kiselv edition - shluchim

Kiselv edition Hi People! What’s up? How was ur super exciting and busy month!? Besides G.O’s awesome breakout, rally's, hachanas and all, there is Chanukah! So enjoy this hard worked on by g7 newsletter! With , Mirel Wolvovsky Editor In Chief

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Kiselv edition

Hi People! What’s up? How was ur super exciting and busy month!? Besides G.O’s awesome breakout, rally's, hachanas and all, there is Chanukah! So enjoy this hard worked on by g7 newsletter!

With , Mirel Wolvovsky Editor In Chief

This has been such an awesome month in SOS! First we had the G.O. breakout - the beginning of a bunch of really fun programs!

Get ready! Are you all stocked up? Are you taking all the Rebbe's lessons and putting them into your cart?

The theme for the month is candy store. We get to be Chassidim, and we should enjoy it like candy! Hurray for G.O.!!

We also had a great program on Rosh Chodesh Kislev. We watched an video of the Chassidim singing

the Rosh Chodesh Kislev Niggun, the younger grades played 'Kislev Pictionary' and the older grades

played 'Kislev Taboo'. Learning about Rosh Chodesh Kislev was really inspiring.

On Tes Kislev, the Mittler Rebbe's birthday AND Yartzeit, We all enjoyed a game of Kislev Candy-land.

Then the Yud Tes Kislev Hachana started! Every day we had the opportunity to listen to a story or a

song, and answer a question. If the question is right, then in went a gumball, straight into the Online

School gumball jar and soon a raffle will be held - after which one person will be the proud possessor of a gumball machine!!!!! Yud Tes Kislev, rally’s where amazing, and of course the class ones too!

GALARY The miracle of Chanukah occurred in a dark time when there were wicked decrees against the

Yidden. But the Maccabees had courage and never lost hope. Their Mesiras Nefesh turned the

darkness into light! Today too, our Mesiras Nefesh for Torah and Mitzvot will light up the world

and bring Moshiach Now!

City No Name Chapter I

Mrs. Scanter, the history teacher marched into her classroom with a large poster in her hand. Chani and Miri were occupied by a fascinating conversation through passing notes. Chani was so into it that that she didn’t even see Mrs. Scanter coming in. “Chani,” someone hissed from behind. That made her snap to attention. She was so relieved that Mrs. Scanter hadn’t seen her, yet she wondered why she wasn’t in trouble. The problem was soon solved, when she saw Mrs. Scanter tacking the poster onto the wall. The teacher finished and turned to face her class. “Girls, we have already finished American history for this grade. Since we finished so early we will move on to studying the history of the Jews in Russia, Ukraine, and Poland. I am sure you are all going to love this. Especially since a lot of you have ancestors or great grandparent might have lived there. To start off this new section in history we will have a grand project.” Pointing to the poster she started calling off the requirements. “Firstly, you will need to do it with a group of 3 friends.

Secondly, before you start your project you have to take a book out of the library and research your place. Thirdly, all historical information must be correct. Four, your project should be appropriate for a wide range of ages to read and understand. Five, you stick with your original place assignment, and don’t get upset about it. And lastly, there is no set deadline but you can’t say that you need more time towards the end, because you didn’t start yet, in other words you should start around this week.” Twenty-nine out of thirty girls in the class raised their hands. (The only one that didn’t, was Chani who just solved the mystery of why Mrs. Scanter didn’t get her into trouble). Miri finally called it out for everyone, “but what is the project?” Mrs. Scanter smiled; she turned around and pulled the poster off the wall. With a flourish she flipped around the poster to show the students, the other side. Chani read the big red bold letters on the back of the poster “write a book.” Mrs. Scanter looked around the room expecting to see her students all happy, cheery, and excited. Instead, all she saw were confused faces. Her face fell with disappointment, that they weren’t more eager about it.

Right away, she decided to explain how it would work. “At the end of class, I’ll give you 5 minutes to choose your partners. After that, you line up by my desk and one person from each group will pull a name of a city or town from Russia, Poland, or Ukraine out of this jar. That’s the place that you are going to write about.” This time Chani raised her hand. “We have to write a whole book about a place?” “Well no,” Mrs. Scanter paused as she started to see some more understanding and excited faces, and then she continued. “You research your place, and you make up a story that happened in that place. However, all the information should be historically correct. The information all has to fit in to your timeline. For example you can’t say someone sent a telegram when the story is taking place there is no such a thing as a telegram. So you need to write a book or a story that happened in your place but every snippet of information must be correct historically.” Chani nodded. Wow! This assignment is cool! Chani’s mind bubbled over the top as Mrs. Scanter went back to history. She was so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn’t see the note appearing on her desk. All too soon the history class was over and Mrs. Scanter’s voice cut through her thoughts. “Girls you now have 5 minutes to choose your partners.”

