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LACIE Presentation 2-17-14 Mike Dittemore RN, BS, eMBA Executive Director

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LACIE Presentation 2-17-14

Mike Dittemore RN, BS, eMBAExecutive Director

LACIE Collaborative

• As of April 1, 2013 LACIE is an independent 501 (c)(3) with no owner, governed by a perpetual and collaborative Board of Directors

• LACIE has no debt – viable and sustainable

• Information from contributing sources aggregated into a single document for viewing

• Operations are based in Kansas City

• Make every attempt to purchase all of the goods and services we utilize from the Greater Kansas City Area

• Cerner is our technology partner

• LACIE is vendor agnostic and access to the HIO can be embedded*into numerous certified EMRs.

*Access to LACIE directly from electronic medical record without having to enter any additional patient information before preforming query

What Can The Data In The Exchange Be Used For

• LACIE only allows data in the exchange to be used for Treatment, Payment and Healthcare Operations (TPO) as defined by HIPAA

• There is currently no third party use allowed by LACIE of data entrusted to us e.g. selling data for research/ marketing

• LACIE does not alter, redefine, normalize data or determine what “normal” parameters are. Normal ranges are provided from the contributing members

• Should LACIE or another member discover what they believe to be a documentation error the contributing member is notified of the possible discrepancy and it is their decision to modify the information.

LACIE Governance

• Executive Committee • Dr. Greg Ator – University of Kansas Hospital, Chair

• Dr. Laura Fitzmaurice – Children’s Mercy, Vice Chair

• Jack Wagner – Shawnee Mission, Treasurer

• Dr. Joe Boyce – Heartland Health, Secretary

• Mitzi Cardenas – Truman, Exec. Comm. Member at Large

LACIE Governance cont.

• Current Board Members• Dr. David Nill – Cerner (Large Employer)

• Ben Ernst– CEO Northwest Health Services (FQHC)

• Jill Watson – CEO KCMPA (Independent Providers)

• Cathy Weins – VP Olathe Health System ( Community Hosp.)

• Jennifer Kozinn – VP NKCH (Community Hospital)

• Harold Johnson – Consumer Advocate

• Open

• Open

ParticipationLewis And Clark Information Exchange Membership

Organization Hospitals Clinics Providers

University of Kansas Medical Center 2 67 900+

Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics 2 36 300

Truman Medical Centers 2 51 538

Shawnee Mission Medical Center 1 24 700

Olathe Health System 2 37 300

Anthony Medical Center 1 3 8

Hiawatha Community Hospital 1 2 14

Heartland Health/ MOSAIC Life Care 1 51 236

North Kansas City Hospital 1 19 106

St. Francis Hospital and Health Services 1 5 30

Kansas City Metropolitan Physician Association 0 39 265

Turner House Children’s Clinic 0 1 8

Saint Joe Orthopedics 0 1 5

Social Welfare Board 0 1 8

Samuel U Rodgers Health Center 0 6 19

Albany Chiropractic 0 1 2

Johnson County EMS 0 0 3

Bethany Medical Clinic 0 1 3

Platte County Health Department 0 2 5

Kansas City Care Clinic 0 1 8

Poirier Pharmacy 0 1 1

Northwest Health Services 0 15 27

Cerner Clinics 0 3 10

Total 14 367 3,496+

Participation Update Cont. Contracts Being Reviewed

Lewis And Clark Information Exchange Membership

Organization Hospitals Clinics Providers

Additional Hospitals Currently Reviewing Agreement – Verbally Committed 8 - -

Clinics Associated with Above Hospitals - 25 -

Independent Clinics/ Non-acute Facilities - 38 -

Estimated Number of Additional Providers - - 550

Total 8 63 550

• LACIE Connected to Tiger Institute – University of Missouri Columbia HIO January 2014 for bidirectional exchange

• LACIE and KTRACS have connected and testing is wrapping up in test environment, developing processes to onboard providers in order to query KTRACS directly through LACIE

• Contract signed with Vitalz to provide Patient Portal services on 2-11-14, MU Stage 2 Certified

Monthly LACIE Queries 4-1-13_1-31-14


6,4895,399 5,601 5,791















April May June July August September October November December January

Patient Queries Through LACIE

Patient Queries

Speed Of Data To The Exchange (Centralized Model)

Role Based Views in the Portal:

o Demographics = R/T

o Problem List = N/E

o Diagnosis = N/E

o Allergies = N/E

o Medications = N/E

o Provider Reports = R/T

o Lab Orders/ Results = R/T

o Radiology Reports = R/T

o Vital Signs = R/T

o Clinic Visits = R/T

*Viewable data in LACIE is dependent

on submitting EMRs capabilities and

organizations determination of what to


Example of a Participants Data SubmissionR/T = Real Time – once verified/ signed offN/E = Nightly Extract

Vendor Neutral: Sampling of Interfaces

Allscripts iMed Corp

Amazing Charts Ingenious Med

AthenaHealth Ingenix

CommChart Integritas

CPSI InterComponentWare

eClinicalWorks Meditech

EHS Misys

e-MDs NextGen

Encite Praxis

Epic Prognosis

GE Centricity Sage

Glostream Sage Intergy

gMed Siemens

Greenway SOAPware, Inc.

HealthVision SuccessEHS

*View inside eClinicalworks Green = embedded into native EMR

MPI – For All Centralized Connections to LACIE

Matching Points:Demographics fields :

· First Name Middle Name Last Name

· SSN** DOB Gender

· Address* Phone

*Address is actually broken up into smaller elements to evaluate


· Street address

· City

· State

· Zip

Records that are not a 99.21% or higher match from different organizations is kicked into a work queue and contributing sources are contacted to verify. 100% match required from same source.

The Early Use Actual Case (Names have been changed)

Allison MaryJane Smith vs. Allison MaryJune Smith

Matching Points:Demographics fields :

· First Name Middle Name Last Name

· SSN** DOB Gender

· Address* Phone

*Address is actually broken up into smaller chunks to evaluate


· Street address

· City

· State

· Zip

Match or not Match?

The Answer

Twins, one with a congenital heart problem the other no significant medical problems.