kentucky gazette (lexington, ky. : 1789). (lexington,...

THE KENTUCKY GAZETTE NUMBER 510. SATURDAY, April 1, 1797. VOLUME X LE XlNGTO ft' : Printed on Wednesdays and Saturdays by J. BRADFORD, on Main Jtreet ; where Subscriptions, at Twnty-Ori- e Shillings Per Annum, Advertifiments, Articles of Intelligence, fayt, ire, are thankfully received, and Printing in general executed in a neat and cornel manner. iv k CHE A P,LANDS, Tie SMiferiberspurpofe selling the filhving Traits, A VIZ. - IVE hundred acres, part of that noted traft called Floyd s Woodstock traft.withm e4ght miles of Lexingto.i and feveniromtuc Kentuc ky river ; in the center ot wiucn is a nsvci jail- ing fiiring. - An undivided moiety of two thousand acres, cH w fining on the wateis of Bullfkin -- i. ,Uv,m w milei of Shelbvville is we warer'id. and the main road from Louisville ti :i.jMwim11 riuT? through it. ' w . will Ml the above Dropcrty VERY LOW, as we are in want of money, and ttill give a good and fumcient title. tf ABIJAH & JOHN W. HUNTV , FOR SALE, The following Trls of LAND, the property of Capt. Themis Bedford, (to wit.) Snnrv Acres on the waters -.. - 1 T?lo K..X moi- - !. Trnn Works. ntered and patented in the name of William Alio 1000 acres on the north fork of Licking, in Mason county, half of Samuel Henry's 2000 aci e furv.ey. And 500 acres, Nelson county, on Asher's creek, jn the name of John Pembcrton. Theabove lands will be sold hjwfor ca(h, or exchanged on advantageous terms for Military lands on Green river, or for good lands, con- veniently situated in the Cumberland country. The purchaser will apply to the fubferiber, liv in" in Scott county. WM. HENRY, Agent A,fr 2. 17Q6. For said Bedfoid - - FOR. SALE. A BEAUTIFUL SITU ATJON OF First qualitied Land. three hurdred and thirty CONTArNING Elkhorn, sour miles from the mouth theieof, where it empties into the Kentucky river, and lix nines Irom fcrankiom the land is level and lies exceeding well for farming and meadow ; thereis thirty-fiv- e acres cleared and under good fence, feverl very good ctubins, a good fpanpnd a valuable miU seat, Jikewife abundance timber of differ- - ent kinds, and the rang? equal to any in the dif- - trifta cood title vill be riven by the fubferi- - fcer, livins oa thepreffitfes ht'FranMin county, .jua.ruMH-A- . - July 22, 179- - PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENT FOR MAN AND HORSE, On Main ftrectj next door to Doftor Downing'!, By WILLIAM ALLEN. DOCTOR DUHAMEL, RESPECTFULLY informs the pub-- J lately bevian praiftife Physic, at Millerfburg and its neighbourhood and that he proposes to continue with zeal and attention, and on moderate terms. tf Robert & Andrew Porter, HAVE JUST IMPORTED FBOW PHILADELPHIA, AND ARE NOW OPENJNG In the Brick House lately occupied by MeiTr John & "Samuel l'ofllethwpit, next door Mr- - Stewart's Printing Office, A large and general AJJortment of DRY GOODS, CHINA, GROCERIES, ULASS, IRONMONGERY, DELFand QUEENS S4DDLERY, WARE, LOOKS, And NAILS of all Us STATIONARY, es Which . , they xitl jilk-a- t a loia price so .Tr ."." Ltijfr or country i'reauce Juitapte Jor New Orlcait Market. Lexington, Feb. IS, 1 797. JUST RECEIVE D, jdftjf And how opening by Peter January, Jun. At the Brick Store, dirtdly oppoftte Lourt .iouje, A NEAT, comyleat and well c Jr. fen Affortment of MERCH DISE. perfectly adapted to the sent and approaching season, whic lie otters tor lale on very reduced term:, tf Lexington, February 2J DANCING. R. DEVENPORT, -- . - TAKES this method ot informing the uihab:m TO BE RENTED, he Town oMILFORD, Madison L ourt Houje, HOUSE and LOT, the mod conveniens of any in said Town for a Public House, with Stables &c. for one yeai, or a longer time. For terms apply to Benjamin Ho41aday, living near Milfbrd. SAMUEL ESTILL. Nov. 7. X IVanted Immediately, Boneft, lnduftrious OVER Jt SEER, who understands the ma nagement of negroes. Also an AP- PRENTICE to the Tanning business. LEWIS CASTLEMAN. Cash arid Merchandize MLL BE GIVEN FOR SOUND YOUNG HORSES, jTT 7 ORTH from twenty to sixty VV pounds each, by the fubferibers, Who will commence purchajingat their flore Lexington, on Monday the thiiteenth instant (it being court day ) and continue until the Friday follow -- ing : and at James Edwards and Co's store in Danville, cm Monday the twentieth, & continue until the Satur- day following, aster which they will return to Lexington, and continue yv nurchafino-unti- l the fifteenth of Anril. n 1 o i A. & J. W.HUNT. March 6,1797. It A NEfV STORE. T HAVE jult received into my care in the brick house, lately occupied by mr. William Kelly Bourbon, a large and general afloitment of Dry Goods, Hald Ware, Grocenes and Queen's Ware ; which I am authori- - , f ,j , j ft f Cafll, well cleaned "Hemp, Wheat, Rye, Tobacco, raw