kekiongan 1961


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Indiana Tech's yearbook, The Kekiongan 1961


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EUGENE RIccI-Editor in Chief FERDNAN LAROCHELLE Photographic Editor


CHARLES BoRDEN Assistant Editor DARROW Fox Faculty Advisor HOWARD SALLES Photographer


Administration and Faculty . . Page 16

Graduates • • . . . . . . . Page 34

Student Activities . . . . . . Page 68

The Greeks. . . . . . . . . Page 92

Athletics . . . . . . . . . . Page 1 12

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The e olution of man, and his curiosity as to the nature of things about and in him, has created and preserved a vast store­house of knowledge within this span of time. This knowledge is uni ersally available; however, most of us require someone to clarify, interpret and teach to us that portion of this great legacy which captures our interest and fires our imagination. Indiana Tech is fortunate in having conscientious instructors who r ealize that learning is a continuous process that will con­tinue throughout time and must be passed on for the benefit and progress of man.

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MAC A. FUELBER Business Manager and Director of Purchases


C. A. OVERHOLT Vice-President and Treasurer




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ROBERT C. RUHL Dean of Engineering


DR.RALPHW. YOUNG Dean of Arts and Sciences

DR. LON D. RANDALL Dean of Student!!

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OREN B. HUF'n:R Registrar and Director of Admissions

EV,,:I,YN M. BOWYER Assistant to the Registrar


DR. LOUIS H. DOBBS Assistant to the President


Director of the Freshman Division and Assistant Professor of Psychology

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Left to right Bennet · L . Kemp, Assistant Professor; Kenneth Strong, Instructor; William S. Hazard, In­structor .

The Aeronautical Engineering Department at Indiana Technical College strives to have the student well prepared in the basic sciences be­fore the advanced aer onau tical topics are un­dertaken. A graduate with a B .S . degree in Aeronautical Engineering may enter many phases of the aeronautical field. The ever in­creasing advances in the field of aeronautics, such as the earth satellite program, will con­tinue to offer a challenge to the engineer of the present and future.



PROFESSOR BENJAMIN L. DOW Head, Aeronautical Engineering Department

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DR. TOD B. DIXON Department Head

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One of the newest branches of engineering, Chemical Engineering, has advanced rapidly. Practically all industry in some stage of pro­cessing, development, or manufacturing, must depend upon men with a knowledge of chemis­try. Today there are highly specialized and diversified fields such as Gas, Metallurgical, Ceramics, and Petroleum. Because of its being the basic technology underlying the develop­ment and operation of virtually all industry, Chemical Engineering will realize even greater growth in the years to come.

Left to right-Joseph W. Cranmer, Assistant Professor and John Cochran, Assistant Professor.

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Left to right Howard B. Diilon, Instructor; William D. Shrader , Instructor.

The development in the various branches of

engineering has created new problems in the

design and construction of buildings, h ighways,

airports, and other structures. The Civil En­

gineer is meeting the demands of our presen t

age with new methods and ideas. Even though

Civil Engineering is the oldest of the fields of

engineering, it continues to grow and develop

and provide opportunities for men of vision.



PROFESSOR ROBF:RT C. RUHL Head, Civil Engineering Department

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PROFESSOR WALTF;R J. WILLIAMS, JR. Head, Electrical Engineering Department




The increasing utilization of electrical power in this country makes immense demands on the Professional Electrical Engineer. He must know how to select, design, work out economics and production. He is the mastermind in the field of controls, as evidence by today's automation. The skill and creative ability of the Electrical

Engineer transforms theoretical knowledge into

practical service to me~t the challenges of the


Left to right Ralph W. Clark, Instructor; Earl Devlin, Instructor; Morris A. Sinunons; Assistant Professor; John Whitney, Assistant Professor .

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Left to right Arthur Price, Assistant Professor, Nor­bert Torzyn, Assistant Professor and Peter Sorensen, Instructor.

Electronic Engineering is a highly specialized branch of Electrical Engineering. The import­ance of electronics is recognized as a field of engineering in its own right. To the Electronic Engineer is attributed outstanding development in such realms as guided missiles, radar, color television, electronic computer , radio commun­icat ion, and atomic energy. The Electronic En­gineering curriculum is planned to specialize a fundamental knowledge of electrical en­gineering to scientific application in the field of electronics.




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RAY J. KING Department Head


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DR. IVAN A. PLANCK Head, Mechanical Department




The field of Mechanical Engineering is so broad that no man can be an authority on all of its branches. Consequently, Mechanical En­gineers tend to become specialists in chosen branches. Therefore, the student is given a thorough background in the basic sciences. This field is very extensive, for practically every manufactured article requires the serv­ices of mechanical engineers both in the design of the machine on which it is made and in the production of the article on those machines in the factory.

Left to right Simon Kuo, Instructor; Robert Marshall, Assistant Professor; Edmund T. Napier, Instructor; C. Jack Quinn, Assistant Professor; Howard A. Mack­lin, Associate Professor, Dr. Ivan A. Planck, Professor and Head of Mechanical Engineering Department, Robert A . Gruesbeck, Instructor; Dr. Erwin Horiak, Professor .

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Dwight M. Case, Instructor ( the one with the bow tie).

Engineering Graphics is a descriptive graph i­cal language used by engineers and designers throughout the world to express, develop, and record their ideas and information. Men of industry have indicated that Engineering Graphics is not only important, but absolutely necessary. Students need a thor ough ground­ing in the fundamentals of science and com­munication, and should be trained early in the engineering approach for the solution of prob­lems. They must have training in space visual­ization; they must develop their powers of analysis and synthesis; they must be given ex­perience in creative thinking at the start of their college work; and their abilities to de­velop and record ideas must be constantly challenged.



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LEE F. BERNHARDT Head Engineering Graphics


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DR. NORMAN O. LONG Head Chemistry Department

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Chemistry is one of the fundamental sciences,

important both in that it underlies all phases

of modem living and in its own right as a field

of employment for the several hundred thou­

sand American chemists. Its scope includes

everything from process control and analysis

to the "glamor" fields of nuclear science and

radioactive tracer technique, biochemical re­

search, and organic syntheses of vital drugs,

plastics and explosives.

Left to right Dr. Laszlo Szegedy; Dr. Warren Hoffman; Bernard Richardville; Edward Guindon, Assistant Pro­fessor; Robert J. Swindell, Assist;mt Professor (center).


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Left to right Helen Dinius, Lecturer, Margaret HuIt, Assistant Professor, Alvin C. Steinback, Instructor, Dar_ row C. Fox. Assistant Professor.

The primary objective of the English Depart-

ment in an engineering college is to teach the

engineering student the best methods of both

oral and written communication. This is es-

sential in order that the engineer may more

effectively express himself socially and tech­



MARY E. WEIMF:R Department Head

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CHARLES R. CARR Associate Professor and Head of Mathematics


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In our complex society, scientific progress

depends on the mathematician, the engineer,

and many other scientists whose primar y tool

is mathematics_ The Department of Mathe­

matics offers a we ll rounded course for the

young mathematicians, as well as the essential

mathematics for the engineering, physics, and

ch emistry students.

Left to right Hugh D. Landis, Instructor; Hugh G. Harp, Associate Professor; Robert Leeper, Instructor ; Fred H. Croninger , Lecturer ; Richard E. Sarber, As­sistant Professor; James Jacobs, Instructor ; Dr. Ralph W. Young, Professor ; Gordon L . Cole, Assistant Pro­fessor; James R. Dohner, Instructor; Walter W. Bart­lett, Assistant Professor.

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Left to right Dean Garrison, Assistant P rofessor; Ralph W. Brock, Assistant Professor ; Dr . Kozoburo Miyakawa, Professor.

If, as has been said, " this is the atomic age," then this is the age of physics. Nuclear weap­ons and mach ines are products of the physics laboratory. Each new day finds th e physicists of our nation ever widening horizons of man 's knowledge. Ther efor e, Indiana Technical Col-, lege meets the need for training in physics by offer ing basic and advanced courses designed to prepare a student either for direct partici­pation in industry, or for a scientific career of the more traditional typ e.


DANIF:L T. DWYER Assistant Professor and Head of Physics Dep9l'Iment


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ROBERT LARGE Director, Placement Office





CARL BASHAM Law and Economics

WIRT FAIRMAN Librarian Sociology

DR. Mf:REDl'fH J. SPRUNGER Director of Freshman DiVision, Psychology and English


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DENNIS L . AGLER, Ae E, Wood­burn, Indiana, lAS! Sigma Phi Delta, Associate Editor of Castle, Secretary; Fencing Team.

SHAIKH J. , BSEE, Chitta_ gong, Pakistan, AlEE; Pakistan Stu­dent's Association, President; Na­tion's United Club, Chairman; Presi­dent's List (2).

JOHN E. AUE:R, BSME, Lakeville, Indiana.

JURGIS BALCIUNAS, Strasburg, Ohio, BSAE, lAS; President's List (I).

JOHN J. BARNEY, BSElE, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, Electronic Engineer­ing Society.

DONALD G. BETHKE, BSME, Wau­kesha, Wisconsin, Society of Auto­motive Engineers, Chairman; Bowl­ing, Captain.

RAYMOND BILLINGTON, BSEI, Geneva, Indiana, Phi Kappa Lambda Fraternity.

WAYNE C. BLAKE-HEDGES, BS Physics, Math Option, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, Physics Club, Secretary­Treasure r ; President's List (6).

JOE BOV A, BSEI, Du Quoin, Illi­nois, AES, Vice-Chairman; Newman Club.

PAUL BUBERNAK, BSAeE, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, Institute of Aero­nautica l Sciences; American Rocket Society; ITC Flying Club; lAS Bowling Team; President's List (4).

DELMAS R. BUCKLEY, JR., BSEIE, Liverfllore, California, President's List (8); Honor Roll (3).

RAMON A. CARO, BSME, Ciudad Trujillo, J)ominican Republic.



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JOSEPH DUANE CART, BSEE, Huntington, Indiana.

GLEN M. CRAIG, BSEE, Fairmont, Technician; Reporter, News Editor.

DAVID L. CROTIY, BSCE, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Alpha Gamma Up­silon.

KENNETH E. DAVIS, BSElE, Wins_ ton-Salem, North Carolina; Presi­dents list (1); Flying Club.

JAMES R. DEBLEYKER, BSME, Easton, Pennsylvania; Weightlift­ing Club; Secretary, Vice-President; Bowling Club; Mechanical Club; In­tramural Sports; Honor Roll (1); Physical Ed . Instructor (2).

THOMAS DE BOER, BSME, Clark­son, Ontario, Canada; S.A.E.; Presi­dents list (7); Honor Roll (5); Iota Tau Kappa.

CHARLES L. DENTON, BSChE, Saginaw, Michigan; Chemical En­gineering Society; Secretary, Presi­dent; Chern 32 Instructor (1).

CARL E. DREW, BSEIE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Electronic Engineering Society; President's list (10); Iota Tau Kappa .

JESSE DURBIN JR., BSElE, Math Option, Irvin'gton, Kentucky; Ke­kionga Amateur Radio Club; Vice President ; Physics Club ; Honor Roll (5 ) .

WING Y. ENG, BSMF:, New York, New York ; Mechanical Engineering Club; Chinese Club; Honor Roll (1).

FEDERICO R. ESTOPINAN, BSCE, Valencia, Venezuela, South America; A.C.E.

THOMAS P. EULITI, BSCE, Fort Wayne, Indiana; A.C.E.


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JOHN W. FAIRFIELD, BSEIE, Math Option; Odell, Illinois; Society of American Military Engineers; Presi­dent's List (6); Honor Roll (6).

DALE FISCHER, BSME, Waukesha, Wisconsin ; S.A.E., Vice-Chairman.

YORK K. FISCHER, BSEIE, Math Option; Hilltown, Penna.; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, President, Vice­President, Corresponding Secretary, Social Chairman; Bowling Club; Flying Club, President, Vice-Presi­dent Intramural Sports, Football, Swimming, Softball.

BERNARD FREUND, BSEIE, Math Option, New York, New York; E.E.S.; Nucleus, Reporter , Advertising, Bus_ iness Manager.

RICHARD L. GAUDI, BSElE; Staunton, ill.; Alpha Gamma Up­silon, Corresponding Secretary; President's List (5) ; Iota Tau Kappa. Fort Wayne Obedience Training Club, Vice - President; North Eastern Indiana Kennel Club.

EDWIN M. GOOD, BSEE, Reading, Penna.; Sigma Phi Delta, Alumni Secretary, Activities Chairman; Fly­ing Club; Intramural Sports.

HAROLD T. GRISWOLD, BSME, Bayside, New York; A.S .M.E.; Kappa Sigma Phi, President, Vice-Presi­dent; Varsity Club, President; Weightlifting Club.

GARY R. HALL, BSEIE, Layland, West Virginia ; Intramural Sports, Basketball, Football, Volleyball.

JOHN F. HALLEY, BSCE, South­bridge, Massach usetts; Association of Civil Engineers; Kappa Sigma Phi, President, Vice-President; Stu­dent Council, Interfraternity Coun_ cil, Newman Club; Honor Roll (2); President's List (5).

AHMAD HAMDAN, BSME, Beirut, Lebanon ; Arab Awakening; Presi­dent's List (1); Honor Roll (1).

D. R. HARDWICK, BSME, Wichita, Kansas.

ROGER A. HARRIS, BSEIE, La Moille, Illinois; President's List (2).





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LESSEL K. HART, BSEE, Hunting­ton, Indiana, President's List (6); Student Instructor, EE 110 (1).

JAMES E. HEADLEY, BS Math, Beatrice, Nebraska, Math Club; Al­pha Gamma Upsilon Frate~nity; Student Council (3), Secretary (2); Honor Roll (6); Vice-President of Junior Class; Treasurer of Senior Class.

DEAN R. HEATON, BSElE, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Varsity Club; Var_ sity Golf Team (3 years); Labora­tory Assistant El 100 (4).

