kv line of e. d. cotton $1.00 coif - library of congress...kelsey. mrs. bradley has been on the sick...

1 > Copyri-' it Costs Jo lore To. Wear ^ ,j Stylish, up-to-date Clothes than others. It's just a case of knowing what kind to buy. The best way to be sure you get the right kind is to buy a Suit from our big stock of Hart, Schaffoer k Marx lit. Hart SchafFner Sc Marx We want you to see these clothes, then compare them with others. Then you'll see what values we offer. $ JL if* v Suits $20.0(1 and up. ": Other Makes $6.50 to $20.00 ;,v E. D. Cotton See Our Bi? Line of $1.00 Coif This store is the home of Hart, Shifts Schaffner & Marx clothes. LooKing for a Hat? We have it. Come and see Miss Carrie Gault ie Buffering this week with tonsilitia. Win Divio .iiafKeted two toads of hogs one day last week. Mr. Otto Witttaauer spent Sunday in Exira visiting friends. Mrs. J. F. Lair made a business trip to Atlantic one day last week. u Mrs. Wm. Eckles is on the sick list With la grippe and complications. Miss Mary Gill rerurned to Atlan- tic last week to resume her duties. Frank Andrews was an Atlantic visitor from Saturday until Monday. Evart and Leonard Kline Bpent Sunday at the parental home in thiB city. Miss Minerva Rabson is on the eick list with la grippe and compli- cation. ! Mrs. Belle May is visiting this week with her friend, MiBS Amber Kelsey. Mrs. Bradley has been on the sick list with la grippe and compli- cations. Andy and Wallie Kline spent Sun- day afternoon at their sister, Mrs. Henry Heath. Mrs. Nate Turner went to Dee Moines, Thursday on business, re- turning Sunday. Mrs. Watson, the nurseryman, was in town laBt Saturday making his spring delivery. Mrs. Minnie Hensley went to Des Moines last Thursday on business, returning home Sunday. £ Mrs. Flora Dumfey and little son of Valley Junction are here visiting relatives at the PhelpB home. The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church met at the home of Mrs. Hadden Wednesday afternoon. Mr. Hatland, the piau.o tuner of DOB Moines, iB in town this week attending to his line of~ business. Dr. Jacobsen and wife are enter- twining his sister, Miss Marie of Lake View, who arrived here Friday. Mr. and Mrs.' Henry Tibben and family syent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Crisman. v Mrs. Hardwick of Brayton is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Clyde May east of town. The Misses Ida and Alice Leist visited Sunday at the home of their friend, Goldie Watterson. wSv Grandpa Connrardy went up to Audubon Tuesday to help Ratnona Simpson make merry on her birth- day. Miss Irma Basham was viBiting last week with her sister, Mrq, Arth- ur VanAernam in Audubon town- ship. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Phelps, southeast of town, spent Sunday with her brother, Charles Wells and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lewis moved the latter part of la6t week into the Marietta house they recently pur- chased. Mr. Jake Wahlert of Greeley spent Saturday night and Suuday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. F. Littlefield. Mrs. Horace Parrott returned from Davenport the latter part of last week where Bbe had been after her household goods. Mrs. Dora Anders of Atlantic vis- ited from Friday until Tuesday with relatives and friends at the Fre An- ders and Lou Klever homes. Miss Edna Welle, who is working for Mrs. Davis, spentsaturday night and Sunday at the home of her par- ents, Charles Wells and wife. Mrs. Tharnish and daughter, Ce- celia left last week for a two month's visit at Le Mars, Sioux City and Creighton, Nebraska with their rel- atives. Willie Wiges of Elk Horn visited Sunday with friends in this city. \ < Hans R. Hansen spent Sunday at the home of P. H. Larsen and wife. Mable Griffin went to Audubon Friday to visit friends, returning home Monday. The Southwest Churches ofChrist will meet at Bedford, Iowa from April 30th to May 3rd, 1912 Mrs. George Gore is improving very rapidly now which her many friends will be glad to learn. