kinetics and thermodynamics of the formation of mixed ... · kinetics and thermodynamics of the...

Kinetics and thermodynamics of the formation of mixed micelles of egg phosphatidylcholine and bile salts Natarajan Rajagopalan’ and Siegfried Lindenbaum‘ Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, School of Pharmacy, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045 Abstract The kinetics of dissolution of dispersions of egg phos- phatidylcholine (lecithin) by bile salts was studied by observing the decrease in turbidity as mixed micelles of lecithin and bile salt were formed. The rate of dissolution of lecithin correspond- ing to the formation of mixed micelles was studied in the presence of dihydroxy bile salts, sodium deoxycholate, sodium cheno- deoxycholate, sodium ursodeoxycholate, and one trihydroxy bile salt, sodium cholate. The rate of dissolution of lecithin and mixed micelle formation decreased in the order: chenodeoxy- cholate > deoxycholate 7 cholate > ursodeoxycholate. Kinetic solvent isotope studies in D20, along with measurement of en- thalpies of mixed micelle formation both in H20 and D20, appear to indicate that the formation and stabilization of mixed micelles is related to “hydrophobicity” as estimated by high performance liquid chromatography retention factors.-Ra- jagopalan, N., and S. Lindenbaum. Kinetics and thermody- namics of the formation of mixed micelles of egg phosphati- dylcholine and bile sa1ts.J. Lipid Res. 1984. 25: 135-147. Supplementary key words lecithin solvent isotope effect It is well known that bile salts are essential for the dissolution of cholesterol and for its maintenance in the solubilized state in the gallbladder (1). Whereas bile salts are required for the solubilization of cholesterol, bile salts alone in aqueous solution increase cholesterol solubility only slightly, 30- 100 bile salt molecules being required to solubilize one cholesterol molecule (2). It is well es- tablished (3) that phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) is an es- sential component of bile and that the combination of bile salts with lecithin is required to solubilize cholesterol and to provide an effective detergent system for lipid solubilization and dispersion. The addition of lecithin to bile salt solutions dramatically increases the amount of cholesterol solubilized; approximately 1 mmol of choles- terol is solubilized for every 3 mmols of lecithin added (4). On the basis of phase equilibrium and X-ray diffraction studies, a generally accepted model for the bile salt-lecithin mixed micelle was proposed by Small and Dervichian (2, 5, 6). According to this model, a disc-shaped micelle is formed on the association of lecithin with bile salt. The disc core consists of the hydrocarbon alkyl chains of the lecithin molecules surrounded by a ring of bile salt mol- ecules. Thus, the disc-shaped micelle exterior presents to the aqueous solvent only the hydrophilic end groups of the lecithin and the hydrophilic sides of the bile salt. Whereas it is generally agreed that mixed micelles occur in these solutions, there remains considerable controversy concerning their detailed structure. Mazer and coworkers (7) have suggested that their quasielastic light-scattering data (QLS) can best be interpreted in terms of a mixed disc model. This model preserves the disc-shaped mixed micelle of Small and Dervichian, but also requires the presence of some bile salt molecules within the interior of the micelle. These bile salt molecules within the micelle interior are presumed to exist as hydrogen-bonded di- mers. Calorimetrically derived exothermic heats of mixed micelle formation have also been interpreted to support this model (8). Recently, Muller (9) has proposed another modification to the mixed micelle model. On the basis of X-ray small-angle scattering data, Muller suggests that structural dimorphism exists in bile salt-lecithin mixed micellar solutions with different types of micelles. This model supports the mixed disc model of Mazer, Benedek, and Carey (10) for solutions of bile salt-lecithin ratios smaller than 1.8:1. Similar conclusions were reached by Mazer et ai. in recent publications (IO, 11). At higher ratios, another structure inconsistent with the mixed disc model is inferred from the X-ray data. For micelles richer in bile salt than 2: 1, an isometrical particle of globular shape having a centrosymmetric arrangement is consistent Abbreviations: CDC, chenodeoxycholate; DC, deoxycholate; C, cholate; UDC, ursodeoxycholate; TLC, thin-layer chromatography; CMC, critical micellar concentration; HPLC, high performance liquid chromatography. Present address: Squibb Pharmaceutical Research and Develop- ment, The Squibb Institute, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903. Address correspondence and reprint requests to this author at Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, School of Pharmacy, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045. Journal of Lipid Research Volume 25, 1984 135 by guest, on June 12, 2018 Downloaded from