Miri was at Chani’s desk in a second. “You wanna be

my partner?” “Yea sure” Chani looked around. “You

want Nechamie as our other partner?” Miri was

shocked. “Nechamie? The new girl? Are you serious?”

Chani nodded thoughtfully. “Yea, I talked to her a few

times, she’s really nice and smart. I think it would be

really good to have her as a partner. Chani looked in

her direction as well as Miri’s. “Well…” said Miri

slowly, “she looks alone and left out…” “So let’s go ask

her” concluded Chani for her. Chani ran towards

Nechamie and asked her if she would join them. “Well

Chani….. Um fine.” Nechamie’s face brightened and a

light grin played at the corners of her mouth. “GIRLS!”

shouted Mrs. Scanter, “get on line to pick out your

location that you will be doing the project about.” All

of the girls eagerly got on line with their partners. Miri

who was quickly warming up to Nechamie told her to

pick out their paper. “Well ok… here it goes…”

Nechamie dramatically pulled a paper out of the jar.

Scooting out of line she swept to her desk. With a

flourish she unfolded the paper…..

To be continued…..


1 cup margarine, softened

1 cup white sugar

1 cup brown sugar

2 eggs

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

3 cups flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

2 teaspoons hot water

1/2 teaspoon salt

2 cups chocolate chips

1 cup chopped walnuts

APPLE CRISP Directions

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degree C).

2. Place the sliced apples into a 9x13 inch pan.

3. Mix the white sugar, 1 tablespoon flour and ground cinnamon

together, and sprinkle over apples. Pour water evenly over all.

4. Combine the oats, 1 cup flour, brown sugar, baking powder, baking

soda and melted margarine together. Crumble evenly over the apple


5. Bake in oven for about 45 minutes.


10 cups all-purpose apples, peeled, cored and


1 cup white sugar

1 tablespoon flour

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 cup water

1 cup quick-cooking oats

1 cup flour

1 cup brown sugar

1/4 teaspoon baking powder

1/4 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 cup margarine, melted

BEST Chocolate – chip cookies


1.Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

2. Mix together the margarine, white sugar, and brown sugar

until smooth

3. Beat in the eggs one at a time, then stir in the vanilla. Dissolve

baking soda in hot water. Add to batter along with salt. Stir in flour,

chocolate chips, and nuts.

4. Drop large spoonful’s onto ungreased pans.

5. Bake for about 10 minutes in the oven or until edges are nicely


Dear Shternie,

My friends think I am crazy

for wearing long-sleeve

shirts and socks in the

summer what should I do?

Love, embarrassed

Dear embarrassed

I know it isn't always easy,

I think that you should

explain to them that its part

of your religious customs

and that you don't usually

get hot.

Best, Shternie

Dear Shternie,

Most of my cute stylish shirts

are a bit on the wide side and it

goes past my color bone. I know

that that is not ok according to

Halacha, and I want to fix it! I

really want to wear the cute

shirts, but I also want to be

Tznius! What should I do?

Thanks, Want’s to cover

Dear want’s to cover,

You can either wear a scarf, a

cardigan or you can wear a shell

under it. Also if your mother lets

and you have a sewing machine

you could cut around the neck

from an old shell and sew it to

the inside of the shirt so it looks

like you’re wearing a shell but

you’re not.

Signed, Shternie


Tip Use small paintbrush’s for details, and big ones for big area’s

Doctor Interview 1) Tell us a little about yourself? I grew up in Berkeley California and

my parents wanted all their children to have careers. There are 4 kids

in my family and two of us, myself and my brother are


2) What is your job? I am a doctor, my specialty is anesthesiology

which means I put people to sleep when they have surgery and then i

keep them alive and healthy during surgery and then I wake them up

at the end of surgery. It might sound simple but it really isn't. To

become a doctor is 4 years of college, then another 4 years of

medical school and then again 4 years of what is called "residency"

where I learned how to do anesthesia.

3) Impressive! How did you become a doctor? I wanted to help

people and take care of them when they are sick. I really liked

science. I wanted to know more about how the body worked and

what made it healthy or sick so I wanted to become a doctor. I did

well in college and went to medical school and then I liked anesthesia

so I chose to become an anesthesiologist.

