kenya agribusiness directory 2015 by agasha

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  • 7/25/2019 Kenya Agribusiness Directory 2015 by Agasha


    Agribusiness Catalogue & Directory Kenya 2015

    mre loca thn te locals2 Product of AgaShaGroup


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    Agribusiness Catalogue & Directory Kenya 2015

    mre loca thn te locals3Product of AgaShaGroup

    Save Time, Reduce Costs and Acquire Reliable Networks

    Publishers of the

    [email protected] 703 698 550

    This is Troy from Zhejiang Medicines and Health

    Products Import & Export Co., Ltd, China, which

    was a state-owned company. I have read about

    Agribusiness Directory Uganda 2014, and gotten lots

    of useful information. Its really a fantastic magazine.

    Im very excited to hear that East Africa Agribusiness

    Catalogue and Directory have came out.

    What really excites me is the forthcoming Kenyan

    edition. As I know Kenya is the biggest agrochemical

    market in East Africa, also with enormous potential

    in the world. As a foreigner trade businessman,

    comprehensive and accurate contact information

    is very important. As the saying goes, A good

    beginning is half done. Agribusiness Directory just

    meets our demands. This is what I like most.

    I was wondering if you could add extra layout of

    company from foreign countries which want to look

    for business partners and do business in agriculture.

    Like our agrochemical company from China. This is

    what I think you should improve on. We are mainly

    interested in agrochemical companies or agents who

    need agrochemicals. Thank you very much!

    Feedback from the


    Troy Wu, Sales Manager

    Zhejiang Medicines and Health Products Import & Export Co. Ltd

    ZMC Building, 101-2, N.Zhongshan Road. Hangzhou, 310003, China.

    Tel: 86-0571-28935606. Mobile: 86-15868843574. E-mail:[email protected],

    [email protected]. Skype: [email protected] Web:

  • 7/25/2019 Kenya Agribusiness Directory 2015 by Agasha


    Agribusiness Catalogue & Directory Kenya 2015

    mre loca thn te locals4 Product of AgaShaGroup

    Chief Executive Officer

    Dear Readers,

    It gives me great pleasure to present this rst

    Kenya Agribusiness Catalogue & Directory, the

    premier comprehensive guide to businesses,

    services and stakeholders in the Agricultural

    sector. The Directory shall be published annually

    with more listings and membership subscriptions.

    Agasha Group Limited is delighted to inaugurate

    the Directory that will act as a unique businessinformation tool to:

    Know who does what in the sector (key


    Increase visibility of local products and

    services at regional and international level

    Facilitate business networking among

    Agribusiness value chain stakeholders

    Reach out a wider specic target market for

    businesses in East Africa, Europe and USA

    Develop winning partnerships and

    strengthen corporate relationships

    We are grateful to private sector businesses,

    farmer organizations, associations, government

    agencies, NGOs and development partners

    who have supported this Directory through

    advertising, sponsoring and membership listing. It

    is your willingness and faith in us that made this

    publication possible. This being the initial edition,

    we welcome your comments and suggestions on

    how to improve future editions.

    Special thanks to the production team, AgaShapartners and friends for your tireless efforts and

    innovative ideas that made this edition possible.

    I look forward to continue learning and working

    with you at AgaSha, where businesses grow and


    Thank you very much!

    Sharon Againe (Agronomist)CEO & Founder, Agasha Group Limited

    Sharon Againeis the Founderand CEO of Agasha Group Ltd, an agency that

    connects Agribusinesses and SMEs to their target

    markets. Againe is a member of Advisory Committee

    Fund for Rural Prosperity-The Mastercard

    Foundation Program. She worked previously as

    an Assistant Facilitator for Agri-ProFocus Uganda,

    intern for the AlIegro Coffee Company, and an as

    Alumni Consultant with Technoserve Mozambique

    in 2008. She has also worked for EARTH University

    as an Administrator in 2009 for the Student

    Entrepreneurship Project and as a General Managerfor an EARTH Project, Natural Herbs S.A. from 2006

    to 2008. Againe has won awards including the BiD

    Network Business Plan award for Women in Business

    Competition Africa, Latin America and Asia 2010,

    and was second runner-up for African Orange Social

    Venture Prize in 2011. She speaks internationally at

    events including UN University for Peace in Costa

    Rica, Youth in Agriculture for Women International

    Day in Uganda, World Convergences Forum in

    Europe and as a Ugandan Delegate for New York

    Forum Africa in Gabon. Sharon is an agronomist

    by profession and holds a Bachelors degree in

    Agricultural Sciences from EARTH University, Costa



  • 7/25/2019 Kenya Agribusiness Directory 2015 by Agasha


    Agribusiness Catalogue & Directory Kenya 2015

    mre loca thn te locals5Product of AgaShaGroup

    ContentsChief Executive Ofcer............................ 04

    Partner Prole....................................... 06

    Editorial.............................................. 08


    Part I: Search byProducts & Services ........... 09

    Part 2: Kenyan Agribusiness Names A-Z......... 49


    AGRO-INPUT DEALERS............................ 09

    Agro-Machinery, Tractors, Implements & PostHarvesting Facilities............................... 09

    Agro-Processing Machinery & Equipments...... 10

    Seeds, Agro-Chemicals, Fertilizers & Farm Tools

    Seed Suppliers...................................... 10

    Agro-Chemicals for Crop and Animal Health... 12

    General Agro-Input & Fertilizer Suppliers...... 13

    Biological Pest & Disease Control................ 14

    Flower Agro-Inputs and Services................. 15

    Agro-Vet-Input Distributors & Agro-Shops...... 15

    Irrigation, Green House & Water Tanks......... 15

    CROP PRODUCERS & PROCESSORS.............. 19

    Coffee................................................ 19

    Coffee Production, Buying, Roasting &

    Exporting.......................................... 19Coffee Growers, Producers &Co-operatives..................................... 19

    Coffee Buyers, Roasters & Exporters.......... 20

    Coffee Consultants, Service Providers &Warehousing...................................... 24

    Coffee Transporters & Logistics................ 24

    Cotton................................................ 24

    Grains & Cereals.................................... 24

    Coconuts............................................. 25

    Rice................................................... 25

    Horticulture (Flowers, Vegetables,

    Fruits & Nuts)....................................... 25Flower Growers and Exporters................. 25

    Fruit Processors.................................. 28

    Nuts................................................ 29

    Other Horticulture Enterprises................ 29

    Pyrethrum........................................... 30

    Sisals................................................. 30

    Sunower............................................ 30

    Sugarcane Producers & Processors............... 30

    Tea.................................................... 30

    Green Tea Producers and Exporters........... 30

    Tea Service Providers............................ 31

    Tobacco Processors and Dealers.................. 31

    Herbs and Spices.................................... 31

    Organic Farming.................................... 31

    Yeasts & Spirits...................................... 31


    Veterinary Drugs and Services.................... 33

    Articial Insemination & Semen Distributors... 34

    Agro-Vet Shops & Semen Agents.................. 34

    Animal Feeds & Mineral Salts..................... 35

    Milk and Dairy System & Equipments............ 36

    Barbed Wires........................................ 36

    Breeding and Beef Farm........................... 36

    Dairy Farming and Milk Products................. 37

    Poultry Rearing...................................... 37

    Rabbit Rearing....................................... 37

    Beekeeping and Honey Products.................. 37

    SUPPORTING BUSINESSES INAGRICULTURE....................................... 39

    Consultants and Business Service Providers..... 39

    Agro-Inputs & Pest Control...................... 39

    Certication....................................... 39

    Agriculture & Farming Magazine............... 40

    Business Consultancy Management andEntrepreneurship................................. 40

    Environment and Natural Resources........... 40

    Finance Access and Support.................... 41

    ICT Applications in Agriculture................. 41

    Market Information and MarketLinkages............................................ 41

    Horticulture....................................... 41

    Soil, Water & Fertilizer Analysis................ 41

    Training, Advisory and ExtensionServices............................................ 41

    Finance Service Providers......................... 41

    Development Banks.............................. 41

    Commercial Banks................................ 42

    MDIs& Micronance Institutions................ 43

    Insurance Companies in Agriculture........... 43

    Development Agencies & Organizations NGOs inAgriculture........................................... 43

    Umbrella Organizations, Associations andUnions................................................ 45

    Training & Research Institutions.................. 46

    Government Bodies and Agencies................ 47

    Environment & Renewable Energy................ 48

    Distributors, Transporters and Logistics......... 48

    Packaging Materials................................. 48

  • 7/25/2019 Kenya Agribusiness Directory 2015 by Agasha


    Agribusiness Catalogue & Directory Kenya 2015

    mre loca thn te locals6 Product of AgaShaGroup

    Brief descriptionKenya Livestock Producers Association (KLPA) was formedin 2004 as an apex association for all livestock producersin Kenya. It draws its membership from individualfarmers, farmer groups, cooperative societies, Self HelpGroups, Community Based Organizations and corporateorganizations in livestock agribusiness. The currentmembership stands at more than 1,500,000 farmers

    spread all over Kenya. KLPA has participated in lobbyingand advocacy on livestock policies and represented theinterests of livestock producers by being a member ofKenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA). The CEO KLPA is alsothe Secretary to the Agricultural Sector Board at KEPSA.KLPA is a member and participates in forums like theSpeakers Round Table, Ministerial Stakeholders Forum, andPresidential Private Sector Working Forum.

