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Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

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Page 1: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

Kyaw Soe Thein


ASEAN Division

Foreign Economic Relations Department

Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

Page 2: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

Introduction: Southeast Asia, Myanmar and


Myanmar in ASEAN

Establishment of ASEAN Economic Community

Issues and Challenges Relating Myanmar’s to Join



Page 3: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

1.1 What is Southeast Asia The term Southeast Asia was occasionally used by

European, especially German writers, in the late 19th century.

Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, and Indonesia, were considered as some kind of geographical unit.

Ten Nations Each country has its individual style. Unity and diversity

Page 4: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

1.2 Socio-economic characteristics of Southeast Asian Nations: A Brief Overview

ASEAN member countries vary widely in size, population, and income.

Total population of nearly 600 million and land area of 4,495 thousand

Indonesia is the largest, Brunei is the smallest.

Page 5: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

In 2011, Singapore had the highest per capita GDP of US$ (50129.9) followed by Brunei with US$ (38702.5).

Malaysia with US$ (9940.6), Thailand and the Philippines had US$ (5115.8) and US$ (2340.9) respectively.

Cambodia had US$ (879.7) and Laos had US$ (1278.5). Myanmar’s per capita GDP was US$ (875.1), and Vietnam

had US$ (1403.3). The average per capita income of ASEAN countries would

be about US$ (11422.9).

Page 6: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

GDP growths also differ between countries. In 2011, the fastest growing economies were

Myanmar and Lao PDR with rates of 10.4% and 8.0% respectively, closely followed by Cambodia with 7.1%.

Thailand economic growth in 2011 was disappointing, with a rate of 0.1%.

In term of social indicators, ASEAN 6 (Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines) generally perform better than the CLMV countries

Page 7: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

Countries Land Area


(sq km)

Pop (million) Pop

Growth (%)

Labor Force



At current prices

(US$ million)

Real GDP

Growth (%)

GDP Per capita

At current prices



Growth Rate


Import Growth

Rate (%)


Brunei 5,765 0.4 2.0 0.21 16,359.6 2.2 38702.5 33.1 19.6 2.0

Cambodia 181,036 14.5 1.5 7.2 12,775.0 7.1 879.7 35.8 25.9 6.3

Indonesia 1,919,317 241.6 1.7 117.3 846,821.3 6.5 3563 29.0 30.8 5.4

Laos 236,800 6.38 2.0 n.a 8,163.3 8.0 1278.5 6.1 17.6 7.6

Malaysia 329,758 28.96 1.3 12.5 287,922.3 5.1 9940.6 8.7 8.6 3.2

Myanmar 676,577 60.4 1.0 30.1 52841.5 10.4 875.1 0.4 37.3 5.0

The Philippines 300,000 94.2 1.7 40.0 224,337.4 3.9 2340.9 -6.7 9.5 4.6

Singapore 648 5.18 2.1 3.2 259,858.4 4.9 50129.9 7.5 8.6 5.2

Thailand 514,000 67.6 0.4 38.8 345,810.8 0.1 5115.8 11.7 19.1 3.8

Vietnam 330,955 87.8 1.0 51.4 123,266.9 5.9 1403.3 34.2 25.8 18.6

Table (1.1) Selected Economic Indicators (2011): ASEAN

Source: Asian Development Bank, Key Indicators for Asia and Pacific 2012, ASEAN Statistics

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Countries HDI Life expectancy


Adult literacy



expenditure % of


Health expenditure

% of GDP

Infant mortality rate

(per 1000)

Access to

improved water

(% of pop)

Brunei 0.84 77 97 n.a n.a 6 n.a

Cambodia 0.52 61 85 n.a 5.6 75 61

Indonesia 0.61 68 95 26 2.6 33 80

Laos 0.52 63 82 13.2 4.5 52 57

Malaysia 0.76 73 95 18.9 4.4 6 100

Myanmar 0.48 64 95 n.a 2.0 61 71

The Philippines 0.64 70 95 16.9 3.6 29 91

Singapore 0.87 82 97 10.3 4.0 3 100

Thailand 0.68 70 96 22.3 3.9 13 98

Vietnam 0.59 72 95 19.8 6.8 19 94

Table (1.2) Selected Social Indicators (2011): ASEAN

Source: World Development Indicators, 2012, Asia Pacific Human Development Report, UNDP.