Hides, Furs, full proof Whiflvcy, Salt, 5ugar, and g;ood Flour in ban els ; tor whicli iau! arti- - ' cles of produce, a generous price will be given. I have also Iron and Nails lest in my hands, to be sold for.Cafh. A sew gdod Horses under seven years old, will be wanted. AMOS EDWARDS. Bonrbon, March, I 797. tf LAST NOTICE. The partnership of iVi'Coun ti Caftleman has been force time diliblved, by mutual consent, which was made known by a former advcrtifement. All persons indebted to them, are earneltly requested to make payment of their relpcttive accounts to James M'Coiui, befoie the 10th of April next. Those who do not avail themselves of this notice, may depend onhaving their accounts put into the hands of proper officers for collection, as no further indul- gence can be given. JAMES M'COUN, JOHN CASTLEMAN. March 22. t A LL perfonj indebted to the late William TA Tandy, arc hei eby called Dn payment ; and those having any claims, are desired to ex hibit them without delay, properlvauthenticat-ed- , to the EXECUTORY. " Fayette, March 21, 1797- - KOTICE. TS'heteJW' given, that I will attend with the appointed by vhe county comt( Shelby, under an act entitled an act to afferr . flKgintiieboundauesaflandaud for otn;r Pnrpofes (lie "ILUd; UI UIltL, Ul UUIf.LUIICUlUl 111 rcplHelm's entrljfj34 acres, T. W. on jjfaters ofDrenenl lickcieek, about 7 or 8 es North eastwardly from the painted fione', to at aDiackoakon a ndge, extending North- - )oies,tnenceNortIieait thence fouthealt, the beginnuffl, fixas to include 604 ! acres - excrnffe of all nnor entries ; 1 anil the?Sio pefSetuate the feftiinonyot cer tain vr itneffes tehding to eUablifh tho calls of said location, and dofuch otlier aits as arc neceffaiy to establish faids claim. JOSEPH HELM-March22- d, 1797- - Taken up by the fubferiber, one bay Mare, twelve years old, thirteen hands aranu pcticivauic, apprauea ro 31. Aft0 Covccl Horse, seven one yeais-old- , sour- - jtans ot Lexington and ly environs, that h&in- - tee ,ands three-mche- s high, with a imall star tend opening aSCHOOL at Mr. J. Bradford'sTjiJThis sorehead no brand perceivable, appraised on Ftiday the 24th instant, where he intends toj i6f?, teacl Dancins in all its branches, on the most , Also onebayjvlare, five years old, fourteen impijived plan. He willintioduce a variety of hands three inches high, with a small star in Jleell which have never been taught in schools. bsr sorehead, banded on the near buttock IC, J!y hi experience and attention, he hopes tome- - 3ppraifed to 16I. nt tBAppiobation of those who fhallencoui age The above strays were- - brought out of-th- e lis Mdei taking. Wildeniefs. January 12, 1797, tf Lexington, March ij. Liacolu, f WILLIAM OWSLEY, f in in foi $ George Adams, informs his RESPECTFULLY public in ge- neral, that he has opened Tavern, in that commodious house on Main street the thid door below Cross street ; where those who please to savor him with their cuflom, shall meet with ev- ery poffible attention. i: For Sale, X THTJUSAND lllCi OF LAND, ENTERED for maj. John Mofby, dec. and in the name of Littleberry Mof- by, heir t law of said lohn Mnf Iviivr on maiii'Licng, being partof ten (houfond acres, above the mouth of a creek that runs into main Licking on the north east side, about sour miles below the south fork of Licking, and extending down Licking intenfurveys Itis unneceffary to defcribethe land, as the purchaser will be disposed to make the neceflary enquiries previous to any prapofah The title is supposed by those who have carefully examined it to be unqucfti-onabl- e. Upon paying part of the purchase mo- ney, a realonable credit will be given for the balance. James Brown, Atto.infatl For Littleberry jrlojby , un. Lexingtonune 1 5, 1796. N. B. IwiUalfo dilpofe of any other Lauds inXentuckjr claimed byfaid Mofby. - ALL ItKbUNii JI- - 1 EBTEO to the late partnerftin of IRWIN X &: BRYSON, are requested to pay their tq Thomas Irwin or JohnA. Sti rz, wlip only can give discharges. One months indulgence will be given. FOR SALE, , THE FOLLOWING TRACTS OF 'LAND jn IN THIS STATE: 5000 acres on the waters of Rough creek, which empties into Green river. 4000 acres on Cumberland road, jieaf PottinTer's ft ation. .mnn " - 5rrP7 -- -- n't!,, e big bend 6f Green river, ten miles above Bamett'; sfian on. 1600 acres near Severn's vallev. on the waters of Salt river. 3000 acres in Shelby county, join- - ing Leatheman's settlement. 400 acres on main Elkhorn, six; miles from Fi ankfort, ac acres cleared. AtSO, 260 acres of an Illinois grant, oppo-fit- e the Falls o'f Ohio. 