    KPLA works closely with wide range of partners from bothprivate and public sectors, including and not limited togovernment ministries and departments like Agriculture,Livestock development, Fisheries Development,Cooperative Development, Northern Kenya and AridLands, Youth Affairs and Sports, Gender and Children

    Affairs, Kenya Dairy Board, Kenya Meat Commission,

    Kenya Livestock Producers

    Association (KLPA)

    Kenya Livestock Marketing Council, Kenya AgriculturalProductivity and Agribusiness Project (KAPAP), KenyaForest Service, Kenya Forest Research Institute (KEFRI),Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), NationalEnvironmental Management Authority (NEMA). Otherpartners include private Micro-nancial institutions,Telecommunication companies, Banks, Farmer Associations,Feed Manufacturers, Agrochemical, Processors like New

    KCC and Brookside, SACCOs, Insurance, Breeders, AFC,Seed Companies, the media, International organizationslike SNV, HEIFER, USAID, USDA,FAO, IFPRI, ICIPE, GIZ,ICRAF, AU and EU. KLPA is an active member of the EasternAfrica Farmers Federation (EAFF). As a democratic farmerbased association, the highest decision making body is theAnnual General meeting

    Vision, Mission and ObjectivesOur vision is to be a truly representative organization thatadvocates for the welfare of livestock producers in Kenya

    Our mission is to ensure improved livelihoods of Livestockproducers by wide association through formulation ofappropriate policy, stimulating reforms, promoting



  • 7/25/2019 Kenya Agribusiness Directory 2015 by Agasha


    Agribusiness Catalogue & Directory Kenya 2015

    mre loca thn te locals7Product of AgaShaGroup

    good livestock husbandry and production, collectingand disseminating useful information and promoting thegeneral interests of members.

    Our objectives includes Establishing a vibrant association with large

    membership base, reputable leadership with stronggovernance structures.

    Quickly gaining a reputation with stakeholders as aleading voice in the advocacy for effective policies,laws, programmes and issues favouring the livestockproducers.

    Capacity building of livestock producers and leadersof producer organization in the areas of betterlivestock production and associated technologies.

    Negotiating for specic benets and buyers oflivestock products including fair credits anddiscounts.

    Disseminating information on all issues affecting

    livestock producers through newsletter, bulletins andother forms of media.

    AchievementsKLPA started as an Association of 100 individual membersbased in Nakuru back in 2004. This number has tremendouslygrown to 1.5 million members with major representation allover the country and an ofce in each of the 47 Counties.Having championed in lobbying and advocacy on livestockpolicies, KLPA has gone an extra mile in creating marketaccess and linkages to all its members. It all started withengaging and bringing relevant stakeholders in livestocksector through agribusiness trade fair back in 2008. KLPAmanaged to hold one agribusiness trade fair that year. Fastforward, the year 2014, KLPA has managed to hold at least2 agribusiness trade shows per month where our members/farmers have beneted through interacting with industrystakeholders and interface with new and upcomingtechnologies. This has encouraged business to businessinteraction resulting in establishment of better livestockand higher incomes for them and businesses. As a farmerbased organization, KLPA has travelled a long way to buildits current model of fairs. To date, KLPA cumulatively hoststhe biggest agribusiness trade fairs in the country. In totalKLPA has hosted Forty Eight (48) agribusiness trade fairs inKenya since 2008. This has been as a result of our uniqueposition as a professionally led farmer based institutionwith a wide array of partners


    KLPA contribution to Climate Smart Agriculture

    KLPA is implementing Climate Smart Agriculture project, aNORAD funded Eastern Africa Farmers Federation projectin 10 countries. The project is in 2 counties Kiambu andMuranga in central Kenya. The project is building thecapacities of the FO to adopt the appropriate climatesmart agriculture options for their respective agro-ecological conditions. The intention is to link climatesmart approaches and technologies, that is availablewithin the climate science research and developmentcommunity, to farmers in central Kenya. The target is toreach over 2,000 individual small-scale farmers directlyof whom 1,200 should be female farmers. Specically,one of the projects outputs is to develop and implementan effective knowledge management. To this end, theproject knowledge management function is intended tofacilitate the generation, documentation and sharing of

    technical information, experiences and lessons in a waythat enhances learning.

    Airtel Kilimo Platform for our membersIn partnership with Airtel Kenya and Mobipay, KLPA hasbeen implementing an online social platform for its

    members/farmers where they are able to get real timefarmer information that includes markets, input prices,weather and the general faming tips. This information isaccessible from their mobile phones at the farms

    The Re-launching of the famous Kimalel goat auction inBaringo CountyKenya Livestock Producers Association has partnered withthe Kenya Commercial Bank Foundation and the Countygovernment of Baringo to re-launch the famous Kimalelgoat auction in Baringo County, on 8th November 2014.The chief guest will be the former President H.E DanielToroitich Arap Moi. The market will help pastoralistsand farmers to trade in livestock, specically goats inthe County. Pertinent to that, in collaboration with KCBFoundation, and County government of Baringo, KLPA

    will hold an Agribusiness trade fair at Marigut High schoolgrounds on 6thand 7thNovember 2014. The Chief guests willbe the Governor H.E. Hon Benjamin Cheboi and the senatorHon. Gideon Moi. The theme of the fair will be Marketaccess and information sharing

    Increasing productivity in livestock and expanding tradewith K SALES (Kenya Semi-Arid Livestock EnhancementSupport) Land O Lake Project

    Together with other relevant actors, Kenya LivestockProducers Association has partnered with Land O` LakesK-SALES project that will increase agricultural productivityin the sector by developing Business Service Providers(BSPs), facilitating farmer eld schools, increasing

    access to clean water, improving on-farm and off-farminfrastructure, and facilitating agricultural lending.K-SALES will also expand trade of agricultural products inthe livestock sector by providing training in post-harvesthandling and processing, and developing the businesscapacity of cooperatives and industry associations

    2014/2015 Africa Farmer Organization of the yearAwards (AFOYA)Kenya Livestock Producers Association is among the 15African Farmers Organizations shortlisted/ nominated forthe 2014/15 Annual Africa Farmer Organization Awardwhich will be held in Maputo Malawi on early next year.The event is organized by the African Investment ClimateResearch (AFRICRES), in partnership with the Alliance

    for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), to acknowledgethe vital role that Farmer Organizations (FOs) play inpromoting sustainable agriculture in the continent

    AnniversaryKenya Livestock Producers Association will be celebrating10th years since its inception on 19 th November 2014.The anniversary will be the start of unveiling the newstrategic/ future plans for the Association and reectionof the milestones that the association has achieved sofar. The Association therefore take this opportunity tocelebrate together with all our partners, the governmentand the most important stakeholders in our association i.e.our esteemed members/farmers who have been with usthrough this journey

  • 7/25/2019 Kenya Agribusiness Directory 2015 by Agasha


    Agribusiness Catalogue & Directory Kenya 2015

    mre loca thn te locals8 Product of AgaShaGroup

    Agribusiness Catalogueand Directory bridges the

    information gap between actors

    in Agribusiness sector. It helps

    you to know who is doing

    what in the sector, where they

    are located and how to access

    them for business networking

    and partnership development



    While reasonable precautionshave been taken to ensureaccuracy of contacts and

    information provided in this

    edition: neither Agasha Group

    Limited nor its partners,

    sponsors, advertisers;nor printers can accept

    responsibility for any damages

    or inconvenience that may

    rise therefrom. Agasha Group

    Limited does not accept

    responsibility for misleading orunethical advertising. However,

    when discovered it will be

    investigated and removed fromthe next edition. Agasha Group

    Limited assumes no liability forerrors/omissions/inaccuracies

    occurring in this edition. Errors

    and omissions will be corrected

    in the next edition if noted

    and/or reported to AgashaGroup editorial by calling +256

    (0)779 791 780 or emailing to:



    Copyright 2015 by Agasha

    Group Limited

    All rights reserved. No part

    of this publication may be

    reproduced or transmitted

    in any form or by any means,graphically, electronically

    or mechanically, including

    photocopying, recording, taping,

    scanning, web distribution or

    information storage and retrieval

    system, without the writtenpermission of Agasha Group



    e strongly



    readers to do prior

    investigation and

    strictly follow the

    traditional methods

    and rules of doing

    business before going

    into any deal with

    any party listed inthe Agribusiness

    Directory. Such

    as: getting

    prior company/


    confirmation by

    phone, fax or by mail

    besides necessary

    cross checks done

    through the related

    local bodies like

    banks, chambers of

    commerce, related

    trade associations,

    service providers and

    local government

    authorities among

    others especially

    before making any

    money transaction.



    For Advertising & General Inquiries Contact Us:

    Capital Shoppers Nakawa (Opp. MUBS) P.O. Box 7133, Kampala - Uganda.Mob: +256 779 791 780, +256 703 698 550

    Email: [email protected]:


    P/S: Products and Services, T: Ofce Telephone, M: Mobile/Cell Phone,

    E: Email, W: Websites

    Save Time, Reduce Costs and Acquire Reliable Networks

  • 7/25/2019 Kenya Agribusiness Directory 2015 by Agasha


    Agribusiness Catalogue & Directory Kenya 2015

    mre loca thn te locals9Product of AgaShaGroup


    Bolpak Trading Co.LtdMoi Avenue, Mombasa.E: [email protected]: Dealers in Massey FergusonTractors and Accessories.

    Car & General (K) LtdNew Cargen House Lusaka Road/Dunga Road,Industrial Area, Nairobi.E: [email protected], [email protected]: www.cargen.comP/S: importers and distributors of Japanese

    Kubota tractors.

    Hardi Kenya LtdNairobi.T: +254 202 384 212/4/6.E: [email protected]: supplies application technologyequipments such as: Central Spraying Units,Wheelbarrow & Trolley Sprayers, KnapsackSprayers & Mistblowers, Vertical Spray Booms,etc.

    Farm Engineering Industries Limited (FEIL)Mombasa Road, Nairobi.

    M: +254 722 203 658/9, +254 733 638 708/9.T: +254 206 535 745, +254 206 536 152.

    E: [email protected], [email protected]:

    P/S: suppliers of tractors, planters, sprayers,combine harvesters among other agricultural

    machineries and equipment

    Lesio Grain Handlers Limited (LGHL)

    Old Mbaruk Road, Lanet, Nakuru.M: +254 729 229 999.E: [email protected]: supplies grain handling facilities for seedprocessing, cleaning, drying, warehouse e.t.c.

    Scales & Software Kenya LimitedAlong Mombasa Road, Nairobi.M: +254 722 303 505. T: +254 202 013 976.E: [email protected]: deals in weighing scales.

    Search by Products and ServicesPART I



  • 7/25/2019 Kenya Agribusiness Directory 2015 by Agasha


    Agribusiness Catalogue & Directory Kenya 2015

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    BrazAfric Enterprises LtdContact: Charles Nyaga,

    Marketing Executive,Mudher Industrial Park, Mombasa Road (next

    Soham Petrol Station), Nairobi.M: +254 724 652 560, +254 722 925 611.

