l the gouverneur foresters organize...

'£,.* 1 L . H. Q^iDSON WRDNKHIXAY, - Local ftfftofv N n, .7:—: r»Vwfl* 7, 1910 TOWN TALK TOPICS. I.oiutar F^lwunl llrayton of th«i Ktl Wsmls HUgoim Imiul w«« i visitor town HatunUy. Mlaa (frrtriMfo WaUh of Vmrktr *tti*t l|Mint a fnw <l«yn of taut w<H*k in Wat«»r in • |MMIl « IOW (IHVR Of II t o w n v U l t h i t f fri«MMlw Knv. lUrold W. Haynoa of Canton, will tir«a<-h *t IIMI Unitarian Church u n i t MutMlny nt It it> Mlaa J'hllll, Trivor of Rlwinb, l» a ariiiMit of hur frlinwl. Mra. H. Frank Hull awl family in town. Th«i Mlaa** KlltalM»th Maaon and (•frtriulo M<Kt>Hii s|H*nt |»art of laat wwk with frUrwta in Potmlsm. Mm, Edward Mvrry of ()|r<l«na!n]fg ha* IH»«HI thr ifiioat of Mlaa Marion Molmo* <>f Kant Main ntrwt for a fow daya past. Th* rm|»lnv«'« ill tho 8«-hoi ton" marble aho|Mi wfwit on an viuht hoiir a< TUHIUIII Huhmlay whi< h will bn cmtttmiod for a month at )*aat. ' Mr and Mr* Jofomo Payne fcavr re turned from a short visit to the homo of her slatnr, Mra. AI»M»rt Thofnhillln Wnreeater. MASS »f Springfield, Ma§i\ # ti town visiting hla <?anileld. ami Thomaa <'otter •l>fi»t laat wnek alater, Mra William family of Park atr«»««t. Mr. and Mra, It IV Hnelry apant 'rhurailay evening in t4»wn, Mra, Hooley waa fnr>n*rly Mlaa IVarl !t««fitloy of Antw«>rJ>. jinil i* well known hare. Th* VVmnenn Relief C nrpa will hot<l irmir aripttml elation of oAVera at their nait r^ular meeting l>e«\ l.tth. All mpmlNirn are <mrnest)y re<|iie*ted to ho |>r#a«nt. Mr HI, ilny (lute, an expert fund hi r* man who waa formerly employed hy It. t'. Reynotda at Troy, la now employed at A. KatvitiHri £ Sons furniture <te partrneut. Mm, Jarnrv Martin of Tlendenion for- merly of trdtf village, anont a fow ilaya of laat week In town visiting her par- •nta, Mr. MI^I Mra lm Her vis* of John • town utrettt, Mr. and M M T.ofen Campbell of WINMIUIHI, <>nt., have ln>en spending a week in town oit their wedding trip, vialtitijr Mr CamphelTa unrhi. Chief of I'olire I'ernlre and family. Mr. atnl Mm O. It, Finch and Mlaa Winnie lloacoe of Ware, Maan. # former- ly of thla v I Jingo, nre apen<!itt|f aome- tlme In town vUitlnir Avery llo«ro« nn<| family ami other relatlvea «n<l friettda. Mlaa Kate Hullivan who haa l^eon aiHimlinic the pant month in town viait- Ititf her parentft, Mr aiul Mra lUniel Minlivan of Kaat Main atreet, h»m re turruMl to her etnployruent in a atoro at Old Forge Robert, the yming' inn of Herbert Newroinb of iMiat Mnhi atreet t thin village, foiiml * good aired pearl in aome oyatera which he waa eating a few daya ago. The gem la aaid to have considerable value. HtiiMirlntimdeid Frt^l J. Porter of the Carrltfan A McKinney Company will on behalf of hla c<mcern give hia employea a banmiet at the Marlile City hotel thia averting. Invltationa have lieen iaaue<l tt» many othora than employea. Over $t ( o<X>,000 worth of butter atnl oheea^i waa aold the naat aeaaun on the Watertown Iloanl. The avcriij^ price J taftd for cheeae lacka one mill of Wiring 4 centa |n>r pound, which la above that of any aoaaon of the XI yeara' exiatence of the lK>«rd. Mr and M m I,. A. Martin ut Proav oeet atreet Uat week entertained her fathit, W. I>. Church and brother, Fre<l Chun'h of Canton and alao Mr. Martina tmronte. Mr and Mra. Wit Mam J. Martin of New llridge former- ly of thia town. The morrhanta of thla village are pre- paring for the holiday trade and all will nave larger ami Oner atocka than ever Itefore in yeara and tfie early ahop|M*rj will have a tine choice. A glance at our advertialng coiumna will ahow the careful buyer where to go for the hoty- day ahopping. Mm. Arthur Freeman who reaidea a am»rt diatance from thia vdlage towanla Itlchville, entertained a good fMimberof| her neighlnira Friday ev«ming with pro-1 grraaive |N^lro, there being five tahlea. ' Hefreahmeitta were aerved following the Mwanllutf of the priiea and all pre eent voted the event a moet pleaaant one. Mr. and Mm. Andrew Hall of Rcotch Rettleinent, Koaaie, returned yeater c)ay from a two we^ka viait at Ctiyter, (<»rtlarwl County, where they wera yueata of Mm. Ilall'a parenta. Mr ami lira Frank OfaUla, forme ly of V,\m dale. Mr. Hall reporta over twoLf«>et of atiow at (uylei and for rniloa I aur- roumllng. i Herbert If. fUrry who ao aurreaaful- 1y nim hwl the <#. I I . M. fiMithalt team during the paat aeanon left Monday for Moat on where he haa aecured a good p4»#ltloti. Mr. Harry, who ia an afhlota of recognli*Ml ability, made hoata of warm friemla during hia aojourn In town all of whom ioin in wiahing him abundant aucceaa In hia new tiehl of lalnir. (>. N, Ititchle n well known farmer Who reaidea a few miha from thla vil- lage drove to town Saturday and after llrawlng aome money from one of the hanka he traueactt*! aome buaineaa ami tilNin reaching hoine be rnlaaial a roll of hllla amotiutTiig to pM which in aoma manner he had loet from nla |MM ket He retunoMl atnl hNikinl over the groiiml but without aurceaa Zero weather atni«k thin aectlon Momlay when tlurlng that night the mercury drop|M«d to four Indow. Yea tenUy waa a raw cold day and In con #f«pience there were few in town from the rural diatilcta. The lack of aleigh Ing at pieaenl ia a great handicap to tniaineea and ia likely to prolong the I famine which haa lieeii foreaeen '(KM! for the paat two there ia little or no pale in town. weeka At good bard w prei ood aent for Itert Thayer of Wr^t Main atreet, who ia employed bf tin* Ideal meat niarket had a narrow eacapo from averlotia iuiury one morning lw*l week while taking Mr, Thayer »artial|y in tl I runiiera ilrop and niry one in if ordera wai In* u\ bt in In l*rt»ajH> waa driving utter when aug he t hia one the cover of a atreet waa thrown from the atreet cutter of the Edward 8. Laberrl** spent Monday in Hyracuae tranaacting buaineaa and calling on hia numeroua frienda. A large number of the members of the Temple Club will drive to Richville thia evening where they will be the gueata of the Richville Masonic Club at a banquet. The flrat aeaafon of the St. Lawrence County Pomona (irange opened here in (•range hall at II a. m today with a large attendance. The evening seasionJ will be public. N The atock of grweriea nml flutlirea belonging to Jerd Hrothera. who recent- ly Mod a j>etition in bankruptcy,will be aold tomorrow forotUM>n in the Temple atore by Trustee Oallaa M. Hazelton. The plant of the Haturday Liberal Newa of Watertown waa closed by the SherifT Saturday by the re<pioat of At- torney Floyd Carlialo, representing Norman K. Mack of Huffalo who recent- ly obtaituNl a judgment of about $3<X) against tho paper. The local Diviaion of Ancient Ortlcr of Hibernians elected the following officers lawt eveninir: President, John Plunkott, vice president, lUrry Hulger; recording Secretary, Arthur P. Maaon; financial aecretary, W. II. Moran; treasurer, II. H. Ryan and guide P F* Cllne. The annua! meeting of the Pliilathea rlaaa of the Methodiat, church Sunday school waa held last evening in the Sunday school rooms with a Targe at- tendance ami the following officers were elected for the ensuing year; Presi- dent, Kliuabeth Mellon; vice president, Janie Straw, aecretary. Anna Murphy and treasurer, Lillian Parker. Follow* ing the election candy waa served and a aocial hour waa apent. C. A. Hennett, who for the paat few Yearn haa been the local correspondent for the Svracuae Post -Standard, return- ed from Syracuse laat night where he made arrangements to go to Fulton to refaTesont that miner and he expects to enler ii|N)n hia duties within a few daya. Mr. Mennett haa had conaidorabk* ex- perience in journalism and. will make his employers a Vgluablo man in Fulton which is a prolific field for a live news- paper man. , The regnihr meeting of the Fort njfhtly clijl waa held at the home of albs KatherinV J^eahy In (trove atreet, Monday evening with a good attendance and the following program waa given: Paper, "William of Orange/' Miaa Dickson; diecuaaion. "King Phillip and His Policy," Mr. Holtnn; five minute talka, "(.omits Fgmont and Horn," Miss Pike, "Defense of Haarlem," Mlsa Myers; "Who Was Alva?" Miaa M. (I Potter, "John Harneveldt," Mrs Kelly. At the completion of the program refreshments were served. THE GOUVERNEUR SUPIRVISOR ALDRICM SURPRISED Hit 50th Birthday Is Fittingly Celsbrat ad By Hia Numerous Friends. In honor of hia 50th birth anniversary Supervisor Herbert ti. Aldrieh waa S hren a genuine surprise at his home in arney street Saturday evening by a