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Toft returned home Monday from Hamlin wfRsre they had been to visit relatives. Mr. McNeeley went to Atlantis Friday evening to attend the I. O. O. F. camp meeting, returning Sat- urday. Miss Verna Croy spent Friday and Saturday in Atlantic, taking care ot Mr. Franklin who was oper- ated on last week. He iB improving slowly. Mies Viola Cockran, who teaches aohool near Audubon, visited from Saturday until Sunday at the South Side Restuarant with her brother, Vera and wife. We notice some of the people on Sunnyeide St. setting out fruittrees from the Harlan nurseries. Every- body boost. Fix up your homes, lawns and gardena. For Sale Mrs. Will Wissler was down to Oakfield laat week taking care of her sister, Mrs. Ray Stoneking who s.very low. One or two mares and colts, weight about 1000 pounds each. Good driving team. Cheap if taken at ouce. Fred Uonneson, Kimballton, Iowa. Msesdames Charles and Lou Kle- ver and the Misses Golda Watterson and Alice Leist were Audubon shop- pers Tuesday. Mrs. CharleB Leist went to Audu- bon Saturday to visit at the Charles Stocking home, returning home Tuesday evening. Mra. Sam Jensen returned to her home at Atlantic last Friday after a visit here at the Chris Wolf and Oluf Jensen homee. J. B. J. Lohner departed last Mon- day for Cedar Rapids to attend the State Republican Convention which was held yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gray of Gray, Iowa viaited from Saturday until Monday at the W. J. and W. H. Lan- celot and E.C. Wilson homes. Mrs. Vic Gearbeart went down to Oakfield Ja9t Friday and remained until Sunday with her sisttr, Mrs. Ray Stoneking who lies very low at her home at that place. We wonder how many people will give one day to clear off the old grass in the cemetery so the men can run the lawn mowers when they go out to work. Set the day and everybody come. Mrs. Belle May of Atlantic came up the latter part of last week to take care of her aister -in-law, Mrs. Clyde May who is under the doc- tor's care. She was accompanied by her son, Kenneth. Mrs. Connrardy took the noon tr.ain Monday for Villisca to visit a few daya with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Graf and husband. She expects to go over the asylum at Olarinda before returning home, Boilecs, Tabs and Pails direct from the factory at John Nelaen'a. tf Mr. S. L. Gordonier was a business visitor in Atlantic Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Christennm of near Hamlin came down Saturday to visit her parents. Mrs Dan Ldrsen, living near Exira, iB reported to be very ill at her home this week. Mr. Robbins visited one day last week at the home of his friends, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Crane. Bead the Carter car ad in this issue. A valuable acquisition to Exira's list of fine cars. Noah Crane of near Council Bluffs was in our city Monday visiting his father, Samuel Crane Sr. Mrs. George Easterday of Atlan- tic visited relatives in this city aDd near Hamlin over Sunday. Mr. Ebbe Hansen has disposed of his former dwelling here to Mr. Julius Larsen of Kimballton. Grades and smaller apple, plum, cherry trees 10 to 15 cents eacjb, and up, at W. M. Bomberger, Harlan, Iowa. Why pay more? m2 The large wolf killed by Mr. Laur- ids Hansen last week commanded a bounty of $5.00 from our County Treasury. Mrs. Rev. Mintier went to Wash- ington, Iowa Tuesday to visit her aged parents. Her mother is in very feeble health. 80 acres corn ground for rent, 1 mile south of Exira. Kommes Bros. Howard Horn visited with his friend, Miss Essie Herrick, over Sunday, returning to his home in Carroll Monday. Miss Hannah Gude will commence working the last of thia week tor Mra. Boynton Dodge, who resides northwest of Exira. Winnie Heath visited her sister apd family over near Anita last week. ' Henry Heath left Monday morn- ing for Wiota, where he will work for awhile. Miss Irene Porter commenced working in the Spoo restaurant, last Thursday. The spring is late and you have no time to fool away. Get a gang plow of John Nelsen. tf Clyde Dimick gave a dance to a a few of his friends, in the K. P. hall last Friday night. Helen Hunt was visiting from Friday until Tuesday with her Bister, Mrs. Hal May southeast of town. Clarence Crane's moved their household goods to Audubon last week, where they will reside this Bummer. Cane seed for sale. N el so n Sorgh u m Factory, Mr. Joe