kpiui.^a,^ ^d.r !> «.•».« «.^^ y-h^-.jjj j.j j.a*. ssfs...

41 TtiE AMERICAN ISRAELITE. , . 1 Tl I i I I'l of these thou sand dollars we sugges t language is no more than a comp lex of he knows that he can pa ? for it and bis respectively manifest their natu res. It he purch ases th e righ .. A. .!. . FTT OP jupphm . ' ^l- ¦ ' ¦ |ne flfilCf Call 8,3(1 lIB l should «» «pe«i<led in the publication casual and thoug htless ejacul ation in mean * can compass it but then comes would be absurd to expec t that inor- other men . tabor ¦»» **»£ "J, " J t *" ^™ OW. Iliu nillUMUU M IUIUUIIIUI r r e ; * b and sees the home that A has buUt , ganic evolut on would continue if mole- mg (h em power to aireoi ni»i « . of this book the whole or par t of wmch kind the same as the roaring of the ^ fae j ^ d A . my f ulefl fleaae d to attract or Combine , and (which would be fair exch ange , but by DoHvorcd ftt the J wrf gJi . ISAAC M. WISE , £y»tor. may be refunde d to the Union by the wind or the thunders of a cataract , wife and children are as good as his wife it would be absurd to suppose that or- coins , which are mere symbols or 10- tionnl Congress , Chica go , August A sale of this volume under the control of Prof. Max Mueller , we fancy, would not and children , and have as much ri ght ganio evolution would continue if the kens of labor . m ere- 28, 1898, by Miss Henri - L,©0 WISE & CO., the said committee . •// be willin g to adopt the necessary con- to live in aa fine a house and in as instincts and appetit es of individua ls of When men *T e . d !f o0U J a ? e *_ m h otta SzoW. Pi-auHHiia and Paoi-aiBTO WL . m . - asouenoe of his theorv extravagant a style. " He iwquire s a each species were wholly or even par- ating true wealth by their owa taow , ¦ _ ^ ^__ sequence of his theo ry . home and furnis hes it luxuriously, and tia lly suspended. " ' they become par asitic , and emp loy ¦ Offi ce: N. W . Cor. Fifth and Vine 8ts. Amos,; the New Year <* tA * we re " ' m ' livea%eyond his mean s, and rushes into S0QIAL wwmm thems elves in gather ing those fi°fct'Ous F «™ years »«M h ™gh th e effor ts of ¦ ' ? __ calved from abroad the one of Mr. N. The Truth Seeker Company, of New speculation and ruin follows. One tries w<t 1-a ! „. A . ,; tn nant iYtmt wealth-token s (money ) by mea ns of the union of several local committ ee, , > Cincinnati , 0., October 19, 1893. L. D. dimmer , 30 Sun Street , Fin sbury, York - that centerof unchristia n Christ, ^tne ^rT ^ "" "^ **" ¦^•vSy^^S^I^S £^0? VSS " " La ^t^d 6 !^^ ft *f - ———~~~~ ~ London , E. G., is the mos t interesti ng, ian s, infidels , fr ee thinkers , agnostics , or ^ Tier ids ' * friends ! Are not no " nftl acti vities , bodily and mental , of Tnere wag a pecul iarity in the ancient .for - tho third time In the historv w ' " ¦ ' IDBsaiPTlO J PBICE , PEH ml . . . . 34 00 not only because it comes from the by whatever pet names they are oalled tneB (J ' things '' the cur nea of our the ^ m P onent indi Tlduttl ?—ft P ftr ^ from H ebrew relig ion , which di scouraged American Jews , an bxgan iz ition ' for if o- mmm . ... .. . ... 500 most orthodox and very learned repre- —^published lately a. most unchristian mo<ierzi J evrub aoci©ty ? Are not these th f. ir d «i»8 l and sentiments , and tho se Jew g fwm dey 6t ing their surp lus en- purpose of publishing and circ ula tw ' ?01tflge to Euro pe , One Tear 100 genta live Ueman of th e BritJah ; . book , called "Abraham Lincoln , was he the wrongs and evila for which hundreds fflKlE l/E «W to the crea tion , ° f 4 1*™""?* ™* ks bearing ^pon Je wisfr lift and ;d ' umwiDfrnuHN. tnl . but also because it contains in th e a Christian: ' by John E. Remsburg. It individu ally and all . of us collect- StTan y^LSn on L' paS ^ in tbe f<>rm ° f ' tata " - " d ^ SSf^^ bW rt PbSS ?? 11 ' ZZ^XX^^TZZ Hebrew te ^ ^ less than five word pre- is a book of 330 pages . The sta temen t. Thaw te ^ U^ta thta ^ta B |S ^°b to thieve it and even without ^ Qentile governm enta been wise in June , 1888 , an unus ually lar gT* ' . rotaais . Marria ge., Births, Death. &t , eac h . no eentationB of , tne year 5G5; j among 0 ( on e hundred and twenty witnesses BeMOri ? are 7 ther6 not hundr e ds **« con*«iouenes s that they are aohiev- they would have given Hebr ew energ y well as representative conventio n " AdTe rilieawnu oi coQgregaiion«. iinicB « nti)<.r which is also Elieser the Kalir ^U'S« are quoted and discussed , with the re- who have per mitted their better judg- 1?* lt- .. ,f f. nt,re >na u8t« al organiz i- every enoour8 g eme nt to expa nd itself men and women , who reali zed the i m . " SSM'Sfe SShS £Sd U p U bUah & , S^h 'X .k ^ pn which amounts to 653. It is in- suit that twenty mainUin Lincoln was men t to be run away with by the un- J 0 " - m m £! **$ " bv each « ^e production of those othe r forms portance of the work to be un dert ake n. SSb?o % «nS dKi Sned. " tK ch.S '" ^ „„;„„„ nrfc !n j«i,mi««. «^ »„«„ !,« ..h ™. i,„ ^li ™.,Wn h. - thinking indulg ence of this spirit of lux-, M1B en «om the pursuit by each f ermftnent wealth i improved land and Besides, tbe gathering was thor ougb .lv «mta two doilan lor each iDMHio^ without genious work in eight lines , and teaches and one hundred maintain he was not a « extfavanan ce ? are there no / Pe«on of hi s own interests subject to i0if d arehiteeture But the Genti le gov- national in character. The delem»« a^ S ^^ « ^U Mb ^b^ P l-ly bow little value ia to be attach - Christian. The author maintains he &,£& ^S filing n!ght and certain ^nu imposed by the incor - ~ n t' w^\0t wise ; th ey di sclur- for the moat part Belf-consti ^edlS 1 ¦• ^m^ ^^^ V^iL ^^ ,, 1 !^ ed to the G™™<rM methods of the has proved , not onl y that Abraham day, truly by the sweat of their brows P or ««d society ; and by tni s same spon- aged the Jews from possessing land and gat es by virtue of their unfla gging j n. ,) ^^^ w^itt '^r^^ ^ Kabbali sts. Accordin g to tbe "B abiah" Lincoln waa no Christian , but also that and the wear of their brains to make S^ M "^? we f T&.S* "S" hoUBeB - L t We8t in J T ith «»»«»»1 affa irs!. && ¦ "" » the PublUhB " " hen K ' VI, " ! tbdf this would show that tne poet Kalir was George Washington , Ulysses S. Grtt nt ^th ends meets ? and all for what ? to 2?3f3 f from ni ° n knive s ^ upto Mm TV^TSf t TllTlato ^"STlii^ ^^ - ; . ,. D no a ti ,- ¦ l j Si v vt is i ji ». keep up appe arances when a bouse not i ». '" , ' ' . "" ¦ ,. / _ c a me parasitic , and devoted itsen to The laity and tne clergy wer e rears. coKri» . nT uv; .nd memorial jwointio™ of born in the y ear 893, A. D., whi ch is and Stephen N. Douglass were dlsbe- 0U He so fine and clothes not quite so: a , utonillt »0 P. nnting maohines ! . from |t v * the ^^ token8 of W6alth 86nted , the professors and the worl d rlf A?. ^ N i.a\ 1 iS!rr? oil " « ^id ' S m«U"a not tru C - find prop hetic ally t aken , it liever s in Christianity. He could have luxurious and a- ' styl e of living not quite »^gw up ^l ocomotive s-a fact which ftnd ^^g the fat ure utor of bu siness, the pity con gregatio ns andi he : oni torm charge of 85.00 each. would suggest that 1893 must produce added quite a large number of Ameri" so fastwould mak e their Uvea if notquite ^'g nt w^h poliUcian s tnat tnere are Qeiltilea i n other words the Hebrews country districts. It was thus not un. s ate , for DISPL A Y AUVKBTiSEM ESWn.a d . 4 poet like Kalir , which is certainl y not can states men and p atriots of renown so envied at least peaceful and happy. tha ^thoBe ' wS they control ^ " 'Ti ^ft™^ *b.n tWat the He StL^^S^X^^^ ' ' *—^ - , * *. year was very prolific in besidea Thomas person , Daniel Web- ^fS g^ff ^T^SS l ^^ <*»™ H c^uS *^t t £ &S& K t^rS l^ in an.werin R any of the advertl.eme nts in tki . P°° r P oetrv &nd 8tl11 P 00 1 P<> etB - «ter - Horace Greeley and Jam es K. Polk appearance , even honor and honesty; are "*J "ihin g results of social evolution , mBteftd of reme dy ing. the eyil by send- J ewish Publication Society of America " -v p»j fer , onrreaderi will confer a fsTor upon iioth tb« ^^ , who did not believe in Christianity, not these thin gs of import sufficient to ?naer ?ne $} ltM aspects , coma, never iQ g JeTri eh energy back into the chan- The preamble to its constit u tioa de sssssgsssssssss. t.o ... „»m.. „. Mm . «^--^*£—- sssssss s |^^" 'v^^' i stt s^siSi Ss'Si ^s^sxs^m^i ^?