large number of hia gentlemen friends. The event waa planned by Mra. Aldrioh and It waa most charmingly carried out. At 8 o'clock the gueata began to arrivo at the Aldrieh homo and to aay that our genial auperviaor waa aurpriaod would be putting it mildly,. He quickly re- covered however and extended royal greetings to his many friends aa they arrived. Ktaborate refreshments were aerved ahortly affWr^. H o'clock after Which two hours were spent with games and sociability and all left shortly be fore midnight wishing their host ami hosteea many long ami happy yeara. Among thoae who attended were: Mayor Charles II. Anthony, President of the Chamber of Commerce, II. (». Parker, Oeorge F. Lackey, K. D. Taitt Fred C. Mead, A* M. Jepaou, Landlord Everett J. Peck, Arthur II. Abbott, Aaalatant Postmaster II. J. Carpenter, K. I) Harry. Frank Starbuck. John P. Ktllmer. District Attorney James C. Dolan, John McFalls, D. iL Scholten, Frank L. Soaker, Thomas J. Whitney, Cashier I*a>ie W. Hurdick of tho First National Hank (Jeorge C. McCartin of Water town, fclmer (^irtia, (Jrant Fill lar, (ieorge 11 Tait. (harlea C. Donald ami Charles l|. (lark. BLAZK IN WILSON STREET. Hdusa Owned By Robert Rattiey Is Totally Oastroyed. Yesterday morning shortly before 5, a double houae in Wilaoij street west of the village limits, which waa owned by Robert Haatley of II errnon and occupi- ed by Arthur KtdF, a Hebrew junk dealer, saught tire from some unknown origin ami waa burned to the ground. Kofi ami hia wife awoke With a start to find the ceiling alxive their heads on fire. They took the children out ami threw their hed out but were unable to •ave anything elae, including %UW in which waa aaid to have been i*im- de ceM in a mattress. The fire depart- ment responded to an alarm aent in from Weat Main ami Smith street, and HM feet of hoao waa stretched from Smith atreet across the Holds to the burning building and with two atreama other nearby bulMinga were saved. There waa an Insurance of *WM> on the house which waa in the Maker agency ami KofT had a smsll amount of in- surance oe hia household effects. Neighbors discovered Blare. Sunday evening while Kdward Hughes ami wife, who operate the L. S. Molten farm in the Scotch Settlement district of thia town, were at the barn milking their houae caught fire in the ceiling preauniably from an overheated stove- pipe and if it had not t>ecn for a neighbor, a Mr. Price, who discovered the smoke, the building wph its con- tents would have been destroyed. Mr. IVice ami others quickly reached the scene ami informed Mr. and Mrs. Hughes of the fact that their house waa on fire and a bucket brigade waa quickly formed ami after a half hours' hard work the (lames were sulnlued but not before damage to the amount of 940 or %TA) had been done to tho flooring in the chamber and to clothing a con siderable amount of which hung in the room all of which waa more or leas burned. The toss is covered by insur- ance. ai { tainted brooch fi tiled With cowtL vehicle with great force with the re- ault that one thumb waa badly aprained and he waa otherwiae hruiaed. The, harneaa waa broken bdt he managed to cling to the reina thus preventing a runaway. The cast iron cover to the drop waa broken in two by the wrench ami haa been replaced by a new one. A feW day! ago Someone OnteTod the front room of the Cuahman Co, atore on the fbM.r above the Crystal Palace, id atolea hamlaome and valuable hand oiu a < aae which waa oMiiv «»«* glaaa and novel ties f<u the t'hiiatmaa trade. Neither Mr. t'liahniMii noi Inn nwal*tant. Mr Shaw, heard or MW anyone enter, as tMith weir probably in the picture frarn log department at the rear end of (he atore. but they have aecuied a fairly giNNl'clue IH to tl lentlty of the ill |rud«\l and an invent Igat ton ia now On |ei way Othei nieichanfa report tt\ thefta i.f vatioiia ai ticlea ami a united effoit 14 IHMHK made to dete«t the guilty person er peraiuia. W ; II O'Neil of Fast. Main afreet, thla village the genial local repreaerita tlveof the International Correa|N>mUmc«i ach<M»la of Hcranlou. Pa , is meeting with well deserved au«« eaa he having many well aatiahVd ttudctita in thla and aurroumflnu towna At thla aeaaon of the year Mr tl'Ned makea hia great eat efTorf to atari atudenta aa the long winter evening* gives them excellent opportunity to atudy ami therefore much more rapid pfaVgreaa ia ma^le than during thti summer seaaon. Mr. O'Noll Praiantad With Silver Spoon. At the apoclal meeting of the (Jleason Circle No Wl Ladiea of C.. A. It., held here Tuesday evening Nov. &>. Miss Mabel Lucky of Troy, department president instead of National president as before ststed, made an ius|>oction of the Circle. Mrs. Minnie Harr president of the Circle presided ami following the work of the evening Miss Lucky waa presented with a aet of solid silver tea siMNtna on behalf of the Circle for which she returned thanks with a feW well chosen remarks. About 40 incriibersof Hames l\*t ami Sons of VotWarjs were present ami remark/ were listened to from Commander G. S. Parsons and Comrades William Haxeltoli, Warren Pike, Lorenxo Smith, Jeasio Streetor ami othora. Refreshments of an l»etliititf character were served at close of the session. an the ing tl idam-i furniam-a hia students free of coat with valuable reference library embracing every subject which they mav be tak- ing. Mr O'Mell waa transf«s>red here by the school from Kingston, N . Y m and hli all that he coulrl wiah |gat June and his aucceaa hem haa been ng. m hi Arcanum Elects Officers. At its annual meeting held last Fri day evening (Jouverneur Council No. f\W, Royal Arcanum, elected the fol- lowing officers for the ensuing year; Regent, J. A. Cumhiinge' vice re gent. M. F, Walsh, orator. C. N. Holt, naat recent, W. II. Moran, Col lector, L W. Fuller, aecretary, F. Iv Dour v. treasurer. W. F. Leonanl; chaplain. O. L. Sutherlaml; warden. W K. Lymle, gukle. D. K. W«MHI. amtinel, ihoa. Iiarl»er; trustee. F. W. Sprague repreaentativea t*» the (irand Lmlge, L A. Cummlnga mu\ W. If. Moran PROGRESS SHOWN I N A L L D E - PARTMENTS FOR MONTH ENDING NOVEMBER 26 ROLL FOR MONTH Attendance Report Shows Enthusiasm In the Work Under Superintendent Alverton and Hit Able Corpt of As- sistants All of Whom Are Working In Perfect Harmony, Superintendent Alvemon of the local ach<!rWs has presented the attendance report for the mouth ending November 26, and the result shows progress in all departments. The total enrollment is Ml of which 2711 are in the High school. So far thia school year great enthusiasm haa been shown in the work by both teachers arid pupils and the outlook is bright for one of the most successful years in the history of the Gouvemeur schools. While Superintendent Alver- eon is no doubt the youngest man who haa evec been at the head of our schools he ia obtaibing most aatisfactory re- sults which oicourse In a great measure is brought about by the enthusiastic support giVen him by hi| able cor|>a of assistants in every department, among the foremost in this respect being Vice- Principal Lewis who has proven to be a very able inatrue tor. The report is as followa; High school, enrollment, 2Tlf, average attendance, 271, per cent at- tendances 97.13. Grqmnrar school, en rollment, 129, average attendance, 125. per cent attendance, 98.74. Eaat Side school, enrollment* 270, average*, attendance, 254, per cent at- tendanctV 97.78. West Side school, enrollment, 244, average Attendance, 231, per cent at- tend anceVj 98.09. South Side school, enrollment, 45, average attendance, 41, per cent at- tendance, 97.58. The honor roll for the month follows: moil SCHOOL. MayiYod Herry v Ruth Rriggs, Reulah Carpenter, Ina Decker, Ward Dalton, Lucv Freeman, Lula Jenne, Gladys Kelfey, Harold Kinney, Verda Lamb, Louise Merriman, Gertrude Sheldon, F,dna Washburn, Hurnice Williams, GRAMMAR SCHOOL. Marlon Anthony, Cecil AsTiwood, Helen Draper, Herbert Draper, James Frye, Melva Gardner, Elizabeth Mc- Allister. Dona Richardson, Leona Smith. Dorothy Stacoy, George Skin- ner. Alice Thrall, William VanSlyke. KAHT HIOB. Ttoss Abbott, f,cta Hancrpft, Ralph Hennett, Katherine HigneSs, Gladys Carpenter, JoyCheesman, Myrtle Cobb, Verna Dillabaugh, Mary Downey, Ells- worth Downey, Frederic Drury, Mabel Drury, Florence Dunkloherg, Douglas Elliot, Albert Fuller, Yale Gates,| Verna (rates, Dorothy Harmon, Stanley Hilts, Emma Honeycomb, Milton Hull, Muriel Hyatt, Geneva Lavack. fit alia Lavack, Josephine Leonard, Robert