    T: +254 202 107 247, +254 202 107 000/263.E: [email protected], info@brazafric.

    com, [email protected]:

    P/S: suppliers of farm tools, grain and coffeeprocessing machinery other ofces in Kenya,

    Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and


    Chinese HuangpaiContact: Hao Huimin, Director.Jamuhuri Park (Show Ground),Nairobi.W: www.chinesehuangpai.comP/S: Grain Processing Equipment, Oil press,Feedstuff machines, Conveying machinesSteel silos and Color sheet steel structurewarehouse.

    Cimbria East Africa LtdContact: Jorgen T. Nielsen, Managing

    Director. Muiri Lane 10, off Langata Road,Nairobi.

    M: +254 722 374 329E: [email protected],[email protected].

    W: www.cimbria.comP/S: suppliers of coffee, grain and seedprocessing, storage and cleaning equipment.

    Marshall-Fowler (MFG)Contact: Nick/ R. BalamuruganMombasa Road, Nairobi.M: +254 722 381 221, +91 94422 49910.E: [email protected],[email protected]: www.marshallfowler.comP/S: Supplies coffee processing machineries,roasters and grinders.

    Msumbi Kenya LimitedEden Square, Chiromo Road, Nairobi.T: +254 203 673 159, +254 203 673 231.E: [email protected]: www.msumbi.comP/S: Coffee equipments suppliers.



    Agri-Seed Co LimitedContact: Kassim Owino.

    Mombasa Road, (near to Mabati Rolling Mills),Village Market, Nairobi.

    M: +254 720 702 064, +254 722 946 776.T: +254 208 046 358.

    E: [email protected],[email protected]

    W: www.seedcogroup.comP/S: deals in hybrid maize seeds

    (part of Seed Co Group).

    Agricultural Development CorporationNairobi.

    M: +254 735 930 920, +254 724 930 920.T: +254 202 250 695, +254 202 250 185.E: [email protected]. W:

    P/S: hybrid seeds

    Amapop Seeds LimitedNakuru.M: +254 720 943 559, +254 787 642 620,+254 700 177 234.T: +254 202 068 986.E: [email protected],[email protected] W: supplies Amaranth seeds and grains.

  • 7/25/2019 Kenya Agribusiness Directory 2015 by Agasha


    Agribusiness Catalogue & Directory Kenya 2015

    mre loca thn te locals11Product of AgaShaGroup

    Alphega Seed CompanyContact: Corien Herweijer, Manager

    Mogotio, NakuruM: +254 713 419 782, +254 737 826 833

    T: +254 204 449 128E: [email protected],

    [email protected]/S: deals in High quality Seed maize.

    Crop Africa Ltd10 Muiru lane, Langata Rd, Nairobi.M: +254 722 523 477.E: [email protected], [email protected]: www.cropafrica.comP/S: processes and supplies quality seeds

    Dry Land Seed LimitedSyokimau Road, Machakos.M: +254 722 829 287.E: [email protected],

    [email protected], [email protected]: www.drylandseed.comP/S: manufactures seeds suitable for dry landconditions.

    East African Seed Company LtdIndustrial Area, Dakar Road, Nairobi.M: +254 734 333 161, +254 722 207 747.E: [email protected], [email protected]

    W: www.easeed.comP/S: suppliers of hybrid seeds, agri-

    chemicals, agricultural tools andequipments.

    First Choice Seeds EnterprisesNairobi. E: [email protected]/S: hybrid seeds.

    Freshco InternationalMuthaiga, Nairobi. M: +254 722 516 953,

    +254 723 236 610. T: +254 202 324 79E: [email protected],

    [email protected]:

    P/S: suppliers of maize seeds, droughtresistant seeds, tree seeds, vegetable seeds

    and agrochemicals

    Kenya Highland Seed (KHS) Company LtdContact: Josephine, Marketing.Industrial Area, off Enterprise road, Road C,Building Sanam, NairobiM: +254 734 257 635, +254 725 549 997,+254 702 082 390.T: +254 203 562 700, +254 202 014 967.

    E: [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected]: www.royalseed.bizP/S: supplies hybrid seeds under the brandname of royal seed with agents in Kenya,Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi and Uganda.

    Lambwe Seed Growers Agencies (LASGA)OgongoM: +254 720 801 517. P/S: seeds

    Leldet LtdNakuru.

    E: [email protected]/S: seed supplying company.

    Mavuno SeedsNairobi.E: [email protected]: markets vegetable seeds such as: redonions (Bombay Red), carrots e.t.c.

    Pannar Seed (K) LtdNairobi

    M: +254 733 820 161, +254 721 371 680.T: +254 202 405 805. E: [email protected]

    W: produces hybrid seeds for Uganda,

    Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and otherAfrican countries.

    Pioneer Hi-Bred Kenya Limited

    Suvida Complex, Near Mololongo, Nairobi.T: +254 202 614 386.E: [email protected]: hybrid seed supplier in Tanzania, Kenyaand Ethiopia among other countries.

    Premier Seed (E.A) Company LimitedMoi Road, Nakuru.M: +254 722 103 461.E: [email protected]: supplies vegetable seeds

  • 7/25/2019 Kenya Agribusiness Directory 2015 by Agasha


    Agribusiness Catalogue & Directory Kenya 2015

    mre loca thn te locals12 Product of AgaShaGroup

    Safari Seeds LimitedNairobi.M: +254 733 774 805, +254 723 263 695.E: [email protected]/S: deals in marketing and exportation ofvegetable seeds.

    Savana Seeds LtdNairobiM: +254 735 102 652. T: +254 202 223 990.E: [email protected]/S: sells high quality hybrid vegetable seeds.

    Simlaw SeedsKijabe Street (Near Globe Cinema

    Roundabout), Nairobi.M: +254 722 200 545.

    E: [email protected]:

    P/S: distributors of vegetable, herbs, pasturelegumes and eld crop seeds within East

    Africa (Parent company-Kenya Seed CompanyLtd)

    Vego Seeds (Africa) LimitedNairobi. M: +254 722 521 062.E: [email protected]: www.vegoseeds.comP/S: hybrid seeds for cabbage, water melon,

    tomatoes, broccoli e.t.c.

    Western Seed & Grain Co. LtdKitale. E: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]: www.westernseedcompany.comP/S: distributes maize hybrid seeds


    BASF East Africa LimitedContact: Patrick Ngugi

    14 Riverside, Hanover Suite 1A, RiversideDrive, Nairobi.E: [email protected]: www.basf.comP/S: manufactures agrochemicals for crop andanimal health.

    Bayer East Africa LimitedOutering Road, Off Thika Road, Ruaraka,Nairobi.M: +254 720 909 339, +254 728 608 456.W: www.bayercropscience.comP/S: manufacturers of agrochemicals.

    Juanco Specialty Product andService (SPS) Ltd

    Contact: Leah Juanco Centre, Ngong Road,Ngong Hills, Nairobi.

    M: +254 722 207 805, +254 722 207 806.T: +254 202 608 415/608 396.

    E: [email protected]:

    P/S: imports and distributes agriculturalchemicals and veterinary products

    (company of Juanco Group)

    Murphy Chemical E.A. LtdBaba Dogo Road, Ruaraka, Nairobi.E: [email protected]: www.murphychemicals.comP/S: Stockiest of Agrochemicals for crops andanimals established in Tanzania, Rwanda andKenya.

    Profarm Africa LtdNairobi.M: +254 714 058 471P/S: suppliers of agrochemicals and water

    soluble fertilizers.

    Rotam Sub-Saharan Africa LtdNairobi.T: +254 204 442 108.E: [email protected]/S: manufacturers of agrochemicals(fungicides, insecticides, herbicides).Products are distributed by Cooper K-BrandsLtd.

    Sana East Africa LtdWakulima House, Nairobi.

    T: +254 202 210 417,+254 202 223 016E: [email protected]/S: Agrochemicals.

    Sineria East Africa LtdNairobi.M: +254 720 848 255.E: [email protected]: www.sineria.orgP/S: distributes agrochemicals, fertilizers,biological pest control and inoculants amongother products.

  • 7/25/2019 Kenya Agribusiness Directory 2015 by Agasha


    Agribusiness Catalogue & Directory Kenya 2015

    mre loca thn te locals13Product of AgaShaGroup

    Turbo Highway Eldoret LtdEldoret.M: +254 722 911 109.E: [email protected], [email protected]: deals in agrochemicals, fertilizers and

    farm implements.

    Twiga Chemical Industries LtdNairobi. M: +254 733 639 334

    E: [email protected]:

    P/S: manufactures agrochemicals for cropprotection and animal health.


    Agrichem Africa LimitedWinsford Park off Baba Dogo Road,Ruaraka, Nairobi.E: [email protected],[email protected]/S: Fertilizers, seeds, greenhouse lms(Polythene) and greenhouse structures.

    Agrichem and Tools LimitedBaba Ndogo, Winsford Industrial Park(off Baba Ndogo Road). Ruaraka, Nairobi.M: +254 727 531 010/42/43.E: [email protected]: www.agrichemandtools.comP/S: deals in Agrochemicals and fertilizers.

    Agrifresh Kenya LimitedNairobi.

    M: +254 722 206 177. T: +254 202 400 879.E: [email protected]. P/S: offers seed potatoes

    Bell Industries LtdNairobi.M: +254 733 764 562E: [email protected], [email protected]: www.bellindustrieskenya.comP/S: supplies agro-chemical products(fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, fungicidese.t.c.), seed dressing products and motorizedsprayers among other agricultural tools.

    Elgon Kenya Limited

    National Park East Gate Road,(Off Mombasa Road) Nairobi.M: +254 736 708 546. T: +254 206 534 410.

    E: [email protected]:

    P/S: Deals in Agro-chemicals; Seeds;Fertilizers; GreenHouse sheeting and

    Irrigation Systems among other products.

    Everris Kenya LimitedDuldul phase2, Mombasa Road, Nairobi.E: [email protected]. W: www.everris.comP/S: supplies fertilizers.

