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  • 5/20/2018 Lab Report Zeb A





    Under Guidance of:

    Dr. Kota Solomon Raju

    Sh. Pramod Tanwar


    Submission Date: 1/4/2014

    Submitted To:- Submitted By:-

    Dr. kota Solomon Raju Zeba Khanam

    (RCS & WSN Lab) PGRPE-13

  • 5/20/2018 Lab Report Zeb A


    Experiment No: 01

    Objective: - Implementation of matrix operations by creating DKM, RTP images using


    Tools: - Wind River Workbench 2.5

    Theory: Wind River Workbench is an Eclipse based development suite that provides an efficient

    way to develop real time and embedded application with minimal intrusion on the target system.

    Wind River workbench provides cross development tools to write a code for target hardware on

    different system called Host. By cross development features we can write a code on system i.e.

    Windows, linux etc. and produce application that run on hardware.

    VxWorks Image project:Image Project(VIP) is used to configure, scale and build a VxWorks kernel to

    boot the target. Using this type of project we can configure the kernel components as per the requirement

    of the application and hardware. A VIP can be a complete application or can also contain projects of other

    types like Downloadable Kernel Module (DKM), Real Time Process (RTP), Shared Libraries, VxWorks

    ROMFS file system projects.

    Downloadable Kernel Module Project:-this type of project to manage and build modules that will exist

    in the kernel space. Using this feature we can separately build the modules,run and debug them on a targethardware/simulator running VxWorks, loading, unloading, and reloading on the fly. After completion of

    application development, the module can be statically linked into the kernel or we can also use a file

    system if one is present.

    Real Time Process projects(RTP):- Vx Works Real Time process projects are used to manage and build

    the modules that exist outside the kernel space. The RTP is stored in form of executable with extension

    .vxe which can be build, run, debugged separately. A run-time, the executable file is downloaded to a

    separate address space to run as an independent process. The binary produced from a VxWorks Real-time

    Process project will need to be stored on a target-

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    Creating anVxWorks Image Project:-

    1. Creating New VxWorks Image Project by going on new>VxWorks Image Project

    1. Enter the project name proj_1 and select the project location.

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    2. For project setup select BSP as simpc and tool chain diab

    3. For Options, configuration profile and static analysis leave the options as default.

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    4. By clicking on finish button; finish the image project creation

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    5. After finishing of VxWorks image project the application development window appear like

    6. Kernel configuration. This exercise was executed on simulator so kernel configuration we only

    includethe Real Time Process Component.

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    7. Rebuild. proj_1.

    8. After successful build the following screen will appear

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    Creating a VxWorks Downloadable Kernel Module Project:

    1. In the application development window click on file -> new -> VxWorks Downloadable Kernel

    Module Project

    2. Enter the project name mat_operation and leave other thing default

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    3. Project structure is used to create the subproject or to give the reference to the project.For this

    problem leave things default.

    4. Leave the Build setup and default and Build support opt ion default and click next.

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    5. Select the available build specifications. In this SIMNTdiabis selected for simulator. Optionally

    I had chosen the debug mode. If target board is to be used then PPC32diab should be selected

    for the available board


    Leave the Build target window with build tool linker as default

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    7. Leave the static analysis window checked as shown and click finish

    8. Add the application program by right c licking on the mat_opeartion in project navigator -> new


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    9. Enter the file name mat_oper.c

    10.Write the application program in the mat_oper.c

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    11.Build the mat_operationproject


    After completion of build operation we get mat_operation.out file which can be directlydownloaded to the kernel

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    Starting simulator:-

    1. In the application development window from the target management click on create a new


    2. Select Wind River VxWorks 6.x Simulation Connectionand click next

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    3. Copy the image file location to the VxWorks kernel image

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    4. Leave VxSim Memory option default and click next.

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    5. Leave VxWorks Simulator Miscellaneous options default and click next.

    6. Leave Target server option default and click next.

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    7. Leave Object pathmappings default and click next.

    8. Leave Target state refresh default and click next.

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    9. See the Connection Summary and click

    10.After simulator setting simulator window open and Shell window appear.

