l0520042 (jvc dvd player and video cassetter recorder,hr-xvc37u)

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  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).






    (SUPER VIDEO ] 31)-P_IONI("

    INSTRUCTIONSFor Customer Use:

    Enter Below the Model No, andSerial No. which are locate(] on therear of cabinet. Retain thisinformation for future reference.Model No.Serial No.


  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    2 EN

    Dear Customer,Thank you for purchasing the JVC DVD player & VHS videocassette recorder. Before use, please read the safetyinformation and precautions to ensure safe use of your newunit.




    The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol,within an equilateral triangle, is intended toalert the user to the presence of uninsulated"dangerous voltage" within the product'senclosure that may be of sufficient magnitudeto constitute a risk of electric shock topersons.

    The exclamation point within an equilateraltriangle is intended to alert the user to thepresence of important operating andmaintenance (servicing) instructions in theliterature accompanying the appliance.


    Note to CATV system installer :This reminder is provided to call the CATV system installer'sattention to Article 820-40 of the NEC that provides guidelinesfor proper grounding and, in particular, specifies that the cableground shall be connected to the grounding system of thebuilding, as close to the point of cable entry as practical.CAUTION:Changes or modifications not approved by IV(-: could voiduserg authority to operate the equipment.



    I| I1

    Declaration of ConformityModel Number: HR-XVC37UTrade Name: JVCResponsible Party: JVC Americas Corp.Address: 1700 Valley Road Wayne, N.I. 07470Telephone Number: 973-317-5000This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules.Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)this device must accept any interference received, includinginterference that may cause undesired operation.

    This equipment has been tested and found to comply withthe limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limits are designed to providereasonable protection against harmful interference in aresidential installation. This equipment generates, uses, an(]can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed an(]used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications. However, there is noguarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmfulinterference to radio or television reception, which can bedetermined by turning the equipment off an(] on, the user isencouraged to try to correct the interferenc:e by one or moreof the following measures:

    Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment an(]receivecConnect the equipment into an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TVtechnician for help.

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    EN3IMPORTANTRODUCTSAFETYNSTRUCTIONSElectrical energy can perform many useful functions. Butimproper use can result in potential electrical shock or firehazards. This product has been engineered and manufactured toassure your personal safety. In order not to defeat the built-insafeguards, observe the following basic rules for its installation,use an(] servicing.ATTENTIONFollow and obey all warnings and instructions marked on yourproduct an(] its operating instructions. For your safety, pleaseread all the safety an(] operating instructions before you operatethis product and keep this booklet for future reference.

    INSTALLATION1. Grounding or Polarization(A) Your product may be equipped with a polarized alternating-

    current line plug (a plug having one blade wider than theother). This [)lug will fit into the power outlet only one way.This is a safety feature.If you are unable to insert the plug fully into the outlet, tryreversing the [)lug. If the plug should still fail to fit, contactyour electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do notdefeat the safety purpose of the polarized plug.

    (B) Your product may be equipped with a 3-wire grounding-typeplug, a [)lug having a third (grounding) [)in. This plug willonly fit into a grounding-type power outlet. This is a safetyfeature.If you are unable to insert the plug into the outlet, contactyour electrician to replace your obsolete outlet. Do notdefeat the safety purpose of the grou nding-type plug.2. Power Sources

    Operate your product only from the type of power sourceindicated on the marking label. If you are not sure of the type ofpower supply to your home, consult your product dealer or localpower company. If your product is intended to operate frombattery power, or other sources, refer to the operatinginstructions.3. OverloadingDo not overload wall outlets, extension cords, or integralconvenience receptacles as this can result in a risk of fire orelectric shock.4. Power Cord ProtectionPower supply cords should be routed so that they are not likelyto be walked on or pinched by items placed upon or againstthem, paying particular attention to cords at plugs, conveniencereceptacles, and the point where they exit from the producL

    5. VentilationSlots and openings in the cabinet are provided for ventilation. ]bensure reliable operation of the product an(] to protect it fromoverheating, these openings must not be blocked or covered. Do not block the openings by placing the product on a bed,

    sofa, rug or other similar surface. Do not place the product in a built-in installation such as a

    bookcase or rack unless proper ventilation is provided or themanufacturer's instructions have been adhered to.6. Wall or Ceiling MountingThe product should be mounted to a wall or ceiling only asrecommended by the manufacturer.

    ANTENNA INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS1. Outdoor Antenna GroundingIf an outside antenna or cable syster'n is (-onnected to theproduct, be sure the antenna or cable system is grounded so asto provide some protection against voltage surges an(] built-upstatic charges. Article 810 of the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NEPA 70, provides information with regard to proper groundingof the mast an(] supporting structure, grounding of the lead-inwire to an antenna discharge unit, size of grounding connectors,location of antenna discharge unit, connection to groundingelectrodes, an(] requirements for the grounding electrode.2. LightningFor added protection for this product during a lightning storm, orwhen it is left unattended and unused for long periods of time,unplug it from the wall outlet an(] disconnect the antenna orcable system. This will prevent damage to the product due tolightning an(] power-line surges.3. Power LinesAn outside antenna system should not be located in the vicinityof overhead power lines or other electric light or power circuits,or where it can fall into such power lines or circuits. Wheninstalling an outside antenna system, extreme care should betaken to keep from touching such power lines or circuits ascontact with them might be fatal.



    .......................... ANTENNAY . OISONARO[ / p (NEDSECTION_ "qE_j,/_._ GROUNDINGCONDUCTORS



  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    ENUSE1. AccessoriesTo avoid personal injury: Do not place this product on an unstable cart, stand, tripod,

    bracket, or table. [t may fall, causing serious injury to a childor adult, and serious damage to the producL

    Use only with a cart, stand, tripod, bracket, or tablerecommended by the manufacturer or sold with the product.

    Use a mounting accessory recommended by the manufacturerand follow the manufacturer's instructions for any mounting ofthe product.

    Do not try to roll a cart with small casters a(ross thresholds ordeep-pi le (arpets.

    2. Product and Cart Combination PORTABLECARTWARNINGA product and cart _ombination should (SymbolprovidedbyRETAC)be moved with care. Quick stops,excessive force, and uneven surfacesmay cause the product an(] cartcombination to overturn.

    3. Water and MoistureDo not use this product near water for example, near a bathtub, wash bowl, kitchen sink or laundry tub, in a wet basement,or near a swimming pool an(] the like.4. Object and Liquid EntryNever push objects of any kind into this product throughopenings as they may touch dangerous voltage points or short-out [)arts that could result in a fire or electric shock. Never spillliquid of any kin(] on the product.5. AttachmentsDo not use attachments not recommended by the manufacturerof this product as they may cause hazards.6. CleaningUnplug this product from the wall outlet before cleaning. Do notuse liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners. Use a damp cloth forcleaning.7. HeatThe product should be situated away from heat sources such asradiators, heat registers, stoves, or other products (includingamplifiers) that produce heat.

    SERVICING1. ServicingIf your product is not operating correctly or exhibits a markedchange in performance an(] you are unable to restore normaloperation by following the detailed procedure in its operatinginstructions, do not attempt to service it yourself as opening orremoving covers may expose you to dangerous voltage or otherhazards. Refer all servicing to qualified service personnel.2. Damage Requiring ServiceUnplug this product from the wall outlet an(] refer servicing toqualified service personnel under the following conditions:a. When the power supply cord or plug is damage(].b. If liquid has been spilled, or objects have fallen into the

    product.c. [f the product has been exposed to rain or water.d. [f the product does not operate normally by following the

    operating instructions. Adjust only those controls that arecovered by the operating instructions as an improperadjustment of other controls may result in damage and willoften require extensive work by a qualified technician torestore the product to its normal operation.

    e. If the product has been dropped or damage(] in any way.f. When the product exhibits a distinct change in

    performance_his indicates a nee(] for service.3. Replacement PartsWhen replacement parts are required, be sure the servicetechnician has used replacement parts specified by themanufacturer or which have the same characteristics as t heoriginal [)art. Unauthorized substitutions may result in fire,electric shock or other hazards.4. Safety CheckUpon completion of any service or repairs to this product, askthe service te(hnkian to perform safety checks to determine thatthe product is in safe operating condition.

    HOW TO USE THIS INSTRUCTION MANUAL All major sections and subsections are listed in the R_ble Of

    Contents on [)age 6. Use this when searching for informationon a specific procedure or feature.

    The Index on [)ages 10 - 13 lists frequently-used terms, andthe number of the page on which they are used or explained inthe manual. [his section also illustrates the controls andconnections on the front and rear panel, the front displaypanel and the remote control.

    The _ mark signals a reference to another page forinstructions or related information. Operation buttons necessary for the various procedures are

    clearly indicated through the use of illustrations at thebeginning of each major section.

    BEFORE YOU INSTALL YOUR NEW UNIT..... please read the sections/literature listed below. "CAUTIONS" on page 2 "IMPORTANT PRODUCT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS" on

    [)ages 3 4

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    E.5DSS TM iSan official trademark of DIRECTV, Inc., a unit of GMHughes Electronics. DISH Network TM is a trademark of EchostarCommunications Corporation.


    SQPB HElL Man ufactu red under license from Dol by kaboratories. "Dol by"and the double-D symbol are trademarks of DolbyLaboratories. "DIS" an(] "DTS 2.0 + Digital Out" are trademarks of DigitalTheater Systems, Inc. Cassettes marked "VHS" (or "S-VHS') can be used with this

    unit. However, S-VHS recording is not possible with thismodel. This model is equipped with SQPB (S-VHS QUASI PLAYBACK)that makes it possible to play back S-VHS recordings withregular VHS resolution. HQ VHS is compatible with existing VHS equipment. This product incoq)orates copyright protection technology thatis protected by method claims of certain U.S. patents an(]other intellectual property rights owned by MacrovisionCorporation and other rights owners. Use of this copyrightprotection technology must be authorized by MacrovisionCorporation, an(] is intended for home and other limitedviewing users only unless otherwise authorized byMacrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassemblyis prohibited. As an ENERGYSTAR'Partner, JVC has determined that this

    product or product model meets the ENERGYSTARguidelinesfor energy efficiency.