RUDOLF W. HELLMOLD, BSCE, Bellerose, New York, Association of Civil Engineers; Flying Club, Pub­licity Officer; Society of American Military Engineers, President and Vice-President; Fencing Team, Cap­tain of Saber Team; President's List (2) .

RAYMOND E. H F:RZOG, Cattarau­gus, New York, BSEl, Honor Roll (8).

BERNARD J. HIGGINS, BSEE, Reading, Pennsylvania, AlEE, Secre­tary (2) ; Fighter Pilot, 163 Tactical Fighter Squadron, Indiana Air Na_ tional Guard.

EDWARD HOLM FS, BSElE, Floral Park, New York, Flying Club (2); President's List (4).

RICHARD HULTQUIST, BSElE, Math Option, Lucinda, Pennsylvania, Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity, Secre­tary; Student Council (1); Presi­dent's List (7 ) .

PHILLIP C. HUNT, BSCE, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, ASCE; Photography Club; Honor Roll (1) ; President's List (2).

YOUSSEE M. JRAIDA, BSME, Da­mascus, Syria, UAR, Mechanical En­gineering Club; Arab Student's Club; Nations United Club; Honor Roll (1 ) .

KARL S. KARINCH, BSCE, Leb­anon, Pennsylvania, Newman Club; Kappa Sigma Phi Fraternity, Trea_ surer (2) ; Honor Roll (1); Presi­dent's List (8) .

JOHN F . KARLE, BSCE, Rochester, New York, Civil Club, Vice-Presi­dent; Dormitory Councilor (1); Honor Roll (1); President's List (2).



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KENNETH D. KAUFFMAN, BSCE, Ligonier, Indiana; Association of Civil Engineers; Sigma Phi Delta; Intramural Bowling.

YOSHIO KAWAMOTO, BSEIE, Hilo, Hawaii; Hawaiian Club; President's List (2) .

WILLIAM G. KUNST, BSElE, Cleveland, Ohio; Alpha Gamma Up­silon, Recording Secretary.

CARL LAFOON, BSEIE, Cobden, Illinois ; Electronic Engineering So­ciety, Chairman ; Military Engineers; Electrical Engineering Society; Stu­dent Council ; Technician, Advertis­ing Staff.

LOUIS H. LENERT, BEEE, San Antonio, Texas; Electronic Engineer­ing Society ; Student Council, Secre_ ta ry ; Technician Staff, Associate Ed­itor, Editorial Asst. Editor-in-Chief; Iota Tau Kappa, President Caswell Drawing Award; President's List (10); Honor Roll (6); Assistant;­EI 1l0A (4); EI-130A (1) ; Student Instructor EI-130A (1) .

JEROME LEVITT, BSCE, Brooklyn, New York ; Association of Civil En_ gineers; Secretary, Treasurer; Mili­ta ry Engineers; Student Council (1); Intermural Tennis, Football, Base­ball.

BERKELEY McKENNON, Math, Fort Wayne, Indiana ; Math Club, President President's List (6) ; Honor Roll (6); Math Instructor (1 ); Physics Lab Assistant (4) ; Drawing Lab Assistant (5) .

JON N. MARTINSEN, BSCE, Niles, Michigan ; A.C.E. ; Alpha Gamma Up­silon ; Flying Club ; Weightlifting Club ; Student Council.

RAMESH MEHTA, BSChE, Bombay, India; Chemica l Engineering So­ciety .

DONALD MILLARD, BSCE, Edg­erton, Wisconsin ; Association of Civil Engineers; Flying Club; As­sistant in Graphics Department (4).

J OSEPH E. MILLER, BSCE, Thorn­ville, Ohio ; Association of Civil En­gineers; Alpha Omega Ta u, Presi­dent; President's List (1); CE-155A (1).

KENT MOORE, BSCE, York, P enn­sylvania; Alpha Gamma Upsilon; A .C.E. ; Intramural Sports; Presi­dent's List (1) .

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JOSEPH W. MULI.JN, BSME, San Diego, California.

NABHAN, BSEE, Syria, UAR, Arab Student Club, Treasurer; Nation's United Club.

MARVIN L. NAEZIGER, BSME, Archbold, Ohio, President's List (1) .

FEREIDOON NASSIRI, VSCE, Ta­heran, Iran , Association of Civil En­gineer s; Iranian Student's Organiza_ tion, President.

HENRY A . ODA, Walnut Grove, California, BSAe, Institute of Aero_ space Sciences; Hawaiian Club, Secretary ; Varsity Tennis; Presi­dent's List (1) .

FREDERICK V. PFAFMAN, VSELE, Math Option, Silver Spring, Mary­land, Society of American Military Engineers, Public Relations Chair­man ; President's List (2); Lab As­sistant, E1 140 A (1).

ROGER W. POWELL, BSElE, Math Option, Moscow, Pennsylvania, So­ciety of American Military Engin_ eers, Secretary .

ROBERTO PUCH E:, BSM E:, Barran­quilla, Colombia.

YAMAL RIMA, BSCE and BSME, Bogota, Colombia.

"'REDERICK E. ROGERS, BSEIE, Middletown, Ohio, AlEE.

WILLIAM W. ROSBOROUGH, BSEE, Somerville, Massachusetts, ACE; Kappa Sigma Kappa Fratern­ity, Corresponding and Recording Secretary .

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JACK E. RUDY, BSElE, Sarasota, Florida; President's List (1); Law-

rence E. Schmitt, BSElE, Math Op­tion; Tennyson, Indiana; Sigma Phi Delta; Bowling Club, Secretary; Male Chorus (3); President's List (1) .

ROGER W. SCHOOLEY, BSEE, Elkhart, Indiana; Electrical Club, Chairman; Intramural Sports; Presi­dent's List (8); Honor Roll (3).

THE:ODORE W. SI.ESIMA. BSME, Brooklyn, New York.

RONALD SPECKMAN, BSEE, St. Marys, Ohio; A.I.E.E. , Program Chairman.

JON STROUP, BSChE, Marion, In­diana; Chemical Engineering So­ciety; Kappa Sigma Kappa, Secre­tary; Bask etball; Baseball; Presi­dent's List (1); Assistant Physical Education Instructor (9).

EDWARD SWEET, BSME, Troy, New Hampshire; A.C.E.; Varsity Club; Mechanical Engineering Club, Treasurer; Track; Intramural Bas­k etball; Softball, Football, Golf.

EUGENE H. TENNlES, BSEIE, Pittsburgh, P enna.; E.E.S., Vice Chairman, Publicity Director; Stu­dent Council; President's List (5); Student Instructor El 120A (1).

LOWE:JJ. K. THOMPSON, BSElE, Cairo, Georgia.

HAROLD J. TREECE, BSElE, Math Option, Nashville, Tennessee; Elec­tl'Onic Engineering Society, Corres­ponding Secretary; Student Council Representative; Associate Editor of Technician (7); President's List (6); Electronics Laboratory EI 100A (1), EI 140 A (1); Treasurer, Sophomore Class; Dormitory Counselor.

RICHARD K. VOEDISCH, BSChE, Rockford, lllinois; Chemical En­gineering Soc i e t y; Phi Kappa Lambda, Pledgemaster, President; Caswell Award; President's List (7); Honor Roll (3).

LEE WELSH, BSElE, Cumberland, Maryland; Student Council (3), President, Secretary; Vice President Freshman Class; President's List (1); Lab Assistant El 120 (2); Dorm­itory Counselor (1),


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PAUL F. WE:L'!'Y, BSElE, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Flying Club, Ke­kionga Amateur Radio Club, Vice­President.

ROBERT N. WISEMAN, BSEIE, Math Option, Prosperity, West Vir­ginia, Electronjc Engineering So­ciety, Audio Engineering Society, LF.C. Softball Team, President's List (2) .

HARVEY LEE WEST, BSEIE, Beau­mont, Texas, Pistol Club, E.E.S., Al­pha Omega Tau, President, Vice­President. Treasurer, Business Man­ager, Chaplin, Intramural Golf, Foot­ball, Softball and Horseshoes, Presi­dent's List (1).

JEROME WIDMER, BSAeE, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Institute of the Aerospace Sci e n c e s, Treasurer, Sigma Phi Delta, Student Council President, T e c h n i cia n reporter, Science Fair and Carnival Co-Chair­man, President's List (6).

WAYLAND BRUCE WILLIAMS, BSElE, Breeneville, Tennessee, Pres­ident's List (4) .

ROBERT J. WINDT, BSElE, Wake­field. Massachusetts, President's List (1), Student Instructor (1).

ROBERT M. WINSLOW, BSME:, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Mechanical En­gineering Club, Secretary (1) , Stu­dent Council (2), President's List (3) .

GARY J. WINTERROWD, BSChE, Metallurgical, Palestine, Ohio, Amer­ican Chemical Engineering Society, Sgt. of Arms, Beta Sigma Tau, LF.C., Senior Representative, Student In­structor.

ROBERT W. YANKOWIAK, BSElE, Fort Wayne, Indiana. President's List (11).

HOLLIS V. YOUNG, BSCE, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Bowling Club, Secretary Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Corresponding Secretary, Pledge Master, KEKIONGAN Staff (7), Assist­ant Editor (1).


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AHMED S. ABDUL-RAHMAN, B.S.ChE., Kuwait, Carabia, Chemical Engineering Society, Arab Club.

ROBER ARCHAMBAULT, B.S.C., Quebec, Canada, A.C.E., S.A.E., Pres­ident's List (5).

ELI A VNERI, B.Sc. M.E., Jerusalem, Israel, Student Instructor (2) .

DARRYL F. BACH, BSM F:, Evan_ ston, lllinois, Sigma Phi Delta, Chief Engineer, Business Manager and Historian, Technician reporter (2), Honor Roll (2), President's List (4), Exhibits Chairman, 1960 Indiana Tech Science Fair and Carnival.

JAMES P. BARNES. BSEE, Dun­kirk, New York, President's List (7) , Honor Roll (1) .

JOHN J . BATLUCK, BSEE, Math Option, SCI' ant 0 n, P ennsylvania, Freshman Class President, Iota Tau Kappa Vice-President and Secre­tary, Intramural Vollyball, Presi­dent's List (12), Honor Roll (9) .

WILFRED M. BEA VIN, BSAeE, Hardinsburg, K entucky, Institute of Aeronautical Sciences.

ROBERT C. BEECH, BSAeE, Mans­fi eld, Ohio, Institute of the Aero­space Scienc€s, Vice-Chairman (2) and Chairman, Bowling Club Treas­urer.

HENRY BELTRAN, BSAeE, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Institute of Aero­nautical Sciences.

LEE W. BENEDICT, BSME, Pitts­field, Pennsylvania, Mechanical En­gineering Club, Chairman (2), Vice­Chairman, Executive Committee (3), Intramural F 0 0 t b a II, Basketball, Softball and Volleyball, Outstand_ ing Member of Mechanical Engineer­ing Club Award, Spring, 1960.

MATHEW BERGER, BSEIE, Brook­lyn , New York.

RALPH N. BINKLEY, BSME, An­derson, Indiana, Iota Tau Kappa, Alpha Gamma Upsilon Scholastic Award, Honor Roll (7), President's List (9), S .A.E. ,



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CLAUDE BRADFO RD, BSAeE, Math Option; St. Joseph, Missouri; Institute of Aeronautical Sciences; Pre sid en t' s List (3).

CHARLES LEW I S BROTHERS, BSEl, BSEE, Math Option; New Haven, Indiana; A.I.E.E.; E.E.S.; Fencing Team (3 years); Captain Sabre Team; President's List (2).

JOHN R. BROTH ~:RTON, BSCE, Liberty, lllinois; A.C.E.; Iota Tau Kappa (1); President's List (4) .

CHARLES E. BROYLES, BSEE, Rockholds, Kentucky; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Member at Large; Intra­mural Sports ; American Society of Military Engineers.

GEORGE W. CARRIE , BSME:, Keeseville, New York; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Editor of Beta Babble, Sgt.­at-arms, Chairman of Ritual Com­mittee, Supreme Master; S.A.E.; Student Council , President, Chair­man of Rules, Academic and Build_ ing and Grounds ; Science Fair and Carnival, Co-Chairman, Chairman of Publicity; President's List (5).

GLEN E. CHANDLER, BSEl, Ply­mouth, Indiana.

JUM CHIN, BSEE, Brooklyn, New York ; A.I.E.E.; Chinese Club; Presi­dent's List (2) .

NEVILLE K. CHUNG, BSCE, Kin_ ston, Jamaica, West Indies; Asso­ciation of Civil Engineers, Secretary; Io ta Tau Kappa, Vice President; Year Book Staff, Editor of Organi­zation and Graduates; Varsity F enc­ing; Caswell Award ; Outstanding Freshman Awa rd ; President's List (9); Honor Roll (9).

RICHARD R. C U N N IN G HAM, BSEl, Math Option, Balboa, Canal Zone; E.E.S. ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Pledgemaster, Member at Large; Flying Club, President ; Intramura l Sports; President of Junior Class.

WILLIAM H. DAVENPORT, BSCE, Fort Wayne, Indiana.

JOHN A. DOYLE, BSCE, Michigan City, Indiana; Association of Civil Engineers; President's List (2); Stu­dent Instructor, CE 103, CE 104 (4).

SHERWOOD F RAN CIS, BSME, Henryette, Oklahoma; Beta Sigma Tau, Cor r es p 0 n din g Secretary, Treasurer.


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KENNETH E. GAERTE, BSElE, Al­bion, Indiana; Honor Roll (3).

EDWARD F. GLEMBOCKI, BSME, Skillman, New Jersey; Newman Club; Mathematics Club; President's List (2) .

ROBERT JOSEPH HART, BSCE, Clarksburg, West Virginia; Associa­tion of Civil Engineers; President's List (3) .

H . L. HODGDON, BSME, President's List (3) .

EDWARD HOLUB, BSME, Elmira, New York ; Intramural Volleyball; Honor Roll (2); President's List (1).

