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WHITE, THEODORE HAROLD, author; b. Boston, May 6,1915; WHITESEL, JAMES WARREN, lawyer; b. Crosskeys, Va., Dec. 4, WHITNEY, A(DELBERT) GRANT, mere. and ins. co. exec.; b. s. David and Mary (WinkcIler) W.; A.B. summa cum laude, Harvard 1921; s. James Brown and Lillian Mac (Shaver) W.; B.S. cum laude, Lowell, Mass., July 25, 1917; s. Adelbert Howard and Julia (Sheehan) U., 1938; m. Nancy Ariana Bean, Mar. 29, 1947 (div. 1971); Wake Forest U., 1943; J.D. with distinction, George Washington U., W.; B.S. in Bus. Adminstrn., Boston U., 1940; m. Lillian Ritch children-Ariana Van Der Heyden, David Fairbank; m. 2d, Beatrice 1948, LL.M., 1950; M.B.A., U. Chgo., 1964; m. Patricia Aylward, DeArmon, Nov. 17, 1950; children-Julia Woodley, A. Grant, Frank K. Hofstadter, Mar. 1974. Chief of China bur. Time, Inc., 1939·45; Dec. 27, 1948; children-James Eric, Cheryl Eileen, Mary Jennifer. DeArmon. Asst. to V.p.Belk Stores, Charlotte, N.C., 1946-52, asst. to covered China war front, indian Uprising, Honan famine; present at Admitted to D.C. bar, 1948, N.Y. State bar, 1951, Ill. bar, 1959, U.S. pres., 19.52-55, V.p. secAreas. Belk Stores, Inc. Reciprocal, Belk surrender of Japanese aboard U.S.S. Missouri; editor The New Supreme Ct. bar, 1955, U.S. Ct. Customs and Patent Appeals bar, Underwnters, Inc., Charlotte, 1950-58, exec. V.p.,sec.-treas., 1958-; Republic, 1947; nat. corr. The Reporter mag.; memo staff of Colliers, 1950; examiner U.S. Patent Office, 1948-50; trademark counsel sec.-treas. Archdale Mut. Ins. Co., 1962-65, exec. V.p., secAreas., 1955-56; as corr. covered Europe, Marshall Plan, NATO, others, also Stromberg-Carlson, Rochester, N.Y., 1950-58; Midwest area patent 1965-; gen. mgr. ins. dept. Belk Stores Services, Inc., 1951-, sec., reported Am. nat. politics, 1955-80; dir. Ency. Brit. Bd. overseers counsel lIT, Chgo., 1959-70; sr. partner firm Laff, Whitesel, Conte & memo exec. com., 1959-68, V.p. 1964-68, employee ins. operating Harvar~ U., 19tJ8-74; past trustee Asi3; So.c. Recipi::nt Air medal, Saret, pat~nt attys., Chgo., 1970-. Served with U.S. Army, 1943-46. com., 1971,72; v.p., sec.-treas. Providence Realty Corp., Charlotte, 1944; Sidney HIllman award, 1954, BenJamlll Frankhn award, 1956, Mem. Am. Bar Assn., Ill. Bar Assn., Chgo. B.arAssn., Am. Patent Law 1950-63, pres., 1959-60, pres., sec.-treas., 1964-75; v.p. Queen City Te~ Y. Ro~gers award,. 1956; Second~ry Sch. Bd. award, 1955,59,62; Assn. Home: 5313 Grand Ave Western Spnngs IL 60558 Office: Laff Investors, Inc., Charlotte, 1959-62; sec. Thrifty Investors, Inc., Puhtzer pnze, 1962; Sigma Delta Chi award, 1964; Em~y' award for Whitesel Conte & Saret, 875 N Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60611 Charlotte, 1961-62, investment chmn., 1964-65, V.p. 1967-68. best ~ show, 1964, ~or best documentary TV wntIng: 1967; ! Trustee, Elmira (N.Y.) Coil., 1978-; memo adv. com. state Colu'!lbta Sch. Journahsm award, 1979. Mem.. Councd Fgn. , workmen's compensation laws Council State Govts., 1973; memo Relations. Clubs: Fgn. Corrs .. (pres. 1944-45) (China); Harvard, WHITESELL, JA~ES C;LARENCE, food broker; b. St. Joseph, exec. com. Arthritis and Rheumatism Found., Charlotte, 1959-60 Century (N.Y.e.). Author: (wIth Annalee Jacoby) Thunder Out of Mo., Apr.113, 1931, s. DavId Earl and Emma Gertrude (Derks) W.; dir 1959-60' gen chmn host com Billy Graham Appreciation Da ' China (Book of Month Club selection), 1946;.The Mountain Road student St. Joseph Jr. Coli., 1949-50, U. Mass., 1956-57, Alexander 196'8, Billy Grah;m 60th Birthday' Party, Nov. 4. 1978; memo exe~: (Book o~ Mon.th Club ?electlOn), 1958; Th~ View from t~e Fortieth H~ml1ton Ilns1., 1960-62, m. Mehta Anp. Hogan, Sept. 14, 1955; bd. Mecklenburg council Boy Scouts Am., 1949-, V.p., 1962-66, Floor (LIt. GUild selection) 1960' The Makmg of the PreSident 1960 chtldren-Bart, Beth Ann, Susan, Patncla. Salesman, Procter & chmn exploring 1970-72 exec bd SE . 1973 (Book of Month Club se1ec'tion),'1?6l; The Making of th~ Pre;ident, Gamble,. 1950-54, Rath Packing Co., 1954-62, Food Merchandisers, mem.~at-largc nat. council, i 974-;' chm·n. Ch~rl~~~lO-¥hirdAr~' 1964, 1965; Caesar at the Rubicon, 1968; The Makmg of the 1?62-64, pres., gen. mgr. Splty. Food Sales Co., Inc., Atl~nta, 1964-; Adv. Com. 1953~68 civilian adv. 1968-' h NC usd President, 1968; The Making of the President (Lit. Guild selection), dlr. Beleraft Constrn. Co., Hadacol C;orp. Served WIth USMCR, 1959-73; spi. gifts ch~n. N.e. div. Am. Canc~r ~0~~'1967, ~rusad~ 1972, Breach of FaIth (Book of Month Club selection), 1975, edItor 1951-53. Mem. Frozen Food Council Ga. (v.p. 1972-73, pres. chmn, 1969, 70, bd dlfS, 1968-, pres, 1972-73, vlce-chmn Shnne The Stillwell Papers, 1948, Fife In the Ashes (Book of Month Club 1974-75). Clubs: Elks, K.C. Home, 155 Old College Way Atlanta GA Bowl of CarolInas 1963-66 ge h 1967-69 M' selection), 1953; In Scar:ch of History, 1979; contbr. to nat. mags. 30328 Office: 57 14th St NE, Atlanta, GA 30309 Com Better Charlotte, '197~~ mpnr~gram ch~em ChaaJ~[t~ Home: Old Route 67 Bndgewater CT 06752 Office: 168~E 64th St I h Bicentennial Celebration Com., 1968-, chmn. New York, NY 10021 ~ WHITLOCK, JAMES THOMAS, radio station exec.; b. Gravel Char1ot~e/Meckl~nbu:g. Bicentennial Com., 1975, 76; gen. chmn. ~Qr~ Switch, ~y., Sept. 10, 1924; s..Oscar James and Betty (Lanham) W.; Pres. Eisenhower s VISIt to Cha~lotte, Mecklenburg Declaration. of WHITE, WILLIAM ALLEN, civil engr.; b. Joliet, Mont., Mar. 27, gr~d. high sch.; ':1' FranCIS Colleen Dye, Sept. 10, 1?44;••••••Independe~ce-Fr~edom CelebratIOn Day, 1976; chmn. advanc~ gifts 1906; s. William McCord (Compton) W.; B.A. in Math., U. Mont., chlldren-~etty LOUIse,James Thomas. Farmer or. Grave .SwItch, and proft dI.V.UOItedAppeal, 1955-56; llldustry chmn. laymen s nat. Missoula. 1930, M.A., 1937; m. LuciIJe Virginia Emmett, Mar. 10, Ky., 1947i49; e1ec. contractor, Lebanon, Ky., 1945-48; with Sta. com. Nat. Bible Week, 19.67-70,as?o. chmn., 1.971-; chmn. adv. com. 1934; children-Mack William, Virginia Frances. Tchr. sci. and math. WLBN, Lebanon, 1954-;-, pres., gen. mgr., 1954-; pres., gen. mgr. C~~rlotte Youth ~or C:hnst; bd. dus. Jr. Achleveme~t, Mecklen~urg J r tH'hSh 1932-34' .T US C E 1934-42 Sta. WLSK; owner Manon Falcon Newspaper, Lebanon, 1948-56; Clttzens Better Libraries, 196~-71, Char~otte CouncIl on Alehohsm, 4~-1:7' !f t' ~;' Q M C clv~anh~ngr ·1·94~~X~. ngrs·C J'f Bd' dir., co-owner Sta. WPHN, 1958-60; dir. Farmers Nat. Bank, 1979-. Contact of .Charlotte, qoodwtll In~ustnes, Charlotte, Inc., United R . t s/ IS~lag E' '." S as mg on, 1948 55" sec. d·a I C l'f. Chmn., Marion County ARC, 1948-75; commr. Lebanon Fire and Arts CouncIl, N.C. Multiple ScleroSISSoc.; V.p.Charlotte Symphony c~~~c~f ~i~il ~ngrs. ;~~., La~'Ja~~~~~ors, 1956:7~~e~~ne;~~t~~: Polic~ d~p~s.,.1962-70; V.p. Marion County Inds!. Bd., 1978-; chmn. Soc., 1949-55; V.p.b? dirs. Christi~n Reha.b. C~nter, 1979-; chmn. Arbitration Assn., 1975-; bd. dirs. Design Professionals Safety Assn. Gov. s Fm..Dlsclosur~ Commn., 1975-:-; chmn. SS~, 1954-74; memo Sun B~lt Conf. Festt~al; creator, dlr. Festlval.u~ the Park, 1964-:-; 1976-' trustee sec Civil Engrs and Land Surveyors Trust 1969~' Lebanon City Councrl, 1962-70; bd. dIrs. St. Mary s ColI., 1974-75, memo ms. adv. coun.cll q. Tex., 19.68-69;b? visItors Brevard ~USIC Recipie'nt Servi~e t~ Profession ~ward Engring. Council Sa~rament~ Ky. Boy Scouts Am., 1965-, Ky. Girl Scouts Am., 1971-74. Ser,,:"ed Ce~t~~; trustee. Umted Commumty ServICes; chmn. promotIOnal Valley, 1968; also various citations, commendations. Life memoASCE w~t~ AUS; 1944-45. Decorated Purple Heart; named Outstandu:g acttvlttes planlll~~ com. Downtown Charlotte A~sn., I?65-68; bd. (Surve in and Ma in award 1976), Am. Con ress Surve in and CItizen, Lebanon e. of e.: 1974. Mem. Nat. Assn. Broadcasters (legis. govs. Insts. RehglOn and Health; parents counCIl DaVIdson .C~ll., M .y.g A pp sg A E R bl~ B'y ~l b' chmn. for Ky. 1968-, dlr. 1978-, speakers bur.), Ky. Broadcasters 1972-73. Served as officer AUS, World War II; col. Res. ret. ReCipient joli~fl!