    11.Download mat_operation.out into simulator

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    12.Select SIMNT(VXSIM0) and click ok

    13. In the simulator shell enter the function name matprtand press enter

    14.Enter the matrix input values and observe the result

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    Creating a RTP (Real time process) project:-

    1. In the application development window click on file -> new -> VxWorks Real Time Process


    2. Create a project having name mat_add_rtp and for this case select Create project in work


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    3. Leave Project setup , Options , configuration Profile , Static analysis Default and finish

    the RTP creation.

    4. Choose the build specification SIMPENTIUMdiab_RTPand click next

    5. Leave the build target name and build toll as default setting

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    6. Leave the basic configuration settings checked and click finish. This finishes the RTP creation.

    7. Add the application program by right clicking on the mat_add_rtp in project navigator -> new -


    8. Enter the file name mat_add.c

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    9. Write application code for Matrix addition in c language

    10.Build the mat_add_rtp

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    11. Build the RTP project this will create a mat_add_rtp.vxeexecutable file in the RTP project


    12.Repeat the step 1 - 11 for creating a new RTP for matrix multiplication name it mat_mult_rtp

    13.After building mat_mult_rtpan executable file mat_mult_rtp.vxeis created

    14.These two executable files may be added to ROMFS file system and associated with kernel


    Creating ROMFS file system:-

    1. Choose Choose to File -> New ->VxWorks ROMFS file system project in the application


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    2. Enter the project name problem1_romfs and set the location as workspace and click next

    3. Click next in project structure with default setting and finish the static analysis with default


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    4. Drag and drop the problem1_romfs project into the problem_1 image project


    Rebuild the image project problem_16. Start the simulator connection which was earlier created

    7. When shell appears on the type devsit shows the directories. romfsis one of the directory

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    8. Change the current directory by typing the command cd /romfs the screen appears as

    9. use ls command to list all the .vex file

    10.Execute the RTP projects using command rtpSp rtp_project_name

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    Conclusion and observation:In this project VxWorks image project, Downloadable Kernel module

    project, Real Time Process Project and ROMFS file system projects a re created. In this matrix operation

    like addition and multiplication of two matrix had been performed. In the RTP projects scanf function is

    not working because as it is a real time project predectibality must be high thus if input needs to be taken

    from the surrounding then the predictibilty is reduced. However if the function is called in simulator scanf

    can be used

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    Experiment No: 2

    Objective:Implementation of Matrix operation by creating tasks(Task Creation, deletion,

    task suspend and priority) with DKM,RTP projects.

    Tools used:-Wind River Workbench2.5


    Task:- Tasks are basic unit of execution in VxWorks. An application in the VxWorks may

    contain a number of tasks. VxWorks task has following states:-

    1) READY state: The task is not waiting for any resource other than the CPU.

    2) PENDING state: The task is blocked due to the unavailability of some resource.

    3) DELAYED state: The task is a asleep for a duration

    4) SUSPENDED state: The task that is unavailable for execution (but not pended or

    delayed). This state is used primarily for debugging. Suspension does not inhibit state

    transition, only execution.

    Task creation:- in VxWorks tasks are created using function taskSpawn().This function

    creates and activates a new task with a specified priority and options and returns a system-assigned ID.

    Int taskSpawn (

    char * name, /* name of new task (stored at pStackBase) */

    int priority, /* priority of new task */

    int options, /* task option word */

    intstackSize, /* size (bytes) of stack needed plus name */

    FUNCPTR entryPt, /* entry point of new task */

    int arg1, /* 1st of 10 req'd task args to pass to func */

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    int arg2,

    int arg3,

    int arg4,

    int arg5,

    int arg6,

    int arg7,

    int arg8,

    int arg9,

    int arg10 )

    Task delete:- task can be deleted using the routine taskDelete(inttask_id). This routine

    causes the specified task with task_id to deallocates the stack and task control block(TCB)

    resources. This routine returns OK if task is deleted and ERROR is task is not deleted.