BRUCE L . HOUSE, BSEIE, Math Option, San Die g 0 , California; A.LE.E.; Indiana Technical College Weightlifting and Bodybuilding Club, Vice - President; Treasurer, Junior Class; President's List (1); Student Insturctor, P.E. (1).

AHMAD A . HUMAIDEH, BSCE, Springfield, Illinois.

ANDREW B. HUT'I'ULA, BSEIE, Ewen , Michigan; Electric Engineer­ing Society, Secretary; S.A.M.E.; President's List (4).

RONALD H. INGRAHAM, BSME, Lewiston, New York ; Kappa Sigma K appa, Secr etary (1); Junior Var­sity Basketball (1 year); Intramural Sports; President's List (1).

CURTIS B. JOYNER JR., BSME, West Palm Beach, Florida ; Alplia Gamma Upsilon, Recording Secre­tary, House Manager ; Student Coun­cil, Senior Representative, Corres­ponding Secretary; Intramural Soft­ball; Iota Tau Kappa; Presidents List (10); Honor Roll (5); Publicity Chairman, 1960 Science Fair and Carnival.

JOE B. KENNEDY, BSEE, BSElE, Clarksburg, West Vil'ginia ; Electri­cal Club; Iota Tau Kappa; Presi­dents List (10).

JOSEPH LANGENSTEIN, BSME, Buffalo, New Yilrk; S.A.E.; Intra­mural VoJleyball; American Society of Tool and Manufacturing En-

• gm eers.



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FERNAND L. La RO CHELLE, BSM E:, Lewiston, Maine; Charter Member, ITC Veteran's Club; KE­KIONGAN Photoeditor and Photogra­pher; Presidents List (3).

EDGAR H. LEE, BSCE, Christiana, Manchester, Jamaica, W. I.; Asso­ciation of Civil Engineers, Treas­urer ; Chinese Club, Vice President; Student Council.

ROGER O. LEE, BSCE, New Rock­ford , North Dakota; Association of Electrical Eng i nee r;s, President; Sigma Phi Delta, House Manager, Professional Program Director; Lu­theran Student Association; Student Council; Junior Representative; In_ tramural Sports; Presidents List (1) .

OLWEN L . LEGAL!., BSME, Bella Vista, Maracaibo, Venezuela; Varsity Tennis (3 years) ; Varsity Soccer (3 years), Co-Captain; Presidents list (1) .

JARRELL LEGG, BSCE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; A.C.E.

EDWIN H . LORAH JR., BSE1E, Math Option, Mahanoy City, Penn­sylvania; Electronic Engineering So­ciety ; Theta Mu Pi, President, Vice President; Math Club; Intramural Sports.

SEUNG W. LYU, BSCHE, Seoul, Korea; Ch.E.S; Varsity Soccer and Track.

EDWARD R. McINTYRE, BSElE, Math Option, Lonaconing, Maryland; Honor Roll (6) ; E.E.S.

RICHARD W. MACKENZIE, BSME, Aliquippa, Pennsylvania; Society of Automotive Engineers; Stu den t Council (1); Presidents List (3) ; Honor Roll (2).

ROBERT W. MAINE, BSElE, Math Option, Dunkirk, Indiana; Electronic Engineering Society; Weightlifting Club, Freshman Instructor; Chess Club, Secretary; Glee Club .

STANLEY MARKUS, BSEIE, Arma, K ansas; Society of American Mili­tary Engineers, Treasurer; Intra­mural Sports.

TH A. MARTIN, BSAeE, Corbin, Virginia; Weightlifting Club (5) ; Presidents List (8).


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ERWIN C. MEISSNER, BSME, Bel­laire, Ohio; Society of Automotive Engineers ; Presidents List (1); Cas­well Award; Asst. Instructor ED 22 (4), ED 23 (1).

RI F. MEISSNER, BSME, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Society of Au­tomotive Engineers; Presidents List (4) .

JOSEPH MOEHRBACK, BSME, Newark, New Jersey; Institute of Aeronautical Sciences; Society of Automotive Engineers; Iota Tau Kappa; Caswell Award, ED 21, 22; Presidents List (8); Honor Roll (4); Assistant Insu'uctor ED 21-22, 23, (6) ; American Society of Metals.

LOWELL MICHAELS, BSAeE, Mon­roe, Indiana; Male Chorus (4); In_ tramural Sports; Presidents List (3).

W AHLING H. NG, BSElE, New York, New York; Chemical Engi­neering Society; Chinese Club; In­tramural Bowling; Presidents List (4) .

HUBERT H . NOWAK, BSME, Math Option, Donora, Penna.; Varsity Club; ITC Varsity Baseball (2 years) .

HARVEY L. PHIPPS, BSElE, In_ dependence, Virginia.

CARL M. POWE, BSME, Sledell, Louisiana; Iota Tau Kappa, Secre­tary, Treasurer; Honor Roll (8); Presidents List (9) .

VARTAN S. PROUDIAN, BSMF:, Heliupolis, Egypt; Arab Club; Intra­mural Sports; Presidents List (2); Honor Roll (2) .

GARY D. RIDENOUR, BSME, Wa­bash, Indiana; Sigma Phi Delta, Vice President, Social Chairman, Histor­ian, Professional Director, Guide; Student Council; Technician Staff, Golf; Presidents List (2); Student Assistant to Dean of Students (11); Intramural Sports.

RICHARD M. ROVNYAK, BSEE, Ford City, P enna. ; Indiana Tech Electrical Association; Iota Tau Kappa; Presidents List (10).

ROBERT E. SCHURR, BSME, Gar­r ett, Indiana; S.A.E.; Intramural Bowling.

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RAYMOND V. SHF:RLEY, BSME:, Crestwood, Kentucky; Alpha Gamma Upsilon; Society of Automotive En­gineers; Presidents List (2).

LOUIS J. SHIHADEH, BSChE, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Chemical Engineer­ing Society; Arab Club; Assistant Instructor Chern 146, 147 (2).

ROBERT C. SMALL, BSElE, Central Islip, New York; Electronic Engi­neering Society; Autio Engineering Society; Iota Tau Kappa; Presidents List (7); Honor Roll (4).

ROBERT M. SORDELET, BSElE, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Indiana Air National Guard.

LARRY K. STERLING, BSM E:, Deshler, Ohio ; Kappa Sigma Phi ; Weightlifting Club, Secretary; Stu­dent Council ; Society of American Military Engineers; Vice-President of Senior Class.

FRANK STOMEL, BSM E:, Philadel­phia, Penna. ; Weightlifting Club, President; Weightlifting State Cham­pion 1959-1961; Presidents List (3); Assistant Instructor Physical Educa­tion (6) .

EARL YN W. STONE, BSElE, Aber­deen, Washington; Sigma Phi Delta, Secretary Research and Develop­ment Lab.

KE L . STRONG, BSAeE, Math Option, Kouts, Indiana ; Insti­tute of Aero-Space Sciences, Treas­urer; Presidents List (10); Honor Roll (1).

DONALD Y. SUZUKI, BSEIE, Wai­luku, Maui, Hawaii; Hawaiian Club, Secretary, President; Intramural Sports.

RUFINO S. TOLEDO, BSCE, Boise, Idaho ; A.C.E., Sgt.-at-arms; Presi­dents List (1).

ARTHUR J. VILARDI, BSME, Hew_ lett, Long Island, New York ; Society of Chemical Engineers.

ROBERT W ARNAR, BSElE, Elm­wood Park, illinois; A.I.E.E.; Fenc­ing Team.



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ROBERT A. ABENDSCHEIN, BSCE, Cheektowaga, New York ; Associa­tion of Civil Engineers; President's List (4) . ALBERT J . ABRAHAM, JR., BSME, Beech Bottom, West Virginia ; Presi­dent's List (3) , Honor Roll (7) . M. NOUR ADRA, BMe and B.Math, Tripoli, Lebanon ; Math Club-Sec., Treasurer (4), Mechanical Engineer_ ing Club Treasurer (1); Theta Mu Pi Fraternity, Corresponding Sec.; Arab Student's Club (5) ; Student Council, Elections' Committee Chair­man ; President's List (4), Honor Roll (1) .

FRANCIS JOSEPH ARSENAULT, BSME, Providence, Rhode Island; Society of Automotive Engineers, Vice Chairman. DAVID LECOMPTE BABCOCK, BElE and Math Option, Braihard, New York ; Audio Engineering So­ciety Secretary (2), Electronic En­gineering Society, Physiis Club; Iota Tau K appa Fraternity, Presi­den t's List (7) , Honor Roll (5). JAN BAI.LYNS, BSME, Clarkson, Ontario ; President's List (2) .

ANASTAS S. BANDAK, BSME, Honduras, C.A.; Arab Club, Flying Club. JACK G. BARKER, BSME, Ft. Wayne, Indiana; Soriety of Automo­tive Engineers, K appa Sigma Kappa Fraternity; Varsity Baseball (3 years) , Lettenuan 's Club, Intra­mural Basketball, football and ten_

• ms. RUDOLPH W. BECKERT, JR., Ft. Wayne, Indiana; Institute of the Aerospace Sciences, Chairman (2); President's List (10), Honor Roll (3) ; Physics Laboratory Assistant (2) .

MICHAEL R. BOHANNON, BSAeE, Louisville, Kentucky ; Institute of the Aerospace Sciences, Chairman ; Phi Kappa Lambda FI·aternity, New­man Club, Sergeant a t Arms and Pledge Master ; Bowling, Intra-mural sports. SCOTT W. BUELL, BSEIE, Greens­burg, Indiana; Flying Club, Safe ty Officer ; President's List (1); En­gineering Drawing Labora tory As­sistant (2); Dorm Counselor (11) , Head Counselor. CLYDE W. BUSBY, BSCE, Ma rk­ville, Minnesota; Association of Civil Engineers; President's List (3), Honor Roll (1) .

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V~CP:)\\T CHI!'I1EIJS, BS P h 'cs; iales., PuertO Rico; Physics Club,

; Theta _ u Pi Fraterni _, HO\b"'e _ anager. loo- P!esjden -er Fra­ternity Council representa ',e; -ua- mural soft:balJ tab e renni"" foor-

" ball, ,olley ball and basketl:aD; Ph~ 'cs Labora ry ."ssi'l<ln (I.

ER..-\.:· K LIX EUGD'"E COx, ',an Indiana.

BS..1\1 E: ,

OW P:\ ClL-\.: TO.', BSCE. t()Cj;: ­

ton • -ew York: Associa 'on of Civil ,

Engineers; igllla P hi I'ra ern-•

It, . •

JERRY R. DANGLER, BSFJE, P ald­ing, Ohio; Elecuo 'c En",aineer' a

·ety; . pha Omega Ta FratelD-,-ina Cl b' 's List - => ,

• ny, 3) .

DOl-.·H.D A. , BSElF, Ben on Harbor, _ chigan; ec­tronic Engineer' a ocie . , of A merican _ . ·taD· Engineers. lee PI psident. Fan Wayne Engi­

neers Club; Honor Roll (1) ; Bam radio opera or.

BURTON D A V I D 0 _ , BSFlE, Bron x, New Yor -. Electronic En-gineerina 'ety, Pistol Cl b, Treas.

JA(:K ,

Wayne, spa e lin.

. DI8RKFS, Indiana ; Tnsti • • Clences, . lImDl

BSf'E: , e of Aero­ed.., Chao-

ABD I PI . Dill.:\.:\.l'\fO, BSM K Riz;lJ , P hilippine : P hi Kappa Lambda Fra­ernit)', ~e" man Club .

DENNIS F. f;ISt<;NHL"T. BSElE, Jasper, Indiana; Elecuonic Engineer­· a ociety (2); Intra- mural baske -ball (2) ; Iota Tau Kappa Fraterni . , Ou tandina Freshman .-\ ward for

pring 1959, . (9) . Honor Roll (9 ) .

JAl W. EROH, BSFlE, _ ath Option, • onoy City, P ennsylvania; Electmnic En"aineering 'ety; Iota Tau Kappa Fra erni y, Honor Roll (4) .

,,'RNEST FAUVER.. BSElE, Win­che cr, Virginia: P resident's Lis (2) .

DAl\ I EI. E'I':RN.\..."IDEZ. BSl\1E: Hol -, guin, Cuba; Phi Iota Alpha Fra­ternity, Corr. c., Treasurer, Presi ­

. den


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LARRY W. FJ.ETCHER, BSCE, Clearfield, Indiana; Association of Civil Engineers; Bowling Club, Weightlifting Club; Gymnastic Team.

RICHARD J. FLETCHER, BSME and Math Option, Passaic, New Jer­sey; Theta Mu Pi Fraternity, Secre­tary, Pledgemaster, Inter-Fratern­ity Council Delegate; Newman Club, Secretary; Bowling Club, Weightlift­ing Club.

RICHARD W. GASDORF, BSME and BSEE, Lima, Ohio ; Mechanical Engineering Club, Treasurer (1); Lutheran Student Association, Stu­dent Christian Fellowship; Fort Wayne Ski Club.

JOHN GOLTERMANN, BSEE, Bay_ side, New York; President's List (1) .

RA YMOND C. GOUX, BSAeE, Salis­bury, Connecticut; Institute of the Aerospace Sciences, Secretary; Pres­ident's List (1).

DELMAR R. HATFIELD, BSElE, Plymouth, Indiana; Basketball (1 year); President's List (2) .

RICHARD O. H E:INY, BCE, Ft. Wayne, Indiana; Association of Civil Engineers; Sigma Phi Delta Fra­ternity, Chaplin; Intra-mural Golf; President's List (2).

LAWRENCE A. HE:DGES, BSME, Bryant, Indiana; Society of Automo­tive Engineers; President's List (1).

GENE A. Lyons, New



PHILLIP E. HOLT, BSElE, Math Option, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Editor-in-Chief of the NUCLEUS; Stu­dent Council; Junior Class Presi­dent; Science Fair and Carnival Committee; Cystic Fibrosis Drive; Iota Tau Kappa Fraternity, Presi­dent; Outstanding Electronic En­gineering Student Award for 1960-1961; President's List (10), Honor Roll (5); Electronic Laboratory As­sistant (3) .

