kunchaung hydropower project to produce 190 million kwh yearly · 5/8/2011  · project on kun...

Established 1914 Volume XIX, Number 17 6 th Waxing of Kason 1373 ME Sunday, 8 May, 2011 * Stability of the State, community peace and tran- quillity, prevalence of law and order * Strengthening of national solidarity * Building and strengthening of discipline-flourish- ing democracy system * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the Constitution Four political objectives * Building of modern industrialized nation through the agricultural devel- opment, and all-round development of other sectors of the economy * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical know-how and investment from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples Four economic objectives * Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national char- acter * Flourishing of Union Spirit, the true patriotism * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation Four social objectives True patriotism * It is very important for every- one of the nation regardless of the place he lives to have strong Union Spirit. * Only Union Spirit is the true patriotism all the nationalities will have to safeguard. YANGON, 7 May — Kunchaung Hydropower Project on Kun Creek in Pyu, Bago Region, is nearing completion, and it can produce 190 million kwh on average yearly upon completion. So far, 94 per cent of the project has been completed. The hydropower plant is being con- structed by the Construction Group-3 of the Hydropower Implementation Department under the Ministry of Electric Power No.1. Three 20-megawatt generators will be equipped at the plant. Union Minister for Electric Power No. 1 U Zaw Min visited the project yesterday and inspected installation of turbines, rotor shafts, runner shafts at the generator No. 1 and No. 2 and installation of runner & turbine shaft at the generator No. 3, carrying out of decoration works and instal- lation of penstock steel pipes. During the visit, the minister also looked into inflow of water to the dam, completion of main embankment, power intake structure and spillway, installation of steel pipeline, construction of surge- tank and progress of swift yard and transformer yard.—MNA Kunchaung Hydropower Project to produce 190 million kwh yearly Union Minister for Electric Power No. 1 U Zaw Min inspects progress of Kunchaung Hydropower Project.—MNA Recently, I visited Nay Pyi Taw hot spring located at an altitude of 1508 feet on Nay Pyi Taw Pyinmana-Pinlaung Road. Nay Pyi Taw Hot Spring attracts holiday-makers Article & Photos: Soe Gyi The water is 98° F and the hot spring pumps 8000-10000 gallons of water per hour. As a cold water creek is located near the hot spring, the holiday-makers and visitors can take a bath for their relaxation. Moreover, private bath- rooms are built for those wishing to take separate bathing. The hot spring can boil eggs and potatoes. Eggs can be boiled in the hot water within three minutes and potatoes within five minutes. Nay Pyi Taw hot spring is located near Taungkya Village on Pyinmana-Pinlaung Road. Visitors can travel along the 21 miles long route from Kintha Junc- tion at mile post No. 271/ 4 of Yangon-Mandalay Union Highway to Koegway, and then four miles and two furlongs long section from Koegway to Pyinmana- Pinlaung Road. The Sul- phur Spring is located beyond the previous Taungkya Village. (See page 7) Photo shows pleasant scene of Nay Pyi Taw Hot Spring. Death toll from Mexican mine explosion reaches 11 Beckham set to face former club Real Madrid PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 15 China archaeologists uncover more Great Wall ruins 8-5-2011 NL.pmd 5/8/2011, 5:34 AM 1

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Page 1: Kunchaung Hydropower Project to produce 190 million kwh yearly · 5/8/2011  · Project on Kun Creek in Pyu, Bago Region, is nearing completion, and it can produce 190 million kwh

Established 1914

Volume XIX, Number 17 6th Waxing of Kason 1373 ME Sunday, 8 May, 2011

* Stability of the State, community peace and tran-quillity, prevalence of law and order

* Strengthening of national solidarity* Building and strengthening of discipline-flourish-

ing democracy system* Building of a new modern developed nation in

accord with the Constitution

Four political objectives* Building of modern industrialized nation through the agricultural devel-

opment, and all-round development of other sectors of the economy* Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system* Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical

know-how and investment from sources inside the country and abroad* The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of

the State and the national peoples

Four economic objectives* Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation* Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation

and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national char-acter

* Flourishing of Union Spirit, the true patriotism* Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the

entire nation

Four social objectives

True patriotism * It is very important for every-

one of the nation regardless ofthe place he lives to have strongUnion Spirit.

* Only Union Spirit is the truepatriotism all the nationalitieswill have to safeguard.

YANGON, 7 May — Kunchaung HydropowerProject on Kun Creek in Pyu, Bago Region, isnearing completion, and it can produce 190 millionkwh on average yearly upon completion.

So far, 94 per cent of the project has beencompleted. The hydropower plant is being con-structed by the Construction Group-3 of theHydropower Implementation Department under theMinistry of Electric Power No.1.

Three 20-megawatt generators will beequipped at the plant. Union Minister for ElectricPower No. 1 U Zaw Min visited the project yesterdayand inspected installation of turbines, rotor shafts,runner shafts at the generator No. 1 and No. 2 andinstallation of runner & turbine shaft at the generatorNo. 3, carrying out of decoration works and instal-lation of penstock steel pipes.

During the visit, the minister also looked intoinflow of water to the dam, completion of mainembankment, power intake structure and spillway,installation of steel pipeline, construction of surge-tank and progress of swift yard and transformeryard.—MNA

Kunchaung Hydropower Projectto produce 190 million kwh yearly

Union Minister for Electric PowerNo. 1 U Zaw Min inspects

progress of Kunchaung HydropowerProject.—MNA

Recently, I visitedNay Pyi Taw hot springlocated at an altitude of1508 feet on Nay PyiTaw Pyinmana-PinlaungRoad.

Nay Pyi Taw Hot Spring attractsholiday-makers

Article & Photos: Soe Gyi

The water is 98°F andthe hot spring pumps8000-10000 gallons ofwater per hour. As a coldwater creek is locatednear the hot spring, theholiday-makers andvisitors can take a bathfor their relaxation.Moreover, private bath-rooms are built for thosewishing to take separatebathing.

The hot spring canboil eggs and potatoes.Eggs can be boiled in thehot water within threeminutes and potatoeswithin five minutes.

Nay Pyi Taw hotspring is located nearTaungkya Village onP y i n m a n a - P i n l a u n gRoad. Visitors can travelalong the 21 miles longroute from Kintha Junc-tion at mile post No. 271/4 of Yangon-MandalayUnion Highway toKoegway, and then fourmiles and two furlongslong section fromKoegway to Pyinmana-Pinlaung Road. The Sul-phur Spring is locatedbeyond the previousTaungkya Village.

(See page 7)

Photo showspleasant scene of

Nay Pyi TawHot Spring.

Death toll from Mexican mineexplosion reaches 11

Beckham set to face formerclub Real Madrid


China archaeologists uncovermore Great Wall ruins

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Page 2: Kunchaung Hydropower Project to produce 190 million kwh yearly · 5/8/2011  · Project on Kun Creek in Pyu, Bago Region, is nearing completion, and it can produce 190 million kwh

2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 8 May, 2011

PERSPECTIVES* Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views* Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation* Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State* Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

People’s DesireSunday, 8 May, 2011

Produce fine literary worksLiterature is the culture of a race and it

is like a mirror of that race. There is tangibleevidence that the Myanmar literature has beenpromoted since the times of ancient Myanmarkings.

For literary development, the nationpresents national literary awards and SarpayBeikman manuscript awards every year.Moreover, private organizations are playing apart in the effort for development of the literaryworld by presenting Sayawun Tin Shwe, TunFoundation, Pakokku U Ohn Pe andThutaswesone literary awards.

Based on their hobby, goodwill andconviction, the literati have worked hard formany years in the interests of the nation andthe people. So, it is the duty of the newgeneration to study, preserve and maintainthe valuable literary works of the literati.

Those from the literary world are tohand down the national legacy of literature toposterity. They also need to educate the peopleto cultivate correct behaviour, conviction andUnion spirit and promote their intellectualand technological skills through literary might.

As the saying that goes by ‘the pen ismightier than the sword,’ literary strengthcan influence the human mind. This is whyfine literary works can help develop the humanmind. Therefore, the people from the literaryfiled are to try to produce fine literary worksthat serve the best interests of the country andthe people.

16th golf tournament for newgeneration concludes

YANGON, 7 May—The 16th golf tournamentfor new generation concluded yesterday at MyanmarGolf Club on Pyay Road here, awarding winners ofthe tournament.

The tournament was jointly conducted byMyanmar Golf Federation and Myanmar Golf Cluband was sponsored by Han Golf Masters Pte Ltd,KM Golf Centre, Standard House Golf, DoubleEagle Golf Co Ltd and Han Events Management.

President of MGC Col Soe Win (Retd) andexecutive members of the club presented awards towinners of the aged 10-18 event, aged 10-12 event,aged 13-15 event and aged 16-20 event.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 7 May—Union Minister forAgriculture and Irrigation U Myint Hlaing calledfor early completion of the Pyu Creek Dam Multi-purpose project and conservation of forest andwildlife in catchement area during his visit to theproject with installed capacity of 40 megawatts, onPyu Creek in Pyu Township yesterday, which canprovide irrigation water to 100000 acres of

Pyu Creek Dam Multi-purpose project taking shape

farmlands and 220 million Kwh per year.The multi-purpose project is 33.77 per cent

completed by 5 May and power supply facilitiesare completed by 73.5 per cent. The Union ministersaw over earthworks and concreting works of theproject. The Union minister then visited KabaungDam and power plant at Kabaung Creek in OttwinTownship.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 7May— Chief Minister USao Aung Myat of ShanState meet departmentalpersonnel in Tachilek on5 May.

In Tahlay, he meetmembers of the workcommittee forrehabilitation at therehabilitation station andinspected constructionof temporary hospital,main hospital, low-costhousings in MonglinVillage-tract and BasicEducation High School.

He inspected campof Border Trade

Chief Minister of Shan State tours Tachilek, Monghsat

Department and bordertrading at No. 2 Myanmar-Thai Friendship Bridge inTachilek.

Yesterday morning,

he provided K 1 millionfor roofing of storm-hitBEHS No. 2 in Monghsat.

Later, he viewedthriving 100 acres of

summer paddy,renovation of BEHS No. 2and People’s Hospital (50-bed).


YANGON, 7 May—President of the Republicof Union of MyanmarFederation of Chambersof Commerce andIndustry U Win Aungdiscussed provision ofrequired energy fordevelopment of ruralregions, access to bio-diesel fired generators toreduce energy

RUMFCCI invites Japan toinvest in Dawei Deep Sea Port

Special Advisor to thePresident, Japan-

Myanmar Chamber ofCommerce & IndustryBusiness CooperationCommittee Chairman MrSumitaka Fujita in theafternoon. During themeeting the two sidesdiscussed promotion ofJapanese investment insmall and medium-scaleindustries in Myanmar,and Japanese entre-preneur’s investments inDawei Deep Sea Port withgreat potential to becometrade centre of the region.


consumption, povertyelimination, boostingagricultural produces,and assistance for ruralarea development withVice President Mr ShinImai of Jissen KankyoKenkyusho Co Ltd at itsoffice here on 3 May.