    Suspending a task:- A ready task can be suspended by calling taskSuspend(inttask_id)

    routine. Suspension is additive, thus task can be delayed and suspended, or pended and

    suspended. Suspended, delayed tasks whose delays expire, remain suspended. A task can be

    suspended regardless of their current state

    Resuming a task:- A task which is in suspended state can be resumed using routine

    taskResume(inttask_id). Resumed task can be placedin ready state or running state

    depending upon their priority. A delayed and pended task is resumed if delay is expire and

    resources are avialabel.

    Task priority:- Priority of any task can be set by calling routine taskPrioritySet(inttask_id,

    intnew_priority). Priority ranges from 0(highest priority) to 255(lowest priority). Current

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    priority of any task can be examined using routine taskPriorityGet(inttask_id, int

    *pPriority). This routine copies the current priority of the task with task_id to the integer

    pointed by pPriority


    1. Create a VxWorks image project with BSP as simpc. Steps of image creation were followed

    from experiment1.

    2. Build the image project.

    3. Create a Downloadable Kernel Module Project with SIMANTdiab as build specification.

    Steps are same as that of the experiment no1.

    4. Add an new file to the DKM with name task_mat.c

    5. Write the application program of task creation, priority setting in the file mat_task.c

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    6. Build the DKM project

    7. Copy the image file location of the problem_2 image file into the vsim1 simulator properties.

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    8. Start the simulator vsim1 and download task_mat.out

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    9. Type the project name maininto the simulator and press enter

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    Observation and conclusion :In this experiment I performed the task related operation i.e. task creation,

    task deletion, task suspend, task resume, task priority setting for matrix application. In the RTP project

    task priority setting cannot be done.

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    Experiment no: 3

    Objective: - Implementation of Semaphores, Mutex , event creation, interrupt and exceptionhandling for matrix operation.

    Tools: - Wind River Workbench 2.5

    Theory: -Inter task communication: tasks communicate and synchronize themselves by using inter

    task primitives which are the kernel objects for facilitating the synchronization and

    communication between two or more tasks. VxWorks kernel provides some intertask

    communication mechanisms like shared memory for simple sharing of data, semaphores for

    task synchronization and basic mutual exclusion, mutexes and conditional variables for

    mutual exclusion and synchronization, message queues and pipes for intertask message

    passing within CPU and VxWorks events for communication and synchronization

    Semaphores:- semaphores are the highly optimized tool for inter task communication which

    is used for both mutual exclusion and synchronization. There are three types of semaphores:

    1) Binary semaphore:- Binary semaphore has the value either 0 or 1. When the value is 0,

    semaphore is considered as empty or unavailable. When its value is 1 then it is

    considered as full or available. Binary semaphore is first created by using


    or full semaphore. Binary semaphores are global resource and can be shared across all the

    tasks which needs them, also it can be released by any task which may or may not

    previously acquired it

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    2) Counting Semaphores:- it uses a count to allow to be acquired and released multiple

    times. Count must be provided to the counting semaphores during its creation. If initial

    count is zero then semaphore is unavailable and if initial count is nonzero then count

    number of semaphores is available. One or more task can acquire a token from the

    counting semaphore until it is available. This can be created using


    3) Mutual exclusion Semaphores (MUTEX):-Mutexes are the special binary semaphores

    that supports ownership, recursive access, task deletion safety and safeguard against the

    priority inversion. Mutex states are locked and unlocked(1 and 0 respectively). A mutex

    is initially created in unlocked state, in which it can be acquired by the task and go into

    locked state. It can be created using semMCreate(options). Options can be


    Because of feature of recursive access it can be taken more than once by the task that

    owns it before finally being released. Recursion is useful for a set of routines that need

    mutually exclusive access to a resource, but may need to call each other.


    1. Create a VxWorks image project with BSP as simpc. Steps of image creation were followed

    from experiment1.

    2. Build the image project.

    3. Create a Downloadable Kernel Module Project with SIMANTdiab as build specification. Steps

    are same as that of the experiment no1.

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    4. Add an new file to the DKM with name sem_pro.c

    5. Write the application program of task creation, priority setting in the file sem_pro.c

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    6. Build the DKM project

    7. Copy the image file location of the Lab_2 image file into the vsim1 simulator properties.

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    8. Start the simulator vsim2

    9. Download the sem.out file of DKM project to the simulator

    10.Type the project name maininto the simulator and press enter

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    Experiment 4

    AIM: Implementation of PPC based embedded system for controlling input and output

    using custom IP(standalone).

