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 Acupuncture for treatment CVA And Bell palsy By balgis MD MSc CM-FM Sp Ak

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  • Acupuncture for treatment CVA And Bell palsyBy balgis MD MSc CM-FM Sp Ak

  • Cerebrovascular DiseaseMost frequent of all neurological problemsIncidence: third leading cause of death in U.S. half a million people a year one third will die from itDue to blood vessel pathology:Lesions on walls of vessels leading to brainOcclusions of vessel lumen by thrombus or embolusVessel ruptureAlterations of blood quality

  • CV disease leads to two types of brain abnormalities :

    Ischemia (with or without infarct) Hemorrhage

  • IncidenceHighest risk > 65 years of ageBut about 1/3 (28%) are < 65 years oldTends to run in familiesMore often seen in femalesMore often seen in Blacks, perhaps due to increased incidence of hypertension

  • Three types :Global hypoperfusion shockIschemia thrombotic and embolicHemorrhagic

  • Risk FactorsArterial hypertensionHeart diseaseMyocardial infarction or endocarditisAtrial fibrillationElevated plasma cholesterolDiabetes mellitusOral contraceptivesSmokingPolycythemia and thrombocythemia

  • Occlusive strokesOccurs with blockage of blood vessel by a thrombus or embolusMay be temporary or permanentThrombotic stroke:3 clinical types:TIAsStroke-in-evolutionCompleted stroke

  • Transient Ischemic AttacksLast for only a few minutes, always less than 24 hoursAll neurological deficits resolveSymptom of developing thrombosis

  • Causes:Thrombus formationAtherosclerosisArteritisHypertensionVasospasmOther:HypotensionAnemiaPolycythemia

  • Symptoms depend on location

    Anterior or middle cerebral arteries contralateral monoparesis, hemiparesis, localized, tingling numbness in one arm, loss of right or left visual field or aphasia

  • TreatmentWithout Tx 80% have a recurrence in symptoms, and 1/3 go on to have a full stroke within 5 yearsGive anticoagulants prophylactically , usually to 1 aspirin / day

  • Stroke-in-evolutionCan have abrupt onset, but develop in a step-by-step fashion over minutes to hours, occasionally, from days to weeksCharacteristic of thrombotic stroke or slow hemorrhage

  • Thrombotic CVAInvolves permanent damage to brain due to ischemia, hypoxia and necrosis of neuronsMost common form of CVACauses: Atherosclerosis assoc. with hypertensionDiabetes mellitus, and vascular diseaseTrauma

  • May take years to develop, often asymptomatic until major narrowing of arterial lumenAnything that lowers systemic B.P. will exacerbate symptoms (60 % during sleep)Area affected depends on artery and presence of anastomosesArea affected initially is greater than damage due to edemaInfarcted tissue undergoes liquifaction necrosis

  • NIH Stroke Scale

  • What is Acupuncture?Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most in the world. Originating in China commonly used systems of healing some 3,000 years ago, only in the last three decades has it become popular in the United States. In 1993, the FDA estimated that Americans made up to 12 million visits per year to acupuncture practitioners and spent upwards of half a billion dollars on acupuncture treatments.

  • AcupunctureQi maintains balance in the body.16 meridians360 regular acupoints40 commonly used extra pointsAcupoints influence the physiology

  • Chinese Medicine EfficacyPrimary health care system for over 3000 yearsNIH (National Institute of Health) stated in 1997 report acupuncture is effective in the treatment of:

    Nausea - HeadacheDental pain -FibromyalgiaAddictions -Tennis ElbowAsthma -Stroke RehabOsteoarthritis Menstrual CrampsMyofascial Pain Carpal Tunnel SyndromeLower Back Pain

  • Chinese Medicine EfficacyThe 1997 National Institute of Health Consensus Conference on Acupuncture stated;

    "The data in support of acupuncture are as strong as those for many accepted Western medical therapies.