I/Ogan, Flora McDonald, Elinor Marsh, Floyd Marshall, Alice Moxley, Harold Murphy Helen O'Hrien. Raymond Parker, Nelaon Phelns, Hilda Roberts, Abraham Rudermari, Erwin Rutherford, Jacob Simon, AvangeJine Skinner, Robert Skinner, Virginia Smith Hngh Smith, Ruth Sullivan. Catherine Swett. Storl- Inff Tait. Kenneth Taylor, Fred Webb, William Wells, Floyd Whitney, Elberta Williams, Merris Young. , WKST si OK. I George Andrews, Irene Bancroft, Mabel Heckett, Blanch Hennett, Sarah Booth, Harold Hoprey* John Hqlger, Ruth Carnenter, Helen Cooper, Louis Curtis, Driscoll Fortune, Geraldine Hall, Addis Healey, Hartwell Holmes, George Jennings. Vere Johnstone. Lawrence Jones, Charles Kaley, Gladys Kaley, Mary Kaley, Charlea Kingsbury, Leland Kirkland, Myrtle Lynch, Percy Marsaw, Eve McCarthy, Mary Merritt, Gertrude Monteville, Florence Nettles, Ward Post, Charles Kawson, Lillian Shampine. Myrtle Shamrnne, Charles Stowell. F ranees Walsh, Helena Wash- burn, Grace Wiltae, Keitha Wood, Laura VanValkonburg, Ruth VanVal- kenburg. ROPTII SIDE. . Carrie Bockus, (Jerald BaM, Edward Blair, Lizzie Guzzio, Catherine Halyden, Belle Liscum, Lucy Mcintosh. Irene McMillan, Pausy Quick, Herbert Rookey, Lillian Simnlkms, Vera Sim- mons. MEETING OF SHAKESPEARE CLUB Large Attendance At Meeting Held With Mrs. E. J Peck Last Wednes- day Afternoon. The Shakespeare Club met Wednes- day afternoon last with Mrs. E. J. Peck at tho St. Lawrence Inn with a very large attendance. The meeting waa called to order by Mrs. George E. Pike president of the club ami following tho roll call gave a Thanksgiving thought. Mrs. A. A. Potter in a moat interesting mannor gave the current topics for the previous two weeks. Mrs. James (). Sheldon rendered a piano solo of Italian music in her usual pleas- ing manner and this waa followed by a duet rendered by the Misseo Helen Mark wick and Ora C. Spencer. Mrs, Peck who represented the local club at the recent annual convention of the State Federation of Woman's Clubs held at Ithaca submitted her report which was most complete and interest- ing. The officers of 'ttie club are: Presklent. Mrs. U M. Pike; vice president, Mrs. F. J. 'Bolton; second vice president, Mrs. Carrie T. Chandler; secretary, Mrs. B. G. Parker^ corres- ponding secretary, Mrs. M. E. Love- land; librarian, Mrs. R. T. Alleh and critic, Miss Sarah II. A. Parker. The club haa 21 active members, severt re- tired ami one deceased member. The meetings are held weekly and the course of study for this year is •'Italian Literature ami Art." The Woman id alsi Who really wants value and also insists on correct style and a p€*rfeet-fitting and long-wearing sh^e, can be readily accommodated here. No shoo ever contained the above features in so large a measure as those made to our specifications by 'John Kelly," Rochester. See this week's wirllow display* studv the i shoes ami the prices t if. F. MARSH. h *- FORESTERS ORGANIZE LOCAL RELIEF FUND New Departure Made By Court Gou- vemeur Which It Expected to Be of Much Benefit. At the annual meeting of Court Gou- vemeur No. 620, Independent Ordef of Foresters held Monday evening the fol- lowing officers were elected for the en- suing year: Chief Ranger, Robert L. Kinney; past chief ranger, P. W. Fin- negan; court physician, Dr. A T H. Al- len; court deputy, J. A. Cummings; vice chief ranger, G. E. Morgan; re- cording secretary, A. G. Rivers; financial secretary, Henry Miller; treasurer, E. R. Fredenburg; organist, E. J. Barber; senior warden, Frank Hockey; junior warden, George Hockey; senior beadle, Eugene, Mcui tosh; Junior beadle, J. H. Lynch; Supt. juvantle court, Louis Boulet: orator, J. G. Bickford; trustees, W. 0. Munger and P. W. Finnepan; finance commit- tee. Clarence Bailey and J. C. Jackson: captain guard of honor, George CottreII Following the election the question of organizing a Foresters local relief fund was taken up and moet fully discussed, this in addition to the sick, funeral, total disability, old age and death benefits now given by the supreme Court of the 1. (). F. This move had been agitated for some time past by Chief Ranger Kinney and others of the Court as it was believed that the relief funds of the organization, those given outside the regular channels, could be distributed to far better advantage through a board of directors chosen for the express purpose. The discussion had not proceeded far before it was found that the membership was un- animous for the adoption of the new departure and the following directors were chosen; R. L. Kinney, P. W. Finnegan, Clarence Bailey, E. R. Fredenburg and W. A. Ferran, Mr. Kinney was chosen president, Mr. Bailey secretary and Mr. Firmegan treasurer. It is proposed to adopt by- laws at once and to open a separate bank account with a new set of books. The books have already been secured and the committee on by-laws will be ready within a day or two to report. It is understood that the local £ourt is the first in the country to inaugurate this new department which will depend wholly upon the members to keep up but there is little doubt but what suc- cess will be theirs as the undertaking haa been launched with plenty of en- thusiasm behind it. Chief Hanger Kinney and his able lieutenants will give their new undertaking their best efforts, confident that through this channel they/ will be better able to serve deserving members and in this they will have the best wishes of the public generally. CUSHMAN CO Qver Crystal Palace Dont Qet Mad. Because.you did not sleep well last last night. . Was there a lamp in the mattress or did the spring's sag? If so you should see A. Katzman. lie will make sleeping a comfort to you. Only think, a white enamled. A. Katzman & Son have received a carload,of "Happy Thought" stoves ami ranges now on (sale in their depart- ment stores. LAVIER WON FROM DAVIS. Local Wrestler Put Up Hard Battle But Could Not Overcome 8trong Opponent. i In a handicap wrestling match be- tween Joe Lavier of Canaatota and Bert Davis of this village, held in Union hall Friday evening. Lavier gained the first fall in 16 minutes of hard work and the second in siiominutes thus winning the match as the Central New York man agreed to throw Divis twice within an hour. There wjere about KM)! spectators present whan the preliminary a boxing bout between two youngsters, Hay den and Bockus was put on shortly after 9. With the boys honors were even and much amusement was created. Lavier had the ap{>earance of a trained athlete and waa much heavier than the local man but ' notwithstanding this fact Davis nut up a plucky fight and showed much knowledge of tne game. At the close of the bout Davis stated that Lavier was the best man that he had ever met. BUSINESS LOCALS. i FOR RENT Business office." B. G. PARKER. Flat in the Century Block for rent, mpply at this office. FOR SALE- House;at a bargain. 1 B. G. PARKER, Mrs. SummerfeJdt will hold her an- nual sale of useful and fancy articles at her home, 68 Clinton street. Commenc- ing Saturday morning, Dex. 17. 41w2 FOTTNH On Clinton street a pair of heavy pants. Owner can have same by calling at Frank Monier's, Depot street and paying for this notice. I handle the celebrated Barney A Berry <ico skates which have long Been conceded to be the best made. Call and inspedt my stock. W. E. LYTLE, I Clinton street. There will be a sale of useful and fancy articles at Mrs. Jerome Payne'a^ corner Rock Island ami Gleason streets* Friday, Dec. Iti, beginning at 4 p. m. and continuing Saturday. Mrs. Galpin's knit goods ami post cards also on sale. Mrs. J. F. Brodie offers for sal*, oak side board, dining .table, tea-tables, 2 antique mahogany tables, type writer dt»sk, chairs, settee, library and parlor tables, 3 bed room suites, hair mat- tresses, pillows, pictures, china and other articles suitable for Christmas ? ;ifts, at the home of Mrs. J. H. tutherford, 52 Grove street. , - Tho following letters remained in- called for in tno Gouvemeur postoffjee on Dec. (J; A. J. McBride, Oeo. HoW- ell, R. Kelley, Andrew Raven, Albert Abbott. E. D. E. Ear, Henry Mescord, J. Hinkley. J. W. McCarthy, John Otto, J. II. Petrie, John Risiey, John Williams, R. Glasier, S. Carpenter, S. Bearne, Sidney Griffiths, J. Harris, R. Alevan, Samuel Miller, Augus Auseline, George Burnham, James Lewis, James Mack, John S. Jones, Henry Allen, Frank Robinson, Edgar La Bow, Alvin Powell, Chas. Rathburn.To the Burgess, Miss Halt,, Right In the Neck is where you can tell the difference be- tween the