kick-off at first mount zion baptist church in … at first mount zion baptist church in dumfries...

National Coalition of lOO B 脇%%寡ク乙彰形影あ・五・ Potomac Hea Foundation ㊧ ′⑧熟⑥鑑蛮爛碓欝怠る蝉⑥兜 AN OUSTANDING ENCREDIBLE PROSTAT Kick-Off at FIRST MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHU The National Coalition of l OO Black Women/P Inc. held the first 2015-2016 Prostate Cancer Prq Mount Zion Baptist Church on Saturday, Septe 12:30pm. The education session was well atten 18 spouses, 12 guests and 31 coalition members individuals were present. This was the first of(12) twelve training sessio American churches in Prince William County an Sion is to increase prostate health education a and eliminating the prostate cancer crisis in P County among African American men. NCBW/ es as committed sponsors/partners. The requlrementS for churches are as follows: ◇Be totally committed to support this initiative. ◇Sign and submit a Memorandum of Understanding. ◇Advertise the training session date via: Web-Site, Church bul 舶elp to recruit African-American men for the prQject. (Spou ◇Make sure their congregation is in attendance at the training ◇Complete all foms shared during the session. ◇Keep the conversation gomg With other men once the training The men are also encouraged to follow through on the proclam their doctor for screenmg. Included in this newsletter are highlights ofwhat transpired du 1ng PreSentation by the keynote speaker and physician, Dr. the men who were present. The participants were provided an Cer for further reading. At the end ofthe session, eaCh partici Which depicted the importance of getting screened for prostat The voices ofthe pastors, ministers and deacons are critical i advocacy prqject" Pleasejoin us at one ofthe = remaining tra in October - One Will be held at Little Forest Baptist Church noon’and one on October 31, 2015, at Greater New Life Chri 12:00 noon. Join us to increase your knowledge about early d Oflife. 図回囚 Dr. Alice H. Howard’President and Organizer

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Page 1: Kick-Off at FIRST MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH in … at FIRST MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH in Dumfries ... Rev. Brian Woolfolk, Associate Minister, First ... to First Mount Zion Baptist

National Coalition of lOO Black Vねmen


Potomac Hea!th


㊧ ′⑧熟⑥鑑蛮爛碓欝怠る蝉⑥兜


Kick-Off at FIRST MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH in Dumfries, Virginia

The National Coalition of l OO Black Women/Prince William County Chapter,

Inc. held the first 2015-2016 Prostate Cancer Prqject training session at First

Mount Zion Baptist Church on Saturday, September 26, 201 5 from lO:00am to

12:30pm. The education session was well attended. There were 78 men present,

18 spouses, 12 guests and 31 coalition members in attendance. A total of 140

individuals were present.

This was the first of(12) twelve training sessions to be held in African-

American churches in Prince William County and Stafford, Virginia. The mis-Sion is to increase prostate health education and awareness towards reducing

and eliminating the prostate cancer crisis in Prince William County and StaffordCounty among African American men. NCBW/PWCC welcomes al1 12 church-es as committed sponsors/partners.

The requlrementS for churches are as follows:

◇Be totally committed to support this initiative.

◇Sign and submit a Memorandum of Understanding.

◇Advertise the training session date via: Web-Site, Church bulletins, annOunCementS etC.

舶elp to recruit African-American men for the prQject. (Spouses甲y also attend)

◇Make sure their congregation is in attendance at the training sessIOn.

◇Complete all foms shared during the session.

◇Keep the conversation gomg With other men once the training session is over.

The men are also encouraged to follow through on the proclamation signed during each session and visit

their doctor for screenmg.

Included in this newsletter are highlights ofwhat transpired during the session・ In addition to the outstand-

1ng PreSentation by the keynote speaker and physician, Dr. Nilay Gandhi NCBW/PWCC ra鮒ed 5 gifts to

the men who were present. The participants were provided an array of educational materials on prostate can-

Cer for further reading. At the end ofthe session, eaCh participant received a black cap and black t-Shirt

Which depicted the importance of getting screened for prostate cancer.

