greenbelt elty council.

Preceding thr pa" •de, at 9:30 a. m. the Mary Brthunr junior high school band membrrs. alumni and friends will perform near the rl'­vlewlnc stand. Followfng the pa­rade therr will bt• a display of an­tlqur and classlr rnrs. a replica of thr Librrtv Bell and n water safety 1tlsplay bv th" Mar;·land Mnr~ne Polh~f' in th" f4t·ntPr s"t,ool nnrl~ flP.'

lot. AJ,o, t'"' c & p Teknhone Compnnv will hr- givlnf! r\df't: lq

'kid• Wl'lghlng tOO pounds or less !n their hnrk"t trnrk. whlrh will br park•·d in the carnival a.rra. ·

After the pnmdl', ,itulgt'S wll\. de­term In,. thP nr\zP wlnnPrs:· Grf'f'O­belt's Outstanding Cltlzrn will pre­sent the awards at the stage In the carnival area.

SH FPotlval

The NASA Goddard Space Flleht Center will have models of various satellites at the Center School. There will be a ham radio demon­stration all four days In the carni­val area, and an Extension Service exhibit on housing and "How Well Do You Know Yourself" on Satur­dav and Sunday.

Tht• Greenbelt Flrr Dept. will demonstrate methods of extin·· gulshlng fires Saturday, at 1 p.m. on Braden Field.

There will be a sPrlrs of movie• at the Greenbelt Library from t :30 .to 4:1~ p.m. <ScP Schedule of Events for details) on Saturday In addl· tlon to the llbrary'e bookmoblkc, a bicycle stacked with paperbacks nn•l library cards. ·

There will be a chambrr mu•lc concert. ~ the Yp~ Center at 1 p.m. Sunday featarlnc "Tepplnll's Folly" and "Bvolutl~", ~ pus from the Prince Georee's Chamber Music AssoclaUon. 1

4-H members will be showing people how to make moon flowers out of fur and styrofoam, and any­one wishing to make •orne may do so In front .of Center School on Sunday, from 2-4 p.m. · Sunday afternoon, at 4 p.m., the NASA Model Rocket . Club will show how to elrctronlcally Hre rockets Into . the air on Braden ~'lrld.

In addition to "the Labor Day parade and the sprclal contests. the FesUval will feature the third annual Labor Day Salute to Am­cr;rans at Work Monday In thr Cnttrr Mall. Miss Brick will ac­·company tlw dt~~oriHtration on brit'klaylnl(. In addition, thl'fe will br d£'monstrations nf carpt~t~try, transmission rPbulldinrr. hot wutrr testing, chair caning, pott.•ry mak­iiH~. b<·~·ltl'i'p·n~, nnd plRst,•ring.

At 4 p m. mrmbPrs of th,. Dynn mo WPightiifting Club will demon­,·tr•" Olympic style lifts and pow­rr lifts.

Labor Day Festival Art Show Entries•

.. and fewer total mllea travelled by the buses In service. Sixty bus­es In the fleet will be new, replac­Ing buse• retired In the past year. Schedules and bus stop Informa­tion will be sent to pupils prior to the opening date. <See Eleanor Roosevelt and Parkdale bus 'sche­dules printed elsewhere In this Is­sue of the Nt'wa Rfovtew.)

one brought frOID home. The tlmP "poda". In other worda cJ.- '· of lunch perlodl for each studelit uaed euentlally for tile aame ldlldl will be announoed durtna home- of actlviUel are grouped t.optller.

ReglstraUon Stat" law requires school attt!nd.­

ance by every boy and girl be­tween the aces of 6 and 16. Child­ren who will be Hve years old on or before January 1, 1977 may at­tend kindergarten this fall. Par­ents registering their children. for kindergarten, or to begin school here for the first time, should have a birth certificate and Immuniza­tion record with them at the time ui registration,

Parents or guardians of young­st<·rs entering Prince Georges schools for the first time are re­quired to complete an "aftldavlt of dliclosure" at the time of · regla­tratlon, for ,legal jlroof of real· dence.

Lunches The board has been able to hold

the line on school lunch prices. at least for the first Bl'mester. Elr­mentary student• will pay ~Oc and secondary stud•nts Me. Milk prie­rs will go up from 7e to tOe 11

half p[nt.

Houl'll Schools attended by Gre<•nbrlt

students will operate during the following hours:. Eleanor Roose­velt Srnlor High, 9:30 a.m. ·- 4:15 p.m.; Mary Bethune Junior High, 9:30 a.m. 4 p.m.; Crnter Elt•men­tnry, 9 a.m. 3 p.m.; North End, 9:35 11.m. - 3:35 p.m.; John Car­roll. 8:05 a.m. 2:05 p.m.; Oakcrest, 9:08 a.m. - 3:0R p.m.; nnd Spring-hill Lake, 9:0R tt.QI. 3:08 p.m.

Parkdolr Grernbrlt students attending

Parkdale St•nlor High St·hool this yrar will be malnl:ll- seniors. An Open House for students and par­ents will be held tonight lThurs-­day) from T to 9 p.m.

l'prlnll'lll LakA

room on the lint day. AU blolOID' lahl are topt~~er;·'for Will everythlnc ll,e ready by C!P. lnatance. and the lnduatrlal' · 'wt~~

enlng day? U principal Ray 01· labl are together In oae wtna'·' den and hla atatf have their way, The unlquenea of lllleanM' Roae· yes Indeed! However, even their evelt, of coune, Ilea In Its combln­enthuslaam and dedication will atlon' of comprehenalve and tech· probably not solve all problems by nlcal pi-osrama. In this reapeet It September T. Still the kids will find Is different from other county hilh that, evoo though things may be schools. The technology pmpam. a bit dlaorcanlzed at first, school unlike other county high achoola, routine wiU shOrtly fall Into place. will accept applications from stu-

Doubtless the massive "move. In denb In any part of the county. and cetUng settled" operation will Somo or the students atteadlnc continue past the opening day. thla year will travel u much· u Thousands of boxes have to be un- two hours each way by bua In or­packed, some 100 classrooms and der. to ret there. To be ellpble for Isba, recreational areas .. the cafe- this p1'0111'am students had to. eass terla and offices havo to be stocked. a number of special teets. Library books have to be catalocued Teelulleal Propama and shelved. Hundreds of pieces of Courses In the technoJOID'·· pro· equipment have to be tC6ted and all crams are concentrated In science, kinds of aupplle.s 11ut In place be- math and . lnduatrlal ar\11. Within fore the school settles down to a broad areu studenti call normal routine · chooae from a number a( ·«<lh1ent

8poo1a1 llqulpR~N~t cou- For ex.uDIIM. In lnduftrlal '1.1\Co ~~:hool 1~. though not la- arts, atudenta 111ay atudy auch aub­

'vfsh, has features and equipment jecftll !Ill eaerw &echnoJocy. tndla­not found In other county high trial fabrication or vlaual com­schooja and never uaed In school munlcationa technoJoiy. bundlnga of even a decade qo. The school baa lmpreaalve ·· fa.- '

NO BEER Al FESTIVAL by Saadra Bunt•s

Fo~ the first time in several yrars, the Steering Coml!llllee of the Grrrnbelt Labor lj?&Y Festival voted It would not a!k for u special ex­ception to the Nty ordinance which prohibits beer from being consumed In thr area of the Greenbelt Shop­pine Mall. This means that no or­ganization will operate a bet•r booth. nor will beer or anv other alcoholic bPverage bP JWrmittl'd in tht• Ft•stlval area.

BPPr was first ~old at tht· F'P~;~:

val In conjunction with the annual crab fpast. \Vhrn thP organizntiun sponsoring the crab frast decidl'd to abandon thPir ad;\'ily, the bPPr roncrsslon was pickrd up by tht• Young Republi{'ans, who hnvf' op­erated this booth for the past scv rral years.

cllltles for lte audio vlaual com· inunlcations coursea. The achool has Its own TV studio. Here atU­dents and teachel'll wUI be able to film their own procrams In color. Facilities Include a studio and a control room. There will. be 30 TV sets located throuchout the school. Although recular school announcement• OAD't be broadcast on TV becnuse there aro not TVa In all rooms, each science lab will havt• a set so thnt TV can be uspd as a r<•gular trachlng ald. ' In utldltlon, the school hn< its own print Shop and dark room :-;o

pr .. ' """' as photographic offsrt pr:n~!ng, r:JOtagrnphic scre('n·pro· cess printing, publication produr· lion ami photography.

ComprPhenolvr Prollil'tllll

Springhill Lake elementary "Schf'.dule of Events"

on pacN 4 & 3. Entry blankl for the Labor Day

Festival Art Show mav still be plckrd up at the Youth Center, Gresnbelt Library and Community Bldll' In Springhill Lake. Entrant.l ahould brine their blanke with their pictures to Center School IYD1 on Friday, between 4-8 p.m .• or Satur­day mornln1. between 9-11:10 a.m. For further Information, call Anne Brunner, Art Show Chairman. at 4T4--.

•chool atudents will have to 11et to , school a half hour earlier than last year. Thla year's achool hours will be from 8 :Oil a.m. to 3:08 p.m. A• In other yeara klnderprtenero and ftrat craders will receive cards lr. th" mall over the weekend ~v­ln« tlielr claaa aaatcnmento. Sec­ond throu~~th sixth fl'aders ahoulcl 10 to the front 4oot of th,e school on the ftrat daJ, a.. tile whole ll'rade will b( .4.~~-J9 one

HowPVPr, thr Stel'ring Comt·nittrr decided that too many problems principally underage youngsters br· lng ablr to purchase the beer and Inability of the pollee to properly enforce thr regulations - - came as a direct result of the sal• of beer at the festival. It Is hoped that ~his policy of the FPstlval Commit­tee will eliminate the rowdylom which aometlmes .occurs In the late rvrnlnc hours and will lead to ~~treat~r pnforcrmrnt of rx'otlng r•Ruh•tlnns bv the Greenbelt po­llee tlrnartmont.

The comprehensive program Is a regular county high school program includlng general academic and bustn('ss courses such as English, math, and history. Thesr classrs will generally be made up of stu· dents from both the technical and comprehensive sectlona of thr achool. In English classes students will bc- more or le11 grouped by ability. The English departm~nt will teat all atud~nu at the becln­nlng of the school year. Stnce otu· dent.l already have the>lr academic schedule•. there will be no chang· eo made In the time they hav" Encllsh clauea. Inatead they may change clauea within the -· time period so teachers can put otudenb of similar ability topthor.

Laberlay Traffic· Lt. John c. Krob of the Green­

belt Pollee Dept., would like to Inform all realdenta that on )(on­day, Sept. e, eouthway Road .. t CrttceDt Road wUI be biG)IIked to lnaolllllll and outaollll traJ!Ic from e a.m. to 1 p.m.

Relldenta who normallY uu l!louthway ROad tD or from Crea­eent. lhould uae either GAr4enway nr Weatw&J.

Tbt Labor Day PaN4e wiU 1\Ut on ltldp Rot4 at Laurel Hill ~ and prooeed on ltldp toN~; down Northway tO Hlllalde. HIU­alde to Crctcent. Mel Cref!Ct!nt Jlfllt the rtvi~"Winl atand at SonlhWil''·

The Pollett Dept. requHta that . relldlnta who _.t uae thelr v,...

hlclea not break Into or croll th~ . parade p~on.

clouroom ... die,..!4fton wm mMt their ..... Utf their Individual ..,.._

Repm dent~! will .ad ll.lff el et llllt~-.J~'I

lie IUitlt4 --­m."*heaatlC'ol ,. ... " arent · wlR " ablP tn tell. for •nata~~e.., ~ llll - Ndfo1' .• ...rfoo.,.,,,.. Oft .. 4tft,. ~·~~ Ill'

etJl crate !mil, 1114 ......

CINTURIANS PERfORM The Centurlana. a &-piece

drum enaemble, will be appear­IJW on the J'eaUval Btaae on llmday, at 1:110 p.111. Qmae hear U..m perr- and ht!rald In tJ?e Talent l!lbow.

St........ . ,..,. 8L Hup'l llllocJl will OpeD Ita

doOI'I an ...._..,, lept. T. 'l'blre wiU 1M llalf...., ~ •:• .... to 1.2 noon, durlna the ftl'llt week of tollooL ftlaldU' ballre will run froiD s• Lai. to I p.m.. atart1n1 on Moll~ . .,t. ta.

Couraea will also be offend In art, fon!rn ~ lltllllc, ud home econom.lea. To aid aurvlval after paduadon, at.ucJeata ~ llllr• a COUI'IIe I'll baoh~t U'flq. Ben atudenta can -.ect to paader -~~ aubjecu u cleanlq, C!OIIklnlr. _, pl11111ln« an4 aatety . and eaaieDCJ In the kl~hea. ...........

The au4ltotlum. a IIHIIJlllleent room, hu lfttlDa r.. • lit '"'~'' hold the entire lltudeat llod7 at the Iaiiie u-. llowtftr,) It will haw a ltap IIIIIJ equipped for d-tle procludiona. blelu4lnc a complete COGttol - for ·IJahts,

. 8ee 111011 8CliiOOt. ,.. 8


\ i l



Kdlt•r• Mary l.ou \\'lllla•..oa. 4':'4-4101 A"•oc-lal• t;dltora Saa•n Baran 47-&-a:uo

Krereatioa Review

~ub. :-\l~ul"-'• Alexandl•f' parnes, Ylr.:~t:'f~eau<:hamp, Ann llolt. ~lo.ry Clarkt>, ~aJ) Colombo, .Jane Connolly, M1r1am CtlrtH'IIus Judy Goldt~tein l\fichael one~. llernicl' Kastner, Sid Kastnt-r, Martha K'aurman VorathY l..aub ... r

,lt•81} L.-\·,•,.:t>4Ut•. l.ort'lta 1.1•\"t·~~tUt_•, Hurba1·a, I..ihuw~l>~. u:,b ~ldit>t', Robert~ Yc~~nut.~:l, CJign l't•nnt·Y .. \1 ~l.:ulnik, Elaint• .Skulnik, .lt~antw Tuckt-1 Ottillt' \all .·\llt>U ' 8Malaeoa111 :tlaaal(erl Hiclund Skolnik; t:lr .. u•atloa Muna.-rra Joy Greig 474· 833:!: SprlaK~III L.ak• t~ln•ulatloa1 Barbara Clawfliun, i74-.f5H. ' .... hll•h•d •n•r,.· Thunda,.· by GrHab•lt Coept'nth·" t•ublh& .. IDK A"" .. ·• l•f.".

BOARD OF DIRE-~l'ORS ~re ... , .\1 Sl..:olnih.: Viet· Pres., Sid K&J&tner: ~t>cy., narbaru Lll~ow~ki: 11 •·u ..... HuhPdu :\h':\umaru. \ln1·~· Ct)luntbu. MAIL ~UJ!S(~IUPTIO~S: SlO.OO per year. Advt>rtilting and nt>\\'~ nrticlu rnav he lllniiN.I ( Bo\: li~ flrt•t"nbelt): depoatted In our bo:t at thf' Twin Pine'!" Offit't>: 111 c.h·li\'t>I'E>d to thP t>dltorlal omce- In the basf'ment ot 15 Pa.J"kW&Y 1 t':'.t--n:u 1. o)lt>n :ll'tPr ~ n.m. Tut>l'day, Deadloine IH 10 p.m. on Tu.eadar.