&%lT ii$7M&£ Tex * mn * ti0n " Hebrew ; and the other is in pure »en t of justice , love of fr eedom and may come when the emp ty .bubble , will ^^ ^i^'j^LiS ^S^ more and more on the poa session of J ewa of tie tJnited Slates. " Mor e ex. - ¦ ¦ ' . jargon German in Hebrew t ypes. The «>™ d logic, th e martyr of a hol y cau s e, burst V^Inbridl ed luxury of every , kind „e th e needful factors iS £e one Zf J ok ^ ^ff i T* oW . r3r & ^ e?iay ^l ^ constitution ^efinea its pro! ^ Mb. 8u«mi, wor« 8kr |j ! the general agent of ] atter n„ K,/2. fM ;a ,,i^ a ]ftri?fi feiu and the man who abolished slavery in brin gs ^ penalty; .th e ruin and evil and _ Q y " a^XfaiSn»i *A tliA needful to h,d8. Th e Jew -finanoier became posed task as twofold : .(!) "To publish thta paper and to traveling m its lmcr cBt B. JaUer Ver rolkmaechier, a large folio » «* » nu wuu «w mueu «wwy iu di0aater tb t th ^ unbhecked S £riD « rein "" & J tru > 8t «i feelings ^re the needtut maflter of ihe situation ,-by r eason of the work s on the re igion , literat ure and ' - __ _ sheet of 8 pages , C columns each , is pub- thi s . country and saved the Union , the to extr avagance, , apeoulation and iamb- ^ters m ^e other , and ^ho eyer.sup- conceh tration of all. his ' energies . on history , of the Jewf , aid (2) tofcsS ¦ : NEWS ITEMS. lished in Philadel phia by Mr. Bernard most revered and best beloved of all— UQg have brought forth , may teach, in K' !r ' f S n S Btoring up those wealth-tob ena which orig inal work by Amer ican scholar s on ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ; - ¦ ' H arris. It is an excellent weekly and he waB n0 Gnristian 7 What an ob- ternis more impressive than any sermon j ~ ^T ^ 06 ^ ^ or^^^ , f,CirS e^,S^n b a t ?f SS? woSH . newspaper , weU printed , and cl aims to Jec t lesson to the miDionB ! Mr. Rems- ' "+ W&X * *&£ ***"* TV? ° J Sing t' of Tdiiidi Sta IHSo^ ?#* : . W a ' *• f •*¦ ^^ a ^\^^ >ociet y i»^ and news Items they desire chronicled to the re- , , f .. . .. ... . , .v huri r cnuld Kavn fourir l r,l«ntv «f irfrt f the CUUlvatlon of the BO-oal led old-fwh- ^' " ^^ " "' .V 1 " 1 ^ motive addresses ,before the time .pecifled. deal in "ju stice , lit entun and the peo- burg could have fourid plenty of . add!- ioned virt uea which httV6 now one out orate , does not understand what the able _ {j entileB b a te - it to proteo£ t ive committee of twent y-bne membett - W ^S/ ' , care oYAgu " M^r wy ° 0n l ° ple' B intereatB - " bence claims no further. tion aHestimony to the same effect m of . ^1^. , ;Btri ot probity and honesty , ; V*601? 13- themselyes by rivaling Aim xH Us own ^• llt^^Upy ' WdeWin«. -b y7 ;i: - - cqailadelp ' bl a.--Before Mon iav noon to connection with Judaism , and so we tb e memorial orations after Linc oln' a strict living wi t hin mean s , contentment queer logicia>s. mock-husinm ; there arose the Gentile publication committee , s elected by the ¦ Herman Brunswick , Edgely st reet. can do no more for it than notice it death and buri al by the clergy of all de- with little until more can be honorabl y A simply analogy will make the mat- financier , who would be quite as danger- executive from among the members of ¦^MS^r o^Sion " 0 ^ n°°n to and wish Mr. Bernhard Harris ' s nomi na tions (exc ept the . I sraelites and W 1 ^-/ ' ¦ . . - . - ; : " . / . ' - ' ¦ ¦ J er clear. ; AU admit t hat ^e have c er- cms as the Jewish one , except that he is the society; The ; officers elected at the , ' Cleveland —£ z Nuff 523 oran ee st . . , . . "««»«« ¦AJ .mrw e - _.. ¦ . - n - - ¦ If the trum pet call that sounded tain; desires which insure the mamten- rarel y . quite as clever , for lack of fir st convention have since, with but few ^ v ^Sf&y nop^ NU " : ^ 0raa Be St- enterprise the best success and his the Liberal. Chri stians.) They labored forih loUd and ^ , oleftr v iB Brlbbol aD06 ; of , the race ^ that the instincts heredita ^ aptitude. - minor Changes; continued to " pS'^ •t. itti8. -Before Monday noon to 734 N. Volksiodethltr a large . circul ati on. und er a perfect agony , as they ; could of the pbwerfuUumm bn s of inyeatiga- which- prompt to . the marit al relation . When the Christian financier . h as over the society. . In the composition of ¦ ¦ tot ilavUie;-Bef ore Monday noon to 106 E. Th e jJ urel y Hebrew paper is the hew not get the unchristian martyr to heaven tibn into our past will have aroused us and afterward subBerve the parental re- heaped up a large fortune , don e much the executive some v new name s may be .. Kentucky St. , between at and Brook an! Ber ies of the Slpn Hak h ol Tht Call and dared not condemn him in th e face to * confe ssion and;a ^ reso lve to conquer lation make it certai n that , wi thout any mi schief and become ft parasite on so- noted ,. and the Pablication Coa imitt ea - -: ¦ ¦ Chicago. —Before Tuesda y noon to American , - I . ' ¦ _,, ¦ . ¦¦ . ¦ ' nr .y, a ¦ ' «!¦ ' :^ f j m:I a rp i, -. —-« tne enemi es " we ourselves have con- injunction ^ or compulsion , each genera- ciely, he sometimes tries to salve has had ^^ one new member adde d ' : tb ii« . J^aeju , No. 320 Dearb oru st, Booms 715 , 716 pubh shed by the very same M. L. Rod- of h e millions of admirers The agony j ur ^ up , :theae : dire enem ^ of peace ti on will prod uce the next .Now sup- hia con^ience b, giving a small; fraction o»gla aV fanmb «; \ .ButtlieS S'K;' ' * •an Antonio , Tex. -Belo re Friday Eve. kin sbn , thi s time asaociate d with one of the priesthood was painful to the im- that I have mentioned , this day-will pose some one arg iied tha t since , in the of . his tokeh Tweal ' th to a societ y the changes has not been such as to af- to »Alamp. " - - Mr. Zol otkoff. It . . - appeafjj now ! .in Chi- partial observer. hav e stood for sometfiing indeed ; men order ; of nature , continu ance . of the ' for oonvertifi g; the Jews , who : had long feet materially the policy un der whi ch i ¦ ' ' ' . " ' . '' . " . ' " ¦ " " . ' ' .. . ; . " cago 153 W. 12th St larger ' than ever " ¦ - ' " ' ¦ * * * " ¦ ' ¦ ' —~ ¦ ' l ook to God for . a; Iw tterment ' of their species was thus provided for . no one agomi y ioo ' sutc^fdly convtrted hin. - : ' ¦ ' ¦¦ the ' society began to . aot ; The work of ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ': Mit. A. GiriKOK , now tr aveling in the ¦C., ^. ' „^ " „;,k „ ^S ir JL;~i. tA- -«f : A TIMELY SERMON . condition ; no . doubt , many today fer- need do , an ythin g toward furthering Th e practic al conblusionB deduced by. .the society is, ^^ therefore; a uni t and may .; ^ North west is an authorized cowespond- ^ T q 6 gMd P 6' - " ' ° vently pr ay : for hel p and succot , hut the process by ^ m^^ T . j , ' . Y *• r - iu course , an adv ocate of reform bb it T - __ ._ ¦ . fn _ om1 _ otn tran,,a„tr„ firs * mu st the corre ction come from we think of his logio-^-what should we productive artisan is the tru e unit of . A society whose purpo ae it is to fog- - ent and bu sinesB repre sentafave of the: aIwaya was in Eur ^ within ; we can : not . do : wrong and think of hi s expectation that/the effect culture ; ^ that the builder , the ^ gardener , ter a knowled ge of Judaism by publish- v Ibba eute. also in this country ; it i s s o reformed mM ?' w opu Dl . lsll . t UlB V ^* P^ " 10n ° ^ await pardon with out the sincere eff ort would be producbd when the cau sea . of and . the skilled craftsman of every kind ing work s on the reli gion , literat ure and " •' i ' - . - . . t., ii ¦ . .. ' . " ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ' " - ¦ ' . , ' =? mdeed that it lauds and extolla the ^r" Da ; vi<i Phili P 8011 ' 8 , 8ermon of last to und o the wrong; we pray to-day that it were suspended ? 