labor is like a card game!. you have to make the best hand with what you get! sometimes you get...

Labor is Like A Card Game!

Upload: dorcas-wade

Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Labor is Like A Card Game!

You have to make the best hand with what you get!

Sometimes you get dealt a great hand, sometimes you have to look at what else is available, and sometimes you just get dealt stinky cards!

When life gives you lemons – make lemonade!

You may be able to discard some cards you get dealt.

Always ask about your options!Hire a doula to help you in this


You can’t know what cards you will be dealt before the game


Birth plans should not be written in stone.

Flexibility and a good attitude go a long way!

The people you choose to play cards with, will often determine how much fun you have playing

the game.

Choose your support team wisely.Consider a doula.Do NOT let anyone in to view the

birth that you do not honestly want there deep in your heart!

It is a good idea to know the rules of the game before you

start playing.

Read about your options.Educate yourself and your

husband/wife.Attend a good childbirth class that

meets your needs.

Stages of Labor

Medications Offered in Childbirth


Commonly used in early-active labor.

If given late in labor, the baby must be given an antidote called Narcan.

Narcotic Advantages:

Help relax motherTakes the edge offCan speed labor if mother is

“fighting it”When her head’s in the way, her

cervix can’t dilate.

Narcotic Disadvantages:

Itching Allergic reaction Vomitting Do enter the blood stream and baby may

be lethargic at birth Can produce very sleepy or high feeling Can slow labor Breastfeeding may be adversely affected May require additional intervention


Best received between 4-7 centimeters

Receiving an Epidural

Epidural Advantages:

Mother remains awake and the epidural does not affect her state of mind

Usually takes away the pain of laborVery little of the medication enters

the baby’s blood stream.

Giving Birth with an Epidural

Epidural Disadvantages:

Mother and baby must be constantly monitored

Can slow labor Pushing stage may be prolonged Increased risk for instrumental delivery

(forceps or suction) May cause maternal fever, requiring

possible separation of mother and baby and additional testing on baby

Must have IV fluids before epidural

Epidural Disadvantages Cont.

Must be in bed for remainder of laborNo use of gravityPitocin may be needed to speed

laborMother must be catheterizedIncreased risk of additional

interventions and cesarean sectionMay cause itching and shakingRisk of severe headache

Cesarean Sections

The surgical removal of the fetus from


Birth by Cesarean

Reasons for Cesarean

Failure to progress CPD (cephalo-pelvic disproportion) Fetal Distress Placenta Previa Placental Abruption Maternal or Fetal Medical Condition Multiple Births Cord Prolapse Previous Cesarean Fetal Malpresentation

How to Avoid Cesarean

Go to a childbirth class Hire a labor doula Consider a midwife Avoid medication Move around in labor Avoid unnecessary inductions Avoid continuous fetal monitoring Avoid unnecessary interventions Be an informed consumer Stay at home early in labor Limit medications in early labor

Cesarean Recovery

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Focus on good

nutrition and exercise Take a refresher birth

class that supports VBAC

Find caregiver/hospital who believes in VBACS ~ know their policies!

Hire a doula Practice relaxation,

visualization, and affirmations

Write a birth plan Establish safe

supportive environment

Work on left-over negative emotions

Learn to trust, cooperate with and listen y9ou your body and baby

Try variety of positions Continue calorie and

fluid intake Avoid medical

intervention Avoid artificial

induction Avoid an epidural – try

natural pain relief

“Finding my Voice” ~ VBAC


When making a decision, we need to ask the right questions so that we can see our options clearly. This is a little acronym to remind you to use your brain when making decisions. It is useful in labor, but can be used for making all kinds of decisions along life's journey!

Benefits-- what are the benefits of doing this? Risks-- what are the risks involved in doing this? Alternatives-- what are the alternatives to doing

this? Are there other options? Instinct or intuition-- what is my intuition telling

me to do? Now what will happen?-- what will change if I do