    When the equipment is installed in a cabinet or a shelf,make sure that it has sufficient space on all sides to allowfor ventilation (10 cm or more on both sides, on top andat the rear.)When discarding batteries, environmental problems mustbe considered and the local rules or laws governing thedisposal of these batteries must be followed strictly.

    Failure to heed the following precautions may result indamage to the unit, Remote or video cassette.1. DO NOT place the unit --

    -- in an environment prone to extreme temperaturesor humidity.in direct sunlight.

    -- in a dusty environment.in an environment where strong magnetic fields are

    generated.-- on a surface that is unstable or subject to vibration.2. DO NOT block the unit's ventilation openings orholes.

    (If the ventilation openings or holes are blocked by anewspaper or cloth, etc., the heat may not be able toget out.)

    3. DO NOT place heavy objects on the unit or Remote.4. DO NOT place anything which might spill on top ofthe unit or Remote.

    (If water or liquid is allowed to enter this equipment,fire or electric shock may be caused.)

    5. DO NOT expose the apparatus to dripping orsplashing.6. DO NOT use this equipment in a bathroom or places

    with water. Also DO NOT place any containers filledwith water or liquids (such as cosmetics or medicines,flower vases, potted plants, cups, etc.) on top of thisunit.

    7. DO NOT place any naked flame sources, such aslighted candles, on the apparatus.

    8. AVOID violent shocks to the unit during transport.MOISTURE CONDENSATIONMoisture in the air will condense on the unit when youmove it from a cold place to a warm place, or underextremely humid conditions--just as water droplets formin the surface of a glass filled with cold liquid. Moisturecondensation on the head drum will cause damage to thetape. [n conditions where condensation may occur, keepthe unit turned on for a few hours to let the moisture dry.

    ATTENTIONTo mobile phone users:Using a mobile phone in the vicinity of the unit maycause picture vibration on the TV screen or changethe screen to a blue back display.On placing the unit:Some TVs or other appliances generates strongmagnetic fields. Do not place such appliance on topof the unit as it may cause picture disturbance.

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    EN CONTENTSDISCINFORMATION 7About Discs ......................................................... 7INDEX 10

    EDITING(VCRDECK) 68Edit From A Camcorder ..................................... 68Edit To Or From Another Video Recorder .......... 69Dubbing (from DVD to VCR) ............................. 70

    INSTALLINGOURNEWUNIT 14Basic Connections ............................................. 14S-VIDEO Connection ........................................ 15Component Vide(:) Connection .......................... 16INITIALSETTINGS 17Plug & Play Set .................................................. 17Monitor Set (DVD deck) .................................... 18Ianguage ........................................................... 20Clock Set ........................................................... 24Tuner Set ........................................................... 26PROGRESSIVECANMODESET 28Progressive Scan Mode Set

    (VCR decWDVD deck) ................................... 28OPERATIONSNVCRDECK 29Basic Playback .................................................. 29Playback Features .............................................. 30Basic Recording ................................................ 34Recording Features ............................................ 35Express Timer Programing ................................. 37Satellite Auto Recording .................................... 41OPERATIONSNDVDDECK 42Basic Playback .................................................. 42Playback Features .............................................. 43Using the on-screen bar .................................... 48Parental lock .................................................... 58About MP3 Disc ................................................ 62MP3 Playback ................................................... 63About JPEG Disc ............................................... 65JPEG Playback ................................................... 66

    EDITING(DVDDECK) 71Digital Audio Dubbing ...................................... 71REMOTE 72Remote Control Functions ................................. 72Connecting To A Dolby Digital Decoder

    or An Amplifier With Built-in DTS(DVD deck only) ............................................ 73

    SUBSIDIARYSETTINGS 74Mode Set (VCR deck) ......................................... 74Mode Set (DVD deck) ........................................ 78Child lock ......................................................... 81]ray lock .......................................................... 81TROUBLESHOOTING 82QUESTIONSANDANSWERS 87SPECIFICATIONS 88


  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    DISC INFORMATION EN 7AboutDiscsPlayableDiscsYou carl use the discs with the following Iogos for playback only.

    DVD VIDEO(8 cm/12 cm disc)


    Audio CD(8 cm/12 cm disc)



    Video CD/Super Video CD(8 cm/12 cm disc)


    The following discs also can be played back. DVD-R/RW discs recorded in DVD VIDEO format andfinalized

    CD-R/RW discs recorded in Super Video CD, Video CD orAudio CD format and finalized.

    CD-R/RW discs recorded in MP3 format in accordance withthe 'qso 9660" format. (See page 62 for details.)

    CD-R/RW discs recorded in IPEG format in accordance withthe 'qso 9660" format. (See page 65 for details./

    Discs other than the above cannot be played back. Operation and audio quality of this unit are not guaranteed fordiscs that do not conform to the Compact Disc specification(CD-DA).Before you play back a CD, check for the CD logo and readthe notes on the package to confirm that it conforms to theCompact Disc speci fication.

    Depending on the intentions of the author of the software,recording conditions of DVD discs and Video CD discs maybe restricted. Since this unit plays back discs according to theintentions of the author of the software as indicated on thedisc, some functions may not operate as commanded.

    When switching from the first layer to the second layer ofdouble-layered DVD VIDEO discs, the image and sound maybe momentarily distorted. This is not a malfunction.

    UnplayableDiscs]he following types of discs cannot be played using this unit.Do not attempt to play back any kind of disc that is damaged(cracked, warped, or repaired with adhesive tape) or discs inunusual shapes (heart-shaped, octagonal, or other forms). If suchdiscs are accidentally played back, it may cause noise that canlead to speaker damage. CD-ROM discs (including PHOTO-CD) DVD AUDIO discs Super Audio CDs (SACD) DVD-RW discs recorded in VR format DVD-RAM Discs which have a region number other than "1"

    RegionNumberThe world is divided into 6 regions for I-)VD VIDE(-) discs. DVI-)VIDEO discs are assigned a region number to indicate whichregion they may be played back in. A disc cannot be playedback on this unit unless the region number of the disc matchesthat of the unit. The region number for this unit is "1 ". Only discswhose region number includes "1" can be played back such asshown below.Examples of DVD VIDEO labels which can be played back usingthis unit.

    Marks of discs in this instruction manual

    Allows operationwith a DVD VIDEOdisc.

    Allows operationwith an Audio CDdisc.

    Allows operationwith a Video CDdisc.

    Allows operationwith an SVCD disc.

    Allows operationwith a discincluding MP3 files.

    Allows operationwith a discincluding JPEG files.

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    8 EN DISC INFORMATION (cont.)DVDVIDEOMarksSometimes marks are printed on a DVD disc and/or on itspackaging to indicate information regarding the contents an(]functions of a disc. Check marks indicating the contents andfunctions of a disc. Note, however, that in some cases a disc maynot include a mark even for a function it supports.

    DescriptionNumber of subtitles

    Number of angles

    Marks related to videoMarkO


    FileStructureof Discs

    Recorded under the standard 4:3 aspectratio

    Screen includes black bands at top andbottom of image which has a standard 4:3aspect ratio (letter box)

    Video playback is in Wide video mode(16:9) on wide televisions, but in letterbox on televisions with standard 4:3aspect ratio.

    Video playback is in Wide video mode(16:9) on wide televisions, but pan andscan is used on televisions with standard4:3 aspect ratio (either the left or right sideof the image is cut-outh

    DVD VIDEOTypically, [-)VD VIDEO discs are made up of larger units called"titles". Each title has a number (title number) that can be usedto select desired titles. Titles are further divided into units called"chapters". Each chapter has a number (chapter number) thatcan also be used to select desired chapters. Note that some discsare not divided into titles and chapters., T el ,11,Te2,IAudio CD/Video CDTypical ly, Audio C|-) discs are divided into separate tracks ea(hcontaining one song. Each track is assigned a number. Forexample, the third track is Track 3. The same is true for VideoCD discs.

    _ Track1 I Track2 _ 1_ Track3 1_ Tlack4_ ,-i .l_ _l_.NOTE:Video CD discs that support Playback Control (PBC)The still image or motion image which follows a menu screen iscalled a "scene". Each scene has a scene number.For more details, refer to "Locating a desired scene using themenu of the Video CD with PBC" (_u_ pg. 43).

    Marks related to audioMark Description

    @)) Numbe r of audio tracks

    DIGITALDolby Digital markDolby I.aboratories has developed adigital surround system for the home. Thismark indicates that you may enjoy5.1-channel audio (front left and right,center, rear left and right, and a channelfor LFE (Low-Frequency Effects)).DTS (Digital Theater System)The DIS decoder on this unit enables youto enjoy DIS audio with the connectedTV's speakers by converting 5.1 channelaudio signals into 2 channel signals (DTSDown Mixing). The decoder also outputsthe original DTS 5.1 channel audio signalsfrom the DIGITAL AUDIO OUTconnector on this unit.

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    EN9Placinga Disc! Openthe disctray.Press OPEN/CLOSE (A) on the DVD deck to open thedisc tray.

    CareandHandlingfDiscsHow to handle discsWhen handling a disc, donot touch the surface of thedisc. Since discs are madeof plastic, they are easilydamaged. If a disc gets dirty,dusty, scratched or warped,the images and sound willnot be picked up correctly,and such a disc may cause the unit to malfunction.

    Label sideDo not damage the label side, stick paper to or use any adhesiveon i ts surface.

    Pressing the button again closes the disc tray. Do not block the disc tray with your hand while it is opening

    or closing as this may result in hardware failure. Do not place unplayable discs or any object other than a disc

    in the disc tray. Do not press down strongly on the disc tray or place any heavyobjects on it.2 Placehedisc.Place the disc in the disc tray _ / /with the label side facing up. Since disc size changes depending

    on the disc to be played back, besure to correctly align the disc withthe grooves for its size. If the disc isnot in its groove, it may bescratched or otherwise damaged.