The president alsoheld discussion with CEOof Itochu Corporation,

Union Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation U Myint Hlaing looking into PyuCreek Dam Multi-purpose Project.—MNA

Chief Minister U Sao Aung Myat meets district and township leveldepartmental heads in Tachilek.—MNA


U WinAung


PresidentMr ShinImai ofJissen

KankyoKenkyushoCo Ltd.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 8 May, 2011 3

Peopletransfer an

injured man toa hospital in

southernPakistani port

city ofKarachi,

6 May, 2011.XINHUA

18 injured in blast near mosquein Karachi, Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, 7 May—At least five people werekilled and 18 othersinjured in a blast thattook place Friday nightin Karachi, the largestindustrial city inPakistan, reported localUrdu TV channel News

5.According to the

report, the blast tookplace at about 9:10 pmlocal time when anunkonwn person hurleda hand grenade into thecrowds gathering at anoutdoor gambling den in

the Layari area ofKarachi.

Some local mediareported that two handgrenades were hurledinto the crowds.

On 21 April, anothergambling den wasattacked by unknownpeople in the same city,in which 19 people werereportedly killed andmore than 40 othersinjured. The attack couldbe related to personalenmities instead ofterrorism, said a localreport.—Xinhua

Chile’s Navy Cmdr. Renato Navarro, centre,accompanied by Mexico’s Labour Secretary JavierLozano Alarcon, centre left, speaks to relatives of

trapped miners at a coal mine in San Juan de Sabinas,Mexico,4 May, 2011.—INTERNET

Lake flooding damages ordestroys 500 homes in Vt

MONTPELIER, 7 May—Already at its highest levelever, Lake Champlain surpassed flood stage by 3feet Friday, leaving hundreds of homes destroyedor damaged in a slowly unfolding catastrophe onisland communities and the New York and Vermontsides of the 120-mile-long lake.

Teams from the Federal EmergencyManagement Agency will be in Vermont onTuesday to begin assessing damage, saidspokesman Dennis Pinkham. Authorities said itcould be weeks before floodwaters, which tookweeks to hit current levels, recede.

“I had a guy from the state tell me that this wasthe slowest disaster he’s ever seen,” Clinton CountyEmergency Services Director Eric Day told thePress-Republican newspaper of Plattsburgh, NY,where about 100 residents of an apartment complexevacuated Friday.

The two major east-west roads that link theVermont island county of Grand Isle to the mainlandremained open but were water-covered, according

In this 29 April, 2011 file photo, workers at theLake Champlain ferry dock paddle through the

flooded parking lot in Burlington, Vt.INTERNET

to Gov Peter Shumlin, who wouldn’t rule outmandatory evacuations but said they aren’tnecessary yet.

Shumlin toured the flooded area by helicopterthis week and then declared the area a disaster,which allowed him to call up help from the VermontNational Guard.—Internet

Death toll from Mexican mineexplosion reaches 11

Mexico City, 7 May—Rescue workers recoveredthree more bodies from anexploded coal mine innorthern Mexico lateFriday, leaving little hopeto find the remaining threetrapped miners alive.

The death toll fromthe 3 May explosion nowstands at 11, while a 14-year-old worker wasseverely injured. FederalLabour Secretary JavierLozano has said there islittle hope anyonesurvived the explosionabout 60 metres under-ground.

Rescue efforts con-tinued at the mine near thetown of Sabinas in

Carbonifera state about135 km south of the USborder. They will not stopsearching until all victimsare found, the federalgovernment and mineowner BINSA said.

The mine has been

operational for less than15 days, a spokesman forBINSA said.

Mine accidents andworker deaths have beencommon over the decadesin the Carbonifera region.


17 killed, 2 missing in landslide inWest Java, Indonesia

JAKARTA, 7 May—Seventeen peoplewere killed, two people went missingand four others suffered from injuries inlandslides in West Java of Indonesia,officials said on Saturday.

Yayah Suheryanto, senior officialof disaster management and mitigationagency in West Java told Xinhua byphone that heavy rains was blamed forthe landslide which occurred on Fridayafternoon. The rain also cause flashfloods, he said.

“Searching for the missing personhas been underway, involving rescueteam and the local resident,” he said.

The disasters in Garut District alsotriggered scores of villagers to flee homesand took shelters at their relative’shouses, said Sutopo, spokesman of thenational disaster management andmitigation agency.

“The disaster killed 17 people andwounded four others. Rescuers aresearching two missing person now,” hetold Xinhua. The spokesman said thatthe local government had providelogistic, and heavy machinery equipmentto help search the missing persons andto clean the area hit by the floods andlandslides,” he said.—Xinhua

Iraqi security forces inspect the scene ofa car bomb attack in Hillah, about 60

miles (95 kilometers) south of Baghdad,Iraq, Thursday, 5 May, 2011. A suicide

car bomber crashed his vehicle into abarrier outside a police building incentral Iraq on Thursday morning,

killing and wounding dozens ofpolicemen, a local councilman said.


27 killed in planecrash in Indonesia

JAKARTA, 7 May—Allthe 27 people on boardwere killed in acommercial planeaccident in Papua ofIndonesia on Saturday, arescuer and an officialsaid.

Fifteen bodies of thevictims had been foundby rescuers, rescuerArifin at Papua Searchand Rescue Office toldXinhua.

The Indonesian planeoperated by Merpatiairline was on route ofSorong to Kaimana and

Nabire, he said.Spokesman of the

Indonesian TransportMinistry Bambang Ervansaid that the plane crashedbefore landing inKaimana airport.

“The plane felt downto the sea before landingat Kaimana airport andall the 27 people on boarddied,”he said.

The accidenthappened at about 500meters from the runway, said Ervan.


Thai south attacks kill sevenYALA, 7 May—Seven people were

killed and 16 wounded in a string ofattacks across Thailand’s far souththat included two roadside bombsdetonating within minutes of eachother on Saturday, police said.

The first blast hit a military patrolvehicle on a village road in Yala, oneof three southern provinces close tothe border with Malaysia that havesuffered a seven-year insurgency.

“Three soldiers died instantly andtwo were seriously injured,” a localpolice officer said.

A second device, buried in thecar park of a football field in Pattaniprovince, detonated about fiveminutes later, killing three policeofficers and wounding 14 others.

“The officers had just arrived therefor a football match with local villagersand the bomb exploded as they parkedtheir car,” police said.

In a separate attack, four gunmenriding motorbikes shot dead a 45-year-old Muslim man as he drove hiscar in Narathiwat province onSaturday afternoon.

More than 4,500 people, bothMuslims and Buddhists, have died inalmost daily attacks since shadowyinsurgents launched an uprising inThailand’s southernmost region inearly 2004.

The attacks have become morebrazen in recent months, includingcar bombs and attacks on militarybases or outposts.—MNA/AFP/CNA

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 8 May, 2011

Google Android topssmartphone platform

market in USSAN FRANCISCO, 7 May—Smartphones powered by

Google software widened their lead on BlackBerryhandsets in the US market during the first three monthsof the year, industry tracker comScore reported onFriday. Android smartphones dethroned BlackBerryin January by capturing 31.2 percent of the US marketand that share grew to 34.7 percent by the end ofMarch, according to comScore.

BlackBerry handsets made by Canada-basedResearch In Motion (RIM) lost ground in the quarter,ending March with 27.1 percent of the US market.Apple was close behind RIM with iPhone running onthe California company’s mobile platform commanding25.5 percent of the market, according to comScore.

Samsung was the top handset manufacturer overallwith a 24.5-percent share of the US market, comScoresaid, followed by LG with 20.9 percent, Motorola with15.8 percent, RIM with 8.4 percent and Apple with 7.9percent.

According to comScore, 234 million Americansowned mobile devices at the end of March and thenumber of smartphones owned climbed 15 percent to72.5 million.—Internet

A model displayssmartphones withGoogle’s mobileoperating system


Customers check out the newly released Apple iPad 2in Hong Kong last week. Apple fans queued up forhours Friday in China to snap up the iPad 2 as the

updated version of the popular tablet computer went onsale in the world’s biggest Internet market.—INTERNET

Twitter hits new high withEverest “tweet’

SAN FRANCISCO, 7 May—A renowned Britishclimber has taken Twitter to a new high, firing offthe first “tweet” from the peak of world’s tallestmountain.

Kenton Cool used the terse text message to pluga slick new Galaxy S II smartphone made bySamsung, the South Korean consumer electronicsgiant that backed his ninth ascent to the top of MountEverest. “Everest summit no 9! 1st tweet from thetop of the world thanks to a weak 3G signal & theawesome Samsung Galaxy S2 handset!” themountaineer said in a tweet sent Thursday.

Nepal telecom carrier Ncell installed a mobilesignal receiver at the base of Everest late last year,but it had been unclear whether its range extendedto the peak.—Internet

China archaeologists uncover moreGreat Wall ruins

BEIJING, 7 May — Chinesearchaeologists have uncoveredpreviously unknown Great Wall ruinsin a mountainous area in northeastChina, state media reported Saturday.

The bricks and stones that onceformed a section of the wall werefound in mountains in SuizhongCounty in Liaoning Province, theofficial Xinhua news agency said,citing a report by provincial relicsand mapping authorities.

The section of walls was rebuiltin the Ming Dynasty from 1368-1644, but substantial parts haddisappeared or eroded after years ofneglect, the report said. Generations

People walk along apath on Tiger

Mountain GreatWall, some 30 km

northeast ofDandong, in

northeast China’sLiaoning Province.


of local farmers did not know thebricks and stones were part of theGreat Wall and sometimes used themto build houses, local authorities said,adding no measures were ever put inplace to protect the walls.

The earliest incarnation of theGreat Wall was built more than 2,000years ago to defend against invadingnorthern nomadic tribes. But mostsections still standing were rebuilt inlater dynasties. In recent times, thewall has suffered extensively at thehands of modern development, withparts of it destroyed to make way forroads and other forms of construction.


Wind turbines are seenhere at the Belwind windfarm, the first renewable

electricity central inBelgium, near the port ofZeebrugge. Renewable

power from the Sun, wind,water and biomass canand should generate amajor portion of the

planet’s energy supply by2050, according to a draft

United Nations reportobtained by AFP.


4.5-billion-year-old meteorite yieldsnew mineral

LOS ANGELES, 7 May—A 4.5-billion-year-old meteorite from northwest Africahas yielded one of the earliest minerals of the solar system.

Officially called krotite, the mineral had never been found in nature before,though it is a man-made constituent of some high-temperature concrete, accordingto study researcher Anthony Kampf, curator of Mineral Sciences at the NaturalHistory Museum of Los Angeles County (NHM).

“This is one that simply was not known in nature until we found it here,”Kampf told LiveScience. “That’s pretty dramatic.” The meteorite containingkrotite is called NWA 1934 CV3 carbonaceous chondrite. Chondrites areprimitive meteorites that scientists think were remnants shed from the originalbuilding blocks of planets. Most meteorites found on Earth fit into this group.

