know thyself and your father god-allah moorish … · know thyself and...

Page 28 Page 1 Know thyself and Your Father God-Allah That you may learn how to live instead of hate. Every man needs to worship under his own vine and fig tree The Uniting of Asia If you would like to learn more about the Moorish Orthodox Church you can visit us on And if you have any questions, comments, or any ideas for future issues please contact [email protected] # 8 Moorish Orthodox Voice

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Know thyself and Your Father God-Allah

That you may learn how to live instead of hate.

Every man needs to worship under his

own vine and fig tree

The Uniting of Asia

If you would like to learn more about the Moorish Orthodox Church you can visit us on And if you have any questions, comments, or any ideas for future issues please contact [email protected]

# 8

Moorish Orthodox


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[laws and rites] with the object of faith.

These people feel that gnostics are heretics

and oppress them. Therefore,

people of Qiyamat conceal themselves from situations

which could lead to oppression and create their own free spaces to

practice. As a means of compassion for others,

gnositics carefully bring in others who they feel are ready. And when one is ready

the Real brings them into contact with teacher

who will teach them according to their level (ultimately leading to Qiyamat).

by Jamshid

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When one awakens

one realizes the fundamental unity between the Imam of the Time

and the imam-of-one's-own-being.

Qiyamat is practiced in the life of the momin [follower]

by faith in the Imam's word and guidance.

It is not based upon external laws or ritual.

Though many who are brought into Qiyamat do so to provide moral examples for the

community. The person of Qiyamat recognizes

that liberty is not license.

People of Qiyamat do not put down other faiths and ways.

They know that the Real can bring others to into union

with Reality by other ways. Since all gnosis is one,

people of Qiyamat learn from the gnostic ways of other peoples

and teach others about their faith.

People of Qiyamat do not expose themselves

to those who are of little understanding. People who delight in the laws

and rites are like those who mistake the finger pointing towards

the moon with the moon.

They mistake the outer forms of faith

The Pillars of Moorish Science and Their

Occurrence In the Holy Koran of the MSTA

Compiled by Mustafa al-Laylah Bey, Khalwat-i-Khidr Lodge of the Moorish Orthodox Church of America [Instances where each Pillar is mentioned as a proper noun have been made bold for particular focus and study.]

Freedom XXIX: 5 “He calleth together the wise men of his kingdom; he consulteth among them with freedom, and heareth the opinions of them all.” XXXIV: 8 “He adviseth with friendship; he reproveth with freedom; and whatsoever he promiseth shall surely be performed.” XLIII: 27 “If thou art suspected, answer with freedom. Whom should suspicion affright, except the

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guilty?” XLVI: 8-9 “The lamb is the poor people, the lion is the rulers and the rich, and through Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice all men are one and equal to seek their own destiny; and to worship under their own vine and fig tree. After the principles of the holy and divine laws of their forefathers.” “All nations of the earth in these modern days are seeking peace, but there is but one true and divine way that peace may be obtained in these days, and it is through Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice being taught universally to all nations, in all lands.” XLVII: 13-14 “These laws are to be strictly preserved by the members of all the Temples, of the Moorish Science Temple of America. That they will learn to open their meeting and guide it according to the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice.” “Every subordinate Temple of the Grand-Major Temple is to form under the covenant of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice; and to create their own laws and customs, in conjunction with the laws of the Holy

Fundamental Principles of Qiyamat

By Jamshid

Qiyamat is the spiritual resurrection.

It is to resurrect before dying. The world is a world of birth and death,

it is samsara. To resurrect in this life is a gnostic

event. It is nirvana in this life.

Though the body goes on to die, one's consciousness does not

go on to rebirth. All beings have a spark of the Real

inside of them. This is what

goes on from birth, death and rebirth. It is pure consciousness.

This spark of the real within

is the imam-of-one's-own-being. When the internal imam comes into

contact with the Imam of the Time

and puts into practice his teachings, then the spark within lights up.

This is a Gnostic awakening and is the Qiyamat.