    To insert an 8 cm disc, place itaccording to the inner groove.

    StorageMake sure that discs are kept in their cases. If discs are piled ontop of one another without their protective cases, they can bedamaged. Do not put discs in a location where they may beexposed to direct sunlight, or in a place where the humidity ortemperature is high. Avoid leaving discs in your cart

    Maintenance of discsIf there are fingerprints or other dirtadhering to a disc, wipe with a soft drycloth, moving from the center outwards.If a disc is difficult to clean, wipe with acloth moistened with water. Never userecord cleaners, petrol, alcohol or anyanti-static agents.

    CAUTIONSometimes during playback, noise or ir'nages may be garbled.This is sometimes clue to the disc. (It may not be up toindustry standards.)These symptoms are caused by the discs, not by themalfunction of the unit.

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).




    O Power Button (POWER (_b/I)) _ pg. 18OVCR Indicator _ pg. 29, 34O VHS Cassette loading SlotO VCR/DVD Button _ pg. 29, 34, 42

    Disc TrayO Stop Button (STOP (11)) _ pg. 29, 34, 420 DVD Indicator _ pg. 42O Play Button (PLAY (11_))_ pg. 29, 420 DVD Open/Close Button (OPEN/CI OSE (A))

    u pg. 42@)VHS Eject Button (EJECT (A)) _. pg. 29, 34

    @)Video/Audio Input Connectors (VIDEO/AUDIO)_ pg. 68

    @)Remote Sensor@) Front Display Panel _ pg. 11@) Record Button (REC (0)) _ pg. 34@)Rewind Button (REW (_1_1)) _ pg. 29, 30, 44@)Fast Forward Button (FF (11_11_)) pg. 29, 30, 44@) Channel Button (CH +/-) _ pg. 34@)Progressive Scan Button (PROGRESSIVE SCAN)_ pg. 28

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).



    O Region Number label _ pg. 7O AC Power Cord _ pg. 14O S-video Output Connector (S VIDEO OUTPUT)_ pg. 15O Antenna Input Connector (VHF/UHF IN)_ pg. 14O Digital Audio Output Connectors(DIGITAl. AUDIO OUT (OPTICAl!COAXIAl.))_ pg. 71



    DO Component Video Output Connectors

    (COMPONENT VIDEO OUT) _ pg. 16O Audio/Video Output Connectors(AUDIO/VIDEO OUTPUT) _ pg. 14, 15, 16, 69

    O Antenna Output Connector (VHF/UHF OUT)_ pg. 14

    FRONTDISPLAYPANEL !'0 Operation Mode IndicatorsO Channel/Clock

    Auxiliary Input Mode Display (F-l)(VCR deck only)Counter Display (VCR deck)]ape Speed (SP/EP)(VCR deck only)Multi-information window* (DVD deck)* The cuHent glc_up/title/tlack/chaptet numbetls), time and statusintimidation.

    O VCR Indicator _ pg. 350 Progressive Mode Indicator r. pg. 28(_ "Timer" Indicator (VCR deck only) _" pg. 380 Satellite Auto Recording Indicator (g)(VCR deck only) _" pg. 41

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    12 EN INDEX (cont.)ON-SCREENISPLAYVCRdeck)If you press ON SCREEN on the Remote when "SUPERIMPOSE" is set to "ON" (zT" pg. 75), various operationalindicators appear on tile IV screen.For On-screen display for DVD deck, refer to "Using the on-screen bar" (z_ pg. 48).

    125SUN 12:00 AMSAP SP

    B..... +--II-+ .... + ..... EHNDEX I}RIVI REffIAmN 10 : O0-

    COUNT -1:23:45

    0 Operation Mode Indicators0 I_pe Speed (SP/EP)0 I_pe Position IndicatorThe tape position indicatorappears on the TV screenwhen you press REW (4141)or FF (1_1_) from the Stopmode or perform an IndexSearch, (z_" pg. 31 ) Theposition of 'il" in relation to"B" (beginning) or "E" (end)shows you where you areon the tape.

    B ..... --I-+ .... + ..... ECOUNT 0 33:27

    Beginning End

    NOTE:Depending on the type of tape being used, the tape positionindicator may not appear correctly.

    O Index number _" pg. 31O I_pe Remaining Time Indicator _

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).











    Buttons with a small dot on the left side of the name (POWER(_o/[), TV/VCR, TV/VCR CH +/-, TV VOL+/-, MUTE) canalso be used to operate a JVC's TV after setting the TV/VCR/DVD switch to the left.

    OVCR Button _ pg. 29, 34TV/VCR/DVD switch _ pg. 18O Menu Button (MENU) _ pg. 43O SP/EPButton _ pg. 34Ibp Menu Button (TOP MENU) z_"pg. 43O Stop Time Button (STOP+/-) z_ pg. 37On-Screen Button (ON SCREEN)_" pg. 12, 48O Start Time Button (START+/-) z_"pg. 37Repeat Button (REPEAT)z_"pg. 50, 64, 67Zooming Button (ZOOM) _" pg. 45t[_ Number Keys_ pg. 27, 34, 64O Daily Button (DAII Y)_ pg. 38O Reset Button (C.RESET)_ pg. 36Cancel Button (CANCEl.) _ pg. 3910 ButtonID Play Button (PLAY (I_)) _ pg. 29, 42lEDRewind Button (REW (_1_1))_-pg. 29, 30, 44

    1_ Stop Button (STOP (11))_ pg. 29, 34, 42!_ Record Button (REC(0)) z_ pg. 34tEDReverseSkip/Index Button (SKIP/INDEX (141_1))z_"pg. 31,43Review Button (_) _" pg. 31tD _V Button _" pg. 18TV/VCR Channel Button (TV/VCR CH +/-)_" See the left columnID Set Up Button (SET UP) m_pg. 18tD 3D-Phonic Button (3D-PHONIC) _ pg. 46t]) TV Volume Button (TV VOI.+/-)m_See the left columnl_) DVD Button m_pg. 42_) Power Button (POWER (G/I))_ pg. 18, left columnI_ TV Muting Button (MUTE) _ Seethe left columnAudio Monitor Button (A.MONITOR)

    _ pg. 33, 56, 57I_ TV/VCR Button u pg. 35, left columnI_ [::)ateButton (DARE+/-) _- pg. 37Subtitle Button (SUB TITI E)_ pg. 54Angle Button (ANGLE) _ pg. 55I_ Channel Button (CH +/-) _ pg. 34I_ Programing Button (PROG.) _ pg. 37I_ Timer Button (TIMER) _ pg. 38!_t Weekly Button (WEEKI.Y)_ pg. 38Program Check Button (PROG. CHECK)_ pg. 39Return Button (RETURN) _ pg. 431_ Satellite Auto Recording Button (RECI INK)_ pg. 41!_ +10 Button

    Auxiliary Button (AUX) _ pg. 68!_ FastForward Button (FF (I_I_)) _ pg. 29, 30, 44Pause Button (PAUSE (11))_ pg. 30, 34!_ Forward Skip/Index Button (SKIP/INDEX (1_1_1))_ pg. 31,43!_l ENTER Button z__pg. 18_ D Button _ pg. 18@IDisplay Button (DISPLAY) _ pg. 36!_ Skip Search Button (SKIP SEARCH) _ pg. 31DVD Picture Button (DVD PICTURE)_ pg. 47How To UseBefore use, insert two AA size batteries into the Remote withthe polarity ((_ an(] 0) matched correctly as indicated onthe battery compartment or on the lid.The Remote can operate most of your unit's functions, as wellas basic functions of TV sets of IVC. (_ See the left column) Point the Remote toward the remote sensor. The maximum operating distance of the remote control isabout 8 m.

    NOTE:If the Remote doesn't work properly, remove its batteries,wait a short time, replace the batteries an(] then try again.

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    14 EN INSTALLING YOUR NEW UNITBasicConnectionsAntenna or Cable

    t Coaxial cable[_FlatfeederMatching transformer

    (not supplied)


    AC Outlet_l AUDIONIDFO OUTPUTAC Power Cord

    ,ocko,.,,,t VHF,UHFIN'/cak_'-'!:le Y VHF/UHF OUT/Audio/video

    (not supplied) RFcableTo Audio/video _- (supplied)

    input connectors

    ]b 75 ohm l_rminal

    Connectheunitto TV.The connection method you use depends on the type ofTV you have.RF ConnectionIITo connect to a TV with NO AV input connectors --[] Disconnect the TV antenna from the iV.[] Connect the TV antenna cable to the VHF/UHF IN

    connector on the rear panel of the unit.[] Connect the supplied RF cable between the VHF/UHF

    OUT connector on the rear panel of the unit and theTV's antenna terminal.AV ConnectionIITo connect to a TV with AV input connectors --[] Connect the antenna, unit and TV as per "RFConnection".[] Connect an optional audio/video cable between theAUDIO/VIDEO OUTPUT connectors on the rear

    panel of the unit and the TV's audio/video inputconnectors. Set y our TV to AV mode. For switching the TV's mode, refer to the instruction manual ofyour television. ]b obtain high-quality pictures, you can also use the S-VIDEOconnection or Component Video Connection. (DVD deckonly) (_-_"pg. 15, 16)

    L_e Connecthe unitto powersource.Plug the end of the AC power cord into an AC outlet. Thisunit performs Plug & Play Set automatically. (_:_ pg. 17) The clock and tuner channels will automatically be set when

    the antenna is connected and when the AC power cord is firstconnected to an AC outlet. (If "AUTO" and the channelindicator are displayed on the front display panel before theunit is powered on, the clock and tuner channels are being setautomatically. Wait for the time to be displayed on the frontdisplay panel before turning on the unit.)

    _Set theVCRchannel.

    It's essential that your unit be properly connected.THESE STEPS MUST BE COMPI.ETED BEFORE ANYVIDEO OPERATION CAN BE PERFORMED.

    Checkhe contents.