Hall 'was able to be on our streets Monday, with the aid of crutches, the first time Bince his accident two months ago. Secure ornamental porch vines, shrubs, rosee, bulbs, of W. M. Bomberger, Harlan, Iowa Mrs. F. A. King- and daughter, Katie acd Mrs. Nora Van Dorn, all of Polk City, Iowa viaited at the Rev. Mintier home over Sunday. Mrs. Baumgardner is reported to be very poorly at this writing. She has been staying at the George Paige home, being unable to stay alone. Get your Cane seed at the, Nelson Sorghum Factory, Springtime is here and it's time to get the eggs ready for hatching in that Successful InGubator that John Nelsen sells. They are the best on the market. tf You can get transplanted ever- greens $5 to $7 per 100 of W. M. Bomberger, Harlan, Iowa. Why pay more? m 2 Mr. Thomas Mason is spending a few dayB in western Kansas this week and Mr. C. C. Harper of Audu- bon will occupy the studio during Mr. Mason's absence. The glorious rain of last Saturday night was a blessing in disguise. The crops, the pastures, the gardens and the cisterns all needed the mois- ture and replenishing. You want it sure. It will tell you just what to plant—catalogue. W. M. Bomberger, to2 Harlan, Iowa Mrs. Fred Hepp and son, Virgil came down from Gray Saturday to attend the Box Sociable and Gra- duating Exercises at the Greeley Center church that evening, but the program was poatponed on account of the rain. No use to pay $1.50 to $1.75 for chicken coops when you can get them at John Nelson's for $1 go. tf Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Anderson of Halbnr, Iowa are the proud parents af a 514 pound baby boy born Sun- day, April 21st. Mrs. Anderson will be remembered here as Kate Paige, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Paige of this city. Lafe Youug did not forget the Iowa farmer while be was in the Senate before he fought Free Grain from Canada to the laat, because the Iowa farmer did not want it. The Iowa Farmer will not forget this at the Primary in June. a25 Fred Hanson. For Rent The Millinery Store building in Exira. For further particulars, in- quire of Lafe Simpson, Audubon. For Sale I wish to sell six R. C. Rhode Island Red bene and one rooster, all in good condition. Good stock. Mr. Willie Janssen who was visit- ing hiB sister Mrs. Mertes last week, returned to his home in Missouri last Friday. V '. ;> v Arba Milliman, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Arba Milliman, is re- ported to be very low with an attack of pneumonia. Chas. Benson and wife visited a couple of days last week at the home of her brother, John Mertes and wife of Adair. Box Sociable and graduating ex- ercises at Greeley Center church, Saturday evening, April 27th. Everybody invited. Mrs. Martin Jensen went to Audubon Wednesday to see and welcome her new grandson at the Neal Barentsen home. Buy your batteries, automobile gaB engine and machine oil of tf John Nelsen. The Carter car ad by J. B J Lohn- ner and P. K. Jensen is to call your attention to the latest model in autos. Look up the ad. MIB. John I. Hensley and Benny returned home Monday from Atlan- tic. where they visited a tew days at the Fred Wilhina bome. Mrs. Fred Cotton went to Des Moines last Friday morning to bear the London Orchestra, which ap- peared there that evening, Mrs. John Mertes and daughter, Mrs. Charlie Benson and husband are visiting this week at the Peter Tharnish bome near Adair. Alex Nelson and Arthur Johnson of Adair came down to visit the lattsr's parents Saturday afternoon, returning Monday morning. f - ft Mrs. Nancy Bruner arrived here Sunday from California, called here by the serious illness of her daughter, Mis. Stoneking of near Oakfield. Mrs. Harold Sturgeon entertained the Treble Clef Club at her home Boulb ot town last Thursday after- noon. Mrs. Clifford Posten was the guest of the Club. Mr. Frauk Navratil and daughter, Matilda left last Friday for Garner, Iowa for a visit. Mr. Navratil re- turned Wednesday but his daugh- ter will visit for some time. mi John Harned The brick walk in front of the Fred Cotton building is being lev- eled up. It has been so rounded that it was dangerous to travel over while the ice covered the walks. Highest cash prices paid