Page 9: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

1.3 Myanmar: Geography, Demography, and Natural Resources

Myanmar has a land area of more than 676,000 occupied by more than (57) million people in 2011.

135 nationalities, multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-religious society.

Myanmar, the largest ethnic group, comprises about 70% of the country’s total population followed by the Shan, with 8.5% of the country’s inhabitants.

Other major ethnic group include the Kayin, 6.2% , Rakhine, 4.5%, and other indigenous races, 6.5%.

rich in natural resources: forests, minerals and fish. an abundance of human resources- literate labors

Page 10: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

2.1 Why Myanmar Decided to Join ASEAN In 1967, Myanmar was approached by friends in ASEAN to

join the regional association. as a founding member of the Non-Aligned Movement,

adhering to the five principles of peaceful co-existence and neutrality, and decided not to join ASEAN.

In 1995, Myanmar decided to join the regional association and attained observer status, along with Laos and Cambodia, in July 1996.

Page 11: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

At least two reasons which led to Myanmar’s decision to join ASEAN.

(1) internal and external conditions had changed in the country (2) age of globalization and regionalism

Politically peace and stability in the region better confidence among members of ASEAN Strengthening of external security Economically increase trade and investment links within the region achieve greater development increased efficiency Culturally contribute to ASEAN through promoting its own rich traditions

Page 12: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

2.2 Myanmar Participation in ASEAN the summits to ministerial meetings to officials meetings. Several committees and sub-committees were formed to assist

the ASEAN Economic Minister small-and medium-enterprise activities, transport, and

services. several committees at the national level such as the National

Committee on Information and Culture, the National Committee on Science and Technology, and the National Committee on Social Development were formed to coordinate with relevant ASEAN committees and subcommittees.

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The National Commission for Environmental Affairs, the Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control (CCDAC), and the Public Services Selection and Training Board (PSSTB) were established to be in line with existing ASEAN committees.

Became a part of AFTA

participating in ASEAN activities fully since its first day of entry into the regional association.

Page 14: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

1990-91 1995-96 2000-01 2005-06 2009-10

Value %


Value %


Value %


Value %


Value %


Singapore 845.8 28.6 986.8 19.6 737.3 5.8 1532.7 7.4 3690.9 8.9

Malaysia 40.87 1.4 147.5 2.9 471.1 3.7 540.4 2.6 832.2 2.0

Indonesia - - 299.6 5.9 221.6 1.7 380.5 1.8 205.3 0.5

Philippines 0.22 0.07 133.1 2.6 37.8 0.2 73.2 0.4 147.6 0.4

Thailand 387.9 13.1 534.9 10.6 1831.3 14.4 7868.6 38.1 17431 42.2

Vietnam - - 0.97 0.02 29.5 0.2 223.8 1.08 299.8 0.7

Lao PDR - - - - 2.8 0.02 0.09 0.0004 - -

Cambodia - - 1.1 0.02 - - - - -

Brunei - - 1.59 0.03 1.4 0.01 4.99 0.02 4.09 0.01

2.3 Myanmar - ASEAN Cooperation for Economic Development

Table (2.1) Myanmar Exports to ASEAN (Kyat million)

Source: Statistical Yearbook 2010.

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1990-91 1995-96 2000-01 2005-06 2009-10

Value %


Value %


Value %


Value %


Value %


Singapore 532.4 9.6 1819.7 17.7 3646.4 24.2 3240.2 28.1 6593 28.9

Malaysia 383.5 6.9 615.9 5.9 794.0 5.3 810.8 7.01 871.3 3.8

Indonesia 17.17 0.3 350.3 3.4 534.3 3.5 336.1 2.9 760.4 3.3

Philippines 1.06 0.02 4.85 0.04 75.1 0.5 32.4 0.3 77 0.3

Thailand 554.8 10.1 1318.8 12.8 1970.7 13.1 1376.2 11.9 2069.6 9.1

Vietnam 10.6 0.1 42.7 0.3 57.1 0.5 148.4 0.6

Lao PDR - - - 1.1 0.01 - - - -

Cambodia - - - - - - - - -

Brunei 0.04 0.0007 0.02 - - - - - -

Table (2.2) Myanmar Imports from ASEAN (Kyat million)

Source: Statistical Yearbook 2010.