    The VCR channel is the channel on which you can watchthe picture from the unit on the TV when only using REconnection.With RF connection, set the VCR channel to "_, CH" or"4 CH'. The VCR channel is preset to "3 CH'. Set to "4 CH" if theChannel 3 is used for broadcasting in your area.With AV connection, set the VCR channel to" CH" (off).[b set the VCR channel, perform the following steps:

    Make sure the package contains all of the accessorieslisted in "SPECIFICATIONS" on page 88.

    F_ Situatethe unit.Place the unit on a stable, horizontal surface.

    Before performing the following steps: Make sure there is no cassette inserted in the unit. Make sure the unit is turned on, then press VCR/

    DVD on the unit or VCR on the Remote so that theVCR indicator lights up.

    [] Press POWER (cb/I) to turn off the unit, then pressSTOP (11) on the unit for more than 5 seconds. "3 CH"appears on the front display paneh[] Press CH +/-on the Remote to select "_, CH", "4 CH"or " CH" (off), then press ENTER.

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    S-VIDE0ConnectionATTENTIONBe sure to connect the unit's VIDEO OUTPI.J! (DVD/VCR) connector to the TV's VIDEO input connector.

    Antenna or Cablel Coaxial cable_}Flat feeder

    Matching transformer(not supplied)




    Back of unit

    S-Video cable(not supplied)

    To S-VIDEO inputconnector


    Audio/Video cable(not supplied)

    "_ RF cable(supplied)

    IITo connect to a TV with S-VIDEO/AUDIO inputconnectors...

    Connectthe unitto TV.[] Connect the antenna, unit and TV as per "AV

    Connection". (_-_"pg. 14)[] Connect the unit's S VIDEO OUTPUT connector to theTV's S-VIDEO input connector.

    Connectthe unitto powersource.Plug the end of the AC power cord into an AC outlet. Thisunit performs Plug & Play Set automatically. (_-:" pg. 17) The clock and tuner channels will automatically be set when

    the antenna is connected and when the AC power cord is firstconnected to an AC outlet. (If "AUTO" and the channelindicator are displayed on the front display panel before theunit is powered on, the clock and tuner channels are being setautomatically. Wait for the time to be displayed on the frontdisplay panel before turning on the unit.)

    I_1 Set theVCRchannelo off.Before performing the following steps: Make sure there is no cassette inserted in the unit. Make sure the unit is turned on, then press VCR/

    DVD on the unit or VCR on the Remote so that theVCR indicator lights up.

    [] Press POWER (cb/I) to turn off the unit, then pressSTOP (11) on the unit for more than 5 seconds. "3 CH"appears on the front display paneh[] Press CH +/- on the Remote to select " CH" (off),then press ENTER.

    NOTES: You can obtain high-quality S-VIDEO pictures. if your TV is not stereo-capable, use the unit's AUDIO

    OUTPUT connectors to connect to an audio amplifier forHi-Fi stereo sound reproduction.

    ]b operate the unit with your TV using the S-VIDEOconnection, set your TV to its AV mode. You can also use theTV/VCR button on the unit's Remote to set JVC TV to the AVmode.

    For switching the TV's mode, refer to the instruction manual ofyour television.

    ohm Terminal

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).



    ComponentideoConnectionATTENTIONBe sure to connect the unit's VIDEO OUTPUI (DVD/VCR) connector to the TV's VIDEO input connector.

    Antenna or Cable

    [ Coaxial cableFlat feederIIII

    Matching transformer(not supplied)AC outlet

    l VHF/UHF INAC power cord VHF/UHF OUT


    _._ COMPONEN1- _ _IDEO OUT y y y"-1-"Audio/Video cable ]

    (not supplied) j

    ComponentVideo cable RF cable

    (not supplied) (supplied)

    TV _To Component Video To 75 ohmn putonnectorIF-................_t1[_rminal

    IITo connect to a TV with component video inputconnectors...

    Connectheunitto TV.[] Connect the aerial, unit and TV as per "AV

    Connection". (z_" pg. 14)[] Connect the unit's COMPONENT VIDEO OUTconnectors to the TV's component video inputconnectors.

    F_ Connecthe unitto powersource.Plug the end of the AC power cord into an AC outlet. Thisunit performs Plug & Play Set automatically. (_-_" pg. 17) The clock and tuner channels will automatically be set when

    the antenna is connected and when the AC power cord is firstconnected to an AC outlet. (If "AUTO" and the channelindicator are displayed on the front display panel before theunit is powered on, the clock and tuner channels are being setautomatically. Wait for the time to be displayed on the frontdisplay panel before turning on the unit.)

    I_lset theVCRchannelo off.Before performing the following steps: Make sure there is no cassette inserted in the unit. Make sure the unit is turned on, then press VCR/

    DVD on the unit or VCR on the Remote so that theVCR indicator bights up.

    [] Press POWER (cb/I) to turn off the unit, then pressSTOP (11) on the unit for more than 5 seconds. "3 CH"appears on the front display paneh[] Press CH +/- on the Remote to select " CH" (off),then press ENTER.

    NOTES: You can obtain high-quality component video pictures. If your lV is not stereo-capable, use the unit's AUDIO

    OUTPUT connectors to connect to an audio amplifier forHi-Fi stereo sound reproduction.

    ]b operate the unit with your TV using the Component Videoconnection, set your TV to its AV mode. You can also use theTV/VCR button on the unit's Remote to set JVC TV to the AVmode.

    For switching the TV's mode, refer to the instruction manual ofyour television.

    By using the component video connection, you can view theimages in the progressive mode. For switching to theprogressive mode, refer to "Progressive Scan Mode Set (VCRdecldDVD deck)" (z _" pg. 28).

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    INITIAL SETTINGS EN 17Plug& PlaySetAutoClockSet/AutoTunerSetATTENTION If you use a cable box, Plug&Play will not function; set theclock and tuner channels separately. (_:_ pg. 24 27) Depending on areas or reception conditions, the unit may

    not receive the Auto clock setting data from the PBSchannel. If this function is taking a considerable amount oftime, it may be necessary to perform the Semiauto orManual Clock Set procedure.

    [his unit sets the clock and tuner channels automaticallywhen AC power cord is first connected to an AC outlet.[he antenna cable must be connected for the Plug & Playsetting.The time and date can be set automatically by the clocksetting data transmitted from one of the regular TVbroadcast channels. We call this TV channel the "hostchannel" and it is a PBS channel in your area.

    PerformPlug& Playsetup.Connect the antenna cable to the unit./_ _pg. 14) Thenconnect the AC power cord to an AC outlet. Do not turnon the unit.The clock and tuner channels will be set automatically.NOTES: Auto CIo(k Set is performed first.

    "AUTO" blinks on the front display panel during Auto ClockSet.

    Auto Channel Set is performed next. Auto Channel Set scansall the channels that are receivable by your unit. During AutoChannel Set, the channel numbers are displayed as they arescanned and set.

    When Plug & Play setting has been complete successfully, thecorrect clock time is displayed. If you perform Plug & Playsetting successfully, there is no need to perform "Clock Set"(_ pg. 24) and "Tuner Set" (_ pg. 26). If, however, you wantto add or delete channels, refer to "Manual Channel Set"(_-_" pg. 27).

    "xO L //lU --

    During Initial Auto Clock Set"AUTO" blinks.

    Ul-/I-UlU I_1 I !--I.l--I !--I l-I lvl ]--!.UU i- I !During Auto Channel SetThe channel numbers are displayed as they arescanned and set.

    Plug&Play CompletedThe current time is displayed.

    If an incorrect clock time or " : " appears on the front display panel, see "What to do if PIug & Play setting failed" below.

    INFORMATION If "AUTO CLOCK" is set to "ON" (_-u" pg. 25), the clock will be adjusted automatically by the host channel every hour {except

    11:00 PM, midnight, 1:00 AM and 2:00 AM) using the incoming PBS channel clock setting data. ([his automatic clockadjustment can only be performed when the unit is turned off. The clock will be adjusted just on these hours -- on the timedisplayed on the front display panel, not on the actual real time.) The default setting of "AUTO CLOCK" is "ON". (_u_ pg. 25)

    If the memory backup fails, because a power outage occurs or because the AC power cord is unplugged, Plug & Play will beperformed when power is restored to the unit.

    What to do if Plug & Play setting failed If an incorrect time is displayed on the front display panel, you may be re(eiving the (Io(k setting data of a PBS dlannel from an

    adjacent time zone, or an incorrect PBS channel from a cable TV system. In this case, perform "Semiauto Clock Set" (_u_ pg. 25)or "Manual Clock Set" (_ pg. 25).

    If " : " appears on the front display panel, your antenna cable may not be connected to the unit or there may not be a HostPBS signal available in your area. Ensure that the antenna cable is connected correctly. [hen turn on and offthe unit; the Plug &Play setting will be automatically reactivated. If Plug & Play setting is not performed though the antenna cable is connectedcorrectly, perform "Manual Clock Set" (_u_ pg. 25) and "Auto Channel Set" (_u_ pg. 26) or "Manual Channel Set" (_u_ pg. 27).

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    18 EN INITIAL SETTINGS (cont.)MonitorSet(DVDdeck)You can select the monitor type depending the TV usedwhen you play back DVD VIDEO discs recorded forwide-screen TVs.

    Turn on the TV and select the VCR channel (or AVmode).

    Slide the TV/VCR/DVD switch to the right.


    CZ) CZI3 CZZ) CZZ]

    r ..........

    D _ d_bJVC

    Turnonthe unit.Press POWER (cb/I).

    F_ Selectthe DVDdeck.On the unitPress VCR/DVD repeatedly so that the DVD indicatorlights up.On the RemotePress DVD so that the DVD indicator lights up.

    I_1 Accesshe DVDSetUpmenuscreen.[] Press SET UP.[] Press < P" to select

    ,,i_] PICTURE".

    L_e Selectthemode.Press z"_V to move thehighlight to "MONITORTYPE", then press ENTER.

    _ Selectthemodesetting.Press z"_V to select the desired setting, then press ENTER.

    Returnto thenormalscreen.Press SET UP.NOTE:DVD SetUp menu is displayed in STOP mode only.

