koneski tag questions


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A tag question usada para confirmar o que foi dito anteriormente em uma orao ou sentena.

EX:Mary is studying now, isn't she?Greg is very intelligent, isn't he?

Podendo ser um indicador de polidez, nfase ou ironia.

EX:Help your brother, will you? (polidez)

You are very late, arent you?(nfase)

She isnt very brigth , is she? (ironia)

Elas podem sugerir a confiana ou a falta de confiana, que pode ser de confronto ou defensiva.


You went to Salvador last week, didnt you? (confiana)

You aren't Brazilian, are you? (falta de confiaa)

You understand English, dont you? (confronto)

He said he would clean the house, Woudnt he? (Defensiva)

Podem ser usadas para nos certificarmos de algo que foi dito anteriormente.Ex:I have told you I would be on time, havent I?

You said you love me, didnt you?


Quando temos o verbo auxiliar na sentena, como o verbo to be, to have, can, could, should, ns utilizamos esses verbos para formar a tag question. Observe os exemplos:

Fernanda is a good girl, isnt she? (Fernanda uma boa garota, no ?)It is cold today, isnt it? (Est frio hoje, no est?)David was there, wasnt he? (David estava l, no estava?)They were friends, werent they? (Eles eram amigos, no eram?)She has a car, hasnt she? (Ela tem um carro, no tem?)My parents cant run, can they? (Meus pais no podem correr, podem?)My sister could travel, couldnt she? (Minha irm poderia viajar, no poderia?)The teacher should do this, shouldnt he? (O professor deveria fazer isso, no deveria?)


Quando no temos o verbo auxiliar na sentena, como o verbo to be, to have, can, could, should, ns utilizamos outras formas verbais para formar a tag question, como: do, does, dont, doenst para o presente e did ou didnt para o passado. Devemos relembrar que se a primeira parte est na forma positiva, a segunda deve estar na negativa e vice-versa. Observe os exemplos:You understand English, dont you? (Voc entende ingls, no entende?)You dont live here, do you? (Voc no mora aqui, mora?)She doesnt cook very well, does she? (Ela no cozinha muito bem, cozinha?)You went to Salvador last week, didnt you? (Voc foi a Salvador semana passada, no foi?)Raquel didnt go to school, did she? (Raquel no foi escola, foi?)


Para o futuro se usa o auxiliar will, na forma afirmativa, e wont na forma negativa; ou would para expressar condio, na forma afirmativa, e wouldnt, na forma negativa. Observe os exemplos:You will travel to Buenos Aires, wont you? (Voc ir viajar para Buenos Aires, no vai?)He wont arrive on time, will he? (Ele no chegar a tempo, chegar?)Marcela would arrive, wouldnt she? (Marcela iria chegar, no iria?)The players wouldnt go, would they? (Os jogadores no iriam, iriam?)Observao:Para a 1 pessoa do singular I, a tag question tem uma forma irregular.Ex.: I am your friend, aren't I?

Relacione as sentenas com as tag questions que melhor se encaixem com as frases abaixo. 1)You havent seen her today, 2)Hell meet us there, 3) You slept at your parents house last night, 4) Lets play poker tomorrow, 5) I wouldnt have worked there if it werent for you, 6) There was something bugging you, 7) Im going there, 8) Turn up the heat, 9) Its a cute dog, 10) She cant sing in public, 11) They dont need any money, 12) She should have studied for the test, 13) He couldnt stay there, a)isnt it?b) didnt you? c) aint/arent I? d) wasnt there? e) have you? f) could he? g) shall we? h) will you? i)wont he? j) shouldnt she? k) would I? l) can she? m) do they?

1. Bruce knows Janet, ______ he?a) knowsb) doesn'tc) dod) did

2. Alice did a good job, ______ she?a) doesb) doc) didn'td) is

3. Bob and Janet can't swim, ______ they?a) cannotb) canc) can'td) do

4. It won't be difficult, ______ it?a) won'tb) doesc) willd) is

5. You ate my hamburger, ______ you?a) don'tb) aren'tc) didn'td) won't

6. They were nice, ______ they?a) didn'tb) isn'tc) wasn'td) weren't

1. You are a primary school student,________?2. You are not ready,__________?3. She is at home now,__________?4. Amy isn't in the garden, __________?5. I am not interested in maths, __________?6. I am good at English, __________?7. They go online every day, __________?8. She wants a new car, __________?9. I read a lot, __________?10. She came late last night, __________?11. They didn't show up, __________?12. You don't know the answer, __________?13. Patrick doesn't see well, __________?14. He was in New York, __________?15. They weren't successful, __________?16. Sit down, __________?17. He's just broken the window, __________?18. I haven't done that, __________?19. They haven't been waiting long, ________?20. He will tell her all about that, __________?21. I am a student, __________?22. I am not talking to you, __________?23. You are my best friend, __________?24. You are not on the list, __________?25. You told nobody, __________?26. She isnt the youngest , __________?27. They are the best students, __________28. They arent invited, __________?29. I really like English, __________?30. You study a lot lately, __________?31. She finishes her homework on time, ____?32. I dont want to do that again, __________?33. You never do your homework, __________?34. I wasnt good enough, __________?35. You and John were on time, __________?36. Susie was reading at 8 oclock, __________?37. The boys were sleeping, __________?38. Answer the doll bell, __________?39. You didnt do your homework, __________?40. I slept all day yesterday, __________?41. You made this coffee, __________?42. He wouldnt help us, __________?43. She hasnt done that, __________?44. I will come, __________?45. He wont tell anyone, __________?46. I should tell her all about it, __________?47. She shouldnt smoke so much, __________?48. You would like to go, __________?49. She can't swim, __________?50. He's going to fail the test, __________?

Swallow my pride Tim Armstrong (Ramones)

Winter is here and it's going on two years swallow my prideAnd things were looking very grim but they're looking good againSwallow my prideLoose lips sink ships, they say but isn't it always that way?Swallow my pride, oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeahWinter is here and it's going on two years swallow my prideAnd things were looking very grim but they're looking good againSwallow my prideGonna have a real cool time and everything's gonna be real fineSwallow my pride, oh yeahWinter is here and it's going on two years swallow my prideAnd things were looking very grim but they're looking good againSwallow my prideGonna have a real cool time and everything's gonna be real fineSwallow my pride, oh yeah