    Apparatus:Xilinx EDK 10.1,Xilinx- ISE, Xilinx Virtex II-Pro Development Kit


    Step 1: Cick on Xilinx Platform Studio (XPS) and go to File ->New project to create new

    project using BSB wizard

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    Step 2: Select board vendor and board name and version.

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    Step 3: PowerPC processor core has to be selected

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    Step 4: Uart_1 is only selected as peripheral which needs to be selected .

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    Step 5: Memory size of XPS BRAM IF CNTRL needs to be changed to maximum

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    Step 6:RS232_Uart_1 need to be STDIN and STDOUT for device

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    Step 7: Memory test and peripheral test needs to be done as a part of configuration

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    Step 7: Generate Address

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    After Finish you will get the following screen.

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    Step 5:Go to Hardware->Generate Net list

    Step 6:Go to Hardware-> Generate Bit stream

    Step 7:Go to start->All Programs-> Xilinx ISE Design Suite 10.1->ISE->Project


    And window appears like below.

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    Step 8:Go to File->New project

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  • 5/20/2018 Lab Report Zeb A


    Step 9:Click on New source

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    Step 10:Press Finish

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  • 5/20/2018 Lab Report Zeb A


    Step 10:CHECK syntax.

    Step 11:Synthesize-XST

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    Go to XPS

    Hardware->create or import peripheral

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  • 5/20/2018 Lab Report Zeb A


  • 5/20/2018 Lab Report Zeb A


  • 5/20/2018 Lab Report Zeb A


  • 5/20/2018 Lab Report Zeb A


  • 5/20/2018 Lab Report Zeb A


    Step 12:

    Got to: D:\zeba_edk\jlkolk\iseiproj\iseipproj and copy iseipfile.vhd into


    Step 13:

    Go to:D:\zeba_edk\jlkolk\iseiproj\pcores\peripheralfile_v1_00_a\hdl\vhdl\user_logic.vhd

    open file in notepad



    -- ADD USER PORTS BELOW THIS LINE ------------------

    --USER ports added here

    LED1 : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);

  • 5/20/2018 Lab Report Zeb A


    SWITCH1 : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);

    -- ADD USER PORTS ABOVE THIS LINE ------------------

    architecture IMP of user_logic is

    --USER signal declarations added here, as needed for user logic

    component iseipfile

    Port ( SWITCH : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);

    LED : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);

    bus_ipclk : in STD_LOGIC);

    end component ;

    --USER logic implementation added here

    iseipfile1 : iseipfile port map(SWITCH1,LED1, Bus2IP_Clk);


    -- Example code to read/write user logic slave model s/w accessible registers

    Go to:

    D:\zeba_edk\jlkolk\iseiproj\pcores\peripheralfile_v1_00_a\hdl\vhdl \peripheralfile.vhd

    file and edit the following code

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    -- ADD USER PORTS BELOW THIS LINE ------------------

    --USER ports added here

    SWITCH2: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);

    LED2: out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0);

    -- ADD USER PORTS ABOVE THIS LINE ------------------

    -- MAP USER PORTS BELOW THIS LINE ------------------

    --USER ports mapped here



    -- MAP USER PORTS ABOVE THIS LINE ------------------

    Go to: D:\zeba_edk\jlkolk\iseiproj\pcores\peripheralfile_v1_00_a\data\

    peripheralfile_v2_1_0.pao and open it and add this line,

    lib peripheralfile_v1_00_a iseipfile vhdl

  • 5/20/2018 Lab Report Zeb A


    Step 14: Go to Xilinx-ISE and open D:\Exp4\implementation\system.ucf

    And copy the following file

    ## IO Devices constraints

    Net peripheralfile_0_LED2_pin LOC=AC4;

    Net peripheralfile_0_LED2_pin IOSTANDARD=LVTTL;

    Net peripheralfile_0_LED2_pin LOC=AC3;

    Net peripheralfile_0_LED2_pin IOSTANDARD=LVTTL;

