kirland police report - hope solo arrest


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Hope Solo has been violent with her sister. Hope Solo has been violent with her nephew.Hope Solo has been violent with her husband. While under arrest and under the influence she insulted police officers profusely. When asked to remove her necklace she told the police officer that the necklace was worth more than his year's salary.


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Stmt 2 from Obert, Teresa(2pgs)

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OfficerID: evoss, Narrative - Ofc. Voss

14-28956 Assault 4 (DV) Ofc. Voss 6-21-2014 On 6-21-2014 at 0052 hours, I was dispatched to 10615 124th Ave NE for the report of a female

The call originally went through to Washington State Patrol dispatch and was transferred to Norcom dispatch. When Norcom picked up the call, they only had an open line. A call back to the number went to a voicemail to a

Officer Carlson and Sergeant Goguen were the first units on scene. Upon arrival, Officer Carlson advised that he heard loud shouting from the South, in the direction of Ave. Sergeant Goguen then advised that a female came outside. When I arrived, I entered the residence and observed Officer Pierce speaking with a male and a female who were later identified as Teresa and in what I later learned was the family's rec-room. They both appeared to be crying and I observed that t-shirt was ripped and that his face had red marks on it. I first checked on Sergeant Goguen and Officer Carlson. Sergeant Goguen was with a female, later identified as Hope A. Stevens (7-30-1981), in the kitchen and Officer Carlson was in the living room with Jeffery Obert who was the husband of Teresa and the father of I spoke with

t-shirt was torn on the left side from underarm area to the bottom seam. He had a bleeding cut on the bottom of his left ear, just above the earlobe. His arms were bright red and had

further explained that

stated that he was home tonight with his mother, father and other relatives. -sister, Hope Stevens came over upset about the fact that her

husband, Jeremy, refused to take her to catch a flight because he was being a jerk.

Teresa L. Obert (12-10-wine. The other family members eventually left and Hope and Teresa continued drinking wine. At some point, Hope became upset with because she thought he was speaking ill of her. said that he was actually talking about Jackie Onassis and how she had married into a bad family, and tried to explain that to Hope. Later, they were discussing plays that

performs in, and mentioned how he believes in order to be a good actor, you ever be athletic, that he

was too fat and overweight and crazy to ever be an athlete. said he has an anxiety disorder and this is why Hope called him crazy. said that this upset her and he told


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was so upset by this interaction that he went into the rec room of his house in order

to get away from Hope. Hope followed him out there to confront him and he called for his help and then called him crazy

again. told her that he thought her family and particularly her father were the crazy ones. went on to explain how his mother and Hope are actually half-sisters and that Hope's father had two other famil

down to the ground and she immediately got back up and came at and repeatedly punched him in the face and tackled him. He grabbed her by the hair, took her to the ground and held her there until she calmed down. He said when she appeared calm, he let her go and she immediately grabbed his hair pulled his head down and started punching him in the face repeatedly. At this point, Teresa said she came in and tried to pull Hope off of and then Hope punched Teresa in the face several times. then tried to pull Hope off of Teresa and

Teresa. She still would not stop so got an old gun that did not work (ultimately determined to be a broken bb gun) and pointed it at her in an attempt to get her to leave and stop assaulting and Teresa. He said that Hope did stop, but would not leave and

to push Hope out the door. Shortly after, Hope walked around the side of the house, jumped over the fence into their yard and re-entered the house through an unlocked sliding door and started accusing Teresa of purposely hiding her cell phone. Teresa told her she would find it and leave it outside for her, and then Hope started attacking Teresa by pulling her to the ground and continuing to strike her in the face. By this time, said he had already put the gun away because he believed Hope had left and would stay gone. This time said he grabbed an aluminum mop because the wooden broom had been previously ineffective in stopping Hope from assaulting his mother.

planned to strike her with it to prevent Hope from attacking his mother any further, which is about when the first police units arrived and he did not use the mop on Hope. After speaking with I observed that Teresa had a swollen left cheekbone that was already starting to get a purplish hue to it in the cheekbone area. Teresa was highly emotional throughout our contact with her and kept hugging and asking him if he was ok. She also apologized to for letting Hope back into their lives and told us several times that

wanted nothing to do with Hope and did not want her in the house at all. Sergeant Goguen spoke with Hope, who advised him that she did not assault or touch anyone, but had been struck in the head with a broomstick by after she called him fat and unathletic. Sergeant Goguen said that he did not observe any visible injuries and Hope would not allow him to inspect her head for injuries. Hope A. Stevens (7-30-1981) was arrested for two counts of DV Assault 4 (RCW 9A.36.041) and transported to the Kirkland Jail by Officer

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Ouimet, who advised her of her Miranda rights. She declined to give a written statement at the station. After Hope was removed from the residence, I took a written statement from While taking the statement, Jeffery kept telling that he should not talk to us and that this should all be kept in the family. said he was sick of Hope always getting away with everything and he was going to provide a statement. Jeffery continued to try to convince

not to provide a statement. At one point, Jeffery told to get the dogs and take them to bed with him. said he would do it after he gave a statement. After I wrote the statement, made a few corrections to my statement that corrected the order in which a couple of events took place. These corrections were added to the end of the statement and signed by After obtaining a statement, I took photographs of and his injuries. Jeffery stated that he did not give me consent to take photographs, but again, stated that he wanted me to take pictures and that he would testify in court if needed to do so, because he is tired of Hope getting away with everything. The photos were taken with Officer Pierce's camera and were uploaded into KPD records by Officer Pierce. Officer Pierce also submitted the 911 tape request form to Norcom on my behalf and provided me with a copy of the written statement he obtained from Teresa. All of these documents were submitted to KPD records. I also completed a temporary no contact order form for Teresa and and e-mailed them to Judge Lambo.

This is the extent of my involvement in this case.

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OfficerID: pgoguen, Sgt Goguen

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OfficerID: bporter, Porter Supplement

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