ktiar where tailfc evening bulletin

MKJtii '" '" sfe. ' fV r 1 tfl u i' v--i- - f . " . -. ir KTiar ft lawwwwwwwweitiMeicieinewittiwwwtwi f;iAT. Where there's a will there's a lawsuit. Bulletin Ads. ;tfffiy,mywmr,wirigiBrwci)WBw TEAMER TAiLfc - 1 " .K From San Francisco: .. vfvvi.a Alameda ...,,.. .Aug. 12 It's an III wind s China ....Aug. 13 that keeps a fellow chasing For San Francisco! Evening Bulletin a new straw hat Siberia .. Axis. 12 Alameda Aug. 17 A GOOD AO. WILL CHASE From Vancouver! UP BU8INE88 AND QET IT. M Ion era '. Aug. 27 A For Vancouver: ' Manuka 24 Aug. IwwtwNwiw 3:30 O'CLOCK Are Better EDITION Vol. XVI. No 2S37 HONOLULU, TKKltlTOKY OF HAWAII, MONDAY. AUGUST 8, 1901' PltlOB 5 OHNTft w fiiii nuks 4 Follower Of Prophet Dowle Asks For Advice. WANTS "JNPHORMATION" CONCERNING HAWAII SECOND EDITION OP THE SACRED CITY MAY TAKE ROOT IN ISL- ANDS EPISTLE TO ATKINSON. A beautiful white dove, bearlng.In Us bill a specimen of vegetation which may bo an olive branch or a sample of seaweed, has found a resting place on the desk of Acting Governor Atkinson, This little creature graces the top of a dainty Blieet of aquamarlno note paper, Is beautifully embossed and looks as fresh and happy as If It was Just returning to Noah's ancient house boat with the first bit of green to pop out of the subsiding waters. When the Acting Governor first laid oyos on the apparently occult mes-sag- e ho was at a loss to determine the significance of the crest. Tho note paper and the general stylo of tho epls-tlo- , at first glance; had every Indica- tion of being a feminine cummunlca tlon. Heading the message, Mr. Atkinson learned that his conespondent was apparently a citizen of Zlou Zlon, the stronghold of Dowle, tho Klljnh II, near Chicago. Gilbert was the name subscribed, but whether this Ollbeit Is a priest, I cut her, elder or prophet of Dowle's select community did not appear, for Gilbert signed his name as an ordinary man. Zionist Gilbert asks "Inphormatlon to setters". This expression puzzled the Executlvo mind not a little. Ills (Continued on Page 4.) The funeral of IJonald George 0 Mackay was held this afternoon from tho Masonic Temple under the aus- pices of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21. The sorvtco was held at 1:30. The body was taken to the I'earl City cemetery by tho 2:1C train for Interment Ons I'eareon, ouo of the oldest officers of the mounted police force, hag to All the position of plantation ofllccr at Wnlp.ihu. Pearson has an excellent record as an ofllccr and ought to fill his now position well. V i "mi 1 Mil TO BE The building of the new prison build- ings Is at present progressing in good order and it Is expected that the new lodgings will be thrown open to their guests in about two months' time. The construction of t'ne prison wall which Is to surround the new- - buildings was begun about a week ago. The new wall will be twenty feet high, four ftet wide at the base and, two feet wide on the top The old pi (son wall, which Is only ten or twelve feet high, will be built up and wlJened so as to be equal to the new wall. When the new buildings have befn erected the old jail will be used for long-ter- criminals only, while th new buildings will be occupied exclus- ively by misdemeanants and prisoners who arc awaiting trial. In this way the misdemeanants will be Kept abso- lutely distinct and separate from each other In conformity with Judge Cear's famous ruling In the Togo ease. While this case has been appealed to the .S- upreme Court and final decision Is thus Ihen pending the police are still that the arrangement referred to above shall be carried out as far iw possible. In the various Chinatown fire claims cases brought by Treasury Agent for the settlement of the dis- position of certain awards, In Federal Court, In which insurance companies are joint defena-vuis- , Judge Dolo today grants a motion made by Robertson & Wilder, rcpicsentlng tho Insurance companies, allowing these companies to withdraw their answers and file pending Judge Dole's decision U2 to ecu involved. fill IIHJK1 tl The firm of Denson, Smith & Co., to test the validlt) of the law, has re- fused to flic an annual statement of tho affairs of the company with the Treas-me- r of the Territory., This action Is the outcome of the position taken by the Merchants' Association tome time ago. FIFTH LJWTI The Fifth Precinct of the Fourth Dis- trict elected the following delegate Sat- urday afternoon at the Republican primaries: Territorial Convention-S- am Johnson, Chas Coster, E K. Rathbone District Committee Gus Rose. Ed. I.lllkalanl, W H. Kalllml, Sam John- son, Mike Harder and Jack Belter Read "Wants" on page u. S I'll mfovhstti fi fJM Correct Clothes for Mett M ttUM Here's a Summer Suit we're proud Ak I H to sell you; and one you'll be proud to H J lF buy. Identify It by this famous name 'LV 7 sts on the r or Inside coat-poc- .ssW Jft Enough said. siiVl (vJJV U6.00 to J21-00- . iS If Tti8 Kash Co,, Ltd. T 111 Hi. Will Merphants Asked To Assist National Busi- ness League. WANT PRESIDENTIAL TERM CHANGED TO SIX YEARS MOVE TO AVOID THE QUADRIEN-NIA- DISTURBANCE OP BUS- INESS AND ENTER. PRISE. The Merchants' Association of Ho- nolulu has been asked by the Nation-a- i Business Lcagua to assist In tho movement which has for Its purpose the amndment of tho Constitution of the United States, making tho Presi- dential term six Instead of four years and making tho Chief Executive of the United States Ineligible (or reflect- ion. At a nutting of tho National Uusl-nes- s Lague. held at Chicago last Jan- uary this reform was taken up In earnest and a vigorous campaign has been inaugurated which will cover the entire country through commercial bodies. The matter will bp taken up by tho McrcbanU' Association at its next meeting and some kind of action will J)5 taken. The letter to the merchants of Ho- nolulu Is as follows: Chicago, June 28th, 1904. Secretary Merchants' Association, Ho- nolulu. Hawaii. Dear Sir: As a moasuro to benefit Industrial, commercial and financial Interests In particular and for tho pub- lic welfare generally, tho National Dullness League, as Indicated by thi leaflet herewith, has taken tho Initia- tive In a movement to so amend tho Constitution of the Untied States as will lengthen the Presidential term to six cars, making tho Chief Executive ineligible for ro election; the principal reasons for the proposed change be- ing: 1. Presidential campaigns aro too ftwiucnt; aro enormously expensive to' business Interests and keep the coun- try in a state of turmoil and uncer- tainty most of tho time, to the great disadvantage of both labor and cap- ital. 2. Presidential years show Increase of business failures, decrease of ex ports, bank clearings, stock sales and commercial transactions generally. 3 Presidential campaigns Indofl nltely prevent the beginning and check the growth of Industrial enter prises. 4. Tho President, during his first term, naturally being anxious to sue ceed himself, Is kept busy considering the demands of politicians and plan hlng for a second term; meanwhile important, legislation for the general goon waits. In this connection the Executive Committee of tho League begs to ask If jour organization will kindly en- dorse, by resolution, tho proposed amendment as a measure that will materially lessen tho annoyances that handicap business activities; giving such additional reasons for tho chango as may occur to you. Anticipating your early and favor-nbl- action, I remain, very truly jours, A. A. DURNHAM. General Secretary. m i Jud'go Dole today made Manoel lo Lopj a citizen of the United States. WE ARE SATISFIED that there Isn't a caso of t headache anywhere that Head Ease will not stop. Wo bavo great confidence in this rem- edy and our faith la founded on its universal success for tho past dozen years. Wo have yet to bear of a failure. Try HEAD-BAS- E and If It does not do all that we claim It will It needn't cost you a cent wo'll return tho money. It Is safe, rftocllvo aril agreeablo tu take, KALIiil VALLEY RIDERS ROB TWO CHINESE Leo You stated at the police station this morning that last Saturday night he and a countryman of his were at- tacked by two robbers on horseback, who rode them down and robbed them In upper Kallht valley. It was 11 p. m. when two horsemen appeared, one in front of them and ouo behind thorn. Without any warning they charged and the two Chinamen were thrown to the ground. Leo You received only a few bruises but his friend wns rendered uncon scions for a few minutes. Tho horse men dismounted and hurriedly search' cd Lee You's pockets, securing $12.10, They did not touch the other man. As soon as they had secured the money they mounted their horses and rode off. Lee You recognized the robbers, who, he cays, live near his place In upper Kalihi valley. One1 of these men Is a Portuguese known as Joe. The other man Is a Hawaiian whose name Is unknown but Identity known. Tho Chinaman who was stunned awoke from bis unconscious state Just before tbe robbers left and recognized them also. s Men Who Are To Serve At Coming Term Of Court NEW INQUISITION WILL BE CHARGED ON THE SIXTH CIVIL PANELS TO REPORT ON SEPT. 12th CRIMINAL JUR- ORS TO APPEAR WEEK EARLIER. In the absence at Illlo of Judge Gear, who will prespe at the Septem ber term of Clrcnit court in Honolulu, Judge Robinson this morning drew fro mthe boxes containing the two hundred and fifty names of jurors serv- ing for the present sear, tweut) -- three names of men to serve as grand jurors during next term, twenty-si- x names ol men to serve as trial jurors In Judge Genr's court and twenty-si- x names ol men to serve as trial Jurors in his own court. Grand Jurors will appear In Judge Gear's couit room at 10 o'clock on the morning of Tuesday, September Cth, then to bo charged as to their duties. Monday, tho Cth, is Labor Day und a Territorial holiday, therefore court will not be opened then. Judge Gear's trial Jurors will piescnt themselves at the tamo time. Judge Robinson's trial jurors will ap- pear before him on Monday, September 12, at 10 o'clock In tho morning. (Continued on Page 8.) S. S. ALAMEDA, Aug. 17 Wilt be the next Pineapple boat. The fruit U now at its best. Leave orders with F. C Ecos, agent. Wells Fargo & Co. Often a Case Of "locking Hie stable tloor after the horse Is stolen" with ptople who have valu- able papers, jewelry, silver-vvta- r, etc. When not In use these articles slioulj be kept In a place of security, One of our sife deposit boxes costs only 5 a year or coc a month, HAWAIIAN TRUST CO, l.lmlleJ, FORT ST, f .assut oJii' HARVEST HOME AI Program Of Sports To Amuse Invited Guests. MATERIAL PR06RESS AT VILLAGE OF KABULUI 'conference of conoreoation- - AL MINISTERS AT KAAHU- - MANU CHURCH WELL ATTENDED. Walluku, Maul, August C. Our neighboring town, Kabulul, has made numerous Improvements (luting tho past few months and still the work continues; en much so that It Is en- titled to the honor of being one of tho prettiest towns on Maul. Tho first move was to Introdtico electric lights, next n park was laid out and planted with quick-growin- shndo trees and beautiful flowers. Later on a now railway station was built; also ware- houses and new buildings for the of- fice of the manager and bookkeeper. At present a largo forco Is engaged In Improving tho streets and lawns near the station. Also a new round-hous- Is being built which will add to the general nppearancn of tho town. While taking In tho sights wo were permitted to visit the machine shops, where wo found a busy forco of men who nre In the employ of tbe Kahulul Railroad Company, our attention was especial- ly called to tho new locomotive which Is being set up by Mr. Black. It Is a largo freight vnglno and Is an oil burn- er with elcotrlc headlight and all tho late-i- t attachments. When tho now engine Is put Into service Engineer Shaw will presldo at tho throttle. This gives the Kahulul Railroad five englues for freight and passenger ser- vice. Manager It. W. Filler seems de- termined to bring tho K. R. R. up to tho highest point of efficiency and to make Kahulul a typical American town, which Is becoming more nnd wore e.viJent each month, Other towns on Maul will do well to keep an ec on Kahulul lest wo sometime wake up and find Kahulul with all tho facilities of a county scat, and a U. H. Commissioner's Court being held in the Fvdnrnl building already there. A bint to tho wise, etc. Thursday, August 12, Is field day on Maul, and a very Interesting program has been nrranged to take place on ' the polo grounds at Kahulul under tho I management of Puunene Athletic Club, t Morning Catching greased pig nnd 'climbing tho greasy polo, r by two or moro teams, sack race, three-legge- d race, baseball Stars vs. All Maul. Lunch. Afternoon High Jump, tug of war, 1C lb. shot-pu- ISO-y- dash, polo game, Japanese wrestling. The following Invitation has beon Issued for-th- e Harvest Home celebra tion: The General Manager nnd Employes of tbe Hawaiian Commercial . Sugar Company cordially Invito you to be present at a Harvest Home celebra- - t ion to be held at Puuncno Mill, Au- gust 11, 1901. Dancing at S p. m. Iu iinene, Maul, Aug. 4, 1904. (Continued on Page 8.) Great Clearance Sale In order to make room (or my new stock I am going to oifcr you a chance never given btfore in Honolulu in tbe Men's Furnishing and Hat Business. A Reduction ol 10 per cent. will be given on all goods from now until the end oi the month. -- AT Levingston's Your) OUa. 1071 Bishop 8trt Japanese Approach Liaoyang ; Also Threaten Mukden (Associated Press Special Cable.! LIAOYANG, Manchuria, August 8. Heavy fighting Is reported north of Haleheng. The Japanese army is threatening Mukden from the northeast, Colorado Wreck Kills Four Score (Associated Press Special Cable.) COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., August 8. Seventy people were drowned In the Denver & Rio Qrande wreck. Heavy rains and cloudburst weakened Three cars were miraculously saved while six went through the trestle. The bodies of the dead were carried for miles down stream. The river banks are crowded with the lamenting relatives of the dead seeking their lost 0 Squadron Backs Leishmajfs Demands Associated Press Special Cable. CONSTANTINOPLE, Turky, August 8. The European squadron Is hast- ening to Smyrna. Satisafctory answer has been given to Lelshman's demands. REYES PRESIDENT (Associated Press rfrxcls! Cable. 110GOTA, Aug. 8. Hejes hos assumed the Presidency $12,000 For Lights $500,000 Recommended By Lieut, Slattery The Light-Hous- e lioard at Washing- ton has made nn allotment of J 12,000 to bo expended this car in the repair of light-hous- In tho Hawaiian Is- lands. Kcvvs of this allotment Just came to Lieut. J. R. Slattery, assistant to tho engineer of the Twelfth I.lght-Ifoti- District. Tho money will be At- tended ns quickly as possible in mak- ing needed repairs as far as it will go. That It will not go very far in carry ing out LicuL Siatlcry's Ideas of tho" needs of tho Territory is stiown when It is considered that bis estimate for- warded in July, of tho amount needed to put Hawaii's light. houses right, fixoJ tbe sum as SSOvjDOO. This half million," Lieut. Slattery sas, "is a conservative estimate of tbe money meiVd to fit out these tilth nruDcr Uchts. I havo not yet beard from my recommendations, but have hardly bad time. It appears to me that hero is an opportunity for Summer Styles In Ladies' Shoes Patent and shiny leathers will be popular always. Homo seasons ago shoes bad a narrow too. It was pretty but it pinched. Very reluctantly wom an gavo It up. This season hJ0 v.ork by the men anl organizations who are looking out for Hawaii's wel- fare. "The (12.000 which we receive by the nllotment just made must be used for repairs only I am making out a test ease by forwarding apcclflcatlons for an altogether new light for Lahalna, The problem is when a light-hous- e Is so bad that it can only bo repaired by tho building of a new structure, will tho plans pass muster by those who must O. K. tbe bills. The facta are the light-hous- uf Hawaii are In such bad condition that repairs can only bo made by building new ones. "After the new light-hous- e -- at La- halna we will probably next look after the needs at Alia point, about eleven miles north of Hllo, and maybe new lights at Laupahoeho. "In tbe general scheme which I have recommended, involving the expend!-(Continu- on Page 4.) iiaW)K& makers have obtained the odect I with comfort, you will see It In these njw shapes of Laird, Schober & Co.'a footwear; Patent lace boots with full Louis heel , $7 Glased kid boot with low military heel ,,. (4 Patent dress oxfords, full Lojls heel ,.,, W Ideal kid oxfords, high Cuban heel , IS Tlntru nro several nllior now styles In the lot nnd tho whole effect Is u inntiur of clmrmlu lines, full uf comfort, MAIWACTURURS' SHOE COMPANY, LTD,, 1051 Fori Slit-el- , 1 if ,Jj, JLtf MflHawlBHSBflBHBVBBVMsikaiyBUA JBktt- 2dttAAk.J AiliUSIM V

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i' v--i- -

f . " . -. ir KTiarft lawwwwwwwweitiMeicieinewittiwwwtwi f;iAT. Where there's a will there's a lawsuit. Bulletin Ads.


TEAMER TAiLfc- 1 " .K

From San Francisco: .. vfvvi.aAlameda ...,,.. .Aug. 12 It's an III windsChina ....Aug. 13 that keeps a fellow chasing

For San Francisco! Evening Bulletin a new straw hatSiberia .. Axis. 12Alameda Aug. 17 A GOOD AO. WILL CHASE

From Vancouver! UP BU8INE88 AND QET IT.M Ion era '. Aug. 27 AFor Vancouver: 'Manuka 24Aug.

IwwtwNwiw 3:30 O'CLOCK Are Better EDITIONVol. XVI. No 2S37 HONOLULU, TKKltlTOKY OF HAWAII, MONDAY. AUGUST 8, 1901' PltlOB 5 OHNTft

wfiiii nuks

4Follower Of Prophet

Dowle Asks ForAdvice.





A beautiful white dove, bearlng.InUs bill a specimen of vegetation whichmay bo an olive branch or a sample ofseaweed, has found a resting place onthe desk of Acting Governor Atkinson,

This little creature graces the topof a dainty Blieet of aquamarlno notepaper, Is beautifully embossed andlooks as fresh and happy as If It wasJust returning to Noah's ancient houseboat with the first bit of green to popout of the subsiding waters.

When the Acting Governor first laidoyos on the apparently occult mes-sag- e

ho was at a loss to determine thesignificance of the crest. Tho notepaper and the general stylo of tho epls-tlo- ,

at first glance; had every Indica-tion of being a feminine cummunlcatlon.

Heading the message, Mr. Atkinsonlearned that his conespondent wasapparently a citizen of Zlou Zlon, thestronghold of Dowle, thoKlljnh II, near Chicago.

Gilbert was the name subscribed,but whether this Ollbeit Is a priest,I cut her, elder or prophet of Dowle'sselect community did not appear, forGilbert signed his name as an ordinaryman.

Zionist Gilbert asks "Inphormatlonto setters". This expression puzzledthe Executlvo mind not a little. Ills

(Continued on Page 4.)

The funeral of IJonald George 0Mackay was held this afternoon fromtho Masonic Temple under the aus-pices of Hawaiian Lodge No. 21. Thesorvtco was held at 1:30. The body wastaken to the I'earl City cemetery bytho 2:1C train for Interment

Ons I'eareon, ouo of the oldest officersof the mounted police force, hag

to All the position of plantationofllccr at Wnlp.ihu. Pearson has anexcellent record as an ofllccr and oughtto fill his now position well.

V i "mi

1 Mil TO BE

The building of the new prison build-ings Is at present progressing in goodorder and it Is expected that the newlodgings will be thrown open to theirguests in about two months' time. Theconstruction of t'ne prison wall whichIs to surround the new- - buildings wasbegun about a week ago. The new wallwill be twenty feet high, four ftet wideat the base and, two feet wide on thetop The old pi (son wall, which Isonly ten or twelve feet high, will bebuilt up and wlJened so as to be equalto the new wall.

When the new buildings have befnerected the old jail will be used forlong-ter- criminals only, while thnew buildings will be occupied exclus-ively by misdemeanants and prisonerswho arc awaiting trial. In this waythe misdemeanants will be Kept abso-lutely distinct and separate from eachother In conformity with Judge Cear'sfamous ruling In the Togo ease. Whilethis case has been appealed to the .S-upreme Court and final decision Is thusIhen pending the police are still

that the arrangement referredto above shall be carried out as far iwpossible.

In the various Chinatown fire claimscases brought by Treasury Agent

for the settlement of the dis-position of certain awards, In FederalCourt, In which insurance companiesare joint defena-vuis- , Judge Dolo todaygrants a motion made by Robertson &Wilder, rcpicsentlng tho Insurancecompanies, allowing these companiesto withdraw their answers and file

pending Judge Dole's decisionU2 to ecu involved.

fill IIHJK1 tlThe firm of Denson, Smith & Co., to

test the validlt) of the law, has re-

fused to flic an annual statement of thoaffairs of the company with the Treas-me- r

of the Territory., This action Isthe outcome of the position taken bythe Merchants' Association tome timeago.

FIFTH LJWTIThe Fifth Precinct of the Fourth Dis-

trict elected the following delegate Sat-urday afternoon at the Republicanprimaries: Territorial Convention-S- am

Johnson, Chas Coster, E K.Rathbone

District Committee Gus Rose. Ed.I.lllkalanl, W H. Kalllml, Sam John-son, Mike Harder and Jack Belter

Read "Wants" on page u.


I'll mfovhstti fifJM Correct Clothes for Mett M

ttUM Here's a Summer Suit we're proud AkI H to sell you; and one you'll be proud to H JlF buy. Identify It by this famous name 'LV 7sts on the r or Inside coat-poc- .ssWJft Enough said. siiVl(vJJV U6.00 to J21-00- . iS

If Tti8 Kash Co,, Ltd. T


Hi. WillMerphants Asked To

Assist National Busi-

ness League.






The Merchants' Association of Ho-

nolulu has been asked by the Nation-a- i

Business Lcagua to assist In thomovement which has for Its purposethe amndment of tho Constitution ofthe United States, making tho Presi-dential term six Instead of four yearsand making tho Chief Executive ofthe United States Ineligible (or reflect-ion.

At a nutting of tho National Uusl-nes- s

Lague. held at Chicago last Jan-uary this reform was taken up Inearnest and a vigorous campaign hasbeen inaugurated which will cover theentire country through commercialbodies.

The matter will bp taken up by thoMcrcbanU' Association at its nextmeeting and some kind of action will

J)5 taken.The letter to the merchants of Ho-

nolulu Is as follows:Chicago, June 28th, 1904.

Secretary Merchants' Association, Ho-

nolulu. Hawaii.Dear Sir: As a moasuro to benefit

Industrial, commercial and financialInterests In particular and for tho pub-lic welfare generally, tho NationalDullness League, as Indicated by thileaflet herewith, has taken tho Initia-tive In a movement to so amend thoConstitution of the Untied States aswill lengthen the Presidential term tosix cars, making tho Chief Executiveineligible for ro election; the principalreasons for the proposed change be-

ing:1. Presidential campaigns aro too

ftwiucnt; aro enormously expensive to'business Interests and keep the coun-try in a state of turmoil and uncer-tainty most of tho time, to the greatdisadvantage of both labor and cap-ital.

2. Presidential years show Increaseof business failures, decrease of exports, bank clearings, stock sales andcommercial transactions generally.

3 Presidential campaigns Indoflnltely prevent the beginning andcheck the growth of Industrial enterprises.

4. Tho President, during his firstterm, naturally being anxious to sueceed himself, Is kept busy consideringthe demands of politicians and planhlng for a second term; meanwhileimportant, legislation for the generalgoon waits.

In this connection the ExecutiveCommittee of tho League begs to askIf jour organization will kindly en-

dorse, by resolution, tho proposedamendment as a measure that willmaterially lessen tho annoyances thathandicap business activities; givingsuch additional reasons for tho changoas may occur to you.

Anticipating your early and favor-nbl-

action, I remain, very truly jours,A. A. DURNHAM.

General Secretary.m i

Jud'go Dole today made Manoel lo

Lopj a citizen of the UnitedStates.


that there Isn't a caso of

t headache anywhere that HeadEase will not stop. Wo bavogreat confidence in this rem-edy and our faith la foundedon its universal success fortho past dozen years. Wohave yet to bear of a failure.



and If It does not do all thatwe claim It will It needn't costyou a cent wo'll return thomoney. It Is safe, rftocllvoaril agreeablo tu take,



Leo You stated at the police stationthis morning that last Saturday nighthe and a countryman of his were at-

tacked by two robbers on horseback,who rode them down and robbed themIn upper Kallht valley.

It was 11 p. m. when two horsemenappeared, one in front of them and ouobehind thorn. Without any warningthey charged and the two Chinamenwere thrown to the ground.

Leo You received only a few bruisesbut his friend wns rendered unconscions for a few minutes. Tho horsemen dismounted and hurriedly search'cd Lee You's pockets, securing $12.10,They did not touch the other man. Assoon as they had secured the moneythey mounted their horses and rodeoff.

Lee You recognized the robbers,who, he cays, live near his place Inupper Kalihi valley. One1 of these menIs a Portuguese known as Joe. Theother man Is a Hawaiian whose nameIs unknown but Identity known. ThoChinaman who was stunned awokefrom bis unconscious state Just beforetbe robbers left and recognized themalso.


Men Who Are To ServeAt Coming Term Of






In the absence at Illlo of JudgeGear, who will prespe at the September term of Clrcnit court in Honolulu,Judge Robinson this morning drewfro mthe boxes containing the twohundred and fifty names of jurors serv-ing for the present sear, tweut) --threenames of men to serve as grand jurorsduring next term, twenty-si- x names olmen to serve as trial jurors In JudgeGenr's court and twenty-si- x names olmen to serve as trial Jurors in his owncourt.