~l~s~~~~Aut~~r ~~~uaf:,npap;~s~s~dit~Uuid~~.·A~~~~:~:55~5 Ass;t. (pres. 196?, exec. dir. 1971-), Internat. Assn. Au.x. Police, Am. Disting. Service award. J.r. C ?f C, 1952; named Charlotte Young 8th Ave Sacramento CA 95820 g LegIOn (~tate vice comdr. 19~8-69), VFW, DAV, Pilots In~erna~. Man.of Yr., 1952; recipient Silver Beaver aw~rd. Boy Scouts Am., Assn., AIrcraft Owners and Pilots Assn. Democrat. Club: KlwaOls 1956, Freedom Found. Bronze medal, 1954; Pnntlllg Industry of the (pres. 1968-69). Editor Forty-Niner Legion, 1960-. Home: 224 N Caro~inas Franklin Medallion award, 1973; Soldiers medal for Spalding Ave Lebanon KY 40033 Office: PO Box 680 Lebanon KY HerOism, U.S. Army; elected to Exec. and Profl. Hall Fame, 1966 40033 I ' , (mem. selection com. 1967-); Disting. Service award Charlotte Rotary Club, 1966, Charlotte Exchange Club, 1967, Jungle Aviation and Radio Service, Inc., 1971; Disting. Service cert. USO, 1973; WHITMARSH, THEODORE FRANCIS, lawyer, investor; b. Community Bicentenni:3-1cert. ofcommendation U.S. Conf. Mayors, Englewood, N.J., Sept. 25, 1918; s. Karl Russell and Catherine 1976; Service to Mankmd award Sertoma Clubs of Charlotte, 1977; (Clarke) W..; A.B., Harvard, 1942; LL.B., Fordham U., 1950;m. Mary Disting. Service award Hornets Nest council Girl Scouts Am., 1976, Louise Ward, Feb. 19, 1944; children-Linda L., Carol P., Dorothy 77; named Man of.Year, CharJotte News, 1975; City proclamation, S. Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1950; asst. sec., dir. Frances H. Leggett & 1~77; A. Grant Whitney Day named, Charlotte, 1975; Ky. co!. Mem. Co., 1950-52, V.p., sec., dir., 1955-59; sec., dir. Thames & Hudson Risk and Ins. Mgmt. Soc. (formerly Am. Soc. Ins. Mgmt.; pres. Pub. Co.>!_N.Y.C., 1952-53; v.p., gen. mgr., asst. sec., dir. Va.:<;~rolinas chpt. 1957-58, Carolinas chpt. 1963-64, nat. V.p. conf. Hogan-Faximile Corp., 1959-64, pr~s., dir. Hogan Faxindl{; Corp. of actlvltlCS1965-66, 1st V.p. 1966-67, pres. 1967-68, nat. dir. 1968-70, Can. Ltd., ! 1962-64, 103 E. 75th St. Apts., Inc., 1957-70, Audley oat. legis. com., joint industry/risk mgr. com., Man of Yr. award, Clarke Co., 1968-. Served with AUS, 1942~46. Mem. Am., N.Y. Pres.'s award 1971), Internal. Ins. Seminars Inc., Am. Mgmt. Assn. State bar assns., Assn. Bar City N.Y., Huguenot Soc. Am. (pres., dir. (participant confs. seminar 1972), Ins. Hall Fame (internat. bd. 1975~78). Clubs: River, Union, Church (N.Y.C); Piping Rock. Home: electors 1968-70, chamber electors 1972-), Nat. Assn. Ind. Insurers 183 Linden Ln Glen Head NY 11545 Office: 99 Madison Ave, New (v.p. 1953-67, dir. 1968-, vice-chmn. 1977-78, chmn. 1978-79, York, NY 10016 chron. fin. com. 1980), Captive Ins. Coso Assn. v.p. 1973-74, sec. I 1974-), U.S. (ins. com. 1967-69), Charlotte chambers commerce, Mil. Order World Wars, Am. Legion, Carolina Carrousel (dir. WHITMORE, JOHN EDWIN, III, public relations cons.; b. 1952-57,70-71, hon. grand marshall parade 1976, dir.), Newcomen Alburquerque, Sept. 2, 1930; S. John Edwin and Gwen Lee (Wilson) Soc. N.Am., Royal Soc. Knights Carrousel (pres. 1955-64, chmn. W.; B.A. in Journalism, Tex. A&M U., 1952; m. Brenda Morris governing council 1964-68), Soc. 1st Div. Inf. Assn. U.S. Army, Res. Gustafson,! Aug. 16, 1975; children by previous marriage-James Officers Assn., Am. Found. Religion and Psychiatry (gov. 1959-72), Timothy, Erik D. Gustafson, John Alexander. Bur. chief Bus. Week French Fgn. Legion (hon.). Presbyterian (elder). Clubs: Masons (33 Mag., 1957-67; asst. dir. lost. Texan Cultures, San Antonio, 1967-69; deg.), Shriners, Lions; Carolina Clowns (hon.); Boston U. Alumni of V.p. 1st Mktg. Group, Inc., of Houston, 1972-75; owner, operator Carolinas (pres. 1949-51, nat. alumni council 1962-), Execs. (pres. Whitmore Co. Public Relations, Houston, 1969-72,75-; dir. Sugar 1963-64), Myers Park Country, Charlotte City, GoodfeUows Creek Nat; Bank, SW Electronics, Inc.; lectr. U. Houston. Pres., (Charlotte). Home: 684 Colville Rd Charlotte NC 28207 Office: 308 Learning Devel. Center, 1978~. Served to 1st It. AUS, 1952-54. E 5th St, Charlotte, NC 28202 Mem. Public Relations Soc. Am. (accredited), Press Club Houston. Republican; Episcopalian. Clubs: Sugar Creek Country, Warwick, University/Rotary (Houston). Home: 631 Montclair Blvd Sugar Land TX 77478 Office: 9888 Bissonnel, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77036 I WHITMORE, JOHN ROGERS, banker; b. Columbia, Mo., Nov. 19, 1933; s~ Rogers and Catherine (Gray) W.; A.B. in Polit. Sci., U. Mo., 1954, J.D., 1958; m. Suzanne Smith, Dec. 21, 1965; children-Elizabeth Anne, Margaret Penn. Admitted to Ill. bar, 1958, Mo. bar, 1958, D.C. bar, 1967; asst. sec. trust div. Continental Ill. Nat. Bank & Trust Co., Chgo., 1958-66; sr. v.p., trust officer Am. Security and Trust Co., Washington, 1967-75; pres., chief exec. officer The Bessemer Group, Inc., N.Y.C., 1981-, Bessemer Trust Co., N.A., N.Y.C., 1975-, Bessemer Trust Co., Newark, 1975-, Bessemer Trust Co. Fla., Palm Beach, 1975-; dir. Bessemer Securities Corp., N.Y.C., Chevy Chase Property Co. Ltd., Bermuda. Chmn. trustees Leonard Wood Meml. Nat. Found. Eradication Leprosy, Washington; trustee The'Found. Center, N.Y.C., Greenwich (Conn.) Acad. Served to It. comdr. USNR, 1955-57. Mem. Am., Ill., Mo., D.C., Chgo. bar assns., Phi Delta Phi. Mem. Community Ch. Clubs: University, Brook (N.Y.C.); Field, Belle Haven (Greenwich); Metropolitan, Chevy Chase (Washington); Travellers (Paris). Home: 50 Fox Run Ln, Greenwich,' CT 06830 Office: 630 Fifth Ave New York NY 10111 I _ WHITMORE, WILLIAM FRANCIS, missile scientist; b. Boston, Jan. 6, 1917; S. Charles Edward and Elizabeth Manning (Gardiner) W.; S.B., M.LT., 1938; Ph.D. (Univ. fellow), U. Calif., Berkeley, 1941; m. Elizabeth Sherman Arnold, Nov. 1, 1946; children-Charles, Edward, Thomas, Peter. Math. physicist Naval Ordnance Lab., 1941-42; instr. physics M.LT., 1942-46; sr. staff memoops. evaluation group U.S. Navy, 1946-57, chief scientist spl. projects office, 1957-59; memo chieCscientist's staff missiles and space div. Lockheed Aircraft Corp., 1959-62, dep. chief scientist Lockheed Missiles & Space Co., Sunnyvale, [Calif., 1962-64, asst. to pres., 1964-69, chief scientist (ocean systems), 1969~; spl. cons. evaluation bd. of USAAF, ETO, 1945; sci. analyst to comdg. gen. 1st Marine Wing, Korea, 1953, to asst. chief naval ops. for guided missiles, 1950-56; cons. adv. panel ordnance, transport and supply Dir. Def. Rcsearch and Engring., 1958-62; memo adv. bd. for Naval Ordnance Labs., 1968-75, chmn., 1968-73; cons. marine bd. NRC, 1973-. Mem. vis. com., math. dept. M.LT., 1971-78. Recipient Navy Meritorious Public Service citation, 1961; Sec. Navy cert. of commendations (3), 1960-66. Asso. fellow AIAA; memo Am. Math. Soc., Math. Assn. Am., Optical Soc. Am., Ops. Research Soc. Am., Nat. Rifle Assn. (life), Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi. Club: Cosmos. Home: 14120 Miranda Ave Los Altos Hills CA 940221 Office: Lockheed Missiles and Space Co, Box 504, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 I WHITEAKER, STANLEY CYRIL, accountant; b. Hurdland, Mo., Nov. 24,1918; s. Roscoe E. and Marie (Surry) W.; evening student Rockhurst U., 1955-58; m. Justine M. Warford, Dec. 25, 1938; 1 dau., Linda J. Acct., Mo. Public Service Commn., 1942·51; utility cons., 1951-58; partner Troupe, Kehoe, Whiteaker & Kent, C.P.A.s, Kansas City, Kans. and Mo., 1958-; cons. Kans. Corp. Commn., Mo. Public Service Commn., maj. industries in midwest on natural gas usage; cons. sec. USAF; dir. T.K.W. Supply Co., Inc., Biche1meyer Meat Co., Interstate Investments, Inc. Bd. dirs., exec. council Greater Kansas City Council on Alcoholism. Served in USNR, 1943-45. Mem. C. of C, Am. Inst. c.P.A.s, Kans. Soc. CP.A.s, Nat. Assn. Public Accts., Internal. Platform Assn. Clubs: Odd Fellows, Kansas City, Milburn. Author articles on utility rate making. Home: 6008 W 86th Terr Overland Park KS 66207 Office: Power & Light Bldg, Kansas City, MO 64105 WHITEHEAD, FREDERICK BURNETT, consumer cons.; b. Newark, Sept. 23, 1915; s. Gustav Burnett and Mary Louise (Kuhn) W.; B.B.A., Rutgers U., 1940; m. Rita Dunlap, Apr. 19, 1942; children-Frederick Burnett, Janis Lanne Wallace. With Prudential Ins. Co., 1934-46; traffic mgr. Fuller, Smith & Ross Advt. Agy., N.Y.C., 1945; ad'lt. editor Good Housekeeping mag., N.Y.C., 1947-80, dir. consumer affairs, 1970-80; pres. Cause for Consumer Concern, Florham Park, N.J., 1980-. Mem. council Borough of Florham Park 1963-72, pres. council, 1968·72; memo Hanover Park Regional High Sch. Bd. Edn. Served to maj. Q.M.C., U.S. Army, 1941-45. Recipient Citizen of Yr. award Jaycees, 1970. Mem. Soc. Consumer Affairs Proth. in Bus. (nat. dir. 1975-77, pres. N.Y. chpt. 1977-78, spl. achievement award 1980), Am. Legion. Republican. Presbyterian. Clubs: Kiwanis (pres.), Masons. Office: Cause for Consumer Concern Inc, PO Box 248, Florham Park, NJ 07932 WHITEHEAD, PHILLIP, Brit. politician; b. Matlock, Bath, Eng., May 30,1937; s. Harold and Frances May (Kingman) W.; B.A. with honours, Exeter CoiL, Oxford 0., 1961; m. Christine H. Usborne, Apr. I, 1967; children-Richard Joshua, Robert Francis, Lucy Victoria. Lectr., Workers Ednl. Assn., 1961-65; producer BBC, 1961-67; editor This Week, TV program, 1967-70; M.P. for Derby North, 1970-, opposition spokesman on higher edn., 1980--; memo Annan Com. Future Broadcasting, 1974-77, Council of Europe, 1974-80; adv. UNESCO, 1980-; English Speaking Union lectr., 1973-80. Served with Brit. Army, 1956-58. Recipient Emmy award for World at War, 1973, award best factual program Guild TV Producers, 1969. Mem. Fabian Soc. (chmn. 1979), Nat. Union Journalists, Nat. Union Railwaymen. Mem. Labour Party. Office: House of Commons, London SWIA DAA, England WHITEHOUSE, ALTON WINSLOW, JR., oil co. exec.; b. Albany, N.Y., Aug. 1, 1927; S.Alton Winslow and Catherine (Lyda) W.; B.S., U. Va., 1949, LL.B., 1952; m. Helen MacDonald. Nov. 28, 1953; children-Alton, Sarah, Peter. Admitted to Ohio bar, 1953; asso. partner firm McAfree, Hanning, Newcomer, Hazlett & Wheeler, Cleve.. 1952-68; V.p.,gen. counsel Standard Oil Co. (Ohio), 1968-69, sr. V.p., 1969-70, pres., chief operating officer, 1970-77, vice chmn. bd., 1977~78, chmn. bd., chief exec. officer, 1978-, also dir., mem. exec. com.; dir. AmeriTrust Co., Midland-Ross Corp., Cleve. Cliffs Iron Co., Brit. Petroleum Co. Ltd. Trustee Cleve. Mus. Natural History, Cleve. Clinic Found., Case Western Res. U., Cleve. Mus. Art. Mem. Am., Ohio, Cleve. bar assns., Am. Petroleum Inst. Episcopalian. Office: Standard Oil Co 1750 Midland Bldg Cleveland OH44115 WHITEHURST, WILLIAM WILFRED, JR., mgmt. cons.; b. BaIt., Mar. 4, 1937; S. William Wilfred and Elizabeth (Hogg) W.; B.A., Princeton U., 1958; M.S., Carnegie Inst. Tech., 1963; m. Linda Joan Potter, July 1, 1961; children-Catherine Elizabeth, William Wilfred, III. Mathematician, Nat. Security Agy., Fort George G. Meade, Md., 1961-63; mgmt. cons. McKinsey & Co., Inc., Washington, 1963-66; partner L.E. Peabody & Assos., Washington, 1966-69, exec. v.p., dir. L.E. Peabody & Assos., Inc., Lanham, Md., 1969-. Served to It. USNR, 1958-6 I. Mem. Ops. Research Soc. Am., Inst. Mgmt. Scis., Washington Soc. Investment Analysts. Episcopalian. Clubs: University, Princeton (Washington); Princeton (N.J.) Quadrangle. Home, 12421 Happy Hollow Rd Cockeysville MD 21030 Office, 8200 Professional PI, Landover, MD 20785 1141 l2£f- 1\0 1- b{,~fA Itl~"WHO'S WHO IN THE WORLD ~.,:,:,-,-",--,,-_. -- WHITNEY, ROBERT AVERY, bus. exec.; b. BufIalo, Nov. 7,1912; S. John Boardman and Cora Edith (Avery) W.; student U. Berlin, 1931-32, U. BufIalo, 1933; A.B., Hobart Coil., 1935; m. Marie Therese Thone; children-Grace Ann, Marguerite, Barbara Griffith, Robert Avery, John David, Virginia Bradley. Sales rep. Wilson & Co., Stamford, Conn., 1935-37; statistician Francis L duPont, N.Y., 1937; eastern sales mgr. Simplicity Pre vue Mag., N.Y.C., 1937-40; sales promotion and advt. mgr. Corning Glass Works (N.Y.), 1940-43; chief of controller materials plan div. WPB, 1942-43; promotion dir. McGraw Hill Pub. Co., N.Y., 1943-46; dir. Ency. Brit. Press, Chgo., also N.Y., 1946-47; exec. dir. Nat. Fedn. Sales Execs., N.Y.C., 1947-48; pres. Nat. Sales Execs., Inc., 1948-57, Mgmt. and Mktg. lnst., 1957-, Robert A. Whitney & Co., 1962-. SpI. cons. to dir. RFC, Washington, 1944~45; cons. to dir. Office of War Mblzn. and Reconversion, Washington, 1945-46; adviser to War Assets Adminstrn., Washington, 1944-45; memonat. industry adv. council to sec. of treasury; memo nat. distbn. council to sec. of commerce; memo industry adv. com. to U.S. Army and Air Force; memoadv. com. ECA; dir. White House Conf. Distbn. Trustee Hobart CoIl., memo alumni council; trustee Irvington House, N.Y. U. Hosp.; adv. council Sch. Bus., N.Y. U.; bd. dirs. Am. Found. Religion and Psychiatry. Named to Hall of Fame ofDistbn., 1953; recipient Outstanding Man in Mgmt. and Mktg. award, 1963. Mem. Nat. Planning Assn. (dir.), N.Y. Bd. Trade, Am. Mgmt. Assn., Internat. C. of e. (chmn. dist. com. U.S. council), Newcomen Soc., Kappa Alpha (naL pres. 1963~64). Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: N.Y. Sales Executives, Metropolitan, Canadian (N.Y.C); Union League (Chgo.); Arts (London). Home, 34 Rock Spring Ave West Orange NJ 07052 also 49 Lennox Gardens, London SW1, England also Switzerland Office: 1257 Landecy, Geneva, Switzerland WHITNEY, THOMAS PORTER, author, translator; b. Toledo, Jan. 26, 1917; s. Herbert Porter and Louise (Metzger) W.; A.B. summa cum laude, Amherst Coll., 1937, Litt.D., 1972; M.A., Columbia U., 1940; Litt.D., Assumption Coll., 1975; m. Marguerite Carusone, Sept. 21, 1974; children by previous marriage-John Herbert, Louise, Julia Forrester. Instr. social scis. Bennett Coli., 1940-41; social sci. analyst OSS, Washington, 1941-44; attache, chief econ. sect. Am. embassy, Moscow, 1944-47; staff corr. AP, Moscow, 1947-53, fgn. news analyst, N.Y.C., 1953-59; pres. Whitney Enterprises, Inc., N.Y.C., 1966-68, chmn. bd., 1966-73; pres. Yulya Music, Inc.; propr. Whitney Book Shops. Trustee, Julia A. Whitney Found. Mem. Overseas Press Club Am. (pres. 1958-59, ex officio gov.), Am. Horse Council, PEN, AAAS, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Delta Phi. Club" Thoroughbred Am" Turf and Field, Saratoga Reading Rms. Author: Has Russia Changed, 1960: Russia in Mv Life. 1962: contbr. articles to popular mags.. Wall