    Greenlife Agroscience (EA) LtdDuldul Complex, Off Mombasa Road (Behind

    Kech City Cabanas), Nairobi.M: +254 722 563 698, +254 738 980 267,

    +254 722 736 318, +254 735 544 544.T: +254 202 128 459, +254 202 699 191.

    E: [email protected]:

    P/S: deals in agrochemicals (herbicides,fungicides, insecticides, miticides and foliarfertilizers), Seeds; Greenhouse; Agricultural

    equipments e.t.c.

    Hygrotech E.A LtdTigoni Center, Limuru Road, Nairobi.E: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]: deals in agrochemicals and fertilizers.

    Mea LtdWest End Towers, 6th Floor - Wing A,Muthangari Drive, Off Waiyaki Way,

    Westlands, NairobiE: [email protected]. W:

    P/S: manufactures, researches anddistributes organic and complex fertilizers

    e.g. Urea, CAN, NPK, Biox e.t.c. within EastAfrica.

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    Monsanto Kenya LtdContact: Betty Kiplagat, Corporate Affairs

    Lead-CES.Tuskys Head Ofce Complex,

    Mombasa Road, Nairobi.M: +254 722 722 916, +254 733 600 468,+254 722 205 294.

    T: +254 202 060 922, +254 202 060 944.E: [email protected],[email protected],

    [email protected]:

    P/S: produces hybrid seeds andagrochemicals.

    New Hai-Tech Farm SuppliesLoncom House (Opp.Giddo Plaza), Nakuru.M: +254 717 307 821. E: [email protected]/S: liquid foliar fertilizer

    Ocean Agriculture (EA) LtdNairobi. T: +254 202 378 210/1.E: [email protected]: P/S: importers anddistributors of fertilizers, growing media,micronutrients and foliar feeds.

    Orion East Africa LimitedOrion Plaza, Outer Ring Road, Donholm,Nairobi. E: [email protected]: agrochemicals.

    Osho Chemical Industries LtdOsho Complex, Plot No. 09, Sasio Road (off

    Lunga Lunga), Industrial Area, Nairobi.M: +254 711 045 000, +254 732 167 000.

    E: [email protected]:

    P/S: manufactures, markets anddistributes Animal Health Products (MineralSupplements, Acaracides, poultry products,

    Vaccine, Antimicrobials, Anthelmintice,Disinfectants e.t.c), Crop Protection productsand Farm Equipments.

    Syngenta (East Africa) LimitedUpper Hill, Matumbato Road,(off Kiambere Read), Nairobi.

    M: +254 733 622 778.W: P/S: agrochemicals

    Yara East Africa

    Off Enterprise Road, Opposite SameerIndustrial Park , Road C (next to Kings

    Kitchen), NairobiM: +254 731 660 088. W:

    P/S: supplier of mineral fertilizers.


    DudutechNaivasha.E: [email protected],[email protected] W: supplies biological pest control products

    such as Vermicompost and offers training andconsultancy on Integrated Crop ManagementProgram.

    FERM O FEEDE: [email protected]:

    P/S: produces and imports organic fertilizers,substrates and organic mineral fertilizers fortea, coffee, horticulture and rice plantations.

    Kenya Biologics Ltd

    Thika Road, NairobiE: [email protected]: www.kenyabiologics.comP/S: deals in biological pest control productsthat can be used in any biological, IPM orconventional spraying program.

    Koppert Biological System (K) Ltd2rd Floor, Mara 3 Building,

    Eldama Park, Nairobi. E: [email protected],[email protected]:

    P/S: Biological Crop protection productsagainst pests and diseases.

    Organix LimitedNairobi. M: +254 735 712 090,+254 720 937 535, +254 736 190 951.W: P/S: suppliers ofeco-friendly agro-inputs for pest control andsoil management. Organix products facilitateintegrated and sustainable agriculture.

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    Real Ipm (Kenya) LtdContact: Kenneth. Thika.M: +254 725 806 086. E: [email protected],[email protected]. W: www.realipm.comP/S: offers integrated and holistic pest and soilmanagement solutions using bio-pesticides,predatory mites, bio-fertilizers and sticky traps

    among other crop protection measures.


    Chrysal AfricaPremises No.7, Sunag Compound

    (Off Mombasa Road & JKIA Resort Slip Road),Nairobi. M: +254 715 046 799.

    E: [email protected]. W:

    P/S: Supplies Flower Plant Care andPost-treatment products. It also offersconsultancy, auditing and training services to

    cut ower companies.

    Oasis Floralife AfricaNairobi. M: +254 733 123 006,+254 735 406 828. E: [email protected],[email protected]: www.oasisgrowers.comP/S: root cubes and growing media.

    Stokman Rozen Kenya Limited

    Naivasha. M: +254 720 603 990,+254 733 603 990. E: [email protected]/S: produces high quality planting materialfor the ower sector through plant propagationamong other methods.


    Farm Track AgrovetContact: Mburu Lawrence. NyeriM: +254 722 644 904.E: [email protected]/S: agrochemicals and fertilizers.

    Jupiter AgrovetContact: Dr. Thuku Kirori. KiriainiM: +254 722 691 374.E: [email protected]/S: insecticides, pesticides and all agro-chemicals.

    Kinangop AreaContact: Macharia. KinangopM: +254 723 460 035.P/S: agrochemicals products.

    Nickmah AgrovetContact: Kiguta Nicholas. Naromoru.M: +254 721 908 023.P/S: agro-veterinary drugs and services.

    Thika Farmers CentreContact: John K. Thika.

    M: +254 723 273 069.E: [email protected]/S: Agrochemicals.


    Agro Irrigation and Pump Services LtdEmbakasi, Nairobi.M: +254 723 539 522.E: [email protected], [email protected]: www.agroirrigation.comP/S: supplies auto-mated irrigation systems,

    pumps and accessories to large vegetable andower growers.

    AgroTunnel International LimitedContact: Eng. Oliver Ndegwa, Director.

    Ongatarongai, Nairobi.M: +254 733 520 083, +254 723 675 878

    E: [email protected], [email protected],

    [email protected]:

    P/S: Greenhouse installation and HydroponicFodder machines, training on greenhousemanagement and hydroponic production.

    Amiran Kenya Ltd.Old Airport North Road-Embakasi, Nairobi.M: +254 733 660 003, +254 719 095 000.E: [email protected]

    W: www.amirankenya.comP/S: deals in Greenhouses, Irrigation,Fertilizers, Agrochemicals and Seeds.

    Anek EnterprisesMamuto Plaza-Embu Branch, Bidhaa BoraBuilding Next to Krep Bank, Nairobi.M: +254 720 091 440.E: [email protected]: www.anekgreens.comP/S: deals in Green House construction,Hydroponics, Aquaponics, Solar lightingsolutions, Dam Liners.

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    Aqua Valley Services LtdNaivasha.

    M: +254 721 980 818, +254 733 641 632.

    E: [email protected],[email protected]:

    P/S: Supplies irrigation system accessories.

    Eco-Flora LtdMehisa Godowns No.7 (Opp. City Cabanas), OffMombasa Rd, Behind Ramtons, Nairobi.M: +254 711 563 456. E: [email protected]: Green house Management, Consultancyand Irrigation designing.

    First Machineries LtdNairobi.M: +254 722 274 411.E: [email protected]: www.rstmachineries.comP/S: supply and installation of water pumps,drainage and waste water.

    Greener Earth TechnologiesWall Street Business Park-Unit 41, Nairobi.M: +254 712 163 101.E: [email protected]: www.greenerearthlimited.comP/S: Manufacturers of Irrigation Drip Lines,Dealers In supply & Installation of Green housesFish Ponds and Dam Liners.

    Horti-Greenhouse Ltd/Charles Gerard Co.LtdMushroom Road (off Kiambu Road), Nairobi.M: +254 722 349 822, +254 737 939 393,+254 722 207 211. T: +254 203 544 685E: [email protected],[email protected]: www.horticentrekenya.comP/S: imports and exports oricultural and

    horticultural equipments and accessories forGreenhouse installation and Irrigation Systemsamong other products.

    Irrico International LimitedRoad A, Industrial Area,

    (off Enterprise Road), Nairobi.E: [email protected],[email protected],

    [email protected]:

    P/S: provides irrigation and greenhousesolutions.

    KentainersContact: Paul Madoc. Nairobi.

    M: +254 722 206 372

    E: [email protected]: water tanks, biogas digester and septic


    Kickstart International Inc.Contact: Nick Moon, Director.

    Nairobi.M: +254 733 635 536, +254 722 686 251,

    +254 733 647 051T: +254 203740175, +254 203 742 232

    E: [email protected],[email protected]

    W: www.kickstart.orgP/S: Supplies Moneymaker Irrigation Pumps.



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    Baragwi Farmer Co-operative Society LtdKirinyaga.T: +254 203 525 792.P/S: Coffee growers

    Benvar Estate LtdContact: Robert, Managing Director.Juja, off Thika Road, Village Market, NairobiM: +254 722 515 025.T: +254 202 622 822, +254 208 048 246E: [email protected], [email protected]

    P/S: coffee farming and horticulture export.

    Gicheha Farms LtdRuiru.T: +254 203 542 482/1/2.P/S: coffee plantation and dairy farming

    Kamacharia Farmer Co-operative Society LtdKamacharia, Muranga.M: +254 718 820 544.E: [email protected]: www.kamachariafcs.comP/S: Coffee growers.

    Kiriga Coffee EstateContact: Dr. Brian Gakunga,Executive Director. Thika.M: +254 738 490 826, +254 722 953 811.

    E: [email protected]/S: Coffee production

    Mathara Holdings LtdKiambu.E: [email protected]/S: Coffee growers.

    Mutira Farmer Co-operative Society LtdContact: MosesKirinyaga, Kerugoya.T: +254 202 085 626.E: [email protected]

    P/S: Coffee growers

    New Gaturi Farmer Co-operative Society LtdMurangaM: +254 700 156242E: [email protected]/S: Coffee growers.

