know thyself: an investigation into the soul and the psyche

1 KNOW THYSELF An Investigation into the Soul and the Psyche William John Meegan KNOW THYSELF is an old occult maxim that none of the ancient sages in antiquity ever took the time to explain explicitly; however, they did take the time to explain it covertly from an esoteric perspective. This paper is based on my collective researches over the past forty-years. 1 Here I am writing a paper for those that know my research and can understand where I am coming from. The sacred scriptures, artworks and monuments of the world are in every way liken to how the individual deal with his or her psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind 2 on a daily routine basis. In fact the sacred scriptures, artworks and the monuments of the world are analogous to a cat’s paw in order to educate the individual about his or her soul and/or psyche. Of course if the individual is not paying attention he or she will not learn anything. I have written this paper throughout in a series of questions; because, over the past four decades they were my questions to the powers that be, which I did not know was within my own psyche and the answers are those obtained through deep meditation on what I researched during that time. 1. Q: How often does the average person read the sacred scriptures? A: As often as the individual pays attention to his or her own psyche. The sacred scriptures, artworks and monuments of the world are mundanely seen as status symbols that collect dust on bookshelves, hang on walls or are weather beaten by climatic conditions, which no one truly pays attention to and/or understands. The psyche of the individual is analogously treated in the very self-same manner. TIME continuously chimes it death knells for something or somebody; nonetheless, the sacred scriptures are eternal and everlasting for they signify the generic paradigm of the spiritual laws of creation that govern the soul. The sacred scriptures 3 are written texts that are mystically cast in stone, which means the texts are never altered or at least that is the understanding concerning the nature of religious documents; however, no matter what anyone say translations of the texts, from their indigenous languages, are altering and/or literally destroying the true intentions of the writers of the sacred scriptures: that is what is conveyed by the generic spiritual paradigm of the soul to the psyche. 2. Q: How is that analogous to the psyche? A: In proportion to an individual own understanding of his or her psyche in that proportion does the initiate understand the true nature of the sacred scriptures for they are mystically one and the same. A translation and/or false interpretation of the sacred scriptures are comparable to a false understanding of one’s own psyche. A person can go throughout life not knowing one true thing about the soul and/or the psyche: i.e. sacred scriptures. The sacred scriptures are not only written texts they also symbolize and mystically represent all of creation. The sacred scriptures symbolize the background and landscape of the world along with the mineral, animal and vegetable kingdoms and the stars in their courses. The languages of the world are not conducive to human understanding; thus, the sacred scriptures in their indigenous language are available in the vernacular of the reader. If he or she is too lethargic to spend his or her time, energy and resources to teach him or herself the indigenous languages of the sacred scriptures but would 1 and 2 The psyche has a mystical divide that separates ego-consciousness from the unconscious mind. In this paper the word ‘psyche’ refers to both unless one is distinctly discussed without the other in mind. 3 From this point forward I will use the phrase ‘sacred scriptures’ to be inclusive of spiritual literature, artworks and monuments; however, the sacred scriptures also represents the background and landscape of the world along with the mineral, animal and vegetable kingdoms and the stars in their courses.

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An Investigation into the Soul and the Psyche

William John Meegan

KNOW THYSELF is an old occult maxim that none of the ancient sages in antiquity ever took the

time to explain explicitly; however, they did take the time to explain it covertly from an esoteric

perspective. This paper is based on my collective researches over the past forty-years.1 Here I am

writing a paper for those that know my research and can understand where I am coming from.

The sacred scriptures, artworks and monuments of the world are in every way liken to how the

individual deal with his or her psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind2 on a daily

routine basis. In fact the sacred scriptures, artworks and the monuments of the world are analogous

to a cat’s paw in order to educate the individual about his or her soul and/or psyche. Of course if the

individual is not paying attention he or she will not learn anything.

I have written this paper throughout in a series of questions; because, over the past four decades

they were my questions to the powers that be, which I did not know was within my own psyche and

the answers are those obtained through deep meditation on what I researched during that time.

1. Q: How often does the average person read the sacred scriptures?

A: As often as the individual pays attention to his or her own psyche. The sacred scriptures,

artworks and monuments of the world are mundanely seen as status symbols that collect dust on

bookshelves, hang on walls or are weather beaten by climatic conditions, which no one truly pays

attention to and/or understands. The psyche of the individual is analogously treated in the very

self-same manner. TIME continuously chimes it death knells for something or somebody;

nonetheless, the sacred scriptures are eternal and everlasting for they signify the generic paradigm

of the spiritual laws of creation that govern the soul.

The sacred scriptures3 are written texts that are mystically cast in stone, which means the texts

are never altered or at least that is the understanding concerning the nature of religious documents;

however, no matter what anyone say translations of the texts, from their indigenous languages, are

altering and/or literally destroying the true intentions of the writers of the sacred scriptures: that is

what is conveyed by the generic spiritual paradigm of the soul to the psyche.

2. Q: How is that analogous to the psyche?

A: In proportion to an individual own understanding of his or her psyche in that proportion does

the initiate understand the true nature of the sacred scriptures for they are mystically one and the

same. A translation and/or false interpretation of the sacred scriptures are comparable to a false

understanding of one’s own psyche. A person can go throughout life not knowing one true thing

about the soul and/or the psyche: i.e. sacred scriptures.

The sacred scriptures are not only written texts they also symbolize and mystically represent all of

creation. The sacred scriptures symbolize the background and landscape of the world along with the

mineral, animal and vegetable kingdoms and the stars in their courses. The languages of the world are

not conducive to human understanding; thus, the sacred scriptures in their indigenous language are

available in the vernacular of the reader. If he or she is too lethargic to spend his or her time, energy

and resources to teach him or herself the indigenous languages of the sacred scriptures but would

1 and

2 The psyche has a mystical divide that separates ego-consciousness from the unconscious mind. In this paper the word

‘psyche’ refers to both unless one is distinctly discussed without the other in mind. 3 From this point forward I will use the phrase ‘sacred scriptures’ to be inclusive of spiritual literature, artworks and

monuments; however, the sacred scriptures also represents the background and landscape of the world along with the

mineral, animal and vegetable kingdoms and the stars in their courses.


rather read the translation of the mythoi of the scriptural texts then that is his or her problem. A

choice has been made; albeit, a deadly choice, nonetheless, a choice that will govern the psyche of the

individual for the rest of his or her life.

3. Q: Are the sacred scriptures intrinsically equivalent to the soul and/or the psyche?

A: Yes, analogously, pragmatically and in real-time the sacred scriptures are one and the same

phenomenon symbolizing the soul and the psyche. The sacred scriptures are constructs from an

original source: a 10 x 10 matrix called the


Material (Perennial Matrix), which is a

commentary on the MONAD, which in essence

is the Christ/Soul/Higher Self. This is why the

sacred scriptures are analogous to the soul in

their purest indigenous form; however, from a

materialistic point of view the psyche: ego-

consciousness and the unconscious mind is a

degradation of the soul and this is why the

sacred scriptures are rarely read in the proper

manner. The soul cast into the world is the

psyche, which cannot realistically understand

the sacred scriptures. Ego-consciousness

symbolizes the surface texts of the sacred

scriptures and the unconscious mind

symbolizes the esotericism that is codified into

the symbolic and alphanumerical structure of

the texts. Unless ego-consciousness and the

unconscious mind amalgamate the psyche cannot find its soul. The soul can be said to be the Holy

Grail. When the veil of the soul rent in twain into the psyche: ego-consciousness and the

unconscious mind as it did in Herod’s Temple when Christ was crucified, God vanishes (died on the

cross) from such darkness and the soul dissipates into the ether.