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Page 1: Kinetics and thermodynamics of the formation of mixed ... · Kinetics and thermodynamics of the formation of mixed micelles of egg phosphatidylcholine and bile salts ... micelle formation

Kinetics and thermodynamics of the formation of mixed micelles of egg phosphatidylcholine and bile salts

Natarajan Rajagopalan’ and Siegfried Lindenbaum‘ Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, School of Pharmacy, T h e University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS 66045

Abstract T h e kinetics of dissolution of dispersions of egg phos- phatidylcholine (lecithin) by bile salts was studied by observing the decrease in turbidity as mixed micelles of lecithin and bile salt were formed. T h e rate of dissolution of lecithin correspond- ing to the formation of mixed micelles was studied in the presence of dihydroxy bile salts, sodium deoxycholate, sodium cheno- deoxycholate, sodium ursodeoxycholate, and one trihydroxy bile salt, sodium cholate. T h e rate of dissolution of lecithin and mixed micelle formation decreased in the order: chenodeoxy- cholate > deoxycholate 7 cholate > ursodeoxycholate. Kinetic solvent isotope studies in D20, along with measurement of en- thalpies of mixed micelle formation both in H 2 0 and D20, appear to indicate that the formation and stabilization of mixed micelles is related to “hydrophobicity” as estimated by high performance liquid chromatography retention factors.-Ra- jagopalan, N., and S. Lindenbaum. Kinetics and thermody- namics of the formation of mixed micelles of egg phosphati- dylcholine and bile sa1ts.J. Lipid Res. 1984. 25: 135-147.

Supplementary key words lecithin solvent isotope effect

I t is well known that bile salts are essential for the dissolution of cholesterol and for its maintenance in the solubilized state in the gallbladder (1). Whereas bile salts are required for the solubilization of cholesterol, bile salts alone in aqueous solution increase cholesterol solubility only slightly, 30- 100 bile salt molecules being required to solubilize one cholesterol molecule (2). I t is well es- tablished (3) that phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) is an es- sential component of bile and that the combination of bile salts with lecithin is required to solubilize cholesterol and t o provide an effective detergent system for lipid solubilization and dispersion. The addition of lecithin to bile salt solutions dramatically increases the amount of cholesterol solubilized; approximately 1 mmol of choles- terol is solubilized for every 3 mmols of lecithin added (4).

On the basis of phase equilibrium and X-ray diffraction studies, a generally accepted model for the bile salt-lecithin mixed micelle was proposed by Small and Dervichian (2, 5 , 6). According to this model, a disc-shaped micelle is

formed on the association of lecithin with bile salt. The disc core consists of the hydrocarbon alkyl chains of the lecithin molecules surrounded by a ring of bile salt mol- ecules. Thus, the disc-shaped micelle exterior presents to the aqueous solvent only the hydrophilic end groups of the lecithin and the hydrophilic sides of the bile salt.

Whereas it is generally agreed that mixed micelles occur in these solutions, there remains considerable controversy concerning their detailed structure. Mazer and coworkers (7) have suggested that their quasielastic light-scattering data (QLS) can best be interpreted in terms of a mixed disc model. This model preserves the disc-shaped mixed micelle of Small and Dervichian, but also requires the presence of some bile salt molecules within the interior of the micelle. These bile salt molecules within the micelle interior are presumed to exist as hydrogen-bonded di- mers. Calorimetrically derived exothermic heats of mixed micelle formation have also been interpreted to support this model (8). Recently, Muller (9) has proposed another modification to the mixed micelle model. On the basis of X-ray small-angle scattering data, Muller suggests that structural dimorphism exists in bile salt-lecithin mixed micellar solutions with different types of micelles. This model supports the mixed disc model of Mazer, Benedek, and Carey (10) for solutions of bile salt-lecithin ratios smaller than 1.8: 1. Similar conclusions were reached by Mazer et ai. in recent publications (IO, 11). At higher ratios, another structure inconsistent with the mixed disc model is inferred from the X-ray data. For micelles richer in bile salt than 2: 1, an isometrical particle of globular shape having a centrosymmetric arrangement is consistent

Abbreviations: CDC, chenodeoxycholate; DC, deoxycholate; C, cholate; UDC, ursodeoxycholate; TLC, thin-layer chromatography; CMC, critical micellar concentration; HPLC, high performance liquid chromatography.

