kgs friends, april 2016

Parliament Networking PAGE 2 Feast at the Field PAGE 3 Prichard Debate PAGE 6 KGS Friends APRIL 2016, ISSUE 17 ...INCORPORATING THE OLD KINGSTONIAN ASSOCIATION Entrepreneurial Evening - See Page 8

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Pa r l i amen t Ne twork ing PAGE 2 Fea s t a t t he F i e l d PAGE 3 Pr i cha rd Deba te PAGE 6

KGS FriendsAPRIL 2016, ISSUE 17


Entrepreneurial Evening - See Page 8

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Forthcoming Events

Mr James Berry MPinvites you to

the KGS Friends

Professional Networking EveningHouses of Parliament6.30pm, Monday 25th April

The next meeting of the KGS Friends Professional Networking Group will take place in the Houses of Parliament, Attlee Suite. Join us from 6.30pm for a drinks and canapé reception where you can build your network and meet fellow alumni, current and former parents and sixth form students who are

working in the City or professional services, or interested in doing so.

Please arrive at 6.00pm to allow time for full security checks. Entry will be via the Portcullis House entrance.

Dress code: Smart business attire.

Tickets are £25, please book at by Monday 18th April

Henley Royal Regatta ReceptionSaturday 2nd July 2016

KGS Friends and the Sherriff Club invite all rowing alumni to the KGS tent at Henley Cricket Club to enjoy drinks and a finger buffet and meet staff and pupils from the KGS Boat Club. Entrance is free and we kindly ask you to book at the following link by Monday 20th June to assist with planning:

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Forthcoming Events

Follow KGS Friends @KGS _ friends

feast at the Field and Sturgeon CricketSunday 26th June from 1.00pm, Ditton FieldJoin alumni, staff and parents for an idyllic afternoon at Ditton Field, with free BBQ, drinks tent and ice cream courtesy of KGS Friends. Enjoy watching the School’s First Cricket XI take on the might of the OKs, representing the RJ Sturgeon XI, for the Sturgeon Cup, and the RJS 2nd XI taking on whoever the School throws at them. Tennis courts will also be available for those of an energetic bent, or just relax, bring a picnic and a rug (or table and chairs for the full Edwardian effect), watch the cricket (or not as you choose) and enjoy a gloriously sunny afternoon ‘en fête’ by the river. What could be nicer?

This is Gary Brailsford’s last year as our Head Groundsman before he and Sue head off for a well-deserved retirement. The Feast at the Field is a golden opportunity for OKs who have ever been involved in sport at Ditton Field – or enjoyed one of Gary’s legendary barbecues - to say farewell to the longest-serving current member of staff…

To help with the catering, please let us know if you would like to come along by the 12th June using this link:

Cricketers who would like to play in either of the RJS XIs should contact James Gordon at [email protected]

Calling all Netballers!This year we would like to run a past vs present Netball match as well. Any keen netballers among you, or anyone who would like to help put a team of OKs together, please let Nick Bond know at [email protected]

Class of 2006 Ten Year Reunion

Friday 10th June at KGSYear reps Viki Sena and Jeroen Sibia have teamed up with KGS Friends to organise a ten year reunion at the School. Join us after work for a BBQ and drinks in the quad, hopefully in the sun! We ask for a £5 contribution towards catering and places can be booked through the following link

Class of 2011Five Year reunionFriday 17th JuneThe class of 2011 will reunite at a central London bar location to be confirmed. Join us after work from 6.30pm for drinks and nibbles courtesy of KGS Friends. So that we can cater the entire evening, we ask that guests give a small £5 contribution. Book here -

Class of 2001Fifteen Year ReunionDate in May TBCYear rep Rob Allen and KGS Friends wish to hold a reunion for the class of 2001 in May in central London location to be confirmed. Please do look out for an email from Rob or KGS with further information over the next few weeks!