Volume 39. Number 42

Solar Heat and Heat Pump To tlw t:ditor:

At a short tdopbon<' co, T.V. eomm<•rcial of a solar installation cumbim'<l with a heat pump, th<• priet' quoted wns $10,000. This t·nuld possibly ill• reduced through quantity production to $7,000 per installation.

Being acquainted with the heat pump's pcrformanc<• on both Long Island. N.Y. and Florida and Its dt•pendabillty to heat and cool If properly installed, I can ace the advantag~ of combining both sys· tems in new deVelopment. l .. Pcc Iaiiy desirned to take maximum advantage of a new heatin1 system. It would eliminate the necesalty of a boiler and oil storaa:e tank, as ••verything run• by electrkity.

At preaent the 110iar heat instal· lations art too expensive as they also require a conventional supple­mentary h1'8tin1 system. One mllllt also add the cost of panel replace­mt'nt about every five yean.

I penonally favor the heat pump as being a most ctllcient, cconomJ .. tal heatinr and coolin11 system re quirlnr no additional means of h<•atlng,

:\larthM Hutoler

Policy Toward Gambling' ·: > the l'.dltor:

Thursday, September 2, 1976

No Figures on Greenbelt 'l'o tht• ~:dltor:

It wouldn't bo fair to tht• citizens of Greenbelt if Mr. Dove's letter of Aug. 26 were not answered. Yes, I have attend<'<! numerous council meetings and I havr talked with otllicalll from the state, the county ari\1 H.U.D.

No official has aald that the c] .. derly of Greenbelt will be given priority_! Whoever makes the de· ciaions on occupancy must follow H.UD. criteria, which state that the houainl must be advertised in the newopapers and there will be no discrimination and no residency requirements. "H.U.D. will ovcrse<• the elilibility determination of in dividuals." !News JWvi"w April ·~).

Ct•rtoinly Mr. Dove's quoted facts arc all too tru<• concerning the t•lderly in America. In P.O. County alone, there are many desperately poor elderly who could benefit from this type of facility. However, despite questions to the <'DUncU !'nd to the N""' Review, no one has produced figures on the need in Gr<oenbelt. The city Is not soliciting names or income• nt this Umt•, Those in dire straits would have to be given priority,

AJ! for the pll11ht of those In nul'llinr homea it does not apply to thia situation for no one In need of a nursine home would be per­miUtod to live in housing for th<•

1\ short tim<· agt> I learned of th• ddrrly. ~xistrnc1• of tht- Commlulon on thr Rrvh•w n( tht• National Polley Towurd Gamblini(. This is a com-

mitt<•• of fifteen person• compoacd Heart of Greenbelt March ~tf Senators, Concressmen, and pri ·

By Nanc)· L, Spon)( vale citizens brought together for th~ purpose of eumininl federal pollci<•s toward rambllnr and taxa- St•ymour l,rvint•. 370 R'dgt~ Rd., tion of gambling income. Gladys :, s bJ•Pn chosen Uw winner of tht• SpeUman, our Representative in Grt•enbelt March Contest sponsor· Conrrcu, is a member of this I'd by tht• Greenbelt Bicentennial rroup. In respolllle to my inquiry, eomm~tt••c. The winning composi­ohe sent me a copy of the Second tion wao arran11ed prof<•ssionallv Interim Report of the Commiuion, for marchin1 and symphonic bands a 75 pacr document which reViews bx_ Fred Morden of Greenbelt. The statutes, enforcement problems, (p~mier performance will be pre criminal pmblinr activities, an<r·-ilented by the Grccnbelt Concert related m~ttcrs . . . Band at the openinl of the Labor

1 was very pleucd to note that Day Festival, Friday, Sept. 3, at Conrrcuwoman Spellman m<tcndcd 7 p.m. on th<· stage in the carnival a cordial invitation to me to ex- area. preas my views on these problems Levine, a rt•sident of Greenbelt to the Commiuion. I Intend to do for 31\ years, excelled over and a­this u aoo~ u I have dii(eated hnv~ wha.t was expected by writin1 the material more fully. Meanwhil•. lvrics to his composition rcHcct· readera who are interetrted can ob · ing love and devotion for hi• tain the same report for the uking, enmmunlty. as well u a real !RU· Write Rep. Gladys N. Spellman, slcal talent. HI• interest in music Houao of Repreaentativeo, Wash· began as a lad of seven, studyinr lnrton, D.C., 20!11~. thr trumpet as family finance• al·

TNI. Prltdler lowed, and occasionally perform-

THANKS Our heartfelt thanks to the Rec ·

reation Departmmt staff and swim team members who Wl'rP so help­ful this sum10er aiding Justin Kiem In and out of the swimming pool. Without their aeslstance my hus-

) .• band could not hove performed the much needed excrcia<' that swim­ming offers him.

Viraini11 KJ~m

Name• Collected for Pru. Ford

Ing with . val'ious bands. At the qe of 18 a friend intro­

ducl'd him to tht• violin. and later tn tht• Now York Post Office Sym­phony Orchestra. which performed nt surh .. vents as the N<·w York Wnrid's Fair.

When occupstional changrs hrought him to Grl"'f"nbelt, LPvlne immedlatdy joined the Greenbelt Concert Band, whkh at the timr included string instruments.

l.<'vin" continued hla lntrrest In mmtlc by romposlng hymns, etas sical music, some rock 'n roll, and " special plano compoaition for hla wife, Ruth, who shares hia lov~ <lf muol"c. Inspired by the re­cent televised July 4th progrnms of c•lebration around the countrv, l..evlne composed a Bicentennial Hymn which wu mailed to Pres· !dent Ford.

Wrap up the summer by enjoy­ing the Labor Day Festival aotiv­itics. Road throurh the Schedule of Events. Make your plans now tu attend. There is something for t'Vt'l'}'Onl•.

"""""'"'" i''la)( i"ootbllll For ail women. ago 16 and over,

it's tim<· to sign up for '76 Powder PutT ~'ootball. Teams and indivi­duals are invited to attend an or­ganizational mccting to be held in the Youth Center Conference Room on W<•d., Sept, 8 at 8 p.m.

:\len's 'A' Touch t'ootball The Recreation Department wili

sponsor one division of six teams or less participatinr ·in double round robin competition. AU teams interested in joininl this touch football lcarue should contact the department, 41.4-8878, for registra · tlon and fcc information.

Fan PrDKrMm Brochurt'l Rejfistration for the 1976 Fail Lei·

sure Time Activities will be held durinl the week of September 20. Class schedules, with full details, will be available at the city'• Rec· r£ation Centers next week.

Attention Swlmmina" u. .. on Partleipoulta

Red Cro88 card• arc now avail· abit> for participanl3 in each of th<• four lcaaon sessions held this summer. They may be picked up at the front desk of th<• pool be· tween now and Labor Day. After that, tht'~' will be available at th<· Youth Center, Rerl1'8tlon Ct>nten' FaU Houn

Bcrinninr Tues., Sept. 7, the SprinrhUI Lake Recreation Cen· ter and th<' Youth Center will be nJ>t'n during the followlnl hour•: Monday thru Friday 3:80 p.m. 11 p.m.; Saturday 9 - 5 p.m. &: 7 • 11 p.m.; Sunday I - II p.m.

Police Blotter As a result of receiving a look

out from Alexandria, Va. police re­rardinl a oiUpect In a rape caae. Pfc. Lann obaerved the suspect and arrested him. The auspect, a resident of Springhill Lake, WBB alao charged by this department for having a concealed wt•apon in hi• poueasion.

A home was <•ntered in tht! Lakl' wood area by wav of an unlock<'~ window. Two rilles and ammuni­tion wert• reported mi88ing.

An indee•nt exposure case was recently ""ported In the vicinity of Ridre and Retearch Roads. A sus­pect wBB appl'1'·hended a short time later but wu lllleaaed after the victim was unable to make a pos­itive identUicatlon.

Holy Cross Latberu Qarch -~Rd.

Wanldp lllenlolll

•=• lllld 11:11 &.II.

8uDdar 8elaool •• &.II.

WeMdaJ ~ lllllell

'* -11111 &.II. ..._ IIIH111

lldwaniB. ...........


Thursday, September 2, 1970

{!Festival News{! CITY NOTIS . ' Jeff Katz joined the stall of

b1ke ~Ontest . Greenb<:.!t CARES as a juvenile . <lrccnl>cit Lions wiU 11gain counselor. This position will be

sponsor tht• kiddies' decorated shared with Terri Jennings work· bJkcs. Th!s IS 11 favorite In the Ina with youth related agencies Greenbelt Labor Day Parades, and the. youth" out in the commun•

Only decorat<'ll bikes and bikes in ity. good shape may enter. Henry Fiah- The general crew perform!'~~ a <·r and Lion Charles )lOis are variety of jobs last week, includ· chairlnl this event for the Lions. lng prepartltion of markers for the The klddies (up to 12 years of aael Bicentennial Trail and removing should pther no later than 9 a.m. tree roots from the drain linn at the Greenbelt Realty Buildinr that takl' care of a spring runoff on Crescent Rd. ju,t up from Cen- on Greenhill Road. The crew hal

been aiding in the construction and tNway. . Installation of poster boards in the Ka:r.oo Bancl In Paracle i>Jirk area. Some s1111 work wu

Be in the Kazoo Band!! Bring done. Storm sewer catch b..,jns your kazoo or whatever and meet cleaned and some hand etf'eet in BSSembly area "B" on Laurel cleaning wu done, ao well as Hill Rd., aout~ide at 9:30 a.m. on cleaning of pecleotrian underpas· Labor Day. or further informa· ses. tion, call 474- . The park crew has been cuttlna BETHUNE 8 ND CONCERT rrass. pickina up bruah and main·

tainillll the rolf course and baB· "Friends of Mary Be>thune Jun · fields. One man from the crew hal

lor High School" will p..-ent 1\ been cleaning the ahoppina center. band concert prior to the parade Equipment has been iMtalled In tlle on Monday morninr. at 9:80 a.m. new playground near St. Hup'a, at Southway and Crescent. Dlrec· The paper collection netted aile tor Douglas Dawson hu requNted ,61 tons und 720 lba, laat week. that all members be at the review- A new control panel for the ln1 stand at 8:45 a.m. Youth Center was purcbaaed and

Di I 0 H • installed to ft'llla<:e one which bad lp 8)' n OUitng been knocked out by Urhtning.

For Senior Cit:izem A model of the propoo<'ll Senior

Citizen•' Houolnl project will be displayed in the Twin Pines lobby durin1 the Labor Day weekend. The lobby w111 be open for dlacua­aions on Saturday, Sunday and Monday afternoons, Sept. 4, 5 and 8, berJnnlng at 3 p.m. and on Sat­urday and Sunday eveninrs be­ginninr at 7 p.m.

Mishlcen Torah News Mlallkan Torah oervices on Frl·

dey, 3 at 8:80 p.m. w!U In· cl11de a diacuuion of th& Hl!brew month of Elul and an Introduction to the Hllh HoUday aeaaon.

On Saturday, Sept. 4, at 9:80 a.m. Jerald Kraanick, son of Mar· cia and Raymond Krunlck, will eo•lebrate hla Bar Mitzvah.


3215 Powder Mill Road, Adelphi, )l(d, 20TI8

The Paint Branch Mont-ri School 11 now enrolllnr children

for the fall, for ill half and full day p~a.

For furiber informaUon

pt.aoe MU Patricia Banbay - t1HI'It, IS1-l!U4

GRffNifLT COMMUNITY CHURCH Hlnitt<l Church of Christl.

Hillsidt and Cr-•~•nt Road• - Phnn• 474~171 <morninpl II Lm,. Sept, 5 - Homeeomlq SWida)'

Kept, 1% - Cbureh Mc!hool beglna

u,,fant 01,., •t ,.a HIIPIIdel

lt•·v. ~httrr~· 'tu,·fnr •ud .... , .. Harr~ Ta~:lur :\Unlat.n



H 0 L Y C 0 M M U N I 0 N 11:10 A.M.

Nunery - Infanu through Kinder)J&rten

Rev, Clifton D, Cunnlqluom, Putor


than cune th darkneu."









"'-'Ill IJIIJie ..., for 1111 ... (Baa)

IIDda7 WonMp liiJd.weell l!llnlee (Wedl

bWI t....-portatlon, call cburch

... _ n:• ua a '"' IIIID , ... omce 8:~12:80 weekdays


CREDIT UNION · 111 OenterwaJ (llllopplq Oeater) Greenbelt. Jlc1 111'1'10 Pllaae: t1t-aeel Houn: Dally: t-1 e Baturda:ra: t-1

J'rtda)> ...... , ..

Other Services Available:

· Women for Pr .. ldent Ford, a unit of The Prealdent Ford Committee, In 1"18 than two mont!Y collected th~ name• of women supportcn in ·:Republican, Democrat and Jnde· pendent ranks. totalinr nationally 140,924.

Havln,; retired laot year from the In teT'tate Commerce Comm4•­olon. Levine's future plana lnelude wrltln., more music, and u he aav1, "to live in <lret!nbelt alwaya. WI! have had many IOOd thlnp here!·~

up to SZOIO

free life

Payroll withholdlna:

Direct deposit of retirement checks Tn deferred .income -Eunice E. Coxon of Greenbelt,

Prince Georree County Chairman for Women for Pr .. ident Ford, •'llll'eleed her tbanlu to Greenbelt· en who contributed to th~ national n~me drive aDd made Prince Ge· or&'e• County the winner in Mary· land.

This me...,.e 11 certainly brought 1"111t, • ., "'• wtmthur M."'t~h. "'Thll! Heart of Gretnbe1t," which will ~ the ofllclal march for the City of Greenbelt.

luuraac:e 1n<livldual Retirement Accounts (IRA)

Bach 111em~r lleeount Jn•urr<l tn, S40.onn by !I!Atil>n al ·C .... dlt Unlnt> Admlnlatrotton. an og..,~ nf thP

U, 8. Government

'1'1lursday, September 2, 1976 GREENBELT NEWS REVIEW

Concern Expressed Over Future of B-\1 Pkwy.

by AI Skolnik Highways and parkways occupied the attention of city council

at its special meeting on .Monday, August :lO. lntwrluced for first reading was a rcsolutioh for retaining control of the Balli· more-Washington Parkway by the National Park Service (NPS). Congressional legislation now provides for the transfer of the Parkway to the Maryland Department of Transportation (DOT) after the Parkway is widened and other ''improvements" are , completed upgrading 1t to Federal interstate standards.

Tiv l'Jly of ·Cheverly bas re- tember 1, tlw city did 1l1ll hu\'(' ('t•ntly adopted a similar resolu· sufficient time to secun· addition:..~l lion. Clu·wrly and Gree~•belt, a- bids. long with other communities along tho Parkway, fear that bringing the Parkway up to interstate standards may altPr many of its present park-like quailtics and <i<-stroy its effectiveness as a plras:mt and scenic £>ntrance to th~ Nation's capital. '

City manager James C:h'Sf sa'd that other companies hl\\'e gener­aily been reluctant to bid for mu · nicipal liability insurance. North­western is offering reduced cov­erage at substantially increased prices - about $15.000 above thr budgeted amount. A member of the audiencP suggested that the city look into the purchase of work-mPn·~ compensation insurance from tiw Maryland State Accident Fund.