The mineral, a compound of calcium, aluminum and oxygen, needstemperatures of 2,732 degrees F (1,500 degrees C) to form, supporting the idea thatit was created as the solar nebula condensed and the planets, including Earth, wereformed, the researchers say.—Internet

A visitor is seen drawing on a touch screen at theCeBIT IT fair in Hanover, Germany, in March.Autodesk on Friday released a major update to

SketchBook Pro software that has artists switchingfrom pencils and paints to virtual canvasses oniPhones or iPad tablet computers.—INTERNET

Germany may subsidize e-carsales

BERLIN, 7 May — Germany may kick-start electriccar sales with subsidies worth $5.4 billion. Thegovernment of Chancellor Angela Merkel has drafteda series of incentives to boost e-car sales, Germannewspapers Sueddeutsche Zeitung and Bild report.Measures include free parking for e-cars and eliminatingthe motor vehicle tax for the first 10 years after a greenvehicle’s registration, the newspaper writes. The lattercan be very attractive financially: A car with a gasolineengine can cost up to $430 in taxes per year, a car thatruns on diesel up to $880.

The government also plans to purchase thousandsof e-cars for its ministries, the newspapers write. Theplans aren’t yet backed by the entire Cabinet. GermanEconomy Minister Rainer Bruederle has in the pastdays spoken out against funding e-car purchases withtax money. Officials from the German car sector,which includes such prominent brands as Volkswagen,Daimler, Audi, BMW and Porsche, have in the pastcalled for direct purchase subsidies.—Internet

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 8 May, 2011 5

Fannie Mae requests additional 8.5 billiondollars in government aid

Theheadquartersof mortgage

lender FannieMae is shownin Washington8 September,


General view of the Usina Santa Elisa’sdistillery, owned by Santelisa Vale group, an

ethanol producer, in Sertãozinho, 400 km fromSao Paulo 2008.


Brazil’s Petrobras to boost ethanolproduction

BRASILIA, 7 May — Brazil’s state-controlled energy giant Petrobras willboost its production of ethanol as part of a government effort to contain fuelprices, Energy Minister Edison Lobao announced Friday.

“We are going to make rapid advances to produce (an additional) 10, 12,15 percent in three to four years,” Lobao told reporters. “With this, Petrobras willbe transformed into an important factor in the supply and pricing of ethanol.”

According to the official, Petrobras currently accounts for five percent oftotal ethanol production in Brazil, but that by 2017 it expects to be the largestproducer. In the past 12 months, the price of ethanol in Brazil rose 39.2 percent,well above the overall rate of inflation of 6.5 percent.

Ethanol, made mostly by using sugar, is widely used in Brazil as a cheaperalternative to gasoline for motor fuel. Brazil is the second-biggest producer ofethanol in the world, after the United States, and the biggest exporter of thebiofuel.

It sustains a large domestic market using ethanol through the sales of carswhose engines can take either gasoline, ethanol or a mix of the two.—Internet

FDA approves Novartis pancreas cancerdrug

ZURICH, 7 May—Novartis AG’scancer drug Afinitor has been approvedby the US Food and Drug Administrationfor a rare type of pancreatic cancer thathas few treatment options.

“Data show Afinitor delays tumourgrowth and reduces risk of diseaseprogression in patients with advancedneuroendocrine tumours (NET) ofpancreatic origin,” the Swiss drugmakersaid in a statement. “This marks the firstapproval of a treatment for this patientpopulation in the United States in nearly30 years.”

Last month, a US advisory panelvoted unanimously in favour of thedrug’s use in treating patients withadvanced pancreatic neuroendocrinetumours, despite concerns about seriousside effects.

Afinitor is already approved for

treating kidney cancer and is expectedto rake in sales of $1.3 billion in 2015,according to a Thomson Reutersforecast.

In April FDA staff questionedNovartis’ findings on the benefits ofthe drug, and the Swiss drugmakernarrowed the approval application afterthe reviewer’s comments.

Novartis said it had also submittedapplications for Afinitor use forpancreatic cancer to the EuropeanMedicines Agency and the Swissregulator.

Pancreatic neuroendocrine tum-ours are rare, with a strike rate of about0.32 cases per 100,000 people. Theyusually grow more slowly than otherpancreatic cancers that kill withinmonths of diagnosis. Both types havefew treatment options.—Reuters

Children who spend too muchtime watching televisionincrease the risk of heart

disease, high blood pressureand diabetes in later life, an

Australian study showedrecently.INTERNET

A malaria-infected baby lays on ahospital bed in Juba, southern

Sudan. Malaria costs Africa $12billion (eight million euros) a year

in lost productivity, an expense thatbusinesses can reduce by investingin prevention schemes, a study has


Avocado has more potassium than bananaSANTA MONICA, 7 May — The avocado, celebrated for centuries as an

indulgent food with a seductively creamy texture, is also high in nutrition, aUS food expert says.

Phil Lempert — a food industry analyst, trend watcher and creator of theWeb site supermarketguru.com — says the avocado originated in parts ofancient Mexico, Central America, and South America, and was once believedto be an aphrodisiac, but today it is a staple in Mexican culture as butter is inthe United States.

Avocados are rich in potassium. One avocado actually has three times asmuch potassium as one banana.

A ripe avocado is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals andheart-healthy fats, and while considered a vegetable, it is actually a fruit, richin monounsaturated fats that may help reduce “bad” low-density lipoproteincholesterol in the blood and raise the levels of “good” high-density lipoproteincholesterol, Lempert says.

Avocados contain more lutein, a cancer-fighting carotenoid, than anyother fruit. Men who eat foods rich in lutein are linked to low rates of prostatecancer and lutein also protects against eye diseases such as maculardegeneration and cataracts.

Another anti-cancer component of avocados is glutathione, a tripeptidecomposed of amino acids that act as an antioxidant, and those who eat foodsrich in glutathione have significantly lower rates of oral and pharyngealcancer, Lempert says.—Internet

WASHINGTON, 7 May—Fannie Mae, the leadinghouse mortgage lender inthe United States, requestedthe government Friday foran additional 8.5 billion USdollars in aid after seeinghuge loss in the first quarterof 2011.

Fannie Mae saw a netloss of 6.5 billion dollars inthe first three months of 2011,compared to net income of73 million dollars in thefourth quarter last year, anda net loss of 11.5 billiondollars in the same period of2010, the company said in afinancial report.

The loss in the firstquarter of 2011 from net

income in the fourth quarterwas due to an increase incredit-related expenses,primarily driven by a declinein home prices during thequarter, said the company.

Home prices on anational basis declined by1.8 percent in the first quarterthis year, which had directlyled to more foreclosures andto homeowners abandoninghouses that were worthlessthan they owed on theirmortgages, said Fannie Mae.

The company’s net lossattributable to commonstockholders in the first threemonths of the year was 8.7billion dollars, or 1.52 dollarper diluted share, including

2.2 billion dollars in dividendpayments to the US TreasuryDepartment, according tothe financial report. As of31 March, 2011, thecompany’s net worth deficitwas 8.4 billion dollars. Inorder to eliminate the deficit,Fannie Mae has requested8.5 billion dollars aid fromthe Treasury.



rate edgesdown to 7.6percent in

AprilOTTAWA, 7 May—

Canada’s unemploymentrate edged down 0.1percentage points to 7.6percent in April as theeconomy produced58,300 jobs, StatisticsCanada announced Friday.Com-pared with the sameperiod last year,employment has grown by283,000, up 1.7 percent.

In April, part time jobsincreased by 41,000, whilefull time employmentadvanced 17,200, makingit returned to the level ofOctober 2008, when therecession was starting, forthe first time.

Over the past 12months, full-time employ-ment grew by 1.9 percentcompared with 0.8 percentin part time.—Xinhua

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 8 May, 2011

Nikolay Litvinenko,87-year-old WorldWar II veteran and

recipient of allthree classes of the

Order of Glory,visits a World WarII memorial in the

village of Minderla,some 50 km (31miles) north of

Russia’s Siberiancity of

Krasnoyarsk,5 May, 2011.


NEW YORK, 7 May—The proposedNew York City budget includes cutting6,000 public school teachers, MayorMichael Bloomberg said Friday.

The mayor, struggling to close a$400 million budget gap, blamed ahuge cut in state aid, The New YorkTimes reported. He said aid hasdropped from 45 percent of the totalcity education budget in 2008 to 39percent in the coming fiscal year.

About 1,500 of the job cuts wouldcome through attrition and the restfrom layoffs.

“I understand the frustration that

Bloomberg plans to cut 6,000 teaching jobsparents and teachers feel; I feel ittoo,” he said as he presented his finalbudget. “We are not going to walkaway from our education system.”

Bloomberg’s budget now goes tothe City Council for approval. SpeakerChristine Quinn said she plans to dowhat she can to reduce or eliminatethe cuts.

“We continue to ask the leastamong us to bear the brunt. I’m reallyconcerned,” Councilwoman MelissaMark-Viverito said. About 75,000teachers work in the New York Citypublic schools.—Internet

Unemployed Americans line up at a 2010 jobfair near Los Angeles, California. The US

economy added a more-than-expected 244,000jobs in April, but the country’s unemployment

rate rose to 9.0 percent from 8.8 percent inMarch, official data showed.—INTERNET

DENVER, 7 May—— The ex-con suspected ofleaving a bomb at a Colorado mall faces life in prisonif convicted of use of a destructive device, federalprosecutors said Friday. Earl Albert Moore, 65, wasindicted Thursday on one count each of arson of abuilding and use of a destructive device. The first counthas a potential sentence of five to 20 years, while thesecond carries a sentence of no less than 30 years.

Moore entered a not guilty plea Friday at hisarraignment in US District Court in Denver, CNNreported. The crude pipe bomb was discovered at theSouthwest Plaza Mall 20 April, the anniversary of themassacre at Columbine High School 2 miles away.Investigators later said the timing might have beencoincidence. Moore was arrested a few days later at aBoulder supermarket after employees recognized himand called police. He had been released in early Aprilfrom a federal prison in Georgia, where he had beenserving a sentence for a bank robbery in West Virginia.


Workers process seafood in ShandongRongsense Aquatic Products & Food Co, Ltd in

Rizhao, east China’s Shandong Province,5 May, 2011. During the first four months, the

aquatic products exported to Japan by thecompany has risen by 20 percent over the same

period of last year, with export value up arecord high of 34 percent. The coastal

Shandong province has seen a rise of exports ofits aquatic products to Japan, the country which

was lashed by the monster earthquake andtsunami.—INTERNET

Suspect indicted in Coloradomall bombing

Brides and grooms pay their respects at theEternal Flame memorial after a mass wedding

ceremony in the Kyrgyz capital of Bishkek on 7May, 2011.


CABARET (Haiti), 7 May—A religious charitysaid Friday it has started a housing project north ofHaiti’s capital that will ultimately provide low-costshelter for about 2,500 people, many of themvictims of last year’s devastating earthquake.