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Alumni News

Donald Keedwell (OK 1945)Latin Squares and their ApplicationsThe second edition of ‘Latin Squares and their Applications’ offers a long-awaited update and reissue of this seminal account of the subject. The revision retains foundational, original material from the frequently-cited 1974 volume but is completely updated throughout. As with the earlier version, the author hopes to take the reader ‘from the beginnings of the subject to the frontiers of research’. By omitting a few topics which are no longer of current interest, the book expands upon active and emerging areas.Co-authored by József Dénes, it has become a standard reference for the topic since 1974 when it was first published. Donald has spent most of his teaching career at the University of Surrey. Since retirement, he has been an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at that institution. He is the author of some ninety research papers and two books, most related in some way to Latin squares.‘Latin Squares and their Applications’ is available from Amazon UK.

Gavin Featherstone (OK1972)That Ain’t Hockey More a way of life Gavin’s autobiography tells the tale of a young boy from a London council estate who started playing football for Chelsea and finished by captaining the England hockey team. Here is a short preview, with two extracts from the book depicting where it all began, Kingston Grammar School:‘At the age of 11, I don’t know how, but I got to a Grammar school, Britain’s middle tier of educational provision, escaping the rough and ready Secondary Moderns. It was 1964, the Beatles and the Stones were rampant in the charts and Alf Ramsey was appointed manager of the England football team. London was swinging, but I had to go to a shop to be fitted into a school uniform with a striped blazer and a dopey school cap!!’ ‘My first day at Kingston Grammar School was infamous. I was in hospital by lunch time! As my name began with the letter F, I was in 1A, and before the exercise books were handed out, the first thing they gave you was a dirty old cage stick. “What’s this for?” we all asked as Mr. Harper with a black gown pointed out of the window.“Down there,” he said, “is the school’s soul where internationals are born, bred and nurtured.” I thought he was off his rocker, all I saw was a dusty old shale rectangle, 50 by 40 yards with prison-like fencing around it, known to all as “The Cage”.

‘That Ain’t Hockey - More a Way of Life’, is now available from Amazon UK.

Flick Corbett (OK 2011) & Robbie Montgomery (OK 2010)We were thrilled to hear the news that OKs Robbie and Flick were married on the 26th March. Robbie told us before the wedding, “We are both very excited, can’t really believe it’s happening to be honest! I was a dashing young man in second year when my wife-to-be joined KGS as a bright eyed first year, and I’ve pretty much fancied her ever since. It did, however, take me two whole years before I finally plucked up the courage to ask her out - and almost a decade later, here we are!”We wish both of them a lifetime of happiness and hope to have a pic for the next edition!

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Alumni News

Tim Furze (OK 1981)On Friday 4th March we were delighted to have a visit from Tim Furze during a trip to London with his son James. Tim moved to Vancouver when he married and has one son and a daughter. Later in life he took to running, and says ‘it will surprise many to hear’ that he has completed a marathon and has taken part in many other races since leaving school.

Michael Coward (OK 1951)I am sorry to have to bring you the sad news of the death of Michael Coward, who was Treasurer of the OKA for many years before handing over to Tony Bishop.Michael was 82 when he died unexpectedly, though he had suffered from lung and heart problems for some time.Michael was delightful company on the golf course and off it. At School he excelled at cricket and hockey. He became a Chartered Accountant, working for Bradbury Wilkinson in New Malden for many years, and was a member of Bramley Golf Club. After retirement he and his wife Mavis (they recently celebrated their Silver Wedding) moved to the South Coast and he joined Littlehampton Golf Club and hosted several awaydays for us both there and at Barton. Lately his golfing life was increasingly curtailed through ill health and some eyesight problems, which made night driving difficult for him.He was the dearest of men and I’m sure many of you will join in expressing sincerest condolences to Mavis and their son Edmund.John Makin (OK 1955)

John StevensWe are sorry to bring the news that OK John Stevens had died aged 86 on the 12th January. With his lustrous handlebar moustache, natty line in blazers and slacks, mellifluous tones and weakness for a good ale, John Stevens could easily have been mistaken for an RAF veteran.In fact he was crime reporter of the ‘old school’ – one of the best - and immensely proud of both his newspaper and his profession.John was born in 1929 in Sunbury on Thames, the son of an Evening Standard cashier who later became a

newsagent. He was educated at Kingston Grammar School and took up journalism after completing his National Service in the army.He passed away in Kingston Hospital after a short illness. His daughter and two sons were with him at the end.Ref:

Michael Coward with the Athletics team

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recent Events

Tony Prichard Memorial DebateFriday 18th March saw OKs from five decades returning to the School to celebrate the 38 years of service given to KGS by Tony Prichard, who died last October.The focus of the evening was a debate between the past and the present on the motion (one, we hope, that would be close to Tony’s heart) that ‘This House believes that KGS is a Better Place since the Introduction of Girls’.The motion was proposed by a team from the current Gibbon Society consisting of one girl and one boy from each of the Lower Sixth and Fourth Years. Opposing the motion were three doyens and a doyenne from the Society’s illustrious past: Gopal Srinivasan represented the 1950s, Chris Swift the 1960s, Diana Hulbert, one of the very first intake of girls, the 1970s and Nick Thomas, a pupil both before and after the introduction of girls, the 1980s. The debate was chaired by Eleanor Varley, the present member of staff i/c the Gibbon Society.The standard of debating was very high, with strong arguments on both sides and no shortage of wit and good humour as well. There was the intense cut and thrust of ‘points of information’ to keep things lively, and some shrewd and very funny contributions from the floor. Considering the age

gap between the oldest member of the OK team and the youngest from the current Gibbon Society (some 55 years at a guess?), the contest was very evenly fought, but the floor votes gave the edge to the youngsters by some way.After the votes our distinguished judging panel returned to give the formal verdict. The Head Master, Stephen Lehec, was joined on the panel by David Grossel, OK and former KGS Head of History and Master i/c the Gibbon Society, and Alex Ward, probably our most distinguished debating Old Boy, having coached Leyden University to European and World Championships and the Portuguese national team. Their verdict went against the sentiment of the House to award victory to the OKs, singling out Nick Thomas as the top performer of the evening.Afterwards, the teams and the audience enjoyed a drinks reception and light buffet and shared their memories of Tony with our guests of honour, Tony’s sisters Judith and Angela. It was a great pleasure to welcome them both to the School and their presence made the occasion truly special. After the keenly contested debate, one thing all those present could agree on was that it was a very enjoyable evening and a fitting farewell to one of the great figures of the post-war generation of teachers, one whose many years of distinguished

service will long be remembered for his wit, erudition, culture and most of all his tremendous sense of fun.

“It was a great evening. The whole evening brought back many memories, not only of all we, as new governors, were required to do to accommodate those ‘honorary boys’ but of the travails of the time in getting all underway. It was the plan Sidney Miller ‘sold’ to the retiring Board and, in retrospect, it was a complete transformation.”David Hattersley (OK 1951 and governor 1978 - 2005)

“I enjoyed…both teams’ contributions and would like to congratulate the school team for their excellence and their courtesy to me when I arrived very early. The standard they achieved was impressive, and the generous hospitality afterwards was very welcome. I am sure Tony would have been delighted by this event and touched to have been thought of in this way. I met him when I joined the School at twenty-two years old in my first appointment and stayed friends with him for forty years.”Andrew Stafford (English Master 1971 - 1975)

One Term On ReunionOn the 21st December the 2015 cohort met at Rubi London in Surbiton, for their One Term On Reunion. A fantastic turnout of over eighty at were joined by six members of staff. All were in festive spirits and thoroughly enjoyed a good catchup over some canapés and drinks courtesy KGS Friends. Following on from the success of the first Parents Reunion the previous academic year, the Class of 2015 parents met on the same evening down the road at Harts Boatyard. With the help of parent rep and committee member Roland Wales, KGS Friends were joined by over twenty parents for some drinks and nibbles taking the chance to swap stories of their kids’ exploits since leaving KGS. It was wonderful to see so many of the year group and their parents back at these events!

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Recent Events

Tony Prichard Memorial Debateservice will long be remembered for his wit, erudition, culture and most of all his tremendous sense of fun.