  • 5/20/2018 Lab Report Zeb A


    Net peripheralfile_0_LED2_pin LOC=AA6;

    Net peripheralfile_0_LED2_pin IOSTANDARD=LVTTL;

    Net peripheralfile_0_LED2_pin LOC=AA5;

    Net peripheralfile_0_LED2_pin IOSTANDARD=LVTTL;

    Net peripheralfile_0_SWITCH2_pin LOC=AC11;

    Net peripheralfile_0_SWITCH2_pin LOC=AD11;

    Net peripheralfile_0_SWITCH2_pin LOC=AF8;

    Net peripheralfile_0_SWITCH2_pin LOC=AF9;

    Step 15:

    Adding the custom IP

    Go to XPS

    Hardware->create or import peripheral

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    And press yes. If there is any syntax errors it will show here only.

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    Step 18:Add IP in IP catalogue:

    Step 19:Select plb0 in SPLB in bus interface section.

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    Step 20:Select 64K in addresses section and click generate addresses.

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    Step 20:Make ports as external in IP added in ports section.

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    Step 21:Go to Device configuration->Update Bitstream

    Step 22:Go to Device Configuration->Download Bitstream

    Step 23:Check the output by varying the dip switches.

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    Experiment 5

    Objective:-Implementation of PPC based embedded system with file handling using compact

    flash card

    Tools and Board used:-Xilinx EDK, Xilinx VirtexII Pro Development board

    Theory:- Xilinx Embedded Development Kit (EDK) provides the libraries and device

    drivers for standard C library functions as well as function to access peripherals. The

    ED K librar ies are automatically configured by Libgen for every project based on

    Microprocessor Software specification(.mss) file. The organization of PPC based system is

    shown as:

    File accessing from the Flash memory is done using LibXilFATFileSystem library.The XUP

    board has the SystemACE controller and CompactFlash connector hardware for interfac ing the

    Flash memory. SyatemACE controller supports FAT16file format. File operation using

    Compact Flash is done using xilfatsLibrary.The xilfatsprovides the read and write routines to

    access files storedon a FAT16 file format. The header file which provides the required routines

    is: "sysace_stdio.h"

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    1. Open Xilinx Platform Studio

    2. Click File>New Project

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    3. Create New XPS project using BSB

    4. Create New Design using BSB. This gives opportunity to the designer to select the

    peripheral it needs.

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    5. Select the appropriate board (XUP virtex II pro in our case)

    6. Processor to selected ( PowerPC for this experiment)

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    7. Select the required IO devices to be used.

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    8. Select maximum memory size for the xps BRAM controller

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    9. Select RS 232 UARTas the standard input-output and xps_bram_cntrl for the boot


    10.This step generates the summary of the system created thus clearly giving the base

    address and higher address generated:

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    11.After successful Generation of the embedded system


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    12.Include library xilfats library from Software platform settings

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    13.Generate Library and BSP

    14.Generate NETLIST

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    15.Generate Bitstream

    16.Add application Software Project

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    17.Mark to Initialize BRAM

    18.Add NEW FILE in Source

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    19.Add *.c File

    20.Write the code in cflash.c

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    21.Build the project

    22.Update Bitstream

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    23.Download Bitstream

    24.Output at Hyper Terminal

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    Experiment 6

    Objective:-Implementation of PPC based system with file handling using DDRAM

    Tools and Board Used: -Xilinx EDK,XilinxVirtexII Pro Development Board, External 256 MB DDR


    Procedure: -

    1. Open Xilinx platform studio>>New>>Project

    2. Create new project using BSB wizard

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    3. Block Biagram Generated can be viewed and DDRAm_SDRAM constitute a part of MPMC

    module Interface and is connected to Processor core using ppc405_0_dplb1 bus

    4. Generate Software Library to select the xilmfs memory system to be included in the project.Then

    Generate Net List and then BitStream

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    5. Add software application project

    6. Mark to initialize BRAM

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    7. Add new Source file

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    8. Write the code

    NOTE: -For initialization of DDRAM access the parameters from Software Platform Settings

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    9. Build All User Application

    10.Update Bitstream and then Download Bitstream

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    OUTPUT:- See the concerned output on the hyper terminal