7 are potentiall y. , gentlemen and artists , history of the Jew s, act s as an educator : The Central Conf erence of American «o ' Z, JL *' ¦\-Z ¦ -t ^ tv . New Year ' s Day, that aroused so much we may be inscribed in th e book of life Yet , absurd as he . would be, he and should ; be treated as such. That and propa gandist. : Stress is laid upon _ ,,. " . K ^ av. ' ' ¦ t, "" »w ' V ^ -^° Babbis , whi ch, since; - .^ Father not j ce and comment in this citv at the for tbe coming y ear, for : life and health could not be more absurd than t^ Kab ti iB as a noay tnrougn tne presenta- ^ am the first , bo P black ever did. It t ' me of *ts d 1' and peace ; let iui add . unto that ^bod who supposed that the higto by which 'Vthe Executive Committe e is * ¦< tion of Judai am in the World ' s Eeli g- ig pr0 per th at those learned gentlemen aenvery. ol(j p, aver t ^ e mr ther petition; that , social evolution would come without vote thems elves Vto intensive culture authorized to distribute copies of the :7 ious Cori gresa by its chosen members , _ e , urn tne compliment and boom the "^e P Mt v6a ^ w''l So down in his- unto us and unto all men may come the activit y of those sympath etic feel- rather than become bankers or . clerk s. Societ y 's publications among such insti- - won the (fimfidence of our people as to „¦ ,, T . ^j n t - / j to ^ M one of *l»e most disastrous that with ever stronger force the . conviction ings in men . which are the factors of That the respect which we ' - pay. to men tutibns as may; be deemed prbper j and th fiarne atnes s abilitv and learn i needs- influen tial, friends , thi s country has ever known . The hard that life ia what we - make it , th at truth them—or rather , he virould not be more wio have amassed'the " mere false tokens wherever BUoh ; . di stribution may be : 3 me ea nesi , y .. , " for it is an expensive enterprise , and it iiines have affected every. br anch of in- and ri ghUive forever , th at we may make abBt ird thah one who supposed that this of wealth, is : a grave danger -to society. -; deemed produo t ive of good for the c a use ing of it s rabbis ,, and contributed a ;g needed ej p eciall y amon g the hosts of dustry,. men have been able to think of these^^ the . goals ^ ;bf our efforts ::and nof is imp lied by th e dootrin o of evolution. That we should encour age the work- , of iBrael. " : All tho se interested in Jew ^- goodl y share to a better , under sta nding our . Dre thi en " of ' recent arrival to noth ?n8 else , for month s: the business the fleeting thin gs of the hour ' ; so help - The error , re sults from , failing ; to see ingman to spend hia earnings ,. eith er: in isli ^ educj ition al ' wor k in this ' coi ihtry ; of the spirit and essence of. Judaism ¦ ' . , ' ' - " at , ' - ' ' r i ' ' >ii wor ^ d has been restin g on a volcano , as us , Almighty, all-loving Father , : toMive th at the citizen has . to r egard himself-at the pur chas e of . land for - his^^ famil y^ to can. bear witne ss to the fact that the eh- : - ambn c the representative inen and wiv Mun * erDa ] ano M lie1 ^ peculiarly -nortn -. ^ were [ wh0Be fir es might burst forth birr lives in uprightne aa Cand; in truth ; once subjectivel y " and objectively ^ sub- till , ; or in buildin g a hbu ae for- his .own thuaiasm of the ^stiicUnt and the abi lity ^ t '\h >»r f 11 tVi id- ern ort ,b°do^y by a good dose of Kod- at any point , even . the most unexpected , hel p us to^^ resist the , temptation of flash- jec tivel y. as possessing sympathetio sen- booupation ; and not to invest ' them in of the teaoher are as naught befbn W? men. ot other Deliefs . all over tne world. ¦fc£n BOn £8ni > : B%a soxiedl- with the spicy in- and parry ruin in its train. ! ing success j help us . . to hold f ast to the timent s (whioh are them selyes . the pro- banks , or in way s which make him mas; ob s t acle interposed by"th ' el ack Of works ¦ ' The Central Conf e rence i a the onl y g^j^a of Mr. Abraham Frunikin— Men have cast about for causes; what lasting virtues j. send the light of dist ducts of evolution ); :objectively aa One teY pf.tae /«rMr« .lab pr J rrf ^^ ^ body of men th at could , undert ake the ¦ - . . tI - . vei America—trimm ed and waa it th at made everythin g so unstabl e, cernment unto. Thy children who are among, many social unit s having like And tha t the solution , of the Jewi sh Jewish doctrines have , in bur coun t r y, " taak ,-to present Judai sm in " the World 's , . , , ... at , n- x i 4 ,,, \ at , that made even the stoutest -quak e and walking in mora l and spiritu al dark- sentiments , by the^ combined " oper ation difficul ty would be, to dr aw the energy, hitherto depended for. their promulga - - Comrre ss of all historical relieions and , lBbeled wim me MecM/ier-Mtue oy tne the nosfc ind ifler ent fbarful; what was it ness ; be with us . with all men , O Father , of whi ch, certain social effecto are pro- stor ed up in Judaism and misspent in tion and exposition almost entirely up- ' :!7 K 7. :... '! : ; , .f. , ' ., learned Eabbi s of Chica go. This time , that brou ght disaster upon disaster ' fol-: m th y mercy. Amen l dueed . He haa to look on himself in- finance operations , in ; ihe : oul ture T of on. the spoken word , reachin g only a ' " it was done well, mis estaMisnes tne we hop6 i Mr > KodkitlB t)n will su cceed , lowing fast and ever faster ; why were - - - " : " 1 ia v. . " ' ¦ V dividuall y as a being moved by emo : land , the ere ctio n of substantial: dwel- limited number , and quickly fadin g authority of thi s august body among our and Chica - 0 WU1 succeed in keenin K thb ¦ foundations of th e business and SOCIAL EVOLtTION ATSD SOCIAL «ons wh ich prom pt philanthrop ic ac lings , and th e production of pictures from .memory, orVupon the-t imely but ¦ American Congregation s , m a compe- , . .., . * . ... * * fin ancial world undermined ? And * rr£v tion s, whrte ,. as a member of society, he and scul ptur es. ; . . chiefly ephemeral and - often - polemi« v "' f ent advi sorv bodv whose abilit y earn- . ., iT. when we go back of it all ;, back of U . ^aa to look on himself as an agent T4e on^^ .; , * .. / . . ., - ' _„„ Ab a newspaper man , it Beema the secondary , causes unto the primary, , . iU ,., . , ^ .. .. throu gh whom these emotions work out on Prof , Geddes' brilliant theory is that , given in the Jewuh pre es. - The libra e - estnes s and attachment to the cause can PH iadel pmft man promi seB to be a suc ^ wM we not find the gre at r eaiob for all Su ch is the title of a paper by the dis- improvemento in sooial life. 80 far , wbile he i s lebturihg arid talkin g, the now^ bearing th ^^ ;seal : bf the ' Jewi sh- no longer be doubtful to any well dis- ^ mb . ag a reformer of courBe Rodkin- these evils that have come upon us in tingui shed Herbert Spencer , the Lon - tked ^ J s the th eory of evolution: from man who ia really aotingout his theory . P ublication Society holds but the prom- posed member of our commu nities. The . . . - to , ' , hi H cnllBusHwi nn th e wild spirit of epeculation that has don savant , whi ch he contributed to the impl ying a "para l y zing and immoral ia Hirsoh :the Heb rew financier 1 Which ise of better facilities in th e futur e. In-:; daughter s of Israel , our gifted mothers '^^ ^ ^ A^TiTS^^Z seized upon men , th e unbridled desire to Congr es s of. Evolutionists , and which '!t ^^ ; l t ' ia ^'^; sS B *!?^ : of g^ '? «h pw thtit °ot even the float ed deed , the- fin>t wbrk published , : iBdy , j ¦ t ' " ¦ ' a -i.