    "One of the advantages of acupuncture is that the incidence of adverse effects is substantially lower than that of many drugs or other accepted medical procedures used for the same conditions."

  • In China and Japan, an acupuncturist is likely to start therapy as soon as possible after a stroke Acupuncture is done on a daily basis in China. in Western countries, some acupuncturists with experience in treating stroke with acupuncture believe treatment 3 times a week is optimal. Several different approaches have been used to treat stroke, demonstrating that acupuncture for this disorder remains a healthcare art: Traditional Chinese Yang meridian point therapy, Chinese scalp acupuncture,

  • Dr. Yamamoto's YNSA Japanese scalp therapy, Korean Koryo Chim hand acupuncture, supplemental ear (auricular) acupuncture, and Xingnao KaiQiao (a newer therapy by Professor Shi Xuemin) are each advocated by a number of treatment centers in Oriental countries. One need not know in depth the approach of each, but it is important to know that more than one approach is available and used. Adding acupuncture to rehabilitation therapy obviously increases the cost; daily-to-3 times-weekly treatment is needed for 2-4 weeks or longer. Concern for added cost would perhaps disappear if the end result demonstrates more self-care and less dependence on family and health providers

  • Does acupuncture really work to help stroke victims improve?Many studies involving thousands of patients have been published in China and Japan, and 2 of 3 studies from Scandinavia, demonstrated significant help.These studies indicate that patients get well faster, perform better in self-care, require less nursing and rehabilitation therapy, and use less healthcare dollars.

  • Oriental Medicine Cost EffectivenessAcupuncture Treatment Results In Decreased Days In Hospital Or Nursing Home

    Half of 78 stroke patients receiving standard rehabilitative care were randomly chosen to receive adjunctive acupuncture treatment. Patients given acupuncture recovered faster and to a greater extent, spending 88 days/patient in hospital and nursing homes compared to 161 days/patient for standard care alone.

    Cost savings: $26,000 per patient.

    Johansson K et al (1994), "Can sensory stimulation improve the functional outcome in stroke patients?", Neurology 43:2189-2192.

  • Acupuncturetoday.ComAcupuncture Study at Kansas Hospital Shows Dramatic Improvement in Stroke Patients (Jan.2004)

    Media outlets throughout Kansas have reported that an acupuncture study conducted on stroke patients at Wesley Rehabilitation Hospital in Wichita has produced improvements so dramatic, officials have decided to stop the study early so that they can offer the service to all stroke patients who qualify.(continued)

  • Acupuncture Study at Kansas Hospital Shows Dramatic Improvement in Stroke Patients

    In the study, which began two years ago, 33 patients who had suffered their first stroke were randomly assigned to receive either acupuncture or traditional speech, occupational and physical therapy. Ninety percent of the patients in the acupuncture group improved so much that they were able to go home rather than another facility after leaving the hospital, compared to just 33 percent of patients in the traditional therapy group. Stroke patients who received acupuncture also showed more improvement in the ability to carry out tasks such as as dressing, bathing, grooming, walking and changing position.

  • Johansson et al (1993) 1 investigated the effectiveness of acupuncture as a supplement to physical therapy in recovery from stroke. 78 patients suffering from severe hemiparesis of the left or right side within ten days of stroke onset were randomly divided into a control group (n=40) who received daily physical therapy and a treatment group who additionally received two acupuncture treatments per week for ten weeks. Patients receiving acupuncture recovered faster and to a larger extent than controls with significant differences in measures of balance, mobility, quality of life index, and days spent in hospitals/nursing homes.