Page 16: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

Country 31-1-2002 31-1-2013

Number of



(US$ million)

% of Total


Number of



(US$ million)

% of Total


Brunei - - - 2 3.04 0.007

Singapore 70 1541.6 20.8 83 2167.0 5.2

Malaysia 31 151.1 2.0 43 1031.3 2.5

Indonesia 11 240.0 3.2 12 241.5 0.6

Thailand 49 1290.2 17.4 61 9568.1 22.9

The Philippines 2 146.7 1.9 2 146.7 0.4

Cambodia - - - - - -

Lao PDR - - - - - -

Vietnam - - - 5 361.8 0.9

Table (2.3) Foreign Direct Investment Flow into Myanmar from ASEAN

Source: Directorate of Company Administration and Investment, Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development.

Page 17: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

3.1 Why ASEAN decided to establish AEC 9th ASEAN Summit agreed to establish the ASEAN

Economic Community (AEC) as the end goal of economic integration as outlined in the ASEAN Vision 2020.

As a single market and production base To make the ASEAN region a more dynamic and

stronger segment of the global supply chain the integration of its Member Countries and

enhancing the region’s economic competitiveness.

Page 18: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

To strengthen the implementation of its existing economic initiatives.

ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA), ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services (AFAS) and ASEAN Investment Area (AIA)

accelerate regional integration in the priority sectors facilitate movement of business persons, skilled labor and talents

strengthen the institutional mechanisms of ASEAN, Dispute Settlement Mechanism to ensure expeditious and

legally binding resolution of any economic dispute.

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goals are being pursued through the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) and the Roadmap for the Integration of ASEAN (RIA).

deepening and broadening of integration of ASEAN shall be accompanied by technical and development cooperation in order to address the development divide and accelerate the economic integration of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam so that the benefits of economic integration are shared

Page 20: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

3.2 Economic Implications of Myanmar to Join AEC expects general regional trade area (RTA) advantages from

joining ASEAN and AEC greater trade, service, and investment links within the region

increased attractiveness to foreign direct investment (FDI) from outside the region, more secure access to the greater ASEAN market,

improved resource allocation from specialization according to comparative advantage,

economies of scale in an enlarged regional market, enhanced industrialization prospects of small and medium

enterprises, spill-over effects, and infant industry learning effects with

improved quality control, design, and marketing and thus improved competitiveness in the world market .

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3.3 How Ready was Myanmar to Join AEC Myanmar has made a commitment to establish an ASEAN

Economic Community (AEC) and actively participating and coordinating with other member countries.

Chair of ASEAN in 2014 To develop a viable stock exchange by 2015 To develop the capital market, and the Capital Market

Development Committee and its sub-committee are now endeavoring to implement the road map for the development of capital market in Myanmar, which is drawn up in accordance with time frame of ASEAN Capital Market Forum (ACMF).

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Custom modernization preparedness, measures for rationalization, simplification, and harmonization are trying to be consistent with ASEAN Singe Window (ASW)

Custom clearance time which usually takes two days for containerized cargo of import and one day for containerized cargo of export is targeted to reduce to 30 minutes.

the aim of facilitating investment procedures and getting opportunities in doing business, government issues two notifications relating to land used and foreign currency

One Stop Service in company registration is finished one day if the documents are completed.

the standard and conformance areas performance and factors of IPR in line with AEC measures

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Development of capital market in Myanmar need to improve legal and regulatory framework need to the development of issuing system private sector participation SMEs development poor infrastructure with regards to power, communication,

transportation, access to world market, higher cost of materials and inputs, outdated technology, insufficient R&D, limited knowledge and poor management


Page 24: Kyaw Soe Thein Director ASEAN Division Foreign Economic Relations Department Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development

financial sector Developmentdifficult to develop the correspondent arrangement

account with foreign hard currency in EU nations and US.

depends on Singapore and China currency to operate international transaction

barrier to attract investment which is a key factor for economic development in financial sector from EU and US

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Implementation in standard and conformance lack of initiator, lack of public awareness lack of technical infrastructure lack of laboratory equipmentsIn ASEAN region, harmonization of standard and

conformance help to build credibility and reputation for domestic producers and traders

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Implementation of AEC lack of awareness on the program areas and

implementation progress even among the main beneficiary groups and responsible department and agencies

the target areas of some projects are mismatch with the specific requirement of respective sector

the priority areas of some programs do not satisfy the needs and development priority of individual country

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Myanmar’s Implementation in AEC

Phase I : 95% Phase II : 80% Phase III : 77%

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