\ j a hoth Bldes of the Atlantic , in t his and Q _ -X . . Bll0rt time at anv cost * . . *"u™u, ", **°> »" u " " the hi ghest social type and production "parasite ," the mere "storer of mock Ma cnui' " Out lines of J ewish Historv " , and sisters , contributed a very respect- . n fche ^ 0 depw ^^^^ able share to Un succeg s achieved in wor , d Succe8S to the BahM in Chi- of honesty and truth ? S peculation Out of respect for that philosophical istib activities ^ are essential , as well as he is painted. What pleased me in th e that the Organizers Of : the Society had ' th at menlof able congress. They ably , haB run riot , gamhling is rife geniu a , we reproduce here the abstract egoistic activities , and th at a due share lectur es, however , is the impar tial ri ghtly conceived of its province. It ' ¦ ¦: •an d enthu siastically represen ted the * ' L . - , in every province , in business, « found in Chicago papers , e s peci ally in them ¦ » obligatory upon each citizen , candor - with which the PrO v has been adopted by our educ ators asa ) . it j' („„ ii,. . , in finance , in amu sement , the Amer- , - _ +i. ft rh indoo ff«-/,w -^-^ - -r- ressor .(whether rightly ot wrongly ) charming ly written text-book on post- cause of Jud atsm from the womanl y lay Words are sounding thoughts or feel- ican ple h ^ one mftd in the m the Chic ago £Wd % attacked the whole , ¦ system of Biblical J eViah histoiT, for our reli giouV - st andpoint as a necessary and very ap- j B The fioundB caUBed b t ^ ugB ^i^ ruB h for w ealth arid everything is: At a congress which has for its oh ef r«u* v «*»JJ S » «* ttfstto\ finance oper a tion s, simply submit- schools ; and the sati afaction it gi ves ; nropriat e counterpart to the whole. &re ejaculation8 i i nterj eotio ns , falsely sacrificed to the . eager haste to grow f T^.S. l ^rirm ^d^i?££S THE JEWISH qUE STION. ting ^ib v.ewe to pure intellectual shows that , in th e language ^of the trade , - ; > v7h en the history of our part in the oM J worda T L acream 8 of ; hu ' ri ch wi t hout h ard work ; sobriety , in- ^t!S ^LSffS f3S3n to? a J *Z. « , ' , / ^~ 7Z~ J t. , . , ? rU,<aBm ' mBtead °f . 1 ?WI» n 8*«« ?K it aupplies "a long felt want.! ' Further- \ memorable conirress and parliament oal l * d W , B ' ( , BCt6 *™ °* a ^f7 dustry, brains , health , rest , honesty, all e apeciaU y needful to dissipate ^ current Prof< Gedde s, of Dundee , ha s lately (as so many men of his way of thinking more , the welcome accorded th e "Out - memor able congress and Payment or thl tv mfant or the moan8 o( a . BMri £Bd » ' ^ ^ 0f the ' iden miscon ception respecfan g the relation m been lecturing at E linburg h , to a gath - do) in a aet of phra ses about the mis- lines " may not interpreted will be committed to writing , the work Bleepill6 peraon oau9ed by a teasing calf TJliB it u, speculation in every form whloh we / tend J ndl ' ,d y W f ^ erin 8 of teachers from all parts of the chief done by "Jew s, " -phr ase 8 which as stamp ing with le gitimac y the . prop * ; done by our women should be properl y dream ftre m WQtdg they are ej aC ula - and province /the surrender of honest process o* social evolution. Jirror s 01 a world i on Contemporary Social Evolution appeal to and influenc e the paaaions of gand a aims of the Society, in bo far bb ' . and impartially recorded , to comp lete tion s oroduced by foelines The same methods , that has been the Juggernaut C ? r ^ n ., C J !f.i.™5 'S!. 8 .^ 8 .™ ! l " and on Practical Economies. In th e ignorant Gentiles , which insult and they tend to effect ;the - better under- the whole oicture Therefore we pro - " P roauoe « °f teellD ^ «• ***« car that ' haS mowcd down re Untle8sl y of t he uncul t ured bu t t here ar e error s couwe of hlB lectures he more than ffouad Jew8 who are innocent of an stoadin of JudaiBm among ita 0ffn ad . the whol e picture. I neretore we pro precisely the cafle wlth &n mter)ec . ^ ^^^ .^ . ^J ^l of another class which characterize the once ^teA on what U called "The connection with finance , and whi ph so herente ' Although th l Society added pose thiB : ^ tion s, they are casual and inarticulaet tion of the community has this mad cultured—implying, as th ey do, a large j^bb Question. " lam not qualified revolt fair-mind ed persons of all races , much new matter to L ady Magnu s ' (a) Thepr eliminary proceeding s togeth. BOUnda produced by feelings. Every spiri t of gambling and speculation amount of knowledge with a good deal to judge how far his viewa are sound , as to prevent ub from pay ing to the "anti- book , which enh ances ita value as a lit- er with the official re ports from the word i8 the 80Unding representative of seized with strongerhold than^the Jews ; 0i^^ ^Lfr ^^^ ^r ^1 but one can do justice to the absolute finance ' . ' theory that calm attention erary Work , it is a fact that her book . »a Centr al Conference , the Jewi eh Con . an idea T , are fo,med bv the not alone the buslnes9 but the vate ^l?Sl ,. ^^1 fSirne sB of his mode of treatment He which possibly it deserves; far as ^qualifications as a text-book go, «es s the Women ' s Conere ss and our Z L ! / ?t ?? ^ life baa it invaded ;- anything for money. err0 \lf ' eT *? *™ ' PjJ* "£^ lmt , threw no romantic haloover the subj ^ct , «aby runt boole. mi ght have been used aome years before gress, the VYomens Longre ss , ana our thinking apparatus and must be thoug ht r th mad whirl ' of the dance around The conc eption of evolution at large he admitted that the existence ol the *++ the Society republi 8 lied it from the Eng- part in the Parliament , together with before they are BOunded . It followB ^ go i d«n a Cf ti r eve ° rythin ^ B forgot t en. aa 1 exists in those who are aware that Hebrew peop le, iu present condign , CLEVELAND O lish edi tiL. BTr is another fact : all the papers presented to the Congress th erefor e, that thought precedes the This is thy god , O Israel , the thousands ^Tt^n B l 1 n 11 C ^ B .. . "JJSJT? MM U * spoial danger -a danger created by W*nwLHl> , U. ^. fc ft . ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ flf by our men and women should be word _ Man not onl y can think without and tens of thousands are shouting. ^^ S^^ Z TgoSZ SlnS ^SJ hr ^« ° to Sl!J It * Th e subject of Rev. M. J. Qriea' ser- the Societ y, in this instance , then , ' was : com piled and published in one volume. wordB , hfl must necessaril y have thoug ht Honest , staid business methods giving ££**» W3aJSJS 5. *TE d^t of l is co^e of toTmo ^ ^Sunday morning at Huron ^render a good b^k accessible ^ wide This volume shall tell the world at origiDal ly without words Young chil- -^^^ ^ JHS SKS concentra ' tion of nebula , into Stars and ftB* and SfiK lecture? iTan '^ ^ 7^ '^ ! ,W " d ^ ^J ^- ^S l^^ ^ large in the language of facte , the part dren that have no words yet to express K ^TjS ^^SC S J he «~*» ^" Z^Z^ll t onl y g ive the brie Ltabstr aot. Thes e are ^Jd £ BSS^tli »t« "™^ S^ Ttanl T "SB J- . ' of Judaism in the first Congress of the their thoughts inv , nt them . So doeB ceBBful , the ' rui ned hundreds are swal- ^^^£, , , ^ 0^ ^.5^ ^^ f tai "ed ^ 7^ ^ flSSSSS^ «-* . " "*¦» secution of the Je ,B . World ' s Reli gions , and tell posterity the tbe dea , mute . Per80nB with a limited lowed in the abyss and for gotten gam- JlK^JS en^ comes prima Sy 7rom the sun as 8m ? ranoiB 00 ' laat week ' who " e A ft *" "*' '%»&'' ««*Sf •? social and intellectual position of Amer- vocabuiary express their thoug h ts with- Si?