Grand Jurors will appear In JudgeGear's couit room at 10 o'clock on themorning of Tuesday, September Cth,then to bo charged as to their duties.Monday, tho Cth, is Labor Day und aTerritorial holiday, therefore court willnot be opened then. Judge Gear's trialJurors will piescnt themselves at thetamo time.

Judge Robinson's trial jurors will ap-

pear before him on Monday, September12, at 10 o'clock In tho morning.

(Continued on Page 8.)

S. S. ALAMEDA, Aug. 17

Wilt be the next Pineapple boat.The fruit U now at its best.

Leave orders with F. C Ecos, agent.

Wells Fargo & Co.

Often a CaseOf "locking Hie stable tloorafter the horse Is stolen"with ptople who have valu-able papers, jewelry, silver-vvta- r,


When not In use thesearticles slioulj be kept In aplace of security,

One of our sife depositboxes costs only 5 a year orcoc a month,





f .assut oJii'


Program Of Sports To

Amuse InvitedGuests.



'conference of conoreoation- -



Walluku, Maul, August C. Ourneighboring town, Kabulul, has madenumerous Improvements (luting thopast few months and still the workcontinues; en much so that It Is en-

titled to the honor of being one of thoprettiest towns on Maul. Tho firstmove was to Introdtico electric lights,next n park was laid out and plantedwith quick-growin- shndo trees andbeautiful flowers. Later on a nowrailway station was built; also ware-houses and new buildings for the of-

fice of the manager and bookkeeper.At present a largo forco Is engaged InImproving tho streets and lawns nearthe station. Also a new round-hous-

Is being built which will add to thegeneral nppearancn of tho town. Whiletaking In tho sights wo were permittedto visit the machine shops, where wofound a busy forco of men who nre Inthe employ of tbe Kahulul RailroadCompany, our attention was especial-ly called to tho new locomotive whichIs being set up by Mr. Black. It Is alargo freight vnglno and Is an oil burn-er with elcotrlc headlight and all tholate-i- t attachments. When tho nowengine Is put Into service EngineerShaw will presldo at tho throttle.This gives the Kahulul Railroad fiveenglues for freight and passenger ser-vice. Manager It. W. Filler seems de-

termined to bring tho K. R. R. up totho highest point of efficiency and tomake Kahulul a typical Americantown, which Is becoming more nndwore e.viJent each month, Othertowns on Maul will do well to keepan ec on Kahulul lest wo sometimewake up and find Kahulul with all thofacilities of a county scat, and a U. H.Commissioner's Court being held inthe Fvdnrnl building already there. Abint to tho wise, etc.

Thursday, August 12, Is field day onMaul, and a very Interesting programhas been nrranged to take place on

' the polo grounds at Kahulul under thoI management of Puunene Athletic Club,t Morning Catching greased pig nnd'climbing tho greasy polo, r

by two or moro teams, sack race,three-legge- d race, baseball Stars vs.All Maul. Lunch.

Afternoon High Jump, tug of war,1C lb. shot-pu- ISO-y- dash, pologame, Japanese wrestling.

The following Invitation has beonIssued for-th- e Harvest Home celebration:

The General Manager nnd Employesof tbe Hawaiian Commercial . SugarCompany cordially Invito you to bepresent at a Harvest Home celebra- -

t ion to be held at Puuncno Mill, Au-

gust 11, 1901. Dancing at S p. m. Iuiinene, Maul, Aug. 4, 1904.

(Continued on Page 8.)


Clearance Sale

In order to make room (or mynew stock I am going to oifcryou a chance never givenbtfore in Honolulu in tbeMen's Furnishing and HatBusiness. A Reduction ol

10 per cent.will be given on all goodsfrom now until the end oi themonth.


Levingston'sYour) OUa. 1071 Bishop 8trt

Japanese Approach

Liaoyang ; Also

Threaten Mukden(Associated Press Special Cable.!

LIAOYANG, Manchuria, August 8. Heavy fighting Is reported north ofHaleheng. The Japanese army is threatening Mukden from the northeast,

Colorado Wreck

Kills Four Score(Associated Press Special Cable.)

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., August 8. Seventy people were drowned Inthe Denver & Rio Qrande wreck. Heavy rains and cloudburst weakened

Three cars were miraculously saved while six went through thetrestle. The bodies of the dead were carried for miles down stream. Theriver banks are crowded with the lamenting relatives of the dead seeking theirlost


Squadron Backs

Leishmajfs DemandsAssociated Press Special Cable.

CONSTANTINOPLE, Turky, August 8. The European squadron Is hast-ening to Smyrna. Satisafctory answer has been given to Lelshman's demands.

REYES PRESIDENT(Associated Press rfrxcls! Cable.

110GOTA, Aug. 8. Hejes hos assumed the Presidency

$12,000 For Lights$500,000 Recommended

By Lieut, SlatteryThe Light-Hous- e lioard at Washing-

ton has made nn allotment of J 12,000

to bo expended this car in the repairof light-hous- In tho Hawaiian Is-

lands. Kcvvs of this allotment Justcame to Lieut. J. R. Slattery, assistantto tho engineer of the Twelfth I.lght-Ifoti-

District. Tho money will be At-

tended ns quickly as possible in mak-

ing needed repairs as far as it will go.That It will not go very far in carry

ing out LicuL Siatlcry's Ideas of tho"

needs of tho Territory is stiown whenIt is considered that bis estimate for-

warded in July, of tho amount neededto put Hawaii's light. houses right, fixoJtbe sum as SSOvjDOO.

This half million," Lieut. Slatterysas, "is a conservative estimate oftbe money meiVd to fit out these

tilth nruDcr Uchts. I havo notyet beard from my recommendations,but have hardly bad time. It appearsto me that hero is an opportunity for

Summer Styles

In Ladies' Shoes

Patent and shiny leathers will bepopular always. Homo seasons agoshoes bad a narrow too. It was prettybut it pinched. Very reluctantly wom

an gavo It up. This season hJ0

v.ork by the men anl organizationswho are looking out for Hawaii's wel-

fare."The (12.000 which we receive by the

nllotment just made must be used forrepairs only I am making out a testease by forwarding apcclflcatlons foran altogether new light for Lahalna,The problem is when a light-hous- e Isso bad that it can only bo repaired bytho building of a new structure, willtho plans pass muster by those whomust O. K. tbe bills. The facta arethe light-hous- uf Hawaii are In suchbad condition that repairs can only bomade by building new ones.

"After the new light-hous- e --at La-

halna we will probably next look afterthe needs at Alia point, about elevenmiles north of Hllo, and maybe newlights at Laupahoeho.

"In tbe general scheme which I haverecommended, involving the expend!-(Continu-

on Page 4.)

iiaW)K&makers have obtained the odect I

with comfort,you will see It In these njw shapes of Laird, Schober & Co.'a

footwear;Patent lace boots with full Louis heel , $7Glased kid boot with low military heel ,,. (4Patent dress oxfords, full Lojls heel ,.,, WIdeal kid oxfords, high Cuban heel , IS

Tlntru nro several nllior now styles In the lot nnd tho wholeeffect Is u inntiur of clmrmlu lines, full uf comfort,


1 if ,Jj, JLtf

MflHawlBHSBflBHBVBBVMsikaiyBUA JBktt- 2dttAAk.J AiliUSIM












All Yiiltlog member of taetritt are cordially Inrlted to atU meetings ot local lodges.

BIARMONY LODGE, No. 3, I. 0. O. F.

KmIi orery Monday evcnlDg at 7:30Bt Harmony Hall, King streot.

W. P. HALL, N. O.,H. It. HENDRY. Socretary,

Ell rlsltlng brothers very cordiallyfcTtUC

MYSTIC LODGE, No. 2, K. of P.

e.U every Tuesday evening at: o'clock In Harmony Hall, KingteML Visiting brothers cordially


OAHU LODGE, No. 1, K. of P.

Meets every Friday evening at liar-a-y

Hall, King street, at 7:30. Mem-K-

of Mystic Lodge, No. 2, Wra. MoKUley Lodge, No. 8, and visiting broth-T- J

cordially Invited.Work, First Rank.



Konolulu Lodes No. 61C, D. P. O. E.,Will meet In their new ball, on Milleraat Berctanla streets, every FridaylYeilng.

By order o( the K. R.HARRY H. SIMPSON,

Secretary.. H. FISHE, B.R,

-- I

Wax. M'KINLCY LODGE No. 8, K.of P.

Meets every Saturday evening at1:1 o'clock In Harmony Hall, Kingbeet. Visiting brothers cordially c

to attend.Work In Third Rank.

H. T. MOOllE, C. 0.M. M. JOHNSON, K.R.8.


of M. & P.

Meets on first and third Sundayrailings of each month at 7 o'clock at

Harmony Hall. All sojourning breth-se- a

are cordially Invited to attend.y order Worthy Captain:




General Agent for Hawaii

l&tlaa Assurance Company of LondonPhoenix Assurance Co. of London.Mew York Underwriters' Agency.Providence Washington Insurance Co,

Phoenix Insurance Co. of Brooklyn.


Office 4th floor, 8tangenwald Bldg.

Manufactured fromICE purs distilled water

Delivered to any part otcity by courteous drivers.

Oaha Ice and Electric Co.,Kewaloj Telephone Blue 3151


Kans and estimates furnished for'ijj classoa. Contracting work.

Tel. Main 245.KOOM MO, BOSTON BLK., Honolulu,

P. H. Burnette,Mtomey-at-La- and Notary Public.Agent to Grant Marriage Licenses.Real Estate, Insurance, Collections.VfXce. 70 Merchant Street Honolulu.


16 N. HOTEL 8T.JLLlrelr renovated; New Management

New Service.MEALS 29c.


The Evening Bulletin, 78 centsrtienlh. .

"ppr" --

? wffW"--T'Tf v'Wfr-W- ji "; ""3f3W-- ' 8: i&r

Bath Mats,

Brushes and





Hollister Drug Co.,LIMITED.

tort Sireei.


BabyCarriagesLatest New York


Low Prices.

Iloffschlaeger Go,,LTD..

King; and Bethel Streets.

Wm. G. Irwin & Co., ltd.VM 0. IRWIN.. President nml Mi?r.

JNO. D. SPRECKELS . 1st Vice Pros.W M. Q1FFARD 2dTlco Prcs.H. M. WHITNEY, Jr TreasurerRICHARD I VERS SecretaryA. C. l.OVEKIN Auditor











Oceanic Steamship CompanyOF SAN FRANCISCO. CAL.

A. Fernandez & SonI m porters and Deal ers I n



Nos. 44-5- 0 KING STREET,KatsV Block, bet. Nuuanu and Smith Sts,

TEL. MAIN 189.


Lots for SaleIn KAPIOLANI PARK ADDITIONKALIHI, and other desirable Itcalltles.

Also 1 JUMP-SEA- BUCXBOAIID,second-band- ; good as new.

SODASBest In the city. Cool and Refreshing,

Hawaiian Soda WorksTelephone Blue 1871.


Dealers In Lumber and CcmI

ALLEN A ROBINSON,Queen 8t, Honolulu,


Send to or Immediately notify theDoard ot Health of all rats found deadfrom unknown causes.

Road "Wants" on pago 0.

Rest Rubber Stamps nt Wall. Nlelj.ols.

Toothpicks, doublo pointed, 10c tlo,pks. A. 11, Arlelgh & Co.

Paul Jonc4, lio or Ilourbon, nt thePantheon same old stand.

Hnvo your old Panama hat madeHKo, new. Globe Clothing House.

Harmony Lodgo, No 3, 1. O. 0. V.,

meets tonight at lu Harmony HullHnvo your painting dono by Unos

Bros., headquarters Sterling' oldstand.

Hon. Clothes Cleaning & Pressing Co,

Tel. Main 117. Stilts called for anddelivered.

Algeroba firewood, stoe size, $12X0per cord, delivered, Oerti llios., 'Phonett bite 3231.

A middle aged woman desires post

tion ns nurse or light housekeeper. Scond in .

Mr. nnd Mrs Albert Hnns wilt go tothe Coast in tho steamer Neradnn forn two or three months' vacation.

Don't forget to call nt inc Woman'sExchange when jou want curios ornative hots up to dutc; also Nlthaumats.

'Arabic" Is n safe Investment fornery man. It not only cools Iron rootsfully IS degrees but stops leaks anillasts a lifetime.

Rev. W. I), Wmtonclfs stcrcjptlroiilecture on Japan at St. Clemeut'a parish hourc on Makllil street will hoghen Friday evening, August 12

The engagement Is announced ofLieut, Emory Wiushlp, n. joung navalofficer well known In Honolulu, andMiss Kntherlno Dillon of San I'rnn-Cisc-

Mr. Oftlco Man, why not ttfo tho Wall.Nichols Rest Rubbci Stninis?

Wm. T. Webster, munnger ot tho Or-

iental department of the llunaimnRealty and Maturllj Co. arrived fromthe Orient jcBlcrclii after u two yrurs'absence. '

The wiso traelcr noer leae-- hisQeneral Arthur ilgnrrf behind for theynrfoid him n great part of tho Ipensuregained on the trip. (jiinst-Enltl- n CigarCo., distributors, Toil and King Sis.

Headaches unfit u person to enjoyllfo or work. Tht-i- Is no reason whyono should suffer, however, whin thn

n lcmedy, Head-Eas- e Is aiiulck, sate nnd pleasant euro. At .

A party of mountiln (limbers nroplanning to nscend Mt. Kaala. of theWnlanao range Sunday, AugiiRt 21. Thennrtv will tneludn I'rliui Cunlil. W.W. Thayer, Allan Dunu, Dr. Knudscn,hred Church nnd others.

The yachts La Palomi nnd Glacljswill raco to Luhuina Wednesday. ThoI.urllne with Commodoro H. II. Sin-

clair will be In the nice Lahnlna andwill then go on to Illlu. Tho race hackto Honolulu will be mado next Sunday.

Special scrvlees wero held In theCluistlan church last exenlug mark- -Ing the tenth nnnherwiry of tho ex -ihtencc of the organization. The ser- -vices w ere under the leadership of Hev.Ilaynrd Cinlg. Tho Christian rhurchwas founded by tho Into Hev. T. D.G.inln.

ltov. O. U I'carson delivered hisEcrmon at the



from tho sceno of sue- -rcssful lnbors of the past ecveii yeats.


Tho w cildlng of Miss Anita Chiietatnnd Major W A. I'urdy ot Honolulu


woll thoDr of enrao

ho who tomo was In charcnof tho State Hospital at Agnewa.

Tho prettydaughter of n Italian cap- -

A. Grcsconl of Santa Cruz, whoher liko $100,000

bo paid her on her wedding day.And thus eventful day

Her meeting with Major ennioon a visit Campbells

Honolulu, the daughter of whososho whllo a student at

San Jose. Cill, Julym


Tho Tojo Klsen Kulsha steamshipAmerica Maru urrhed off port nbeiut I

ociock yestcruay morning, asu.uubuv. uvnuri irnKiii nur p- -sengcrs ror pori sue remained oreIPO Iiaruor until noon When COn -

muuvu uh ugi y uj luuuuama. omhhad bonrd 1500 tons of fielghtubout n scoro of passengers. Onmarus arrival ai her prcs -em master, captain uoing, will er

Japanese, tianspoit servlro.Captain l'llmcr will succeed htm In thecommand of tho Maru.

(Associated Press Cable.

EUROPEAN FIRES.Toulon, France, August 7, Th- - great

French ntsenal heio li burning. TheUnities nre spreading. 'lioDp mo be-

ing ordered out to lender kssUtanci1prole, tion.

Strneburg, (lermany, Auk 7. A flroM raging In the old ipiartcr of the clly, I

'I he laigo orplunngp nt rt ! rhurch havebcon burned,

TWO MILES FROM POUT ARTHUR.Aug. 7. I'no'llclat a (h tecs

from tho seat nt war stuto that (he Jap-

anese hac captured tominnmllnRpoints at Port Aitliur 27r,0 yards (lessthan a mile nnd thrcc-fltlhs- ) from theRussian main lino defences.

JAPANESE TOWARD MUKDEN.Llaoyang, Aug. 7. The Japanese aro

advancing toward Mukden, It Is prob-uld- o

that a attack will betrade on Mukden nnd Llaoynng.

SQUADRON SAILS.Vlllefranthe. France, Aug. The

squadron has s.ille-- foiSmyrna.

STRIKE 8UPPORT.Chicago, Aug. 7. All of the labot

unions have the strike.

AUSTRALIAN ELECTION.Sydney, Aug. 7 The opposition ha

victorious In the general election.Many women voted.

RAILROAD DISASTER.Colorado Springs. Aug. 7. The Mis

souri tiain went through n

bildge yestcrdu. It Is teportcd thaibetween thirl) und lift) weio killed.

KUROPATKIN'S ARMY.St. Petersburg, Aug. . A battle is

imminent at LUoynng. wheie GeneralKuropatkln has (ouccntinted 200,000

men. It Is thought Japanese willfirsts Hike at Anslmncluii.

SENATOR VEST DYING.St. -- l.onls, Aug. . Senator Vest i


BOXER UPRISING FEARED.Paris, Aug. 0 Recnforeeinents are

In be rent to Imlo-Clilu- Iluxer upUsing Is feared,

HAYTIEN DISORDERS.Port Au Pilmc, Aug. Thc Govern-ute-

Is nuelllug tho disorder. Iwomen hnve becu executed.

BRITISH IN THIBET.Simla, Aug. C The Ililtlsh column

has reached I.h.msa, capltul ofThibet.

BOYCOTT DECISION.San Kninelheo, Aug. 0. Judge Hunt

has that picketing boyiottidplaces Is Illegal.

PORTLAND OUTLAWS,Portland. Aug. 0. llohl-ni- nie be- -

,mnK ( freniient Hint tho iiolli-- ud- -

vHe cllljena to go nniied.

CHICAGO STRIKERS.Chicago. Aug. C Tweiity-fH- e thou- -

san,i gtrlKcrs paraded last night thepacking-hous- e district,



KUROPATKIN'S POSITION.St. Petersburg, Aug. 7. General Ku-

ropatkln has icported f.iwirnhlo skitmlslies em IiIh east fiont, leavingposition of his army unchanged.

The niMtt-siilii- of Vlnkenv has Mm- -'plltfcM ,trnnipia'liillon for the Mau- -thutla e.iniDulisu.


Urussels,Aug. ". It l stnted thatrtiiBsIa will tulso Hit Internal lemn of

ocnly-!l- o millions, besides Jcylngnn lucomo tax.

COLOMDIAN REVOLUTION.Curuens, Aug. 8. A telegram fioni

President Hcjea ltnlen that theiu Is u1 evolution In Colombia,


The Twenty-nint- Scries of Stock InPlonoer Uulldlng & Loan Assocla

i6n wiu bo UsuC(, la jllIy 1901i nn(1 1,ln(,w mien fnr i.lu, rlntlon. Tho

iiurdhlp of fifty tenia per sharo,and the monthly duos nro Dollarper month per sharo. Tho draws

1 much better Interest than a Bavlngsbank,

1'urthcr Information can be obtainedfrom A. V. fJEAIt, Secretary,

122 King St,

futcttcll last ecnlng Monteli!c, Aug. C An iinsucicss-Metliodl- st

church. A largo congrega- - fi nttempt been madn to uis.it.sln-tio- n

was nnd n'tcr tho eenlci" oto tho President of Uruguay. A tor-ma-

were tho expressions regret pcio was thrown underneath histho departure of Hev. Mr. Pearson rl.ige

nnd fnmlly their


was celebrated on Wedncbday night nt JAPANESE NAVAL ATTACK.tho Paullst ehureh. the llcv. 1'nther Toklo, 8. Admiral Togo has

oniclatlng. potted the engagement of Itiib- -MIiih Chtistal Is a beautiful girl, tall, Snn destierjeis by three Japanese on

featute.1 and stunning, and la .Kilday, out of which tho Jnp.iucsedaughter of Clirlttul Santa Cruz undamaged.

for years

brldo win the grand- -

thollnllst,bequeathed somethingto to

has tho nrrhod.Purdy

about while to theothousehold metNotro Damo nt 31.





on andthe

















$100 RewardPO r'RQOI' that I did not make myr.imp'f. ynne who c.mn'-- t rn'ike goodsamples csnnot do good work, For mywork compare my samples with others.



l mmmm l

Greater advancement hat been madeIn the optician's business than In anyother. A few year since, spectacleswere handed over the counter like ordi-nary merchandise, but today the ter--w!rft nf a fullu miallf.rl nnfltts,. aessential In order to determine by ascientific examination or each eyewhat are the correct glasses.



Over May & Co.

Eyesight Testing nnd Spectacle Fittingaro our Exclusive Work.

Fire! Fire! Fire!

Another residence destroyed by firefor want of water In time, but had a

Quick Action Fire Extinguisher

been In the house the fire couldhave been extinguished. So avoid the10 to 20 minutes' delay of the Fire De-partment by having your tfoute equip-ped with our Fire Extinguishers, forwhen you need It you need It badly,and there is no other machine manu-factured which you can rely upon towork properly at that critical moment.Can be operated as successfully by aWoman, Child or Man as when In thehands of a trained fireman. For fur-ther particular and circular Inquire of



TEL. MAIN 143.


BLACK SANDIn town for sale cheap.Sec us at once. j

Lord & Belser.Be Progressive.

II you art thinking oferect Inc monument


lis hitf th vrkt ofstonti, ton'l crackcrutr.Me Atcxy, coroieIS, r rust. bniorMj by"The Scientific Amrl-ra- n

" o LlcjutlfutOoilcru n4 prices from

II, CANNON,SoU A tent for tibnitOfttct corner Klnc nilltiliel. Hot 1.




64 A OS Merchants' V.xch-j-wr



Hardware, HavlUnd Crockery, Glassware, Plated Silverware, Milk

Pans, Etc.2$3l-l-

YoshikawaTho Ditto Doctor. I hare a bigstock of wheels. Repairingour specialty. Wheels Rent,ed. Two Stores: 1C3 Kins SL,Hotel near River.




940 KAAHUMANU ST. : : Honolulu.

$50.00 for $1,00AT TUB

Ladysmith Shooting Gallery,TOP OF I'UNCIIUOWI..


"For Rant" card on tali at BulletinUMct,

Granite arid Bronze MonumentsAt Prices

Hawaiian Iron Fence and

176-16- 0 KING




We are prepared to supply the People of Honolulu with Freshest elISLAND MEATS. Also, Garden Produce of all kinds; Butter, Eggs, Chick-ens, Turkey, Sucking Pigs, Bacon, Ham; In fact, everything that A FIRSTCLA8S MARKET Is called upon to furnish.











Harks, Carriages, Buggies and Sad

die Horses on short notice.

Carriage meot all steamers. Com-

petent drlTcrs, reasonable rates, new

vehicles and live stock.

Alexander & BaldwinLIMITED.

OPPICERa.J. I). Castlo First Vice PresidentW. M. Alexander... Second Vice Pres.J. P. Cooke Treasurer,V. O. Smith BocretarrGeo. It. Carter Auditor

Sugar Factors and

Commission AgentsAGENTS for Hawaiian Commercial &Sugar Co., Haiku Sugar Co., Pala Plan-tation Co., Nahtku Sugar Co., KlhelPlantation Co., Hawaiian Sugar Co,Kahulut Railroad Co.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., LTD.AgntB fop

Waatarn Hunur Uvflnlns Co.,Hun PrnnclsKO, Cal7

Unltlwln Locomotlvo Worku,rhllailalr)Mla. Pn,rs'awall UnlvurMiit Allll Co.Man ufnoturaru utNutlimiil GtinaHhrstlilar, Nbw York, N.V.Puruffin Pnlnt . mpan)',nnl'runcli;o. Cut.

OlltllllUt A Co..San I'ranoluo Cal.Pttalfla Ol ru importation CoMart finclMco. Cut,


Hair Dressing, Facial Massage,Manicuring and Chiropody.

No. 310 Boston Bid;. HONOLULU.

Evtnlng Work by Appointment Only,

M. Phillips & Co.Wholesale Importer and Jobber.


Fort and Quten Sts.

S. Yokomizo,Great Reduction In Price of Crushed

Rock, at follows:No. 2 1 cubic yard $1.70No. 3 1 cubic yard $1.89No. 4 1 cubic yard $2.05

Delivered to any part of city. OfficeQueen Emma Hall, corner Nuuanu andBerstanlal Tel. Blue 1211.

S. SAIKI,Dealer in BambooFurnlture. Pic

ture Frames, Grait Linen, DrawnLinen, Table Cloths, Collan, Neck- -ue, eic.




Monument Works, Ltd

OFF ? J)

Bg?"'jgjrj mm



A'Ji ,Wi!i t

Wm Lfe:&..

speaks for llsslfbut Is not noisy.

.. E. R. DATH, THE PLUMBER,1S3 King Street. 'Phone tt.


Insurance - AgentsAGENTS FOR






Commiss.0.1 Merchants1

1 Sugar Factors

AGENTS FORTbe Ewa Plantation Co. 'Tho Wolalua Agricultural Co.The Kobala Sugar Co.Tbe wolmea Sugar-Mil- l Co.Tho Fulton Lron Works, St. Louis, Uo,Tbe Standard OH Co.The Geo. F. Wake Steam Pumps.weiiona c'cnimugals,Tbe New England Life Insurance Co.

ot Doston.Tbe Aetna Fire Ins. Co. of Hartford,

Conn.Tho Alllanco Assurance Co, of London.