; '

ltollloven· 4-8 Cl•• The Kool Klovers 4·H club, for·

merly the Jolly Green Girls, wei· comes new members Helen McFar­land, Kathleen Kyle, Tina- Brown, Pam White, Sharon Morin, Val­eric and Lori Karlander and Car· olyn Szafran. The group has been hard at work on their projects to be sold at .the Labor Day Festival-• booth.

' Congratulations to Grcrnbelt 4-

Her's Diana Turkif>\\.'icz, Stc·phanit'

Zeiba, Collette Zanin, Susan Dam­bravskus (ail of whom won l"ham· pion awards at the P.G. County Fairl Saskia Vanderzon, !Wzabcth Greig. Susan Gardcs, Joanne Ca~

patosto. and Helen McFarland: the<;~ girls each got "excellent" and ''very good" ratin~:s for their rooking, sewing, and crafts entries.

The next meeting will be held at tho Szafrans, 109 Lakeside Drive on Monday, Sept 13, at 7:30 p.m. l•'uturc plans include workshops on drama and clowning, cake dec­orating, woodworking, and brrad­


Councilman Tom White, who introduord the resolution, said that it is becoming incrcBBingly e~ldent that the best chanor for th~ city's recommendations to b~ helld~d is if thr Parkway stays undrr th~ control bf th~ NPS. Thr council hag opposed opening thr Parkway to truck traffir and uny unncrf"ssnry widPning, and has favorPd Pnhnn<'ing thP Pnrkwny right of· wny with surh frntur<•s as blkeWin-s. pNII'slrinn p:tlh!'\ and plrn!c- 'tnrilitit•s.


()Utf'r Ht•!twny \Vhit•• :llso brou~ht t'plltL il liP

to datt• nn thr :-;tqtu~ o{ tJ\,, OntPr BPltwnr. p~:prPs:;ing r'lll('t'Tlt oVt'r

l'Ontlnnna~; t'fTnrt~ to construd ~l ronn··rt~1r htttW••r:t~ th·· B:tl~imor.•­

Was~ti~•r'n!t Pnrk\'."'Y and I o:-~ :1~· part ~·f tht• Ontr>r Dd~wn:.·. C(•un­cil h::s h". ~~ opp~l~:'"'l .t ·) this ··n•1 JW<'lo1· b· c:;ust• of tlw lmpnt t ·lt' iw·rt·a•a•tl tratlit· on th•· B-\-\' Par!t \\'1\Y :~·; it IJ!1S~t·8 (~rt·t•llbt'lt.

Th·· ~Lu·~·huul huT h!t!; IJ, r·n l't'

vit'wing- 1 il:~~ }Jftl.iJ'.·t :~Jon:~ Wi! '1

o:lwr r. ~ d d pr")'''·~.: aad h t•

asltt:•d f,,r t\l·' \"It w·: nf th" ,·o1m:y nl\m• '!-> ,:[ i'1·!nr·•• r,,'"'!':·.··: ::.1 I }.lont)'._llll' r_. t·ount!• ~ by ~ :,_. 1·::·l of ~~~-~~~··ml:.·I' \'.'hi!·· Y'l".l~·· ~~ I! thnt th1· t·.l\IIH··l :11[ ·r·H ::. · Pr 1

Gr•or,. · .. r·( i:'I

ptlslt ., .• , ~·~ tit · f'll\1

C'Odl\, :1 t;:·· d !n l\1''· il' .....

C iJn}l'!:!:.; I, I l't!llltl\'!tl;(':•t' Op[l.l·

sitiur1 t, t\•,· ~tnt''-' ,. ·~·· ···1 t'l'l:n ty d.!•.:·,l::u:'. :•n.: :.,· PtJ'!': 1~1

r1·min.\ •' . r .. r

Sr·d \• ~: 'i' ·;I •'I i ot" "~ tlJr·

!J ; l f ! I ; , • o (_ t , ' : ' ~ I • ' ' 1 ! : ! 1 : I I '

support 11( .q:•, !' I'l\lll:,·;p;\l~tit-s

ag:\ln.,' t \:.· •• .. ~· l'x!l'tl·tiou tl! ... uih\ ,.~~h

(!0111\to\ o·:,p;'o•l' d \'i•W 1\~\l thl• \';jd •il.ll{; 11f \\..·,1:!\\' p·th ;\\'t'.

ttl Rnut•· 1 n:-: H 1\11 d-lanP highway is a l··w l''·"·nt ·· 1t··r•l whit h :-.~wuld bt• !'llhlll'din:.' · i In th~" im~li'O\'t'-­m,·nt d !;\.' i ··.·r ~-t;on \)f (it'l'l'l\ bt•lt H.\ :u•d \\, n:T\,·orth A\'1'. TlH' DO'I' h· l·l ·~ ;nthJ:.· h•· 1rin~~ 1111 till' ]~t'nii·\'1 ·th r _l, :1 ir111 rl!l \\',·dn• s~

day'~ ~.·11 1 : i 'I ,.,.. i,·lJ s•" \I p IJ}r> nlb~ .. :n· 11!, \' • '• f·l't':.•·::'• d f•1r tlw r.,\1:.

\\'or)\IHI'I\ 1•, ('P,lJ\II'TI'talioll

( 1nU:\r ,J :HI•ql!• d 'l r. -·•llltJ~'ll i\11 thori:~i·11·· ; 1'1' I" it,. lll tll,l.''.•'l' \ll •·11

t 1 ·t' in ttl ;• n•··-~nt i:ll•·d Jlll!'l·i,·t~:·· f,,r \\'t~t•lclW'l' ctl!lllll'll'm' ion ,·,lr,qll· ·­

h•'nsi\·r· !J:IIJ~~it•-. and :tii\<Jmnbll•·

tnsur[lt:•'(' fn1m th,, Northwt•stl'l"n N:ltlon··l ln~;uraiH_'t' ('11nl)l£\11Y through A. 11 Kdr. Tnt'. North WP~tf'rn wn" tlw on lv t'ompany that ;;nl ;nitl•·d a h:d. anrl inas mnch ".'1 th·· pnli··v f'XPirPtl St•p

Haircuts $2.50


N:!xt to the

theatre entrance


TERRACE APARTMENTS LOW $20's ,to MID $~O's .. . . .

el.'ni(jllt• .• tkdi'Oilt c !llilt• lH·rimdt'l') hJ\'UlioH on Crt•t·nlwlt l .. R.H:t• Parlt with lishihr,, hnHtiiiV,, k1• sknthlg, jogging, bit·yclt· p!ltll!i, picnic an·a~ and Jmmt~:~:mds. st•t•nk <~tmo!>p}wrl',

eTr:trli~h~n:•l t'nlon:td :;lyl• with l'l1~Hill 11! 1'11Urtynrd ::•·1t\n1:. e'l'l'lll\1~ t'tllll'lS, Jlt)(l\ f:tt•i}itiPS, pluygrounds. .(~oll\'t'lll•'lltly lot·ntt-d do!-14• to shopping and tratUijhJrtatiliU ;~t crns:i­

rtJ:uls nf B.lltimnt't> \\'asllinr,tun P:trltway, L'apltal ll.Mtway <Ht 495), }(l'l\ilWIII'th A\'1'. tHt. ~Oll, ami Uu!\'t•r!iily Bl\'d nu. El:P.

eOn!)' a (t>W 11\'HiiHbl(', SO hurry!


me E

;,.101 KENILWOUTII :\ \'E~UE

RtVtmOALE, l\10. 20840



Demo. Campaitn HQ The Fifth Congressional Dlatrlct

Campalp Headquarters for the Democratic toam of Carter, Mon· dal~. Sarbanes and Spellman wUI open on Thursday, Sept 9. at 8 p.m. The office will be I oF"· ted in Beltway Plaza, 6000 Gro~nbelt Road, phono numbrr 441-9500. Fifth pistrict Congresswoman Gladys N. Spelimun will address the gather­ing. Included on the program wili b" V. S. s .. natoriai candidate Paul Sarbanl·s.

The public is invltt·d and re­freshment." will be served.

_ State Farm Jns~rance

Ron Borgwardt

474-8400 Allto ~ Life - ·aomeo­

UI!l! Baltimore Blvd. Co~~e«e Pllltr, Md. %0'1 ..

(on U.S. 1 at the Beltway)

PGM~Jayceel Holcl Flea Market

The Prince Georgea County ll& Jaycees will sponoor a Flea Kar· ket on the grounds of the Green· twit Armory on Saturday, Sept. 11, from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. ~roceeds wUI go to purchase equipment for tho pediatric unit of Prince GeorJcS General H<"pitai and Medical Cen­ter

Need Home Improvements?

Call John

Spt·~iaiidng In Ceramlo Tile 84

Kitchen Floors, Sldewalb. Pa&o­

loa. llrlvewa),, etc. C.U IIIQiliiJe.


NOnCE Q:l: SPECIAL REFERENDUM ELECTION The City Council baa adopt<'ll Reoolution No. 338, which calls for. ~


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1976. 7:00A.M. to 8:00P.M. at the following P,oliing places:

3rd Prccinat - Greenbelt Municipal Buliding 25 CrcsCl!n t Road

6th Precinct • North End Elementary School Ridre and }leacarch Roads

8th Precinct - Springhill Lake Community Center

6220 Springhill Drive

At this spedul ,:kction, voters of Greenbelt will considrr whPthcr or not to approve a proposed Charter amendment whiFh would permit "the <'ily to \llllh'rtni<• !J propo,;t•d J()(l unit t•id<·rly housing proje?l. The.

QliPstlon to he plae<·•l on th<• hallot will read as follows:

Are ~·uu [COn or AtlADIST am•·ndinl( SecUon ;;9 of the tirt't"'l­

brlt ('ity Chnrtt·r to pro\·idc that tho clb' II\IIY rntrr Into' a

lliO!\~~··• .. rnntruct for D. Jll'riotl o[ not IUOr<' tha.D forty (to)

~·r11ro "ith the Stuto• of Mllr)·lund rt·h\lh!!l' to tht• (ltln•trud1on

nnt.l u1wrution uf a ft•(Jornli_Y sub!'ildh.t·tl hnuNing projt•d for

dtlerl.r Jll'rNim• , .. t>rm•itlt'd in Charter Amentii!U'Ilt J"·•nlution

Xmulu•r 1!176-~ whh•h will br('omr t•fl••di\'r If npprO\'(•tl by this

Hm ,\(; .\1 XS1'

IU'~(;·~.!L\T 0:'\; l!• .. ;,ut~;, 1 (;r. :llw:•_ :H•' ur::;.d :., a-..:·:urc· prL1pPr

r•gi. r:.ttir•n. ~in~~> l'~"l:i:itraL•'!l with Prith'l' G•un:.:~ (\.U!ll:· tot

f<·dt•r;li, ~ ~·~:" :tnd t· ·'lllty , \~ dlr·~·-; d" s nnt q·1 ·~·r. GJ-.. ·ulwlt t• .t.i.·ntl

lll \'!J\•• If\ tli • ,t:i)l" 1:1,!11g' t"·ty ,.:,•,·t: ~~~ 1'\_!:;,J, i:ltiZ• ~\S who h8\'•' bt'!fn

rPmrJ· .. d !·•r f~ilur.· 1" \'IJ!• in :.::•· ]:ts! t\\'1' r,·guhr city t·kdlo:t twrcl


r 1· r•·;·.~.;·. r nu ];)!• r t!\.•n~>:-:. p!• mlrr :"· t· ';'G :n ~.··d··:· tn br.' t·l;~~ible t•, \' .;~ t::r• ~~rt·«''ni l'},·,·ti• !l :\ li t \,f .•J:g ~,·,. r.·:~:.;lt'rt·d \'O~. ;s; has

~\::~ ';,~1·: •·, 1 :· Pny •!·' -:, a 1 th·· <'1t·· tV';,.,.~ dtiring

r 1:

1•• 1 ,,. •·11 .\ \{ t., ~~-· q J' ;\f M''!~ri.· •· thn1 Friday.,

~.i'! ., '·!. \"t". 'r:; n1 .l:-..i 1:.\TH)~~..;, 1: · b· ··n .;. :n!t•d :1' .:,,. ('j·y

( li:Ot

l' 'I) }'}.1

l!1·t !l A \f ~ ·p • [' ~.: atul

Hq~:~.tralinn Bl'quin·mt•ntK: lH )'t':lr,...; (I[ :q._;.· as nf til·· ti:Itt• ol( t:J.·

S••Jl'· n1h··• ~:.:h :·;pi'< ial Ell'dion and domirill'rl within lhr• t '1ty of

Grt·E·nlJI'lt as nf qw date of rl'gistration; dtizPn 11[ tlw {1nit•·rl St:1\1•s:

~lnd of ::;ound mind.


;\W··:.I:~\'I'EE nt\J,L()TS: Any qua\itit>d n·~~~strri'd \'ot,·r t1f tht• city

n:~~- :•pply for nn nhsPntL'I' iJalll)t by n·asnn of rrliginus twli~·r~. phy.sif':ll

\"'Jp,·i i•.::1 nr;lh~ • lr•JITI th1· rily nn !h1· li l)' of 'kl't 1111 \\'rittf'n

a]lJ·i:>:ninn:; fnr nbst•ntn· b.\1\nt~ nr·· to h1· madt• to tlw t 'ity ('\, rit no

t·:tr:· th;•·1 \\'I•:IINI·~~lllAY, HEPTFMB!-:1{ R, 1976 nd nh<.;cntf'e

lmll·'~!.i mu ;~ t·· rdUT'T\1"(1 lD tiH' City Ckrl{ :1 I ht•"l' th.t'l G:O\l r.M .. ~~.EPTJ-<~:\lllElt 2a. l!J7G in nr1kr to hP t'Ullllt.'\1. One.· an ah.scntt•t•

b:tllot has lJ;' •n is;mt•d, th.· \'tJlPr shall not be· authori1.1'd to cast the

lnlh1t in nl~'r' mnnnPr otlwr thnn by casting tlw absf'nlt £' bnllnt.

Gudrun H. Mills

City Ci.rk

.,, :.


Greenbelt Labor Day Festival 1976 * * ~ * * * * SCHEDULE. OF EVENTS. *~* * * * **

Cue't!)On£ \Welcome "UIIH;y 'l'Jlrouch Comm11D117 IDvolv.....-t", the u...o- of the Labor Day .._Yal, ciPeeri- a w..ek--.1 when all G.....eobeltera .,... eome toceth<-r, - Ia volwl-r work aDd ht .. n,Jo)inc ent..J1ai..._t aDd ed..-tlonal -• Founded tw<'nty-two ,_.-. aco. - F_v .. .._ traditionally elva~ a-- orputbatioiUO an --&)· to earn monry uad ........ olf their -vltiea. The FPatlval .t. a .........,..-~- .u.-- by a -­Ia& e-m- -- yearly. It ...,_lv ... Ita -ratinc ~ from dona­~ of loeal buaineMrnen and from • P<'~ of the profttR fram boetlla aaol eaftlival rid-. AD Gre.-abelt ..-- uad o...-uo- are lnvit..d to partieipate in the planniDc and -.,tlvlu.-. of the ..-vaL

STEERING COMMITTEE AND MAJOR CHAIRMEN Sy PrWoop, PreUdeat - G....,., V. PftL &; Faellltlea Mnriel WeidellfeW, Bee. See-,. E~ B..,.,., Tnluu1'er .rom. Hollamaa, Cori'Hp.· Secn-taQ WayBe, Parad.-Saaolra aar-, Special Event. (8tace

eveaCa. exlalblt&, &1: olemonatr.tio- l .... Se-.,..