“It was a great evening. The whole evening brought back many memories, not only of all we, as new governors, were required to do to accommodate those ‘honorary boys’ but of the travails of the time in getting all underway. It was the plan Sidney Miller ‘sold’ to the retiring Board and, in retrospect, it was a complete transformation.”David Hattersley (OK 1951 and governor 1978 - 2005)

“I enjoyed…both teams’ contributions and would like to congratulate the school team for their excellence and their courtesy to me when I arrived very early. The standard they achieved was impressive, and the generous hospitality afterwards was very welcome. I am sure Tony would have been delighted by this event and touched to have been thought of in this way. I met him when I joined the School at twenty-two years old in my first appointment and stayed friends with him for forty years.”Andrew Stafford (English Master 1971 - 1975)

Careers in Engineering EveningOn Monday 8th February, some 110 students from KGS, Tiffin (Boys’ and Girls’), Sutton Grammar, Sutton High, KCS Wimbledon and Wimbledon High battled their way through the last death-throes of Storm Imogen to the magnificent surroundings of The Glaziers Hall in Southwark for our now biennial Careers in Engineering event.The event, a joint venture between KGS Friends and the Careers Department, enjoyed support from the Energy Institute and the Institute of Chemical Engineers, while the Women’s Engineering Society, the Institute of Engineering and Technology and the Institute of Civil Engineers all provided representatives to speak to the students, and Headstart and the Engineering Development Trust provided information material.In total 32 expert practitioners – drawn from parents, alumni and diverse personal contacts as well as those provided by the various supporting bodies, in fields ranging from Oil and Gas to Architecture and Carbon Management, from Scientific Instrument Makers (Glaziers Hall being the home of the their Worshipful Company) to Civil, Chemical, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers – were on hand to talk to the students about their careers, to offer advice and guidance about qualifications and how to get on and to give insights into what their lives and their work are really like.It was an inspirational evening for those attending, and the professionals present were very impressed by the intelligence, commitment and enthusiasm of the students. As one said, ‘They asked all the right questions.’Our thanks go to the Worshipful Company of Scientific Instrument Makers for hosting the evening in their splendid riverside home, to the bodies who provided such generous support, to all the experts who gave up their time so readily to talk to the next generation of engineers, but especially to Old Kingstonians and KGS Friends Gopal Srinivasan and Claire Saul – and to Claire’s family, who were there in force – for being the driving forces behind the success of this wonderful occasion.If you would like to take part in future careers events please contact us at [email protected].

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recent Events

Entrepreneurial EveningOn Thursday 10th March, a packed audience of Old Kingstonians, current and former parents, staff and pupils enjoyed an inspirational celebration of the spirit of enterprise that flourishes at the School with the KGS Friends Entrepreneurial Evening.

The event featured several OKs who have made their mark on the world, or are beginning to, in a variety of entrepreneurial pursuits, ranging from household names in the world of retail to young inventors launching a new product to sell. Charities, property development, IT, health and well-being, pop-up restaurants and street food, bar ownership, petroleum products, PR and the music business were all represented.The evening began with a panel discussion featuring Peter Harris (OK 1973), co-founder of Hotel Chocolat, Sophie Cornish (OK 1983), co-founder of, Richard Dawes (OK 1993), whose PR company DawBell represents the likes of Sir Paul McCartney, Gary Barlow and the BRIT Awards, and Alexander McLean (OK 2003), founder of the African Prisons Project. The discussion was chaired by writer and business consultant Jez Carwright (OK 1990).After the formal part of the evening, the panellists were joined by a further five expert guests - Rachel Barnes

(Staff 1998-2003), James Buchanan (OK 1995), Rob Dann (OK 2001), Pritesh Pankhania (OK 1987), Paul Short (OK 1995) and Martin St-Gallay (OK 1992) - to host a networking reception at which the audience, many of them in business themselves, enjoyed an opportunity to learn from their expertise and experience. The occasion was a huge success and proved very popular with all those who were fortunate enough to be present. Head Master Stephen Lehec commented afterwards: ‘The School is very grateful to the remarkable entrepreneurial alumni who gave up their time to be with us this evening. The determination, drive and conviction that characterised the contributors made a tremendous impression on the audience, and the vital message to plan for success and to learn from and be stronger for mistakes was one all aspiring entrepreneurs at the evening could take away with them.’‘The evening was really informative, moving and inspiring. I run my own business but it’s always good to challenge yourself and learn new things. I have already set up a meeting with one of the speakers, who may be able to provide some advice for my business.’ Current parent

‘I thoroughly enjoyed the evening and had some interesting conversations. The main speakers were inspirational and the whole event was a resounding success.’ Former pupil