'And a laige body of Land in the big bend oi renneflee river. This will inform those who incline to purchase, that I have lately return- ed from exploring most of the above mentioned lands, particularly that on Tenneiree and find it to be a body of soil, timber, water and range, fupe-rio- r to any 1 have ever seen. J he above mentioned tracl on Elkhorn, will be either sold or rented For terms apply to the fubferiber in Lex- ington. BENT- - S. COX.-Fe- b. 2. ff ALL those indebted to the fubferib ii. er either by bond, note or book accounts, are requested to come for- - ard and settle them before the mid- - !e of Maich, ashe can loinr- - indulgence. All-thos- e indejitedto Lewis West, are requested to make payment to me as I ,,n authorifed to collect his ac counts,and deliver the different watch- es lest in my hands by him. EDW. VEST. Lexington, Feb. 1 j, 1797. .. its Take Notice. son the town Lexington, has taken his hats to the different court houses in this state, and as my manu- - facluring therefore this is to notify the that 1 intend hereafter to put uiyname in each of my hats to prevent the charader my fhap be- - J ma injured by any such peifon. I intend moving shortly to George town, the ticket that will be in each hat will certify tlat they were made in that place. is JOHN LCWREY, THE fubferiber lias sour thonrand of LAND in the officers' boundary, north-wel- l of the Ohio, ob- tained for his own serves, two of which lies within three quarters of a mile of the Ohio, on Straight creek, emptying into the river annofite Mr- - Lewis Ci aig's, and adjoining the lands of Stephen Southall, James Poage, David Walkerand William Vance, of an early date, said to be valuable ; one thonfand of which I will sell on mode- rate terms, one moiety paid down the other a reasonable cieditgivea for. Any . . person defirons nfninrli,r , .....-- - Jng may know "the terms op applicatiJ u" to me mplcnber, who resides near Lexington. " ' WALKJiK BAYLOR. tWn ,, l9- - FOR SALE, SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND ACRES OF VALUABLE LAND, OITUATED in the counties of O Franklin, Clarke. Bourbon, lit,.- - son Madison, Lincoln, Hardin and Greene. The taxes mall be paid, arid other incumbiances discharged at thevj time, and in the manner u7lr aw eT The fubferiber, who will hereafter reside in this town, is authorifed to dispose the above mentioned pro. perty by a power of attorney, recor- ded in the office of the court of ap- peals, Ashe means to pracuce law in the adjacent courts, peifons desiring to purchase thedhfeient tracls, will have an opportunity contiadcing with him at any of those places. Charles ' Ws Bird. G. TR0f7sERaJirsC0TT' HAVE JUST RECEIVED, AND NOW KORSALE, At their Store diredtly oppofite'the market house, a laige and neat AbbUKTMENT of MERCHANDISE- - W".fit5aiRniM renfuirsTwTTn5fnhef .,11 feil on the most reductd ter for CASH . tc ' 1 wenty Dojlars reward. ' T WILL giye the above reward for a Horse - th-- t fliayed from one of the town lots of f'pS.'Pttftroe time in July Jaft. of tlfe.fbliow- - !"K 'c"Poa viz. A bught bay, abont sour- - teen hinds high, eight or nine years Old, very lengthy, some very remaikable white spots on .... .... ., u 4lk, uidnoea with D on the near buttock. As the time for bringlne the horse to the public stray-pen- s lias ektpted, it Is hoped the; person who has him in custody. will deliver him to mefTrs.Tiotter & Scott, Lexin-lo- n, 01 pthe fubferiber near Frankfort. J0HN JAMISON. Franklin cdbnty, March 12, 1797. fiw UN away from the fubferiber the 1 rsth instant, a likely young . Xj--- ' negro man by tlienaffiet ?S TOM, of r'ath-eTl- iaCT5JI .iijijLAimi, a uout live teet ten inch- - es high, a little knock -- kneed,but thick and well made for ilrength. He was scalded when young and the sear is ve- ry plain yet on his back ancf side ; he Jlas a io iook wnen ipokn to ; he had on when he went away a white lin- -- laorc toac a"'1 je:lItier ' Jt7 tireecheS, ith old shoes ; he took with him a 7HEREAS 1 am informed a certain the wildcrnefs to Virginia- - anv per-m- r. George Adams, hatter of taking up said neui'D sind deliv-- - I of foldthem public, of As of of of r,,le g,ln. tjouble triggered that n,is ,0.,baJl8lltO,tlle P"nJ' Wcl1 sin ,'hred' j, on the box , 0e.ftn. fliot pouch and povv- - der horn, with a tin charger fattened 10 uie nrap ne is or a cowaullv dif 1 position anr may be easily taken I rather fuppo'fe he will niake'forthe north west side of the Ohio, where he will endeavor to pass fpr.a freeman j or perhaps he may a'teiiint to anthm' ing him to me, or securing him in any public tail; so that he maCbe hrmmlir to juftice,'fhajl receive' a generous're- - ward and all reasonable charges. ' ".' Geo Calwei.i, Fayette, March 15,1797. 4-- ''.. N. a. I have understood that the a- - i, . c u t. t j.- - r cprefeinblirig one belonging to the Infantry, coverer on the front pare with cat gut. or icoarfe gaufe, with a leather cockade,, jtnd'llis coat to that of a blu- - V 7

