la ropa que llevo

Tips and tools for creating and presenting wide format slides LA ROPA QUE LLEVO 1 I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories

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La ropa que llevo. Tips and tools for creating and presenting wide format slides. El arete – the earring . A ella le gusta ponerse los aretes rosados . She likes to put on the pink earrings. la bolsa – the bag. It’s a brown paper bag. . Es una bolsa de papel de color cafe. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Tips and tools for creating and presenting wide format slidesLa ropa que llevo1I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 1

El arete the earring

2I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories

A ella le gusta ponerse los aretes rosados.She likes to put on the pink earrings

la bolsa the bag3I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories

Its a brown paper bag. Es una bolsa de papel de color cafe.El bolsillo the pocket

4I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories

Ella se meti las manos en losbolsillos. She put her hands in her pockets.4Las joyas the jewels

5I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories Estas joyas me costaron una fortunaThese jewels cost me a fortune.

5Las botas the bootsI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 6

My best friend used to havesix pairs of boots. Made of leather.Mi mejor amiga tena seis pares debotas. Hechos de cuero.El botn the buttonI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 7There were buttons on the Shoulder, chest and sleeves.

Habia botones en el hombro, pecho y mangas.La bufanda the scarfI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 8

Two scarves one multicolered stripes and one with a green and white print/design.Dos bufandas una de rayas de muchos colores y una con diseno de verde y blanco.Una cadena - A chainI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 9Es una cadena con candado.It is a chain with a lock..

Un candadoLa caja the cash register, the boxI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 10

Susana trabaja en la caja.Susana works in the cashiers box.La camisa - shirtI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 11

A white shirt with two pockets. Una camisa blancacon dos bosillos. Una carnicera a butcher shopI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 12

The butcher works in the butcher shop.El carnicero trabaja en la canicera.

el carniceroUn carrito a shopping cartI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 13

La chaqueta the jacketI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 14

Un cinturn a beltI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 15

El colmado el mercado - the grocery storeI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 16

16El cuello the neckI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 17

Un dedo a fingerI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 18

Una docena a dozenI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 19

Un frasco a jarI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 20

La fruteria the fruit shopI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 21

Siempre comprabala fruta los sabados.She always would buy the fruit on Saturdays.s21El hipermercado super-sized supermarketI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 22

El impermeable rain coatI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 23

La joya the jewella joyera the jewelryI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 24

Tipo de materialI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 25

lana25cuero - leather

I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 26

sedaI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 27

algodnI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 28

La manga the sleeveI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 29

La mueca the wristI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 30

30El odo the (inner) earI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 31

La oreja the earI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 32

Esta holandes lleva un panuelo azul y es famosa por ser la chica con el arete de perla. This girl from Holland is wearing a blue scarf and is famous as The Girl with the Pearl Earring.Un pan a breadI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 33

La panadera the bread shop, bakeryI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 34

Un pauelo a handkerchiefI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 35

El pastel the pastryI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 36

La pastelera the pastry shopI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 37

La pescadera the fish storeI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 38

Un puesto a stall/standI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 39

La pulsera the braceletI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 40

La rebanado the sliceI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 41

El reloj- the watch/clockI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 42

La ropa interior - underwearI will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 43

El saco the mans suit coat I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 44

Se cree muy guapo en su saco nuevo.He thinks he is very handsome inhis new coat.I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 45I will learn to ID shopping items, clothing, grocery items and accessories 46