candies sold 4nd manufactur- ed by Crystal Palace ar»d others. Ask your girl she will tell Crystal Palace every time because they are manufac- tured from pure sugar ami flavorings. Inspect the large ami varied assort- ment. Gifts Whether you spend little or much for Christmas, it is important that your gifts should have lasting value. Christmas prices are lower than at other seasons here, because our larger purchases give us bigger discounts. The quality of everything in this store makes it a worthy gift, whether the price you pay is large or small. The entire range of your family needs is covered by ar- ticles you find here, whether they be big needs or little. Here are a lew suggestions. For Mother or Wife Bed room qhait China closet Rocker i Magazine stand Kitchen cabinet Brass bedstead ' ' Mahogany dresser Piece of cut glass Hal! rack Lounge Buffet For the Best Girl in the World Music cabinet Work table Sewing rocker i Dresser Pedestal- Bookcase . Parlor table Bon-bon dish Piece of hammered brass Vase Tea table ' Five o'clock tea kettl? For Brother Jack * * • - j Chiffonier Morris chair Arm chair I Office chair Card table Leather rocker High back rocker Ash tray Costunaer Small Hrasslframe We Will Save You Trbuble arid Money Buy your Christmas Goods now and we will store and deliver them to - you - More New Furs This Week [ This store is prepared to look after j] your Christmas wants J NOW. : : : . : * * * E. D. i A Good Opportunity TO IMPROVE YOUR STOCK ^f We will furnish you with BULL CALVLS from a son of Hengerveld DeKol, from CIIOICK GRADIv COWS that will give from 4.0 to 60 lbs. per day when fresh—Price $5 three to five days old. Send us your oHier for one; we will guarantee* satisfaction. * Shipments will be made in order received. ^j. We also have for sale at rea- sonable prices RKGISTKRKI) HOLSTKIN BULLS,ranging in age from 8 months to 1 year, ready for spring service. Also some younger Registered Bulls from choice stock. i *|| All inquiries cheerfully ans- wered. WOODCOCK BROS. EDWARDS. N. Y. WHY IS II? That Bomo i>©op!e Bend their i an fi- ll ry work out of tho town to the Globe Steam Laundry in Potsdam and eltwwhoro, when they can #et juHt as go/>d work done at home at tho name or LOW Kit I'RK'KS. I have secured the old OHtablinhed (iouverneur Strain Laundry and am prepared to do the beat possible wort. Would be pleased to have your patronage. Will eall for and deliver your work. Gouvemeur Steam Laundry T h o M 82 H. W. H. KENTON. Frop. w * i^r« K t I „». 1 :•;:."•"-*'.-••„. J \ \ k Hats, Half-Hose, NecHwear, and Underwear at pleasing prices for new effects. Refinement in Clothes The cloth In jr yon buy from us Is gTiaraot^ed satisfac- tory, of coun»t». Naturally we couldn't do business unless, it was so, but you get more than mere satisfaction io wear, and fit. and style. You get a refinement of dress that to beyond the reach ef criticism and that is correct in evert point. $1 - !i Let us show you how our suits and overcoats excel in this point. The prices range from $10.00 to $30.00 and the values are better than you will usually get. Extra Good Values at $20 and $25 Winter-weight Serge Suits and Fancy Wor- steds and Cassimeres of exclusive design as well as Plain and Fancy Overcoats. Values that you'll appreciate. Ederheimer Stein % Co. Clothing* for boys King Quality Shoes, S. ft S. Hats Peerless Shirts, H. ft I. Collars warranted. Lenard ® Fuller ARTHUR E. CU1HMAN* FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Boll Phone at offlc* No. 194 W. at r«dden<*« For nifrht calls UM phone at offlca door. No. 98 R Over a tors formerly occupied by Cushman. THE CUSHMAN CO Markwick A Undertakers ami Embalmsrs. DRAPER'S BARGAIN STORE A 8<iuar* D**4. W* lev* our work, our mlnnlofi In Nte in to make the b*#t bread, we knew how to make It hotter to day than y«*tmUy if poaiiibfo. \y« nre R^ntly mcoiirftjroil hy th« nice tbtntf* peoiile nre **yiujr nhout our b*ko<l ntufF- Let you 1N» on* r>ior© of our mitinn«Hl one*. Tioneer Bakery * Rentrmint. A WOMAN WAR KKPT FROM TKMITATION TODAY. sShneiuno to our ofhYo arul «akl« "I'm iroinjr to put some money Into conl, then when the tetiiittation comet to npen<l too much for (hr 1st man, I Wont hnve it to ni^ml. <;*'nt philosophers, thene home women. NOHIJC. For Sister Pretty chair for her robm Mahogany work table Dressing table Music cabinet Writing desk Arm chair ! \ Book case \ , Iron bedstead Framed picture \ Jardinier Chocolate set For Grand- father Comfortable arm chair . High back rocker Genuine leather rocker Foot stool Book table Mahogany tray Brass call bell For Grand- mother Jardinier stand Sewing rocker Morris chair Magazine; stand Work stand Candle stick Reed rocker Arm chair For Father or Husband Morris chair Leather rocker Revolving chair Kisy chair Coiich Card table Foot stool Bookcase Library table with desk combined* For the whole family Oak dining room set Pediatal table ( China closet Buffet Set Leather Upholstered Chairs THE QUALITY SHOP : O F " -. . • , THE CUSHMAN CO. Christmas Presents In Great Variety at Prices that never have been matched. Xntap Tag* t and Seal* FRAZIER'S The jilew Dry Goods Store Iff*** Pomt: Gmrdmmmd Booklet* Christmb!s G ! ! We are HhouIriK C'lft Goods In lar^o variety, luitshle for any member of the family. materials for making* rhrUtmaH things, JUHI in. : : ; : : NEW . - s Large itock of Art Tabic Damask, Napkins, Lunch Cloths, Tray Cloths, Center Pieces, Towels, ,' DrajWn Work and Battenberg Squares and Scarfs, etc. NEW •5 Dress Goods, Silks,* Trimmings, Coats, Furs, Silk Waists, Neckwear, Scarfs, Veils, Gloves, Bags, Handker- chiefs, Undermuslins, etc. New line of Axminater Rugs. New Patterns' at lower prices than usual, STAPLE DRY GOODS ^ of all kinds. Mosf lines still unbroken. Hosier)', Underwear, Outings, Blanket!, etc. Come in and look. Wc will be giad ,to have you whether ready to purchase dr not. Any article reserved by making a small deposit, and delivered at Xmas time if you LONG DfSfAHU 1 Utf>H0*l Telephone Order* Will Rehire Careful Attention No. 73-R Wc arc here to Serve yOu^—use us. GEO. M. BOOKS Altfei* Books, FTenly Rookii, and many other popular 1>OOICH for the tioVH. Prieen 1 9 c and 2 8 c . ftookH for tfirU. AM the bent title* are offered at 2&C. CritLDRtN'S BOOKS Never* before were £meh , bright, cherry bookH offered a& at this Heanon. PrlepH && to BOc. . TOYS All the big toys for the hoy*- Sleds, Automobile)), Wheel HarrowH, (iuon, Toy HarnH, Shooting Galleries, Koek- Ing Horses and all the other popular iteniH. SLEDS AT COST Big line of Sleds and Coasters t>eing closed out at cost. j SMALL BOYS TOYS Iron Teams, Fire Engines, Hanks, Hook and Ladder, Drums, Kx press Wagons, Automobiles and all the best Mechanical Toys. PURE CANDIES ! We are the only distHbutere of Red ! Band Brand t'andies In (>oiiverneur. : Warranted pure at l O c lb. j FINE CHINA j We never have had a better show- ing of Fine China and Art Novelties, \ and at prices lower than ever before in the history of thla store. 1 PICTURE FRAMING, Wo guarantee perfect satisfaction ' on all work executed In our picture framing department. COAT SWEATERS Balance of our stock of Sweaters to he closed out at actual cost. . LEVY BROS SPECIAL SALE FOR Holiday Shoppers AH Coats and Furs 1-3 off for- mer prices, also Big Liberal Reduction on Fur Coats. just think what that means to j^ou at this time of year $25.0d Wool Coats for , 20.00 " " "...,,.. 15.00 12.50 " "1 " ., 30.00 Muffs and Scarfs for 25.00 20.00 " ' " " " 15.00 " , " " ' '" 12.00 " " " " A. $ 16.67 13.33 10.00 8.33 20.00 16.67 13.33 10.00 8.00 Match Our Prices if You Can. It has Never^ljeeii Done! j • JOHN N. DRAPER NEXT TO KINNEY'S DRUG STORE ==£ We are fatnglng round our 'phone, Number 29, rather wi§h- ioff you would call and tell ua to come and get your laundry. CLOU STIAH LAUNDIT Oflioe at Telegraph office Children's Coats and Furs are also included in this Sale. These garments jvere all new this Fall. We have decided to give our customers the benefit of this great cut in prices before the holidays. W e h o p e you will appreciate the sacrifice we are making and call early that we may not b e s o crowded on the last days] and each customer may receive proper attention. : : : ' : : ; : Sale will continue all of this wfeek ^ DfSfANCl ' rilfPMOHf TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS No. 133-J. LEVY Si*. A^i Lj J * v ***•,>• •*>. r Ms * l ' , ^^L'% i >.AW. ''••>.** •'!•••;% . V •:. > > . , -»*',,' •• {•

