kenney ministry info 2014

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  • 8/12/2019 Kenney Ministry Info 2014


    A h

    About Chile

    This icicle-shaped (some say

    pepper, others say spine)

    country in South America is

    bordered by Argentina to the

    east and Peru to the north. Chile

    is approximately 2,600 miles

    long. The average width is 110

    miles. The land mass is about

    the size of South Carolina and

    Texas combined, but would

    stretch from the U.S./Canadianborder all the way to the

    southern tip of Mexico.

    Chile: Population 17 million

    Santiago: Population 7 million

    Official Language: Spanish

    Religion: 89% Roman


    KENNEYfamilyS E R V I N G I N C H I L E


    We are the Kenneys, an ordinary family with an extraordinary

    God, and we have been given the privilege of serving Him on

    the mission field! Our place of service is Chile. Our desire is

    that the name of Christ be know in all the world. Our method

    to see that accomplished is through

    proclaiming the Gospel,

    training leaders and plantingchurches.

    A heart for Chile, A vision for the world

    I "Jason#trusted Christ as my

    Savior at the age of five while

    attending childrens church at Grace

    Baptist Church in Pendell, Penn. Jenny

    was saved at the age of eighteen duringa revival service at Old Suwanee

    Baptist Church in Buford, Ga. Later

    we both attended Tabernacle Baptist

    College in Greenville, SC. where we met

    and soon afterward were married. Since then the Lord

    has blessed us with some incredible children: Aaron, Seth,

    Caleb, Timothy, and Ellie ranging from ages 6 to 16.

    We spent several years ministering in Cumming, Ga whereJason was youth pastor. It was during our time serving that

    we, along with a group from the church, took a trip to Peru.

    In Peru the Lord burdened our hearts for mission work as our

    eyes were opened to the enormity of the harvest and the

    scarcity of laborers. Step by step the Lord lead us to Chile.








  • 8/12/2019 Kenney Ministry Info 2014



    After a little more than two years of preparation and raising the

    necessary support we arrived in Santiago, Chile in 2008 and

    began language school while attending and participating in

    Iglesia Bautista Fe "Faith Baptist Church#which was started byfellow missionary Jason Holt. While attending language classes

    we were able to also gain practical experience learning the Latin

    American culture by involving ourselves in the church. The

    ministries we served in while there were; the soul winning

    program, discipleship and counseling, summer camp and youth

    conferences, and teaching English classes as an evangelistic

    outreach tool.

    2009After we finished our language course, the Lord led us to work at

    the Iglesia Bautista Renacer "New Birth Baptist Church#

    pastored by a Peruvian national. Our time there was a huge

    blessing! It allowed us to gain extra language practice before

    starting a new work, while at the same time we were able to

    strengthen a struggling work. During our time there we were

    able to start and teach an adult Sunday school class and Saturday

    evening youth meetings. We also held English classes for the

    purpose of evangelism and were involved in soul winning anddiscipleship. Today the church is a strong, growing church.


    In May we rented a couple rooms in an old medical o$ce and on

    May 16 we held our first Bible study on a Sunday evening which

    would be the beginning of Iglesia Bautista Esperanza "Hope

    Baptist Church#. In September of 2010 we began to focus

    entirely on the new work and began to have a complete schedule

    of services, including Saturday evening youth meetings.


    One of the young men in Hope Baptist Church began sharing

    his burden to reach the community where he grew up. After

    much prayer, together we began planning the start of a second

    work. In October of 2013 we started the Iglesia Bautista Trinidad

    "Trinity Baptist Church#.

    Church Planting

  • 8/12/2019 Kenney Ministry Info 2014


    We serve in the Chile Bible College as administrator and teacher. Currently there are

    around 15 students being trained. Four graduates are already pastoring churches.

    Also, we work together with a team of missionaries in organizing several youth events

    throughout the year like the annual Youth Congress and Summer Youth Camp. These

    ministries have been very fruitful as many of the churches have a strong core of young

    people leading and teaching.