The Mission of Hope project near the town ofCabaret will consist of 500 simple homes in brightpastel colours, each with a couple of fruit trees toprovide food and a source of extra income to thefamilies, said Jay Cherry, who is coordinating theproject for the charity based in Fort Myers, Florida.

Haiti’s government provided 120 acres for theproject and Mission of Hope is raising the $3

Homes for hundreds going upoutside Haiti capital

million cost of construction through donations,Cherry said.—Internet

TOKYO, 7 May—Japanese Prime Minister NaotoKan said on Friday that Chubu Electric Power Coshould halt all operations at its Hamaoka nuclear plantin central Japan, due to worries a strong earthquakecould cause another nuclear crisis.

The move to shutdown Hamaoka, seen at high riskto forecasts of a powerful earthquake in comingdecades, follows pressure on the government to reviewJapan’s nuclear energy policy after a 11 March quakeand tsunami crippled another plant, triggering theworld’s worst nuclear accident in 25 years.

Kan, who has been under fire for his response tothe crisis at Tokyo Electric Power Co’s (TEPCO)Fukushima Daiichi plant in northeast Japan, said thegovernment would try to prevent the halt of the Hamaokareactors from causing power supply problems.

Japan PM calls for halt of Hamaoka nuclear plant Companies in eastern and northeast Japan served

by TEPCO and another quake-affected utility havealready been asked to curb electricity usage this summerwhen demand peaks. The shutdown at Hamaokaraises the risk of power disruptions in the Chuburegion, home to Toyota Motor Corp and other majormanufacturers.

Kan said he made the decision “out of concernsfor public safety,” citing a forecast by governmentexperts that put at 87 percent the chance of a magnitude8.0 quake hitting the area served by Chubu Electricwithin the next 30 years. “If there were a major accidentat Hamaoka nuclear plant, it would have an enormousimpact on the entire Japanese society,” Kan told atelevised news conference.


MANILA, 7 May—The Philippine AtmosphericGeophysical and Astronomical ServicesAdministration (PAGASA) has issued public stormsignal No 1 in certain areas in Northern Philippinesafter the low pressure area reported in CentralPhilippines has been upgraded into a tropicaldepression.

In its weather bulletin No 3 issued Saturdaymorning, the tropical depression, named “Bebeng”,was spotted 180 east of Catarman in NorthernSamar in Central Philippines.

Bebeng has a maximum winds of 55 kilometresper hour (kph) near the centre and is forecast tomove northwest with a speed of 13 kph.

“Residents living in low lying and mountainousareas under signal No 1 are alerted against possibleflashfloods and landslides,” PAGASA said. Bebengis the second storm to enter the Philippines thisyear.


Philippines issues stormsignal

A man walks on the grounds of the MOH 500housing project, in Cabaret, Haiti, on 6 May,


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 8 May, 2011 7

Union Minister for Information and for CultureU Kyaw Hsan delivered an address at the ceremony toopen media corners of Myanmar Writers and JournalistsAssociation, on the second floor of Sarpay BeikmanBuilding in Yangon on 2 May.

In his address, the Union Minister said that todayis auspicious day. Media Corners inspire the people toread more. People are busy with their daily routines. Now,they will have the opportunity to buy books andpublications at the media corners being opened at theproper sites, he said.

The Union Minister continued to say that open-ing of Media Corner or book corner is the milestone ofMWJA as well as standard of a developed nation.

In addition, the Union Minister urged thosepresent to make strenuous efforts for opening moremedia corners at suitable places. It is necessary to openmore media corners in other cities in addition to Yangon,he said. The more media corners are opened, the largernumber of readers will be, he said. So, he noted that it isnecessary to raise reading habit of the rural public.

The Myanmar Writers and Journalists Asso-ciation has adopted its aim and task “to developpublication and periodicals industry”. Moreover,emphasis is being placed on effective implementing ofpublishing network for the readers.

In so doing, responsible persons of MWJAstudied media corners in some neighbouring countriesand tried to introduce media corner as a pilot project inYangon. At first, a plan was submitted to the Ministry ofInformation and it to render necessary assistance for theplan.

With the assistance of the Ministry of Informa-

Media Corner for bookwormsTekkatho Thinkha

tion and the Yangon City Development Committee, theopening of media corners commenced. Applicationswere invited to open the media corners. The Media CornerSupervisory Committee systematically scrutinized theapplications. The Supervisory Committee constructedbuildings for media corners by collecting suitable pay-ment from the corner hirers.

At present, the Supervisory Committee is takingresponsibility for construction of 16 media corners—one in Pazundaung Township, three in BotahtaungTownship, five in Kyauktada Township, two in PabedanTownship, one in Latha Township and four in LanmadawTownship.

As part of efforts to realize the aim and tasks ofthe MWJA “to protect the deserved entitlements ofthose in literary world in accord with existing laws” arule was adopted that the hirer of Media Corner mustbe member of MWJA.

The significant point is that media corners mustbe opened under a rule to give priority to sales of books,magazines, journals, newspapers and equipment relatedto the media, and to avoid selling cigarettes, alcohol andfoodstuffs. As the Media Corner Supervisory, Committeemakes coordination with hirers for other necessaryrequirements, there will be few difficulties.

After observing the progress of media cornersto be opened in six townships of downtown Yangon,arrangements have been made for opening more mediacorners in remaining townships. Likewise, coordinationhas been made with local authorities in Mandalay foropening similar corners.

In accord with the provision included in thefundamental rules “to carry out tasks of printing, bookcorners and publishing to be able to achieve success inrealizing the aim and tasks of the MWJA, concertedefforts are being made for raising the funds of theassociation.

By effectively implementing the instruction ofthe Union Minister saying that the more media cornersare opened, the larger number of readers will be, theMWAJ will undertake its task to increase the number ofreaders and raise the reading habit. At the same time,introduction of media corners was the milestone in thechronicle of MWJA.

I firmly believe that all the persons wishing toserve the national interest will heartily welcome activitiesof opening the media corners for fulfilling the requirementsof bookworms and those in the literary world.

*****Translation: TTA

(from page 1)The visitors can

eat eastern and westernstyle meals at the can-teens. They can ride el-ephants in the jungle.

The spring useselectricity through so-lar system and mini-hydropower.

The hot spring

Nay Pyi Taw Hot Springattracts…

was built by TGE Con-struction Company in2009 and it was com-pleted in 2010. The fa-cility was inauguratedfor the public recreationon 11-4-2010.

The constructorTGE Co got the one-yearpermission for the hotspring. The company al-

lows the visitors with freeadmission and them totake a bath at the outsidelakes. The company col-lects fees for those tak-ing a bath at the separateprivate water tanks.

Moreover, plansare underway to buildinns at the hot springs.Indeed, the hot spring is aresort in Nay Pyi Taw.

At present, holi-day-makers and picnick-

Visitors taking relaxation at lake at Nay Pyi Taw Hot Spring.

ers may take joyfullyrelaxation at the NgalaikDam Recreation Centre,the National LandmarksGarden, the ZoologicalGarden, the Safari Gar-den and the Planarian inaddition to the Nay PyiTaw Hot Spring in NayPyi Taw.

*****Translation: TTA

Myanma Alin:4-5-2011

NAY PYI TAW, 7 May— The ceremony tomark the 65th Anniversary Fire Brigade Day washeld at the fire station in Sittway of Myanmar FireBrigade on 5 May, attended by Chief Minister ofRakhine State U Hla Maung Tin.

Similar ceremonies were observed in Bagoand Magway . After attending the fire brigade dayat the town hall in Bago, Chief Minister of BagoRegion U Nyan Win presented prizes to outstandingfire brigade members, and then looked intoprogress of Shwegyin Township.

Chief Minister U Phone Maw Shwe of MagwayRegion who attended the ceremony to mark the firebrigade day at the sports ground in Magway andawarded the outstanding fire brigade members. Heattended the second ceremony to perform eye surgicaloperation and presented optical glasses to the patients,jointly sponsored by Magway Region Governmentand Region Maternal and Child Welfare Association,at Minbu General Hospital.—MNA

Fire Brigade Day observedin Bago, Sittway, Magway

YANGON, 7 May—Moepyan Library con-structed with the contribution of the State and thevillagers in Kwingale/Kyaungsu Village of MoehokeVillage-tract in Nyaungdon Township, MaubinDistrict, Ayeyawady Region was opened on 5 May.

U Nyi Nyi Hlaing and friends from Yangondonated generator and artesian well to the villageand wellwishers cash to the fund of the library, a 21"television, radio, clock, publications.—MNA

Moepyan Library opened in Nyaungdon

The significant point is that media corners must be opened under a ruleto give priority to sales of books, magazines, journals, newspapers andequipment related to the media, and to avoid selling cigarettes alcohol andfoodstuffs. As the Media Corner Supervisory Committee makes coordinationwith hirers for other necessary requirements, there will be few difficulties.

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8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 8 May, 2011

MOC Chairman’s Trophy Hockey tournament kicks offYANGON, 7 May —

Eighth MyanmarOlympic CommitteeChairman’s TrophyHockey Tournamentwas held at Theinbyuhockey turf of MyanmarHockey Federation inMingala TaungnyuntTownship this

afternoon, attended byYangon Region ChiefMinister U Myint Swe.

A total of eightteams are participatingin the tournament.Players to represent thecountry will be selectedduring thetournament.—MNA

Rakhine State to change farm work tomechanization, takes disaster

preparedness drillsNAY PYI TAW, 7 May

— Chief Minister ofRakhine State U HlaMaung Tin has stressedthe need formechanization of farmwork in the state and hasassured local farmers ofproviding agriculturaltechnology and inputsas part of efforts forboosting rice production.

At the meeting with

local rice dealers,townselders anddepartmental officials inPonnagyun Township,Rakhine State, on 4May, U Hla Maung Tinalso assured them ofdisaster preparednessdrills in May as the rainy

season is drawing near.Local authority also

reported to the chiefminister on regionaldevelopment tasks andrice millers on prospectsfor building modern ricemills in the state.


Magway Region to gear up development tasks

NAY PYI TAW, 7May—Chief Minister ofMagway Region UPhone Maw Shwestressed the need topractise thrifty inspending incomeswithout loss and wastageat the meeting foracceleration ofdevelopment tasks in

Magway Region at thehall of Magway RegionGovernment on 4 Mayafternoon.

Executive officers ofTownship DevelopmentAffairs Committeesubmitted reports onincomes of townships,plans for ordinary andcapital expenditures.

The director ofRegion DevelopmentAffairs Committee, theRegion Minister forSecurity and BorderAffairs, the RegionAuditor-General and thesecretary of Regiongave supplementaryreports.


YCDC steps up sanitation tasks,road upgrading

YANGON, 7 May —Mayor of Yangon andMinister for Develop-ment Affairs of YangonRegion U Hla Myinttoured around Yangontoday and assisted indredging of drains,sanitation tasks and

upgrading of roadstoday.

Yangon City Develo-pment Committee hasaccelerated efforts fordredging drains,sanitation and upgradingof roads as part of effortsfor cleanliness and

smooth traffic flow.During the tour, the

mayor inspected thetasks in MingalaTaungnyunt, Kyi-myindine, Kamayut,Mayangon, Hline, SouthOkkalapa townships.