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    *Thedefaultettingsbold in the table below.EN19

    MONITORTYPE16:9 (Wide television conversion):

    Select this when the aspect ratio of your TV isfixed to 16:9 (wide TV). ]he unit automaticallyadjusts the screen width of the output signalcorrectly when playing back a picture whoseaspect ratio is 4:?;.4:3 LB(LetterBoxconversion):Select this when the aspect ratio of your TV is4:_; (conventional TV). While viewing a widescreen picture, the black bars appear on thetop and the bottom of the screen.

    4:3 PS (Pan&Scan):Select this when the aspect ratio of your TV is4:?; (conventional TV). While viewing a widescreen picture, the black bars do not appear;however, the left and right edges of thepictures will not be shown on the screen.

    Pan&Scan/Letter BoxIn general, DVD VIDEO disc are produced for a wide-screenTV with 16:9 aspect ratio.Material with this ratio will not fit to a TV with 4:3 aspectratio. There are two styles to display the image, "Pan&Scan"(PS) and "Letter Box" (LB).Pan&ScanThe right and left side of the image arecut off. The image fills the screen.

    Letter BoxBlack bands appear at the top andbottom of the image. The image itselfappears in 16:9 aspect ratio.

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    20 ENLanguage

    Turn on the TV and select the VCR channel (or AVmode).

    Slide the TV/VCR/DVD switch to the right,


    iii c> i

    INITML SETTINGS (cont.)On-screenanguageet(VCRdeck)This VCR deck offers you the choice to view on-screenmessages in 3 different languages.

    Turnonthe unit.Press POWER (cb/I).

    F_ Selectthe VCRdeck.On the unitPress VCR/DVD repeatedly so that the VCR indicatorlights up.On the RemotePress VCR so that the VCR indicator lights up.



    1_1 AccessheMainMenuscreen.Press SET UP.

    L_e Accesshe InitialSetscreen.Press /\V to move thehighlight bar/arrow) to FUNCTIONSET"[N[I[A[ SE]", then press TUNERSETI [_1t r_lrlt.']_ENTER or _.

    _"_ Selectthe language.Press i\V to move thehighlight bar/arrow) to"lANGUAGE", then pressENTER or P" repeatedly untilthe desired language isselected.



    Returnto thenormalscreen.Press SET UP,

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).




    _5_ _5D _5_ _53


    On-screenLanguageet(DVDdeck)This [I)VD deck offers you the choice to view on-screenmessages in 3 different languages. You can change thelanguage setting manually as required.

    Turnonthe unit.Press POWER (cb/J).

    _ SelecttheDVDdeck.On the unitPress VCR/DVD repeatedly so that the DVD indicatorlights up.On the RemotePress DVD so that the DVD indicator lights up.

    _1 AccessheDVDSetUpmenuscreen.[] Press SET UP.[] Press _ _ to select

    "A I ANGUAGE'.

    L_e Selectthemode.Press z'\V to move thehighlight to "ON SCREENEANGUAGE", then pressENTER.

    _ Selectthemodesetting.Press z'_V to select the desired setting, then press ENTER.

    Returnto thenormalscreen.Press SET UP.NOTE:DVD SetUp menu is displayed in STOP mode only.

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    22 EN INITIAL SETTINGS (cont.)


    CZ3 EZ3CZ3 CZ3

    O i_i O EE3


    Menu/Audio/SubtitleLanguageet(DVDdeckonly)Some DVD discs contain the DVD menu display, audio,subtitle in the multiple languages. With these discs, youcan set the default language as you like. The procedure shows how to set "MENU lANGUAGE"

    on the DVD Set Up menu screen as an example.Turnonthe unit.

    Press POWER (cb/I).

    _ SelecttheDVDdeck.On the unitPress VCR/DVD repeatedly so that tile DVD indicatorlights up.On the RemotePress DVD so that the DVD indicator lights up.

    _1 AccessheDVDSetUpmenuscreen.[] Press SET UP.[] Press C _ to select"A IANGUAGE".

    L_e Selectthemode.Press z"_V to move thehighlight to "MENUlANGUAGE", then pressENTER.

    _ Selectthemodesetting.Press _"_V to select the desired setting, then press ENTER. See "Language Code List" (_" pg. 23).

    Returnto thenormalscreen.Press SET UP.NOTES: When the selected language is not awfilable on the disc, thedisc's default menu language is played back. DVD SetU p menu is displayed in STOP mode only.

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).



    WN3AfarAbkhazianAfrikaansAmeharicArabicAssameseAymaraAzerbaijaniBashkirByelorussianBulgarianBihariBislamaBengali, BanglaTi beta nBretonCatalanCorsicanCzechWelshDanishBhutaniGreekEsperantoEstonianBasquePersianFinnishEaroeseFrisianIrishScots GaelicGalicianGuaraniGujaratiHausaHindiCroatianHungarianArmenianInterlinguaInterlingue


    InupiakIndonesianIcelandicHebrewYiddishJavaneseGeorgianKazakhGreenlandicCambodianKannadaKorean (KOR)KashmiriKurdishKirghizLatinLingalaLaothianIJthuanianI.atvian, lettishMalagasyMaoriMacedonianMalayalamMongolianMoldavianMarathiMalay (MAY)MalteseBurmeseNauruNepaliDutchNorwegianOccitan(Afan) OromoOriyaPanjabiPolishPashto, PushtoPortugueseQuechuaRhaeto-Romance


    KirundiRumanianRussianKinyarwandaSanskritSindhiSanghoSerbo-CroatianSinghaleseSlovakSlovenianSamoanShonaSomaliAlbanianSerbianSiswatiSesothoSundaneseSwedishSwahiliTamilTeluguTajikThaiTigrinyaTurkmenTagalogSetswanaTongaTurkishTsongaTatarTwiUkrainianU r d uUzbekVietnameseVolapukWolofXhosaYorubaZulu

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    24 EN INITIAL SETTINGS (cont.)ClockSet Turn on the TV and select the VCR channel (or AV

    mode). Slide the TV/VCR/DVD switch to the right.


    10} _ @i(_ ([D (2Di_D(30 Ci} Q_) C3@ (,_so cs



    Perform clock setting only if the clock has not been setcorrectly by the Plug&Play setting.

    PreparationsTurnonthe unit.

    Press POWER (d_/O.

    _ Selectthe VCRdeck.On the unitPress VCR/DVD repeatedly so that the VCR indicatorlights up.On the RemotePress VCR so that the VCR indicator lights up.

    I_1 AccessheMainMenuscreen.Press SET UP.

    L_e Accesshe InitialSetscreen.Press/\V to move the MAINMENUhighlight bar (arrow) to FUNCTIONSET"[NITIA[ SET", then press TUNERSETi EIIt r_w,l_iENTER or _.

    _ AccessheClockSetscreen.Press z'XV to rnove the INITIALSEThighlight bar (arrow) to Ill_tli][_[It!i I"C[.OCK SET",then press LANGUAGEENGLISHENTERor P'.

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    SemiautolockSetYou can change the host channel/D.S.T. /Daylight Saving Time)/time zone setting manually. First follow steps [] to [] in"Preparations" (zT" pg. 24), then go to the following steps.NOTE:The time set previously will be erased when "AUTO CI.OCK","HOST CH", "D.S.T." or "TIME ZONE" setting is changed.

    Set"AUTOCLOCK"to "ON".Press ENTER or P" repeatedlyto move the highlight bar to"AUTO CLOCK", then press/'\_ so that "ON" is selected.


    J_l Selectthe hostchannel.You can either select "AUTO" or enter a PBS channelnumber.Press ENTER or _" to move the highlight bar to "HOSTCH", then press/\V repeatedly until "AUTO" or thedesired PBS channel number is selected.NOTE:Some PBSchannels do not transmit (Io(k setting data.

    J_l Selectthe D.S.T.mode.Press ENTER or _ to move the highlight bar to "D.S.T.",then press/'\_ repeatedly until the desired setting isselected.AUTO:


    Select if you want to adjust your VCR's clockautomatically by the incoming signal from thehost channel. Be sure to select the correct timezone manually in step 1.Adjustment will be made by the built-in clockitself.Select when Daylight Saving Time does not applyto you.

    L_e Selectthe timezone.Press ENTERor _ to move the highlight bar to "TIMEZONE", then press/'\V repeatedly until "AUTO" or thedesired time zone is selected. Each time you press thebutton, the time zone changes as follows:_-_AUT0*-_ATLANTIC*-_EASTERN*-_.CENTRAL*-_MOUNTAIN*-_PACIFIC*-_ALASKA*-_ HAWAII*-_(back to the beginning)NOTE:If an incorrect time is displayed by the Plug & Play fun(tion, youmay be receiving the clock setting data of a PBSchannel from anadjacent time zone or from an incorrect PBSchannel from acable TV system. [f you selected "AUTO" for the host channel instep _1, be sure to select the correct time zone manually.

    J_J CompletetheSemiautoClockSet.Press SET UP to return to normal screen.

    IMPORTANTTurn off the unit after performing Semiauto Clock. "AUTO"will appear on the front display panel while the clock isbeing set. The current clock time will appear automaticallywhen the clock setting is complete.

    AUTO DAYLIGHT SAVING TIMEThis function enables automati(- adjustment of the unit'sclock at the start and end of Daylight Saving Time.With Auto DST activated, ---- on the first Sunday of April at 2:00 AM, the clock is

    adjusted to 3:00 AM.on the last Sunday of October at 2:00 AM, the clock isadjusted to 1:00 AM.

    ManualClockSetFirst follow steps [] to [] in "Preparations" (_ pg. 24), then goto the following steps.

    Settime,dateandyear.Press/\_ until the desiredtime appears, then pressENTER or _'. Set the date andyear in the same way. Holding/\V changes the timein 30-minute intervals, orchanges the date in 15-dayintervals.


    J_l SelectD.S.T.mode.Press ENTER or _ to movethe highlight bar to "D.S.T.",then press/\V to select thedes i red setting.

    ON: Adjustment will bemade by the built-inclock itself.OFF: Select when [DaylightSaving Time does notapply to you.J_l Startclock.