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Page 1: l2£f- 1 b{,~ ~.,:,:,-,-,--,,- . -- m.whitlockfamilyassociation.com.s3.amazonaws.com/sources/referenc… · WHITE, THEODORE HAROLD, author; b. Boston, May 6,1915; WHITESEL, JAMES

WHITE, THEODORE HAROLD, author; b. Boston, May 6,1915; WHITESEL, JAMES WARREN, lawyer; b. Crosskeys, Va., Dec. 4, WHITNEY, A(DELBERT) GRANT, mere. and ins. co. exec.; b.s. David and Mary (WinkcIler) W.; A.B. summa cum laude, Harvard 1921; s. James Brown and Lillian Mac (Shaver) W.; B.S. cum laude, Lowell, Mass., July 25, 1917; s. Adelbert Howard and Julia (Sheehan)U., 1938; m. Nancy Ariana Bean, Mar. 29, 1947 (div. 1971); Wake Forest U., 1943; J.D. with distinction, George Washington U., W.; B.S. in Bus. Adminstrn., Boston U., 1940; m. Lillian Ritchchildren-Ariana Van Der Heyden, David Fairbank; m. 2d, Beatrice 1948, LL.M., 1950; M.B.A., U. Chgo., 1964; m. Patricia Aylward, DeArmon, Nov. 17, 1950;children-Julia Woodley, A. Grant, FrankK. Hofstadter, Mar. 1974. Chief of China bur. Time, Inc., 1939·45; Dec. 27, 1948; children-James Eric, Cheryl Eileen, Mary Jennifer. DeArmon. Asst. to V.p.Belk Stores, Charlotte, N.C., 1946-52, asst. tocovered China war front, indian Uprising, Honan famine; present at Admitted to D.C. bar, 1948, N.Y. State bar, 1951, Ill. bar, 1959, U.S. pres., 19.52-55, V.p. secAreas. Belk Stores, Inc. Reciprocal, Belksurrender of Japanese aboard U.S.S. Missouri; editor The New Supreme Ct. bar, 1955, U.S. Ct. Customs and Patent Appeals bar, Underwnters, Inc., Charlotte, 1950-58, exec. V.p.,sec.-treas., 1958-;Republic, 1947; nat. corr. The Reporter mag.; memo staff of Colliers, 1950; examiner U.S. Patent Office, 1948-50; trademark counsel sec.-treas. Archdale Mut. Ins. Co., 1962-65, exec. V.p., secAreas.,1955-56; as corr. covered Europe, Marshall Plan, NATO, others, also Stromberg-Carlson, Rochester, N.Y., 1950-58; Midwest area patent 1965-; gen. mgr. ins. dept. Belk Stores Services, Inc., 1951-, sec.,reported Am. nat. politics, 1955-80; dir. Ency. Brit. Bd. overseers counsel lIT, Chgo., 1959-70; sr. partner firm Laff, Whitesel, Conte & memo exec. com., 1959-68, V.p. 1964-68, employee ins. operatingHarvar~ U., 19tJ8-74; past trustee Asi3; So.c. Recipi::nt Air medal, Saret, pat~nt attys., Chgo., 1970-. Served with U.S. Army, 1943-46. com., 1971,72; v.p., sec.-treas. Providence Realty Corp., Charlotte,1944; Sidney HIllman award, 1954, BenJamlll Frankhn award, 1956, Mem. Am. Bar Assn., Ill. Bar Assn., Chgo. B.arAssn., Am. Patent Law 1950-63, pres., 1959-60, pres., sec.-treas., 1964-75; v.p. Queen CityTe~ Y. Ro~gers award,. 1956; Second~ry Sch. Bd. award, 1955,59,62; Assn. Home: 5313 Grand Ave Western Spnngs IL 60558 Office: Laff Investors, Inc., Charlotte, 1959-62; sec. Thrifty Investors, Inc.,Puhtzer pnze, 1962; Sigma Delta Chi award, 1964; Em~y' award for Whitesel Conte & Saret, 875 N Michigan Ave, Chicago, IL 60611 Charlotte, 1961-62, investment chmn., 1964-65, V.p. 1967-68.best ~ show, 1964, ~or best documentary TV wntIng: 1967; ! Trustee, Elmira (N.Y.) Coil., 1978-; memo adv. com. stateColu'!lbta Sch. Journahsm award, 1979. Mem.. Councd Fgn. , workmen's compensation laws Council State Govts., 1973; memoRelations. Clubs: Fgn. Corrs .. (pres. 1944-45) (China); Harvard, WHITESELL, JA~ES C;LARENCE, food broker; b. St. Joseph, exec. com. Arthritis and Rheumatism Found., Charlotte, 1959-60Century (N.Y.e.). Author: (wIth Annalee Jacoby) Thunder Out of Mo., Apr.113, 1931, s. DavId Earl and Emma Gertrude (Derks) W.; dir 1959-60' gen chmn host com Billy Graham Appreciation Da 'China (Book of Month Club selection), 1946;.The Mountain Road student St. Joseph Jr. Coli., 1949-50, U. Mass., 1956-57, Alexander 196'8, Billy Grah;m 60th Birthday' Party, Nov. 4. 1978; memo exe~:(Book o~ Mon.th Club ?electlOn), 1958; Th~ View from t~e Fortieth H~ml1ton Ilns1., 1960-62, m. Mehta Anp. Hogan, Sept. 14, 1955; bd. Mecklenburg council Boy Scouts Am., 1949-, V.p., 1962-66,Floor (LIt. GUild selection) 1960' The Makmg of the PreSident 1960 chtldren-Bart, Beth Ann, Susan, Patncla. Salesman, Procter & chmn exploring 1970-72 exec bd S E . 1973(Book of Month Club se1ec'tion),'1?6l; The Making of th~ Pre;ident, Gamble,. 1950-54, Rath Packing Co., 1954-62, Food Merchandisers, mem.~at-largc nat. council, i974-;' chm·n. Ch~rl~~~lO-¥hirdAr~'1964, 1965; Caesar at the Rubicon, 1968; The Makmg of the 1?62-64, pres., gen. mgr. Splty. Food Sales Co., Inc., Atl~nta, 1964-; Adv. Com. 1953~68 civilian adv. 1968-' h N C usdPresident, 1968; The Making of the President (Lit. Guild selection), dlr. Beleraft Constrn. Co., Hadacol C;orp. Served WIth USMCR, 1959-73; spi. gifts ch~n. N.e. div. Am. Canc~r ~0~~'1967, ~rusad~1972, Breach of FaIth (Book of Month Club selection), 1975, edItor 1951-53. Mem. Frozen Food Council Ga. (v.p. 1972-73, pres. chmn, 1969, 70, bd dlfS, 1968-, pres, 1972-73, vlce-chmn ShnneThe Stillwell Papers, 1948, Fife In the Ashes (Book of Month Club 1974-75). Clubs: Elks, K.C. Home, 155 Old College Way Atlanta GA Bowl of CarolInas 1963-66 ge h 1967-69 M'selection), 1953; In Scar:ch of History, 1979; contbr. to nat. mags. 30328 Office: 57 14th St NE, Atlanta, GA 30309 Com Better Charlotte, '197~~ mpnr~gram ch~em ChaaJ~[t~