  • More Doctor Believing in Acupuncture,CM

  • Peran Akup pd CVAMekanisme kerja akupunktur melalui efek lokal, segmental dan sentral shg timbul efek:Meningkatkan aliran darah ke otak terutama ke daerah lesiMemperbaiki kegiatan elektrik otakMemperbaiki mikrosirkulasi otakMeregulasi lemak darahMenghilangkan radikal bebasMempengaruhi kadar katekolamin dan endorfin

  • Shin et al Mendapatkan bahwa akupunktur dapat meningkatkan LPO (lipid peroksidase) dan TAX 2 darah , meningkatkan SOD ( Superoxide dismutase) dan PGI2Dg peningkatan aktifitas dari SOD mk kerusakan neuron akibat LPO dapat dihambatPGI2 dan TAX2 merupakan faktor penting dlm mempertahankan sirkulasi darah dan mencegah pembentukan trombus

  • Zheng et alAkupunktur dapat mengurangi kerusakan jaringan otak akibat iskemi melalui mekanisme regulasi neuromediator,RNA sel dan Genom dalam inti sel shg timbul perlindungan terhadap sel otak yg menghambat proses kerusakan jaringan.

  • Jun et al EA dapat mengurangi jmlh apoptosis pd daerah infrak dikorteks serebri, mengurangi neurotoksisitas dari asam amino yg dihasilkan oleh proses iskemi dan menghambat ekspresi c-fos serta memperkuat ekspresi dari protei bcl-2 yg dapat menghambat apoptosis

  • Terapi Akupunktur Pada CVA ischemi terapi dianjurkan sedini mungkin, sebaiknya dilakukan 48 jam setelah tanda vital stabil (WHO)Pada CVA haemorhage umumnya dilakukan 3 minggu setelah serangan setelah sadar dan tanda vital terutama tekanan darahnya stabil, dimulai dengan rangsangan ringan dan scr bertahap rangsangan ditingkatkan

  • Titik2 yg digunakan untuk membangkitkan kesadaranRenzhongFengchiNeiguan

  • Chen G.S. dan Erdmann WPerangsangan titik renzhong (GV 26) dapat meningkatkan PO2 scr cepat pd lobus frontalis korteks serebri.Diduga bahwa perangsangan pd titik renzhong menstimulasi sistem simpatis termasuk eksitasi dari reseptor betha pada pembuluh arteri serebral akan menyebabkan vasodilatasi shg terjadi peningkatan aliran darah kapiler

  • Rencana terapiPada periode syok otakDigunakan jarum halus Bisa digunakan EA dg gel yg jarangSehari sekali selama 20-30 menitsatu seri terapi 10 kaliIstirahat 2 hari sebelum msk seri keduaMerangsang sisi yg sehat

  • Titik untuk Ekstremitas sup


  • Titik untuk Ekstremitas infBiguanXuehaiYanglingquanXianzhongTaichong

  • Rencana terapi2. Periode Spastik Digunakan jarum halus Bisa digunakan EA dg gel yg jarangSehari sekali selama 20-30 menitsatu seri terapi 10 kaliIstirahat 2 hari sebelum msk seri keduaMerangsang otot antagonis dr otot yg spastis, meredakan tonus tinggi otot yg spastik, memulihkan posisi tubuh shg menjadi normal

  • Titik untuk Ekstremitas supJianyuJianliaoTianjingshousanliWaiguanHeguzhongzhuHouxi

  • Titik untuk Ekstremitas infNei BiguanXia XuehaiYanglingquanXiaxi

  • Rencana terapi3. Periode pemulihanSaat ini dapat ditambahkan akupuktur kulit kepala untuk meningkatkan vaskularisasi dan merangsang hidup sel neurontitik yg digunakan fengchi, gongxue (lebar 2 jari tgk lurus dibawah fengchi), Shishencong

  • Bell's PalsyBell's Palsy is presumably due to an inflammatory reaction in or around the facial nerve near the stylomastoid foramen Bell's palsy, also known as idiopathic facial paralysis because of its unclear etiology.It is the most common disease of the facial nerve that causes important functional, aesthetic, and psychosocial disturbances in the patients.