Power plants in RakhineState inspected

NAY PYI TAW, 7May—Rakhine StateChief Minister U HlaMaung Tin on 2 Maymet with members ofpower supplycommittees of the state,districts and townships

at his office and gaveinstructions of full supplyof power and extensionof power supply hours.

Then, the chiefminister inspected thepower plant inDanyawady Ward in

Sittway, the private husk-and diesel-fired powerplant in Pyidawtha Ward,husk- and diesel-firedpower plant in KontanWard and the stateelectrical engineeringoffice.— MNA

EP. 2 Ministry attempts toenhance computer skills of its staff

NAY PYI TAW, 7May—Ministry ofElectric Power No.2opened AppliedComputer Course forOffice Works No(2/2011) at its Training

Yangon Region Chief Minister U Myint Sweenjoys MOC Chairman,s Trophy Hockey


Ayeyawady Region Minister for Education and Health U Soe Myintspeaking at opening of Basic Sports and Physical Education Coaching

Course No. 3 in Pathein on 4 May.—District IPRD

Paper mills inspected in Yedashe TownshipNAY PYI TAW, 7

May— Deputy Ministerfor Industry-1 U TheinAung yesterdaymorning visited No. 2Paper Mill (Yeni), 50-

ton Newsprint PulpFactory and 80-tonPackaging Paper Mill(Yeni) of Myanma Paperand Chemical Industriesin Yedashe Township.

The deputy ministerinspected maintenanceof machines andsystematic storage ofraw materials.


Rakhine State Chief Minister U Hla Maung Tinmeeting rice dealers, townselders and

departmental personnel in Ponnagyun.—MNA

Take Fire PreventiveMeasures

Hall here yesterdaymorning.

Union Ministerfor Electric Power No.2 U Khin Maung Soedelivered inauguralspeech and viewed

trainees learning at e-Learning Centre. Thesix-week coursecovers office use basiccomputer applicationand networking.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 8 May, 2011 9

NAY PYI TAW, 7 May— While dischargingduties without bribery and corruption, the policeofficers are to serve the interest of the people withgoodwill in line with the laws, Chief of MyanmarPolice Force Kyaw Kyaw Tun urged the trainees atthe concluding ceremony of Sub-Police InspectorCourse No. 68/2010 at the Central Training Depot ofMPF in Zeebingyi of PyinOoLwin Township yesterday.

He stressed the need to make utmost effortsfor ensuring peace and stability of respective regionsby winning the trust of the people. He called forguarding against all dangers and destructive acts thatwould falls on the State, through strength of media.

The MPF Chief awarded outstanding trainees.The course was attended by 358 trainees.


Trainees of SPI course urged to dischargeduties doing away with bribery and corruption

Yangon Region Chief Minister U Myint Swe receives Asian Pacific Deputy Director-GeneralMs.Ruth Kahanoff of Israeli Foreign Affairs Ministry.—MNA

Chief of MPF Kyaw Kyaw Tun awardsSub-Police Inspector Aung Lwin Moe.—MNA

District News in Brief

MEIKTILA, 5 May—Veterinarians ofMeiktila District and Thazi Township of Live-stock Breeding and Veterinary Departments ledby Head of Meiktila District U Myat Sanvaccinated 73 cows in Kyauk-oh Village and303 cows in Seikpyoyaychan Village in ThaziTownship for prevention of black leg disease on28 and 29 April.—Myanma Alin

Cows vaccinated againstblack leg disease

KAWLIN, 5 May— With the aim of bringingabout better transport, the Baungdawkya-Khayansatkon earthen road section of No. 3Inter-District Road was constructed in KawlinTownship with the use of heavy machinery on 9March. The road section is 21 miles and onefurlong long.—Township DAC

Earthen section ofInter-District Road built

KNU’s mine injures a civilianNAY PYI TAW, 7 May—U Mutta, 33, resident

of Winkanein Village, in Shwegyin Township ofBago Region, when he was on his way to catchfish, stepped on a mine planted by KNU insurgentsnear Uboke Creek, two miles northeast of hisvillage at around 3 pm on 5 May. Due to the blast,he lost his left knee.

The victim was rushed to ShwegyinPeople’s Hospital and is under treatment.—MNA

NAY PYI TAW, 7 May—Deputy Minister forElectric Power No. 2 U Aung Than Oo met villagepower supply committees, district and townshipand electrical engineering officers, townshipelectricians and staff of the Rakhine State ElectricalEngineering Office in Sittway ElectricalEngineering Office on 3 May.

The deputy minister met staff of KyauktawTownship Electrical Engineering Office on 4 Mayand inspected power supply facilities in Sittway.


Power supply works inSittway inspected

Myanmar Red Cross Society

YANGON, 7 May — Yangon Region ChiefMinister U Myint Swe received Asian Pacific DeputyDirector-General Ms. Ruth Kahanoff of Ministryof Foreign Affairs of Israel and Israeli Ambassadorto Myanmar Mr. Yaron Mayer at the YangonRegion government office this morning.


Yangon Region ChiefMinister receives

Israeli guests

Nay Pyi Taw Expo-2011 teeming with observers and shopperholics. —(News on page 16)—MNA

Talk on polio vaccination-2011 heldNAY PYI TAW, 6 May—Educative talk on region-

wise national vaccination day (2011) was held inPyay Township, Pyay District of Bago Region today.An official clarified detection of polio in Myanmarand facts about national vaccination day (2011).

Polio vaccines will be given in Pyay,Paukkhaung, Paungde, Gyobingauk, Nattalin andZigon townships in Pyay and Thayawady districtson 14 May for first time and on 11 June for secondtime.—MNA

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10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 8 May, 2011

WASHINGTON, 7 May—Nearly one in sevennursing homes is cited for deficiencies in infectioncontrol practices each year, new research shows.

Infections are a leading cause of illness anddeath in US nursing homes, claiming nearly 400,000lives annually.

Before receiving reimbursement from Medicareor Medicaid, nursing homes must meet certainstandards. Those that do not are issued deficiencycitations.

A new study published in the May issue of theAmerican Journal of Infection Control examinedthe deficiency citation records used in Medicare/Medicaid certification between 2000 and 2007.The data represented 96 percent of all US nursinghome facilities, according to the researchers fromUniversity of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of PublicHealth. About 15 percent of US nursing homesreceived deficiency citations for infection controlevery year.

The researchers concluded there is a strongcorrelation between low staffing levels at thesenursing homes and the receipt of an infectioncontrol deficiency citation.

“Our analysis may provide some clues as to thereason for the persistent infection control problemsin nursing homes,” the study authors said in a newsrelease. The researchers noted that when faced withstaffing shortages, nurse aides, licensed practicalnurses and registered nurses are likely to be rushedand may cut corners on infection control measures,such as proper hand washing.—Internet

One in seven US nursinghomes cited for poor

infection control

A Thai woman dries snakeskin gourami fish at alocal market in order to make salted fish in

Samut Prakan Province on 7 May, 2011.INTERNET

WASHINGTON, 7 May—Five online ticket agentswere fined for notproperly disclosingflights operated under acode-sharing agreement,the US TransportationDepart-ment said.

Fareportal was fineda $50,000 civil penalty,American Travel So-lutions was assessed$45,000, AirGorilla wasfined $30,000, Whole-sale Travel Centre wasassessed $30,000 andAutomobile Club of NewYork was fined $20,000for violating thedepartment’s code-sharedisclosure require-ments,the Transportation De-partment said Friday in arelease.

Last month Fly-there4less.com wasassessed a $40,000 civilpenalty and AirtradeInternational was docked$50,000 for code-sharedisclosure violations.

“When passengersbuy an airline ticket, they

Net agents fined forcode-sharing breach

A helicopter bearing a Russian Navy flagperforms a flyover near an Orthodox church

during May Day parade rehearsals in Moscowon 7 May, 2011. Russia will celebrate the 66th

anniversary of victory over Nazi Germanyon 9 May.—INTERNET

MAASTRICHT, 7 May—The anti-inflammatorydrug celecoxib used totreat arthritis and otherpainful conditions may behelpful in treating breastcancer, a Dutch researchersays.

Lead researcherJuergen Veeck ofMaastricht UniversityMedical Centre in theNetherlands says theresults of a randomizedtrial in 45 patients withprimary invasive breastcancer showed the drugclearly induced an anti-tumour response at themolecular level. Celecoxibis a member of a class ofdrugs known as selectiveCOX-2 inhibitors that

Arthritis drug may treatbreast cancer

China, S Korea, Japan to provide up to 200,000 tonsof rice for ASEAN+3 contingency plan

have a right to knowwhich airline will beoperating their flight,”said Transporta-tionSecretary Ray LaHood.“I hope these fines serveas a warning to airlinesand ticket agents that wewill continue to take en-forcement action whenwe find violations of ourcode-sharing rules.”

Under code-sharing,an airline can sell ticketson flights that use itsdesignator code but areoperated by a separateairline.—Internet

target COX-2, an enzymeresponsible for inflam-mation and pain, Veecksays. “This is excitingbecause it means that amedication already usedto treat other diseases maybe efficient in the adjuvanttreatment of breast canceras well,” Veeck says in astatement. “We werepleased that the resultsfrom our clinical triallargely confirmed theexisting data from severalpre-clinical studies byshowing that COX-2inhibition leads to changesin cell proliferation,apoptosis and extracellularmatrix biology in primarybreast cancer tissues.”


LONDON, 7 May—A Francis Baconmasterpiece painted at the height of theBritish artist’s impassioned affair with aformer World War Two fighter pilot is

Photo taken on 7May, 2011 shows the

“V750” pilotlesshelicopter during a

test flight in Weifangof east China’s

Shandong Province.The 757 kilogramme

helicopter has amaximum loadcapacity of 80kilogramme.


Christie’s employees pose for aphotograph with artist Francis

Bacon’s “Untitled (Crouching Nudeon Rail)” at Christie’s auction

house in London on15 April, 2011.—INTERNET

First auction of Bacon nude could fetch $15 millionexpected to fetch up to 9 million pounds($15 million) when it is auctioned for thefirst time in June, auction house Sotheby’ssaid on Friday. Bacon’s 1961 oil on canvas“Crouching Nude” is one of his large-scale paintings and is feted for its ominous,brooding atmosphere in which the distortedfemale model grins grotesquely.

“Alongside Picasso, Bacon is theoutstanding postwar artist and his‘Crouching Nude’ of 1961 is amagnificent painting which epitomizesthe artist’s work at this important momentin his career,” said Oliver Barker ofauctioneers Sotheby’s. “This work holdswithin its remarkable paint surfaces allthe elusive mystery inherent to the artist’sworking method. We anticipate thispainting will be highly sought after bydiscerning collectors across the globe.”


JAKARTA, 7 May—China, SouthKorea and Japan will each provide upto 200,000 tons of rice for acontingency plan of the Association ofSoutheast Asia Nations (ASEAN) plusthree, out of total allocation of 787,000tons, an Indonesian minister said hereon Saturday.