Home: Old Route 67 Bndgewater CT 06752 Office: 168~E 64th St I h Bicentennial Celebration Com., 1968-, chmn.New York, NY 10021 ~ WHITLOCK, JAMES THOMAS, radio station exec.; b. Gravel Char1ot~e/Meckl~nbu:g. Bicentennial Com., 1975, 76; gen. chmn.

~Qr~ Switch, ~y., Sept. 10, 1924; s..Oscar James and Betty (Lanham) W.; Pres. Eisenhower s VISIt to Cha~lotte, Mecklenburg Declaration. ofWHITE, WILLIAM ALLEN, civil engr.; b. Joliet, Mont., Mar. 27, gr~d. high sch.; ':1' FranCIS Colleen Dye, Sept. 10, 1?44;••••••Independe~ce-Fr~edom CelebratIOn Day, 1976; chmn. advanc~ gifts1906; s. William McCord (Compton) W.; B.A. in Math., U. Mont., chlldren-~etty LOUIse,James Thomas. Farmer or. Grave .SwItch, and proft dI.V.UOItedAppeal, 1955-56; llldustry chmn. laymen s nat.Missoula. 1930, M.A., 1937; m. LuciIJe Virginia Emmett, Mar. 10, Ky., 1947i49; e1ec. contractor, Lebanon, Ky., 1945-48; with Sta. com. Nat. Bible Week, 19.67-70,as?o. chmn., 1.971-; chmn. adv. com.1934; children-Mack William, Virginia Frances. Tchr. sci. and math. WLBN, Lebanon, 1954-;-, pres., gen. mgr., 1954-; pres., gen. mgr. C~~rlotte Youth ~or C:hnst; bd. dus. Jr. Achleveme~t, Mecklen~urgJ r t H' h S h 1932-34' . T US C E 1934-42 Sta. WLSK; owner Manon Falcon Newspaper, Lebanon, 1948-56; Clttzens Better Libraries, 196~-71, Char~otte CouncIl on Alehohsm,4~-1:7' !f t' ~;' Q M C clv~anh~ngr ·1·94~~X~. ngrs·C J'f Bd' dir., co-owner Sta. WPHN, 1958-60; dir. Farmers Nat. Bank, 1979-. Contact of .Charlotte, qoodwtll In~ustnes, Charlotte, Inc., UnitedR . t s/ IS~lag E' '." S as mg on, 1948 55" sec. d·a I C l'f. Chmn., Marion County ARC, 1948-75; commr. Lebanon Fire and Arts CouncIl, N.C. Multiple ScleroSISSoc.; V.p.Charlotte Symphonyc~~~c~f ~i~il ~ngrs. ;~~., La~'Ja~~~~~ors, 1956:7~~e~~ne;~~t~~: Polic~ d~p~s.,.1962-70; V.p.Marion County Inds!. Bd., 1978-; chmn. Soc., 1949-55; V.p.b? dirs. Christi~n Reha.b. C~nter, 1979-; chmn.Arbitration Assn., 1975-; bd. dirs. Design Professionals Safety Assn. Gov. s Fm..Dlsclosur~ Commn., 1975-:-; chmn. SS~, 1954-74; memo Sun B~lt Conf. Festt~al; creator, dlr. Festlval.u~ the Park, 1964-:-;1976-' trustee sec Civil Engrs and Land Surveyors Trust 1969~' Lebanon City Councrl, 1962-70; bd. dIrs. St. Mary s ColI., 1974-75, memo ms. adv. coun.cll q. Tex., 19.68-69;b? visItors Brevard ~USICRecipie'nt Servi~e t~ Profession ~ward Engring. Council Sa~rament~ Ky. Boy Scouts Am., 1965-, Ky. Girl Scouts Am., 1971-74. Ser,,:"ed Ce~t~~; trustee. Umted Commumty ServICes; chmn. promotIOnalValley, 1968;also various citations, commendations. Life memoASCE w~t~ AUS; 1944-45. Decorated Purple Heart; named Outstandu:g acttvlttes planlll~~ com. Downtown Charlotte A~sn., I?65-68; bd.(Surve in and Ma in award 1976), Am. Con ress Surve in and CItizen, Lebanon e. of e.: 1974. Mem. Nat. Assn. Broadcasters (legis. govs. Insts. RehglOn and Health; parents counCIl DaVIdson .C~ll.,M .y.g A pp sg A E R bl~ B'y ~l b' chmn. for Ky. 1968-, dlr. 1978-, speakers bur.), Ky. Broadcasters 1972-73. Served as officer AUS, World War II; col. Res. ret. ReCipientjoli~fl!~l~s~~~~Aut~~r~~~uaf:,npap;~s~s~dit~Uuid~~.·A~~~~:~:55~5 Ass;t. (pres. 196?, exec. dir. 1971-), Internat. Assn. Au.x.Police, Am. Disting. Service award. J.r. C ?f C, 1952; named Charlotte Young8th Ave Sacramento CA 95820 g LegIOn (~tate vice comdr. 19~8-69), VFW, DAV, Pilots In~erna~. Man.of Yr., 1952; recipient Silver Beaver aw~rd. Boy Scouts Am.,