’ Present address: Squibb Pharmaceutical Research and Develop- ment, The Squibb Institute, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903.

Address correspondence and reprint requests to this author at Pharmaceutical Chemistry Department, School of Pharmacy, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045.

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with the X-ray data and is also supported by the differ- ential scanning calorimetry data of Claffey and Holzbach (1 2).

The purpose of this study was to attempt to shed further light on the process of mixed micelle formation by mea- suring the rate of dissolution of lecithin in bile salt so- lutions.


The bile salts used in this study were of the highest purity available commercially (1 3). The purity of sodium deoxycholate (Calbiochem) was confirmed by TLC and titration with perchloric acid in glacial acetic acid. The purity was found to be better than 99%. Cholic acid was purchased as the free acid (Baker and Calbiochem). The sodium salt was prepared by neutralizing the acid dissolved in 95% ethanol with a stoichiometric amount of aqueous sodium hydroxide solution. The solution was concen- trated under vacuum and the salt was recrystallized from an ethanol-ethyl acetate mixture. Purity (>99%) was con- firmed by TLC and nonaqueous titration. Chenodeoxy- cholic acid was obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. The sodium salt was prepared as described for sodium cholate; the purity was confirmed by TLC and nonaqueous titra- tion (98% pure). Sodium ursodeoxycholate was prepared in the same way from ursodeoxycholic acid (Tokyo Tan- abe Company, Ltd., Japan). Purity determination gave a single spot on TLC, and nonaqueous titration yielded 99% purity.

L-CX Phosphatidylcholine (lecithin) was prepared from fresh eggs in our laboratory by the method of Singleton et al. (14). Purification of the lecithin was carried out chromatographically on an alumina column. The final purified sample showed a single spot on TLC after vi- sualization with iodine vapor. Deuterium oxide (99.7 atom % D) was obtained from Bio-Rad and was used as received. Water was doubly deionized and degassed before use. All other chemicals were reagent grade. All studies were carried out in 0.02 M Tris (Tromethamine) buffer, pH 9.0.

The kinetics of mixed micelle formation was followed by studying the time-dependent decrease in turbidities (optical density at 600 nm, Cary 18 Double Beam Spec- trophotometer) of a dispersion of lecithin (L) after ad- dition o€ a given bile salt (BS) solution, as described by Lichtenberg et al. (15). In the course of the reaction multilamellar L interacts with BS to form mixed micelles M

L + BS M.

The turbidity of mixed micellar solutions at 600 nm was not detectable with the instrumentation used in the

present study. The equilibrium optical density of all mixed micellar solutions thus returned to zero provided there was enough bile salt present to solubilize all the lecithin present. Hence the time-dependent decrease in optical density at 600 nm which reflects reduction in size of the lecithin aggregates can serve to follow the kinetics of the solubilization process. A typical trace of the timedepen- dent change in turbidity (optical density at 600 nm) of the lecithin dispersion after addition of the bile salt so- lution for two of the bile salts studied is shown in Fig. 1.

Four different bile salts CDC, DC, C, and UDC were chosen to study the comparative kinetics of solubilization of lecithin by the different bile salts. The lecithin dis- persion was prepared by gently mixing the dry lipid with buffer solution, followed by sonication for 10 min in a bath sonicator (Branson, 80 watts). The sonication bath was cooled to 20°C. All dispersions after preparation were hydrated in the refrigerator for 16- 18 hr prior to use and were used within 12 hr after hydration. Prelim- inary observations indicated that, on storage over a period of time (2-3 days), the particle size of these dispersions changed to some extent, as evidenced by changes in tur- bidity. Hence, it was decided to use all dispersions within 12 hr after the initial hydration period. It has been dem- onstrated that hydration equilibrium is obtained within 12 hr (16).

It was assumed for this work that careful control of the conditions used in the preparation of these dispersions (i.e., sonication and hydration) would lead to reproducible particle size distribution. The validity of this assumption was confirmed by the good reproducibility observed in the kinetic data when carried out with different batches of the lecithin dispersion (Fig. 2).’ It was also shown that no appreciable changes in turbidity occurred in these dispersions when allowed to stand for 150 min, suggesting that the particle size distribution remained stable for at least this long.