^™ Sam AT onTwonS «m ^nd fi nally covered by their crusts , u X 0 T abB ort e5^ by pS. ThU sun i? "f ^ aah i D il t0D ' ^^ia «nd ^ B ^ "^^'^ *? gf J ' ' ¦ i.n JudaUm in the year l,93. It . i sto out ^d/b y Lions and gesticulations. £' ¦ S 'SS^ SpJLTfiS f S^ S^ J TSSOcSS Wb '^f. ^T " ^ = KEf iS * ^ ^ " ^ t0 u^f^rSJffir y Sh Si ¦ J be the monument erected to this gen- Man )? a reaBoner oompiaiaB 0f having and mother sits at 'the card table and T^T^IiJ ^ mechanical ana pi anto being eaten) mto human en ergy. i| r . and i/ ra E E gtraBa „. lcomed The most important work publ ished . eration of the American Israelites. thou ghts which he could not express in P ^ys for money, her child stands by chemical processes. This energy is the sole basis of wealth ; br - ht ^ , d u . ' th eir &me hitherto iB doub tleas Qra ete' s "HiB tory ' ,. ~,, . . . . . u " 6 " vu aid vuu » F i C u fanninotnH OR ,n Wtt t Phi«i orqamic bodies. theref o re , all wealth is created primarily «i„i * r«-A t. o.u aome . mo " wi™ -„w^i «a.h the (4) This volume to be sent gratis to all words , and many others must coin new P. er ftna Wlln 'ascinatea gaze watcnea _ ...,. , n . m >,_ „].,,*. ' circle Octobe r 8th. oi the Jews. When completed me A, l. (; M. „f ik. r„:Mn n w r j ? ¦ a »u ¦ the course of the game. A fine educa- Similarl y, too , when we pass to or- by plants. . a . .. Mrs. S. Silver man and Mr Qeor ce work wil1 consist of five volume s, aver- congregations of the L nion ofA. H . C, words to communicate their wordless tion , You say it does no ganio bodies , plant and animal. Enabled There are three ways in which a man S5i vernlail of Neff York visited rib! aging 500 pages. Up to the pr esent . to the members of the Central Confer- thoughts to others. All of them testif y harm. I tell you this ia what to develop individual ly, as they are , by can add to the aniount of human tiye8 and ' fr iendfl bere la9t week o * Volume s I. and II. have been issued ; ence , to the authors of papers read in tha t man can think without words , it ia that is underminin g our homes and environing forces , and enabled to wealth : (1) By so tilling the land as to their way East from the Fair ' and th e third will soon appear. The . Congress and Parliament , to one hun- These thoughts arose in tbe mind of the lives of our young. I have men- develop as apecies by pr ocesses which morea se it ^ avwlaWe l™™« : W »/ Mr. and Mrs . Dan S. Wertheim er are Ea 6liah b°ok is an adaptation of , , 7. ,1 . , V j ,„ * , B .u ,- aai , t^ed in this pul pit before the fact continue to adapt an d read apt them to bo transforming that produce as to th . . t he Eirnnl iZ tKi. Graet a ' s eleven volume historv. together . dred journals here and abroad , to one the reader on perusing the little volume that in a rcport ^ n ^ JewiBh inmatefl tfaeir chaaging \ nvil0Qmeli ^ they are make it more useful to men ; (3) by «"« tt,e B,*ht * f tt the Bspos.t.on this ^ ^^ew Ser Sly ta k« hundred pub lic libraries and archives lately publ ished by the O pen Court Pub- j n the prison e of the State of New York made to fit themselves to their respeo- conveying the produce (whether in its Mi ; a Fra nois Frank and . , from the author ' s Voththuem Uche Of here andabroad , which will make a total lishing Societ y in Chicago. Three Intro- the number was found to be greatly in- tive lives and , along certa i n lines , to raw or its manufactur ed state ) to where Mjag Lizzie Aaron (j left for Q ^ «oe - sehkt < ; in three TOlUm ^ | the wo rk of of about 500 cop ies. The balance of the ductory Lectures of the Science of Thought creased and mostl y young peop le, and reach hi gher lives , purel y by the mvolv- " is wanted. Ihe agriculturist th e lew d B adaptatio n having been done und er tie , edition to bep laced with the book trade. by Max Mueller; 95 pages and an ap. the prime cause that led to the crime ed play of forces of ^Mhey ar e im. ^^ £^^S g^ry> ^ Quite a few debutantes are pre paring supe rintend ence of the lamented autho r. .. .. .. of the great maiont y was the eamblinc conscious. The conception of evolution me genuine carrier ana reiauer 01 gooas , b Jntww liuwi ;»»« =—: a r a? It diffnm frnm fVio fam on a n Uven-vol- ¦ Every reading Israelite and every friend pendix of 28 pages , on "Though t With- Bp irit; fosses had led to theMnd thf at large , thus far correct , is by some ex- are bonafide creators of weal th *j£ 'P roduc ed into society^ his ^^ ^t^ o ^/ ^ <Adi .;, of Israel aa well as every atudent of Ju- out Words. " Prof . Max Mueller main - like. This is penetratin g every province tende d to that highest form of evolu- There are two kinds of wealth : That _ ""' arl y-motea-appended to the latter. It daism as far as the Eng lish langua ge is, tains " no thoughts withou t words " and of our life, speculation on the stock tion exhibited in societies. It is sup- which is immediatel y consumed to add —«~- thus loses in oumb ersomeneB ir>'tho ut spoken will be eager , we jud ge, to pos- his opponents maintain as we do, there exchange and gambling at the card ta- posed that societies , too, passively evolve to' , «^* T» ^«t te m Tako ZTZu m ??? ' loBing in value as a product of Jewish , ., . , f, v.a . .a. . j mL , ole are but the opposite sides of the apart from any conscious agency; and wnion is siorea in some permanent torm. Taku it all iu aii thu world fai r. Thatis hs lita rftturft seas a copy of the book. are thoug hts without words. The lee- Bame coin , rF t £e iB f erellC e that , according to the The artist who painta a picture for J udgment, BrB pretty generally jU 8t. No doub t The nublishinAr nf Oraetz' s History ' ( C ) The Union of A. H. C., by ita Coun- tures and the controversy are highl y We can trace this evil back a evolutionary doctrine , it is needless for posterit y, the budder who erect s a last- has formed mriny incorrect couoruaioa B from a -..„««,T „hi<,M 04 to bv serious- oil December last in Washington , D. C. inte resting and instru otive. Th e prob- little furth er in our process of individuals to have any care about pro- Ing residence , t he IBM- wlro mak es --™ 8th of ta n^l^^ T^™ nppoan!d ^ minded men ^ of eood iud ement . The ; appropriated the sum of one thou - lem , in our op inion , hinges on the investi gation. The insane desire for gres s , since progress will take care of strong tools, are creators of permanent or ^^^^ fecf that 00] ^^ ^! fSS !•» sand dollars in furtherance of the reao- opinion , are words sounding thoug hts , wea t h - '^e devoting day and nig ht , itself. Hence the ' assertion tha t evolu- weai ^ n - Bt . . talme ^ a which c» n be cited unques tioned , it adverte d to only because an examina- . . . ~ . , , , * . - ., fe B ' and month and year , and health and tion erected into the pa ramount law of -&« econo my consisis m storin g hna. after comparative tests , given its award to tion of some of the flrmiment B mftj : lution ofthe Central Conference , to rep- th e expre aBions of ideas , or merel y life to this one object , the em- man ' s moral and social life becomes a up the surp lus produce of present labor Eoat etter - s stoma c h miters tor en JoyT eles serve to dXe. the ^ li tOTfrTS cy »* r esen t Judaism in the World' s Congress , mechanical screams of sensations and ploy ing of dish onest methods where paralyzing and immoral fata lism." for mure use. , of malarial , rhcumnt io and kidney disorder , lowed bv the societv It was said "t ha t and a committee of ten was appointed by feelings exciting the respecti ve mus- honest methods fail , all this is due to Here comes the error. Everyone may Th ere ia a fictitious economy ; it con- dyspepsia , li ver comp laint , constipation , ner- the work m not ^nf «f' nati.™ to anpeaH " kpiu i.^ a,^ ^ d. r !> «. •». « «. ^^ y- h^- .jjj j.jj. A *. ssf s + zzr ^sztt 5ssa &r4TJ rt :=.r s?„ ' . - s,:r ;rr. '?. rt xu »trw„ 4-^ such presenta tion. The expenses incur- precede the words whioh they express , "LK Jl /!l IVSIhlm «,»« iL ™ri ™?„ unite i^cerned- way as to puroW power over the P«»»ta«* place . The expa of a genera- "t ^whr t is needed are eapecially pr* ¦ red / p to dat eare butasmallfraction of L the theory of Max Mu eL ia " J f L ^Z T t i ^S. SJS ™Z»rT ^Z %L j i lata? of oU. Every fund ! S^^ ^ rK SSf ?S £ «nY tat f V» ' the Bum tota l mentioned. Th e balance groundless ; if the latter is the case all style ; he has the right to do it because member s of a speoiea in anothe r- holder and financier ia a alav e-holder : oi vo the Wti ew a ii trial an Twr uy it ¦ great epooh ? in Jewish hi stor y ^i