DONALD S. HUNTER, BSElE, Dun­dee, Quebec; President's List (5) .

GERALD L. HURRY, BSEIE, Ft. Wayne, Indiana; Electronic Engi_ n eering Society; President's List (1).



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ROBERT F. JAEKEL, BSME, Pom­pano Beach, Florida; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fraternity, Assistant Pledge­master; Society of Automotive En_ gineers; Institute of Aerospace Sciences; American Rocket Society; Engineering Drawing Laboratory Assistant (6); Chairman of the An­nua l Science Fair and Carnival Dance Committee of 1960'.

HAROLD R. JENSEN, BSEIE, Ft. Wayne, Indiana; Electronic Engi­neering Society; President's List (1) .

BILLIE J. JONES, BSEIE, Math Op­tion, Ft. Wayne, Indiana; Iota Tau Kappa Fraternity; President's List (8), Honor Roll (4).

EARL T . JONES, BSCE, Princeton, New J ersey; Association of Civil Engineers; Newman Club Planning Committee Cl}airman; Bowling Club; Sec., Treas. of Sina Hall .

VINCENT JOHN KAVLICK , BSChE, Math and Metallurgy Op­tions, Bobtown, P e n n s y I van i a ; Chemical Engineering Society; Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity, Spolis Direc­tor.

CHARLES KERZETSKI , BSCE, P erth Amboy, New J er sey; Associa­tion of Civil Engin eers; Intra-mural football , softball; Va rsity Track Team Manager; President's List (1) .

JAMES J. KLEIN, BSM E:, Tiffin, Iowa; Newman Club; President's List (2).

PETER KNAPP, BSEE, New Bruns­wick, New Je rsey; American Insti­tute of Electrical Engineers Treas­urer; Varsity Soccer Team; Presi­dent's List (3), Honor Roll (2).

MICHAEL KOCH, BSCE, Weiland, Ontario, Canada ; Association of Civil Engineers; Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity ; Intra-mural track and baseball.

ROBERT KOEHl ,INGER, BSEIE, Fort Lee, New J ersey; Electronic Engineering Society.

JOHN H. LAMBERT, BSEIE, Wis­consin Rapids, Wisconsin; Kappa Sigma Phi Fraternity, Kekionga Amateur Radio Club; Glee Club; President's List (3).



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WILMER A. LARSON, BSElE, Ft. Wayne, Indiana ; Society of Ameri­can Military Engineers.

LAWRENCE W. McFARLAND , BSEE, Waldo, Ohio; President's List (1) .

FRANK MAYO, BSME, Jamaica, Long Island; Society of Automotive Engineers, Sec.; Newman Club; Dormitory Governor (1 year) ; Var­sity Track Team; Pistol Team; President's List (1); Engineering Drawing Laboratory Assistant (3).

LELAND A. MELUGIN, BSElE, Dustin, Oklahoma; Electronic En­gineering Society; Glee Club Presi­dent; P resident's List (4) .


RA Y T. MORYL, BS, Johnson City, New York; Association of Civil En­gineers; Veter an 's Club ; President's List (2).

AN~ONY N. MUCCIARDI, BSChE, Math Option, Syr acuse, New York; Chemical Engineering Society Vice President ; American Institute of Chemical Engineers; Phi Kappa Lambda Fra ternity; Inter Fra ternity Council , Treasurer (2), President (1 year ); Student Council ; Organ­ized and Directed the "Techmen" orchestra; Junior Varsity Basketball ; President's List (6) , Honor Roll (2); Assistant Labora tory Instructor (1); Sophomore Class Vice-Presi­den t, Junior Class Secre tary.

ROBERT F . NEARGARDER, BSME, Sa int Marys, Ohio; Weightlifting Club, Newman Club; Varsity Track Team (1 year ), Intra-mural foot­ball , basketball, volleyball; Dorm Governor (1 year ), Athle tic Direc­tor (1 year ) .

JACK D. NILES, BSElE, Savanna, Illinois; President's List (2) .

LARRY L. NIX, BSEI E , Math Op­tion, Columbia City, Indiana; Elec­tronic Engineering Society; Presi­dent's List (2).

ANDRE PELLERIN, BSElE, Man­cheste r, New Hampshire; Electronic Engineering Society ; Student Coun­cil, Dance Committee Chairman (2) ; President's List (4) .

MARVIN G. PETERSEN, BSElE, Virginia, Nebraska; Electronic En­gineering Socie ty Publicity Director; S tudent Council ; President's List (5) , Honor Roll (1) .






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ROBERT C. PETERSON, BSElE, Ft. Wayne, Indian a; Freshman Class President; Bowling Club.

ALVIN L. POPE, BSCE, London, K en tucky; Association of Civil En_ gineers; President's List (2) .

DENNIS REI'I'H, BSEE, Ft. Wayne, Ind ia na; American Institute of Elec­trical Engineers, Treasurer (2), Vice Cha irman (2), Chairman (2) .

JEROME SALTER, BSME, John­sonburg, P e n n s y 1 v an i a; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fraterni ty, Record­in g Secretar y, Society of American Mili ta ry Engineers; KEKlON GAN Staff (1 year); all intra-mural sports.

JAMES W. SHEARER, BSChE, Ft. Wayne, Indiana; Chemical Engineer­ing Society, Secretary and President; Chemical Engineering M a h a r a j h Award 1960-1961 ; Presiden t's List (2); Chemical Engineering Labora _ to ry Assistan t (1) .

HARRY SIMPSON, BSElE, Monong­ahela, Pennsylvania ; Board of Gov­e rnors, Editor of Student News Let­ter ; Recreation Room Advisor, As­sistant Dorm Advisor, Inter-Club Council, Dorm Governor.

LEWIS T. SINEMUS, BSElE, Derry, P ennsylvania; President's List (1) .

EDDIE J . SMART, BSME, Limerick, Maine; Phi Kappa Lambda Fratern­ity, Treas.; Society of Automotive Engineers; Presiden t's List (2); In_ tra -mural sports.

MILTON S. SPIELER, BSEIE, Ma th Option, Brooklyn, New York ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Social Chairman; Weightlifting Club; Student Council; Intramural sports; President's List (2) .

WILLIAM STRANDBERG, BSElE, Math Option, Cleveland H eights, Ohio ; Sigma Phi Delta Fra ternity, Chaplain ; Audio Engineering So­ciety; Electronic Engineering So­ciety; Intra-Mural sports; President's List (6); Dorm Governor.

J. B. SUMRALL, BSEIE, Math Op­tion, Bakersfield, Ca lifornia; Flying Club; Rifle Club; President's List (3) .

ALBERT E. SURMA Y, BSCE, Can­ton, Ohio ; Association of Civil En­gineers; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fra­ternity; Fly ing Club; Weightlifting Club.





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EUGENE L. TIGGES, BSCE, Ft. Wayne, Indiana; Association of Civil Engineers.

SAMUEL T. UHLER, BSCE, Easton, P ennsylvania; Association of Civil Engineers, Sports Manager; Flying Club, Flight Coordinatol', Vice Pres­ident; Intra-mural sports; Honor Roll (1).

EMMANUEL VARDOULAKIS, BSME, Drafting, Athens, Greece; Nations United Club; "Olympians" Sports Club of Fort Wayne, Secre­tary ; President's List (2).

WALTER VOSS, JR., BSEIE, St. Louis, Mo.; Electronic Engineering Society.

LEON WARRIX, BSAeE, Cliff, K en_ tucky; Institute of the Aerospace Sciences.

RONALD H. WEA VER, BSCE, K empton, P ennsylvania; Association of Civil Engineers; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fraternity, Recording Secre­tary; Intramural softball, football, volleyball , basketball.

WARREN E. WEBSTER, BSME, Woodburn, Indiana; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fraternity, Treasurer; Intra­mural sports; President's List (9), Honor Roll (2), Physics Laboratory Instructor (1) .

LARRY WINSLOW, BSAeE, Clear­field, Pennsylvania; Institute of the Aerospace Sciences; Kappa Sigma Phi Fra ternity, Vice President, Sports Director; Student Council ; Senior Class Treasurer ; Iota Tau Kappa Fraternity, Honor Roll (5) .

ROBERT A. WISE, BSME, Math Option, Churubusco, Indiana; So­ciety of Automotive Engineers; Phi Kappa Lambda Fraternity, Secre­tary; President's List (7).

DA VID A. WRIGHT, BSME, Ft. Wayne, Indiana; Flying Club; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fraternity; Inter Fraternity Council.

FRANK A. YENALEVICZ, BSEIE, Mahanov City, P ennsylvania.

IMANTS Z E I D L I C'K I S, BSME, Broneville, New York ; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; President's List (1) .

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JAMES E. AARON, BSME, New Castle, Indiana; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Society of Automotive Engineers; Intra-mural bowling and basketball.

HOWARD W. ACKERMAN, BSEIE, Malba, New York ; Electronic En­gineering Soc i e t y; Intra-mural sports.

ROBERT J . AHMANN, BSCE, Fort Wayne, Indiana ; Association of Civil Engineers, President and Vice-president.

PAUL APPLE, BSCE, Albany, New York ; Association of Civil Engi­neers; Beta Sigma Tau Fraternity, President and Vice-President ; Pres­ident's List (1) .

THOMAS S. ASATO, BSEIE, Hono­lulu, Hawaii ; President's List (3) .

BRYANT P . BARNES, BSEIE, De­catur, Indiana; President's L ist (1); Weightlifting Club.

JAMES E. BLUE, BSEIE, P ampa, Texas; Electronic Engineering So­ciety, Chairman and Vice Chair­man ; Student Council ; President's List (1) .

CHARLES D. BORDEN, BEE and Math Option, Needles, California ; Freshman Class Presiden t, Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fra t rnity, Corres­ponding Secre tary (4) , President (1), Vice- president (1), Chairman of Executive Committee (2), Parli­amentarian (6), Social Chairman (2), Assistant Editor of Beta Bab­ble (4) ; Student Council , Vice ­president (2), Parliamentarian (4); AGU representative to Inter Fra­ternity Council (4); Assistant Edi­tor of KENIONGAN (2), Staff (4), Student Conduct Committee (2) ; Secreta ry of Senior Class (2); Pres_ ident's List (1); President of Inter Club Council (2), Intra-mural sports.

CARROL G. BRANSON, BSME, Richland, Washington; President's List (1) .

EDW ARD J . BYRNE, BSME, New York ; Phi Kappa L ambda, Treas­urer ; Newman Club, President.

GERALD H . CHAFFEE, BMath, Danville, Illinois; President's Lis t (5) .

ACHAM S . CHOW, BSChE and Math Option, San Fernando, Trini­dad; Chemical Engineering Society.





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RONALD D. CLAES, BSME, Crest­line, Ohio; Society of Automotive Engineers, Secretar y (4) ; Flying Club, Treasure r (2), Vice-president (1) .

WILLIAM D. CLARK, BSME, Fort Wayne, Indiana ; K a p p a Sigma Kappa, Treasurer, Corresponding Secreta ry; Intra -mura l swimming and table tennis.

W. RONALD CLONTZ, BSChE, Taylorsville, North Carolina ; Chem­ical Engineering Society, Vice-pres­ident, Treasurer ; President's List (3) ; Assistant Laboratory Instruc_ tor (1).

BILLY W. COLE, BSCE, Albion, Indiana; Associa tion of Civil En­gineers; Varsity Club; Varsity Bas_ ketball ; Io ta Tau Kappa Fra ternity; President's List (7) ; Honor Roll (4) .

CHARLES R. CONIFF, BSMath, Des Plaines, Illinois; Newman Club (7); Math Club (4), Vice-president (2); Presiden t's List (4); Residence Hall Counselor (3); Social Advisor (2) .

EARL L. COONROD, BSME, Lin­coln, Nebraska; Society of Automo­tive Engineers; President's List (1).

G . MARTIN CRONEY, BSEIE, BSEE, Warsaw, New York ; Lambda Chi Alpha .

ROBERT DIAZ, BSEE Virginia, Minn.; American Institute of Elec­trical Engineers Soccer Team.

CHARLES DIERUFF, BSEIE, Beth­lehem, P ennsylvania; Electronic Engineering Society; Association of Milita ry Engineers; President's List (1) .

CHARLES T. DILS, BSChE, Math Option, Uniontown, Pennsylvania; Chemical En g i n ee r i n g Society, Treasurer (1); Presiden t's List (3); Honor Roll (1); American Chemi_ cal Socie ty; American Institute of Chemical Engineers.

FAR R F L L H. DOBBS, BSEIE, Clanton, Alabama; Electronic En­gineering Society .

CECIL G. DOMINIQUE, BSME, Wau seon, Ohio ; Society of Automo­tive Engineers, Treasurer, President.



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JOHN J. DONNELLY, BSElE, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Electronic Engi­n eering Society; American Institute of Electrical Engineers; Veteran 's Club; President's List (1).

EDUARDO DURON, BSElE, Mex­ico; Audio Engineering Society; Electronic Engineering Society.

JAMES L. EMERY, BSME, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Society of Auto­motive Engineers.

TOMAS RAMON ESPINEL, BEE, Madrid, Spain; Phi Iota Alpha Fra­te rnity, Secretary, Vice-president.

DAVE H. FLUHARTY, BSCE, Clear Lake, Iowa; A ssociation of Civil Engineers, Vice-president; In­tra-mural sports ; Athletic Director for Sihler Hall ; President's List (3); Honor Roll (1).

TIRRE W. FORTNEY, BSME, La n­caster, Ohio; Kappa Sigma K appa; Student Council ; President's List (3).

ROBERT C. GAGNON, BSElE, Dover , New H ampshire.

WILLIAM R. GENTRY, BSME, Wayn e, Michigan ; Intra-mural golf, softball, bask etball and football; President's List (1).