C. Brewer & Co., Ltd.Que.n 8treet, Honolulu, T. H.

Agents lorHawaiian Agricultural Co., Ookala

Sugar Plant. Co., Onomea Sugar Co.,Honomu Sugar Co.,Walluku Sugr--r Co.,Makce Bugar Co.,Haloakala Ilanca Co.Tbe Planter' Line of San FranciscoPackets, Caas. Brewer ft Co.'a Une olDoston Packets.

List of Officer:O. M, Cooke, President; George

RobertBon, Manager; E. P. Dlshop,Treasurer and Secretary; Col. W. 9.Allen, Auditor; P. C. Jonei, C. IX.Cooke and Qeo. It, Carter, Directors.

p. o. vox ei. Tel. White 111.


HOTEL STREET, HONOLULU,Bull made to order In tbe latest

ityleii, Perfect nt guaranteed, ClotInf cleaned, dyed and repaired,

jmt. JySt1 ",JlUs'., m$&--- it iiiAiiifii,tert ite. ( .'



' i





" ""r ""eWfKv"1sj , v v "

JNHHkV"lnrflilUkiii --rf . . . EVENING IIULLETIN, HONOLULU, T. If.. MONDAY, AUG. S. 1901

Good News For"

HousekeepersWe are now ready with our

big sale of ready made sheets,ready made pillow cases anda fine line of bedspreads. Sheetsand pillows are thoroughly wellmade from the best muslin and areon display in our show windowswhere the prices are plainly marked.

See these black lustre sateen

Ladies' Petticoats

They hold the skirts out nicely and forserviceable wear this fabric is best. Lookjust like silk. Prices from gi.Jo to $3.71?each.

Ladies' colored cotton petticoats, withruffles, from 75c to $1.00 each.

Ladies' alpaca skirts, in black, blue andgrey. Extremely serviceable for hot, dustyweather. Prices $S.oo, .$0 and 56.oo.

N. S. Sacbs' Dry Goods Co., Ltd

Doctors ay Drink More'One's body rcqu'res TEN glasses of fluid per day. Most

people drink less too little to flush, the body of its waste.The result is bad blood, nervousness, disease. Then thedoctor says "DRINK MORE," and he knows this adviceh worth more than .medicine.

Let Ui supply you with our beverages. " Drink more."Give your body more fluid, which is also a FOOD and aTONIC.

Consolidated Soda Water Works Co.,LIMITED, Til, Main 71


These safes are now on the floor and ready for InspectionTHE HERRING HALL MARVIN 8AFE It to constructedthat lit contents are absolutely preserved. A scientific"

tudy of the effect of fire on safes combined with 60 years'experience In safe construction, warrants the manufactureera to make the claim that tlelr safes are positively perfect.

We carry a large assortment of safes from $50 up.

Cash or Installment.

THEO, H. DAVIES & Co., Limited,


J. HOPP 5fc CO.,'Phone Main in Furniture Dealers and Upholsterers. Cor. King and Bethel,


Clothing, Pajamas and Neckwear, Ties,Etc, at

J Lando, Hotel St. Store.Weekly Bulletin, $1 a Year

vwwy-wsjt- i

Elks And Honolulus16-- 1 Defeat 7-- 6

Kamehas And MailesOno slaughter game and an exciting, an Imitation lo walk." rub It In by

closely contested match held the un- - dealing second. Router knock aswerving attention of tlio grandstand c,ol"ltlcklfr ,nln RuMll' hands,

Elglitli Inning Itussel pedestrlanalesnt qitunlii'i. ball work. The L"ana tracts to third on White's right-mad- e

Branltcs tree smcr Democrats npl.i .iiv. it,n iin ,l,iin i.,.--of the Kama In the first event, badlyunrtI on imath 0er ,,, 1(M(Ibeating them by a score of "sMeen to U Wilder. Toots Cunhn nicks n lo.-on- c.

. hen It appealed that the spe-'e- Into the paws of Hie one-ba- g lor.ond game belonged to tlio Mailes, tha iB "vviilto tries for second on a theft,Honolulus created a sensation by bring-- but Is npprehended by catcher's swiftIng homo fhc men In the seventh nnd lomiectlou and Kanl strikes out. Kaiuseighth Innings, wtnnlg by u the bat: The acmlso of n globule.

Pitchers were changed by the Kama piaCe Kektiewn on first; he trots idwithout any Improvement being noted !ti,irii i,on Plnnkm nlm.t n ip.,ivThe, Elks pitcher struck out eleven In right; steals second. Sheldonmen. The Elks pla)ed strenuous ball, nies out to Russell. Jones hits nlottwhile the Katns weie full of errors. nnn ,,nds In White's feelers and Van- -

During the second gnuic both pitch-'ntt- a soars, culminating In loft's crab.cis were changed. liters

Hampton tobk Wren's plare and Jim- - ' ,,.,"intn inning On caith-dusl- toWilliams went Into tho box whilemy n... i. .. .. .. .,.: -- . .

Joy put on the mask. This .as to- - m7 nexC Zam.oek ha' o'u t7

ii i il.ii 1i? "?BM "T't locks "Pt "row lr 'law "K oft

splendid game, the Malles let slip In i ,b , B.colpp,- -lp Mhmfffew unhappy errors at tho moment

when their victory seemed nssurcd. I ,,,er. .,,',',,.,,, .,,."S,am"ng f ,I,C tnm' UTmiEV111 " '"" t0 " 'r flr "'! mas

Teams. V.II. A, C 12Kams . .;.' 12Klks 12Itnile Illmns ..,..,12Punahou , . .... ..12



.v nn(lia, .,i,nt,Saturday's game, by tunings wrc as ;,,'" "v" "lv"w """"

recorded below;

ELKS VS. KAMS.Game called nt 1.00 p. m.Klks to bat: Uushnell strikes out.

Itnsscll winds up. pitcher to rightnngle. Hob White over-fenc- a crowd-rais-

to left and circles the diamond.Wilder sours Into right's knuckle-cluste- rs

Kams to bat. Sheldon re-

signs on a grass-teas- to alpha. Jones-l- o

strlkcth out Vnnatta singles nndUlchards Is finished pitcher to Iliistel,who hustles to first

Second Inning Toots Cunhn out ofdanger at primary on third's muff Kaalbase hits to left Kla stilkes out. Hv-c- rs

sends It to Junes, who endeavors totouch Toots, who Is foiced to tho three-mar- k,

but falls to connect, and i:crsIs firm on III ct. Zamloi.li Is executedby pitcher, tluce bags full! Uushnelldouble-bas- e hits Into right and Cunhn.Kaal nnd livers leach glory In a cluf'tcloud Husseli Is put off tho stagp bypitcher to first. Kums to but:

Is snuffed on n lawn-mow- to,tho primate. Lemon is plitclud, secondlo nrst. neuter out, pitcher to flrt.

Third Iunlng White walks. Wilderdelivers to Yanatta, who touches Hoband doubles to flist for Wilder. Tootsh silenced, third to first, Kams to bat;Kckucwa's fate Is settled between sec-

ond and first i'lunkctt dies by therltcher's hand. Sheldon finds oblivionbetween tho tvvlrler and premier,

I'ourth Inning Kaal sends a wire-less to Heuter and tho funeral notice Isout. Kla Is torpedoed by pitcher and isconsoled by au Introduction to firsti:era Hogs to Vanattn, who kills Klaat tho moment he Is climbing Into thesecond story; livers snakes second vnn maniac pitch. Zamloch foul flics tuKealoha. Kama batting; Jonesstrikes. Vnnatta out, shoit to first.Ulchards does as Jones did.

Fifth Inning Uushnell telescopes totho middle man aud Russell cannons toleft. White Imitates Dushncll andWilder sees doom Hash fiom third tofirst. Kams to bat: Kealoha strike,but Lemon walks. Router docs the sacrifice stunt to prlmo. Lemon breaksinto third and Is caught threateninghome.

Sixth Inning Toots swipes centrallybut Lcmo drops It nnd Cunhn twinkleMa candy-stic- k stockings to third.Kaal Is handed his basV and sneakssecond. Kla hits to short, who hurls Ithome, but Toots gets safe on the coun-ter and Kla Is ou first. Sheldon falls tograb oft Evers' bat and Kaal Is athome. Zamloch rockets to left and Uout but Kla managers to make homaon tho throw In. Bushnell singles toright and Evers tumbles homo. Ilus-te- ll

parachutes to center; Dustiness Ison tho tw Ice-ba- now. Heavy-Hitt-

Dob White materializes 4n right's do-

minions for'three sacks and nushuellromps over the plate. Wilder puts onuInto right, neuter mlsslug, aud Whltoarrives at the finish, Cunha singles tnleft field. Kaal makes Hist on Shel-don's error and Wilder scores. Klaout, second to first, Kams to bat: Ke- -kuowa strikes out. Plunkett sate hitsto center, Sheldon follow if Kekueua'sexample and Plunkett Is out stealingsecond on catcher's throw there.

Seventh Inning: Some changes aremade In the field; Jones Is put In thobox and Ulchards goes on third. Everonds by the sky line to short. Zani- -lock finds the new pitcher his executioner. Uushnell hits a foul heaven-klcs- er

to which Kckuewa glues hisKams to the hat; Jones

stilkes out but catcher drops the ballnnd tho man gets safn, first missingWhite's hasty chuck, Vnnatta atrial-ate- s

to left. Jones purloins second undgoes to third on n mad onu from pitcher. Ulchards strikes out. Kealohasmashes over und Jones comeshomo. This Is tho first run for thaKums ami they huvu saved themselvesfrom u iliul-oiit- , Keutuhii (inbuzzlitiPdiiid, causing that K'inrillm of thnbag in topsy-tun- y In tlm nlr, so lrn- -pons In hl ullda; snatches IMid Ina milliner siUtular. I.uimn, i;fitlnu



.anil Kvcrs cross the pan. KiifscII nt- -tmP,a second, over which Kealoha


Iwlldlj-thro- ws, iind Russell Is home'rln (Whlto strikes out. Katns to the bat.

- - .v..... ...-!-! ,11KIll O.I,. ritchor's hands. Lemon walks buto a n ... nn HR i ...

" " ,u





H. A. C. VS. MAII.KSOamo called nt S:L" p. m.Jlallrs to bat: hlg ImtK.lt of Malta

tooters In the grandstand's right wingbegin to nnllmbcr lirnvy ociil.ir null-kr- j.

lelnforted by numciouK mega-phone- a.

Joy drops time pills lit tlioright place and Cusack takes a btnOitractfer. Hampton walks; he.uh.iuiesto second on n balk and liter m.iki i abplendld slide for third, itllppln,; unilirthat man whlla he's coniuvtlnrf withthe hot one from catcher In the nlr butocrruiis and dies. Iloberti dirts walking good. DaWs out, catcher to nnt.H. A. C. to the bat: Uu Hue Is n t(.uough for Wren's pitching. K

bunts and ictlres, catcher nSim, Luc) to Scissors. Jimmy Wllllams Lonnects nt the pilmnry altlunmhshort thiows wtll. "Tluow that um-

pire out!" jell the Mallo lootu., withlots of enthusiasm but no leasou. A- -

Ictt cracks ono so scalding to tbuitthat he gets secure but Is out bj 6 holtMealing second.

; Second Inning Grady wiojjs It toleft Cogswell with a Iclous MwpeKnocks paint off an adcrtisem.nl Inlenter-fleld- 's fence and gallopi to third

,111x1 comes Into tho home circb un aiboutu'o of a ball off tho pJat of whieiiKllcy loses sight. "Oh. OU

get a new lufher!"ell the exuberant Mallo nob f.luft.

It) mi tal.es a wall, ami then ctujls tiiu-iol- y.

Dcloilu nnhes nt .h Initialbag on error bj second mnn, P.jan onthird Wren f'trhes home Itjan on alick thiough heiond; Dclorlo Is on

'third CiiMuk smashes In second'scountry, gets first and Delorie ratesnciofs the itibbci Wren going out at

'recond shoit cerlng there to rccelvo'seconds pa. Hampton navlgites tothe thrce-quart- pott ou a cruel m'alli-'e- r

ripper In right's domain and Cusncklompletes tho circuit Robcta gleo upthe fchot. third to flrnt I'our runslVeils that are almost human emanatefrom the starboard regions where themegaphoney Mallo men are masjidUnrestrained Joy sizzles, bolls andbursts. H A. C. to tlio baf J. !!nandez and Alf Williams strike out. PatOleason high skies to third.

Third Inning "An rags, any bone:,any bottles, today? plays the band,which is placed In the left wing of thogrand stand to that Its noise may bal-ance the shouts of the Maile sjinpa-thlzer- s.

Louis Is placed behind the bat.lce Klley. Dals goes dawn befcto

Joj's clever tosses. Grad) Is retire)by Joy to Gleason. Cogswell walks,Hjan Is overcome by Joy II. A. C. tothe bat: Louis base hits to right; hoburgles next and, catcher's throw thciogoing Into the be) ond a piece, liettretches out aud comes home. HaSue kites out to second. V Fernandezfciul flies out to Gleason Jimmy Wll- -Dams gets sate, second not connecting

'with first Ajktt Is pau,J I'ourth Inning Delorie Is over-joyed. Wren opt, catcher to llrat, andCunack Is sent to the pews by Joy toGleason. II. A. C. to the bat; Jby Is

'safe on second's error J. Tcrnaudez! smacks to third, who flings to sorar.dI who chucks to first nnd both men mooft tho board, swift and pretty twinacting. A. Williams base hits to right.Put Gleason hits to Cogswell, who slipson his back but recovers tn throw out

I Williams at third.I I'lfth Inning Hampton walks. Hub-erts balloonB to left. Hampton movestu third, after sliding closely to second,when Davis knocks to short aud getsafo, Grady strikes out, Hamiltonmakes UHO of n passed hall to hurryhome; Davis alto arrives, pltthorhurling to third, tho ball hitting innncr und putslug on. Cogswell walksIt) an Is tombed by tho catcher, II. A,(Vln the bat: loul stilkes out I.'n'no out pitcher tu lltst. II. l'iriumWitafo on C'usiick'i errur, J Williams

hma hlls In left Aylitt hill to ynu-bu-

wliu iHtvhes Wllllaiiia mid IhrunnAIMI uul at first, liutt duiiblo

Hlklli Iihiihh-- RkUUiI Id t hill'

L'elorlc. . Bhoit to fust ends WrenCusack connects ou right field hit nndsteals second. Hampton out. pitcherto nrst. IF, A, O, to bat: Joy places Ithooml third and Is safe. J Fernandezn aches second on that man's error. A,Williams strikes out- - Gleason bringjoy nonie on second's error. J. Fer-nandez Is out at tho plate. Gleason' ulclde i stealing second, Store,

Seventh Inning Roberts wnlkn! hoslides to next. Davis takes a walk;Roberts Is caught, attempting third, byyiicnera tnrow; Davis moves a oneburglariously. Orady sees his finishwith Joy, Scissors foul files to catch-er, who gets twisted In a heap In holding It. H, A. O. to the bat: Ixulsthreatens the fence between left andcenter; the throw-I- n Is wild and hopasses the twlcc-r- u nnd lopes formini: the Urow to third Is cxaggcrnt-e- d

also and he Is home amid an up-roar Tremendous excitement pre-vails. Strong men, some Villi moneyon the H. A. C, nro overcome withe notion. Ladles stand up In their seatsso as to scream more comfortably. EnSue sends the ball whizzing Just aboutwhero Louts landed It, nnd stops "onsecond; moro enthusiasm, If possible,E. Fernandez swats Into left nnd lasafe; he steals second; En Sue Is onthird J. Williams goes out, short tofirst, lint Ea Sue comes tearing home.A)lctt'nlso retires by the short to firstroute, but E. Fernandez nrrlves acrosstho gutta pereha. Joy Is pan by thohort line to first. Three runs! Score

Deafening applause.Eighth Inning Jimmy Williams Is

put Into the box to pitch for the II A.r nnd Joy goes behind tho bat. Ryanfiles to center. Delorie puts a bird Intoshort's fingers. Wren Is struck out bythe new pitcher. If. A. C to the bat!Hampton is pitcher for the Mallei. JFernandez bits to short nnd Is safe.Cogswell has his foot oft tho bag whentho ball reaches his mitts. FernandezUrals A. Williams out. short lo first;Fernandez on third. Gleason knocks a(raider to pitcher, who throws to thoplate loo strenuously nnd Fernandezcomes home The roar of the It A, C.rooters Is now continuous; Gleason Ison second Ixnils safe on pitcher's, er-

ror, Gleason on third. En Suo out,short to flrnt, Glenfon, however, comeshome E Fernandez files to short.Score C In fnvor of the II. A. C.

Ninth Inning Cusack safe at first onsecond's error, lint Is out stealing sec-cu- d

Hampton files to right. Itohlu-so- u

safo on short's error. DavUstrikes out.


Uushnell, If G 1

Russell, 2b S

White, c :....GWilder, rf. &

Cuuhu, lb G

Kaal. 3b I

Kla, cf. 3Evers, ss S

nmloch, p 1


Sheldon,Jones,Vnnatta.Richards, b.

Kealoha,Lemon,Renter, lb.-r- f.

I'nhu, rfKckuewa,Plunkett,


2 2:i 3



An liltss 0

Ob -- p2b , 0


lb. ..If. ....

Total 30 27Score by Innings

KamehamchasRuns 000001001Hits 11104

Ells-R- uns

13000702 It!Hltl 1C

Earned runs ElksHome run Whlto.Three baso hit White.Two base lilt Uushnell.Sacrlllco hits Kin, Zamloch.Stolen bases Uushnell, Russell, KanlKla, Evers Zamloch, Jones, Kealo-

ha 2, Lemon 2,Uase on hills Oft Richards 2, off

Jones off ZamlochStruck out Hy Zamloch 10, by Rich-

ards by JonesWild pitch ZamlochLeft on base- s- ks C, Kams 0.Doublo pla) Vanatta to Kckuewa;

White to Russell.Hit by pitcher Kla, Kckuewa.Time of game hour 45 mlnues.Umpire Rowers.Scorer Cutting.


Cusack, 2b 113Hampton, ss.-- p

Roberts, rfRobinson, if '0Davis, 3b 10

rnily,Cogswell, lb 11Ryan, cf-s- .........Delorie,Wrcnu,MncNamararcf.

Total u 31


En Suo.Fernandez,

J. Williams, 2li..ji. ...3Aylett, rfJoy, p.-- c

Fernandez, if, ,,,,.4Williams,

Glensuii, ..4Klloy.c1,0111s, c.-- ir

TotalHunu by Innings- --

Mal- l-

MMciit mm.. '.'m,, iiMf r-- tkAfciim. ,iuama w' suit, iforirifrif





10 n

It O

4 1



7 9

4 0 2


1 1 S 5

1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 t01 0 0 0

31 3 0 0 1 C 0 2 3



1, 3.





3 1 1 1

2 0 01 1 04 2

G c 4 0 0 C

3 1 1

3 1 0 1

If 4 1 0 0p 2 0 0

1 0 0 0

21 15 12tI It O

3b I 1 1 2H.


J,A. ss 3


.11 10 27 II

I -- ' v

G 4







I 2 3 4 C 0 7 b 9

n0 0






.,,... i!, i mi rjpiw " Wfv 'yi' i ,i

Don't Melt

For $J5 you can procure a electric

fan that will counteract effects of hot weather.

ready to be attached to yout ineande:cent lightwire in place of a lamp.




Fresh Salmon. Halibut,Poultry and

Crystal Springs ButterMetropolitan JVleat Co., Ltd.,

Tr lephone Main 45.

Merchants' Parcel Delivery.

Parcels, Furniture, Baggage, Etc.,to any part of the Gty. Will meet steam-ers and check outgoing baggage. Promptand reliable service.

'Phone Main 109.

Runs 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 C

Hits (12 0 0 0 10 0 14Honolulus

Runs 00100132 7Hits 1 0 2 2 113 0 10

Kcatned runs Mailes 2. Houolulus2.Three bate lilts Cogswell, Hampton.

Niuts.Twn base lilt Kn Suo.Sacrifice lilts Cusnck, Dals, Wren,

K11 Sue, J. Williams, A) Ictt, A. Wil-liams.

Stolen basps Cusack, Hampton, Roberts, Dmls 2, Coiwwell, Rjnn, Delorie,l.ouls.

Raso on balls Uy Joy 0.Struck out Hy Joy 10, by Williams 2,

hy Wren 5.Left on bases Honolulus 7, Mallea 7.Double play DavU to Cusack to

Cogswell.Passed balls Klley 2, Louis 2,' Gra-

dy 2.Dalle Joy 1.Time, of same 1 hour 35 minutes.Umpire, Ilowets.Scorer Cutting.


Tho Initial baseball games of theMidwinter League series were playedat Kaplolanl park jestcrday afternoonbefore a big ctowd with tlio followingresults:

1 2 3 I 0 C 7 8 9Aala 3 1 14 3 3 1 117Maklkl 0 1010000 C 8

1 2 3 4 C 0 7 8 9Paclucu 2 200104009lion Works 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 t


Tho Alohas defeated tho Healanlsjeslcrday on Maklkl grounds by ascoro of Tho Healanls bad thofirst Inning nnd scored ono run, andled up to tho third Inning. Tho Alohateam tied them In the fourth; but luthe fifth tho scoro was 9 8 In faor oftho Alohas and from this Inning tboywalked away from tbo Healanls tothe ninth. The Bcoro by Innings:

12 3 4 5 0 7 8 0Healanls ......10403004 012Alohas 1 0 0 4 4 C 2 0 17


MACKAY At Ills residence.Punchbowl ttrect, August 7,


1004.Donald George O. MacKny, aged SIjears. Serwces at tlio lato real-den-

today at 1:15 p. m. rrlcndsaro Invited, Interment at PearlCity.

Mrs. II, MncKay, tho widow who sur-W- cs

him, rmldci In Honolulu, TwohrotheiH lUo lu Sydney, Now SouthWiilcs, The deceased was a member ofPyramid Mawmlc LodRe, York;King Solomon lidge, Hail 1'ranclkco;lie wiih Rnynl Chief of tha Scottish

jlhlMlo Club of hau 'i nuclei n, nnd h4 number of tlio Caledonian and St. An- -

'imi lift







Puako-Kawaiha- e

School-hous- e QuestionIMItor Kcntng Uulletln: In W. V.

letter to the Uulletln of August 1st bethinks that the Government Is Justi-fied In putting up n largo school-hous- e

nl Puuko for twcho or less pupils anda small school-hous- o at Kawalhao forthirty or more, becnuse tho amount ofschool taxes collected ut Puako Isgreater than that nt Knwnlhac. 12vrnif this bo so, we still think that thoschool accommodations should bo

the number of pupils and notby tho nmounl ut taxes.

Howccr great tbo amount of schooltaxpacrs may bo In a certain township, If tlicro happens to bo few or nopupils, It would hardly bo worth whllaputting up a school house at all orpaying a teacher. Wo do not professto bo gifted with tho same powers otprophecy as W. V. In predicting that

Kawalhao Is doomed to extinctionor even tn decrease, In population laanother generation."

It has now existed for over a century nnd Is likely to exist ns a harborna long as "Hawaii la an Island." Weare by no means unaware of tho alarming mortality among Hawaiian child-ren, but this applies to nil town equal-ly, and It Is to be hoped that propereducation may check this In "that gen-

eration." Wo did not mean to objectto Puako lmlng a big school house,but what we did want In Kawalhae laone largo enough to accommodate thonumber of pupils; not ono of tho slxonow being built, which la one-thir- d

smaller than our old one, and not evenn water-tan- k prowdod, like Its morefortunate rlul at Puako.

South Kohala, Aug. 5.CORRKSPONDHNT.



The Pierrots wore kind to Honoluluto bill themsohes for u season of ononight only. It ought to be said In behalf of tho Pierrots that they did notcome to Honolulu to play and did notwant to play but allowed themselvesto bo persuaded to appear for the onenight. Tbo house was not crowded Saturday night, but considering the char-acter of the play it was a generous out-pour of patronage.

Tho entertainment consisted of acting nnd singing, with tho singing andat tine left out.


Ihe Republican Central Cummlttcomeets tonight at Republican hcadqunr.trra In decide the question of where tinTerritorial Convention will bo held, ntHonolulu or lllli),

'I ha wtlglit of untlinent (ferns tofavor llllo, nllhowuli tlnro nro a few

drnws kiiMe nf tlio s.tiiin place,' pruiulnt ut iiicmburs nf I hit inmmllteu(Sun I'rniit'ltrii und Nw York paper who will nmko lining nrtiuuionli furpleasn 1 () holding It livm,

mum nm LilS!L.2JL


Lr - Ri"f!t!m'rX'2pzin!tpoun

vllCtlil Dlti I ff,T!?ll'MlmlC30ta' "' Montana, 3; Nebraska;If rfJlill fill I I M 11V 8' Now Hampshire, t; Ohio, 23;ill po11(4; Pcnns)lvanla. 31: Rhode Island.