In the Gospel of Thomas there is a saying that goes to the above point: “(I07) Jesus said: The

kingdom is like a shepherd who had hundred sheep. One of them, the biggest, went astray. He

left the ninety-nine and sought after the one till he found it. When he had labored, he said to the

sheep: I love thee more than the ninety-nine.” In the mythoi that Thomas used the large sheep is

the MONAD, which brought about the other ninety-nine. The other ninety-nine sheep are

essentially worthless without the primary source of spirituality. The MONAD symbolizes the soul.

In the New Testament Jesus says, "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and

forfeits his soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul (Matthew 16:26)?”

The soul is a hybrid of the spiritual and the material. Take away the spiritual (God) and

nothing is left but the psyche. The word soul is another word for CHRIST (God/Man). Catholicism

teaches that every baptized Catholic is a Christ. Christ: i.e. the soul symbolizes the Vesica Piscis,

which symbolizes the union of the material (ego-consciousness in union with the unconscious

mind) and spiritual (God); thus, the soul symbolizes the spiritual paradigm of creation. The reason

for this is that ego-consciousness (Yahweh of the Old Testament) has become CHRIST from out of

its earthly demonic state. Only ego-consciousness can discriminate ORDER OUT OF CHAOS (write

the sacred scripture); therefore, it is only Christ that has anything to do with creation. This is why

Christ called God (El) his father (blinding light of creation) because only his father could make ego-

consciousness a Christ. It is only his father that can send his only begotten son into the world.


Ego-consciousness, independently, by itself is only an imp living within the hell (world) of its own

creation. Without God (El) the imp is damn to all eternity to the hell-fire of his own creation.

When reading the sacred scriptures from their indigenous languages the reader is essentially

studying and researching texts (words that letters that have symbols and are alphanumerically

structured) that are cast in stone. The sacred scriptures in their indigenous languages are hermetically

sealed because each letter has a symbol and is alphanumerically structure; whereas, their incalculable

translations in vulgar vernaculars4 are malleable to the point of fluidity for there are no set standards

as to how to interpret translated texts. The Soul vanishes, from the psyche, when ego-consciousness

separate itself from the unconscious mind, like-wise esotericism vanishes from the sacred scriptures,

when they are translated into the vulgar vernaculars. In other words spirituality (baby) is being tossed

out with the bathwater. Meaning that for the sake of more esthetically pleasing storylines (political

correctness?) spirituality is sacrificed. Translations are spiritually offensive because the vulgar

language’s letters have neither a symbol nor are they alphanumerically structured via sacred

geometry; therefore, translators of the sacred scriptures unknowingly, and to the detriment of their

own souls, toss out all of that symbolic and arithmetical data because they know nothing of the

Esoteric Science’s intrinsic value and importance to the indigenous languages of the sacred scriptures.

These offensive translations of the sacred scriptures indigenous languages into vulgar languages

become the dogmatic scriptures of the profane to the point that they are thought to be the original

languages of the sacred scriptures5 and in turn, in the pagan’s mind their version of the sacred

scriptures become unalterable similar to the daily routines and habits of the individual. The older an

individual (psyche) gets in life the more set in his or her ways he or she becomes. A person rarely

changes their personality traits in life. Fundamentally, it takes a spiritual awakening and/or a

traumatic event in the life of the individual for such changes to take place.

Ego-consciousness, for the most part, knows absolutely nothing about the unconscious mind. If

ego-consciousness ever thinks about the unconscious mind it is summarily dismissed. Viewing the

above 10 x 10 square it is easily seen why ego-

consciousness would know nothing about the

unconscious mind: think of the Earth’s terminator.

Ego-consciousness would represent sunlight (male)

and the unconscious mind would represent

darkness or moonlight (female). Just as the sun

dismisses the moon so does the patriarchal culture

dismisses the matriarchal culture: i.e. women and

all they stand for.

Spiritually, the desired goal is to have the

psyche in union with itself in the Garden of Eden

and this is often portrayed as the Vesica Piscis or

the union of the spiritual and the material realms.

To get the psyche (ego-consciousness and the

unconscious mind): two opposite psychic realms in

union with each other takes a spiritual awakening.

A person has to truly desire to know him or herself

for this to happen. In this manner a third option is open to the psyche creating vis-à-vis a psychic

4 Here I am referring to any language other than the indigenous languages that the sacred scriptures were written in.

5 It is actually quite shocking to see in Protestant Christianity, in the United States, most Protestants literally believe the

King James Version of the bible in English is the original Old and New Testaments languages. This may be shocking; however,

it is quite informative as to the nature of the psyche and how quickly the masses believe, wholeheartedly, in authority rather

than research the problem themselves.


discourse between ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind. In essence this third option is what

is called the Garden of Eden or Shangri la, Atlantis, Nirvana, Orenda, Holy Spirit, etc., etc.

4. Q: You say the 10 x 10 square: the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: Prima Materia (Perennial

Matrix) is a commentary on the MONAD, which is the Vesica Piscis that is symbolically the

Christ/Soul/Higher Self, how is this commentary generated?

A: Spiritually, the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: Prima Materia (Perennial Matrix) is

forever with the individual. This matrix is the generic paradigm of the psyche, which ego-

consciousness discriminates (ORDER) from out of the unconscious mind (CHAOS). As seen in the

above image of the matrix (pg. #2) it symbolizes ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind.

MATRIX #1 is the same matrix in its numerical pairings (color coded) of the opposites (Astrology’s

Sun Signs) that illustrate two tetractys (tetrahedrons) separated. MATRIX #1 and the psyche are

one and the same. MATRIX #1 symbolizes the eternal and perpetual platform of the psyche’s

existence. The psyche is incapable of going beyond the boundaries of its own borders. In THE

ARABIAN NIGHTS this MATRIX #1 would be called Aladdin’s Flying Carpet6. The soul as it is

educated into the ways of the world as a child loses its veneer of the Garden of Eden (protective

spiritual sheen: Matrix #3) and is summarily cast out into the world to fend for itself via ego-

consciousness (Matrix #1).

MATRIX #1 is easily understood via its numerical data that have been reduced to their lowest

common denominators from the first nine multiplication tables. In fact there are only nine

multiplication tables all else is redundancy. Christ prays in the New Testament, “I thank thee, O

Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and

prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes (Matthew 11:25).” Notice that the nine

multiplication tables and casting-out-nines is children mathematics. This MATRIX #1 illustrates

why Christ made such a statement. When the initiate has his or her vision this MATRIX #1 is

discernible to some via the first nine multiplication tables forming a 9 x 9 matrix called the Kamea

of the Moon. This is brought out in Dante Alighieri’s La Divina Commedia Mathematical System7.

The first column and row are added to bring about a more esthetically pleasing matrix; however,

all of this data demonstrates that all numbers are conceptual imitations of the number one: i.e.

MONAD. If one was to produce a matrix that went out to infinity in rows and columns it would

produce an infinite web illustrating nines bordering the central sixty-four cells; thus, the spiritual

6 Aladdin’s Flying Carpet



powers do intent for the initiate to use his or her own analytical powers of reason and logic to

help him or her along the way to complete its conceptual ideas.

In the three diagrams above: MATRIX 1-38 the UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: Prima

Materia (Perennial Matrix) is shown in several advance stages of development, which emits a

great deal of knowledge, which cannot be understood by the initiate at this time. Suffice it is, at

this time, to say that it is up to the initiate by means of a one-on-one relationship with God to

build his or her internal temple to house his or her knowledge of God.