GEORGE D. GEPHART, JR., BSCE, Carlisle, P ennsylvania; Association of Civil Engineers, Corresponding Secretary ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fraternity, House Manager, Treas­urer, Assistant Pledge Master; In_ tra-mural sports; President's List (1) .

R. DAVID GLASS, BSAeE, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Institute of Aero_ nautical Sciences; President's List (1) .

RONALD L. GRIPPO, BSElE, New London, Connecticut; Electronic Engineering Society ; Student Coun­cil (3).

HUGH ALAN HARP, BEE, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Ekeionga Amateur Radio Club, Treasurer and Station Engineer.


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STANLEY E. HARPER, BSAeE, Lansing, Michigan ; Varsity GoU; President's List (5) .

BRUCE W. HARTING , BSElE, Reading, Pennsylvania; Electronic Engineering Society; Honor Roll (1) .

ERIC M. HOHN, BSME, Cambria Heights, New York; American So­ciety of Mechanical Engineers, Vice-president; Lutheran Student Association, President ; Weightlift­ing Club; Intra-mural sports; Pres­ident's List (2); Weightlifting In­structor (1).

STEPHEN R. HOOVER, BSCE, Chicago, Ulinois; Association of Civil Engineers; Track Team (2); Bowling Club (2).

WILLIAM H. HOY, BSElE, Cone­maugh, P ennsylvania ; Electronic Engineering Society.

DONAJ.D T. JACOBSON, BSEIE, Math Option, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Electronic Engineering Society; KE­KIONGAN Staff (2); President's List (9); Honor Roll (3) .

CHARLES JAMISON, BSCE, Grove City, Pennsylvania; Association of Civil Engineers, Treasurer , Secre­tary; President's List (2), Honor Roll (2).

CHARLES S. JEWETT, BSEIE, Math Option, New Brunswick, Can­ada; Electronic Engineering So­ciety; Student Council ; NUCLEUS Staff; Iota Tau Kappa Fraternity; President's List (8), Honor Roll (4).

C. W. JOHNSON, BSAeE, New En­terprise, P ennsylvania; Institute of Ael"ospace Sciences, Vice Chairman; President's List (2).

ROBERT E. JONES, BSElE, Ash e_ ville, North Carolina; Electronic Engineering Society; President's List (1).

WILLIAM M. JORDAN, BSEE, Lima, Ohio; Newman Club; P. E. Assistant ; Gymnastics (3), Wrestl­ing (1).

MAURICE D. KEA TY, BSEIE, Ransomville, New York; Electronic Engineering Society; Phi Kappa Lambda F r at e rn i t Y ; President's List (5); Intra-mural Softball and Baske tball.



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DICK KOSIAREK, BSEIE, Sauga­tuck, lVIichigan; Kappa Sigma Kap­pa, President, Secretary (3); Intra­mural Sports.

HENRY J. KRIEGER, JR., BSCE, New York ; Association of Civil En_ gineers; Newman Club, Correspond­ing Secretary.

WILLIAM G. KULL, BSEIE, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Electronic Engi­neering Society ; Veteran's Club, Treasurer; President's List (3) .

MELVIN LADISKY, BSElE, New York ; Electronic Engineering So­ciety; Amateur Radio Society.

HENRY G. LEEDS, BSChE, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Chemical Engi­neering Society.

THOMAS A. LEMBKE, BSChE, New York ; Chemical Engineering Society.

VERIATO LIMA, BSElE, New Bed ­ford, Massachusetts; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fraternity, Vice President, Assistant House Manager; Iota Tau K appa Fraternity; President's List (9), Honor Roll (4); Inter-Fratern_ ity Council.

LESLIE LINTON, BSME, K anka­kee, Illinois; American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

DARWIN MAINWARING, BSAeE, Gotham, Wisconsin; K ekionga Ama ­teur Radio Club, Chairman, Mem_ bership Com mit tee; Intramural sports, Varsity Track; President's List (2) .

M. E. MARS, BSElE, Shelbyville, Illinois, Sigma Phi Delta Fratern­ity, President, Vice President, Pho­tographer; Kekionga Amateur Radio Club; President's List (1); Intra­mural sports.

EUGENT B. MARTIN, BSEIE, Rus­siaville, Indiana ; Alpha Orn.o:~ga Tau Fraternity.


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LEONARD NAGATA, BSCE, Hon _ olulu, Hawaii ; Hawaiian Club; As­sociation of Civil Engineers.

ASCANIO NEGRETTI, BSCE, Car­acas, Venezuela; K a p p a Sigma Kappa Fraternity, Pledge Master (3), Sgt. at Arms (3); Bowling Club.

WILBUR OARD, BSEE, Beauerton, Michigan; American Institute of Electrical Engineers.

GEORGE J . OSIPOV, BSEIE, New Brunswick, New J ersey; Associa­tion of Electrical Engineers, Presi­dent; Fencing Team, Captain; Pres­ident's List (5), Honor Roll (1).

THOMAS PAR A G I A N, BSAeE, BSME, Berwick, P ennsylvania; In­stitute of Aerospace Sciences, Chair_ man; Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity, Vice President, Professional Direc­tor, General Convention Delegate; Student Co un c i I ; In tra-mural sports, 1960 Tennis Champion; Pres_ ident's List (1) ; Student Co-op Plan at Ba ll Bros. Research Corp.

TONIS PAIDE, BSEIE, Seabrook, New J ersey; American Institute of Electrical Eng i n ee r s; Kekionga Amateur Radio Club, President ; President's List (8), Honor Roll (2).

DAVID A. PAUL, BSCE, Houston, Texas; Association of Civil En­gineers; Sigma Phi Delta Fratern­ity; Junior Class President; Presi_ dent's List (2) .

LAWRENCE E. RICHIE, BSAeE, Connersville, Indiana; Institute of Aerospace Sciences; Alpha Omega Ta u Fraternity, President, Vice President, Secretary; Bowling Club; President's List (3).

EARL ROBINSON, BSME, Over­peck, Ohio; Theta Mu Pi Fratern­ity.

LEON L . ROBINSON, BSEIE, Hicksville, Ohio .

. JURGEN ROGHMANN, BSEE, Buttgen, Germany.

RONALD O. ROHADFOX, BSCE, Chicago, Ill inois; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, President ; Associa tion Civil Engineers, Loan Officer; Fly­ing Club.

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RICHARD M. RUDY, BSEIE, Shav­ertown, Pennsy lvania; Electrical Engineering Society; Kappa Sigma Phi Fraternity, Publicity Chairman; Camera Club, President; Bowling Club; Varsity Basketball Manager; President's List (5) . WILME;R J . SALZ, BSMath, Stacy­ville, Iowa; Newman Club; Bowling Club; President's List (3) . STEPHEN STANLEY SANFORD, BSEIE, Wisconsin Rapids, Wiscon­sin; Audio Engineering Society, Treasurer, Secretary; Phi K appa Lambda Fraternity, House Mana­ger; Glee Club (7) , Choral Union (1) ; For tWa y n e Community Chamber Choir (1).

DOYLE SCANTLIN, BSME, Beech Creek, P ennsylvania; K appa Sigma Phi Fraternity; President's List (6), Honor Roll (3) . CHARLES HENRY SEELIG, BSME, Fort Wayne, Indiana; American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vice Chairman. GEORGE SMITH, JR., BSElE, Wichita Falls, Texas ; Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Vic e President, Treasw'er; President's List (1) .

JAMES H. SMITH, BSElE, Math Option, Portland, Indiana ; Beta Sigma Tau Fraternity; Intra-mural sports. WA YNE R. SMITH, BSME, Rush­ville, Indiana; K appa Sigma Kappa Fraternity, President, Director of Public R e I a t ion s; Intra- mural sports; Inter- Fraternity Council, Secretary; Dormitory Governor; Student Council ; President's List (5), Honor Roll (1) . DONAI.D J. S NY DE R, BSEIE, BSEE, Math Option, Ottawa, Ohio ; Electronic Engineering Soc i e t y ; Iota Tau Kappa; President's List (11), Honor Roll (7) .

ANTHONY F. STAI.TARE, BSME, Brooklyn, New York ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fraternity, Recording Sec­retary, Sgt.-at-Arms, Member-at­Large; Intra-mural sports; Junior Class Treasurer; President's List (1).

RAYMOND C. STREETER, BSCE, Lake Village; Theta Mu Pi Fra­ternity, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Athletic Director; Intra­mural sports. RAYMOND SUHRE, BSM F:, Al­hambra, illinois; K a p p a Sigma K appa Fraternity, Corresponding Secretary, Scr ibe; President's List (4), Honor Roll (1) .

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ANTHONY Q. TESTONE, BSEE, Lansdale, Pennsylvania; Theta Mu Pi Fraternity, President (2), Chap_ lain (2) , Recording Secretary, His­torian, Assistant Pledge Master, Executive Committee Chairman, Member - at - Large, Intra-mural sports; Male Chorus (8); President's List (9).

ANTHONY J . THO MAS, JR., BSME, Bernardsville, New Jersey; Society of Automotive Engineers; American Rocket Society; Theta Mu Pi Fraternity; Veteran's Club.

JOSEPH M. TRETTER, BSME, Buffalo, New York; Society of Au_ tomotive Engineers ; American So­ciety of Mechanical Engineers; Fly­ing Club, Vice President, Safety Officer, Flight Coordinator; Weight­lifting Club; Canterbury Club.

FRANK TROILO, BSElE, Option, Rome, New York; tronic Engineering Society; man Club; Bowling Club; dent's List (2).

Math Elec­New­


WILLIAM B. TURNER, BSCE, Pas­saic, New Jersey; Association of Civil Engineers; Chess Club; Bowl­ing Club; Intra-mural Sports.

GARY TYNDALL, BSEE, Luding_ ton, Michigan; American Institute of Electrical Engineers, Secretary, Vice President; Intra-mural sports.

RAMIRO VILLA, BSElE, Medellin, Colombia, South America; Phi Iota Alpha Fraternity, Treasurer, His­torian, House Manager; President's List (1).

CLEMENT R. WALSH, BSEIE, Na­trona Heights, Pennsylvania ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fraternity, Treas_ urer, Corresponding Secretary.

JOHN W. WETZEL, JR., BSElE, Grabill, Indiana; Pistol Club.

RICHARD A. WEYMOUTH, BSME, Minneapolis, Minnesota; Society of Automotive Engineers; Glee Club.

JACK E. WHITACRE, BSElE, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Pistol Club, Presi­dent.

PATRICK WI L L I A M S, BSElE, Kermit, Texas; Electronic Engineer­ing Society; Pistol Club; Flying Club.

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WII.T.IAM R. WINTERS, BSElE, Monroe, Michigan; Electronic Engineering Society, Secretary; President's List (9), Honor Roll (1); Student Council, Special Activities Committee Chairman, Dance Chairman.

RICHARD C. WOELFEL, BSCE, Chilton, Wisconsin; Newman Club, President; Association of Civil Engi­neers, Treasurer; Student Council; President's List (8); Intra-mural sports; Dormitory Counselor.


ALEX R . ALEXANDROW, BSElE, Fort Wayne. Indiana; Electronic Engineering Society ; Varsity Soccer Team, Cap­tair. . JURGIS A . BALCIUNAS. BSAeE. BSME. Strasburg, Ohio; In~t itute of Aerospace Sciences; Outstanding Student Award ( Aug. 1960); President·s List (1).

1NDER DUTT BHARGAVA. BEChE, BSChE. BEMetE, Ra­jasthan, India; President's List ( 1). ACHAM STANLEY CHOW, BSChE, San Fernando. Trinidad ; Chemical EngL'1eering Society. KENNETH R . CONLON. BSEIE. Fort Wayne, Ind iana. HARRY R. CUSKEY. BEE, Hillsboro. West Virgirila ; Presi­dent's List (2) ; Co-op Program (3) . F . C. DECKELMAN. BSEIE, Math Option. Chevy Chase. Maryland; Electronic Engineering Society; Audio Engineer­ing Society, Chairman ; Math Club; Newman Club, Secre­tary; Student Council; TECHNICIAN Staff ; Intra-mural sports; Weightlifting Club ; President's List (2); PhysiCS Laboratory Instructor (5) ; Electronic Laboratory Assistant (1); Dormitory Counselor (7). LARRY LANE FLECK. BSElE. Math Option. Paulding. Ohio;

. Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity, Historian. Rushing Chairlllan; Inter-Fraternity Council; Student Council. Vice President. Soci .. l Chairman; P resident and Vice President of Junior Class; Intra-mural sports; Varsity T ennis (4) ; Audio En­gineering Society. JACK GAMMON, BSElE. Math O:>tion, Carmel. Indiana; Electronic Engineering Society; Sophomore Class Vice Presi­dent; Student Council; Iota Tau K appa; President's List (11 ) . Honor Roll (4). JAMES E . GOTCH, BSEE, Indianaolis . Indiana; Male Chorus; Swim Team. RUDOLF W. HELr.MOLD. BSCE. Bellerose, New York ; As­sociatbn of Civil Engineers; Flying Club. Publicity Officer; Society of American Military Engineers. President, Vice President. ROBERT R. HERGE. BSEIE. Malinta, Ohio ; Student Council. Treasurer; President's List (3). SELMER ROGER HOLM. BSME. Elgin, Iowa; Society of Automotive Engineers. (1) .

Y. M . JRAIDA, BSME. Math Option. Damascus, Syria; Asso­ciation of Mechanical Engineers; Arab Student Club; Na­tions Urilted Club; Presid ent's List (1); Intra-mural sports. DARWIN J . KING, BSEIE, Goshen, Indiana ; Kappa Sigma Phi fraternity, Sgt.-at-Arms, House Manager; Varsity Club; Varsity Baseball. HERBERT KLUG. BSEIE. New York JERRY LARRIVEE, BSMath, Windham, Maine; President's List ( 1) . GEORGE S. LEE, BSCE, Wolcott. Connecticut; Association of Civil Engineers, President. Vice -President; President·s List (2).