for cream, chicken and eggs at the Alamito Cream Station. M L Noel, Manager Mrs. Lutie Wells of Valley June tion, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leftingwell of Exiia is improving very fast from her operation forabscess, she recently underwent. Mr. D. M. Deen, the monument man of Harlan, has sold several fine monuments in this vicinity, some of which he has erected. Mr. Deen operates in Shelby and Audu- bon Counties. He guarantees his work and is worthy of your patron- age. Mrs. Ella Tharp of Chicago and Mrs. Harvey Lewis of Walnut ar- rived here Sunday on a visit with their mother, Grandma Gill and other relatives. Mrs. Lewis re- turned to her home the first of the week but Mra. Tharp will visit for some time. Peter Tharnish and wife enter- tained at dinner laat Sunday, the following people: Barney Mertes and wife, John Mertea and wife Charlie Benson and wife, Ray Mc Cluen and wife, Theo Richter, wife and family, Mra John Mertes Sr.and daughter, Margaret, Miss Anna Langenfeld and Mr. Joe Navratil. It Looks Like A Crime to separate a boy from a box of Buok- leu's Arnica Salve. His pimples, boils, soratuhes, knocks, sprains and bruises demand it and it's relief for burns, scalds or cuts is his right. Keep it handy for boys, also girls. Heals everything healable and does it quick. Unequaled for piles. Only 26o at Exira Drug Co. Frank Navratil is making consi- derable improvement on his farm northeast of town. Send for plants, of small fruits, berries, grape vines, to W. M. Bom- berger, Harlan, Iowa. m2 Herbert Thielen sold two cars of fat cattle and delivered them to the buyera in Brayton last week. Write now for your apple, plum, cherry, fruit trees to W. M. Bom- berger, Harlan, Iowa. m2 Louie Petersen and wife of Audu- bon visited a few days tbis week with hie parents and other relatives Get shade, ornamental trees, shrubs, peonys, of W. M. Bomberger, in 2 * Harlan, Iowa Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Everets of near this city visited their parents northwest of Audubon over Sabbath Mies Amber Kelsey and Mrs. Pearl left Wednesday for Clarinda, where they will visit a few days, with the latter's niece, JeBsie An- drews. Cooking and eating apples, crisp, juicy, well wintered, sprayed, no worms, will beep two months, $3 to $3.75 per barrel, $1.50 bushel box, send to W. M. Bomberger, Fruit Farm, Harlan, Iowa. m2 r \ Congregational Church Sunday School at 10 a. m. - ' ' Preaching at 11:00 a. m. Preaching at 7:30 p.m. « Prayer meeting & Bible Stndy Wednesday at 8:00 p. m. .1 Taken Up One red Sow. Owner can'have same by proving property and paying for this notice. kv Chris Heckman, Jr a25 Rt 3, Exira Shoes Repaired by JTamea Smith, the Shoe Maker in MS. D. Cotton's Store. No Cheap Grocery House Stuff when you buy Pails or Tubs at John Nelsen'e. tf M. E. Church Notes Sabbath School at 10 a. m . Preaching at 11 and 7:30 every Sabbath. A cordial invitation to all. Epworth League 0:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday eve. : For Farm Implements see Kom tries Brothers. Dr. L. J. Oldaker, Dentist. Office n the front rooms over the Chris- tensen Jewelry store. All work la my line promptly attended to. For Sale W * Snyder's Thoroughbred Senator Dunlap Strawberry plants. The kind that grows and produceB. For the next three weeks we are going to make a special price of 300 plants for $1.00. Our plants are guaran- teed to be first clasa. C. Snyder & Sons, 14th and Locust Sts. Atlantic, la. Water Pails and Dairy Pails at bargain prices at John Ne'sen's.-^ Insure in the Continental Insur unce Company. THEO. PATTY, Agt Rothschild & JUcCaustlan# Co., Grain and Seeds, Bran, and Shorts and Oil Meal. Grain Drills at cost. U bar Harrow, $4 50 per section. Hoosier seeder, grass seed attach- ment, $30.00. Kommes Bros. Your Shoes Repaired neat- ly and promptly at Cotton's Store. Wanted We need two or three more Cream Haulers. We have seme routes that are money makers. Call on Mike Noel, Mgr. of Alamita Sanitary Cry. Co. * tf Exira, Iowa. Q-1 1*4 inch $34 and up. 1 inch $35 and up. Come in and look tjjtem over. We have the mo'st complete line in Audubon county. Bring in your Oiling^ 3 sets for $2.00 *•- •** J. W. ALSUP Phone 161 Exira, Iowa