� MATRIX #1 is the psyche splitting ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind into two

halves, which is very similar to what happens when Christ died on the cross and the veil of

Herod’s Temple was rent in twain. MATRIX #2 illustrates Judaism waiting for their messiah;

however, the Jews killed Christ; thereby, destroying the Holy of Holies in their temple. If the

Jews had recognized Christ as their messiah they would have gone unto MATRIX #3, which

symbolizes the first four days of creation: LIGHT: i.e. a new creation would have psychically

developed in their psyche.

o MATRIX #1 is analogous to how the eyes see. MATRIX #1 is perfectly structured on all

four sides; whereas, MATRIX #2 is not. It is ego-consciousness that brings ORDER OUT

OF CHAOS: i.e. unconscious mind. The first half of the MATRIX #1 on the left is

numerically in reverse of the second half of MATRIX #1 on the right. Even without the

second half present the second half could easily be extrapolated (intuited) via ego-

consciousness filling in the gaps from the first half. Essentially, this is how ego-

consciousness (conscious mind) fills in the gaps vis-à-vis everything it experiences in

life. This is not saying that the conscious mind reasons out everything that it

summarily extrapolates as facts into its memory databanks. This is why everybody

seems to have less intelligent than everybody else. However, all of the extrapolations

that an individual does in life are based solely upon his or her world view. Just ask a

blind person those things that they hear that those around them do not know they

have secretly heard; though, they may be great distances away. We say that this is the

senses being heightened; nonetheless, it is how the race as a whole extrapolates data

from around ego-consciousness, that ego-consciousness has no idea it has

accumulated, into its world view. It is an eternally vicious circle that each individual

live in throughout life.

One of ways that I fought this psychic dilemma of accumulating unnecessary data from outside

of my researches was to focus my attention of just the first chapter of Genesis for many years. In

this manner of research I was able to study the texts without it talking back to me so to speak. If I

was to have studied the sacred scriptures from cover to cover as most people do I would have had

a database of thousands of verses giving me their opinions. Yes, I read the bible translational

8 It is important to tell the reader that these images of the MATRIX #2 and Matrix #3 were actually conceived and

developed in the process of writing this paper. Previous to writing this paper I had conceived and developed the Genesis

Formula from the first word of Genesis. I had written about Solomon’s Temple in the rectangular shape and the Christian

Solomon’s Temple in the round in my work on the Sistine Chapel. What I had not done up to writing this paper was to

complete the movement of all the cells of the Universal Mathematical Matrix in synch with the first row that created the first

word of Genesis and the Genesis Formula; thus, it now behooved me to do so. Up to completing the movements of all of cells

of Matrix #1 morphing into Matrix #2 I had no credible idea other than assumptions as to where the architects obtained their

design for the schematics of Solomon’s Temple; however, the moment that I completed Matrix #2 I instantly had the answer.

Reasoning from Matrix #2 I was able to juxtaposition four of the columns on the left, which were also mirror imaged through

juxtaposing the same columns on the right side; thus, constructing Matrix #3: Solomon’s Temple in the round. As the reader

can see research is often done through spontaneity and from completing such inspirational ideas data flows from out of that.

Previously to writing this paper I had assumed that MATRIX #1 was the schematic for Solomon’s Temple in the round;

however, as I have shown in this paper I was wrong and MATRIX #3 is the schematic for Solomon’s Temple in the round.


storylines from cover to cover at least three times. Now I was trying a new method. I initially

studied Genesis chapter one this way from October 1976 to April 1983 and then I tried the same

technique on Dante Alighieri’s La Divina Commedia’s composition structure in my quest to break his

mathematical system. At least, for me, the technique worked.

� MATRIX #2 is a byproduct of the Genesis Formula: first word of Genesis: BERESHITH put into

motion and extrapolated out to its logical conclusion via ego-consciousness and then more or

less becomes a materialistic temple; however, this is not a satisfactory state of affairs because

the psyche did nothing to bring it about. It just emulated the Genesis Formula set down in the

first word of Genesis throughout the matrix; however, a certain amount of brain-power so-to-

speak was used to complete the Genesis Formula throughout the matrix and that is as far as

the initiate goes. Symbolically, this MATRIX #2 symbolizes the second verse of Genesis where

“The Earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep and the

spirit of Elohym hovered over the face of the waters”. MATRIX #1 symbolizes the first verse

of Genesis, “In the beginning Elohym separated the heavens and the earth”. The first and last

columns of MATRIX #2 begin with the number four because those fours symbolize the fourth

multiplication tables reduce to their lowest common denominators. Four symbolizes water.

The second and eight columns of the MATRIX #2 symbolize the spirit of Elohym (9s and 1s)

pouting and hovering over the waters. �

o MATRIX #2 is based upon the creation of the first word of Genesis from the UNIVERSAL

MATHEMATICAL MATRIX. This is because both sides of the matrix have move towards

each other simultaneously: i.e. all rows move towards each other creating MATRIX #2.

o MATRIX #2 is for all intent and purpose illustrates the ARK OF THE COVENANT. The 3s,

6s and 9s surround the central eight cells symbolize the poles that are used to carry

the ARK OF THE COVENANT. The Jewish Temple has always been designed in the form

of a rectangle, which is very similar to the construct of Emperor Constantine’s Saint

Peter’s Basilica and the manner in which the building of the Sistine Chapel was

constructed. Both these Christian Temples are meant to illustrate the concept of going

from the Jewish rectangular shape Solomon Temple to the Christian octagon shape or

eight sided temple, which is similar to the design that the cross emanates.


The ARK OF THE COVENANT is sacrosanct: i.e. an untouchable. MATRIX #2 is pungent with the

idea that it represents the beginning of spirituality because of the extrapolation of the first word of

Genesis: BERESHITH into this MATRIX #2; however, that is as far as the neophyte that creates this

philosophy of life: i.e. Ark of the Covenant will go.

� This eternal stagnation is because the psyche has followed the course laid out

for it and has completed the task unerringly. That neophyte ceases to use his

intellect to go any further because of the seeming perfection of MATRIX #2.

� What this means is that the Genesis Formula is ten letter/words: i.e. TEN

COMMANDMENT on two tablets: ego-consciousness and the unconscious

mind, which are placed in the untouchable ARK OF THE COVENANT. The

psyche symbolically becomes the veil of Judaism Solomon’s Temple.

� Realistically, these ten letter/words of the Genesis Formula actually

extrapolate out into thirteen letter/words closing the mystic circle: the

Zodiac/Calendar9 year with Christ in the center: i.e. MATRIX #3. This pattern

of the Star of David remains in the Zodiac/Calendar year to this day. The four

9 The Zodiac/Calendar year with the Star of David (symbolically Christ) is actually the Moon Zodiac/Calendar year

because of its thirteen parts. This image of the Zodiac/Calendar is from Dante Alighieri’s La Dvina Commedia’s Mathematical



signs/months with thirty-days exude a butterfly pattern for an addition two

more butterfly patterns to emerge from the other eight month/signs. In this

way the three butterfly patterns come together to form the Star of David in

the center of the twelve signs of the Zodiac; therefore, showing that it is the

closing of the mystical circle of twelve that creates the Star of David.

Remember that it was the disciples that taught the world about Christ;

therefore, it is the twelve disciples that create the symbol of the Star of David.

� Another interesting thing about the Solomon’s Temple above is the ten circles

in a square is very much like the ten medallions that Michelangelo painted on

the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the self-same manner.


The four images place above: Ark of the Covenant, Solomon’s Temple, fresco of Christ giving Peter

the Keys of the Kingdom and the Kabbalistic Tree of Life illustrate the concepts being conveyed here.

� ARK OF THE COVENANT: the east side of Solomon’s Temple has the two columns Boaz and Jachin

guarding the entrance symbolically representing the sun and moon (ego-consciousness and the

unconscious mind) respectively. In the outer world ego-consciousness represent the patriarchal

society; however, in Solomon’s temple neither ego-consciousness nor the unconscious mind was

allowed entrance. The cherubs on top of the Ark of the Covenant represent the alchemical

marriage of ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind and between the two sets of wings

resides the CHRIST (Yahweh) incarnated.

