keeping up! web feeds for information literate librarians

Keeping Up! Web Feeds for Information Literate Librarians Lorie Kloda & Genevieve Gore McGill Library WILU 2007

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Slides to accompany workbook for a workshop offered at WILU 2007 by Lorie Kloda & Genevieve Gore


Page 1: Keeping Up! Web feeds for information literate librarians

Keeping Up! Web Feeds for Information Literate Librarians

Lorie Kloda & Genevieve GoreMcGill LibraryWILU 2007

Page 2: Keeping Up! Web feeds for information literate librarians

Keeping Up | WILU 2007


• Brief intro to the workshop• Intro to the world of feeds & feed readers• Setting up and using a feed reader account

BREAK• Adding content to your feed reader• Customizing your account & sharing content• Using feeds in libraries

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Keeping Up | WILU 2007

History of this WorkshopPurpose• To introduce library staff to web feeds for keeping

current• To solicit ideas on how the library could utilize the

technology to improve communication and service

Attendance• 50 individuals over 6 workshops offered in Spring 2006• Feedback received from only 17; generally positive

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Reflection Activity 1

What are your objectives for this workshop?

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What are feeds?Online content that has been marked-up for simplifying current awareness

RSS• Rich Site Summary, renamed RDF Site Summary

(RSS 1.0)• Really Simple Syndication (RSS 2.0)• An XML application for publishing content on the web

Atom• A competing protocol which offers an alternative to RSS

for the same purpose

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BlogsWhat is a Blog?

• Web log = Blog

• A website powered by software that simplifies publishing, organizing, and syndicating web content

• Online journals where individuals, or groups of individuals, or institutions may post information, links, or headlines

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Recognizing FeedsWhat does RSS look like?

• Recognizable format (especially blogs and news)

• Presence of RSS / XML / ATOM subscribe button(s)

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What is a Podcast?• An audio file (usually MP3) available via RSS

• Combines the terms iPod and broadcast, but can be listened to using any device that can play audio content

• In addition to general feed directories, there exist separate directories just for locating podcasts

• Example: LibVibe

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Why Should I Use RSS?

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Methods for Getting Feeds1. Web-based

2. Desktop

3. Start page or portal

4. Built-in/add-in to browsers

5. Email-based client

6. Subscribe using email

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Create a Bloglines


• Go to the Bloglines website• Using an web-based email account, enter email

address and password– Mark them down in the workbook for future reference

• Enter correct time zone• Check your email for account confirmation

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• A little icon in your system tray– Lets you know when new items have been posted to

the feeds to which you subscribe– Easy way to access your Bloglines account– Good reminder to use Bloglines!

• Instructions are in the workbook

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Tools for Adding Feeds to Bloglines

1) Browser icon in URL bar: easiest2) Bookmarklet (req. install)3) Right-click context menu (req. install)4) Using your feed reader, e.g., Bloglines

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(2) Bookmarklet

• A small JavaScript program that automates some repetitive tasks or adds new functionality to your browser

• Doesn’t work well if you are trying to subscribe from the .xml, .rss page displaying the feed itself

• Lives on the Links bar of your browser

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(3) Right-click Context Menu (IE)

• Subscribe using the right- click button on your mouse

• Requires installation

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Keeping Up | WILU 2007

Subscribe to a Feed

Find and subscribe to the Information Literacy and Fluency

feed from EDUCAUSE

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Keeping Up | WILU 2007

Directories & Search Engines

• Directories offer subject or category browsing

• Search engines allow you to search using keywords in the text of the blogs & feeds

• Examples of general, library, and academic directories and search engines

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Find feeds using a directory

• Go to the directory LisZen

• Click on List of blogs

• Find e.g. InfoPill in the alphabetical directory

• Go to InfoPill and subscribe to the feed using any method that works for you

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Journal Table of Contents (TOCs)

• Many journal publishers now offer table of contents alerts in RSS format

• Alternative to emailed TOC alerts

• Most links are available from the individual journal homepage, although some offer groups of journals as a single feed

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Repository Contents• Some institutional or subject repositories allow

subscriptions using feed readers

• Rather than monthly or quarterly updates as for TOCs, these alert you whenever new content is added

• Some repositories allow you to create a customized feed by subject or author

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Reflection Activity 2

For what topics would you like to keep current?

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Creating Custom FeedsLibWorm:

– Go to LibWorm– Perform your search, subscribe to the feed

LISTA (Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts): – Go to LISTA– Click on ‘New Features’, check off One Step Alerts– Perform your search and subscribe

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RSS channels: Another feed type

• Available from Factiva, ProQuest, CanLII, some library catalogues

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Organizing Your Feeds

• It is recommended to start with 10-15 feeds

• You can add more as you feel comfortable; sort into folders for information management

• Don’t forget to weed!

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Sharing Your FeedsWhat is a Blogroll?

• A list of the feeds that an individual subscribes to with their feed reader

• Like a list of “favourites” or “bookmarks” of feeds

• In Bloglines:[name of account]

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What Is an OPML File?What is an OPML file?

• Outline Processor Markup Language

• XML format for outlines

• Used to exchange feed lists (or blogrolls) between feed readers, individuals

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Reflection Activity 3

With whom would you like to share feeds?

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Reflection Activity 4

What use(s) do you see for feeds/RSS in your library?

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Use of Feeds/RSS by Libraries• SDI

– Library catalogues, databases• Dissemination of Library news, resources• Syndication of external feeds on library websites

– CBC feed on University of Winnipeg website– Subject guides

Staff use– knowledge management– current awareness