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  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC




    Lab Book

  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC


    Problem and MissionProblem

    People dont come to schoolenthusiastically. The dont look forward toone more day of school and are probablytired of early rising.

    SolutionUse a robot in the lobby to jazz up the

    entrance and spread a positive feelingthrough disco music. This feeling can lastthroughout the day, giving a betterscholar performance.

  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC


    Elas Pastoressa LobatoHi there, I am Elas PastoressaLobato. My nickname isangeldelinfierno4567, but you cancall me Angel, if you want. I love tolisten to metal because thats my

    favorite genre, although my favoritegroup is KISS (rock). I would like tostudy cinematography, become adirector and be famous all over theworld. During my free time I playone of the most famous MMORPG(known as World of Warcraft) and Ialso enjoy making my own videoswhich I upload onto my account in

  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC


    Oliver Ochoa GarcaHi, my name is Oliver Ochoa. Im a 17-year-old student who studies in Las Hayas School.I have developed a fascination for 2 things:cooking and robots. This fascination has ledme to a variety of jobs where Ive tried toenhance my abilities. Some of my mostdistinguished work has been done in acatering company where I worked as awaiter, maitre and head chef. Thisexperience not only let me feel how cookingcareers worked but also let me develop avast ability of leadership. My abilities inrobotics, although not as developed as my

    cooking ones, have been honed as well. I amtaking a course in school from a renownedteacher from Cornell University where myabilities in robotics and business are put totest. All in all, Im an over-average studentwith very different interests which I wish toone day fuse.

  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC


    Eric R. Gulson CastilloHow do you do? Im Eric, also seventeen andin my senior year in high school. I am afanatical birdwatcher with over 500 speciesseen, my latest new lifer being a Black-chinned Sparrow. I enjoy taking birdphotographs but only through the digiscopemethod (using a digital camera brought up toa spotting scope, they tend to come out of focus). I enjoy playing the flute and am also(somewhat unsuccessfully, due toschoolwork) trying to read three books (oneby Twain, the others on birds). Due to my loveof birds, I plan on dedicating my life to theirconservation. Therefore, I want to study aconservation oriented career (such as NaturalResources) in the university as to give me ahead start. As for working experience, Ivebeen a field guide in odd jobs, showingpeople where our feathery friends are.So long!

  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC


    Carlos E. Lomeli Uribarri

    Hello, my greatest pleasuresinclude being with my friends andfamily, I am a friendly guy. I am a

    collector, I have all sorts of thingsranging from liquor and perfumebottles to garbage. I want to studycivil or industrial engineering, andI like practicing all kind of sports.

  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC


    Project Management Phases

    D e p l o

    y m e n

    t Getting the product ready for the market. Giving it a slogan

  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC


    DiscoveryOur task was quite clear from thebeginning: we were to make adancing robot. We decided that wewanted the robot to dance to disco

    music and present it in the entrancehall. We then defined our problemand mission, which basically say thatwe want to cheer people up, as manydont look forward to another schoolday, and spread a good mood beforeclasses start, perhaps improvingacademic performance. We theninvestigated on the existence of other dancing robots, as well as thehistory of music and dance. This wasto give us background information tobase our project upon.

  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC


    DesignDuring this phase

    we had to come

    up with an idea of

    what we would build. Firstly, we had to compose music for therobot to dance to. We knew we wanted to have the robot danceto disco music, so we had to investigate disco rhythms and try

    different, repetitive background melodies. Finally, it was duringthis phase that we decided that we wanted the robot to move itsarm from its left hip toward the sky above his right side in atypical disco dance move. We also decided that, due to materiallimitations, we would only be able to make one dance move,

    with arm and hip.

  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC


    DevelopmentFirst, we had to decide how to make thearm move from one side to another whileturning on the hip. We decided that themotor would have to be on the lower partof the body and, using a special gear thatcan move its outer side while stabilizing its

    inner side, made a robot that could do justthat.

