"know surely, this is the prophet with whom the jews are ever threatening us; wherefore let us...

"Know surely, this is the Prophet with whom the Jews are ever threatening us; wherefore let us make haste and be the first to join him.“ "We have left our community for no tribe is so divided by hatred and rancour as they are. Allâh may cement our ties through you. So let us go and invite them to this religion of yours; and if Allâh unites them in it, no man will be dearer than you."

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Post on 29-Dec-2015




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"Know surely, this is the Prophet with whom the Jews are ever threatening us; wherefore let us make haste and be the first to join him.“

"We have left our community for no tribe is so divided by hatred and rancour as they are. Allâh may cement our ties through you. So let us go and invite them to this religion of yours; and if Allâh unites them in it, no man will be dearer than you."

- 12 men from Madina

The Pledge:

"We will not worship any one but one Allah; we will not steal; neither will we commit adultery, nor kill our children; we will not utter slander, intentionally forging falsehood and we will not disobey you in any just matter."

The Prophet (saw) said: "He who carries it out, Allâh will reward him; and who neglects anything and is afflicted in this world, it may prove redemption for him in the Hereafter; and if the sin remains hidden from the eyes of the men and no grief comes to him, then his affair is with Allâh. He may forgive him or He may not." [Bukhari 1/550; 2/727; 2/1003]

-73 men and 2 women

"O you people of the Khazraj — the Arabs used to call the Ansâr (Helpers) Khazraj, whether from Khazraj or Aws — you all know the position that Muhammad holds among us. We have protected him from our people as much as we could. He is honoured and respected among his people. He refuses to join any party except you. So if you think you can carry out what you promise while inviting him to your town, and if you can defend him against the enemies, then assume the burden that you have taken. But if you are going to surrender him and betray him after having taken him away with you, you had better leave him now because he is respected and well defended in his own place."

Principles of the pledge:

1.To listen and obey in all sets of circumstances.

2.To spend in plenty as well as in scarcity.

3.To enjoin good and forbid evil.

4.In Allâh’s service, you will fear the censure of none.

5.To defend me in case I seek your help, and debar me from anything you debar yourself, your spouses and children from. And if you observe those precepts, Paradise is for you.

"Nay, it would never be; your blood will be my blood. In life and death I will be with you and you with me. I

will fight whom you fight and I will make peace with those with whom you make peace."

The Prophet’s migration plan had three goals:

1. Leaving Makkah Safely

2. Securing the road to Madinah

3. Preparing Madinah for their arrival

Umm Salamah:

- Remained in Makkah for a year, unable to migrate without her son.

Suhayb ar-Rumi:

والله الله مرضات ابتغاء نفسه يشري الناسمن ومنبالعباد رءوف

And of the people is he who sells himself, seeking means to the approval of Allah . And Allah is kind

to [His] servants.

Umar ibn al-Khattab:

“O Quraysh, if any of you wants his mother to lose a son, his wife to become a widow, and his children to become orphans, then let him meet me tomorrow after Fajr prayers behind this valley because I am migrating!”

‘Ayyash ibn Yahya:

إن الله رحمة من تقنطوا ال أنفسهم على أسرفوا الذين عبادي يا قلالرحيم الغفور هو إنه جميعا الذنوب يغفر الله

Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins.

Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."

فأغشيناهم سّد7ا خلفهم ومن سّد7ا أيّديهم بين من وجعلنايبصرون ال فهم

And We have put before them a barrier and behind them a barrier and covered them, so they do not


الغار في هما إذ اثنين ثاني كفروا الذين أخرجه إذ الله نصره فقّد تنصروه إالوأيّده عليه سكينته الله فأنزل معنا الله إن تحزن ال لصاحبه يقول إذ

العليا هي الله وكلمة السفلى كفروا الذين كلمة وجعل تروها لم بجنودحكيم عزيز والله

If you do not aid the Prophet - Allah has already aided him when those who disbelieved had driven him out [of

Makkah] as one of two, when they were in the cave and he said to his companion, "Do not grieve; indeed Allah is with

us." And Allah sent down his tranquillity upon him and supported him with angels you did not see and made the word of those who disbelieved the lowest, while the word of Allah - that is the highest. And Allah is Exalted in Might

and Wise.

The intricacy of the Prophet’s migration plan:1. Ali ibn Abi Talib is assigned to sleep in the Prophet’s


2. The Prophet goes to Abu Bakr’s house disguised (at a time he wouldn’t normally leave his house)

3. He left from the back door of his house rather than the front door.

4. Began his travel south, rather than north.

5. Abdullah ibn Abi Bakr was entrusted with gathering news and reporting it to them.

6. Asmaa bint Abi Bakr was entrusted with providing them with food

The intricacy of the Prophet’s migration plan:7. Amr ibn Fehr is entrusted with wiping the tracks of

Abu Bakr and the Prophet

8. Ali ibn Abi Talib is assigned with returning the belongings of Quraysh (distracting them).

9. Abu Bakr prepares two camels for their journey

10. The Prophet waits with Abu Bakr in the cave for three days until everything settles and Quraysh tires of looking for the Prophet.