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> Copyri-'

it Costs Jo lore To. Wear • ̂ ,j

Stylish, up-to-date Clothes than others. It's just a case of knowing what kind to buy. The best way to be sure you get the right kind is to buy a Suit from our

big stock of

Hart, Schaffoer k Marx

lit. Hart SchafFner Sc Marx

We want you to see these clothes, then compare them with others. Then you'll

see what values we offer. $ JL if* v

Suits $20.0(1 and up. ": Other Makes $6.50 to $20.00 ;,v

E. D. Cotton See Our Bi? Line of $1.00 Coif This store is the home of Hart, Shifts Schaffner & Marx clothes.

LooKing for a Hat? We

have it. Come and see

Miss Carrie Gault ie Buffering this week with tonsilitia.

Win Divio .iiafKeted two toads of hogs one day last week.

Mr. Otto Witttaauer spent Sunday in Exira visiting friends.

Mrs. J. F. Lair made a business trip to Atlantic one day last week.

u Mrs. Wm. Eckles is on the sick list With la grippe and complications.

Miss Mary Gill rerurned to Atlan­tic last week to resume her duties.

Frank Andrews was an Atlantic visitor from Saturday until Monday.

Evart and Leonard Kline Bpent Sunday at the parental home in thiB city.

Miss Minerva Rabson is on the eick list with la grippe and compli­cation.

! Mrs. Belle May is visiting this week with her friend, MiBS Amber Kelsey.

Mrs. Bradley has been on the sick list with la grippe and compli­cations.

Andy and Wallie Kline spent Sun­day afternoon at their sister, Mrs. Henry Heath.

Mrs. Nate Turner went to Dee Moines, Thursday on business, re-turning Sunday.

Mrs. Watson, the nurseryman, was in town laBt Saturday making his spring delivery.

Mrs. Minnie Hensley went to Des Moines last Thursday on business, returning home Sunday.

£ Mrs. Flora Dumfey and little son of Valley Junction are here visiting relatives at the PhelpB home.

The Ladies Aid Society of the M. E. Church met at the home of Mrs. Hadden Wednesday afternoon.

Mr. Hatland, the piau.o tuner of DOB Moines, iB in town this week attending to his line of~ business.

Dr. Jacobsen and wife are enter-twining his sister, Miss Marie of Lake View, who arrived here Friday.

Mr. and Mrs.' Henry Tibben and family syent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Crisman.

v Mrs. Hardwick of Brayton is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Clyde May east of town.

The Misses Ida and Alice Leist visited Sunday at the home of their friend, Goldie Watterson. wSv

Grandpa Connrardy went up to Audubon Tuesday to help Ratnona Simpson make merry on her birth­day.

Miss Irma Basham was v iBi t ing last week with her sister, Mrq, Arth­ur VanAernam in Audubon town­ship.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion Phelps, southeast of town, spent Sunday with her brother, Charles Wells and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Lewis moved the latter part of la6t week into the Marietta house they recently pur­chased.

Mr. Jake Wahlert of Greeley spent Saturday night and Suuday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. F. Littlefield.

Mrs. Horace Parrott returned from Davenport the latter part of last week where Bbe had been after her household goods.

Mrs. Dora Anders of Atlantic vis­ited from Friday until Tuesday with relatives and friends at the Fre An­ders and Lou Klever homes.

Miss Edna Welle, who is working for Mrs. Davis, spentsaturday night and Sunday at the home of her par­ents, Charles Wells and wife.

Mrs. Tharnish and daughter, Ce­celia left last week for a two month's visit at Le Mars, Sioux City and Creighton, Nebraska with their rel­atives.

Willie Wiges of Elk Horn visited Sunday with friends in this city. — \ <

Hans R. Hansen spent Sunday at the home of P. H. Larsen and wife.

Mable Griffin went to Audubon Friday to visit friends, returning home Monday.

The Southwest Churches ofChrist will meet at Bedford, Iowa from April 30th to May 3rd, 1912

Mrs. George Gore is improving very rapidly now which her many friends will be glad to learn.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Toft returned home Monday from Hamlin wfRsre they had been to visit relatives.

Mr. McNeeley went to Atlantis Friday evening to attend the I. O. O. F. camp meeting, returning Sat­urday.

Miss Verna Croy spent Friday and Saturday in Atlantic, taking care ot Mr. Franklin who was oper­ated on last week. He iB improving slowly.

Mies Viola Cockran, who teaches aohool near Audubon, visited from Saturday until Sunday at the South Side Restuarant with her brother, Vera and wife.