The Imam brings beings to Qiyamat

and no one is excluded, save those who exclude themselves. Even those given time will come to


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Elijah Muhammad’s Prayer “Surely I have turned myself to Thee, O Allah, Striving to be upright to Him who originated the heavens and the earth and I am not of the polytheists. Surely my prayer and my sacrifice, my life and my death are all for Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. No associate has he and this I am commanded. I am of those who submit. Oh Allah, Thou art the king, there is no god but Thee." Thou art my Lord and I am Thy servant. I have been greatly unjust to myself and I confess my faults. So grant me protection against my faults for none grants protection against faults but Thee. And guide me into the best of morals, for none guides to the best of morals but Thee. And turn away from me the evil and indecent morals, for none can turn away from me the evil and indecent morals but Thee.

Prophet and the Grand Temple. I, the Prophet, Noble Drew Ali, was sent by the great God, Allah, to warn all Asiatics of America to repent from their sinful ways; before that great and awful day that is sure to come.” XLVIII: 5 “That the world may hear and know the truth, that among the descendants of Africa there is still much wisdom to be learned in these days for the redemption of the sons of men under Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice.”

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What Do I Know By

Abdul Batin Bey

Islam, Many times when I listen to my fellow Muslims talk down at the local Mosque’s I go to whether it be in Worcester, Quincy, Framingham, or Cambridge I am often put off by some of the “learned men” when they talk. It’s the same thing that turns me off to myself when I sometimes speak. It’s the idea that they know or I know really what we are talking about when it comes to Allah, Islam, the world, issues, so on and so forth. If we are to be honest with ourselves (I know it’s hard to be honest when you are getting paid to be the knower, or your ego gets a boost out of knowing things) the truth is none of us really have a clue to what’s going on. We might have an inkling but that’s not the whole picture it’s just a piece of a corner of a beautiful creation that we never get to see in it’s entirely. The reason why it bothers me in myself and in these others is because we are all still too attached to our own time, our own baggage, and our own concepts of ourselves.

Eight Commands by Unknown

1. Mystical Knowledge 2. The hidden meaning of the

scripture is attainable by all 3. Keep yourself clean 4. Confess your sins to God and only to

God 5. Keep a simple diet 6. Everyone can know God 7. Everyone must decide to either

follow their lower self or their higher self

8. God is all reality.

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Ten Attributes of the Dog

By Al-Jazulit

1) He sleeps only a little at night; this is a sign of the lovers of God

2) He complains of neither heat nor cold; this is a sign of patient

3) When he dies, he leaves nothing behind which can be inherited from him; this is the sign of the ascetic

4) He is neither angry or hateful; this is a sign of the faithful

5) He is not sorrowful at the loss of a close relative, nor does he accept assistance; this is the sign of the secure

6) If he is giving something, he consumes it and is content, this is the sign of the contented

7) He has no place of refuge; this is a sign of the wonderers

8) He sleeps in any place he finds; this is a sign of the satisfied

9) Ounce he knows his master, he never hates him, even if he beats him; this is a sign of the knower’s

10) He is always hungry; this is a sign of the virtuous

No one ever fully escapes these things even the great mystics are products of there own time, I have to accept, appreciate that but are we striving for what we should be striving for? Islam calls us to transcend race, heritage, country, ethnicity to forgo sexist ideas, and for us to follow the light that Allah has giving us. But are and have we ever really done any of these things? Or are we all just pretending to be doing these things in hopes that by fooling ourselves we can fool Allah? The Qur’an talks about resurrection and three modes of resurrection exist. The first mode is mental resurrection that is placing our minds in right thoughts, which will produce right words that will produce right actions. Muhammad (pbu) did this for his people he took them out of the “Age of Ignorance” and into the “Age of Light” by showing them that some of there held beliefs were wrongs, such as blood feuds, killing the infant babies and treating women like mere property just to name a very few examples. We too have to pull ourselves out of our own ignorance and bring ourselves into the light if the people of Arabia were not ready or willing to accept Muhammad’s (pbu) teachings then nothing would have been gained. Though

