knowledge skills for higher education

DATA Collection of unorganised facts or raw facts May or may not have meaning Include numeric data, voice, images, text, etc. E.g: Name of employer, quantity sold, name of students, mark of a student etc. Knowledge Skills for Higher Education

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General Informatics-Knowledge skills for Higher Education


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DATA Collection of unorganised facts or raw facts May or may not have meaning Include numeric data, voice, images, text,

etc. E.g: Name of employer, quantity sold,

name of students, mark of a student etc.

Knowledge Skills for Higher Education

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Information Meaningful & arranged form of data. When data is processed, it become

information. Defined as data that has been converted into

a meaningful and useful form for decision makers.

Described as processed data It always has a meaning E.g. payroll, invoice, mark list of students, etc.

Knowledge Skills for Higher Education

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1.Timely : Should provide valid information at the right time.

2.Accurate & reliable.3.Meaningful & relevant4.Cost effective 5.Completeness : Should not include vague

ideas.6.Conciseness: unnecessary matter will delay

the decision making process.

Qualities of Information

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Data processing is the series of actions that converts data into information.

The activities involved are:a. Data entry and retrievalb. Data manipulationc. Presentation of results.

Data Processing

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1.Scientific : A lot of computations are applied upon

small volume of input data which results in less amount of output data.

2.Commercial: Relatively few computations are applied

upon large volume of input data and finally results in huge amount of output data.

Data Processing- Types

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The act of applying information in a particular situation.

Defined as body of information It consist of fact , opinion ,ideas , principles

and models Knowledge is not information and information

is not data Knowledge is derived from information and

information is derived from data


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Kinds of Knowledge:1.Explicit knowledge (Formal):Knowledge that can be spoken & transmitted.

2.Tacit Knowledge (Informal):Knowledge rooted in individual experience

whichmay involve personal belief, perspective &



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Data Information

knowledgeRaw facts and figures unprocessed

Processed data It is a combination of instincts, ideas, rules and procedures that guide actions and decisions

Data is sometimes unrelated to one another

It will have some logical connection

Make logical connection

May or may not be meaningful

Always meaningful meaningful

May not be appropriate for a particular use

Content are appropriate for a particular use

It is used to transform data in to information that is useful in a situation

not directly used for decision making

Directly used for decision making

Helps users to interpret and act on information

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Knowledge management refers to the best use of the available knowledge in an organisation to achieve organisation goals.

In other words, it is the collection of processes that govern the creation, dissemination & utilisation of knowledge.

It involves Generating new knowledge Identifying intellectual properties Better use of available knowledge Sharing technology and other resources Ensure that the information is accurate and


Knowledge Management

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Features of Knowledge Management

Human related It may be Personal Knowledge Mgt (PKM) or

Enterprise Knowledge Mgt(EKM) Directed towards organisational goals Complementary to Total Quality Mgt(TQM)

Knowledge Management

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Need for Knowledge Management

Market place are increasing competitive Reduction in work force Limited time for managerial action Loss of knowledge due to early retirement

and increasing mobility of staff. Difficulty in managing MNC and TNC

Knowledge Management

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Advantages: Improves levels of innovationFacilitates generative learning & adaptability Integrates a knowledge sharing culture into the

organization through incentives & rewards. Indentifies & develops existing knowledge

bases & repositories.Facilitates business process efficiencies for


Knowledge Management

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A Knowledge repository is something which captures, packs & stores relevant knowledge.

In other words, it means a place to store knowledge and retrieve knowledge. Hence internet is truly a knowledge repository.

Intranets & Internets offer new ways to manage & communicate data, information & Knowledge.

Knowledge repository formation involves 1. Identify knowledge resources 2. Capturing identified knowledge 3. Organizing captured knowledge. 4. Transferring the captured knowledge.

Internet as a Knowledge Repository

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In this internet world, we can search any kind of information.

Typing of a keyword in the search engine provides a lot of information about it.

Internet is recognized as a rich source of information. Development of ICT has yielded an unlimited variety of

databases & multimedia platform. It supply multifarious needs including knowledge,

edutainment, entertainment, leisure activities, consumer facilities, interpersonal interaction, etc.