We notice some of the people on Sunnyeide St. setting out fruittrees from the Harlan nurseries. Every­body boost. Fix up your homes, lawns and gardena.

For Sale

Mrs. Will Wissler was down to Oakfield laat week taking care of her sister, Mrs. Ray Stoneking who s.very low.

One or two mares and colts, weight about 1000 pounds each. Good driving team. Cheap if taken at ouce.

Fred Uonneson, Kimballton, Iowa.

Msesdames Charles and Lou Kle­ver and the Misses Golda Watterson and Alice Leist were Audubon shop­pers Tuesday.

Mrs. CharleB Leist went to Audu­bon Saturday to visit at the Charles Stocking home, returning home Tuesday evening.

Mra. Sam Jensen returned to her home at Atlantic last Friday after a visit here at the Chris Wolf and Oluf Jensen homee.

J. B. J. Lohner departed last Mon­day for Cedar Rapids to attend the State Republican Convention which was held yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gray of Gray, Iowa viaited from Saturday until Monday at the W. J. and W. H. Lan­celot and E.C. Wilson homes.

Mrs. Vic Gearbeart went down to Oakfield Ja9t Friday and remained until Sunday with her sisttr, Mrs. Ray Stoneking who lies very low at her home at that place.

We wonder how many people will give one day to clear off the old grass in the cemetery so the men can run the lawn mowers when they go out to work. Set the day and everybody come.

Mrs. Belle May of Atlantic came up the latter part of last week to take care of her aister -in-law, Mrs. Clyde May who is under the doc­tor's care. She was accompanied by her son, Kenneth.

Mrs. Connrardy took the noon tr.ain Monday for Villisca to visit a few daya with her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Graf and husband. She expects to go over the asylum at Olarinda before returning home,

Boilecs, Tabs and Pails direct from the factory at John Nelaen'a. tf

Mr. S. L. Gordonier was a business visitor in Atlantic Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Christennm of near Hamlin came down Saturday to visit her parents.

Mrs Dan Ldrsen, living near Exira, iB reported to be very ill at her home this week.

Mr. Robbins visited one day last week at the home of his friends, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Crane.

Bead the Carter car ad in this issue. A valuable acquisition to Exira's list of fine cars.

Noah Crane of near Council Bluffs was in our city Monday visiting his father, Samuel Crane Sr.

Mrs. George Easterday of Atlan­tic visited relatives in this city aDd near Hamlin over Sunday.

Mr. Ebbe Hansen has disposed of his former dwelling here to Mr. Julius Larsen of Kimballton.

Grades and smaller apple, plum, cherry trees 10 to 15 cents eacjb, and up, at W. M. Bomberger, Harlan, Iowa. Why pay more? m2

The large wolf killed by Mr. Laur-ids Hansen last week commanded a bounty of $5.00 from our County Treasury.

Mrs. Rev. Mintier went to Wash­ington, Iowa Tuesday to visit her aged parents. Her mother is in very feeble health.

80 acres corn ground for rent, 1 mile south of Exira.

Kommes Bros.

Howard Horn visited with his friend, Miss Essie Herrick, over Sunday, returning to his home in Carroll Monday.

Miss Hannah Gude will commence working the last of thia week tor Mra. Boynton Dodge, who resides northwest of Exira.

Winnie Heath visited her sister apd family over near Anita last week. '

Henry Heath left Monday morn­ing for Wiota, where he will work for awhile.

Miss Irene Porter commenced working in the Spoo restaurant, last Thursday.

The spring is late and you have no time to fool away. Get a gang plow of John Nelsen. tf

Clyde Dimick gave a dance to a a few of his friends, in the K. P. hall last Friday night.

Helen Hunt was visiting from Friday until Tuesday with her Bister, Mrs. Hal May southeast of town.

Clarence Crane's moved their household goods to Audubon last week, where they will reside this Bummer.

Cane seed for sale. N el so n Sorgh u m Factory,

Mr. Joe Hall 'was able to be on our streets Monday, with the aid of crutches, the first time Bince his accident two months ago.

Secure ornamental porch vines, shrubs, rosee, bulbs, of

W. M. Bomberger, Harlan, Iowa

Mrs. F. A. King- and daughter, Katie acd Mrs. Nora Van Dorn, all of Polk City, Iowa viaited at the Rev. Mintier home over Sunday.