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they didn’t grasp anything we being the benefactors of their history and knowledge should be in a better understanding but are we? Some of the same ignorant ideas that existed in The Prophets time still exist in our own time. Huge parts of the Qur’an are completely ignored and taught to be ignored so that we all ignore what makes us uncomfortable and accept the nice plushy parts of God’s word but is that really doing us any good? Are we individually and as a whole any better than that time? Or are we pretending fooling ourselves and telling others to fool themselves so that we can all be on the same page circling the same Mountain over and over again never to reach the promise land? Let’s be real we are called to be a light unto the world but first we must be a light to ourselves, clear out our own cobwebs before we can help our fellow man do the same thing. Everyone comes from a background no one ever is a clean slate, everyone brings ideas and concepts to the table but we are not to wallow in them but again to rise above them to acknowledge that we are all the Children of Adam and bring one another back into that singular tribe. At least that’s my

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understanding but it seems we are moving further away from the standard instead of moving towards to it. How much longer must we cling to the materialistic world without moving past it? I think it’s a fair question to ask. What’s the real standard that we are living buy a Mullah’s? Muhammad’s? Allah’s? Do we ever really accept Islam in it’s entirety are we ever real Muslims or are we only superficial Muslims practicing an Islam of our own design? The second mode of resurrection is spiritual knowing that we are created beings but knowing we are part of something greater or called to something greater. If we can’t make it through resurrection mode one how then we can we ever hope to gain mode number two? Sure the blueprints are in our hands giving us the know how but if we are not looking at the blueprints how do we expect to gain any deeper insight into ourselves, our brothers and sisters and the God we worship? I think these are fair questions but no one seems to really have any meaningful answers except dogmatic pomp. Sorry, that doesn’t help one way or another it just numbs the person or people into a false security, false identity, false spirituality. Even some of the

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mystics sounds like bratty know it alls at times with no real clarity. Just a new set of concepts, rituals, and dogmas that really aren’t that different than what they say they have transcended. Sometimes I think these guys are lost in dogma more than the Mullahs are. Other times I think they really got something but the cryptic hoarding ruins it because they deem others unworthy at least al-Hallaj died proclaiming his spiritual truth that we are all aspects of God. The vast majorities though don’t really tell you much unless you are willing to accept superficial ideals or undergo their version of Islamic dogma in order to gain what they have gained. Sounds like a con to me but hey what do I know? The last mode of resurrection is physical resurrection meaning ounce our minds and spirits are in tune our bodies will be purified and are able to come back from the grave or at least be in tune with the universal essence. How many of us really take care of ourselves? We say we are as we load it up with junk, breath in the toxic air, judge one another by skin tone, hair length or lack thereof, by the clothes we ware, so on and so forth. This too as the other modes before us we need to do

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one feel comfortable and safe never allowing them to glimpse any aspect of themselves or of our Father God. For these people it is all a play on words, fun and games without substance. To them we must seek out, show them the true ways of our way of being so that they may heal themselves and know the eternal Orchard of our Father Allah. Go in Peace and Love

for ourselves just as Allah tells us to. It may sound spookish but I mean it in a very real way. These ideas of Race, Ethnicity, Culture, and even Nationality sooner or later have to be put aside, done with if we are honestly to move ahead in this game we call life. I’m not saying I’m perfect or even righteous heck I got more flaws than some less then others but that’s neither here nor there. I struggle just like everyone else does but I’m not sugar coating with sweet gloss nor am I going to paint myself as a role model to follow because I’m not. I’m not just calling the community out I’m calling myself out on my own baggage I just wish others would do the same. No ones going to move forward without seriously looking at themselves and there fellow family and being exceptionally honest with one another. Too many people are saying they got the keys, or just believe, but that’s not how The Prophets lived, that’s not what Allah says. An Islamic Nation if such a thing exists must be an invisible nation one without division both inner and outer. Unity in its very real sense, God is one, Reality is One, Humanity is One, Guidance is One, and Existence is One, not as an abstract idea but as a reality to be embraced,

