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Kings Road Church Kings Road Church Children`s and Youth Work Job pack (last updated 05 March 2014) Kings Road Church is a medium sized congregation (±75 people) in the town of Berkhamsted, a commuter town situated just outside the M25. We are a Spirit filled church that are passionate about falling more in love with God, and allowing that love to flow through us to those around us. The vision of the church is: `Love God, Love One Another, and Love Berkhamsted.’ We are looking for an individual, with a strong Christian faith, to continue building our children`s and youth work to serve both the families within our church and those in Berkhamsted. The basic responsibilities of this role are: to strengthening what we offer children and parents as part of our Sunday service; to be involved with the planning and running of our joint church holiday club; to develop outreach as part of both the children`s and youth work; to continue and develop relationships with local schools; involvement, leadership and development of current youth program. Job Pack Content: 1. Church Vision Document 2. Job Description and Personality Profile 3. Current Activities 4. Application Form 5. Attachments: Job Adverts If you have any further queries or questions please email our current children`s and youth worker, Brendyn ([email protected] ).

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Kings Road Church

Kings Road Church Children`s and Youth Work Job pack

(last updated 05 March 2014)

Kings Road Church is a medium sized congregation (±75 people) in the town of

Berkhamsted, a commuter town situated just outside the M25. We are a Spirit filled

church that are passionate about falling more in love with God, and allowing that love to

flow through us to those around us. The vision of the church is: `Love God, Love One

Another, and Love Berkhamsted.’

We are looking for an individual, with a strong Christian faith, to continue building our

children`s and youth work to serve both the families within our church and those in


The basic responsibilities of this role are: to strengthening what we offer children and

parents as part of our Sunday service; to be involved with the planning and running of our

joint church holiday club; to develop outreach as part of both the children`s and youth

work; to continue and develop relationships with local schools; involvement, leadership

and development of current youth program.

Job Pack Content:

1. Church Vision Document

2. Job Description and Personality Profile

3. Current Activities

4. Application Form

5. Attachments: Job Adverts

If you have any further queries or questions please email our current children`s and youth

worker, Brendyn ([email protected]).

Kings Road Church: Vision

Kings Road Church

Where we’re going – our vision for our church

“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one

another” John 13v35


Who we are

Our vision

Our strategy

Making sure we are making progress


Author: Ray Toms

Approved: George Kountourou, Richard Walker, Vivian Watson

Distribution: All regular attendees of Kings Road Church, Berkhamsted

Version: 1, March 2011

KRC Vision v9 NO EDITS

Kings Road Church: Vision

1. Who we are

We are a group of people who believe we are called into a relationship with God the Father, His son Jesus Christ

and God the Holy Spirit.

We have our formal Statement of Beliefs as part of the KRC formation documents – here we are interpreting this

to see what it means in practice.

These are eternal truths; these define our values and our values govern our behaviour. We build our relationships

upon trust and we base our trust upon the predictability of a person, and this comes down to their behaviour. So

you see, having common beliefs is the bedrock of our church community – and it helps us get along socially. If you

see yourself as belonging to KRC then these are true of you.

1.1 Biblical Authority

The Bible is the authoritative Word of God. It is complete, accurate and sufficient to advise us in all

circumstances. It provides the guidance to live gospel-centred lives that reflect kingdom values.

1.2 Prayer

Prayer acknowledges our total and complete dependency upon God. It is where our

relationship with him begins. It empowers us to live the transformed life that God has called us to live.

1.3 The Holy Spirit

Only the experience of God’s Holy Spirit can fully satisfy our lives on earth. God changes us through the

transforming power of his Holy Spirit when we earnestly desire Him. He gives us guidance and courage to

share our beliefs with others sensitively. He gives gifts for the good of all and for the building up of his


1.4 The primacy of our relationship with Jesus

Our relationship with Jesus is the relationship that governs all our other relationships.

Whatever our circumstances, we see all our earthly relationships through this relationship.

1.5 Our role in Christ’s church

Our church life sets the priority in our broader lives. Family responsibilities and recreation are integrated

with and performed in the context of our church family. We take our church responsibilities seriously and

meet our commitments.