� SOLOMON’S TEMPLE: shows the Holy of Holies and the Holy Place. These areas combined

measurements are the same that the Sistine Chapel is structured upon. Notice that the Holy of

Holies has 2 x 5 chambers creating a perfect square; whereas the Holy Place has 2 x 10 chambers

creating a space of two square areas. The Holy of Holies and the Holy Place are three times

squared as is the Sistine Chapel. If each square represents a side then both the north and south

sides have three sides each and then there are the sides on the east and the west sides of the

temple giving the entire three areas eight-sides.

� GIFT OF THE KEYS OF THE KINGDOM TO PETER: in the background of this fresco in the Life of

Christ series, in the Sistine Chapel, shows an eight-side octagon shape temple. Symbolically the

ceiling fresco has a number of concentric circles, which mystically has the wall moving outwards to

support the dome that they create mystically morphing the chapel into an eight-sided building.

� THE KABBALISTIC TREE OF LIFE: this breakdown of the Universal Mathematical Matrix symbolized

the first four chapters of Genesis from an Astrological perspective; however, the image also

symbolizes the three trees in the Garden of Eden that are symbolized by the three quaternaries in

this image of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. Looking at the fresco of Christ giving the keys of the

kingdom to Peter, in the background there are three buildings, which is reminiscent of “Jesus

taking Peter, James, and John his brother, and brought them up into a high mountain apart, and

was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as

the light. And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him. Then

answered Peter, and said unto Jesus, Lord, it is good for us to be here: if thou wilt, let us make

here three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” By studying the

image of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life from an astrological view it can easily be seen why Christ

would have been speaking to Moses and Elijah. The three buildings symbolize the three matrixes

outlined above; however, they also symbolize the Tree of the Knowledge of Good, the Tree of the

knowledge of Evil and the Tree of Life. Remember that Moses was a down to earth guy having

buried the Egyptian (esotericism); whereas, the mythoi of Elijah has him ascending bodily into

heavens. Christ on the other hand is neutral. Remember it was the neutral angels that brought

the Holy Grail (Christ) down from heaven10

; therefore, Moses and Elijah symbolized the mystical

alchemical wedding of ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind. In the story of the Garden of

Eden Adam and Eve are warned not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Christ

gave that same warning to Peter, James and John by not allowing them to build tabernacles.

The outer darkness that is the world symbolizes the chaos that is the wilderness (ignorance) of

the psyche, which is a cacophony of noise and all of it is demanding a private audience. The ancient

sages’ goal was to bring ORDER out of that CHAOS, which should be the initiate’s goal. The mythoi

codified to the literature, artworks and monuments of the world are incalculable and to the uninitiate

that chaos goes unnoticed and yet it is the task of the initiate to make some kind of sense out of it for

in the end it is all explaining and defining the psyche in relationship to its spiritual origins.





� MATRIX #3 then goes on to the first four days of creation; whereby, the initiate juxtapositions

psychically eight of the ten columns in MATRIX #2 to create the Temple of God: MATRIX #3.

The numbers in MATRIX #3 cells have been morphed only to emphasize the numbers 1s-4s and

9s (two interlocking tetrahedrons generating the tetrahedral forces of creation) to illustrate

the perfection of MATRIX #3. Notice that MATRIX #1 and MATRIX #3 seem to have a similar

design; however, MATRIX one is ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind eternally at

odds with each other and MATRIX #3 has ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind in an

eternal dialogue in the Garden of Eden: i.e. eternal vigilance.

The sacred scriptures are the last word on any subject; thus, when I first heard Richard

Hoagland talk about the Voyager probes11

sent out to map the solar system in 1977 and

recorded that on every orb in the system: sun, planets, moon and asteroids had ‘upwelling of

forces’ at 19.5° of their axis poles he was inferring a universal law.

I had previously done a mathematical analysis on the first word of Genesis: BERESHITH

because the ZOHAR: a Kabbalistic Interpretation of the Torah said that BERESHITH represent

the six ordinal directions. The Zohar did not mention that BERESHITH had six letters; however,

that is obvious when you see the original Hebrew texts. BETH is the first letter of Genesis; thus,

all creation comes through the Hebrew letter BETH. BETH symbolizes the number two; thus, it

represents the radius of the circle and four would be the diameter and 12.566… would be the

circumference and 50.26… would be the surface area of the sphere. The content of the

volume of said sphere would be 33.51… I instantly recognized from this data that it was giving

the content and perimeters of the Book of Genesis seeing there were 50-chapers and 1533-

verses. Reverse the 33.51… dropping the decimal and the quotient is 1533.

I had previous done the above research on BERESHITH before I heard Richard Hoagland

lecture. I said to myself if that is true about the tetrahedral forces in creation then that

universal law has to be codified into the sacred scriptures. Since I already had the spherical

mathematics of BERESHITH at hand it was nothing to multiple the 1533-verses in Genesis

times 19.5°: 1533 x 0.195 = 298.935: i.e. 299-verses. The first eleven chapters of Genesis are

categorized as the antediluvian times and the beginning of the twelfth chapter is categorized

as the modern times. There are only 299-verses in the first eleven chapters of Genesis and the

‘upwelling of forces in creation’ would be Yahweh calling Abram out of the land of his fathers’

in the first verse of the twelfth chapter of Genesis.

Of course there will be those that will say that 19.5° is not percentages. That is not the

point the numerical data is the point; though, many have nitpicked at Richard Hoagland

arguments concerning tetrahedral forces in creation the initiate can neither dispute the

mathematical data concerning the Book of Genesis nor can it be disputed that the Star of

David (tetrahedral geometry) is codified into the esotericism of the first chapter of Genesis. I

will not discuss that research here; however, suffice to say that those that know my research is

familiar with the 32-Elohyms in the first chapter of Genesis that uncovered that research.

5. Q: What does this have to do with the psyche’s relationship to the sacred scriptures?

A: Everything. When the individual begins to read the texts of the sacred scripture aright there

comes a peace that is portrait in sacred geometry as the Vesica Piscis, which is symbolically the

Garden of Eden or Shangri la, Atlantis, Nirvana, Orenda, Holy Spirit, etc., etc.

The UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL MATRIX: Prima Materia (Perennial Matrix) is merely

symbolic of what goes on in the psyche on a conceptual level; whereas, the dynamics that take

place in the psyche are generated as activity in the real world via thought, words and deeds.

There are eternal laws in the psyche that are projected symbolically outwardly into the illusion of



the materialistic world as landscape and background along with the vegetable and the animal

kingdoms and the stars in their courses. The matrix merely gives the initiate an idea as to how

and why the psyche works as it does in relationship to the eternal WORD OF GOD. Everything in

the world is a byproduct of the matrix and is symbolically generated for a symbolic reason solely

for the spiritual edification of the initiate.

6. Q: Does one have to study the sacred scriptures to obtain this spiritual bliss?

A: No. Organizations such as Christian Science founded by Mary Baker Eddy, Carl Jung’s school of

Analytical Psychology and Bill Wilson cofounding Alcoholics Anonymous all came about without

understanding esotericism though each of these founders and many of their students received a

vision from the higher spiritual powers; however, one could obtain a spiritual understanding of the

psyche via a thoughtful consideration of the esotericism codified to the sacred scriptures;

however, this last would be little or no value unless one received a direct vision from God.

Though, Mary Baker Eddy studied the sacred scriptures to found the organization she designated

as Christian Science she knew nothing of esotericism; though, metaphysics is a form of esotericism.