Internet as a Knowledge Repository

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With development of ICT, there is an ever-increasing no. of New users who yearly join & many millions who are already familiar with on line www activity.

Many of the online users are students who utilize the www as a portal to the world of knowledge both formal & informal.

The educational system understands unlimited learning possibilities presented by ICT and integrates the use of ICT in learning in general & in online learning in particular.

Internet as a Knowledge Repository

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Search Engine A search engine is a tool or a program

designed to search for information on the WWW on the basis of specified keywords and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found.

The search results are usually presented in a list and are commonly called hits.

The information may consist of WebPages, images, information and other types of files

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Quotation Marks and Truncation

In library catalogs and article databases, the two most helpful advanced search techniques are:

1)Quotation Marks2)Truncation or Wild Card

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Quotation MarksQuotation marks are used around phrases. By using quotations marks, you are telling the computer to only bring back pages with the terms you typed in the exact order you typed them.

Example: “health care reform”

instead of health AND care AND reform

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For example, if you are interested in finding information on social networking, it is best to search for “social networking” in quotation marks. Otherwise, the computer might search for social AND networking and find many more irrelevant results.

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Truncation means to chop off. When you truncate you chop off the end of the word, so the computer can search for multiple endings.

For example, your research question includes the keyword education. You can truncate education, so that the computer will find all of the word ending variations.

Educat* will find:

EducationEducate EducatedEducating

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Be careful where you place the truncation symbol. Educate* will not find education or educating, although it will find educate and educated.

Truncation will not find synonyms (i.e. scien* will not find the words botany, biology, or astronomy), although it may bring up articles on those topics IF they include the words science, scientific, or scientist.

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1. Indira Gandhi National Open University(IGNOU)

Offers distance education degree and research programmes in art, science, commerce, IT etc 2. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore Established in 1909 Engineering and research institute.

Popular Academic Websites in India

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3. Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Kanpur:

Offers undergraduate, post graduate and doctoral programmes in engineering & mgt.

4. Indian Institute of Statistics Bangalore Courses in mathematics & statistics Research and training centre

5. University of Delhi

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6. Aligarh Muslim University: Utter Pradesh

Established in 1875(MAO College) Includes high schools, senior secondary,UG

and PG programmes It has a campus in Kerala(Perinthalmanna)

7. Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani, Rajasthan.

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8. Indian Institute of Management(IIM) Calicut

Academic programmes in mgt and education Top 5 Institute in the country University of Bombay 10. Institute of Chartered Accountants of

India 11. Indian Institute of Technology(IIT)


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12. Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India (ICWA)

Head quarters in Kolkatha 4 regional councils

13. IIT Delhi

14. Annamalai University

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15. All India Institute of Medical Science, Delhi

Education and research in medicine 16. Banaras Hindu University 17. Jawaharlal Nehru University(JNU)

New Delhi 18. Cochin University of Science and

Technology (CUSAT)

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Allahabad University – Alagappa University – Kerala University – Calicut University – International Institute of Population

Sciences Goa University – etc

Other Institutions

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If you don’t see a problem with this question, you need this class!

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Kinds of Property

Movable PropertyCar, Pen, Furniture, Dress

Immovable PropertyLand, Building

Intellectual PropertyLiterary works, inventions

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The world intellectual property organization states that Intellectual Property refers to creations of the mind which can be Invention (Patents), trademarks, literature, work, symbols, names, etc.


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Definition of Intellectual Property“Intellectual Property shall include the rights

relating to◦ literary, artistic and scientific works,◦ performances of performing artists, and

broadcasts,◦ inventions in all fields of human endeavour◦ scientific discoveries◦ Industrial designs◦ trademarks, service marks and commercial

names and designations◦ protection against unfair competitionand all other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial, scientific, literary or artistic fields.”

(WIPO Convention)

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Any property, idea or work created by using mind or intellect is called Intellectual Property.

A person who creates a new work (a technological innovation, a poem, a design, a brand name etc) by using his knowledge and skill needs protection of his work from copied or stolen in any other form.

To safeguard the interest of the creator, protection is to be given to him in the form of IPR


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Right given for the reproduction of those properties which are the creations of mind or intellect is called IPR.