The voices ofthe pastors, ministers and deacons are critical in mobilizing support and cooperation for this

advocacy prqject" Pleasejoin us at one ofthe = remaining training sessions. There will be two (2) sessions

in October - One Will be held at Little Forest Baptist Church, Saturday, October 24, from lO:00am to 12:00

noon’and one on October 31, 2015, at Greater New Life Christian Fellowship Church from lO:00am to

12:00 noon. Join us to increase your knowledge about early detection’PreVention and improve your quality


図回囚Dr. Alice H. Howard’President and Organizer

Page 2: Kick-Off at FIRST MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH in … at FIRST MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH in Dumfries ... Rev. Brian Woolfolk, Associate Minister, First ... to First Mount Zion Baptist

Highlights From the Kicko軒Education Session at FMZBC

Rev. Brian Woolfolk, Associate Minister, First Mount Zion Baptist

Church, Served as the Program Host for the First Education Session

Rev. Woolfolk expressed his pleasure to have the opportunity to preside over thefirst church to host the first education session on this very important

topic and provided other facts regarding NCBW/PWCC’s past and present part-

nerships. He emphasized that NCBW仲WCC is partnering with 12 Black Church-

es in an effort to help eliminate the prostate cancer crisis in Black America where

血en die at a rate of2.5 times greater than men ofall other racial and ethnic

groups. This is the largest racial disparity for any cancer, aCCOrding to the Pros-tate Health Education Network, (PHEN).

「CBW/PWCC began partnering with local churches when it partnered with (8)

2013-2014 with the implementation ofthe “Triple Negative Brea;t cancer prQject, un-

der the leadership ofDr. Luke E. Torian as NCBW/PWCC’s Resource Broker, and funded by Potomac Health

Foundation. This prQject reached over l ,000 women and their families and provided education and awareness

With a focus on Breast Cancer. NCBW/PWCC received an award and several commendations for their greatWOrk in the community. This organization is one ofthe leading chapters to promote prostate cancer awareness

through programs and make resources available within our communities. Rev. Woolfolk encouraged the menin attendance to increase their conversation about this deadly disease. Rev. Woolfolk continued to preside

throughout the session.

Overview of the 2015-2016 Prostate Cancer Project by Brother Orestes West

Brother West set the stage for what would occur during the first session ofthisProstate Cancer prqject. He explained that NCBW仲WCC has been awarded a

grant and the members have taken it upon themse獲ves to help men in this com-

munity become better fit for life by sponsormg SuCh a wonderful prqject. The

expressed that the educational session wi11 enhance their knowledge and a11ow

men to leam more about prevention, early detection, treatment, quality of life

and advocacy. He further explained that the participants would hear from a phy-

Sician, Certified in the field ofprostate cancer, View a 5-minute video that in-

Cludes testimonials from a prominent business man and a prostate cancer survi-

VOr. Brother West assured the men in attendance that they would walk away

With answers to questions that they many have had about prostate cancer.

5-Minute Video Summary凡om a Fdm砂Mc’n tS Proやective.・

Black men need to be better stewards in taking charge oftheir health. Better diets, eXerCise, and start ofpre-

Vention and have the mindset to live a healthy lifestyle by going to the doctors regularly,

Prevention is the key to finding out more about health style and health issues. Ifyou find out that you have

CanCer, gO and get the treatment, it does not impede on your life style and your invoIvements in doing other


みom a Single M。n ’s Pro乎,eCtive.・

Black men need to be more proactive about their health, We find more excuses and reasons not to go to thedoctor. Fear ofthe unknown is always very troubling; however men need to know that early diagnosis can

eliminate some ofthe worry and get rid ofsome ofthe fear. M証印and do it - from a man’s perspective on

your manhood. We need to change our conversation and talk openly about cancer and how it affects us. WeCan talk about everything but what’s important, Our hedth issues.

Page 3: Kick-Off at FIRST MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH in … at FIRST MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH in Dumfries ... Rev. Brian Woolfolk, Associate Minister, First ... to First Mount Zion Baptist

DI: Luke E. Tbrian) Pastor ofFirst Mount Zion Baptist Church?

Welcomes the Guests and Participants

Good Moming. On behalfofthe congregation I am pleased to welcome you

to First Mount Zion Baptist Church. It is a pleasure to partner with the Na-

tional Coalition of 100 Black Women’Prince Wi=iam County Chapterto host

this workshop on the important topic ofprostate cancer. It is also a pleasure to

See my gOOd friend from the Potomac Health Foundation, Dr. CaroI Shapiro.

You and members ofthe Foundation are to be commended for a= that you do

to make a difference in the health ofour community members.