In order to standardize the turbidimetric method, six batches of the lecithin dispersion were prepared under carefully controlled conditions for construction of the calibration curve in the range 0-1.5 mM (Fig. 3). The best polynomial fit of the experimental data (solid line in Fig. 2) was used as the standard calibration curve.

’ The abscissa values in Fig. 2 refer to solutions prepared by dilution of a stock dispersion. It was pointed out, correctly, by a reviewer that in a heterogeneous system with particles of different sizes, absorbance values may not be simply related to total lecithin concentration. How- ever, this assumption does not alter the kinetic order among the bile salts. Since careful control of the particle size distribution was main- tained, any error arising out of this assumption would uniformly apply to all the bile salts and yield the same kinetic order. Further evidence that this is not a serious problem over most of the concentration range used in this study is found in the near linear behavior of Fig. 2 in the 0-1A region used for most of the calculations.

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2 0 40 60 EO 100 120

time (min)

Fig. 1. Absorbance Venus time to demonstrate the reproducibility of the kinetic data for the bile salts DC (A, A) and CDC (0, 0) with two separate experiments (open and closed symbols) in each case.

In the first part of the study the concentration depen- dence of the bile acid on the kinetics of solubilization of lecithin was studied by varying the concentration of the bile acid from the premicellar to the postmicellar region. The concentration of lecithin in the dispersion in all these studies was maintained constant at 1.5 mM. In a typical

experiment, 2 ml of a 1.5 mM dispersion of egg lecithin was mixed with 2 ml of an appropriate bile salt solution of a given concentration, and the optical density at 600 nm was monitored as a function of time.

Kinetic studies were also carried out in both pure D 2 0 and in a mixture of DPO-H~O (1: 1) in order to determine

2.0 t-


0 0 W




n z 4

1 I 1 1 I I I 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Lecithin in dispersion (mM)

Fig. 4. different preparations of lecithin dispersion. The solid line represents the best polynomial fit to the data.’

Plot of absorbance versus the concentration of lecithin dispersion. The different symbols represent

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- 1.0 2 E

z 2 0.8 cn II: W n cn 5 0.6 z z


0.4 - 0 W J



50 100 150 time (min)

200 2 50

Fig. 3. Plot of remaining undissolved lecithin in the dispersion as a function of time after the addition of deoxycholate. The solid line represents the fit using a biexponential equation, and the dashed line represents the fit obtained using the method of cumulants.

the effect of change in isotopic solvent medium on the kinetics of mixed micelle formation.

The extent of counterion (Na+) binding to the mixed micelle was determined using a sodium ion selective elec- trode. The experimental procedure used was essentially the same as that described previously for the study of sodium ion binding to bile salt micelles (17). Briefly, a sodium ion electrode (Orion Research, Inc.) was used to monitor the change in EMF as a standard bile salt solution was titrated into a 5 mM lecithin dispersion. The solution was stirred and the temperature was maintained at 25°C during the course of the titration.


The time-dependent decrease in the concentration of lecithin undissolved in the dispersion did not fit a single exponential equation. This apparently was due to the existence of heterogenity in particle size of the dispersion used. Takeguchi et ai. (1 8) in their studies on the kinetics of amino acid permeability of liposome dispersions also observed multiexponential kinetic data which they have attributed to the polydisperse nature of the liposome dis- persion used. Also, the rate of clearance of drugs from blood encapsulated in liposomes has been shown to be predominantly controlled by the liposome size. Juliano and Stamp (19) have demonstrated that the biphasic na- ture of clearance observed for drugs entrapped in lipo-

somes reflects liposome size heterogenity. Thus, they demonstrated that when a homogeneous population of liposome containing the drug was injected into the rat, the rate of plasma clearance followed a simple exponential decay suggesting a single rate and mechanism of clearance.

In preliminary studies it was observed that, in the time range of the experiment, a sum of two exponential terms could simulate the data in most cases. The simulation would have been justified if the dispersion had been com- posed of two representative components, one component with a larger particle size distribution and the other with the smaller. The actual size distribution of the lecithin dispersion was, however, very broad as observed under the electron microscope. Hence, the data would be more accurately represented with a sum of a large number of exponential terms. Instead of using a sum of exponential terms, we have used a cumulative expansion for the poly- disperse system as proposed by Koppel (20) and defined by Equation 1 which

is applicable to any experiment which yields a sum of, or distribution of, exponentials. Y in this case is the con- centration of the undissolved lecithin in the dispersion; p p , , the second expansion coefficient; k, the cumulative rate constant for the solubilization process; and t, the time. The value of ppw/k2 is the polydispersity index for the rate constant. A value of zero for the polydispersity

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index denotes a monodisperse system. The constants A, pZw, and k were obtained by a non-linear regression anal- ysis of the kinetic data.