Mrs. Baumgardner is reported to be very poorly at this writing. She has been staying at the George Paige home, being unable to stay alone.

Get your Cane seed at the, Nelson Sorghum Factory,

Springtime is here and it 's time to get the eggs ready for hatching in that Successful InGubator that John Nelsen sells. They are the best on the market. • tf

You can get transplanted ever­greens $5 to $7 per 100 of W. M. Bomberger, Harlan, Iowa. Why pay more? m2

Mr. Thomas Mason is spending a few dayB in western Kansas this week and Mr. C. C. Harper of Audu­bon will occupy the studio during Mr. Mason's absence.

The glorious rain of last Saturday night was a blessing in disguise. The crops, the pastures, the gardens and the cisterns all needed the mois­ture and replenishing.

You want it sure. It will tell you just what to plant—catalogue.

W. M. Bomberger, to2 Harlan, Iowa

Mrs. Fred Hepp and son, Virgil came down from Gray Saturday to attend the Box Sociable and Gra­duating Exercises at the Greeley Center church that evening, but the program was poatponed on account of the rain.

No use to pay $1.50 to $1.75 for chicken coops when you can get them at John Nelson's for $1 go. tf

Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Anderson of Halbnr, Iowa are the proud parents af a 514 pound baby boy born Sun­day, April 21st. Mrs. Anderson will be remembered here as Kate Paige, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Paige of this city.

Lafe Youug did not forget the Iowa farmer while be was in the Senate before he fought Free Grain from Canada to the laat, because the Iowa farmer did not want it. The Iowa Farmer will not forget this at the Primary in June.

• a25 Fred Hanson.

For Rent The Millinery Store building in

Exira. For further particulars, in­quire of Lafe Simpson, Audubon.

For Sale I wish to sell six R. C. Rhode

Island Red bene and one rooster, all in good condition. Good stock.

Mr. Willie Janssen who was visit­ing hiB sister Mrs. Mertes last week, returned to his home in Missouri last Friday. V '. ;>


Arba Milliman, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Arba Milliman, is re­ported to be very low with an attack of pneumonia.

Chas. Benson and wife visited a couple of days last week at the home of her brother, John Mertes and wife of Adair.

Box Sociable and graduating ex­ercises at Greeley Center church, Saturday evening, April 27th. Everybody invited.

Mrs. Martin Jensen went to Audubon Wednesday to see and welcome her new grandson at the Neal Barentsen home.

Buy your batteries, automobile gaB engine and machine oil of

tf John Nelsen.

The Carter car ad by J. B J Lohn-ner and P. K. Jensen is to call your attention to the latest model in autos. Look up the ad.

MIB. John I. Hensley and Benny returned home Monday from Atlan­tic. where they visited a tew days at the Fred Wilhina bome.

Mrs. Fred Cotton went to Des Moines last Friday morning to bear the London Orchestra, which ap­peared there that evening,

Mrs. John Mertes and daughter, Mrs. Charlie Benson and husband are visiting this week at the Peter Tharnish bome near Adair.

Alex Nelson and Arthur Johnson of Adair came down to visit the lattsr's parents Saturday afternoon, returning Monday morning. f - ft

Mrs. Nancy Bruner arrived here Sunday from California, called here by the serious illness of her daughter, Mis. Stoneking of near Oakfield.

Mrs. Harold Sturgeon entertained the Treble Clef Club at her home Boulb ot town last Thursday after­noon. Mrs. Clifford Posten was the guest of the Club.

Mr. Frauk Navratil and daughter, Matilda left last Friday for Garner, Iowa for a visit. Mr. Navratil re­turned Wednesday but his daugh­ter will visit for some time.

mi John Harned

The brick walk in front of the Fred Cotton building is being lev­eled up. It has been so rounded that it was dangerous to travel over while the ice covered the walks.

Highest cash prices paid for cream, chicken and eggs at the Alamito Cream Station.

M L Noel, Manager

Mrs. Lutie Wells of Valley June tion, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Leftingwell of Exiia is improving very fast from her operation forabscess, she recently underwent.

Mr. D. M. Deen, the monument man of Harlan, has sold several fine monuments in this vicinity, some of which he has erected. Mr. Deen operates in Shelby and Audu­bon Counties. He guarantees his work and is worthy of your patron­age.