    ANTDLD%D_, ]E _ER

    Press SET UP and normal screen appears,To make corrections any time during the processPress ENTER or _ repeatedly until the item you want to changeblinks, then press/\V.

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    26ENTunerSet INITIAL SETTINGS (cont.)AutoChanneletPerform Auto Channel Set only if channels have not been setcorrectly by the Plug&Play setting.

    Turn on the TV and select the VCR channel (or AVmode).

    Slide the TV/VCR/DVD switch to the right.




    INFORMATIONThe unit selects the correct band (TV or CAlV) automati(allyduring Auto Channel Set. The selected band will bedisplayed on the right side of "BAND" on the Tuner Setscreen.

    Turnonthe unit.PressPOWER(cb/I).F_ Selectthe VCRdeck.On the unitPress VCR/DVD repeatedly so that the VCR indicatorlights up.On the remotePress vcr so that the VCR indicator lights up.

    I_1 AccessheMainMenuscreen.Press SET UP.

    L_e AccessheTunerSetscreen.Press i\V to move the MAINMENUhighlight bar/arrow/to FUNCTIONSET"TUNER SET", then pressENTER or _,. INITIALET

    _ PerformAutoChannelSet.Press/'\V to move thehighlight bar/arrow/to"AUTO CHANNEL SET", thenpress ENTEr or b. You canautomatically set thereceivable channels in yourarea in the order of theirfrequencies. When Auto Channel Set is

    complete, "SCANCOMPLEIED" appears on theTV screen.

    If the scan was unsuccessful,"SCAN COMPI.ETED NOSIGNAl " appears on screen.Check the connections and startagain.





    Returnto thenormalscreen.Press SET UP.

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    ManualChannelSetYou can add the channels you want or delete the dlannels youdo not want manually.

    Turnonthe unit.PressPOWEr (cb/i).F_ Selectthe VCRdeck.On the unitPress VCR/DVD repeatedly so that the VCR indicatorlights up.On the remotePress vcr so that the VCR indicator lights up.

    I_1 AccessheMainMenuscreen.Press SET UP.

    L_e AccessheTunerSetscreen.Press /\V to move the highlight bar (arrow) to "TUNERSET", then press ENTEr or b.

    ][_ AccessheManualChannelSetscreen.Press /\V to move the TUNENSEThighlight bar/arrow) to BAND CATV"MANUAl. CHANNEL SET", AUTONANNELSETthen press ENTER or _.

    rEs_(sEtUe _ :

    _Add or skipthedesiredchannels.MANUALCHANNELSETo add channels[] Press the number keys to

    input a channel number youwant to add.[] Press ENTER or b" to set to"ADD".[] Repeat [] to [] to add otherchannels.To skip channels[] Press i\V or the number keys to select a channel

    number you want to skip.[] Press ENTER or b to set to "SKIP".[] Repeat [] and [] to skip other channels.

    Returnto thenormalscreen.Press SET UP,

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).



    ProgressivecanModeSetThis unit supports the progressive scan system (eg. 480p*)as well as the conventional interlaced scan system (eg.480i*).If your TV equipped with component video connectorssupports the progressive video input, you can enjoy ahigh quality picture by setting the progressive scan modeto active on both the VCR deck and the DVD deck.

    (VCRdeck/DVDdeck) Turn on the TV and select the VCR channel (or AVmode). Set the TV to the component input mode. Slide the TV/VCR/DVD switch to the right.







    Press and hold PROGRESSIVE SCAN on the unit for morethan 3 seconds to change the scan mode betweenProgressive and Interlace mode, so that the Progressivemode indicator ([_) lights up on the front display paneh The scan mode can also be changed by pressing DVD on theRemote. However, if DVD on the Remote is pressed when the

    VCR deck is selected, the DVD indicator on the unit lights upand the DVD deck is selected. In such a case, watch VHSProgressive pictures by pressing VCR/DVD on the unit toswitch to the VCR deck.

    Refer also to the instruction manuals supplied with your TV. If your TV equipped with component video connectors does

    not support the progressive video input, do not change thescan mode to the "PROGRESSIVE".* 480p and 480i indicate the numbet of scanning lines and

    s( anning format of an image signal. 480p indicates 480 scanning lines with prog_essive fore, at. 480i indicates 480 scanning lines with interlaced format.

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    OP Rar,NSNvcR EN29BasicPlayback Turn on the TV and select the VCR channel (or AV

    mode). Slide the TV/VCR/DVD switch to the right.


    Loada cassette.Make sure the window side is up, the rear label side isfacing you and the arrow on the front of the cassette ispointed toward the unit. Do not apply to() much pressure when inserting. The unit's power comes on automatically and the counter is

    reset to 0:00:00. While the DVD deck is selected, the VCR deck is not selected

    automatically even if a cassette with its record safety tabremoved is loaded.

    _ Selectthe VCRdeck.On the unitPress VCR/DVD repeatedly so that the VCR indicatorbights up.On the RemotePress VCR so that the VCR indicator lights up.

    Find lhe program slarl p0inhIf the tape is advanced past the start point, press REW(_1-41). 1o go forward, press FF (11,-II,-).

    Start playback.Press PLAY (1_)._Stop playback.Press STOP (I). Then press ELECT 1_.._) on the VCR deckto remove the cassette.

    Cleanthevideoheadsusinga dry cleaningcassette- TOL-3F- when: Rough, poor picture appears while a tape is played back. The picture is unclear or no picture appears. "USE (:lEANING CASSE] TE" appears on the screen (only

    with "SUPERIMPOSE" set to "ON"). (L_" pg. 75)NOTE:The heads get dirty in the following cases: in an environment prone to extreme temperature or

    humidity in a dusty environment flaw, dirt or mold on video tapes (ontinuous usage for a long time

    UsablecassettesFull-Size VHST-30 (S1:30'*)T-60 (SIL60**)T90T-120 (ST-120"*)T-160 (ST-160**)ST-210"*Compad VHS*TC-20 (ST-C20**)TC-30 (ST-C30**)TC-40 (ST-C40**)>n Compact VHS camcorder recordings can be played on

    this unit. Simply [)lace the recorded cassette into a VHSCassette Adapter an(] it can be used just like any full-sizedVHS cassette.This unit can record on regular VHS an(] Super VHScassettes. However, it will record regular VHS signalsonly. S-VHS recording is not possible with this unit.This unit is equipped with SQPB (S-VHS QUASIPLAYBACK) that lets you watch tapes recorded in theS-VHS format and the SP mode with regular VHSresolution. SQPB does not deliver Super VHS resolution.

    NOTE:When picture distortion occurs, try Manual Tracking (_-_" pg. 33)or Video Stabilizer (z _" pg. 76). Howeveis these functions mighthave no effect, depending on the recording condition of thetape.

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    Playbackeatures lurn on the rv and select the VCR channel (or AV

    mode). Slide the TV/VCR/DVD switch to the right.

    CZD _ C_ _






    ! Pauseduringplayback.Press PAUSE (11) If there is vertkal jitter, press CH +/- on the Remote or on the

    unit to correct the picture.2 Activateframe-by-frameplayback.Press PAUSE (11) to advance a still picture.

    SlowMotion! Pauseduringplayback.Press PAUSE Ill).

    2 Activateslowmotionplayback.Press and hold PAUSE (11) for 2 seconds, then release.Press PAUSE (11) and release again to return to stillpicture.NOTE:During slow motion playback, some noise may appear on the TVscreen. Press CH + or - on the Remote or on the unit toeliminate the noises.

    VariableSpeedSearchDuring playback, press FF (1_1_-) for forward variablespeed search, or REW (_1_1) for reverse variable speedsearch. The speed changes for each direction by pressing REW (_1-_1)

    and FF (1_1_) repeatedly.When pressing FF (1_11_):(SP): +5x"-"+7x(EP): +1 lx"-"+2 lxWhen pressing REW (_1-_1):Once REW (_1-_1) is pressed, reverse search starts in l xnormal playback speed. After this process, each press of REW(_1-_1) changes the search speed between 5x and 7x in SPmode, l lxand_lxinEPmode.(SP): -1 x-"-5x_-'_-7x(EP): lx--'* 11x "_-_ 21x

    Io resume normal playback, press PLAY (11_). ]

    ATTENTIONIn the search, still, slow-motion or frame-by-frame playbackmode, the picture will be distorted. the noise bars will appear. there may be a loss of color. you cannot hear the sound.

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    Your unit automatically marksindex codes at the beginning ofeach recording. This function givesyou quick access to any one of 9index codes in either direction.NOTE:Before starting, make sure the unitis in the Stop mode.

    B........ m-+:-_........ EINDEX 1REIVIAIN 10: O0COUNT 1 : 23 : 45

    ActivateIndexSearch.Press INDEX (14141) or INDEX (1_I,,-I). "INDEX -1" or"INDEX 1 " is displayed on the ]V screen and searchbegins in the corresponding direction. To access index codes 2 through 9, press INDEX (1_1_1)or

    INDEX (1_1_1) repeatedly until the correct index number isdisplayed.Example:To locate the beginning of B from the current position, pressINDEX (1_1_1) twice.To locate the beginning of D from the current position, pressI NDEX (1_1_1)once.

    Current position!A B C D E F_-2 -1 1 2 34 7

    /Index number When the specified index code is located, playback begins


    InstantReViewSkipSearchDuring playback, press SKIP SEARCH 1 to 6 times to skipover unwanted sections.Each press initiates a 30-second period of fast-motionplayback. Normal playback resumes automatically.

    Io resume normal playback during a Skip Search,press PLAY (1_).

    Simply by pressing a single button, the unit power comes on,rewinds, and begins playback of the last timer-recordedprogram. If you have several programs recorded, you can easilyaccess any of them.NOTE:Before starting, make sure that the unit is off and that the Timermode is disengaged.ActivateInstantReView.Press _. Ihe unit power comes on and the unitsearches for the index code indicating the start of the lasttimer-recorded program. Once it's found, playbackbegins automatically. To watch the first of the 3 programs, press _ three

    times. The unit searches an(] begins playback automatically.You can access a program as far as 9 index codes away fromthe current tape position.