4) What made you decide to become frum? I decided to become frum

after I met our Chabad family and they showed me that by following

Torah, I could have life more amazing and rich than I could have

imagined. They showed me that Torah and science do not contradict

each other but enhance each other. All healing comes from Hashem

and I am honored to be his servant to be able to help people get

better with the help and blessings of Hashem.

5) What do you do about Tznius, especially in the operating room: In

the operating room it is very important that every thing is sterile and

clean. We must all wear cloths that cover our arms and legs and

heads (even beards for men). We all wear "scrubs" which are simple,

cotton garments and in order to be fully Tznius, I wear a long scrub

gown over my regular scrubs. the gown covers me

down almost o my ankles and my arms. It keeps me warm (it is cold in

the OR).

6) Wow that’s amazing! What do you do about taking off for the Yomim

Tovim? your boss give you a hard time? When I took this job, I told my

boss that I needed to be off on all Jewish holidays. I don't think she

knew how many days that was but once they got used to it they are OK

with it because I am happy to work on non-Jewish holidays so it helps

out other people and everyone seems to be OK about it now although

they still tease me that I seem to have a holiday almost every month!

7) What is something fascinating about being a doctor? being a doctor

is an exciting job but mostly it is a huge honor. Hashem helps me

everyday to help people when they need it the most. In my job I literally

get to see 'inside' people during surgery and this is special and

amazing. It is a great feeling to know that some people are alive today

because of a surgery I helped them through. Medicine is a very exciting

field because we are learning every day how to help more people, how to

cure more diseases and how to make people's lives better.

8) do people recognize me as a jew? Yes, sometimes they

do. Sometimes they ask me where I go to Shul and I am always proud to

say, "CHABAD!"

here is what my OR outfit looks like Everyone dresses like

this so we all look just alike.

I wear a cloth hat

that looks like this:

Where do you live? Mushka Blesofsky: Iowa Sarah Chitrik: Turkey Devorah Leah Feigelstock: Paraguay

What do you like about sos?

Lieba Gray: you get to learn allot Rochele Liberow: Everything Mushka Lifshitz: Chumash, Parsha, Yiddish

What do you like to do in you spare time?

Mushka Oirechman: talk to friends, eating and more

Chaya Mushka Pelman: watch a video

Yehudis Loschak: play with my baby

What is you favorite subject?

Mushka Schmerling: Parsha ,Chumash, Kisva, and Yiddish

Chaya Simon: Chumash

Mushka Tenenbaum: Parsha, and Yehadus

Hi, I am Chaya Jacobson and I am here with G3 and they are going to tell us about themselves!

What do you like about Chanukah?

Batsheva Vogel: its family time

Ita Zwiebel: the money

Fraidy Jacobson: getting Chanukah gifts and doughnuts

How do you help your parents on Shluchus?

Mushka Schmerling: teaching Aleph-Bais games

Batsheva Vogel: teach new kids alef bais

Chaya M Oirechman: Bikur Cholim

How many years have you been to online school? Chaya Simon: 3 years Chaya Mushka Pelman: 3years Mushka Tenenbaum: 3 years Yehudis Loschak: 3 years

How many kids are in your Family? Fraidy Jacobson: 7 kids

Mushka Blesofsky: 6 kids

Rochele Liberow: 6 kids

Mushka Lifshitz: 7 kids

Hey OS! Looking for something to

do to over Chanukah? Well we’ve

got the perfect solution! How

bout’ joining our AWESOME

Chanukah contest?!?!

Here’s what you have to do:

You have to make the most

creative Menorah…You can make

it out of ANYTHING! A cake, a

paper, anything! The person

who’s Menorah is most creative,

will win a GIFT CARD, and will

have their picture featured in the

next newsletter!

Send in a picture of yourself with

your Menorah to

[email protected].

Please send it in by December 10th, ז טבת, if you wanna win!


1.) I have things written like birthdays contests and arts and crafts I am made by g7 what am I? Answer here:_______________ 2.) I have a lot of students and classrooms galore I am the greatest school in the world what am I? Answer here:_______________ 3.) I hold many students I have tools webcam and mike what am I? Answer here:_________________

FUN PAGE! 1.Newsletter 2.Shluchim Online School 3.Classrooms 4. g7 5.5774 6.World 7.School; world

Answer Key:

Fill in the blanks

4.)The Newsletter is written by___________.

5.) The year is ________.

6.) Students are from all over the _______.

7.) Shluchim Online School is the greatest ______ in the ______.