“ASEAN plus three intends to signa commitment of the ASEAN plusThree Emergency Rice Resources(APTERR) in Jakarta in October.

The biggest contribution will beprovided by China, South Korea andJapan that will allocate up to 200,000tons each,” Agriculture MinisterSuswono said after the opening of the18th ASEAN Summit.

According to him, Indonesia will

allocate 12,000 tons that could beincreased to 25,000 tons.

“This is just our proposal to increasethe reserves. It’s no problem for us toprovide the rice as last year we hadsurplus of 4 million tons,” he said. Hesaid that he was hoping other countriesto agree the proposal as it will triggerthem to increase their allocation in thesake of price stability.

“I think the proposal will bewelcomed by other countries as pricevolatility will have big impact on smallfarmers who are net consumers actually.

That would increase our foodsecurity plan in ASEAN plus three,” hesaid. Suswono added that the reserveswill be stored in each country.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 8 May, 2011 11

LOS ANGELES, 7 May—The Kabbalah Centre ofLos Angeles acknowledged Friday it is beinginvestigated by the Internal Revenue Service.

Two non-profit groups linked to pop star Madonnaare also under investigation, the Los Angeles Timesreported. Madonna helped put the centre on the mapwhen she became an adherent of Kabbalah, a form ofJewish mysticism. The centre was founded severaldecades ago by Philip Berg and his wife, Karen, andthey still run it with their sons. Sources told the Timesthe IRS is investigating whether the Berg family isprofiting from tax-exempt donations. Kabbalah hasalso attracted Ashton Kutcher and Gwyneth Paltrow,and the centre’s assets may now be more than $260million, the Times said. The centre said it and a relatedgroup, Spirituality for Kids, have received subpoenas.“The Centre and SFK intend to work closely with theIRS and the government, and are in the process ofproviding responsive information to the subpoenas,”a statement said.—Internet

A female suspectresponsible for a seriesof larcenies and frauds

that have occurredthroughout the metroDetroit area is seen inthis Sterling HeightsPolice Department,Michigan, handoutimage released toReuters on 6 May,


Detroit police hunt gang of“Mad Hatter” thieves

DETROIT, 7 May—Police in Detroitare looking for a gang of middle-aged toelderly women, dubbed the “MadHatters,” who are believed to beresponsible for a string of robberies,purse snatching and fraud.

The suspects typically steal awoman’s wallet or purse, police said ina statement.

Shortly afterward, the credit cardsand checks are used at stores to buymerchandise or at banks to get cash.

Surveillance photographs suppliedby police show the middle-aged toelderly women wear hats, usually of thefloppy, fisherman variety, at the time of

the incidents.Purse-snatching crimes are not

uncommon, but what is unusual is theorganized nature of the crimes.

“Seldom are there these organizedrings doing it, such as this one,” SterlingHeights police Lt Luke Riley said.

The incidents began about a yearago and the most recent incident occurredlast week, according to a press releasefrom the Sterling Heights PoliceDepartment.

The total value of merchandise andcash stolen could be as high as $500,000,police said. The women stole almost$200,000 from one bank.—Reuters

Two young models present outfitsby Romanian designers Cristina andIzabela Purdescu at the Bucharest

Fashion Week in Bucharest,Romania, late 6 May, 2011. The

annual event spans over threenights and gathers Romanian and

international designers and brands.INTERNET

LA Kabbalah Centre probedby IRS

A farmer shows a drycobs of corn in a fieldin the French villageof Grenay, near Lyon

on 5 May. Climatechange has stunted theworldwide increase incorn and wheat yieldssince 1980 by 3.8 and

5.5 percentrespectively,

according to a newstudy in the journal


Costa Rica finds body of US student missingat sea

SAN JOSE, 7 May—Kai Lamar wantednothing more than toserve God and helpothers, so his family hadno reservations abouthim travelling from theUS to Costa Rica to takepart in a religiousmission there.

“It was anopportunity to show hislove for the Lord and todo what he thought hewas called to do,” hismother, Shari Lamar,said in a telephoneinterview Friday. “So wesupported himwholeheartedly.”

But the lives of her

son and two of his highschool classmates werecut short when they wereswept out to sea whiletaking a beach breakduring their stay.

On Friday, a CostaRican coast guard patrolrecovered Kai Lamar’sbody in waters offBejuco beach on thePacific coast, said JesusEscalona, Red Crossassistant director ofoperations.

The bodies of theother two students, CaityJones and James Smith,were found earlier thisweek.

A strong undertow

pulled the three awayfrom shore Wednesdayafternoon, according toa statement from theirschool, Patriot Pre-paratory Academy inColumbus, Ohio.

They were amongeight juniors and seniorson a trip not sponsoredby the school.

Escalona said thebody was found inroughly the same areawhere Smith’s body wasrecovered a day earlier.He said the body fitLamar’s description andrescuers called off thesearch.


BPA exposure linked to lower birth weightOAKLAND, 7 May—Expectant parents’ exposure to bisphenol A, a

chemical used in plastics and food containers, is linked to low birthweight in offspring, a US researcher says.

Principal investigator Dr De-Kun Li, a perinatal epidemiologist atthe Kaiser Permanente Division of Research in Oakland, Calif, says thestudy population was identified from a larger study of more than 1,000male and female workers in factories in China.

The researchers compared workers in BPA-exposing facilities witha control group of workers in factories where no BPA was present from2003 to 2008. Mothers in the exposed group worked for at least threemonths during pregnancy. Spouses of exposed fathers, although notdirectly exposed to BPA in the workplace, were more likely to have ahigher BPA exposure level than women in the unexposed group —possibly via contaminated clothing, workplace visits and throughresidence proximity to factories.

The study, published in the online issue Reproductive Toxicology,finds there was a greater magnitude of decrease in birth weight inchildren whose mothers were directly exposed to high BPA levels in theworkplace during pregnancy, followed by those whose mothers wereexposed to low levels of BPA in the workplace, then by those whosemothers had BPA exposure through father’s high occupational BPAexposure.—Internet

In this photo released byChina’s Xinhua News Agency,an armored vehicle fires neara supposed terrorist during a

joint anti-terror drill inKashgar, northwest China’sXinjiang Uygur Autonomous

Region, on 6 May, 2011.INTERNET

Pouring rains give riseto fears of new cholera

outbreak in HaitiSANTO DOMINGO, 7 May—The

Haitian Health Ministry Friday urgedHaitians to take preventive measuresagainst cholera following days ofpouring rains in the island state.

According to information reachinghere from Port-au-Prince, Haiti’scapital, the ministry said in a statementthat extreme measures must be takenas soon as possible, mainly among thepeople living in the refugee camps.

The ministry said so far almost5,000 people have died of cholera andit fears that the country’s poor sanitaryand water services could produce anew outbreak of the disease.

The International Organization forMigrations said that in Port-au-Princethe unhealthy life conditions in therefugee camps could increase thenumber of cholera patients in the wakeof heavy rains.—Xinhua

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 8 May, 2011


Consignees of cargo carried on MV BIENDONGTRADER VOY NO (1128) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 8.5.2011 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject tothe byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV KOTA RATU VOY NO (435)Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTA RATU

VOY NO (435) are hereby notified that the vessel willbe arriving on 8.5.2011 and cargo will be dischargedinto the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Daynow declared as the third day after final discharge ofcargo from the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admittedafter the Claims Day.


AGENT FOR:ADVANCE CONTAINER LINESPhone No: 256908/378316/376797

CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV SUPA BHUM VOY NO (183)Consignees of cargo carried on MV SUPA BHUM

VOY NO (183) are hereby notified that the vesselwill be arriving on 8.5.2011 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of M.I.P where it will lieat the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject tothe byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Daynow declared as the third day after final dischargeof cargo from the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admittedafter the Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

Nuclear leak in Russian icebreaker

An urgent rescue mission has been launched to res-cue the Taimyr, seen here in a Russian port in 2009, after it developed a nuclear leak.— INTERNET

City amends law for disabledkangaroo

MOSCOW, 7 May —Russia launched an ur-gent rescue mission over-night after one of itsatomic-powered ice-breakers developed a nu-clear leak in the frozenseas of the Arctic and wasforced to abandon its mis-sion. The Rosatomflotnuclear fleet said in a state-ment that an “insignifi-cant increase in activity”had been detected onboard its 21,000-tonneTaimyr icebreaker.

But the incident was

serious enough to forcethe vessel to abandon itsmission and begin a five-day journey back to itshome port in the north-western city ofMurmansk. The agencyalso announced plans toshut down the reactor be-fore the ship enters intoport - a reversal of an ini-tial statement saying thatdecision would be reachedonly if the situation got outof hand. Officials stressedthat their most immediateworry concerned the 23-

year-old vessel’s ability tonavigate the rough icy seaof the Arctic.

“What we are mostconcerned about rightnow is movement alongthe waterways,” the state-run RIA Novosti newsagency quoted topRosatomflot officialAndrei Smirnov as say-ing. The fleet official saidanother icebreaker wasbeing dispatched to theregion to help theTaimyr’s journey back toport.—Internet

Christie Carr is allowedto keep her “life” and

mate Irwin.— INTERNET

BROKEN ARROW, 7 May— An Oklahoma citypassed an amendment toits exotic animal ordinanceto allow a local women tokeep her disabledkangaroo if she meets a setof conditions.

The Broken ArrowCity Council amended theordinance, which previ-ously did not allow exoticanimals in the city, to al-

low resident Christie Carrto keep Irwin the kanga-roo if she meets conditionsto be overseen by areview committee madeup of veterinarians, exoticanimal experts and wild-life sanctuary operators,the Tulsa World reportedon Thursday. The condi-tions include obtaining li-ability insurance, whichCarr said has been takencare of by an anonymousdonor, and ensuring theanimal has a proper enclo-sure and veterinary care.

Carr, a former volun-teer at Safari’s InteractiveAnimal Sanctuary in Bro-ken Arrow, said Irwincame home with her aftersuffering injuries includinga broken neck and a braininjury when he ran into afence post. She said Irwinwas initially paralyzed bythe injury but can nowmake a few hops beforefalling down. Carr wel-comed the amendment.


Mexico City plans text quake alerts

Wolves back in hunters’ sights afterUS government removes their protection

Wolveshave beentaken off

the endan-gered listin severalUS states.INTERNET

Mexico City’s governmentplans to send earthquakealerts by text message andthrough social networking

sites.— INTERNET

Mexico detains 4cops, 6 foreigners in

kidnappingsMEXICO CITY, 7 May—

Mexican prosecutorshave detained four localpolicemen, five Guatema-lans and one Honduran inconnection with masskidnappings of migrantsin the border city ofReynosa.