Be the first to hear about exciting and informative KGS Careers events and join our ever-expanding professional network KGS Friends

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Alumni Profiles


Sophie Cornish is co-founder and director of online marketplace Previously both a journalist and marketer, Sophie has co-authored two bestselling books: ‘Build a Business from Your Kitchen Table’ (2012), and ‘Shape Up Your Business’ (2014). She is a shareholder and director of a number of fast-growth UK businesses, as well as being a business consultant and currently The Times Vodafone Ready Business Mentor. Sophie was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s 2013 Birthday Honours and has won a number of industry awards.

Peter HarrisHotel ChocolatPeter was an early member of the Cambridge high-tech community, co-founding

Torch Computers in 1981. Co-founder of Hotel Chocolat, he was Finance Director for the first 24 years. He now focuses on the development of the business in both the UK and overseas and has enabled it to be listed on the Sunday Times/Virgin Atlantic Fast Track 100 on three occasions, including the No 1 position.Peter has worked as a business mentor for The Prince’s Trust and has helped three businesses to establish themselves. He lectures the MBA groups at Cambridge University and is a judge for CUE (Cambridge University Entrepreneurs). He won the Ernst & Young National Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2008.

Jez CartwrightAfter leaving KGS, Jez studied at LSE and then the University of Sheffield before setting up his first business in the world of professional sport. His clients included the England cricket and Great Britain rowing and diving teams as well as Sheffield United, Sheffield Wednesday and Middlesborough FC. He returned to London in 1998 to set up a number of small businesses - a

private gym business and branding and events businesses - before setting up a coaching and leadership development consultancy, where he works with boards of companies to help them

become ever more successful. Jez has also written a best-selling book – ‘The Handbook for Exceptional People’ - that went to No 1 on iTunes in 2009.

Alexander McLean

African Prisons Project

Through the African Prisons Project, Alexander works to develop the next generation

of leaders amongst prisoners and prison staff in Africa. He was named one of “30

Under 30s Changing the World” by TIME Magazine and is a TED and Ashoka Fellow.

Alexander began working in prisons in East Africa when he was 18 during his gap year

and established the African Prisons Project in 2006 whilst at university. He works with

a team of 35 colleagues supported by a strong group of patrons, trustees, advisors and

partners including Lords Rowan Williams, Boateng, Verjee and Ramsbotham.

Richard DawesDawBellRichard has worked in the music industry for 20 years. In 2009 he set up his own entertainment and lifestyle PR company ‘DawBell’ with long-time friend Stuart Bell. Their clients currently include Rihanna, Sir Paul McCartney, James Corden, Harry Styles, Pharrell, Gary Barlow, Take That, Google Play Music, Vevo, Burberry, The LTA and Casio, amongst others (see They have

also looked after all the PR for The BRIT Awards since 2011 and have an exceptionally talentedteam of 26 people working for them. As well as handling PR for their clients, Richard, Stu and his team also advise on crisis management and business strategy.

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From the Archive‘Very naughty boy’ or ‘Hero’?This month’s document was donated by John Deverson (OK 1963), who took part in the School trip to Paris during the Easter holidays of 1959. The wonderful sepia photograph shows a group of happy boys from the third form and above, at the Palais de Versailles. The trip was led by their dedicated teachers Ken Cripps and Tony Prichard.Mr Deverson recalls:‘I can still name quite a few of my peers but have only marked Ken and Tony on the enlarged copy plus a sixth former Trevor Reed whom Tony amused me at the 1961 celebration lunch by calling him a “very naughty boy”. Trevor’s claim to fame was that he dived into the Seine from the centre span of a bridge near the Place de la Concorde. He was our hero!’An account of the trip (see left) appeared in The Kingstonian, May 1959, but didn’t mention the diving incident!