  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC



  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC


    Modular ConstructionMaking complicatedconstructions using small,simple, reusable modules(parts with singlefunctions).

    Build quickly

    Change solutions easilyMake reliable

  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC


    Robot that dances The HRP-4C is a humanoid Japanese robot

    created by the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and

    Technology in Tokyo. It was publiclypresented on March 16, 2009. It is 158cm (5 feet, 2 inches) tall and weighs 43kg (95 pounds) including the battery.It is capable of recognizing surroundingsounds and, by using the vocalsynthesizer Vocaloid, can sing. Herfaces has 8 different motors that modifyits silicon face to be able to gesticulateand show various emotions.

    In the most recent Digital Expo Content 2010 , hosted by Japan, she danced andsang using Kaori Mochinas voice, whois a famous Japanese pop singer.

  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC


    History of Music The history of music extends throughout all

    societies and periods of humanity. Theexpression of emotions and ideas throughmusic directly affects culture, includingpolitical and economic organization,technological advances, the attitude of thecomposer and his relationship with the public,the ideas circling in each community, thefunction of art in society and each composersbiography.

    The history of music is divided in severalperiods, beginning around 5000 BC andcontinuing until our era.

  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC


    Ancient world (5000 BC - 470) The ancient world includes ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia,

    ancient Greece, ancient Rome and ancient China. The Middle Ages (470 1500)Religious music that is divided in two streams:Music from the primitive Catholic Church and Gregorian

    chantsRenaissance (1500 1600)

    Music from this period is divided in different schools,which depended on the country of origin.Baroque (1600 1750)

    This style began as an attempt to simplify melodies, butsoon was dominated by ornamental and majesticmusic. Many new forms of music, such as opera,appeared.

  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC


    Classical Music (1750-1800) This style is characterized with a

    transition from complicated Baroquemusic to a more balancedrelationship between structure andmelody. Franz Joseph and WolfgangAmadeus Mozart are two of its mostimportant composers.

    Romanticism (1800 1900)It began as an attempt to free itself

    from Classical musics restrictions byflooding with emotion. It began withLudwig van Beethovens music.

    XX Century Jazz and its variationsMusic with African-American origins

    that is characterized by extravagantrhythms and a popular expansion inthe 20s. Artists include LouisArmstrong and George Gershwin.

    Rock (1960 1980)It derived from a variety of other

    genres, especially blues, rhythm andblues, and country, but also fromgospel, jazz and folk. This all gave a

    musical structure that fast,danceable and sticking.

  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC


    History of DanceThe art of dance is closely related to the earliest civilizations when theywere formed, with its beginnings almost the same, and recognized asone of the first arts. Dance movements are natural for all human beings,although there are people who have better rhythm than others. We allhave a sense of bodily actions and this happens from time immemorial.The earliest existing records of the history of dance are more than

    10,000 years old, being ancient stone sculptures and carvings that showthe existence of dance rehearsals, and music. Is an expression as earlyas the formation of the first tribal societies, where the dance was part of the rituals for hunting and survival.

  • 8/8/2019 Lab Book EOEC


    The history of dance and their beginnings are associated with theEgyptians, where within several pyramids, drawings of different ritualsand actions related to dances and music can be found. Greeks andRomans took some of the dances found in Egypt and adopted them aspart of festive rituals for gods with special emphasis Dionysus, god of wine and drunkenness. Dance refined over the centuries and, in themiddle Ages, became more diverse and adopted new and differentaesthetic forms, movements and rhythms.During the Renaissance, dances decreased in its diversity as manywere banned by the church which deemed them offensive; such wasthe case of the "dance of death." This particular dance was intended toremove the Black plague from the body via grotesque movementsand loud cries. Yet nowadays dances have regained its diversity as thechurch became less powerful and less strict in their ways. Oneexample of grotesque dances nowadays are the ones used with themusical genre called "Reggaeton". However this type of music anddance is still looked down by connoisseurs of music as it lacks musicalinstruments the grotesque movements it contains.