Publlthed Evory Day Except Sunday, South Dakotn 4, I'tah. 3: Vermont.it 120 ICIng Street, Honolulu, ,. Washington. 5; Wjomlng, 3; Noith

T. II., by the Dakota, I. Total. 1SG' P Democratic States Alabama, 11;

BULLETIN PUBLI8HINQ CO., LTD. Arkausis, 9, Florida. 3, tleorgla, 13;

h It. Editor,,J2; (lUiitli Uaiollita 0; Tennessee, 12;

.uiuieu at tbo Poatofflco at Houo-.Tcxa- fl s. Virginia. 12; Mar) land, 8;Itil-- i m second class matter. Iw'cst Virginia, 7. Colorado, 6; Idjlio,

1 . 3; Nevada, 3 Total 177.SUBSCRIPTION RATES. I Disputed States-Connect- 7i

New York, 39; Illinois, 27; Indiana, 15;Evenlncj Ou letln. ..Wisconsin, 13; New Jersey, 12. Total

Per month, anywhere InU. 8... I .75 113Per quarter, anywhere In U.S.. l.M A' llrop from m gllro epuW,ciBPer year, anywhere In tl.S 8.00 lcclor8 t0 m , a ra,hcr v,0,Pr year, postpaid, foreign 11.00 nml 1. ,,,.. no, fnr , .v ,h '

Weekly BulletinSix months $ .50Per year, anywhere In U. S.... 1.00

5. ,r postpaid, foreign .... 1.69

11 .yuuuu . ................. .256Vn.tntnro Hoi 718

MONUAI" AUG. 8, 1901.

AUVrt.wL CLAIV18 IN 1 tier A


Political forecasters hae already he.Kuu their work of laying out whatStates tlio candidate for 1'iesldent mustcarry to secure success, what States artIncluded In the doubtful list and what him nml he fell, mortally wounded, n

bo depended upon from the start by '"K twenty minutes later lleforo hollepiibilcvn nnd Democratic managers expired (leneral Keller had tho satis-Thes- e

prognostications are of coure faction of knowing that the JapaneseInilucmcd by tho pnitlznn ntllllatlons attack had been repelled,of the prophets. '1 hey arc nil Interest-- I Oencral Keller was the first highlug, liunovcr us showing the cxpectn-- , ,,l""8lan military commander to loso

l ' In this war. Ho resigned thotlous of bo.h parilcs and oulllnlng thechloi batt.e giouium. ,,lBh al111 '"crntlvt- - post of Governor of

IalerlncHdaff tn to tho andIho i.Ueior.,1 college this Jcnr ton- - go front,"d'anKC'l with GeneralMsts 01 4,b mcmbcis. of whom 2.1!) Is Zasalltch.

.....iriMiv ii,o ii.mncntic ri,,i,. who may now resumo the commnnd of

made up ut lopus, puts down l oi,,h"n"1 Slli"lnn orI"i.of General Keller Isi... . .1.. ...b 1,.iiicv ivuj vviiuiiii iiiuniiin iv v "U

Kuiued in outer to elect Pnrker. lintmony Is tliu wuti.li word of the Denio- -

truty. l,s leaders ate making theirfirst mute to patch up tioubtes In NewYoi-k- , .New joisay, Indiana, Illinois,Wisconsin, and UUlo. Delawnte, Mary-lau- d

t.nj W'.mI Virginia are scheduledto rt turn to the Ijcmncratlc column.Ilryan U to bo nllowcd free rein to sat-iny ui8 uiuoiuoii lor eleiilng a Ucmo- -

( r.ittn tn lint tilefitato Is uol marked ns fawirublo light-- ,lug groJindTjy u.itlouul managers. .

'lo bo eleaed Juote 1'arKer will rt--quire New- - ork, Illinois and Colorado,or New ork, Indiana, New Jersey andColorado, or New ork, Wisconsin,Now Jersey, Ncwidu nnd Colorado,

New (mk Is essential to Judge Pnr-lv- r.

With New ork there arc secralre.is3ii.iblc and possible cuinblnatlonsliny one of which wpuld e.ect him.This la on the assumption that everyNow l.nglaml SUlo will go Hepubll-ca- n,

whlic both Connecticut nnd RhodeIstund arc good giound. lthode Islandhas a Ucmutratii. Goternor, und

is u fair field,What No ork will do Is of course

tital but herubllcai.s claim that theycan sweep the boards without NewYork, It It should uppear that Parker'sstand for (.old puts the State In' hiscolumn. 11 Is ilalmed that New Jer-sey, Ithodd Island and Cunticttlcut arcsaniy hepubllcnn. Cleviland was Ihoonly Democrat who ever earned Huso&UUs and Parker inn t duplliiitc thoJob. Indiana is put in tho Kcpuhllcnncolumn because of Fairbanks' candl- -aacy. Illinois Is (lnlmed because thel'rcsidrnt Is popular theic, tho Itepub- -llcans hao n strong Statu ticket andthe Democrats are hopelessly split,West Virginia, though accepted asdoubtful, Is not conceded to CandidateDai Is by any means. According to theIlopubllinn scheme Hoosctclt Is tertalnof 2(7 electoral otcs or eight morethan the ncicfsary 239. The only ills- -putod States are New York, with 09electoral lotcs. Wist Virginia 7, andWisconsin 13.

In ndditon to tlfcse forecasts tho NewYork Herald has sired up tho situation j

la behalf of Democratic hopes, partlc-- 1

tilarly thrwo Demounts whom Pnrkiriimuu giau wiui ius fioiu ueciarnuon.It pi03cnts tho outlook In Its mobt un- -

The endorsementtherefuio stiind Marmont

showing the best the Democrats claimthey can do. Tho Herald saa:

"President Iloosoolt and his cam- -palgn managers admit the con- -dltloiu existing In the national cani- -l

ing!! since Saturday, when Judge Par- -nr sent nis now ramous gold telegram

to the Democratic conentlon nt St.IHi's, nnd the conferences at OysterUay between the President, SenatorFulrbauks. Ucorro II Co!tslou, chair-- 'laau or the National Commltteo; C, N.Bliss, treasurer of the National Com-- Jrnltlce, others of prominence dur- -Ing the last Un day u frank recog- -'

rtltlcn of the piobablllty that Instead ofImlng a walkover they may have ndisperato fight."

low Democratic courngo takes theplaio of despair lime vera 1 of the Stateswlik-- tho itcpubllcanj had appropriat-ed, und there U he u light all alongtho line. Tho Pro3ldcnt Is mightily

In tho effort ot tho gold rtandof Judge In tho States of NewYork, New Jersey, Connecticut. Indiana '

and Illinois Ho Is also Interested Inthe cifeit of the Humiliation of Henry(1. Dat Is in West Vliglnln Some of thebcrt Info. mod campaigners on tho Hepublican rldo fn.nl.ly admit that In thelast four da8 about half a dozen

States htuo beiomu entitledto placcR In tho doubtful andtho Presldint has heou told so, !

It la Mil I that Iho nll.tiimcnt as statedto tlio President very leioutly tlandsbj.. '.t'llim Ilka this;ItejuilillMii Stulrs-Callfor- nla, 10;

V, low, ; 10; Maine,;: !an3huls, U; Mldilgun, llj


j1 jm&w irr iw" - .

- 'l2i ZiL 13 KVBNINO BULLETIN. HONOLULU. T U.. MONDAY. AUG 8,1901. ' ' !- -- rc-r- "- -- k

13. l.nillflliilin. n. Mlfutiifilni0; jilMtiurl, 18; North Carollncf,

Republicans regaril Illinois as In thedoubtful column yet.

Death of Gen. KellerGreat Loss to Russians8t. Petersburg. August 1. I.leuton-an- t

(lenerni Count Keller was killedJuly 29, while resisting the prelimina-ry attack of Ueneral Kuroki's army onYang 80 Pass, 30 miles east of l.iaoYnng. The (leneral was standing neara battery which was subjected to aterrific fire when a shell burst close to

dpeplyfelt In court ilicles. He was a person-al faorlto of tho Emperor. His sis- -

Inv rnnntna Vtnlmtnl. I, n la .. ,.th , a f Vlim; FocM

Insane Woman FightsOn LoftyWindow 3111

New York, July 29. For five mln'

""'," "'K"1 l" "ev- - James Jicrry,a priest, fought on tho window iniKiof lhc tulrd "onr of n ho"" on Second

'avenue with Mrs. Jennlo Saxen, nn Inkmiiu wuiiiuii ueivrnunru 10 end ni'iown life by throwing her body to tutfctrect.

The priest, hearing that tbo womanhad been HI, called on tho family tosee of what assistance he could be.She talked wildly to him nnd sprannup, crying that sho would kill herself,and ran to tho open window.

Thejirtest caught her by tho tMrUns sue was auout to mraw ncrseii oihShe turned smngely on him nnd withdll her tried to fight him oil,Mrs. Suxcn's husband arrived at thispoint and went the asslstanco of thopriest. While awaiting the ofan ambulance the woman betamo so

lolent It was decided to place her In

a patrol wagnu and take her to the stntlon house. From there she was takento the hospital.

$12,000 FOR LIGHTS

(Continued from Pane 1.)

turo of i00.000, the principal objectionat Washtnton will bo the small amountof shipping be protected In Komoplaces compared with the cost of tholights proposed. I hac no doubt weshall secure powerful light for thislurmor and commanding points, nutalong the coafct of Kona, for ifwo build a 120,000 light-hous- It willlight not more than one lessel u week,These are points likely to ionic up Inthe minds of the Hoard at Washington

jwhen considering the iccommcndn- -tlons."

There will be a special meeting ofti,e Builders and Tradets' HxihungeTuesday. August 9. nt 1 o'c ock n. mf0r the purpusa of ciMisldeilug th ful- -i

ii, mailer of kcucreuntlnir tenders:(. ot(er from tho Merchants' Asso- -

elation legaidln Ethc intcitalnment ofSenator Foruker. i

, . ,coal Is dearer til South Africa than

n unv other nsrt of th world. It Ischeapest In China. I

(- I- lKKSl'i ,?tKiVV)'j- 4!l && &




I Business ij TRUST


i & J;


vviowrVV,vv,v,VrVfVtV(vr-N- r

"" liiiin itiiiiiiK-- r

PjpflRBHfe JjH The care the whether he Is business BLflSl stVHH or pleasure Is to make sjre his supply cigars HH v BM they run goes wrong. B

WsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsVsBT "EM B!S care t'ie Vv'10 'ia due 'or, HEXr-- ) Cwl his health should be that his cigars are Hywi' General Arthur H'

mCmnlk M - CigarsHn3JtJ' , fRlkJia)H ,No rnan can expect to havs a clear head, a hand H

LlLLVlslJjtsL. 'In JO H n( H0tlon habit jahy .wtioKes strong, import- -

wmir 1 -- - ML ' VC H The General Arthur has the true, rich, perfect Havana HsiiiipTrrr:.'; sM "avor but ' mlld and It gives you tatlttac- -

T i rrriO--'- B tlon without Injurious results. HijklH GUNST-AKI- N CIGAR COMPANY, H






Thero was a largo calendar In lh0Police Court this morning, there beingno less than slxty-fh- e defendants whohail to face Judgo Lindsay on minuschurges

Ah Sam, on aged, miserable lookingChinaman, minus a micuo and one fin-

ger, got Into troublo through hisfalling of around chicken

coops at night-time- . Ho wasunder tho vagrancy law of having beenfound on tho premises of a Japanese,named Mlhara, In Iwllel at 2 o'clockthis morning.

Mlhara testified that last Fridaynight live of tho Inmates of his chick'en coop had been stolen. Since thenho had been keeping watdi at night topresent any further depredations ofthis nature Iasl night he caught AhSam Inside tho coop. The Chinesehad n bag In his hand. He tried to escape hut the Japanese caught htm andtook him down to King street, whereho gnvo his prisoner In chargo of.Mounted Officer Itosc.

Ah Snm swore that ho had not covcted tho complainant's chickens. Heraid the place where lie was caughtwas nil open lot which was In generaluso as n thoroughfare.

Ah Sam recently served a sentenceof thren months for stealing chickensand tho Court did not take any stockIn his tulo. Ho was to sixmonths' Imprisonment at hard labor.

J. It. Marmont was charged withhaving threatened to kill Mrs. DavidNnonc. Mrs. Naono testified that shehad wanted to evict Marmont fromher house, where ho was living, when

the churge. Tho Court stated thatMrs. Nnnno seemed very much cxcltodand that probably sho was tho victimof exaggerated fears. Marmont s storyseemed plauslblo nnd ho was dischargecl 'tn u to stay away frommo complaining

I.eong Chee, a Chinese was brought


laioraule llglit for Republicans und lowing subjects: of tho defendantbeenmo angry andilulms aic aluable ns ,h0 Governor's on citizen labor: eneil to shoot her. denied






Del-tH- c









aood 'who

is a part of our busi-

ness to procure Bonds.

Mortgages and other

high grade securities for




Fort and Merchant Street,,Honolulu. Hawaii.

! 71 ir


Hharmless tH

hope-less hanging




threat-th- o


from Walalua to town this morning by,Deputy Sheriff Andrew Cox. He np-- .

peared In court this morning charged.with assault with Intent to commitmurder. Leong Chti Is said to bo theowner of tho store where the recentbig Walalua melee took place. Thochargo against him Is the outcome oftutm nfrn!,. 1Mb rtna.. una mnt Itiiiml

'until Aug. 12.The thirteen Walalua Chinese who

were arrested on account of the partthey took In the same affair appearedundcr charges of robbery. Judge A. S.llumphrcjs appeared for the prosecu- -

tlon. Uoth sides were ready, but onthe suggestion of Judge Lindsay thecase was continued until tomorrow- -

Tcn cllneso gambleis who were nrrested by Detective McDulIlo last Saturday night for plajlng palkau, allpleaded guilty and were lined $10 andcosts each. Klght Chinese, charged .


with playing knuchal, had their cases strango cult was contemplating goingnolle pros'd. A gang of thirteen Porto Into tho chicken and egg businessItlcans and one Hawaiian, who were down here. Finally Mr. Atkinson

'playing In the Vineyard cldt d that "Information for settlers")

street camp, all pleaded guilty andwere fined $2 nnd costs each.

The cases of Mr. White, charged un.der two charges of selling liquor with-

out a license nt Pearl City, were bothcontinued until Aug. 15.

James E. Ward, chnrged with assaultand battery on J. Sllvn, had his casenolle pros'd.

en Kaulca, charged with assault andbattery on Tong Chin, pleaded guiltyand was fined $3 and costs.

I.lplllpl, a Chinese, was fined f." amicosts for IcaWng his horso untied.

I.ul Doela and David Kapaa, twojoung Hawaiian, were charged withnITiay. They pleaded guilty and werofined 13 and costs each.

Matsumoto, a Japanese, chargedwith assault and battery, had his casunolle pros'd.

Carlo Juan, charged with larceny Intho second degree, had his case con-

tinued until August 10,


A Jolly crowd left tho harbor nhout10 o'clock jesterday morning In theYoung nrothors' launch "llrothers."lhc party aboard waa taken to PearlHarbor, where dancing was enjojed ntthe palllon while somo of the partywent swimming In the harbor. Aboutnoon luncheon was spread out uponthe lawn under the trees. After lunchthero was moro dancing and at G:30p. m the party started homeward,

at 7:30 In tho evening afterhaving spent a pleasant day. Somo oftl'osu present went down by the train,Among those who made the trip wcratho Mlssei Sarah and Maria Williams,Miss Marie Le Uius, Miss Clark, MlfcsJuhnsun, Mrs, Eliza Lo tiros, MissJulia Hush, the Misses Kinney. CarlosLong, P. Maurice McMahon, Mr. I'hll-lip- s.

Mr Dush, Mr. Le Oros, II. W.and Mr. Young.


Tho Territorial band will give aconceit at tho Hawaiian Hotel this

following program will be renderedPART I.

March "Who Dare" .,.., SouloOveiluie "Anltn" WilliamsSelection "Carmen'' IllzctVocal -- Four llawullan Bung ...

--. . . . nrr. by llergerPART II.

Selection ''Musical ltovluw",,tlv!oioiHicrmitzzo "Tho Gondolier" ..i'owoll(invotto "Klslo" TiommerFlnalo "Ilcdella" ,, Hclivvarlz

"Tho Blur Hpnngled Iliuiner"

Knmosl, n Japanese, swnro (0 a complaint alleging that Hondo O.lil, u Jap.nm.ljt untnnti aliilit IB Rn frnm filmvvhllo liu was nsleep In hU room lustnlulil, Thu complainant was under1tho Iiiuuchko of liquor at tho tlino,


New York. Aug, 1. A remarkablearticle appears In the Novoo Vremyafrom the pen of the n writer,M. Mcnchlkoff, tho substance of whichis that Russia has been utilized byPmHtilpnt llrmftevpl I for thn nilmnaA rthis Imperialistic nmbltlons, snys thofit. Petersburg correspondent of thoIlctnld.

Russia, the article says, has been plc- -tured to the American people ns a men- -nco to them, thereby emphasizing thonecessity of having n belligerent Pre- -



(Continued from Page 1.)first Idea was that somo ono of tho

was desired. Following Is n copy ofthe communication:

55'on City, Illinois,July 24, 1903.

Mr. Secretary.Dear Sir: Your Name has been

handed to mo by tho Hon. Mr. M. IIAllen. Chief of Hurcau, at Washing'ton, D. C.

Will you please bo kind cnuff to sendmo what Inphormtalon )ou make havoto setters, as I expect to Icavo thisplace In the fall. Yours very Truly,

It. n. aiLDKUT,Zlon City, Illinois.

It will he observed that tho man ofZlon dates his letter hack one yenr.piolmhly mistake, unless ho held thomessage twelve months, undecidedwhether or not to desert tho sacredcity,

(lllhcrt'ft letter may mean 0110 of nilmcious things. It may ho taken nsnotice of the com Ing of many Zlonltesto Hawaii, or it mny indicate only thatho and his Immediate family wnnt tocome to Hawaii,

Perhaps Dowlo Is to establish A

brunch Zlun In tho Paradise of tho Paclflc. It will ho remembered that the"Pinphel" was much Impressed withtho natural advantages of Honoluluand thu Kiirioundlng country.

Or Qllbert's note of inquiry mnyhao nothing lo do with Zionism. ItIs Just pusslblo that ho Is forsakingDowlelsm.

Whatover may bo Gilbert's connec-tions, however, thero Is plenty otroom for htm In Hnwnll and Acting(oveiuor Atkinson will see that thort'iiuist for Information Is given nit 1mmediate reply. Iind CommissionerPratt and tho Promotion Committeewill ho asked to supply thu Inquirerwith full particulars as to conditionsand inducements here,


Paris, Aug. U According lo trustworthy advices tho Japanese seriouslyfear nn upilstng in Korea, where thoannouncement that Japan intends tu

, dietrlbuto tho lands not actually oil

grcauy incensed ma natives. I no Jap-anese) garrison. It Is added, subsequent-I- j

strengthened by thousands duringthe last few da).

Your MoneyEARNS

4 1-- 2 p. c. interestAnd ran he wlthdiawn on Demand.Amounts received from 11.00 to





evening1, beginning nt 7:30 o'clock. Tlic.iiUc-- among Jnpancso colonists hiif

Willcox & Gibbs is the Only

AutomaticNo Tension Silent

8TAND8 It willthe BEST.

Pacific HardwareSOLE


8amplei of China and Glassware moved downstairs HOUSEHOLDDEPARTMENT for the convenience of customers.

ni In ns svo.n--J


keep your property properlyOur paints are the best

dou't guess it,

LW 1 I

Adf. that add money to your S. SIGNS426


There Is trouble over the new twoshilling Kngllsh coin. As it showsllrltnnnla she has only 0110 foot.

A game of cricket was Jilajed on theMuklkl grounds last afternoonhrtwee ntinma 1 Iciteil by It. A, Jordanand Hob team numbered nine players. Hob Anderson'steam defeated the Veteran's follow.Ing to thu ttino of 229 to S3, CaptainAndoi son's own mugnlllrent score ntlti2 runs was responsible for the greatdisci rjmucy In tho scores of the twotiams.

Iho detailed scores were as fcdlows;JORDAN'S TRAM.

J. A. M. Maclean b. Hurrlfcon 8S, Heardmore, not out 51T. aill, b. Harrison 11It. A. Jordan r. and h. Harrison ., 3A. Tullutt b. 11. Cation ,. 0fl It. Jordan c. Anderson b. Catton 0Wcedou, run outA i:. Joid.in, b, A. Ration 0Porter, h. A. Cation 4

KxtruB 7

Total for 8 wickets S3ANDIIRSON'S TBAM.

V, Harrison, run out 411. Audnrron, nut out 1G2

It. 11. Catton b. C. Jordan IIW. h. Stanley, did not batII. Mytton c. Olll h. Ileal dmore ... 0J, M .Tucker b. Ilcnidmora IJ. II. Catton c, Vullctt b. Maclean , 7Center b. Mnclenn 0II. T. Dcurdmoro b. A, A. Joidun , 0

Uxtrns j

Tutul for 7 wlckih ........ 220

There nio 110 fewer limn 110 nation-ttllllo-

into which the Itusslmi populn-lio-

Iiuh hucn dlvldnd, the llirro greatslocks ludsg tho linns, the Tin la is,nml thu Ways,

be appreciated by those seeking

Company, Limited.AGENTS.


paint is house lnnirancelosing money if you don't

covered with good paint. I

there is tre know it, we

sJJx- o-


Stanley Stephenson, JTHEPAINTES,

business-rS- .

'Phone 3J7King;St.



Editor Evening Dulletln Will oukindly affoul mo space for tho follow-ing: I havo read n clipping which Isuppose Is from the Advertiser, whichis substantially as follows: "Therehave been received here not fully au-

thenticated reports that FrederickO'Hrlon married an uctrcss on hrrdeathbed In Manila."

I was married about eight years agoto JIIss Oertrude Fryc, of Muine. adaughter of the late Wakefield O, Fry.Consul General of States tuHalifax for many yca'rs, and cousinof U. S. Senator Win. 1. Fryc. She Isstill my wife and Is with me now.

Why this uncalled fur publication Icannot understand.

Edward F. O'ltrlcn, owner of theSunday Sun, a weekly ot Manila, mar-ried on her deathbed nn Australianuctrcss some months ago. Ho- - is atpresent under sentence to prison fur "tlibel.

Thanking you In advance for jnurrourtesy, 1 urn.

Yours lespcctfully.FREDERICK O'llUIEN.

IThe erroneous publication by theAdvertiser was corrected In tho Bul-letin somo weeks ago, this paper stat-ing the details of the manlage o(O'llrtcn of the Sun and that It louldnot possibly bo Find, O'llrlcn, whosowife Is very pleasantly remembered InHawaii. Editor Uullctln.


Mukden, Aug, 1. Tho AssociatedI'less learns on unqucstlonuhlo author-ity that Viceroy Alexlt-f- f Is about toIcavo Mukden on an extensive Inspection tour of the vlco royalty.

Head "Wants" on page 0.

Artistic SignsAnd Satisfaction Guirantted wlirn mail


yfli'r a











THIS or' any design you may sug-

gest furnished In Granite,

Hawaiian Stone, Marble, White

Bronze or Real Bronze. .

Gall or Write--

mgggggrgmNO Pi

KSH0'i5 B

8 hmH x

I!H H 8


J. C. AXTELLAlakea St bet, King and Hotel Sts,

It never (ails the. cook, there-

fore the cook should never faitto use ,



It has been the standard ofquality for over a quarter of acentury in Honolulu and else-


Sold by all reliable groceK.

H. Hackfeld & Co.,Limited,



Tha Woman with the Fan, by RobertHlcheni.

The Seiner, by J. B. Connolly.The Snare of Love, by Arthur W.

Marchmont.Tlllle, by Helen R. Martin.He That Eateth Dread with Me, by H

A. Mitchell Keayt.Admirable Tinker, by Edgar Jepton.Tomasco'a Fortunes, by Henry Leton

Merrlman.A Prince of Sinners, by Appenhelm.The Woman Wins, by Robert Barr.A Little Union Scout, by Joel Chand-

ler Harris.


Young: Building.

Stock To Arrive Aug. 7.Per S.S. Nevadan.

A number of Fine

MILCH COWSInquire at


'Phone Mnln 100 x

FORjSALE.Tho mountain section of the 111 ol

Kalawoilne, containing an area ol

tS acres.This land extends from a abort dla

iinco above tno Lunallto Home to theof Tantalus and thence to tbs

brad of Mama valley. It Includes a

portion of the upper section of Fauoa.Valley.

The fJovernnieiit Tantalus Roadwinds through tho property for aboutthree miles, making easy access available to all parts. It contains all of thechoice, available locations for Moun-tai-

Homes.There are never-fallin- springs at

the upper end of the property whlekcould be opened up and mad to furtUb, an ample water surply. Tkerare several houses and gardens on theproperty.

The land Is heavily timbered ansreaches an elevation at Its highestjoint of over 2,000 feet. In the tropicsblgh elevations bring ht'altb, For furtker Infmtnatlon apply to

A. V. OKAn,1U King BL


i ne Choice oft" Connoisseurs'

OTl&' t,,,ali,'$!( fil' Vl a,ul al,M,,ltc p""ty xKLH Primo Lager )

tlOurT Delightful in it rith hop flat or,

Golf TournamentAt Haleiwa Sunday

Tho day nt Halclwa Sunday won opleasant ono for ct or) body who took.nuvuniHKU ui mo uxcuioiuu. iiu: kmmatch attracted a lot of good playc'ra.Tiio music by tho Territorial hand wasgreatly appreciated by tho guest oftho hotel.