Assn., AIrcraft Owners and Pilots Assn. Democrat. Club: KlwaOls 1956, Freedom Found. Bronze medal, 1954; Pnntlllg Industry of the(pres. 1968-69). Editor Forty-Niner Legion, 1960-. Home: 224 N Caro~inas Franklin Medallion award, 1973; Soldiers medal forSpalding Ave Lebanon KY 40033 Office: PO Box 680 Lebanon KY HerOism, U.S. Army; elected to Exec. and Profl. Hall Fame, 1966

40033 I ' , (mem. selection com. 1967-); Disting. Service award CharlotteRotary Club, 1966, Charlotte Exchange Club, 1967, Jungle Aviationand Radio Service, Inc., 1971; Disting. Service cert. USO, 1973;

WHITMARSH, THEODORE FRANCIS, lawyer, investor; b. Community Bicentenni:3-1cert. of commendation U.S. Conf. Mayors,Englewood, N.J., Sept. 25, 1918; s. Karl Russell and Catherine 1976; Service to Mankmd award Sertoma Clubs of Charlotte, 1977;(Clarke) W..; A.B., Harvard, 1942; LL.B., Fordham U., 1950;m. Mary Disting. Service award Hornets Nest council Girl Scouts Am., 1976,Louise Ward, Feb. 19, 1944; children-Linda L., Carol P., Dorothy 77; named Man of.Year, CharJotte News, 1975; City proclamation,S. Admitted to N.Y. bar, 1950; asst. sec., dir. Frances H. Leggett & 1~77; A. Grant Whitney Day named, Charlotte, 1975; Ky. co!. Mem.Co., 1950-52, V.p., sec., dir., 1955-59; sec., dir. Thames & Hudson Risk and Ins. Mgmt. Soc. (formerly Am. Soc. Ins. Mgmt.; pres.Pub. Co.>!_N.Y.C., 1952-53; v.p., gen. mgr., asst. sec., dir. Va.:<;~rolinaschpt. 1957-58, Carolinas chpt. 1963-64, nat. V.p.conf.Hogan-Faximile Corp., 1959-64, pr~s., dir. Hogan Faxindl{;Corp. of actlvltlCS1965-66, 1st V.p. 1966-67, pres. 1967-68, nat. dir. 1968-70,Can. Ltd., !1962-64, 103 E. 75th St. Apts., Inc., 1957-70, Audley oat. legis. com., joint industry/risk mgr. com., Man of Yr. award,Clarke Co., 1968-. Served with AUS, 1942~46. Mem. Am., N.Y. Pres.'s award 1971), Internal. Ins. Seminars Inc., Am. Mgmt. Assn.State bar assns., Assn. Bar City N.Y., Huguenot Soc. Am. (pres., dir. (participant confs. seminar 1972), Ins. Hall Fame (internat. bd.1975~78). Clubs: River, Union, Church (N.Y.C); Piping Rock. Home: electors 1968-70, chamber electors 1972-), Nat. Assn. Ind. Insurers183 Linden Ln Glen Head NY 11545 Office: 99 Madison Ave, New (v.p. 1953-67, dir. 1968-, vice-chmn. 1977-78, chmn. 1978-79,York, NY 10016 chron. fin. com. 1980), Captive Ins. Coso Assn. v.p. 1973-74, sec.