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LE XlNGTO ft' : Printed on Wednesdays and Saturdays by J. BRADFORD, on Main Jtreet ; where Subscriptions, at Twnty-Ori- e Shillings Per Annum,Advertifiments, Articles of Intelligence, fayt, ire, are thankfully received, and Printing in general executed in a neat and cornel manner.



CHE A P,LANDS,Tie SMiferiberspurpofe selling the filhving Traits, A

VIZ. -

IVE hundred acres, part of that noted traftcalled Floyd s Woodstock traft.withm e4ght

miles of Lexingto.i and feveniromtuc Kentucky river ; in the center ot wiucn is a nsvci jail-

ing fiiring. -An undivided moiety of two thousand acres,

cH w fining on the wateis of Bullfkin-- i. ,Uv,m w milei of Shelbvville is we

warer'id. and the main road from Louisville ti

:i.jMwim11 riuT? through it.' w . will Ml the above Dropcrty VERY LOW,

as we are in want of money, and ttill give a good

and fumcient ABIJAH & JOHN W. HUNTV

, FOR SALE,The following Trls of LAND, the property of

Capt. Themis Bedford, (to wit.)

Snnrv Acres on the waters-.. - 1 T?lo K..X moi- - !. Trnn Works.

ntered and patented in the name of WilliamAlio

1000 acres on the north fork of Licking, in

Mason county, half of Samuel Henry's 2000 aci e

furv.ey. And

500 acres, Nelson county, on Asher's creek,jn the name of John Pembcrton.

Theabove lands will be sold hjwfor ca(h, orexchanged on advantageous terms for Military

lands on Green river, or for good lands, con-

veniently situated in the Cumberland country.