Frail llronmla.k. MiM G'blt Paceaut - ()o.......... Caralval Area N-y llpoac, Publlel.ty Cllarlle Brown. Donati-

Ann.. ~. Art Sllow Debbie a-. Talent Sh<.w Olp ~y. Special Conteet. Sue Simko, Opeainc Cenm. Ruth ~. Outatancl1nc (,'ltl.zrn

Award Cathy Abbot. Pet Show Ken Void, Stolp Sound WUbur -. Md. HELP 1-.. Miller, Salut.. to Ameriean•

at Work


Braden Field Court& :/% 1'-41. ~tration required. M_ • ., __... •• ~ oloublea and mix<'d doubles. A,.-arda for wilme... Sponaor: O'belt Bee. Dept. and G'bPit T<"nnis AMn. Coordinators: G<'of'gf' Rocala &: !KUw Swaaey.

9 a.m. - 2 p.m. SWIM TEAM NOVICE MUT MWiicipal Pool. Prin.-.Moat .__ D, E, F &1: G dlviaion&. No f-. OaDceUed only In event of an electrical lltonn. Sponaor G'belt R.-e. Dept. &; A..,...ue Booeten.

9 a.m. - NOON 5-HOLE PITCH AND PUTT GOLF TOURNAMENT SHL Bee. Ceater GoU courae. F•..,: 5ec, nciater bP~ore 1t a.m. Awanla to win--. Senior, 1a &; over. Junior, 1!-15 yean. Spon•or G'IJ<olt Rrc:. Dept. Ooonti-tor: Scott PowelL

9 a.m. HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT - Labor Day Open Br&Mn FlPlct Court.. Pre-.recfatratlon required. F~ $1.80. Meu'a &1: women'• Sing- &1: doub- Awanla for w~ in - dlvlalon. SeNor. 11 &: over. Spoa.or: G'belt Bee. Dept. Coordinator:" Ron Emat.

9 a.m.- 11 p.m. MAYOR'S LABOR DAY INVITATIONAL SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT Braden Field #%. Top tearna, Iat claa8 rompo'tieion; pre-ft'C"i ..... tlon required. Coordinator: lfJU"ry .r-

9 a.m. - Dark VOllEYBALL PICK-UP GAMES Youllt Ceate.> and SilL Rec-re.tion C.-t<>r. See pntry for 9 a.nt. Friday.

10 a.m. SEVENTH ANNUAL CHILDREN'S PET SHOW Oeater Sel>ool laWn. Pre•ec_a&i_ ......,.ued by Friday. Sept.. s. at,·, Youtla Cent..r, Ben F'raAJdla, Poa& O!Bee, pooL AU Jd-, ,.._ typs ot paa; wlnnera c.._n In maay ~;-have proof t1l. rabiea 1111ot whrn -ropriate; mll8t be lessh<'d or In containPr; pf't o""IHI"' under ace 6 mll8t be a.ceompanied b)· adult. RibboiUO supplied by G'belt Bee. Dept. Chm. Cathy A- f74-n!4. C&Deellrd Ia .,_.., of rain.

1 0-11 a.m. Photography Exhibit entries received at Center School auditorium'


&aden Field Court& #1~ See eatry for I a.m. Saturd8¥.

9 a.m. HORSESHOE TOURNAMENT - SENIOR FINAlS Braden Field Coarta. See ..atry for 9 a.m. ~.

9 a.m. - 1 p.m. 13th ANNUAL PANCAKE BR£AKFAST Youth Center, rain or llbine. Pancalrea (all you can e&t!l, juiee, --ce, milk and collee. Ch.lldr..n $1.75, adol&a $%.110. Advance - avallabltt from ehmn. IOe WUJdnaon, 474- or Tom Fre..rnan. 471--4a113. Sponioor: G'belt Lions Club.

9 a.m. - Dark VOLLEYBALL PICK-UP GAMES Outd-n, Youtb Center and SilL Reereation Center. Fre.-.


12 NOON MISS GREENBRT SWIM SUIT COMPmnON Muolclpal PooL M.C.: Fran Hromolak.


I'rleea on ridea redueed 10c, 1-5 p.m. Game, food, llale and laformadon boot.bL

1 :30-5 p.m. ART SHOW Ct-nter School auditorium. See Saturday entry for 1 p.m.

1 :30-5 p.m. PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT Ceo ter School audltorlwa.-.


p.m. CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT Y outb Center, rma. B &: C. '"l'f'JIPiilp Foil,)~: Brenda Kimbell. violin;

~*** ~~** MOND" Y - Sept. 6 9 a.m. OPEN TENNIS TOURNAMENT FINALS

Braden Fleld court11 # 1-6. See entry for Saturday, a a.m.


9 a.m. • Dark VOLLEYBALL PICK-UP GAMES auw-ra at Youtb Center and SprinctdU Lalle Bee. Center.

9:30 a.m. to Start of Parade Friends of fhe MARY BETHUNE JR. HIGH BAND Bevlewinc - area. AIIDDDI and frleDAia of the band wt1J pia)' ....,....., the .,.... ,_..,_ the n-vi.-\O·Ia& •tand. ~--. ..... .,.._r,

9:3e' a.m. · DECORATED BICYCLE AND TRk:'tCU CONtEst ~ble In front of G'belt a-Jty. TNpldra - ..._ ,_ aD; ........,._ pre<!ede parade. Spo...,r G'IJ<olt I.Jona Club. Clunn.: Beary Fllliler.


Parade Manltal: Greenbelt OutataDdlnc Cltisen of 1971. Maat.-r of CPremonlfo.o: Jim Fl~ WLMD. Honored ~s Include Co- 0~ Spell­man, :\ld. Compt.. Lout. GoldHein, t.b .. City c-.en a: Count)· Council mem-., Sucar -y ........._.., G-.. bPit Bicentennial Committee, On-...uq a-belt City Employee of thfo y..,... (-' uad p~). 1111M <.irPenbPit of 1976 and h<'r <"OUrt, liiiM Greenbelt of 1975. Parade coordlnat:on by :\ld. H.E.L.P. radio dub. PARADE ROUTE AM.-mbly aft'& at North EJid 8e11ooL Ridce Road and lAurel Hill a-d. down Bh1ce to Sorthwa)·, NGrthway to Hm.lde, BW.W.. to R••vi .. ,.·ing •tand oppollite Mmrielpal Bille.

AU eYenta, UDieM othenoi.., nuted. "iU take place at the Greenllelt Shopplnc Ceater, In the pa.rldnc lot bPbiJMI the (J()-()p Supe.....,...ket. 1D CASE OF RAIN, liiTAOE EVENTS WILL BE MOVED TO THE YOtlTH CENTER behln4 the •"1n8nlnc ~ So advance ~on req1Jln.od unl- noted.


FRIDAY • September 3 9 a.m. - Dark . Volleyball PICK-UP GAMES

Outd_.., Youth Center and Springhill Lake &.-c. Ct-nt..r. Continuous open - 1111 ""eek-t"ftd; f.- Sponaor: G'belt Bee-. D.-pt..

10 a.m. - 1 p.m. SKATEBOARD RALLY Cen$rr\O-..,· Rd. in front of Youth C.ent.-r. Awovdll in downhill and 81alom ev•a Freeatyle exhibition by East Coaat Sl<at<>board Supply, Inc. F--. l'ftl...retrbtration n-qulred. QHiponsor.-d: o·- Bee. Dept. &1: Jo:a.t Coast Sb...., CoordlnatJOrs: Bon Ernat 1111d Bill McHale.


Pocket Bllliarda, Air Hockey.and Table Tennis at \·outh Ct-nter and SHL Reeftstioa Cent<>.r. F..- MU8t register "ithln first hour of divlaion com­petition. Awanla in MlCh dlvlaion. - p.m. Junior (9-.1% )"ear& oldl 44. p.m. Intermediate (IS-la· yean old) -p.m. Senior (17 &: over~ ~: G'belt Bee. OPpt. (.'oordlnaton: Janl.,.. l\lcFarland and MlkP Connolly.

4-6 p.m. Art Show Entries received at Center School Gym. 5k fee for """'h &dnlt entry; $Z.lltl maxlmunL So fee fer Gblldren.

9-11 :30 a.m. Art Show entries received at Center School Auditorium.

ludgtnc will tJJkr plaee SundaY. 12:3&-I:SO p.m. See Friday .. ntry for fees.

1-5 ~J.m. ART SHOW Center School AuditJOrium. Judging for adult.: palntlnp, drawinp. col­lace &: mixed ..-..., prlnta, watereolon. IICulpture A Judclng for eblldren: palntinp. drawinp, prlnta, IIICUipture, crafta. Many prius. Rlb­bo-. plaque and ebildren's 1st place priz<>s s._)ied by G'belt Bee. Dept. Chmn.. Anne Brunn.,...

1-11 p.m. CARNIVAL MIDWAY OPEN I'rte<.. for ridea reduced lie 1-5 p.m. Game, food, sale, inforrruotion boothL

1-5 p.m. PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT Ceat.-r School AodJtorlum. Coomlnatora: Don Volk and S....dra Bani.,..

1-5 ,.m. NASA EXHIBIT c-ter SchooL SYNCOM and ESRO Satellites. Sponaor: NASA Goddard ~ Fli«bt Center.

1-11 p.m. HAM RADIO DEMONSTRATION C"am!Nal Area. See entry for .Friday, 1 p.m.

1 p.m. FIRE DEPT. DEMONSTRATION Braden Field. #S. Methoda for fin's. ChmD. Deputy <.:hief Bandy Houch""-

p.m. PRINCE GEORGES PUPPET PLAYERS st.ce. uAnytidng C&D bP A Puppet"; ahow, lecture. dftnonatration on pup­petr)·. Sponsor: M-SCPPC. Arts Dlvillion, Dollll& Harrbo.

1-4 p.m. EXTENSION SERVICE EXHIBIT Carnival -. Exhibit. and q~ on bouaing and "How \\'<"0 Do \"ou ~- Younelf". Also on Sunda)·. Chmn. :'llareie MyPI'II..

1-4 p.m. BOOKMOBIKE Oarnival --..' Vehicle a&oek<'d "it.b paperbacluo, Hl>rar)o .......... fr- hook­ Sponaor Prince G<'orge'a Publle I.Jbrar)". Chm. Honarie Motea..

1-11 p.m. HAM ~DIO EXHIBIT . ~ .....,._ See entry for Frida.', 7 p.m.

1 =30-4:15 p.m. MOVIES AT THE GREENBELT LIBRARY 1=-, •""-ert.... Tim.- ()oplule"; I :M, "BBocrapby of Eleanor _._.It~: :ll:le JUIL. "LeK<-nd of .John HeDI')~: !:25 p.m., "Faeea ot PatrioU"; %:lie

Ciady H-ut, violia; Paul Cable, viola; Todd CarillOn. et"llo. MEvolutioa~: Shelly \'ela8eo, violin; Laura MWman, violin; Jane O'Brien, viola; Evelyn Cable, C<'llo. MembPn of tbe P. G. Chamber Mu&lc. AS110C. ChmD.: Sur Tepp(nc.

1-1 :45 p.m. MINIATURE PUPPET THEATRE st.ce. Familiar children's storl..,. for younpten. agr :1-3. <-1tm.: l\lary Bauer, G'b<-lt I.Jbrary.

1-11 p.m. HAM RADIO DEMONSTRATION See entry for Friday, 7 p.m.

2 p.m. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, AMERICA Musical Production Youth Cente.> JD'Dl. Bleentennlal look at two hundn'd y....,. of Ameriean hls&ery u ...,..n thro<J«h the ey... of Ti>otle the Turtle. Ori«inal muslc:al wiUa .,...._ and danCPL Perlonnera from Library Th ... tre. Spo.,_redl by National Parks Service.

2-3 p.m. FAMILY SWIM CARNIVAL PooL Multiple Belay Eveata, ribbons for winn .. I'L No f.,., Sponaor: G'belt Bee. Dept. Coo-: Mike Lundft'PD.

3 p.m. HAWAIIAN AND POLYNESIAN DANCING Stace, SoutJi Sea hlanclers perlonniog aneleot and mod~ Island dancln~;. Coord.lnator: Mr. Lt-ttney.

2-4 p.m. MAKING MOON FLOWERS Center Scllool laH'D - ~ Club ,_..,...,. demofMf:nl4;to and ,.,. _,_, maJre ft.....,... out of fur and atyrofuam. 111e fre. Coordinator: Linda Slmoiuoon.

4 p.m. TALENT SHOW st&tle. Younptera 111 yean and under. Prlz<>s for aiL Chmn: o..bbie Hibbs.

4 p.m. MODEL ROCKET DEMONSTRATION Bracleu Field. Mem-. of doe NASA M-. Roeket Club ,..Ill rlretroa.ira1ly ftre roeketa Into doe alr. Coal'l1inator: Eel P'-. ·

4:30 p.m. REGISTRATION fOR WALKING RACES Bradrn Field. Rue .Urta a& ~:ae. CbalmuiD: l.Arry N...-L

5:30p.m. REGISTRATION FOR FOOT RACES . · ~r at Youth Center. Entry f- 11.25; award& to aD ftni8hen: ....,.. run .....,..Ueu of w...ther. Baeea be!rin on Braden Field nr. -..w eourta.

After Parade ANTIQUE AUTO EXHIBIT Center School Parkin& Lot


After Parade FO()D BOOTHS OPEN

After Parade PARADE TROPHIES PRESENTED -Stace. M.C. G'belt OntataDclbtC Cltl-. Clmm.: w~-... WUIIama.

1 p.m. RIDE IN THE C & P TELEPHONE CO. BUCKET TRUCK c..rnlvaJ Aft'&. Fre.- rid ... for ehlldreil ,."tllchlntr - ...., 1 .. lbL

1-3 p.m. HOME RUN HlmNG DERBY Bradfon Ft..ld #2. *"'~(later ....,.,..., 2 p.m. for atarl.. F- ll8e. -· of te awla&a over thfo f<'Dce. Gnya - n~ tt.: Gala- ue tt. A....., .. .........,.._ Ia .._. ~. Spo_.r: G._ Bee. Dep&. CoaftllnMan: .,..._.-I lllaa Znlat.


1-8 p.m. HAM RADIO DEMONSTRATION !We eutry for Friday, 1 p.m.

2 p.m. DIXIELAND JAZZ CONCERT Stace. Member& of th<' Potom8e Rlvrr Jazz ;rroap ,.-m ~ Stqe. c-dbt­ator: George GalL

2:15/..m. FOURTH ANNUAL TUG OF WAR erou Munlelpal PooL LifecUal'da VL G.-belt Volullteer l'1re Dept.

st>o-or: O'bPit a..e ...... uon J)ep&.