Whereas it is evident that the cumulative rate constant k does not refer to the rate of a single reaction, it does provide a single constant for the comparison of kinetic data obtained with different bile salts. This method is therefore particularly well suited to the present study. An example of the use of the method of cumulants for one set of kinetic data is shown in Fig. 3.


The kinetics of solubilization of egg lecithin by bile salts was observed to be strongly dependent on the type of bile salt used, and its concentration (Figs. 4-7). In the premicellar concentration region the kinetics of solubi- lization were slow and solubilization was incomplete. The reported critical micellar concentrations (CMC) of the four bile salts CDC, DC, C, and UDC as determined using a bile acid anion selective electrode are 6.0, 6.1, 16.0, and 23.0 mM, respectively (21). In the first 3 min of the kinetic runs, the rates of solubilization were rapid. This is probably due to a burst effect generated by the smaller particles in the dispersion (probably unilamellar vesicles) dissolving almost instantly. Due to the problems encoun- tered in curve-fitting the data in this initial time interval, all analysis of the data was carried out from 3 min onward only.

The dependence of the rate of dissolution of lecithin on the concentration of ursodeoxycholate does not follow the same regular sequence as the other bile salts. This difference is reproducible and was observed in repeated trials. A possible explanation for the maximum in the dissolution rate at approximately 25 mM may be due to the behavior of UDC as a normal 1 : 1 electrolyte at low concentration. UDC is a relatively poor surfactant and tends to self-associate to a lesser extent. The fully ionized UDC will therefore tend to salt out the lecithin.

The effect of the structure of the bile salt on the ob- served rate constant for solubilization is dramatic (Fig. 8). UDC, which differs structurally from CDC only in the configuration of the hydroxyl group at C7, reveals a strikingly different behavior in its rates of solubilization compared to CDC. As observed earlier, the rate constant for solubilization was low for all the bile salts studied in the premicellar region and rose sharply beyond the CMC. In the concentration range of this study the following order in kinetics (decreasing value of k) prevails: CDC > DC > C > UDC.

The enthalpy of mixed micelle formation between bile salts and lecithin has been reported previously (8). It is interesting to note that the values of the observed exo- thermic heats of mixed micelle formation decrease in the same order as the observed rates of dissolution of lecithin in the kinetic study, i.e., CDC > DC > C > UDC. With the bile salt, UDC, no measurable heats of mixed micelle formation were observed, and in nearly all cases the sol- ubilization was incomplete in the concentration range


0 . 8

0 . 4

2 3 4 5 6 1

time ( h r ) Fig. 4. Undissolved lecithin as a function of time for different concentrations of added bile salt. CDC: 0, 3; A, 4.5; m, 6.0; 0, 7.5; A, 9.0; ., 12.0; and @, 15.0; mM at 25'C. The solid lines are the best fit using the method of cumulants.

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t - 1.4 I - c 1 . 2 0 ..4

ln Ll

wl .rl P

g 1.0

c 0 . 8 .d

c .rl

U .rl V

r 0 . 6

3 0 . 4


1.0 2 . 0 3.0 4 . 0 5 .0 6 . 0

time (hrl

Fig. 5. Undissolved lecithin as a function of time for different concentrations of added bile salt DC. 0, 3; 8, 4.5; l3, 6.0; 0, 7.5; A, 9.0; ., 12.0; and 0, 15.0 mM at 25OC. T h e solid lines are the best fits using the method of cumulants.

studied. At every ratio of CDC to lecithin, CDC evolved more heat than any other bile salt. Thus, the position of hydroxyl groups at C3 and C7 as in CDC appears to be particularly favorable for enhancing the rate of mixed

micelle formation and making the reaction more favorable energetically. Changing the position of one of the hy- droxyl groups from C7 to CL2 (as in DC which is 3a,12a- dihydroxy-) diminishes this ability, as does changing the



0 . 8

0 . 4

1 2 3 4 5 6

time (hr)

Fig. 6. Undissolved lecithin as a function of time for different concentrations of added bile salt C. 0, 3.0; A, 6.0; El, 12.0; 0, 15.0; A, 20.0; D. 30.0; and @, 40.0 m M at 25OC. T h e solid lines are the best fits using the method of cumulants.