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lived. All we can be is the Imam of ourselves, to use our own minds, to move ahead as we are told to do in the Qur’an (or whatever holy books you use) to strive to be better everyday. I am not Alif, Lam, Mim, that is to say I am not Allah the best knower because I can honestly tell you I don’t know anything, I will never really know anything, it’s not do to my dyslexia or my struggling attention span it’s because I can be honest with myself and with others. I don’t know anything and that might just be the greatest gift anyone can have. Allah is Greater than Great

more real than most people will ever know. Your demon will take on shape and form that you most likely will not be ready for. Luke Skywalker was not ready when he saw his own face under the mask of Darth Vader just like you wont be ready for it either. It is at your Vader moment that can make or break you; you will either succeed or fail slowly creeping ever towards insanity. This is where our hero Luke Skywalker prevailed where earlier his father failed due to the fact that Anakin could not kill his inner demons. Anakin embraced revenge, embraced doing whatever you feel the idea of killing children is really killing your own innocence in outwardly form. Anakin like the general population is ruled by pure emotion allowing the demon in a for that appeases in this case a false sense of power and love to lure one ever into the darker side of life. Luke succeed not because he killed his emotions but had a balance and an understanding of where his emotions came from he killed his demon self which does not lead one to no longer feel but to comprehend what causes the emotions to arise and how to apply each emotion properly. It is the same is Buddhism, Buddhists never kill there own emotions but use techniques to better know them and how to properly respond to each situation. In that same manner our Islamic Science teaches us. One can only know this ounce one passes through the trials and tribulations of the myriad labyrinth of the self. It is most unfortunate that some have erroneously taking aspects of our Science and turned it into a parody of what it should be. Instead of teaching the actual doctrine they teach a light hearted hippy dippy version that makes

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Knowing thyself: Darker side

By Abdul Batin Bey

Islam, Many people embrace our Science thinking that the path will be easy because many people mistakenly believe that they have a pretty good idea of who they are. They start to learn our lessons, our way of looking and perceiving only to end up not knowing themselves as good as they thought they did. Sometime the path can bring to light some deep seated ugliness that the individual may have purposely forgotten about and now they are face to face with an aspect of self they barely even recognize. Now more than ever they must push forward into the darker aspect of knowing the self. Before anyone can get to the Harmony they must go through the abyss to confront the demon self, wrestle with the self as Jacob did, possible get injured along the way but if one is ready for the fight they will prevail. This is an aspect our Science that many are not ready for because no one wants to see there own faults but this is the part of our Science that is the most precious. How can anyone enter the realms of heaven if they do not go through the realms of Hell just like Jesus did just like we all must eventually. If one is not willing to face down there own evil self then they will never fully know themselves nor our Father God Allah. In order to be purified one must be willing to go through the fire and be cleansed by the living water. Only by baring one self, annihilating the impure aspects of self-can one is reborn into a body of light. In order to save self one must die to self this is

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Changing the European

By Abdul Batin Bey

(originally writing a in 2014) When a European accepts the Islamic way of life the first thing they must do is repent that is to change ones mind. The European should not simply swap out old ideas for new ideas but literally change the way they see, think, feel, and interact with the world around them, not only is the European changing there mindset by in fact is changing there very being. They must toss off the mindset of division and devilment so that they may find at-one-ment not with Allah only but with all of creation. Islam is not a mere religion it is an exact way of life a complete science and when one enters into the science it will either make or brake you. Islam teaches the correct way to experience everything. The negative vibration of those who are negatively charged will be changed into a positively charged person. This will not come naturally but through persistence one will learn to love instead of hate and to take their proper place among the nations. One such tool that will aide the European to gain a new mindset is to do what brother C.M. Bey and brother Hakim Bey suggest which is to take on a spiritual nationality of Moorish, Persian, and or Celtic. This will start to alter the way you see the world by taking your focus off of secondary European nationalities of barbaric origins to that of the Asiatic heritage of Civilization. Also, one may wish to add Bey or El to their names or take

a completely new name in order to further distance themselves and their minds from the fake society into the true society. To do these things is align oneself with Islam the original culture of the earth but also to align you with the proper energies and lineages of this planet, which are Asiatic. The European must always remember that they are the children of the original people and they must accept and do what the original people did and taught. Of course what I’m writing not only applies to Europeans but to all people who have lost knowledge of self and the Science of Life (Islam). If taking seriously by all those who walk the garden then there is no doubt that the falling will be uplifted to a righteous state. Those who posses the keys come in all forms shapes and sized. Some will be well dressed others look completely homeless; some will have high-powered jobs while others may be gas pump attendants. What you do with the Science ounce you posses it is up to you, just remember to never lose the science and if one comes searching teach them the science so that they too may be uplifted. (Selah).