1.6 Ourselves and our possessions

Everything we are and own is a gift from God – time, talents and possessions. We

unreservedly make them available for service according to his will.

1.7 Our personal witness

Jesus calls each of us individually to be light in the darkness and salt in the world. We are instructed to love

and not be judgemental. We identify ourselves with Jesus Christ and live lives that reflect his authority over

us. We prayerfully and sensitively encourage our family, friends and colleagues to develop their own

relationship with God through Jesus.

Kings Road Church: Vision

2. Our vision

While our beliefs are eternal, our vision is specific to our church right now. This vision is true to our beliefs, and

provides the framework for our strategy and plans.

History shows that a church of people filled with the Spirit is a necessary precursor to a revival. We cannot bring

about a revival - only God’s Holy Spirit can – but we can help build

God’s church so that there is a community where the Holy Spirit will dwell.

Our purpose is to love God, love one another, love Berkhamsted and the wider world. These activities fuel each

other – and the result will be a growing community that worships God in the fullness of the Spirit. This we hope

will form the foundation for a future revival in Berkhamsted.

2.1 Love God...

God is alive and at work today, by his word and through his Spirit we will build a church that worships him.

Worship that glorifies God is the central focus of KRC. Worship deepens our experience of God through his

Holy Spirit and makes us stronger as Christians. The outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit in our church will be a

vital witness and will lead others to believe.

2.2 Love one another...

As a church we will encourage and disciple each other so that each of us has a deeper relationship with

God. By doing so we will become stronger in our faith and will be better equipped to share it with others.

2.3 Love our community...

By serving our community and sharing the message of Jesus Christ more people will come to faith in Christ.

Kings Road Church: Vision

3. Our Strategy

How do we accomplish our vision? There are seven strands to our strategy that align to our vision and will

translate into specific tasks (these will come subsequently in our ‘plan’ – we intend to produce one every year,

each plan structured according to this strategy).

Love God

3.1 We will worship

During our worship we will be sensitive to and led by the Spirit. Worship includes praising

God together in prayer and song – this is how we love God in practice and is our primary purpose in life.

When we gather together to do this, God outpours his Holy Spirit upon us and we may be filled with the

Spirit and may demonstrate our spiritual gifts.

Worship is central to our spiritual experience and it is central to our spiritual growth. By experiencing God’s

Holy Spirit moving among us, others will know that he is the one and only true God.

Love one another

3.2 We will serve one another

We will use our gifts to support each other in our efforts to build God’s kingdom on earth as encouraged by

the leadership, blessing each other in our good times and supporting each other in our weakness.

3.3 We will encourage and nurture

When we get together we share the testimonies of God’s redeeming, restoring and transforming activity in

our lives. God has invited us to collaborate with him in this world changing mission.

3.4 We will equip individuals

We will train everybody in the church so that they are comfortable discussing their own faith with their

family, friends and colleagues in a way that isn’t threatening to either the person talking or listening. We

will provide biblical teaching that is relevant and accessible so that people are comfortable explaining what

God has done for us.

Love our community

3.5 We will meet people where they are

Our local community is not about to walk into our building. We will be present in neutral venues where

people are comfortable to meet.

3.6 We will remove barriers to entry

From an outsider’s perspective, there are a lot of practical and psychological barriers to attending church.

We will methodically identify these and remove them.

3.7 We will serve

We will offer our lives in service to God and expect a transforming impact on the culture where we live and


Service demonstrates that we love our community and is more effective than overt evangelism - actions

speak louder than words. We will strategically use our individual strengths and passions as directed by the

Holy Spirit and our church leadership to bless members of our community and aid the needy.

Kings Road Church: Vision

4. Making sure we are making progress

How do we know whether the changes we make are bringing the vision to life? What do we expect to see?

The church leaders want to be accountable to the church; they need to be relevant and make a difference, for all

our sakes. We are not putting the Lord our God to the test, nor are we putting any individuals to the test - if this

strategy is working we will see changes both within ourselves and in how we are perceived by our local


We will review our progress both within and outside of the church twice a year and will do this openly so the whole

church can see God’s work progressing.

By examining ourselves we will receive encouragement in those areas that are progressing well and we can focus

our prayers and effort in those areas where we are struggling.

