kimberly cole [email protected]. what do you know about idea? complete the left side of the...

Kimberly Cole [email protected]

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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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Kimberly [email protected]

What do you know about IDEA?

Complete the left side of the paper now.

At the end of class- complete the right side of the paper

Test your knowledge

Overview of Today’s Special Education

Envisioning Great Expectations Enhancing Positive Contributions Building on Strengths Becoming Self-Determined Expanding Relationships Ensuring Full Citizenship

Approximately 6 million students ages 6 – 21

321,894 infants and toddlers or 2.7% of U.S. infants and toddlers

709,004 preschool children or 5.7% of the preschool-aged population

Approximately 2/3 boys and 1/3 girls in special education

Approximately 1.8% to 18 % of students in the gifted and talented category in different states- Overall, 6.4 % of the school population

Females slightly outnumber males in gifted and talented category

– Supervisors/administrators– Psychologists– Diagnostic/evaluation staff– Audiologists– Speech therapists– Additional specialists– School social workers– Occupational therapists– Physical therapists– Recreation and therapeutic

specialists– Paraprofessionals

Mills v. Washington, DC, Board of Education and Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens [PARC] v. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

The courts ordered school districts to:◦ Provide a free, appropriate public education to all

students with disabilities◦ Educate students with disabilities in the same schools

and basically same programs as students without disabilities

◦ Put into place procedural safeguards so that students can challenge schools that do not live up to the court’s orders.

IDEA(originally called Education of All Handicapped Students Act or PL 94-142) was first enacted in 1975

Beginning of what we now know as IDEA

IEPs Least Restrict Environment FAPE: Free and Appropriate Public

Education Funding for special education

IDEA has three sections:◦ Part A sets out Congress’s intent and national

policy to provide a free appropriate public education to all students with disabilities

◦ Part B serves children ages 3 to 21

◦ Part C serves students ages birth to 2

Psychological services Recreation and therapeutic

recreation Rehabilitative counseling

services School health services Service coordination services Social work services in

schools Speech pathology and

speech-language pathology Transportation and related

costs Vision Services

Assistive Technology Audiology Counseling services Early identification Family training,

counseling, and home visits

Health services Medical services Occupational therapy Orientation and mobility

services Parent counseling and

training Physical therapy

Other health impairments

Orthopedic impairments

Traumatic brain injury

Speech or language impairments

Hearing impairments

Visual impairments

Specific learning disabilities

Emotional disturbance

Mental retardation Multiple

disabilities Deaf-blindness Autism

Zero reject Nondiscriminatory evaluation Appropriate education Least restrictive environment Procedural due process Parental and student participation

Ensures all children and youth (3 - 21), no matter how severe their disabilities, will have an appropriate education provided at public expense


Does the student have a disability?

What kind of special education and related services does the student require?

Assessment Requirements◦ Screening◦ Prereferral◦ Response to intervention◦ Referral◦ Nondiscriminatory evaluation

Individualized education for each student with a disability

Developed collaboratively by the same people involved in the evaluation

Outcome oriented (include goals/objectives)

Provide the foundation for the student’s appropriate education

IFSPs Document for

children ages 0–2 Describes the

services both the child and family will receive

Should be developed within 45 days of referral and reviewed at 6-month intervals and every year thereafter

IEPs Document for

students 3–21 Need to be in effect

at the beginning of the school year

Reviewed and revised at least once a year

Parents General educator Special educator School system representative Evaluation interpreter Others Student

Education with students who do not have disabilities

For early childhood, IDEA favors the “natural environment”

The rule: A presumption of inclusion Access to the general education curriculum The continuum of services Extracurricular and nonacademic inclusion

Makes schools and parents accountable to each other

Resolution session Mediation

◦ Not required by IDEA but strongly encouraged Due process hearing

◦ Similar to a regular courtroom trial◦ Conducted before an impartial hearing officer◦ Parents and schools are entitled to have

lawyers present



No Child Left Behind- 6 PrinciplesRehabilitation Act

◦ Allows people to seek vocational rehabilitation services so they may work (OVR)

◦ Provides services such as supported employment programs and job coaches

Tech ActAllows states to create statewide systems for

delivering assistive technology devices and support to people with disabilities

Section 504◦ Applies to any program or activity receiving

federal funds

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)◦ Applies to other programs or activities

available to the public that do NOT receive federal funds

Rehabilitation Act and ADA

- Physical or mental impairment- limits 1 or major life activities

- Has a record of an impairment

““Person with a disability”Person with a disability”

Equality of opportunity Full participation Independent living Economic self-sufficiency

Measured by: High school completion rates Post school employment rates Overall satisfaction with life

You tube

Timeline of Special Education

Take out paper from beginning of class

Complete Right side of paper