kiss intel - november 28th

We welcome you to the second first edition of KISSIntel. Welcome. is is not a publication. is is a manifestation of collaboration, and interdisciplinary, expositionary works. Yes. So take a gander (not a goose, those aren’t allowed) because this is for looking. is is for exploring. is is for paper airplane building, virtual mind explosions, and art. at’s right. Art. is is for those trailblazing contributors with all their spunk and pizazz. With much Love. Lust. Lists. Llamas: Your ediors. [KISSIntel is a bi-weekly student run collection of works designed to showcase the diversity of talents found within KI. is is for you. Make it yours. Submissions are always welcome. Send them to [email protected].] Events Vol. 2 Iss.1 Nov. 27/13 Triangles are my favorite shape | ree points where two lines meet KISS Potluck and Gift XChange - Dec.3 (12-4) PSA Presents ESS Charity Gala: Hollywood at The Museum, Kitchener. Get tickets from the ESS office - Dec 2 (8pm-12am) Free Exam Fitness Classes - all fitness and wellness shoetag classes are free to help students de-stress (schedule can be found on the uwaterloo athletics website) - Dec 2-13 Guest Lecture with Col. Chris Hadfield - Who do you want to be?! Dec 3 (12-1pm) GreenHouse Open House - Dec 3rd (3:30- 5pm) Waterloo Intelligence Day - Machines, humans and other animals - Dec 4th (1:30-3:30pm) Combining 2 Cultures Conference - Register by Dec 20 for early bird price ($20). Talk to Ian Scholten Hello friend didn’t see you then why are you in this museum did you see a tart where he e Good Life by Tiffany Lin

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The Revival Edition.


Page 1: KISS INTEL - November 28th

We welcome you

to the second first edition


f KISSIntel. Welcome.

This is

not a publication. This is a manifestation

of collaboration, and interdisciplinary, expositio


works. Yes.


o take a gander (not a goose, those aren’t allowed) because this is for looking.


is is for exploring. This is

for paper airplane building, virtual mind explosions, and

art. Th

at’s right. Art. This is

for those trailblazing contributors with all th

eir spunk and pizazz.

With much Love. Lust. L

ists. Llamas:

Your ediThors.

[KISSIntel is a bi-weekly student run collection of works designed to showcase the diversity



lents found within KI. Th

is is for you. Make it yours. S

ubmissions are always welcome. Send

them to kissin

[email protected].]


Vol. 2Iss.1

Nov. 27/13

Triangles are my favorite shape | Three points where two lines meet

KISS Potluck and Gift XChange - Dec.3 (12-4)

PSA Presents ESS Charity Gala: Hollywood at The Museum, Kitchener. Get tickets from the ESS office - Dec 2 (8pm-12am)

Free Exam Fitness Classes - all fitness and wellness shoetag classes are free to help students de-stress (schedule can be found on the uwaterloo athletics website) - Dec 2-13

Guest Lecture with Col. Chris Hadfield - Who do you want to be?! Dec 3 (12-1pm)

GreenHouse Open House - Dec 3rd (3:30-5pm)

Waterloo Intelligence Day - Machines, humans and other animals - Dec 4th (1:30-3:30pm)

Combining 2 Cultures Conference -Register by Dec 20 for early bird price ($20). Talk to Ian Scholten Hello friend didn’t see you then why are you in this museum did you see a tart where he

The Good Life by Tiffany Lin

Page 2: KISS INTEL - November 28th

The point is that I choose. I choose to whom I reveal my hair, my body. I do not exist to please others, so it follows that I do not craft my outward appearance for the pleasure of others. You might still leer at me. Undress me with your eyes. Fixate on the thought of what is underneath. But the agency remains with me since you will never know. My body is not for public display.

I will not be constrained, oppressed, or limited by what the society I live in has dictated should be a woman’s appearance or personality. I will not show “just the right amount” of skin to strike a balance between being taken seriously at work or school and still being “just the right amount” of sexy. My sexy surprises include the facts that I am far more interested in working and learning and yes, I speak fluent English.

I will not participate in slut-shaming when other women ex-press their confidence of, control over, or insecurity about their own bodies by wearing as much or as little as they choose. Rape happens regardless of whether a woman is wearing a burqa or a bikini and I will never find the victim to be at fault for the crime. In the hope of maintaining control over my own body and soul, I will fight for the rights of others to do so: men and women and those who do not subscribe to severely exclusive gender binary constructions.

I will cover what I choose when I choose and I will explain my choices to no one. I will contradict myself until I am comfort-able, trying hard to ignore loud whispers and concerned stares. I will seek meaning from what I do and when justifying my ac-tions to myself and my creator, I will appeal to the heart and the mind- never anonymous misogynist orders, subtle suggestions or helpful hints from the fantastical Guidebook to Being Good.I will wear hijab and I will take my body back, swimming against the overwhelming tide of established patriarchy. Stop telling me what and who I need to look like, be like. I will not let my thoughts be limited to my limited role as a limited woman in Western society or Eastern society. Neither will I be reduced to a hyper-sexualized Orientalized version of who you think I am. I will not be your harem woman; this material veil does not exist only for you to remove.I will be hyper-aware of my position of relative privilege as a

Hijab: My Manifesto (abbreviated)

Zainab Ramahi

A Lamppost in the City of LoveI watch her come towards meHer hands entwined in his.This is what I was built for,This romantic moment.

They walk togetherI look into her eyes, see the sparkleThe light in her eyes.