7. Q: Is not thoughtful consideration of the sacred scriptures another form of meditation?

A: Yes. Many schools of meditation teach silencing the psyche (mind), which is not conducive to

understanding the sacred scriptures. That mode of mediation should neither be suggested nor

taught to anyone seeking spiritual knowledge; however, from a materialistic perspective this kind

of silent meditation may train the psyche to calm itself during times of stress. The psyche is

eternally active and it is how the initiate directs the activities of the mind in religious matters that

brings about spiritual results. Meditating on what is being researched out of the sacred scriptures

is a selfless act; whereby, nothing is expected other than to learn the deeper meanings of the

WORD OF GOD. Again, one neither needs nor has to know esotericism to enter into this kind of

meditation; however, this kind of meditation informs the higher spiritual powers of the initiate’s

sincerity of purpose. This kind of mediation is in fact a dialogue-prayer so-to-speak that ego-

consciousness initiates with the unconscious mind and this in a sense is forming the Vesica Piscis

psychically. In every sense the psyche is seeking God and knocking on his door. This meditational

practice is not the initiate asking anything whatsoever for him or herself; rather, the initiate is

seeking further knowledge of God. It is during this process of scriptural mediation that the initiate

can receive the vision from God. Catholicism calls this receiving the Eucharist and the school of

Analytical Psychology calls it the Transcendent Function12

. Essentially, what the vision does is

cleanse the psyche of it sins so-to-speak allowing it to have a new raison d’être (reason for

existence). In Analytical Psychology the initiate can be cleansed of his or her addiction or an

obsession, phobia, complex, etc. In a sense the vision opens the eyes and ears of the initiate as if

that individual were Born Again: religiously in Christian parlance it is also called the Rapture. In

Analytical Psychology this vision would be called an insight; however, this psychological insight

only deals with the problems of the psyche in the material world simply because the individual was

seeking to understand his or her psychological problems and went about it in the proper manner;

whereas, from Catholicism spiritual perspective the Eucharist directs the psyche into the proper


THE TRANSCENDENT FUNCTION: Jung's Model of Psychological Growth Through Dialogue With the Unconscious, by

Jeffery Miller, published by State University of New York Press


1&keywords=Transcendent+Function and THE STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS OF THE PSYCHE, by Carl Jung, Collective Works,

Volume 8 (Part 1), Princeton University Press




manner in which to read the sacred scriptures. In fact the whole of the Eucharistic Mass is

centered on that task if the individual has the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

8. Q: Why didn’t Carl G. Jung see his insight as a spiritual vision?

A: I believe that CG Jung, being a psychologist and a scientist, did not want to confuse the fledgling

science of psychology with religion matters in fear that he would be summarily dismissed as a

mystic. CG Jung failed in this last because his writings dealt prolifically with religious matters and

he also deal with the occult and hermetical literature. Secretly, I think CG Jung did envisaged what

he calls his insight as a spiritual vision and he spent sixty-years trying to explain that insight.

Anyone that has read CG Jung’s works knows that though he obtained the bulk of his ideas from

his patients he also obtained many of his ideas and/or the confirmation of his ideas from the

religious texts of antiquity. Furthermore, it is suggested that anyone that seeks to study the sacred

scriptures from a spiritual perspective should read and study the works of CG Jung as if he

obtained them from the sacred scriptures. It may be said he didn’t obtain his ideas from the

sacred scriptures; however, one begs to differ knowing that he obtain the science of Analytical

Psychology via the minds of his patients and the works of antiquity. The psyche is the foundation

of all man’s endeavors including the sacred scriptures of the world.

The surface texts of the sacred scriptures is analogous to an individual living life according to the

mores of society from what is believed to have comes down through historical events and/or what has

come down through traditions. How many people actually checks out what historians write about

and/or what politicians are saying on a daily bases and/or what the media is broadcasting? Such

research is time consuming and who has the time to do that kind of investigative research other than

those people that make a living out of such activities. That is from a materialistic point of view;

whereas, from a spiritual point of view how many people that read the bible research any part of what

is being conveyed conceptually in the texts? The justification again for one’s ignorance is that only

people that make a living out of that kind of scriptural research has the time to investigate it; thus, the

old adage, “you get what you paid for” is apropos here.

9. Q: What are you saying, how else is the average person to know anything if he doesn’t listen to the

experts that investigate secular and spiritual matters?

A: The answer to that is quite simple. The initiate is the expert in all things spiritual because he or

she is the only one qualified in his or her world to search for the knowledge of God. Any

knowledge coming from anyone else is merely suggestive. Christ said to the rich man, “If thou wilt

be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in

heaven: and come and follow me. (KJV Matthew 19:21)." Christ did not mean for the initiate to

give up his or her job and wages and his or her home and physical needs while living in the world.

Christ meant all those activities (treasures) that take the initiate away from searching for

knowledge of God. At another time, “And another of his disciples said unto him, Lord, suffer me

first to go and bury my father. But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their

dead. (KJV Matthew 8:21-22)." In other words, what concord does any spiritually minded person

have to do with the materialistic activities of the world? All kinds of excuses can be given for the

individual to have a lover, raise children, go bowling or whatever, go out to dinner and the movies

and go discoing the night away. There are all kinds of excuses and reasons why one needs to jet-

set around the world, buy the yacht and expensive cars, the mansion and the summer home;

however, the question is asked again, what concord does any spiritually minded person have to do

with the materialistic activities of the world? Those are the riches that must be sacrificed so that

one’s has the time, energy and resources to follow Christ: search for the knowledge of God.

10. Q: How can one live in the world and not have any joys and pleasures?

A: These tenets are not cast in stone where they are not flexible insofar that one has to give up all

his or her pleasures of the world all the time and make their lives into an actual monastery;


however, the more time, energy and resources the initiate gives to the search for the knowledge

of the WORD OF GOD in that proportion the initiate begin to understand the spiritual realm of

thought. On the other hand, the moment a man sires a child or a woman gets pregnant their

choice for a materialistic life has been made or at least until that child grow to maturity; however,

by that time the individual will be well set in his or her ways that to begin a spiritual life on one’s

own volition would be nigh unto an impossibility. It should be pointed out that those that have

had the spiritual vision from God needs no prompting for they will be internally self-motivated to

search for God because they will not be able to do otherwise. This is not to say that such an

individual that has had the vision will not go out to the movies and dinner once in a while;

however, those individuals will not be able to do so without seeing their research mystically and

continuously before their eyes in the outer world. The inner and outer worlds are very mystical

places for the initiate for he or she lives in the Garden of Eden: i.e. within the Vesica Piscis of his or

her own psyche.

For the most part, in modernity, the world has no idea that it lives life within the milieu of

the sacred scriptures. There is no escaping soul’s eternal generic spiritual law. The individual

either lives in the materialistic world consciously via ego-consciousness, which is analogous to the

myriad forms of the surface texts of the sacred scriptures or the initiate lives within the mystical

realm of God, which is God’s message to the initiate and, for all intent and purpose, such a

mystical life is analogously living behind the façade of the surface texts in the realm of esotericism.

The materialist cannot see this esoteric message behind the surface texts of the sacred scriptures

because he or she does not spend the time, energy or resources to know it.

11. Q: Why does God make it so difficult to know his Word by making his message so obscure?

A: Actually, the WORD OF GOD is quite simple to comprehend if the individual takes the time to

learn the artistic language of symbolism. From a materialistic point of view the sacred scriptures

have as many interpretations to its surface storylines as there are human beings on the face of the

earth; whereas, the Esoteric Science codified to the symbolism and alphanumeric structure of the

letters that make up the words of the sacred scriptures is so sophisticated that only one

interpretation can be had. For every language on the face of the earth that has the Judeao

Christian Scriptures translated into the vernacular have several or more translations of its texts in

that language; thus, the materialistic game of eeny-meeny-miny-moe is in play as to which

translational version of the sacred scriptures is to be read by those that believe they alone

amongst all the peoples of the earth are the chosen of God to be SAVED. In addition there is but

one Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church that Christ instituted; whereas, Protestantism instituted by

Martin Luther in 1517 (excommunicated in 1520) has more than 27,000 sects illustrating the total

and absolute degradation of Protestantism into the arms of Satan: i.e. ego-consciousness. There is

the additional fact that each individual has at his or her disposal his or her own experiences and

education that will erroneously direct him or her in interpreting the sacred scriptures according to

his or her own mental acuity: i.e. ego-consciousness.