The federal AttorneyGeneral's Office says theCentral American sus-pects were among morethan 130 people foundover the last month athomes in Reynosa, acrossthe border from McAllen,Texas.—Internet

Bus driver jumps into streamto pull woman from car

DUBLIN, 7 May—A passing bus driver jumpedinto a stream to pull a trapped woman from her carafter it left the road and overturned on Thursday af-ternoon. The single-vehicle collision happenedshortly before 4pm near Kilnamona on the main N85Ennis to Ennistymon road in Co Clare.

The woman, in her 60s, is understood to havebeen driving from Ennis in the direction ofEnnistymon when she lost control of her ToyotaAvensis car, which crashed down a 10-foot embank-ment and overturned onto its roof. The woman wastrapped in her car, which began to fill with water.

A bus driver, who had been passing at the time,climbed down into the stream and managed to freethe woman from the overturned vehicle. However,the woman remained in the stream until emergencyservices arrived.—Internet

MEXICO CITY, 7 May—The government of quake-prone Mexico City is plan-ning to send earthquakealerts by text message andthrough social networkingsites such as Facebook andTwitter. Mayor MarceloEbrard said he hopes tohave the system workingby 19 September, the an-niversary of the 8.1-mag-nitude earthquake in 1985that killed as many as10,000 people.

Mexico City currentlyhas an early warning sys-tem that uses sirens to alertcity residents about quakesthat occur hundreds ofmiles away on Pacific coast

SALMON, 7 May—Per-mits for wolf hunts are sell-ing briskly in the US stateof Idaho, after mostwolves in the NorthernRockies were officiallystruck from the endan-gered species list in anunprecedented removal ofprotection by Congress.

Now the roughly1,200 wolves in Idaho andMontana will be managedby state wildlife agencies.The hunting "tags" cost$11.95 (£7.25) and willcover an expected 220 ofthe state's 700 wolves.Montana is likely to set a

similar quota for its 550wolves. The federal gov-ernment has also delistedwolves in Oregon, Wash-ington and Utah. Congressordered the delisting – and

banned intervention bycourts – in a provisiontucked into a federalbudget bill approved aftermuch political barteringon 14 April.—Internet

fault lines. Some peoplecomplain the alarms intheir neighbourhoods can-not be heard or do not gooff. —Internet

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 8 May, 2011 13

A Swiss adventurer dubbed “JetMan” canceled an attempt to make an acrobatic flightover the Grand Canyon, saying he had not been able to train enough for the exploit.

Yves Rossy also said his energy had been sapped by wrangling to obtain authorizationfor his winged jetpack from the US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA), who only approvedit 30 minutes before the planned take-off.

“I was so focused on getting the authorization, I thought I would be able to fly anyway.And I ended up forgetting that I should put my energy into the flight and not on trying to getthe authorization,” he said.

“I never had the opportunity to train seriously,” said Rossy, whose previous exploitshave included flying across the English Channel between France and Britain, and soaringover the Swiss Alps.

Rossy, 51, was to have been dropped from a helicopter high above the world-famousUS landmark and make a series of loops, powered only by a winged jet-pack, before landingon the floor of the immense geological fissure.

Banna Strand jumps a three-metrefence into the crowd watching the

Grand Annual Steeple atWarrnambool.

Spectators were hospitali-zed after a race horse hurdledthe wrong fence and plungedinto the crowd at asteeplechase in AustraliaThursday.

Banna Strand, who hadlost jockey RowanWaymouth, leapt into a crowdof about 50 people afterveering off course at the 5,500-meter race in Warrnambool,Victoria.

Seven people were takento hospital, including a two-year-old girl and an elderlywoman after the horse jumpeda three-meter high fence.Banna Strand was one of six

Swiss pilot Yves Rossy, the first man in theworld to fly under a jet-fitted wing, speedsthrough the air performing a looping afterlaunching from a hot air balloon in western

Switzerland 2010. A Swiss adventurer dubbed“JetMan” canceled an attempt Friday to make

an acrobatic flight over the Grand Canyon,saying he had not been able to train enough

for the exploit.

Fans hurt after horse jumpsinto crowd

A western Idaho couple is concerned there might havebeen a kidnaping.

Buzz and Wilma Goertzen, of Lewiston, say their younggoat has been missing for about a week and the kid’s mothergoat has been upset ever since.

Buzz Goertzen tells KLEW-TV their goats have gottenout before but have never been gone for such a long time.

He says the animal is friendly and would often play withkids — the human kind — as they walked past the family’sproperty.

The missing goat is all black with white shoulders andhas small horns.

Idaho residents report missinggoat; kidnaping?

Swiss ‘JetMan’ cancels Grand Canyon flight

horses who failed to completethe marathon race over 33fences, Waymouth falling offhis mount in a pile-up on thefirst lap.

Racing Victoria is set tolaunch an investigation into theincident in conjunction with theWarrnambool Racing Club.

“Our primary concern is forthe well-being of those peoplethat were injured in this freakaccident,” Racing Victoria chiefexecutive Rob Hines said in astatement.

News Album

UDINE, 7 May—In Asia he is known as the “Bruce Lee of comedy” but itwasn’t until this week that Hong Kong’s Michael Hui realised his brand ofhumour could have universal appeal.

Mixing slapstick with often savage social commentary, the 68-year-oldHui has written, acted in and directed a string of box office hits across theregion since the 1970s while his regular stand up shows in Hong Kong sell outwithin minutes of tickets going on sale.

While the veteran has been happy thus far to ply his trade mostly at home,a trip to the 13th Far East Film Festival in the northern Italian town of Udinethis week — where Hui is being honoured with a lifetime achievement award— has opened his eyes to the possibilities of spreading the cheer.—Internet

This scene from the

1997 film “Chinese

Box” shows Hong

Kong actor Michael

Hui (L), British

actor Jeremy Irons

(C) and Chinese

actress Gong Li (R).


Hong Kong comedian spreads cheer atItaly festival

LONDON, 7 May— Paul McCartney and hisgirlfriend Nancy Shevell are engaged, his publicistsaid Friday, nearly four years after they were firstspotted together.

McCartney, 68, started dating the 51-year-oldNew York socialite and businesswoman followinghis bitter split from second wife Heather Mills.

McCartney publicist Stuart Bell confirmedrecent media speculation over a proposal as true,but declined to give further details on when andhow the former Beatle asked Shevell to marry him,saying only “we’re all thrilled for him.”

The bride-to-be was tightlipped but confirmedher engagement to The Associated Press.

“It’s true,” she said when contacted bytelephone, but declined to comment further. “That’sall, but thank you, have a good weekend.”


Paul McCartney engaged to girlfriend Nancy ShevellMEXICO CITY, 7 May—Singer

Lady Gaga says she doesn’t agreewith Arizona’s tough immigrationlaw and wrote the song“Americano” as a response to it.

Lady Gaga is in Mexico Cityfor two concerts. She said during anews conference Friday she has astrong relationship to Mexicanculture, then added: “I don’t standby many of those unjustimmigration laws in my country.”

An immigration law passed lastyear allows Arizona police officersto question the immigration statusof people they suspect are in thecountry illegally.


Singer Lady Gaga poses for photosduring a Press Conference to promote

her new album ‘Born this way’ inMexico City, on 6 May, 2011.


Lady Gaga criticizes Arizona immigration laws

Recording artist PaulMcCartney and Nancy

Shevell arrive at theMetropolitan Museum of

Art Costume Institutegala, on 2 May, 2011 in


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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 8 May, 2011

Ancelotti seals successiveBarclays awards

LONDON, 7 May—Chelsea manager CarloAncelotti has won asecond BarclaysManager of the MonthAward in a row.

Ancelotti’s Chelsea

considerable momentum

Ancelotti’s men then stretched their winningrun to five matches with three consecutive homewins over Birmingham City, West Ham Unitedand Tottenham Hotspur, and will take considerablemomentum into their pivotal match with the leagueleaders at Old Trafford this weekend.

The Italian receives the award for the thirdtime this season and the fourth time in his BarclaysPremier League career. The decision was made bythe Barclays Awards Panel, which includesrepresentatives from football’s governing bodies,the media and fans.—Internet

Carlo Ancelotti has wona second Barclays

Manager of the MonthAward in a row.


side continued theiroutstanding formthroughout April to battletheir way back into theBarclays Premier Leaguetitle race.

The reigningBarclays Premier Leaguechampions took 16 pointsfrom a possible 18 to cutthe gap on leaders ManUtd to just three pointsheading into the finalweeks of the season. Ahard-fought draw at StokeCity was followed by winsat home to Wigan Athleticand away at WestBromwich Albion.

Odemwingie scoops Barclaysaward

LONDON, 7 May—West Bromwich Albionstriker Peter Odemwingiehas been named theBarclays Player of the

He began the month with a superb performanceagainst Liverpool, winning two penalties to set up a 2-1 victory against his manager’s former team. Thestriker then had a hand in all three of his side’s goalsin a thrilling 3-2 win against Sunderland at the Stadiumof Light, scoring once and setting up two more.

His outstanding form continued with goals againstChelsea and Tottenham Hotspur, and he rounded offApril by scoring a vital equaliser in a 2-1 victoryagainst local rivals Aston Villa at The Hawthorns.The decision was made by the Barclays AwardsPanel, which includes representatives from football’sgoverning bodies, the media and fans.—Internet

Month for April.Odemwingie has

been a key figure innew boss RoyHodgson’s recentrevival of the Baggies,and his goal scoringexploits have all butsecured the club’splace in the BarclaysPremier League nextseason.

He has beenrewarded with hissecond BarclaysPlayer of the Monthaward of the season.

Peter Odemwingie hasbeen named the BarclaysPlayer of the Month for


vital equaliser

Ferguson:The title can be ours

MANCHESTER, 7 May—Sir Alex Ferguson saysManchester United willclaim a record 19thleague title if they beatChelsea at Old Trafford.

Should United triu-mph over Carlo Ance-lotti’s men on Sunday,they would still require apoint from their final twofixtures against BlackburnRovers and Blackpool toachieve their objective.

Ferguson made eightchanges to his starting line-

up for Wednesday’sChampions League semi-final decider with Schalkewith the Chelsea match inmind.

Victory over thechampions would surely

clinch the title for United.INTERNET

looking forward

He explained: “Everyone is aware of the magnitudeof Sunday’s game. If we win, we should win the league.“It is a game we are looking forward to. Last Sunday’sresult (at Arsenal) has certainly brought us an awarenessof how important this week’s game is. “It is one of thereasons why I picked the team I did on Wednesday. Iwanted to give us a real chance. “We will have a freshteam on Sunday and that makes a difference at this timeof the season. “It should be a fantastic game.” Fergusonhas confirmed Wayne Rooney will be fit to play afterresting a minor hamstring complaint in midweek.However, midfielder Darren Fletcher is not going tostart, even though he returned from a two-monthabsence with a virus by making a 20-minute substituteappearance in midweek.—Internet


ACROSS 1 Emaciated figure 7 Wharves 8 Famous French cardinal 9 Stray10 Salver11 Looking-glass13 Frisk14 Place of worship17 Scent bag18 Daring20 Speck22 Bias23 Roof overhang24 Bookish

DOWN 1 Young herring 2 Cry out 3 Pitcher 4 Source 5 Keen 6 Attribute 7 Mercy12 Surgical pincers13 Cheer15 Stipulation16 Discard17 Oven19 Attire21 Prosecuted


Everton 2-1 Manchester Citytop-four place as YayaToure put them ahead.