    Rianjagi Farmer Co-operative Society LtdEmbu.T: +254 202 020 073.E: [email protected]/S: Coffee growers

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    Ruthaka Farmer Co-operative Society LtdContact: NdegwaMukurwe-ini.M: +254 722 688 507.P/S: Coffee growers.

    Sasini Tea & Coffee Ltd

    Nairobi.M: +254 734 200 706, +254 722 200 709.E: [email protected]: Coffee and tea growers and processors.


    Africa Tea & Coffee Ltd.Contact: Salaah S. Balala,

    Managing Director. Mombasa.M: +254 720 885 333.

    T: +254 412 223 568, +254 412 223 815/25.

    E: [email protected]:

    P/S: blending, roasting and packaging of Teaand Coffee

    Africoff Trading Co. Ltd.Contact: John Njuguna, Warehouse Supervisor.3rd Floor, Wakulima House, Haile SelassieAvenue, Nairobi.M: +254 736 307 489.E: [email protected]:

    P/S: coffee growing, processing, blending andexporting.

    Alanwood LimitedContact: Mansukh M. ShahWakulima House, Haile Selassie Avenue,Nairobi.M: +254 721 581 281, +254 775 550 903.E: [email protected]/S: Exporters of Coffee and Tea.

    Alcaffe LtdMombasa.E: [email protected]/S: Exporters of coffee

    Anmer Coffee Company LtdNairobi.

    E: [email protected]:

    P/S: deals in Coffee and Tea Exporting.

    C.Dormans Coffee Ltd17 Milimani Road, NairobiM: +254 722 829 478, +254 734 783 585.W: www.dormanscoffee.comP/S: Coffee exporting and roasting.

    Central Kenya Coffee Mills

    KaratinaT: +254 202 040 415.E: [email protected],[email protected]/S: Coffee processor.

    Chipso Products LtdContact: Ezekiel Muriungi MugambiKiambu Road, Nairobi.E: [email protected]/S: Exporters of Coffee.

    Coffee Exporters (Kenya) Ltd

    2E Peponi Plaza, Mwanzi Road,Westlands, Nairobi.E: [email protected]/S: Coffee exporters.

    Dorest CoffeeNairobi.E: [email protected]/S: Exporters of coffee.

    East Africa GourmetNairobi.T: +254 202 107 243, +254 202 107 245/9.

    E: [email protected]/S: Exporters of coffee

    F.T.O.I.K.Contact: Benjamin KiaraM: +254 712 529 345.P/S: Coffee.

    Gibson coffee ltdNairobi.

    E: [email protected]:

    P/S: growers and processers of coffee.

    Goldrock International Enterprises Co. KenyaLtdContact: Sang Yeul ParkBabadogo Road, Ruaraka, Nairobi.M: +254 733 223 300. T: +254 202 161 771,+254 202 161 772, +254 202 161 773.E: [email protected]: www.goldrockkenya.comP/S: Coffee roasters and exporters.

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    Highlands Coffee Company LtdGarissa Road (next to Gresta University), Thika.M: +254 708 105 100.E: [email protected],[email protected]: www.ecomtrading.comP/S: Coffee milling services

    (group Company of Ecom Agro-IndustrialCorporation Ltd).

    Jenem Coffee LtdNairobi.E: [email protected]/S: Exporters of coffee

    Ibero Kenya Ltd.Sukari Industrial Estate,Northern Bypass Road,Ruiru, Nairobi.M: +254 733 893 900, +254 729 407 495.

    T: +254 202 348 009, +254 202 066 886,+254 202 056 428.E: [email protected]: www.iberokenya.comP/S: Coffee Exporters(Company of Neumann Kaffee Gruppe).

    Josra Coffee Co. Ltd3rd Floor, Wakulima House,Haile Selassie Avenue, Nairobi.E: [email protected]: www.josracoffee.comP/S: Exporters of premium quality coffee

    Jowam Coffee Trading Company LtdK.P.C.U Building,Wakulima House,Haile Selassie Avenue, Nairobi.E: [email protected],[email protected]/S: Coffee exporting company.

    Jungle CoffeeContact: Robin Muriuki,Team Leader.Nyeri.

    M: +254 721 491 336.E: [email protected]: Coffee exporter.

    Kenruss LtdContact: Galina Krumkacheva.Green House Business Centre,Adams Arcade, Ngong Road, Nairobi.M: +254 736 072 694.E: [email protected]: www.kenruss.comP/S: Exporter of coffee,tea and owers.

    Kenya Co-operative Coffee Exporters Ltd

    Godown 7, Kenbelt Industrial Park(off Mombasa Road), Nairobi.

    E: [email protected]: www.kencaffee.coopP/S: Exporters of coffee

    Konaf Company LimitedNgenda Road, off Ruiru,Githunguri RoadRuiruM: +254 733 633 638.T: +254 208 011 041.

    E: [email protected]

    P/S: Coffee growers,millers and marketers.

    Kyandu Trading CompanyBusia Road, Nairobi.M: +254 733 732 823, +254 726 270 151.E: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]/S: Exporters of coffee.

    La Perle Coffee

    Nairobi.M: +254 711 480 000.E: [email protected]/S: Exporters of coffee

    Louis Dreyfus Commodities Kenya LtdKenbelt Industrial Park

    (off Mombasa Road), Nairobi.M: +254 722 499 115.

    T: +254 202 107 281, +254 208 004 833.E: [email protected],

    [email protected]:

    P/S: Coffee Exporters.

    M.A. Pandit & Company LimitedShimanzi, MombasaE: [email protected]: www.mapandit.comP/S: Coffee Roasters and Tea packing.

    M.A. Panju & Brothers Ltd.Shimazi, Mombasa.E: [email protected]/S: Coffee Exporters.

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    Merali Dewji & Sons Kenya LtdContact: Naushad Merali, DirectorMakadara Road, Mombasa.M: +254 722 410 331. T: +254 412 224 804.E: [email protected]. P/S: Coffee Exporters

    Mombasa Coffee Ltd

    Mombasa.T: +254 412 312 948/9.E: [email protected]/S: Exporters of coffee

    NKG Coffee Mills Kenya LtdSukari Industrial Estate, Northern Bypass

    Road, Ruiru, Nairobi.M: +254 715 662 010. T: +254 202 307 423

    E: [email protected],[email protected]

    W: www.nkg.netP/S: Coffee exporters (Company of Neumann

    Kaffee Gruppe).

    Nyambene Coffee MillsMeru, Makutano(along the Meru-Nanyuki highway).E: [email protected],[email protected]: coffee marketing and milling agency.

    Ransley Coffee Company LtdNairobi.E: [email protected]: www.rcckenya.comP/S: Exporters of coffee

    Rashid Moledina & Co. (Mombasa) LimitedZanzibar Road, Shimazi, Mombasa.E: [email protected]/S: Exporters of coffee

    Red Berry Coffee Co. LtdNairobi.T: +254 206 762 032.E: [email protected]

    P/S: Exporters of coffee

    Rosie Vyme Dyke LtdNairobiM: +254 750 322 200, +254 721 248 164.E: [email protected]/S: Exporters of coffee

    Ruwan Coffee DealersWakulima House, Nairobi.M: +254 721 248 164.E: [email protected]/S: Exporters of coffee

    Safari Commodity LimitedMombasa.M: +254 733 734 962E: [email protected],[email protected]: www.safaricommodities.comP/S: coffee roaster.

    Sangana Commodities LtdFoxtrot Building, 1st Floor,Wilson Business Park,Langata Road, Nairobi.E: [email protected],[email protected]: www.ecomtrading.comP/S: trader and exporter of coffee(subsidiary of Ecom Agro-Industrial CorporationLtd).

    Servicoff Limited

    Contact: Peter KinyuaKenbelt Industrial Park(off Mombasa Road), Nairobi.T: +254 202 107 243,+254 202 107 245/9.E: [email protected]/S: Exporters of coffee.

    Shah Meghji Hirji LtdWakulima House,Haile Selassie Avenue,Nairobi.E: [email protected]

    P/S: Coffee exporter.

    Sondhi Trading Limited (STL)Contact: Jay C. Sondhi.Mbaraki, Mombasa.M: +254 722 955 335E: [email protected]/S: Coffee and Tea Exporter;provides coffee warehousing facilities.

    Star Coffee Kenya LtdNairobi.M: +254 725 146 731.

    E: [email protected]

    P/S: Coffee roasting

    Taylor Winch (Coffee) Ltd.Contact: Dirk Sickmueller,General Manager.Dennis Pritt Road, Nairobi.M: +254 733 624 407.E: [email protected]: www.volcafespecialty.comP/S: Exporters of green coffee(part of Volcafe,ED & F Mans coffee division).

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    Thika Coffee MillsContact: Pius Ngugi, Director. Nairobi.M: +254 722 204 262, +254 722 628 750T: +254 202 225 249, +254 202 318 178

    W: Coffee exporters


    Coffee Management Services LtdContact: Kamau Kuria, Managing Director /Ambrose Kirobi, Senior Agronomist.Ruiru-Githunguri Road, Ruiru.

    M: +254 734 746 753, +254 727 973 595,+254 735 941 148.T: +254 202 530 700/1, +254 202 720 632.E: [email protected]: coffee farm management, price riskmanagement, marketing and eld advisoryservices.

    Diamond Coffee Company LimitedContact: Paras P. Shah, Director.Nyuki Close, Gikomba, Nairobi.

    M: +254 711 880076.T: +254 206 762 031, +254 206 762 031/2.

    E: [email protected],[email protected].

    W: coffee quality analysis and warehousing.

    Mbaraki Port Warehouses (K) LtdMbaraki, Mombasa.E: [email protected]

    P/S: offers coffee warehousing services.

    Tropical Farm Management Kenya Ltd.Contact: Eric Anampiu, Group Manager/Jeremy Hulme.Sukari Industrial Estate, Northern Bypass Road,Ruiru/Maboromoko Road, Thika.M: +254 722 674 704.E: [email protected]: www.tropicalke.comP/S: Coffee consultancy, training, farmmanagement and advisory services (Companyof Neumann Kaffee Gruppe).