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  • 41 TtiE AMERICAN ISRAELITE. , . 1Tl I i I I ' l of these thou sand dollars we suggest language is no more than a complex of he knows that he can pa? for it and bis respectively manifest their natu res. It he purch ases the righ ..A. .!. . FTT OP jupphm .' ^l- ¦'¦|ne flfilCf Call 8,3(1 lIBl should «» «pe«i»r f 11 tVi id- ern ort ,b°do^y by a good dose of Kod- at any point , even.the most unexpected , help us to^ ̂ resist the , temptation of flash- jectively. as possessing sympathetio sen- booupation ; and not to invest' them in of the teaoher are as naught befbn W ?men. ot other Deliefs . all over tne world. ¦fc£n BOn £8ni > : B%asoxiedl- with the spicy in- and parry ruin in its train. ! ing success j help us hold fast to the timent s (whioh are them selyes.the pro- banks , or in ways which make him mas; obstacle interposed by"th'elack Of works ¦ 'The Central Conference ia the only g ĵ^a of Mr. Abraham Frunikin— Men have cast about for causes; what lasting virtues j . send the light of dist ducts of evolution ); :objectively aa One teYpf.tae /«rMr« .labprJ rrf ^^^body of men that could, undert ake the ¦ -. . tI -.vei •„ America—trimm ed and waa it th at made everythin g so unstabl e, cernment unto. Thy children who are among, many social unit s having like And tha t the solution , of the Jewish Jewish doctrines have , in bur coun try, "