12. Q: Why is it that the vast majority of the religious world knows nothing of the Esoteric Science

codified to their sacred scriptures?

A: Actually, only those religions that are iconoclastic (people that do not use or believe in

symbolism) have no concept of a spiritual esoteric message codified to the sacred scriptures of the

world. In fact every religion on earth was initially created through the art of symbolism: each

letter of their sacred scriptures has a symbolic and alphanumeric structure; however, the laity of

those religions basically act as Protestants do iconoclastically (literalists: i.e. fundamentalists),

which in every sense make them Protestants; thus, every iconoclastic religion is a degradation of

the original religious symbolic system. Very few people in each religion have any idea as to the

internal esoteric structure of their sacred scriptures.


13. Q: Why does it take so long for the initiate to learn this Esoteric Science codified to the sacred

scriptures even after he or she has had the spiritual vision from God?

A: The Holy Spirit guides the initiate in all his or her research activities in the sacred scriptures and

the individual initiate is continuously being tested as to his or her sincerity of purpose in searching

for understanding of the WORD OF GOD. It is all about intuiting what the Holy Spirit is

communicating to the initiate. How many hours a day is the initiate putting into his or her

researches? And how much thought does the initiate put into what he or she has accumulated

and learned? These are the time honored tell-tale signs that reveal the true intent of the initiate.

How long is it taking the individual that has had the vision to lose his biases, prejudices and

preconceived notions (riches of the rich man) concerning the sacred scriptures and the world

around him or her? How much dogma, tradition and taboos does the initiate have inherently in

his or her psyche preventing him or her from moving on to the next topic and/or esoteric discovery

in the sacred scriptures? How long did it take for the initiate to realize that the sacred scripture is

a textbook on the soul and the psyche? How long did it take the initiate to learn that the MONAD

was the original source material behind the esotericism found in the sacred scriptures? All of

these additional questions come to the aid of answering the question at hand. Many biblical

questions would be inappropriate for modernity simple because the answers would be

inconceivable and astonishingly shocking to the modern intellect.

14. Q: Why is the world so lethargic towards the sacred scriptures?

A: It is not the world that is lethargic about the sacred scriptures; rather, it should be asked why

the individual is lethargic about his soul. Notice what Jesus says in the New Testament, “Woe unto

you, scribes and pharisees, hypocrites, for ye are like unto white sepulchers, which indeed appear

beautiful outwardly, but, are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness (KJV

Matthew 23:27).” The Catholic Church beautifully answers this question in its artistic renditions of

the sacred scriptures throughout Christendom. The initiate tends to interpret this statement of

Christ to mean that the priests, preachers, monks, nuns, bishops, cardinals, popes, etc. represent

the scribes and pharisees. No, Christ was speaking to his disciples for every Catholic is a priest;

therefore, they are the hypocrites that Christ was speaking of. Previously, in Matthew, the New

Testament narrates, “From that time forth began Jesus to show unto his disciples, how that he

must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and

be killed, and be raised again the third day. Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him,

saying, be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee. But he turned, and said unto Peter,

Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that

be of God, but those that be of men (KJV Matthew 16:31-23).”

Ego-consciousness is eternally clinging to what it knows and what it dictates is written in

stone. This is so pervasive in the life of ego-consciousness that he or she literally becomes the

white sepulcher as if cast in stone. This is marvelously and artistically portrayed on the ceiling of

the Sistine Chapel. As one circumambulates the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel it is noticed that there

are twenty-four columns with two cherubs on each column each mirror imaging the other and

there are twelve triangular spandrels with two bronze figures lounging on each of them. This gives

a total of seventy-two statue like-figures as in the seventy-two names of God: i.e.


. Any Catholic knows that to give God a name is to concretize Him into an

image or a statue like-figure. The cartouche, between two columns, has a Prophet or Sibyl in it

with two cherubs in an active participation mystique with God. These prophets, sibyls and cherubs

symbolize the statue like-figures of the cherubs and bronze like-figures coming to life.




It is very much like the statues of saints and angels or whatever on display throughout

Christendom. The statues are concretized images doing nothing but looking beautiful on the

outside. Very few people get interested in these statues they see all over the place and rarely

does anyone research what these statues represent. These statues basically symbolize what ego-

consciousness is all about. Ego-consciousness gets fixed in its ways as if it was a concretize statue

and this is the message that the Catholic Church is conveying to those that have eyes to see and

ears to hear. What are each of those prophets and sibyls doing in the cartouches? They are each

reading, writing or listening to their inner voices. In Catholicism it is said that each individual has

a devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other. Notice that there are twice as many cherub

statues and bronze statues as there are prophets, sibyls and cherubs in the cartouches. This is

because of the genders of the prophets and sibyls. Notice how all the statue like-figures are

mirror images of each other very much like MATRIX #1 above. In other words MATRIX #1

symbolized the psyche as a statue like-figure that needs to be animated.

Another example of Solomon’s Temple is the Labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral. Here it is easily

seen how the entrance of the labyrinth lead unerringly to the center without the use of any brain

power (psyche) whatsoever. This is seen as the guidance of the Holy Spirit and I agree with that

assessment up to a point; however, it is not good enough from a spiritual perspective.

In order to understand the labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral the initiate would have to research the

history of the different architectural styles that were employed to rebuild it several times. Initially

Chartres Cathedral was built in the Romanesque style of architecture that had some light; though, for

the most part it had a very dark interior because he walls were very thick. This was the time that the

labyrinth was created in the mosaics of the floor. Chartres Cathedral was, at this time, a very large

rectangular shape building very much like So

the history of the building’s symbolic fires and the re

to replace the Romanesque style to go from the rectangular to the octagon (cross shape). T

Architecture brought into the new style building LIGHT as was pointed out above concerning the third

matrix: MATRIX #3.

It is easily seen that the labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral is not a product of the Gothic

it is solely a product of the Romanesque style. As I pointed out above Emperor Constantine’s Saint

Peter’s Basilica was similarly morphed into an

octagon shape built by Pope Julius II. This design

of the labyrinth at Chartres Cathedral

beautifully concocted because it has many of the

features one would expect to envisage

octagon shape. It looks like a circle and has all the

features of a circle; however, it is not a circle it is

a STRAIGHT-LINE made to appear as a circle. That

is what MATRIX #2 symbolizes; howev

to a destination. In the search for knowledge of

the soul and/or the psyche there is no

destination. There is no concept of

vigilance in this labyrinth: MATRIX #2

moment that the initiate believes he has come to

the end of his or her research

knowledge of God it is at that moment that he or

she has concretized God or wrapped Him in

swaddling clothes: a nice neat little package. Doesn’t that ribbon (path) to the center of the labyrinth

look very much like the cloth that is used

swaddling clothes that Christ was wrapped in and then laid in a manger?

Think about Jesus, Mary and Joseph as a family unit. Jesus is the spiritual vision that the psyche

(Mary = aqua = waters of creation) receives. And Joseph symbolizes the body or the texts of the

sacred scriptures. Mary act like a river (ribbon of texts) of ink that dries and becomes the sacred

scriptures (manger surrounded by animals: i.e. Zodiac: stable of animals).