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    NextFunctionemoryThe Next Function Memory "tells" the unit what to do afterrewinding. Before continuing, make sure the unit is in the Stopmode.

    a- For Automatic Start Of PlaybackPress REW (44), then press PLAY (1_) within2 seconds.

    b- For Automatic Power OffPress REW (44), then press POWER (cb/I) within2 seconds.

    c- For Automatic Timer StandbyPress REW (-_1_1), then press TIMER within 2 seconds.

    d- For Automatic Cassette Ejection After [ape RewindPress REW (_1_1), then press EJECT (A) within 2seconds.

    RepeatPlaybackYour unit _an automatkally play back the whole tape 1O0 timesrepeatedly.1 Start playback.Press PLAY (_)2 ActivateRepeatPlayback.Press PLAY (1_) and hold for over 5 seconds, then release. The Play indicator (1::>)on the front display panel blinks slowly. After playing back a tape 1O0 times, the unit stopsautomatically.3 StopRepeatPlayback.Press STOP (11) at any time. Pressing PLAY (11_),REW (_141), FF (1_11_)or PAUSE (11)alsostops Repeat Playback.

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    ManualTrackingYour unit is equipped with automatic tracking control. Duringplayback, you can override this an(] adjust the tracking manuallyby pressing the CH buttons.

    ! Overrideautomatictracking.During playback, press SP/EPon the Remote.2 Adjustthe trackingmanually.Press CH + or- on the Remote or on the unit. Press SP/EP again to return to automatic tracking.NOTE:When a new tape is inserted, the unit enters the automatictracking mode automatical ly.

    SoundtrackelectionYour unit is capable of recording three soundtracks (HI-FI I_,HI-FI R and NORM) and will play back the one you select.During PlaybackPressing A.MONITOR changes the soundtrack as follows: You can also select the soundtrack on the Function Set screen.(z_ _ pg. 77)


    On-Screen DisplayHI-FI






    Hi-Fi sound is played backSound on the left Hi-Fi channel isplayed backSound on the right Hi-Fi channel isplayed backSound on the normal track is playedbackBoth sounds on the Hi-Fi track andnormal track are mixed and playedback

    NOTES: "HIFI" should normally be selected. In this mode, Hi-Fi stere()

    tapes are played back in stereo, and the normal audio track isplayed back automatically for tapes with only normal audio. "SUPERIMPOSE" must be set to "ON" or the on-screendisplays will not appear. (zu" pg. 75)

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    BasicRecording lurn on the rv and select the VCR channel (or AV

    mode). Slide the TV/VCR/DVD switch to the right.



    Loada cassette.Insert a cassette with tile record safety tab intact. The unit's power comes on automatically and the counter isreset to 0:00:00.

    F_ Selectthe VCRdeck.On the unitPress VCR/DVD repeatedly so that tile VCR indicatorlights up.On the RemotePress VCR so that the VCR indicator lights up.

    1_1 Choosea program.Press CH +/- or the number keys to select tile channelyou wish to record.

    L_eset the tapespeed.Press SP/EP. [he current setting appears on tile frontdisplay panel or [V screen. Press SP/EP again to changethe setting while the tape speed is displayed on the rvscreen.

    _ Start recording.Press and hold REC (0) and press PLAY (I_) on theRemote, or press REC (0) on the unit.

    _ Pause/Resumerecording.Press PAUSE (11). Press PLAY (1_) to resume recording. You can select channel during the Record Pause mode.

    _Stop recording.Press STOP (11). 1hen press EJECT (A) on the VCR deckto remove the cassette.

    RecordingResumeFunctionIf there is a power outage during recording, Instant TimerRecording or timer recording (L__pg. 34, 35, 37), therecording will resume automatically when power is restoredto the unit unless the unit's memory backup has expire(].

  • 8/3/2019 L0520042 (JVC DVD Player and Video Cassetter Recorder,HR-XVC37U).


    Recordingeatures lurn on the rv and select the VCR channel (or AV

    mode). Slide the TV/VCR/DVD switch to the right.


    @ (H

    RecordOneProgramWhileWatchingAnotherIf your unit is connected to the ]V via the AV connection,press TV/VCR [he VCR indicator on the front displaypanel and the IV broadcast being recorded disappear.Once recording is in progress, all you need to do is to setthe channel controls on the EV for the station you wish toview. The program selected with the [V's channel controls appearson the TV screen, while the one selected with the unit's CH

    buttons is recorded on the tape.NOTE:You can also use the DVD deck in the following cases. Beforeuse, be sure to turn on the unit and select the DVD deck. During recording During timer recording During timer standby mode


    [ CZ) __b [_ [

    C_ GZ_L_ C_


    AccidentalerasurepreventionTo prevent accidental recording on a recorded cassette,remove its safety tab. [b record on it later, cover the holewith adhesive tape.

    InstantTimerRecordingITR)This easy method lets you record for from 30 minutes to 6 hours(selectable in 30-rain. increments), and shuts the unit off afterrecording is finished.! Start recording.Press REC (e) on the unit.

    2 Engagehe ITRmode.Press REC (11) again. "O" blinks and "0:%0" appears onthe front display panel.3 Set therecordingduration.If you want to record for more than 30 minutes, pressR[C (0) to extend the time. Each press extends recordingtime by _;0 minutes.NOTES: You can only perform ITR using the REC (0) button on the

    unit's front paneh Still picture playback stops automatically after 5 minutes to

    protect the heads. When the end of the tape is reached during timer recording,

    the unit stops and "Q" and "[::>" blink on the front displaypanel.

    When the end of the tape is reached during timer recording orInstant limer Recording, the unit is turned off and "_" an(]"g>" blink on the front display panel.

    During Instant Timer Recording, any other timer programedrecording won't start even if their start time has come. In sucha case, the timer programed recording starts (if the end time ofthe timer programed recording is set after the end of InstantTimer Recording) after the Instant Timer Recording finishes.

    Record safety tab

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    ElapsedRecordingimeIndication! Set thecounterdisplay.Press DISPLAY until a counter reading appears on thefront display panel.

    _-I-_-IU-L- L--2 Resetthe counter.Press C.RESET before starting recording or playback. The counter is reset to "0:00:00" and shows the exact elapsed

    time as the tape runs You can check the exact time of arecording or playback

    TapeRemainingimePress DISPLAY until the time remaining on the tapeappears. The front display panel shows the tape remaining time with ":"


    1.1-1I-I vc. By pressing the DISPLAY button, you _an (hange display to

    show the channel position*, clock time, counter reading ortape remaining time* Channel positk_n is not displayed dulin_ playback.

    NOTES: When you press ON SCREEN, the on-s(reen display appearson the TV screen for 5 seconds, then the displays other than

    the counter disappears. ]b clear the counter display, press ONSCREEN.

    Depending on the type of tape being used, the tape remainingtime reading may not appear right away, or is not correct.

    : " may sometimes appear with ":" blinking, or thedisplay may blink on occasion.

    SecondudioRecordingThis unit's built-in MTS decoder enables reception ofMultichannel TV Sound broadcast. Eb record a SAP program s "received, _et 2ND AUDIO RECORD to "ON". (z_ pg. 77)NOTE:When the _hannel is (hanged on the unit; The "STEREO" indicator appears on the screen for about

    5 seconds if the program is a stereo broadcast. The "SAP" indicator appears on the screen for about 5 seconds

    if the program is a SAP broadcast. Both indicators appear when a stereo program is accompanied

    by SAP sound.

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    ExpressimerProgramingBefore performing Express Timer Programing: Make sure that the unit's built-in clock is set properly. Insert a cassette with the safety tab in [)lace The unit will

    come on automatically. Turn on the TV an(] select the VCR channel (or AV mode). Slide the TV/VCR/DVD switch to the right.


    Example: To tlmer-record the program from 8:00 PM to10:00 PM on 24th December, on channel 12.

    Selectthe VCRdeck.On the unitPress VCR/DVD repeatedly so that the VCR indicatorlights up.On the RemotePressVCR so that the VCR indicator lights up._1 AccessheProgramscreen.Press PROG.. (If you're just PROGRAMIstarting out, "PROGRAM 1 " START STOPappearsd _ []DATE CH

    [_1 Enterthe programstart time.Press START +/- to enter the PROGRAMtime you want recording to STARTstart. Press and hold START +/- to

    move in 30-minuteincrements, or press andrelease repeatedly to move1 minute at a time.


    Lq Enterthe programstoptime.Press STOP +/- to enter the time you want recording tostop. Pressand hold STOP +/-to move in 30-minute increments, orpress and release repeatedly to move 1 minute at a time.

    _"_ Enterthe programdate.Press DATE +/-. The current date appears on the TV screen The (]ate you enter

    appears in its [)lace.

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    _ Enterthechannelposition.Press CH +/-.

    F'_ Set thetape speed.Press SP/EP.

    _ Returnto thenormalscreen.Press PROG. or ENTER. "PROGRAM COMPI.ETED"appears on the IV screen for about 5 seconds, then thenormal screen appears. If "PROGRAM NO[COMPI E[ED PROGRAM OVER[ AP" appears on the IVscreen, see page 40. Repeat steps [] - [] for each additional program.

    L_ Engagehe unit'stimermode.Press TIMER. The unit turns off automatically and "@"appears on tile front display panel. R} disengage the timer mode, press TIMER again,

    NOTES: You can program this unit to timer-record as many as 8

    programs. If you try to program the unit to record a ninth,"PROGRAM FU[I" appears on the TV screen, ]b record theextra program, you must first cancel any unnecessaryprograms, (;_ pg. 39)

    Programs that start after midnight must have the next day's(late.