3 p.m. SCORPIO ROCK BAND CONCERT Stace. F_,.._..leee ....,.. ........ CoordiDator.: ~ Eeldo&l'dt..


6-11 p.m. CARNIVAL MIDWAY OPENS RoaedBie AmWM.'ment Co. Tick••ts sold by <.i'belt Golden Agers. Game, food. .. te and inform.ation booths organJZMI and oprrated by G'belt organ­i7..atlona. Carnh·al area chnm. JlarnPr ('ampbell. Booths constru<"ted and wired by G'belt Puhlir \\'orks Do•pt.

7-11 p.m. HAM RADIO DEMONSTRATION Carnival An-a. lk'monHtration of ham radio ll OSCAR KateiUte. Pr•·aented by Greenbelt Amat.-ur Radio DemonHtraton .


GREENBELT <-'OSCt:RT R..\XD under dlrrction of Tom Cherrix; soho­ia Edna Whit.-. ConrPrt "ill includ<' 11laying of th .. "inning rntry In the Greenbelt ~laJ'("h L"Ontf"fit.

Introduction of dty officials and .... t"8ti\.·aJ Slet·ring Comm.itlef·. 1\lash•r of Cf.remonif"'8. Hartland ~lnnahan. U'ashington

P.......,ntation of Ol'TSTASDIXO ('ITIZt:N A\VARD in honor of "'l'o11" Cipriano by (' & I' Tpio•phon., ('o. I

P~"PSt·ntatlon or award to winnt-r of Fto.stival Logo contest.

Drawing for FREE RillE TICKETS h~· F..,.tival Clowns.

Carnh·al Stag••. 01K"ning ('t:•rPmonh•s Chnm. -sue Simko.

9 p.m. PRESENTATION OF MISS GREENBELT CONTESTANTS Sta.ce. Sportswear ronJpPtition. IntrodUC'f'd by ::\layor <HI Wefdenff"Jd. <.'hm. 1-'ran Hromulak.

9:15-12:15 p.m .. ROCK MUSIC BY FREE SPIRIT Slacf". Rock Band will pia~; Strf"t•t dance open to all; admiuion fref" featuring a Hustt.. dan£>e conte8t. Co-Hponsored b3-· O'brlt Rfoc. Dept..

• KAVA Tef"n Club and Fe-sth·nl ('onunit"~Re.

p.m.,. 1101 Livin~t Earth (Walden Pond).,; 8:05 p.m., "Norman Rocln1.·ell"; 3:35 p.m., ••now the Bea,·pr Stoll') l"ire''; 3:50 p.m., "Hear Your Banjo Play (Pptf• See-cer)". Tota.J tintP, aOOnt 2!:! hours. <:".oordinator: Betty Allen and Carolyn Estridg-f'.

1 :30-3 p.m. SOFTBALL DISTANCE THROW Sprlnchill Lak... Elt"11"1'entary 8<-hool. Fret"~. Register berorr 2 p.m. \V'innPr maat throw farth ... 8t C:i triPs). Awards in (•ach division. M.-n·~~~ & womf>n's senior, 18 & o\·er; bo:vs' & girtH' jtmior, 17 &: tmder. Sponsor: G•bett lt€-c. D.-pt. r

2 p.m.-8:15p.m. MUNICIPAL POOL OPEN following Novice Meet competition

2 p.m. MCGRATH IRISH DANCERS stat~e: Featuring traditional Irish st<-p dancing and ~troup figure danring by the McGratpa Acadf'my of Irish DancP, .Jeannf" McGrath, Director~

3 p.m. DANSACTIONS , stage. BiC"entennial nlU,.i<"al tnunfN>rs r("aturing acrobatics. tat, dancing, Hawaiian dancing. ·Coordinator: Tt•rl"iP Bradlt"~·. · '

3-4:30 p.m. FOOTBALL TIRE-THROW Sprln~rhlll Lake F:lem. School. Prre. R••Ristrr beforp 3:30 p.m. AwardH in all dlvislon!l. Junior 19-12 )"<'al'!l), lntennedlate 113-16 years), S.•nior (11 &: ovPr). Sponsor: G'IK'It R.r<·. Dt•pt. (.'oordinator: (;rpg Schribel.

4 p.m. ''THE UGLY DUCKLING" Stace. U\.'(" th ... atri<'al pr<"Sf"ntatiun by mMnbt-rs of Grenobl~· TheatrP Guild of G~nbelt. Ca~Jt: Rob o~:\laUry, Angrla Schrii:K-r, Mary Ann Ve<>e-llio. Glell Muir.

5 p.m. "THE FLOWER PATCH" Sta«t>. Folk and pop duet, with guitar.

7 p.m. "LINDYETTES" Stace. Vari<>ty act featurin~t tnusic, songs. dancln~r, maclc. Perfonnen Hh"' 4-16 old. Director: Linda Pelnzzo To·wnsend.

'J: 15 s~~· u~!!S~~!!1~.~ ... ~~o~~~~n?~;~~~~~a~9.'~.~~~!~NTS 9. p.m. - 1 a.m. THE SKYLARKS DANCE BAND ,

Stage Area. Stre.-t <lane .. for all with standard mll8ic for a variety of o.low and fut dancing.

SponMOn: D. C. Roadrunners <1ub, F .... tival Committee, G'bPit Rf'c. Dept. Chm.: AIPxandf"r Barnes.

6:30 p.m. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE Two nlilf" course. around Jake: oprn to all.

6:30 p.m. 15 KILOMETER FOOT RACE 9.3 mil .. AAl'-<'rrtillrd course through Ag. ~We. Ct-nter.

7 p.m. ''THE UGLY DUCKLING" Stag<-. f.h· .. theatrical pl'<'8f'ntation b~· m<•mben of Grenobl•• Theatre Guild.

8 p.m. BEST DECORATED BOOTH AWARD Staa' ... $10 prize awardrd by FN>tival Cornmitt..e. M. C.: Muriel Weid .. nfeld.

8:05 p.m. 15 KILOMETER RACE TROPHIES Stage. Awards to tst &: 2nd place winnei"L M. ( . .\: AIC\Xander Hamra.

8 :lO J:.:!~ c~!. ~H!?.~.:A;\~n~~~~nner.


Stag... 1976 Crown pr<"""nt..d by Robyn Davis, 1915 MIM (;rrt•:lbt~lf. f'r(•JIWntin,;- tht- (ollowln~ con ... taat.: cathy

Bra<ldo<'k. Fioy Boswell. o..bble Patton, Stephanie Zeiba, ~1 .. 1:" o•DonnPII, Therrsa O'Donnell. Vlelde Kf!naing.-r, Jacki .. J......-, :\lirh .. lle Frazier, Edy Watwon, Connie Be­rmft. :\1. ('.: StephPn PolaiiChlk. Mayor Gil Weidl'nfeld prf"1W'nts awards.

9:30 - 12 p.m. RALPH CASE SQUARE DANCERS - STREET DANCE stage an-a.. National champions with prof.,..lonal caller and band. c-­tumed dancer& wiD invite all to join in IMJU&I'OI danclin&"· ,

2:30-4:30 p.m. LABOR DAY SALUTE TO WERICANS AT WORK Ceater MaD. Demonst• ations or ()('Cupationa. Bri~k­la)•en from Local II, D.C.; (.'arpenter" from Loc-al Dlat­rlc& Council; tralllllllla8ion rebuildlnlt from Gr.-enbelt ~ooa; bot watt-r ~tlnl{ by Grt'!eflbeli Jloonw1l. lne.; chair canlft&' by ('olumbia I.J~ththotme for the Blln4; pott<'l')' maldna- by Toni Foater; beekeeping by George Cant..-eU. pla!oterel"M from Local 96, D.C.

3-6 p.m. SPECIAL CONTESTS o ...... area oppoelte &Ill«<'· Re«<•t<>r I~ minutea before t'&4lh event. Youth Ct-nter In <"aae nf rnln. 1st. 2nd, and 3rd ~ prt- aw.......,.. In ....,h ev ... nt.. j'n.: Ol~ta P••nnPy. !\I.C. B<'rnard Pftlney. TIME EVENT AGES s:eo DlaJM"r OPrhy Baby CJ-aw....W .. li:ZO Pennies in Sand S &1: Under 3:40 Balloon Bunt 4-8 4:00 Bubble (1um Bunt 7~

f:ZO Pt'IUiut on ~n 10-IZ f:40 Jwnp RoP" a..,., 13-lt 5:e«< D._ (.;p &: Down Raee 13-11 ~:ZO Th,....• IA'Jrg.-d Race 18 &: Over, eouplell

4 p.m. \VEIGHTLIFTING DEMONSTRATION sa.e. Mem...,... of the D~"1181no Welcbtllftin& Club will demonatrate c9n­pedti•··· wela'btllftln~r and Olympic atyle lltta. and _.,r IIIIa. Coo ............ : Bob IJ .·l'llb&rdL . .,

6 p.m. BAVARIAN-AUSTRIAN DANCE COMPANY 8tacf'. C<Mtumecl danCt'n perlonn traditional a-nan dan-. CoordinatOr: Herb Fredrlelcaon.

7 p.m. CAMERATA BRASS QUINTET -... Two trumpets, two trombcm-. and a Freneb bom. Member& of &be U. ~ Air For.,.. Colfet"rt Band. Coordlluator: Bob Daniel.

. _,;..,~· ... --._.._ ·-- • , .f. ~-~ . ··~;~tr;~:~ .... r :g:·:;r:;: li~ _., ... ~'·':o....'~"'"~:~ ..... t .... T.~- ....... , ···"~ ,._ . • T ,.,. •• '_.~: • • ·=-~- :,.""" +• ~'-~'"":f'"..,~]

T'"~ E!c~.nor Roose\·elt seninr high school under construction (April 1975 ). The new school \':i'l ,·w" ib ,, ,q·,; 011 Tucsdny, September 7. Viewed here is the gymnasium on the left, the e·~ .. · .. ; :.; in he center. and the auditorium on. the far right. ____ ... -----------

Hope He~d Out For T~ar:sfci~ To Roo:eadt

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bf'r J·nrollmr·nl 1 roi··d 1 oh~ hold up wh' :1 :;~l:dt•nts return, thNr will b1· no t·hangl', and no tr:1nsfPrs from Fnirmm1l to R 1 • J~r·vf'lt's npPn 1•n

rollmr·nt progra• 1.

.John R. Aubn .. !1on ~apcrvl11or of J 1forrna.Uon ~n·lct> J'.C. Ht•ur't of ~:r1ut·ntion

Boxwood Ten-Pin Leaque The Boxwood Mixed Ten-Pin

League will op:·., the r ... n sea­tpn on Saturday. &pl 11 at the Falrlancl In C1U•ge Park at' 8 p.m. Anyone wishing to join may call Walter Wight at 474-2Mt.

School legislation Subji:!d of Hearing

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t~·. di~!."tiSs l'.r·•t~'ral \.1W11 r"tl"•' a •11

how to itl!-ntify :1111\ t"\Pll r 1\ \\"Pr'!:::

,\dmis~ion j..-; frPI'.

Recycle Aluminum l'n·s• rvinr n!ll' of ulll' n·ttioq's

rt'":Hll'l"i'H. ll~·lp fig-ht J:tt •·r and •-'11'11 t•:-:~1'1 tn•ll\f')' by nTy,·\lng al­uminum. wllir·h :d~o ~,a.,···~ , .. ,,•rgy. It tnh1•s llnly fiV(' per n•nt r•f thr (~nergy nPe,l('d to mnlw rr~.:'yrlf'd n1~1minum ns It dot·.-; to m:d.-:C' t!w mf'tnl from vtr:dn ort'.

RrmPmh<"r to p1Rc·•., a mngm•t to thf' si•INI of nll ran~. H It rlof"~ not •'irk then the m .. tal Is aluminum 1\tHt worth 15 C('ntR n pound M~h

on the •pot. •P.rlnv. your aluminum tn: Belt­

way Plaza, Greenbelt Rd., oppo­••te Cunningham Drive on Sep~. 111 and 29 until 3 p.m.

. .t I I ' :· . ' . ' ' r ~ ~. . : 1'· t:.: 1,·11! •i\ t.! ,. '1:,· )·,•ol

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w•ll · p· ,... 1 ,f •'··· (';1'1' .. 1'1 1 'Vnnd; :1•11! ·t!1 , f "'•'l't~ 1 t 1m1' F()J'P'"i~ Cht•l <'f'A. \V•1• ·.!~:. 'f1r:•:· Oro"ltl' \'I liar,•· \VnmJl '('1\. ~f·1•~·· ·1"' ~·,,r:,.,r · s .. hrn•~t Hill" (~ordln,•lr P,gt•\t<·•;

\V··•:t,· 1·,.,, ~ ,. P:lrlt I·f;tn'in~ R:r\~1' ~ntl enr!d•P'tl R'liH'I' Villno-(•. R"P· re~Pntat\vr~ from NH'h of tlw:if' ar f'fl" nrP t•nt·of,ragt•d to br(·nm(' rw

live. TIH· f\r~t artlvity In lhP 1976 pro

gram i~ tlw Club's pnr' if-inRtion in th~ Grt•t>nbl'lt J..,n.bor nav J4'Pslivnl Club mt•mbf'rs will bt•comP twn1111t vendors ror the rour-rlav restlv•l. 1wllinR "Pf•tmUl'i from Plain,". Oth er orrrrlnga at the Club's booth will bo Cl\rtrr/Mondale, Sl\rbanes. 1\Rd Sprllman buttons and plna. R<>nrroentatlveo Barbanes and Rnellmlln will be dropping by th• honth on r,abor D~v to extend '""'r "'rf' ... tlne:-q to th,.. Club.



Hamilton Place

Greenbelt, Maryland



Lor:tt ·d ~!1 a qt1i1·!. h~·autiful :-:t>tting, this ·.tra nict• 2 i)r. m:tsnnry h•nnP n·ady f11r :rn:n. I• 1:-.s.; nicl' 1 quipm~·nt; (·xcl'ildtt rund. throughot.\. -


Within rninult-s nf ~hopping arPa; nin• quil't lm.:aUon - largr court; par\dng f:tcilitil·s ~h·ar hom'' -- hous:• in \'t·ry guod t'ond. ·t L'-. GnrtkJ:way - $13.500.00 - Fall orr.

Th::-; t::t Floor ow· br I· me apt. has lo\'Ply l.lrgr yarJ l'vrncr lo1· Entr<mcr door from kit• hen into yard as W· II '" front-door cntmnce. $10,500.00

imm pos:-;.

Othl'r 1, 2 & 3 br. homes on th•• marl<et ranging from $11.000 to $28,000.00.




.;71 ·lHil


·17·1 ·1211

Mary K Dixon BROimR


Twin Pines Savings & Loan A~sn. 1 05 Ccnterway

Greenbelt, Md. 20770 474-6900


C!o~c~! Labot Day Sept. ot:,


=\l.rn -Thur~. ')-{j

1': td.1 0• :1-U

~~;tllll"d3)' !1- ! .!.