    Sustainable Management Services Ltd (SMS)Contact: Anthony Ngugi, Regional ProgramCoordinator

    Jumapili Estate, Mangu Road, Thika.M: +254 721 838 896.

    E: [email protected],[email protected],

    [email protected] W:

    P/S: farmer training services (part of EcomAgro-Industrial Corporation Ltd).


    Caf Logistiques LimitedContact: Kevin CarringtonWall Street Business Park (off Mombasa Road),Nairobi. E: [email protected],[email protected]: handles coffee logistic businesses,exportation and warehousing.


    Kitui ginneries LtdContact: Managing Director/MaryNairobi. M: +254 733 588 420, +254 722 694 261P/S: cotton buyers

    Riftcot LtdNairobi. M: +254 722 570 550,E: [email protected], W: www.riftcot.comP/S: deals in buying and selling of cotton


    Pembe Flour Mills LtdLungaLunga Road, Industrial Area, Nairobi.M: +254 733 880 303, +254 724 257 064. T:+254 202 406 407. E: [email protected]: P/S: Home baking

    our, Maize our and Animal Feeds (PembeFeeds).

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    East Africa MaltingsMolo.T: +254 202 314 009.W: www.eabl.comP/S: outsources barley from farmers for beerbrewing.

    Uchumi Grain Millers LtdContact: Isaac Chege, Executive Director.Erdemann EPZ, Nairobi.E: [email protected]/S: Grade 1 sifted Maize milling.


    Kentaste Products LtdMombasa.M: +254 722 843 743W: Manufacturers of Coconut Products


    Capwell Industries LtdThikaM: +254 736 237 000.E: [email protected]/S: manufacturers of Pearl Rice and SokoUgali maize our.

    Mwea Rice Growers Multipurpose SocietyWanguru.M: +254 721 767 795, +254 722 688 417.E: [email protected]: Rice growers



    AAA growers LtdContact: Joachim/Antony, AgronomistSadani House, Riverside Lane, Riverside Drive,

    Nairobi.M: +254 722 436 297.T: +254 204 453 970/1/2/3/4.E: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]: Export of AAA roses, herbs and vegetables.

    Africalla Lilies LtdVillage Market, Nairobi.M: +254 725 957 317, +254 721 837 968.E: [email protected], [email protected]:

    P/S: Flowers growing and exporting

    Agriora Kenya LtdNakuru.M: +254 723 159 619.E: [email protected]: Flowers (part of Sian Agriora Farm)

    Aquila Dev. Co. LtdWestlands, Nairobi.M: +254 722 205 368.E: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]: Flowers exporting and growing

    Baraka Roses LtdNairobi.M: +254 722 410 837.E: [email protected],

    [email protected],[email protected]: www.barakaroses.comP/S: Flowers.

    Bilashaka Flowers LtdNaivasha.M: +254 722 204 489.E: [email protected],[email protected]: www.bilashakaowers.comP/S: grower and exporter of fresh cut owers

    Black Petals Ltd.Nairobi.T: +254 202 017 706E: [email protected],[email protected]/S: Flowers

    Bondet LimitedNanyuki.M: +254 722 509 919.T: +254 202 326459E: [email protected],[email protected].


    P/S: Flowers growing and exporting(Part of Kariki Group)

    Charm Flowers LtdKaijado, Namanga Road, Nairobi.M: +254 722 527 242.E: [email protected],[email protected]: www.charmowers.comP/S: processes and exports rose owers.

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    Countrywide Connections LtdNanyuki.M: +254 722 509 919, +254 734 330 012.E: [email protected], [email protected]: www.kariki.bizP/S: Flowers growing and exporting(Part of Kariki Group)

    Desire Flora Ltd.Nsinya, Kiserian Road, Kajiado.

    M: +254 722 473 312.E: [email protected],

    [email protected],[email protected]

    W: www.desireora.comP/S: Grower and Exporter of cut owers.

    De Ruiter East AfricaNaivasha.T: +254 202 359 890.W: www.deruiter.comP/S: ower rose breeders.

    Fairly Flowers Kenya Limited5 minutes from St. Pauls University, Nairobi.T: +254 202 017 283.E: [email protected]. P/S: Flowers.

    Fides Kenya LimitedEmbu. M: +254 713 715 283.E: [email protected],[email protected] P/S: Flowers.

    Finlays Horticulture (K) LtdWatermark, Ndege Road off Langata Road


    T: +254 203 873 800, +254 203 874 193.E: [email protected], [email protected],[email protected]. W: www.nlays.netP/S: deals in growing and exporting owers,

    vegetables, tea and other fresh produce.

    Florensis (K) LtdNaivasha.E: [email protected]: www.orensis.comP/S: Grows and exports cut owers. Florensisreceived 2015 Horticultural EntrepreneurAward.

    Groove LtdNaivashaM: +254 726 116 780.E: [email protected]/S: Flowers.

    Hamwe Limited

    Naivasha.M: +254 724 255 059, +254 734 255 050.E: [email protected],[email protected]: www.kariki.bizP/S: Flowers (Part of Kariki Group)

    Harvest LimitedKinani Road, Athiriver, Nairobi.M: +254 722 294 963, +254 733 205 113.T: +254 208 046 693/4, +254 208 046 582/3.E: [email protected]:

    P/S: Cut Flowers.

    Highlands Plants LimitedOl kalaoM: +254 734 746 510, +254 700 203 352.E: [email protected], [email protected]/S: Flowers.

    Kariki Ltd.Thika.

    M: +254 723 579 562, +254 734 600 525.T: +254 202 044 914.

    E: [email protected], [email protected],[email protected]. W:

    P/S: Fresh Cut Flowers growing andexporting.

    Kisima Farm Ltd

    Timau.M: +254 727 534 640, +254 722 509 830, +254722 593 911.E: [email protected], [email protected]: Farm deals in oriculture, potato growing,livestock and forestry.

    Kongoni River Farm LtdNaivasha.E: [email protected], [email protected]:

    P/S: Deals in fresh cut owers for export.

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    Lathyora Ltd.Contact: JohnLimuru, Red hills, Nairobi.M: +254 722 455 996.E: [email protected]/S: Cut Flowers

    Lauren International Flowers LtdNairobi.M: +254 722 525 683.E: [email protected]/S: Flowers

    Liki River Farm LtdNaivasha.E: [email protected]: www.vegpro-group.comP/S: Flowers

    Live Wire Ltd

    Naivasha.M: +254 728 111 223E: [email protected],[email protected]/S: growing and exporting owers.

    Magana Flowers Kenya LtdNairobi.M: +254 722 897 903.E: [email protected],[email protected]/S: Flowers.

    Maridadi Flowers ltdNaivasha.M: +254 733 333 289.E: [email protected]: www.kneppersrozen.nlP/S: growing and exporting Flowers.

    Maasai Flowers LtdNairobiM: +254 714 065 245.E: [email protected]: Flowers

    (part of Sian Agriora Farm).

    Molo River Roses LtdNakuruE: [email protected],[email protected] P/S: Cut Flowers(Part of Nairobi Trustees Farms).

    Morop Flowers Ltd.Bahati, Nakuru.E: [email protected]/S: Cut Flowers.

    Mosi Flowers LtdNairobi.E: [email protected],[email protected]: www.mosiowers.comP/S: Cut Flowers.

    Ol-Njorowa LtdNaivasha.E: [email protected]/S: deals in Cut Flowers.

    Oserian Development Company Limited

    Naivasha.M: +254 738 700 048, +254 722 207 900T: +254 502 030 210, +254 502 030 212

    E: [email protected]. W: www.oserian.comP/S: Grows and Exports Flowers to Europe,

    Asia and U.S.A.

    Plantation Plants Kenya LtdNaivasha.M: +254 703 858 868. T: +254 202 027 246.E: [email protected],[email protected] P/S: Cut Flowers.

    Penta Flowers LtdNairobi.M: +254 722 831 318, +254 733 742 875.T: +254 202 145 291/92E: [email protected],[email protected]/S: Flowers exporting and growing

    P. J. Dave Flower LtdNairobi. T: +254 203 542 012.E: [email protected],[email protected]. W:

    P/S: deals in Rose Flowers.

    Primarosa Flowers Ltd.Athi River, Nairobi.

    T: +254 203 540 659.E: [email protected]:

    P/S: deals in Fresh Cut Rose Flowers.

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    Red Lands Roses LtdRuiru.M: +254 722 509 293, +254 722 509 293.E: [email protected]: www.redlandsroses.comP/S: Flower farm.

    Roseto LtdNakuru.T: +254 512 216 400.E: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]: www.megaspingroup.comP/S: Cut Flowers.

    Sian Agriora FarmsNairobi.T: +254 202 170 540, +254 202 891 095.E: [email protected]

    W: Cut Flowers growers and exporters

    Simbi RosesThika. T: +254 202 528 416.E: [email protected], [email protected]: www.simbiroses.comP/S: Flowers growers and exporters

    Subati Flowers LtdNairobi. T: +254 202 048 483.E: [email protected],[email protected]


    P/S: Grows and exports fresh cut owers.

    Suera Flowers LtdNairobi.

    M: +254 706 186 579.E: [email protected]

    W: Deals in growing and exporting fresh cut


    Terrasol Ltd

    Nairobi. E: [email protected]/S: Flowers.

    Timaor LimitedTimau. E: [email protected]/S: Flowers

    Tambuzi LtdNanyuki.E: [email protected],[email protected] W: Produces Rose Cut Flowers.

    Valentine Growers Co. LtdBanana Road, Kiambu.T: +254 202 020 585.E: [email protected]: www.valentinegrowers.comP/S: Cut Flowers

    Waridi LimitedAthi River, Nairobi.M: +254 724 407 889, +254 734 192 845T: +254 202 012 201.E: [email protected]: www.waridifarm.comP/S: Fresh Cut Flowers.

    Wildre LtdNaivasha.M: +254 722 204 669, +254 733 204 669.T: +254 502 020 839, +254 502 020 839.E: [email protected],

    [email protected]/S: Flowers

    Winchester Farm LtdNairobi.T: +254 202 679 938/9, +254 202 679 940.E: [email protected]: Fresh cut Flowers.