The purchaser will apply to the fubferiber, liv

in" in Scott county.WM. HENRY, Agent

A,fr 2. 17Q6. For said Bedfoid- -


First qualitied Land.three hurdred and thirty

CONTArNING Elkhorn, sour miles fromthe mouth theieof, where it empties into theKentucky river, and lix nines Irom fcrankiom

the land is level and lies exceeding well forfarming and meadow ; thereis thirty-fiv- e acrescleared and under good fence, feverl very good

ctubins, a good fpanpnd a valuable miU seat,Jikewife abundance timber of differ- -

ent kinds, and the rang? equal to any in the dif--

trifta cood title vill be riven by the fubferi- -

fcer, livins oa thepreffitfes ht'FranMin county,.jua.ruMH-A- .

-July 22, 179- -


On Main ftrectj next door to Doftor Downing'!,By WILLIAM ALLEN.


RESPECTFULLY informs the pub-- J

lately bevianpraiftife Physic, at Millerfburg and itsneighbourhood and that he proposesto continue with zeal and attention,and on moderate terms. tf


AND ARE NOW OPENJNGIn the Brick House lately occupied by MeiTr

John & "Samuel l'ofllethwpit, next doorMr- - Stewart's Printing Office,


Which. , they xitl jilk-a- t a loia price so

.Tr ."."Ltijfr or country i'reauce Juitapte JorNew Orlcait Market.

Lexington, Feb. IS, 1 797.

JUST RECEIVE D, jdftjfAnd how opening by

Peter January, Jun.At the Brick Store, dirtdly oppoftte

Lourt .iouje,A NEAT, comyleat and well c

Jr. fen Affortment of MERCHDISE. perfectly adapted to thesent and approaching season, whiclie otters tor lale on very reduced term:,

tf Lexington, February 2J



TAKES this method ot informing the

TO BE RENTED,he Town oMILFORD, Madison

L ourt Houje,HOUSE and LOT, the mod conveniensof any in said Town for a Public House,

with Stables &c. for one yeai, or a longer time.For terms apply to Benjamin Ho41aday, livingnear Milfbrd. SAMUEL ESTILL.

Nov. 7.

X IVanted Immediately,Boneft, lnduftrious OVER

Jt SEER, who understands the management of negroes. Also an AP-

PRENTICE to the Tanning business.LEWIS CASTLEMAN.


HORSES,jTT 7 ORTH from twenty to sixtyVV pounds each, by the fubferibers,

Who will commence purchajingat theirflore Lexington, on Monday thethiiteenth instant (it being court day )

and continue until the Friday follow --

ing : and at James Edwards and Co'sstore in Danville, cm Monday thetwentieth, & continue until the Satur-day following, aster which they willreturn to Lexington, and continue yvnurchafino-unti-l the fifteenth of Anril. n1 o i

A. & J. W.HUNT.March 6,1797. It


T HAVE jult received into my carein the brick house, lately occupied

by mr. William Kelly Bourbon, alarge and general afloitment of DryGoods, Hald Ware, Grocenes andQueen's Ware ; which I am authori- -


f ,j , j ft fCafll, well cleaned "Hemp, Wheat,Rye, Tobacco, raw Hides, Furs, fullproof Whiflvcy, Salt, 5ugar, and g;oodFlour in ban els ; tor whicli iau! arti- -

'cles of produce, a generous price willbe given. I have also Iron and Nailslest in my hands, to be sold for.Cafh.A sew gdod Horses under seven yearsold, will be wanted.

AMOS EDWARDS.Bonrbon, March, I 797. tf

LAST NOTICE.The partnership of iVi'Coun

ti Caftleman has been force time diliblved, bymutual consent, which was made known by aformer advcrtifement. All persons indebted tothem, are earneltly requested to make paymentof their relpcttive accounts to James M'Coiui,befoie the 10th of April next. Those who donot avail themselves of this notice, may dependonhaving their accounts put into the hands ofproper officers for collection, as no further indul-gence can be given.


March 22.

t A LL perfonj indebted to the late WilliamTA Tandy, arc hei eby called Dn payment ;

and those having any claims, are desired to exhibit them without delay, properlvauthenticat-ed- ,

to the EXECUTORY. "

Fayette, March 21, 1797- -

KOTICE.TS'heteJW' given, that I will attend with the

appointed by vhe county comt(Shelby, under an act entitled an act to afferr .

flKgintiieboundauesaflandaud for otn;r Pnrpofes(lie "ILUd; UI UIltL, Ul UUIf.LUIICUlUl 111

rcplHelm's entrljfj34 acres, T. W. onjjfaters ofDrenenl lickcieek, about 7 or 8es North eastwardly from the painted fione', to

at aDiackoakon a ndge, extending North- -)oies,tnenceNortIieait thence fouthealt,the beginnuffl, fixas to include 604 ! acres

- excrnffe of all nnor entries ;1 anil the?Sio pefSetuate the feftiinonyot cer

tain vr itneffes tehding to eUablifh tho calls of saidlocation, and dofuch otlier aits as arc neceffaiyto establish faids claim.