  • Bell's PalsyPada umumnya bersifat akutTiba tiba biasanya disadari saat bangun tidurPada anamnesa penderita sering ada riwayat terkena angin waktu berkendaraan atau tidur dg jendela terbuka

  • Gejala pada sisi lumpuh Akibat kelumpuhan serabut somatomotoris n fasialisDahi tidak dapat dikerutkan Mata tidak dapat menutup (lagopthalmus) Dalam usaha menutup mata bola mata kerap berputar keatas ( bells phenomen)Lipat nasolabial jadi datarMulut tidak bisa diangkat baik scr spontan maupun atas perintah Sudut mulut tertarik ke arah sisi yg sehat, gangguan perasaan pengecapan pd 2/3 anterior lidah ( sisi kelainan) akibat kelumpuhan serabut viscerosensoris n facialis

  • Terapi akupunktur pd bells palsyMerangsang otot wajah yg lumpuh baik dg titik lokal maupun titik jauhTitik akup yg sering digunakan:Yifeng6. YingxiangXiaguan7. ZanzhuYangbai8. QuanliaoSibai9. SizhukongDichang10. Hegu

  • Rangsangan penjaruman atau dengan EASetiap kali dirangsang 5-6 buah titik3 kali perminggu


    A 56-year-old white female presented with a 3-month history of severe right facial pain, weakness, and paralysis. This patient was referred to an otolaryngologist and a neurologist at Johns Hopkins, but did not achieve symptomatic relief.


    The patient's right facial paralysis developed overnight. Associated symptoms included pain in her face, difficulty speaking clearly, aud hypersensitivity to sound in the right ear. She was unable to close her right eyelid, and experienced difficulty with drinking and mastication. She was evaluated and treated by an otolaryngologist, and placed on a steroid taper and acyclovir; symptomatic improvement in facial muscle strength did not occur. Her facial disfigurement and difficulty speaking impacted on her occupation (restaurant owner and operator). She developed mild depression and a secluded behavior.


    Prednisolone, Premarin, Acyclovir, DHEA, vitamins, minerals, and a natural Synthroid substitute.

  • DIAGNOSTIC TESTS Autoimmune and serology were negative. Lyme titer was negative. Thyroid function tests indicated that she was euthyroid with a slightly decreased TSH level.REVIEW OF SYSTEMS Neck pain, lower back pain, joint pain, depression, right facial pain and sensitivity to sounds in the right ear, with difficulty speaking clearly.


    Chinese medicine attributes this condition to Wind and Cold of external origin which invade the meridians traversing the face and disrupt the flow of Qi and Blood, preventing the vessels and muscles from receiving the necessary nourishment. Treatment is directed toward spreading the Qi through the meridians of the face (1). The patient was treated with an integrated approach of acupuncture models. Points from a neuroanatomical model, or for classical indications, were included at each treatment and primarily used unilaterally. Other points utilized the energetic approach, and were treated bilaterally.

  • The following acupuncture points were used without electrical stimulation.The local points were treated only on the right side, while the distal points were needled bilaterally. The principal points included GB 20 (Fengchi), GB 14 (Yangbai), ST 4 (Dicang), ST 2 (Sibai), and LI 4 (Hegu). The supplemental points included GV 26 (Renzhong), M-HN 18 [Jiachengjiang] (1), M-HN 9 (Taiyang), ST 7 (Ziagnuan), ST 36 (Zusanli), ST 44 (Neiting), and LI 19 (Heliao).


    The patient was initially graded with a House-Brackmann grade 5 paralysis in the right facial muscles (4). After 10 acupuncture treatments over a 4-week period:She showed significant motion in her forehead and had total closure of her eye with maximal effort. However, with normal effort, she had 1 to 2 mm of scleral fill with good protection of her cornea. She also had good buccal movement and increased movement in the muscles supplied by the mandibular branch of her facial nerve. After a total of 15 acupuncture treatments over an 8-week period, she exhibited normal upper division motion and intact tone in the lower division, with only a mild decrease in motor strength in this division. Her strength was graded at approximately a House-Brackmann 2. She had full eye closure, and intact conjunctivae with slight ectropion.