    Windsor FlowersThika.E: [email protected],

    [email protected]/S: Flowers

    Xpressions Flora LimitedNjoroto, Elburgon Road, Nairobi.T: +254 202 312 888.P/S: Flowers


    Azuri Health LimitedContact: Tei Mukunya, CEO.

    Lavington, Nairobi.M: +254 722 777 717, +254 735 555 180.

    E: [email protected]:

    P/S: processors of nutriporridge; driedmangoes, pineapple, bananas and coconut;

    sweet potato our e.t.c.

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    Del Monte Kenya LtdThika. M: +254 722 204 080,

    +254 725 600 117. T: +254 202 141 600/6/9.E: [email protected],

    [email protected]:

    P/S: processes fruit juices, canned fruits andvegetables.

    Foods Africa Enterprises LtdContact: John Maingi, Director.

    Uganda House, 1stFloor, Kenyatta Avenue,Nairobi. E: [email protected]

    W: www.foodsafrica.comP/S: Supplies fresh vegetables, fruits, maize,

    beans and honey for both local and exportmarkets and offers Green house and other

    agricultural consultancy services

    Kevian Kenya LimitedNairobi. E: [email protected]: www.keviankenya.comP/S: Packed Fruit Juice processors.

    SWEET N DRIED ENTERPRISESContact: Mercy. Chuka, Tharaka Nithi County.M: +254 723 562 445. E: [email protected]: www.sweetndried.comP/S: Solar dried fruits (mango and bananaakes) and dried vegetables (spinach, Managu)

    Stawi Foods & Fruits Banana ProcessingContact: Eric Muthomi, C.E.O.

    State House Road, NairobiM: +254 720 466 910. T: +254 202 426 083.

    E: [email protected],[email protected]

    W: www.stawiindustries.comP/S: processes nutritious fruits.


    Equatorial Nuts Processors (ENP)Muranga County, Nairobi.E: [email protected]: processors of Macadamia nuts,

    cashew nuts and peanut/groundnut for local market and export toEurope, USA and Asia.


    Annico EnterprisesContact: Ann M. Kamau, Director.Ruia, along Kangundo Road, Nairobi.M: +254 722 890 063,+254 733 365 982.T: +254 202 603 878.E: [email protected]

    P/S: deals in amaranth health products(Tarere) and Toasted Flour.

    Frigoken LtdNairobi.

    E: [email protected]:

    P/S: vegetable processing company.

    Geopet & VeganContact: Dr Geoffrey Mukora,Project Managing Director/Veterinary Ofcer.M: +254 723 585 800.E: [email protected]/S: horticulture & mushroom.

    Mulberry Commercial AgenciesNairobi.M: +254 722 522 000.E: [email protected]/S: Exporter of avocadoes,groundnuts, French beans e.t.c.

    Pollen LtdRuiru.M: +254 724 255 863.E: [email protected],[email protected]: www.syngenta.comP/S: deals in vegetablesand horticulture(subsidiary of Sygenta).

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    Kapi LtdNakuru.M: +254 726 114 140,+254 737 127 853.E: [email protected],[email protected]: www.kenya-pyrethrum.comP/S: Produces and adds value toPyrethrum to manufacture insecticides amongother crop protection products.


    Migotiyo Plantations LtdContact: Corien Herweijer,Marketing & Sales Manager.

    NairobiM: +254 713 419 782, +254 737 826 833

    T: +254 204 449 128E: [email protected],

    [email protected]/S: deals in sisal and fresh produce

    including green beans, herbs and seed maize.


    Pure in FreshContact: Peter Irungu, Owner.M: +254 722 750 833.P/S: Sunower oil processing.


    Chemeil Sugar Company LimitedM: +254 722 209 798.T: +254 202 031 881/5E: [email protected],[email protected]: produces sugar.

    Muhoroni Sugar Company LtdMuhoroni Town.

    E: [email protected],[email protected]

    W: processes sugarcane products

    Nzoia Sugar Company Ltd5Kms off Webuye-Bugama highway, Bungoma.

    M: +254 727 477 777, +254 727 283 283.T: +254 552 030 500, +254 552 030 477E: [email protected]:

    P/S: growers of sugarcane and producessugar.



    Chai Trading Company LtdKTDA Miritini Complex, Along Mombasa-NairobiRoad, Mombasa.M: +254 722 280 054T: +254 202 037 927.E: [email protected]: www.chaitrading.comP/S: Tea buying, bulking, packaging and selling(subsidiary of KTDA).

    Kakuzi LtdContact: Richard Collins.

    Thika. M: +254 713 761 791.E: [email protected]

    W: deals in growing, processing and

    marketing for tea, avocados, macadamia,pineapples; forestry development and

    livestock rearing.

    Kenya Tea Packers Limited (KETEPA)Kericho

    E: [email protected], [email protected]:

    P/S: exporters of packed tea(subsidiary of KTDA).

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    Kenya Tea Development Agency HoldingsLtd

    Contact: Lerionka Tiampati, CEO.KTDA Farmers Building, Moi Avenue, Nairobi.

    T: +254 203 227 000/2.E: [email protected]:

    P/S: Management agency for small scaleKenyan tea farmers


    Alliance One Tobacco (K) LtdThika.

    M: +254 733 555 333, +254 722 200 020/10T: +254 202 426 066, +254 203 541 876.

    E: [email protected],[email protected]


    P/S: Tobacco processing.

    British American Tobacco Kenya LtdContact: Allan Ondiek, Agronomist.

    Thika. M: +254 728 601 163.T: +254 202 441 929/30/31.

    E: [email protected]: tobacco processing


    Mweiga Blooms LtdVillage Market, Nairobi.E: [email protected]: www.mweigablooms.comP/S: deals in fresh herbs(Chives, Rosemary, Mint and Tarragon).

    Sustainable Organic Products &Technologies (SOPTEC)

    Contact: Georges Mugambi.

    Upper River Road (across KCB Real starBusiness Centre shop), Nairobi.

    M: +254 724 069 043, +254 732 069 043,+254 722 486 832.

    E: [email protected], [email protected]:

    P/S: Moringa Leaf Powder, Moringa RoastedSeeds, Bio-Drink Moringa extract and

    capsules based on moringa. SOPTEC is alsoauthorized distributor o EM1 (Effective



    Ipop-Africa LtdContact: Alice Munuu Mbithi, ManagingDirector/Victor S. Alioni, Director-Finance andAdministration.Isinya, NairobiM: +254 726 265 210, +254 728 966 455.T: +254 738 752 529.E: [email protected]/S: Organic Farming and Vermiculture.


    Agro Chemical and Food Company LimitedAlong Harambee Avenue, Nairobi.T: +254 202 230 083, +254 202 334 020/1.W: deals in spirits and yeasts

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    Afrivet Farm Supplies

    Contact: Ndegwa.Naivasha.M: +254 722 438 070.P/S: distributes veterinary products.

    Bimeda LtdFunzi Road, IndustrialArea, Nairobi.

    E: [email protected],

    [email protected] W:

    P/S: manufactures and distributes veterinarydrugs and products.

    Flamingo Produce LimitedKasarani, Nairobi.M: +254 722 297 695,+254 722 510 441.E: [email protected]/S: Animal Health Products.

    Highchem Essentials LtdNairobi.

    M: +254 722 204 468, +254 733 608 911,+254 722 205 174. T: +254 203 546 486/93.

    E: [email protected],[email protected]:

    P/S: agro-veterinary products and services.

    Dawa LimitedNairobi.

    E: [email protected],[email protected] W:

    P/S: manufactures mineral supplementsand treatment drugs for Animal health suchas: Roundworms, Lungworms, Tapeworms,

    Stomach Flukes & Liverukes.

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    Norbrook Kenya Ltd

    Old Limuru Road, Karuri, Nairobi.M: +254 734 514 160, +254 722 200 804.E: [email protected]

    W: www.norbrook.comP/S: manufactures veterinary and animal

    health medicines and drugs.

    Sai ChemicalsContact: RajuKariobangi, Nairobi.M: +254 724 203 736.P/S: distributes veterinary products

    Ultravetis East Africa LtdNanyuki Road, Off Lunga Lunga RoadIndustrial Area, Nairobi.T: +254 202 235 825.E: [email protected],[email protected]: www.ultravetis.comP/S: distributes veterinary,animal health and hygiene products andservices.

    Veterinary & Agronomic E.A Ltd

    Tom Mboya,Global Roundabout,Nairobi.M: +254 724 253 790,+254 735 317 119.T: +254 202 215 325, +254 202 045 344.W: www.vetagroinfo.comP/S: distributors of Norbrook veterinaryproducts


    Fleckvieh Genetics (E.A) LtdContact: Gerard Besseling,

    Director. Nairobi.M: +254 712 095 555, +254 721 640 402.

    E: [email protected]:

    P/S: Articial Insemination and distributionof semen directly to farmers and agro-vet


    IndicusNivina Towers, Westlands Road, Nairobi.

    E: [email protected]:

    P/S: supplies high quality sexed semen fromViking Genetics for Fennish Ayrshire, Danish

    Jersey, Swedish Red and Viking Holstein.


    Afrivet AgrovetContact: Dr. Ndegwa.NaivashaM: +254 722 438 070.P/S: agro-veterinary drugs,agrochemicals and fertilizers

    Avepo Agrovet

    SiayaM: +254 722 976 171.P/S: Articial Inseminationand veterinary clinical services.

    Dairy MartContact: Victor Kitutu.Mtitio-AdeiM: +254 721 950 312.P/S: Articial Insemination.

    Endarasha Farmers Co-operative SocietyContact: MikoNaivashaM: +254 721 630 078.P/S: Articial Inseminationand collects milk.

    Elika Agrovet & Genetics SuppliersContact: Catherine Waturi,Manager. Muranga County.

    M: +254 722 710 679, +254 723 367 525.E: [email protected]/S: distributes bull semen,Animal Feeds, Mineral Saltsand other agro-vet products

    Felison AgrovetContact: Kinyua.KiambuM: +254 729 223 746.P/S: deals in agrochemicals.