Mary is being wrapped in swaddling clothing (river of dry ink) on parchment: i.e. psyche

consciousness and the unconscious mind)

which can quickly become the Old Testa

through her studies of the Old Testament



What is being conveyed by the Old and New Testament is the generic paradigm of the psyche. In

other words every New Testament becomes the Old Testament and each Christian that writes a gospel

is writing a New Testament making the gospels the Old Test

materialistic minded person) ever wrote a New Testament; thus, via that understanding of the Old and

New Testaments it can be definitively known that no Jew ever wrote the Old Testament.

throughout the histories and mythoi of

Chapel. Christianity throughout the first sixteen hundred or more

its literature, artworks and architecture this generic paradigm. There

possible obtain all the knowledge of the s

here and who amongst us will listen to its message


labyrinth was created in the mosaics of the floor. Chartres Cathedral was, at this time, a very large

rectangular shape building very much like Solomon Temple. In my work on the Sistine Chapel I discuss

building’s symbolic fires and the re-building of Chartres Cathedral in the Gothic style

to go from the rectangular to the octagon (cross shape). T

Architecture brought into the new style building LIGHT as was pointed out above concerning the third

It is easily seen that the labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral is not a product of the Gothic

uct of the Romanesque style. As I pointed out above Emperor Constantine’s Saint

Peter’s Basilica was similarly morphed into an

octagon shape built by Pope Julius II. This design

at Chartres Cathedral is

as many of the

envisage in the

. It looks like a circle and has all the

features of a circle; however, it is not a circle it is

LINE made to appear as a circle. That

is what MATRIX #2 symbolizes; however, it leads

to a destination. In the search for knowledge of

the soul and/or the psyche there is no

concept of eternal

: MATRIX #2. The

moment that the initiate believes he has come to

or her research in seeking

moment that he or

or wrapped Him in

swaddling clothes: a nice neat little package. Doesn’t that ribbon (path) to the center of the labyrinth

at is used to mummify a corpse? Doesn’t this ribbon look like the

swaddling clothes that Christ was wrapped in and then laid in a manger?

Think about Jesus, Mary and Joseph as a family unit. Jesus is the spiritual vision that the psyche

ers of creation) receives. And Joseph symbolizes the body or the texts of the

sacred scriptures. Mary act like a river (ribbon of texts) of ink that dries and becomes the sacred

scriptures (manger surrounded by animals: i.e. Zodiac: stable of animals). That vision (Christ Child) of

Mary is being wrapped in swaddling clothing (river of dry ink) on parchment: i.e. psyche

consciousness and the unconscious mind) as a mnemonic tool. That would be the New Testament,

which can quickly become the Old Testament. Mary (psyche) obtained her vision

the Old Testament, which in turn inspires her to write the New Testament.



What is being conveyed by the Old and New Testament is the generic paradigm of the psyche. In

other words every New Testament becomes the Old Testament and each Christian that writes a gospel

is writing a New Testament making the gospels the Old Testament. No Jew (symbolically a

materialistic minded person) ever wrote a New Testament; thus, via that understanding of the Old and

New Testaments it can be definitively known that no Jew ever wrote the Old Testament.

and mythoi of Christendom. I discuss this at length in my book on the Sistine

Chapel. Christianity throughout the first sixteen hundred or more years of its existence

literature, artworks and architecture this generic paradigm. There is never a time that one can

all the knowledge of the soul and/or the psyche. Eternal Vigilance is being conveyed

here and who amongst us will listen to its message?

labyrinth was created in the mosaics of the floor. Chartres Cathedral was, at this time, a very large

lomon Temple. In my work on the Sistine Chapel I discuss

building of Chartres Cathedral in the Gothic style

to go from the rectangular to the octagon (cross shape). The Gothic

Architecture brought into the new style building LIGHT as was pointed out above concerning the third

It is easily seen that the labyrinth in Chartres Cathedral is not a product of the Gothic style; rather,

uct of the Romanesque style. As I pointed out above Emperor Constantine’s Saint

swaddling clothes: a nice neat little package. Doesn’t that ribbon (path) to the center of the labyrinth

to mummify a corpse? Doesn’t this ribbon look like the

Think about Jesus, Mary and Joseph as a family unit. Jesus is the spiritual vision that the psyche

ers of creation) receives. And Joseph symbolizes the body or the texts of the

sacred scriptures. Mary act like a river (ribbon of texts) of ink that dries and becomes the sacred

That vision (Christ Child) of

Mary is being wrapped in swaddling clothing (river of dry ink) on parchment: i.e. psyche (ego-

That would be the New Testament,

Mary (psyche) obtained her vision (Christ Child)

, which in turn inspires her to write the New Testament.


What is being conveyed by the Old and New Testament is the generic paradigm of the psyche. In

other words every New Testament becomes the Old Testament and each Christian that writes a gospel

No Jew (symbolically a

materialistic minded person) ever wrote a New Testament; thus, via that understanding of the Old and

New Testaments it can be definitively known that no Jew ever wrote the Old Testament. This is seen

Christendom. I discuss this at length in my book on the Sistine

years of its existence epitomized in

is never a time that one can

Eternal Vigilance is being conveyed


I want to end this paper before the CONCLUSION by mentioning the artistic works of Alex Grey.

When I initially went to his home it was solely to see Robert Schoch lecture and I didn’t know Alex

Grey’s work would be on display, which was an added bonus to my trip and a very welcome surprise.

This past weekend I went to the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors in Wappingers Falls, New York

(6/14/2014): the home of Alex Grey14

, which was actually my birthday present to myself. I went to see

Robert Schoch15

and to attend his afternoon seminar; however, I had a very enjoyable and spiritual

time; though, I have seen Alex Grey's work over the years, pieces here and there, I did not give them

much attention; however, as I waited for Robert Schoch to show up I watched Alex's movie

presentation of his work and I was immediately impressed and between you, me and the whole world

that is a very difficult thing to do. The image here is called THEOLOGUE16

, which was artistically created

by Alex Grey. Those that know my work may be able to recognize in Alex Grey’s artistry the matrix I

have been writing about for more than twenty years. Here Alex Grey presents artistically what I have

been psychically envisaging since I intuited it in Dante Alighieri’s La Divina Commedia’s Mathematical

System in 1994. This is the way the world is created psychically; whereby, the matrix goes out

infinitely. Notice how Alex Grey places a protective sheen around the soul of the individual.

The Kundalini denoted by the Seven Light Chakras is what generated the Christos sheen around

the body. The individual is totally oblivious of the hell-fires raging in the outer wilderness of the

materialistic world. The mythoi of the Kundalini Serpent and the Seven Light Chakras are codified into

the first four chapters of Genesis twice and actually a third time that I know of take in the whole of the

Judeao Christian Scriptures. That research is discussed in other papers so I will not go into it here.

Though, I know that all major religions around the world know of this UNIVERSAL MATHEMATICAL

MATRIX: Prima Material (Perennial Matrix) it is always a wonderful thing for me to see others working

with the same concept in mind. Alex Grey has done a wonderful job in conveying the universal

spiritual paradigm through his artistic abilities.

14 15 16



To KNOW THYSELF is to know how the psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind

interact with itself. Basically, this is a prerequisite to the whole of life.

Humans tend to use the word religion to speak about one’s activities in the world because each

psyche becomes enamored by something in life that obsesses it. Even the search for knowledge of

God is an obsession. That something in the experiences of the psyche is its raison d’être: reason for

existence. Let us look at the three matrixes above as the different educational systems in society.

MATRIX #1 symbolizes ego-consciousness’ education in the outer world up to say high school;


MATRIX #2 symbolizes ego-consciousness’ college education; whereas,

MATRIX #3 symbolizes eternal vigilance. Continuously the student researches his chosen

profession while actively participating in that profession in the outer world. MATRIX #3 is a hybrid and

is not a normal construct of nature, which like a hybrid plant has to be continuously maintained less it

revert back to its normal species in nature: i.e. MATRIX #2 or MATRIX #1. No one escapes the eternal

laws of the psyche.