Tho golf tournament vian partlilpatcd in by tiio following with tiio linn.ti- -

cans as Indicated1. Ormo, J. 8 13

2. Wood, Dr. II 30

S.Johnson, Horace 28

4. Mahaulu.H ,t 12

5. Maliaulu, Judge 7

0. Lelthcad.O.S ,. 7

7. Church, F. J IS8. Balrd. tt. K 20

9. Angus, Geo. II 7

10. Grant, II. It 28

11. Smith, P. C 30

12. Tbajcr, W. W 15

13. KawllnB, JV. T. 13

14. Dunn, Allan IS15. Sheldon. I C 7

10. Hartwell, Chan. A scratch17. Macfarlanc, Guy 30

18. Khulo, Prince IS19. David, rrlnco 20

20. Dennlson, Geo. P 30

21. Ross, Donald 1

ii. Buchanan. W. M 10

23. Majnll, O &

24. Williamson. Wm 20

25. llurnlngham, T. A SO

"il. Sinclair. II 3

The winner of the match was llironK. llalrd.

The BUSINESS MAN'S HANDY INOCX, pubhsned In the Saturday Bulletin and th Weekly Edition, gives Itonclte and complete resume of alllal notleea, tails for tendete. Judgments, building permits and realtate transaction. Evening Bulletin,75 cents per month. Weekly Bulletin)

It oer year.

Tho Weekly Edition of tho Eveningnullctln gives a complete summary ofthe news of the day.

PSH 1 aave



"irxrz. j?






J3lWM New Rugs

In TheRug Sale

The " Doiic" ai rived fromthe Orient just in the nickof time to add more handsome patterns to oursale.

We really didn't expectthem until next steamer, butnow that they are here wehave Included them with theothers so as to make the lastweek of our saie unusuallystrong.

The same liberal discountwill be given on the newrugs as on the others.

II you want new rugs foryour floors you will nevernave a better chance thanthis to buy.

Many new patterns are inthe new lot.

The sale includes beautifulblue and white JapaneseCotton Rugs, Chinese Twist-ed Matting Rugs, plain, andmatting ot every good Kind.


177 S.King Street.

Ttio M. H, Brand

cup of real ed coffeeto start bade of the actual

that is, to the roasting andgrinding:.


Is roasted fresh every day and groundas you need it.It is pure old Kona coffee and there isnone better on catth clear and delici-ous. Corts only

25c the Pound

WSL Henry

Lewers Cooke,


May & Co., Ltd,,--TELEPHONES-24

- f.JIHr If )ou uant a piece of soliil, sulistanti.il VH

HJ gold jewelry of any ilocriptioa, is . H9RH Ami put will nut li.ne to uy any mure man B

Hl its fair ami jut value, HH You can rely on its quality Wing a wc rH

BgMH rrprccnt Hl

HH M, R. COUNTER, 1142 Foil Street.


g '


pas! '

,25;jg I




If greatly troubled with mosquitoesnotify the Board of Health. ,

Head "Wants" on page C. j

All the nrw books nl Willi, Nklinln

Tor choice stoo wood ring tip Main250.

Oom Paul Is dead hut Paul Jones stillthen at Hie Pnnllicon.

Tti liMst n.it. nt fntTm In....lie irvs .uy ". vv. (

tho city. N: England Uakcry.(

A single-roo- una two-roo- i uttnajeIn for rent. See Tor Kent column,

Neatly furnished rooms at tho Pop-

ular. $1, $1.60 and 2 per week. 1249

Fort Street.Get that habit buying your firewood

from Main 200, People' Express Co.,Merchant St

If made by Wall, Nichols its good,Whnt? Hubbcr stamps.

Acme Ilyo and Ushcra Special lie- -

sene Scotch Whiskey nro spitl-iltlc-

at the Favorite Saloon. Ask Kllcy fortbem.

A few more hard tlmi-- kitchenutenslla are added to the lint In tiio notlcc from the mammoth giorcrv, LewIs & Co , Md.

Acting Gorrnor Atkinson nptntSundn nt Wnlalmi, whcic the Tenttorlal band delighted tin: lll.igirs andUaltqra nt the Ilalelwn Hotel

In using cut hay )ou git whit 5011

pny foi J no dirt or wnUe It In 11 Ha-ving nnd the Mock like It Kold nt Cali-

fornia Feed Co. nnd City Fctd MoreEnrly this morning the Acting Gov-

ernor inndu nn ofllclal visit to I'auojvalley, nurklug obecrvntlonii In lhin, liter of roads and, Inrhtt-ntall- ) It I

raid, coiiKldcrlng posglblllticK In llinuitlir of public recicatlou gtoumlK

Tho Atnerlian liarktulliip W II. Ill- -

liiond wilt Ball fur Han rinnilfio thisafternoon with a cargo nt 10.2M1 bagsugar nnd 1,080 empty raus.Tho A.-I- Rteaimihlp NVvmlan will callfor San rraticlnco nt " p m with acaigo of sugar, She will take mall.

All the latent models ot kodaks canhe found at Honolulu Photo Supply Co,Also nil supplies that nro ncctssary.Kodnlc developing machine fur thoxowho wish to do tneir own work anilprinting nnd developing for those whodo not. Ilrownlu cameras nro Just thothing for tho joungslers.

A wlrclcn telegram Saturday Matedthat tho Hllo Grand Juiy made n n

of no hill In the matter of E, D.Baldwin, hound over li) Dlstitcl Mag-tsttat-

llap.il on the th.irgc of embez-

zlement. When HiIh return was niniloAttorney tleiicral Andrew mleietl nnollo pioxequl In the cares nf Wm.Itngsdnle and Clius. WIIII.uiih, nUo lor-me- r

viiiiiIujcvh In tho Land Olllee 011


Elixir of Life Is

Found By Kibblewhite

Nov York, July 21. A eahle In theJournal from I.omlim sajs: I'lofingoiII. J. Klhlilenhlle, uho lu.irH In hUexternal nppcainiKC eer) Indlratlnnot hnvliiR Holved nt lmit pait of thopiohlem which cxed 1'onro do Leon,iwiH evohed n theory that i?lailal arttlomid may h renanled n n upcilllenKulliHt olil HKe. In diet iissliiB his the.ory he sn)st

"It liau heen notlud Hint nnliu.ilHfur their UiiwUty hive n

fiiuilly for rinewliiR ut liiternl theirakin or xhell or other portion of tlu-I- r

(initio In which tho waste of Hie bodyl.ciiiiHr! niciimuliitcd. After n certainnee the hinn-i- tody nppnrentl) (albIn IIh function ot ilinnvliii; tho de-i-

nMe organh inatlci- - taken lulu theliod Tlitho HiiliMuncis iicciimiilate Inhiich iiiiaiiUtle that they cannot lie

of mid all otilliiuiy iittcmptK toleiuose them full, ,

"Slxtten jears iiro, lifter n K"Od dealor pievioiiH Inipiliy, I took.rrslof Klactal iKillc ncld nsilltohlnK tho dead wnste out of the)skin 1 found It luted mnplinlly I

used tin - partH of add to one ofwater, nnd applied, tho lucp.UHtlouafter n hut hath hefnru retiring ntnlxlit I nihbid my body Ugorotndywith add for ten minutes anil then KotInto hed damp. 1 found In my (lirennd In that of others thai this treatment cm nl Kout unit banlnliul nil luheand pain of fatlRiie."


New York, July 23. A inb1 to theWoild fiom Home naH-- . An otlUlalbulletin of tho Itnllim l'ontofflcc

Kltt-3- , In It latett Ifsiip, tumoInterestliiK details of nu Intention ofCnttunl whlili ho mils the tehdiiltllo.Krnpli 11 Is 1111 Instiiiiiient by whichomi Ik able to utilize u willing ma-

chine in older to' send or icieixe imssage dm the telephone If the per-son soukIiI for bhould not bo nt the

n machine left In contact will ac-

curately write the nuasiiRo, niovlMKl.cjfi of the l)pcwrlter curiepondlngto thoMi In the sendei' iinchlne Me- -

siiKi can be unit to Keverul peisonsa I once.




St I'ltMshuiR, Auk 1. Count Tul."

hlnlH.t.011 Is le.iUnn for the fiont as n'0l1111t11l In tho Two llundrid nmlj

Sctntitiilh (Kiuniy,) iitlnnut of



DEX, published In the oaturdsy Bulle-

tin an ' the Weekly Edltloo, gives a I

concise ind complete resume ol all le-

gal notices, call for tenders, Judgrrents, building permits and real es- -

In ShoesWhat Do You Want?

On the Outside " Looks'On the Inside COMFORT"Throughout All-- r k Wear"And After That ' Price"

Well, tkats what ou'r really lookingfor then you cannot come our storequickly. It's where you belong.




Pillov Tops

on Sale.

Girls who like to dofancy work should lay ina supply of pretty pillowtops while prices are downto about one half.

Other Rirls who likepretty pillows, without thework, have the samechunce in art pillow topsthat need only to be stuffed.

S1.25 pillow tops at 75c. 4-- c75 i t

75 .. .. .. 35C

35 25C

Sale begins Monday morn-

ing.I'om Pons that were 2 doen

for 25c are now 5c a doen.Tassels were .ipc a dozen arc-no-

5c a dozen.


for Men

Now On Sale,

Good balbriggan shiitswith short sleeves reducedto 2c each.


Claus Spreekels. Wm. Q. Irwin.

Claus Spreekels & Co

BANKERSHonolulu, : : :

San Francisco Agent Tho Ne-

vada National llauk of San Francisco.Draw Exchange on tho Nevada Na-

tional Dauk of San Francisco.London Tho Ualon of London

Smith's Dank, Ltd.,New York American exchange Na-

tional Dank.Chicago Corn exchange National

Bank.Paris Credit Lyonnals.Hongkong and Yokohama Hong-

kong Shanghai Hanking Corporation.New Zealand and Australia Hank

ot New Zealand and llauk ot Austra-lasia.

Victoria and Vancouver Dank otIlrltlsh North America.

Deposits reccUcd. Loans made onnpnroed security. Commercial nndTrnu-lers- ' Credits Issued. BUI of Hi- -

change bought and sold.Collections Promptly Accounted For,



CAPITAL, 250,000 00.

President Cecil BrownVic President M. P. RobinsonCashier W. G. Cooper

Offlco; Cornor Fort ami King fits8AVING3 DEP08IT8 received and

luterckt allowed for yearly deposit attat transaction. Evening Bulletin, itho ratetif 4 per cent, per annum.

cents nir month. Weekly Bulletin,: Rules and ruulatlons furnished11 per yar. lou application,

ifto too

T. H.


75 up- -



Handy ThingsAT

Factory Prices

Garden Sprinklers, screw note ...,20cTea Kettles 30cTea Pot 20cPol Containers 15cCoffee Pot 20cGraters 05cDippers 10cSponge Cake Pan 20crie ana jeny i;axe Mans lucLunch Boxes, Japanned folding ....25cFlour Sifters . 20cBread Pans 15c


240 2 Telephones 240

The Yokohama Specie Bank, Ha,


Capital Subscribed Yen 24,000,000Capital I'ald Up Yen 18,000,000Resorted Fund Yen 9,320,000


BRANCHES Bombay, Hongkong, Ho-nolulu, Kobe, London, Lyons, Nagasaki, Nowchwang, New York, Peking, San Francisco, Shanghai, Tlcntslt, Toklo.Tho hank buy and receives for col

lection Bill of Exchange, IssuesDrafts and Lottors of Credit nnd transact a general banking business.HONOLULU BRANCH, 67 UNO 8T


Improved and Modern 8UQAR MACHINERY of every capacity and description made to order. Boiler workand RIVETED PIPES for Irrigationpurposes a specialty. Particular attentlon paid to JOB WORK, ana repairexecuted at shortest notice.

"For Sale" cars at Bulletin office.

Novel Effects


NoWsToiracKiorsiHONOLULU. Aujj, 8. IBC .

NAME OF STOCK CatlUl j ..1 Aikad

MERCANTILEC Hrtwcr At Co u I mo fny tooL I) kur Sl '.a Lt4 no.oooi Sol


(UwjiUn Ajrrfculturl Co !,JOtuO) IWjmw Lorn k sutrr -- o t,llfl,TSo too 5


: ..i....'.d ... .

::.::,- -!


HiKUnNui;ir Co w. aJ0O9),Monomit StiK-i- Co tJO.Oool IOOMonobai Suar Co ff OOO l30l tO)

IU ku SuBir Co fc. yjQAMt tCW

hAhLku I1 ant a nn Lo cosnKthcl llnnutlon Co LtJ 9 TW oaol ?!Kfp hiilu bugaf CO rooooo tooKolna Suetir Co .MHW. joo.rnol tooMcBryJ Sugar Co . iiooo:Oahu Surir Co . J 600,000 tieOnomea Sugar Co I,C50W0Ookala .Sugar f lartt Co w.ooo'Olaa Sugar Co LM HW 1100,000Oiowalj Co . t)o,ouo( tooPaauhtu Sugar Plan) Co S 000,000 50pacific ufirMin 500,000 tooPata Plantation Co tytxo tooPerko Surar Co fO,0OO 100PluftMr Mill Co ,tfAoo looWalalua Arrkiritural Co 4 $00000! toowatiuKU Dutarco fooooo tooWalmanalo Surar C . t) eoo loa

M SCLLUHEOUSWllJerieAm.hpC W 000 tooIntt-Ila- n J Strata N C hOOO tooHawaiian LWtrkC . yroaa 100Hodm T& LCoPM..Hon PT&LCa ComMutual Telephone Co ItO.QTJO iwanu hh llo 4m ou 100MlloKinroaJCo l.oooiuo):

UONOS IHaw Tef a p i (Ftrt ClHaw Tef 4 p C HMWM.Haw Gov int.. .uHaw Com A: SugCo 5 reEwa plant C06 pc .HailoSugir Co opeHawSucar Co ftpHlloURC'tLin6pr.ItonK I MU6pC WKahuku Plant Co 6 1?OahuH&LCofipc - ii.hwjnu iu(tiri.ODpcOlaa Sugar Coop c it.Palallant n 109PionrrMIIICoCpc ISCWalalua Agftc Co 6 p c IPO

Sale Jjnno Hnwn Bunar Co.bonds. $100. Sl.cim Pna bonds. 1100;20 Hunn Sugar J. !

Latest Sugar quotation, 4.0625 cent'.


Established In 1808.

BANKING DEPARTMENT.Transact business In all department)

of Banking.Collections carefully attended to.Uxchango bought and sold.Commercial and Travelers' Letters

ot Credit Issued on Tho Bank of Cali-fornia nnd N. M. Rothschild & Sons.London.

Correspondents The Bank of California, Commercial Banking Co, otSydney, Ltd, London.

Drafts and cable transfers on Chins.and Japan through tho Hongkong tcShanghai Banking Corporation bei.Chartered Bank of India, Australiaand China.

Interest allowed on term deposits atthe following rates per annum, viz- -

Seven days' notice, at 2 per cent.Three months, at 3 per centSix months, at 3 2 per centTwelve months, at 4 per cent.

TRUST DEARTMENT.Act as Trustee under mortgage.Manage estates (real and personal).Collect rent and dividend.Vnluabte papers. Wills, Bonds, etc,


Auditors for Corporations and Pratu Firms.Uool.g examined and reported on.Statement of Affair prepared.Trustees on Bankrupt or Insolvent

Kstntefl.OFFICE, 924 BETHEL ST.

SAVINGS DEPARTMENT.Deposits received nnd Interest al-

lowed nt 4 per cent, per annum. Inaccordnnco with Rules and Regula-tions, eoptcn ot which may be obtainedon application.INSURANCE DEPARTMENT.

Agents for Fire, Marine, Life, Acci-dent and Employers' Liability Insur-ance Companies.

Insurance Office, 924 Bethel StI "For Sale" card at Bulletin offlc.

In Light Weight

GOODSAmong the season's creations. In NEW and PRETTY DESIGNS,

both In white and colors, which we are showing, are:





ETAMINE, and Silk Vesting Mercerlied.

100 PIECES OF FANCY SILK for shirt waist and shirt waistsuits; NO TWO ALIKE. U ill?;j 1. ill., la Al At

These goods are on exhibition; we Invite an Inspection; come In.


" No. 10 Store," Fort St.

-- m




iirfc-jjaf-c. jj



WV""" "T " iipipmifif jp T7f3(?wr- -EVDNlNO IU.LLKTIN. H0N0I.ULU7t. II., MONDAY, AUO. 8. 1901. T

WANTSuo Pjiro B, INI2W TO'DAV, for- - Now Acl.




Mav 6 Houses for tale at Patama;CtO eaths balance WITHOUT INTER-- T

at ? 10.00 per month.


N. 74 8. KINO ST. TEL. MAIN 386.

llc9 Jackson la now prepared torUUftr Email packages and to movefurniture to any part of the city.Terroi reasonable. Satisfactionennrantced. Stand, Merchant andAlakta Street!. Telephone Main 313.Giro mo a trial.

"ri,rnmf""VZrZ "T':! 7-- m. Uesldonco Tel. Blue 2031".



Bec-oo- d hnnd blcjele In good condition.AldrcEi 'U, ' Itulletln olllce. '


A white gtil to take eaie of children.Address II Bulletin :i3" lu

Two or three good solicitors. AddressK. Ttollrttn oHUo 2SlCtf

TO LET.A 4 room cottago Willi bathroom, sta

tlonnry bath tub, water closet nndwashstand on Artesian St.; ?20 per.month. Apply I Mclncruy, 1130Tutt St. 2S33tf.

FurnUbrd cottage or Mrs. Unas, llen-tan- lu

St. near l'unalioii, possessionglu.n after Aug sth. For paitlrularsiapply on premises. 2832-l- ;

Six stores in tho Kaplolnnl Building,1,sIm '3 i 40 with cellar will bo rentedat $30 n month each. Kaplolanl EsUte Ltd. 2793 tf

--itcottage on Culluc St formerly

occuplixl ly J c.ulld possessiongiven at nun' Applj .14 lleiitaula.

2H'9-t- f

New 2 dory hoiiFC, S rooms, 1415 Alapal near Quarry St.; beautiful oceanview; rent $1S. water Included.

2S0S lw

Lodging house, twenty-fou- r rooms,over icrruory senuics; rene reason-- 1

able. Inqnlro nt stables. 2S33-I- I .

jlA modern 7 room rottnRO, mosquito-profit- ,

vie (.trip lights, rent $30. Ap-pl- y

MS Boretantn. 2830 tf

RrOWCP'c Wharf PftntrrjrtDlCrrCl O II Hall UUIIUdLL

. Declared Not Legal"" I

Justlco Ilat.h wiltlug tho opinion.'mo supremo cnuri iinnnimoiisly ar- -

firms tho deereo of Judge ItoblnsonKrantliiR a permanint Injunction, onIho complaint of John Lucas, ngalnstthn American Hawaiian Engineeringnnd Construction Co. C S. Hollow ay.

nor.s aunerintenfienr. nnrtAuditor l'lsher. Kluney, McClannhau& Cooper for plaintiff; M. 1' I'rosserfor tho Territory, and Castlo & With-InMo- n

for tho Construction Co.Kaja tho opinion In part;"Allegations In an answer setting up

that tho bill was brought to gratifyprlvato vengeance and not In the pub-lic Interest, and that plaintiff hadthreatened tho Institution of this suitunless certain officers of defendantcorporation should use their Inlluenceto cauie tho dlsmlssnl of another stiltlanding against the plaintiff, no unfairncnaniago nawng oeen shown to uac

lu,ieceptlons to answer.--The motives of a taxpayer In bring.'.'


and does


urcTall appellate tho,first

"A lor constructionwharf and work, speci-fications which reserved


uud competition Impossible, andthe Itself old,

advancedtho plaintiff that the originaland specifications were Indefinite

bo for compctltlvoThe uncertainty fromthe reserved thoto structure) uny of

rvmvoed oldIn

Ideations was binding(nff bidders, and were,

Into nndngalnst txcrcUo,

Imposslblo, nnybidder

lirntldo ngalnst. nxerclsa ofreset In. of

Md fur defliilln nt iimterlnlnnd ilefluliu work, Iho bidder was fun

by sporuUtUo'llin pill O

wlni of Dm iihwtiki "uild did

md (iiiultli. iwrmlllm uny old Ilio nm



LET.of Peeks eottages Ave.;

proof, electric lights, fterooms all modern Improve-ments; $2.1 per month. Inqulio be-

tween and 1 after C at 30?2793

Rooms. Housekeeping al-

lowed; mol and proof. Al-alia House, Atakcn St, bet andKids. 2i6i tf

A la lien St. between Merchantnnd King, Apply W.King Bethel Sts. 2717-t- f

wttnec, plumbing,River St. Apply J. W.King and Ilcthel. tf

Ilaalelea ror. hards andHotel, nicely furnished rooms andcottages. 2S3llm

urnlshcd house for rentInqnlro A. V.

2T1C tt

sewly furnished rooms, all mudornconveniences. At SISL 2728

Bethel near Mng ApplyV. Fodnior" Bethel and Sts.

2789 tf

A rottngo Wnlklkl. road;Apply 1133 Llllha St. 2770

rooms Emma Street.McConncll. 2SG3

2 front rooms, 7772S22-l-

fOH SALE..'ine lot In Curbing,

water, uud ornamentaland Improvements. min-utes' walk from cars and FunahouCollege. Addiesg H. F.. lulu efflco.


Remington pew i Iter, chair.Miller, S'angcn-wnl- d


To elegant mountain summer homesTantalus Heights. A. V. Gear,

122 St. 2770 tf

vValalao lots terms. A.St. 2770

The Bubletln

pn'"' estimate of n bidder might hoby directions nnd old

piles Assistant SuperintendentPublic Works, Howlatid,

fled that ntniwl ntlmia urn Ol.i.l n,iknoVn how tho plies, Ifany. a.uiaiiic ror life in,,(,w sliuetiire, nnd that It whs jhm"l'V tlmt nono werenaI"l'lf until were pulled

and placed on the whichwns " contract had been

'iii. wuwn "tlicly the dark as whatlions actually be the workwas undertaken. Tho elumint of un-

certainty uns lenderdefinite1 and bidding Imposslblo,"



Aug. 3, A iiulet'llltlo wed-ding place last 8 o'clock

the home of Mr and Mis. JohnV T,

and Mrs M A Ittvenhttrg, ofHan Diego, Cat , united mar'

n.,u- - .i, .i.mBi.tnr.

ll'itSPiit Thn.... '"".' .'., .7.. weio

three months ago.


Tho was adopt- -

hist business meeting;"To tho Senate of tho United States

of Amcilca;itndeislgncd, ropiesenllng the

Centnl Union Christian Undcavorof Hawaii,

desiring the abolition ofof tho nations,

petition body, hasalready been by tho legislatureof Massachusetts, nuthorlzo tho1'rcsldcnt of tho United States to In.

llo tho GovcriimcntH of tho world toJoin In establishing, In whatoor waythoy may Judge expedient, an Interna-tional lit stated pe-

riods In upon questions ofcommon lutniiwt to iiittloua, and Idmrilio rerninmeitilallnus Ihvionn to(lie (lUVWIIIIIlelitH,

"liYl.i: A. DIOKKY,"i'liwlilsiil.


Sflry."lbi,l Of Tfldi tho IwimIii

heldt'Ion8fq1urnco ?f the,lrliiB Downlus of Honolulu uud theproperly out .mmcll frlcnds-o- f tho eoitnle were

IcS'ol'S.W "C'a BOt " tU "ut? ST P.r. ;ith ribbons'.pa, may J"1"?'' f,0,m,,," '.'f, 'c"'nn Injunction against a puMleiomcr L? "Vle,"h 'IS" , ""fto restrain Lira from out nnl''""1'Illegal contract Hawaiian qulntc t furnished mtisle dur- -

"A delay of'two months after tho J tlic giijipci, wlilcb was sened later,awaid of n contract beforo Mr- - n',"1 ' McMauus will spend h

suit not laches wcekH the Volcano house, afterTlio Uefenso laches was not sot nllk''1 "IC 111 rcsl(1 '" ,lllr cciIIbko

up In thn answers not appear I'ltnsmt tieet. Mrs nhenhurgbeen urged beforo tho trial spent tho past tlirvo jears with hor

Judge. A strong showing should Honolulu, but met Mr Mcbo In tlm defence 'Miintis n rorent lsit Hllo about

In the court fortime.contract tho of n

other based ontho Super--

imcwicni oiwork

uu.4 fromi'?iu ...