PARVIZ YASHAR, BSCE, Tehran, Iran; Association of Civil Engineers; Iranian Student Organization, President; Intra-mural sports.

ALAN R. CURTIS, BSMath, Stratford, Connecticut.

RUDDY O . LIPPERT BSElE. Coldwater. Michigan; Student Cot!ncil (4) , Treasure r; President's List (4) ; Intra-mural sports. DENNIS MULCAHY, BSEIE, Math Option. Warsaw. Indiana ; Electronic Engineering Society ; Kekionga Amateur Radio Club. Secretary; NUCLEUS Staff. Sports Editor; 1960 Home­coming Quee n Committee. EDWARD S. NISHIIE. BSEIE, Kavai. Hawaii: Electronic Engine~ring Society; H awaiian Club; Intra -mural sports . JAMES T . PARKS, Drafting. Fod Wayne. Indiana. ARMINE SCHMIDT, JR., BSElE, Warren. Michigan . ROBERT SCOTT, BSEIE. Fort Wayne, Indiana. ABOLFAZL F . SHAHBAZI. BSEE. Long Island. New York ; Society of American Military Engineers; Iranian Student Organization. President, Vice-President ; FenCing Team. Soccer Team. GABRIEL J . TUCKER . BSEIE. Monrovia, Libe ria; Soccer Team. Co Captain. JAMES W. WHEATLEY. BSMath . F ort Wayne. Indiana: Physics Club; Philosophy Club. Vice President; President's List (9 ) . Honor Roll (2); Physics Laboratory Assistant (6). WILLIAM WIECZERZAK, BSEE, Brooklyn. New York; Bowling Green .

GRADUATES NOT SHOWN WINTER TERM WILLIAM R . COUSINS, BSElE, Kalamazoo. Michigan; Pres­ident's List (5 ), Honor Roll (2). CARMON COUTINHO, BSME. Bombay, India; Newman Club; India Association, Secretary ; NUCLEUS Staff; Presi­dent's List (4); Nations United Club; Intra-mural sports. Varsity fencing and soccer. CHAM S . CHOW. BSChE. San Fernando, Trinidad; Chemi­cal Engineering Society. W ALTER ELLISON BSME, F ackson . Michigan . HAROLD M . FANNING. BSEIE. BSEE. Fort Wayne, Indiana; Bowling Club; President's List (3). EDWARD F. GRECO. BSEIE. Math Option. Falls Church. Virginia . MOHAMED ALI HAFFAR, BSEE, BSEIE, Beirut . Lebanon; American Rocket SOCiety; Philosophy Club. President. ROLF FRANK HOLMES. BSAeE. BSMath . Blacksburg. Vir­ginia; Math Club; Philoshophy Club; Intra-mural sports; President's List (6); Enginee ring Graphics Laboratory As­sistant Instructor. PE Assi s tant Instructor (1). DELMAR H . HUENER. BSEE, Fort Wayn e, Indiana . GRIFF LYNCH, JR. . BSME, Fort Wayne. Indiana . STEPHEN E. MOTWAY. BSEIE. Math Option. Middletown, Pennsylvania; Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity. Pledgemaster. Secretary ; Intra-mural sports. CLINTON RAY SHOVE. BSME. Waterford. Connecticut.

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Ralph N. Binkley, BSME, Anderson, Indiana ; Iota Tau K appa F raternity; Society of Automotive En­gineers; President's List (9), Honor Roll (7) ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Scholastic Award.

Charles D. Borden, BEE and Math Option, Needles, California ; F r eshman Class President; ' Secretary of Senior Class ; Stu dent Council, Vice President (2), Parliamentarian (4), Representative (6); Inter Fra­ternity Council (4); Intra- mural spor ts ; Student Con­duct Committee; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fra ternity, Corresponding Secretary (4), Vice President (1), Pres­ident (1), Chairman of Execut ive Committee (2), Parlia mentarian (6), Social Chai rman (2), Assistant Editor of Beta Ba bble (4); Presiden t of Inter Club Council (2); President's List (1), Honor Roll (1); Assistant Editor of KEKlONGAN (2), Staff (4) .

George W. Carrie, BSME, K eeseville, New York; Alpha Gamm a Upsilon Fraternity, Editor of Be ta Babble (2), Sgt .-at- Arms (2), Chairman of Ritual Committee (2), Supreme Master (2); Society of

Automotive Engineers; Student Council, President (2) , Chairman of Rules, Academic, Building and Grounds Committees, Co-Chairman of Science Fair and Carnival, Chairman of Publicity; President's List (5) .

Neville K . Chung, BSCE, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies ; Association of Civil Engineers, Secretary; Iota Tau Kappa, Vice President; Kekiongan Staff, Editor of Orgallization and Graduates; Varsity Fencing; Cas­well Award ; Outstanding Freshman Award; Presi­dent's List (9) , Honor Roll (9); Maharaih Award for the Most Outstanding Student in the Civil Engineer­ing Dcpartment for 1960-1961.

Phillip E . Holt, BSEIE, Math Option, Philadelphia, P ennsylvania; Editor-in-Chief of the NUCLEUS; Stu­dent Council ; Junior Class President; Science Fair a nd Carnival Committee; Cystic 'Fibrosis Drive; Iota Ta u K appa Fra ternity, President; President's List (10), Honor Roll (5); Electronic Laboratory Assistant (3); Outstanding Electronic Engineering Student Award for 1960-1961.


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Curtis B . Joyner , Jr., BSME, West Palm Beach, Flor­ida; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fraternity, Recording Secretary, House Manager; Student Council, Senior Representative, Corresponding Secretary; Intra-mural sports; Iota Tau Kappa Fraternity ; Publicity Chair­man for 1960 'Science Fair and Carnival ; President's List (10) , Honor Roll (5); Zoltani Memorial Award for the Most Outstanding Student in the Mechanical Engineering Department for 1960-1961.

Joe B . K ennedy, BSEE, BSElE, Clarksburg, West Virginia ; Electrical Engineering Society; Iota Tau K appa Fraternity; President's List (10), Honor Roll (4); Electrica l Engineering Award for the Most Out­standing Student in the Electrical Engineering De­partment for 1960-1961.

Jon lVI. Martinsen , BSCE, BSME, Niles, Michigan ; Association of Civil Engineers; American Society of Mechanical Engineers; Society of Automotive En­gineers; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fraternity, President; Senior Class President; Student Council Representa -

tive; Co-Chairman of Artis t Celebrity Series; Presi­dent of Freshman Class; Weightlifting Club; Flying Club; President's List (3); First Place in ASM f : Inter Collegiate Oratory Competition.

James W. Shearer , BSChE, Fort Wayne, Indiana ; Chemical Engineering Society, S ecreta ry and Presi­dent; President's List (2); Chemical Engineering Lab­oratory Assistant (1); Maharajh Award for the Most OutStanding Student in the Chemica l Engineering Department for 1960-1961.

L arry Winslow, BSAeE, Clearfield, Pennsylvania; in­stitute ot the Aerospace Sciences; Kappa Sigma Phi Fraternity, Vice President, Sports Director; Student Council ; Senior Class Treasurer ; Iota Tau Kappa Fraternity ; Presiden t's List (5), Honor Roll (5); Aero­nautical Award for the Most Outstanding Studen t in the A erona u tical Engineer ing Department for 1960-1961.


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The Student Council , as the official representative

of the student body, serves as a liaison organization

between the administration, the student body, and

other colleges in matters relating to student activities.

The Council is composed of a group of elected stu­

dents dedicated to the duties and responsibilities of

leadership and service .

First row: left to right Edgar Lee, Joe Cozzolino, Milton Spieler, C. B. Joyner, George Carrie, Richard MacKenzie. Second row, left to right J. S. Corilery, Merlen Teal, John E. Raffoul , Nour Adra, Charles Jewett, Thomas Cassidy, Larry Fleck , Norman Cowder. Third row: left to right John Doust, James Hurt, David Chemelewski, Robert R. Herge, Harold J. Braun.






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First row: left to right Richard J. Fletcher, Frank W. Jecl­lishowski, Tony Mucciardi , President, Jim Hurt, Gary J. Winterrowd. Second row: left to right Joseph Cozzolino. Andrew M. Tomko, Owen Cranston, Charles Borden, Wayne R. Smith, Thomas C. Schauer.

The Interfraternity Council is a cooperative organi-. zation composed of seven fraternities at Tech. They

are: Alpha Gamma Upsilon, Kappa Sigma Kappa, Kappa Sigma Phi, Kappa Alpha P si, Sigma Phi Delta, Phi Kappa Lambda and Theta Mu Pi. The I.F.C. is dedicated towards the coordination of fraternal activi­ties as concerns the school and community.

The Interfratemity Council is also the Judicial body which governs the standardization of the pledging pro­gram and minimum requirements for qualification to pledge a member fratemity , and promotes good inter­fratemity relationships.



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Here at college we have learned much of the art of

working together on a big project. Memories may

fade, but our accomplishment will endure. We, the

staff of the 1961 KEKIONGAN, humbly submit this book.

It is in part a record of the hours we spent in learning

all about our campus, in part an endeavor to be of

service to our college. But especially it is an attempt,

through words and photos, to pr esent an attractive and

authentic picture of the school year and its activities.




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•• . UI

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GENE RICCI Editor-in-Chief


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- --

Left to right K . Bailey, J. Gavitt, D. Corkery, H. Lewis, C. Jewett.


We of the staff like to feel that we have done a good

ob in representing the students here at Tech. It has

een the object of the paper to arouse student interest

here interest was lacking, to promote the school

pirit and to bring the student closer to the problem

e will face in his profession upon graduation. Above

II other things, the interests of Indiana Techincal Col-

ege both locally, nationally and worldwide were kept

ppermost in mind because we believe in Tech and

ave faith in the principles upon which it was founded.

riticisms, where criticism was warranted, was in-

ended to make Tech a better college one which we

an be proud of.



PHil UP E. HOLT Editor-in-Chief

Left to right W. Langman, E. Ley

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·~~;"I •.•. ,. . .", . ... ..

. II'-

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The Tech Student Wives' Club is designed

to promote acquaintances, and provide socia l

activities for wives of Tech students. High­

lighting the year are the semi-annual banquets,

at which wives of graduating seniors are pre­

sented with "Wives' Diplomas," or "PHT"

(Putting Hubby Through) Degrees.

Left to right !raj Haghnazarzadeh, Manouchehr Monsef, Baba Fhtoor­achi, Parviz Yashar, Reza Tarnhidi Badi Akhtarkhavari. '


Left to right Mrs. Ronald Clontz, Mrs. Gerald Thomas, Mrs. James Acheson, Mrs. Albert Abraham.

The purpose of the Iranian Student Club is

to unite all students of Iranian descent who are

studying at Indiana Technical College and to

promote closer contact and cooperation among

this group and other student organizations of

the College. Membership is open to any stu­

dent of Iranian descent at Indiana Tech.



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The Association of Civil Engineers of Indiana Tech-

nical College is an organization of students and faculty

from the Civil Engineering Department.

The club has one field trip each term, a mid-term

party, a banquet in honor of all the seniors of the club,

and an award given to the outstanding graduating

senior each tenll.


Third row: left to right Alvin Pope, Robert J . Alunann, Roger Lee; President, John Halley, George Lee. William Shrader; Faculty Moderator, Howard B. Dillon; Faculty Moderator. Second row: left to right Mahdi Saifi, Jairo Sandoval, Edgar Lee, John Karle, Sam Uhler, Roger Archambault, Rudolf Hellmold, Kenneth Ferrari. First row; left to right John Doust, Robert Hart, Donald R. Millard, Robert Abendschein, Neville K. Chung, Ferderico R. Estopinan, Thomas A. Smith, Stephen R. Hoover .


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First row, left to right C. R. Carr, A. L. Firtion, C. D. Dow, Berkeley McKennon, James Jacobs. Second row, left to right­Alan Curtis, Zeddie Alexander, Chuck Conniff, Nour Adra.

Mathematics is the universal language of Science

and Engineering. In order that students and faculty

members may become acquainted with those applica-

tions of mathematics to science and engineering. out-

side their immediate field of study and instruction, the

Indiana Tech Math Club was formed.




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• • •• • • • • • • • •

First row: left to right John Cochran, Faculty Moderator, Alan G. Gould, Charles Dils, James Ahearer, Ronald Clontz, Joseph W. Cranmer, Dr. Tad G. Dixon, Department Chairman. Second row: left to right Ramesh Mehta, Acham Chow, J anardhan Das, Ronald Trahan, Louis Shihadeh , Paul Warner, Gary Winterrowd. Third row: left to right V. Kavlick, Seung W. Lyu, J ames Hurt, Tony Mucciard, Chuck Denton.

The purpose of the Chemical Engineering Society is

to disseminate information pertaining to the theory

and practice of chemical engineering, its applied fields ,

and to further professional development of the stu-

dents. Membership is open to any student in chemical

• • engmeermg.




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The Indiana Tech Electrical Association is an affiliate

of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Mem­

bership is open to any student enrolled in the electrical

or electronic departments.

The purpose of the association is to promote new

interests in electrical engineering and prepare the stu­

dent for his profession by sponsoring field trips and

informal discussions with professional men from in­


First row: left to right Del Hatfield, Tonis Paide, Thomas Noll, Dennis Reith, John Tymoczko, Paul R. Stebbins. Second row: left to right Peter Knapp, George J. Osipuv, Benny O. Cespedes, Ronald L . Dickerson, Gary D. Tyndall, Bernard J. Higgins. Third row: left to right Charles Brothers, Kirby E. Glazier, Robert B. Warnar, Harry H. Honeycutt, Roger W. Schooley.



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The purpose of the E.lectronic Engineering Society

is to advance and stimulate interest in electronic en-

gineering and its allied fields.

The Society provides electronic engineering students

with an opportunity to hear qualified speakers from

industry, and to tour plants of companies engaged in

the design and production of electronic equipment.