It protect the interest of the owners of these properties

It is the reward given to the inventor for disclosing his invention

Examples are Patent, copy right, trade mark, industrial designs etc.


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Major Intellectual Properties

Copyright and Related Rights Industrial Property

PatentsIndustrial DesignsTrade MarksGeographical Indications (is a name or sign used on certain products which

corresponds to a specific geographical location or origin)Layout Designs/Topographies Integrated Circuits (the

arrangement on a chip of semi conductor devices)Trade Secrets New Plant Varieties ( rights granted to the breeder of a new variety of plant )

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IPR is a broad term for covering1.Patents for Inventions2.Copyrights for materials3.Trade marks of brand identity.4.Trade secrets.

-IP is a an asset that can be bought or sold, licensed & exchanged.

-Unlike others, it is intangible.-These properties are protected on a national basis.

Essential Elements of IPR

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It is a legal monopoly granted to the owner of an invention for a limited time.

• The limited monopoly right granted by the state enables an inventor to prohibit another person from manufacturing, using or selling the patented product or from using the patented process, without permission.

• Period of Patents - 20 Years


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Utility Patents: It can be granted to anyone who invents any new & useful process, machine etc. period is 20 years.

Design Patents: It can be granted to any one who invents a new appearance for an article of manufacture. Period is 14 years.

Plant patents: It can be granted to any one who discovers & reproduces a new variety of plant. Period is 20 years.

Types of Patents:

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It is the exclusive right granted to the author of a book/work to produce it.

“Copyright is a legal device that provides the creator of a work of art or literature, or a work that conveys information or ideas, the right to control how the work is used.“

It is sanctioned to prevent others from a)Copying the work b)Publishing copies commercially c) Renting the work in a free market d) Demonstrating the work in public.


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It is a registered brand(brand name, symbol or logo) which gives the holder the exclusive right to use.

A name of an enterprise or a Mark capable of being represented graphically, distinguishing the goods or services of one person from those of others.

This is a territorial right, which requires registration.

Also symbolize the quality of the product.


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Registration of Trade Mark

Trade Marks are registered by national trade mark registries and are valid in that country

Registration is made after examination and publication

Period of registration is for 10 years but can be renewed indefinitely

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WELLKNOWN MARKS•Coca Cola for soft drink •Toblerone (Triangular- shaped chocolates)

Trade Names•Godrej- Furniture, Refrigerators, Storewell, Compactor etc

•GE- Bulbs


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Generic Trade marks: Words or symbols that are not distinguishing the goods from others, as they are common terms used to identify the goods themselves.

Descriptive trade marks: They clearly denote the specific purpose, physical characteristics & end use of the product.

Suggestive Trade marks: They do not describe the goods for which the mark is used; yet they require some imagination to arrive at a conclusion about the nature of the goods.

Types of Trade Marks

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It means information which is kept confidential as a secret.

It may include some formula, methods , data collections etc.

Trade secret can be an invention, idea, survey method, manufacturing process, experiment results, chemical formula, recipe, financial strategy, client database etc.

Public disclosure to trade secrets by a person is illegal & will lead the inventor to claim & recover damages resulting out of it.

Trade Secrets

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Industrial Design

It is the design or functionality of an article/product (Eg.shape of a cell phone)

‘Design’ means only the features of shape, configuration, pattern, ornament or composition of lines or colours applied to any article whether in two dimensional or three dimensional or in both forms, by any industrial process or means, whether manual, mechanical or chemical, separate or combined, which in the finished article appeal to and are judged solely by the eye.

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Consumer Products


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Pharmaceutical Product


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Textile & Jewellery


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Rights of the Registered Proprietor

The proprietor of the registered design has the exclusive right to apply the design to any article in the class in which the design is registered

Period of protection is ten years extendable by 5 years.

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IP Laws of India

Act Ministry/Department

The Copyright Act, 1957 Higher Education

The Patents Act, 1970 Industrial Policy & Promotion

The Designs Act, 2000 Industrial Policy & Promotion

The Trade Marks Act, 1999 Industrial Policy & Promotion

The Geographical Indications of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 1999

Industrial Policy & Promotion

The Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout-Design Act, 2000

Information Technology

The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act, 2001

Agriculture and Cooperation


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The basic patent law in India is Indian Patents Act 1970 which give emphasis on process patent.

