· ˘ˇˆ˙˝˛˚˜ !" # islamization and politicians in indonesia: an analysis...

腧腺腰腱腫腥腙腧腭腶腵膀腕膫膡膂 ῍῍ ῎ῌῌῐ 膿膭膨腙膵臅膌腽腴腹腳腦腄腸腍腞 ῍῍ Islamization and Politicians in Indonesia: An Analysis of the ῍ῐῐῐ and ῎ῌῌ῏ Regional People’s Representative Council Elections M>>8=> Ken* The ruling Golkar party dominated the political scene during the Suharto era, but recently political power has been contested among various parties, including Islamic parties that emerged in the election. Some analysis of that election is still focused on a dichotomy between secular and Islamic parties, the so-called “aliran” politics of the ῍ῑῌs. There is also an argument that political elites formed during the Suharto era have persisted even after the “reformasi” in . This article, through an analysis of profiles of members elected to the Regional People’s Representative Council DPRDin and ῎ῌῌῐ, argues that aliran politics has been fading away and that new politicians have been emerging slowly. Although no longer dominant, Golkar has widened its base and absorbed some Islamic votes, while the new Islamic parties attract the relatively higher educated and some business elites. Thus Islamization is not directly related to the emergence of Islamic parties. Old political elites have also maintained their influence within both secular and Islamic parties, and various organizations dating from the Suharto era have been recruit- ing local elites. The increasing number of swing votes, largely consisting of urban people, is accelerating the shift in political elites. Keywords: Post-Soeharto Indonesia, Islam, Islamism, Islamization, political elite, political party, general elections ῑῌΐῌῒ腭腲腸腯膗腙腧腺腰腱腫腥腧腭腶腵腧腭腶腵膣膋腧腭腶腵膀膫膡腨腷腄腯膫膷膯膭膎 I 腭腲腸腯膰膪腾腙腧腺腰腱腫腥腘腌腉腓腚腪腸腩腸腎膻臃腣膼膬腐腛腕腤腖腙膢膄膴膰腚 腪腸腩腸腘膤腟膛腜腡膰膪腘膧腢腗腉膮膩腚膏腉腻臈腣膦腏腒腧腭腶腵腣臂膱腕腐腒膫膷 腘腝膕腐腉膪膖腎膁腋腞腡腧腭腶腵膈膺膂腚腪腸腩腸腣膞膠腑腠腍臆膷膅臀膹腼膷腙腗 腍腔膃膾腣膦腏腠腍腈腠腉腚腫腭腮腵腙膆腔臁膫膡膶膈膺腗腉腐膵腾膈膺腣膘腊腍腙膭膳膟 膊膥膓臇膲膇膯膚膫膜膇臄Faculty of Policy Studies, Iwate Prefectural University, ῍ῑ῎ῑ῎ Takizawa-aza-sugo, Takizawa, Iwate ῌ῎ῌῌ῍῏ Japan e-mail: 膸膽腥腬腥膒膍 ῐῑ῎ῌῌΐ98

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Page 1: · ˘ˇˆ˙˝˛˚˜ !" # Islamization and Politicians in Indonesia: An Analysis of the and Regional People’s Representative Council Elections M>>8=> Ken*

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Islamization and Politicians in Indonesia: An Analysis of the ���� and ����Regional People’s Representative Council Elections

M>>8=> Ken*

The ruling Golkar party dominated the political scene during the Suharto era, but recentlypolitical power has been contested among various parties, including Islamic parties thatemerged in the ���� election. Some analysis of that election is still focused on a dichotomybetween secular and Islamic parties, the so-called “aliran” politics of the ����s. There is alsoan argument that political elites formed during the Suharto era have persisted even afterthe “reformasi” in ����. This article, through an analysis of profiles of members elected tothe Regional People’s Representative Council $DPRD% in ���� and ����, argues that aliranpolitics has been fading away and that new politicians have been emerging slowly.Although no longer dominant, Golkar has widened its base and absorbed some Islamicvotes, while the new Islamic parties attract the relatively higher educated and somebusiness elites. Thus Islamization is not directly related to the emergence of Islamicparties. Old political elites have also maintained their influence within both secular andIslamic parties, and various organizations dating from the Suharto era have been recruit-ing local elites. The increasing number of swing votes, largely consisting of urban people,is accelerating the shift in political elites.

Keywords: Post-Soeharto Indonesia, Islam, Islamism, Islamization, political elite, politicalparty, general elections

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Page 2: · ˘ˇˆ˙˝˛˚˜ !" # Islamization and Politicians in Indonesia: An Analysis of the and Regional People’s Representative Council Elections M>>8=> Ken*

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