First row: left to right -Farrell H. Dobbs, Jon M. Surprise, Robert R. Hubenthal, Balwin S . Ray, Dale Brown. Second row: left to right N. T. Torzyn, J . W. Gilmore, D. D. Deforest, R. A. Bussen, C. B. Lafoon, F. R. Troilo, D. T . Jacobson. Third row: left to right E. R. McIntyre, J. R. Grimm, L. L . Nix, C. J. Limrick, R. L . Grippo, F. J. Magyar, H. J. Vimislik, A. B. Huttula. Fourth row: left to right Howard Ackerman, Jack Updegraff, Harley Bailey, Robert 'Small, William Stand­berg, Leland Melugin, James Blue, M. G. Petersen, Pat Wil­liams. Fifth row: left to right William Winters, D. J. Cork­ery, Charles Jewett, William Hill, Andre Pellerin, Gordon Bailey, David DeWoody, Billie Phillips, Lewis Erd.


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First row: left to right Henry Beltran, Raymond Goux, Leon

Warrix, Clarence W. Johnson , Rudolph W. Beckert, Richard

Kroll, Robert L . Ashby. Second row: left to right Thomas

Paragiah, Claude Bradford, J erome Widmer, Paul Bubernak,

Ken Strong, Robert Beech, Harvey Smith.


The Institute of Aeronautical Sciences is the repre-

sentative society for engineers, designers, and techni-

cal specialists in a ll the sciences related to the design

and development of airborne craft. Students member··

ship provides the student engineer of scientist with

broad opportunities to engage in activities associated

with their future careers in aviation.



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Members of the Mechanical Engineering Club are

local affiliates of the Fort Wayne Branch of the Ameri-

can Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME.

The objectives of the club are to advance, promote,

and teach new phases of mechanical engineering. Pro-

grams include talks by experienced engineers, and field

trips to industries in the Tri-State area.

Front row: left to right Richard W. Gasdorf, Vernon J. Snod­

grass, Jay R. Kelchner, Jraida, Youssef M., Lee W. Benedict,

Howard Vineyard, Howard Pratt. Back row: left to right:­

Cleo J. Quinn; Faculty Moderator, M. Nour Adra, Wing Y.

Eng, Ed Sweet, Ron Zaucha, R. L. LaFollette, Nonnan Fergu­

son, Shawkat Ghumrawi, Charles Seelig .

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Fi l' t row: left to right Robert Wise, Howard M,lCk lin, Cecil G. Dominiqu e, Dale L . Fishcer, DO:lald Bethke, C. B . Joyner, Richard Meissner , J ack Ba rker, Roger Holm. Second row: left to right George Carrie, Eddie Smart, Lawrence Hodges, Jon., Foster, David Daugherty, Ralph Binkley, Roger Archam­bault . Third row: left to right Ferna nd L . LaRochelle, J oseph Langenstein, James Aaron, All an L eonard, Ronald Claes, Robert Claes , Robert Schurr, Anthony, Thomas, Richard Mac­K enzie. Fourth row: left to right Robert Stewart, Carl M. Powe, Walter Peck , Erwb C. Meissner , Thomas De Boer, Franci3 Oxsenault.

The Society of Automotive Engineers is an affiliate

of the National Society of Automotive Engineers, and

is sponsor ed by the Mechanical Department. Mem ber­

ship is open to all engineering students who are inter­

ested in the advancement of the automotive industry

and take an active interest in the latest developments

as concerns manufacturing processes, new ptoducts

and design techniques.





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First row: left to right Angelo Boscolo, Galen Horsch, Gray­don Brewster, John W. Fairfield, Roger W. PowelL Second row: left to right Shahbazi F. Abulfazl, Allen A. Aden, Frederick V. Pfafman, .Joseph W. Cranmer; Faculty Moderator, Robert Valentine, Rudolf Hellmold; President.

The purpose of the Society of American Military

Engineers is to advance the knowledge and understand-

ing of the science of military engineering in connection

with its service to the United States of America. All

full time students are eligible for admission as student

members of this national organization.



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The purpose of the Kekionga Amateur Radio Club

of Indiana Technical College is to promote amateur

r adio activities through instruction and active partici­

pa ti on am ong interested students of the College. The

a ailable facilities and equipment of the club also

h elp to bring together students who have an interest

in the practical application in communications. To

qualify for membership a person must be a student or

faculty member of the college and must have a Federal

Cummunications Commission License ranging from

novice to advanced. Instruction for these licenses is

provided by the qualified members to those who wish

to take the examination for them.

First row: left to right Glen L . Bohnke, Tonis Paide, Presi­dent, Daryl Waite, Melvin Ladisky. Second ri>w: left to right.­Ronald Comitz , Sherman Zell, Leon Giannakeff, Herman Meyer, Alan Harp, William Jacobson.


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I. • c. LYING

The I.T.C. Flying Club, largest and most active stu­

dent body group, is composed of sixty members. The

Club owns two planes, a Cessna 140, and a Cessna 120;

both are hangared at Smith Field. Day and night, local

and cross-country flights are made at the very slight

expense to the members. The Club was formed to

make flying possible for the students who own license,

and qualified instruction possible for the students who

wish to obtain a license at reasonable cost. The Club

operation is solely supported by members' dues.

First row: left to right B. L . Dow; Faculty Moderator, U. M. Tretter, L. B. Lines, York Fischer; President, J. E. Kelly, T. D. Callahan, St. Uhler. Second row: left to right Farrel Krall , Robert Valentine, Dennis Bleser , Charles DeMarsh , Frank Patten, Ronald Partis, Lowell Bayes, Victor Mitrisin, Anastas Bandak, Ronald Claes. Third row: left to right Rudolf Hell­mold, Kenneth F errari , Frank Rockas, John Dixon, G. D. Brewster, R. R. Cunningham, Charles Wesley, R. O. Rohadfox .

• •


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Left to right, first row K . Crowe, K . Mayakawa, A. Curtis, T.

Avneri, R. Wolff, D. Dwyer; Left to right: seoond row F.

Bixby, D. Babcock , P. Willcox, R. Kobeske, R. Kefer, J.



The Physics Club has set as its goal the advancement

and diffusion of knowledge of the science of physics

and its application to human welfare. Notable lecturers

in the field of Physics are presented from time to time.

The club's laboratory provides facilities for experi-

mental projects.




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The functions of the Arab Student Club are the dis-

semination of true and adequate information about the

Arab people, the promotion of better understandlng

and stronger ties with the American people, and the

extension of help and guidance to Arab students at

Indiana Technical College.

Membership is open to all Arab students and all

other students with an interest in the arab world.


First row: left to right Abdullah Adra, Abdul-Sattar Maw­

lawi, Youssef Jraida, Louis Shihadeh, Adel Nabman, Nat

Hanano. Second row: left to right Vzonraan Mustaaja, Ban­

dak Anastas, Saifi Mahdi, John Raffoul, Shawkat Ghumrawi,

Mohamed Zaharna.


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First TOW: left to right Carl Hagihara. Richard Hayashi, Rod­

ney Morimoto, Robert Woo, Joe MoonHi. Second row: lelt

to right Edward Nishiie, Donald Suzuki, Leonard Nagata,

Lawrence Kitsuki , Earl Nozaki.


The primary function of the Hawaiian Club is mu-

tual assistance during the course of the members' un-

dergraduate study. The club still had the distinction

of being the only state in the Union to be represented

by a student organization at Tech . The club a lso takes

an active part in intramural sports and sponsors social

activities for its members .





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First row: left to right Om P . Singla, A. K. P atel, J. Das­

President, C. Coutinho, Kamdar Mahendra , J. M. Nandha.

Second row: left to right C. M. Patel, B. M. Sheth, Len A.

Williams, Rama Bolle. Third row: left to right Ronald De

Souza, Bhargava Lnder, Ranjtt La!.


Mutual understanding, social and cultural relations

among the Indian students and non-Indians at Indiana

Tech . are the aims of the India Association. All Indian

students are encouraged to keep in close contact by

joining the Association.


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The Glee Club has taken part in all of the outstand-

ing functions of the school and has also provided en-

tertainment of various organizations throughout the

city of Fort Wayne. All students are eligible· to become


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On September 15, 1956, the Pakistan Students' Asso­

ciation of America, Fort Wayne Chapter, was organ­


The purpose of the organization is to create better

understanding between Americans and Pakistanis

through education and cultural activities, and to pro­

mote closer contact and cooperation between Pakistani






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First row: left to right Charles Saweikis, Jim Vesey, Jon Mart insen, Gene Ricci , Bob KIueger , Bill Stroup, Jim Mac­Pherson . Second row: le[t to right George Gephart, Joe Cozzolino, Sid Barasch, Bud Streeter , K ent Moore , Mike Flani­gan, Ron Weaver. Third row: left to right Don Willis, Warren Webster , Bill Kunst, Tony Stalta re, Dick Cunningham, Ray Sherely, Don Borden . Fourth row: left to right Veri Lima, York Fischer, Dave Wright, Frank Germano, Hap Headlough, C. B. Joyner , J erry Salter, Russ Boger.

Beta Chapter of the Alpha Gamma Upsilon was ac­cepted by Indiana Technical College in May, 1932-the first fraternity installed in the College.

The aim and purpose of Alpha Gamma Upsilon is summed up briefly in the following passage:

"This fraternity shall be a secret fraternal organiza-



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tion whose aim and purpose is to promote friendship, comradeship, and mutual understanding among the members; to develop character; to uphold the ideals of the College, and to foster the highest ideals of ethical conduct and good citizenship."

Alpha Alpha Pi, first row, left to right Marsha Gep­hart, Dolores Bartus, Mary Broyles, Marilyn Ricci, Judy Rauner, Irene Allen, Starr Carrie, Second row:

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left to right Bert Ondak, Dawn Bilik, Dorothy Salter , Rose Surmay, Marty Flanigan, Lynn Cun­ningham, Carol Bonar .

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• •

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First row: left to right John Lambert, Edward Keener, Dar­win J. King, Robert L . Sterling, Richard M. Rudy, Copeland, E. Conny, John M. Kruse. Second row: left to right Robert R. Marshall ; Faculty Moderator, Dennis Kidd, Larry Sterling, Harold T. Griswold, John Halley, Warren Rushton, Harry Hartman, Ronald Dickerson, Ed Welz. Third row: left to right Karl S. Karinch, Kirby E. Glazier , Larry Winslow D. Smokey Wilson, James Hurt, Ralph Apa. '

. Kappa Sigma Phi is a social fraternity of college men dedicated to the promotion of Fellowship, Scholarship, and Sportsmanship. The purpose of this fraternity is to bring together, in close bonds, the brothers of this fraternity ; to assist one another while in school as well as in the business world. Kappa Sigma Phi fraternity has a standing membership of approximately forty ac­tive members each term. As the turnover in member­ship is usually large because of the number of mem­bers graduating each term, several pledges are accepted for initiation into the fraternity each term.



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First row: left to right William Buyers, Remi Pierre Daig­neault, Paul F . Apple, Lee F . Bernhardt; Faculty Moderator, Anthony Q . Testone; President, Gary J . Winterrowd, Peter J . Zegan. Second row: left to right Nour Adra, Daniel Lee, Henry Coldwell, Edwin H. Lorah Jr., Raymond Streeter, Rich­ard J . Fletcher, Vincent Chimelis, Agustin Franco. Third row: left to right Thomas Turner, Farid Jadoon, Sherwood Fran­cis, J im Smith, Rudolf Moehrbach, Anthony Thomas.

Originally organized at Indiana Technical College in January, 1957, Theta Mu Pi Fraternity, places special importance on three items: EQUALITY, UNDER STANDING, and UNlTY. A constructive pledge pro­gram with no hazing or degradation of any sort as well as special stress being placed on high scholarship as a requisite to a successful fraternity , are an integral part of the program. All members are accepted solely on their own individual worth , r egardless of race, color, or creed .


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First row : left to right Bennie J . Bell, Paul Warner, James Kennedy, Andrew Johnson. Second row: left to right Ronald O. Rahadfox, Forrest Williams, Richard Tobin, Odes Hylg Jr., Charles Poignard, George Smith II.

Kappa Alpha Psi, a college fraternity now comprised of more than 200 undergraduate and alumni chapters on major campuses and in cities througho'.lt the coun-

. try , boasts a membership of over 20 ,000. It w as Iou:1ded in the school year of 1910-1911 on th e campus of In­diana University at Bloomington, Indiana. Its constitu­tion is the law of an organization predicated upon , and dedicated to the principles of achievement through a democratic fraternity.

Preparation of the coat-of-arms was completed dur­ing the summer of 1911 by three of the founders who solicited the aid of a professor of Greek Art at the Indiana University together with that of a professor of Greek at Concordia University .

The second chapter of K appa Alpha Psi was char­tered in 1913.



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First row: left to right Arthur Puccetti , William Gregg, Ron­ald H. Ingraham, Joseph S. Rosselli, Donald G. Leonard, As­canio Negretti, William D. Clark, Richard Joslin, Anthony Puccetti. Second row: left to right Donald G. Henderson, Alum­ni, Robert J. Bey, LaITY Berringer , Larry Case, Tirre W. Fort­ney, Louis Treadway, Keith R. Francis, Don Sherwood, Bill Hal­pen, Tom Jones. Third row: left to right J ames McGiure, Kent Rohlof, Lany Drciband., Dick Kosiarek, Bob Kosiarek, Frank J edlishewski, Peter Dombrowski, Raymond Sulne, J on Stroup, Wayne Smith.

The purpose of Kappa Sigma Kappa is to develop and enhance the personality of its members, to encour­age scholastic achievement and good conduct, broaden outside interests, promote mutual understanding and and increase loyalty on the part of the fraternity brothers to Indiana Tech. Membership in Alpha Chap­ter is open to all male students of Indiana Tech.