Now on a much more personal note, I want to share a story ofhow NCBW’s

emphasis on prostate cancer had a positive impact on one ofour staffmem-


I had a staffmember to share with me his experience with Dr. Howard. She strongly and persistently encour-

aged him to go to the doctor for testing. Upon doing so he discovered that he indeed had an issue with his

PrOState. Had the Coalition not been invoIved in this important work, and had Dr. Howard not encouraged this

PerSOn tO See a doctor for testing, his prostate issue may have continued to be undiagnosed.

Therefore言t is quite evident that the work ofthe Coalition is outstanding. You are making a difference in this

COmmunity and I thank everyone for being here this momlng.

Warm Greetings from DI: CaroI S. Shapiro

Potomac Health Foundation

Dr"鋤qiro expressed warm greeting帝om /he Fbun(カtion. Hみgreeting and

WOrd∫ Qfencouragement are below.

Good moming. Thank you Dr. Howard and Reverend Torian for inviting me to

Share with you this exciting occasion. It is a privilege and a pleasure to be here

this moming to bring you greetings and best wishes from the Potomac Health

Foundation. We are so proud to sponsor this new endeavor ofthe Prince W皿am

County Chapter of National Coalition of lOO Black Women.

First, I want to congratulate you on achieving the grant to do the Prostate Educa-

tion Program〇〇一一tO allow men to make infomed decisions about their health. In

Order to make wise decisions about any aspect ofour lives, We have to have as

much infomation as possible and then decide what is best for each one ofus.

That is what this program will accomplish〇〇〇Providing education and options.

Reaching out to a large community w皿new infomation is a lofty goal. However, it is not bevondVou.

This organization has a history ofsuccess. It was not so long ago that you began your prQject ofmammogram

SCreenmg and breast cancer education. What a success that was!!!! Not only did you surpass your goals

mightily, but you were awarded the Potomac Health Foundation’s Best practice Award for the quality ofthat


Since then, yOu have applied for and received a 501 ⑥ 3 status. I know very well that was a huge hurdle and

deserves to be recognized here today. Bravo and congratulations agam・

Well, aS We all know, eVen the longestjoumey starts with the first step and today, yOu are taking the first step

in a very worthy but challenging prQject.

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Page 5: Kick-Off at FIRST MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH in … at FIRST MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH in Dumfries ... Rev. Brian Woolfolk, Associate Minister, First ... to First Mount Zion Baptist
Page 6: Kick-Off at FIRST MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH in … at FIRST MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH in Dumfries ... Rev. Brian Woolfolk, Associate Minister, First ... to First Mount Zion Baptist

Dr. Nilay M. Ganhdi - Keynote Speaker

Dr. Nilay Gandhi grew up in Memphis, TN before migrating

through Missouri for his undergraduate studies at Drury Univer-

Sity and his medical school training at Saint Louis University.

He eventually made his way to the East Coast, COmPleting his

uroIogic residency training at the prestigious Brady Urological

Institute at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, MD. There he

WaS able to cultivate his uroIogic skills with many pIOneerS in

the宜eld, focusmg On minimally invasive surgery and oncoIogic

reconstructive surgery.

Dr. Gandhi research interests include bladder cancer and the use

Of neoadjuvant chemotherapy, ereCtile dysfunction, and artificial urinary sphincters. He has

Published several articles in prestigious JOumals, Written multiple book chapters, and presented

at various regional and national conferences.

Dr. Gandhi firmly believes that as a physician, he can also serve as the patient’s best advocate.

He is already actively invoIved in the community, Participating in the Zero prostate cancer run/

Walk, BCAN bladder cancer walk, and going the distance with Septembeard to promote pros-

tate cancer awareness. He emphasizes patient education, feeling that a more informed patient

Can make the best decision regarding their own individualized care.

Dr. Gandhi is currently seemg neW Patients; he practices the entire breadth ofuroIogy. Please

Cal1 703-680-2111 to schedule an appointment at the Woodbridge or Alexandria location・

The Thtle ofDr Gand血’s presentation on Saturday, Saptember 26, 2015, at First Mou血t Zion

Baptist Church is Dostae C巌ce7; ScJ,eenin芝. Dezection. md 7teame7Zt. He commenced his

PreSentation by saying, `Heb Us Wipe Prostate Cancer Off血e Face of血e Earth.” He co血-

ued to explain血at Prostate Cancer is血e most common can∞r in American men; 220,800 men

Will be diagnosed in 2015 and 27,540 deaths will occur.