    We know that for missionary work to leave lasting fruit we must strive to do more than

    just win souls and plant churches. We must train national men to do the work. Our desire

    is to continue following the pattern given to us in 2 Timothy 2:2 And the things that thou

    hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shallbe able to teach others also. Through soul winning, discipleship, church planting and the

    Bible College we plan to continue training Chileans and assisting them in planting

    churches here in Chile and the world. Please visit our team website at

    www.chilechurchplanting.comto find out more.

    Other Ministries

    Future Plans




  • 8/12/2019 Kenney Ministry Info 2014


    Prayer Card "2012#

    Support Address

    Macedonia World BaptistMissions, Inc.PO Box 519

    Braselton, GA. 30517

    Field Address

    Casilla 14Correo Mall Plaza OesteCerrillos - Santiago, Chile

    Stay Connected

    [email protected]




    I am honored to recommend

    to you Jason and Jenny Kenney,

    missionaries to the country of

    Chile. I have been with the

    Kenneys on the field, stayed in

    their home, and have seen

    firsthand their ministry and

    passion for the people ofChile. Having personally

    known the Kenneys as long as

    I have, I can say without

    reservation or hesitation that

    they are worthy of your




    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/12/2019 Kenney Ministry Info 2014


    The ScripturesThe Scriptures are the Old and NewTestament as contained in the sixty%sixbooks of the canon. The Scriptures are

    verbally inspired by God, and are oursole authority of faith and practice. Justas God has inspired His Word bybreathing it upon holy men of old, Godhas preserved His Word through thefaithfulness of men of God andchurches that have purely copied theScriptures throughout history.For reasons of textual reliability we use

    Bibles that are based upon theMasoretic Hebrew text and theTraditional Received Greek texts.Supporting passages 2 Timothy 3:16; 1Peter 1:21God

    There is only one God who exists inthree distinct, yet equal persons. This

    Trinitarian Godhead is eternal andharmonious in nature. God who is theCreator of this world has extendedmercy and grace to fallen man to bringto fruition the great work ofRedemption. Supporting passages 1 John 5:7;Deuteronomy 6:4; 1 Corinthians 8:6;Colossians 1:12,13The Person and Work of Christ

    Jesus Christ is the Son of God %He isGod. He is eternal in existence, andperfect in attributes. He was begottenof the Father, conceived of the HolyGhost, and born of the virgin Mary. He

    lived a perfect, sinless life. His deathon the cross is the only way ofredemption for man. He arose fromthe grave and is now seated on the

    right hand of the throne of God wherehe constantly intercedes as the highpriest for those who come unto Himbelieving.Supporting passages John 3:16; John10:31, Romans 5:8,9; Hebrews 7:24,25The Person and Work of the HolySpirit

    The Holy Spirit is a person of theGodhead. He is eternal and coequalwith the Father and the Son. Hisministry is to convict of sin, regeneratethe lost, seal the believer, sanctify thesaint, guide in truth, comfort in trials,and empower in service. The HolySpirit is the part of God that indwellsthe believer from the point of salvation

    to glorification. We receive thecomplete indwelling of the Holy Spirit.However, the work of the Holy Spiritin a believers life can be grieved orquenched by a lack of yielding. Supporting Passages John 16:7%14;Ephesians 4:30; Romans 8:9; Acts 1:8Salvation and Security of the


    There is no other way of salvationexcept by grace through faith in the

    work of Christ on Calvary. Salvation isa gift of God to whosoever will. It cannot be bought, earned, or found insidea church denomination. It is only

    What We Believe

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    received when an individual comes toGod in repentance and faith. Oncesaved an individual is positionallyplaced in Christ and sealed by the Holy

    Spirit until the day of Redemption.Because salvation is not a work of man,but rather a work of God he iseternally secure, and unable to lose hissalvation.Supporting passages Ephesians 2:8,9;