'11 V ,,,,,? l'nileiivnr Km vuso tho now nny ,, ,of the Church lit Itsih. ..i.i n.v .n.i,inn..i .,il ni.in l.d.i .

to constitute such an elementcertainty to render Intelligent bid-


"Tho first contention byIs plans

toothe basis bids.

claimed nrosoright by department

use lu the now thepiles from tho structure,ThU right being prcsened the sper.

upon all intc udthoy obliged to

take It consideration make,provision Its It Is

hnwnvcr, lo so howIntending Intelligently

Ilia theright ved, trail (ruining a

n imniillly

rd fimlltlniiw puiilyill tliieut did not illldi'llHkn

r fur t ur"iiiKnwork piles h usml II

iniiutilt ll-- Ik ofI use of. illd. Vul

kid ws wnyn prmxiil lliitl Ilio ihmI



12 orVlncjard St tt



Store on.1. Fodmorc,


sanitary onI'odmore,


t Rlc


to partyreferences. of


No. Vineyardtf

Omee St.J. King

at on Katla10. ti

furnished at 1223Mrs.

furnished. AtSt.

corner Maklkl.fruit treos

all Two

desk andAppl lo Miss 5uS



on easy V.Gear. 122 King tf

"For Rent" cards on saleoffice.

upset tako useThe

or Mr. testlthe time tho original plans

mm. in, H ununinny old

wouni he Iliono

nscertnlncdnfler they

"' bulkhead,n,lc'

'"In to the condlwould when

so great as toexact

llllo, erytook night tit

atnt Wnlukea, when

were In,,... i.rt.t,.-- . im



C. E.

following resolution


ciety Honolulu, earnestlywar and tho

federation respectfullyjour honorablo ns


Congress, lo meetdeliberate


ame, on

,0 .the'T "f


bringingheld nt


to liavo kas.daughter lu

raado order to hao on to



mi- -let

in piles








ox- -

agjg&yjqjgjgptojpjqsiyfpjgpviffi t,i

For Love ofCountry

Author of "Th Crip of Honor." "Th $outhrnen.'"Jlr- - lltnry Moron. BuccinMr," "A

Doctor of Philosophy," Etc.

Copjilghl. 1858. hj CHARLES SCRIBNCK'S SONS

We re nil with on ilieio man nndI gne' this lime we gel n dinner," toplied one of ihe speakers itmlil n chorusof nppniviil which showeit the splilt ofl lie men

While Ihe nun w.re talking niniingtbentselM-- s thus Ihe foul Ilde-I- on thyilud hoist's ti.nl ihlden up lo the firmhouse. A soldier ditsied no heller(Inn the rest kIchiiI befoio the door.

"Hull'' Who mo )ou?" ho ciled,piciHiitiug hli musket. "

"Krlends ()iricis ftiim I'hllndel-phl- u

with for his exiellcncy,"if piled the foiemot "Don't joii

me. inj man?""Wliy It's l.leiitetnnt Talbot! Pass

In, sir, nnd tin he other gentlemen withou," nnsweied the soldier, salutingIi'ii glad the general will be to seeoil "Without fuithcr preliiniuni Irs the

joitng mill the door nnd en- -

leied. followed by his three companions A cheerful rite of logs was blna- -lug; nud crackling lu Iho wide 111

In Hie long, low loom. On thutabic be fine It stood a meat bowl ofsteaming punch, and scleral ofllcerswere silling or standing about the roomIn n1l0119 positions The uniforms ofnil sue that of ouo of them werescarcely Ics worn and faded, lf notquite M tattered, than wete I huso oftho eicoit. Tho same grim enemieshad left the simp grim murks uponthem ns upon the soldiers.

Tho only well clrcise-- pel son 111 theloom was n bright ejed joung man, nmere boy, Just nineteen, wenilng thebilltlanl unlfoim of an ofllcer of theI'tench in my He wus tall and thin,led balled, with n long nose nnd

foiehead. Ills blight cjes andinlmnted manner expressed tho Inter-est be felt In n rnuicrsatlou carried onIt the I'tench language with his nearest neighbor, another omig minih nicely n je.ir his senior. Tho con-liu- st

between the new nnd gay I'tenchuniform of the one nnd the faded Con-

tinental ill ess of the other wns not lessstartling thnn thai suggested by thodlfTerenrc In their site Tho Americanollleer was u small, a icry small, mini,hut lu splto of bis Insignificant stntiiroIho wholo intpiessloii of tho man wassulking nnd eiun Imposing. In con-trast to the other his face was eryhandsome, tho head finely shaped, thefeatures clear rut and regular. Ho hadn ileelsho mouth, bespeaking tesolii-llo- u

nnd lltniness, nnd two pleicltigcjos out of which looked n will nsluird and Imperious as cer dwelt Inmoital man (

In front of the Ilio were two olderI ien, cicli In the uniform of n generalofllcer, cine of thlity-fh- c or thtrty-sl- x

)cni-- of age, the .i .

j cars older. The Miungeroftiietwo,full faced, intelligent, nctlic, command-ing surt of man. whoso appearance in-

dicated iiinlliteiuo In himself nnd thelight of whole ulert blue ejes told ofdashing biltllaney in action mid promptdecision lu perilous moments, whichmade him ouo of those who succeed,would hio been moie noticed had nothis personality been so overshadowedb) lint of the ofllcer who was speak-ing to him. Tho latter was jiossesbedof n llgure so tall that 11 dwarfedeicry other In the Toom. He was mas-slic- ly

molded, but well jtioportlonrd,v.l th enormous hands and feet andlong, powerful limbs, which ludlintedgtent plnslcnl four, nnd bnlng withal an erect nnd noble carriage, easymid graceful in appearance, whichwould hnve Immediately attracted at-tention nny where, cu-- It his face hadnot been more striking than his figure.

And this was tho man upon whomwas laid tho burden of the war of theltciotutlon. nnd to whom, under God,wero duo tho mighty results of thatepoch making contest. Seldom If cerdo we seo men of such rare qualitiesthat when they Icavo their appointedplaces nu cither can bo found to fillthem, but If such a ono cev did Ihothis wns he.

ciiapti:u XXI.

One or two other men were willingnt n table uud another stnlwuit officerof rank was sitting hy tho lire lending,None of Iho four men coming Into theloom had seen tho general before, except Talbot, Ah the door opened, hisexcellency glanced up luqulilugly uud,iccognblng the first flgutc, steppedforwaid quickly, extending his hand,all the other officers rising mid drawing near at tho same time.

"What, Talbot! 1 trust jou bringgood news, sir?"

"I do, sir," said the joung olllier, sa-

luting."Tho transport?" said tlio Ueuciiil In

great nnxletj'.'Captuied, Hl""Her lading?'

Two thousand muskets, twentypleres, powder, shed, Inliemhlng tisils,other iiiunllloiiH of war; 10,000 suit ofwinter clothes, blankets uud shoos,ami four fifth em uud fifty Noldlers; nilixiiuid ror Ojiuhcr, wlicio thu IlllllHifumy Is iniiiihlliiK."

"Now Aliulullly God lm prukedl" ()

ilaluifil Iho KHiurul wild dei fcfllng. I

"I'ioiii wlmmti do )i"i tuiiiu iiuwl'1' I'iiiiii I'lilladnlphlii, sir,""Alt, yrm iliquuht bu in luku nur

irlio llicro lixlwiil ut llmlvnl It wm


itt1,fittt1'Sittt!-'ttt?t- ?

WTl.ThTMTHTHTrfTMTriTHTHTKTUTrfTMTWTHtB1UtBtHttWlitn,a risk, wad II not? lint now that jutimo there It Is heller for us here W.homo )itui lonipnnlons, sir' Pray pie-M- nt

them to me."Lieutenant Sejmour, sli. of the

linxy, who brought lu the prlrc."Sir, 1 (Oiigrntuhtte )ou. 1 inn glad

to aeo jou." '

And this Is Philip Wilton, a nilil- -slilpinnii. I think i)ti know him, gen- -?rnl."

"Certainly I do; the son of my oldrleiid the commissioner. Colonel Wil

ton of Virginia, now iiuhaflptly a prls

"Sir, 1 r'i!i(iliil'ilc Imi "

oner van are ery welcome, my hoy.And who Is this other man. Talbot?"

"William lleiitley, sir, bos'n of theRanger, r honor's scnlce," answered the seaman himself,

Well, my nlnn," said the general,milling, "If the Hunger has many llko5 on In. her cicw she must show uformidable, lot of men I am glnd toteo jou nil. These nro my staff, gentlemen, the niembeiH of my family, towhom I present )cni. Gcnernl Greene,Geneinl Knox, and these two liojs lineuio Captain Alexander Hamilton andiho Marquis do l.t l'ajelte, a volunteerfiom France, wlic dimes to scne ourround y wllhuut money or withoutprice, for loic of llbeit). This Is MajorHarrison, this Captain Laurens, Ihh

IC'a.lnln Mm. Is of Iho IMillndelphlun1,, rnlnIl ..,.

like the nuiiqiils, for loe of liberty. 1

know not how I could dispense, wltfithem." Tho gentlemen mentionedbowed ceiemonlniisly, nnd somn ofthem shook bauds with tho newcom-ers,

"11111 ," continued Washington, turn-ing to his black servant, "I wlslrjouto get something to eat for these gen-tlemen. It's only bread nnd meat thatwo can offer jou, I am sorry to say.We aie not ll lug In n very luxuriousstlo nt piesent on rather short ra-

tions, on the contrary. Hut nicanw hllo)ou will tnke a glass of this excellentpunch with us, nnd we will drink to amerry Christmas. Fill your glasses,ecntlemen all, Your news Is tho firstgcod news wo have had for so longthat we haio almost forgot what goodcews is. It Is certainly very pleasantfor us, eh, gentlemen? Now glio ussomo of the details of tho capture ofthe transport. How was It? You, Mr.Sejmour, are the sailor of the party,lie. )ou tell us about It."

Then lu that nidc farmhouse amongtho hills on that bitter winter daySejmour told the story of the sightingof tho eouioy and thu rusu by whichthe cuptuic of tho two ships hud beeneffected, at which General Washingtonlaughed heaitll 'J lien ho describedIn a graphic, se.imanlllie way the won-d- ei

fill night action, Iho capture of theJuno by the heroic captain of Iho Ilnu-hc- i,

the successful escape of Hint shipfiom the filgate nnd the sinking of thoJitna. Ho wns Interrupted from timeto time b) exclamations nnd deepgasps of excitement from the officersclouding about him. Kiun Hilly, bring-ing the dinner, put It down unheedednnd listened with eyes glistening. Andthen Sejmour delivered Jones' mes-sage lo General Washington. .

'Wo'ndeifiii man, wonderful man!"he said. "Wo shall henr of him, Ithink, In thu Kugllsli channel, nnd thuKnglUh also, which. Is more to thepoint Hut jour own ship had you annentless passage, Mr. Sejmour? And,gentlemen, jou look us boleinn na If

the beaieia of bud news lu -stead of good lldlnus, or linil been ru- -

.Healing with us fur tlio at sixmonths. I hank goodness, lliul "g aboutmer tonight, nil join glasses, gentle.men. 'I,U CIiiIsIiiiiih day. Now forjnin- - own moiy. Did jou unit mi unu.lilj's sl.li!"

"Wo did, Mr. Talbot, iiu toll llisloij,""Kn, nuj 1 iiuiu. TU jonr pait,


(Ninnun! Tinunriuw,)

01 HitRlib






'The ltepiibilcau primaries last Satur-- Iday afternoon aroused a great deal of jInterest, tho lotlng being heaiy In,most of tho precincts In the city. Thedelegation generally lei the TerritorialConienFicin Is a Kuhlo delegation. Thedelegates "to the Territorial nnd District(omcntloiisare as follows.nitST PRECINCT l'OI'UTlI DIS-

TRICT.Tor Territorial Convention T. I

Cummins. 12C; W. W Harils, 123; I)V H. Iscnbeig, 120; W H. Charlock,101; S. SI. Kauai. 100; J. W. lonn, 81.

Tor District Committee S. 1

Isaac Harbottle, 121; S.K. Kamaloplll, 130; W. C. Hoc, 133; VA

Towse, 127. Frank Andrade, 122; S. St.Kminkantil, 118; Chas. Lewis. 119; Gen,S. Slacy, 120; W. W. Chamberlnln, 117

Geo. P. Ihlelnn, 03; Robert Pnhnu, 73'Kalanl. 82.SHCONI) PRHCINCT FOUIini

For Territorial Convention .1 A,Hughes, lot; J. W. Jones, 103; W. T,

Hawllns, 12S; II. K. .Murray, 113; FrankJ. Kruger, 117; J. A. Gllmnn, 74.

For District Committee Q. II. Uer-rej- -,

81; Wlllard n. Drown, 97; Chas.Crane, 124; C. II. Cooke. 117; Capt,Dabcl, 111; C. St. V. Forstcr, 117; St. A.Gonsalves, 90; Hiram Kolomoku, 119;Jotcph S. Illchurd, 104; Qua. Scliuman,114; Geo C. Sen, 97.THIRD PllHCINCT FOL'HTH DIS-

TRICT.For Territorial Convention J. SInna,

ISO; It. X, Iloyd, 1S2; H. Faxon Illshop,18ts Jnmes W. Llojd, HG.

For District Committee n. FaxonHlsliop, Antonc .Manuel, Geo. K. Lowe,John C. (Olhlera. Frank II. Foster, Li-

ma K.i h mi uncle, A. K. Kawi,SIXTH PJILCINCT FOURTH

For Tenllorlal Convention UirrlnAndrews, Chns A. Ynrrlck, nnd Wm.S. Fleming.

For District Convention K. O. Car.urn, J. J. Hughes, Wm. S. Fleming,V. J. Slansberj--, C. K. (Julnn, mid U


DISTRICT.Wnlmnnalo. (No returns).


TR1CT.Tor Territorial Convention W. F

Ulollbicm. 93; Chns. I Ileal, 94; T. J.'King, 94: J. Lurns, 91; Geo. i:. Smith-lie-

93; J. O. Qitllin, 90; Carlos A. Long.$9; 11. (' l'fliigor, S9.

I For District Committee Geo. W.Smith, 90; 1'. K. Thompson, 93; W. JKnrrnttl, 81; John A. Johnson, 91;Clius. Crozler, 101; C. W Zclgler, 97;V. II. Thointon, 92; C. O. Hallenljlie,

PS; F. L. Wiildron, 90; J, SI. Kenltdin,S2; K. J. I.011I, S3; F. tt. Rlchnrilson,81; Kawnl George, 70; T. II. Pctile, 92:n. O. White, 93; J. SI. Kea, 71.


For Tenitoilal Com entlon HenryCubb Adams, 1) O. Konaalhcle.

For District Committee Frank Pa-

llia, John llronii, Sloko Konnnlhele.SECOND PRHCINCT FIFTH DI8

THICT.For Territorial Convention Richard

C. Lane.For District Committee S. W.


TRICT.For Territorial Comenllon A. S.

Slnhaulii, CO; W. W. Goodnle, 53,For District Committee Andrew

Cox, OS; Oscar Cox, 01; Edward- Hore,as,FOURTH PRECINCT FIFTH DIS-

TRICT.For Territorial Com entlon Mr.

Slyer.For District Committee Chris Holt.SIXTH PRECINCT FIFTH

For Territorial Convention A.Low, W, O. Ashley, II. E. Cooper. .

For District Committee D. W.Hookano, H. A. SleKeo. K. II.

Kunowa, Tom. Kauuwnlne, Chas, Ar-


TRICT.For Tenitoilal Convention Solomon

Slubetonn, 121; T StcCants Stewart,'121; Ell J. Cianford. 121; George l.uc-n- s.

121; . A. Aiming, 121; I. II, Shor-woo- d,


For District Committee II. C. Vldn,121; William Ilciiiy, 121; K. It. G.Wnllaie. 120; Hnnc U Cockctt, 121;Gcoigo Darker, 120; II. P Zuulnn, 121;Henry Cocketu 121; U Knmealoha, 121;I irnlitilnLiinlld 1"! 1 luimu HitL it l')1iInjanli I'm n lOAi i 1." t.'tinmi nl 1ul


r.For Terrltoilal Convention John C.

Lane, 82; Sam'l. C. Dwlght, 82; UeoriitI. Desha, 80; N. I'erniiiidez, 78.

For DUtilct Coiumlttiv Clunk's N.Dwlght, 78; Jus. L. Aholo, 81; J. Knpu.no, 80; II. Kiihilo, 77; D. Kniuu, 7K!

Sol, Kulelupii, 80; Piilchu, 77.Al line for Kuhlo,


For Ti'irllfHliil Convention--- lnu.I'lll, TI i A, F Judd, 71; J. Kululilclu,7B W, Palkull, 7.1; I'. T. P Wm.Ikiiish, 71,

Fur DIMilct t'iimiiilltee-- K. It, ,d.niun, TO; I!. IUiiihUMi, 7 I. Iv. Ku-li-

Til M. 1. KukuiiMiui, 71, U, A Msultlll-li,7- l, Mud., Til A, HI. C I'llinu.


Hawaiian-Japanes- e Ballasting Co.Best black sand from 2 to $3 a loadaccording to distance battled. r

Coralrocks for stable, roads and aide-walk-

Third door below King,Maunak;a St.; P. O. box 820. Tele-phon- o

Main 396,


T. Kajashl Clothes cleaned, repairedand dyed. 637 Boretanla SL


S. Ochlal, removed to lleretanla SLnear Slaunakea. 2831

In. 74; James Shaw, ti', 8. 0. Wilder,74.


TRICT.For Territorial Convention Charles

C Clark, 01s W. II, Crawford, CI.

For District Committee Charles J.Bioad, 51; Wm. 1C. Isaac. 02; J. UKuuhikuu, 48; Win; Kwal Fong. 49.

,m m

Attorney General Don'tLike Parson's Charge

Hllo, Hawaii, August 5. It Isby thoso closo to theAttorney

General, L. A. Andrews that ho Is dis-

pleased with a portion of Judgo Par-

son's chargo to tho Grand Jury. Thocharge Is claimed to bo too broad Inspirit to suit the Attorney General,who Is afiald that ho cannot procuroindictments under It. The portion ofthe charge that Is worrying the Attor-ney General Is as follows;

Among jour other powers you mnynnd tt Is hoped that with tho assist-ance of tho Attorney General, you willmvestlgnto tho public servants withinthis Jurisdiction,

Whenever evidence of tho commis-sion of an Indlctnble orfenso shall bodisclosed It Is hoped, not only In thoInterest of tho public service but InJustice to the party falling under yoursuspicion, that your Investigation willbe n thorough one.

In vlow of tho fact that your oxaml-nntlo-

Is wholly cxparte; that Iho ac-

cused has no right to appear beforopeisonilly or by counsel nnd no

opportunity to meet tho occusntlonswhich arc roado ngalnst him. jou arcinutloned to bo particularly imtnstak-lu- g

In tho sifting of evldinco In orderHint jou mny not, through carelessnessbo tho means or wrccuing uio repuialion of an Innocent fellow being.

11 Is true that an indictment Is noth-ing more than an ucciisntlon, but It Isnn ncrusitloii mndo with so muchsolemnity after such unusual oppor-

tunities for ascertaining tho facts thatIt frequently overwhelms Iho neciiFedwith an Ignominy which a subsequentverdict of acquittal cannot remove,

As to the quantum of evidence neces-sary to Justify nn Indictment no definiteHllo may he laid down for your guid-ance one early authority decided thatIn case theio bo probible evldcneo thogrand jury should find a true bill; butono hundred jeara. nfteiwuuls thogieatest of nil English commentatorswrote that "n grnnd Jury ought to bothoroughly persuaded of the truth ofan ludlifment, us far as their evldcneogoes; and not to rest satisfied merelywith remoto probibllltles."

m .

Officious PolicemanStop Children's Party

Special to Tho Bulletin, 1

Kuwalhac, South Kohalu, Aug. 5. A

case of nnnojlng cifllclousmss on thopart of a policeman at Knwnlhao oc-

curred on the evening of the 2nd Inst.

These Individuals are continually Interfering where they have no right orreason on their side, nnd leave untouched occurrences where Interferenceis both Justifiable and needful.

The other evening at the KnwalhaeView Hotel, a lody visitor, who hadbeen renting the wholeliouso for somodnj a for tho use of herself and her largofnnflly of children, gave n children!party. There were about fourteenchildren present and of course theyamused themselves by playing gamesnnd mado some noise, as chlldien oftheir ages, from 2 to 12 years, are liabletu

At about 8 p, m. n policeman mustneeds force hlnudt into tho place andattempt to stop tho llttlo ones' play,saying that "It was against tho law toliiako Mich n noise after sunset,"

Such happenings as these are parlicularly objectionable, and tho lady Inquestion was naturally exceedingly Indlgnnnt at the Insult to herself and vis-

itors, but on complaint being made tuhis superiors they by no means en-

dorsed his action. Nevertheless It Isto bo regretted that they nro not nbloto bo more sensible men on the force,capablo of exercising moio discretion,

Miss Juanltn Ueckley, Miss AliceCampbell and Miss Irino Dlekson re-

turned to Waimea from their visit tuthe Hiimuuln sheep ranch on the 4tliInstant. 1 hey take, tho Klnnu for Ho.nolulii this evening from Ktivvnlhuo,

Sirs. H. P, Low, together with MissSnrd and children, nlso Unm. Wight,

left hy Iho Klnnu (or her homo InNorth Knhiilu, after two weeks' stujut Kuwiiluim,

He vein I Fi ein li Nohlleis, survivors ufIlio CIllllOSII uxpidlliuii of UfiU, moluspoiislblo for llin slnteiiK lit Hint(Uneiul Kurukl, wliu s lending tlmJiilMlifwe furies In Mnurlftiila, U Iniwillly luilf I'lmiili, IIU imtiiu, IbuyHiy, In (impuily Kpulii Ouilque, A-nnulling in UiH.floiy uf iliiisu Hii,



Sloans; Express, 910 Alakea St.; TeL511 Blue; good service; moderaterates. 2655-t- l


If you are In need of a first-clas- s piano-forte or organ tuner or repairerleave orders for Mr. Jas. Sheridan at1168 Miller SL or at Hawn. News Co.,Young Uldgi



Territorial Messenger Service UnlokSt. near-Hote- l; Tel. 361 Main.

"For Bala" cards at Bulletin office.

Legal Notices.

Commissioner's Saleor




Pursuant to n decree mado by theHonorable Geo. I). Gear, Second Judgeof tho Circuit Court of tho First Judi-cial Circuit, Territory of Hawnll, filedon tho 27th day or July, A. D. 1904, In

a causo entitled "The First AmericanSavings and Trust Company of Ha-waii, Limited, a corporation, complain-ant- ,

vs. Mary Jono SInntnno and A. A.Stontano, respondents, Hill for Fore-

closure of Stortgage," (Equity Divi-sion, Nn. 1403), the undersigned. Com-

missioner, duly appointed, will sell utPublic Auction, to the highest and bestbidder, subject to confirmation by thuCourt, onSATURDAY, THE THIRD DAY OF

SEPTEMBER. A. D. 1904,

At 12 o'clock Noon of said day,

at the salesrooms or James F. Morgan,Esq , 847 857 Kaahumnnu street. In Ho-

nolulu nforesald, tho following eioscrlh- -

r,l rent nalnln sltitnlo lilni- - nml hettlifI In Manon, Honolulu, Territory of Hu-- ,

wall, and morn particularly describedj as follows,

All that certain piece of land situat-ed in Manon, Honolulu nforesald,hounded ami described In lloval Pat

I erit Grant No. 255 to Malual, containing nn area of 714 ncros, and being tlmtamo premises Jhat were conveyed totho said party of the first part by deeddated September 2, lSSft, and of recordIn Liber 103, pago 318.

Together with all nnd singular tin)tenements, hereditaments nnd appur-tenances unto tho above describedpremises belonging or In any wise ap-

pertaining, nnd nlso nil tho estate,right, tltlo and Interest of the said par-ty of the first' part, of, In and to tlmabovo described promises and everypart and parcel thereof, with tho ap-purtenances.

TERMS OF SALE: Cnth, In UnitedStates gold coin. Ten (10) per cent,of tho purchnso price to be paid on thofall of tho hammer; balance upon exe-

cution and delivery of deed to purchas-er by tho Commissioner.

For fuithcr particulars apply tuMessrs, C. A. Long and E. A. C. Long,attorneys for complainant, rooms 1

nnd 2, Kaplolanl Building, Honolulu,or to tho undersigned, at his offico Intho Judiciary Building, In Honoluluaforesaid.

M. T. SIMONTON,CommlssloBcr,

Honolulu, August 1, 1904. 2831-l-

Czar's Plans For

Tremendous Navy

Berlin, July 20. Nows from St. Petersburg states that the technical de-

partment of tho Slinistry of the NavjIs working night nnd day on details oftho plans for a new Russian navy

When the Czar's naval programknown, It Is declared, it will as-

tonish the woild, us It fnr surpassesany that has been piojected since thvdojs of Peter the Great.

It has been practical!) settled to aitupon tho suggestions of tho late Ad-miral Slaktixoff and altogether aban-don heavy battle-ship- s of the Petro-puvlov-

type, of which tin Co vesselslu nil were built lu tho Government,yards with an average speed of six-

teen knots, Of these three the Pelui-invlov-

fs nlieaily nt the bottom ofthe sen, while tho Poltava and Sovhs-top.- il

nro leporte'd eilppled In Iho Uai-b- or

of Port Arthur.Tho new battle-ship- s will be sonio-- v.

hat smaller, but will liavo a, mini-mum speed of eighteen knots and veryheavy armament, Including fourtwelvo-luc- h guns and twdvo eight-Inc- h

quick-firin- g guns, The uniformity nltype, which has proves) to bo of suchgieit vnlue to tho Jnpniieso fled, willle maintained ns fur ns possible,.,


tit. Louis, July 2S. Hltihed to nsulky cultivator William Hoyt pulledhU wlfo und tlielr four?) onr-n- toull thn wny ficmi Slnllne, ill,, to tlmWiiiM'h Fair.