    taak ,-to present Judai sm in" the World's , . , , ... at, n- x i 4 ,,, \ at, that made even the stoutest -quak e and walking in mora l and spiritu al dark- sentiments , by the^ combined " oper ation difficul ty would be, to draw the energy, hitherto depended for. their promulga - -Comrre ss of all historical relieions and ,

    lBbeled wim me M ecM/ ier-M tue oy tne the nosfc indiflerent fbarful; what was it ness ; be with us.with all men, O Father , of which, certain social effecto are pro- stor ed up in Judaism and misspent in tion and exposition almost entirely up- '

    :!7 K 7. :... '!: ; , .f. , ' ., learned Eabbi s of Chicago. This time , that brought disaster upon disaster ' fol-: m thy mercy. Amen l dueed. He haa to look on himself in- finance operations , in ; ihe : oul ture T of on. the spoken word , reachin g only a ' "it was done well, mis estaMisnes tne we hop6i Mr > KodkitlB t)n will succeed, lowing fast and ever faster ; why were - - - " : " 1 iav. . "' ¦ V dividuall y as a being moved by emo: land , the erection of substantial: dwel- limited number , and quickly fadingauthority of this august body among our and Chica -0 WU1 succeed in keeninK thb ¦ foundations of the business and SOCIAL EVOLtTION ATSD SOCIAL «ons which prom pt philanthrop ic ac lings, and the production of pictures from .memory, orVupon the-t imely but ¦American Congregation s, m a compe- , . .., . *. . . . * * financial world undermined ? And *rr£v tions, whrte ,.as a member of society, he and sculptur es. ; .. chiefly ephemeral and - often - polemi«v "'fent advisorv bodv whose abilit y earn- . ., iT. when we go back of it all ;, back of