It was amended in 1972, 1995, 1999, & 2005.

With the amendment of Patents(amendment) Act 2005, the amending process of Indian Patent Act to bring conformity to the TRIPS agreement of WTO (Product patent) is completed

Patent Laws in India

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IT requires a strong IPR protection system because it is the competitive and fastest growing sector in the world.

Large number of patents are being granted in the IT sector.

Electronics is the second largest area(after chemicals) in which most patent applications are filed in India.

Information Technology & IPR

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Copyright: Material published on internet is copyrighted. Author of a IT work is the 1st owner of the copy

right. Copy right is currently a primary source of

protection for software programs, user manuals, websites & other IT works, provided that they meet the requirements of the Copyright Act.

Patent and other rights For net based products, services etc. Patents can be issued for those computer

program that focus on the systems, processes & methods used to achieve a solution to a specific problem.

IPR in Information Technology

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Trade secrets : IT, including but not limited to a formula,

pattern, compilation, program, method, technique, or process, may also be protected under trade secret law.

Trade marks:Trade marks can be used to protect the

goodwill associated with the names, slogans, symbols & other marks used by businesses in the IT.

IPR in Information Technology

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Academic services are the services introduced by the Govt or other agencies to provide guidance, planning and assistance to the students, teachers, research scholars and the other academic community.

Some of such services are: - INFLIBNET - NICENET - BRNET


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It is an autonomous inter university centre of the University Grants Commission(UGC)

Headquarters at Gujarath University campus It creates infrastructure for sharing the library

and information resources among the academic community and research institutions.

It is a computer communication network linking libraries and information centres under different universities and colleges.


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Promote fully computerisation of libraries Introduce standards and uniform guidelines

for the functioning of libraries in India. To interconnect libraries, information

centres & research centres in the country Provide cyber access to the document

collection of libraries Ensure optimum use of information resource

through sharing, inter library loan service etc.


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Create database of books, projects, thesis etc

Encourage co-operation among libraries and information centres

Train and develop human resources to handle computerised libraries

Create and promote research & development

Facilitate academic communications among scientists, researchers, academicians etc.

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It is a project initiated by MHRD and funded by UGC It provide access to e-resources (e-books, e-

articles, thesis etc) to students, teachers and research scholars from colleges, universities and other institutions through the server installed at INFLIBNET.

Authorised users can access to this system by using their user name and password.

4212 Colleges are now registered in India (Nov 2014)

NLIST (National Library and Information Services Infrastructure for Scholarly Content)

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Nicenet is a non-profit organization of Internet professionals who give their time to provide services to the Internet community

Nicenet's primary offering, the Internet Classroom Assistant (ICA) which is designed to address the pedagogical needs and limited resources of teachers and their students

The ICA is a web-based classroom environment giving teachers and students a forum to collaborate and share ideas.

NICENET (Internet Classroom Assistant)

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The ICA is free for anyone to use and requires only a web browser and a connection to the Internet

To join a class students must get a "Class Key" from teacher. You can click on ‘Join a Class’ on the Nicenet home page to start the process

It is a free discussion forum with no advertising. Nicenet strongly believes that the classroom should not be a marketplace.

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The system was designed not as a replacement for the classroom, but rather as a supplement allowing greater communication and sharing of information among students and between teachers

The ICA requires only a web browser and a connection to the Internet, so there is no software to install or servers to manage

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NICENET is a web based Learning Mgt System It is a supplement to teaching (Not a

substitute) It allows to share links to academic sites Teacher and student can add documents such

as reading materials, assignments etc It offer Text conferencing/interaction Class schedules and reminders can be added It helps to send messages to whole class or

selected individuals.

Features of NICENET

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It is a site for biological and bio-resource information.

It is an initiative of Japan Science and Technology (JST) Corporation.

It contain the collection of biological information resources distributed over internet.

The end user can easily search the desired information

It also allows the users to create their own bio resources database.

Bio-Resource Network (BRNET)