1:'\ST.;HED TO ~4L\,IIllil 110


is a vital, developing, State-accredited experiment in elementary t:ducation, entering i ; :.;xiil year. [',y li:J''' of a humanistic educational philosophy, Partridgeberry provides children with a voluntar'J academic program, supported by professional guidance, a broad selection of innovative materials and equipment, parent-co­oping, movement, film, mini-courses taught by parents under staff supervision, near-peer tutoring, Science Cur­riculum Improvement Study kits, Minnesota Project So­cial Studies kits, a'l. exlensive fi,~: ~-trip program, envir­onmental education, and a learning center plan. Partridgeberry participates in the Unjversity of Mary­land's teacher training program.

By State charter a non-profit, private school, Par­tridgeberry nevertheless maintains a strong, long-stand­ing commitment. to serve as a public educational resource, providing fami!ie~ of all backgrounds -racial, ethnic, economic, religious - with access to a distinctive, liberal educational alternative. This com­mitment is realized in _part through low lui!ion and an unusually broad scholarship plan.

Currently, Partridgeberry has a total of four open­ings at grade levels k, 4, 5, and 6. For admissions infttrmation, call the school's administ~atlve office, al 474-4609. School opens September 13th.

~hursday • .8eP'ember 2, 1978

CLASSIFIED $1 : :;o for a 10-Word llfiiDimlllll. lOc for each additlo.W word. Submit aus in wrltln1, accompanied by cub payment, either to the Nen aevlr•· office at 15 PBI'kwio.y, before lO p.m. of the 'l'uesday prece41Da publication, or to the Twin Pinel

J!avln1a and ~ oll!ce. ltwrt· is no chatge ror advert.Wna it~ms that are f<lund. REMODI!lLING SPECIALISTS _ kitchens, lltatha, QddiUona, etc. Free eeti•atee A retereneea. ArtiaD Contracton. 346-1814.

.Am WNiSi'FIUNJiiiUi INBTALLib A: r~. Call m-aeoa. CALDWBLL'S WAIIHIIl 81RV­ICE. AB lll&kel expertly repaired. Autborlsed Whirlpool dealer, OR





Beltway Plaza •ruiUid lbe OCII'Ur B.ulcwet a.-'tl'ltoalan ~ a 8pra,ve

4'J4-f!tl M_.. ..... 8&t. 'tiJ I ·-..-. .. _ --... .... ......


1'ROMBONE TRUJIPIIIT and VOICE LESSONS. Profe.lonal .,u,lolan wltb ~· 4T.....U.


All ltraadl 11114 t)'IH!I. Call -­lnp4'f..-.

PORTER'S UQUORS _ ...... ....., ..... 'lleat to ~. Ill 0D11p


w. llave the lalllll llleoUaa .r WI- ,_ aNUDd lbe ~ llp~lal prt- Dll-~

Order Eutr

AIJ •ulltJou about wta. ... ~eaaec~

LIGHT HAULING, w/ pick-up 'Truck. Call JCike after 4:80, 4T4· 9t01. fJIWUi'S POODLi dROOiliiNOl maluo JOUr appointments todQ. Call tU-8218. PIDfo LliiiiONB: PealiOdi OOii­aei'Y&t.H)' Graduate. Bt,tnnen­Adlruloed, t74-t222,

'TYPEWRlTIIII\ RIDPAIR. ELI!lC­.TRJC. STANDARD AND PORTA­Bt.E8. Call 4T....U. S1"R1NNOD INitl'RUfiNT RE­PAIR • violin, cello, IUitar, ban· io. dulcimer. l.l'ut, elt[lert, reuon­able. 3411-11838.


su. a 8lnloe l~xpert antenna man wiD

111~tr.U llew;repalr antemaa tor

Attic or Outdoors 1:..-Inls


LAMPS RlllPAIRJm - Floor ud "J,'able ~·· c.ll evenlnp tn-INIIIO. l'AJNTlNG - Interior - exterior. 20 ye~l experlellee. Good work. Call llolt Neal '1'7&-.$461, ?ADI'I'INO - Interior, eo.tarlor. ·waDpaperlna and Uaht carpentl')" JIIIO. Good Greenbelt refa. Jllx­ceUent worlunanahlp. Frank ao­m• 474-3814. Wt1L BABYSIT In my home. Cali 34G-aoet. '11bt5111ifG:Qu~ity work, faat nr­vlce, caU Pat Mayook. «4-.8020. BOOKS 0.\l.ORE! Criticism, bill­tory, texta. chlldrenl, etc. Go kart tr5. m-17311. 1973 TRAII.Sl'AR pop-up hr.rd top c~mper. Sleeps six. Like new. '1090. 474-91!18.

1974 WELSON lllLBICTRIC OR· GAN. All ac<:ompanlmenll. Orl­linally $81111.00. Quick 111le $4110.00.

·i74-94M.,===-~--=---,-­H.DE NEEDED from Old Green­belt to Prince Georges Hosp. Work hrs. 8:00-4:30. Will share ps ex­pense. Call Brenda at 341-4989 8:00-4:30. W A~D: Portacrlb. Call 34~-9328. RIDE- NEEDE0:.P.G:-Comiaunlty COllege. Will share expenles. 474-7128 after 7 p.m. FISH TANK, 10 gal., fish, all equip., $10.00 474-11408 after 6 p.m. BABYSITI'ER NEEDED Wednes­days and Fridays 12 noon to 4 p.m. for two young girls preferably In my home. Call 3411-6'1'79 (not be­tween 12:~ p.lll.l RESPONSIBLE TEENAGER wan­ted for chUd supervision and houae­work after IKlhool until 6:30 p.m. In North End. Call Ann at 3~ 1~ after 7:80 p.m. FOR SALE-1M4 MOB convertible. Excellent coMltlon. MUit be seen to be appreciated. 474-4T18. I .osTon. Lakeilde Dr-:6n-Aulll"t 19 a rev!~ copy of DllBinbl'rre'• Rlul~ and the Natu.. of women. Reward. 474· 7113. ATTENTIO~: Women tenpin bowl­ers needed for Thui'Hay mornlq "Col'f eebreakers" Leape at College Park Falrlanes. It Interested call Glenna l.l'lncham 474-8386. LOST • at pool i/30. IGd SChwinn bicycle. Fenders mlaslng. Reworu. 4 7 -l-2600. ARE YOU SATISII'IED with your pretent family lncoaae? Let your ability supplement your Income. Husband and wife work toaether. For appointment phone 34~2663 between ~7:30p.m.

FRICE kln1-slsed matre. and box­sprlflll set. 3411-1186 evenlnp. OHI 2 br. fi'UIIe, wuher, ranae, refrla .. A/C, wooda In back, $13,800. 474-4N2. MOVING - EVERYTHING GOES. 474-1528 anytime or come Sat. 1~. 20'1 Laketlde, Unlv. Sq. DININO room set; bedroom pet; rup; ladles lkl boota 7-7l~. 346- • 8627. WILL DO ALL KINDS OF ODD JOBS-reuonable ratee·free etti­mates-call Doua evenlnp 474-11562.

FOR SALE - ·1970 International Travelt\11, call Mr. Volk, 474--4204. BABYSIT. Mother woulc.-ulieto olt on A part-time permanent basis. 846-18'11.

FOUND - oran1" tabby alte~ male cat vicinity Boxwood. Phone 34~1429.

I..OST - Gray libby kitten vicinity of 10 court on Southway. Pleaae call 346-1714 .

PIANO I..EBSONS. Students now beln1 a.ccepted, All qee. PhOne Uf-.88'10.

BEFORE A AF'l'BlR school care. ~ boys. North lind aree. 346-673'7.

"MOMENTS - FOREVEI\"-Crea tlve child photocraphy by Stan Klem. 34G-8328.

HEILP WANTED- HOiiBEKEEP­l!lR. Good with children. Own transportation. Laurel area. 77f-4348.

TYPING In my home by experienc­ed secretary. can 1!112-2e'l'7.

PIANO LESSONS-Your home, all levels, has New En1land Con•er­vatory de1ree. 3411-11881.

GREENBELT 'BOY wants ride to High Point H.S. Mon. thru Fri. 7:4G a.m. return 2:40 - 474-fell1.

'Seabrook Bakery I Deli

"The Cake Crafters" For all,..........._ ud

<*ol'llled eUe ueeil, - ...



BAGELS on Sunday

577-9854 Ml4 JADIIaaHie;- .. _ !lrabroolr !lhopplna Oeater

~ Ebinr Skolnik - n4-eoetJ

'.'h.· pn:rs or Tony PIB8no-St'y­m .ur Lcvhlc and Hal Moline -1..:: rs Bronstein had the field to th • .ns. lvcs in laat Friday's dupll­,. ·tt\ bridle pme, as no other cou­ple finished above average. Pisano and Levine racked up a phenomen­al .746 game to easily win top hon­ors.

Greenbelter Stefanle Vogel re­cclved a 1976-'1'7 American Fellow­ship from the American Auoola­tlon of Unlveralty Women Educa­tional Foundation to complfte r,_ ' ...~reb for her doc:torai thelia.

Bucknell Unlvenlty lltlident Lea­lie Moore, 1-Lakevlev.c Circle, was amona th~ llCHD-bar Btton ~reb Band who attell4ed a four~y band camp prior to the openlnv

. ..t:hday greetings to John Keller c. J,,. L'Wvod Court, who celebrated

!t!h birthday on AuJWit 81. in town for the Bar Mitzvah

of Jerald Krunlck are hla ,.and­mother, Kra. Adele Klein of Wood­aide, New York, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Krunlck of North Miami Beacb, Florida. Jerald'• areat aunt and uncle. ·

Conl{ratulatlons to Jack Mahurin, 69-H Ridge, wbo becam& Dr. Ma· burin week upon receipt of a Ph.D. in exercl1e phJ•Ioloay from the. Unlverilty of Maryland. Jack Is well known In the metropolitan

, area aa a 10111 !IIIUnce runner, and used runnen u ..-reb lllb­jectll for his paper on blood 1el'UIII anal)'lls. · ·

of aohool. Lellle plays the French Lon1 Diftllnce Rae .. horn.

On llwtda)', Setpember I two Ioiii distance rr.c~ will be held. The featured event wiD be the 15 lrllo run . (9.3 mllnl tllat aoea out throqh the A&rlcultural Jl'arm on a certltled coune. and attracll ma· ny out of t~ runnera. The course record of 47 mlnutea and 48 seeond.o was ..t In 1973 by tbe 197t Bolton Marathon winner Jack Fults.

The J111J 197t Jllue of MUDiclpal 1\lal')' .... publlallecl jln lnte-Unr article 111 C?lt)' manqor James K. Gil'!l(', "'nle cacapon Retreat." Last .January city council, depart­m•nt heads. city mua1er. auls­tant city · manqer and th" city clerk spent two days working t<>­J• !!1rr, analyzln; themselves. ·each otht•r and the problellll faclna the city or1anlzatlnns. Giese wrote that the rl'treat pve thl' partlcl- A 1", mile Run For Your Life pant. an opportunity to havl' n1et> around th .. lake Ia lor Joe· t••r understandlmr of Neb othPr&' rolea und reapon1lbllltlee "to think about what Greenbelt Is and where It Is goln1 and what hinders It In achieving goals. Further, there developed a 1reat awareneu o! problema thllt e.Uat In the relatlon­lhlp bet-n counoU and ltaft . , . This rreater understandllll and awarcneu can only help the re­treat partlclpanll achieve their one common 11'081 - the betterml'nt of the Greenbelt City rovernment and thP delivery of services to the public."

Katherine Keene, 8 Hlllsldr, T• back from a stay of Sl'nr&l weeks In Jr.pan. She 1pent onr a week In Kyoto and attended the summer session of Sophia Coll~e In Tokvo. whl're •he studied Japanree art his­tory. It wM •o hot In Japan that Greenbelt felt cool when abe re· turned.

Besl wl•h•i to Walter Wight nr Ht•dR'"Wood on the occasion of hie 82nd birthday. The famllv crl•bra­ted at Bluckle;s HQuse of B•et. ·

Wrlcom• home tfi Paul and Martv Evans. Fayette Pl., who juat ·lot back !rom C' LOST: Brown ,.-.-th-c-e-r Fell ol'f top of car, Rldce, ·CrMCent vi­cinity. Contained 1ports apparel, tools, pen. medlcln•. R~ard. Call Stew l..arlflln, 622-3908, H, Mon.­Fri.

FOR REN1': 2 It 3 br. frame homu - cornl'r A middle locations - ren tala from ~.00 to $321.00 per mo. IJIO(. POSB. FOR INF'OIUolATION CALL ORJ:I:NBIIILT HOKI!:S, INC. 414-4181. 474-4244, 474-4381.

FOR RENT: Boxwood Vlllaii! D BR CAC home with IKlreend patio. Fenced yard with treea. 474-1348. Owner Acent

· .Mlshkan Torah Nursery School

has openings for 3 and 4 year old.o. Three day pro1ram, morn­lnp. Music, rhyth" aria, cre­ative , play, dlot. Cl!rl'lc. Phone 093-2'146.

gers. An addrd feature thll year may

be tht> first walkllll race In Green­belt. a 3 mile - (Twice III'OIInd the lakel tor Juniors (men under 20 and all women! and a Ill! mile race for llt'nlora lfour timet around th .. lalrl'l.

SIIJI up for the two lon1 dilttlnce racl.'l II In the Youth Center bne hour before the •tart, and there Ia a fee for all events. In the 1% RFYL rue everyone recelvet a run­nlnl patch ud Onenbclt bllben In the other eventl aU receive a­warda.

BIIJI up for the walklnl race• on Braden Field at t :ao p.m .

All events start at the tennla courb on the path beblnd the Youth Center on Brsden Field. The walk­Ing events 1tart at D :80 p.m.. and the runnlnl events at 6:30. Thete roee11 are sponsored by the Labor o.y FeaUval Committee and co-· aponROred by the Greenbelt Recren­tlon Department and the D.C. Road Runnera Club.

Alexander Barnet I• th" race di­rector, 474·11810.

OJJ Cempu1 Housing NHcled lor Students

Anyone wlahlnl to rent a room, apartment or bouae to Unlvenlty of Mal')'lt\nd atudenll or faculty should contact the. Olf-Campua Houlln1 Service at 404-36411 Hun­dreds of students are currently looklna for •hOilliq. Tbere II no charae for tbe service, but the Unlvenlty m111t obaerve a policy or non-dlacrlmlnatlon. It cannot llat faciUU.., that rent selectively on the balls of race, rellion or na­natlonal orl11n.

HOUSE DOCTOI lllqeli craltenaa wW ...,..._ ....................... ~ erical jaM. wall paleldna, -­...,.., tile. ••. .uMmble alleda •nd yard dutlf'L lWI e....nlnp.


Greenbelt en

don't fix breakfast on


Pancakes and Sausage Greeubelt Youth Oenter - I un Ill I Jill!

.\dulta - tuG ClllldHD under 11 - ,1.'111

eeJoy pod food - IQII8I'IJ ~

G...Wt'a ·1..-ltran The Ch11dren'a I>epL oi ltiie

Gfftllbelt Library, will praent the

followln1 PfOIH!D' durln1 Sep­tember:

Storle1 IIJid ere.tjve Galllft Wednesday•. Sept. 8 - OcL 111, from 11 to 11:30 a.m. for chll6-

ren aae• 2% - a. Pleue reaiater In advance by oall1na 8*-DIIOO. rent'a Proaram Room will be oa

Drop-In Storlet In the . OIIW­Thul'ldaya from 2 to 2:30 p.m:. fo.r

..-w. For excitement, lauflbl, adnD­

ture and a (OOd tlllle tr)' llhutaC a aooct book w1t11 a friend. ... Dllcualona wJJI be Oil .......,.,

September 13, to, and ff, lletwe8 4-5 p.m. for .,_ lG-12.