    John 10:28The Church

    The local church is the Body of Christvisibly organized into local assembliesof baptized believers united together infaith and practice for the worship ofthe Savior, the fulfilling of the GreatCommission, the observance ofordinances, and the exercise ofspiritual gifts. The churches areautonomous and independent from any

    kind of ecclesiastical authority. Theo$ces consist of the pastor who is theoverseer, and the deacons who assistand serve in the administration. Inorder to fulfill Gods will that men aresaved from every nation and tribe, wemust be diligent in the establishmentand continuance of local churches. Supporting passages Ephesians 1:22,23;

    1 Corinthians 12:12%14; Titus 1:5

    The Ordinances of the LocalChurch

    There are two ordinances given to thelocal church %Baptism by immersionfor the professing believer as an

    outward sign of their faith, and theLords Supper as a memorial for thedeath of Christ.Supporting passages I Corinthians

    11:23%30; Acts 2:41,42; Matthew 28:19,20

    The Personality of SatanSatan is a real being who is currently at

    work on earth to disrupt the work ofredemption. He is a created being, asone of the heavenly host that fell inrebellion. He is a deceiver who blindsthe minds of the lost, and is an

    adversary that accuses the Redeemed.He is destined for the Lake of Fire thathas been specifically prepared for hiseternal damnation.Supporting passages 2 Corinthians 4:4;1 Peter 5:8; Matthew 25:41The Eternal StateEvery soul of man is eternal and will

    spend eternity in one of two places.The eternal state of the Redeemed willbe in the presence of the Lord. There

    will be a new heaven and a new earth inwhich will dwell all saints of alldispensations. We will experienceeternal peace and bliss with our Lordin ages to come. In contrast, those

    who die rejecting Gods plan of

    salvation will experience utterseparation and eternal torment in theLake of Fire after being judged at theGreat White Throne. This is called thesecond death. Supporting passages Revelation 21,22

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    The Second Coming of ChristThe next major event to take place inchurch history is the rapture. This isthe coming of our Lord for His Bride.

    It will be pretribulational,premillennial, imminent, and bodily. Itwill be followed by seven years oftribulation on the earth and thecoming of our Lord with His saints inpower and glory to the earth. Supporting passages 1 Thessalonians4:16%17The Great CommissionThe Great Commission is thecommand from the Lord to propagatethe gospel to the world. In order tocompletely fulfill this commission wemust not only take the gospel, but alsoteach and disciple converts. Theprinciple of indigenous church plantingis to be followed. Social improvements

    are an inevitable by%product ofmissions, but are not the fulfilling ofthe Great Commission. It is theresponsibility of each believer to takepart in this great task by either goingor sending.Supporting passages Matthew 28:19,20;2 Timothy 2:2; Acts 3:6Ecclesiastical SeparationAs believers we ought to maintain atestimony that brings glory to Christ,and no o&ense to the unsaved and

    weak. We must separate from anyhabits or worldly pleasures thatcompromise an e&ective witness. We

    must separate from any religiousmovement that does not adhere tofundamental doctrinal positions. Oneof the uniting factors in the early

    church was the steadfast continuancein the apostles doctrine. To forsakebiblical truth would be apostate andlead to confusion and ine&ectiveness.Supporting passages Romans 16:17; 2

    Timothy 3:14; 3 JohnThe Charismatic Movement

    The Charismatic movement is a loosely


    liated group of non denominationalchurches that focuses strongly on thesupernatural gifts that were given tothe apostles as being applicable andavailable today. They are instrumentalin the ecumenical movement byuniting people through sharedexperience rather than doctrinal truth.Such a movement is wrong under the

    basis of: 1#They seek the sign gifts ofwhich some were for the unbelievingJew, and promised to cease upon theperfect canon of Scripture. 2#Theypromote extra%Biblical, authoritativerevelation. 3#They claim a focus on

    Jesus that paves the way toecumenism.