Sir, lloyl tat nut upon a wager andui wild (he illaluiiie uf SIH Inllf. IsJust oiiii month, Unit wliiuliiif lilt Muf 11000 mid Ini'liUllUUy ilblttlnjnii ex.pmlenru wlildi, m Mhl, ho would hoIh nilnnd fur nil)' umiMint

fitmKmiiki!mmSMMltfikmMuffiiwMi r ilttff'ifllrailatilfiilaMf ii, forli r ittfiirfifiMi'iiiiAfiii 'MBtaBMufw ii li li r iiiti tthifu'MrVlralsaWaMtf A iiia,,Ht laV Ailari laJBaWliT k liairtttiritoiiiA UMs.ni j i... iil. s.4

r- -




Pommcry & Grcno's Champagnes.Empcr.idor SherryAcme Rye WhiskeyCanadian Club Whiskey. Vhlskics.iJ.v.G. special Reserve and the Very - Finest ScotchCommcridador Port.King William IV. V.O.P Scotch Whiskey&icgcrt's Angostura Bitters.

Brandies' of Marie Brizard & kogor and James Hen-nessey & Co.

Eagle Cherries in Maraschino.Special Selected Highland Whiskey "Whytc &

Mackay's."Table Water, "White Rock"

Buchanan's "Black and White" Whiskey.on' nmc oI Jamaica's Finest Productions.

A.B.C. Bohemian Beer,INatoma Brandy,Duffy's Malt Whiskcv..Sparkling Hock and Moselle Wines.

on sale in all first-cla- ss I f cls and Cars.

Legal Notices.


At Chambers.

In the Matter of the Estate of RobertWilliam Holt, Deeeated.

onnin to show cause.

"f"" 'u's iiiiu uuiy consideringtho petition of Henry Smith, Admlolj"a "v" io will annexed nndTrusteo of tho abovo entitled estate,attached hereto, wherein tlio said peti-tioner tenders hts resignation as suchAdministrator with tho Will annexed

nu urustco and requests thaimay no tot for bearing his ac-

counts, nnd that on the approval of thoaid accounts tho said resignation may

ho accepted nnd that he, tho said peti-tioner, may ho released from all fur.ther liability and responsibility In saidcapacity, and that his bond as such Ad-ministrator with tho Will annexed andTrustee may bo cancelled aud thateotno stiltnhlo person may bo appointm! In hi place and stead:

It is hereby ordered that the annualaccounts of tho said petitioner, HenriSmith, as Administrator with tho Will







onof on

nnd Trusteo of abovo en- - "' or hoio,titled his to sand

nicd herein on V -

July, A. D. shall bo set( ' nt of

Ing on day August I'cn-on- s are against go- -

ISOl.at 10 In forenoon," l.e-t',-

7. ''.ana or flsl,ln

sluing at Chambers "n,Ior pcnalt' of I'r- -

'ceding!Probate:It Is hereby further ordered that

U In Interest In nnd undersaid etitnto do a linear beforo tl: under.signed, as Judgo of said Circuit Court'stung chambers at Probate, at 10 nPollnllrlM ..

cioci: in uio 29th I 'day of August, A. D. 1904, nnd thenand there show causo, any tkeyhave, why said accounts should

be allowed, why resigna-tion of said Henry Smith Ad-

ministrator with Will annexod andTrustee of snld cstato should beaccepted, and his bond given In saidcapacity bo cancelled and ho himselfreleased from all liability respon-sibility In capacity, and whysultablo person should bo appointed in his plnco and stead, all accordingto prayer of said petition:

And It Is hereby further ordered thatnotlco of tho, said hearing of, saidaccount nnd of tho Bald potltlon bo

to all persons In Interest In andunder said cstato by tho publication ofthis order In .Evening bulletin,newspaper printed and published In

city of for at least threosuccessive weeks, tho last publicationto be less than daysto tlmo appointed forhearing, and thnt the Clerk of thiscourt do causo such publication to bemade.

Dated 21st day of July, A. D.1904, Honolulu.

(Sgd.) OKO. D. GEAR, 'i or the

of First Circuit, Territoryof Hawaii,

Attest:WM. n. SIMS,

Clerk First Court.

The Lewiii'Meyer Co.

Epicurean and Palace floods


oj? Fort Street.

Jos. Schwartz,Watchmakers' Materials andJewelers' Supplies,



Henry C. Vido,' CONTRACTOR.

Idiwilki, Curbing,

, nd'Jobbing Promptly Attsndid to.


fii'Ptw""piy "WJt"



Business Notices.


Notlco Is hereby 'given that I hnvoappointed Klnckako overseerashing right Hamohamo, Walklkl.Tho boundaries of said fishingbegin high water mark abovoblack rocks known! as I'alllkl, near Mr.Cunha's residence, thence senwnrd totho roof and along reef westerly apoint opposlto tho tnlddto of thestream known ns Apuahchnit, at highwater mark, running easterlyalong high water mark to point ofcommencement.

All persons warned against go-ing upon or taking fish from tho saidfishing ground without permissiontho said Klnckakc, under penalty ollegal (jrocccdings.

LILIUOKAI.ANI,Ily her Atty. In Factr J. CAUTEILHonolulu, T. July 27th, 1901.



Notice In hereby given that I havoappointed John Klaalna overseer olmy land Kiihala and the fishing rightof said land. Tho boundaries thefishing right begins tho boundary

Wahlao tho beach runnlm seaward the reef and theme ulong thol

annexed tho """""""-- wowI,,jn easterly along rocksestate. Including last annual

account tho Sth day o '"" mgii water1904, for hear-- ,un, cou""comi-nt- .

tho 29th of AD, warnedo'clock tho "p." "l1! tJBu,s

fore tho undersigned as Judgo of said ,"t PerIssl f thn said JohnCircuit, Court In' '"E"!

Andpersons In ().


mBa forenoon of tho said itnnnunmu ulnIf

thonot and tho

tho asthe


andsaid somo


the the



The a

the Honolulu,

not ten provloustho therein tho


Second Judgo Circuit Courttho



MAIN 10,







MI.IUOKAf.ANI,Iy her Atty. Fact J, CAIlTKlt.Honolulu, H July 27th, 1901.



A special meeting of thu HopnhllcanTerritorial Central Committee will boheld oii.Monday evening, August Sth,nt 7:30 o'clock, In licndquarterc, for..iv iiunnacuwi oi such uiislneug nsmay no Drought beforo It. A full atlendanco Is dcilred.

NOllMAN WATKINS.Acting Secretary.

Approved:C. L. CHAUDE, Chairman.

2825-Jl- lly 25, 27, 29; All 1, 3, S.


The TOWN8END UNDERTAKING10. and HONOLULU MUTUAL flUR.IAL A88N. hive moved next door to:h more commodious quarters former.'y occupied by Pacific Vehicle & Sup-Jl-

Co. Roomy office and parlors areitcsly and comfortably arranged.



Real Estate Mortgage Loans and In-vestment Securities. Homes Built onthe Installment Plan.Horn Office: Melntyre Bldg,

Honolulu, T. H.L. K. KENTWELL, Gen'l Mgr.


Competent watchmen furnlskod forbusiness bouses and residences.

Office, Room 8, Model Block.P. . Box 284.


Beautiful fresh Mountain Violets,nnd very fragraut, for

islo at reasonable prices at tho coinert Hotel and Fort etreots, Saturdayad TuendRjr afternoons. 2CBC-t- f


CORK8CREW8, RULGtS andSCHOOL 8UPPLIE8J PREMIUMSof every description, at the LOWE3TPRICE8. Alio a fine line of ALUMI-NUM GOOD3, BU8INE8SMen use our goods tn advertise theirs

nd plene customers. Write us If Inneed ef anything,




Legal Notices.


Under nnd by v'lttio of a certainAllii Execution Isrtiol by Lylo A.Wckcy, Dlettlct Masi'lMfa of Honolnl'i. lolaul of Oahu, Tenltory of Han--

all, on the Sotli day or Juno, 1004, .Inthe matter of Jas. W. Pratt, Collectorof Taxes, First DIvHon, vs. Sam'l M.Keallnn, I have, In said Honolulu, onthis 2Sth dny of July. A. 1). J flu I, lev-ied upon, nnd shall offer nnd exposeror snla nnd sell at public alirtlon, totho highest bidder, nt tho Police Hta--

tlon, Knlakatia Hale, In said Honolulu,nt 12 o'clock noon of Monday, the 2tithday of August, A. t). IM'. alt the right,title nnd Interest of tho said Pam'l M.Kcallua In nnd to nil tho following nscribed real property, unless the sumof Thlrly-sl- x nnd Dollar- -, i.atbeing tho amount for which cald AliasExecution Issued, together wll'i inter- -

ct, coats and njy K-- and c ; . ..es aropreviously paid:

"a. :", : . j.,ii as Mokauca-Wa- lkoao Tract, situated at Kallhl-wacna- ,

Koua, Oahu, containing 5000 squarofeet, being portion of L. C. A. G450 andIt. P. (Irant 242. and conveyed to Sam.lie M. Kcallna, Jr., by deed of S. C.Dwlght nnd wlfo, as of record In theRegistry omcc, In said Honolulu, loUber 201, page 478.

I.ot No. IS of Mokaucn-Walakoa- c

Tract, situated at KalUil, Kona, Oahu,and conveyed to Samuel M. Keallnn.Jr., by deed of 8. K. Pua and wife, asof record In said Registry Olllcc In Li-ber 208, page 190.

A cnsli pnyment of ouc-hnl- f of theamount of thu successful bid In Unit-ed States Cold Coin, will bo ipqiilu--nt tlmo of sale, tho balance to lie paidIn United States Cold Coin upon thedelivery of fho deed.

Deed nt cxpciike of purchaser,Dated at nald Honolulu, this 2Sth

dny or July, A. 1). 1901.A. SI. DROWN,

High Sheriff, Territory of Hawaii.2S28-J- uly 28; Aug. S, 18, 27.


Under nnd by vlrtuo of n certainAlias Execution Issued bv Lvln A.Dickey, District Mnglstiato of Hono.lulu, Islam! of Oahu. Territory of Hawaii, on tho .inth day of June, 1901. Intho matter of James L. Holt, Assessorami Collector of Taxes, Klrst Division,

Knmau, Defendant.I hnve. In snld Honolulu, on this 2Sthday of July, A. I). 1901, levied upon,and shall offer and oxposo for salo andsell nt public auction, to the highestbidder, at the Pollen Station, KalakaunHale, In t.ali Honolulu, .nt 12 o'clocknoon of Monday, tin- - 29th day of An-- 'gust, A. 1). liliil, all tho right, title andInterest of tho wild l.m-- Knmau, De-fendant, In and tn Iho following cd

u.- properly, unless tho sumor Fifteen nml Hollars, thnt be-ing the amount for which snld AlasKxoeutlon IsMied, together with later-est- .

co3tg and my Ice nnd expenses niopreviously paid:

Lot No. 2 In IHock 11 or KewnloTract, situated at Keivaln. Honolulu.Oahu, conveyed to said J.ucy Knmau(w.) by ilenl of C. H. Desky, Tr., aa ofrecord In the Kcglslry Office. In midHonolulu, in l.lher I7ti, pago 137.

A payment of ouc-hnl- f of thoamount of the successful bid In UnitedStates Hold Coin will be required attlmo of Mile, the balunco to be until InHulled HtntcM (iold Coin upon tho delivery or tlio deed.

Deed nt expense or purchaser.Dated nt said Honolulu, thin 26th

day of July, A. D. 19(i.A. XL DROWN,

High Sheriff. Territory of Hawaii.22S July 21; Aug. 8. IS. 27.


I'mler nnd by vlrtiiu or n rcrtaluAllan Kxi'cutlou Issued by Lylo A.Dickey, District Magistrate of Hono-lulu, Island of Oahu, Teirllory of Ha-waii, on Iho Mill day of June. 1901, Intho matter of Jamc3 L. Holt, Collectorof Taxes, Klrst Division, vs. Mrs. nanICekunl, I hnvo, In snld Honolulu, onthis 2!Mh dny or July, A. 11. IP"!, leviedupon, and shall offer nnd expoHi forsnle mid sell at public miction, to thohighest bidder, nt the Police Station,Kulal.uuu Hale, In said Honolulu, at12 o'clock noon of Monthly, the 29thday of August, A. I). 1901, all the right,tllto and Interest of the said Mrs. IlaoKekunl In und to nil thu following do- -

described real propel ly, unless thosum of Thirty-fou- r and Dollars,that being tbo amount for which saidAlias execution Issued, together withinterest, costs nnd iny feo nnd expoiihuH are prevlouMy paid:

All that plcr of laud nltuated at I.n-le-

Honolulu, Oahu, containing 70squnie rulliuiiiH. mid iiiiiveyid to JohnKekunl by deed of Kmteaknuhl, as ofleconl lu tho Registry Ofllce, In midHonolulu, in (.(bur lo, page 304.

The said .Mrs, Ilao Kekunl claims tobe tho widow- - nnd only heir of. tho saidJohn Kekunl,

A cash payment of onohnlf or theUliiount'or the bid In Unit-ed States (Iold Coin will be requiredat lime of hale, the balani-- to bo paidIn 1'ultcd Klnti-- Hold upon the deliv-ery of lint deed,

Divil nt expenso of purchaser.Dated ut said Honolulu, this 29lh

day or July. A. D, I'J'U,A. XI. IIIIOWN,

llluli Sheriff, Ttrrllory or Hawaii,8Hai July 211; Auir. K, 8, 27.

Illunk bonks nf all sorts, ledxers,etc., inmiufiuliireil by Iho lliillollu Pub.Hulling Cmiimiiy,

Flni Job Priming it the Mullilln


MrilAIHHftiRecorded Aug. 1, 1901.

Hawn Kvniijr Assn Hoard of tn fro.i.eric W Hardy,' nj SO.ooo to. ft Intnl.Kiuiuinao, aiam; J.'Vii. II 201, p 3ug,Dated May 17, 1901.

He'o Shlng Wnl Co to Tnl I.an; CM;3 leaacholds, bldgs', crops, live stnrl.niebnry, llxtures, etc, Walllia. Kauai,?i.uuv. ji zo'j, p um. uateil June 30.1901.

Walnkca Mill Co to L A Andrews:Li 20 acres land, Wnlakea, Illlo: 17yrs at S200 per yr, 11 257, p 117. Dat-ed Mar 1, 1001.

I. Herbert and lull (i) to Kalakaun Hale, In mild Honolulu, ntII Scott; D;lnt In acre land. At.akea St, Honolulu; l, II 201, p 310.Dated July 29, 1901.

Geo II Scott to fleo Herbert: 1)!Int In aero land, Alnken St, Honolulu; ii. u rci, p 311. Dated July29, 1901.

Wm I. Peterson to Anna I, Shaw:I); lots 1, 2. B and 7, blk 5. Kalmukltract, Honolulu; J800. II 261, p 312.Dntcd July 23, 1904.

Yamamoto Shlku to I.c Illond' &Smith; CM; Int In leasehold nnd ennecrops, etc, on same, Olaa, Punn. Ha-waii; III8.C2. 11 239, p 321. DatedJuly 8, 1904.

Hakatoii Pltn Co to J Pal.iu; Itel1 2 Int In Or 917, Opea, llllo; J.lon.221, p 181

Virginia Soarei nnd IihIi to llllo SgrL'o; Ji; l acre land, Waluaku, llllo;

110. 11 259, ii 322. Dated July 2.1,1904.

John T Molr nnd wf to C Ilrewer &Co Ltd; I); Int In 3 pes land, Alnkahl,etc, lino; siuu. jj zoi, t, 312. )at0(.July 27, 1901.

Ulshop & Co to Helen Uoyd: Itel:Or 1184, blilgs". etc, Kiilninniiuil, Kona.Hawaii; $1,000. It 1C.1. p 433. DatedAug 1. 1901.

Jns II lloyd and wf to J O II. nilques; D; 11 P (itJ3, Kill 7in. Knlama2, S Koua, Hawaii; 300. 11 201. j314. Dated Aug 1, 1901.

Helen Uoyd and tmh (J 111 to J (1

Ucurlqucs; I); Or list, Kntnmauinl 2.H Konn, Hnwall; $900. n 201. p 31;Datrd Aug 1, 1901.

Helen Uoyd to J O Uenrlqui-s- : At,Piemlsrs, llllua, S Konn, Hnwall: $111 203. p 33. Dated Aug 1, 1904.

Recorded Aua. 2. 1904.Calvin K Cnmp and wf lo dun V

uooin: .M; lHir Ap 1. Kill lOMi.,, ncllle Helglits tract. Honolulu: $730.II 239. 11 321. Dated July 30. 1904.

Ah Kat et nl by atty or intgees tovwng o riiniKi co; lore Atldt: pornIt P C292. Kill 10375, Kanuhuhu. KohaIn Hawaii. II 259, p 32. Dated AugI. 1904.

Ah Fat et nl by atty of mtgees InFong Mitk Sing; I); porn It P 2!i2. Kill1U575, Knnuliuhil, Knhnlu, Hawaii :

$370. 11 201, p 310. Dated July 311.

1904,1. V Aharez by atty lo It S Kapua:

Itel: por H P 5'5S5, Kill 2020, Kauluwe-1.1- .

Honolulu: $200. 1)171, p 39S. Dat-ed Sept 2. 1903.

Kail (10 to Mary Enns; D; Int InAps 1 nnd 2 or 11 P 3120. Kill 8580,

etc, Walkapu, XIuul; $100. It Log.p 273, Dated 27, 1901,

Ilattte K Parker and hsb i: II to VO Telxelra; Agrmt: lo sell lor $:iu00lot 31, blk 7, Kewnlo trnet, Honolulu:goods, milse, furniture, fixtures, etc,of Star Soda Water Works bus. II 2U5,p 77. Datvil July 27, 1904.

Lucy K Henrlqiies to Alfred W Carter tr; AXI; mlg W I, VredenbiirK on

i lut In 553 ucrc land, Wnlkolua,S Kohnla, Hawaii; $2500. II 211, p,190. Dated Apr 5, 1901,

Alfred W Carter tr to Wllmnt I.Vrcilcnhutg; Itel; lot In 553 ncrcalaud, Wnlkolua. S (nhiila, Huwnll:

II 211, p 3S9. Datojt Aug 1, 1901.Mary K Parker (widow) to Henry

II Pinker: D; It P 43H7. Kill 139,Honolulu: $25o. II 23S. p

271. Dlllcil NOV 21, H'JS.W V. Achl to W II Castle; 1); lut In

Kill 7713. Ap 13. hill laud. Holunlon 1

nnd 2. ,N Koua. Hawaii; $1. II 258, p271. Dal.ed July 30, 1901.

Ulleil .Mitt Higglns to F. OscarWhite; PA: special powers. II 203, p80, Dated Sept 1, 1S9S.

Henry Holmes tn I.llluoknlanl: SurL; pu laud, Knllhl, llimolulii: $1. II237, p 420. Dated Aug 2. HMll.


llllo, Aug. 5. Commissioner of Public James W. Pratt, who Is now.in llllo, when been by 11 Tribune repre-sentative regarding the leasehold ofKnumniin hind granted to Kugene II,l.ymnit, mid over which I here has beenconsiderable controversy, said:

(in 11 vernal on ulon of thu Attorney(lencral, everything bppears regular InIho right or piucluse linse granted tol.yinuu, mill iiuuss rrnud can be shownthere does not seem to bu any way tonet 'tile leabo nsldo. The Ooveinment,however, has no control over the Kin-ney land to give Lyniiui an outlet orright of way to the Government rond.I was anxious to please tho citizens ofllllo, but there nimeiirs to lie no lawwbeicby tho lease can be canceled with.out a showing of finiid.

Willi iffcieiun to A. l.ldgatOH elulnii)U u. homestead above Paiiullo, uponwhich II la alleged l.ldgnle has expend,cd Buverul thousand dollars In Imprnvc- -

iih'UIh, ('ommlniloner I'rntt h:ii1 thupaleiitvliad been denied fur failure to

mply with Hie residence clause. Theproperty, together with Improvements,will bo nKtcsKcd. put 110 at miction nmlMild lo the highest bidder, Xlr. I.lil- -guto mclvlug the tmsiMcd viiluatlon

or fiiSO paid into the (overiiiiieul williciiulio 1111 net the l.eglitl.itute 10 rellilbilisi. Mr, l.lilgnle. -- Trilimtv.


Sliiiiford I'nlverslty. July 21 Next.Monday morning Iheie will bo liliiced

WW, '

Legal Notices.


ruder nnd by virtue of a certainAlias Execution Issued by Lylo A.Dickey. Dlotrli-- t Magistrate of Hono-lulu. Island nf Oahu, Territory of Ha-waii, on the 30th day or June. 1D04. inthe matter of .lax. W. Pratt. Collectoror I axes. Hist Division, vs.- - Capt.

I have, In said Honolulu, oft this2'Jth iIh; of July, A. D. 1301, leviedupon, and shall offer and oxpoio forsale and sell nt public miction, to thohighest bidder, nt thy Police Station,

Kate fleo


12 o'clock noon of Monday, tho 29lhdny of August, A. D. 1901, nil the right,title nnd Interest of tho said Capt.

In and to all tho following de-

scribed real property, unless tho sumof Klghty-thrc- nnd dollars, thatbeing the amount for which snld AIIobKxecutlon IssuMl, together with Inter-est, costs and my fee nnd expenses nropreviously paid:

All that certain pleeo of land Bltnatont Punahou. Honolulu, Oahu, contain-ing 9.373 Square Feet, conveyed toEmll LeClalr by deed of T. Kovcn. nsof record In tho Registry Office, Inwld Honolulu. In Llbur 181, pago 251.

a casu payment of one half of theamount of tho successful bid In" Unit-ed States Cold Coin will bo renulrednt tlmu of snle, the balance to bo paidIn United Slates (Iold Coin upon thedelivery of the deed.

Deed at expense of purchaser.uateil nt said Honolulu, this 29th

day of July, A. D. 1901.A. M. UIIOW.V,

High Sheriff. Territory of Hnwall.2S29 July 29; Aug. 8, 18, 27.


I'mler nnd by virtue of n eerlnlnAlias Hxecntloii Issued by Lylo A.Dickey. District .Magistrate of Hono-lulu. Island of Onhu. Teirltorv nf.Hn-wall, on tho 30th day or June. 1901. InIho matter or Jas. W. Pratt. Collectorof Taxes, Klrst Division, vs. KaauaPlipll. I have. In said Honolulu, onthis 29lh day of July, A. D. 1901, lev-ied upon, and Bhnll offer and cxposulor salo nnd sell nt public auction, toIho highest bidder, at the Police Sta-tion, Kalnkaua Halo. In tho i,alit Honn.lulu, nt 12 o'clock noon or Monday, tho29th day or August, A. 1). 1901, nil theiignt. title nnd Interest or said Kaual'llpll, In nnd (o nil the followlnir do.scribed leal property, uulcss the sumor lortyono mid dollars

mat being tho ninouut forwinch said Alias Kxecutlon Issued, to.gether with Interest, costs nnd my e

nnd expenses am previously paid:I'mlUlded Interest In and to that

ceitnln House-lo- t situated on I.tllhastreet, Honolulu, Oahu. being a por-tion or It. p. (flrunt) ISO to Keknapa-nlo- ,

coiueyed to said Kaaua Plipll andAha Kauua (k) by deed or Kalliia fwl.as or record In the Itenlstrv Olllre Intuld Honolulu, In Liber 217, page 302.

A cash payment or one-hal- f of thoamount of the successful bid InI'lilted Stutes Hold Coin will Im r.qulied at time or snle, the balance toi'v pain in I'lilted Stntea (Iold Coinupon thu delivery or the deed.

Deed nt oxpense of purchaser.Dated at snld Honolulu, this 29th

day of July, A. D. 1901.A. XI. UIIOW.V,

High Sheriff. Territory of Hnwall.2829 July 29; Aug. 8, 18. 27.

Business Notices.


The benefit dance which was to havttaken plnco ut St. Antonio Hull Sat.

August fith. 1904, bus been post- -

lioiieil 10 August 20111. 1901.11:11 oimnit.

iiojioiuiil, Aug. 4th, 1901. 2S3I


I will not bo. responsible for anydebts contracted In my nuino exceptupon my written order.

(ii:o. C. STIlATUMKYnit.Aug, 3, 1904. 2833-lv-


K. Asniiml, bnrki-shoei- and wagon.maker, C22 King street, hereby notlllesall customer that goods not called forwithin 30 days will bo soldjit auction,



Hllo, Aug. .'.. Jules Itclnhardl. awell known lesldent of Hllo and theIsland of Hnwall. missed avvnv nt bin

.home at 10:30 p. m. Saturday, JulyU'l.ll.. .....II -- .!.. 1 .....,. ,, iiu mvii iiutuiHvii in years,

being ncitrly 75 enrs of age. Mr. lieenjoyed good health until two

weeks before ho died, when ho coinplained of stomach tumble, which rosuited In his death, lloin In Herman.September 27, lh2U he lelt his nnll-ro- ll

nt tho age of IS, mid came in I Inwall. Ho mairied Miss T. (iamlall orHonolulu In 1K,'7. and hill resldnltilnii- - nt Hllo nud oilier plnces on (he

of Improvements. The purchase prlt !'1'""l "f Hnwull. Ilu whs 11 enrpeiiter



by Unite, but was eiunloved us Miliarholler at vailoiis tlinua at Wnlakea,Olioiiiea, biiipahiKibou mid oilier pliili'lalions, Ho was inimiiKcr or Aiiinulamid Hid owner or n small plantationnt Knwnlll.1. hetoic the llllo Sugnri.ouipmiy uiiiioilii'd I hone properties.Ho iilmitril rorree lu Oina for tin via id1111III three ) 111 ik iigo, since wlilili tlmu

nil iiublie lAhllillluu ut thu university Im lias nut been engaged In uuy aeilvoir.ukeum one or llu. iuie.1 and iuot puimll. Out of 11 fumlly of lourli-- nvmiiauiH loiiHiious or nil won 111:11 ihlldii'ii lluuo niinhu him, beslilu hUIiiih ever beii iiiiuiid lulu n foieign vvldoH-- , Mrs, John lloliiieulierg. Mis, J.luuiiuy fioin ,lniiiii Mm .In im ll, Collins. Mrs. Ileiiiiiiu Liiillufr, midStmifoni hut iunliuvn iln lollivilnu, M'Vhii hoys, Oilu, WIHIhiii, ('hmltw.nml iinliiuikili the ekim punliiiK' pih'K Thomas, John, Duvld ami lleorge Iti'lu-- l

mil hiiiiiihiiihI, i U uuderstuiMl 111 Im liurdt, Thn funeral, which was lartelyMiiiiilhluK imr flou.imo. 'I'hn puieluiMi lillsmleil, look plum HhhiIiiv iilii'lliuuil

u iiiudti br ike ineiMi rhaiif) nimI In llul11 I II Cliuuh. TiUhiii.Ilml eiiiiiiHiliui llinr me luMlltMn nfl '

loltlll.bUi IHIK4HI.I. I HMO "WihiU" 1111 IW 1).