On-Apln, Off-Apln llatarda7 film• for qet e - 12 wiD 1lt ctll

Saturct.,y, September 211 1ft 11 &JL

The ftlml wiU be: a.. a Her Qlall; Pip; 'I'IIC! Will Oat ....,.

Dllplayl at the library thll -*II Include photop&pbl - JQ Hen· son of Greenbelt. a qulltlal dlaplaJ by tJir. Natlallal QlllltlnC A~ tlon, batik and tie d;re *''~ b)' Xra. 8baahl Ka1ra. LaDhua. Pd 1&114palntiJII projecta b)' s-­tlolpanta o1 u.. oreene1t LiiiJuJ SandpalntiJII Wllltllbop.

ORUNBBLT: BUY OF THII WIIIIK: tii,IIOO. I 2~ZndT~ with ... ...._ ·ld quiet -"- '. A muat to - at thll low 1ow.

1 prtee. 1

2 Bedroom 1 Y.. Bath Frame Townhouae larie comer lot. 1

Wuher, nr,er, :1 Air Oandl- I tlonen, Wall to WaU c~lnl· U&,IIIO. t Looldna for a low prlelod lllce ' 2 Bedroom Frame boaleT We I have nne llated for $18,100.

Very IIICe 3 Bedrom tnae Townhollle with muy extru $17,000.

a Bedroom lind .._1'1 Townhouae with larp yard $211,1100.

3 Bedroom End )(amarJ Townbolll<! with beau~ landlcaped yard and flllllllJ room with •lldln& ilau doon to patio. Call to show - It'1 a show place.

2 Beclroom and den aeml-de­tached Townhouae with prqw Home In excellent condition. Another muat to aee.

Do you work at the Goddarcl Space I.I'Ught Center! We !lave • 1 BR Deluxe Apartment In Chelsea Woods. Excellent shape and ready for Immediate oocu­II&IICY. Very reasonably prlc~ at $22,000.


eoo Square Ft. '1'70 Square Ft. If a 1111aller otllce Is needeci.

we can eonftrt the apace. Call for Information.

CHAtRUillrl'OWNE VILLAGJ:: 2 Bedroom Brick Central Air Townbouae with W !W carpetlna, illahwulier, new tile In kitchen. .... 1110. We aell Greenbelt: List with Ul i We are memben of Multiple Llltlnt' a.nd can ftnd the Home ol Tour Chok:e.

<'a II us We are at Your Ser­vice at Shllppl.q Center Nut ., Mobil Ou Station.


i • i


i :

l. t • t


i l

';l •• ., '• r 1.

I I··

' j,.

Page 8 _________ G_REE...;;.;.;NB...;;EU=['..;NE;.;....W~S..;REVIEW;;;:;;..;.;;:;;;.;.;.. __ T.:..h:.:.:u:.:rsday, September 2, 1976

HIGH SCHOOL Cont' d from pge 1

and " dressing room. 'rile auditori· um also has facilitie<~ for showing movies. It can be subdivided into three large areas so seven~.! ac· tivities can be carried on at th" s.'UIIe time. These facilities are ex· p<>eted to be- used by groups from the community as well· as by stu· dents.

Facilities for physical education include a gym which will seat 2,000.The football team Is already trying out the footbali field and boys' locker room. Girls have al· most identical locker and shower faclllties.

As part of the physical educa­tion program the school wlll offer driver education. For part of the claasroom work in this course stu-· dents can use driver simulation machines to practice their reac­tions to driving situations shown on a screen In front of them.

As Eleanor Roosevelt Is used and tested by its first students, it wUI undoubtedly develop a char­acter of its own. Truly there is op­portunity here for a school that will )ive up to the promises offer­ed by Its uniqueness and provide at the aame time d!vers!ll¢ edu­cational opportunities for its stu­dents.

Flu Shot Program Readying for Oct.

Prince Gcorgrs county is ready to move forward with an• unprece­dented public health program to i!ftmunlzc county residents against the A/New Jers•·y influenza <swine. flul. The county executive and county council have attached "the highest priority to the planning, coordination and Implementation of activities lm·olved in executing this urgent community health pro-­gram," according to a joint pro­clamation issued last week.

The anticipatPd arrival date of the vaccines is about October 1 and the week of October 11 has be<>n tentatively designated for lm·· munlzation in the 2~th Legislative district, which includes Greenbelt. Clinics will be located at DuVal Senior High School on October 16 and 17 from to a.m. to 4 p.m. and again on October 31 'from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

At this point. the most critical need is for volunteers to assist In registration, clerical work, tallying of dosages, etc. For each three hour clinic, two health department shot teams will be supported by 20 local volunteers, a number of vol­unteer nurses and onf' volunteer physician from the county medical society.

Thos£' wishing to volunteer may call 'Bessie Ram<•·Y. 474-0993 morn­ings, Paula Smith 474-50-13 aftt•r noonN, nnd Nan•·y Spong 47-1-7296 I'VPnings.

Community groups and hPalth rplated org!ilnizations such as thP American RPd <'ross. Lung Ass(\('i ation, HPart AsHor::ltlon and thr county medical ~:ol'lf'tv pnrtil'l!mlpd in the organization or thl' immuni­zation program.

Choral Society Try-Outs The Greenbelt Choral Arts So·

clety wll! begin rehearsals for the 19'16-77 aecson on Tuesday, Sep­tember 7, at 7 :30 p.m. in the mualc room of Greenbelt Jr. High School. David Hardin will be resident con­ductor for the planned Ch rletmas procram while rt~rular conductor and m1111lc director Douclaa Free· IUD take11 a taU ~&bbatlcal to work on bll Kuter'• depee.

Tile 8oclelT• Chriltmu PJ'OifUil will feature .Benjam1n Brltlft'• "'preJDOII)' ot Caro ... " a ao11eet1on ot uclent Dlalllb ~- Al8o fte&1lnd wiD be BeblrlcJI Bchuts'• "CCIrrllmM ltiol7." a Baroque ~ OtiMr woru to lie perf-.4 will • ..... "CCIrrlt.u lAallaiiJ," U4 D&Yid WIDCIIIIII' "DDne Doq ........... "

fte a-wt 01-a Aria loel· .......... "'tile atr ....... .. ~t. .. Ol*l to Ill ..... with la .. IWt ... tile e!IIJit;r tp ....._ Va&oe ,._.t for the a-- wll be beld 8eptelllller 111

will be .._ ll the Nlleanal. All batenl·

are uhd to call x.,. ~ .. .., .......

Greenbelt Carry-out PRO'l'llOl' YOUR TABU: WITH A GOLDEN .JOE LABEL

Fri. • Extra Lg. Pep ................................................ $3.95

Sat. - Royal Steak Sub ............................................. $.85

107 CENTERWAY 474-4998

ITTEITIOII • Univenity of Maryland Students •Working ~eople • Retired People •Mothen • Paper Carriers •Everybody Landover Lou, your economy headquarters for American Motors, announces the availability of the

PUCH MAXI MOPED the motorized bicycle from Austria

over 1 ,000,000 sold in Europe

Legal in Maryland since Julv 1 • No Helmet Required • No Vehicle License R~uired • No Insurance Requir~·

<Driver's License required on hlgh~~l

Up to 150 miles on a gallon of

regular gas


Beltway Exit 32W. 4< Landov•r Ro-ad Directly across from entrance to Landover Mall


BACK TO SCHOOl Onward tllJero paper us

880 Sllef4

Typewriter paper z£ aheela sss IJqutd Crayons ""

El Muko ... . Cra:yona u $.U

I..ool Maker .... EJmel"o School Glue '.24-.&8

Sx5 Index Cards $.48

Panty-hoee .... Knee-Hi'• ""

Ben Franklin

Kub, Inc. Realtors "WE. MAY VL08E, BUT m: NEVER DOZE. CALL ANY­'l'IME" MERRY, GO ROUND aU you want to, but you will not beat the value and price of this ex­cellent 2 bedroom townhouse In Charlestownc VIllage. Faces Lake entrance, near tennis courts, swimming pool, ball field Cpndo fee covers ali services and utilities except elec. and phone. AILthis for only $26,11110. ls"RED RIBBON you about nno-ther house? Come sec this 3 bedroom, brick rambler with storm windows & doors, privacy fence, 2 car off street parking, storage shed. Nice appliances In kitchen, carpeting. Much more Great starter home. $40,900. BINGO to Kash, Inc. and let one of our able salesmen show you this exceptionally well-kept home with plenty of space for one or two additional bedrooma. All briek, Kitchen loaded with appliances, storm doors and windows, carpeting nnd draper· ies. osp and rear yard completely fenced. $110,000. ·

We're not RIBBON you when we ask "Need a ONE BEDROOM home with the features of a larger one?" In addition to the usual stove and refrlg. there 's a dishwasher, disposal, exhaust fan nnd central air. Condo frc Includes all utilities except elec. and Phone. $22,900. PARADE ON OVER TO KASH, INC., REALTORS and let ug ~how you this brick and alum. 4 bedroom colonial with formal din. room, TS kitcht•n, complete kitehen, washer, dryer 2'f baths, central air, storm windows and doors carpPting, fan, morf'. Mid 60's.

·It's no CONTEI<T when you compare !his 3 b~droom, 2 bath brick •plit level home with tlr,. plnrt•. A vc•ry attractivf' st>lting makt!S this ont• a real pleasure. Roc rom is 18' by 23', ww carpet lng throughout, color TV ant., storm Wo and doors, formal din. room and t/s kit., carport, much much more in New Carrollton and an for upper !Kl's.

CARNIVAL atmosphere wll pre· vall when you take quick action on this beautiful 3 bedroom three (S) bath house In Se•brook. Fireplace In llv. room, Central air, rU.L kitchen appliance• and central vacuum and large a.p. $81,1100.

mAMPION8HIP .Qll&lit.Y II here. ll'our bedroom•. 2 batho, new klteben, lltot'lll we and doors. e car Clp, IN GROUND POOl. with bath h0111e and pa­tio. All L&IIOJ: 1100118 In thl• rucher In Kant. Count)'. A mull to -· Gin Ul a eall for IliOn detalll. ... _ Jet Ul act In ooN<!iaT With you 8114 help :roo ,with thlt

, I bedroom brick tawnhollle In Greenbelt. Ntceb' re.Qdaled kitchen, wuller ud dryer Ill their own new utlllt:r room, car­petlq, cenmlc tiled bath, with Qower, eaoicJHd porch, many other featuNII toO n11111ero111 tn m~ntlfon ften. GlYe 111. a call and let Ul . ..,CIW :rou till• one. Slll,tllO.


NO LABOR to reach for 'the phane and call 341>-2151 anytime day or night about this fine 4' BR 1 1/4 bath {and could be 2 baths) home with full basement on a l/3 acre fenced lot. Re· decorated completely Inside and front porch Is glass enclosed. Large dining room, huge living room, pleasant atmosphere In nearby College Park, BEST OF ALL, PRICE IS LOW! $S9,990 BELOW VA APPRAISAL! "FLLAT" X LOAN+ You sure­ly can, ud then some to get In­to this very fine 2 BR home with enclosed porch. Equipped with washer & dryer, W !W carpeting 4< A/C. It Is ali yours for only $16,900. WELL, FERBIS, "WHEEL" tell you about an outstanding 3 BR CAC home IN GOOD LUCK WOODS with attached garage that Is absolutely perfect in ev­ery detail! It has a sep. din. room, added porch, sparkling laundry room <that Includes cabinets, sink, washer, dryer & cedar closet! Beautiful rec. room, with bar and extra ref. W !W carpeting, Anderson ther· mal pane wlndowa, !beautiful kit. and a large fenced yard. IT IS YOURS FOR $113,900. Close to NASA, Unlv. of Md., & Agric. Farm.

PITCII AND TOSS at night wondering when the next raise is going 1ntr ef'(cct on your a­partment? Get Into this 2 BR colonial home with TIS kit. very soon! Equipped with washer, S

. A/C's. Neatly maintained, freshly painted nnd all of· this on a large beautiful lot. $30,1100 on choice of terms.

REVIEW THIS OUTSTAND­ING HOME! and don't stand around waiting because It will go fast! Imagine, 3 BR 21.{, bath rambler with an ELL shped rec. rm. W /W carpeting thru out, Including rec. rm. \1,, . Thio one won't last long In the Lanham­NASA area. Choice of terms $19,900.

IT'S "ORAND, MARSHALL" when we can tell you about this \'alue! It really lends when you consider you get a 3 'BR home

• with washer, dryer, A/C W ;W carpet & shed for a really low price. Close to Greenbelt Shop· ping and ready to go! Only $15,2110.

.=-:::-:-:::--::co_-:::::--:,-­IF WE CAN "PRIZE" you out of your easy chair to call 3·11>-2151 we will tell you about thlu real PRIZE in BELTSVILLE. With 4 BR's 1'·" baths, CAC nnd beautiful rec. rm. with bar and stools, this one Is n REAL CREAM PUFF! Ail terms. $52.000.

TilE "BLUE"' ltiBBON will go to you If you miss this perfect 3 BR 2 bath ali brick rambler with double carport & screened patio. SUPER INSULATED! NATURAL WOODWORK! CUSTOM DESIGNED REC. RM. Wl'l'l! ACCENT LIGHTS, TIT~ n}D LIGHTS & WET BAR! Many other features include W 1 W t·arp. upstairs & down. Many othrr fratures includitlg a self-clcnninl! oven and stove that Ia new! Located on a large 'reed lot with many trees on a dead-end street. Close to NA­SA and shopping In Llanham arra. All ter011 and owner will hold Ice. 2nd truat! $113,eoo.

If' VOU "MI!l8 GREENBELT" Come back to this very nice 2 BR home on nice comer lol Illqulpped with a A/C'I & W /W carp, It'a a real buy at $17,0001

"n8T or AU" to tell you a­bout this home would be futile without :rou actuall)' -Ina the value that Ia ~l Imactne, • Bib, oep. din. rm. AND equip­ped with ODII. al.anlna oven, nf, Wltlther, ~r ud 8 Alf:l. new fumace u4 all .located on a nloe feneed let tn Oollete Park. .

WRit. REALTIIS Ulttt .......... , .... A~

345-2151 1.1':1' KA!m Hlli,P Tnt!!



Volume 39, Number 43

Thla winning entry tn\be Green· belt Labor Day Festival Logo Con· test wu deelpect and drawn by JoaDDe Volk, 17 G Ridge. Volk, a Greenbelt fftldent for twelve yean, Is a member of the Parka ud Recreation Advisory Board. She Is an architect ueoclated with the Orm of Ronald Bensman of Luale:v Park.

Her ~ centers around the feetlval theme "Unity throlllh com­mUDity Involvement." The logo Is made up of separate unite un111ed Into one whole • suggesting many people working on one project. It

. alao suggests a looped green belt. The words announce the festive.!.

