know reasons why some people failed in forex trade

Why Individuals Are Unsuccessful As Foreign Exchange Dealers?

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Post on 12-May-2015




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Page 1: Know Reasons Why Some People Failed in Forex Trade

Why Individuals Are Unsuccessful As Foreign Exchange Dealers?

Page 2: Know Reasons Why Some People Failed in Forex Trade

Based on the data I assembled, I came into a conclusion that the primary cause of their failure and business loses is

their losing attributes. If they can change and get rid of these traits, they will eventually succeed in forex trading.

Page 3: Know Reasons Why Some People Failed in Forex Trade

In here I enumerated the common losing characteristics and traits I noticed in the 90% newbies who failed in forex trading. Take time to examine and evaluate them carefully.

I am optimistic that we can eliminate them in us to succeed in Forex market and be satisfied.

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Behavior Number 1: Shifting from One Tactic to the Other

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It is already common for newbies to shift from one procedure to another whenever they feel appropriate. This

is one of the primary reasons for their failures because they haven't got enough time to develop and to boost the

scheme. The biggest mistake that they make is their inability to focus to one strategy alone. They tend to jump

from one method to another in the event they experienced losses in their forex trading account. This

practice alone is the primary cause of immediate death of their forex trading account. There are also instances where they immediately shift scheme, especially when someone

offer them promising but untested strategy. When they shift from one scheme to the other, they lose

concentration on their scheme and killing their forex trading account faster. They should remember that in

Forex trading, there is no such thing as holy grail which could save your nose and brought you to the peak of

success. In this sector, you have to sit down and toil hard before you develop your own efficient strategy and reap the fruits of your labor. For these reasons, it is suggested the new forex traders and investors should test the seas

first before the plunge in and implement the scheme they have at hand. More so, shifting from one trading scheme

to another would result to lose of confidence in your capacity to make successful forex trading.

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Attitude Number 2: Poor Financial Management Practices

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Inefficient financial management is the leading cause of their failure to achieve their dream to become a successful and wealthy trader. They failed to ponder that they need efficient financial management methods, understanding and skills to become successful. To succeed in your trade, neophytes should impose effective financial management

scheme and they should know how to efficiently adjust and enclosed it in your present practice.

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Attitude Number 3: Defiance of using Stop Loss

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The frequent problem with novice Forex traders is their belief that they are always on the right side, thus it is

already a misdemeanor if they lost or decrease their forex investment. Because of their intent to profit from Forex

trade, they refuse to practice stop loss, leaving their accounts at peril. The most prevalent issue with novices is

their specific understanding that they're at all times correct, therefore it is definitely a criminal offence should

they harm their make trades. It can never be dismissed that in your own quest for to be prosperous and money-

making. The basic premise of utilizing stop loss is to secure your account in the onset of unavoidable shift of gear

while trading. Majority of them have this notion that the sector will bounce back and reverse in their favor, thereby they still invest their money. In majority of instances, it did

not shift to their location, but instead the forex market travels against their trade. If this scenario happens for

quite some time, for sure your will lose all your account. There are instances in the lives of forex traders that they are lucky indeed to win deals in the absence of stop loss,

but you should not be weary about it because if this process continues, this type of account will surely

disappear in the future.

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Attitude Number 4: Quick Path to Richness Idea

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Some of the newbies thought that the foreign exchange industry is a tool to become profitable in the shortest time

possible. Due to their confidence and belief, they invest and try their luck on the forex industry armed with large

amounts of cash with the expectation to earn 100% revenue in just a matter of days or weeks. When they fail

due to their wrong prognosis, they start to complain.

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Be sure to study and assess the characteristics and qualities of those who failed in the business of forex

trading. Once you have identified them, be sure to avoid them as much as possible.

Page 13: Know Reasons Why Some People Failed in Forex Trade

Are you aware that majority of newbies in the forex industry failed? Data reveals that around 90% of new forex

traders and investors ruined their forex account shortly. This just proves that it is not that easy to establish yourself

in the sector and earn profits as well. Needless to ask, what is the use of buying and selling in the forex industry

if most of people involved in it failed? I was hesitant of exactly what will be my luck if I enter the forex market. But a notion showed off into my thoughts when I was

approximately abandoning the very idea of doing forex currency trading as a vocation. Despite the 90% losses of

new forex traders, I am optimistic that the remaining 10% should have being generating profit after all. Much more, I

also associate it with the other traditional business methods. I found out that in the old fashioned foreign exchange business dealings, more or less 90% of new

Forex investors and traders botched and loss their investments. In this connection, I realized that I should join

and do what they do. After I assessed, studied and executed some of the business practices they used, I sifted out the elements that triggered their losses and business


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