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First row: left to right Eddie Smart, William F erguson, A . C . Steinbach, Rev. F . E. Nugent, Joseph J . Zaleski , William C. Taylor. Second row: left to right Ger ald Monti , Edward Byrne. Andrew Tomko, Ronald Trahan , Terrau ce Hugh es, Ralph Robert, Stephen Sanford. Third row: left to right­Don Rusciolelli , Robert Wise, Ronald Sterba, Royal Rutt, Tony Mucciardi , Bill Robb, J ames Scanlon, Steve Seplak .

Phi Kappa Lambda offers a brothe rhood fra ternity for the Catholic students at Indiana T ech . Phi K appa was the n am e selected by the m embership to serve as the outward sign of an or ganization that en deavors to prom ote conduct consisten t with good morals , an ac­tive Catholic faith , cr eates an atmosphere which will stim ulate substantial intellectual progress, and scholas­tic achievem ent, and to p r omote principles of fraternal loyalty throu gh b r oth er hood.



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First row: left to right R. Baillargeon, V. P. Jones, M. Teal, J. Doust. Second row: left to right T . J . Cassidy, D. Bach, G. Ridenour, M. Mars, President, D. Agler, R. Lee, J. Dierdes. Third row: left to right Edwin M. Good, Richard Heiny, Jer­ome Widmer, V. J . K aulick, K . Kauffman, E. Constant, D. Emery, E. Stone, T. Paragian, J. J ereb. Fow·th row: left to right R. F . Schrader, H . R. McSweyn, C. W. Wright, B . Y01lng, J . F. Moore, D. Chemelewski, D. Paul, P. C. Colombo, R. Moss.

The p1lrpose of Sigma Phi Delta is to promote ad­vancement of the engineering profession; to foster the advancement of engineering education; to instill a greater spirit of cooperation among engineering stu­dents and organizations; to inculcate in its members the highest ideals of good citizenship, christian man­hood, obedience to law, and to brotherhood; and to encourage excellence in scholar ship.

The fraternity was founded at the University of Southern California in April, 1924. The membership totals nearly 4,000 engineers and engineering students.



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First row: left to right Gomez, G. H. Tuesca, S. Davila, R. Zavala, R. Carillo, H. Adams. Second row: left to right F. Dagostine, F. Bustillo, M. Valverde, J . Herrera, C. Salazar, J . Gomez. Third row: left to right J . Salazar, A. AJizo, D. Nar­vaez, J. Bouquet, Y. Urdaneta. Fourth row: left to right B. Ray, H. Beschiroff, G. O'Byrne, R. Pumarejo, F. Rivas, A. Salinas, W. German, D. Fernandez .

Phi Iota Alpha is a national Fraternity representing Latin American Students in the United States. It strives for a better union of all Latin American coun­tries and for closer relations with the United States. In Indiana Technical College it is an important source of help for the Latin American students in learning the customs of the people of North America.



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First row: left to right John E. Raffoul, Ralph N. Binkley, Richard M. Rovnyak, David L. Babcock, J. J. Corkery, Neville K. Chung. Second row: left to right Donald J. Snyder, Carl M. Powe, Thomas, DeBoer, Rudolf E. Moehrback, William S. Hill.

Iota Tau Kappa is an honor ary engineering fratern­ity whose name symbolizes Industry (Iota), Thrift (Tau), and Knowledge (Kappa). The chief objective of this organization is to promote and to inculcate high ideas and attitudes of scholarship among the members of the student body of Indiana Technical College.

In order to become a member of Iota Tau K appa, an engineering student must have a grade-point average of 3.5 or more for four terms, not necessarily consecu­tive terlIls. At least sixteen college credit hours shall comprise each of these four terms.

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First row: left to right Arthur Firtion, Lawrence Richie, Harvey L. West, William E. Davis, David Dow, Jack Penn. Second row: left to right James Tomlinson, Vance Gordon, Eugene Martin, Kenneth Pretto. Third row: left to right­David Daugherty, Jerry R. Dangler. Fourth row: left to right­Larry Guy, Victor Kemala, Pete File, Joe Miller .

The Alpha Omega Tau social fraternity became a part of Indiana Technical College in January 1957. The purpose of this fraternity is to promote fellowship , social, scholastic, and recreational activities for its members.

The entire membership is looking forward in the next year to foruling its first affiliated chapter which will consist of De Molay members.



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-TEe'" .. 0

The first year at Indiana Tech for coach Bob Macy will prove to be one of his hardest years at the helm of the basketball squad. Graduation took its toll of last year's very suc­cessful squad so "graying" Bob had to rebuild a new nucleus with inexperienced freshmen and sophomores.

Although the 14 and 12 won and lost record wasn't truly indicative of the type of ball the

squad could play, each man on the team worked with Bob as a unit. We are all looking forward to the great season that is expected of this squad next year.

Tech, playing in the Mid-Central Conference, had Hunington tie them for first place. Honors were bes towed upon two Tech warriors by the Mid-Central Conference League. Skip Cloys and Dave Carroll were selected for the first and second conference teams, r espectively.




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1 14

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First row: left to right Larry Steve Hatch, Skip Cloys, Don Leonard, John Winebrenner, Jon Stroupe. Second row: left to right Coach Bob Macy, Bob Hubenthal, Dave Carroll, Mike Gieger, Fred Adamek , Bill Cole.

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Tech 98; Grace 83

Tech 81; Grace 76

Tech 91; Huntington 102

Tech 106- Concordia , ~7

Tech 100- Tri-State , 68 /

Tech 75; Tri-State 85

Tech 78- Concordia , 69

Tech 75; Huntington 73


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I 18

First row: left to right Al Michalkow. Alex Alexan­dro, Guillermo O'Bryne, Bodham Chaplynsky, Ravel Coqueran, Mario Bacchin, Pete Knapp, Nat Hanano, Jacque Leider . Second row: left to right Jorge Perez, Luis Daboin, Monsef Manaucher, S. Won Lyu, Bill Grymanis, Rod Schraeder, Don Forbes, Walter German, Gabriel Tucker, Olwen Legal, Bob Leffers, Coach.

Soccer, perhaps the fastest growing sport at

Tech demands a great amount of team work

and skill. Coach Robert Leffers' expert guid­

ance has developed the teamwork, brought the

skill, and has successfully molded Tech into a

strong contender in intercollegiate soccer. The

past season saw Tech compile an eight won, one

loss, and one tie record against outstanding

competition which included the University

of Chicago and Michigan State University. The

future season will see Tech go into even stiffer

competition as they take on the University of

St. Louis, the current NCAA champions.

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With hopes of r ebuilding the team for the

future, the Warriors, aided by the coaching

talents of Coach P hil K ennell embarked on a

thirteen game schedule and compiled a seven

won and six lost record. J ack Barker , short

stop, topped the team in h itting and pitcher

Hank Nowak paced the squad with a four won,

no loss record.

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First row: left to right John Semelsberger, Hugh No­wak, Kay Cloys, Jack Barker, Terry Aschmeir, Don Luke, Wayne Beck, Norb Rornie, John Nelson. Second row: left to right Hap Headlough, Wendell Roberts, Rick Gesue, Dave Lewis, Dave Carroll, Mike Sciver, Kent Kelly, Don McGarvey, Coach Phil Kennell.

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The never say die spirit of Tech 's Track Team, coached by Bob Macy, wa not quite enough to compen ate for the apparent lack of team trength. Although, to proceed winless in all cheduled meets , the opp:ments could hear dying breaths close at their heels.


Front row: left to right M. Miller, F . Buzzanca, R. Denault, H . C. Schnelker. C. K izer, B. Jones, J. Buchfinle. Back row Coach Macy, C. McKim, J. Brooke, V. Stricker, N. Jakuszeski, D. Mainwaring, H. Beck, M. Sonaco, E. Murphy, E. Young.


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FENCING TEAM left to right­N. Chung, W. Skwarlo, D. Codits, T. Klein, H. E. Wahl (coach), R. Warnar, T. Smolarek, P . Wurm.

GOLF TEAM left to right Coach Ben Dow, B . Grapentine, B . Ashby, J. Apollo, N. Albanese, B. Bryant, S. Harper, T. Richards.




TENNIS TEAM left to right, W. Zaremba, T . Aeschliman. Chagnon, Ben Dow (coach) , 1

n row'­row D. • IOn .

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( Cominued fro1ll page 65)

GERALD STANKIEW1CZ, BSME, Saginaw, Michigan; New­man Club, Vice Preside n t; President's List (3); Bowling Club, Intra -mural sports. JAll,JES F . STUMPF, BSEE, Brooklyn, New York ; Newman Club. NELSON WENRICK, BSChE, Medway, Ohio; Kappa Sigma Kappa Fraternity, House Manager, Treasurer; Varsity Base­ball (3 years) . ROBERT WOO, BSME, Los Angeles, California; Hawaiian Club, Treasure r; Rifl e Club; Intra -mura l sports.

GRADUATES NOT SHOWN SPRING TERM JURGIS BALCIUNAS, BSME, Strasburg, Ohio; Institute of Aerospace Sciences; President's List (1) . INDER BHARGAVA, BSChE, BSMetE, Rajasthan, India ; Pres ident's List (1). ROBERT K . BROWN, BSPhysics, Carlsbad, California. CLAUDE BRADFORD, BSAeE, Math Option, St. Joseph, Missouri; Institute of Aerospace Sciences, Treasurer; Presi­dent's List (3); American Rocket Society. CHUNG- MO CHAN, BSElE, Hong K ong. WILLIAM HENRY CALDWf:J ,r. , BSCE, Foster, Ohio; Theta Mu P i Fraternity. JAMES HERZOG, BSAeE, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Institute of Aerospace Sciences. AHMAD A . JUMAIDEH, BSCE, Springfield, Illinois. JERRY D . HOOPINGARNER, BSAeE, Ossian, Indiana; In­stitute of Aerospace Sciences; Bowling Club. LAWRENCE R . HUTKER, BSME, Decatur, Ind iana. JON N . MARTINSEN, BSCE, BSME, Niles, Michigan; Asso­ciation of Civil Engineers ; Society of Automotive Engineers ; Alpha Gamma Upsilon Fra ternity, President; Student Coun­cil : Presid ent of Senior Class; SAE Speech Award. CARMELO MEZZOLLA, BSElE, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil . JOSEPH FLOYD MOORE, BSElE, P ayne, Ohio; Audio En­gineering Society; VarSity Club; Sigma Phi Delta Fratern­ity, Professional Program D irector; TECHNICIAN S taff (1). JOHN ORLANDI, BSME, Flushing, New York. T . E . NORIEGA, BSEE, Barstow, California. THOMAS NOLLER. BSME, Montpelier, Indiana; Sihler Hall , Secretary, Treasurer; Kapa Sigma Kappa Fraternity; Intra­mural sports; President's List (1). MICHAEL J. PFISTER, BSME, Huntington, Indiana; New­man Club; Association of Civil Engineers; Freshman Class Secretary, Treasurer; President's List ( 1); Intra-mural sports. MARDI H. SAIFI, BSCE, Nahlus, J ordan; Association of Civil Engineers; Arab Students Club, Vice President; Foreign Students Club, President; Philosphy Club ; Nations 'United Club, Vice President. RONALD E . SMALL, BSME, Portland, Maine. LLOYD DEORGE SUBRATIE, BSCE, Spanish Town, J a­maica; Association of Civil Engineers; President's List (4), Honor Roll (1); Nations United Club.

GERALD TRABEL, BSME, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Intra­mural sports: P resident's List (1).


GENNRO CANGIANO, BSEE, Bergenfield, New J ersey: Pres ident's List (4). Honor Roll (1) . DAVID COBB, BSCE Humboldt, Illinois : Association of Civil Engineers: President's List (3). WILLIAM E. DAVIS, BSElE. Math Option, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Electronic Engineering Society; Alpha Omega Tau Fraternity, Vice President, Treasurer: Caswell Engineering Drawing Award. RONALD L . DICKf:RSON. BSEE, Adrian, Michiga n: Ameri­can Institute of Electrical Engineers: Kappa Sigma Phi Fra­ternity: Student Council; President's List (5). KIRBY E. GLAZIER, BSEE, Lewistown, Pennsylvania: American Institute of Electrical Engineers ; Kappa Sigma Phi Fraternity; In tra -mural sports: President's List (4). NAT HANANO , BSME, BSChE, Aleppo, Syria: Society of Chemical Engineers: Society of Mechanical Engineers ; Var­si ty Soccer . MICHAEL KATOVICH. BSElE, Baltimore, Maryland; Sigma Phi Delta Fraternity; Intra - mural sports: Pres ident's List (2) . JUNG OCK LEE, BSME, Seoul, Korea. SAMUEL P . LEW1S, BSME, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Varsity Basketball (4 years); President's List (8) . DONALD McCARTHY. BSEE, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Ameri­can Institute of Electrical Engineers. JOHN B . MOORE, BSChE, New Haven. Indiana: Chemical Engineering Society. ROBERT H. MOZZER. Manchester, Connecticut. RUPERT E . PENNER, BSElE, Dinuba, California : Electronic Engineering Society. DENNIS REITH, BSEE, BSElE, Fort Wayne, Indiana; Amer­ican Institute of El ectr ical Engineers , Cha irman, Vice Chaillllan; AlEE Technical Paper Award, First Prize (May 1961) ROYAL ASHER RUTT. BSChE, Pate rson, New J ersey; Phi Kappa Lambda Fraternity ; Chemical Engineering Society. WESLEY SHOE. BSEE, Fort Wayne, Indiana; President's List (1). ROBERT A. SMITH, BSChem, Manitoba, Canada; Associa­tion of Chemical Engineers. VERNON J . SNODGRASS, BSME, Blue Creek, Ohio ; Me­chanical Enginee ring Club, PreSident; Bowling Club. GEORGE TALARO, BSElE. Honkaa, Hawaii ; Hawaiian Club. ROGER K . WILSON, BSElE, Claypool, India n a; Kappa Sigma Kappa Fraternity ; Presid ent's List (1). CARROL C. WYNTER, BSCE, Kingston, Jama ica, Associa­tion of Civil Engineers ; Presid ent's List (4). Honor Roll ( 3 ) ,


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