Her arms wrap around meI give her a chillHis hand grabs my neckMy metallic outside.

She leans against the bridgeHe pulls her closeMy light flickersNodding my consent

If I could cry I wouldMy light shines on their sceneI belong here.My light in the city of love.

is large by most cherished Lanes grains. Adult looking at all the art it’s aroused the if what if the art in a lot of

Pining for More? Did you find this hilarious, motivational, inspirational, fantasticational? See past editions at

We also want to see your stuff! BE. CONFIDENT. We believe in you. We love you.

Page 3: KISS INTEL - November 28th

person with access to excellent education and work opportu-nities, and I will recognize what greater responsibility I have to make a meaningful contribution to this earth. My hijab will serve as a reminder, to you, but primarily to me, of what I can achieve.My hijab is not a plea. It is not a cry for help or a symbol of a sheltered, simplified life. My hijab does not oppress me, but I have been oppressed. My hijab does not confine me, but I have been confined. My hijab does not dictate for me what I can and cannot do, but others have tried to dictate for me what I can and cannot do. My hijab does not limit my potential to contribute to society, but your persistent ignorance makes it more difficult and I become exhausted, frustrated, and a little sad. My hijab does not restrict me to closed spaces. The closed spaces in your head breed distrust and misunderstanding and you should probably stop because I am not alone in feeling like I’m always fighting. My hijab is not a piece of cloth on my head. My hijab is my manifesto.

light in that movie what is at the crazy. How many museums eager to win a year 3497 sri Kariya and sentence. At a

“Do you know what I am


Applying transferrable skills. Making connections. Solving real world problems. Is this what we’re supposed to be able to do

with a BKI? Absolutely. But Ed never said not to do this before we earn our degree.

Entrepreneurship is a huge part of Waterloo, UW in particular. Everyone knows that. But there’s more to being an entrepreneur then living at Minota

Hagey and coding an app. Being an entrepreneur is identifying a problem that matters to you, finding the right solution, and implementing it—it’s not just creative

thinking. Paraphrasing reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, you’re a want-rapreneur if all you’re doing is masturbating in ideation. Implementation and overcoming all the bullshit that comes with a venture is what makes an entrepreneur an entrepreneur. I think entrepreneurship (or intrapreneurship for you working folk) is the em-bodiment of the KI toolkit. Regardless of whether your idea “succeeds” or “fails”, it’s having the intrinsic motivation and disrespect for the status quo that enables us to use our transferrable skills to be change makers. Devin said failure isn’t final or fatal. Ian taught us to question boundaries. So

don’t be afraid to test out an idea and dig a little deeper. Talk to randoms and network. Apply what you know and investigate what you don’t. Don’t settle

for anything less than what you’re satisfied with. And in the words of poet H.E. Duff, “why not take a crazy chance?”

Leopold Stotch

Embracing ambiguity since ‘01



Page 4: KISS INTEL - November 28th

Since this is my first time writing a music column, I feel that it is important to share my musical qualifications with you, the reader. As a wee lad I shredded on the recorder in elementary school music class before moving on to the illustrious yet oh-so-cliché piano. I still tend to tickle the ivories from time to time, but my days of classical music, jazz improv, and music theory are long behind me. In the ninth grade I suf-fered the typical teenage rock star delusion and dabbled on the drums. It was a passing phase at best, much to the joy of my parents who were not too fond of my coinciding heavy metal addiction (it lasted all of two weeks, I was young). These days, along with piano, I have a habit of poorly strumming a cheap ukulele and singing in the shower. With these illustrious qualifications in mind, allow me to share with you five of my favourite songs, a format I plan to follow in future issues. Enjoy!

1) Losing Sleep – John NewmanNewman has a voice that reaches through your winter coat and puts your heart in a vice grip. His candid and raw vocal style consistently leaves me reaching for the repeat button. I think I’ve played this song more than anything else in my music library over the last couple of days. Rich piano chords and some good old stomp-clap percussion make for a toe-tapping good time.

2) Full Circle – Half Moon RunHalf Moon Run is a Canadian band based in Montreal. “Full Circle” is an artfully crafted musical masterpiece that somehow manages to be equal parts frenetic and soothing. Lyrically brilliant, it’s a song that demands a number of listens to truly appreciate. I can confidently say it is one of my favourite songs I’ve heard all year.

3) Take a Breath – DAWAI’m of the opinion that the cello might be the single greatest instrument on earth. The cellist in DAWA, an Austrian band with not nearly enough listens on this side of the pond, crafts intricate and captivating melodies that are so good I have to stop whatever I’m doing and just listen. You should too.

4) Monochrome – L’Orange & Stik FigaRap music will always be my first musical love. As I’ve grown older and my tastes become begrudgingly more refined, I’ve had to sift through a lot of song offerings to find the good stuff. “Monochrome” is just that. Smooth, perfectly sampled, fantastic word play – it doesn’t get much better. Throw on some headphones and stare out a bus window while you listen to this song. Get all introspective or whatever the kids are doing these days.

5) We Can’t Stop (Miley Cyrus Cover) – BastilleThis cover of Miley’s (in)famous hit samples “Lose Yourself ” by Emi-nem and “Just Can’t Wait to be King” from the Lion King. Seriously. Just listen to it. You won’t regret it.

A convenient playlist of all the songs in this article can be found here:

beach chair if someone might see a it’s not like in the art you can paint Love. - Computer

CrussWerdz McLachlan's Melodies