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Post on 31-Mar-2016




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BLinK Thought T h o u g h t s a r e l i k e s p ider webs Comp le x Regret wo und s to let the Reg ret sta bs at the he art lea vin g ope n ou t. Isolation vs Solitude How come I have to suffer my internal suffering. I need to free myself from my mind. Maybe if I stop talking to myself the shrieking will end… My  playhouse  is  under-­ neath  our  house  and  I   can  hear  people  telling   each  other  secrets...


Page 1: KyleF


Page 2: KyleF

Thought Thoughts are like spider webs

Page 3: KyleF

Thoughts are like spider webs


Page 4: KyleF

Regret Regret stabs at the

heart leaving open

wounds to let the

painful memories seep


Page 5: KyleF

Regret stabs at the

heart leaving open

wounds to let the

painful memories seep


Page 6: KyleF



Page 7: KyleF

How come I have to suffer my internal suffering. I need to free myself from my mind. Maybe if I stop talking to myself the shrieking will end…

Page 8: KyleF

My  playhouse  is  under-­neath  our  house  and  I  can  hear  people  telling  each  other  secrets...

Page 9: KyleF

I  am  lying  in  a  pool  of  my  own  blood.  I  am  looking  up  smiling,  because  the  whispering,  THE  SECRETS  are  gone.  They  are  all  gone...

Page 10: KyleF

!oughts are the shadows of our feelings- always darker, emptier, and simpler.

Page 11: KyleF

In milliseconds an idea is brought to my brain and processed in my factory of thoughts

Page 12: KyleF

I   b e l i e v e   t h a t   a l m o s t   a l l   o u r   s a d -­

n e s s e s   a r e   m o m e n t s   o f   t e n s i o n   t h a t  

w e   f i n d   p a r a l y z i n g   b e c a u s e   w e   n o  

l o n g e r   h e a r   o u r   s u p r i s e d   f e e l i n g s  

l i v i n g . . .

Page 13: KyleF

Maybe  if  I  was  a  songbird  I  could  live  my  life  to  its  fullest

Page 14: KyleF


on:  “In  dra


the  trace  a

lways  proc

eeds  in  

the  night:

 it  alwas  es


Page 15: KyleF


on:  “In  dra


the  trace  a

lways  proc

eeds  in  

the  night:

 it  alwas  es


Imagine having an eye that could process

light faster than lights travels. Essen-

tially this single eye would be traveling

through time, would it not?

Page 16: KyleF

Fleas interest me so muchthat I let them bite me for hours. !ey are perfect, ancient, sanskrit,machines that admit of no appeal. !ey do not bite to eat, they bite only to jump; they are the dancers of the celestial sphere,delicate acrobats in the so"est and most profound circus; let them gallop on my skin, divulge their emotions, amuse themselves with my blood, but someone should introduce them to me. I want to know them closely, I want to know what to rely on.

Page 17: KyleF

!is is how a gentleman.MONSTERDashing, Youthful,MANIACALRAGINGKILLING MACHINE.Begins his day.

Page 18: KyleF

Sublime.!e beautiful, according to Edmund Burke, is what is well-formed and aesthetically pleasing, whereas the Sublime is what thas the power to appeal and destory us.

Page 19: KyleF

!e savages tie m

e up to a branch hanging over the #re. It won’t be much

longer. Soon the smoke will set in and I will su$ocate from

the carbon m

onoxide. Soon… Soon…

.. Soon……

…. Soon…












. Gone

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Page 21: KyleF

Amplifiedthe  core

Exploding Heart

Glass is stuck in my hands

When  the  sun  goes  down  they  do  not  know  if  they  will  wake  to  live  another  day

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