king thrush beard - grade 3

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  • 7/22/2019 King Thrush Beard - Grade 3


    A King had a daughter who wasvery pretty, but proud andarrogant. One day the Kinggave a party and invited manymen who were eager to marryher. The Princess should choose

    a bridegroom from amongthem.

  • 7/22/2019 King Thrush Beard - Grade 3


    But she found fault withevery one of them. Andone suitor, a King, shemocked especially for hehad a crooked chin. "Ah,"

    said the Princess. "He'sgot a chin like the beak ofa thrush!" And since then

    he was calledThrushbeard.

  • 7/22/2019 King Thrush Beard - Grade 3


    But the King was veryannoyed with his

    daughter's arrogance andpromised, "You will marrythe first beggar that comes

    to the castle!" Soonafterwards a musiciansang beneath a window ofthe castle, and at once theKing insisted that thePrincess should marry


  • 7/22/2019 King Thrush Beard - Grade 3


    The musician took his Princess

    away. As they went through a

    great forest she asked, "Whoseforest is this?"

    It belongs to KingThrushbeard. If you'd married

    him, it would be yours!" She

    said regretfully, "Oh, silly me! IfI'd only married King


  • 7/22/2019 King Thrush Beard - Grade 3


    At last they came to a small,

    shabby house. "That's ourhouse," said the musician."Make a fire and start cooking

    my dinner!" But the Princesshad no idea about cooking andher husband had to help her.From now on she led a terrible

    life. She had to work hard, andher soft hands became roughand chapped.

  • 7/22/2019 King Thrush Beard - Grade 3


    "You're of no use for any work," said

    her husband angrily. "I will makesome pots and you can sell them atthe market." People liked buying the

    pots and jugs from the stall of thepretty woman. But then one day adrunken soldier rode his horse right

    through her display of pottery.

  • 7/22/2019 King Thrush Beard - Grade 3


    Everything broke into athousand pieces. And the

    Princess was afraid herhusband would be very angrywith her, and she didn't dare

    to go home for a long time.But when she went home atlast her husband had gone.Now the Princess lived aloneand poor in the little house.And with every day shebecame more miserable.

  • 7/22/2019 King Thrush Beard - Grade 3


    Then one day a man invited her toa feast at the palace. She thoughthe had taken pity on her and she

    agreed. She took a large pot and aleather bag with her for anyleftovers she might take back from

    the party.

  • 7/22/2019 King Thrush Beard - Grade 3


    She threw a thin coat over her

    tatty clothes and the man tookher to the palace. There weremany, many dishes of

    magnificent food at the feast.The poor Princess went into thekitchen and filled her pot with

    some soup and her bag withsome crusts of bread and leftovermeat.

  • 7/22/2019 King Thrush Beard - Grade 3


    She was just about to leave

    when one of the guestsasked her to dance withhim. She refused at first

    but the guests made herdance with him. The potthat she had hidden

    underneath her coat fell tothe floor and there wassoup everywhere.

  • 7/22/2019 King Thrush Beard - Grade 3


    And the bread and the leftovers

    fell out as well. All the guestslaughed at her. The Princess

    was so ashamed that she

    wanted to disappear. Quicklyshe ran to the door. She thought

    with a sad heart, I could have

    had so much fun if I hadmarried the king.

  • 7/22/2019 King Thrush Beard - Grade 3


    On the stairs she was caught

    by the man who had invitedher to the feast. He led herback into the ballroom. He

    noticed that she took a goodlook at him but paid noattention. The longer the

    Princess looked at him, thesurer she was that he wasKing Thrush beard.

  • 7/22/2019 King Thrush Beard - Grade 3


    He spoke kindly to her and said,

    Dont be afraid, I am not a badperson. I am the musician andalso the drunken rider who

    knocked over your pots. I did allthis to make you see that it isnot good to be haughty and so

    full of pride. At these words theprincess cried bitterly andasked for the kings pardon.

  • 7/22/2019 King Thrush Beard - Grade 3


    Those evil days are gone, said

    the king. Now we shall celebrateour marriage and you will live asmy queen. The Princess's father

    and the entire princelyhousehold were invited. Shereceived the most beautiful

    dresses and jewellery as is onlyproper for a marriage to a King.

  • 7/22/2019 King Thrush Beard - Grade 3


    The marriage was

    celebratedthroughout the landand the princess nowbegan her happy lifeas Queen of theCountry of KingThrush Beard.

  • 7/22/2019 King Thrush Beard - Grade 3


    Q1. Why was the old king upset?

    Q2. What kind of life did theprincess lead?Q3. Why did the guest laugh at

    the princess?Q4. Did the king forgive theprincess for being haughty? Whatmakes you say so?

    Q5. Alls well that ends well -Justify in context of the story.