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Page 1: L THE GOUVERNEUR FORESTERS ORGANIZE …nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031293/1910-12-07/ed...c)ay from a two we^ka viait at Ctiyter, (


1 L

• . H . Q ^ i D S O N


Local f t f f to fv

N n , . 7 : — :

r » V w f l * 7, 1910

T O W N T A L K T O P I C S .

I.oiutar F^lwunl llrayton of th«i Ktl Wsmls HUgoim Imiul w«« i visitor town HatunUy.

Mlaa (frrtriMfo WaUh of Vmrktr *tti*t l|Mint a fnw <l«yn of taut w<H*k in Wat«»r


• |MMIl « I O W (IHVR Of II town vUlthitf fri«MMlw

Knv. l U r o l d W . Haynoa of Canton, wi l l tir«a<-h *t I I M I Uni tar ian Church u n i t MutMlny nt I t it>

Mlaa J'hl l l l , T r i v o r of R l w i n b , l» a ariiiMit of hur frlinwl. Mra. H. Frank Hu l l awl family in town.

Th«i M laa* * KlltalM»th Maaon and ( • f r t r iu lo M<Kt>Hii s|H*nt |»art of laat w w k w i th frUrwta in Potmlsm.

Mm, Edward Mvrry of ()|r<l«na!n]fg ha* IH»«HI thr ifiioat of Mlaa Marion Molmo* <>f Kant Main ntrwt for a fow daya past.

T h * rm|»lnv«'« ill tho 8«-hoi ton" marble aho|Mi wfwit on an viuht hoiir a< TUHIUIII H u h m l a y whi< h wil l bn cmtttmiod for a month at )*aat. ' •

M r and M r * Jofomo Payne fcavr re turned f rom a short visit to the homo of her slatnr, Mra . AI»M»rt T h o f n h i l l l n Wnreeater . M A S S

»f Springfield, Ma§i\# ti town visiting hla

<?anileld. ami

Thomaa <'otter •l>fi»t laat wnek alater, Mra Wi l l iam fami ly of Park atr«»««t.

Mr . and Mra , It IV Hnelry apant 'rhurai lay evening in t4»wn, Mra, Hooley waa fnr>n*rly Mlaa I V a r l !t««fitloy of Antw«>rJ>. jinil i* well known hare.

T h * VVmnenn Rel ief C nrpa wi l l hot<l irmir aripttml e l a t i o n of oAVera at their n a i t r ^ u l a r meet ing l>e«\ l.tth. All mpmlNirn are <mrnest)y re<|iie*ted to ho |>r#a«nt.

M r HI, ilny ( l u t e , an expert f u n d hi r* man who waa formerly employed hy It. t ' . Reynotda at Troy , la now employed at A. KatvitiHri £ Sons furni ture <te partrneut .

M m , Jarnrv M a r t i n of Tlendenion for­mer ly of trdtf vil lage, anont a fow ilaya of laat week In town visiting her par-• n t a , Mr . MI^I Mra l m Her vis* of John • town utrettt,

Mr . and M M T.ofen Campbel l of W I N M I U I H I , <>nt., have ln>en spending a week in town oit their wedding tr ip, vialtitijr M r CamphelTa unrhi. Chief of I 'olire I 'ern l re and fami ly .

Mr . atnl M m O. It , Finch and Mlaa Winn ie lloacoe of W a r e , Maan.# former­ly of thla v I Jingo, nre apen<!itt|f aome-t lme In town vUitlnir Avery llo«ro« nn<| fami ly ami other relatlvea «n<l friettda.

Mlaa K a t e Hull ivan who haa l^eon aiHimlinic the pant month in town viait-Ititf her parentft, M r aiul Mra lUn ie l Minlivan of Kaat Main atreet , h»m re turruMl to her etnployruent in a atoro at Old Forge

Robert , the yming' inn of H e r b e r t N e w r o i n b of iMiat Mnhi a t reet t thin vi l lage, foiiml * good aired pearl in aome oyatera which he waa eat ing a few daya ago. The gem la aaid to have considerable value.

HtiiMirlntimdeid Frt^l J . Porter of the Carr l t fan A McKinney Company wil l on behalf of hla c<mcern give hia employea a banmiet at the Marl i le Ci ty hotel thia avert ing. Invl tat iona have lieen iaaue<l tt» many othora than employea.

Over $t(o<X>,000 wor th of but ter atnl oheea^i waa aold the naat aeaaun on the W a t e r t o w n I loanl . The a v c r i i j ^ price

Jtaftd for cheeae lacka one mil l of Wi r ing 4 centa |n>r pound, which la above that

of any aoaaon of the XI yeara' exiatence of the lK>«rd.

M r and M m I,. A. M a r t i n ut Proav oeet atreet Uat week enterta ined her f a t h i t , W . I>. Church and brother, Fre<l Chun 'h of Canton and alao Mr. M a r t i n a tmronte. M r and Mra. Wit Mam J . M a r t i n of New l l r idge former­ly of thia town .

T h e morrhanta of thla vi l lage are pre­par ing for the holiday trade and all wil l nave larger ami Oner atocka than ever I tefore in yeara and tfie ear ly ahop|M*rj wi l l have a tine choice. A glance at our advert ia lng coiumna w i l l ahow the care fu l buyer where to go for the hoty-day ahopping.

M m . A r t h u r Freeman who reaidea a am»rt diatance f rom thia vdlage towanla I t lchvi l le, enter ta ined a good fMimberof| her neighlnira Fr iday ev«ming wi th pro-1 grraa ive |N^lro, there being five tahlea. ' Hefreahmeit ta were aerved fol lowing the Mwanllutf of the pr i iea and all pre eent voted the event a moet pleaaant one.

Mr . and M m . Andrew Ha l l of Rcotch Ret t le inent , Koaaie, returned yeater c)ay f rom a two we^ka viait at Ctiyter, (<»rtlarwl County, where they wera yueata of M m . I l a l l ' a parenta. Mr ami l i r a Frank OfaUla, forme ly of V,\m dale. Mr . Ha l l reporta over twoLf«>et of atiow at ( u y l e i and for rniloa I aur-roumllng. i

H e r b e r t I f . f U r r y who ao aurreaaful-1y n im hwl the <#. I I . M. fiMithalt team dur ing the paat aeanon left Monday for Moat on where he haa aecured a good p4»#ltloti. Mr . Har ry , who ia an afhlota of recognli*Ml abi l i ty , made hoata of w a r m friemla during hia aojourn In town all of whom ioin in wiahing him abundant aucceaa In hia new tiehl of lalnir.

(>. N , I t i tchle n wel l known farmer Who reaidea a few m i h a f rom thla vil­lage drove to town Saturday and af ter l l r a w l n g aome money f rom one of the hanka he traueactt* ! aome buaineaa ami tilNin reaching hoine be rnlaaial a roll of hllla amotiutTiig to pM which in aoma manner he had loet f rom nla |MM ket H e retunoMl atnl hNikinl over the groiiml but without aurceaa

Zero wea ther atni«k thin aectlon Momlay when tlurlng that night the mercury drop|M«d to four Indow. Yea t e n U y waa a raw cold day and In con #f«pience there were few in town from the rura l diat i lcta. The lack of aleigh Ing at pieaenl ia a great handicap to tniaineea and ia likely to prolong the

I famine which haa lieeii foreaeen '(KM! for the paat two there ia l i t t le or no pale in town.

w e e k a At g o o d bard w

prei ood

aent for

I tert T h a y e r of W r ^ t Main atreet, who ia employed bf tin* Ideal meat n iarket had a narrow eacapo from averlotia iuiury one morning lw*l week whi le tak ing M r , Thayer »artial|y in t l I

runiiera i lrop and

niry one in if ordera

wai In* u\ bt in

In l*rt»ajH> waa dr iv ing

ut ter when

aug h e

t hia one

the cover of a atreet waa thrown from the

atreet c u t t e r of the

Edward 8. Laberrl** spent Monday in Hyracuae tranaacting buaineaa and calling on hia numeroua frienda.

A large number of the members of the Temple Club will drive to Richville thia evening where they will be the gueata of the Richville Masonic Club at a banquet.

The flrat aeaafon of the St. Lawrence County Pomona (irange opened here in (•range hall at II a. m today with a large attendance. The evening seasionJ will be public. N

The atock of grweriea nml flutlirea belonging to Jerd Hrothera. who recent-ly Mod a j>etition in bankruptcy,will be aold tomorrow forotUM>n in the Temple atore by Trustee Oallaa M. Hazelton.

The plant of the Haturday Liberal Newa of Watertown waa closed by the SherifT Saturday by the re<pioat of At­torney Floyd Carlialo, representing Norman K. Mack of Huffalo who recent­ly obtaituNl a judgment of about $3<X) against tho paper.

The local Diviaion of Ancient Ortlcr of Hibernians elected the following officers lawt eveninir: President, John Plunkott, vice president, lUrry Hulger; recording Secretary, Arthur P. Maaon; financial aecretary, W. II. Moran; treasurer, II. H. Ryan and guide P F* Cllne.

The annua! meeting of the Pliilathea rlaaa of the Methodiat, church Sunday school waa held last evening in the Sunday school rooms with a Targe at­tendance ami the following officers were elected for the ensuing year; Presi­dent, Kliuabeth Mellon; vice president, Janie Straw, aecretary. Anna Murphy and treasurer, Lillian Parker. Follow* ing the election candy waa served and a aocial hour waa apent.

C. A . Hennett , who for the paat few Yearn haa been the local correspondent for the Svracuae Post -Standard, re turn­ed f rom Syracuse laat night where he made arrangements to go to Fulton to refaTesont tha t miner and he expects to enler ii|N)n hia duties wi th in a few daya. Mr. Mennett haa had conaidorabk* ex­perience in journal ism and. wi l l make his employers a Vgluablo man in Fulton which is a prolific field for a l ive news­paper man. ,

The regnihr meeting of the Fort njfhtly clijl waa held at the home of albs KatherinV J^eahy In (trove atreet, Monday evening with a good attendance and the following program waa given: Paper, "William of Orange/' Miaa Dickson; diecuaaion. "King Phillip and His Policy," Mr. Holtnn; five minute talka, "(.omits Fgmont and Horn," Miss Pike, "Defense of Haarlem," Mlsa Myers; "Who Was Alva?" Miaa M. (I Potter, "John Harneveldt," Mrs Kelly. At the completion of the program refreshments were served.