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1.6 t 1.4





0 . 4


1.0 2.0 3.0 4 . 0 5 . 0 6.0 7 . 0 8.0

time (hr)

Fig. 7. Undissolved lecithin as a function of time for different concentrations of added bile salt UDC. 0, 3.0; A, 6.0; m, 16.0; 0, 25.0; A, 30.0; M, 40.0; and 0, 50.0 mM. The solid line is the best fit obtained using the method of cumulants.

configuration of the hydroxyl group at C7 from a to /3 in UDC. It would seem reasonable to expect that the rates of solubilization of lecithin with bile salts would correlate approximately with the hydrophobicity of the bile salt. The more hydrophobic bile salt would be less

hydrated and therefore would be able to penetrate the lipid and effect its dissolution by mixed micelle formation.

The retention of bile salts by reverse phase high per- formance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has been used as a measure of relative hydrophobicity (22). According

0.40 1

16 24 32 4 0 48


Fig. 8. Concentration dependence of the cumulative rate constant, k, for 0, CDC; A, DC; m, C; and 0, UDC.

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to this scheme, the order of decreasing hydrophobicity is DC > CDC > C > UDC. Except for the interchange of the order for DC and CDC, this is the order found for the relative rates of effecting dissolution of lecithin. Whereas hydrophobicity as measured by HPLC retention may correlate well with many properties, the formation of a mixed micelle appears to depend also on the position and orientation of hydrophilic groups. In this case, other properties may well overshadow hydrophobicity in de- termining the ability of a bile salt to form a mixed micelle with lecithin.

Electrostatic effects are also expected to play an im- portant role in effecting the rate of formation and stability of mixed micelles. The negative charge on a simple bile salt micelle or mixed bile salt-lecithin micelle would pre- vent further association. For this reason, it was of interest to examine the extent to which counterions (Na+) were bound to the micelle. Previous studies have provided data on counterion binding to simple bile salt micelles as ob- served with a Na+-specific electrode (1 7). Counterion binding to mixed micelles as inferred from Na+ ion-spe- cific electrode measurements is shown in Figs. 9 and 10. Data for the EMF as a function of concentration for simple bile salt micelles are also included in the graphs to show the dramatic increase in the extent of counterion binding by the mixed micelles in the presence of added lecithin. In the premicellar region for both the simple and mixed micelles, near Nernstian slopes were observed ranging from 60.5 to 61.8 mV for a tenfold change in concen- tration. The observed break in the EMF vs concentration

curves may be assumed to represent concentrations at which micelles first begin to form with consequent binding of counterions.

As can be observed in Figs. 9 and 10, the extent of counterion binding is highly concentration-dependent. It was observed that in the concentration range studied, CDC bound significantly more counterions than DC. When the binding studies were carried out with UDC, no measurable binding of the counterion to the mixed micelle was observed, while with C a small extent of bind- ing was observed which was significantly lower than that observed with DC and CDC. Hence qualitatively from this study, the following order in counterion binding was deduced: CDC > DC > C > UDC. Thus if one presumes, as proposed by others (23,24), that the enthalpy of mixed micelle formation primarily arises out of counterion binding to the mixed micelle, then the observed order in enthalpy measured correlates with the counterion binding data. A relationship between the observed order in the kinetic data and the fractions of counterions bound to the bile salt micelle is to be expected also. A higher fraction of counterion bound could progressively shield the net negative charge on the bile salt micelles, promoting access of the micelles from the bulk to the lecithin-bile salt solution interface. The faster rates of dissolution ob- served for cholesterol in bile salt micellar solutions with increasing counterion concentration has also been at- tributed to charge-shielding effects (25, 26). Thus, to be able to correlate the kinetic data with the fraction of counterions bound to the bile salt micelles, the following

I I I _ I 2 . 5 2.0 1.5

-log m

Fig. 9. Plot of EMF vs log molality of sodium chenodeoxycholate (0) without lecithin; and (A) in the presence of lecithin.