    Inkishu Vet ServicesContact: Paul.KiserianM: +254 724 297 070.P/S: deals in animal health

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    Kandara Vet CentreContact: Catherine Waturi, ManagerKandara Trading Centre, Muranga.

    M: +254 722 710 679, +254 723 367 525.E: [email protected]

    P/S: distributes bull semenboth Kenyan and imported.

    Karatina VetContact: Wairimu Elizabeth.KaratinaM: +254 726 976 542.P/S: deals in semenfor cows and goats.

    Katheju AgenciesContact: Dr. KathejuNgong.M: +254 723 101 120.

    P/S: Agro-vet shop

    Kibwezi AI ProvidersContact: Jane.KibweziM: +254 718 002 779.P/S: articial insemination services.

    Kilimo AgrovetContact: IsaacLimuru.M: +254 718 521 713,+254 722 245 416.

    P/S: agro-veterinary shopMemo AgrovetContact: MuchiriKinangop.M: +254 723 460 035.P/S: agrochemicals.

    Mwiki AgrovetMwiki, Nairobi.M: +254 722 650 752.P/S: distributes veterinary products

    Njathe EnterprisesContact: Dr. NjatheKikuyuM: +254 725 537 663.P/S: Animal health products.

    North Rift A.I ServiceContact: ElkanaKitale.M: +254 720 838 063.P/S: distributes semen,liquid nitrogen, offers extensionservices, veterinaryclinical and AI services.

    Nyanja AgrovetContact: Dr. Rucha.ChogoriaM: +254 712 757 260.E: [email protected]/S: farm chemicals, semenand animal feeds.

    Orokise AgrovetContact: Muchiri JacksonOngata Rongai.M: +254 721 929 711.P/S: Agrovet shop.

    Rabby Al ServicesContact: Dr. Rahab Mwangi.Molo.M: +254 722 383 623.P/S: animal semen agent

    Sampe AgrovetTransmaraM: +254 722 992 553.P/S: agro-veterinary productsand AI services

    Sotik AgrovetContact: Japhth Kiprono.SotikM: +254 723 933 808.P/S: animal feeds and maize bran.

    Thorn Tree Articial Insemination

    Contact: Dr. Shah.Eldoret.M: +254 733 677 502.P/S: agrochemicals and fertilizers.

    Ukulima AgrovetContact: Dr. Muriithi.KerugoyaM: +254 722 566 917.E: [email protected]/S: fertilizers, agrochemical and veterinaryproducts.


    Animal Minerals & Allied LtdFormulation Center

    Contact: Peter Chege Gichuki,Director. Nairobi

    M: +254 703 286 763, +254 722 956 647.W: Hydroponics fodder & Vegetable,livestock formulation feeds, minerals


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    Fodder SolutionsContact: Eng. Oliver Ndegwa,

    Director. Nairobi.M: +254 733 520 083, +254 723 675 878.

    E: [email protected],[email protected]

    W: www.foddersolutionskenya.comP/S: Hydroponic Fodder growing training

    Lanet FarmcareContact: Kamau PaulNakuru Lanet.M: +254 722 437 847.P/S: deals in animal feeds and maize bran.

    Michray Agro Supplies

    Contact: Rose Mburu/Catherine Waturi,Manager. Nairobi.

    M: +254 723 419 067,+254 722 710 679.

    E: [email protected]/S: Deals in Feed supplements

    and Mineral Salt

    Nutrimix LimitedContact: Martin F.Kinoti,Managing Director.LungaLunga, Nairobi.

    M: +254 722 759 454,+254 734 145 856.E: [email protected]/S: animal feeds and ingredients.

    Pestgon LtdKitale.M: +254 722 644 229.E: [email protected],[email protected]/S: animal feeds.

    Unga FarmCare East Africa LimitedNgano House, Commercial Street,

    Industrial Area, Nairobi.M: +254 719 065 222.

    E: [email protected],[email protected]

    W: www.unga.comP/S: supplies Animal Feeds,

    Concentrates, Minerals,and feed premixes among other products.

    United Millers LimitedObote Road, Kisumu.E: [email protected]: Animal Feeds for poultry, pigs, rabbits,cattle and dogs (UNIFEEDS).


    Ashut Engineers LtdPlastic Division, Lokitaung Road(off Likoni Road), Nairobi.E: [email protected], [email protected]: milking and transportation system.

    Desley Holdings (K) Ltd2ndFloor, Serengeti House Factory Street,

    Nairobi.T: +254 202 066 573.

    E: [email protected]:

    P/S: supplies dairy machinery and equipment(milking machines and milk cooling tank).

    Kalu Works LimitedMariakani (Off Mombasa Road), MombasaE: [email protected]: www.kaluworks.comP/S: Strong & durable Aluminium milk cans andMilking buckets.


    Wire Products LimitedAthi River Road, Off Addis Ababa Road,Industrial Area, Nairobi.M: +254 723 860 962, +254 733 756 073.T: +254 206 558 271, +254 206 554 857.E: [email protected]. W: www.wireprod.netP/S: Manufacturers of shamba barbed wire


    Kili Farm

    Contact: EvansKili.M: +254 722 466 639.P/S: Breeding farm

    Maparasha Company LtdContact: Kenneth Kasaine, Associate Director.Nairobi.M: +254 718 796 358.T: +254 202 364 795.E: [email protected]: www.maparashacompany.comP/S: Beef Supply live Cattle.

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    Brookside Dairy Limited

    Ruiru. E: [email protected],[email protected]

    W: processors of milk, butter, yoghurt,

    ghee e.t.c.

    Chemuslan FarmContact: Dr. KibetNakuru. M: +254 721 869 300.P/S: dairy farming.

    Githunguri Dairy Farmer CooperativeSociety Ltd

    Githunguri. E: [email protected]:

    P/S: Processors of Fresha Dairy Products.

    Happy Cow LtdNairobi. M: +254 727 352 101.

    E: [email protected],[email protected]: www.happycowkenya.comP/S: deals in dairy products.

    Maktosha FarmContact: Sylvia. Malindi. M: +254 733 811 299.P/S: dairy farming

    Makongi Dairy LimitedEldoret. M: +254 722 517 571.E: [email protected]

    W: dairy products

    Miyanji FarmContact: Mianji JRMalindi. M: +254 722 866 556.P/S: dairy farming.

    New Kenya Co-operative CreameriesLimited

    Dakar Road, Industrial Area, Nairobi.E: [email protected]

    W: P/S: Dairy products.

    Olooltepes RanchContact: FrancisKiserianM: +254 723 224 740.P/S: dairy farming and semen distribution


    Kenchick LimitedNairobi.W: www.kenchic.comP/S: Parent stock, Eggs, Layers, Broilers,Poultry equipment, Hatchery, Processedchicken.


    Muthamia Tansi FarmStedmak Gardens, Karen, Nairobi.M: +254 721 559 126.

    P/S: Rabbits.

    Murikar Rabbit FarmLower Matasia Ngong-Kajido.M: +254 7012 063 591, +254 733 782 096.E: [email protected]/S: Breeders and Rabbit keeping consultants

    Rabbit WorldOff Ngong Road Kerarapon Road,Nairobi.M: +254 728 813 038, +254 728 813 047.W:

    P/S: deals in rabbit rearing.

    Sigona Rabbits and Poultry FarmNairobi-Nakuru Highway.E: [email protected],[email protected] W: www.sigonarabbitsfarm.comP/S: trainings on rabbit rearing and poultry.

    The Rabbits Republic LimitedKilimani, Argwings Kodhek Road Chaka Court

    House No.5, Opp Priory Building, NairobiM: +254 720 586 990, +254 713 221 500.

    T: +254 202 017 691.E: [email protected]: Rabbits for food and fur.


    Honey Care Africa LtdASK Showgrounds,Jamhuri Park, Muringa Avenue,Nairobi.E: [email protected]

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    Insecta Pest Control Company LimitedContact: David N. Thuku,C.E.O/Managing Director.Insecta Centre Building,

    Braeside Gardens Lavington Off MuthangariRoad, Nairobi.

    M: +254 722 673 261, +254 772 768 147,+254 727 145 538.

    T: +254 203 871 444, +254 202 066 679.E: [email protected],[email protected]

    P/S: Professional Pest Control Servicesand Landscaping.

    Rockem LimitedTaj Millenniun Apartments,Suguta Rd, Kileleshw, Nairobi.E: [email protected]: www.rockemkenya.comP/S: provides pest control productconsultancy especially for coffeein Tanzania, Kenya and Ethiopia.


    AfriCert Certication CompanyPlaza 200, Mombasa Road,

    Nairobi.M: +254 715 041 339.

    W: First indigenous agricultural

    certication company in East and CentralAfrica for Tea, Coffee, Cut Flowers, Fruits

    and Vegetables Standards.

    Partner AfricaNairobi.

    E: [email protected]:

    P/S: Agricultural certication services.

  • 7/25/2019 Kenya Agribusiness Directory 2015 by Agasha


    Agribusiness Catalogue & Directory Kenya 2015

    mre loca thn te locals40 Product of AgaShaGroup

    Utz Certied

    Nairobi. M: +254 723 786 719W: www.utzcertied.orgP/S: Agricultural certication services for

    Coffee, Tea and Cocoa.


    Dairy Consulting Africa LimitedNairobi.E: [email protected]: Publishers of DairyPost Africa quarterlymagazine on African dairy industry.

    Karuri Ventures LtdContact: Catherine Riungu,

    Editorial Director.Nature House, 3rdFloor, Suite 522,

    Tom Mboya Street, Nairobi.M: +254 722 848 970, +254 710 628 440.

    E: [email protected],[email protected]

    W: Horticultural news Magazine

    SmartFarmer MagazineContact: Bernadette J. Murgor,CEO & Editor in Chief/ IsabellaTenai, Associate Editor.Nairobi.M: +254 724 446 647, +254 720 763 190.E: [email protected],[email protected]/S: Agricultural bi-monthlymagazine with inspiring farming

    success stories.

    TopFarmer MagazineContact: Jennifer Wanjiru,Editor.Tumaini Plaza,Mavoko Lane, Thika.M: +254 722 634 099,+254 706 249 477.W: farming magazine publ