Hi t 5 0 t h Bir thday Is Fittingly Ce lsbra t

ad By Hia N u m e r o u s Fr iends.

In honor of hia 50th birth anniversary Supervisor Herbert ti. Aldrieh waa

Shren a genuine surprise at his home in arney street Saturday evening by a

large number of hia gentlemen friends. The event waa planned by Mra. Aldrioh and It waa most charmingly carried out. At 8 o'clock the gueata began to arrivo at the Aldrieh homo and to aay that our genial auperviaor waa aurpriaod would be putting it mildly,. He quickly re­covered however and extended royal greetings to his many friends aa they arrived. Ktaborate refreshments were aerved ahortly affWr . H o'clock after Which two hours were spent with games and sociability and all left shortly be fore midnight wishing their host ami hosteea many long ami happy yeara.

Among thoae who attended were: Mayor Charles II. Anthony, President of the Chamber of Commerce, II. (». Parker, Oeorge F. Lackey, K. D. Taitt Fred C. Mead, A* M. Jepaou, Landlord Everett J. Peck, Arthur II. Abbott, Aaalatant Postmaster II. J. Carpenter, K. I) Harry. Frank Starbuck. John P. Ktllmer. District Attorney James C. Dolan, John McFalls, D. iL Scholten, Frank L. Soaker, Thomas J. Whitney, Cashier I*a>ie W. Hurdick of tho First National Hank (Jeorge C. McCartin of Water town, fclmer (^irtia, (Jrant Fill lar, (ieorge 11 Tait. (harlea C. Donald ami Charles l|. (lark.

B L A Z K I N W I L S O N S T R E E T .

Hdusa Owned By Robert Rattiey Is Totally Oastroyed.

Yesterday morning shortly before 5, a double houae in Wilaoij street west of the village limits, which waa owned by Robert Haatley of II errnon and occupi­ed by Arthur KtdF, a Hebrew junk dealer, saught tire from some unknown origin ami waa burned to the ground. Kofi ami hia wife awoke With a start to find the ceiling alxive their heads on fire. They took the children out ami threw their hed out but were unable to •ave anything elae, including %UW in

which waa aaid to have been i*im-de ceM in a mattress. The fire depart­

ment responded to an alarm aent in from Weat Main ami Smith street, and HM feet of hoao waa stretched from Smith atreet across the Holds to the burning building and with two atreama other nearby bulMinga were saved. There waa an Insurance of *WM> on the house which waa in the Maker agency ami KofT had a smsll amount of in­surance oe hia household effects.

Neighbors discovered Blare. Sunday evening while Kdward Hughes

ami wife, who operate the L. S. Molten farm in the Scotch Settlement district of thia town, were at the barn milking their houae caught fire in the ceiling preauniably from an overheated stove­pipe and if it had not t>ecn for a neighbor, a Mr. Price, who discovered the smoke, the building wph its con­tents would have been destroyed. Mr. IVice ami others quickly reached the scene ami informed Mr. and Mrs. Hughes of the fact that their house waa on fire and a bucket brigade waa quickly formed ami after a half hours' hard work the (lames were sulnlued but not before damage to the amount of 940 or %TA) had been done to tho flooring in the chamber and to clothing a con siderable amount of which hung in the room all of which waa more or leas burned. The toss is covered by insur­ance.


{tainted brooch fi tiled With cowtL

vehicle w i th great force wi th the re-ault that one thumb waa badly aprained and he waa otherwiae hruiaed. T h e , harneaa waa broken bdt he managed to cling to the reina thus preventing a runaway . The cast iron cover to the drop waa broken in two by the wrench ami haa been replaced by a new one.

A feW d a y ! ago Someone OnteTod the front room of the Cuahman C o , atore on the fbM.r above the Crysta l Palace,

id atolea hamlaome and valuable hand oiu a < aae which waa

oMiiv «»«* glaaa and novel ties f<u the t 'h i ia tmaa trade. Neither Mr . t'liahniMii noi Inn nwal*tant. M r Shaw, heard or M W anyone enter, as tMith w e i r probably in the picture frarn log department at the rear end of (he atore. but they have aecuied a fairly giNNl'clue I H to tl lentlty of the ill |rud«\l and an invent Igat ton ia now On |ei way Othei nieichanfa report

t t \ thefta i.f vatioiia ai ticlea ami a united effoit 14 IHMHK made to dete«t the gui l ty person er peraiuia.

W ; I I O ' N e i l of Fast. Ma in afreet, thla vil lage the genial local repreaerita t l v e o f the Internat ional Correa|N>mUmc«i ach<M»la of Hcranlou. Pa , is meeting w i th well deserved au«« eaa he having many well aatiahVd ttudctita in thla and aurroumflnu towna At thla aeaaon of the year Mr t l ' N e d makea hia great eat efTorf to atar i atudenta aa the long winter evening* gives them excellent opportunity to atudy ami therefore much more rapid pfaVgreaa ia ma^le than dur ing thti summer seaaon. Mr . O'Nol l

Praiantad With Silver Spoon. At the apoclal meeting of the (Jleason

Circle No Wl Ladiea of C.. A. It., held here Tuesday evening Nov. &>. Miss Mabel Lucky of Troy, department president instead of National president as before ststed, made an ius|>oction of the Circle. Mrs. Minnie Harr president of the Circle presided ami following the work of the evening Miss Lucky waa presented with a aet of solid silver tea siMNtna on behalf of the Circle for which she returned thanks with a feW well chosen remarks. About 40 incriibersof Hames l \* t ami Sons of VotWarjs were present ami remark/ were listened to from Commander G. S. Parsons and Comrades William Haxeltoli, Warren Pike, Lorenxo Smith, Jeasio Streetor ami othora. Refreshments of an l»etliititf character were served at close of the session.

an the

ing tl idam-i furniam-a hia students free of coat with

valuable reference l ibrary embracing every subject which they mav be tak­ing. M r O ' M e l l waa transf«s>red here by the school f rom Kingston, N . Y

m and hli all that he coulrl wiah |gat June and his aucceaa h e m haa been

n g . m hi

Arcanum Elects O f f i c e r s .

At its annual meeting held last Fri day evening (Jouverneur Council No. f\W, Royal Arcanum, elected the fol­lowing officers for the ensuing year;

Regent, J. A. Cumhiinge' vice re gent. M. F, Walsh, orator. C. N. Holt, naat recent, W. II. Moran, Col lector, L W. Fuller, aecretary, F. Iv Dour v. treasurer. W. F. Leonanl; chaplain. O. L. Sutherlaml; warden. W K. Lymle, gukle. D. K. W«MHI. amtinel, ihoa. Iiarl»er; trustee. F. W. Sprague repreaentativea t*» the (irand Lmlge, L A. Cummlnga mu\ W. If. Moran

P R O G R E S S S H O W N I N A L L D E ­


E N D I N G N O V E M B E R 2 6

ROLL FOR MONTH Attendance Report Shows Enthusiasm

In the W o r k U n d e r Superintendent

A lver ton and H i t Able C o r p t o f As­

sistants All of W h o m Are W o r k i n g

In Perfect H a r m o n y ,

Superintendent Alvemon of the local ach<!rWs has presented the attendance report for the mouth ending November 26, and the result shows progress in all departments. The total enrollment is Ml of which 2711 are in the High school. So far thia school year great enthusiasm haa been shown in the work by both teachers arid pupils and the outlook is bright for one of the most successful years in the history of the Gouvemeur schools. While Superintendent Alver-eon is no doubt the youngest man who haa evec been at the head of our schools he ia obtaibing most aatisfactory re­sults which oicourse In a great measure is brought about by the enthusiastic support giVen him by hi | able cor|>a of assistants in every department, among the foremost in this respect being Vice-Principal Lewis who has proven to be a very able inatrue tor. The report is as followa; High school, enrollment, 2Tlf, average attendance, 271, per cent at­tendances 97.13. Grqmnrar school, en rollment, 129, average attendance, 125. per cent attendance, 98.74.

Eaat Side school, enrollment* 270, average*, attendance, 254, per cent at-tendanctV 97.78.

West Side school, enrollment, 244, average Attendance, 231, per cent at­tend anceVj 98.09.

South Side school, enrollment, 45, average attendance, 41, per cent at­tendance, 97.58.

The honor roll for the month follows: moil SCHOOL.

MayiYod Herryv Ruth Rriggs, Reulah Carpenter, Ina Decker, Ward Dalton, Lucv Freeman, Lula Jenne, Gladys Kelfey, Harold Kinney, Verda Lamb, Louise Merriman, Gertrude Sheldon, F,dna Washburn, Hurnice Williams,


Marlon Anthony, Cecil AsTiwood, Helen Draper, Herbert Draper, James Frye, Melva Gardner, Elizabeth Mc­Allister. Dona Richardson, Leona Smith. Dorothy Stacoy, George Skin­ner. Alice Thrall, William VanSlyke.