I 1974-), U.S. (ins. com. 1967-69), Charlotte chambers commerce,Mil. Order World Wars, Am. Legion, Carolina Carrousel (dir.WHITMORE, JOHN EDWIN, III, public relations cons.; b. 1952-57,70-71, hon. grand marshall parade 1976, dir.), NewcomenAlburquerque, Sept. 2, 1930; S. John Edwin and Gwen Lee (Wilson) Soc. N.Am., Royal Soc. Knights Carrousel (pres. 1955-64, chmn.W.; B.A. in Journalism, Tex. A&M U., 1952; m. Brenda Morris governing council 1964-68), Soc. 1st Div. Inf. Assn. U.S. Army, Res.Gustafson,! Aug. 16, 1975; children by previous marriage-James Officers Assn., Am. Found. Religion and Psychiatry (gov. 1959-72),Timothy, Erik D. Gustafson, John Alexander. Bur. chief Bus. Week French Fgn. Legion (hon.). Presbyterian (elder). Clubs: Masons (33Mag., 1957-67; asst. dir. lost. Texan Cultures, San Antonio, 1967-69; deg.), Shriners, Lions; Carolina Clowns (hon.); Boston U. Alumni ofV.p. 1st Mktg. Group, Inc., of Houston, 1972-75; owner, operator Carolinas (pres. 1949-51, nat. alumni council 1962-), Execs. (pres.Whitmore Co. Public Relations, Houston, 1969-72,75-; dir. Sugar 1963-64), Myers Park Country, Charlotte City, GoodfeUowsCreek Nat; Bank, SW Electronics, Inc.; lectr. U. Houston. Pres., (Charlotte). Home: 684 Colville Rd Charlotte NC 28207 Office: 308Learning Devel. Center, 1978~. Served to 1st It. AUS, 1952-54. E 5th St, Charlotte, NC 28202Mem. Public Relations Soc. Am. (accredited), Press Club Houston.Republican; Episcopalian. Clubs: Sugar Creek Country, Warwick,University/Rotary (Houston). Home: 631 Montclair Blvd Sugar LandTX 77478 Office: 9888 Bissonnel, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77036

IWHITMORE, JOHN ROGERS, banker; b. Columbia, Mo., Nov.19, 1933; s~Rogers and Catherine (Gray) W.; A.B. in Polit. Sci., U.Mo., 1954, J.D., 1958; m. Suzanne Smith, Dec. 21, 1965;children-Elizabeth Anne, Margaret Penn. Admitted to Ill. bar, 1958,Mo. bar, 1958, D.C. bar, 1967; asst. sec. trust div. Continental Ill. Nat.Bank & Trust Co., Chgo., 1958-66; sr. v.p., trust officer Am. Securityand Trust Co., Washington, 1967-75; pres., chief exec. officer TheBessemer Group, Inc., N.Y.C., 1981-, Bessemer Trust Co., N.A.,N.Y.C., 1975-, Bessemer Trust Co., Newark, 1975-, BessemerTrust Co. Fla., Palm Beach, 1975-; dir. Bessemer Securities Corp.,N.Y.C., Chevy Chase Property Co. Ltd., Bermuda. Chmn. trusteesLeonard Wood Meml. Nat. Found. Eradication Leprosy, Washington;trustee The'Found. Center, N.Y.C., Greenwich (Conn.) Acad. Servedto It. comdr. USNR, 1955-57. Mem. Am., Ill., Mo., D.C., Chgo. barassns., Phi Delta Phi. Mem. Community Ch. Clubs: University, Brook(N.Y.C.); Field, Belle Haven (Greenwich); Metropolitan, ChevyChase (Washington); Travellers (Paris). Home: 50 Fox Run Ln,Greenwich,' CT 06830 Office: 630 Fifth Ave New York NY 10111

I _WHITMORE, WILLIAM FRANCIS, missile scientist; b. Boston,Jan. 6, 1917; S. Charles Edward and Elizabeth Manning (Gardiner)W.; S.B., M.LT., 1938; Ph.D. (Univ. fellow), U. Calif., Berkeley, 1941;m. Elizabeth Sherman Arnold, Nov. 1, 1946; children-Charles,Edward, Thomas, Peter. Math. physicist Naval Ordnance Lab.,1941-42; instr. physics M.LT., 1942-46; sr. staff memoops. evaluationgroup U.S. Navy, 1946-57, chief scientist spl. projects office, 1957-59;memo chieCscientist's staff missiles and space div. Lockheed AircraftCorp., 1959-62, dep. chief scientist Lockheed Missiles & Space Co.,Sunnyvale, [Calif., 1962-64, asst. to pres., 1964-69, chief scientist(ocean systems), 1969~; spl. cons. evaluation bd. of USAAF, ETO,1945; sci. analyst to comdg. gen. 1st Marine Wing, Korea, 1953, toasst. chief naval ops. for guided missiles, 1950-56; cons. adv. panelordnance, transport and supply Dir. Def. Rcsearch and Engring.,1958-62; memo adv. bd. for Naval Ordnance Labs., 1968-75, chmn.,1968-73; cons. marine bd. NRC, 1973-. Mem. vis. com., math. dept.M.LT., 1971-78. Recipient Navy Meritorious Public Service citation,1961; Sec. Navy cert. of commendations (3), 1960-66. Asso. fellowAIAA; memo Am. Math. Soc., Math. Assn. Am., Optical Soc. Am.,Ops. Research Soc. Am., Nat. Rifle Assn. (life), Phi Beta Kappa,Sigma Xi. Club: Cosmos. Home: 14120 Miranda Ave Los Altos HillsCA 940221 Office: Lockheed Missiles and Space Co, Box 504,Sunnyvale, CA 94086


WHITEAKER, STANLEY CYRIL, accountant; b. Hurdland, Mo.,Nov. 24,1918; s. Roscoe E. and Marie (Surry) W.; evening studentRockhurst U., 1955-58; m. Justine M. Warford, Dec. 25, 1938; 1 dau.,Linda J. Acct., Mo. Public Service Commn., 1942·51; utility cons.,1951-58; partner Troupe, Kehoe, Whiteaker & Kent, C.P.A.s, KansasCity, Kans. and Mo., 1958-; cons. Kans. Corp. Commn., Mo. PublicService Commn., maj. industries in midwest on natural gas usage;cons. sec. USAF; dir. T.K.W. Supply Co., Inc., Biche1meyer Meat Co.,Interstate Investments, Inc. Bd. dirs., exec. council Greater KansasCity Council on Alcoholism. Served in USNR, 1943-45. Mem. C. ofC, Am. Inst. c.P.A.s, Kans. Soc. CP.A.s, Nat. Assn. Public Accts.,Internal. Platform Assn. Clubs: Odd Fellows, Kansas City, Milburn.Author articles on utility rate making. Home: 6008 W 86th TerrOverland Park KS 66207 Office: Power & Light Bldg, Kansas City,MO 64105

WHITEHEAD, FREDERICK BURNETT, consumer cons.; b.Newark, Sept. 23, 1915; s. Gustav Burnett and Mary Louise (Kuhn)W.; B.B.A., Rutgers U., 1940; m. Rita Dunlap, Apr. 19, 1942;children-Frederick Burnett, Janis Lanne Wallace. With PrudentialIns. Co., 1934-46; traffic mgr. Fuller, Smith & Ross Advt. Agy.,N.Y.C., 1945; ad'lt. editor Good Housekeeping mag., N.Y.C.,1947-80, dir. consumer affairs, 1970-80; pres. Cause for ConsumerConcern, Florham Park, N.J., 1980-. Mem. council Borough ofFlorham Park 1963-72, pres. council, 1968·72; memo Hanover ParkRegional High Sch. Bd. Edn. Served to maj. Q.M.C., U.S. Army,1941-45. Recipient Citizen of Yr. award Jaycees, 1970. Mem. Soc.Consumer Affairs Proth. in Bus. (nat. dir. 1975-77, pres. N.Y. chpt.1977-78, spl. achievement award 1980), Am. Legion. Republican.Presbyterian. Clubs: Kiwanis (pres.), Masons. Office: Cause forConsumer Concern Inc, PO Box 248, Florham Park, NJ 07932