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a - 3 2 0 \

4 w


-360 t I I I I

2 . 5 2.0 1.5 - log m

Fig. 10. Plot of EMF vs log molality of sodium deoxycholate (0) without lecithin; and (A) in the presence of lecithin.

order in binding must prevail CDC > DC > C > UDC. As reported earlier (1 7) the observed counterion binding order was CDC = DC > C > UDC. Within the experi- mental uncertainty of the counterion binding measure- ments we are unable to distinguish between the extent of counterion binding by DC and CDC.

It appears from these studies that the enthalpy and kinetics of mixed micelle formation are related to the hydrophobicity of the bile salt as measured by the HPLC retention factor, the extent of counterion bound by mixed micelles, as well as the position and orientation of the hydroxyl groups on the bile acid micelles. As bile salts micellize by hydrophobic forces, it is evident that the more hydrophobic bile salt will form larger micelles and consequently bind a larger fraction of counterions.

Most of the measurements of this study were carried out at bile salt-lecithin molar ratios greater than 2: 1. The change from the mixed disc to the centrosymmetric mi- celle structure was therefore not observable (9, 12).

Increasing the concentration of counterion in a micellar solution is known to decrease the surface charge on the micelle (2, 25, 26). Accordingly, it would be expected that an increase in counterion concentration would fa- cilitate the interaction between micelle-forming species since mutual electrostatic repulsion would be diminished. Therefore, the rate of lecithin solubilization by bile salt should be enhanced in the presence of excess NaCI. This prediction is borne out as seen from the data in Fig. 11 which shows the remarkable increase in the rate of lecithin dissolution on the addition of 50 mM NaCl.

It has been suggested that bile salts bind to protein via electrostatic interaction of the anionic acid group with the positively charged amino acid residues (27). If charge interactions between the bile salt and zwitterionic lecithin are important, then increasing the ionic strength should lessen these effects.

Previous measurements of the enthalpy of mixed mi- celle formation (8) with sodium cholate show that the effect of adding sodium chloride is almost negligible within experimental error. However, with dihydroxy bile salts such as DC and CDC whose aggregation number is en- hanced in the presence of added NaCI, the enthalpy of mixed micelle formation is also more negative at low system ratios (Fig. 12). This would suggest that the exo- thermic heat of interaction is due to the enhancement of counterion binding as a larger micelle is formed. It was suggested earlier (8) that the enthalpy of mixed mi- celle formation was due to the hydrogen-bonded asso- ciation of bile salts within the mixed micelle interior. The present results, however, would suggest that, at least in part, this exothermic heat is due to enhanced counterion association. The charge neutralization brought about by counterion binding thereby promotes hydrophobic as- sociation of bile salt and lecithin to form mixed micelles.

Solvent isotope effects (studies in which the solvent H 2 0 is replaced with D20) have been used to investigate hydrophobic bonding in other systems. Lee and Berns (28) have suggested that the tendency of deuterium oxide to increase the state of aggregation of certain proteins is due to enhanced hydrophobic interactions in heavy water.

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5 0 0 W


c L1 b4 0

4 n


,ko I ' I ' 0

160 200

time (min)

Fig. 11. Plot showing the effect of added sodium chloride on the kinetics of lecithin solubilization: 0, no NaCI, 0, 50 mM NaCI.

In the case of oligomeric proteins, this increased stability in D20 has been attributed to the capacity of the solvent to prevent the native multisubunit form from dissociating into subunits (29). Berns, Lee and Scott (30) in their studies on the aggregation of phycocyanin observed an increased association in D20 which they attributed to the enhanced hydrophobic bonding in D20 versus H20. A frequently cited argument for the enhancement of hy-

drophobic forces in D20 is based on the more structured nature of D20 (3 1). The term "hydrophobic forces" refers to the favorable entropic effect of squeezing together apolar molecules. With a more ordered structure, a greater AS contribution is expected.

However, the use of D20 as a method of testing for the relative importance of hydrophobic bonding has been questioned by some workers. Baghurst, Nichol, and Saw-

-5000 I g -4000


-I -3000


0 w

IA 0 W

d -2000 P - 0 0

y -1000 a I

O t


+1000' 4 8 12 16 20


f* 27

Fig. 14. Dependence of the enthalpy of mixed micelle formation on the mole ratio of bile salt to lecithin. 0, No NaCI; 0, 150 mM NaCI.