Ttoss Abbott, f,cta Hancrpft, Ralph Hennett, Katherine HigneSs, Gladys Carpenter, JoyCheesman, Myrtle Cobb, Verna Dillabaugh, Mary Downey, Ells­worth Downey, Frederic Drury, Mabel Drury, Florence Dunkloherg, Douglas Elliot, Albert Fuller, Yale Gates,| Verna (rates, Dorothy Harmon, Stanley Hilts, Emma Honeycomb, Milton Hull, Muriel Hyatt, Geneva Lavack. fit alia Lavack, Josephine Leonard, Robert I/Ogan, Flora McDonald, Elinor Marsh, Floyd Marshall, Alice Moxley, Harold Murphy Helen O'Hrien. Raymond Parker, Nelaon Phelns, Hilda Roberts, Abraham Rudermari, Erwin Rutherford, Jacob Simon, AvangeJine Skinner, Robert Skinner, Virginia Smith Hngh Smith, Ruth Sullivan. Catherine Swett. Storl-Inff Tait. Kenneth Taylor, Fred Webb, William Wells, Floyd Whitney, Elberta Williams, Merris Young. ,


George Andrews, Irene Bancroft, Mabel Heckett, Blanch Hennett, Sarah Booth, Harold Hoprey* John Hqlger, Ruth Carnenter, Helen Cooper, Louis Curtis, Driscoll Fortune, Geraldine Hall, Addis Healey, Hartwell Holmes, George Jennings. Vere Johnstone. Lawrence Jones, Charles Kaley, Gladys Kaley, Mary Kaley, Charlea Kingsbury, Leland Kirkland, Myrtle Lynch, Percy Marsaw, Eve McCarthy, Mary Merritt, Gertrude Monteville, Florence Nettles, Ward Post, Charles Kawson, Lillian Shampine. Myrtle Shamrnne, Charles Stowell. F ranees Walsh, Helena Wash­burn, Grace Wiltae, Keitha Wood, Laura VanValkonburg, Ruth VanVal-kenburg.

ROPTII SIDE. . Carrie Bockus, (Jerald BaM, Edward

Blair, Lizzie Guzzio, Catherine Halyden, Belle Liscum, Lucy Mcintosh. Irene McMillan, Pausy Quick, Herbert Rookey, Lillian Simnlkms, Vera Sim­mons.


L a r g e Attendance At Meet ing He ld

Wi th M r s . E. J Peck Last Wednes­

day Af te rnoon .

The Shakespeare Club met Wednes­day afternoon last with Mrs. E. J. Peck at tho St. Lawrence Inn with a very large attendance. The meeting waa called to order by Mrs. George E. Pike president of the club ami following tho roll call gave a Thanksgiving thought. Mrs. A. A. Potter in a moat interesting mannor gave the current topics for the previous two weeks. Mrs. James (). Sheldon rendered a piano solo of Italian music in her usual pleas­ing manner and this waa followed by a duet rendered by the Misseo Helen Mark wick and Ora C. Spencer. Mrs, Peck who represented the local club at the recent annual convention of the State Federation of Woman's Clubs held at Ithaca submitted her report which was most complete and interest­ing. The officers of 'ttie club are: Presklent. Mrs. U M. Pike; vice president, Mrs. F. J. 'Bolton; second vice president, Mrs. Carrie T. Chandler; secretary, Mrs. B. G. Parker^ corres­ponding secretary, Mrs. M. E. Love-land; librarian, Mrs. R. T. Alleh and critic, Miss Sarah II. A. Parker. The club haa 21 active members, severt re­tired ami one deceased member. The meetings are held weekly and the course of study for this year is •'Italian Literature ami Art."

The W o m a n

id alsi Who really wants value and also insists on correct style and a p€*rfeet-fitting and long-wearing sh^e, can be readily accommodated here.

No shoo ever contained the above features in so large a measure as those made to our specifications by 'John Kelly," Rochester. See this week's wirllow display* studv the i shoes ami the pricest if. F. MARSH.

• • h • * -


N e w Depar ture M a d e By C o u r t G o u ­

v e m e u r Which I t Expected to Be o f

M u c h Benefit .

At the annual meeting of Court Gou­vemeur No. 620, Independent Ordef of Foresters held Monday evening the fol­lowing officers were elected for the en­suing year: Chief Ranger, Robert L. Kinney; past chief ranger, P. W. Fin-negan; court physician, Dr. AT H. Al­len; court deputy, J. A. Cummings; vice chief ranger, G. E. Morgan; re­cording secretary, A. G. Rivers; financial secretary, Henry Miller; treasurer, E. R. Fredenburg; organist, E. J. Barber; senior warden, Frank Hockey; junior warden, George Hockey; senior beadle, Eugene, Mcui tosh; Junior beadle, J. H. Lynch; Supt. juvantle court, Louis Boulet: orator, J. G. Bickford; trustees, W. 0 . Munger and P. W. Finnepan; finance commit­tee. Clarence Bailey and J. C. Jackson: captain guard of honor, George CottreII Following the election the question of organizing a Foresters local relief fund was taken up and moet fully discussed, this in addition to the sick, funeral, total disability, old age and death benefits now given by the supreme Court of the 1. (). F. This move had been agitated for some time past by Chief Ranger Kinney and others of the Court as it was believed that the relief funds of the organization, those given outside the regular channels, could be distributed to far better advantage through a board of directors chosen for the express purpose. The discussion had not proceeded far before it was found that the membership was un­animous for the adoption of the new departure and the following directors were chosen; R. L. Kinney, P. W. Finnegan, Clarence Bailey, E. R. Fredenburg and W. A. Ferran, Mr. Kinney was chosen president, Mr. Bailey secretary and Mr. Firmegan treasurer. It is proposed to adopt by­laws at once and to open a separate bank account with a new set of books. The books have already been secured and the committee on by-laws will be ready within a day or two to report.

It is understood that the local £ourt is the first in the country to inaugurate this new department which will depend wholly upon the members to keep up but there is little doubt but what suc­cess will be theirs as the undertaking haa been launched with plenty of en­thusiasm behind it. Chief Hanger Kinney and his able lieutenants will give their new undertaking their best efforts, confident that through this channel they/ will be better able to serve deserving members and in this they will have the best wishes of the public generally.


Qver Crystal Palace

Dont Qet M a d .

Because.you did not sleep well last last night. . Was there a lamp in the mattress or did the spring's sag? If so you should see A. Katzman. l i e will make sleeping a comfort to you. Only think, a white enamled.

A. Katzman & Son have received a carload,of "Happy Thought" stoves ami ranges now on (sale in their depart­ment stores.

L A V I E R W O N F R O M D A V I S .

Local W r e s t l e r Put U p H a r d Battle

But C o u l d Not O v e r c o m e 8 t r o n g

Opponent . i

In a handicap wrestling match be­tween Joe Lavier of Canaatota and Bert Davis of this village, held in Union hall Friday evening. Lavier gained the first fall in 16 minutes of hard work and the second in siiominutes thus winning the match as the Central New York man agreed to throw Divis twice within an hour. There wjere about KM)! spectators present whan the preliminary a boxing bout between two youngsters, Hay den and Bockus was put on shortly after 9. With the boys honors were even and much amusement was created. Lavier had the ap{>earance of a trained athlete and waa much heavier than the local man but ' notwithstanding this fact Davis nut up a plucky fight and showed much knowledge of tne game. At the close of the bout Davis stated that Lavier was the best man that he had ever met.


FOR RENT Business office." B. G. PARKER.

Flat in the Century Block for rent, mpply at this office.

FOR S A L E - House;at a bargain. 1 B. G. PARKER,

Mrs. SummerfeJdt will hold her an­nual sale of useful and fancy articles at her home, 68 Clinton street. Commenc­ing Saturday morning, Dex. 17. 41w2

FOTTNH On Clinton street a pair of heavy pants. Owner can have same by calling at Frank Monier's, Depot street and paying for this notice.

I handle the celebrated Barney A Berry <ico skates which have long Been conceded to be the best made. Call and inspedt my stock. W. E. LYTLE,

I Clinton street. There will be a sale of useful and

fancy articles at Mrs. Jerome Payne'a^ corner Rock Island ami Gleason streets* Friday, Dec. Iti, beginning at 4 p. m. and continuing Saturday. Mrs. Galpin's knit goods ami post cards also on sale.

Mrs. J. F. Brodie offers for sal*, oak side board, dining .table, tea-tables, 2 antique mahogany tables, type writer dt»sk, chairs, settee, library and parlor tables, 3 bed room suites, hair mat­tresses, pillows, pictures, china and other articles suitable for Christmas

?;ifts, at the home of Mrs. J. H. tutherford, 52 Grove street. ,

- Tho following letters remained in -called for in tno Gouvemeur postoffjee on Dec. (J; A. J. McBride, Oeo. HoW-ell, R. Kelley, Andrew Raven, Albert Abbott. E. D. E. Ear, Henry Mescord, J. Hinkley. J. W. McCarthy, John Otto, J. II. Petrie, John Risiey, John Williams, R. Glasier, S. Carpenter, S. Bearne, Sidney Griffiths, J. Harris, R. Alevan, Samuel Miller, Augus Auseline, George Burnham, James Lewis, James Mack, John S. Jones, Henry Allen, Frank Robinson, Edgar La Bow, Alvin Powell, Chas. Rathburn.To the Burgess, Miss Halt,,

Right In the Neck

is where you can tell the difference be­tween the candies sold 4nd manufactur­ed by Crystal Palace ar»d others. Ask your girl she will tell Crystal Palace every time because they are manufac­tured from pure sugar ami flavorings. Inspect the large ami varied assort­ment.