Oceanic Steamship CompanyTIME TABLE

The steamers of this lino will arrlvo and leavo this port as hcrcunln-- a



SILMtllA . .

...At'O. 12'ALAMi;iU

...At'd. 21'6tllt!lA . .

. .SUI'T. 2





J.".00?"00 "!n TUh lhe ""I,nR of th0 n,J0V' tho agents are. irpared Issue, to Intending passengers, coupon through tickets, by any rtJOroad from San Francisco to all point In tho States, and from Nework by any steamship lino to all European ports.FOIt FURTHER, PAJITICUI.AR3 APPLY TO

Wm. G, Irwin & Co., LtdOCEANIC 8. 8. CO. GENERAL AGENT.

Pacific Mail Steamship Co.Occidental and Oriental Steamship

Co. and Toyo Kisen Kaisha8teamers of the above companies will call at Honolulu andleave this port on or about the dates below mentioned:





CHINA AUO. 13 COPTICuonio auo. 23 koiii:asiiiMHA si:pt. icoai:lic


NOV. l'coi'TlCDORIC Nov li

For general Infornutlon apply to





.fiBPT. 7






OCT. ItNOV. 11

H. Hackfeld & Co.. Ltd., au.AMERICAN-HAWAIIA- N S. CO,

Direct Service between New York and Hawaiian Islands, via PicifloOual

Ffom Now VorlcS.S."CALIFORNIAN" in ,M ,!,,.. Aim .

Freight received at all times at tho Company's Wharf, 41st Btreist, GKBrooklyn.

Prom San PranclticoS.S."NEVADAN" '....to sail AUO. 2S

l'relght received at Company's Wharf, (Irevnwkli StrecLand each month thcreiitter.

from Honolulu to Hnn Prnnclaco.to ia Au0. ,

Prom Suattlo find TacomnS.S."NEVADAN" t0 ,ai about SEPT. 1

From Portland, Or.For further Information ailly H

C, P, MORSE, H. Hackfeld & Co., JL--td

General Freight Agent, AGENTS, HONOLULU.

Canadian-Australia- n Royal MeiiSteamship Company.

Steamers of the nbovo line, running In connection with the CANADIAN-PACIFI-

RAILWAY CO, between Vancouver, I). C, and Sydney. N. . Tr-am! calling nt Victoria, 13. C, Honolulu and Suva. FIJI and HVIsbin. urnDUE AT HONOLULU on or about tho dales below slated, vlr:From Vancouver and Victoria, D. C.

(For llrlsbuno and Sydney.)


Sydney and Brltbanev.Vlctorlu nnd B. OH

nunr,iiA 27 MANUKA Ann iMANUKA Sr.PT. 2f AOIIANCI siNr -- 1

AOltA.NOI . .OCT. 22 j MIOvVKIlA 19Through Tickets Itsiicd Honolulu to Canada, United fltaies lumUuropo. For Freight nud Passago and nil gencial Inronuatlon, apply ti

Tlico. 11. Davies & Co., Ltd. General Agents.

J. F.Morgan, President; C. J. Campbell President! J. t MeUir,Secretary; A. F. Clark, Treasurer; N. E. Gedge, Auditor; Frank Hu-ri-

M"laaer' .. ..JHustace-Pec- k Co., Ltd.DRAYMEN, 63 QUEEN ST.


Firewood, Stove and Stenrri Coal.ALSO WHITE BLACK SAND. TELEPHONE MAIM

Union Express Co,, Ltd., 63 Queen Street,Having baggnge contracts tho fol owing Steamship Llnea:

oieamsnip co. Pacific Mall Steamihlp Co.Occidental & Oriental Steamship Co.Wilder S. S. Co. Toyo Klsen Kal.ha Steamship 4U.


i, ii niivn ,uur uuisumg uaspgo m your Homes, saving you the- tneOtaand annoyance of checking on tho wharf.Incoming, baggage checked on steamers or i.mM.u .- -j j.i,

cred quickness and dispatch at your homes.MAIN

II, J,

llnpld Truii'lt lllcctrlo antfknt und depart tl ntriu thu Mo.uiii lliiiul leu initiates


Evening llulletln, 7ftmpnlh.






Beaver Lunch Room


lit, 150 J.











with Co.'soceanic


Canfrom nsln






OUTWARD.For Wulmiao, Walaluu, Kxhoka and

Way Stations 9: IS u.m 3:20 pju.For Pearl City, llwa Mill ad Way

Stations ti-3- a. m 3:15 . m,11.05 a. in., 218 p. in.. J::o p. n,

t4J5 p. m 5;15 p. in., (9:30 u. nutil. IS p. in.

INWARD.Arrlvo Honolulu from Kahuku, Wal-nlu- a

and Wnlauai StSO a. m., :30P. in.

Arrlvu llunnlulu from Kvx Mill sadI'earl cit t:B0 n. m, tT4 . w.,b.30 n, m., IO:Stf n m, 20S p. m,I 31 p. in., Bi3l p. in., 7ho p. in,

Dally,t Humbiy liwrplvd.

Huuduy Only,0. I', DENIBON, r, 0bdMITH,

'I"' O. P, T, A.

H &. L. - - 4A Itmh, il ue!kjl& . ' 3 lA, , ' j ,i J'jjliia.is-L-.


it s:

r?T,flPwi5ff3WP-.-?!- :

' i 4

4 ,, "ii .. vEIGHT EVEN1N0 BULLETIN, HONOLULU. T. H MONDAY, AU(1. 8. 1001.

Tennis Players, Attention! Eureka Wicklcss Blue Flame SHIPPING INTELLliENCE JAS. F. MORGAN

Cook Stoves. TIDES. Auctioneer and Broker,


1904 Wright & Ditson Championship Tennis Balls, $4,25 doz.noNo


fiery kitchen.no dirt no


rflfS--1 3 In Rim


847-85- 7 Kaahumanu Stmt,s

' ARE SHOWING SOME FINE P. O. BOX 64. TELEPHONE Jtot all kinds of cooking and1904 B. G. I. ,, ,, 4,00 baking

.i m. a. p n, a.m. p, n.




LK- -


y0IAX ill- .aittKW




W. & D. Driver,

$7.25 each.

W, & D. Pirn,

$6.25 each.

W. & D, Campbell,

S5.90 each.


Rackets Restrurgwith best White

Gut, $2 each,III

A large Jh'pment

of Ballsand Rackets

just received this'week per Alameda.


Kalno, Molokal Aug. 3. On Satur-day, July 3ftth tin Kamalo and

Clubs nut at Kaunakakal forn baseball match. At the termination;of play, the soon' mood 2i to 10 tl,nKaunakakals winning After ttu gamethere wus n lunu wlili h was largelyattended. I

Two blessed ulion 01 b tills week bmV

aot enough to water tho earth andyroduco verdure Instead of straw. I

71io weather Ih tstlll Intensely warmwry delightful In many lespcctH, foe j

one likes a cessation or very strongbreezes.

n.H Tn.n.nn Imnlti tin. n li.tAfl W,.l1 117 liimn CV i":' "D .ilia itj'i'vi.tk.i j

in alarming nuiniicrs again nun ween.Vour correspondent rollected manyhundreds on Wednesday evening,working over tho trees nearly twobours. Thcro are still enough and toepnre.


Entered for Record, Aug. 6, 1S04,

From 10:30 a, m. to 12 m.Holit and wf to Samuel P

Woods O

Samuel I' Woods to ChristinaLnlng T)

I'ook Sing to I.al lllp ns.Antono Kreltas to Henry Illschoff ..StWm I. Jloore uud wf to A II Loo- -

ueusteln D

A SlncAulton nnd wf to A n Loe- -

lienstcln 'JA II Loeboiistcln nnd wf to First

Dank of llllo LtdMary K A Keolanul and hb to P

Peck D

V Hamada by nfft of lnlgeiMi to JIwasakl ct nl ForcAffdl

It Dcgawa to S Iwasakl IISHlgashlhara Goudosu to C Ahana &


W S Terry ct al by Judge to A IIlicbenstdn Decree of CourtEntered for' Record Aug. 8, 1904,

From 9 a. m. to 10:30 a. m.Thos Pratt to M A Itego M

ttlalcakala Itanch Co to Peter Jo--

iwph D

EcelsIor Lodgo No 1 I O O P to

trs of Excelsior Lodge No. 1 1 O

of nUxcelBlor Lodge No 1 I O O V by

Us to trs Abigail K C Parker.... M

Ella M Loobenstcln to W L Moors. .U


Tourists who lh to tea the wind-

ward sldo of Molokal, with Its wonder-ful cliffs, deep gulches and fertile valleys, with the most unlnue and beautlful prospects on oery hand, shouldtal.o tho trips on tho now steamerLlkellke. Around Molokal In daylightwith night run to I.abalna, tho ancientcaVUal.

Balling, Monday at 5 p. m.. returningTuesday night,

Salllnr, Wednesday at E p. m., re-

turning Friday night.New steamer, all deck staterooms,

airy and commodious.Full particulars at Wilder' Bteam

ship Conipuny Office.

A cargo of 1 1.000 Austria birds liastieon hi ought to London by nun steam-ur- .

They were sold nt tho dock ludealers.



B. 6, I, Special

Cane Shoulder,

$7,25 each

B. 6.-- 1. Special

$6.50 each.

The light placs for

right goods at rihtprices Is coiner




The Bike Doctors

Take your sick wheel



Open Saturday Afternoons.

ThePacific Mutual Life

Insurance Co.

Furnishes Life Insuranceas an investmnt for you

If ifc$lW

And a safeguard tor yourfamily.

920 Fort St.

Victor Talking Machines

Come and hear them. They speak forthemselves. New machines and records.


Do Not Be DeceivedBy i few mp!c. Anyone enn buy wnmplun,Ibut It t nut uvury onu cun do you uootl vorlc.Wo buy our mntcrlul it vIioIumiiIu prluuM tlicru-for- o

can ulvu yoli tho hutt vorlc nt tho I(vomIprlcuM. Out our prluuM nml compiiro thorn withothorn No uhiii'iiu for uxfimlmilloiiH unci tin

Portable Ovens

Thin stove generates fuel nnfrom kerosene or common coaloil. Ih so simple that anyone canoperate It.

On exhibition atHAWAIIAN TRADING CO,, Ltd

1142 Fori Street. Love Building.


IT'S IN TOWN!The Celebrated


Is here and can be InJ at all First Cl.isb.iM and lioteK Trv It and be convincedof Its merit. We rerectfully call yourattention to the oflicl.il analysis on theback of the bottle. 'I his rIu Is strictlypure and free from fusel oil and we take apride In rresentlns It tii the public, withthe assurance tint It will meet with unl- -

ysal favor.

Ask For It Decline Imitations

Thos. F. McTighe & Co.,Sole Distributors for Territory of Hawaii,

TCL. MAIN 140 93 & 95 KINQ ST.

P. C BOX 7S5


W. W. Wright Co. U.hue opened a horse-shoein- g

department In connec-tion with their carriageskop, etc. Having secur-- .

ed tho services of a firstclass sboer, they aro pre-pared to do all work In-

trusted to them In a first-cla-



(Continued from Pane 1.)Much Interest wag manifested In tho

conference of Congregational minis-ters which s hold In tho Kaahnma-ni- l

Church August 3 I. About twentyministers wero present. Tho meetingswere Intcrostlng ns well ns Instruct-ive, ltov. Kmerson presided.

Different committees composed ofladles of tho church hail charge, of tho(lining room for each day and everyono souincil well pleased with tho gen-erous repasts served.

Attorney Kahokuolunn, lee presi-dent of tho Young People's Society ofChristian Iludeavor, spent last SundayIn town nnd visited tho KnnhumniiuSunday school, whero ho organized nY. P. S. O. H. About twenty-flv- per-rons wcro enrolled and tho followingcidlcers wcro elected: W. F. Crockett,president; Ah Sam, Wco president;Dan K. Pnklpala, secretary; Miss Min-nie Knlue, ticasurer.

A luau, complimentary Io T. II, Ly-

ons, will be given at tho Lyous resi-dence this evening.

Misses Turner and Tlahb of tho Set-tlement school, accoiiipauled by MissHolden uf Lalmlna, icturned to Wul-luk- u

Thursday nftcr having spent sav-cr-

weeks on tho slopo of Haleakala.Attornoy Case Is un tho sick Hit

this week.Attorney Vivas Is located In his new

office In tho upper story of tho beauti-ful National Hank building.

Among the attendants at tho minis-

ters' conference wcro tho following:Itovs. Hmcrson; Kallno, Pala; laea,

Huclo; Kapu, Lalmlna; P.t, Olownlu;lllhlo, Canteibtiry; Nawahlnc, Wal-lic- o;

Nua, Walluku; Makckau, Haiku;Namaka nnd wife, Huclo; Peter Ka-

hokuolunn and wife, Pala; Kaholokal,Watehu; Robert Nuwahlno, Jr., Wal-he-

John Drown, Walknpu; Palekal,Walkapu.


UnADFOIlD-LAN- Aug, Till, 1D0I, utKnllhl, Qulncy Qulntcn Dindfoid toMiss Mary Kahlklnn Hev Pil. Suograss nlllclutlng.

The BU8INE88 MAN'S HANDY INDEX, published In the Saturday Bulle-tin and the Weekly Edition, gives aconcise and complete resume of all le-

gal notices, calls for tenders, Judg-ments, building permits and real es-

tate transactions. Evening Bulletin,75 conts per month. Weekly Bulletin,II per v.ar.


saMtliimto of your work. Uncly AMMlxlnnt.

THE EXPERT DENTISTS,HOUn, 1 to B QunUavtf, P to 1J, .jy,., ?M IIOTL'L ftf., opp. Yoinj Hotl

I '6 ST o .6 ta )t6 M J II

If oj t,l ? I 1 l I it )3

a m p fti1 i 9 t l.t S oo a e 14 6 17


4 10 111,) 9 ofl 1 44 4 44 II 6 l a mIII1'J 'n j l, j io if. I 46 6 .4 1 J 6 o 09T m.1. 14 17 II 4 4 41) I S 1) 6 )6 IS

II.1.18'.. ,. 8 OT I It I .6I .i m

t 47 1 9 o s6 8 )8 8 ,7 1 1 ( IS 4


Last quarter of the moon Aug. 4th.Tlo.cs Horn the United Stales Coast

and Oeodctlo Survey Tables.Tho tides at Kahulul and llllo occur

about au hour earlier than at Ho-

nolulu.Hawaiian Standard Tlroo Is lOh 30m

slower than Greenwich lime, beingthat of tho meridian of 157.30. TheUmo wblstlo blows at 1:30 p. m., whtciIs tho same as Greenwich, Ok Om.


Weather lliueau, Punahou. Aug. 8.'

Temperature Moinlng minimum, 72;uilddny maximum, S2.

Itarometcr at 9 a, m .10 02, steady.ltntnrulL .09.Absolute lVilMnre at 9 n. m T.O grs.

per cubic foot.Humidity nt 9 a m.. 0 per cent.Wind, modcralo N. i: ; weather, fair.

H. c. wnncKnit.Territorial McUoratoglst.



Sunday, Aug. 7.

T. K. K. S. S. America Mam, Going,from San Frnmlsco, arrived off port,li n. in.

Stmr. Clniidlue. Parker, from Mnulpotts, S n. in.

Stmr. W. (I. Hall, S. Thompson, fromKauai polls, 4:12 a. in.- -

Stmr. Noenit, Ptderson, from Ana-hol- a,

I a. m.- Stmr. Knu.il, llrnhn, from Maul ports,3:1.0 n. m.


Sunilny. Aug 7,

T, K. K. 3. S Ameilta Muni, Going,fur Yokohama, at 12 m.



Stmr. Ltkcllko, Nnopala, tor Mauland Moloknl ports, nt 5 p. in.

Stmr, Noenu, Petersen, for Kapaa,Anahola. Kllauea, Kalllitwat nnd l,

nt 5 p. m.A.-- 8. S. Ncvadan, Wecdcn, for

Sail Francisco, at 5 p, in.Am, bkt. W. H. Dimond, Hnnsen, for

Sail Francisco, p. m.


From Kan.il ports, per slmr. W. G

Hull, Aug. 7. Chas. (lay. Miss A.Drown, .Mi M. I. Wllcnv. M. W. Ilcn-ga-

Miss M. Jiiridln, MUft J. Creamer.Geo. Allen, Miss II. Kubcrtsou, Miss Jli.uiiun, Miss I'. Cnitcr, W. W. Arklry,(;. 11. Jnrdlii. Miss A. Creamer, Miss A,Hulciminii, Mlt.8 A. 1)1 Icr, Miss V..

Damon. MIbs II. DlJkc, A. A. Wilson,Jlrs. Kassabcer, A. S. Cantlu nnd 7'J

dick.From llneln, per slmr. Kauai, Aug

7. A J. Williamson nnd wife und IPle k.

From Anaholii, per slmr. Nuenu, Aug7. M. Harvey and 3 deck.


(Continued from Page 1.)Following is n complete list, of all

September term Jurors:Grand Jurors Archibald A. Dunn,

John J. Dgnn, It. L--. Scott, A. S.II. H. Warrcll. J. M .Webb.

Itobeit Hall, II, E. Webster, Levi K.Makea, John Andrews, Frank liar-wle- k,

C. J. Day, Jeremiah K. Kanolll-II- I,

F. I. Uortch, John Coffee, J. D.Tucker, Albert Trask, D. O, K. Kast,S, II. Makapu, !. 11. Mncfarlano Jr..Henry Cook, Chas. II. Ile.il nnd Wm.H Mclnerny.

Tilal jurors for Judo Gear's (crimin-al) lourt; IIurTy Carl, Albert .

Campbell, Charles Kapulc, J, J .Dine,J. K Kektipaa, John A. Johnson, W.Matlock Campbell, K. J. Walker, J.Kiiuhaue, Geo. Dillingham, G. I). e.

U. P. Clinpln, John C. Lane, st

Kmil, II. P. Duor, Jnmes Hough-lullin- g,

j.is. W. llergttiiim, Chas. PFuller, John l.oil, Wm. Prestige, Wm,Ahleit, Sol. K, Niiioa, Harry ,. Austin,(' J Flshcl, Jnmes Drown unci AichIbahl A. Young.

Trial Jurois for Jtulgo Ilobliisou'i)l Ivll) court Will C. King, Suml. Now-lil- n,

Jus. Kanohl, 11, C. Cniler, Not-ma- n

Watlilns, Henry Feins, Ploico ADiew o, O. Coiiradt. N. II. SjiltzorAinus L. Kuumal, Henry A- - Asch, liarr Armltnge, Arthur Jolinslune, LewisC King, James Ca,y, Jas, Nott, JrChas, P, Osborne, Alex. Kua, IMw. PO'lliliu, Chas, C. Kaklu, Ulrum Knahn,Dmll A. Deriult, Flunk Hustace, JamcxAruiKtrung, Bumucl Kaloha and H, P

The follow lug of thoso drawn fur theGrand Jury aro said to bu dlsiiuullflvd;X A, Dunn, n mluor; It. L. Scott, nutu loglkteied voter; John Andrews, notu illliuu; O. J. Day, it llrlllnh subject;llnbeit Hall, u minor; Frank llanvlik,llrltlsh subject,

Tim following uf thi.40 ilinwii forJudgn Urur's tllul Jury mo suld'lu In

iilviiiiillllodi Wm, l'irtlu, llrlllHlioiibjiwl; lluuy '., Alutln, ulluiney In

It.) Dlktrll'l ClMlltS,Judgo lie Holt Oils moinlng dimv Ms

irlul Jiihhh fur I ho nmv lurin nsHaimml Kiivvululi, Duuulttu h- -








ORDER YOUR RIGS FROMGet your friends together and en


WANTSFor Want viuiiiii ire I'rtue lx


Middle nged woman willing Io do mus-ing or light housework. AddressIt., this offlce. 2S37-1-


Two-roo- cottage, furnished or unfur-nished; sultnblo fur light housekeep-ing. Apply Mrs. Held, 1331 KlnauSt.; also furnished single room


oncn, O. H. Walker, Kdmund Norrle. AK. Ixivckln, C. II. Ulaup, Albert J. Ly-

on, Louis Mnrts, John II. Naone, J. II.Schnack, M. J. Carroll, Henry Dlrk-myr- e,

Wentworth SI. Uuchanan, Win.r, Jocher, IMw. Dckuni, John Edwards,i: S. Cunlia, J. SI. Dowsett, ltobt.

Saml. Ebrirch, Edwin Hnrbottle,Henry Gvhilng, II. C. Drown, ClarenceII. Clarke, q. H. Dcirey and IZ. tt.Dulscnbert'

Tho above will report to Judge DoDolt on Slonday, September 12, at 10n Ir--


Stain, a Hawaiian, w,as arrested thisforenoon on a chargn of nssault andbattery on another Hawaiian, namedKepa. It seems Hint both wero attend-ing n drunken sprto In Nuuanii valleywhen they got Into n light. Main Is

to have struck Kepa In tho facowith a club. Kepa Is now In theQueen's Hospital undergoing treat-- 'incut. His upper Up hns been split!through. JIalu says that Kepa chasedhim nnd that ho struck his pursuer lu



New Yoik. July 20. H. II. Itogeis,tho millionaire Stundard Oil directorand president of tho Richmond Lightnnd ltallroml Company, for whoso nr-le- st

on n charge nt manslaughter twin runt was Issued on Tuesday, ,t(orouer's Jury hnvlng found him nndIho other directors lesponBlble fur tboiliath of IMgor J .Colunaii, u lineman,win). It Is Mlegcd, wus killed by an

tubulated vvlrn belonging toIlia coninuuy. suriendeied voluntiirllvearly this luoiiilng to Cnioncr Schnef-- Iit neioro ma warrant was smeil, llog-ei- s

wiih luken befnro tho itironer utSliiplcton, Htalen Miind, and held luflUOO luill for nppenriiiico heforu the

it (til Jury. Hu guvo security nndwent nomo,

Ho far n known tliu first campaign'emblem wan n linger ilng of copper.It wus wnrn hy tliu adherents nMiilinU'llney AIihm lu I SCI, when ho rnu furPriMlduiit, nnd was Insrillmd "Julin(lulnoy Adiiius, lusfi." TInlypKs midliieiliillliiiis wiiu hiiiohk llin lualgiiliiufthu im;u (umiMigii, i

3TO CKYARDS STABLES.Joy a tallyho ride.

E. H. LEWIS, Proprietor.


Win(hrope Medicines

Kidney TeaBlood Purifier

Booklet on the Kidney Free.

Chambers Drug Co,,LIMITED.

Cor. King and Fort Sts.'PHONE MAIN 131,





August 24th and 27th.


Tickets will be on sale at storesof E. O. Hall & Sons, Woods &Sheldon, Pearson 6c Potter.


AIo CUHIOD of all d.scrlptlons atliving prices.



" "Tr--T i . i


v-?- at

3f." Jl'" .in

M'lt- -

: . .ml--


For SaleAmong the many bargains In Real

Estate that I have on my list I would

draw your attention to

The Boardman Tractsltuato between Lunalllo and Klnau,on Pcnsacola Street, now divided Into

lots and to be sold on very easy terms.Apply



onWnlklltl Doad 1U0Aloha Lano 20.00

King Street 33.00

Dcretanla Street 32.suYoung Street ...112.00, 117.60, $20.00


Across the Continenton the






Bath, Barber, Buffet, Library,Electric Reading Lamps In ev-

ery Booth, Obseravtlon Car,Telephone 8ervlee. "


C. S. FEL,Passenger Traffic Manager.

T. H. GOODMAN,General Passenger Agent

8n Francisco, - : CALIFORNIA.510-0- 3.

Three TrainsDaily


Omaha, Kansas City,

Chicago, St, Louis

And All Principal Eastern Points

No Change I &!s( Chicago.

He Hiiro your lliket reads via theUNION PACIFIC

Fur full lufiii niiitliin mil un0, F, BOOTH, Q, A.,

1 Monlaoiniry 61,, Sin Frinclico, Cat.

m. - . , ', &fa , i "'-"&- a j,