Here the matrixes are categorized; however, even those that don’t go to college can learn a trade;

nonetheless, the psychic rules are the same for the blue color worker as well as the white color worker

and as well as the corporate executive.

If the individual can see him or herself in anyone of these matrixes he or she would know him or

herself. Matrix #1 illustrates clearly why all citizens should be allowed a college education. MATRIX #3

should be forced upon all professions. In order to keep one’s professional license one should keep up

with the innovating research done in that genre of thought; however, for the most part MATRIX #3 is

an individual self-motivating process, which the majority of the race lack.

There is no doubt, at least in this author’s mind, that one can indoctrinate into his or her

profession the spiritual powers that be, which would allow the initiate to be eternally vigilant in

spiritual matters as well as his or her materialistic obligations. This latter is witness in the New

Testament: “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father

only. But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days

that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the

day that Noah entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so

shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and

the other left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left

(Matthew 24:36-41). The flood is symbolized by MATRIX #1. Those eating and drinking, marrying and

giving in marriage is MATRIX #2 and Noah’s Ark is symbolized by MATRIX #3. In symbolic parlance the

‘flood’ symbolizes waters, which represent YAHWEH (sun = ego-consciousness) and ELOHYM (moon =

unconscious mind). It must be understood that the symbolism related to the words of the sacred

scriptures are concepts not necessarily related to the materialistic definitions of the words themselves.

For example Yahweh and Elohym are two words used to define God in the Old Testament. They are

gods insofar as they rule separate parts of the psyche. They symbolize the waters of creation in many

ways and it is not necessary to go into them all here. It is suffice to say that a person can drown in his

addiction, obsession, phobia, complex, etc. In every sense of the word it was Yahweh (ego-

consciousness) or Elohym (unconscious mind) that drowns the addictive or obsessive personality. The

addiction or obsession has become the temple that that individual worships. It has become his or her

religion. This is why the sacred scriptures are written using religious terminology.

God: i.e. spiritual forces in creation speaks to the soul is plain and straightforward language.

These spiritual forces in creation are not Yahweh and Elohym. God’s (spiritual forces in creation)

message is very undemanding and profound. In fact the WORD OF GOD is the utterance of one


number, which is interpreted as MONAD: i.e. the number one and all of the sacred scriptures, artworks

and monuments around the world are created solely as commentaries on the MONAD; however, the

human race has hundreds of languages and thousands of dialects and no longer can the race on an

individual level or collectively understand the straightforwardness of God’s missive to the world. Only

those that know themselves can have a one-on-one relationship with God.

This above diagram of the psyche is the best description possible in order for the initiate to have

some kind of understanding of it in relationship to the spiritual powers (God) in creation.

1. GOD: The white area symbolizes the spiritual powers of creation, which is commonly called God.

The soul can never actually be in union with these spiritual powers because God in actuality

symbolically symbolizes that blinding light that takes in all of creation. The soul would not have

any discriminating faculties (reason and logic) if it existed with the higher spiritual forces in

creation. It is not possible to determine if there was ever a point in creation that humanity did not

exist in the Garden of Eden or in the wilderness of the world.

a. The spiritual being that is given a soul vis-à-vis the union of the spiritual and the material

would not have a soul if it was absorbed into deity.

b. The rest of the diagram essentially shows how and why the world is created.

2. Before the soul is born into the material creation it is with Christ in the Garden of Eden. Christ is

actually Yahweh (ego-consciousness subservient to Christ or ego-consciousness in harmony with

the unconscious mind) king of the angels: i.e. Elohym (angels). This area is color coded purple to

illustrate that Christ is king of the angel, which is the mystical Alchemical Wedding. This is actually

symbolic of the Vesica Piscis: union of the spiritual and material realms (God/Man: i.e. Christ),

which is actually the union of ego-consciousness (red) and the unconscious mind (blue). This

would be the soul living with Christ in the world (Green Area): i.e. Garden of Eden

3. It is ego-consciousness (red) and the unconscious mind) (blue) that is the Universal Mathematical

Matrix, which is a commentary on the MONAD, which is Christ (purple); however, the red and blue

areas symbolize the psyche: ego-consciousness and the unconscious mind at odds with each other

experiencing the outer world as DARKNESS rather than LIGHT (Christ).


4. The green area symbolizes the outer world (background, landscape, star studded universe and the

animal, mineral and vegetable kingdoms) that is a projection of the red, blue and purple areas. It

is the spiritual mental acuity of the individual that determines if it is Hell, Purgatory or Paradise.

There could never have been a period of time that the world did not exist. Again this is simply

because the soul is basically a blank slate (tabula rasa) that has no way of referencing and/or

discriminating what it is experiencing even if it was absorbed into the blinding light: God. The Soul or

Ego-consciousness needs the solidity of its thoughts, words and deeds for that kind of classifying,

diversifying and individualizing all thought.

Christians calls an individual being with Christ a Born Again Christian and this would be the

individual that receives the spiritual vision from God. In Hinduism this is called Reincarnation.

Tradition indicates that it is the individual that is reincarnated after physical death; however, that is a

misnomer and misreading of the mythoi of Hinduism because the individual can never be

disincarnated even in death. Only Christ can be reincarnated into the psyche that has found its soul.

The mythoi of reincarnation can be misinterpreted to mean physical death when it actually is the

psychic death of the materialistic life being born again (reincarnated) into the spiritual life.

The very definition of the SOUL is that it is a union of the material and the spiritual, which is called

the MONAD: Christ; whereas, if the soul loses it spirituality it becomes the psyche: ego-consciousness

and the unconscious mind split in twain in total disharmony. There is no way that spirituality: i.e.

Christ can exist amongst such disharmony.

The hardest tenet in this paper for the reader to accept is the fact that he or she is the spiritual law


– MONAD - Universal Mathematical Matrix), which must be lived and experienced throughout

life. It is analogous to the air that humans breathe and the water the fish swim in. Not even suicide

will allow one to escape it omnipresence.

It will be extremely difficult for the uninitiate to comprehend how these three matrices above can,

no matter what, be changed back and forth throughout life psychically according to the ebbs and flows

of the tides of the spiritual progress the individual undergoes; furthermore, it will be difficult to believe

that God has sent his only begotten son into the world as a handbook of instructions on how to live life

harmoniously in the world. Only those that have struggle to the top of the mountains, so to speak, can

truly write the sacred scriptures in the mythoi of the world illustrating the struggles the psyche goes

through to regain his or her soul.

Finally, above in Question and Answer #4, I brought Astrology into the discussion. Astrology, as

far as this author is concerned, is a symbolic, numerical and linguistic tool and has nothing,

whatsoever, to do with fortune telling, which is paganism. Astrology is a science developed

unambiguously out of the Universal Mathematical Matrix and is used solely to decode the mythoi of

the sacred scriptures of the world. Astrological lore is the reason the symbolism of Jacob’s twelve

sons, Christ’s twelve apostles and many other version of the count of twelve are seen in the sacred

scriptures, artworks and monuments of the world. There are of course other ways more covert to

express the science of Astrology; however, Astrology is not the end all and be all: CHRIST is. This latter

is why the twelve disciples fade into history because it was their task to teach and convey the WORD

OF GOD: Christ to the world. Once Christ’s spiritual paradigm is known the individual steps out of the

materialistic mores of the religious society and step into the arms of Christ in the Garden of Eden.

A story in Buddhism tells of a neophyte boarding the Little Ferry Boat (Buddhism) to be trained as

a monk to sail and navigate the dangerous waters of life. The neophyte asked his master why another

monk left his Little Ferry Boat behind when he reach yonder shores. The master answered, ‘he has

reached the land of Nirvana where once reached the Little Ferry Boat is no longer needed.’


The Catholic Church teaches that every Baptized Christian is a Christ.