Gifts Whether you spend little

or much for Christmas, it is important that your gifts should have lasting value.

Christmas prices are lower than at other seasons here, because our larger purchases give us bigger discounts.

The quality of everything in this store makes it a worthy gift, whether the price you pay is large or small.

The entire range of your family needs is covered by ar­ticles you find here, whether they be big needs or little.

Here are a lew suggestions.

For Mother or Wife

Bed room qhait China closet Rocker i

Magazine stand Kitchen cabinet Brass bedstead ' ' Mahogany dresser Piece of cut glass Hal! rack Lounge Buffet

For the Best Girl in the World

Music cabinet Work table Sewing rocker i Dresser Pedestal-Bookcase . Parlor table Bon-bon dish Piece of hammered brass Vase Tea table ' Five o'clock tea kettl?

For Brother Jack

* • * • - j

Chiffonier Morris chair Arm chair I Office chair Card table Leather rocker High back rocker Ash tray Costunaer Small Hrasslframe

We Will Save You Trbuble arid Money

Buy your Christmas Goods now and we will store and

deliver them to - you -

More New Furs This Week

[ This store is prepared to look after j] your Christmas wants J

NOW. : : : . : * * *

E. D. i

A Good Opportunity

TO IMPROVE YOUR STOCK f We will furnish you with

B U L L CALVLS from a son of Hengerveld DeKol, from CIIOICK G R A D I v COWS that will give from 4.0 to 60 lbs. per day when fresh—Price $5 three to five days old. Send us your oHier for one; we will guarantee* satisfaction. * Shipments will be made in order received. ^j. We also have for sale at rea­sonable prices RKGISTKRKI) H O L S T K I N BULLS,ranging in age from 8 months to 1 year, ready for spring service. Also some younger Registered Bulls from choice stock. i *|| All inquiries cheerfully ans­wered.


WHY IS II? That Bomo i>©op!e Bend their i an fi­

ll ry work out of tho town to the Globe Steam Laundry in Potsdam and eltwwhoro, when they can #et juHt as go/>d work done at home at tho name or LOW Kit I'RK'KS. I have secured the old OHtablinhed (iouverneur Strain Laundry and am prepared to do the beat possible wort. Would be pleased to have your patronage. Will eall for and deliver your work.

Gouvemeur Steam Laundry T h o M 82 H. W. H. KENTON. Frop.

w * i^r« K t

I „».1 :•;:."•"-*'.-••„. J \ \

k Hats, Half-Hose, NecHwear, and Underwear at pleasing prices for new effects.

Refinement in Clothes

The cloth In jr yon buy from us Is gTiaraot^ed satisfac­tory, of coun»t». Naturally we couldn't do business unless, it was so, but you get more than mere satisfaction io wear, and fit. and style. You get a refinement of dress that to beyond the reach ef criticism and that is correct in evert point. $1

- !i Let u s s h o w y o u h o w o u r s u i t s

a n d o v e r c o a t s e x c e l in t h i s p o i n t . T h e p r i c e s r a n g e f r o m $ 1 0 . 0 0 t o $ 3 0 . 0 0 a n d t h e v a l u e s a r e b e t t e r t h a n y o u wi l l u s u a l l y get .

Extra Good Values at $ 2 0 and $ 2 5

Winter-weight Serge Suits and Fancy Wor­steds and Cassimeres of exclusive design

as well as Plain and Fancy Overcoats. Values that you'll appreciate.

Ederheimer Stein % Co. Clothing* for boys King Quality Shoes, S. ft S. Hats

Peerless Shirts, H. ft I. Collars warranted.

Lenard ® Fuller


Boll Phone at offlc* No. 194 W. at r«dden<*« For nifrht calls U M phone at offlca door. No. 98 R

Over a tors formerly occupied by Cushman.


Markwick A

Undertakers ami Embalmsrs.



A 8<iuar* D**4. W* lev* our work, our mlnnlofi In

Nte in to make the b*#t bread, we knew how to make It hotter to day than y«*tmUy if poaiiibfo. \y« nre R^ntly mcoiirftjroil hy th« nice tbtntf* peoiile nre **yiujr nhout our b*ko<l ntufF- Let you 1N» on* r>ior© of our mitinn«Hl one*. Tioneer Bakery * Rentrmint.

A WOMAN WAR KKPT FROM TKMITATION TODAY. sShneiuno to our ofhYo arul «akl« "I'm iroinjr to put some money Into conl, then when the tetiiittation comet to npen<l too much for (hr 1st man, I Wont hnve it to ni^ml. <;*'nt philosophers, thene home women.


For Sister Pretty chair for her robm Mahogany work table Dressing table Music cabinet Writing desk Arm chair ! \ Book case \ , Iron bedstead Framed picture \ Jardinier Chocolate set

For Grand­father

Comfortable arm chair . High back• rocker

Genuine leather rocker Foot stool Book table Mahogany tray Brass call bell

For Grand­mother

Jardinier stand Sewing rocker Morris chair Magazine; stand Work stand Candle stick Reed rocker Arm chair

For Father or Husband

Morris chair Leather rocker Revolving chair • Kisy chair Coiich Card table Foot stool Bookcase Library table with desk


For the whole family

Oak dining room set Pediatal table ( China closet Buffet Set Leather Upholstered


THE QUALITY SHOP : O F " -. . • ,


Christmas Presents

In Great Variety at Prices that never have been matched.

Xntap Tag* t and Seal*

FRAZIER'S The jilew Dry Goods Store

Iff*** Pomt: Gmrdmmmd


Christmb!s G • ! • ! •

We are HhouIriK C'lft Goods In lar^o variety, luitshle for any member of the family. materials for making* rhrUtmaH things, JUHI in. : : ; : :

N E W . -

s • Large itock of Art

Tabic Damask, Napkins, Lunch Cloths, Tray Cloths, Center Pieces, Towels,

,' DrajWn Work and Battenberg Squares and Scarfs, etc.

NEW •5

Dress Goods, Silks,* Trimmings, Coats, Furs, Silk Waists, Neckwear, Scarfs,

Veils, Gloves, Bags, Handker­chiefs, Undermuslins, etc.

N e w l ine o f A x m i n a t e r Rugs . New Patterns' at lower prices than usual, S T A P L E DRY G O O D S ^

of all kinds. Mosf lines still unbroken. Hosier)', Underwear, Outings, Blanket!, etc.

Come in and look. Wc will be giad ,to have you whether ready to purchase dr not. Any article reserved by making a small deposit, and delivered at Xmas time if you

LONG DfSfAHU 1 Utf>H0*l

Telephone Order* Will Reh ire

Careful Attention

N o . 7 3 - R

Wc arc here to Serve yOu^—use us.


Altfei* Books, FTenly Rookii, and many other popular 1>OOICH for the tioVH. Prieen 1 9 c and 2 8 c .

ftookH for tfirU. AM the bent title* are offered at 2&C.

C r i t L D R t N ' S B O O K S Never* before were £meh , bright,

cherry bookH offered a& at this Heanon. PrlepH && to BOc. .

T O Y S All the big toys for the hoy*- Sleds,

Automobile)), Wheel HarrowH, (iuon, Toy HarnH, Shooting Galleries, Koek-Ing Horses and all the other popular iteniH.

SLEDS A T C O S T Big line of Sleds and Coasters t>eing

closed out at cost. j

S M A L L B O Y S T O Y S Iron Teams, Fire Engines, Hanks,

Hook and Ladder, Drums, Kx press Wagons, Automobiles and all the best Mechanical Toys.

P U R E C A N D I E S ! We are the only distHbutere of Red !

Band Brand t'andies In (>oiiverneur. : Warranted pure at l O c lb. j

FINE CHINA j We never have had a better show­

ing of Fine China and Art Novelties, \ and at prices lower than ever before in the history of thla store. 1

PICTURE F R A M I N G , Wo guarantee perfect satisfaction '

on all work executed In our picture framing department.

C O A T S W E A T E R S Balance of our stock of Sweaters

to he closed out at actual cost. .



Holiday Shoppers

AH Coats and Furs 1-3 off for­mer prices, also Big Liberal

Reduction on Fur Coats. just think what that means to j ou at this time of year

$25.0d Wool Coats for , 20.00 " " " . . . , , . . 15.00 12.50 " "1 " ., 30.00 Muffs and Scarfs for 25.00 20.00 " ' " " " 15.00 " , " " ' '" 12.00 " " " "


$ 16.67 13.33 10.00 8.33

20.00 16.67 13.33 10.00 8.00

Match Our Prices if You Can. It has

Never^ljeeii Done! j •


==£ • We are fatnglng round our

'phone, Number 29, rather wi§h-ioff you would call and tell ua to come and get your laundry.


Oflioe at Telegraph office

Children's Coats and Furs are also included in this Sale.

T h e s e g a r m e n t s jvere al l n e w this Fall . W e h a v e d e c i d e d to g i v e o u r c u s t o m e r s t h e b e n e f i t of th i s g r e a t c u t in p r i c e s b e f o r e t h e h o l i d a y s . W e h o p e y o u wil l a p p r e c i a t e t h e sacr i f ice w e a r e m a k i n g a n d cal l e a r l y t h a t w e m a y n o t b e s o c r o w d e d o n t h e last days ] a n d e a c h c u s t o m e r m a y r e c e i v e p r o p e r a t t en t ion . : : : ' : : ; : •

Sale will continue all of this wfeek


DfSfANCl '



N o . 1 3 3 - J .


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