Joanne Halford, Archivist [email protected]

020 8865 0111

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Gap Year in GhanaYou may be aware that KGS has established a link with a school in Ghana. Sacred Heart is a school of 150 pupils aged 2-16, three hours north of the capital, Accra, set amongst rural fields and lush rainforest.As part of our link with Sacred Heart, we have successfully launched a gap year programme for our Upper Sixth leavers. We would like to offer the same opportunity for four to six school leavers or alumni in September 2016 or January 2017 to spend three, five or nine months teaching English, Maths, Science or another specialist subject at the school. In addition, they would also offer another co-curricular interest such as sport, music, art, drama etc. – anything which would enrich the education of the Sacred Heart pupils.The KGS students or alumni would be accommodated in comfortable quarters at the school and in all matters would effectively be adopted as part of the Headmaster’s family. Prior to arriving at the school, the students would spend an acclimatisation week in Accra, where they would also gain an insight into the best of Ghanaian culture.Students would be encouraged to make the most of their free time and weekends to travel or get involved in the local community, and after their stint at the school they would have the opportunity to see Ghana and West Africa’s world class jungles, wildlife and beaches. All this would be offered at a considerably reduced price compared to that offered by other gap year operators. The students would also benefit from far greater training and support, both in country and from KGS. Alumni and current Upper Sixth formers planning gap years may also qualify for Travel Awards

from KGS Friends. Please contact Mr Bond ([email protected]) or alumni relations officer, Katie Raymond ([email protected]) for details of how to apply.If this is of interest, if only provisionally, please do get in touch with me via email.In terms of a gap year choice, it is hard to imagine a more worthwhile and exciting opportunity. I hope you will feel inspired to apply and be a great ambassador for KGS.

Neil [email protected]

020 8939 8848

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Choral ConcertThis year’s KGS Oratorio Concert, featuring the KGS Chamber Choir, the KGS Choral Society Choir and the Kingston Sinfonietta, marked a welcome return to St Andrew’s Church, Surbiton where the wonderful acoustics make for a very special experience for the performers and audience alike. Performing works from Brahms, Reger, Parry and Rheinberger, the concert brought together young and more senior voices with professionals Michael Davis (baritone) and Bimbi Shaw-Cotterill (mezzo soprano).The KGS Choral Society Choir consists of singers from the local community, the Tiffin Oratorio Choir, current and former KGS parents, KGS staff and KGS Friends who meet weekly in the Spring Term each year to rehearse a choral work culminating in a public concert. In recent years, more and more students have taken part; this year the School Chamber Choir has been rehearsing separately during the School day and joined the Adult

Choir for the final rehearsals leading up to the concert.This year’s concert featured works by Brahms, Parry and Reger amongst others, and brought together a group of highly enthusiastic and talented young musicians who have been involved in a number of excellent performances in and out of School. The main aim of the Choir is to share a love of choral music and to perform great choral works with the support of a professional orchestra and soloists. Through the shared experience of rehearsals and our annual concerts, a community of many generations is created and it was particularly pleasing that the KGS Chamber Choir was involved in this year’s project. There are no auditions for the Choral Society Choir; all we expect is regular attendance and enthusiasm. If you would like to sing with the Choir in the future please email Tanya Watkins, KGS Music Administrator, [email protected]

School News

1ST XI Girls NATIONAL FINALISTSWednesday 9th March saw the 1st XI girls competing in the National Hockey Finals. With an early start to get to Lee Valley there was huge excitement in the minibus with a few nerves kicking in. Our first game was against Repton. We started the game off strongly with good defensive work and a few chances on the forward line. Unfortunately Repton were able to put away their chance from a short corner. The half time whistle blew and we were 1-0 down. After a few motivational words, we took on the second half. Unfortunately we were unable to score a goal, leaving it at 1-0.Our next game was against Stockport College. With a break between the games, we had to warm up well. We began the first half well with some great linking up and strong team work. However, they caught us on the counter-attack twice and went 2-0 up. We came out determined for the second half and created some great opportunities and scored a goal. The final score was 2-1. On Thursday we came out fighting again, needing a win to get to 3rd/4th play-off, this time against Clifton College. We started well but Clifton were soon to go up 1-0, despite us having many chances. We started the second half very determined but eventually went 2-0 down. This made us want the win even more and eventually we were able to find the back of the net but were unable to close the gap.The final score was 2-1 but despite not winning the title, everyone put in 100% and played brilliantly as a team. We look forward to returning next year!Katie Headley, L6TMRFollow KGS_Sport on Twitter for further sporting news and results!