king's summer school 2012 flyer

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King's Summer School 2012 flyer


2012 Prepare for your future...

The King’s College London Summer School provides a unique academic and social student experience.

We offer the opportunity to benefit from studying at one of England’s most historic and prestigious universities, founded in 1829; an institution with a global reputation, guaranteeing academic quality and rigour. In addition our central London location offers unparalleled social opportunities with campuses next to the River Thames and close to all the exciting cultural and entertainment opportunities that central London has to offer.

The Olympic Games 2012, with extra visitors and events throughout the capital, are sure to make your Summer School experience even more special. King’s Strand and Waterloo campuses are ideally placed for transport links to all the venues.

leArn, live & experiencestudent life in the very heart of London

‘Having studied here last summer, I knew I would learn a lot from the tutors. King’s immerses you in course content you just can’t find anywhere else.’melissa reidelberger, USA, lindenwood University

‘A very good kick-start to your career and professional life, loaded with fun and unforgettable memories.’rui cavendish, Brazil, pontifícia Universidade católica de São paulo

‘The whole experience is amazing. There’s so much to do and so much to see. I didn’t know what my experience would be like, and so everything has far exceeded what I could have imagined.’Harley Joffe, USA, University of California los Angeles (UclA)

‘The most memorable three weeks of my life.’Utsav misra, india, University of Delhi

Photography by Clare Park & King’s image library

We live in a challenging and ever-changing world; our courses are designed to help prepare you for the future. The Summer School gives you the freedom to broaden your knowledge and grow your skill set. Choose to gain insights into new disciplines or expand your knowledge in familiar subjects; it is your choice. What we do aim to achieve though is for you to leave the Summer School with broadened horizons and life-changing experiences.

We are also proud to be one of the most internationally diverse summer programmes in the UK. In 2011 we saw students from over 60 countries and more than 270 institutions around the globe, ensuring an exciting and diverse mix of cultures and people to enrich your experience.


‘I was thrilled to discover people from so many different countries around the world. It has been an incredible experience to have so many different backgrounds and perspectives together in one classroom.’lucy Schultz, USA, Brown University

King’s college london is one of the world’s leading universities with a distinguished history.

For over 175 years King’s has made an extraordinary contribution to modern life, particularly in the areas of healthcare, social science, education, law and the arts.

The Summer School very much continues this pioneering tradition with a unique selection of summer courses which we aim to both challenge and inspire.

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intensive, university‑level courses to enrich your academic experience either for credit or personal satisfaction.There are two consecutive, three-week sessions so you can choose to study for one or two sessions. We also offer five-day English courses for non-native English speakers; these take place the week before each Summer School session.

in 2012 over 50 summer courses will be offered, and areas include:Shakespeare in London

London & film

The Museum of London

Entrepreneurship and creative business

International marketing

Strategic management

Global health

Medical humanities

Biomedicine & ethics

Human rights law

English legal system

Internet & the law

World politics since 1945

Energy & international relations

Managing international conflicts

‘An unforgettable summer, where academic skills were tested and challenged, linguistic barriers broken, and great friendships made.’christian monberg, Denmark, University of copenhagen

‘Through listening to both our tutor and other students in class discussions I have learned more in three weeks than I ever thought was possible.’norah Burns, ireland, University of limerick

LONDON AS YOUR CLASSROOM…Where possible we use ‘London as your classroom’; taking you off campus and into the rich cultural, political and economic environment of London. These visits are there to help connect your academic study to real-world examples and enhance your experience. Visits may include attendance at performances or exhibitions, visits to local businesses and international organisations or sometimes even a day-trip outside London.

TUTORS, PASSIONATE ABOUT WHAT THEY DOThe academic quality of our courses is paramount, which is why our tutors are so important. Learn mainly in small or medium sized groups led by tutors who are experts in their fields and passionate about what they do. The Summer School tutors are specially selected from King’s faculty and sometimes other universities around the globe.

INTERACTIVE AND ENGAGING CLASSESCourses are as intensive as they are rewarding. Most of our courses have an interactive approach and may include interactive seminars, discussion groups, scenarios and role play. Where possible we try to limit the size of classes so that you are able to really get to know your fellow students and your tutor. Many students come expecting large anonymous lectures and are often surprised that they leave having made

lifelong friends and long-lasting memories of their time in class.

ACADEMIC QUALITYAll courses undergo a scrutiny process by academic peers at the College and must meet strict academic regulations. Each course has a minimum of 45 contact hours over each three-week session. They are designed in a way that most students are able to receive credit from their home institutions. All courses are fully assessed and marked, often through a mixture of coursework, including papers, presentations and group projects.

Students who meet the attendance criteria, submit and pass all required coursework receive a detailed transcript.

‘What attracted me most about this course was the wide variety of activities: we had lectures, interesting guest speakers and even a trip to Brussels to visit NATO Shape and the European Commission.’claudine Dalinghaus, The netherlands, University of Amsterdam

‘I was expecting a lot of homework, essays and lectures, but the programme was organised so that you could actually have the time to travel around London. I even went to Scotland one weekend.’chak chuen charles ng, hong Kong, University of hong Kong

LONDON’S MOST CENTRAL UNIVERSITYAll courses take place on our central Strand and Waterloo campuses which sit either side of the River Thames.Originally opened in 1831, the Strand campus is a historic site. It overlooks the River Thames, midway between the Houses of Parliament and St Paul’s Cathedral. Nearby the shopping and entertainment destinations of Covent Garden, the West End and Soho offer an unparalleled concentration of theatres, cinemas, art galleries, restaurants, bars and shopping opportunities. All are within easy walking distance.London’s South Bank arts and cultural quarter is next to the Waterloo campus and this includes the National Film Theatre and British Film Institute, the Royal Festival Hall, the Hayward Gallery and the National Theatre.

OUR SOCIAL PROGRAMMEA lively and varied optional social programme is offered to complement the courses. Many events are held at the King’s Waterfront venue with its spectacular views over the River Thames; others are offered off-campus. Some events are free; others may require purchase of tickets, but whatever we offer we always strive to offer value for money for our students. Previous examples of social events include a boat party down the River Thames, quiz evenings at the Waterfront, historical walking tours around London and theatre evenings.

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ACCOMMODATIONAccommodation is optional but can be booked for the entire duration of your summer programme; you can also book additional nights if you wish to arrive early or stay longer. Rooms are offered at our Stamford Street apartments which are a short walk from class and directly opposite the Waterloo campus. Rooms are individual bedrooms with en-suite facilities so you do not have to share a room, but you will share communal kitchen facilities and television. There are on-site laundry facilities, a gym and 24 hour security.

DISCLAIMER: Details are correct at the time of print.

Summer SchoolKing’s College LondonStrandLondon WC2R 2LSUnited KingdomTel +44 (0)20 7848 1533

Information & help website contains up-to-date detailed information about the Summer School, including the courses offered, accommodation and facilities plus a link to the online application form.

[email protected] contact a member of staff we advise using email. We aim to respond within 48 hours but during busy periods and holidays it may take longer.

+44 (0) 20 7848 1533To speak to a member of staff, please call this direct line to the Summer School during office hours, Monday to Friday, 10:00-17:00.

visitIf you are in London and interested in applying to the Summer School, you are welcome to visit us. Our office is located at the Strand Campus and is normally open during office hours as above. If you are travelling specifically to speak with us in person then we advise that appointments are made in advance.

Session one: 2 – 20 July 2012Session Two: 23 July – 10 August 2012