Festival Parade Results by Wa)'IMl Wllllanls

Gelleral Float. • 1st Miss Green· belt 18'1& <Robyn Davis>, 2nd • Mia Greenbelt· Pqeant 1978, 8rd • Prince Georges County Right to Lite.

Bicllntennlal Floats: 1st • Sligo 7th Day Adventist Pathfinders, 2nd • St. Hugh's Catholic Youth Organ· lr.ation, 8rd Fort Lincoln Cemetery Uberty Bell, 4th • Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone.

btltvldual: 1st • Abe IJncoln <Wllllun Goodacrel, Aldi~Jue ~ • lit • 1916 Ford,

CbariN J!_u,chart, 2nd • 1N7 ;yellow -~~Mort Kutr, ant • Model A

FJ>rd roadater, WWI.un Han111. ....._."11nlfa: 1at • lit Patux·

ent Revolutionary Fife and Drum Corp1, 2nd • 1st U. S. Army Band,

DlfU Teuu: 1st • U S. Coast Guard, 2nd • U. S Navel Ceremon· lal Guard

Calor Gaan11o Sllnlor: 1st U. S. Ooast Guard; 2nd U S. Naval Cer· emonlal Guard.

Iaior Ootor Guard: lilt Mt. Rainier Majeatlea, 2nd • Dynamic..

Drum Urdta: lit ML Rainier Ma· jelltleo, 2nd • I>ynamlea.

. ~~: 1st • Dynamics, 2nd • Kt RalniN Majesties, 3rd River· dale.

ctwlc Unit: 1st Greenbelt LI-on's Club Bikes and Trlkea.

Oomla: lit • Charleatowne Cra­zlea, 2nd Greenbelt Marching J<a.. zoo Band.

IDIIP'• A~: lit • Maryland National Capital Park Pollee Moun· ted Color Guard, 2nd • Marldand Medleftl Mercenary Militia. 3rd • Leo Green gymnut8, 4th • Green· . belt volunteer fire department and reecue ~quad, 11th • Berwyn Heights volunteer fire department and rea· cue ~quad.

And ~ow Was The Greenbelt March?

b:r.Janeti-"Nice, really nice!" Tbue com·

meat. and llmllar one11 &reetad the plqlq of the "Heart ot Greenbelt Maroll" on 1ut .JI'rldq -lq at the lAbor Day f.Uvitlet. Aa r&­

porled In tut week'• Nen lteflew, tile -..all - oompo.ed 111 Se:v· maar Lmne, 110 Rldp Rd. an4 Wll'll eatend In lbe OOII!AIIt 11'011· IOftd liJ the BlcenteniiiJI Ooaulllt· tee o1 the att7 ot Onellbelt. n wu anuc-1 for ._. 1114 OI'C!!Ieltla b1 I'M~ Uo of GNIIIbelt.

"'lllrt ol GrtlliWt ....,. .. Is a .,.., P'- th....,.._t 8llil It ,.. ~ble dun..- ·the .,._ Ina ol It for a llttener wiUI eat - ai lfl:rthm "' keep bla feet ljulet. The Greenbelt concert IIaneS no dDidlt p~ the Kaleb weD on J'rlciq evenlq; hOWftel', one loop for til& prlvllep of llearlna thla .,edal pleM ot Green"-lt mu­lle when tile nuM- ot ct:rnam!.­are 11'at eompletel)" obllte~~~ttoo by o\'eraapiHieatton.




September 13, 1976 8:00P.M.


1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Meditation Pledp ot Allqlance ta the 11'1-.

4. Minutes of Metfinp

&. Additions to Apnda by Councilmen and Maaapr


6. Petitions and Requests -

7. Administrative Reports -

8. Committee Reports Bicentennial Committee Report


9, A Resolution to Transfer Funds Within Depart· menta $1,850 - Second Rea dine

10. A Resolution to Provide for the Compensation of the Chairman and Mem­bera of the Board of · Eleotlo111, UMI for J ud­ee• and ·Clerks for the Speolal Election to Be Held In the City of Green· belt, Maryland, on Tues­day, September 28, 1976 -Second Readlnc

11. A Resolution to Amend the Standing Rules of the• Council of the City of Greenbelt, as Previously Amended, to Provide for the Conduct of Commit­tee-of-the-Whole Meet­lnp of the City Council - Second Reading

12. A Resolution for Prc­servlnc the Ba!timore-­WRShington Parkway as a Parkway Under the Control of the National Park Servicr - Second Reading

13. X-Rated Movies

14. Capital Cadillac, Golden Trlan11ie

15. Request for Improvement of Conditions at Grren­belt Municipal Pool

18. Citizens' Request to Ex­tend Tennla Court Light· lng Durlnc Summer Months


17. Award of Pur~hases -a. lll'ft..J - Retwoe CoUec­

tion Truck with Pack­er Body

b. lt'IW-4 - Concrete Con­lltruotlon

e. 1~ - BltumlnOUI Concrete Paving

11. Leptatlon 1m -a. 01/ 118-TI - Zoalllr­

Jt'untclpal Review b. qJ 18T-'f', - Zonlq­

Bull41nt Re;ialatlou. KwllclJMI llllrettptJolll

e. C8 1110-TI - Oolmc!ll BUt on CATV

11. renee at Park

20. F- fllr Tenn!a

21. KeetlliJII

V. :am-ttaneou•

Thursday, september 9, 1976

FJeanor Roosevelt Sr. Bigb Has Smooth Opening Day

Eleanor Roosevelt had a quiet opening on Sept. 7. The buses started rolling up to the new build­Ing at about 9 a.m., d!acharlinc students who were routed Into the cafeteria (known as the "Com­mons") before golnc to claas. Con· slderlng that the acbool Is vast, with rooms far apart, that the alr­cond!tionlq was not worklq In several rooms, and that many tee,­chers had exchanced clauea In or­der to balance teachlnc loads, the day went 11111ootbl,y. Firat period lasted lonpr than the othen, since the counselor& and 'vlee-prlnclpals were bUlly chanetnc schedulel and assigning new students to elaase•: and the lunch period had to be ex­tended since the cafeteria lines moved more slowly than anticipa­ted, but for the most part students got to class on time and teachers managed to take accurate rolla and give students a· !I rat-day-of-school description of the courses and lay down classroom rules. ("Please try to bchav .. 88 If this Is a busl· ness oftlce. You have something to learn here .• , ")

To be sure there were still work­men busy on the building ltaelf, and the teachers often appeared somewhat vague as to h•strucUons to students on reachln& the next class, but twenty minutes after the first elaas had bccun the school had settled Into that quiet that Indicate• that the new school year . Is under way. Lunch Is to be ~n the fifth period, and the cafeteria served over 1000 · lunches, exceed­Ing expectatiOIII.

-OpenH--Prlnc!pal Ray Ocden said that an

open house Is planned for all par­enta In the near future. This Is to be during a weekend, It Is hoped1 so that more parents wJII be. able to attsnd. At that time teachers will be preeent to meet the parents and the school will be open for ln•pection.

An open house for parents of ltU­dents In the competitive athletics pracram 11 scheduled next week.

The school at pre•ent bu only 9th, loth, and 11th crade students. For the most part claues are of about 27 students or fewer In the academic subjects, and no teacher h88 morr than three subjects to teach.

Greenbelt Homemakers The Extenalon Homemakers club

In Greenbelt Ia one of 80 clubs in Prince. George.s County, totalln11 2,000 members. The club me<>ta once a month at a member's home to hear a procram presented by a club member or guest speaker ba•ed on materials and Informs• $Ion supplied by the Cooperative Extension Service of the University of Maryland. Some of the proarams planned for this year are "What's New In Cookery", ''Women'• Roles," "Buy Now-Pay Later," ''Metric Maclc," "Nutrition," and "Death and Dylnc."

The craft activities thla year wlll feature the making of bread dough baskets and rolla, Polydometl, "Quail Eel Necklaces" qulltlnc by machine, candy ho1111e and "1778 Under Glau."

The first meeting will be held on We4nellday, Reptsmber 111, lot a p.m.

'-. at tile home of Fran Crlllaan, 1M Ivy Lane, Boxwood Vlltaae. How to make en ron. will lie dllll6n­ltrated by Lori Jlawetl and Caro­lyn Cro'lrley: the !Jk'lit 81'6 4•JI mem­ben wtio 'WOII oilamPIIIII ftllllonR at the Oilwtt)' an4 ltate Fain for th~tr f!llcell•nt 11_.ntltloll.

For mor~ lnfol'lllAtlon call Kary Ann Baker. '74--1'108.

Oolddl-.oer lteglstrotlon R~ltratlon for th• Gr..enbfol\

Oolill!ltrlf",.. ]l(alnr..ttl'l will be field on 'ruM .. 8elrt. 14. fi'OIIl &-« n m. at Center Sahoot The Ooldcllnera W81ecimot l'f!llatratlon rr- lnterK­te4 lfrt. .... t an4 up.


KennetH Buker: Greenbelt's Outstanding 1976 Citizen

by Ebdae Skobdk . "He is 80 years young, a familiar figure around Greenbelt

and we lind him active in such youth groups as Greenbelt CARES and Boy Scouts ..• and at the other end of the spectrum. he Js chaplain of the Golden Age Club,active in senior citizen activi­ties . . ." These words of Ruth Dee in tribute to the ''Outstand­ing Citizen of the Year" left no doubt in. anyone's mind that the award was about to be presented to,jl the Re'l. Kenneth Buker.

In accepting tho plaljue given by of Piihce Georcea County aDd the the Cipriano family In memory of 'U.s.A. the greatelt country In the ''Pop" Cipriano, Bukbr said, "It world" He urged everyone 18 :rean !a a great honor to be co111ldered and older to reetater to vote In the Citizen of the Year, a creat Greenbelt ud In the national elec· honor to be a cltllen of Greenbelt, lana. ·

Parade ftiP6Ihts County and .tate ofllclall appear·

lng In tile parade weie: Congreas· woman ~ Spellmall, Congrep· man Paul Sartllnea. Mazylud Comptroller Lout• Goldstein, State Senator Edward- Conroy, State Del· egates Gerard · DeVUa and Leo Green, County Oeunclbnen Fran· cl• White and ll'rulk CUuta. and County Sberltr Don AnlelL Also appearlq In the paiade wu cancll· date for eonrrea Jobll Burcham. Jim Flt.prald wu the muter of ceremonlet.

Aher the Parade From 11:80 a.m to 5 pm. Jim

Harns and Francis La,ngley of the C & P Telephone Company delight· ed a steady stream of youngsters by lifting them bleb above the La· bor Day crowds In one of the com­pany's bucket trucks They were able to accommodate on~> youngster every four minutes.

Aboard tbe GHI float deplctinc the Four Freedom a were: Mike JonOB, Freedom of Speech; Bud Hinson, Freedom of Religion; Rl· ta Polaschlk, Frce4om fi'OIIl Want; and Wayne Lewis, Freedom from Fear. At the wheel was GHI Board Dlroctor Norman Weyel.

BliP!, Tl4ke WIJineft The wlnnen of the Bike• and

Trikes, sponsored by the G re<>n • belt 1Jo1111 and led by IJon Henry Fllber are u foUowJ:

Up- to five yeu e* -.Vl+u!• Jonee; 8-7 year olda • 11teve11 Ba· ker: 8·9 year olds • mllen Golembe-: 1D-12 year old• • Karen Zevallos; and lhe over-all winner • Cheryl Miller. Each of the. abov~> recelve)d a trophy, conslstlo& of a bike on a column 'In Bicentennial colora. Each of the 48 cQIItMtants received a prize for enterllji thl' parade.

()ptlalq Nll't The Malter of 'Oettmonle•, Har·

lan Monahan of the Washington Capitols hockey team, Introduced the Labor Day Fe.tival Steering Committee memben and city coun­cil members.

Buker a11o ~eeelved a $100 AvlnP bond from Barbara Johnmn. rep­resentative of the Cbeeapeake and Potomac Telephone Company, • plant from Fred'• 11'1or11t and a dinner for two from J11men1011L

Dee noted that It wu onl1 na­tural that the fteir. Buller lhciald lie ch..-11 u chaplain ot the Pa­naet Scout District (the north-

. em third ot P. G. COUDtJ>, for "ICOIItlnc Ill made· up of aD racea. reu.ton~, creeds, • and .-. at ICOUts. and the chaplain JDUA ba one who can apeak to alL We Ia Greenljelt expect thll beealla we're ueed to, tor l!IWDPte. llttllll In a Protestant church bearlnc a -aage by e Catholic prleat and belnc tauaht a 'l'banklllvln& song In He­brew by the rabbl" ·

"We often forget,~ she continued. "that the Rev. Buller 1eet1 ver:r little with h.. eyes. but - Ill with bl1 ears. aDd pe~ that Ia hi• secret for he, of nece-lty, muat ll1ten. Listening bas almoat ~ a losl art. WI! all need someone to listen to our troubles. so ~ people leek out psychlatrllt8 kl listen to their troublel, so ma:rbe ( : ' In addition to tile communlt:r chap­lain,. he .. the 001111Dunlt7 psychl· atrlst u well"

This year 22 nomlnatlnl Jetten were received for 12 tncllvldualL Other members of the COIIUIIIttee for the selection of the outstulclblc oltllen In addition to chairwoman Dee wero lltephanle Cornett, Bel· ,~. ,Huulalld. J'nu ots--. AI Qe!Pr, Joe Mulvihill, and Jll&lllta Wilmer.

C. Bncldock-Miss Greealtel Cathy Braddock, aponsored by

Greenbriar apartments, won tile li'N Jllsa Greenbelt title. Flnt' runner-up was Connie Beclalt; second runner-up wu Tbere.a (1.

Donnell; third runner-up -Jackie Lee: and fourth runner-ap was Deborah Patton. The JIJ. Congeniality award. voted on bJ the conte1tanta, was won by Tbe­reu O'Donnell. Mila Photopnle was Connie Bec:rafL

NOTICE OF SPECIAL REFERENDUM ELECTION The City Council has adopted ·Resolution No. 338. ;bleb callll for a


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 ·7:00A.M. to 8:00P.M. at the followlrlc polling placee:

3rd Prt<linct - Greenbelt Municipal Bulldlnc 211 Creecent a-4

8th Precinct • North End Blle111entary 8chool Ridge aDd ~ Roe&

8th Precinct - 8prlqbW Lake Oolllmunlty Center

a10 SprtnciiW Drive

At this special election, voters of GreenbeR wiD conalder whether cr net kl approve a propoled Charter amendment which would permit the city to undertake a propolled lOG-unit elderl:r houalnl project The

ljllell~lon to be plaoed on the ballot will nacl u tollowl:

AN JGU 1'08 or .&GADIBI' ....UUC 8eatlea Ill of the Gr­

beft Clltr · to prntde ..... tile • ..., tllltfJr lnte •

....... _.... ... apcl!llallGIIIG&_ .... Iwt¥(8)

,... ........... .....,.... ............ tile_._,... ............ of • ......., ........................ jeet ,_

........ ,..._ M pi'O\'IN Ia Cllla$r ............ L W

._.. U1N wlllell will..__ ..,.If 11(1111'0'984 117 'tllla .......... , ..___.,, AOA.Dift. . .

'., L

I L· I