Love God

4.1 We will worship

We will provide the right environment for the Holy Spirit to move freely among us and we will earnestly

pray for spiritual gifts. Supernatural gifts are attractive and they visibly demonstrate the presence of God’s

Holy Spirit.

We desire the experience of God’s Holy Spirit in all our services and we want everybody to receive this

blessing. If we are growing together in our knowledge of God and our experience of the Spirit then God will

outpour more of his blessings upon us.

Love one another

4.2 Serving each other

We want everybody to know their purpose in building God’s kingdom on earth. We will encourage

everybody to have a role or responsibility within the church and make sure our gifts are properly used.

4.3 We will encourage and nurture

Church is not a collection of people; it’s a collection of relationships. Where these relationships are not

wholesome, we will encourage reconciliation. We expect to see the fruits of the Spirit evident in our

relationships. Our attitude to church will change from ‘duty’ to ‘desire’.

4.4 We will equip individuals

If people are better equipped in sharing their faith then more of us will introduce people from outside the


Love our community

4.5 We will meet people where they are

We are not interested in attracting people from other churches; we want to see people joining KRC who are

not involved in church.

4.6 We will remove barriers to entry

By speaking to new joiners we can find out what attracted them to KRC in particular and learn which of our

activities do / do not work. We will speak to people who don’t go to church to get their views on why they

do not want to come to our church.

4.7 We will serve

We expect to see people volunteering their involvement in blessing our community and supporting the

needy, and that their gifts are appropriately used.

Kings Road Church: Vision

5. Belonging

This is a personal self-assessment test that looks at our core beliefs from section 1 - if a belief is true, there will be

evidence that confirms it. If you are a believing Christian you may find these tests helpful to see how good a fit KRC

is for you. We provide these for your own purposes and to make sure our expectations are aligned.

We are not expecting anybody to score 100%, nor will we ever ask for your scores on these matters – these are

purely for you to see how closely aligned our thinking is.

5.1 Biblical Authority

You are studying and reflecting upon the truth of scripture daily.

5.2 Prayer

Prayer is a regular, desirable and necessary part of your life. You pray methodically and on impulse. Prayer

frequently affects your day-to-day decision-making.

5.3 The Holy Spirit

You know what the fruits of the Spirit are and you are praying through any areas that you are struggling


You have been baptised with the Spirit or you are praying for this experience.

You are being repeatedly filled with the Spirit and are praying for more of this.

You earnestly desire ‘Spiritual Gifts’.

You know which gifts you have and which you are seeking.

5.4 The primacy of your relationship with Jesus

You set aside a time each day to get to know the Lord’s will in your life. Your relationship with Jesus is more

precious than your closest human relationships and is vital for making these other relationships work.

You are mentoring / discipling a friend and a friend is mentoring and discipling you ie. you are accountable

to another Christian whom you trust, who can challenge you and with whom you have a fully open


5.5 Your role in Christ’s church

Your family and recreational life is integrated with your church life.

If you are committed to a role within the church, then your work commitments are arranged in this


5.6 Yourself and your possessions

You know what your natural gifts, talents and resources are and you have made them available to the

church for God’s purposes.

You are using these gifts in serving our communities (Berkhamsted and KRCI) for building God’s kingdom on

earth and you know why it is you, specifically you, that is doing this work.

You prayerfully commit to giving your gifts of both time and money to building Christ’s kingdom.

5.7 Your personal witness

You regularly share your spiritual and church life with those you meet.

You deliberately structure conversations so you get the chance to mention that you go to church and home

groups and have a quiet time.

You have a shortlist of people you pray for regularly.

You pray daily for opportunities to share God’s message.

Kings Road Church: Job Description and Personality Profile

Post: Children`s and Youth Worker

Nature of the Post: Full Time

Remuneration: £19 500 - £21 500 (depending on experience) plus a

personal development fund, and 5% pension after the

first year.

Period: The post is initially contract for 3 years, however this is


Kings Road Church is a medium sized congregation (±75 people) in the town of

Berkhamsted, a commuter town situated just outside the M25. We are a Spirit filled

church that are passionate about falling more in love with God, and allowing that love to

flow through us to those around us. The vision of the church is: `Love God, Love One

Another, and Love Berkhamsted.’ We are looking for an individual, with a strong Christian

faith, to continue building our children`s and youth work to serve both the families within

our church and those in Berkhamsted.