    Cable Box or DBS Receiver Userslb timer-record a satellite broadcast using Express TimerPrograming:[] Perform steps [] - []. Enter "F-1" for the channel position

    in step l_.[] Set the DBS receiver to the appropriate channel before

    the selected program begins,[] Leave the DBS receiver's power on,

    To Timer-Record Weekly Or Daily Serials:anytime (luring steps [] through D, press WEEKLY(numberkey "9") for weekly serials or DALLY(number key"8") for dailyserials (Monday - Friday). Either "WEEKLY" or "DAILY" appearson the TV screen. Pressing the button again makes thecorresponding indication disappear.

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    Disengagehe timermode.Press TIMER, then press POWER (_b/I).

    F_ AccessheProgramCheckscreen.Press PROG. cHECK. IPR START STOP CH lATE

    11 8:00P 10:00 12 1212412 IO:OOA 10:45 40 12/25

    i 11:30P 1:00 125 12125

    ! AccessheProgramscreen.Press PROG. CHECK againto check more information.Each time you pressPROG. CHECK, tile nextprogram's informationappears.


    TocancelrchangeprogramLq Cancelor changea program.Press CANCEL to cancel a program. 1o change programsettings, press the appropriate button: START +/-,STOP +/-, DATE +/-, CH +/-, DAILY (number key "8"),WEEKLY (number key "9") and/or SP/EP,

    _'t Returnto thenormalscreen.Press PROG. CHECK as many times as necessary. If thereare still some programs remaining, go on to step !_.

    Returnto the timermode.Press TIMER.

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    ATTENTION1{ there is a confli(t in tile timer schedule and oneprogram overlaps with another, only die parts shownbelow in gray will be recorded.Pattern 1: The program with the lower program number

    will be recorded,10:00 11:00 12:00

    Program 1Program 2 [ CH40 i_ Not recordett

    Pattern 2: The program starting earlier will be recorded.10:00 11:00 12:00

    Program 11Program 2 [ CH40 _1_ Not recorded

    Pattern 3: The program starting earlier will be recorded,followed by the remaining portion of the otherprogram.

    10:00 11:00 12:00Program 1 I _ I

    WhenprogramsoverlapeachotherIf "PROGRAM NOt COMPLETED PROGRAM OVERLAP"appears, you have another program overlapping the programyou have just made.The Program Check screen appears and conflicting programswill start blinking.


    ,_PR START STOP CH GATE_l]1 8:00P 10:00 t2 t2/24...IT2 IO:OOA 10:45 40 12/25_1

    IExample" Program 1 (you have just made) and Program 4overlap each other.

    Confirmthe overlappingprograms.Overlapping programs blink on the [V screen.

    _ Selectthe programto modify.Press/\V, then press ENTER or _. You can only select one of the overlapping programs.NOTE:If you do not mind this overlap, press PROG. to finish the timerprogram setting. The program with the lower program numberwill be recorded anti the other one will not be recordedcorrectly. If no changes are made for approximately 1 minute,the unit will return to the normal screen.

    [_1 Cancelor changeprogramsetting.To cancel a program, press CANCEL when the Programscreen you do not want is shown. "PROGRAMCOMPLETED" appears on the [V screen for about5 seconds, then the normal screen appears.To change a program, press the appropriate button:START +/-, STOP +/-, DATE +/-, CH +/-, DAILY(number key "8"), WEEKLY (number key "9") and/or SP/EP when the Program screen on which you want to makechanges is shown, then press ENTER. "PROGRAMCOMPLEI ED" appears on the [V screen for about5 seconds, then the normal screen appears.NOTE:If the overlap is not yet solved, or another overlap occurs withthe timer program setting after making the last correction on aprogram, the conflicting programs will be shown on the ProgramCheck screen again. Repeat the above steps again until theoverlap is solved.

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    SatelliteAutoRecordingIhis function allows you to automatically record asatellite program which is timer-programed on yourexternal DBS receiver. Connect a DBS receiver to theunit's AUDIO/VIDEO input (F-1) connector and programthe timer on the DBS receiver. [he unit starts or stopsrecording by the signals input from the DBS receiver.After recording, the unit's power shuts off automatically. You can also connect the cable box if it has a timer.



    ATTENTION Be sure not to turn on the DBS receiver before the program

    is executed; otherwise, the unit will start recording whenthe DBS receiver's power is turned on.

    If you have connected another appliance other than a DBSreceiver to the AUDIO/VIDEO input (F-1) connector, besure not to engage the Satellite Auto Recording mode;otherwise, the unit will start recording when the connectedappliance's power is turned on. Satellite Auto Recording and timer-recording cannot bedone at the same time.

    Before performing the following steps: Make sure the DBS receiver is connected to the unit'sAUDIO/VIDEO input (F-1) connector.

    Program the timer on the DBS receiver. Insert a cassette with the safety tab in place. Slide the TV/VCR/DVD switch to the right.

    Selectthe VCRdeck.On the unitPress VCR/DVD repeatedly so that the VCR indicatorlights up.On the RemotePress VCR so that the VCR indicator lights up.

    F_Set the tapespeed.Press SP/EP.

    I_1 Engagehe SatelliteAutoRecordingmode.Press and hold REC LINK for about 2 seconds, the "_"and "Q" indicators light up and the unit turns offautomatically.

    NOTES: Operation on the DVD deck are not possible when the Automatic Satellite Program Recording mode is engaged, or timer recording

    is in progress. lo disengage the Satellite Auto Recording mode, press REC LINK. The "g" indicator goes off. If the unit's power is off, it is not possible to engage the Satellite Auto Recording mode. In step Ill, if the "g" indicator does not light but instead blinks quickly even though your DBS receiver's power is off, Satellite Auto

    Recording will not work properly with that DBS receiver*. If this is the case, perform "Express Timer Programing" (_ pg. 37) totimer-record a satellite program.* Some DBS mceivels output s_nals even if the powel is ott. Satellite Auto Recolding is not possible with those DBS mceivels.

    The "g" indicator blinks while Satellite Auto Recording is in progress. For timer programing of the DBS receiver, refer to the instruction manual of the DBS receiver. Satellite Auto Recording is not possible if your DBS receiver does not have a timer. Pressing the unit's POWER (c_/[) button while Satellite Auto Recording is in progress turns off the unit's power and disengages the

    Satellite Auto Recording mode. If there are more than one satellite programs you wish to record with Satellite Auto Recording, it is not possible to set different tapespeeds for each program. Depending on the type of DBS receivel, the unit may not record a slight portion of the beginning of the program or may record

    slightly longer than the actual length of the program. If you engage the Satellite Auto Recording mode when the DBS receiver's power is on, the unit will not start Satellite Auto Recording

    even though the "g" and "Q" indicators blink. When the DBS receiver shuts off once and is turned back on again, the unit startsrecording.

    You can also record a program from your cable system in the same way if the system has a timer.

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    BasicPlayback Turn on the TV and select the VCR channel (or AVmode). Slide the TV/VCR/DVD switch to the right.



    (2) _ _[_i f "

    ATTENTION You can not use the DVD deck when the VCR deck is in the

    Automatic Satellite Recording standby and recording mode. You can use the DVD deck when the VCR deck is in thetimer standby mode.

    To play back a MP3/JPEG disc, see pages 62 - 67.

    Loadthe disc.[] Press OPEN/CLOSE (A) on the DVD deck to open the

    disc tray. The unit's power comes on automatically. The DVD opening screen will automatically appearapproximately 5 seconds after the unit's power has come on.[] Place the disc in the disc tray. For details, refer to "Placing a Disc" (L__pg. 9).

    [] Press OPEN/CLOSE (A) on the DVD deck to close thedisc tray.

    Pressing PLAY (1_) also closes the disc tray. While the VCR deck is selected, playback does not beginautomatically even if the auto-playback DVD disc is loaded. "no dc" appears on the front display panel when there is nodisc present on the disc tray.

    _ SelecttheDVDdeck.On the unitPress VCR/DVD repeatedly so that the DVD indicatorlights up.On the RemotePress DVD so that the DVD indicator lights up.

    I_1 Start playback.Press PLAY (ID,-).Example: DVD VIDEO

    Title number Chapter number[l [' BCR _ J,,4>m.C 7.--lUc_ /__1"--! .1"--! !

    Elap_ed time You can switch the display on the front display panel between

    the title number/chapter number and the elapsed time bypressing DISPLAY.

    it may take a few seconds to start playback. if you load a DVD disc whose region code does not match the

    DVD deck, "REGION CODE ERRORt" appears on the TVscreen. For details, refer to "Region Number" (_" pg. 7).

    With Video CD discs with PBC control or some DVD discs,the menu display may appear on the lV screen after startingplayback, in this case, select an item which you want to playback from the menu. Otherwise, the playback cannot goforward. Refer to "Locating a desired scene using the menu ofthe Video CD with PBC" (_ pg. 43) or "Locating a desiredscene using the DVD menu" i_ _ pg. 43).

    Pauseplayback.Press PAUSE (11). ]b resume normal playback, press PLAY (1_).

    _Stop playback.Press STOP (11). Press OPEN/CLOSE (A) on the DVDdeck to open the disc tray, then remove the disc. Pressing PLAY (1_) resume playback from the position where

    you stop playback. For details, see "Resume Function" onpage 45.NOTE:When you press OPEN/CLOSE (A) while the unit is turned off,the unit's power comes on and the disc tray opens automatically.

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    Playbackeatures lurn oil the IV and select the VCR channel (or AV

    mode). Slide the TV/VCR/DVD switch to the right.

    ATTENTIONWhen the unit is switched to the VCR de_k during playbackmode on the DVD deck, the unit enters Resume Stop modeon the DVD deck. (_ pg. 45)

    PlaybackControlPBC)Function- Locatingdesiredsceneusinghemenuof theVideoCDwithPBCSome Video CD discs supports the PBC function. PBC is anabbreviation of "PlayBack Control." A Video CD disc recordedwith PBC has its own menus, such as a list of the songs of thedisc. You can locate a specific scene by using the menu.! AccesshePBCmenu.In stop modePress PLAY (1_), Depending on a disc, PBC

    menu may automatical lyappear on the TV screen bysimply loading a disc on theunit. "Pbc" appears on thefront display paneh


    Example:o,_ ]LIC2 Startplayback.Pressthe