JOSEPH HELM-March22- d,

1797- -

Taken up by the fubferiber,one bay Mare, twelve years old, thirteen hands

aranu pcticivauic, apprauea ro 31.Aft0 Covccl Horse, sevenone yeais-old- , sour- -

jtans ot Lexington and ly environs, that h&in- - tee ,ands three-mche- s high, with a imall startend opening aSCHOOL at Mr. J. Bradford'sTjiJThis sorehead no brand perceivable, appraisedon Ftiday the 24th instant, where he intends toj i6f?,teacl Dancins in all its branches, on the most , Also onebayjvlare, five years old, fourteenimpijived plan. He willintioduce a variety of hands three inches high, with a small star inJleell which have never been taught in schools. bsr sorehead, banded on the near buttock IC,J!y hi experience and attention, he hopes tome- - 3ppraifed to 16I.nt tBAppiobation of those who fhallencoui age The above strays were-- brought out of-th- e

lis Mdei taking. Wildeniefs. January 12, 1797,tf Lexington, March ij. Liacolu, f WILLIAM OWSLEY,





$ George Adams,informs hisRESPECTFULLY public in ge-

neral, that he has opened Tavern, inthat commodious house on Main streetthe thid door below Cross street ;

where those who please to savor himwith their cuflom, shall meet with ev-

ery poffible attention.

i: For Sale,X THTJUSAND lllCi OF LAND,

ENTERED for maj. John Mofby, dec. andin the name of Littleberry Mof-

by, heir t law of said lohn Mnf Iviivr onmaiii'Licng, being partof ten (houfond acres,

above the mouthof a creek that runs into main Licking on thenorth east side, about sour miles below the southfork of Licking, and extending down Lickingintenfurveys Itis unneceffary to defcribetheland, as the purchaser will be disposed to makethe neceflary enquiries previous toany prapofah The title is supposed by thosewho have carefully examined it to be unqucfti-onabl- e.

Upon paying part of the purchase mo-ney, a realonable credit will be given for thebalance.

James Brown, Atto.infatlFor Littleberry jrlojby , un.

Lexingtonune 1 5, 1796.N. B. IwiUalfo dilpofe of any other Lauds

inXentuckjr claimed byfaid Mofby.


JI- -1 EBTEO to the late partnerftin of IRWINX &: BRYSON, are requested to pay their

tq Thomas Irwin or JohnA.Sti rz, wlip only can give discharges.

One months indulgence will be given.



'LANDjn IN THIS STATE:5000 acres on the waters of

Rough creek, which empties intoGreen river.

4000 acres on Cumberland road,jieaf PottinTer's ft ation.

.mnn" - 5rrP7-- -- n't!,,e big bend 6f Greenriver, ten miles above Bamett'; sfianon.

1600 acres near Severn's vallev. onthe waters of Salt river.

3000 acres in Shelby county, join- -ing Leatheman's settlement.

400 acres on main Elkhorn, six; milesfrom Fi ankfort, ac acres cleared.

AtSO,260 acres of an Illinois grant, oppo-fit- e

the Falls o'f Ohio.'And a laige body of Land in the

big bend oi renneflee river.This will inform those who incline

to purchase, that I have lately return-ed from exploring most of the abovementioned lands, particularly that onTenneiree and find it to be a bodyof soil, timber, water and range, fupe-rio- r

to any 1 have ever seen. J heabove mentioned tracl on Elkhorn,will be either sold or rented Forterms apply to the fubferiber in Lex-ington.

BENT- - S. COX.-Fe- b.

2. ff

ALL those indebted to the fubferibii. er either by bond, note or bookaccounts, are requested to come for- -

ard and settle them before the mid- -!e of Maich, ashe can loinr- -indulgence.

All-thos- e indejitedto Lewis West,are requested to make payment to meas I ,,n authorifed to collect his accounts,and deliver the different watch-es lest in my hands by him.