Core Task / Responsibilities:

Children`s Work: • Manage Sunday Mornings Children`s Work

o Find and Train Volunteers

o Manage and regularly meet up with your volunteers.

o Source Materials

o Communicate with parents (face to face, termly news letter,

parents meetings, etc.)

o Help ensure Sunday services are child inclusive

o Run Kids Church

• Annual joint church holiday club

• Schools Work

• After School Children`s work (groups, family work, etc.)

Youth Work: • Friday Night Youth Drop-in

• Wednesday Night Youth Group

• One to one

• Summer Camps (PACT and Soul Survivor)

• Work with other Youth Workers in the Town (Refract)

o Schools Work

o Swan Youth Centre

o Swan Foster Home

o Detached Youth Work

o Joint Youth Events

o Weekly Meetings

Church: • Monday Evenings (elders, broader leadership team, prayer)

• Meet with Line Manager (weekly)

• Staff Meeting (weekly)

Kings Road Church: Job Description and Personality Profile

Personality Profile:

• Personality / Temperament

o Strong and resilient

o Good at leading and being part of teams

o Enthusiastic

o Positive outlook

o A good sense of humor

o Teachable

o Encouraging

o Approachable

o Adaptable

• Experience (these would be beneficial)

o Experience in children`s and/or youth work

o Experience of inspiring, developing, and discipling those aged 0-18.

o Experience and passion for local outreach

o Experience of preaching and teaching

o Leadership experience

• Self Management

o Self motivated and able to set effective goals, with their own initiative

o Can priorities and manage time well

o Proactive

• Building Relationships

o Emotionally Intelligent

o Proactive in building relationships

o Able to connect and relate well across the ages and life stages

o Good communicator

o Good at conflict resolution

• Building people

o Experience of developing others – working alongside and training volunteers

o Effective at identifying potential in people and encouraging growth

o Good people management with ability to hold people to account

• Passion for local church

o Commitment and faithful service within local church

o Willing to become a worshipping member of Kings Road Church

• Skills / Qualifications

o A strong desire to minister to young people

o Aware of the legal matters concerning young people

o Good communication skills – both written and verbal

o Basic Computer skills (Microsoft Word, Excel, Email, Social Networking Sites)

Kings Road Church: Job Description and Personality Profile

• Christian Background

o An Evangelical Christian who is prayerful and teachable

o Active in their use of spiritual gifts

o Hunger to personally go deeper with God

Employment Equality Regulations 2003 relating to Religion or Belief and Sexual

Orientation (The Employment Equality (Religion and Belief) Regulations 2003 Section 7.2


For the purpose of both of the above Regulations it is considered to be a Genuine

Occupational Requirement that you share and endorse the understanding that Kings Road

Church, as an evangelical charismatic church, has of Christian faith, conversion and

commitment, sexual and moral conduct and lifestyle. If further clarity is required this can be

provided on request.


• The successful candidate will be appointed a line manager who will seek to meet up

on a weekly basis with the purpose of supporting and challenging them within their


• They will also report directly to the Senior Pastor, Ray Toms, and work closely with

him and other church staff members.

• They will be expected to attend a weekly staff meeting.

• They will also be expected to attend elders meetings on a Monday night, and keep

the elders informed about their work.

Personal Development:

We long to see the successful candidate growing and developing within their role, and we

have therefore factored in a `personal development fund’ into their package. This money

is to be used for courses and conferences that will help you personally develop and grow.

Kings Road Church: Job Description and Personality Profile


Children`s Work:

• Sunday morning crèche

• Sunday School (Bubbles, 3 – 6 years old; Splash, 6 – 10 years old; Equip, 10 – 16 years


• Kids Church (Alternates with Splash and Equip and so takes place every second week)

• Termly assemblies at Westfield School

Youth Work:

• Wednesday Youth – Currently running the youth alpha

• Friday Night Youth Drop-in

• Coffee at the swan foster home – monthly

• Swan youth centre

• Detached youth work

• Refract (joint youth work with the other church youth workers in the town)

• Schools work – we`re currently involved with 3 schools doing lunchtime clubs,

assemblies and RE lessons.