    U . ^aa to look on himself

    as an agent T4eon^̂.; ,*.. / . . ., - '_„„ „ Ab a newspaper man , it Beema the secondary , causes unto the primary, „ , . iU ,. , . , ̂

    .. .. throu gh whom these emotions work out on Prof , Geddes' brilliant theory is that , given in the Jewuh pre es. - The libra e-estness and attachment to the cause can PHiadelpmft man promi seB to be a suc ̂ wM we not find the great reaiob for all Such is the title of a paper by the dis- improvemento in sooial life. 80 far , wbile he is lebturihg arid talkin g, the now^ bearing th^ ̂ ;seal: bf the ' Jewish-no longer be doubtful to any well dis- ^mb . ag a reformer of courBe Rodkin- these evils that have come upon us in tinguished Herbert Spencer , the Lon- tked^J s the theory of evolution: from man who ia really aotingout his theory. Publication Society holds but the prom-posed member of our communities. The ... - to ,', hiH cnllBusHwi nn the wild spirit of epeculation that has don savant , which he contributed to the implying a "para lyzing and immoral ia Hirsoh :the Hebrew financier 1 Which ise of better facilities in the futur e. In - : ;

    daughter s of Israel , our gifted mothers '̂^ ̂ ^ A^TiTS ^^Z

    seized upon men, the unbridled desire to Congr ess of. Evolutionists , and which '!t ^̂ ;lt 'ia^'^; sS


    : of g^ '? «hpw thtit °ot even the float ed deed , the- fin>t wbrk published , : iBdy ,j ¦ t ' " ¦' a -i.\ j a hoth Bldes of the Atlantic , in this and Q_ -X . . Bll0rt time at anv cost *. . *"u™u,",**°> »"u " " the highest social type and production "parasite ," the mere "storer of mock Macnui' " Out lines of J ewish Historv ", and sisters , contributed a very respect- .n fche ^0 depw^̂ ^̂able share to Un succegs achieved in wor ,d Succe8S to the BahM in Chi- of honesty and truth ? Speculation Out of respect for that philosophical istib activities ̂

    are essential , as well as he is painted. What pleased me in the that the Organizers Of : the Society had 'that menlofable congress. They ably , haB run riot , gamhling is rife geniua, we reproduce here the abstract egoistic activities , and that a due share lectures, however , is the impar tial rightly conceived of its province. It ' ¦¦ :•and enthu siastically represen ted the * ' L .- , in every province , in business, « found in Chicago papers , especially in them¦ » obligatory upon each citizen, candor - with which the PrO v has been adopted by our educators asa )

    . i t j '™ („„ ii,. ™m.j .in . , in finance , in amu sement , the Amer- ,-_ +i. ft rh indoo ff«-/,w —- -̂ ̂ --r- ressor .(whether rightly ot wrongly ) charming ly written text-book on post-cause of Jud atsm from the womanl y lay Words are sounding thoughts or feel- ican ple h ̂ one mftd in the m the Chicago £Wd

    % attacked the whole , ¦system of Biblical J eViah histoiT, for our reli giouV -standpoint as a necessary and very ap- j B The fioundB caUBed b t^ugB ^i ̂

    ruBh for wealth arid everything is: At a congress which has for its oh ef r«u*v «*»JJ S» «*ttfst to\ finance operation s, simply submit- schools ; and the satiafaction it gives ;nropriat e counterpart to the whole. &re ejaculation8 i interj eotions, falsely sacrificed to the .eager haste to grow fT^.S.

    l^rirm ^d^i?££S

    THE JEWISH qUESTION. ting ^ib v.ewe to pure intellectual shows that , in the language ^of the trade , -;

    >v7hen the history of our part in the oMJ worda TL acream 8 of ; hu ' rich without hard work ; sobriety , in- ^t!S ^LSffS f3S3n to?a J *Z. « , ' ,/ ̂ ~ 7Z~J t. , . , ?rU,,_ „].,,*. ' circle Octobe r 8th. oi the Jews. When completed meA, l.(;M. „f ik. r„:M n n w r j ? ¦ • a »u ¦ ,» the course of the game. A fine educa- Similarl y, too, when we pass to or- by plants. . a .. . Mrs. S. Silver man and Mr Qeorce work wil1 consist of five volumes, aver-congregations of the L nion ofA. H . C, words to communicate their wordless tion , You say it does no ganio bodies , plant and animal. Enabled There are three ways in which a man S5ivernlail of Neff York visited rib! aging 500 pages. Up to the present .to the members of the Central Confer- thoughts to others. All of them testif y harm. I tell you this ia what to develop individual ly, as they are , by can add to the aniount of human tiye8 and ' friendfl bere la9t week o* Volumes I. and II. have been issued ;ence, to the authors of papers read in tha t man can think without words , it ia that is underminin g our homes and environing forces , and enabled to wealth : (1) By so tilling the land as to their way East from the Fair ' and the third will soon appear. The .Congress and Parliament , to one hun- These thoughts arose in tbe mind of the lives of our young. I have men- develop as apecies by processes which morea se it^

    avwlaWe l™™« : W »/

    Mr. and Mrs . Dan S. Wertheim er are Ea6liah b°ok is an adaptation of ,, 7. , 1 . , V j ,„ * , B

    • .u ,- aai , t^ed in this pulpit before the fact continue to adapt and read apt them to bo transforming that produce as to • th . . the Eirnnl iZ tKi. Graet a's eleven volume historv. together .dred journals here and abroad , to one the reader on perusing the little volume that in a rcport ^n ̂JewiBh inmatefl tfaeir chaaging \nvil0Qmelî they are make it more useful to men ; (3) by «"« tt ,e B,*ht * f tt the Bspos.t.on this ̂ ^^ew Ser Sly tak«hundred pub lic libraries and archives lately publ ished by the Open Court Pub- jn the prison e of the State of New York made to fit themselves to their respeo- conveying the produce (whether in its Mi;a Fra nois Frank and . , from the author 's VoththuemUche Ofhere andabroad , which will make a total lishing Society in Chicago. Three Intro- the number was found to be greatly in- tive lives and , along certa in lines, to raw or its manufactur ed state ) to where Mj ag Lizzie Aaron (j left for Q ̂ «oe- sehkt 'thoutspoken will be eager , we jud ge, to pos- his opponents maintain as we do, there exchange and gambling at the card ta- posed that societies, too, passively evolve to' ,

    «^* ^«T»^«t tem Tako „ ZTZu

    ™ m ??? ' loBing in value as a product of Jewish, ., . , f, v.a . .a. . j mL , ole are but the opposite sides of the apart from any conscious agency; and wnion is siorea in some permanent torm. Taku it all iu aii thu world i« fai r. Th atis hs lita rftturftseas a copy of the book. are thoug hts without words. The lee- Bame coin , rF t £e iBferellC e i» that , according to the The artist who painta a picture for J udgment, BrB pretty generally jU 8t. No doub t The nublishinAr nf Or aetz's Histo ry '( C ) The Union of A. H. C., by ita Coun- tures and the controversy are highly We can trace this evil back a evolutionary doctrine , it is needless for posterit y, the budder who erect s a last- has formed mriny incorrect couoruaioa B fr om a -..„««,T „hi