The visitorssquandered severalchances to make victorysafe and were stunnedwhen former Citydefender Distinequalised and in-formOsman grabbed awinner.—Internet

Everton’s JohnHeitinga clashes with

Manchester City’sPatrick Vieira.

LONDON, 7 May—Everton frustratedManchester City in theirChampions Leaguequest at Goodison Park.

Superb second-halfheaders from SylvainDistin and Leon Osmangave the Toffeesmaximum points. TheFA Cup finalists lookedon course for apotentially decisive winin their pursuit of aBarclays Premier League

Bolton Wanderers 1-2 SunderlandLONDON, 7 May—

Sunderland scored alast-gasp winner to beatBolton Wanderers at theReebok Stadium.

Substitute SullyMuntari scored a dramaticstoppage-time winner forSunderland againstBolton. Muntari latchedon to a through ball fromStephane Sessegnon tosecure the points after IvanKlasnic had equalised forBolton. Sunderland hadopened the scoring in firsthalf stoppage time thanksto stand-in skipper BoloZenden’s first goal of theseason.—Internet

Sunderland’s PhilBardsley and Bolton’s

Johan Elmander inaction.

Newcastle United 2-1Birmingham City

LONDON, 7 May—Newcastle United’srelegation fears endedto leave BirminghamCity looking anxiouslyover their shoulders.

Steven Taylor’s firstBarclays Premier Leaguegoal in two years helpedsee off 10-manBirmingham. The centraldefender marked hisreturn to the starting line-up with a 43rd-minuteheader after SholaAmeobi had opened thescoring from the penaltyspot following LiamRidgewell’s 35th-minute

dismissal for deliberatehandball. Former MagpieLee Bowyer pulled oneback on the stroke of half-time, but City had keeperBen Foster to thanks for aseries of fine saves whichprevented a heavierdefeat.—Internet

Birmingham’s LiamRidgewell appears to

handball the shot fromNewcastle’s Kevin Nolan

on the line.

Aston Villa 1-1Wigan Athletic

Wigan’s CharlesN’Zogbia in action with

Aston Villa’s JamesCollins and Nigel Reo


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 8 May, 2011 15

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information.

Saturday, 7th May, 2011

Transmissions Times

Local - (09:00am ~ 11:00am)MSTOversea Transmission - (8-5-11 09:30 am ~

9-5-11 09:30 am) MST

Local Transmission* Opening* News* Post-Giri Rehabilitation Activities* News* Easily Cooked Tasty Dishes* Nay Pyi Taw Expo,2011* News* City Light & Country Lamp* News* Record Album

Oversea Transmission* Opening* News* Post-Giri Rehabilitation Activities* News* Easily Cooked Tasty Dishes* Nay Pyi Taw Expo,2011* News* City Light & Country Lamp* News* Record Album* News* The World,s Largest Book* News* Products of Myanmar

“Craft of Blacksmithing”* Music Gallery* News* Yuzana Plaza* News* Environmental Conservation from the

Myanmar Cultural Perspective* Myanmar Movie “As Her Real Son”


Programme Schedule(8-5-2011) (Sunday)


8 May

View on today123456789012123456789012

Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas

7:00 am 1. Paritta By

Hilly Region

Missionary Sayadaw

7:25 am 2. To Be Healthy


7:30 am 3. Morning News

7:40 am 4. Dhamma Puja

Song7:50 am 5. Nice & Sweet Song8:00 am 6. Health Programme8:10 am 7. (38) Phyar Mingalars8:25 am 8. MyanmarTraditional

Cultural PerformingArts Competitions

8:40 am 9. International News8:45 am10. Musical Programme11:00 am 1. Martial Song11:10 am 2. Musical Programme11:20 am 3. Round Up Of The

Week,s InternationalNews

11:30 am 4. TV Drama Series

12:30 pm 5. Golf Magazine (TV)12:50 pm 6. Myanmar Movies2:35 pm 7. MyanmarTraditional

Cultural PerformingArts Competitions

2:50 pm 8. International News4:00 pm 1. Martial Song4:10 pm 2. Musical Programme4:20 pm 3. Dance Of National

Races4:30 pm 4. Documentary4:45 pm 5. University Of

Distance Education(TV Lectures)Third Year(Zoology)

5:00 pm6. Songs For Uphol-

ding NationalSpirit

5:05 pm 7. Song in honour of

world Red CrossDay

5:25 pm 8. Sing & Enjoy6:00 pm 9. Evening News6:15 pm10. Weather Report6:20 pm11. Cartoon Series6:40 pm12. Tamyethmar

Takwetasr7:00 pm13. TV Drama Series8:00 pm14. News15. International News16. Weather Report17. Cartoon Series18. TV Drama Series

Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr. M.S.T.During the past 24 hours, rain or thundershower have beenwidespread in Ayeyawady and Taninthayi Regions, fairlywidespread in Lower Sagaing, Mandalay, Bago and YangonRegions, Kayin and Mon States and scattered in the remainingRegions and States. Day temperatures were (3°C) above mayaverage trmperatures in Kachin State, (3°C) to (4°C) belowmay average temperatures in Magway and Yangon Regions,Northern Shan State, (6°C) below May average temperatures inSagaing and Bago Regions, (8°C) below May averagetemperatures in Mandalay Region and about May averagetemperatures in the remaining Regions and States. Thenoteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded were Nay Pyi Taw(Tatkon) (0.39) inch, PyinOoLwin (2.95) inches Mangaung andKawthoung (2.44) inches each and Hmawbi (1.89) inches.

Nay Pyi TawMaximum temperature on 6-5-2011 was 97°F.

Minimum temperature on 7-5-2011 was 75°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 7-5-2011 was (84%).Rainfall on 7-5-2011 was (0.28) inch.

Nay Pyi Taw (Airport)Maximum temperature on 6-5-2011 was 93°F.

Minimum temperature on 7-5-2011 was 73°F. Relativehumidity at (09:30) hours MST on 7-5-2011 was (71%).Rainfall on 7-5-2011 was (Nil) .

Rainfall on 7-5-2011 was (0.28) inch at Nay Pyi Taw,(1.18) inches at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) and (Nil) at Mandalay.Total rainfall since 1-1-2011 was (10.79) inches at Nay Pyi

Taw, (12.87) inches at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) and (7.32)inches at Mandalay. Maximum wind speed at Nay Pyi Tawwas (5) mph from Southeast at (09:30) hours MST on 7-5-2011.

Bay Inference: Weather is cloudy in the Andaman Seaand South Bay and partly cloudy elsewhere Bay of Bengal.

Forecast valid until evening of the 8th May2011: Rain or thundershowers will be isolated to scattered inSagaing, Mandalay and Megway Regions, Kachin, Shan andChin States, fairly widespread in Bago Region, Rakhine andKayah States and widespread in the remaining Regions andStates with likelihood of isolated heavyfalls in TaninthayiRegion and Mon State. Degree of certainty is (80%).

State of the sea: Squalls with moderate to rough seas arelikely at times Deltaic, Gulf of Mottama, off and along Mon-Taninthayi Coast. Surface wind speed in squalls may reach (35)mph. Seas will be moderate elsewhere in Myanmar waters.

Outlook for subsequent two days: Likelihood ofincrease of rain in Southern Myanmar Areas.

Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring areafor 8th May 2011: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degreeof cerainty is (80%).

Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for8th May 2011: One or two rain or thundershowers. Degreeof cerainty is (80%).

Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for8th May 2011: Isolated rain or thundershowers. Degree ofcerainty is (80%).

Beckham set to face former club Real MadridLOS ANGELES, 7 May

— English star midfielderDavid Beckham will havethe chance to play againsthis former club, Real Ma-drid, for the first timesince joining the LosAngeles Galaxy in 2007at a friendly in July.

Beckham and theGalaxy will face Real on16 July at the Los Ange-les Memorial Coliseum.An injury that endedBeckham's World Cup

dreams also kept him fromplaying last year in Real's3-2 victory over theGalaxy. "We are veryexcited to once again

English star midfielderDavid Beckham

Busch races to1st DarlingtonNationwide


Kyle Busch raises hisarms in victory lane

after winning theNASCAR Nationwide

Series auto race.INTERNET

welcome back Real Ma-drid," said Galaxypresident Tom Payne."The excitement for thisrematch will surelycapture the attention ofall sports fans in SouthernCalifornia."—Internet


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Only with stability and peace will the nation developOnly with stability and peace will democratization process be successful

Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracyRiots beget riots, not democracyDemocracy can be introduced only through constitution

VOA, BBC-sowing hatredamong the peopleRFA, DVB-generating publicoutrageDo not allow ourselves to beswayed by killer broadcastsdesigned to cause troubles

People’s DesireWe favour peace and stabilityWe favour developmentWe oppose unrest and violenceWipe out those inciting unrestand violence

6th Waxing of Kason 1373 ME Sunday, 8 May, 2011

NAY PYI TAW, 7 May—Nay Pyi Taw Expo-2011 continued for thethird day at InternationalConvention Centre heretoday.

The expo wasformally opened on 5May by Nay Pyi TawCouncil ChairmanMayor U Thein Nyunt,Union Minister forConstruction U KhinMaung Myint, UnionMinister for Forestry UWin Tun and director U

Nay Pyi Taw Expo-2011continues for third day

Aung Phone Myint ofthe committee fororganizing the expo.

The expo is beingheld under thesponsorship of SmartBusiness Co and 100companies put theirproducts on sale at 250booths.

The products availa-ble are electronics,electrical appliances,computers andaccessories, communi-cation devices, clothing,

cosmetics, householditems housings,construction materialsutensils medicines andmedical equipment,fancy goods, furniture,forest products,machines, products fromindustrial zones,stationery and otherconsumer products.

The expo is the firstof its kind and Nay PyiTaw, which concludestomorrow.


Chairman of Nay Pyi Taw Council Mayor U Thein Nyunt andunion ministers view displays in Nay Pyi Taw Expo-2011.


NAY PYI TAW, 7 May—A medical team ledby Medical Superintendent Dr Hla Hla Kyi ofNay Pyi Taw (200-bed) Hospital made a field tripto Thitseikpin Myauk Village of ThitseikpinVillage-tract, Tatkon Township of Nay Pyi TawDistrict yesterday. During the trip, the medicalteam provided 328 patients from eight villages ofthe village-tract with medical treatment.

The medical team also gave medicaleducative talks there.—MNA

Villages in Nay Pyi TawTatkon Township provided

with medical treatment

Campaign againstDHF: Head ofHmawby TownshipHealth Department DrKyaw Nyein and staff,those from theTownship Maternal andChild WelfareAssociation and theTownship Women’sAffairs Organizationmade a door-to-doorfield trip on 4 May forpreventative measuresagainst DengueHaemorrhagic Fever.

Myanma Alin

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