  • According to Liu (1995), when acupuncture was initiated within three days post-onset in 684 cases of facial nerve paralysis, 100 percent of the patients were cured or there was a marked improvement (5). Other studies (Gao, Chen, 1991) revealed that 80% of cases that were treated at more than 2 months post-onset, and 83 percent of severe cases, were cured or had excellent effect (6). Treatment, as with this patient, may include numerous diagnostic procedures, different classes of medications, lifestyle alterations, and still, continued suffering. Acupuncture may often lead to significant clinical improvement (7).

  • Abstract: Background Bells palsy involves acute facial paralysis due to inflammation of the facial nerve. Acupuncture and moxibustion (acu-moxi) is beneficial in treating facial palsy. In order to verify the efficacy of acu-moxi on Bells palsy, a randomized single-blind, multicenter clinical trial was performed.

    Methods A total of 480 patients from four clinical centers were involved in this trial, of whom 439 completed the trial and 41 did not. All patients were randomly assigned to either the control group or to one of two treatment groups. The control group was treated with prednisone, vitamin B1, vitamin B12, and dibazole; the treatment groups were treated either with acu-moxi alone or in combination with prednisone, Vitamin B1, vitamin B12, and dibazole. Symptoms and signs, the House-Brackmann scale, and facial disability index (FDI) scores were assessed and determined both pre- and post-treatment to evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment methods.

  • Results The characteristics of the control and two treatment groups were comparable without statistically significant differences before treatment. There were significant differences between the control and treatment groups after treatment (2=15.265, P=0.018). According to evaluations based on the House-Brackmann scale and FDI scores, the effectiveness of treatment in the two treatment groups was better than in the control group and was most effective in patients receiving acu-moxi treatment alone (Z=-2.827, P=0.005). Conclusion The efficacy of acu-moxi treatment for Bells palsy is verified scientifically.

  • Treatment group 1 was given acu-moxi treatment. The acupuncture points used were Dicang (ST4), Jiache (ST6), Hegu (LI4), Yangbai (GB14), Xiaguan (ST7), and Yifeng (SJ17) on the affected side, and Hegu (LI4) bilaterally.1 Filiform needles (1-1.5 cun, 0.32 mm) were used with moderate stimulation to get an acupuncture sensation, and the needles were retained for 30 minutes. Hanging moxibustion was applied for five minutes at each point, once a day, five times a week, for a total of four weeks.

  • The House-Brackmann scale is specifically designed to evaluate the results of the treatment of facial paralysis disorders.7 Facial nerve function is graded by the House-Brackmann scale into 6 grades: , Normal; , Mild dysfunction; , Moderate dysfunction; , Moderately severe dysfunction; , Severe dysfunction and , Total paralysis. The House-Brackmann scale is generally accepted as effective in evaluating facial nerve function.

  • Clinical observation on treatment of acupuncture for different stages of Bell's palsyObJECTIVE: To observe the therapeutic effects of acupuncture for treatment of different stages of Bell's palsy, and explore the best intervention period.

    METHODS: Forty cases of Bell's palsy patients were divided into three groups according to their onset time: an active stage group, a resting stage group and a recovery stage group. All three groups were treated with acupuncture. Fengchi (GB 20), Dicang (ST 4), Jiache (ST 6), Qianzheng (Extra), Sibai (ST 2), Yangbai (GB 14) on the affected side and Hegu (LI 4) on the healthy side were selected as main points. Dazhui (GV 14), Chengjiang (CV 24), Shuigou (GV 26) and Cuanzhu (BL 2), Yuyao (EX-HN 4), Yifeng (TE 17), Tinghui (GB 2), Quanliao (SI 18), Xiaguan (ST 7), Yingxiang (LI 20) on the affected side were selected as adjuvant points.

  • RESULTS: (1) Acupuncture was effective for the Bell's palsy in active stage, resting stage and recovery stage (all P