For an American male,血e lifetime risk ofdeveloping prostate cancer is l in 6. It is血e seeond

leading cause of cancer death in American men. His presentation addresses specifically 3 cate-

gories. (1) The Facts, (2) Risk Factors, and (3) TboIs & Screening.

Prostate Cancer is rpost frequently diagnosed anong men age 66 - 74 years,血e median age is

66. Prostate Cancer lS mOre OOrrmOn in Black men血an White or Hispanic men. Genetic fac-

tors play a key role in men developing prostate cancer. Cousidering血ese facts, it is important

to infom men about血e risk and bene丘ts ofprostate cancer screening. Screening should be

done every l -2 years wi血bo血Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) and a Digital Rectum Exan


Guidelines now recommend血e greatest benefits ofscrc別mg lS m men aged 55 to 69 years of

age. Biopsy detections should consider multiple factors - free and total PSA, PSA velocity,

DRE丘ndings, age, race/e血nicity, fa血dy histo重y, Previous biapsy results, and como血idities.

Ifyou missed Dr Gandhi’s presentation,血e next education session will be held at Li血e Forest

Baptist Church on October 24 from tO:00 a.m to noon.

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The tremendous importance of this issue was underscored!

Very Infomative; Have this training more often

Outstanding presentations; Outstanding presentation from the doctor

This was very infomative; This was an eye opener; Very infomative; Infomative- Very muCh needed

Very organize and flow of presentation was outstanding

Excellent; Extremely knowledgeable; Very organized; Overall, great SeSSion

Most infomative- I am more aware ofthe subject on prostate cancer

The testimonies were most encouraging; Excellent program and time weII spent

Very infomative presentation-PerSOnal testimonies greatly enhanced the program

Education is always continuous which allow important topics like this to be reinforced periodically

It is essential for us to remain actively engaged in managlng Our health care, and setting aside pride

Very infomative and interesting; UroIogist o珊ce is excellent

Great organization with strong Black women

Need more community leaders like Dr. Howard

How do you find the time and energy to do so much for us Dr. Howard?

Well done ladies; Look forward to next year’s awareness program



I will see a uroIogist within the next 12 months; I have been encouraged to get tested

Very infomative, leamed a lot; Kudos to all presenters

Thank you- Excellent - All who spoke were worth hearing

Dr. Howard, thanks for all you do in our community

Dr. Gandhi did an excellentjob! Leamed a lot; Time was very well spent

The leaders were very knowledgeable

Thank you NCBWA)WCC for your great work

I gained a lot ofknowledge that I can share with others〇〇一I believe everyone gained insight

Presenters were well organized’Came aCrOSS Well and were knowledgeable

The infomation conceming DRE was very help餌today

Very good presentation Dr. Ghandi

I e可oyed the testimonies from the cancer survivors

Dr. Ghandi was very knowledgeable

Keep doing this workshop every September

Page 8: Kick-Off at FIRST MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH in … at FIRST MOUNT ZION BAPTIST CHURCH in Dumfries ... Rev. Brian Woolfolk, Associate Minister, First ... to First Mount Zion Baptist





国書Potomac Health


G⑱珊輔髄融y S珪油鵬⑯瑠霊伸甜醒睨㊧弼

Sentara Northem Virginia Medical Center

George M. Hampton Foundation

DEP Printing, Inc.

Women In Community Action, (WICA)

Woodbridge Alumni Chapter′ Kappa AIpha Psi Fratemity′ Inc.

Pi Lambda Lamda Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fratemity, Inc.

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Phi Kappa Zeta Chapter

Exit Choice Realty

二fekConnX, LLC


Prostate Cancer Research

Prostate Cancer Foundation

Us TOO Prostate Cancer Education and Support Group

ZERO - The End of Prostate Cancer Organization

Patient Advocacy for Advance Cancer Treatment

American Cancer Society

Prostate Health Education Network, (PHEN)

National Cancer Institute

CA: A Cancer Joumal for Clinicians 2013

We appreciate your support ofthe

鍵施術2015-2016 Prostate Cancer Project・

NCBW/PWCC Address: P. O. Box l166 1 Dumfries, Virginia 22026 i vI’WW.nCbwpwcc・Org