Mrs. Ella Tharp of Chicago and Mrs. Harvey Lewis of Walnut ar­rived here Sunday on a visit with their mother, Grandma Gill and other relatives. Mrs. Lewis re­turned to her home the first of the week but Mra. Tharp will visit for some time.

Peter Tharnish and wife enter­tained at dinner laat Sunday, the following people: Barney Mertes and wife, John Mertea and wife Charlie Benson and wife, Ray Mc Cluen and wife, Theo Richter, wife and family, Mra John Mertes Sr.and daughter, Margaret, Miss Anna Langenfeld and Mr. Joe Navratil.

It Looks Like A Crime to separate a boy from a box of Buok-leu's Arnica Salve. His pimples, boils, soratuhes, knocks, sprains and bruises demand it and it 's relief for burns, scalds or cuts is his right. Keep it handy for boys, also girls. Heals everything healable and does it quick. Unequaled for piles. Only 26o at Exira Drug Co.

Frank Navratil is making consi­derable improvement on his farm northeast of town.

Send for plants, of small fruits, berries, grape vines, to W. M. Bom­berger, Harlan, Iowa. m2

Herbert Thielen sold two cars of fat cattle and delivered them to the buyera in Brayton last week.

Write now for your apple, plum, cherry, fruit trees to W. M. Bom­berger, Harlan, Iowa. m2

Louie Petersen and wife of Audu­bon visited a few days tbis week with hie parents and other relatives

Get shade, ornamental trees, shrubs, peonys, of

W. M. Bomberger, in2 * Harlan, Iowa

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Everets of near this city visited their parents northwest of Audubon over Sabbath

Mies Amber Kelsey and Mrs. Pearl left Wednesday for Clarinda, where they will visit a few days, with the latter's niece, JeBsie An­drews.

Cooking and eating apples, crisp, juicy, well wintered, sprayed, no worms, will beep two months, $3 to $3.75 per barrel, $1.50 bushel box, send to W. M. Bomberger, Fruit Farm, Harlan, Iowa. m2

• • • r \

Congregational Church Sunday School at 10 a. m. - ' ' Preaching at 11:00 a. m. Preaching at 7:30 p.m. « Prayer meeting & Bible Stndy

Wednesday at 8:00 p. m. .1

Taken Up One red Sow. Owner can'have

same by proving property and paying for this notice.

kv Chris Heckman, Jr a25 Rt 3, Exira

Shoes Repaired by JTamea Smith, the Shoe Maker in MS. D. Cotton's Store.

No Cheap Grocery House Stuff when you buy Pails or Tubs at John Nelsen'e. tf

M. E. Church Notes Sabbath School at 10 a. m .

Preaching at 11 and 7:30 every Sabbath. A cordial invitation to all.

Epworth League 0:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday eve. :

For Farm Implements see Kom tries Brothers.

Dr. L. J. Oldaker, Dentist. Office n the front rooms over the Chris-tensen Jewelry store. All work la my line promptly attended to.

For Sale



Snyder's Thoroughbred Senator Dunlap Strawberry plants. The kind that grows and produceB. For the next three weeks we are going to make a special price of 300 plants for $1.00. Our plants are guaran­teed to be first clasa.

C. Snyder & Sons, 14th and Locust Sts.

Atlantic, la.

Water Pails and Dairy Pails at bargain prices at John Ne'sen's.-^

Insure in the Continental Insur unce Company. THEO. PATTY, Agt

Rothschild & JUcCaustlan# Co., Grain and Seeds, Bran, and Shorts and Oil Meal.

Grain Drills at cost. U bar Harrow, $4 50 per section. Hoosier seeder, grass seed attach­

ment, $30.00. Kommes Bros.

Your Shoes Repaired neat­ly and promptly at Cotton's Store.

Wanted We need two or three more Cream

Haulers. We have seme routes that are money makers. Call on

Mike Noel, Mgr. of Alamita Sanitary Cry. Co. *

tf Exira, Iowa.


1*4 inch $34 and up. 1 inch $35 and up.

Come in and look tjjtem over. We have the mo'st complete

line in Audubon county.

Bring in your Oiling^ 3 sets for $2.00

*•- • **

J. W. ALSUP Phone 161 Exira, Iowa