WHITEHEAD, PHILLIP, Brit. politician; b. Matlock, Bath, Eng.,May 30,1937; s. Harold and Frances May (Kingman) W.; B.A. withhonours, Exeter CoiL,Oxford 0., 1961; m. Christine H. Usborne, Apr.I, 1967; children-Richard Joshua, Robert Francis, Lucy Victoria.Lectr., Workers Ednl. Assn., 1961-65; producer BBC, 1961-67; editorThis Week, TV program, 1967-70; M.P. for Derby North, 1970-,opposition spokesman on higher edn., 1980--; memo Annan Com.Future Broadcasting, 1974-77, Council of Europe, 1974-80; adv.UNESCO, 1980-; English Speaking Union lectr., 1973-80. Servedwith Brit. Army, 1956-58. Recipient Emmy award for World at War,1973, award best factual program Guild TV Producers, 1969. Mem.Fabian Soc. (chmn. 1979), Nat. Union Journalists, Nat. UnionRailwaymen. Mem. Labour Party. Office: House of Commons,London SWIA DAA, England

WHITEHOUSE, ALTON WINSLOW, JR., oil co. exec.; b. Albany,N.Y., Aug. 1, 1927; S.Alton Winslow and Catherine (Lyda) W.; B.S.,U. Va., 1949, LL.B., 1952; m. Helen MacDonald. Nov. 28, 1953;children-Alton, Sarah, Peter. Admitted to Ohio bar, 1953; asso.partner firm McAfree, Hanning, Newcomer, Hazlett & Wheeler,Cleve.. 1952-68; V.p.,gen. counsel Standard Oil Co. (Ohio), 1968-69,sr. V.p., 1969-70, pres., chief operating officer, 1970-77, vice chmn.bd., 1977~78, chmn. bd., chief exec. officer, 1978-, also dir., mem.exec. com.; dir. AmeriTrust Co., Midland-Ross Corp., Cleve. CliffsIron Co., Brit. Petroleum Co. Ltd. Trustee Cleve. Mus. NaturalHistory, Cleve. Clinic Found., Case Western Res. U., Cleve. Mus. Art.Mem. Am., Ohio, Cleve. bar assns., Am. Petroleum Inst.Episcopalian. Office: Standard Oil Co 1750 Midland Bldg ClevelandOH44115

WHITEHURST, WILLIAM WILFRED, JR., mgmt. cons.; b. BaIt.,Mar. 4, 1937; S. William Wilfred and Elizabeth (Hogg) W.; B.A.,Princeton U., 1958; M.S., Carnegie Inst. Tech., 1963; m. Linda JoanPotter, July 1, 1961; children-Catherine Elizabeth, William Wilfred,III. Mathematician, Nat. Security Agy., Fort George G. Meade, Md.,1961-63; mgmt. cons. McKinsey & Co., Inc., Washington, 1963-66;partner L.E. Peabody & Assos., Washington, 1966-69, exec. v.p., dir.L.E. Peabody & Assos., Inc., Lanham, Md., 1969-. Served to It.USNR, 1958-6 I. Mem. Ops. Research Soc. Am., Inst. Mgmt. Scis.,Washington Soc. Investment Analysts. Episcopalian. Clubs:University, Princeton (Washington); Princeton (N.J.) Quadrangle.Home, 12421 Happy Hollow Rd Cockeysville MD 21030 Office, 8200Professional PI, Landover, MD 20785


l2£f- 1\0 1­b{,~fA Itl~"WHO'S WHO IN THE WORLD

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WHITNEY, ROBERT AVERY, bus. exec.; b. BufIalo, Nov. 7,1912;S. John Boardman and Cora Edith (Avery) W.; student U. Berlin,1931-32, U. BufIalo, 1933;A.B., Hobart Coil., 1935;m. Marie ThereseThone; children-Grace Ann, Marguerite, Barbara Griffith, RobertAvery, John David, Virginia Bradley. Sales rep. Wilson & Co.,Stamford, Conn., 1935-37; statistician Francis L duPont, N.Y., 1937;eastern sales mgr. Simplicity Prevue Mag., N.Y.C., 1937-40; salespromotion and advt. mgr. Corning Glass Works (N.Y.), 1940-43; chiefof controller materials plan div. WPB, 1942-43; promotion dir.McGraw Hill Pub. Co., N.Y., 1943-46; dir. Ency. Brit. Press, Chgo.,also N.Y., 1946-47; exec. dir. Nat. Fedn. Sales Execs., N.Y.C.,1947-48; pres. Nat. Sales Execs., Inc., 1948-57, Mgmt. and Mktg.lnst., 1957-, Robert A. Whitney & Co., 1962-. SpI. cons. to dir.RFC, Washington, 1944~45;cons. to dir. Office of War Mblzn. andReconversion, Washington, 1945-46; adviser to War AssetsAdminstrn., Washington, 1944-45; memonat. industry adv. council tosec. of treasury; memo nat. distbn. council to sec. of commerce; memoindustry adv. com. to U.S. Army and Air Force; memoadv. com. ECA;dir. White House Conf. Distbn. Trustee Hobart CoIl., memo alumnicouncil; trustee Irvington House, N.Y. U. Hosp.; adv. council Sch.Bus., N.Y. U.; bd. dirs. Am. Found. Religion and Psychiatry. Namedto Hall of Fame ofDistbn., 1953; recipient Outstanding Man in Mgmt.and Mktg. award, 1963. Mem. Nat. Planning Assn. (dir.), N.Y. Bd.Trade, Am. Mgmt. Assn., Internat. C. of e. (chmn. dist. com. U.S.council), Newcomen Soc., Kappa Alpha (naL pres. 1963~64).Republican. Episcopalian. Clubs: N.Y. Sales Executives,Metropolitan, Canadian (N.Y.C); Union League (Chgo.); Arts(London). Home, 34 Rock Spring Ave West Orange NJ 07052 also49 Lennox Gardens, London SW1, England also Switzerland Office:1257 Landecy, Geneva, Switzerland

WHITNEY, THOMAS PORTER, author, translator; b. Toledo, Jan.26, 1917; s. Herbert Porter and Louise (Metzger) W.; A.B. summacum laude, Amherst Coll., 1937, Litt.D., 1972; M.A., Columbia U.,1940; Litt.D., Assumption Coll., 1975; m. Marguerite Carusone, Sept.21, 1974; children by previous marriage-John Herbert, Louise, JuliaForrester. Instr. social scis. Bennett Coli., 1940-41; social sci. analystOSS, Washington, 1941-44; attache, chief econ. sect. Am. embassy,Moscow, 1944-47; staff corr. AP, Moscow, 1947-53, fgn. newsanalyst, N.Y.C., 1953-59; pres. Whitney Enterprises, Inc., N.Y.C.,1966-68, chmn. bd., 1966-73; pres. Yulya Music, Inc.; propr. WhitneyBook Shops. Trustee, Julia A. Whitney Found. Mem. Overseas PressClub Am. (pres. 1958-59, ex officio gov.), Am. Horse Council, PEN,AAAS, Phi Beta Kappa, Alpha Delta Phi. Club" Thoroughbred Am"Turf and Field, Saratoga Reading Rms. Author: Has Russia Changed,1960: Russia in Mv Life. 1962: contbr. articles to popular mags.. Wall