EDW. VEST.Lexington, Feb. 1 j, 1797. .. its

Take Notice.

sonthe town Lexington, has taken hishats to the different court houses inthis state, and as my manu- -

facluring therefore this is to notifythe that 1 intend hereafter toput uiyname in each of my hats toprevent the charader my fhap be- -Jma injured by any such peifon.I intend moving shortly to Georgetown, the ticket that will be in eachhat will certify tlat they were madein that place.


THE fubferiber lias sour thonrandof LAND in the officers'

boundary, north-wel- l of the Ohio, ob-tained for his own serves, two ofwhich lies within three quarters of amile of the Ohio, on Straight creek,emptying into the river annofite Mr- -Lewis Ci aig's, and adjoining the landsof Stephen Southall, James Poage,David Walkerand William Vance, ofan early date, said to be valuable ; onethonfand of which I will sell on mode-rate terms, one moiety paid downthe other a reasonable cieditgiveafor. Any. .person defirons nfninrli,r, .....-- -

Jng may know "the terms op applicatiJu" to me mplcnber, who resides nearLexington. " '

WALKJiK BAYLOR.tWn ,,l9- -


VALUABLE LAND,OITUATED in the counties ofO Franklin, Clarke. Bourbon, lit,.--son Madison, Lincoln, Hardin andGreene. The taxes mall be paid, aridother incumbiances discharged at thevjtime, and in the manner u7lraw eT

The fubferiber, who will hereafterreside in this town, is authorifed todispose the above mentioned pro.perty by a power of attorney, recor-ded in the office of the court of ap-peals, Ashe means to pracuce law inthe adjacent courts, peifons desiringto purchase thedhfeient tracls, willhave an opportunity contiadcingwith him at any of those places.

Charles ' Ws Bird.G. TR0f7sERaJirsC0TT'


At their Store diredtly oppofite'themarket house, a laige and neat


W".fit5aiRniM renfuirsTwTTn5fnhef.,11 feil on the most reductd terfor CASH . tc '

1 wenty Dojlars reward. 'T WILL giye the above reward for a Horse

- th-- t fliayed from one of the town lots off'pS.'Pttftroe time in July Jaft. of tlfe.fbliow- -!"K 'c"Poa viz. A bught bay, abont sour- -teen hinds high, eight or nine years Old, verylengthy, some very remaikable white spots on.... ....., u 4lk, uidnoea with D onthe near buttock. As the time for bringlne thehorse to the public stray-pen- s lias ektpted, it Ishoped the; person who has him in custody. willdeliver him to mefTrs.Tiotter & Scott, Lexin-lo- n,

01 pthe fubferiber near Frankfort.J0HN JAMISON.

Franklin cdbnty, March 12, 1797. fiw

UN away from thefubferiber the 1 rsth

instant, a likely young. Xj--- ' negro man by tlienaffiet

?S TOM, of r'ath-eTl-

iaCT5JI .iijijLAimi, auout live teet ten inch- -

es high, a little knock -- kneed,but thickand well made for ilrength. He wasscalded when young and the sear is ve-ry plain yet on his back ancf side ; heJlas a io iook wnen ipokn to ; hehad on when he went away a white lin- --

laorc toac a"'1 je:lItier 'Jt7 tireecheS,ith old shoes ; he took with him a

7HEREAS 1 am informed a certain the wildcrnefs to Virginia- - anv per-m- r.

George Adams, hatter of taking up said neui'D sind deliv-- - I








r,,le g,ln. tjouble triggered that n,is,0.,baJl8lltO,tlle P"nJ' Wcl1 sin

,'hred' j, on the box ,0e.ftn. fliot pouch and povv- -

der horn, with a tin charger fattened10 uie nrap ne is or a cowaullv dif 1

position anr may be easily taken Irather fuppo'fe he will niake'forthenorth west side of the Ohio, where hewill endeavor to pass fpr.a freeman jor perhaps he may a'teiiint to anthm'

ing him to me, or securing him in anypublic tail; so that he maCbe hrmmlirto juftice,'fhajl receive' a generous're- -ward and all reasonable charges.

' ".' Geo Calwei.i,Fayette, March 15,1797. 4--

''..N. a. I have understood that the a- -i, . c u t. t j.- - rcprefeinblirig one belonging to theInfantry, coverer on the front parewith cat gut. or icoarfe gaufe, with aleather cockade,, jtnd'llis coat to thatof a blu- -