Kings Road Church: Application Form


Secondary Education: Address:

From: To: Qualifications & Grades:

College/University: Address:

From: To: Qualifications & Grades:

Other training relevant to the post:



First Name:


Street Address

Town/City: County: Postcode:

Email Daytime phone:

Evening Phone:

Date of Birth: Marital Status:

Are you a UK citizen? YES NO

If not, do you have a remit to work in the UK? YES NO

Do you hold a current clean UK driving YES NO

If yes, what licenses do you currently hold:




From: To:

Reason for Leaving:

Brief description of the church:

Positions of responsibility held (whether paid or unpaid):



From: To:

Reason for Leaving

Brief description of the church:

Positions of responsibility held (& whether paid or unpaid)

Kings Road Church: Application Form LIST THE CHURCHES YOU HAVE BELONGED TO (CONTINUED) Church:


From: To:

Reason for Leaving:

Brief description of the church:

Positions of responsibility held (whether paid or unpaid):



From: To:

Reason for Leaving

Brief description of the church:

Positions of responsibility held (& whether paid or unpaid)

Kings Road Church: Application Form




From: To:

Reason for Leaving:

Brief description of the church:

Positions of responsibility held (whether paid or unpaid):



From: To:

Reason for Leaving

Brief description of the church:

Positions of responsibility held (& whether paid or unpaid)

Kings Road Church: Application Form



Kings Road Church: Application Form


Company: Phone No.:

Address: Line Manager:

Job Title: Starting Salary: Final Salary:



From: To: Reason for leaving:

May we contact your previous line manager for a reference? YES NO

Company: Phone No.:

Address: Line Manager:

Job Title: Starting Salary: Final Salary:



From: To: Reason for leaving:

May we contact your previous line manager for a reference? YES NO

Company: Phone No.:

Address: Line Manager:

Job Title: Starting Salary: Final Salary:



From: To: Reason for leaving:

May we contact your previous line manager for a reference? YES NO

Kings Road Church: Appendix



STRENGTHS / CAPABILITIES (‘experience’ will be asked about later)

Kings Road Church: Appendix



Kings Road Church: Appendix

REFERENCES: Please list 3 references (include your current church pastor and current employer)

Reference 1

Full Name: Relationship:

Address: Contact No.:

Email Address:

Company: Years Known:

Reference 2

Full Name: Relationship:

Address: Contact No.:

Email Address:

Company: Years Known:

Reference 3

Full Name: Relationship:

Address: Contact No.:

Email Address:

Company: Years Known:


I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

If this application leads to employment, I understand that false or misleading

information in my application or interview may result in my release.

Signature: Date:

Kings Road Church: Appendix

Advert sent to colleges:

Kings Road Church

Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire

Post: Children`s and Youth Worker

Nature of the Post: Full Time

Remuneration: £19 500 - £21 500 (depending on experience) plus a

personal development fund, and 5% pension after the first


Period: The post is initially contract for 3 years, however this is


Kings Road Church is a medium sized congregation (±75 people) in the town of

Berkhamsted, a commuter town situated just outside the M25. We are a Spirit filled

church that are passionate about falling more in love with God, and allowing that love to

flow through us to those around us. The vision of the church is: `Love God, Love One

Another, and Love Berkhamsted.’

We are looking for an individual, with a strong Christian faith, to continue building our

children`s and youth work to serve both the families within our church and those in


The basic responsibilities of this role are: to strengthening what we offer children and

parents as part of our Sunday service; to be involved with the planning and running of our

joint church holiday club; to develop outreach as part of both the children`s and youth

work; to continue and develop relationships with local schools; involvement, leadership

and development of current youth program.

Closing date: 29 June 2014 (with interviews taking place mid July)

Kings Road Church: Appendix

Youth Worker and Christianity Magazine Advert:

We are a growing church whose vision is to `Love God, Love One Another, and Love Berkhamsted. We are looking for an experienced individual who is passionate about God, to lead us forward in the area of children`s and youth work, developing a ministry that serves both our church and Berkhamsted. Salary in the range of £19 500 - £21 500 (dependant on experience) For an application pack please email: [email protected]