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yer (32) in their studies on the association of @-lacto- globulin A have shown that the enhanced aggregation observed in D20, which is accompanied by a large en- thalpy change, is primarily due to the hydrogendeuterium exchange affecting the strength of hydrogen (deuterium) intermolecular bonds and much less due to hydrophobic bonding. From a computation of the thermodynamic pa- rameters for the association process (in H 2 0 AH = -64 Kcal/mol, AS = -182 eu and in D 2 0 AH = -69 Kcal/ mol, AS = - 188 eu) they have shown that the association process is enthalpy-driven in both solvents and is opposed by a large unfavorable entropy change which does not exhibit any significant isotope effect. The polymerization of flagellin (33) which is also enhanced in D 2 0 has been shown to be an enthalpy-driven process opposed by a large unfavorable entropic contribution.

The enthalpy of mixed micelle formation in the isotopic solvent D 2 0 has been measured in our laboratory (8) with the finding that the enthalpy of mixed micelle formation is identical in both the isotopic solvents, indicating that little or no enthalpy change occurs when the reaction medium is changed from H 2 0 to D20. A large part of the observed negative enthalpy of mixed micelle for- mation in both solvents is probably due to the process of counterion binding to the mixed micelle.

As indicated in Fig. 13, the rate of mixed micelle for- mation is enhanced in D20, the rate increasing as the mole fraction of D20 is increased. The rate constants in D20 are 5.2- and 3.6-fold greater than in H 2 0 for DC and CDC, respectively.

In this work the solvent isotope effect studies have been carried out only for the rate constant and not for the equilibrium constant. However, based on the rate enhancement in D 2 0 and the fact that the CMC of ionic micelles is lower in D20 (31), it appears reasonable to assume that the equilibrium constant for mixed micelle formation should also be enhanced in D20. Since the enthalpy for the reaction is unchanged in going from H20 to D20, the reaction must exhibit a larger positive entropy change in D20. Consequently, these results sug- gest that entropy effects, i.e., hydrophobic forces, are sufficient to stabilize the mixed micellar structure.

We have established in these studies that the kinetics of solubilization of lecithin is a strong function of the bile salt structure, its concentration, and electrolyte concen- tration. The rank ordering of solubilization kinetics which is CDC > DC > C > UDC is the same rank order that has been observed for the dissolution kinetics of choles- terol monohydrate in bile salt micellar solutions (25). This would suggest that the same combination of properties, Le., hydrophobic interaction and counterion binding, which optimize the rate of formation of bile salt-lecithin micelles, is also required for enhancing the equilibrium solubility of cholesterol in this mixed micellar system.


Investigation of the dissolution of both cholesterol monohydrate and human gallstones by both bile salts and

Fig. IS. CDC.

0 5:

\ 0



N n


"D20 The dependence of the ratio of cumulative rate constants on the mole fraction of D20. A, DC; 0,

Rnjngopaln,, n ~ d Lindeizbaum Lecithin-bile salt mixed micelle formation 145

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bile salt-lecithin mixed media by Higuchi and co-workers (34-36) has shown that the dissolution is interfacially con- trolled. It was observed in these studies that the addition of lecithin to the dissolution media containing the bile salt reduced the dissolution rates even though it increased the equilibrium solubility of cholesterol monohydrate in the dissolution media (35). Hoelgaard and Fr~ikjaer (37) in their studies have shown that the decrease in dissolution rates observed in the presence of added lecithin is pri- marily due to the absorption of lecithin on the surface of cholesterol crystals. They have proposed that this layer of adsorbed lecithin may act as an effective interfacial barrier leading to lower rates of cholesterol dissolution. This interfacial barrier is believed to be clinically im- portant in gallstone dissolution (34). Thus the interaction between bile salt and lecithin may be of fundamental physiological importance, as the strength of this inter- action may govern the extent of the interfacial barrier and so determine the rate and extent of the gallstone dissolution in vivo. These results provide further support for the conclusion that CDC is most effective in the dis- solution of gallstones because it is most effective in sol- ubilizing the lecithin adsorbed on the cholesterol sur- f ace . l This work was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (AM-18084) and the General Research Fund of The University of Kansas. R. N. gratefully acknowledges the support provided by a Government of India Scholarship. The authors are grateful to the Tokyo Tanabe Co., Ltd., for providing the urdeoxycholic acid used in this work. Thanks are also expressed to Dr. Richard L. Schowen for illuminating discussions con- cerning solvent isotope effects. Manusrript received 14 June 1983.










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